A Biography of Human Thought

I don’t know who actually compiles this information, but typically you see states ranked in various magazines and advertisements.  They use criteria like best schools, lowest crime, happiness score, income level, etc…, so what if we jammed that up a might bit!   Given the acrimony I think we should divvy up states based on another set of criteria:  1.  all black, or all white, or all Asian.   2.  Only libertarians allowed.   3.   Higher knowledge required.   4.   We don’t give a fark everyone is welcome!   5.   Must enjoy working.   6.   Likes to do nothing.   Within this frame of criteria, each state would be ranked.  They could never deviate from this set of rituals.   Because this criteria reflects who you are and will become – based on your own choices.

There was a Star Trek episode wherein Captain Kirk was with his soldier guys on planet Q where warring was going on and The Capt in all his wisdom wanted to join the war.   Then these wisemen appeared, wearing cloaks, floating somewhat, immune from assault of any kind – they were all elderly men with white beards.  They couldn’t believe how barbaric humans were despite millennials of training.

You see, humans are barbaric.  Life became via barbarism and has remained so without evolution.  It never evolved out of our psyche.  Man is stagnant – and something else is propelling us.   We are the exact same creatures that existed 10,000 years ago.  History is about WAR.  That’s how it is defined; schoolbooks, literary books, nonfiction etc..  history is war.   That’s what splashes the news headlines daily – everything is a WAR.   And those guys in the robes have left us to our demise.  Likely quite disgusted.

The amount of jeers from the grandstands for ‘Death’ is like a cartoon.  They can’t really demand children and women be pummeled and squashed.   Yet they do!  Eyes wide in anticipation of the Blood…   That would be another Star Trek episode wherein society was obedient until the clock struck midnight and all chaos let loose.  Landrau struck the clock again at 6am and everyone became obedient slaves.  Barbarism – inherent in the psyche.  But.. not everyone’s psyche.

It seems to me that calling for bad wishes on another person or persons is not too far up on the evolutionary scale.   Death threats are now a yawn.  If we were to accept the muddle of history/0mythology, the civilizations of 3000 BC were a more cohesive family – not by training – but by inherent wisdom.  The Biden administration wanting to return Americans to the life in 1800 is an interesting – reverse evolution.

I imagine reverse evolutions are quite common in history – wherein entire cultures or societies lose their knowledge and must start over in building back to what they used to know.  A circular.   And then a select few so very much – Tesla and Da Vinci come to mind – bring society back from the darkness.  Incredibly ingenious men persons appear in the midst of a dark tie and everything changes.   And BOOM – we are back baby!

And then the FBI and CIA just had to ruin the party.  Stealing every written patent and using the military to match Tesla’s brain.   They couldn’t do it!  Any more than the Pharma industry could match Dr. Bradstreet’s brain – he cured cancer – using natural human proteins.  “OFF YOU GO!”  It seems like such a waste of life.   Smell the roses – that sort of thing.

SO – this is my brain – it doesn’t get a lot of sleep and has a tendency to go to the far far lands where man has never been…

Brad Onishi – America’s Straight White Jesus Fantasy

Two ‘ex-ministers’ debate religious zealism in America’s straight white Jesus institution of far-right nationalism utilizing their analytical professorships as basis.   Their Treatise?   Everything that has happened since 1908, their point of reference, came about as a result of the rise of Donald Trump and a cold civil war called January 6th.   Bradley Onishi has declared himself the purveyor of truth for all the world with regard to abortion, creation, life, and war – as he writes for Politico, the far left leaning rag owned by German media, Axel Springer.  He is co-joined at the hip by Daniel Miller.

Brad Onishi was a literal ‘one time’ commencement speaker at Skidmore college, a liberal arts school in New York with a total enrollment of roughly 2600.  He now claims to be a part time adjunct professor at the University of San Francisco.  He is co-chair of the Secularism Group at the American Academy of Religion.  The American Academy of Religion is funded by government grants, membership fees and the Luce Foundation (listed as an ‘intercompany’) in collaboration with The World Economic Forum…  It’s grant making was roughly 11% of its expenses as a charitable nonprofit organization sitting on $11 million in Net Assets.

And suddenly – it all becomes clear….

Dan Miller is a professor of Humanities at Landmark College in Putney Vermont which services students with disabilities.   Enrollment is under 500.  It is the most expensive college in the US.

Onishi describes himself as a ‘thought leader’.   A thought leader is someone who self identifies as an expert on a topic and uses marketing techniques to sway others into aligning with the expressed views via charismatic authority, instead of engaging critical thinking.   Narcissism.   In Onishi’s perspective, he interweaves politics and religion within his query – why do evangelicals vote for Trump?   And who says a baby is viable at conception – not I…!

Onishi is apparently fearful that a secretive Christian National Fraternal Order is planning an America coup.   This secretive far right organization is labeled, Society For American Civic Renewal.  The organization, SARC, was formed in 2021 by Charles Haywood, a self proclaimed foundationalist who believes our current government is destroying America purposefully.  Of course, Onishi has no problem with the secretive Bilderberg Group, The Trilateral, The Group of 30, The Priory of Sion, Skull &N Bones, Black Dragon, Illuminati, etc… etc… etc…  Only groups that advocate Christian Nationalism.

Within the pronouncements of the far left abortion debate, Onishi has declared that life at conception is a Catholic myth and a fetus is first a plant, then an animal, before God anoints the child with a soul and it becomes human.  The fact that Onishi now identifies as a ‘secular’ seems to have not transposed in his pronouncement that God gives humans their souls.  An argument that has been attributed to St Augustine in the 5th century.  He omits the fact that St Augustine believed abortion at ANY stage was a serious sin.   Onishi is thus served in ‘cherry picking’.

In Onishi’s opinion piece for Politico, he debates the concept of life and abortion from the standpoint of the 1960’s and challenges the Catholic document, Apostolicae Sedis, written by Pope Pius IX in 1869.    In addition, he challenges the worthiness of “Family Values”.  So, what is his point?   It appears, Onishi takes exception with the Religious Right, genders, masculinity, LGBT, anti-secularism, and whiteness, which he claims are frontal to America’s decline when viewed from the perspective of himself and the authoritative Klaus Schwab.

