CRITICAL RACE THEORY: A Bolshevik Playbook

WHO is minding your children?  

Public schools have become the central voice for your children’s minds.   Children leave home and spend 8-10 hours of their day under the thumb of liberal propaganda exploitation.   It is the most aggressive ploy of the Communist manifesto agenda.   A child’s mind – programmed.

Ever notice how submissive and cowed the people of China tend to act. They live in fear.   Their life could be extinguished if they so much as look at a person wrong.   Say something wrong and in China the police will sweep you off the street never to be seen again.

Public schools have adopted this strategy and we are only now fully WOKE.

The plan was executed decades ago when women were told that unless they worked their lives were empty, useless.   Advertisers then decimated television with more and more products that we all had to have otherwise we were ignorant of value.   Debt was a marker of wealth.

In 1946 household debt represented 15% of gross domestic product, by 2008 it was 100%.   Saving to buy something was no longer required as credit demolished our economy.   The more debt, the more women worked, a cycle without an end.   “Keeping up with the Jones” was the meme, people laughed, and then they bought. They bought more and more.   Children were relegated to Child Care institutions as young as 3 months.   Mom needed to work to help pay for more debt.

It was a Playbook.

Ultimately, parents lost control of their children and the indoctrination was perfected.

Today, children are being taught utilizing a methodology reminiscent of communist doctrine.   China calls them ‘re-education camps’.   We call them – schools.

Teachers teach that being white is racist.   Whites should be eliminated.   Whites need to be re-educated. Because blacks in America are the true majority and have been systemically hurt by all whites.   Whites children take this mantra as reality and revolt.

Never mind the actual statistics. History will be burned.   Children will be led to believe that blacks represent 60% of America – and they will believe because there is no one to tell them differently.   Mommy and daddy are over their head in debt and think if they just make more money somehow that burden will be relinquished.   They vow to spend more time with their children – next year, and then next year.   Until suddenly they find their children being told parents should be killed because they represent white supremacy.

One of the new class requirements is Critical Race Theory.   What does it mean?

Critical Race Theory is the view that the law and legal institutions are inherently racist and that race itself, instead of being biologically grounded and natural, is a socially constructed concept that is used by white people to further their economic and political interests at the expense of people of colour.

This is the core of divide and conquer. If you are white and don’t subscribe then you are a supremacist. If you are black and don’t subscribe, then you are an Uncle Tom.   While the concept is not a new ploy, it has been successful historically.   The Bolshevik Revolution used this sort of tear down mentality to persecute and ultimately control the population of Russia in 1917.   Youth, peasants, the workers were targeted.   They were told their lives and livelihoods were oppressed and the only way to achieve equality was through annihilation, destruction and murder.    Lenin, Stalin, and their mercenaries convinced the poorer populace to arm and fight in order to assert their victimhood.   It is estimated that this Communist revolt led to the deaths of 61 million in Russia, and 200 million worldwide.   At the time estimates put the world population at 1.7billion meaning 11% of the global population died under Communist rule.   That would equate to 860million dying today.

The New Green Deal mimics the ideals established in the Bolshevik rule including: elimination of private property, slavery, violence, mass murder, starvation, and economic collapse.   The next sixty years was terror.

And these are the same ideals espoused by Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory, and Antifa.   The Bolsheviks were anti-fascist too.   They were sheep led to slaughter under the guise of a utopian world. Instead they got Hell.

With Africa mostly communist, much of South America, China, and Canada, EU and Australia closing in as their socialist regimes sway further into Marxist rule, the US is alone in our fight!

This is not something that simply happens of its own volition, this was planned, orchestrated, and fulfilled.   We are now literally one small step away from losing our country, our livelihoods, our freedom and our lives just as the Bolsheviks did. Just as the Chinese did under Mao.

Why? Why do they want this devastation?

Because to them it will heighten their control, their power, and infuse their desire to be above values, ethics, morality and law.   Their freedom is ruled by satanic will.   A world of peasants, slaves and puppets whose only purpose to to serve them.   Not God.   But them.

This is truly our LAST and only chance to not succumb.   Don’t let this moment go to waste. Don’t give up ! FIGHT!



Fred:   “Larry did you get ahold of Tedros and ask him what we’re doing this year?”

Larry: “Yeah, he said we’ll do Yamagachi, Colorado and H1N1.”

Fred:   “Earl, how much Yamagachi we got left?”

Earl:   “We got enough for maybe 20 million vaccines max.”

Fred:   “Larry did you call Mitch at Pyzer?”

Larry: “Way ahead of you boss, Mitch said he’s got plenty of Yamagachi, but he’s short on H1N1, he’ll do a 2 for 1 trade. No barter.”

Fred: “Damn!   Alright, but we want North America this year.”

Larry: “I’ll ask, but lible to be problematic… unless…”

Fred:   “Unless what? “

Larry: “Well if we could get WHO and the CDC to collaborate and put out some really nasty news, death… that sort a thing, well, maybe we could bump our profits and I could buy that Cessna I’ve always wanted…”

Fred:   “Well, not a bad idea, a lot of middlemen to payoff though… I dunna know…”

Larry: “Geez Fred where have you been, I’ll just call Bill, and we’ll narrow the field, cut down on the sharing. We’ll tell everyone there are seven competitors, the seven tribes, hahaha.   Anyway, then we’ll eliminate half with bad outcomes and after a few more failures, we’ll select three.   Bill will own all three. ”

Earl: “Perfect!   I’m in.”

