Migrant Birthright?

Trump wants to overturn the automatic, unconditional birthright status that the US has offered to illegal immigrants in the past.  And of course the media is all a frenzied because, well, that’s what the media does any more – they get angry. 

So, a bit of common denominator sense:

Countries that have no such unconditional status include: China, Japan, Europe, Africa (with one exception), Middle East, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, India, Columbia, Malaysia, Chile, Peru, and Greenland.   In other words – most of the world, with the exception of Canada and the US.


Maybe because they are ‘nationalist’ and believe that citizenship is not an entitlement, but something earned because of your desire to work and support your newly adopted country.  Maybe because they believe that the hard earned benefits that working citizens reap should not be shared with those who hate the country and have no desire to work or support its laws.  Or maybe it’s because the country has no desire to support passels of illegal children who don’t even attempt to gain rightful immigration status.

It is always odd when Human Rights are applied in a fashion that is hypocritical at best, and destructive at worst.  In fact Europe and Australia have some of the most stringent laws in place regarding gaining citizenship.  No one complains.

So Deutsche Weil took it upon itself to chastise Trump’s stance on unconditional birthright status by highlighting ‘all the other countries’ which mimic the US, including:  Honduras, Ecquador, Guatemala, Venezuela, Brazil, Mexico and Canada.  In other words, all of North America and partial countries within South America adhere to similar unconditional status.    Germany’s law states that the birthright of children of illegal aliens is only granted when the unlawful aliens apply for naturalization.

Why is the wolf lecturing the Eagle?  Because it furthers an agenda of polarizing a viewpoint without explaining or analyzing the data and facts.

The 14thAmendment to our Constitution references naturalization and legal immigrants who have a permanent residence in the US and are thus subject to US jurisdiction.  An illegal by definition of being illegal is not subject to our jurisdiction – which is why we ‘deport them’ instead of putting them in jail for their crimes!

As Germany tries to tout the benefits of immigration they site ‘a study’ which indicates that “migrants from within the EU have contributed to Germany’s economic growth”.  A.   the migrants they reference are European, and B.  they claim that all the migrants in this study emigrated when they were young, highly trained, well educated and looking for jobs, and C. their contribution to GDP growth was estimated at .2% per year.

We can imagine if these were well educated, highly skilled laborers, and the entire estimated contribution was .2% – what does an uneducated, unskilled migrant contribute? COST.

The study was relatively small covering a period from 2011 thru 2014.

Skilled craftsmen make up 1/8 of all of Germany’s jobs, and there is currently a tremendous shortage of workers, and a 40% drop in those wanting to train, hence Germany’s Merkel thought to fill the void with immigrants from Eritrea, Somalia, Syria, Afghanistan, and Sudan.   Bring in millions and hope they can learn German and a skilled trade without bombing, looting and raping, was the plan.   Except that training takes 3 – 3 ½ years, and completion of an exam – in German.

So now, if you need a plumber, the wait time is roughly 3 months…

Part of the problem when trying to assess the percentage of immigrants who have found employment, is that statistics provided by Germany include EU migrants who are highly skilled.  So the statistic is relatively worthless.

Making the matter more complicated is the fact that a part of the Syria brokering deal was that all refugees be returned to their country.  Thus the pool is reduced.

So Germany instituted a plan to train those who already had command of the language and threw over $300 million toward helping refugees obtain jobs with a projected 100,000 employed.  Merkel recently nixed the project after less than 25,000 gained employment.

How many refugees are in Germany?

No one really knows because they aren’t calculated until they are processed and the backlog for processing can be years.  In addition, migrants that are illegal aren’t tallied.  A fair guestimate would be about 2.5 million, with Germany hailing the success rate of 25,000 employed – 1%.

And the cost?

By 2020, the annual cost is projected to be over $20 billion, which is most likely rather low.  Maybe if they spent that money encouraging Germans to procreate again they wouldn’t have to give away Germany just as Sweden has given away it’s country, Norway has given away its country…

Birthright means someone who ‘wants’ to be in this country, who would defend this country, who values the freedoms this country provides, and someone who does not leach off benefits.  If someone is born in this country to illegal parents, they can attempt to gain naturalization – if they wanted to.

But like everything else, the caravan is supposed to take our attention away from the voter fraud that is hailed by the democrats who liberally give illegals identities so they can vote illegally and usher in more Democrats who have no intention of giving them status or jobs unless they need someone to take care of their children… but even then, they prefer nanny’s from Sweden…

If there was a door to door solicitation for money to pay for all the illegals in the US, for managing the caravans, for replacing facilities that they burn down and destroy, how much would the Democrats raise?  What if instead of raking in donations for Hillary – or her Party of Progressives – the entire funds were given back to the US government to pay for the illegal immigrants that the Liberals defend?

