Greta Thunberg: A Ponzi SchemeWith Bill Gates and Soros at the Helm

Ever wonder how much a chartered sailboat with 10 crew crossing the Atlantic might cost? Not to mention the cost of airfare to send the crew home and the cost of airfare and time to return the sailboat to it’s port in Europe?   Likely upwards of $150,000 or more. But hey, Greta Thunberg saved one carbon footprint while creating 30 more…

So where did this humble child get the money? How much is her entire campaign costing?   Who is behind angry, angry Greta?

The list is not new, what is new is that in this instance they are ALL together: Bill and Melinda Gates, Open Society, Apple, Starbucks, Coca-cola, Google, Facebook, Buffett, Bono, Business Roundtable, Bloomberg, Caterpillar Foundation, former PM David Cameron, former Secretary of Treasury Lawrence Summers, Bobby Shriver, Twitter, HBO, Verizon, YouTube, Rolling Stone, Merck etc… etc… etc…

Two companies rule:, and They are interconnected with RED being purchased by ONE.

RED claims they have saved 32 million lives since their founding in 2002, in particular thru Malaria, AIDS and TB – education.

But according to graphs provided by WHO; TB and Malaria cases are lower, but not since 2002, for TB the downward trend began in 1992, for malaria it began in 2000 – and for both the rates have remained relatively stable since then.   AIDS has continued to rise.

The organization ONE claims to be about ending poverty and disease by 2030. The magic year that all politicians proclaim.

RED is all about selling a product through intermediaries while claiming the dollars are fighting disease. GAP, Vanity Fair, The Independent, etc… sell RED products and retain their profit margin. For example a straight donation of $100 to the RED cause might result in about $18 spent for charity.   Corporations make money, shareholders make money all while deducting their charitable gift.   All the while utilizing hundreds of thousands of youth volunteers.

It’s a Hustle of enormous proportions.  And it is all about molding and manipulating the most pliable, uneducated, and naive minds – YOUTH.

And little Greta is a pawn of ONE – albeit a highly paid pawn.

In essence, ONE is a lobbyist group ‘campaigning in the US, Canada, Europe, pounding for media representation, to fight poverty, income inequality and disease.   Nowhere in their form 990 or on their website do they make any claim regarding climate change despite being heavily invested.

According to their Form 990 for 2016, the latest available, their revenue tanked to a mere $16 million from the previous year of over $50million. Their expenses were roughly $36 million of which $6 million was spent on grants and the remainder or 83% was spent on salaries, new construction and design, and overhead. Of the $6 million in grants, $3.5 million of the total grants were made to an ‘affiliate’ of ONE. The remaining amount of the $6.1 million grants was made to their own ‘action lobbying group’, ONE Action in the amount of $2.1 million.   Their fundraising activity lists expenses of nearly $200,000 with $-0- gross receipts, including fees to the LA Entertainment Industry.

In other words, ONE makes no charitable gifts per se to nonaffiliated entities, spends roughly $36 million on expenses including compensation and consulting fees, and supports the cost of manufacturing RED products to be sold at profit by their member companies, such as GAP, Starbucks, etc…, while generating charitable deductions for their partners and paying no taxes.

That’s quite a Ponzi scheme.   All under the guise of helping to eradicate AIDS, Malaria and TB.

The charitable money raised by RED is supposed to be given to the Global Fund, a nonprofit founded with seed money from Bill and Melinda Gates!   Since it’s inception in 2002, the US (the funds largest contributor by far) has given the Global Fund roughly $15 billion out of a total of $46 billion – 32%.   Most of the US contribution came with the approval of Bush and Obama.  Of the total global contribution for 2018 – $6.1 billion, RED contributed $32 million or .5%. The RED contribution is not from the company itself – instead, the corporations who sell RED products contribute 50% of their “Net Profits” from the sale of the products, according to ONE’s website.

What would Greta’s role in all this comprise? Sympathy funding.   ONE’s revenue is covering less than half their expenses. They need new partners and have launched outside their stated IRS and Corporate realm of activity to capitalize on the climate change cult bonanza.

This is who Greta works for.  Everything about her is a ‘creation’, from her appearance, to her script, to her agenda, to her media representation, to her funding.   She is less than a puppet, she is a toy.

Holding her hand is Luisa Newbauer who is the Youth Ambassador for ONE and a member of the Green Party in Germany. It is believed she was first introduced to the clan by Al Gore.  Subsequent to Greta’s rise, her mother received a book deal – it would appear – in exchange for her child.

This is not about climate change, it is not about AIDS, it is not about curing anything, it is about creating wealth pockets, using foundation and NGO tax havens to scheme and skim $$$$$, and promoting an agenda that is no longer simply socialism, it truly has as its end game – Communism.

And we need to stop ALL FUNDING from taxpayer pockets.

Germany Attacks President Trump – Again.

DW Headline: Trump Sought Foreign Interference In 2020 Election:

The obvious words missing here would include terms like ‘alleged’.   But like the CNN’s of the MSM world, Germany’s favorite government/Soros owned media outlet isn’t about truth, it is about false news and all things demonizing of US President Trump.   As such, that demonization would be toward the majority of deplorables who voted for him.

Germany’s Angela Merkel is attempting to rewrite history without deleting or censoring it first as would be customary under communist rule.   The Ukrainian President is stating that Germany does little to assist in their current need for aid.   Germany attempts to refute this statement by claiming Germany is the third largest donor.   Of course, it seems to allude Germany that Ukraine is in Europe, not the US.   And US aid is required to ‘protect’ Germany because they continue to refuse to support their own military so as to create a fake – budget surplus.   Still, Merkel and her media outlet DW continue to vilify the US and President Trump.  As such the American people are not keen on supporting NATO defense or any other defense of Germany.