Fred: “What the eff, you need some Prozac Earl if you think you’re getting shite.”

Earl:   “Well given I know…”

Fred: “Hil, we need a suicide.   Think you can make it happen.”


Earl:   “That Hil?”

Fred: “What was your first clue dumbarse?”

Earl:   “Sounds like Hil is in and I’m goin’ to walk down my dumb arse street at 3am in one of the highest crime districts in DC whistling Dixie…”

Fred: “Don’t worry, we’ll make it look like a robbery. Your girlfriend gets a nice life insurance payout, and we’re all even.”

Larry::“Mitch called and if you get North America this year, they’ll take Africa for the next three years.”

Fred:: “That’s Bullhonkie, Everyone knows Africa is the next Big Bang!   Those communist dictators must have made a deal with Mitch under the table. They know something…”

Fred: “Stall em. I’m calling Randy at Gllax.”

Larry: “What do you want me to tell the beast?”

Fred:   “I don’t give an arse.   Tell her we have a new and improved island getaway, that’ll shut her trap.”

Larry: “Roger.”

Fred: “Roger’s dead.”

Larry:  “No, I mean like… Roger…”

Fred:   “Roger was a loose thread in the blanket.”

Larry: “Yeah, whatever.”

Fred: I m done, I got some serious hatchin’ to do on my laptop .”

Larry:   “You mean ‘hacking’ Fred.   Hackin’.”

Fred:    “No. I mean hatchin’, the kind you do when you peel back that virgin and…”

Earl: “You make me sick, you Larry:   are one sick scum!”

Fred:   “I may be, but I’m alive, and you, you are dead.”

Larry:   “Hey Fred, Tedros just called, he says he get’s 50%…!”

Red:   “WHAT THE EFF?   We’ve never paid him more than 20%, what’s the freak story?”

Larry:   “Trump.   Says, profits have been hit pretty awful.”

Fred:   “Hil, we got problems.”


Larry:   “What the heck that mean?”

Fred:   “Ok.”

Larry: “And you take that crap?”

Fred: “I’m alive ain‘t I ?” What’d Randy at Glax say?”

Earl:   “HAHAHA, I heard Randy says you’re the next victim, they’re takin’ you out of the competition! Sorry Nova, bye-bye!”

Fred:   “Earl, go take a walk.   Larry, call Centennial and get my plane ready …”

Larry: “The wife and kids?”

Fred:   “Eff that!   Call Ocacia and tell her to be there or take a slow kayak from China.”



George Soros – Four Sons and A Daughter: Behind The Cabal Empire

George Soros is an old man.   Yet he still garners attention as the Man behind the Swamp.   And perhaps that is done purposefully.   At the age of 90 he has managed to deflect attention from the real threats; his 4 sons and daughter.  Follow the Money – means follow the network of organizations that are affiliated with the siblings who seek to fulfill their father’s wishes and control The Empire. The New World.   A World that the UN states must be governed under One Government.  

While The Open Society and Soros are the targets for conservative pundits, it would appear that the Soros siblings are now running the show behind the red curtain of OZ.   Each sibling has been given a genre to direct as the platform constantly mutates into a thousand platforms generating a thousand more – EACH:

Jonathon Soros:

Friends Of Democracy – is the brainchild of Jonathon Soros.   A Super PAC that originally claimed to be fighting the use of Super PAC’s for campaign financing and sought to abolish the Electoral College.   In reality its primary function was to aid and abet anarchy. In 2015, a confidential document dating from 2014 detailing the means and function of protesting and riots began circulating. Handlers are called ‘agitorgs’.   Payment terms are detailed with bonuses for for aggravated attacks that are videoed. Behavior, props, and aggressiveness are dictated by the locales designated agitorg.   Initials and signatures are on some of the pages.

Politifact, which is funded by Facebook through the Poynter Institute, has declared the document to be fake.    But there is no evidence to support that conclusion.

In 2014, FOD merged to form Every Voice. David Donnelly is the President and CEO of Every Voice and his name appears on ‘confidential document’ mentioned above.   Initially raising upwards of $40 million in revenues annually, by 2017 their finances dwindled drastically.   They have not filed their required Form 990 since.

Democracy Alliance is another affiliated organization. Members include George Soros, Tom Steyer, and a host of Big Labor Unions. They openly support Black Lives Matter.  Their strategy for the past 5 years has been to concentrate on state and local political ‘influence’, ie buy elections.   As a result 70% of mayors of the largest 50 cities across America are Democrat. The president of Democracy Alliance is Gara LaMarche.   He was formerly VP for Atlantic Philanthropies, which dissolved 9/2020. They funded the Atlantic Institute, which helped fund the passage of Obamacare. Prior to that LaMarche was VP at the Open Society Institute.   He is also a columnist for The Huffington Post and The Nation. Historically, The Nation has been diehard communist, advocating for The New Deal and nationalization of industries within a communist agenda.

