John McAfee: A Threat to Politicians, Governments, and the Pharmaceutical Industry – Fighting For His Life

John McAfee of the original cyber security software company, McAfee Associates, has announced via his Twitter account that on June 14th he will release the names of Congressmen and Senators who are corrupt officials.   A self described Hackman, McAfee claims that he can find any information, any dirt, on anyone. He also claims he has a trove of information and evidentiary material on scores of corrupt government officials across the globe that he will release in the event he is not “left alone”.

Personally, I do not think this is an idle threat.

McAfee has certainly lived a ‘colorful’ life, but over the last decade plus, having exiled himself to Belize, his life has spiraled into a chaotic spin that was dramatized in a pseudo documentary by Showtime.

Showtime hired Jeff Wise as executive producer to create a biopic with the help of Nanette Burnstein, a producer and director of a few defunct sitcoms, and a documentary.   Their documentary on McAfee called Gringo, aired in 2016, received no accolade, and began with the premise that McAfee was guilty of a number of crimes.

Showtime highlighted their expose by citing various articles in Psychology Today which labeled McAfee as psychopathic and schizophrenic. But those articles are written by Jeff Wise, basically promoting the validity of a documentary by its own producer.   In essence, Wise actually discredits Gringo through false pseudo analysis – despite having no education in psychology or analysis.

This bizarre tactic was recently employed by the Democrats to create a fake analysis of Trump.

Showtime is owned by AMC Network. Josh Sapan is President and CEO of AMC Networks. In my previous blog, The Soros Web, Sapan is implicated in the Soros web of chaos through his board affiliations including;  People For The American Way and Right Wing Watch.

In 2017, Wikileaks released documentation revealing that the CIA had created extensible Firmware Interface, EFI, to hack Apple Macbooks.   “The malicious software can allegedly embed itself in a computer’s low-level firmware and runs as the system is booting up. It is also coded to survive system updates, reinstallations, and can restore malware that gets removed.”

McAfee spoke out against the breach claiming that these cyberweapons utilized by the CIA and MI5 are quintessentially more powerful and devastating than any nuclear device.   Within the #Vault7 Wikileaks release, it was also revealed that “among the many revelations in the cache of files is that the agency has reportedly created tools that allow it to hack into the world’s most popular smartphones and make them send location information, as well as text and audio data.

The CIA is also allegedly able to turn Samsung TVs into covert listening devices and can disguise its hacks to make them appear as if they are coming from other countries such as Russia, Iran, and China.”

McAfee was quite vocal in defense of Trump regarding the Russia hacking, as well as denying Russia’s involvement in the DNC hacking.   It is likely McAfee had assisted Assange in obtaining some of his caches of emails.

Despite Showtime’s attempt to find McAfee guilty of various crimes including murder, no actual charges have ever been filed against McAfee. While he does admit to fleeing the US it is related to his admission for nonfiling of tax returns.  This would seem to be his only verifiable crime.

An article compiled by Joshua Davis for The Wired, provides a succinct account of a period of time wherein John McAfee’s life became mired in bizarre twists and webs.   Editors for The Wired include Kevin Kelly and Chris Anderson, both of whom came from The Economist, the Rothschild syndicate.

Included in this biography is McAfee’s meeting up with Allison Adonizio in a Belize resort in 2010. A biologist doing postgrad work at Harvard, she explained that her research involved studying plant compounds and their ability to prevent bacteria from causing infections. In essence this discovery would revolutionize antibiotics.

McAfee was immediately onboard and offered to support her research at his property building her a laboratory and growing the specified plants on his land. His vision was how he could save millions of lives and transform the entire pharmaceutical industry…

Prior to hitching a ride with McAfee, Allison Adonizio was apparently living with Gregory Faull, the same man who was found shot in the back of the head execution style in 2012.   The documentary, Gringo, accuses McAfee of this murder.

Allison Adonizio later claimed that McAfee raped her, although accounts of her promiscuity while in Belize would bely that accusation.   Today, Mz Adonizio would seem to have all but disappeared although the Ausubel Laboratory at Massachusetts General Hospital in conjunction with Genetics at Harvard Medical list their study of research as: studying plant compounds and their ability to prevent bacteria from causing infections.  A link points to Adonizio on the Ausubel site, but her name has been extinguished from their list of researchers.

It would appear McAfee stepped on the wrong feet and his Belize haven would quickly spiral into his 11 dogs being poisoned, two murders, stalking, and numerous attempts on his life.

