Kenya’s Orphan Genocide

Today I learned of something so horrific my own trials were reduced to trivial ashes.

In Kenya, every night the government police search the streets of the cities, large and small, Nyumbani, Mombasa, Nairobi, Kisumu, Embu and more – for children. They are looking for orphans, children who have no family and are thus considered dispensable. And like cities that shoot rats to rid the streets of disease, in Kenya they round up the children to rid the streets of welfare, sometimes shooting them in the streets and sometimes taking them into the bush – from where they never return. You see, given that these children have no family, they fend for themselves, stealing what they can to buy food.  And that puts a damper on the image that Kenya needs to portray in order to maintain a healthy tourist environment.

The police shoot them like vermin to keep their cities pristine and clean of the filth and crime these children fend in order to survive.

It is well known – in Kenya – and an accepted form of child genocide.

And this is the same Kenya that Obama traveled to in 2015 to honor his father and his African roots. The same Kenya where African leaders met to discuss economic growth and wealth, the same Kenya that ‘cleaned the streets’ before Obama’s arrival so he and his elite family would not be subjected to the vermin.

Obama talked about the future of Kenya, it’s progress and oppression at the hands of white British men. But he didn’t talk about the genocide of children by Kenyan authorities. Nor has the media. It is simply a street cleaning that is done every night while backs are turned.

I wouldn’t have known this if these people had not shared the Truth today.   I would still have my head buried in the sand of innocence and the uninformed.  Because our media and journalistic truth sayers don’t find this information useful, instead Trump bashing is much more fun, ignorance much more accommodating.

There are over 150,000 orphans in Kenya under the age of five. Orphanages typically accommodate 30 to 100 orphans at most. The number of orphanages is estimated to be about several hundred, if that. And the number of orphanages is seemingly dropping each year, unable to withstand the rigor.  Within those UN statistics, the orphans on the street? Their numbers, their deaths are not even considered worthy of tabulation.

They don’t count.

The main causal factor of an orphan is AIDS. In Africa, over 1 million children are orphaned each year. A UN delegate relayed the following upon entering a hut in a small village: “to the immediate left of the door sat the 84-year-old patriarch, entirely blind. Inside the hut sat his two wives, visibly frail, one 76, and the other 78. Between them they had given birth to nine children; eight were now dead and the ninth, alas, was clearly dying. On the floor of the hut, jammed together with barely room to move or breathe, were 32 orphaned children ranging in age from two to sixteen.”

This is the Kenya that Obama hails as an economic growth stimulus worthy of his family, the birth place of his father, and a land that he lauds.  This is the place he claims to want to return to some day because of its draw, his ancestry and its independence from the oppressive white man rule of colonialism.  Of course, Obama couldn’t possibly relate to this level of poverty and genocide given his 2015 seven day trip cost taxpayers over $100 million. Imagine what that $100 million would have bought for the starving orphans in the street? Or the medicine for victims of AIDS?  Or even a hut or two…

What did Obama accomplish with his $100 million trip?  Nothing, a bucket list checkmark.

Eerily, the media is completely silent. Googling ‘Kenya children slaughtered’ and the hits relay Al Shabaab (Africa’s ISIS). The numbers are considered staggering, 150 school children, 39 children in mall raid, 2 children killed and scores injured…   But no one wants to talk about the unspeakable, the nightly slaughter by the Kenyan government, the roundup like Jews, and the systematic genocide to rid the country of it’s undesirables that could easily tally into the hundreds of thousands.


These missionaries described how sometimes the police set the children on fire to set an example for other petty thieves. “They tied rubber tires to the right and left side of his body, doused him in petrol and lit…”

Since independence from British rule, Kenya has been mired in corruption, fraud, massacres, coups, revolutions, atrocities and genocide. Tourism has been one of the main factors in pulling Kenya out of the bottom of its sewage dung, although a flailing agriculture industry is said to employ 75% of its workforce. Tourism accounts for nearly 65% of its GDP. Cleaning the streets of orphan children aids the monetary bottom line in two ways, 1) it gives the impression that there are no orphans on the street, and 2) there are less mouths the government is required to feed and bodies to house.

A Win-Win! Unless you are an orphan that is…

And then there is the ethnic cleansing of ‘white farmers’ in Kenya, which is also rather under or unreported by most media outlets as it doesn’t portray the tourist spirit desirous to explore Africa’s wild safari lands and upscale hotels replete with prostitutes as young as – 9.  Another story…


The Russia Sanctions – That Weren’t. The backdoor approach is a common tactic employed in politics and can be most convenient when dealing with a sanctimonious, vicious and rather unjournalistic Media Presscorps.

Prodded, shoved and most likely written by shadows within the Left (aka Soros) teamsters, the media has attempted to create a Monster within alien proportions in the name of Russia. Fed a daily dose of 15 billion pounds of engorged Monsanto laden diatribe, the vilification drove the initial sanctions imposed during the Obama administration and a rife of Merkel/Putin rooster pecking.