New America. Top donors include Gates, Google, and US Department of State under the guidance of then Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. Within New America is the Open Technology Institute, which aims to provide a means of communication that does not utilize the Internet, cannot be hacked, is not subject to government surveillance, and is encrypted. Specifically, they claim it is a viable tool in – protests and crisis.   Funding initiated from the Knight Foundation and Department of State under Hillary Clinton.

Commotion is their main product.   It is deemed ‘the internet in a suitcase’ and acts outside of channels that can be hacked or surveilled by police, the military, the government, etc..

Alex Soros:

An interesting cadence of NGO’s follow this son.

National Domestic Workers Alliance claims to work for immigrants and domestic labor predominantly.   Its Director of Strategy is Alicia Gardner who co-founded Black Lives Matter.

Bend The Arc, which was created with the merger of Jewish Funds For Justice and the Progressive Jewish Alliance.   The organization has nothing to do with Israel, and little if nothing to do with Jewish people, instead they promote Palestinian and Muslim issues.   They were instrumental in supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement and have used the majority of funding to promote “Social Change”.

By definition, “Social Change” refers to the Socialist Revolution promoted by Marxism, as in a reincarnation of the Bolshevik uprising.   Or simply – anarchist activism.

Andrea Soros:

As the only daughter, Andrea gets little attention despite a heavy influence.

ACUMEN – In addition to Andrea’s duties for Open Society, she sits on the board of Acumen. They are one of the largest and first to enter the field of micro-finance concentrating in Africa, south Asia, and Latin America. Seed money for this NGO came from the Rockefeller Foundation and Cisco.   Partners include Gates Foundation, Clinton Foundation, World Bank and DOW Chemical.   Other partners include Pfizer, UBS and Tiffany & Company.   Tiffany and Company represent an interesting alliance given the Soros brothers are quite active in regulating and monitoring the south Africa diamond industry.   As in who is allowed into the club.

Acumen’s financials indicate Net Assets of $131,681,000 as of 2018.   Untaxed profits.

The 2018 Form 990 states that out of revenues of $34.6million – $1.6million was spent on actual Grants.   That would represent 4.6% of revenue was allocated to charitable programs.   Partners include Bill & Melinda Gates, Cartier Philanthropy (as in more diamonds) and the Omidyar Network.

Within each of these various organizations, NGO’s, that the Soros siblings are affiliated with are perhaps 20+ additional NGO’s , and each of those another 20+.   The sheer magnitude of the money laundered among these companies would have to conceivably be in the trillions.   Never taxed. And thus essentially funded by The People in the US and across the globe to benefit the 1%.

It isn’t just a Cabal or a Swamp, it is a Club. And belonging to The Club guarantees wealth beyond imagination!

It is also the companies within the companies that are dealing in the real dirty work – data mining, analytics, surveillance, policing education, crafting media, deleting history, and collapsing the US.   Why the US?

Because The US People are the toughest to crack! And the ONLY way to destroy our country is to destroy The People.

Seattle – Democrat Mayors – Cities Destroyed By Anarchy

Reading liberal media is both hilarious and a walk on the wild side!  

Seattle mayor, Jenny Durkan and her media pundits have declared that the riots don’t exist. Lawlessness was disbanded when the CHAZ Zone was cleared 3 months ago, and everything in that regard now is simply freedom of speech.   But headlines would seem to indicate otherwise:   18 arrested at riot, 47 arrested at riot, 12 cops injured, looting stores, explosive hurling, 66 police injured, etc…etc…etc.

Which reality is real?

Ocasio-Cortez and other Democrats have outed themselves by openly stating that if Trump replaces the now deceased Ginsberg, riots will become bigger and more powerful!   Essentially, they are revealing the riots are CONTROLLED by them.

It isn’t just these city mayors who are collaborating in widespread destruction, it is prosecutors, the DA, and judges.   In Seattle, even when rioters are arrested, 65% or more released without charges and told to seek answers for why they are rioting from a licensed therapist…   Because jail time won’t do any justice.

Are the Rioters being released from psychiatric facilities?   Interestingly, the Seattle Foundation gives an enormous amount of funding to these institutions of mental health…  And it begins to seem plausible there is a connection.

Hundreds of businesses in Seattle that were already struggling with the Lockdown have been looted, set fire, and destroyed.   Who pays?

Most costs will be born by the insurance industry – including damage and looting, but that does not account for lost business, employees, income, etc…   And of course, rates will simply rise accordingly.   Unfortunately, many small businesses don’t have Comprehensive Insurance and have relied on the much cheaper – liability only.   Meaning, the destruction is a total loss.

Riding in on the storm front are lawyers ponying up for the inevitable class-action lawsuits that target the mayor and governor for basically – gross incompetence. Seattle is already facing a $400 million budget shortfall without consideration of the cost of the class action lawsuits.

What’s on the table?

Seattle Council members state they allocated $4 million to ‘address gun control’.   Not exactly sure how you ‘address’ gun control except that it sounds like the Pelosi scheme of creating a commission to review a commission to review a – commission.

However, gun laws in Washington are regulated by the state government not city governments, further confusing the monetary issue.

But Washington has bigger problems.   Their unemployment rate is 14.4%, and outstanding debt is $6 billion which averages $13,150 per person according to Debt Clock.   But mayor Durkan believes Climate Change is a number one presser.   Secondly, she endorses focusing on the ‘greatest civil rights reckoning’ and CoVid.  Oh brother, wherefore art thou?