In essence it would reduce our taxes – a tax rebate in the making!  Clinton alone raised $1.2 billion…

Kenye West… Thanks!

Kanye West’s good’bye, is more important than we can imagine.  And most likely is predicated upon protecting his family amidst a phlegm of wicked threats.   In the end, when your life and your children and spouse are at stake, it would seem a fair choice, albeit one that is not without little earthquakes.

The Liberals have been quite forthright in their threats to bodily harm, harm to one’s spouse – one’s children – even the house pets.   All the while there is a bizarre justification that has no basis in reality.

To me, it looks quite evident that Kenye West may have been threatened, his family a potential target, and he is now forced to accept the defeat in presence, but not in heart.  I think his eyes betray that – as well.  I seem to see a sadness.

What this does unveil is that no one is safe.  The powers consider your presence, your pebble, a grit of sand in the sea.   And not worth a tenth of a – penny.  It is this knowledge that will ultimately unravel the evil as those caught in the web try to extricate themselves only to find their death is imminent, their usefulness – no more.  Murder by Suicide.

The UK is infamous for their ‘murder by suicide’ mantle that MI6 so adeptly created.  If a person is a nuisance, then one merely needed to make the proper requisition, and their life would be evaporated.  No one minded.   It was simply a part of the hierarchy.

Until, it wasn’t.

And the world turned upside down.  And everything that was topsy – became – turvy.

Most plots/coups are designed based upon a previous military intelligence design.  The formula is a computer program, the only allusive factor being human emotion.  It is therefore paramount to find the candidates who have the least amount of emotion.  Which might translate to compassion, love, heart, and mercy.

And thus, the spit from the human machine is a man who is developed in mind, but lacks any sort of body.  He thinks he wants, but he has pushed away for two decades!

His light hearted chemistry has been usurped by a panel of dark Pharisees who judge and incriminate and dispose.

I find it very sad that Kenye West may have been threatened to the point that he must choose the threat, or his family.

But, I agree with his choice.  And am sorry the media has been so fierce and hurtful.


Mid-Term Bombs

The Four October Bombs before the midterms:

1)   Pennsylvania synagogue shooting

2)   Latin America Caravan

3)   Pipe bombs sent to Democrats

4)   Kavanaugh accusations


And we have less than a week to go.  And one largess Bomb on it’s way – The Caravan!

Trump has reached out to the ‘conservative’ reformed Pittsburgh synagogue, and in response a few liberal Jewish organizations have attempted to block him from visiting.  One such organization is “Bend The Arc” whose list of donors include Alexander Soros who is slated to takeover his father’s Open Society Foundation Network, and Daniel Loeb, a master take-over hedge fund manipulator.

While their tagline is “Rising up in solidarity to fight the Trump agenda” and is inclusive of people of color and Muslims – they have worked diligently to divide and conquer claiming all Trump supporters are White Nationalists.

Run by Jewish activist, Stosh Cotler, she was a vocal dissident against Kavanaugh, and decries ‘white nationalism’ as a Trump creation, regularly attends women’s marches, DACA marches, and supports illegal immigration and Dreamers.  Bend The Arc appears to be a parallel to Moveon.org in which their entire program is aimed at liberal protests and violence.

Stosh Cotler regularly writes opinion pieces for The Haaretz, a Jewish liberal news blog that is an insert in The New York Times.

The Haaretz was first published in 1918 as a newspaper sponsored by the British military government in Palestine.  In 1919, it was taken over by a group of Socialist oriented Zionists, mainly from Russia – (which would translate to Bolshevik Communists).   In 2006 a majority interest was sold to M. DuMont Schauberg a mass media conglomerate, Kölnische Zeitung, out of Cologne Germany and run by Neven DuMont whose father was a member of the Nazi party and used this publication to promote Nazi ideologies.

In 2011, Leonid Nevzlin, a Russian Jew, bought a 20% stake in The Haaretz.  Nevzlin was a prominent figure within the Russian oil and gas company Yukos. Yukons was the subject of a high profile investigation between the Russian Federation and its owners and executives.  Fraud, tax evasion, and conspiracy to commit murder charges were brought by Putin against Nevzlin in absentia given he had already received asylum in Israel…

This would mean that The Haaretz has been owned by former Socialist Bolsheviks who are pro-Palestinian, a former Nazi member, and a former Russian Jew who has received asylum and support from Israel’s Netanyahu with it’s main US distributor – The New York Times which itself was owned by Ashkenazi Jews – secular.