While Trump has been diligently attempting to reduce US expenditures on foreign aid in general, the backlash over Ukraine was forced through by lawmakers despite the fact that most of the aid was in the form of military weapons.   Trump and VP Pence had stated that they were alarmed over corruption within Ukraine and simply handing over a quarter billion was concerning. As a result of Trump freezing the aid temporarily, US ‘lawmakers’ made the following threat:

Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois had proposed an amendment that would have withheld $5 billion from next year’s defense budget unless the Trump administration delivered the suspended aid to Ukraine. Several Republican senators — including Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and a staunch Trump ally — had threatened to support the amendment.

That would be called blackmail.

Germany’s foreign aid spending has been steadily increasing since 2014, but the vast majority is spent on Syria refugees and Africa according to a DW article in 2017, including to aid organizations such as The Red Cross and Red Crescent.

According to a report by ProPublica, the Red Cross has been mired in controversies for over a decade.   Slate, USA Today, and NPR have all made allegorical claims about the inefficiency, negligence, and ineptitude of this organization.   Yet Germany maintains these organizations continue to be one of their largest recipients of aid funding.

While Germany claims to support Ukraine against a potential Russian invasion, Germany’s investment spending in Russia reached an all time high this past year at $3.3 billion and the volume of trade increased by 8.4%.

If Russia is such a tyrant to be feared, and billions are siphoned to Ukraine to protect it from Russia, why is German trade with Russia increasing?   The logic would indicate that Ukraine doesn’t need military spending at all because the threat doesn’t exist. And once again the US is footing the bill for a European country’s military spending at taxpayer expense.

But those facts don’t support the Liberal and anti-Trump media.

In response, Germany has now begun denigrating Ukraine’s new President Zelenskiy as a Trump sycophant. Digging up dirt on Biden would seem to be Trump’s offense. But when in the history of elections across the globe has ‘digging up dirt’ on your opponent been viewed as corruption?

In fact, it has been the mainstream passion for over 200 years.   Unfortunately for Biden, the dirt is real. And the only way the Democrats can figure a way to avoid the dirt is to attack the ‘whistleblower’, President TrumpFunny thing about whistleblowers…

BIDEN MEETS CHINA: The Real Corruption Story

In understanding what VP Biden and Hunter Biden might be able to offer China in the tete-a-tete of 2013, one needs to know what China considers to be their biggest threat – in that time, aka Trump and trade did not yet exist.

The media is going bat-crazy over Ukraine. That means Ukraine is a deflection.   China is the story.

According to a paper issued by Brookings in early 2014, China’s economy was faltering, they were at a “tipping point”, and the entire political system was hinging on collapse.

They cited necessary economic reforms including deregulation and liberalization of industry, and an interesting bottom point – ‘taxation’.

In China, local governments get no tax revenues, instead they issue debt bonds to cover costs of infrastructure and investment programs.  These debt obligations are off the books when China reports its economic data.   It is believed that as of 2013, that debt represented 100% of GDP.   Social unrest was escalating. And the collapse of private funding was pushing China into a spiraling catastrophic spin.  XI was VP, and Biden road in on a yellow horse.

SO what could VP Biden as the US advisor on all things China do to mitigate this impending disaster for a country he routinely seems to spin adoration commentary?

Deutsche Bank and BNP Paribas have been given full access to the debt market in China. They are the first and ONLY banks to have such access. And in August, JP Morgan won an auction to purchase a majority stake in a “Chinese joint venture, making it the first foreign business to take control of a local asset management JV.”

What does that mean?

It means that China was so desperate given its failing economy and debt, that it allowed the dyke to rush in and take control. The waters would include JP Morgan, the largest bank in the world owned mostly by the Rockefeller’s and Chase, BNP – a Rothschild entity, and Deutsche Bank – the German steam engine. Xi Jinping sold out his country to the cabal – to seemingly save it.

And due to massive censorship, it is likely the people of China – don’t even know.

How could little VP Biden maneuver this clandestine takeover?

IN 2011, while in China, Biden is quoted as saying, “A rising China is a positive development, not only for the people of China but for the United States and the world as a whole,” U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden said recently when giving a speech on U.S.-China relations in Chengdu, China.

In his speech, Biden specifically grandizes four companies; Google, Microsoft, GE and Ford. He further exploits his apologetics by stating that Americans are nothing special, nothing unique, if not for ‘our enduring political system’.

Why is Biden an important candidate?   Because from the standpoint of the megaconglomeration of banks and Wall Street, Biden supports China, and China means kega $$$$ for those entities. And Germany.

Elizabeth Warren is a nobody who knows nothing. Bernie Sanders is a Communist who knows nothing and can do nothing.   But Biden created a relationship as VP, and while the $1.5 billion laundered money thrown at Hunter was likely not from China at all, but from JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank and BNP, they expect something from their ‘investment’. If Biden is brought down by Trump, they have no China.  Lots of MONEY!

In the meantime, Google and Microsoft are helping Xi Jinping with facial recognition software to find Muslims who they are rounding up and transporting by train to ‘camps’, detention centers.   Tit-for-Tat.  Nothing is free, but despite the inhumanity of man, dollars always win.

China’s other major issue is loss of agriculture land, and a hyper loss of water.   Giving China control of the agriculture in Ukraine would be an easy parlay given the infiltration of a puppet President, Poroshenko.

IN 2020, China will surpass Russia as Ukraine’s largest trading partner, ‘a staggering increase since 2014’! ~South China Morning Post.

At the same time, Ukrainian businessman Igor Kolomoisky, is demanding that western nations ‘forgive’ all of Ukraine’s debt. The US portion? $82.4 billion. Most of this debt occurred as a result of the coup that installed the Chocolate monster.

With a VP like Biden, who needs Hillary!

The nice package means China has a new debt free trading partner, Ukraine hands over it’s agriculture land, the US eats $83 billion, and Hunter gets to clean the plate with more payments after Joey becomes President and the final agreement is fulfilled.    