Oddly, the rampant arson fires that have plagued Seattle since the riots began are ignored.   Construction sites are a prime target, but a Lutheran Church was set on fire and completely destroyed as well as a juvenile detention facility. The Fire Department has stated that at least 13 large fires are attributable to arson, one damage estimate tallying $5 million.

Durkan’s claim to fame rose in 2009 when Obama elected her US Attorney for the Western District of Washington.   In this role she created a civil rights department and began investigations into police brutality. Durkan won her mayoral votes after being sponsored by Comcast, Vulcan, Amazon, CenturyLink and Starbucks.   In essence they bought her and she must now do their bidding.  Donations were siphoned via a political action group within the Seattle Chamber of Commerce.    Leading members include: Microsoft, Boeing, Kaiser, Alaska Airlines, Port of Seattle and Blue Cross.  Donations to Durkan’s campaign were the largest in history.

Of the 50 largest cities in the US, 35 are democrat controlled – 70%, 3 are Independents who vacuously lean Democrat.   They would also appear to rank the highest based on crime statistics and poverty rate.    Detroit leads the pack with a poverty rate of 30.6% followed by Philadelphia and Houston.   Mayors in these states always seem to win by a landslide.  No contention.

There are No Coincidences.  But there are FACTS!

Civil War – A Feminine View

So many stories to tell, stories behind closed doors, stories of love, of anguish, of failed lives and wishes that were never realized.   And still we each believe that our own story is bigger, more intricate, more sad.   Until somehow, a blustering wind blows through and reveals the travesty of barren land.

The grass is like stalks of scraping corn, lashing our legs as we romp through it’s fields.   Exalted in delight we know nothing of what it means to be a coward and gleefully embark on what is simply a moment in time.

You are simply you, and I am simply I, and the world is simply an extension of nature. That is all. And that is all it should be.

But somewhere in the sphere of evolution reality embraces us and for some, that reality is rooted in far more cryptic places than others.   And a schism is revealed.   But for those of the more refined years, we remember a wholly different world.

While some talk of great-grandparents, I can only attest to my parents and to a lesser degree – their parents.   Because such things were rarely discussed, and less likely debated!   Privacy was everything.   And one would not dream of challenging that morality.

I suppose I am considered of the generation that altered the internal makings of America, the US.   We created the feminists, the druggees, the rioters, the extremists, and even the anarchists!   They were born of my generation.   And I feel that despite this nuance, I, personally, am not to blame.   Any more than I, personally, am not to blame for the Fall of the Roman Empire and the succeeding Dark Ages.

And whether ‘blame ‘ is relevant, seems of no consequence as we spiral into the abyss that is reality.

My parents never argued in our presence, they never disputed what was appropriate for each of us, my five siblings and I, they relegated roles and those roles were absolute.   It would seem, that the absence of those roles is at the forefront of the decimation we now call normal.

Earth has actually changed little compared to those that inhabit its wealth of abundance. Our climate has changed, as it always has… our environment has seen much devastation, as it always has, and yet everything is considered – more different than it ever has been.

Art is frail.   Few can appreciate the images in the clouds.   Or the color of the horizon.   Fewer can understand the value of relation or comprehend its objective, its gift, or its worth.   Only a coward flees relationship.   The one meaning that gives us life.   The bastion of existence.

I look upon the expanse of mountains and sky across the perimeter that is my view and see God’s creation in it’s fullest.   I see the purple mountains that are now called ‘green’, the blistering blue sky that has been colored red, and the staunch demonstrative trees that defy definition or death despite the cholera of viruses levied upon them.

There is a stillness in the air tonight.   As though nature is waiting.   The birds are quiet. The squirrels have gone into hiding, and all life awaits in trepidation what will be – tomorrow.

I am told to purchase more guns.   I am told that within a few short months, my life will likely be expired. And it will not be without torture and pain. And somehow, these men of allegiance and defiance seem to believe that I, as a female of a different generation should confront and fire!   Alone.

And I begin to wonder are the heroes heroic?   Or do they simply splay the words as it becomes every ‘person’ for themselves?   And heroism is simply another term to describe self.

I am ambushed by descriptions of women who are not ‘feminine’ by men who are not masculine.   And the lack of masculinity is decried as a direct product of the failure of women.   Which women?   Me…?

Would you rescue me?

Unfortunately, the answer is – no.

Would you protect me?

Unfortunately, I am lumped into the feminist and the answer is – no.


Because.   Because somewhere in the cycle of life, feminists altered the schism and thus gave men a pass to no longer care.   And in that schism, some of us are left to fight a cold war without a gun.   I may be a victim of the post election trauma, and that is seemingly more and more plausible.   But telling me to ‘get a gun and fight like a man’ has about as much viability as me telling you to dress like a woman and dance a jig.

It defines the cowardice of manning up to protect and commit.   And shows that men have derailed themselves into a world defined by those whom they call abhorrent connivers, stealers, whorers, and unworthy – while justifying their means.

Yes, this describes some, not all, and yes, this would tend to describe those within my sphere, and no, I am not a feminist, but – in my passing, I would say, I gave my all!  I tried.  I am afraid.   And I will likely be – expired.