In a twisted interview Onishi claims the Apostolic Reformation or Prosperity Theory Christians are central to Trump’s campaign and attended the January 6th civil war.   Oddly, Biden’s Catholicism is never considered an issue – instead the focus is singularly on Trump and everyone who supports Trump.   Speaker Mike Johnson, and Jim Garlow are cited as proof that the Apostolic Reformers are in alliance with Trump.   The main substance that proves the Apostolic effort would be ‘anyone who aligns with the concept that the 2020 election was fraudulent’ according to his interview on Mother Jones and GBH TV.

While Onishi claims he became an evangelical at the age of 14 and served in ministry for 7 years – there is no mention of where, with whom, or how he made a living in southern California – Yet somehow at the age of 27, Onishi moved to England to pursue a Masters at Oxford….while continuing to not work or earn a living.   There seems little evidence to support the bio thread that Onishi was ever in ministry.  However, his alignment with the far left is sealed in every word he prints.  Today, he openly embraces secularism.

Contrary to various bio’s proliferating across the internet, his LinkedIn bio states that his education was actually in ‘philosophy’ not theology.   Thus his entire credential basis is false and misleading.   But its marketing strategy of fraud is aimed at the meek and the weak who do not question his rhetoric.

The fact that his podcasts and interviews are more about vilifying Trump and every Maga who aligns with him as a threat to America and American democracy as espoused by Hillary Clinton and Pelosi, reveals the snake within the supremacist – Onishi.   A fake.   A philosophy major with little to no theology formation who has been picked by The Handlers to justify abortion under the guise of evangelism while demonizing President Trump.

The American Academy of Religion, was founded on Christian principles.   However, by the 20th century their academia decided to embrace every religion equally within its auspices – including atheism.  Their board is comprised of philosophy adherents – what they lack is members or directors with theology backgrounds, ie priests and pastors.  Thus negating their charitable status within false ideologies and statements.

Trump continues to gain followers as he becomes the focus of hate and derision.   Perfect, he ain’t.   But perfection could not fight for America and Americans with such devotion.   Nor has perfection ever been asserted in any Biblical context.   But that doesn’t parlay with Bradley Onishi….

The Zion Warriors Battling the Future PeaceMakers

As we approach the Agenda of depopulation, Europe finds itself grappling with significant ‘water shortages’.   While Politico has determined the cause of this spiraling catastrophe is Climate Change – they note that Europe follows the protocols of California – Let it flow into the sea for neither you or me… Instead of encouraging means for capturing the flood waters, the EU commission is demanding more global warming funds to mitigate chaotic weather… 

The fact that ALL global warming funds go to Africa and South America is apparently LOST on these ‘Experts’.

The annual cost of the continued damage from floods and droughts in the EU is estimated at $1.75 Trillion.   The reason given for NOT building more reservoirs across the continent, like in America, is ‘damage to wildlife’ and ecosystems.   In the UK the last reservoir was built 30 years ago.   Apparently, building 500 new dams to redirect other people’s water does not interfere with the ecosystem… Therefore this alternative is encouraged…

Even more odd is the statement in 2022 by various governments across the EU  that water consumption was down, therefore building a reservoir is price prohibitive at a comparable cost of $150 million to $2 billion.   Logic seems to be a rare commodity any longer.   But it does beg the question – if consumption is down significantly – would that not be as a result of an already culled population?   And the true numbers are being withheld?

The exceptionally philosophical United Nations explains it this way:   “Water scarcity intensifies as demand increases and/or as water supply is affected by decreasing quantity or quality.  Women and girls are the hardest hit.  Sustainability is the solution.”   They are speaking to a third grader – like Kamaltoes speech writers.  Of course, if the Cartel could simply takeover Russia – all humanity would be saved as depletion of Lake Baikal would provide a temporary solution.

Russia has more than vast oil and gas resources, black gold soil, and untapped minerals, it has the largest Fresh Water source in the world by volume, and a Nationalist Leader, Putin.  And the Cartel desperately wants Russia.  All of it.     

Geoengineering has attempted to redirect water for decades.  Doing so simply ‘moves the goal posts’ from one area suffering a drought to another area suffering a flood.   The natural occurrence of storms no longer follows Mother Nature.  The Middle East routinely geoengineers rain to its desert cities.   In fact it has perfected the Nikola Tesla science of shooting electrical probes into the atmosphere so as to create clouds and then seed them with salt.   A technique that is absolute in measurement and quantity of rainfall.  As a direct result, temperatures can be cooled by as much as 20-30 degrees.

Meanwhile, our esteemed Zion Handlers would prefer to see Americans using outhouses, dying in Okie dustbowls and eating mealworms.  The dichotomy of extremes is extreme!

IF we were to pull away all the veils of false reality that have been installed by The Cartel, our society would be generations behind Russia and the Middle East at this point.   The principle reason?  WAR.   War and Coups are NOT their evolution.  Building on what they have means concentrated Revolutions.

Dubai is building cityscapes with flying cars, Saudi Arabia is building a futuristic city –  NEOM, and the US is building anarchy and chaos.  And the world is going to pass our ancient caveman warrior handlers good-bye, adieu, do svidaniya.   How idiotic.  Yet, no one is allowed to speak about the Zion Coup.   No one is allowed to speak ill of anyone Jewish, even the fake Jews.   Thus we were told – this common enemy would lead to American Unity.    The Day, The Music Died….

Saudi Arabia and Dubai did not decide to Coup Russia to forcefully colonize its resources, they instead sought ways and means of self sufficiency and trade without politics.   Nationalism.   So now – they are The Bad Guy as espoused by every CIA owned news outlet.   A common enemy is essential to their Power Control.  But they took it to extremes:  Asia is our enemy, Russia is our enemy, the Middle East is our enemy, and selective African countries that align with Russia – are our enemy.   By making them our ‘enemy’ we authorize their death.  Like the Palestinians.

JUST as Biden has done multiple times on national television when calling MAGA’s the biggest terrorist threat to America.   We are The Enemy, and thus, he is authorizing our deaths.   He is pronouncing that anyone who murders a MAGA will be set free.   Just like ISraeli’s killing the ‘enemy’ Palestinians.   We Will Become The Palestinians….  Be vigilante.  Be War.  There are many, many wolves among us setting traps.

This is How It Is Done.

While individual state governors have the power to call up Their National Guard, only Congress has the power to call up the US National Guard – NOT the President.  However, states may call up their guard in other states with that governors permission.  This works to the benefit during catastrophic weather chaos – but it can also be implemented by blue states in collusion with each other to target “The Enemy” – MAGA.  This would be considered – Legal.

