The Value of Labor: A Marxian Dystopia of Thought

The Theory of the Value of Labor was constructed via 3 quite distinct men:   Adam Smith, Karl Marx and David Ricardo.   Smith was a proponent of competition to keep prices low. Marx leveled the value to be a matter of labor hours assuming all pricing equal.   Ricardo basically supported the Marx theory of utility fixing the price.   And then there are the very knowledgeable Facebook personalities who state that the value of labor is what someone is willing to pay – which derives from ‘fair and equitable’.

I beg to differ with them all:   recently I needed a repair to my air conditioner.   I was recommended a local family owned and operated business, lives down the street, pop does the repairs, mom does the books.  Support your neighbors kind of business. I was charged $175 labor for 15 minutes of work. This equates to $700 per hour for HVAC repair.   On an annual basis, that would equate to 4 times what The President of the US makes, 4 ½ times what an experienced doctor makes, and double what a lawyer makes – with overhead costs.

I paid because I had no choice – not because it was a fair and equitable exchange.

In 1759 Economist Adam Smith declared:   “he was wary of businessmen and warned of their “conspiracy against the public or in some other contrivance to raise prices”. Again and again, Smith warned of the collusive nature of business interests, which may form cabals or monopolies, fixing the highest price “which can be squeezed out of the buyers”. Smith also warned that a business-dominated political system would allow a conspiracy of businesses and industry against consumers, with the former scheming to influence politics and legislation.”

An example of forced payment vs choice:   every household must pay for their water (unless on well water).   But they must also pay for their water company’s ‘fixed charges’. Part of the fixed cost on my bills is a line item “renewable water’ – as in recycled waste cleaned and siphoned back into my house’s drinking supply for which I am charged an extra flat fee. The ‘fixed charges’ are typically 2-5 times higher than my cost for actual water use.

I don’t have the option to find competitive water companies.   I don’t have the option to search different utility companies that provide my electricity and gas   I don’t have the option to pay a different government.   Their VALUE of Labor is a totalitarian doctrine.  In these instances, labor is not based on value at all – it is based on price fixing.

Why? Because Competition has been eliminated by large Conglomerates which effectively and collectively own the vast majority of our corporations providing basic necessities.   They fix prices across their ownership brands and people quietly pay because we are told it is basic supply & demand economics of labor value. But it’s not.

Interestingly, these same people who accept without thought that an HVAC repair is worth $700 per hour in labor, decry the dastardly cost of gas, of food prices, housing prices, medicine or doctors etc.. as beyond rationale.   Somehow tradesmen don’t pump oil, don’t grow our food, and don’t build houses.   Because if they were counted under the same logic no one could complain about any level of pricing!   Would that fall under the Value of Labor?

The Art of Critical Thinking.  

Critical Thinking Definition:   “The intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, and/or evaluating information.”  The issue within critical thinking doctrine is the source of information you are analyzing.   As in – does it come from Mass Media?   Because Mass Media is fed by the Conglomerates and Cartel to tell their version of Reality.  Obviously that vacuum would completely obliterate to analyze.

Today, the value of labor is determined by The Conglomerates and The Cabalists.   This is why our government pulled us out of the gold standard. To allow this out of control upward trajectory of value without any real basis to support it.   Their are no gutters or barriers to quell the advance, as such the real value of the dollar is now 3cents. Much like building a house on sand.

Another argument of the Labor of Value Theory regarding my HVAC repairs posited by FB posters:   ‘that is valuable skilled labor’, therefore they can charge whatever they want!   That trade skill requires no college degree and takes roughly 9 months in a tech school and certification exams.   The purpose of tech schools is to train graduates in a trade that is marketable instead of a college degree in basket weaving.   I support that.   What I don’t support is the greed factor; a living entity that creates false standards of rates and markets.

For example: complaining about a burger flipper wanting $25 ph while heralding a Tradesman for making $700 ph ($1,400,000 annually) – a differential of 2800% wipes out economics and labor completely.   It also reflects exactly what Adam Smith predicted – a society squeezing out demand by the greed of mentality.

Retailers across the US are going bankrupt within the mentality.   Fast Food restaurants can’t make ends meet.   And doctors are quitting at an unprecedented rate.