President Trump Accusations From Three Misfits

Disgruntled employees coming out of the woodwork, decades past women claiming groping, a nasty book, headline status, these people truly reveal their own lack of respect, honor or integrity.   Boldly attacking our President is all the rage and has the same mentality as BLM members hitting 84 year old women to feel powerful. 

The latest travesty of a human being would appear to be a former ‘staffer’ for Mike Pence who’s job was to provide copies of briefings and coordinate meetings. Olivia Troye was a glorified assistant who was fired because she regularly goofed off and didn’t perform her tasks.

And the gators were waiting on the sidelines to grab her and offer her a ‘stipend’ to make glorified pre-election trouble.

The Department of Homeland Security where Mz. Troye was employed has 230,000 employees.   And the media has elevated Mz. Troye’s vocation from assistant runner errand girl to:   Intelligence Official, Coronavirus Task Force Lead, Counterterrorist Advisor, Strategic Policy Advisor…   Despite a liberal Arts degree as her background.

Olivia Troye.     Prior to working as an aide to VP Mike Pence she worked in the Obama administration as an “Advisor to the Director of Intelligence”.  I can’t find that exact job title anywhere.

Her LinkedIn Page has been revised and updated as of September 2020 and states that she is a graduate from the National Defense University.   In researching past alumni from 2000 thru 2018, her name does not appear. In addition she claims to have graduated from the Naval Post Graduate School 2018-2019.   School alumni are officers of the Army, Navy and Air Force. Their catalog does not identify course work in ‘assistant’, or in ‘strategy & policy’ as she states.   She claims to have been in the Intelligence & Analyst department of Homeland Security which requires a degree in computer science or mathematics – she had neither.   Mz. Troye was a liberal arts major in college… not a part of any military detail.

In other words, it would appear that her ‘payment’ for making public accusations against President Trump included a New Resume.   And a New Job.

Troye now works for the National Insurance Crime Bureau, an NGO that focuses on insurance fraud.   The NICB home-page highlights a tweet by Jeffrey Guterman who has been a very vocal anti-Trumper from the beginning, announcing Troye’s ‘reassignment’ to this organization as VP of Strategy Policy & Plans.    

The powers-that-be made one more strategic error in her Resume on LinkedIn.   Troye claims to be working in the Washington, DC Office, but Officers work at the Headquarters location which is in Illinois – Operations Agents are assigned to various locations including Fairfax, Virginia.   Sigh – competency errors reign!

In conclusion, it would appear the lovely Olivia Troye was given a very lovely new identity so as to expand her potential employability.

Amy Michelle Dorris.   The newest wannabe famous President Trump accuser has her mother and an unidentified friend corroborating her claims that Donald Trump groped her 23 years ago.   Her story is fragmented at best with inserted adjectives and verbs that are reminiscent of a spy novel by Grisham.   Dorris’ resume?   She was a model and actress doing bit parts for a variety of television shows.   And she dates those days sometime around 1997, the same year she attached to her then rising star boyfriend, Jason Binn.   Binn founded a publishing company, Niche Media in 1998 which focused on luxury magazines including fashion, art, entertainment, etc…   He and Donald Trump were good friends at the time.  But it would appear, Binn’s status as boyfriend quickly evaporated.

According to Dorris, she, Binn ,and her mother were together at a US Open tournament. Exiting the VIP Box bathroom, Dorris claims to have been accosted by Donald Trump.   VIP Boxes are relatively small. Despite her boyfriend and mother being relatively a few feet away, no one heard or saw anything – including her supposed ‘frantic pleas to stop!’.  More than a bit odd.

Even more confusing is Dorris’ claim that she had to later ‘call her mother’ and friend to tell them what happened,   Even though the picture she provided as evidence of her attendance showed her mother – present… Oops.

Dorris never did accrue any fame, her modeling career went nowhere, and her Hollywood bit parts failed to garner anything more lucrative.   At some point she married Chris Shane Dorris and gave birth to twins in 2007ish – which obviously ended career efforts as a model.

According to MyLife, Chris Dorris has been involved with criminal and/or civil litigations.   They live in a small house worth about $90,000, and a career comeback was not proving hospitable.

Mary Trump:   Donald Trump’s niece, Mary, wrote a scathing book about her uncle. Mary’s father died of alcoholism at the age of 42, when Mary was just 16 and her mother died 20 years later at the young age of 62.  Mary received her bachelors and masters in literature before getting a PhD in Clinical Psychology.   The degree supports the study of dysfunction and personal development.

Mary Trump is gay, divorced, an ardent supporter of Hillary Clinton, and contested her grandfather’s will because she felt he did give her enough money.   The lawsuit did not find in her favor.   She illegally gave President Trump’s tax returns to the media and has certainly revealed her deeply contrived hatred for her uncle which seems to stem entirely from financial entitlements. The true “Dysfunction” would seem quite apparent given Mary grew up with her mother who had no work credentials and divorced her alcoholic father when Mary was just 5.

Someone once said to me, “If you claim you didn’t grow up in a dysfunctional family you are either lying or in denial”.  

In the end, these accusations seem to stem from places of anger, entitlement, and a failed career.   Money would seem to be rooted in the core.   And in that core a bitterness evolves like a cancerous tumor.   It is a wish to hurt President Trump as deeply as they feel they are hurt because hurt should be shared.

