I WONDER – IF they are going to burn down my state.   Will they blame the Climate as they light the tinder?   Likely.  Near My town the fires are blazing, burning out of control.   Out of Control.   650 homes and an entire mall gone in a matter of hours…   My son explained that it was so fearsome a person had literally 5 minutes from the time the fire hit their ‘street’ until it annihilated their house completely.    Winds topped 115 mph.

It has been a nasty la Nina, with dry dry conditions.   La Nina can last anywhere from 2 – 7 YEARS!.   We are in – maybe 10 months???

Some places dread earthquakes, others tornadoes, and still others hurricanes and floods, while Colorado has it’s own ‘wicked witch of the west’ which includes its seasons of disrepute; ie, winter, summer, spring or fall… HA.   Why do I live here?

My ex-husband used to say that he would sincerely miss my humor.   He used to say, ‘life with you is never boring’.   I took that as a compliment.   For me, the worst death would be a life that is – boring – or without a passion.  There have been a few that asked me to be less – than who I am.   Too this – too that.   So the person wants to be with me, except not the me that is me, the me, he wants to recreate to be me, so that I can then fall in step with his version of – me – and He will be happy.

But what about me?  I ask.  And he replies, “Who?’.


TRUMP Pushing The Vaccine: The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

The wolf in the room is beginning to take shape and the unthinkable is raising its ugly head…   WHY is Trump pushing the vaccine?   It contradicts everything the conservative movement stands for.   And ultimately frays the very core of trust. While instilling the notion that the last vestige of honesty is really – another pandering Big Pharma Lizard?

Lest we forget, Trump and family had the virus a year and a half ago and recovered with a protocol that included Ivermectin post-haste. Despite that medical salvation, Trump has been coming out advising everyone to take ‘the Jab’!   Which flies contrary to the man who was President just 1 year ago.

To speak of this is blasphemy.   But the Rumble cannot be diswayed.   And with no other ‘hero’ to cling to, the obvious spiral would be – was he part of the plan?   IF Trump had said nothing, at all about the vaccine the idea would never have entered our thought process that he might be the ultimate player. The fact that he now routinely pushes the Jab – is not doing well with my colleagues.

I was reading a comment on one of my blogs in which the author declared, I am beginning to think that the best government is no government. I see very little what any government does other than tax, fine, war, and limit freedom.’

While true – it actually unveils the Agenda of the Cult-Cabalists in how to invoke a One World Government.   And the answer is in front of us – by creating a government of idiots.   All of them.   Including not just the Biden/Harris lizard brains, but the totalitarian regime of Morrison’s Australia, Macron’s green passes, Germany’s Marxism, and Trudeau’s abject idiocy.

Faced with these ignoramuses, we will greedily accept a savior to ‘rid us’ of these unsavory, ridiculous governments that do NOTHING. BINGO.

Could Trump be the wolf in sheep’s clothing? The ultimate weapon to demoralize and then ultimately give us – nothing but the original objective?

Again, in my mind of minds, I keep hitting the wall of objective challenge.

IF in fact, the Cabalist want to purge society of anyone of intellect, what will stimulate them once the purge is complete?   Because the act of very purging is in effect their ‘joy’.   It titillates them.   Gives them something challenging to achieve. It keeps them stimulated.   But if they commit genocide of all those over 60, kill the oxygen necessary for the development of children’s brains, destroy the athletes, who is left?

Mid-western gun toters for one.

There are a few theories as to why Trump is suddenly offboard the Trump Train.   Money seemingly the number One explanation. Big Pharma spends three times as much as any other industry on the Elections.   So Trump didn’t want to get left out?

But Big Pharma has always played both sides – Blue and Red. They front the money to whomever until a clear picture of the winner is solidified.   Pharma was a huge donor in the 2016 Trump election and once he was elected, they pounced on funding the inauguration. They have no literal allegiance except to their own profits.

With a Biden presidency, Pharma was likely a presence at the Roundtable viing for more vaccines.   One explanation from the website medical xpress puts it into perspective with this analogy:   “Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna combined are making $65,000 per minute.”   JUST from the CoVid vaccine. The Pfizer vaccine was approved for over 16 years of age as of last August. Moderna and J&J remain unapproved.

The second suggestion is that Trump has been blackmailed which can flow the gamut including threats against him or his family members, or with a guarantee of the 2024 Presidency, assuming he even wants it.

And the third would be to actually use the Chicken Court to claim Trump incited the January 6th event and put him in the DC inferno. Forever.

The likely scenario is that the blackmail involves all three.

While the poor souls who decide to enter politics may be naïve – at first – the fact remains they all submit to the Money Powers eventually.   And unfortunately, Trump would appear to be – no different.

“THE MULTITUDES remained plunged in ignorance… and their leaders, seeking their votes, did not dare to undeceive them.” ~ Winston Churchill.

Whether Trump is or is NOT a fatality of the Cabal may have no value.