When small businesses fall into the trap established by corporate America, they feed the demons.   One side of their mouth they vehemently complain about the rising costs of food, housing and gas, while the other side promotes the greed of their trade.

It is why Biden is bankrupting the Federal government. Spending us into an oblivion of unsustainable debt that can only be wiped if every government falls and corporate elites take over.   It is the World Economic Forum Agenda – A solitary global government of stakeholders.   States managed by corporate CEO’s who create their own means of ‘labor value’ based on the social credit score.   It is why blue governors allow crime.   Crime raises prices – causing less demand – causing bankruptcies – causing poverty.   It is a trajectory that too many people seemingly either don’t understand, or don’t try to understand – ie critical thinking.

It is a dystopia wherein our western culture is being trained to maximize costs under the guise of ‘value’.   

In the world of Hunger Games, we will accept that we need to be punished and all live like peasants licking bootstraps as we thank the Cartel for allowing us to exist.    Ultimately, this means of thinking will collapse the US economy.   And suddenly all our broken systems following an unlimited value of labor will be worthless requiring an ever advanced depopulation.

And You Will Be Happy – damn it!

Labour Shortages – Food Shortages – Critical Thinking Shortages

According to the CDC, in 2022 there were approximately 3,273,705 deaths. In 2021, the CDC provisional number was 3,458,697.   Over 61 million Americans have a disability representing 20% of the population. Despite the massive numbers for excess deaths and disabilities, the Labour Bureau claims that all pre-pandemic employees and an additional 300,000 have joined the labour force.   Obviously someone’s Common Core Math is in overdrive – because this is impossible.

As the middle class wanes and poor immigrants continue to invade, the impact on America’s businesses is completely restructured.   Tyson Foods shuttered four plants in the US claiming a significant loss in ‘demand’ and a need to lower costs.   Simultaneously, Tyson opened 3 plants in – China.   The decoupled China.

Various economists have speculated that Tyson shutting down is because the cost of chicken is too high – reducing demand. Shutting down plants means less supply – means higher prices.   Even economists seem oddly inept. A secondary factor for the shutdowns is ‘labour shortages’.   Yet, given labour is the most significant expense for a commodity, a shortage of labour would indicate lower costs/expenses?

As a direct result of less demand due to pricing, economists warn that pricing across the board will rise even more significantly.   We have entered an alternate universe!

In reality, fake chicken has been approved by the FDA with no analysis or testing.   In addition, the FDA has declared that markets and restaurants are NOT required to label their product as fake.

According to the FDA, ‘cultivated plant based’ chicken is real because it comes from chicken cells.   As a result, chickens don’t have to be killed – and chicken farms can all go bankrupt.   The meat is grown in steel tanks, coming out in large sheets and then cut into expected shapes.   YUM!   The price is excessively greater than real chicken, so it is only available in China to date.   WHAT?   Soon, it will be distributed to upscale restaurants ‘precooked’, because only the wealthy will be able to afford it…  WHAT?

EAT JUST is a breakout private company that first cultivated ‘food product’ eggs used in mayonnaise and scrambled eggs. They expanded to use their non-egg eggs in packaged foods such as muffins and breads.   Read your ingredients!   Already, Beyond Meat and Meatless Farm have filed for bankruptcy given sales slumped exponentially.  

According to Healthline: “Chicken is a good source of vitamin B6 and phosphorous, as well as a rich source of protein, niacin, and selenium.”   Fake Chicken product requires substitute ingredients such as wheat gluten, soy, and pea protein to create nutrient value.   It’s nutritional value is high in sodium, carbs, and sugars, and because of its deficiencies people will eat considerably more in order to feel full.  SO it’s lower caloric count is diminished.

One of the more problematic side effects of eating these proteins is – malnutrition – which can lead to death. Other side effects include intestinal damage, bloating, fatigue, and diarrhea.

The misnomer regarding the environmental implications is that ALL these added ingredients need to be grown and watered – after all they are plants!   All these plant products require labour, land, water, fertilizers, pesticides, and production facilities.  More trucking costs. When Tyson Foods shuts down over ‘lack of labour’, where will the available labour for the plants and chemicals derive?  Laid off employees of Tyson Foods…

The Chemicals need to be manufactured in more manufactured laboratories.   Ultimately you are left with a highly processed food product that is lacking in basic nutritional value which costs more than double the real product. For the past decade, the FDA claims overly processed meats are NOT beneficial sources of food and high in sodium and nitrates while low in potassium.    The effect?  Heart Disease – the number 1 killer in the US.