When looking at the politics and the parity of other nations it is imperative that we shed the hypnosis of ‘evil countries’ as espoused by what we now know as our own ‘evil Zion Cartel’.   They don’t like brown, black, white blonde, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Asians or Hispanics.  This hatred will be levied in doses to attempt to obscure the fact that it is inclusive of everyone.   And Each Genocide will be conducted in such a way as to label the victim evil, an enemy.   So as to justify the mass murder.

The entire purpose of water shortages, fuel shortages, food shortages, etc… is to justify the ultimate genocide of ¾ of the global population.   To Allow The Superior Race As The Sole Survivor.   And the Zions are the self-proclaimed Superior Race.   Their Survival means:  They want Russia’s Fresh Water.  They want Russia’s fertile soil.   They want uneducated barbarian immigrants to toil and labor for them.   And they need the world’s scientists, doctors, and Engineers to rule over the barbarian classless.

EMPIRES are being redrawn.   But the Tortoises are Winning.  The Zions are being left behind…because all they know, all their expertise, is encapsulated in War, Control & Death.

The Tortoise and The Hare.

The MISES INSTITUTE – Bolsheviks rewrite Economics & History

The Rothschild Economist is afraid of Xi Jinping.   By becoming a more closed political system, Jinping is seeking to expand his power ~ according to an anonymous writer for The Economist.  The underlay Gob Speak translation is; ‘Xi Jinping will not allow a western coup’, therefore China is an Enemy.  How Dare China demand sovereignty.  

Jinping’s Minister of the Economy has unveiled a target of 5% GDP growth for 2024 thru increased productivity in manufacturing – which has proven to be China’s best source of income.   How?   By following in the Russia ideology of Nation First.   Or, Make America Great Again.   Nationalism is the bane of the Zion Cartel.  Nationalism has been redefined as ‘superiority’, aggression toward other nations, and racist.   Why?  Because nationalism unites people and the Cartel requires division and hate.

CATO INSTITUTE:   Nationalism is a collectivist ideology at odds with America’s founding fathers principles and institutions, classical-liberal economics, and the realities of our diverse population.

The CATO Institute was founded on libertarian principles, however in 1981, they kicked out Board Chair Murray Rothbard, one of the founders, in order to pursue more political skew points for the Rhino establishment.  Now CATO defines itself as embracing ‘classical liberalism’.

IN the Declaration of Independence, John Locke had initially written, Life, Liberty and Property – which Thomas Jefferson changed to ‘the pursuit of happiness’ – a World Economic Forum Pill that has soured considerably.  Our ‘Founding Fathers’ were not always on our side – they were on the side of Britain which was ruled by Rothschild.

By the 1930’s, FDR’s New Deal was declared to be the modern classical liberalism.  Karl Popper, Soros protégé, considered himself to be a classical liberal.   Today, the CATO Institute is associated with the Liberal Party – its roots have been sitting in too much water creating Methane Gas.

And Methane stinks.

Peter Goettler is CEO of CATO.   He is also a member of the Mont Pelerin Society.  Defined as a neoliberal organization, Mont Pelerin was created in 1947, for the purpose of fighting against the growing control of government which suppressed freedom.   Like CATO, its nonpolitical ideology was usurped and the Society became a thin dying vine of its previous self.

These NGO’s which were once revered for their nonpartisan intellectualism have fallen into a disarray parallel to our mayors, AG’s, DA’s, Justice Department and every intel agency known to exist.  They have essentially been ‘couped’.

Both CATO and Mont Pelerin declare they are in alignment with the Mises Institute.

The Mises Institute:    is a nonprofit thinktank headquartered in Auburn Alabama, that is a center for radical right-wing libertarian thought and the paleoliberitarian and anarcho capitalist movements in the United States. 

WOW!  Apparently, our esteemed Lew Rockwell is a radical anarchist…. According to the classical liberals who dictate Truth.  The Mises Institute is credited with having earned the ire of The Economist (Rothschild) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (Soros) which claims that The Mises Institute is ‘neo-Confederate’.  Gob Speak for ‘white supremacy’ and racism.

Apparently, anyone who supports the history of the Confederate, including The United Daughters of The Confederacy – are guilty of creating a false history given they honor their legacy of Confederates who were really dishonorable soldiers advocating slavery.  Hence, The Mises Institute has been rebranded by the Cartel.

One fun aspect of “Wikipedia” is that it maintains a history of every edit made.   Therefore when reading the original caption of The Mises Institute from 2005, it stated;   “The Mises Institute is a foundation, based in Auburn Alabama, dedicated to research on economics and political economy. It subscribes to a view of government and economics inspired by the Austrian School economist Ludwig von Mises. The Institute’s founder and current president is Llewellyn Rockwell Jr. Murray Rothbard was a major influence on the Institute’s activities, and he served as its vice president until his death in 1995.

And THAT my friends is how history is rewritten.

While Obama brought this transformation to the forefront, he is not the President behind the Blue Curtain as some ascertain.  Obama is simply another puppet groomed to dress, speak, walk, think, and display within the entirety of vanity.   His intelligence acumen is likely on par with Biden.   I doubt he went to Law School and his Columbia University degree is also questionable given no pictures, no classes, no classmates.

It is theorized that Obama was groomed by Soviet Bolsheviks to destroy America and initiate Marxist-Communist Totalitarian Rule.   The Harriman Institute at Columbia University was established in 1946, as the Russian Institute.  Founded by Rockefeller. The Harriman Institute grovels over Navalny, the Zion Holocaust, Ukraine Nazis, and Vladimir Troyanksy who wrote, Empire of Refugees.    The treatise exposes the anger of Soviet Bolsheviks and Muslim Circassians who left Russia for the Ottoman Empire and destroyed it from within.

These are the people who groomed Obama – who taught him Marxist and Communist ideologies as a means of taking over the world in the name of The Protocols of The Elders of Zion.  The Harriman Institute at Columbia University.

Guess who was just appointed as the newest member of Columbia Harrison Institute faculty? 

Victoria Nuland!  SURPRISE!