But hey, according to Biden, Trump is creating a smear campaign and Biden would never ever pinky swear do anything so lowly as to defame another politician – least of all – TRUMP!


Ever wonder how Big Pharma came to be Big Pharma?   Who started the spoils of war?   For what purpose?

In the early 1900’s over 50% of US doctors practiced a form of holistic medicine using knowledge from American Indians, the Europeans and the Chinese.   And along came a spider…

The name of the spider was John D Rockefeller. At one point he controlled 90% of all oil in the US, is considered to be the first billionaire, and was an advocate of Social Darwinism, which has its basis in Nazism and socialism.

In 1900, researchers discovered petrochemicals from which the first plastic was made in 1907 – Bakalite. A true megalomaniac, Rockefeller saw the monopolistic opportunity given his vast control of oil, to create two additional fortunes; medical pharmaceuticals, and plastics to eventually include rubber.

In order to create that monopoly and rid himself of the competition, meant altering the view of doctors and patients who supported holistic medicine.   So, Rockefeller began a campaign to villianize the snake oil salesmen.   He hired Andrew Carnegie to tour the US and report on his findings of hospitals and the medical community at large. This led to the preparation of the Flexner Report which stated that a complete overhaul was necessary as well as a centralized system.   The concept is reminiscent of Open Society doctrine: bring terror and doom to the people – and offer a solution- Big Pharma. Cures were discouraged, and diseases were capitalized on.

Hospitals were shut down, holistic doctors were imprisoned, and $100 million (which would equate to about $2.6 billion today) was donated to recreate the medical field and the researchers, scientists and professionals within them.

In 1902, The General Education Board was created with an initial grant from Rockefeller of $1 million. The purpose was to wipe out any memory of holistic medicine and replace it with Pharmaceutical tinctures by establishing medical schools under the control and auspices of Rockefeller. Ultimately he foot $180 million toward that goal. All other universities and research centers that supported holistic medicine were barred from receiving funds and eventually shuttered.

The General Education Board was passed by Congress under Teddy Roosevelt thereby enabling federal funding.   Their claim that they eradicated ‘hookworm’ is a tremendous misnomer, however it did manage to become an historical landmark for the ultimate eruption of pharmaceutical medicine.   They created a false positive.   Today, that is essentially what the pharma industry continues to spew – false positives so as to create a market for additional drugs to fix the side effects of the ‘other’ drugs.

Today hookworm is still quite prevalent throughout the world, and the most definitive prevention is – wear shoes.

In 1939 a drug alliance was formed between the German company IG Farben (Bayer) and Rockefeller:   “Auschwitz was the largest mass extermination factory in human history. However, few people are aware that Auschwitz was a 100% subsidiary of IG Farben. On April 14, 1941, in Ludwigshafen, Otto Armbrust, the IG Farben board member responsible for the Auschwitz project, stated to board colleagues:

“our new friendship with the SS is a blessing. We have determined all measures integrating the concentration camps to benefit our company.”

Thousands of prisoners died during human experiments, drug and vaccine testing. Before longtime Bayer employee and SS Auschwitz doctor Helmut Vetter was executed for administering fatal infections, he wrote to his bosses at Bayer headquarters:

“I have thrown myself into my work wholeheartedly. Especially as I have the opportunity to test our new preparations. I feel like I am in paradise.”

Because of it’s Nazi image, after WWII, IG Farben was dissolved and rebranded as:  General MillsKelloggNestleBristol-Myers SquibbProcter and GambleRoche and Hoechst (Sanofi-Aventis).

In 1930, Chase Bank bought Equitable Trust Company of NY whose largest shareholder was John Rockefeller Jr. This joint venture made Chase the largest bank in the world.

Today, the Rockefeller empire in tandem with JP Morgan Chase, own 50% of the Big Pharma industry in the US. The US accounts for over 50% of all global pharma sales. And the industry is the second largest manufacturer after arms and weapons. It is estimated the global pharma market will reach $1.17 trillion in 2021.

Rockefeller and his son created the Rockefeller Foundation in 1913. Today, the foundation is managed by Matthew Bishop who is also the editor for The Economist, a Rothschild publication.

Rockefeller, JP Morgan, and Kuhn Loeb and Company, which later became Lehman, counseled with Nelson Aldrich to form the Federal Reserve System in – 1913. In addition, they were instrumental in establishing a federal income tax despite previously declaring such a thing was – communistic. Aldrich’ daughter was married to one of Rockefeller’s sons. At the time, Kuhn Loeb was run by Jacob Schiff whose grandson married Al Gore’s daughter in 1997.

David Rockefeller, grandson to David Sr., was the CEO and Chairman of Chase Manhattan (which became JP Morgan Chase). Today JP Morgan’s assets are worth over $2.727 trillion.   Chase has a strong presence in Hong Kong – and thus maintaining its sovereignty from China is paramount. They are headquartered in London and advocate against BREXIT.

Like Rockefeller and Gates, most of these gigantic pharmaceuticals and banks have since created tax exempt foundations wherein they donate massive amounts of their corporate shares to not only avoid income taxes and capital gains taxes, but estate taxes. All while supporting the legislature that created and instituted the Federal Income Tax and The Federal Reserve.

In essence, pharma, banking, liberal agendas, and their roots are traceable.   While the web is enormous, it is definable.   If we desire to open our eyes and see!

Global Climate Strikes: The New Cult

The Climate Debate seems to consist largely of Chicken Little arguments made by non-scientists, and sometimes by – children, aka Greta.   Case in point. An article in The Guardian, written by an unnamed source, makes some rather heated statements as fact that are completely fictitious and unscientific.  

But then it is the journalistic trend to create fabricated information:

The Guardian Chicken Little opening statement: “The level of CO2 has been rising since the industrial revolution and is now at its highest for about 4 million years.”