YET without any trials, the FDA has unilaterally approved all fake meat products.

LOGIC seems to be the first death in critical thinking.

There are 59 million people in the US collecting welfare – 30% claim to be under 18.   That leaves 70% available for employment – 43 million!  Upwards of 7.6 million undocumented aliens currently work in the US. The US Labour Bureau includes them in their algorithm statistics. The numbers are NOT in alignment.

Why can’t Tyson Foods hire the 43 million on welfare without justification?

The Federal government is spending over $1.3 trillion on various welfare programs annually.

According to the Labour Bureau, 143.8 million people in the US are employed in ‘some private capacity’ representing $9.7 trillion in wages. Of course those wage numbers include every CEO and executive pay so an average is meaningless.   Unemployment Insurance claims this represents 94.7 of employees.   An additional 11 million work for state, local or the federal government.

In Colorado, a woman living in a million dollar home with a mortgage of $250,000, age 50, no disabilities, never worked, collects welfare subsidies.   Some states have work requirements – in Colorado the requirement identifies ‘unpaid work’ as work.


  • Government Assistance Lifts 45.4 Million Out of Poverty ~ Census Bureau
  • States Are Hoarding $5.2 Billion in Welfare Funds Amid Rising Poverty ~ Census Bureau

40% of Welfare Recipients Are Black. Perhaps Lloyd Austin could fill the military conscription requirements with those unemployed on welfare. A federal work requirement.   But the latest USA Today finding is that 40% of Lloyd Austin’s recruits were never interviewed for extremism.   Desperation over security.  And still the military is understaffed by 25%.

The US does NOT have a labor shortage – The US does NOT have a food shortage –

The US DOES have a shortage of wisdom and intellect to redirect the resources available to solutions using the people and commodities on hand.

Ukraine’s Brutality Toward Russians & Ukrainians – is their Order

Gennadiy Drusenko operates a mobile medical unit in Ukraine.   Contrary to media hype he is NOT a doctor, he is a lawyer who claims “Constitutional Rights” as his primary focus.   Apparently, those rights would not extend to Russian POW’s wherein he admittedly ordered to be castrated by medical personnel!   In 2021, he founded the Center for Constitutional Design in conjunction with funding from the International Renaissance Foundation and the Center For Constitutional Democracy at Indiana University.   The IRF was founded by George Soros in 1990 and is an integral part of the Open Society Foundation.

Hallelujah all you Ukraine Flag Wavers – You are now Officially onboard the Soros Train!

As usual, the IRF claims they are a humanitarian organization doing great deeds on behalf of Ukrainian citizens who still remain in poverty since the inception of IRG – 30 years ago!   However, an unscripted website  that has yet to be scrubbed  reveals the IRF is providing necessary equipment to the Ukrainian soldiers… NOT Military, but ‘soldiers’ as defined by the Nazi Battalions ~according to Olga Halchenko!

According to the Open Society Website:   “By 1994, the International Renaissance Foundation was the biggest international donor in the country, with an annual budget of roughly $12 million for projects that ranged from retraining tens of thousands of decommissioned soldiers to the creation of a contemporary arts center in Kyiv. In the early 2000s, the foundation oriented itself around European integration, while mobilizing resources to help those affected by conflict after Russia’s invasion and illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014.”

Despite this back slapping self endowed grandiose, Ukraine FAILED to ever gain a democracy, an advanced society, a quality education, or even potable water!   So where oh where did all the money go?

Open Society 2019: Total IRF Ukraine Budget $7.8 million; Total Eurasian Budget $54.5 million.

Drusenko LinkedIn bio – is also quite interesting:   IN 2004, he began work at the Instytut Integracji Europejskiej · an NGO in Poland working to integrate non-Nato members into Europe.   In 2010 he transfered to DC to work at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars for 6 months. He then transfers to the Max Plank Institute in Heidelberg for 4 months.   In 2011 he worked for USAID as a Regional Director in Kyiv. 2+ years at Willians Worldwide Group LLC, back to Ukraine for the Maiden Revolution in 2014 where he worked in the Cabinet of Ministers, and then co-founded the mobile hospital in Kyiv despite having no medical experience whatsoever. At which point he transferred to the Center For Constitutional Advocacy out of Indiana University.