CoVid19 – Biowarfare or Virus Engineering; The New Normal

Before Bill Gates and Fauci came screaming on the Corona Virus scene, virologists were all claiming the virus was man-made, ie genetically engineered.   And in fact acknowledge that genetic engineering or viruses is common. In fact, it is believed the intent of the engineering was to make people immune to all corona viruses.

In 2018, China claims to have created genetically engineered babies immune to HIV, smallpox and cholera by mutating the CCR5 gene so as to protect them from infection.     In January 2020, A single injection of a new gene therapy protected mice from the effects of sarin and other deadly chemical warfare agents for months.  Genetically manipulated viruses is – age old, common, universal, and not without risks….

Researchers in India stated that they found 4 inserts in the Corona Virus which are unique and not in any other coronavirus.   Those inserts are spike proteins found in HIV-1-gp120. Such inserts are unlikely to be a natural event.   The suggestion is that the virus was being genetically engineered as a biowarfare weapon while simultaneously China had developed a gene mutation process that would render their people immune.

In a biowarfare situation the implications are to eradicate a portion of society while assuring certain populations are immune.

The concept is hardly new.   The Zika virus was also suspect to be the result of genetically engineered mosquitoes.   Genetically altered foods are injected with viruses to alter their chemistry.   The concept was created to create vaccines for animals so as to reduce the death rate and increase available food proteins.

But then Bill Gates decided that same concept could be used for alternate purposes on humans – and the vaccine world went literally – bananas.

Early on in the virology discussions of CoVid, it was evident that the proof is in the virus itself: The tools for genetic insertion are still present as remnants in the genetic code. Since these unique gene sequences don’t occur by random chance. The conclusion was that the release of CoVid was likely accidental – although the research may have been either vaccine related or biowarfare related.   In the event it was biowarfare, it should be acknowledged that within the defense industry this means of warfare is the future for ALL countries.

Within the genetic engineering sphere of science, a pShuttle sequence is a common vector used for analysis.   The pShuttle leaves behind a unique code or fingerprint of the ‘genetic modification’ that can not be attributed to anything else.   Thus the 4 inserts as established by virologists early on in the release of CoVid.

So why was it so important to deny the facts? The Truth? Why did media after media report that the virus was a bat derivative?

Enter – Bill Gates.

He saw an opportunity and he launched his agenda.

Tucker Carlson recently interviewed a Hong Kong defector who claims that she has proof the virus was genetically engineered.   And despite the fact that this was the scientific analysis early in the chaos, the media and a host of unqualified ‘top scientists’ are now claiming otherwise.   Why?   Because Bill Gates needs the money.

And what this uneducated, marketing guru says, suddenly becomes Science.

When the information was released that the virus originated in China, damage control went into full gear. That meant deflecting blame from China to ‘bats’.   Despite every major news outlet being directed to recreate the cause and origins, the battle failed. And instead of acknowledging that China was conducting lab work in virus immunity, as ias every country in the world, they game sought to recreate truth – when truth would have likely been an easier battle.

Trillions of dollars had been invested in China.   They had more people to indoctrinate and vaccinate than a dollars could dream.   Sparing China became the targeted mantra, and in effect, became their downfall.   What to do… what to do?

Fabricate.   Instill a global chaos.   To protect the investments of the elite who coveted their money and had little value compassion for anyone outside their circle.

Once Pandora’s Box was opened, putting the insects back inside was not possible – and thus the powers were forced to create lies upon lies upon lies to protect their financial interests.

It is not unlike the bizarre media display of Biden whose obvious mental failures preclude any honest depiction – and yet they are stuck.   The Democrat train has no alternative other than to support a severely lapsed dementia patient, because they have no Plan B!

All this begs – the entire global elite with all their resources, money and control, could do nothing better…   perhaps because their elitism does not define their intellect or their Art of War.

And instead defines how far they are predisposed to self annihilism.


NETFLIX Not so CUTIE: Child Porn is Not Cute.

NETFLIX has been getting quite a bit of publicity given their choice to air the very controversial child porn style movie, Cuties.   Billed as a ‘comedy’ the backlash has been quite heated and has raised the awareness of films sexualizing children.   Produced by Sylvain de Zangroniz who goes simply by the name Zangro, this would appear to be his fourth attempt at movie making and his first full length.

His deleted Wiki page states that he is French with dual citizenship:   France and Israel.   The Writer/Director,  Maïmouna Doucouré, has one previous credit – with Zangro which features another Senegalese child. The cast are all newbies to the industry having no movie, film, or any background experience whatsoever.

The film made its debut at the Sundance Film Festival.   Sundance was founded by Redford and sterling Van Wagenen, a convicted child sex offender.

So why would NETFLIX choose to air this bizarrely inane exploitive film?

NETFLIX:   As usual, the Officers and Directors of Netflix are a Who’s-Who of everything nefarious: Aspen Institute, Facebook, Google, McKinsey & Co., Zillow, National Democratic Institute – and Disney.   Notably, Susan Rice sits on the Board having served under both Billy and Barack. Pun intended. And then there is the $65 million deal made between Obama and Netflix upon his removal from office.

The CEO of Netflix serves on the board of a number of educational organizations which partner with schools across the country to help them determine what they should – teach.   One such organization is KIPP, whose co-founder was facing allegations of sexual abuse as of 2018.   Another group is Pahara Institute which partners with the Aspen Institute.