If Co2 levels have been steadily rising for 4 million years, it sort of eradicates the belief that the rise is man-made. But even more interesting is the relationship of Co2 to temperature because we have been in a cooling trend for about 10,000 years while the CO2 levels have been steadily rising. That’s not how it is supposed to work.

We also know that over the last 4 million years the earth has experienced various ice ages – meaning the correlation between CO2 and temperature is not a parallel science. Historical levels of CO2 are calculated by measuring Ice cores.   While ice cores hold information, the information is predicated on a particular latitude and is not representative of the entire earth. In fact, scientists have found that climate change in the northern hemisphere is quite different from the southern hemisphere.   So averages are a misnomer.

El Nino and La Nina have only been charted for the last 60 years. The climate has only been charted since the mid 1800’s.   Hurricane activity has been charted since 1851 – That’s a mere 168 years in the span of millions!

All other historical data has been theorized. Which is why scientists cannot agree – they each have their ‘theory’. We cannot possibly ‘know with certainty’ what happened 4 million years ago any more than we can 10,000 years ago.   But it makes for good Chicken Little journalism to – pretend.

For example, here is another ‘theory’:   “…recent research has shown that the solar wind, driven by solar eruptions (flares and coronal mass ejections) and plasma flux emanating from coronal holes, has a stronger impact on climate phenomena either directly or by modulating galactic cosmic rays.” 

According to another scientist, Javier, the earth’s obliquity and solar insulation angles are the main drivers of climate which is why changes have been manifested for millions of years without human interaction. In fact, according to Javier, the earth has been experiencing a cooling trend since 8000 BCE, and these trends typically manifest over a 41,000 year cycle.

If anything, that would mean that if human mismanagement is causing warming, then we are actually postponing the next ice age!

Guardian statement #2: “As a result of global warming and rising sea levels, 1 in 5 people in the world will eventually see their cities submerged.”

Over the last 200 years, sea levels have risen about 16 centimeters (roughly 6 inches). But historical time frames can be misleading.   If you view decades, centuries, or even a thousand years, the reference does not equate.   For example, many scientists argue that the change in climate over the past 100 years is ‘more rapid’ than historical data and therefore is man-made. They support this argument with a graph indicating various changes over the last century.   The statement; “global climate change is happening faster now than in any other point of modern civilization”.

  1. When did modern civilization begin?

Apparently, there isn’t a clear definition or time capsule that can be attributed to modern civilization.   Some reference 3200 BC, others reference the 19th century. But its definition is important because it is used to create a scientific statement that is relevant to climate change. Yet it is fraught with vagueness.

Recent, modern history is packed with droughts, mini-ice ages, and societies that fled their conditions; the Mayans, Easter Islanders, Sumerians, Vikings, etc.. What did they do? They fled. They went to higher ground. They moved. Today, we stubbornly remain in areas that are no longer suitable and whine. It all comes down to trying to fit a square peg in a circular hole.

According to recent ice core data corroborated as of 2012;  “During all episodes of major global ice loss, sea level rise has reached rates of at least 1.2 metres per century (equivalent to 12 mm per year). This is 4 times the current rate of sea level rise.”

Since 1870 polar warming has caused a steady rise in sea levels as ice melts and the warmer seas expand.

The rise and fall of sea levels has been scientifically deemed to be a direct response to the earth’s orbit. The warming trend is believed to have come to an end 10,000 years ago or 8000BC. While graphics provide slightly different +/- in terms of 1000-2000 years, even if we look at a graphic provided by NASA and NOAA the last ice age ended 16,000 years ago and the increase in global temperature rose from 42 to 58 within 2000 years before leveling somewhat and rising to 61 3000 years ago and sits now at 60.   Well before the Industrial Revolution!

In the end maybe Greta would be better served getting an education, gaining real knowledge, researching supportive data, and serving where pollution is greatest – China.

IRAN: Democrats Coaching Iran attacks on Saudi’s

Saudi Arabia has claimed that the recent drone attacks on it’s oil refinery came from the northeast, making the Yemen Houthi claim as the inciter, highly unlikely.   Yemen is situated south of Saudi Arabia.   The attack is more likely another bully posture, pushing down the other kid on the playground.   But this isn’t the first bully attack; May 2019 – 4 merchant ships in the Persian Gulf are attacked.   June 2019 – two oil tankers attacked in the Gulf of Oman.   And then:  September 1 – Iran took steps to enhance relations with Qatar.  

Iran’s military spending as a percentage of GDP is more than 23 countries in the EU, including Germany at  2.6%.

Retaliation is not so simplistic as the Bolton style of bomb, bomb, bomb.   Retaliation would mean calling in chits, for Iran that could mean Russia, for the Saudi’s that could mean the US.   It would fracture the Middle East, possibly see casualties in the EU and pit the remaining two non-socialist mega-countries against one another; Russia and the US.

And that would mean – World War. It should be noted, that destroying Russia and the US is a top priority of the Soros globalization agenda.

The Saudi Prince knows this, and President Trump knows this.   US involvement would rip Trump’s chances for a 2020 reelection. Oil prices would skyrocket. The stock market would collapse.   A Great Depression would envelop the globe.  And casualties would likely reach into the millions.

The Swampers and Liberals are exasperated, their entire globalized agenda is crumbling, they have lost their footing, and war has always been – their go-to resort given it serves multiple purposes; lowering population, propping up and capitalizing on war effort spending, and the inevitable ‘rebuilding’ scheme. More $$$$.  It was, after all, the entire purpose of the Iran Deal under Obama.   Follow The Money.

In lifting sanctions against Iran, the terrorist organization Hezbollah was slated to be relieved of it’s status and embraced along with Iran. Currently, Hezbollah is on the terrorist list of: the US, Canada, UK, Netherlands, Australia, Argentina, Paraguay, and the EU.   They currently occupy Lebanon and their Jihadist and Islamification motives are unprecedented.