For the most part, the sanctions didn’t work and actually forced Putin to re-align Russia’s economy on a more diverse strategy thus giving an overall long-term boost to the economy. While the Mainstream failed to take note, governments did not.

Enter Trump. Trump saw Russia as a source of capital profiting. Looking past the shadow vilification, he saw the present and historical truth that had been rewritten to support a Soros agenda, ie, WWI and WWII. Without going into detail – during both World Wars Russia was our ally and Germany was our enemy.

The media has continued to push against Russia, and new sanctions have been the targeted game to purportedly ‘cripple’ Russia’s economy and send them whimpering into a cave.

New sanctions were signed by Trump yesterday. But apparently the economy that is crying foul is not the Russians, but the EU. And to counter the gasp sanctions imposed most recently, the EU is threatening to lift ALL sanctions against Russia in retaliation against – the US.

Why does the EU stand to lose as a result of the latest sanctions?

“The sought [after] sanctions against pipeline projects are designed to boost energy exports from the US to Europe, create jobs in the US, and strengthen US foreign policy,” Harms said.

Sanctions policies are neither a suitable nor an appropriate instrument for promoting national export interests and the domestic energy sector,”

So what is the EU, in particular Germany, all in a tizzy about? The Nordstream 2 pipeline that would extend from Russia across the Baltic to Germany and bring necessary oil and gas inventory. Even though Germany was at the forefront of establishing Russia sanctions, they still were quite reliant on Russia for energy and thus didn’t want to destabilize their own economy.

So how best to twist the knot created by Germany and the EU?   Put them in a position of dire economic withdrawal during a volatile campaign year in which Merkel ratings have plummeted already due to the Soros fueled immigrant chaos and spiral Germany into its own recession bought and paid for by Soros.

Because if the EU starts blubbering to Congress and whining about their reliance on Russia and the need to lift sanctions, our gleaming patriotic Congress is sure to follow.

Thus the backdoor is opened, Russia is freed of all the ridiculous sanctions and life in the world of big business can move forward albeit with a wary eye where it should be – North Korea.

California Exit – A look Inside…

If California is successful in its bid to partition the state into the good guys and the bad guys, with south western California relegated to the Liberal whacks and the rest of California to the ‘others, what would that really look like?

First, the section that is the Liberal southwestern section also happens to be the same section that is devastated by continuous ‘severe droughts’ due to incompetent Liberal government action for this seven year itch.

In addition, the predominant wine country region happens to be on the eastern half of the ‘country’/state. Oops.

And thirdly, most of the upscale lavish lascivious elitist self ascribed loons accumulate their wealth in this tight enclave – with the exception of Silicon Valley – or Death Valley – and San Francisco – think ‘fire’. So the arm reaches would have to extend to those specific areas as well for the doleros – leaving splinters of ranchers, winers, illegal immigrants and rural farmers the remainder of the continent/country/state.

But then what these braveheart elitists seem to have overlooked is the fact that they wouldn’t have any water, guns, security, food, or wine. And trucking it in costs mucho dollero at the hands of mucho banditos. But stupid is as stupid does.

And guess what those ranchers, winers and farmers would do right away? Lower taxes and get rid of welfare. So all the illegals would flock to the wealthy sector that has no water, no wine, and no food… and without a means of earning a living they would turn to crime using the guns they bought in western California. The Hollywooders would cry fowl and try and make the westerners responsible for the actions of the illegals and a food/water/wine war would break out.

Soon the Hollywooders would be forced to ship their goods in from Venezuela, Chile, and Brazil.   But it wouldn’t be organic, so they’d have a protest march and send a spokesperson to South America – Rosie.

But in the meantime, with no police to protect the Hollywood babel of protestors, they would be left to the anarchists from the North. Homes would be torched and houses confiscated by the M-13 Gangs who raped and pillaged as they easily won a war where weapons were a one sided proxy.

Rosie would be pummeled with tomatoes soaked in Monsanto’s glysophate and run home screaming about global warming while hijacking her private jet that consumes 4 billion tons of energy. All the while she would pray to the god of lala that her jet would land in Canada and not in Saudi Arabia because all airfields in western California were shut down due to nuclear threats and she didn’t have a hijab to her name.

A rash of fatal cancers would break out in LA as it became known that the wine being imported was made from beetle dung and crickets. The best doctors would be flown in from Cuba and provide their analysis – it’s the pharma drugs stupid – not the wine.