The CIA & MOSSAD; Algorithms, Rhetoric, & Fakery

RAMPING UP RHETORIC Regarding Abortion:

How prevalent is Rape?   The CDC reports data compiled by the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey.   They collect their data via random telephone interviews.  The means of collecting and analyzing the data changed in 2016, therefore comparisons are useless according to NIPSV.  Because people were not too keen on providing this information over the phone to a stranger, NIPSV began offering compensation.  The last survey conducted was 2016 – 2017 and included the participation of 15,000 women and 12,000 men.  While lower income was prevalent among the respondents, NIPSV decided not to weight this discrepancy in their tallies.  Results:  1 in 4 women have been raped or attempted – 1 in 26 men have been raped or attempted.

Based on these surveys, the CDC issues the results as facts attributable to every American.   The FBI also compiles data and fills in holes when the data is not available – presenting ‘estimates’.   FACTS no longer exist.  DATA is considered Fact.

These facts are used by Planned Parenthood to write a study for JAMA wherein they determine that state laws restricting abortion are causing a high rate of pregnant rape victims.   In addition, these DATA surveys are used to provide the number of rapes by state that result in pregnancies with Texas and California leading the pack – by numbers, not by percentages.

I have no intention of diminishing rape, however, ‘thinking’ you might have been assaulted had you stuck around is a bizarre characteristic to add to the DATA set of rape.    But it serves a purpose when Planned Parenthood is the one analyzing the CDC data as fact.   The fake DATA is not simply attributed to rape – it is now attributed to all crimes as tabulated by our justice systems.  Mexican, Asian and Black arrest records label them ‘white’.   The point being to skew numbers and rewrite history.

The Disinformation campaign by the fake intel agencies is ramping up.   Testing the limits of lies supported by manipulated DATA using supposedly authoritative agencies to post said fakery;  FBI, CDC, NIH, Lancet, JAMA, Johns Hopkins, etc….   These same agencies corrupted the world with their Pandemic DATA utilizing the algorithms created by Bill Gates engineers at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) created in 2007.

Classic terms include: estimates, predictions, modeling, guess, data, data tracker, statistics, expert, scientific, gaging, impression, surmise, valuation, assessing, etc…  All of which is created with a small sample size to represent the Globe – although Africa has not ever been subject to any DATA and thus is a complete fabrication.

The DATA Revolution was manufactured out of an inability to track real information as it became too large.  Science declared algorithms to be ‘evidence based’ in order to value their output and confirm they were .’scientifically derived’ – which they are not.   Like AI, Algorithms are only as good as their ‘inputters’.   They are disinformation because despite the language ‘estimate’ they are represented as factual.

Algorithms have managed to destroy the reliability of polls as bias is automatically inserted when the right palms are greased – when they select a pre-approved panel for all their answers – when they are conducted online with absolutely no demographics – when they hire 15 year olds to fill in the ‘surveys’ at 1am….

Fakery as PR was the brainchild of the CIA and Mossad.   It was perfected during the holocaust perpetrated upon Syria.   Which means that nothing with regards to war, military, training exercises, or ANY ‘terrorist’ organizations can be evaluated properly without extensive research.

In that vein, I thought a good laugh might help alleviate the stress:

The US Justice Department released their update on their Equity Action Plan February 14, 2024 via their Office of Public Affairs.   At the end of the reel discussing their procedures is a video which is narrated outloud while a woman provides lip reading and ASL sign.   Only she is a phony – signing weird incomprehensible “ASL” while lip reading one or two words before she becomes confused and looses it!!!   Good Fun To Watch: 


AMERICA: A Regime of Government For Government

What would it take to rebuild America?   What form of government would be immune to blackmail?   Can America undo FDR?   Every Executive Order is required to comply with the US Constitution.   Can Constitution Amendments be repealed?   While we are ‘told’ America is a pure capitalist society, is that factual?   Technically, America has been operating under a socialist/monarchial-elite government for decades – if not centuries. 

The illusion – the first lie.

During Russia’s Soviet imperialism era, the government operated under a communist/Marxist manifesto regime.   When the Soviets were liberated from this oppression, it is almost as though the entity that held Russia under its thumb attached to Reagan like a globular cell and was brought to America in full force –  creating an American Soviet Union.  This Union was then allowed to infiltrate every aspect of the US Government recreating a Bolshevik America.

The ‘entity’ attached itself to every aspect of Imperialism to the point that Congressional members became infatuated with themselves and their self imposed mini-power.   As though the entity infiltrated into their psyche.  It typically manifests in the classic smug statement,  “Do you know who I am!?”   Threatening repercussions should a business dare not bow and scrape to their power and push the peasants to the back of the line.   Ted Cruz.

Today, Politicians act like spoiled Entertainers – the Jesters of the King.  Notoriety is their goal.   Fame.   Fortune.   And their roles are dictated by a script provided by the Shadows who are too fearful and cowardly to reveal themselves.

China’s Government is labeled a “Uniparty Socialist Republic”.   A nice way of saying Communist.   However, note that China is a Republic.   Americans are quick to correct anyone who dares claim we are a Democracy – we are a Republic – they scream in defiance!   Well, so is China, so is Egypt, so is Greece, Italy, Yemen, Russia, Poland, France etc…   The definition is thus worthless as it defines every communist stronghold in Africa… Europe and Asia.

What is the US Government?

This Is What We Are TOLD:   “The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves. It is representative because people choose elected officials by free and secret ballot.” ~ The White House

Self-Governing.   The concept arose  in ancient Greece during the time of Plato – 550ish BC.   Whether that was ever an intention in America, or simply a propaganda postulation is unknown.   But, it certainly does NOT apply in any manner today.   The Pandemic made that quite clear.   The US is not run by the White House or Congress – that is also abundantly clear.   Putin acknowledged that factoid stating that 40 years ago when conversing with the US the CIA was running the stage.

The concept of a Republic was notable during the Roman Republic – Empire.   Their Constitution was characterized by a Senate composed of wealthy aristocrats wielding significant influence.   Representation in a republic may or may not be freely elected by the general citizenry.  In fact, all it really represents is the lack of a ‘monarchy’.  When viewing the components of a Democracy, the US shares few of those ideologies – including “open society”.

An open society, first coined in 1932, is defined as one in which ‘moral universalism’ is the main characteristic.   But moral universalism means everyone – all 2-5-10 billion inhabitants on earth – must abide by the same ethics as created and adopted by some alien self-defined god, like Klaus Schwab.   The ultimate nihilist.   Created by The Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union – and now ruling America.

It didn’t work so well for the Soviet Union – millions put to death arbitrarily, millions starved, no trade, no productivity, no evolution, no modernization, no philosophy, no religion, no smiley faces…

So what sort of government is effective?  