Germany and France are desperate to reinstate the Iran Nuclear Deal claiming this is the only way to deescalate Iran’s provocative moves toward war.   In other words, Iran and her US allies under Obama are attempting to blackmail the EU and using Obama officials to coach this end result.

Former Secretary of State, John Kerry, has repeatedly launched a campaign to prop up the Iran Nuclear Deal on the whisper of Trump’s impending impeachment.  Kerry has been a favorite among the Qatar regime, visiting frequently as he props up Iran.

According to Col Waurishok, a National Security Advisor, Iran’s foreign minister Zarif continually meets with John Kerry, Ben Rhodes, Diane Feinstein and John Brennan.   Although these meetings are in violation of the Logan Act, they are not deterred.

In 2018, Random House (see my blog about Obama Book Deal) published Ben Rhodes memoirs, a NYT bestseller.  Random House is an integral player in what appears to be a blackmail scheme to buy  politicians lobbying efforts. In a New York Times interview, Rhodes was quoted as boasting of how he created an ‘echo chamber’ to market the administration’s foreign policy”, including the international nuclear agreement with Iran, while a member of the Obama team.

And of course, no decent research would be complete without a reference to funding.

Ben Rhode’s interview mentioned a donor NGO, Ploushares Fund which is actively advocating for the reduction of nuclear stockpiles. Ploushares aggressively funds the Atlantic Counsel, Brookings Institute, J-Street, and The National Iranian American Council.   Ploushares funding comes from the Soros Open Society.

Ben Rhodes received his BA from Rice University in Texas. Rice University and seven other US Universities have a partnership relationship with Qatar Foundation.

It is believed that Squad member, Ilhan Omar, was groomed by Qatar and Al Shabaab. In 2018, Muhkter Robow, a member of Al Shabaab, and formerly a member of Al Qaeda, ran for president of Somalia. It is believed he was groomed by Qatar.

In September 2018 when Kerry admitted to numerous meetings with Zarif, the conservative members of government were rife with condemnations asserting that Kerry was coaching Iran, as well as possibly providing intelligence information and secret data.   Instead of stopping his intrusions, Kerry ramped it up with phone calls to Iran and to other EU countries who are signatories of the Iran Nuclear Deal.

In July, 2019, with no Deal in place and a ravaged economy, Iran threatened the EU that there would be significant repercussions if they did not reinstitute trade.   Those EU trading partners would include France, Germany and the UK.  Could the significant repercussions be the drone attacks on the Saudi oil field of Aramco?

Kerry is somewhat of a regular in Germany.   His most recent known trip was to Berlin this past June for a climate summit. He used the opportunity to derail President Trump as putting the entire globe in jeopardy for his denunciation of the Paris Accord.  Is Kerry collaborating with Merkel to coach the flames of Iran?

Various MSM outlets decry Trump as being not hawkish enough… Lindsey Graham, McCain’s best buddy, has called for Trump to bomb Iran. The Slate argues that President Trump has done nothing to de-escalate the tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia.   But The MAGA’s don’t want another war.   And in this case, sanctions seem to be the order of business.

Again, it is note worthy that the Iran Nuclear Deal was accomplished via – Obama’s Executive Order in detailing the agreement as a ‘commitment’ and not a treaty. But that would be a play of words given that Obama did sign an EO revoking all nuclear sanctions on Iran.

Therefore, President Trump didn’t revoke a treaty… he simply reinstated sanctions.

Obama’s Book Deal: Worth Investigating!

In deflecting the libelous claims about Kavanaugh, President Trump made an interesting comment. He said that we would be better served to investigate the Obama book deal.   On the surface it all appears legitimate, but a bit of digging reveals a maze much more defining as it resurfaces within the Nazi SS and Marxist ideologies.

March 2017, after handing the baton to President Trump, the Obamas announced an unprecedented book deal for $65 million with Random House. Book deals are the nouveau means for creating a politician.    Both Bill and Hillary were given book deals as well after they left the White House; $15million and $11.5million respectively.  Biden, Kerry, Harris, Warren, Sanders, book deals launch their funding and their notoriety.

Let’s not forget that it was Obama’s first ‘book deal’ that elevated him from a non-essential unknown senator who had achieved absolutely nothing, to America’s charm boy soon to be President.   Random House was the publisher.

While the media attempts to justify the business deals as just another means of attaining wealth inequality, a bit more research reveals an interesting stacked history born with the Cabal.

Penguin Random House is an American company owned by the German organization, Bertelsmann Foundation, and the UK organization, Pearson PLC.  It is NOT American.

Bertelsmann was founded in 1835, but rose infinitely under the tutelage of Reinhard Mohn after WWII.   In 1977 he founded the nonprofit Foundation and thereafter funneled all the revenue through the foundation so as to avoid taxes.  During WWII, Mohn was a member of Hitler’s Third Reich and served in the Luftwaffe rising to the rank of lieutenant before being taken prisoner of war by the US. He spent three years in an internment camp in the US before simply being released back to Germany in 1946 for no apparent reason.

Europe was his market, but his visions sought a more global presence.  In the 1970’s and 80’s Mohn acquired Bantam Books and Doubleday in order to shift marketing emphasis into the US which made him the largest trade book publisher in the US.

In the 1990’s after criticism of Mohn’s Nazi involvement became a point of contention, Mohn created a commission to investigate his and his company’s involvement. The commission, funded by Mohn to investigate Mohn, found nothing could be substantiated despite Bertelsmann being the largest book producer for the Nazi Wehrmacht.

Today, the Bertelsmann Stiftung, which is the tax evading Foundation, is heavily involved in political and societal issues.  It would appear that the book industry is simply the mechanism to finance the true agenda – Globalized Power.  Their motto is:   “Inspiring people. Shaping the future. Participating in a globalized world.”