While today he says he just wants to be left alone – it would appear his cache of collected information presents a gross danger to the livelihood of some very powerful people.  His statement that he will be releasing names on June 14th is more a warning and the big names remain his blackmail.

FYI:  The Greg Faull estate filed a $25 million claim for damages against McAfee for wrongful death.  The judge that awarded the claim was appointed by Bill Clinton.

Roger Stone Indictment

The Republican that Wasn’t – Richard Painter, ethics attorney, calls out Roger Stone.

According to Deutsche Welle, Roger Stone is a ‘long time Trump advisor’ and is the link to collusion between the Trump campaign and Wikileaks.   This revelation comes according to Richard Painter, a former Bush White House ethics lawyer who is an outspoken critic of Trump, is affiliated with the far-left leaning Campaign Legal Center, and who ran for the Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor Party while previously claiming to be a Republican for Bush, before becoming an Independent running as a Democrat – who lost quite soundly.  Painter is also a commentator for CNN – the same CNN that had leaked information on the Roger Stone Indictment that was a staged scene worthy of el Chapo.

This is the voice of reason according to Germany’s Deutsche Welle.  Where the heck did they get him?   Soros.

Painter is also Vice Chair for Citizens For Responsibility and Ethics, CREW, a far-left liberal leaning organization whose Chairman, David Brock, is aligned with various Soros organizations including Media Matters, American Bridge, and American Independent Institute parlays a rabid Anti-Trump Agenda.  Building a base by filing complaints against Republican and Conservative organizations, the organization’s main task is to bring down – Trump.

But Deutsche Welle felt this person, Richard Painter, was fair fodder to disclose collusion between Trump and Stone and WikiLeaks and Russia.  Ah!

Despite being a 501©(3) prohibited from engaging in partisan or political activities, CREW has managed to far surpass that IRS legal point without even a slap on the wrist.

In the interview with Deutsche Welle, he states that the fact that Mueller indicted Stone is evidence that:  “collusion between high-ranking officials in the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks to obtain documents stolen by the Russians in the 2016 election. There is other evidence of course of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. So this clearly closes the loop and makes clear that the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians, with WikiLeaks to obtain damaging emails that have been stolen from Hillary Clinton and the DNC.”

From a strictly legal standpoint;  a)  an indictment is NOT evidence of anything. And  b)  Mueller has already stated that there is no evidence of collusion between the Trump and Russia.   And c)  Stone stopped working for the Trump campaign in 2015 with Trump saying he was fired, and Stone saying he quit. The DNC hack occurred in May 2016.

It would appear that by making these statements, Painter, as a lawyer, is putting himself in a position of libel and slander. 

Painter continues these bizarre statements by claiming that  this also proves that Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr, and Trump were all in Trump Tower together “…meeting with the Russians to talk about incriminating dirt on Hillary that they wanted to get.”

For an attorney, Painter is clearly painting himself into a defamation lawsuit potential.

But his statements just plow on.

He highlights the fact that this Indictment is clearly the link for the circle that will bring Trump et al ‘down’ because Manafort was convicted, Gates was convicted and Cohen was convicted.   But wait – yes, all of these individuals were convicted – on charges of tax fraud – not Russian collusion.  Nyeh – details.

And for his piece-de-resistance, Richard Painter goes to the height of legal deception by stating:   “It is very dangerous for the United States, because as the prosecutors move closer and closer to Donald Trump and senior members of his campaign — including his own family — we are very concerned that his irrational behavior is going to increase. And that is a dangerous situation when he is in control of nuclear weapons and has as much power as he does.”

The implication being that Trump will detonate a nuclear catastrophic bomb annihilating the globe should he be impeached.  Painter then calls for Trump to resign immediately as he most assuredly faces criminal charges along with his family members.

This interview couldn’t be more impertinent, more false, or more speculative and defaming, and is truly grounds for defamation beyond comprehension!  The fact that Deutsche Welle, a government financed taxpayer funded media outlet would have the audacity to publish such drivel is purely a vindictive agenda promulgated by the failing Merkel presidency, and a desperate Soros.

The Indictment itself makes statements that are not proven including;   “The DNC – thru Company 1 – publically announced that it had been hacked by Russian government actors.”  An announcement – is not evidentiary conclusion. The crux of most of the Indictment is that Stone had communicated with WikiLeaks through an intermediary August 2016, three months after the DNC hack.  In addition, Mueller’s Indictment states that WikiLeaks is actually a Russian mole.  Unproven.  Biased.  And most definitely a Hillary take-em-all-down tantrum.