Predictions are rampant that Kamaltoes will not be in the White House by the end of 2022.   With her gone, it would be a quick and decisive impeachment of Biden for incompetence.   While some believe that means a Pelosi invasion, the Constitution would state otherwise.   Congress would be tasked with presenting nominees for a new President who would then have the discretion of selecting his own VP – which of course is done by the Cabal.   But it looks proper on ‘paper’.

It appears this is what Hillary anticipates.   She won’t be elected by ‘The People’, she would be elected by Congress – subject to their blackmail by Big Pharma and the Roundtable of Cabalists.

Personally, I don’t think that will happen.   I think Hillary is being staged – she’s too old and the Cabalists are well aware of their mortality.   Whoever they pick must be able to run their show for decades to come. Certainly not an easy task, and not one that would befit any government official known to man – globally…

At present, 2022 is NOT slated to be a ‘fun’ year.   Despite a mass exodus of Democrats from the grid, elections won’t happen until the latter part of the year, more than enough time to create some massive shape shifting.   An astute man noted that the media portrays their populace agenda within the frame of the 20% leading the 80%.   I tend to agree.

A nuclear attack on US soil would upend the Agenda which IS the preservation of Mother Earth – the annihilation of the undesirables who inhabit the soil is the point. That point would also extend to Ukraine which is not simply rich in soil, black gold, but is now also host to over 198 US conglomerates – including the likes of Pfizer and Boeing…

So. That would be self-destructive.

The eradication of Social Security recipients does make sense from their agenda point of view.   Yet, somehow, within this genocide, they need to preserve the intellectuals who will provide our tech, AI, and agricultural future.   As in Survival.

Hollywood – Sports – superfluous given AI will provide a much better, more professional, version.

Teachers are in shortage. Nurses. Doctors. And soon farmers will be squeezed out via the ‘supply shortage conflation’.  And AI will replace these heritages of occupations.

The scenario is not positive. But society has faced worse in its history of humanity.   My parents lived through the Depression and WWII.   My grandparents thru WWI.   And my Great Grandparents thru the Civil War.   We have a heritage.   And that heritage has always been the defining factor of Americans!

The Australian media loves to vilify Americans while their own citizens remain looked in Internment Camps.   The UK media loves to vilify Americans while their own government has literal physical brawls in Parliament. And German media loves to vilify Americans while eagerly submitting Marxism.


WE are the Warriors. And the ONLY way the Cabalists can make us complacent is to continually berate us with the illusion that we have lost before we even started fighting.

UNVAXXED are the Scourge of Civilization

The ‘UNVAXXED’ have become the Dalits, the Salem Witches, the lowest Caste, the Scourge of civilization. Not deserving of medical care for any cause not allowed to socialize, and now according to Fauci, not allowed to hug and kiss. Wouldn’t that fall under the UN’s International Human Rights Declaration and Law as a Violation?

The International Covenant came into effect in 1976 protecting:

  • the right to work in just and favourable conditions;
  • the right to social protection, to an adequate standard of living and to the highest attainable standards of physical and mental well-being;
  • the right to education and the enjoyment of benefits of cultural freedom and scientific progress.

“It prohibits arbitrary deprivation of life; torture, cruel or degrading treatment or punishment; slavery and forced labour; arbitrary arrest or detention; arbitrary interference with privacy; war propaganda; discrimination; and advocacy of racial or religious hatred.”

ALL of which are being espoused by governments across the globe against the unvaxxed!   Nowhere in the LAW does it say ‘except’ when a person refuses a vaccination.

IT isn’t just the Vax, It also does not provide an exemption for DC police and prison officials when torturing the January6th prisoners.

I thought the UN was supposed to be a universal body protecting ALL persons – not just the indigenous or the poverty stricken within Africa.   The UN tag line is “Peace, Dignity, and Equality’.   It does NOT say – just for Africa – or except for the unvaxxed , – and the DC prisoners. So why aren’t they doing their job?   If the UN contends to be the World’s Global Government, they are losing. Sorely!   You can’t be a savior when you are supporting deprivation of life, torture, and cruel treatment or punishment.

But then, Secretary General, Antonio Gutteres is full of joy and excitement given the prospect of a New Year 2022, stating:

“The world welcomes 2022 with our hopes for the future being tested by deepening poverty and worsening inequality…an unequal distribution of COVID vaccines…climate commitments that fall short, and by ongoing conflict, division, and misinformation”,

Ah! I feel so much better now knowing that we are in Good Hands…

As WHO blasts a forthcoming tsunami, Europe is back in lockdown over a ‘cold’, and the CDC is backing off its 72% Omicron to a readjusted guestimate figure of 22%.   Science is Failing Miserably.   Simultaneously, the CDC has announced the PCR test is slated to be completely declassed as of 12/31, the reasoning espoused by Director Wallensky, who appears to be near tears and cringing, is that the PCR test will show a positive result for 12 weeks, and cannot differentiate between CoVid and a Cold because they are both coronaviruses.   GOSH SHUCKS.

So what she is saying is that for 2 years the case counts are meaningless, and as per their previous footnote, only 6% of the actual true deaths were ‘from’ Covid, or possibly pneumonia or flu.   How delightful.   We should be celebrating – right?   It was all a funny joke.   Ha-ha.