Bertelsmann’s subsidiary, Arvato, has associations with Microsoft – helping to initially launch Windows 95 in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In addition, they have various subsidiary companies transacting in IT Solutions, Financial Solutions, E-Commerce, Corporate Information Management, Business Intelligence Services, and Data Mining.

In other words, they own the means to shape all things political, technical, and societal.

In December 2016, the company came under fire after employees sustained significant ptsd and psychological trauma after Facebook forced them to watch videos of torture, bestiality, child porn, and murder as a requirement to be a Facebook moderator.

No action was taken against Facebook.

Their list of “Projects” includes: Ethics of Algorithms. “We deal with the social consequences of algorithmic decision making. We want to contribute to a design of algorithmic systems that leads to more participation for all. It is not the technically possible, but rather the socially meaningful that must be the guiding principle.”

In other words – they determine what information should be available in order manipulate societal thought.

Another Project is: Eupinions. Here, they tell Europeans what they, the EU citizens, think about political issues and megatrends.

Forced and voluntary migration, monitoring Democracy, Winners and Losers of Migration, education policy, etc…

In essence, Bertelsmann publishes books, funnels the revenue through it’s tax avoidance Foundation to fund the ultimate retirement of said politicians while blackmailing them to lobby in cooporation with their agenda.   Do what we say, and we will provide for your future.  Thus, Bertelsmann advances it’s political and societal agenda through its relationships with Presidents and PM’s across the globe while rewarding the efforts of these corrupt politicians with lucrative wealth after they leave office.

The Obama book deal.  $65 million.

The other owner of Penguin Random House is Pearson PLC.

Sidney Tarrel is Chairman of Pearson. Born and raised in Morocco, he became a US citizen in 1995. He became president and CEO of Eli Lily’s pharma division, advises Almiral SA, a Spanish pharma company, sits as a Director of IBM, and ITT. He was appointed to the Homeland Security Council by Bush.

Like Mohn, he fulfills another lobbying agenda – Big Pharma.

In 1957, Pearson bought The Financial Times and a 50% stake in The Economist, a Rothschild media magazine.

Focusing primarily on “education”, Pearson began a winded agenda of acquiring textbook, digital technology companies, education software, online tutoring, examination boards, etc…   These massive global purchases resulted in criticism that Pearson’s influence on public education risked too great a threat to independence.  Education was wholly in his hands, to mold at will.

In addition, in 2010, Pearson revealed that Gadaffi, through his son, had acquired 24 million shares of Pearson’s company, Edexcel which was already under pressure for its leaks of exam material and for lowering its passing grade to 14% for Math A-Level. Gadaffi was executed in 2011 and his son remains in exile.  Edexcel thrives as a private organization spinoff of Pearson.

In 2015 under a shift of rebranding, Pearson sold its stake in The Economist to John Elkann of the billionaire Agnelli Family.

Elkann hobnobs with Bezos, Bloomberg’s – John Mickelthwait who was previously with The Economist, Mark Thompson of the NYT, Robert Thomson of NewsCorp, and Gary Liu of Hong Kong’s South China Post owned by Alibaba whose founder is a member of the Communist Party of China. He regularly meets with founders of; Google, LinkedIn, Iliad, and Paypal.

The circle of Giants from old have passed the baton to the New Industrialites.   They own our education, our healthcare, our pharma, and our thoughts. Bribes are a mainstay of politics throughout the world. Efforts by the New Industrialites to govern and control the masses requires installing the means into society through lobbying and the control of Presidents and PM’s decision making.   In turn, these politicians are given guaranteed wealth through a slather of publishing memoirs, and entertainment industry bookings.

They are quite happy to sellout as long as the wealth they accumulate meets their expectations.  The Obama book deal that Trump alludes to as needing investigating would open the Pandora’s Box into the vast empire of The Swamp – the blackmailers within Global proportions!

Of course it goes without saying that the Trump Memoir parade does not exist.  Instead, the book deals are all about vilifying and demonizing our President.  Why?  Because he can not be – blackmailed.  He has broken the seal and exposed the Truth.

Hardly the gushy, self grandizing, narcissistic garbage spewed by Democrat Hollywood wannabes, Trump has his hands full to over-flowing as the Dyke continues to be poked and prodded and holes begin to weaken the Wall.  Until the flood can not be stopped.

Germany: A Welfare State Subsidized by the US

Germany has pledged to spend $40 billion on climate change initiatives claiming the goals established under the Paris Accord might now be reached by 2030 (although Germany failed to meet goals in 2015, 2018, and 2020).   The plan is to stimulate the purchase of electric vehicles, provide more electric power stations, tax polluting vehicles, improve heating systems and charge a green tax on airfare.  

As of 2016, 84 coal plants provide 42% of electric power.   While Germany has tried to reach sustainable renewable power through wind, solar, and biofuel, with emphasis on wind, a huge snag put a dent in that scheme. Wind farms that were supposed to have a useful life of 20-25 years are dying after 15 years, five years before their financial breakeven. Dismantling the worthless windmills is costly, includes transportation to a windmill ‘dump’ and has created a windmill graveyard.

But hey, Germany has a balanced budget, and a great economy! Right?

That is particularly true however, it is due to the fact that Germany initiated unfair trade tariffs with the US and has consistently refused to meet their 2% of GDP obligation on defense spending.   In 2017, Germany spent just over $45 billion representing 1.2% of GDP. Why the shortfall if they have the money within the budget ‘surplus’?

Because they don’t want to pay, its FREE socialist money extracted from US citizens.

Out of 26 EU countries comprising NATO, 3 contribute their fair share or more: Greece, Poland and Estonia.

The US has 35,000 troops and 13,000 civilians stationed in Germany for defense. When the US asked Germany to ante in some troops to aid in the Syrian conflict – Germany declined stating ‘they couldn’t move hastily’.

Rules of engagement – they decried!