The entire Indictment, this ridiculous interview with Painter, the means with which Stone was served and arrested, the CNN exclusive media crew skulking at Stone’s house to film the verbose episode ALL so REEK of Clinton, it is impossible to come to any other conclusion.  The fact that an attorney, Painter, would subject himself to such massive defamation speaks to his legal acumen and without doubt his character.

Not even the most liberal New York Times is biting on this drivel.

Facebook Censorship – An Anti-Trust Resolution?

The media that fought valiantly to indignantly assert their claim that they are NOT BIASED, don’t even try to pretend any longer.  The front page of the New York Times has over 20 articles that are anti-conservative defaming.  There is not one attempt at middle ground.  It is as though they have pulled their thumb from the dike that was always the New York Times and vomit hate within the flood of torrent waters.  Most, if not all of the headlines are false, they aren’t news, they aren’t imbedded in facts, they are ‘opinion’ disguised in the new media veil of undisclosed source or anonymous. 

Of course the other media outlets that cry foul when called out as Liberal biased, including the Washington Post and CNN, have also let loose the pretense and opened a floodgate of demonizing and hate.

Even their stock reports were oddly seemingly biased.   In a story about Caterpillar stock, CNN provided a gloomy and negative picture all aligned within a Trumpism causation.  However, The Wall Street Journal had a completely different perspective with glowing support.  FYI; Caterpillar grew year over year by 24%, it’s earnings beat estimates, and its sales continue to exceed expectations ramping up 23%.  Profit taking dropped the stock.  It did not issue any warnings as The Washington Post is stating.

Ellen Degenres producer has openly, without filter, attacked Melania in every way possible, from her appearance, her style, her behavior, her actions, to her ethnicity.  All within the guise of ‘tolerance and kindness’.    Apparently, female power only applies to Liberal females.

The Washington Post has also lifted any pretense it may have proclaimed, and dry heaves the most egregious bias of opinion and hatred toward anyone who dares support Trump.

Ads are being pumped across these venues by Facebook as it proclaims it is working diligently to expel all the fake media outlets that might assert an opinion in contrast to the Liberal agenda.   While claiming to use AI to shred the conservative/fake accounts, Facebook fails to acknowledge that AI is a program by definition.  And programs are created by humans.  And those humans are employed by Facebook.

Last January Julian Assange of WikiLeaks warned about the massive ramping up of Facebook, Google and their Chinese counterparts to censor information:

“Burgeoning digital super states such as Facebook, Google and their Chinese equivalents who are integrated with the existing order, have moved to re-establish discourse control. This is not simply a corrective action. Undetectable mass social influence powered by artificial intelligence is an existential threat to humanity.”

AI harvests what it is told to harvest, expunges what it is told to expunge, and eliminates what it is told to eliminate.   It is an algorithm not independent.  It’s information is the result of its program analytics.  And yet, Facebook would have the world believe that because it is AI, somehow it is unbiased…

Even that is fake news.

Zuckerberg continually makes news as “institutional shareholders” of Facebook stock want him removed from the Board of Directors.  It would thus appear, that his sellout to the globalists hasn’t panned exactly as planned.  And they want more.  Institutional Ownership constitutes roughly 60% of the shares with Chevy Chase Holding and Strs Ohio leading the pack.     But it is Trillium Wealth Management that has openly made the call.  Its CEO, Matthew William Patsky, was a Hillary Victory donor.

Could it be that Hillary blames Zuckerberg for her Presidential loss, and he will simply become the latest hit list victim despite desperate attempts to completely censor Facebook?

“If you look at Facebook, the vast majority of the news items posted were fake,” she asserted. “They were connected to, as we now know, the 1,000 Russian agents who were involved in delivering those messages …”

But Zuckerberg’s fate may be a result of too little too late as far as Hillary is concerned.  Despite being warned by Soros funded Media Matters that censorship of conservative news was paramount before the 2016 election, Zuckerberg dragged his feet and didn’t initiate the purge until Trump was elected.  That put him in the wiles of Hillary – and the call for his ousting is rather non-coincidental.