We are told that Denmark is the least corrupt government in the world… – according to ‘perception’.   In other words, the Danes are so muddled in propaganda, they have no idea what their government is doing – therefore it must be Tony The Tiger – Grrreeeaat – Perception!   To put it into perspective – Canada and the UK are also ranked among the least corrupt governments… ~ World Economic Forum.

Corrupt US NGO’s promote their ability to ‘fight corruption’ around the world – stand up for justice…   And once upon a time – we believed.   We just don’t any more – and America cannot regain that veil – ever.

The Democrat Party is considered the longest lasting party to survive in the US – 187 years.   But in its present form – that would be through fraud and corruption.   ANY government can be usurped by nefarious individuals, only a few have managed to prevent that coup – Russia and China – utilizing two completely different forms.

CHINA:   China’s success came from opening its market to trade.   China’s failure came from their misplaced trust in western governments.  TRADE was the means to success.  But as the enemy – trade was deleted.   Therefore, China was relegated to find other sources to benefit its existence… when the US decided China Good = China BAD.

RUSSIA:   Russia’s success came from slowly building their entire economy from scratch after being freed of the Bolsheviks.   Their ‘near’ failure came from Trusting western governments.   Once relieved of the oppression, Russia has become a formidable state.   Built on Nationalism, a love of country, and a religious house of stone.

What made Putin Enemy #1 in the view of the Western Cartel, is also what made Putin favored #1 with the Russian People.  He booted all things Soros, communism, Rothschild, NGO infiltration and coup proliferation from the country and firmly kept them at bay.

NO COUNTRY IS PERFECT:   Crime will always exist.   Mafia Cartels exist in every country.  Some are more prominent.   China has organized crime cartels, Russia has the Russian Mafia, and the US has The CIA and FBI.   ALL these cartels operate on a global basis looking for the weak point wherein they can attach control.   However, the largest and wealthiest Mafia Headline still belongs to Italy in Calabria.

What successful governments and Cartels share in common to survive is – unity.   China attempts to force unity, while Russia promotes unity through nationalism, and the US destroys unity through forced immigration, diversity, and racism.   China, Russia, Cartels, have little to Nix, Nada, Nilch – diversity.   Diversity is not a cornerstone to growth – it is the means of economic and social death.

America is now the MOST ethnically diverse country in the world by percentage of population, displacing the ethnic majority – white.    Middle Eastern countries have zero tolerance diversity.   When analyzing the most effective form of government in the world, the US and Israel rank 26th and 27th.  NOT stellar.

When discussing various forms of government, the ideologies are based on a perfect system that will never be corrupted.   A ‘perfect democracy’ vs an ‘absolute dictatorship’.   Neither truly exist.   Because it isn’t about the form as much as it is about the person running the form.  In the US that would include:   FDR, who greatly increased government, took power away from The People, regulated everything and everyone, and created the caste system of rule.   This would be followed by Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden…

America has yet to have the grace of a man who can rule with an iron fist to protect The People, while ruling with respect and fidelity for The People.   Instead, we lay listless, the wind has died, the sails are tattered, the crew is worn weary, and a hurricane force storm is brewing on the seas.   Captain… what do you do?

Captain Biden would call a lid and go on vacation.

There is no perfect government.   However, during Biden’s tenure, the jobs reports typically show that employment has been generated via more hiring in the government – not the private sector.   Expanding the government is classic totalitarianism.   Rule by Might – facts and history are thus ruled by the government.   Instead of intelligent noble leaders we are gifted the grifters within an anarchic ruthless system.   Grifters grift for themselves.

In essence, our entire Federal government is comprised of grifters.   When you work for a cartel – suddenly you become a Ted Cruz – ‘do you know who I am’ persona who believes he is above the peasants and plebes and undesirables.   Unity becomes divisive anger.   And the waves on the sea crash the bow of the boat, flooding the bowels.

Where is The Captain?

Our Constitution should remain the mainstay.   Congress and their 3 million employees should be purged.  State and local governments now account for 15 million full time and 4.5 million part time employees.   Roughly 20 million US employees work for the government – not including civilian employees working for the government.   In fact, there are at least 24 agencies that are considered independent of the federal government despite their being granted government monies via taxpayers.  In addition there are thousands of NGO’s – nongovernmental organizations – working for the government, as the federal government, paid for – by the government despite their nongovernmental status;   CIA, NASA, FCC, Federal Reserve, EPA, etc…   PURGE.

Thus America has become a country whose government works for the government, by the government, and with the government to further – the government.  It isn’t technically about Capitalism vs Socialism, or Republican vs Democrat, it is about abuse of power.   Congress should be limited to 50 states.   Senators are redundant.   District Representatives – are redundant and worthless.  They have no value, serve no purpose, and cost inane amounts of money when staffing and security become their entire valuation.

Pensions should be eliminated completely.   Benefits should match those provided by middle America businesses.   Education requirements should not include bought and paid for degrees from mafia cartels – Soros, Rothschild, Morgan, etc… or couch-services.   This is NOT Pompeii.

Obviously, the only way to purge to this extent would be thru The Clauses of The Constitution recognizing The People as the Employer and The government – as employees.   Trump does not have this Power.   But, we do.   Constitutionally.   WE have The Power.   We simply need to exercise it.

US Government Debt & Spending Run By Lawyers; SCRAPE

Media Pundits are calling for an audit of the Federal Government.   As a former CPA, I can assure you that at this point, such a brainstorm is laughable.  By the time an audit was finished in 2035 It would have no value.   The government isn’t even sure how many agencies and subagencies it operates and funds – much less how much is spent.   The Pentagon lost $3 trillion before 9-11.   USAID gives away money like Skittles.   And the flow of government NGO funding is thru a maize of offshore entities, foreign entities, and more anonymous middlemen than a New York Times article!

Yet somehow, our esteemed liberal loonies have claimed to track down $5.6 million that was paid to Trump hotels for conventions, parties, and vacations that is deemed ‘foreign interference’’.   The deflection from Joe and Hunter Biden’s escapades and their mélange of friends, family and associate Big Guy partnerships – is lame duck.   None of which will make it to a DOJ court before the 2024 election.