Bend The Arc, the Jewish organization attempting to vilify Trump and all Trump supporters is thus affiliated.

The Tree of Life Synagogue shooter, Robert Bowers of Pittsburgh, is a registered Democrat, whose ‘work history’ states he is a ‘Trump supporter’ according to Mylife.com.  That information is in dispute.   Other news sources claim his voter registration stated he was ‘unaffiliated’, he did not vote for Trump, and was anti-Trump which would make him either a Bernie Socialist, or a Hillary Progressive Liberal.   He has also been labeled an alt right activist by MSM.

Cesar Altieri Sayoc, the pipe bomb officionado, was also a registered Democrat, according to MyLife and MySpace, whose parents came from the Philippines.  This information is also under dispute.

His mother, Madeline Giardiello, is also listed as a registered Democrat.   He claimed on Twitter to belong to the Native American Seminoles. And his LinkedIn page was written as though in ‘broken English’.

Both Sayoc and Bowers have been described by the MSM as being mentally unstable, anti-jews, anti-black, and anti-gay.  Further, the media claim that Bowers and Sayoc’s instability and discrimination is directly associated with their Trumpism and/or the white nationalism supported by Trump.  The obvious election parlay is to thus associate Trump and any who vote for him with these anti’s so as to sway a viewpoint and discredit popularity.

Interestingly, if we dissect The Haaretz, and organization’s associated with it, including the New York Times and Bend The Arc, their beliefs and history are most specifically linked to pro-Palestine, Bolshevik Communism, and Nazi heritage.  All of which were incredibly destructive historically.   An odd conundrum for purportedly Jewish aligned organizations…

Bowers rants were voiced on the Facebook alternative site, GAB, whose host, GoDaddy, has dropped it’s domain claiming too many alt-right voices.

Brazil: Bolsonaro Victory!

Brazil has elected a new President after the US imposed Michel Temer, friend to Biden et al, who had a 7% public approval rating, was embroiled in scandal, fraud, bribery, and graft failed to do anything for the country.  Instrumental in the impeachment of former President, Dilma Rousoff, Temer was a US puppet.

The new President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, is being likened to Trump.  He is considered a nationalist with conservative opinions and goals including lowering corporate tax rates, expanding family values and supporting greater free trade, especially with the US and Italy.

This represents another shift to the detriment of the Global Swamp, and in favor of The People.

Simultaneously, the very Liberal billionaire globalist, Warren Buffet announced he was buying up stakes in two emerging markets, an IPO out of Brazil, and a payment service company out of India to the tune of $300 million each.   It is noteworthy because it is something Buffet has never done.

But it speaks volumes.

Buffet has always held to solid long term strategies.  Notable companies, IBM, Coca cola, Apple, etc…  He does so because research supports their longevity and growth.  In buying the Brazil company, it is as though he is stating that Brazil is the next boom – especially given it will be rid of the internal corruption and grow under a conservative, capitalist ideal.

CargoX is a relatively new company in Brazil that uses blockchain based bill of lading documents. Funded primarily by Goldman Sachs, Soros was also investing in the company.  Soros is quite familiar with investments in Brazil, formerly acquiring huge stakes in Petrobas which have since been pared, to agriculture through stocks as well as outright land purchases.   It was the parallel gold rush during the Obama administration when large swathes of hectares were being grabbed in Africa.

Like Trump’s affect here in the US, Brazil is already expecting violent massive protests from the Socialists who are funded and inspired by the same groups that propel such riots and destruction in the US.

Gaining a 55% majority, Bolsonaro narrowly missed death during a rally wherein he was stabbed in the stomach by an ‘activist’.  He has already spoken with Trump and they have arranged a trip to DC where trade talk will be the likely focus.   He also has plans to visit neighboring Chile and Israel.

Socialist fronts have rallied to label Bolsonaro a fascist.  Initially, Whatsapp was being utilized by companies backing Bolsonaro, but when the effectivity of the mass messaging became known and his lead an inevitability, the Labor Movement and The Socialists convened to demand Whatsapp censor pro-Bolsonaro conversations – which it did calling the conversations – “Fake News”.

Whatsapp is a subsidiary of Facebook.

Both of the original creators of Whatsapp, Jan Koum and Brian Acton left their positions at Facebook 2017 and 2018 and defied logic by announcing support for Trump!  

NBC Chuck Todd Fighting for His Life…

Chuck Todd, NBC News Political Director and Adjunct Professor at Johns Hopkins University, never graduated from college.  He dropped out.  Of course the obvious question is how could someone who never even received a Bachelors Degree be an ‘adjunct Professor at the elite school of Johns Hopkins’?