The need to completely obliterate conservative media is the goal.  And as Assange warned, it may be too vast already to obliterate….  But Trump has asked for an investigation into whether Facebook, Google and Twitter have engaged in anti-trust violations regarding ‘fair competition’.   While Zuckerberg claims the censorship is Russia related, he also admitted in testimony that the alleged Russia interference was so marginally small as to have no impact.  In so doing, he has set himself up as a potential target by this admission given that the hits and expulsions are predominantly conservative and thus he is engaging in anti-trust behavior.  In addition, Facebook has been called out for age bias when posting job ads for various companies.  In that frame, Facebook applies an algorithm in which only millennials ‘see’ the ad, a blatant discrimination violation.

While claiming that AI is making the determinations, he is basically asserting that AI is an independent entity out of the control of Facebook.

An interesting defense, but one that has no basis – hence ousting Zuckerberg would thus be Facebook’s purge as they make him the root and cause of all their problems.  The scapegoat.  With a Supreme Court aligned with Trump – such a charge could have a more fair judicial decision.

Other media outlets may find themselves facing similar charges.

Fake Political Party – a Chess Game

As the UK is beleaguered in the BREXIT divide, once again the Soros advocates are pushing protests and chaos calling for a ‘re-vote’.   The absurdity becomes laughable when we consider how this might play out.  It is reminiscent of Hillary demanding a re-vote when she lost.  I was a contender, I shoulda won! Therefore shoulda means we need a redo. Imagine the chaos if every year we had to do a  ‘redo’ of every vote the previous year?  Why bother voting?   As we see with BREXIT, it is not about moving forward after The People spoke, it is about two years of fighting about the outcome of the vote – and going nowhere.

The ridiculousness of the UK Parliament insubordination and ineptitude is framed in ‘not making a decision’ and instead voting agreeing that a decision will be deferred to a later time.  Two years have passed – and the latest vote was no exception.

These same ‘lawmakers’ who are truly incapable of actually making any political decision or decisive action, are quick to make sarcastic and defaming remarks about Trump as though they have lost every aspect of moral and ethical decorum.   In fact, their lacking decorum targets what they perceive to be Trump’s lacking decorum…

For example, what has Boris Johnson accomplished during his tenure?   

Well, he voted for the invasion of Iraq only later to demand Tony Blair’s impeachment for the UK’s collusion in invading Iraq.  He went to the Chinese Summer Olympics and offended his hosts.  He continued his journalism career while Mayor despite promising he would not.  He ended London’s oil deal with Venezuela and scrapped inspections of black cabs…  He was for BREXIT and against it and for it and against it.   Blowing wherever the wind blew him.  He has effectively done nothing for 15 years.

He has been hailed by The Economist for his decidedly liberal tendencies despite Johnson claiming he is a conservative.  The Economist is owned by the Rothschilds.

Boris Johnson is the UK’s implant of McCain.

The waters become more and more muddied as politicians are told to switch their affiliation in a subversive means of undermining the party.

Soros infiltrated US Republicans long ago, to think he hasn’t taken over the UK Parliament is short-sighted.  US Republicans that Soros has backed include:  McCain, Lindsey Graham, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John Boehner, Ed Royce, Charles Grassley, Ron Johnson, Cathy Rodgers and Dan Donovan.

ALL of these Republicans have either aggressively spoken out as anti-Trump or voted against his proposals including Iran, North Korea, trade, immigration, etc…

Colorado’s ultra-liberal, John Hickenlooper, and Ohio’s, John Kasich, are in discussion mode to form a ticket together in the 2020 presidential election.  In preparation, Kasich has been vocal about how successful and brilliant he is earning himself star appearances on liberal MSM outlets. He has also chosen to be rather disparaging of Trump regarding the detention of illegal children.

Many people vote by party, without researching anything at all.   So how can one discern who is a fake representative of their party?

More and more it is important to ‘follow the money’, because a politician who is pursuing an agenda, is a politician who has no ethic.  Of course, determining what that agenda is can also be rather difficult.   If the motive is to destabilize, to create chaos and division, that would be a first agenda.  If the MSM is supportive, that would indicate an approved agenda.

Adding to the fray is the hacking issues.   Today it was revealed that Wikileaks released the personal information of all ICE employees.  And so, the MSM has made it a Julian Assange terror attack.   But – what is the agenda?   In the midst of Trump’s zero tolerance for illegal immigration, taking down ICE would support the liberal agenda.  The obvious and logical conclusion is that WikiLeaks has been hacked, compromised.  Assange himself has been said to be in dire health, and the Ecuadorian embassy has said that ‘any communication’ would give them cause to expel him.

Whose agenda has it been for the last two years to take down Julian Assange?