To synopsize that would mean Drusenko was groomed by USAID, Poland, Max Plank Institute, and Williams Worldwide Group which appears to be nonexistent.

Of course, No Constitution advocates castration as a Geneva Convention of War.   Yet that would appear to be the ideology of Drusenko in his role – as guided by USAID in their training. And it would seem obviously obvious that the man was infinitely groomed.  

Somehow thinking that his castration demand would be an acceptable human rights diploma has undermined the entire dystopia of Ukraine’s mantra of Fakery, Corruption, Fraud, Money Laundering, and Trafficking. ALL of which have been documented by the UN, US State Department and Amnesty International for a decade!

The same psychosis that determined Trump was a putz because he used ‘locker room language’ in describing women thereby making him a heinous man unworthy of Presidential status is now being used to laud and put on a pedestal Ukrainian Nazi idealists who espouse race and ethnic cleansing for the purification of the Nazi’s while performing transgender comedy routines…    DESPITE all previous globalist agencies labeling them as the MOST corrupt in all of Europe with The Lowest GDP pp.

AND YET while all this available knowledge being readily available, Persons across the EU and US diligently wave miniature Ukraine flags in solidarity with these government oligarch vermin who have pillaged every last dime from their countrymen!    See No Evil – Hear No Evil – obey what the Propaganda delineates while refusing the Truth!

Weak minds do NOT listen to God.

Zelenskyy does NOT call for Aide or Humanitarian needs – he Demands Weapons – more and more and more weapons!   And when they are not forthcoming he ridicules governments!    He calls them hypocrites and liars – he demeans them in every statement while continuing to Demand!   He puts all Ukrainian men on the frontlines without training, adequate weapons, water, or even food.   And this is perceived as “Heroic”.

Because his entire focus is money – all those free weapons – billions in value – will go into his personal offshore coffers. Why?   So he can leave his desolate, poverty ridden country and set up shop in Miami or London living large in his multi-million dollar homes scattered across the globe.

Who is his benefactor?   None other than Soros.   Yet Zelenskyy knows Soros is on his deathbed at 91, Ukraine will never recover, and the EU governments are idiot pawns of the Open Society Framework.

If a false flag Weapons of Mass Destruction Bush campaign that once unleashed – all of Europe will Fall – and Soros will be grateful for his true and dutiful soldier – Zelenskyy.   Rewarding him as a faithful servant.

Critical Thinking as opposed to Critical Race Theory is an Art.   Critical Thinking is objective, thought provoked, logical, clear, researched, and substantive.   Critical Race Theory is by definition a theory, an assumption based on Racism without benefit of objectivity.

We each have the choice – still.   Those who fall into the flock of sheep will be lost forever…  Critical Thinking does not entail using ‘fact-checkers’ as your research, it does not entail demanding citations from every FB or Twitter poster as though they are subject to the rules of university dissertations – it means thinking for YOURSELF!   A novel idea today…

FDA CoVid Tests: Scrapped For Science

According to the CDC there are two genders of CoVid testing:   Viral and Antibody.   They state viral will determine if you are currently infected while antibody will determine if you have been ‘previously’ infected.   Of the 300+ “Authorized” tests by the FDA, 63 are antibody, 235 are molecular, and 11 are antigen.   The molecular test is the PCR Test which has thus been trashed and burned by the CDC as of 12/31/2021.   The PCR test looked for genetic material from the virus.  

According to NIH, even though the antigen tests have reduced sensitivity, they work great on the Cold Virus called Omicron. However, the antibody tests are not popular amongst the Science of Science because they are based on years of previous antibodies in the human genome.   Which houses some 13 trillion viruses – per person – forever.

And NO genome sequencing can touch – 13 trillion.  SORRY.

The antibody test is shelved, the antigen test is shelved and we are looking at PCR molecular test which has been shelved permanently for its massive inconsistencies and false positives.

Wait.   So what exactly are they testing?

It would appear that they are testing nothing.   Despite authorization of 300 tests that they now declare have absolutely no relevance to CoVid.