The Aspen Institute is funded by Gates Foundation, Carnegie Corporation, Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation and Lumina Foundation which also claims to serve education in the US.

Lumina:  According to the IRS 990 form for Luminar, they paid HCM Strategists LLC roughly $2.8million.   HCM states that their partners include Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the George Bush Institute. Cornerstone Partners, is another outside organization which was paid $2.8 million.  Cornerstone Partners provides investment services.  They are doing a bang up job because Lumina’s balance sheet reflects total assets, mostly in investments and cash, of $1.2 billion and virtually no liabilities.  I suppose deluding the IRS could be considered – educational.

In essence, Netflix CEO and executive management are well entrenched in education reform across the US in cooperation with Gates.   Working diligently to redefine history while creating a new standard of knowledge and culling of the most intellectual, they would appear to be wholly entrenched in The Swamp

Netflix and its supporters contend that Cuties is a pivoting movie that has a profound message about sexuality and feminism in young girls.   It attempts to showcase the idea that children who live in poor sections of major cities are exploited for their embrace of overt sexualization which they dub as ‘feminism’.   While it may have merit somewhere, instructing these 11 year olds in the seduction of strip tease and sexual vulgarity was wholly unnecessary unless – the motive was much more perverse.

According to a since edited version of Wikipedia, “directorial debut with that creepy-ass pedo movie on Netflix, Cuties (2020) which received decent reviews and accolades by a bunch of creeps and weirdos at several international film festivals.[1][2   Her bio originally declared she went to Paris University and despite being born and raised in Paris, she declares herself to be a refugee.   Later edits state that she actually went to Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris University became Pierre & Marie Curie in 1971) where she obtained a license in biology. In France a license is the equivalent of a 3 year degree and is given in either a general or professional application.   But according to the University website, there is no such thing as a license degree in biology.  A  Masters degree is required.  Which only further discredits the woman and her intentions.

Additionally, Wikipedia claims Maïmouna Doucouré won the 2019 Academy Gold Fellowship for Women from the Academy Women’s Initiative.   Unfortunately, this statement is also grossly false according to the award website. In fact the citation states the award was given in February when it is in fact an October announcement.   The only entry claiming she won is in WWD, a fashion magazine, that has obviously falsified the data.

“There are no results for The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, in partnership with Swarovski, granted a fellowship to French director Maïmouna Doucouré.”   According to Microsoft Bing.

Apparently, she never worked until 2017 when she directed a short film with Zandro, Maman, which was about an 8 year girl being raised by polygamists. How she made a living, how she went to university, remain ambiguous and/or nonexistent.   As a result it becomes problematic given the sexualized content of young, unattached, 11 year old girls providing a titillating show for some very wealthy buyers.

Perhaps she envisions herself as the next Ghislaine Maxwell…

The Marxist Movement in US: A Call To Civil War

The Weather Underground never died.   Black Panther Movement never died.   Black Liberation Army never died.   They simply carved new faces within the same delusion of hatred – collaborated with Islam – as well as the American Jewish World Service and infiltrated every institution in the US.   Their new names include Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

Regurgitated ideologies and violent action seem to be drawn straight from a playbook.   Destruction, division, arson, and hate were the game 60 years ago, when these terrorists embraced Marxism, targeted police for murder, and demanded all white people die.   The FBI tried to put away Bill Ayers only to have all charges dropped on a technicality.   Hypocrisy;   Ayers went to prep school before going to college on the coat-tails of his father whose wealth as CEO of ConEd gave the family much ‘privilege’.   After bombing 20 federal buildings, killing a guard and two of his cohorts, Ayers never went to prison.  Instead he secured a professorship at the University of Illinois teaching ‘education reform’.

The Center For Education Reform: states that the purpose is to ‘give learners a chance to shape their education’.     Essentially, this would mean students choose what they learn and teachers are simply placemats.

It is a complete failure!   Whether that failure was the goal is debatable.

Obviously with professors aligned in the Bill Ayers movement of anarchy we have managed to grow a deeply psychotic era wherein our youth are uneducated, obsessed with self, narcissistic, and groomed to believe that rage and terror are appropriate means of existence.

The man, Ayers, who characterized himself as the leader of the Red Army and relished the idea of murdering soldiers at Fort Dix was honored by Chicago for his role in ‘education reform’.

This is the ideology that was spread across the country in colleges and ultimately in grade schools teaching students to “Bring revolution home. Kill your parents.”

Common Core.   The Bill Gates brain child designed to get more minorities into college by implementing:   “a redesign of the SAT as of the spring of 2016. Changes included no penalty for incorrect answers, removal of obscure vocabulary words, making the essay optional, and a partnership with the Khan Academy to provide free test prep resources.”

In other words, everyone can go to college and everyone will pass and get a degree even if they are ignorant as rocks.

Today we are witnessing a full regurgitation of an Ayers model of Education Reform via revolution while the absolute dummy-down ignorance imposed by Bill Gates Common Core assures students who graduate they will get a job flipping burgers made from grass clippings.

One prominent partner in the Ayers Movement to create anarchy and revolution was his good friend, Barack Obama.