His first job at National Journal’s The Hotline began in 1992, two years after he enrolled at George Washington University – where he never graduated.   In 2001 he was promoted to Editor in Chief.  In 2007, he was brought aboard NBC by Tim Russert, as a ‘political director’.  

Tim Russert died June 13, 2008 of a heart attack despite being on medication, exercising regularly, and his friend and doctor claiming he was completely asymptomatic.  That would have been roughly fifteen months post a debate between Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama in which Russert was called out for asking Hillary questions that were too tough, including ‘who is the President of Russia’, which she flubbed.  And eight months post Hillary being ridiculed by Saturday Night Live for her immigration policies as a result of that debate…

In contrast to Chuck Todd, Russert was credited with a degree from John Carroll University and a Juris Doctor with honors from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law.

A Democrat, his bio reads as someone who had integrity, he simply aligned with the liberal agenda.  Once upon a time – that was okay!

It has been said that his funeral was used as a stepping stone for networking with journalists passing out business cards, and attempting to attract interviews. And NBC went from integrity, to Chuck Todd.

NBC has recently been the subject of FBI queries due to their possible complicit behavior in covering up fabricated evidence in the “Creepy porn attorney”, Avenatti, when taking testimony against Kavanaugh.   Chuck Todd is attempting to cleanse NBC – like a mafia hitman.

Contradictions in testimony of the Avenatti women were rampant, but NBC, under the direction of Chuck Todd, chose not to divulge those inconsistencies during the hearings.

Now, Avenatti, who had the audacity to think he would be a ‘2020 Presidential contender’ is whining and pouting as he attempts to cover up the dung that follows him while his Democrat benefactors all pretend they have no idea who he is.

While the innuendo is quite largess, I imagine that Chuck Todd is running scared that he could be the next victim of possible murder by heart attack, or murder by suicide, given he has screwed up and laid bare the possible implication of NBC withholding evidence.

It would seem, the trail of death for those who can’t keep up – is a running tally.

Senator Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham (which side is he on?) have called for an investigation into the Avenatti/Swetnick fake charges.

Chuck Todd has been vocal that the fake bombs sent to Democrats these past few days were a Russian plot. What!? Geraldo Rivera has made similar accusatory statements without the benefit of any evidence.   The campaign of blame is sad, it speaks to the dissolution of integrity, and the vacancy of anything moral or ethical left in a occupation and industry that can’t pull itself from the dung it has created.

In the end, we are left to find our news from a bunch of rag-tag misfits who still hold to the ethic of truth, even if it is not politically correct.   When Facebook, Twitter and Google censor the NEWS, it is time to bring action.

A complacent person whines, an active person – changes!


CHINA Economy Spiraling! Germany Stalling! US Economy Flying!

China’s stock market has slid nearly 23% in one year.   While some economists would shout out Trump and the trade was as the causal factor, the downward trend began six months before the trade war began.  And it isn’t looking likely to shift anywhere positive. Estimates put a $5 trillion devaluation on Asian companies over the last year.  And while some economics point to a thriving housing market as a vestige of prosperity – think again.

Property speculation has been huge in China with short term flips of entire apartment buildings generating new millionaires.   It was easy money, until it wasn’t.

Developers are dropping prices by as much as 20-30%.  The flippers are caught in the middle with massive loans and a panic is brewing.  Property protests are the new norm and property owners are demanding companies compensate for the rapid decline.

While government data suggests the property market is up 7%, reality begs a completely different picture. Where does the truthful information generate from – blogs.  Economists and banks are more concerned with blocking the information given a panic could spiral China’s fragile economy out of control.

China’s largest developer, Vanke, actually compensated property owners with cash and new vehicles in an effort to quell the protests after their decision to drop prices by 33%.  Vanke’s Chairman Yu Liang told staff last month that “survival” was the ultimate goal for the developer over the next year, adding that the property market’s “turning point has really arrived.”

The concern is that the heavily indebted developers could go belly up creating a banking crisis.

When Trump initiated the tariff dispute, the economic fragility of China was known.  He put President Xi Jinping in a precarious position, and Xi Jinping fell into the hole of ego.   It has long been the consensus that China never reveals true numbers, manipulation has been the norm.  But Trump is a businessman, and caught off guard, Jinping did not know how best to negotiate and instead created a greater downward spiral.

Germany too is seeing the results of their refusal to bargain.   Add to the tension that Merkel took a lone stand in tabling trade with Saudi Arabia as the Khashoggi death is unwound, Germany’s economy splintered further.  Germany faltering translates to an EU spiraling.  German banks are also testing economic stability as fraud and corruption is revealed among the bigger Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank and stiff fines are sure to contract profits.