Meaning a latent cold that you had a few years back is still a detectible virus within the 13 trillion inactive viruses living in your body at any given time. According to the PCR Test.

SO ALL these Case Counts – which are estimated using the Bill Gates algorithm, are further meaningless. But of course, they knew this all along because the inventor of the PCR Test, Kary Mullis – said so.

How Grand.

SO now the power that be states that despite plenty of shipping containers, and despite the fact that semiconductor chips are transported via cargo planes not ships, and despite the fact that ALL chipmakers have been fully ramped for roughly 9 months to a year – a shortage will continue.   Why?

Could it be that there are warehouses filled with boxes and crates of chips in China?   Taiwan?   Germany?   Anyone? Anyone?

As of August 17th, China declared that it had already manufactured 203.6 BILLION chips in 2021.   And that the shortage is a lie.

The US imports $53 billion in chips annually for cars and electronics within a global revenue of $474 billion representing just 11%.   The base cost per car in 2019 was roughly $312 each.   Next year, that cost will double. SURPRISE!   The electronic systems in a new car now comprise 40% of the cost of the entire car!!   Which also equates to ‘insurance rates’!    Lovely.

Roughly 17 million new cars are sold each year in the US.   That would require 5.3 billion chips or 2.5% of what “China” produced as of August. That would ALSO not include the production from Taiwan, Germany, Japan, Malaysia or The Philippines.

Where’s The Beef?

Obviously there is NO Chip Shortage – there is ONLY a Chip Contrived shortage to manipulate prices and spike Inflation.   I declare that to be a violation of my Human Right via non-discrimination as an American.   Where is the non-governmental, non-global, non-human right organization known posthumously as the United Nations?

Perhaps sleeping in Delaware? Walking the beach?   Or on vacation in Costa Rica?   YAWN.

You see.   Even the shortages are an illusion.   Just like the CoVid cases, just like the vax, just like the hospitalizations, and just like the death rate.   Contrived. And despite mathematical proof that all this is a LIE, the governments, the UN, NATO, WHO, continue to ignore the fact that 5+4=9.   And instead propagate the New Math illusion that 5+4 might = 12.

Just as it did in Alice in Wonderland ruled by the Evil Queen and her mascot – the Cheshire Cat.  

GERMANY Playing Chicken With Russia Over NordStream II

German politicians are playing a game of chicken with its citizens all packed into one car.   The game is about Pride.   Taunting continues unabated.   Increasing the shame of yielding.   The other car is driven by Russian politicians.   But their car is a remote controlled Tesla.   If Russia loses, they forfeit their car and nothing else.   If Germany loses, vast numbers of their population will suffer and die.   

AND yet, the Germans fly head on into a collision course.

The game is gas, heating oil for German citizens and the failure of German politicians to simply sign off on Nord Stream 2 as was always planned.   Instead, Germany is sending their car over the cliff unyielding.   I’m sure the politicians have no shortage of heating oil for their own residences.

It is a business deal.   That Germany turned into a political turmoil at the behest of The Handlers.

Financing includes loans from banks including Deutsche Bank and CommerzBank of Germany, as well as investors and directly from Gazprom. Financial advisors from various banking institutions were employed as were legal advisors.   The original backers include; Germany, France, Estonia, the Netherlands, and Austria.   The critiquers include: Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Czech Republic and Slovakia. All former transit points.

The main point of contention comes from Ukraine.   The pipeline does not go thru Ukraine and thus ‘transit fees’ that Ukraine charged Russia for the privilege of going thru it’s land would no longer exist.   A savings to Russia of $3 billion per year. Apparently, the business decision is being labeled ‘bullying’.

A business decision that was laid out in 2012.

Environmentalists cam aboard their own car making multiple claims that were all addressed by outsiders;   Finland, European Parliament, European Commission, and Sweden.

Russia doesn’t ‘need’ Germany given the gas could be sent instead to China, South Korea, Taiwan and Japan. But the Western ‘concern’ is that Russia will use the exports to exert influence within Europe.   A garbled version of which befits Brandon – and the primary source of angst by Ukraine’s Zelensky.

Ukraine’s economy is in the twalette.

With the fall of the Soviet Union, Ukraine established its independence and promptly went into hyperinflation. In 2009, the UN noted Ukraine had reduced ‘absolute poverty’ and now was living in ‘relative poverty’.   Ah, sounds like Bernie Sanders.

Before the NED coup in 2014, Ukraine’s economy was rising steadily. By 2015 with the newly installed Puppet Poreshenko, Ukraine’s GDP was cut in half and over 650,000 residents moved to Poland for work.  Not to be left out of the spoils, between 1.6 and 2.2 million hectares of land were sold to foreign investors.   Those investors include; US pension co, France, JP Morgan, Sweden, Saudi Arabia, Finland, Cargill and Germany among others.

Today, the media twist is that Ukraine’s economy has rebounded to nearly 80% of what it was in 2008 – during the Great Recession… in other words twalette water.