She claimed that Wikileaks was partially responsible for her loss.

A party affiliation is meaningless any longer.   Follow the agenda.  Follow the money.  Kasich has penned a book… remind you of anyone else ramping up wealth in order to run for office?  Who else is writing a book?

Assange Editorial – by Helena

Everyone is waiting for THE ONE article/email that Assange is going to release that will be proof positive that Hillary should go to jail. But they haven’t. Or have they?

You see, nearly every email is justification to put her behind bars, it is the perception of the American people that has changed. We think that graft, fraud, slander, defile, vengeance, hatred, elitism, and a profound dislike of ‘humans’, these qualities are okay. And so, we are looking for something even beyond what we can even comprehend… Do you see how crazy that is?

We are so numbed that we don’t see what is in front of us.

Assange complied with his promises. Our system, is just so broken that even to this amazing height of illegality – we say, ‘nah’. And wonder why we are living in this spiraling government control. They are not our Country. They have nothing to do with this country. They have only – themselves.

And so, he gave us what we asked for. We simply became too weak and greedy – to see.

Al Qaeda in US – Has Risen From The Grave

Obama has declared al Qaeda defeated – since 2012 – and suddenly authorities are warning that not only is al Qaeda not defeated, but they are going to wage attacks in New York, Virginia and Texas this coming Monday! Well gee whilakers Obama how’d they get here if they were defeated four years ago?

Reminds me of how voter fraud is a ‘myth’, and all those dead guys voting is simply fantasy… Or how it is reminiscent of the absolute denial of US and EU culpability in the creation and financial support of ISIS – except we now have proof positive in the form of emails between Hillary and Podesta talking about just that fact during her tenure as Secretary of State – while pushing through the largest arms deal in history to the largest funder – Saudi Arabia – simultaneously. All the while knowing that those arms are going to ISIS. With Obama’s approval, of course.

At the same time Assange has stated that the Hillary/Soros/Rothschild/Media/Hollywood cabal will NOT ALLOW Trump to be President. While he doesn’t say how that will happen, the concept sounds quite real given they (the cabal) obviously have no boundaries. And while the media contemplates how a Hillary President will be mired in health problems and FBI investigations, they miss the point. The cabal doesn’t care about Hillary per se, they only care about having their puppet in office. As far as they are concerned she could be comatose because she isn’t the one ruling or making any decisions, those are all framed and supplied to her.

If you are curious what it looks like to be completely controlled, your mind no longer yours – look no further than Hillary. They tell her what to say, what to think, when to take a break, when to go to the bathroom, when to eat, where to eat, she is the equivalent of a machine. But the rhetoric of her representing women… and the poor… is the target audience.

Adding rhetoric to rhetoric, the US is now accusing Iran of harboring al Qaeda militants… Stupid is as stupid does. Iran is Shia, al Qaeda hate Shia, al Qaeda kill Shia, Shia are the target of both ISIS and al Qaeda who support Sharia Law which Iran opposes and the Saudi’s demand.

Creating false enemies ultimately shows who is the true opponent.

So we now have a defeated terrorist organization returning from the grave to attack US citizens with weapons provided by the Saudis, purchased from the US, with taxpayer funds.

I wonder if the Saudis bought the weaponry with cash or credit? $80 billion in one haul is a lot of moola for a regime that is feeling a tightened wallet given they tanked oil to try and break Russia, but instead find themselves being – broken.  Assuming the deal was credit and ‘something else’ entirely, the bargain chip has been played.

Do you believe the Saudis would come and defend the US if we were attacked by ISIS and al Qaeda?

Do you think Hillary’s cabal have any intention of waging war on Russia and China?

It’s already written.  And we paid for it.  That’s what makes the cabal so smug.

Voter Rigging – It’s Everywhere!

If we can’t trust the mainstream media to report even a remote version of the truth, how can we believe the polls aren’t rigged?   Come on – it’s the same media!

We have video evidence of Democrat ballot stuffing from Pennsylvania, Arizona and Florida, and yet there are no repercussions?

We have video of a Hillary campaigner acknowledging that voter registrations for Republicans are being ripped up – and yet there are no consequences…

We have written evidence that Hillary and Obama were complicit in the US supplying weapons to Al Qaeda and ISIS, and no one is indicted…

We even have an email that claims the Hillary camp will pay women to come forth claiming Trump groped them…

We have testimony of Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults on women, code for rape, and justice – does not prevail.