And while German trade continues to ramp a surplus, it comes at a cost to every other EU member who rely on their exports, i.e. Germany’s imports, to keep their heads above water.   Germany has become exactly what they accuse the Trump administration of adhering to – ‘Nationalism’.  Willing to let their EU partners stumble and fall, Germany is looking to support one country – Germany.

Like China’s Xi Jinping, Merkel is in a hole of ego.  Having no business acumen, she is at a loss of how to respond, how to negotiate, how come to the bargaining table.

By contrast, the US economy is growing and strong.  Reinvented by policies of individual and corporate tax reductions, legislation reducing regulations, and energy production, the Trump guidebook is working.

Slaying the demons with a sword in one hand, Trump inspires and reignites hope and faith with his Olympic torch in the other hand.  We know it is working when the barbs fly relentlessly.  We know it is working when every MSM plugs a slew of defamation that has no basis.  

We know it is working because the numbers don’t lie.

Pipe Bomb Scare or Scandal?

George Soros was the first recipient of the pipe bomb.  It was ‘hand delivered’ to his mailbox at his suburban home in Katonah New York.   The normal carrier for his mail was questioned and told the FBI he does not remember such a package.  Which means it was delivered by the creator, or someone hired by the creator.   And somehow, despite all the billions, Soros seems to not have a security system or camera at this property that would have videoed the delivery?

The package with a pipe bomb that the media claims was delivered to DeNiro was actually found ‘near a restaurant DeNiro co-owns’ with Sean Penn and Russell Simons.

Apparently, Biden felt left out of the sympathy fanfare and notified the FBI that surely there was a bomb package for him – somewhere?  So dutifully, they found one sitting in a Delaware post office ready to be returned to sender.  Biden was overjoyed!  He was included after-all.

Eric Holder’s bomb was apparently returned to sender, Debbie Wasserman.

The bomb addressed to Brennan was actually sent to CNN, and had his name misspelled ‘Brenan’.

The one delivered to Hillary and Bill was intercepted during normal mail screening.

The one for Obama was ‘intercepted’ as well – security paid for by US Taxpayers.

Apparently, none of the bombs contained the necessary detonation ‘device’.  They were not meant to blow.   Most were hand delivered.  No cameras apparently caught any deliveries.   There were no notes.

Attached to the bombs was a black paper placard that depicted three erotic looking women painted in white at the top and the meme:  Get Er Gone.   The meme is a takeoff of a book title, “Git R Gone” and is considered Urban language for inspiring action.

According to the FBI, the stamps were licked and contain saliva DNA, and fingerprints were left on the receptacles.

The MSM New York Times issued a ranting attack against Trump for instigating violence while printing a picture and opinion piece in which Trump is assassinated.    Maxine Waters has routinely called for Trump’s death as has DeNiro.   Eric Holder called for actionable violence by all Democrats against all Conservatives.    Waters has also been quite verbal in instigating violence against people in public places that are supporters of Trump. Of course, her rally’s have been rather sparsely populated garnering perhaps 15 or so.

The irony of the NYT statement is lost on their fake news agenda.

But if the pipe bombs had no detonation device, the creator had no intention of hurting anyone, she/he was just sending a warning or colluding in an election sting.  While the spin is that the bombs target critics of Trump, that would indicate every Liberal is a potential target…  given they all criticize and assault Trump.  The spin is simply that – rhetoric.

These bizarre antics of blaming Trump for everything from hurricanes to serial killers, to pipe bombers is a form of mental instability labeled –   ‘fundamental attribution error’, and an attribute of narcissistic sociopathy.    It is a form of control, a need to control, a need to attack, an inability to take responsibility for anything, and a pathological need to lie.

The antics of Debbie Wasserman brought down the DNC.  She disgraced the party and was found by WikiLeaks to have orchestrated fraud within the DNC that may or may not have led to the brutal murder of staff member, Seth Rich.  Refusing to resign, Obama forced her resignation.  She became the most prominent scapegoat.

As such, her name as the sender of the pipe bombs was quite intentional.

But the obvious intent of labeling Trump a disgrace because of his attacks on ‘the media’ is rather an odd rant given the media was not a target, the bomb sent to CNN was addressed to Brennan…Somehow the media thinks they are the target?

Wasserman is a candidate for Florida-23 a mostly democrat district within Broward County.  Broward County is home to student turned national Liberal activist David Hogg.   Today, the FBI stated they are concentrating their efforts on South Florida as they pinpoint the source of the pipe bombs.   It could be interesting…  might explain the crude construction, the wrong addresses, the misspellings…not to mention the fact they were not built to actually detonate.