Yet, cases, tests, defunct tests, PCR tests, are the point of lockdowns, masks, vaccinations, and hospitalizations.   ALL of which point to the absurdity of fact that cases are predominantly among the vaccinated.

Even MORE Bizarre.

ALL cases are uploaded thru an app which ‘tabulates’ the numbers not based on individual, but based on test.   So according to CDC Director Walensky if you test positive with a PCR Test it will continue to show positivity for 3-4 months – and each time you test, it is logged as a positive case.   CDC then recommends testing every 24 hours!

Therefore, a single person can thus test as a positive case 90-120 times. Before it finally drops off.   And each of those tests will be counted in the case statistics as a positive TEST!   Ta-Da!

Which means that realistically, we could reduce the case counts by 12000%?   Imagine that?


Knowing this failed Science, despite the growing Case Count of Omicron, a variant never isolated or genomed, the CDC, NIH and FDA have revealed their blubbering incompetence.   And The Powers That Be – are laughing hysterically as these imbeciles continue to destroy their reputation and their legacy at their behest because they forfeit their life for – $$$$.

One might feel sad for them – except we don’t.   These Science propagandists sold their voice for money.   Thus realizing that Science is a worthless trivial apologetic.


While the Education institution has realized its end which will result in homeschooling and a huge disparity in intellectual gain, the medical institution will be replaced by natural and homeopathic cures – without the deadly side effects …   And maybe this is a good thing.   To reveal the idiocy of institutions that were once considered worthy, and have only destroyed themselves.

Pharma Will fall.  Public Education Will Fall.

Guess who wins?

NOT the Blacks.   Because The Agenda dear is to eradicate the uneducated, the educated deficient who can’t even count change for a sale.   Guess what, single mums living in the Bronx don’t homeschool – because they can’t!

You really think Democrats are supporting your rise?   Critical Thinking says they are creating your annihilation as ever becoming a worthy advocate in society.   Critical Thinking would suggest that bringing in planeloads of criminal refugees at our border who have hatred for blacks and whites is NOT going to help the Black cause.   Critical Thinking would suggest that allowing Blacks to decimate entire cities, businesses, homes, and land will make them suddenly ‘popular’ and integrated is backing into the Rabbit Hole of Alice In Wonderland.  Grow some…real balls.

Push comes to shove, the 2nd Amendment will likely decide.   And the majority – that is America will prevail.   We just don’t live in the scummy cities.   But our voices are quiet. For now.

US NO Longer a Viable Democracy Claim – The Marxists

It is so annoying when random journalists from say Australia or the UK make derogatory comments about the failure of democracy amongst all Americans under the Biden Handler regime.   As though hiding in the quarantine camps, beaten by police, pulled from their homes, and fined for walking on the street, makes Australians democratic…   Somewhere over the rainbow perhaps. Or watching outright brawls ensue in the UK Parliament as they scream or chant or curse loudly – is democratic decorum.  But Deflection HAS become a modus operandi – albeit a failed agenda.

Such is the monstrosity of Critical Thinking evoked by Graham Hryce in invoking the thoughts of Barbara Walter, supposed CIA consultant touting her latest book!    Yes. Really.   She is selling her book by demonizing Trump.   The source of this noncritical thinking ‘journalist’ in agreement with Walter is that the January 6th protest was the impetus for the forthcoming US civil war.   But then, the author of the book, How Civil Wars Start, is a Clintonite puppet whose career has been financed by the Carnegie Foundation – a vast liberal institution dedicated to the Sustainable Development of depopulation thru subversion.

Walter’s Book pronounces the classic book deals which require vast media attention. Therefore her circuit includes the Washington Post, CNN, Huffington Post, etc…etc…etc.  BLAH

So what’s the point?

If indeed, democrat affiliate Walter is claiming that since Biden took the presidency status and civil war is imminent, who then would be the source instrumental?   The Handlers of course.   The Handlers who have moved the US from a power-bloc to the brink of disaster in less than a year.   The Handlers who did so purposefully in order to take control. The Handlers who are so cowardly they hind behind dementia riddled persons to be their scapegoat. Their caste sheep.

How can any persons respect for such lizard mentality be garnered?