While much of the attacks are simply mud, overwhelmingly Wikileaks and Anonymous are revealing factual illegalities – heinous crimes of justice and security that shed light on our broken system.

New videos are circulating from Anonymous claiming they have a video that Billy Boy’s buddy, Epstein, made to use as blackmail as he did against all his best friends – what a guy! Purportedly it shows Bill Clinton raping a thirteen year old girl. It would seem they lifted it from Israeli intelligence and plan on a release sometime in the immediate future.

We know mainstream will channel the video to a gypsy medium who will channel it to a crystal and then once the crystal is smashed, it will magically disappear. Ommmmmm.

And the latest theory to escape the mouths of babes is that both Hillary and Trump will be forced out in order to give Obama Scotus – another term. YIKES!

But he has already put down a contract to lease a house in the Kalorama District of DC that retails for about $6.3 million – so what can we expect rent to be? Well a 1500 sq foot house nearby rents for $5100 per month and this house is 8200 sq feet, so the math places it in the $25,000 per month range. While his pension is in the $200,000 per year range – that doesn’t quite compute…  Surprise!

Sounds kind of like the Clintons leaving the White House claiming they were ‘dead broke’ and miraculously buying multi-million dollar residences.

So, how do you pay a rent – that is not a tax deduction – totaling $240,000 per year on a pension of $200,000? Well, you lie. Because I imagine his non-taxable ‘offshore accounts’ are chalk full of moola!

While the mainstream continue to avoid talking about all the fraud and illegal conduct of our esteemed Hillary, and instead laud their fraudulent polls that survey a crowd of 100, with a margin of error in the + or – 4.5 range, just remember, if they lie about her, they lie about ‘everything’. And that would include relevant news such as ISIS, police, terrorism, immigration, vetting of refugees, Russia, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen, Iran, etc…

Because the problem with lying is that it has no limits, no boundaries, no prejudice, no end. The one thing you can count on – they are lying about “everything”.

So the next time you try and cherry pick and choose what is truth and what is fabrication – realize it is ALL a false reality of deception to the nth degree and the politicians involved transgress every party, every affiliation, every religion…

As Mark Twain said, “If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything.”

As in Hillary saying ‘she doesn’t remember’ 21 times in her deposition with the FBI.

Hillary – WikiLeaks – Foundation – Damage Control

The newest ‘conspiracy theory’ is that WikiLeaks, Assange, is promoting a ‘conspiracy theory’ that possibly Seth Rich, the murdered DNC worker, was the source…

First – WikiLeaks does not promote ‘conspiracy theory’s – ever. They engorge the transparent underlings that rule governments. By giving absolutes.

Second – If in fact Rich was the source, I imagine Assange will seek vengeance. And justice will be served. If this proves true, then it could signal a blow from which Hillary will not be able to recover. While the media would liken Trump’s campaign to being in ‘damage control’ for a few ripe comments, Hillary’s faux pas are extraordinarily far more devastating – corruption, assassination, fraud, windfall, treason… Overdrive would define the Soros camp as they try to plug the dykes that keep flooding.

Government favors for a Clinton Foundation donation… the newest revelation.

The best the Hillary campaign can do is create a decoy. That was the Obama campaign solution as well. When the chips start falling, start a war somewhere. Today it is Ukraine – again. The Kiev government, smeared with blood and internal sexual assault reports, has suddenly moved into terrorism by attempting to bomb infrastructure facilities in Crimea. Foiled, they are now claiming it was all a Russian trick. But it could move the attention off the Clinton Foundation and back on a perceived enemy – Russia.

Add to the fray that Sweden has quite suddenly – as in out of the blue – offered to hear a statement from Assange after refusing to do so for four years, and it smells fishy. Very Fishy indeed.

The Swedish government and the Clinton’s have a history of tit-for-tat and it would not be surprising if the Clinton’s requested this arranged meeting with Assange. In 2015, it was reported that the Clinton’s set up a secret foundation in Sweden to collect $26 million from Swedish government interests. Why? To keep Sweden off the sanctions list when it was discovered they were illegally trading with Iran.

In 2011, the gross receipts of that foundation totaled about $63 million with assets of about $190 million. Between 2007 and 2011 the foundation received donations of over $515 million. Their 990 claims that their grants outside the US were all “Climate” related. Individual donors comprised the largest source of revenue, one donor providing over $20 million, another over $12 million, another over $8 million – etc… One of their grants was to their own Alliance For A Healthier Generation, and another to a political campaign. Related organizations include the William Clinton Foundation – UK, Clinton Global Initiative, Clinton Health Access Initiative, and the Clinton Foundation INSALINGSSTIFTELSE… registered in Sweden. Related inter-foundation transactions totaled about $23 million.