  1. Hunter did not declare the ‘income’, the investments, or Joey’s involvement. He filed false tax returns, lied in alimony court, and funneled untaxable money to family members illegally.  By contrast, Trump’s legitimate hotel businesses simply made money and reported it correctly.
  2. The Biden’s were taking money for pay-for-play bribes, as opposed to legitimate business dealings. The SPIN is Trump’s ‘greed’.

Yet, still the focus is on a few million while the Pentagon manufactures fake books, maintains black books, upholds cash bribes, and funds mercenaries while trying to claim it is all miscellaneous expenses in order to balance the Balance Sheet.   Which is NOT within the limits of Accounting regulations.  It would take another 10 years for an Economic Major DOJ to figure out what the audit meant and another 10 years to figure out what to do!!!

The only way to Balance The Pentagon budget would be to wipe it clean and start from scratch.   Fire 70% of the administrative employees and hire some brainiacs to monitor expenditures.   Not just of The Pentagon but of every agency.   Financials would be due by February 28th and subject to penalties, interest and possible jail for deviations.  No funding until the books are uncooked.

The fact that government has been allowed to skate the same requirements imposed on those taxpayers funding them, is beginning to find sure footing by The People.  

As Haley’s popularity fails among anyone other than democrats and rhino’s, Obama is looking to call it a fold for Biden sometime in May so as to insert Big Mike.   Such a move would solidify the anti-white genocide and ramp it into hypersonic mode.  It would also drive the US significantly closer to a civil war.   All of which is designed to RESET the $40 trillion in debt that the US can never reduce or pay!  But would ALSO destroy the accumulated wealth of the elite as their properties would be targeted.

Just in time, the GDP rate has been released by the White House which claims the US rose at a level 3.3% rate for 2023.   Yeahhhhh.    Apparently, GDP rose 5% in Q1, 3.7% in Q2, and 2% in Q3 & Q4.   There are two drivers affecting GDP;   government spending and government spending.   Personal ‘spending’ was hiked by price increases and inflation.  Exports were virtually flat.   Employment continues to be inflated by BLS to the tune of 30% to 60% compared to Automatic Data Processing.   But no one seems to notice or care – because the government would never ever lie – pinky swear.

Listening to media entertainer pundits crying for a federal audit would be like giving a bunch of lawyers the power to run Congress.  Oh wait.  And Nikki Haley’s degree in Accounting ain’t gonna cut it, anymore than 3 semesters of Law makes me a lawyer.  I digress.

The Budget Deficit for 2023 was anywhere between $1.5 trillion and $2.6 trillion – according to who is doing the common core math.   They Are NOT SURE!    Receipts for 2023 were $4.4 trillion.  In a corporate world that would mean the Net Loss was between 34% and 59% of revenue.   Would you invest in that company?   Japan and China continue to hold the largest percentage of US Debt at 25%, However, China has been steadily selling off US Treasuries due to their increasing insecurity.

The value of US Dollars fluctuates with trade.   Thus Treasuries somewhat parallel the value status.   All are pegged to the perception of an Empire.   As sanctions and wars and instability continue to reign, countries decouple from the US dollar based on economic uncertainty. and sell off Treasuries.

In 1944, the same FDR Reign of economic destruction called The New Deal initiated the Bretton Woods Agreement No Agreement wherein the US dollar was pegged as the world’s reserve currency – by the US government.  As a direct result, the amount of US dollars in circulation rose from roughly $5 billion in 1940 to roughly $30 billion in 1950 – an increase of 600%.  How?  Printing Money.  Today, that printed money amounts to $2.34 trillion.

Raising interest rates does not reduce the amount of currency in circulation – it simply slows the increase of NEW currency.   A stagflation.

The 2023 Federal Reserve Financial Statements (unaudited) show unrealized losses of $800 billion Treasury Securities, and $510 billion in commercial and residential properties.   The entire Balance Sheet of the Federal Reserve is based primarily on issued securities, ie T-Bills, bonds, Mortgage backed securities, etc.   If the market tanks, if the dollar falls, the Federal Reserve valuations and solvency tank.    Yet the debt remains.

To deflect from the absolute gross mismanagement of US Taxpayer’s money, the only respite is a do-over via a digital currency.   An allusion of valueless money.   But this solution is the only way they know to bury the $40 trillion debt.   Because US Taxpayers are on the hook for a whopping 75%  – only 25% of US debt is now foreign owned.

But somehow, an audit will solve this in the minion minds of ‘lawyers’.  Or a Flat Tax, another non-solution that has been attempted and tabled for at least 60 years.  The Pentagon’s solution was to blow up the evidence via the Twin Towers.  And POOF – $3.4 trillion was never discussed again.

This is what happens when lawyers with zero business acumen think they can run a country store – much less a state or country.   These are the stalwarts of the WEF and WH shadows that want to run the GLOBE –  They can’t even run a farking candy machine of skittles and make a profit.

SCRRRAAPPPEEE.   Congress, the system, and start over.   The ONLY way means – they all get ‘fired’.   It means ramping up TRADE by eliminating sanctions and ending all wars tomorrow.   It means confiscating the wealth earned to create the debt.   It means no more lawyers in Congress.   It means scrapping pensions in government with the exception of the Military.  It means Generals have to earn MBA’s.  And of course, it means no aid, grants, or charity to anyone.   SCRAPE!    

Vander Plaats Endorsement of DeSantis Over Trump


What happens when a Pastor loses perspective of his role in the church?   What happens when a Pastor begins to see himself within the frame of Power instead of shepherd?  What happens when a Pastor becomes a church’s politician?  What happens when Pastors are led astray by a Snake?  What happens is the Pastor is no longer a Pastor – but instead sees himself above the congregation instead of ‘beside it’.

Billed as an influential Evangelical leader, Bob Vander Plaats is the CEO of The Family Leader.  He recently endorsed DeSantis for president after DeSantis’ campaign gave Plaats foundation $95,000 ostensibly in return for the endorsement.  Plaats website states, “Inspiring the church to engage government in God’s Kingdom”.   In actuality, the engagement mentioned = control.   An ardent anti-Trump activist, Plaats views DeSantis as a Godly man and only Godly men that are vetted by Plaats through his “ChooseWell” platform are worthy of being in political office.  And he, Plaats, wants to select those office holders for DeSantis…

The ChooseWell Platform does not even list Trump as a potential candidate, and thus has already revealed a significant bias.   A Power vacuum, Plaats has essentially told his followers to abandon Trump and vote according to his measure of morality.   A lobbying effort – not a religious organization.  According to its IRS Form 990, The Family Leader receives the majority of its compensation from ‘government institutions’ and pays Plaats roughly $200,000.   In addition Plaats operates, The Family Leader, Inc – wherein donations are not a charitable deduction, his salary is an additional $220,000 and Net Assets are roughly $1.377 million.   As of 2022, The Family Leader Foundation has Net Assets of roughly $1 million untaxed.