But NOT according to Walter.  ]

The POINT – is to implicate President Trump in the incitement of a riot and insurrection so as to take him out of the political fire storm permanently.   End – point.

That would mean that Hryce, an Australian journalist, is being whipped within the fray to instigate this false premise.   On a Russian media platform no less.  Which begs the question – has Putin already been couped?

Instead of recreating Clinton opinions, Hryce would be better served to speak from a platform of truth.  Not ever going to happen.

But then, there is always an ulterior motive.

Hillary Clinton is ‘rumored’ to be staging a 2024 presidential campaign.   Likely as the savior of America as Biden Handlers devolve the US into an abysmal decadence of moral, ethical, and value Hell.   Hillaria … is truly obsessed with her failures.   Reading her 2016 acceptance speech with tears in her eyes, is further degrading of the person.   And does NOT create sympathy. Instead, it is cringe.

While Trump is playing caddy in not making a definitive announcement as whether he will be the running power, I tend to think Melania has a say in this that would not be positive.   Given the abject disgust with which they treated her, I would hardily agree that Trump has no intention of running.   However, I would envision most certainly, a candidate has already been chosen by the Trump faction – independent of the corrupted GOP.

I imagine such candidate is younger.   Grounded.   And knows the flogging that will ensue. And so, it is far too early to make this person subject to the relentless Marxist attacks.   So Trump is taking the flogs.

Hryce further claims in his article that Trump is, or could be, held responsible for any confrontation initiated by and thru NATO and Russia in Ukraine.   Yes. Really!   And history is written by the Lizards.  It would serve Russia, and other countries well, to know who is their base, instead of pretending – which has become a boring bore of idiocy and will garner a zero WIN.

How do these people become lizards?   What brain malfunction of critical theory and thinking independently would supplant their entire being?   How cowardly are the sheep?

Does Australia have a spine?   According to the likes of Hyrce, that answer would be no.   A truly sad commentary of humanity, not lost on those who still subscribe to philosophy, knowledge, and world view.   But then, Australia was colonized by the British penal system.   Something Hryce apparently does not digest.   Or understand in his research.

IN conclusion, writing a hit piece on Trump simply solidifies the author’s blackmail and derision for one purpose.   And it ain’t Democracy.   But it does reveal an innate weakness and debilitating succumbing to the blackmail rule of law. And Mr Graham Hyrce would appear to be a pathetic toy soldier of the Clintonite Cabal that views itself as the ultimate savior of mankind – in 2024.

A terribly sad waste of intellect, critical thinking, or the basic perseverance of humanity from the source of compassion. Heil Hitler sir Hyrce. I am so sad it appears you have sold your soul. For what gain?   Your Children’s? For what loss?   A better question…

It is a sad commentary that you write Mr. Hryce, just not for the reasons you espouse.   

The Illusion of the Deep State Matrix: An Elite Parlor Game

Whether writing history or rewriting history, as we watch and listen to the perceptions being parlayed today and yesteryear the very truth of history begins to form a colossal doubt.

Our overly lauded science community residing in the House of WHO and CDC have long labeled every number – an estimate.   Yet, they present these guesstimates as fact.   Every statistic is created as a ‘best guess’ and always has been.   Census takers dating from 300 BC supposedly physically counted populations in the millions – which would have been physically impossible. But our history records it as so.

And the matrix opens to much more broader revelations as historians arbitrarily fill in blanks to ‘create’ a whole story.   Science creates entire dioramas of ancient life and with time, the verbiage is altered by one word – believe.

“Scientists ‘believe’ this is how the earth looked 1 million years ago.”

“Scientists ‘believe’ dinosaurs roamed the earth 450 million years ago.”

And suddenly with the elimination over time of this one word, Science and History evolve into an absolute instead of a philosophy of thought.

Much of our understanding of ancient history is attributed to accounts of storytelling attributable to a single person over a span of time which became the only written account.

Today there is no absolute count of the population of Africa.   There is no ability to determine the number of CoVid ‘cases or deaths’.   Yet the House of WHO will make a magical determination – and the non-critical thinkers will blindly accept.

The media created Bill Gates.   They have claimed he is brilliant, a scientist, a virologist, a philanthropist.   Yet, listening to countless speeches, ads, and videos, the man speaks on an 8th grade level.   Video’s from his testimony during the 1990’s reveals a man unable to comprehend simplistic questions.