After disassociating itself from Soviet Union/Russia, Ukraine still felt entitled to below world market prices for Russian gas. Russia refused. Ukraine was miffed. And in 2015 defaulted on $3 billion debt to Russia.

Since 2014, the US has given Ukraine $1.5 billion in military aid. Why?   Because of Hunter Biden and daddy Brandon.

With the 2014 coup, Ukraine was suddenly open to foreign investment.   Large swathes of land were gobbled up given the soil nearly matches the black gold of Russia.   But other companies also saw the $$$$:   Google, Siemens, Lyft, Snap, Oracle, Nvidia, ABBYY, Grammarly, Ring, Big Commerce, SiteCore, Gitlab, DataRobot, etc…

Land is the Golden Ring as the World Economic Forum implements their Agenda.   And countries with regulations simply aren’t viable. Ukraine is a small microcosm of what is available in Russia. With Russia’s addition of Lake Baikal, which contains 20% of the world’s fresh water.

US and UK companies have been dominant in their agri-control in Ukraine as well as opening up every aspect to foreign control.   This was NOT possible during the tenure of the pro-Russian president Yanukovych.   Which was why it was so imperative to orchestrate the coup.

NCH Capital – US, Topfeur – Germany, Agrigeneration – France, Louis Dreyfus, Monsanto, Syngenta, Ely Lilly, Dupont, Coca-Cola, Raytheon, Northrup Grummon, etc… infused by the World Bank International Finance Corporation, with help from Victoria Nuland and her husband Robert Kagan, and wheeler dealer Morgan Williams of the US-Ukraine Business Council. The member list of the US-Ukraine Business Council includes 198 companies:

Ukraine has been absorbed.  

I seriously doubt these corporations want to see their investments decimated should Zelensky and NATO pick a war with Russia, because the missiles they will fly – and the devastation would be catastrophic to everything the Western Conglomerates have built..

Not to mention the Rolls Royce and Bentley Factories…

Everything could be hunky-dorry if Zelensky would simply shut-up, NATO were to go home, and Germany were to sign the contract as per their Pre-conceived Agreement.   Turn around your Beemer, yield your pride, and drive home Germany.

THE CHINA AFFAIR: Two Cabals Infighting?

THE CHINA AFFAIR.     The News about Biden’s incompetence is a distraction. The News about Kamaltoes incompetence – is a distraction.   Our Country has no governance.   At ALL.   Congress is doing nothing.   Governors are doing nothing.   Russia Today just revealed that AOC is an internet ‘game champion’.   Meaning THAT’S what she does all day every day!!   Everything we see on the News is a distraction. BECAUSE CHINA IS THE NEWS>

Every major US corporate conglomerate is in China. Doing business. Fervently working with the CCP.   Paying bribes which are backed into the fake inflationary price gouging.   While the Fake White House talks about sanctions against China that don’t exist except on paper.

That’s why no one cares about the fraudulent election… it doesn’t matter because Washington is no longer in charge of anything.

Technically, the US has laid down sanctions against 59 Chinese companies or individuals.   But circumventing sanctions has been the gamit since the game was created.   As the media declares the Biden WH has taken a tough stance on China for human rights, corporations do business as usual or circumvent through a channel.

And the WH ‘looks good’ on paper.

Rules Are Meant To Be Broken.   Sanctions are Rules.  There are numerous ways sanctions can be circumvented such as to simply change the name of the company, give it an English bent, a US Agent, and incorporate in Delaware as a foreign entity.   The lobbyists go away, and everything is swept under the magic carpet.

For example:   The latest WH sanction is against SenseTime Group based in China.   The fact that SenseTime had already been sanctioned for the same human rights issue in 2017 is a bit curious indeed!   SenseTime works in conjunction with MIT and Qualcomm. When they were sanctioned in 2017 MIT claimed they would no longer work with them.   Amidst the horrors.   But in 2018 MIT announced another joint venture with SenseTime.   How is that possible?   Why wasn’t MIT fined for violating sanctions?

Why is SenseTime being sanctioned again by the Biden WH for the same Uyghur human rights abuse?

Apparently, the alleged abuse isn’t about human rights at all but about technology that SenseTime has developed that can distinguish between ethnicities.   The sanction is based on the ‘belief’ that this AI technology was specifically developed to target the ethnic Uyghurs.   Thus, it is considered “intrusive”.  

But Haystack.AI, based out of New York, is also using ethnic surveillance techniques. One of it’s Founders comes from MIT. Surprise! So they essentially co-opted the SenseTime technology thru the MIT engagement. Pulkit Jaiswal, a co-founder of Haystack has proclaimed that his coming work is all about the 4th Revolution. Sourav Goswani, fellow co-founder, also serves as an advisor to Colle Capital Partners which stages IPO’s for new technology companies – including Haystack.

Apparently, this ‘intrusive’ software is not intrusive when utilized in the US. And the Sanctions imposed may be directly related to a possible forthcoming IPO from Haystack.

SenseTime was forced to withdraw its IPO as a direct result of the sanctions. With offices located throughout the world, subsidiaries, and a valuation of $7.7 billion, it is doubtful the WH Sanctions will have much of an impact.  But it may just be enough leverage to get Haystack a jump start.