Donors are NOT revealed including government subsidies of his organization.  And grants or donations from these entities are nonexistent.  His public audience is his mission – not actions or charity.

Having failed to be elected Governor of Iowa on three separate instances, Plaat’s ego would seem to supersede his appeal.  His claim to have selected three successful presidential candidates includes:  Cruz, Santorum, and Huckabee.   Santorum is a neoconservative in alliance with McCain, Bush and Pence, characterized as an extreme hawk.   Cruz has lost a significant base of appeal due to his personal activities.   And Huckabee – we would have to ask his opinion.

Plaat is quite vocal on Twitter/X in his constant drivel against Trump as opposed to his supposed self portrayal as above such pettiness.   A superiority complex.  Thus pronouncing himself as a nonChristian and a wolf among the sheep.

Plaats disparaging comments regarding Trump include;   1.  His admiration for Jenna Ellis, whose plea deal would seemingly include denouncing Trump on social media,  2.  Trump is responsible for CoVid,   3.  Trump is responsible for Jan 6th,   4.   Trump is responsible for the inactivation of the gold standard,   5.  Trump hired Fauci and is responsible for not firing him…etc…

Plaat is pro-Israel calling for the annihilation of Hamas and Gaza, without seemingly realizing, or perhaps just ignoring, the fact that today’s Israel is Secular – not Christian – not Judea.   His posts highlight the ‘sanctity of life’ for all – except those he doesn’t like or agree with – Again denouncing the Biblical account of the Hebrews and Semites.  All while working directly with the Rhino RNC in his lobbying campaign.

A Power vacuum with all the hawks, Rhinos, and agendas facilitating the same Cabalist kingdom – small k.

The essence of Plaats message is that people of his stature are the only ones deserving to live – and to lead.

A Power struggle within the evangelicals is emerging.  It is led by the hawks who decry the ‘sanctity of life’ for me, but not for those I personally oppose.   It is the Nikki Haley call for War Forever.   It presupposes that by pronouncing oneself an evangelical one is superior to those beneath their vision.   This is not a true Christian view and should be called out for what it desires;  the absolute monarchial control of America via a self appointed King who will rule according to their Kingdom Protocol.

And the End Result will be a colony lorded and ruled via an absolute Authority of Power.

Such an endorsement by Plaats upon DeSantis exalts the Truth behind this assembly and should scare the bejeebies out of every Christian, Catholic and Jew.   It will invoke the annihilation of every religion that is NOT within their doctrine and stands against the Biblical convention.

Do Not Be Fooled.   This is a Power Play of Deceptive Authority using the Bible as a idol for its application.


Election 2024 is going to be poisoning!   Democracy will never recover.   Bolton claims Trump’s campaign is ‘poison’.   The Economist claims 2024 will be poison.   Biden says Trump echoes Hitler.  Trump’s lies have meant threats, harassment, and a poisoned dog.   FEAR is frothing at the rabid mouths of the Liberal Media and Rhino bases in a desperate attempt to relinquish responsibility for an abject FAILED economic dystopia.

The media is toasted.   Sparring over inconsequential terms, they resort to childish playground bully pits to invoke their gnashing of teeth.  The better truths include:   Argentina’s Milei victory could upend Western control of the whole of South America.   The Ukraine War is over and the West lost against their arch enemy – Russia.  Global support for the secular Israel tanked overnight with a rogue Netanyahu jeopardizing the Secular Ashkenazi Cabalists’ Hologram image.

The beasts are screeching.

Argentina’s economy had at one point paralleled that of America, albeit at a lower level, until debt collapsed the growth trajectory resulting in a debt restructuring to survive.   Punished by America, inflation peaked at nearly 55% in 2019 before the “Pandemic” destroyed global economies.   The Socialist president, Fernandez, managed to increase inflation to 100%, institute tax hikes, price freezes, debt default and excessively high poverty rates.

Fernandez ran Argentina utilizing the same policies as the Biden Handlers with the express authority of Pope Francis.  It appears President Milei intends to completely overhaul the government, diminishing its oblique power structure, and returning a form of nationalism until the economy can be rebuilt.

Milei’s 2014 exposure to The World Economic Forum is being asserted as his disqualification, however, the mention could simply be a press release and nothing more.  He has denounced the Sustainable Development Goals of 2030, climate change mandates, and cultural Marxism.  According to the Jewish Chronicle, Milei is reading the Torah within a Sephardic rabbinical Community – as opposed to the secular Zionists.  Ultimately, his actions will speak.

The Economist has already declared the Ashkenazi Cabal will vehemently fight this Argentinian reformation.

Lloyd Austin made a surprise trip to Ukraine today to reassert the need for a military overhaul, and deter the possibility of a Zelenskyy coup by the remaining population.   Military defectors have made the pilgrimage to Russia en-masse.  Austin is desperately pronouncing Kyiv as a clear War Win because Russia did not reduce it to rubble highlighting this grand achievement is the best the West can offer as a media Parlay.  The fact remains, Kyiv was never the target for Russia as they stipulated from the onset – Bioweapon Labs, The Minsk Agreement Diplomacy and Nazi’s were their issue.

Despite Ukraine’s Azov Battalion’s Nazi history, Israel’s Netanyahu adamantly supported Zelenskyy in the Western backed incursion against Russia.  While Israel did not provide weapons, it is likely due to their pre-emptive ongoing bombing raids of Gaza and the West Bank.   A military cost that could drive Israel’s economy into stagnation and debt.

After the 2014 Maiden Coup in Ukraine, 1.5 million Ukrainians fled to Russia.  An additional 2.8 million have fled since the 2022 incursion representing the largest refugee destination.  A boon for Russia given a declining population.

Netanyahu’s PR campaign utilizing AI imagery and false claims is falling flat.   The Biblical references justifying the genocide of Palestinian Semites are heresy when spewed from the secular mouths of pagans.   And a deep schism has been unearthed that was NOT the game plan intended by the Cabalists.  Netanyahu’s popularity in Israel has plummeted to just 4% and leaders across the globe are calling for him to resign and be charged criminally by the ICC.