The illusion – for critical thinkers – begins to fray.

Zuckerberg was brought before Harvard administrators for violating copyright and privacy security.   Meaning he hacked someone else’s work and claimed it was his construct.   Unlike 3 of the Facebook co-founders, Zuckerberg never graduated from college. When reviewing historical accounts of attribution of Facebook to Zuckerberg, the present written account has been altered to support Zuckerberg as the founder and his friends as joining him later. The original account did not make that representation.

Zuckerberg claims to be a co-founder of Breakthrough Starshot despite having no university degree, and no science background. In reality Starshot was founded by Steven Hawking and physicist Yuri Milner.   Zuckerberg apparently sits on the board.

And history is altered.

In testifying before congress in 2018, Zuckerberg used the magical word ‘believe’ to circumvent a question of breaching privacy.   He also stated that he and he alone created Facebook.

Is Zuckerberg a scientist or engineer?   No.   He did what Gates did, he capitalized on the knowledge of others much more capable and then eliminated them.   But the illusion remains that Zuckerberg has some indefinable Steven Hawking IQ.

Maxine Waters:   Her original biography has been extensively ‘rewritten’.   In 2005, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) declared Waters to be one the 13 most corrupt members of Congress.   Her original bio further states that she ‘attended’ LA State College and then between 1973 and 1990 – her bio was devoid of anything.

Her rewritten bio declares she received a Bachelors degree in Sociology before working as chief deputy for Councilman David Cunningham in 1973.  Subsequently,  she was elected to the California State Assembly in 1976.   Cunningham’s bio makes no mention of Maxine – and one would think that earlier bio’s would hail her election to State Assembly.

The altered version claims Waters represented California’s 48th District from 1976 to 1990, but the District wasn’t created until 1993 and is predominantly white Republican.

And the illusion is staged.  Albeit in this case rather messily.

Waters likely has no college degree, did not work for Councilman Cunningham, and was never an elected official of the California Assembly.

Ocasio Cortez:   Her bio states:  “In high school, she took part in the National Hispanic Institute‘s Lorenzo de Zavala (LDZ) Youth Legislative Session. She later became the LDZ Secretary of State while she attended Boston University. “

According to LDZ’s website – her school has never participated as a partner school and there is no secretary of state dedicated position. Nor is there any mention of her ‘involvement’ on their website.

A small planet/asteroid was awarded Ocasio in 2007 as a “finalist” in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. She claims she won second place.   According to the IAU, political leader’s names are considered ‘unsuitable’ unless the person has been dead for over 100 years. It appears that 2007 was the only year ALL finalists of that dedication were awarded.  Odd.

If her forte was science and engineering, why would she get “degrees” in ‘international relations and economics’?   She has tweeted that she started as a science major and subsequently switched – which would obviously mean she would need additional time to complete not just one degree, but two degrees as she claims.  Unless she was Steven Hawking.   In addition to the requirement in International Studies that the student study abroad, which she didn’t, a research paper is also required to be submitted to qualify as honors – none exists.

Ocasio claims she interned for Ted Kennedy while in college.  But Kennedy was rather busy having seizures, brain surgery, relocating to Florida, and dying during that same time.   Obviously the script writers were more than a bit negligent when creating Ocasio’s bio.

And then of course there is the oddity of her 7 years post 2 honorable degrees working as a bartender.

An illusion.

Obama refused to provide his Harvard or Columbia transcripts.   Were they an illusion as well?  Trudeau, Macron, their intellect seems devoid of – intellect.

Buying degrees, restating history, the world within the matrix of the liberal deep state leaves one in doubt of accepting any reality presented. But we know that the lies and deception are quite real as though this profound lack of truth is part of their training.   And little slips suddenly emerge as expansive canyons. The relevance is massively important given the extent to which truth can thus be obliterated.   And all of history, all of science, are suddenly falling off the precipice into the fiery pit of deception and illusion.

For all we know, our Congressional members and elites have little to no education, have rewritten their bio’s, and operate on completely faked, false and deceptive information.

What if Bill Gate’s IQ is actually 100?   And WHY would the shadows want such idiots in charge of wealth and power?