The fires would consume Hollywood, the parched earth would flake off and crack into the ocean and Hollywood would blame the flipping Trump and his family for not protecting them from the ravages of their life all the while cracking lude jokes and making grotesque innuendo’s befitting a redneck on a rain soaked sofa in his yard on the backside of the blue ridge… singing ole-da-la-he-ew as Mary Poppins parachutes down from the west winds and tells everyone they just need a spoon full of sugar. But it ain’t sugar, it’s crystal meth and – everyone dies.

And the moral of the story?

Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert: “You can’t always get what you want, but that’s no reason to poison yourself and die a horribly slow and painful death.”

DNC – Hack and Murder?

It is interesting who is “NOT” in the news of late; Obama and Hillary.  Nary a peep.  

Obama:   Apparently, the only news circulating right now is about how mean some people were to Michelle while she was First Lady because they called her names which of course meant that it was all racially motivated and the entire US is divided by race as evidenced by the fact that she was once pulled over in her car by the police – because she was black.   WHEW!   Or the time a random person crossed the street rather than walk into her. WOW!   But of course, the piece de resistance was when she donned her Hillary impression claiming that requiring a ‘certain kind of voter ID’ was racist.

Then she shed a few virtual tears.

As the audience filed out I imagine they shed a few racially provoked, white man obscenities toward our current President, just to make everything equal and fair…

Michelle’s nuance regarding voter ID’s coincides with Eric Holder suddenly appearing in the media as he radically denounces the Voter Fraud Commission headed by Kris Kobach. Blasting the Commission as not having statistical proof, the absurdity is glaring given that actual proof has been substantiated, not to mention the laughable 125% voter turnout record in Florida, or the 100% votes cast for one person – Obama – in numerous Pennsylvania districts. These are statistical facts and anomalies that Holder would rather term – racist.

So we now know that Obama and Holder are in fact colluding in the news by making the same radicalized, false statement within days of each other…  Ahhhh.

Meanwhile, Barrack Obama has been busily campaigning for another “Committee”, the National Redistricting Committee which aims to bring lawsuits against Republicans in states where Democrats lose a state race by claiming the loss was a result of ‘gerrymandering’.   The purpose of the Committee is to redraw state maps so that Districts voting Democrat will be more heavily weighted in the final voting process and be counted as Democrat.  Gee, no manipulation there.

Adding to the inert silence regarding Obama is the revelation that Wasserman Shultz and upwards of twenty DNC staffers utilized an IT team from Pakistan, namely Mr. Awan and Company, who is personally currently under arrest by the FBI after a lengthy investigation and his recent attempt to flee the country.  Of course, the Liberal media say this is all ‘racially motivated’, as in Islamophobia.  I wasn’t aware that the Liberal Media was more adept at criminal investigations than our FBI?  Silly me.

Could Mr. Awan have information about the DNC hack that the Clinton/Wasserman connection would rather be silenced? Could this revelation ignite an inquiry into the Seth Rich murder? Given the DNC, and by default Wasserman, adamantly proclaimed that the hack came from Russia, we now find that Mr. Awan might be persuaded to reveal – the Truth.   Of course, it is also concerning that Mr. Awan, a Pakistani, and his team were given security clearance in our government despite the high level of terrorist organizations that have infiltrated Pakistan.

It seems uniquely coincidental that Seth Rich was working within the same IT Department of the DNC during the time that Mr. Awan and Company were the go to IT Security Team…  An email hack occurred and Mr. Rich is subsequently murdered…

To date, the DNC hack has been attributed to Russia by The Washington Post, Snopes, and The New York Times. It is interesting that these media outlets have the ability to determine the conclusion of an ongoing investigation… And, of course, it is no coincidence that these organizations are all quite Liberal, Left leaning, Democrat subsidies.

Wasserman’s guilt is further highlighted by the fact that she continued to defend her team of Pakistani genius’s despite growing evidence of fraud and an attempt to flee the country while depositing large sums in a Pakistani bank account.   Could Clinton and Wasserman have orchestrated Awan’s failed attempt to flee the country via Qatar and Pakistan? Because he is now being represented by an associate of the Clintons.

IT questions abound in the Democrat Party. An Iranian hacker/IT genius was pardoned by Obama in 2015, Nima Golestaneh. The pardon involved exchanging seven Iranian prisoners for four Americans and soliciting the infamous Iranian nuke deal. Obviously a very win-win for Iran.   Golestaneh’s guilty plea was tied to the conspiracy to hack Vermont based, Arrow Tech.  Arrow Tech’s main product is computer software that helps calculate missile trajectories. Hacking that software would be something akin to old James Bond movie whereby a missile could be redirected to strike its source instead of the intended target.   A rather scary potential! Especially given, the man was pardoned.

Wasserman’s IT guy, Imran Awan, was only one of many Pakistani’s purportedly to have committed fraud while employed by the DNC and subsequently – fired. Now, despite the charges, Wasserman has fueled a racism conspiracy theory in which she and the attorney claim this is all about the fact that Awan is – Muslim.   This defense would follow Michelle Obama and Eric Holder’s epic racist commentaries just a few days ago…

Awan’s LinkedIn account states that he was the “Information Technology Director at US Congress and Computer & Network Security Consultant”.