Illegal Immigrant Crisis – Global Chaos

Dutch authorities have admitted massive fraud in the refugee benefit program wherein Turkish citizens with homes in Turkey are using fake ID’s to claim benefits in The Netherlands and Germany.  According to Dutch authorities upwards of 17million Euros have vanished and perhaps as many as 12,000 Turks and migrants are capitalizing on the fraudulent scam.  

In fact, the Turkish town of Rashdiye is home to 700 Turks, all of whom claim and are supported by German welfare.   This is their ‘wage’, it provides for all their needs including a home, food, and even televisions.  According to one such resident, his children work and own multiple hotels, but this is free money.  German authorities are aware, but choose to ignore the situation because it would be bad press coverage and stoke more animosity toward the migrants.

Last year, when an employee of Germany’s state reception authority discovered that a large number of migrants were collecting multiple benefits using different names, sometimes as many as six, and reported the fraud, she was fired.   Her boss told her to bury the files in the basement where they wouldn’t be found, leave it alone, and most importantly, keep quiet.  She refused.

Still, nothing changed, no one is denied benefits.  It might appear racist or discriminatory, or their fragile demeanor might be offended…

The Dutch authorities state that the fraud is most likely widespread throughout the EU with Turks, Syrians, Afghani’s, and Lebanese playing the game.  And they have an unlikely assist to help them in these schemes – medical doctors.   In both Germany and France, medical doctors sometimes provide fake medical certificates for immigrants who have no ID in order to prevent deportation.   They then use these fake documents to obtain welfare benefits including ‘retroactive benefits’.

The cost of illegal immigration is difficult to tally, because it involves services not typically transparent such as;  deportation costs, travel costs, medical costs, fraud costs, housing and welfare costs, childcare costs, border costs, security costs, and societal costs.

According to the Heritage Foundation, as of 2013, the cost to the US was roughly $55 billion per year for ‘illegal immigrants’.   According to FAIR, Federation For American Immigration Reform, the annual ‘NET’ cost is now $116 billion per year on a federal, state and local level.

The confusing issue that seems to somehow allude the MSM, is attempting to classify illegal vs legal immigration.   No one is opposed to immigration, it is the illegal portion that is at issue.  If Governor Jerry Brown wants to personally go to Honduras and grant California documents to a bunch of Hondurans and personally fly them back to San Francisco, then more power to him.  If George Clooney wants to house illegals at his home in Lake Cuomo Italy and have Amal get them legal citizenship while providing an annual stipend to keep them off welfare, more power to him.

But this constant defense of illegal activity is simply nonsense.

Germany has estimated a cost of $86 billion over four years to support their immigrants and plan to pay for it out of their surplus budget…   Unfortunately, they are also attempting to spend their surplus on the creation of a new military given the US demand for them to be in compliance with the 2% requirement, and they are spending their surplus on debt repayment so that they can be in compliance with the EU Commission requirement of no more than 60%.   Some economists argue that Germany’s surplus comes at a detriment for other EU countries whose markets are squeezed because of Germany’s low import strategy which, despite Merkel’s rhetoric, is a nationalist strategy.   Germany is actually on par with China, hypocritically claiming a global alliance effort, while supporting a nationalist economic Germany.   Greece and Italy suffer in particular.   But Germany’s imports are falling, its trade economy is faltering, and its ability to pay for all these welfare immigration costs is less likely.

Germany is also battling their policy of uniting unaccompanied immigrant minors with their extended families.  The same policies that the US battles.    It also follows that many immigrants claiming to be minors are actually considerably older, and thus not entitled to the unification.  In 2015, 95,000 unaccompanied minors applied for asylum, in 2016 it was 63,200, and in 2017 31,000 – 90% of which are males.    How many family members were they entitled to bring to Germany?

Without documentation, these Afghani’s and Eritreans that overwhelm the system claim they are under the age of 18 and therefore entitled by German law.  Backing off, Merkel has ordered her government to deny the reunification and is ordering Medical testing  to determine their true age.

With the radical islamafication movement within the EU, France is now facing the ultimate truism as they predict that many mayoral candidates in the 2022 cycle will be Salafi Muslims as entire districts and towns are majority Islam.

Arguments still abound regarding the net surplus these immigrants bring…  Arguing that tax revenues are increased as a result, the NET deficit in France was still $22 billion in 2009 and the argument is terribly poor because it does not consider the true ‘COSTS’!

Illegal immigrants in a district north of Paris now account for 20% of the population.   But it is illegal in France to identify a person by their status – so true numbers are virtually impossible to tabulate.   This same District has a 50% unemployment rate and the locals there blame France…for their predicament.