We defend Germany. US taxpayers pay for the shortfall of 23 EU countries including Germany so that Germany can have a balanced budget. In fact, in 2014 Germany’s surplus budget was .6%. If they had held to their contractual obligation for defense, they would have had a budget deficit. Each and every year.  And instead of their debt shrinking – their debt would have been growing – just like the US.

In fact, including Germany 9 EU countries had a surplus budget, and eight of the nine contributed 25%-80% less than the required 2%: Netherlands, Sweden, Czech Republic, Denmark, Luxembourg, Bulgaria and Austria.

In essence, this means US taxpayers have been subsidizing the EU’s wealth to the detriment of our own trade and budget.

Germany’s response?

They have determined that by 2024, they ‘hope’ to reach a 1.5% defense spending level… Obviously contractual obligations between the EU and the US are meaningless to Germans. Nationalist pride – for Germans, disdain for the evil Americans.

Back to wind energy.

Wind turbines cost about $4million each.   There are roughly 30,000 wind turbines in Germany today.   That would require an investment of $120billion. Given the legal ramifications, Germany now has a two year wait for a wind turbine permit.  Issues have arisen that have hit the industry, including; distance from residential neighborhoods, legal disputes, a shorter lifespan than estimated, conservation, noise and endangered species killed by the blades.   And by 2021, thousands of the existing turbines will be demolished as they have outlived their lifespan, lifeless monuments.

So how will Germany supply the electricity for the mandated electric cars?   Coal.  That dirty, nasty coal that makes Germans sneer at the US.

$40 billion for electric cars to run on coal fired electricity generating plants – while demanding the US continue subsidizing the EU’s defense spending on NATO.

NATO has obviously outlived itself and become ‘nonessential’.

But Germany and France in particular need NATO as long as the US pays for it. Germany’s military is a disaster.   Their equipment is obsolete.  Jets and helicopters useless junk.  Merkel’s own military plane – defective.  A total of 3300 deployed military personnel.  Dysfunctional weapons.   Unfit naval vessels.   If Germany were attacked today, they would be obliterated without the US.   The US pays 14times what Germany and France each contribute to defense despite the US economy being just 5 times that of Germany and 6 times that of France.

So while the German economy looks inspiring from a simplistic view, the truth is it has thrived on the back of US taxpayers for decades while defending unfair tariffs and providing -0- military strength. Of course the Germans don’t like Trump. Trump has vowed to make Germany, France and the EU responsible for their defense obligations while normalizing tariffs. That will eliminate any surplus while creating a truth, a real Germany, economically accountable, reliant on its own defense.

Germany is essentially a welfare state of the US.  And Germans have come to believe they are entitled to US taxpayer income ‘redistribution’ to prop up their wealth.


ANTIFA Inside Hong Kong Protests

There are two separate protests going on in Hong Kong right now, one is led by residents who desire democracy and freedom, the other is by the hijackers – ANTIFA.   It is important to understand that ANTIFA is a global organization that has routinely interjected violence into what would have been peaceful. Not only have they disrupted the Hong Kong protest image, but their bully tactics were deployed into the Yellow Vest movement in France, and a host of demonstrations throughout the US.

They are easily recognizable wearing the classic garb of black and full-face masks to hide their identity as they throw Molotov cocktails and completely derail the true issue. In the US, their organization was quickly propped up by the loss of Clinton in 2016, obviously giving justification for their hatred of all things – Trump.

While they have existed throughout Europe for some time, their expansion has been manifested by the gearing up of a global revolution between ‘communists’ and everyone else. They have crashed the Green Party and The Squad (Tlaib, Omar, Ocasio and Pressley) is apparently aligned.

Why do they want to derail the Hong Kong protests?

Because their Communist agenda deplores anything democratic – and Hong Kong wants freedom from communist rule.

Recently a rally was held in Australia in support of Hong Kong by the local Hong Kong population.   The Victoria Socialists interjected the rally to disrupt and denounce the idea of democracy in favor of – socialism and communism. Their membership is relatively small, but they are only one of a number of Socialist organizations that exist in Australia, including: Australian Fabian Society, Communist Party of Australia, Left Renewal, Progressive Labor Party, SEARCH Foundation, Socialist Alliance, Socialist Equality Party, Socialist Party, and Solidarity. Their tentacles are vast!

The Fabian Society was originally formed in the UK and boasts such recognizable names as;   George Bernard Shaw, Tony Blair, Sadiq Khan (London mayor), a host of leaders within the Labor unions, and Canada’s darling Pierre Trudeau. They advocate violence, Marxism, communism, and revolution. Their idol is Mao Tse-Tung. And despite their claim to hate Nazi’s, their entire ideology and methodology so closely aligns with Hitler there is little breeze room.   Anyone who does not hold to their beliefs is target, they are the new Youth Democrats.

SEARCH Foundation is an evolution of the Communist Party of Australia and holds speaking tours with Amnesty International and United Voice. United Voice is one of Australia’s most powerful unions advocating far left socialism.

Solidarity is fashioned after the ideology of Leon Trotsky, a Bolshevik Marxist and leader of the Soviet Communist Party that butchered and murdered the reigning Tzar Nicholas and his family in 1917. Soviet Russia, communist Russia, was run by Marxists until its fall in December 1991.

This is the Revolution that the Socialists across the globe want to reignite. In essence, most of Europe has collapsed/complied, but the US, the new Russia, and South America, are struggling against this reign of terror.

For example: Jair Bolsonaro, the current President of Brazil is a member of the Social Liberal Party which is confusing until one looks up their ideologies; economic liberty, nationalists, anti-communist, and social conservatism.   Argentina’s President, Mauricio Macri, is a member of the Republican Proposal Party, which is virtually the same as Brazil’s Social Liberal Party.

Caught up in these socialist revolution factions is ‘feminism’ and ‘sex workers’, who apparently have become closely aligned with communist ideals, chaos and revolution.