The 990 states that the foundation was formed in 1997 – four years before the Clintons left office – penniless.

But there’s more. The Clinton Guistra Sustainable Growth Initiative is yet another money maker incorporated in Canada. It received a pledge of $100 million from a Swedish-Canadian oil company that has less than reputable dealings with warlords in the Congo, Sudan and Ethiopia. Reports dealing with the Lundin oil company tactics included ‘scorched earth’ in which the land and its inhabitants were burned to death by the government to pave the way for the oil company. During this same time, Hillary, as Secretary of State, refused to sign a ‘certification’ program designed to protect human rights in mining companies in Africa. The certification would have been in conflict with their Lundin oil companies practices.

With the Clinton’s entrenched in ‘dealings’ with Sweden, I would think Assange might reconsider his meeting as potentially perilous. The timing is of course related to further emails that are slated to be released by WikiLeaks involving Hillary. Whether the meeting involves blackmail, harm, or a payoff – none of these outcomes would be – good. Trust is completely vacant.

Will the Media actually report the truth?  Or will they report what Soros tells them…

Hillary House Of Cards – WikiLeaks Exposes DNC Staffer Was Source

Death by suicide would seem to be the fate of a number of acquaintances and adversaries of Clinton.

Suicides are the mainstay it would appear for the politicians involved in the UK paedophile scandal, they are a mainstay for the 33 or so JP Morgan bankers, for various whistleblowers and journalists, and they are the defacto conclusion for the Clinton entourage.

Seth Conrad Rich was gunned down in NW DC while purportedly on his way to meet with the FBI – at 4AM. At 4:20am he was walking down the street from his brownstone talking on the phone with his girlfriend and was shot in the back. His hands, face and knees were bruised. That would mean he was attacked and assaulted before being shot twice in the back. The police report states it was a ‘botched robbery’, but nothing was stolen.

Hillary had little to no sympathy for the murder, instead invoking her platform for greater gun control… And yet the media attack Trump over a comment about Muslim Brotherhood co-hort, Khizr Khan drew media attention for weeks?

Rich was hired by disgraced Debbie Wasserman as data director for voter expansion – meaning advocating for greater voter turnout by eliminating any state requirement for a picture ID. But the DNC was hacked, emails were leaked, and Wasserman resigned as a result. Wasserman willfully corrupted the DNC agenda by quashing Sanders – thus the voters were discredited, nullified or perhaps ‘mis-counted’ – as the primary was rigged.

Voter fraud is rampant in the US. Voter counting fraud is rampant in the US. Look no further than Florida which routinely counts a 130% voter turnout… and no one does anything – it is a yawn.

Could Rich have discovered the Wasserman discrepancy? Was he the source of the Wikileaks? In fact, Assange alluded that the source would be an embarrassment to the DNC, Perhaps one day the source or sources will step forward and that might be an interesting moment some people may have egg on their faces.”

Fast forward, Shawn Lucas serves the DNC with papers alleging a fraud class action suit for their corrupt handling of the Sanders campaign and he is found dead the two weeks later – unresponsive on his bathroom floor. Unfortunately toxicology tests can take more than six weeks.

Hillary again – no comment.

Victor Thorn, prominent and prolific writer of conspiracy theories and anti-Clinton pieces is found dead by a “self-inflicted” gunshot wound. How do they know it was self-inflicted? They found no ‘evidence to suggest otherwise’, but they also found no ‘evidence of suicide’ – it is simply the go to explanation for a hugely successful, diligent, productive individual who had no reason to kill himself.

HOUSE OF CARDS: List of Hillary ‘purported’ crimes:

1) email server breach

2) Benghazi deaths

3) Foundation illegalities

4) Foundation charitable contributions tally in at just 9%

5) Saudi connections

6) George Soros/Rothschilds puppet

7) Whitewater; death of Vince Foster – by suicide – and the disappearance of files

8) Silencing of Billyboys mistresses

9) Looting, damage and theft of White House property at the conclusion of Bill’s term

10) Illegally gaining access to private FBI files on Bill’s mistresses

11) Sold high tech secrets to China in return for donations to Bill’s campaign

12) Cash for pardons at the end of Bill’s term

13) Has been personally indicted for her absolutely disgraceful and rageful behavior when out of sight of the ‘lime-light’

And numerous lies upon lies that are routinely kicking her in the proverbial arse as she forgets what she has said: Mark Twain – “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”

And as for her treatment of the ‘gold star’ families of Benghazi… she said the parents were liars.  The latest fateful deaths sound like The Cleaner has been called in to tidy up the messes Clinton continually creates.  Soros is most likely furious that she is so incredibly – stupid for getting caught – as in Nixon did what all President’s do – but he was stupid enough to get caught.