Macron’s solution?

Process them faster so they are no longer illegal.  As for the unemployment – education and language remain the deterrents.

It is interesting to read articles from four or five years ago wherein the immigration issue was a nonissue and the governments and respective media outlets were encouraging more and more, faster and faster, only to read articles today wherein the same governments, the same media outlets, decry the folly and are quick to label blame.

It is reminiscent of the Clinton and Obama reproach today of Trump’s anti policies only to find articles and videos in which they said the same thing against the illegal flux 3 – 5 – and even 10 years ago.  Odd those videos don’t seem to make it to the unbiased MSM?

It is why we need to claim history vehemently –  because it remains evidence.

EU Talks Italy – Amidst Biggest Banking Scandal In History!

Within the vein of ‘do as I say, not as I do”, or the adage, “rules are made to be broken”, the EU has threatened to punish Italy because they have submit a 2019 budget that increases debt by more than the allotment.   Of course the fact that only14 EU countries out of 30 meet the 60% GDP requirement at all doesn’t seem to phase the Commission when calling out Italy.   In fact, not even Germany has ever managed to keep within the guides and rules of debt to GDP.

So, the obvious reason Italy is being called out as the bad boy is because its new government isn’t a part of the Liberal EU Cabal.

In fact, it is so politically motivated that this is ‘the first time’ the EU Commission has demanded such a change in conjunction with a threat.  Italy has bucked the ranks.   Italy’s government has basically said – eff you.

In addition to Italy, Greece, Portugal, Belgium, France, Spain, Cyprus, Austria … all have debt to GDP ratios 30 points higher than the allowed 60%.   This is not a small deviance.  And yet, there are no sanctions.

The Global hand of the EU Commission is apparently plagued with arthritis.

EU Commissioner for economic and financial affairs, taxation and customs, Pierre Moscovici, has warned that the budget “lies outside our rules and regulations.”  That’s funny….!

Why would anyone abide by rules invented by the EU Commission when 53%, a majority, of EU members don’t abide?

In 1999, the EU Commission created a 3% threshold for budget deficits.   Italy’s deficit for 2019 according to its budget will be 2.4% – within the threshold.  But the EU believes that it will further escalate Italy’s total debt which stands at 132% all of which was generated by the previous Cabal aligned government that was not sanctioned…   Thus, although Italy is actually within the 3% threshold, the EU thinks they are being too positive and need to change..  but why then didn’t they sanction the previous government?

Of course, the EU’s demands and threats have hit brick walls before when dealing with Hungary and Poland on immigration quotas.

Has the Commission outlived its usefulness?  

I am reminded of parents who threaten their children to be quiet or else, only to try blackmail and candy when heir empty threats fall short.

The first EU Commission was created in 1951 and they called themselves, “The High Authority”.   They were tasked with administering coal and steel. It wasn’t until 1977 when Roy Clark, the UK’s Liberal, Democrat, Labour politician was appointed to the EU Commission that its role expanded significantly.   The Treaty of Lisbon which went into effect December 2009 increased the power of the EU President even more  substantially as well as creating fundamental rights, a legal personality, and a stronger EU Parliament.

The beginning of the end for an independent Europe.

Of course in good company with US MSM, it would seem that Brussels is actively attempting to create a detraction from news that is quite startling:   Germany’s Deutsche Bank, Spain’s Santander, Germany’s Commerzbank, Hypovereinsbank, Landesbanken, and Warburg Bank, British lender Barclays, French bank BNP Paribas, and global banks JPMorgan, Meryll Lynch, Morgan Stanley, and UBS have all been duplicitous in tax fraud that has resulted in a loss of revenue amounting to 55.2 billion Euro and is being called the ‘biggest tax robbery of EU history’.  

The news comes on the heels of revelations that Denmark’s top lender, Danske Bank, perpetrated the biggest money-laundering scandal in European history funneling over 200 billion Euro. The combined scandal amounts to just shy of $300 billion, greater than Russia’s entire annual revenues.  Yet it doesn’t even make the news.


Because it doesn’t advance the cause of banks and the Cabal. Instead, Italy’s budget is the main topic of discussion.  So what did the EU Commission do after today’s deadline for Italy to comply with their demands for a new budget?  They gave them three more weeks to change their mind.  Mama MIA!

And while Merkel has tabled all Saudi trade until the Saudi citizen Khashoggi idiocy can be finalized, the banking scandal is on the agenda to be ‘discussed’ in December. 

Facebook Censorship – An Anti-Trust Resolution?