More Sanction Circumvention:  Investment companies also typically have global offices.   Cyprus serves as a convenient location given their privacy rules.   Burisma Holdings, the company that hired Hunter Biden to persuade VP daddy, is incorporated in Cyprus.

Using a subsidiary to make investments in a US sanctioned company that is NOT sanctioned in the country which houses the office of the investment firm not only circumvents the sanction but it depletes potential US tax revenue. A lose-lose scenario.  But that assumes the sanctions are to ‘protect’ the US, which may have been the original use of sanctions 100 years ago.   Instead it appears that Sanctions are being twiddled and dee’d to further devalue the US Economy.

Of course the circular circumvention can work in multiple ways – a Chinese company reorganizes in Cyprus or Taiwan… etc… and US investments now flow to a Cyprus based firm with a flat tax rate for corporations of 12.5%.

While CSIS and The China Business Council are busily expanding China relations with US conglomerates, National Endowment For Democracy is busily declaring China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran and UAE as Authoritarian Regimes exerting ‘influence’ and disinformation globally.

Specifically, NED declares that China is bribing foreign nations such as the Congolese president.   China is influencing the Italian parliament, as well as using politicians and lobbyists as proxies for foreign influence.   But NED is the coup-color revolution source across the globe.   Funded by USAID.   They initiated the Arab Spring, set Ukraine on the map with the 2014 coup and color revolution, and continually back dissidents like Navalny in Russia.   So is NED miffed that their anti-sovereign influence is being upended by China?

Perhaps NED is operating under the old school Mafia religion of two sets of books – only in this case it is the face presented via their website vs the face behind the shroud in collaboration with the CCP all along.

If NOT – it would reveal two separate and distinct Cabals: NED is one Cabal and CSIS is another Cabal – infighting. I wonder which one is the White House Handler?  

Supply Shortages – A Corporate America Manipulated Agenda

Deutsche Welle is desperately trying to explain why the global shortages of ALL goods occurred this past year.   And they have come up with some doozies!   Apparently semiconductors are in need of masks and subject to ‘travel restrictions’:   even air freight, used to carry goods such as semiconductors, has struggled to keep up with demand due to travel restrictions.”   And people are just sitting around on their proverbial arses with money piling up: “Sitting on piles of forced savings, homebound people, unable to travel, eat out, or go to the movies, splurged on buying goods.”

WOAH BABY!   So VOILA – governments sought to extract all that savings from these bourgeoisie persons through high costs and inflation. How?   Through the same mechanism used to induce Pandemic.   Control. Oh, and profits…

What changed in shipping?   Containers were more than available in 2019 before the Pandemic:   Yang Ming, one of the largest shipping container operators saw profits increase by over 1500% this year.   Imagine?   Evergreen Marine – 987% and Wan Hai – 976%.   “WOW”.   Yang Ming is Chinese while Evergreen and Wan Hai are Taiwanese run by Chinese.

These shipping companies own ports across the US – most specifically LA where the supposed gridlock originated.

China has declared that trade with the US reached an all time high in 2021 of over $700 billion.

In a speech made in front of the Center For Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Katherine Tai explained:

“United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai outlined the Joe Biden administration’s approach to trade with China, and distancing the incumbent administration from previous president Donald Trump’s “de-coupling” efforts, she called for US-China “re-coupling”.


That’s odd because the Biden Handler Administration, the media, Canada, and the EU have ALL made statements regarding the ‘evil China’ that needs to be whipped into line with massive sanctions.

I wonder how they plan on handling that tidbit of information once it goes mainstream?  

Apparently, Washington and The White House are no longer included in any trade discussions given corporate America has already emerged as the ruling party.   It isn’t democrats or republicans, it is “Corporate America”.   The US-China Business Council claims 95% of businesses working in China made profits.

And Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street giants have held talks on capital market cooperation directly with the Chinese government, leaving Washington aside.

So, who is the ‘US-China Business Council’?

Corporately, the Chair and CEO come from Cummins, Inc.   Vice Chairs come from The Carlyle Group, Honeywell and General Motors. And Marc Allen, the Chair, comes from Boeing.   Other Directors bear such titles as: Ford, DOW, Pfizer, Abbott, Qualcomm, MetLife, Pepsi, Coke, Warner Media, Cargill, and Archer-Daniels – among others.

TO put it politely – We’ve Been Whacked!  Shitake Mushrooms!

So goes our food – our water (Pepsi and Coke) – our Medical – our IT – and our aerospace. Effin, effin effin!

China = slave labor

Why China?

Easy.   They have cheap labor = greater profits for executives, they have a consumer base 300% greater than the US, and the CCP is more likely to pass on costly regulatory issues.   Destroy the land? Sure!   Deplete the water?   Sure!   Pollute the environment?   Sure!   They can do whatever they want – with one caveat, a likely kickback to the CCP itself.   TO think that the CCP gives a damn about any citizen is hugely naïve.