And still, our good ole boys and gals of the GOP Establishment state that the reason they can’t vote for Trump is because of his offensive comment about Khizr Khan, temperament, and because he reads The National Enquirer – therefore, they prefer to support fraud, corruption, collusion, suspicious murders, slander, lying, cheating, tax fraud, illegal server usage, narcissistic rages, possibly espionage, blackmail and Sharia Law.

And while the GOP and Congress might endorse each other with pats and kisses and champagne toasts – they have about 11% of THE PEOPLE on their side.  Not a good tally for re-election.

DNC Hack Espionage…

Hillary’s private email server was secure… but the DNC, the State Department, US Military, the IRS, Anthem, Home Depot, JP Morgan Chase and the White House servers are breached continually by “suspected Russian hackers”, according to the FBI?   In fact, the breaches go unnoticed for upwards of a year before our top notch, super-duper, cyber security officials wake up…

How much do these security individuals make? Upwards of $350,000.

Who are the hackers?

Guccifer, the hacker who claimed to have breached Hillary, Colin Powell, members of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a host of prominent officials, had an IP address that was tracked to Russia.   Gasp, the FBI declared it was a Russian Hack Attack!  But he wasn’t Russian and he had no computer background whatsoever, he learned his trade from the Internet and sat in a remote town of Romania where he lived. So much for Intel.

Extradited to the US, he is supposedly languishing in Alexandria City Jail in Virginia. Although I imagine his services as a hacker are a negotiating talent, and his days will soon be fraught with champagne and caviar.

Guccifer 2.0 claims to be the newest DNC hacker with a physical address of “Eastern Europe”. So why does the media and the White House continually assert the blame on Russia?   Because it is a bit embarrassing to admit that your multi-million dollar security system was breached by a solitary individual just messing around for fun on a laptop. Pointing the finger at the Chinese government or the Russian government and decrying whimpers of ‘they were incredibly sophisticated’ sounds much more threatening and stirs up controversy and a ‘real enemy’.  Bahhhh.

The ‘hackers of the DNC’ had apparently been inside with full access for a year – or more. That’s pretty embarrassing. They breached financial data and emails. They made a mockery of the Democrat Party and their intense obsession with money, and they exposed the blatant hypocrisy of their arrogance.

DNC officials and the Hillary redirecting blame will probably surface in the next batch of hacked emails.

The FBI has actually made no allegation that the cyber attack came from Russia, the only source of this allegation is from – ta-da…Hillary. But the fact of the matter is, everyone is spying and hacking on everyone, because that’s what we do!   No one is secure, and no one is free of hackers. Period.

It reminds me of the stories my dad used to tell me about his days in East Berlin before the Wall when he was in Defense Intelligence. They routinely held ‘spook parties’. Spooks from every country, Britain, France, Australia, Germany, Russia, US, Canada, etc… would attend these soirees and pretend they didn’t know everyone was a spook.   Everyone would chit-chat and wait for the one who couldn’t hold his liquor to lose his tongue.  Having a flair for humor, my dad took to wearing a long black cape, a black fedora, and sport his faithful weapon – a riding crop. Of course, his gun was always a part of his attire as well.

Cyber hacking has become so commonplace, so easy, so ho-hum, and everyone is hacking each other. Obama’s plan to assert sanctions on countries who hack would be hypocrisy at its finest given we would have to sanction – ourselves.

A better plan? Find some decent Eastern European Romanians willing to work for the US government at ¼ of the going rate because it would seem they are better than the ‘experts’ being employed now.

Plan B? Don’t use your email account for slanderous juvenile memos. Create a new form of communication. Use code. And don’t be so incredibly stupid. Because everything you say – will be hacked, especially if you are in any way connected to the government, politics, and political donations. It’s a fools world. And if being within inches of the President makes you feel all warm and fuzzy? You really need a life…

Feels like junior high school at its finest.