The media that fought valiantly to indignantly assert their claim that they are NOT BIASED, don’t even try to pretend any longer.  The front page of the New York Times has over 20 articles that are anti-conservative defaming.  There is not one attempt at middle ground.  It is as though they have pulled their thumb from the dike that was always the New York Times and vomit hate within the flood of torrent waters.  Most, if not all of the headlines are false, they aren’t news, they aren’t imbedded in facts, they are ‘opinion’ disguised in the new media veil of undisclosed source or anonymous. 

Of course the other media outlets that cry foul when called out as Liberal biased, including the Washington Post and CNN, have also let loose the pretense and opened a floodgate of demonizing and hate.

Even their stock reports were oddly seemingly biased.   In a story about Caterpillar stock, CNN provided a gloomy and negative picture all aligned within a Trumpism causation.  However, The Wall Street Journal had a completely different perspective with glowing support.  FYI; Caterpillar grew year over year by 24%, it’s earnings beat estimates, and its sales continue to exceed expectations ramping up 23%.  Profit taking dropped the stock.  It did not issue any warnings as The Washington Post is stating.

Ellen Degenres producer has openly, without filter, attacked Melania in every way possible, from her appearance, her style, her behavior, her actions, to her ethnicity.  All within the guise of ‘tolerance and kindness’.    Apparently, female power only applies to Liberal females.

The Washington Post has also lifted any pretense it may have proclaimed, and dry heaves the most egregious bias of opinion and hatred toward anyone who dares support Trump.

Ads are being pumped across these venues by Facebook as it proclaims it is working diligently to expel all the fake media outlets that might assert an opinion in contrast to the Liberal agenda.   While claiming to use AI to shred the conservative/fake accounts, Facebook fails to acknowledge that AI is a program by definition.  And programs are created by humans.  And those humans are employed by Facebook.

Last January Julian Assange of WikiLeaks warned about the massive ramping up of Facebook, Google and their Chinese counterparts to censor information:

“Burgeoning digital super states such as Facebook, Google and their Chinese equivalents who are integrated with the existing order, have moved to re-establish discourse control. This is not simply a corrective action. Undetectable mass social influence powered by artificial intelligence is an existential threat to humanity.”

AI harvests what it is told to harvest, expunges what it is told to expunge, and eliminates what it is told to eliminate.   It is an algorithm not independent.  It’s information is the result of its program analytics.  And yet, Facebook would have the world believe that because it is AI, somehow it is unbiased…

Even that is fake news.

Zuckerberg continually makes news as “institutional shareholders” of Facebook stock want him removed from the Board of Directors.  It would thus appear, that his sellout to the globalists hasn’t panned exactly as planned.  And they want more.  Institutional Ownership constitutes roughly 60% of the shares with Chevy Chase Holding and Strs Ohio leading the pack.     But it is Trillium Wealth Management that has openly made the call.  Its CEO, Matthew William Patsky, was a Hillary Victory donor.

Could it be that Hillary blames Zuckerberg for her Presidential loss, and he will simply become the latest hit list victim despite desperate attempts to completely censor Facebook?

“If you look at Facebook, the vast majority of the news items posted were fake,” she asserted. “They were connected to, as we now know, the 1,000 Russian agents who were involved in delivering those messages …”

But Zuckerberg’s fate may be a result of too little too late as far as Hillary is concerned.  Despite being warned by Soros funded Media Matters that censorship of conservative news was paramount before the 2016 election, Zuckerberg dragged his feet and didn’t initiate the purge until Trump was elected.  That put him in the wiles of Hillary – and the call for his ousting is rather non-coincidental.

The need to completely obliterate conservative media is the goal.  And as Assange warned, it may be too vast already to obliterate….  But Trump has asked for an investigation into whether Facebook, Google and Twitter have engaged in anti-trust violations regarding ‘fair competition’.   While Zuckerberg claims the censorship is Russia related, he also admitted in testimony that the alleged Russia interference was so marginally small as to have no impact.  In so doing, he has set himself up as a potential target by this admission given that the hits and expulsions are predominantly conservative and thus he is engaging in anti-trust behavior.  In addition, Facebook has been called out for age bias when posting job ads for various companies.  In that frame, Facebook applies an algorithm in which only millennials ‘see’ the ad, a blatant discrimination violation.

While claiming that AI is making the determinations, he is basically asserting that AI is an independent entity out of the control of Facebook.

An interesting defense, but one that has no basis – hence ousting Zuckerberg would thus be Facebook’s purge as they make him the root and cause of all their problems.  The scapegoat.  With a Supreme Court aligned with Trump – such a charge could have a more fair judicial decision.

Other media outlets may find themselves facing similar charges.