But ego fuels Netanyahu and he is staunch in his ‘right’ to genocide.

According to an analysis by CSIS, Center For Strategic $ International Studies, Israel has the potential of ‘losing’ the war due to their justification assertion and failed PR.   The infrastructure devastation in Gaza resembles end world scenarios.   Rebuilding is not possible.  Netanyahu’s attempt to muster sympathy continues to be shred as new revelations emerge that the IDF may be responsible for many if not the vast majority of Israeli deaths as they utilized Apache helicopter ‘carpet bombing’ on the ‘festival’ and the bombing of “Hamas” tunnels which purportedly house the Israeli ‘hostages’.

The attempt to claim that the IDF soldiers were in fact Hamas wearing IDF uniforms has proven to be false.   Instead, the focus is on the barbaric massacres implemented by the IDF.  And the CIA/Mossad PR attempts are continually revealed as fake.  The end result will find Israel estranged from global nations, and the US government on par, further moving the election away from the Democrats and the pro-Israel independent – Kennedy.

On a lighter note, the Brazil government is investigating former president, Bolsonaro, on charges he harassed a whale while riding a jet ski dating from last June.  The charges stem from a complaint by Human Rights Watch, a Soros organization bent on harassment of – well, everybody.   Bolsonaro’s response, “the only whale that doesn’t like me on the esplanade is the one in the ministry,” reportedly referring to Brazil’s minister of justice, Flavio Dino.

Israel’s Slave Trade & The Pentagon’s Failed Audit

The Construction industry in Israel is short 100,000+ workers because they fired all the Palestinians in the labor market.   Now they are looking to replace the Palestinians with Indian laborers as in Israel’s slave trade, an ongoing trafficking business that has existed for over 30 years.   Common in the Middle East, Israel sought the same leverage of underpaid, undocumented, trafficked labor from eastern Asia, in particular India.   Now that Gaza has been razed to rubble, the need for bulldozing in preparation for the Ben Gurion Canal is amplified.

“In early November, thousands of Palestinian workers were forced to return to Gaza on foot after being dropped off several miles from the Israeli-Gaza border wearing numbered tags on their ankles.”

Human Rights abuses have been documented for decades and yet nothing is done.   Agriculture settlement farms use Palestinian children as young as 11 to pick and clean vegetables for Israeli’s.  Many children don’t go to school.   They get paid $19 a day, 6-7 days a week, 8—12 hours per day, in violation of every international labor law.   For Palestinians, education is superfluous because there are no jobs.   They are the peasant workers and the Israeli government condones this.

Foreign workers, including Palestinians, must pay a monthly work permit fee of $780.  In addition, labourers from India typically are charged $25,000 payable to an employment agency which provides loans at 8%-10% interest for repayment.   If the slave reports the blackmail, they are deported.  Forced prostitution is rife in Israel with the vast majority of women trafficked coming from Ukraine, Russia, and Palestine.

The Police are ordered to ‘stand down’ and do nothing.

In the words of Ben Shapiro, these people are simple minded barbarians who deserve nothing better.   Dehumanization.

Palestinian men working in Israel are paid roughly $77 per day before deductions for fees and taxes.  They represent roughly 70% of Israel’s Construction labor given the vast majority of Israeli’s work in professional occupations.

The War by Israel has opened a Pandora’s Box that can never be resealed.   Netanyahu has managed to reveal a system of criminality, persecution, and genocide amidst a regime based on rules of supremacy.   The Ashkenazi’s unveiled is a far more totalitarian engagement than the mass hypnosis presentation filtered through rose colored glasses.   It has been known by the US government, the UN, Amnesty International and many other human rights organizations for decades, and yet – Israel specifically chose to ignore reality and continued its pretense.   Subjugating any foreign worker to slavery, the pariah is exposed.

Today, South Africa called for criminal investigations into Israel’s proxy genocide by the ICC, backed a motion to close the Israeli Embassy, and called for the complete suspension of Israel ties.   Of course, anyone who makes such a motion is immediately labeled a terrorist backer or a Marxist to discredit, demonize and dehumanize.   A liberal tactic employed on Russia, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and any country that so agrees.

Despite claims of a massive tunnel system under hospitals, the IDF has failed to show such a network.   By deflection, the patients in such hospitals, mostly children and women are bombed relentlessly as cornered casualties of war – unable to flee.

Taking its toll on media positions, another story is buried:  The Pentagon FAILED its sixth audit.  Inventories are fudged.   Money is unaccounted.   “With $3.8 trillion in assets, $4 trillion in liabilities, and little meaningful oversight, the potential for waste and fraud is immense, according to the Government Accountability Office, which has included the department’s business systems modernization and financial management initiatives on its “High Risk List” – a list of federal programs most susceptible to fraud, abuse, mismanagement, and waste – for nearly 30 years.”

Accounting for funds sent to any country, including Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, and Israel will never occur.  Despite consuming over 50% of the discretionary budget, they are in the hole.   The $3.8 trillion in assets – cannot be accounted for.   Yet Congress wants to send more funds to ‘everywhere’.   A Deep, dark HOLE.

The US and Israel have destroyed their respect as more media journalists open the glass doors and the parasites are unleashed.   Our Intel agencies are staged.   Our justice systems are purposefully stained with the foibles of Ashkenazi disciples.   And still – The Rothschild Economist Screams from rooftop to rooftop, “Trump Poses The Biggest Threat To The Globe in 2024”.  WHY?   Because Trump will upend America’s World Order.

The fact is, The World Order as perceived by the Cabalists is already dead.   It was not brought down by President Trump, it was brought down by corruption at an unprecedented level among governments and NGO’s.  Trump will take the reins of an America that is significantly poorer than revealed with debt that can never be repaid and a monetary system that has bankrupted the American Citizens.   Not one US Agency is a legitimate procurer of fiscal responsibility.   The Books are COOKED and CROOKED –  The GOLD is gone.

The Economist believes this can be blamed on Trump.   But their short-sighted death march has spiraled the global economies devouring the West.   And The People across the globe know it.   We see it.  We report it.   And We hate it.  What Donald Trump provides is an old school Military Soldier mentality.   He is fighting this destruction with every fiber of his existence and winning.   No one is afraid to call out the Ashkenazi’s any longer.   Their victimhood has been played out.  And The Protests Reveal PEACE is the overriding Agenda – Labeled Marxist.