And so, the corporate cabalists and the CCP share a common goal – Money At All Costs. Because living like queen Oprah sniveling over the dastardly, tainted, dirty servants, is appealing.   And the Chinese laborers have no unions, work 24/7, and if they complain – they are terminated from existence along with their families.   Quite an impetus.

No Fuss No Muss.

But.   These micro-wizards have yet to analyze the spending habits of Chinese vs Americans and Europeans.   With an economy that measures poverty as earning less than $1.95 per day, the consumerism is highly limited.   Annihilating your ‘consumers’ is likely to be rather ‘unpleasant’.   So reaping the benefits in a relatively short-term is paramount to the design.   Which apparently has an end date of 2030.

At which point, nobody will be able to afford or buy – ANYTHING. Except – themselves.   Meaning they will essentially be trading dollars amongst themselves.   A boring endeavor to say the least.   At which point they are likely to become the next extinction of Anasazi’s.

2030 is a mere eight years away.   Soros will be dead.   The Rothschild family will fade.   The Rockefellers and Morgans and such will devolve as money is no longer relevant .   And the entire diaspora of the human species will suddenly become a forefront quest.   Slaves don’t bear children.   Or, those that are born die prematurely.   And these brainiacs of Cabalist reformation will be groveling for slaves as the mechanism of natural environmental evolution dies.

I remember a documentary I watched decades ago that portrayed the incredible support system that is our environment.   When just one domino in the frame expires, the entire ecosystem begins to fall apart exponentially!   The Dung Beatle!   It would appear, that these Satanist Cabalist have not been made privy to this Godly EcoSystem.

I imagine these elitists that attest to their intellect are supremely devoid of Critical Thinking.   The ability to see, preserve, and expound on the best that was given this Earth.   And instead, are wholly consumed by self.   I see it in individual persons.   But can’t imagine the asteroid of doom that this narcissism reveals.

I am – personally what has been referred to as a ‘free spirit’. I don’t like to be bridled, controlled, or manipulated in any way.   I make this fact freely known.   And yet…. It is viewed as a challenge instead of an asset.

The Cabalists are such – they are short-sided, and ultimately will fail immersed in their ego and pool of narcissism.

Manipulating markets, enmeshed in human trafficking, child porn, abortions, whoring, and the ultimate – child sacrifice – these nonhumans are temporal – they will destroy themselves.

In the periphery their exist two anomalies: 1.   President Trump espouses the dreaded Vaccine that is a deal breaker, and, 2.  Elon Musk emerges as a younger version who questions rather than dictates.

Next BLOG.

Economist Psaki Explains Biden’s Inflation: Follow The China …

Psaki keeps denying that the Biden Handlers are responsible for the largest rate of inflation since the 1940’s. Routinely she grins and says it is because companies are ripping off people with incomparable profits!   So I decided to take a gander:

1)   BP Oil – year end 9/30/21 revenue was up 45% over 2020 which was down 35% from 2019.   2019 was $282.6 billion, and 2021 was $217.5 billion. Net change = -23%.

2) Proctor & Gamble – gross profit for 2019 was $32.9 billion and for 2021 was $39 billion an increase of 18% over 2 years.

3)   Kraft-Heinz – apparently their financials were misstated to appear ‘overly rosy’ between 2015 and 2018 and are subject to fines…and regulatory restatement. $In January 2021 a $2.7 billion debt reduction was approved.

4) Exxon-Mobile – 2019 earnings were $14 billion while earnings for the first 9 months of 2021 were $14 billion with anticipated year end to reach $16-$19 billion a potential increase of 14%-35%. They made record debt repayments, began a massive share repurchase program, and secured 3 million barrels from the US Reserve.

5)   JP Morgan Chase – in 2019 had revenue of $115.6 billion compared to total anticipated for 2021 of $121.6 – an increase of 5% over 2 years. A $30 billion share buyback was authorized for 2021.

Share Buybacks are, like everything else, good and bad depending on the circumstances.   While it increases the dividend/distribution payout to shareholders, it depletes cash reserves for expansion.  There is also the fatal flaw that the buyback manipulates the metrics used to calculate executive compensation and bonuses making the move more attractive for a select few while not dispersing the payout to shareholders. It is therefore considered a means of ‘stock manipulation’.

In a chart provided by Harvard, an analysis in 2018 of buybacks to dividend payout revealed that the US companies were the ONLY ones to NOT return the reaped dividends to the shareholders.

For example, a review of ”Insider Trading” for JP Morgan Chase reveals a selloff beginning in the 2nd quarter 2020 and continuing thru the 2nd quarter 2021.

But this practice has been ongoing since the 1980’s, ramping up over the last decade, while it reaped massive profits for the elite, inflation was never an outcome.

Psaki’s college education is disputable given that despite having a Wikipedia presence since 2013, her backstroke degree in swimming was suddenly altered in 2021 to state her degree was in English and months later upgraded to claim her degree was also in sociology.   English majors typically go on to be teachers or writers – but Psaki immediately was picked up for ‘politics’ – more than odd given a swimming degree hardly qualifies as a political operative. But then there appear to be no pictures of her as a swimmer, nor as a graduate.

Kindof like AOC graduating from Boston College despite no pics or intellect to support the claim.