ANTIFA International’s website reveals their planned streams of violent revolution to be undertaken in: Brussels, Iceland, Germany, Italy, UK, Scotland, Australia, Canada, New Guinea, The Netherlands, Sweden, Indonesia, Poland, Bulgaria and Denmark.   And no one seems inclined to eradicate this movement.


According to a former ANTIFA member, colleges and universities across the US promote the movement, and provide an incentive for the radical agenda.   University of Texas-Austin, Purdue, Stanford, University of Wisconsin, Berkeley, University of Hawaii, Bucknell, Occidental College, and Mount St Vincent are claimed to be sponsors of ANTIFA.

They are the new Youth Democrat Party and their funding comes from George Soros’ Alliance For Global Justice. And for that reason, Germany and her sister countries stand down to the antics of ANTIFA chaos.

They are also supported by The Economist, the Rothschild media outlet. There are reports that funding may come from the Democrat Party, and recently Tucker Carlson claimed that CNN funds the violence.

Given the global penetration, it would be naïve to think that the recent ‘chaos’ and ‘violence’ that has erupted within the Hong Kong protests is any different than the US and Europe. It begs for Trump to tread lightly in China’s reaction despite the requests for assistance.

China would not take interference lightly, and that too – is their agenda.

US INCOME INEQUALITY: How we got here and how we can change

If we knew what causes income inequality peaks, could we change it?  

As history reveals, Income Inequality is cyclical. The current peak began in 1970 and there would seem to be little in the stratosphere to bridge that from continuing unabated.

Historically, between 1850 and 1950 the income equality among all peoples of the US, UK and Netherlands stabilized.   But across the board after WWII, those numbers spiked and continued a straight upward trajectory.   Economists vary somewhat on the current causes of the spike, but a few make logical sense:

  1. Globalization. Globalization meant increased trade, meant cheaper goods from China, meant labour in the US could not compete, meant labour caved and created a ridge of zero growth for an entire working class sector. It wasn’t labour unions, it was competition.   It was the beginning of the end for small mom and pop stores as big money swirled in and created the mega markets replete with cheap Chinese products.   One stop shop – save time – buy more – charge it!  Of course free trade wasn’t actually ‘free’ – tariffs were imposed over every market and those tariffs were not equal, hence trade imbalance began simultaneously. Despite being advised to not lower tariff’s, Reagan did anyway, no other country followed suit, and the US deficit spiraled out of control while China and the EU laughed.

And over the course of 50 years, not one president was willing to fix trade to make it truly ‘free’ – as in no tariffs.   Trump offered zero tariff trade with Germany, the EU, Canada, and Mexico – the EU and Germany declined.

  1. Technology Revolution.   While no one wants to sensor technology or squelch it, it has vast ramifications on income and labor and it can take a generation or more to catch up.   It creates bubbles of wealth for people that have no real philanthropic bent other than to funnel their wealth into tax avoidance foundations. Technology advancement also alienates a class of people who don’t have the ability or wherewithal to create an entirely new career or expertise. As such, they move ‘down’ the ladder.
  2. Education.   In Europe it is accepted that not everyone attends college, in fact the percentage is relatively small.   The US proposes that everyone is ‘entitled’ to a college degree because that enables them to make more money…   Really?   A degree in Art, or Language, of Philosophy, or Communications is really a non-degree and yet they are the most prolific.   While Germany has the right idea, they make it a communist dictatorial determination instead of a choice.   Germany stresses specific technology or trade certifications in lieu of college.   The stigma of not being a college graduate is mitigated, and a specialized trade is facilitated. The number of college graduates in Germany is roughly 20%, compared to the US rate of 34%. But what happens after graduating is more important.   And that is where a middle class is created.
  1. Taxes.   A touchy subject to be sure but when the 1%ers are paying the same rate after deductions as the average household, obviously this is not a true progressive system – and is likely meaningless with the exception of those on the cusp of moderately higher incomes being squeezed.

How do you keep the billionaires in the US if the Tax Man is going to up the ante?

Technically speaking, despite the US calling itself a Republic, it truly is a Monarchy with totalitarian bits and pieces.   The billionaires are the monarchs, and everyone else, the peasants, are left to scramble in order to eek a living.   In the US we’ve simply eliminated the terminology and replaced it with alternate terms that effect the same result – Monarchial rule.

The Bolsheviks assassinated the Tzar of Russia and his entire family because according to socialist history books, the peasants claimed an uprising due to wealth inequality.   But the Bolsheviks simply instituted their own version of Monarchial rule under the guise of Communism, the faces of the rulers changed, and money shifted hands.

This ‘shift’ is what the Socialists in the US are hedging for in order to make the Marxist totalitarian state – complete.  This is our fight!

Billionaires have two obvious qualities:  ; 1. They like to spend money on lavish things that only they can afford and, 2. They like power.

So if you are going to keep your billionaires you have to be willing to concede either power or taxes.  Painful.

Ultimately, today,  in order to reduce income inequality one measure that Trump is vehemently pursuing is scaling back tariff differentials. Another is Sovereign sustainability.

While taxes were an initial consideration, the US system is so convoluted at this point it is near impossible to scrap the entire tax structure and recreate a true progressive flat tax – unless by EO.

When Trump is re-elected, Education could be the next transformation.   Reducing federal funding of universities and redirecting that funding toward technical and trade schooling would not only eliminate the socialist indoctrination, it would secure a greater number of students toward an attainable job market sophistication. Ultimately lifting the whiners out of media attention and forcing universities to rethink their curriculum methodology and their current superfluous degree programs.

Because today, in America, you can have a bachelors degree, $150,000 student debt, and be qualified to work as a hamburger flipper.

Like Climate Change, history reveals valuable insight.  Sometimes it is necessary to research a bit more aggressively – instead of simply trying to find the history that fits an agenda.   Putting the pieces together means Trump cannot accomplish this alone.  It means redirecting all the hate filled memes and  criticism toward a viable solution.   And then, there is TRUTH.