Put together the Deep State aligned a terrorist with a billionaire bent on depopulation and death with the President of the United States. A match made in Hell. 

Eric Mann, another white privileged terrorist from the Weather Underground and Black Panthers also contributed his knowledge and talents in reorganizing Revolution.   After serving a stint in prison for assault and conspiracy to commit murder, Mann worked as a journalist and joined a Chicano communist organization, ATM, which merged with a radical Chinese Marxist organization I Wor Kuen based in San Francisco.

Bill Ayers adopted son, Chesa Boudin, is the DA for San Francisco. His parents were both sentenced to prison for a Brinks robbery and felony murders of two police officers. Descended from a long lineage of left-wing Marxists, Chesa too led a privileged life attending Yale and Oxford. A good friend of Hugo Chavez, Chesa has been a driving force against police during his tenure as DA and has been praised by Human Rights Watch – the Soros organization.

For ten years Eric Mann mentored Assata Shakur, the self promoted leader of BLM in the art of anarchy and Marxism.  These radicals were allowed to skirt legal consequence so as to promote a far greater swathe of Communist Marxism throughout the US.

It is not about slavery, it is not about racism, it is a political movement similar to the Bolshevik uprising that laid waste to the Soviet Union for 70 years. Like Stalin, Ayers has called for re-education camps for 50 million Americans and death to those that refuse.

What would it take to walk back these radicals from education?

Without their leaders, these children of anarchy would crawl into a ball and weep.   They have no core, no strength, no courage, and certainly no intellect. Without those traits they are puppets beneath the kings who rule.   These rulers, including Ayers, Mann, Chesa, liberal governors and mayors etc… are guilty of incitement and treason.   They are betrayers.   They are attempting to overthrow the government.   And they have admitted to this being forefront in their ‘cause’.   It includes participation in a war against one’s country – riots.


The MEANS:   Domestic Terrorism means activities that—

(A)    involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;

(B)   appear to be intended—

(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;

(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or

(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping;

CALIFORNIA ON FIRE! West Coast Going, Going, Gone…

Black Lives Matter and Antifa have so consumed the media that the terrorist threat of Islamic Jihad has been ignored and tabled.

Wildfires are exploding across the west coast and once again instead of preparing to mitigate, knowing this is an annual occurrence, Governor Newsom has instead chosen to scream, “The Sky Is Falling” in his best imitation of Chicken Little.   For the past fifty years the fires have grown in girth and intensity taking land, human life, livelihoods, wildlife and animal life with them.   Each year the fires are said to intensify, each year the state does absolutely NOTHING in preparedness.

And in the meme of blame, denial of responsibility, Governor Newsom has declared they are ALL a result of Climate Change!

But that statement would go directly contrary to what the fire department has claimed each and every year – 95% are human caused.   Some arson, and some unintentional stupidity. Each time I hear these rabid excuses I am reminded of the Mark Twain quote, A lie can make it half way around the world before the truth has time to put its boots on.

Or worse, Goebbel’s infamous statement, “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it.”

These quotes represent the new norm, the mantra of our liberal politicians who fear for fear itself that truth might be revealed and their power usurped.   TO what end?   The entire west coast is on fire.   And despite all the history, all the reality, Governor Newsom would have us believe they were ALL started by lightening as a result of Climate Change.

In the German Deutsche Welle, an opinion piece by a female scientist lollygaggled along claiming the bushfires in Australia last year were a result of Climate Change.   But that was an outright lie. Reality is they were all arson and Australian officials caught and prosecuted over 200 youth who joked and laughed about their exploits – finding it all rather ‘fun’…

I suppose given the stretch of absurdity, the author could attribute Climate Change psychosis as the culprit. Climate Change given pandemics are now being cited as an escalation caused by Climate Change.   In that very scientific theory, apparently given that bats are a primary source of pandemic viruses, and people are having more interactions with them, pandemic viruses will escalate just like wildfires…

Personally, I can’t recall the last time I interacted with a bat. Just sayin’ for a friend.

While there have been in place means for helping to prevent wildfires through brush and litter clearing environmentalists have been opposed because it isn’t natural, and thus states have bowed to the result – absolute destruction.   Given that 95% of fires are not naturally started would seem to go over the heads of these proverbial environmental theorists.   And so instead – they burn.

August 4, 2020 a video was uncovered whereby ISIS called for arson as a Five Star terrorist tactic and showed California in flames. The video explained that guns are unavailable, but fire is much more destructive, not just in its death toll, but also in its economic devastation.   Far be it for ISIS to consider animal and wildlife deaths as anything but a consequence of jihad against the infidels.   A graphic in the video specifically draws a line between San Francisco and Sacramento as an area that would be most effective given the heat and density of flammable land.

At the end of the video ISIS suggests forest fires in the western United States, factory blazes in Canada, burning buildings in Europe, and agricultural fires in South America.

LA Times provides a blistering parody of reality in assuming that this years implosion which is five times greater than any other year past, is indicative of Climate Change and the author refuses to even acknowledge facts reported in each previous year in which arson is considered the primary cause.

Despite evidence, despite facts, Gruesome Newsom still argues Climate Change!   And does – nothing.   California, Oregon, Washington, your states are being decimated while Nero Newsom laughs at your expense.   These are the politicians that protect you, secure you, and provide for your livelihood…