The John Kerry affair(s)? may have been squelched after rising early 2000, but Psaki stating she travelled alone with Kerry to France 25 times seems a bit unusual given Kerry was running for president of the US – not France.   But then a list of Kerry’s employees and interns leaves NO mention of Psaki at all…. perhaps she wasn’t actually on the ‘payroll’.

Anywho – Psaki’s knowledge of economics is sorely vacant. By contrast Kayleigh McEnany graduated from Georgetown majoring in international politics, studied abroad at Oxford and spent three years as producer of the Mike Huckabee show, ultimately graduating with a law degree from Harvard..

While corporate profits definitely trended higher in 2021, the impetus was the 2020 pandemic recession which also saw massive unemployment and bankruptcies.   But those profits do not match the gluttonous price increases that took effect just as Biden took office including:   food up 30% to 300%, gas up 200%, building materials up 31%, steel up 95%, housing up 35% to 50%.

THE TRUE ROOT CAUSE OF OUR CURRENT INFLATION?   We are subsidizing China.   Our corporate Behemoths are establishing a new Chinese Consumerism obsession – but until the Chinese consumer can afford their ‘pricing’, the US and Europe are functioning as Subsidy TaxPayers thru exponential price increases.  This FAKE INFLATION has NOTHING to do with supply and demand, and everything to do with the creation of a NEW Economy with 1.5 billion potential consumers!!

And the Shipping container Debacle!   That’s China too!   My next BLOG POST.

US NO Longer a Viable Democracy Claim – The Marxists

It is so annoying when random journalists from say Australia or the UK make derogatory comments about the failure of democracy amongst all Americans under the Biden Handler regime.   As though hiding in the quarantine camps, beaten by police, pulled from their homes, and fined for walking on the street, makes Australians democratic…   Somewhere over the rainbow perhaps. Or watching outright brawls ensue in the UK Parliament as they scream or chant or curse loudly – is democratic decorum.  But Deflection HAS become a modus operandi – albeit a failed agenda.

Such is the monstrosity of Critical Thinking evoked by Graham Hryce in invoking the thoughts of Barbara Walter, supposed CIA consultant touting her latest book!    Yes. Really.   She is selling her book by demonizing Trump.   The source of this noncritical thinking ‘journalist’ in agreement with Walter is that the January 6th protest was the impetus for the forthcoming US civil war.   But then, the author of the book, How Civil Wars Start, is a Clintonite puppet whose career has been financed by the Carnegie Foundation – a vast liberal institution dedicated to the Sustainable Development of depopulation thru subversion.

Walter’s Book pronounces the classic book deals which require vast media attention. Therefore her circuit includes the Washington Post, CNN, Huffington Post, etc…etc…etc.  BLAH

So what’s the point?

If indeed, democrat affiliate Walter is claiming that since Biden took the presidency status and civil war is imminent, who then would be the source instrumental?   The Handlers of course.   The Handlers who have moved the US from a power-bloc to the brink of disaster in less than a year.   The Handlers who did so purposefully in order to take control. The Handlers who are so cowardly they hind behind dementia riddled persons to be their scapegoat. Their caste sheep.

How can any persons respect for such lizard mentality be garnered?

But NOT according to Walter.  ]

The POINT – is to implicate President Trump in the incitement of a riot and insurrection so as to take him out of the political fire storm permanently.   End – point.

That would mean that Hryce, an Australian journalist, is being whipped within the fray to instigate this false premise.   On a Russian media platform no less.  Which begs the question – has Putin already been couped?

Instead of recreating Clinton opinions, Hryce would be better served to speak from a platform of truth.  Not ever going to happen.

But then, there is always an ulterior motive.

Hillary Clinton is ‘rumored’ to be staging a 2024 presidential campaign.   Likely as the savior of America as Biden Handlers devolve the US into an abysmal decadence of moral, ethical, and value Hell.   Hillaria … is truly obsessed with her failures.   Reading her 2016 acceptance speech with tears in her eyes, is further degrading of the person.   And does NOT create sympathy. Instead, it is cringe.

While Trump is playing caddy in not making a definitive announcement as whether he will be the running power, I tend to think Melania has a say in this that would not be positive.   Given the abject disgust with which they treated her, I would hardily agree that Trump has no intention of running.   However, I would envision most certainly, a candidate has already been chosen by the Trump faction – independent of the corrupted GOP.

I imagine such candidate is younger.   Grounded.   And knows the flogging that will ensue. And so, it is far too early to make this person subject to the relentless Marxist attacks.   So Trump is taking the flogs.

Hryce further claims in his article that Trump is, or could be, held responsible for any confrontation initiated by and thru NATO and Russia in Ukraine.   Yes. Really!   And history is written by the Lizards.  It would serve Russia, and other countries well, to know who is their base, instead of pretending – which has become a boring bore of idiocy and will garner a zero WIN.

How do these people become lizards?   What brain malfunction of critical theory and thinking independently would supplant their entire being?   How cowardly are the sheep?

Does Australia have a spine?   According to the likes of Hyrce, that answer would be no.   A truly sad commentary of humanity, not lost on those who still subscribe to philosophy, knowledge, and world view.   But then, Australia was colonized by the British penal system.   Something Hryce apparently does not digest.   Or understand in his research.

IN conclusion, writing a hit piece on Trump simply solidifies the author’s blackmail and derision for one purpose.   And it ain’t Democracy.   But it does reveal an innate weakness and debilitating succumbing to the blackmail rule of law. And Mr Graham Hyrce would appear to be a pathetic toy soldier of the Clintonite Cabal that views itself as the ultimate savior of mankind – in 2024.

A terribly sad waste of intellect, critical thinking, or the basic perseverance of humanity from the source of compassion. Heil Hitler sir Hyrce. I am so sad it appears you have sold your soul. For what gain?   Your Children’s? For what loss?   A better question…

It is a sad commentary that you write Mr. Hryce, just not for the reasons you espouse.   

Military News Blogs are Department of Defense Propaganda

A recent article written by The Gateway Pundit (a fabulous media source) posted a quote from American Military News claiming Dmitry Kiselyov, a Russian journalist, stated on television that Russia would reduce America to nuclear ashes… if the Ukraine redline was not met by NATO.   Apparently, Kiselyov did make that comment, but it was in 2014 toward – Obama.   American Military News would seem to be a propaganda outfit controlled by Lloyd Austin’s purged military.

This revelation opened a Pandora’s Box of Military Propaganda Media:

Defense Writers Group:   Partially funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, is led by David Ensor from VOA and CNN – both military propagand operatives.   The Group is under the auspices of the DoD and NATO with tags for Climate Change and the dastardly CoVid. According to the DoD website, everyone is so busy there are no advisories, no releases, no contracts, no speeches and no publications – planned.   Despite the many media claims that WWIII is imminent.   They remain on – vacation indefinitely.

Stars and Stripes is a media outlet controlled by the DoD under the Defense Media Activity.   Any information, news or articles must be pre-approved by the DoD – Lloyd Austin, and Kathleen Hicks, Deputy Director.

Hicks came from the Clinton White House and the Kissinger Center for Strategic and International Studies.   CSIS is well entrenched in Agenda 2030, the Cabalist One World Government, and the ongoing Russia coup attempt.   See my post:

Everything out of the mouths of these babes is in alliance with these directives.

The Defense Media Activity was created in 2005 to consolidate 4 media news organizations:    Army’s Soldier Magazine, Naval Media Center, Army Broadcasting Soldier, and Air Force News Agency. It wasn’t until 2011 that this news conglomerate went live with over half the organization stationed around the world.

The Project For Media and National Security is a subchapter of the Defense Writers Group.   Their newly appointed Director comes from the New York Times. According to their website, cancelling ‘fake news’ is a primary goal.   The president of Carnegie Corporation (which supplies their funding), Vartan Gregorian, was from Iran. His credentials include serving on the boards of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Human Rights Watch, Qatar Foundation, and McGraw-Hill Companies.

So the US DoD takes its lead from Bill Gates, Soros, Qatar, and McGraw Hill?

The Qatar Foundation formed a ‘joint venture’ called the “Qatar National Vision 2030”.   The goal is to transform Qatar into an advanced society capable of achieving sustainable development by 2030.  

American Military News:   Owned by Kellen Guida, a New Yorker whose previous experience was as a project manager for an anonymous architectural firm is the source of the Gateway Pundit article from American Military News.    The writer of the story being picked up by The Gateway Pundit is by Ryan Morgan whose previous experience is listed as the New York Times, The Daily Camera – a Boulder Colorado liberal to the teeth organization, Deseret News owned by the Mormon Church, and which is also owned by the Mormon Church.   His anti-Russia rhetoric is oblivious to in-depth research of facts and assumes NATO is the savior.

But then, the lad is young, and the editor of American Military News has little to no history in military – news.

As such the website relies on the “Defense Feed” to promote articles from within the DoD.

Rob Abraham, the tech guru for the American Military News previously spent nine years with JumpFly, an adhoc ad SEO that advertises it is a ‘premier partner’ with Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Microsoft.  


The vast majority of media outlets promoting themselves as ‘Military News’ are actually propaganda machines for the DoD.   Having begun this campaign in the 1950’s with Allen Dulles in the MKUltra Operation, the military has simply expanded its propagation into the Bloggle World.   The subversive ideology is the same as it was from its inception when employed by Dulles;    TO create false information under the helm of what is perceived as our protectors.   What better Shadow?

Knowing that Amazon, Facebook, Google and Microsoft work diligently in conjunction with the shadow Military, it should NOT be assumed that ‘military’ means Patriot Ally.

Lest we forget – Amazon was awarded a $10 billion contract with the Pentagon.   Google also worked in conjunction with the Pentagon in Project Maven. Project Maven is a computer algorithm to insert AI into computer triage so as to deceive and create fake media in warfare applications.

Military News sites are propaganda.   They are DoD Defense Feeds.   And their sole purpose is to expand MKUltra –

Don’t Mess With Mother NAture.