Question? How is it that these Pakistani and Iranian hackers are hired within highly sensitive government and defense organizations and no one seems to question their clearance or security?   Is there no other IT expert that meets the same criteria or background? Are they somehow more competent than any other American IT expert? Awan is not an America citizen. Neither was Golestaneh.

Lest we forget; the Democrats seem not to be immune to IT scandals. Hillary Clinton’s server was scrubbed by Platte River Networks, whose CEO is Treve Suazo. Despite the illegalities, no one has yet to conclude with any convictions. Paul Combetta, who was implicated in the scrubbing was granted immunity from prosecution by Obama. No other charges have been filed…

But according to the Liberal Media – these are all just non-related coincidences and conspiracies.  The FBI doesn’t know what they are doing.  And the only problem here is – Trump…

Poland’s Judicial Independence

Poland is at the center of controversy given their government is not pro-Merkel, pro-Juncker, pro-Soros, and the press has seen fit to make sure they appear to be radical and totalitarian. Could a coup be in the works as Poland refuses to tow the line?

The most recent headline splayed by left media sources including the New York Times declares that Poland has lost it’s ‘last bastion of independence’ because it is allowing the government to hand pick supreme court justices…

What is glaringly odd about this cry is that US Supreme Court Justices are hand-picked by the incoming government/President.   Which would mean that the US has lost the ‘last bastion of independence’ criteria invoked by Mainstream media pundits?

But the true evidence that Poland has become a bastion of suppression is the fact that they don’t want to be forced by the EU into accepting hundreds of thousands of quota migrants.   And the Socialists have decried that all EU countries must abide by the rules or be banished.

The headlines boast a ‘wave of criticism and protests’ against the measure being implemented. The EU wants Poland to have a panel of judges appoint the Supreme Court Justices. The hypocrisy seems to have alluded the media as the decry foul!

In the UK, justices are appointed by the Queen and are lauded the titles, Lord and Lady, for life given their royal status over the law…   A Commission is established that is made up of the President and Deputy President of the Court, and a member from each Judicial Appointments Commission. All of these Lords, Lordesses, Lady’s and Masters then get together and nominate really old new Lords and Lady’s.

They are then required to wear those quite lovely white wigs and black robes as they are still in mourning for the death of King Charles II in 1685…

In Germany, it is equally convoluted. Half of the judges are elected by the Bundestag and the other half by the Bundesrat. Both the Bundestag and Bundesrat are legislative bodies of the parliament, or government. The judges get to wear scarlet robes with a white ascot. The elections take place in secret, and the people have no knowledge or say in the process.

Of course, all of these methods of appointment are considered far superior to what Poland wants to do, and therefore worthy of criticism and protest.

Hungary has entered the fray and is backing the rule of law within Poland as opposed to the Socialist takeover by the EU. Hungary is also adamantly opposed to the migrant quota and has been threatened with sanctions and banishment from the EU for their disrespect of the Socialist regime.

The real protest isn’t that Poland and Hungary have a judicial system that is in opposition to the rule of political appointments, which we can see is actually relatively the same, the real protest is that these governments won’t bow to the EU Commission and do as they are told. It is a control mechanism gone awry.

Each country within the EU is linked by a rope with a noose at the end. If the rope frays, the noose is threatened and may become worthless to hold and choke the airways into submission.   Switzerland, Norway and Iceland chose sovereignty. The UK is fighting, and Hungary and Poland are considering independence. As more frays occur, the financial strain threatens destabilization of a worthless union, The EU Commission agents, and a competitive demand/supply market capitalization threatens monopolies and set pricing.

What is evolving is the abolition of the absolute tyranny that the monarchist EU Commission has created. And the unraveling scares the shitake mushrooms out of them as their reign is exposed for what it is – The Wizard of Oz, a little man behind a flamboyant curtain shouting platitudes through a megaphone while setting off smoke bombs.  POOF.


Refugees vs Veterans: A Cost Analysis

Over 4 million veterans are on disability… They are eligible to receive ‘as much as’ $3000 per month for their disability and medical care – max $36,000 per year. Every year more than 8,000 veterans commit suicide.   They are injured, they are traumatized, and they are left to die in waiting rooms at VA Hospitals that are rife with corruption.

The average cost per household of Middle Eastern refugees is about $258,000 over five years, or $51,600 per year. More than 95% of refugees are on welfare receiving free housing, medical care, food, and a stipend after that five year period.  

Even more absurd. It costs the US 12 times in $$$$ what it would cost to provide the exact same services for the refugee were they to resettle in another Middle Eastern country. That means the cost could be reduced to $4300 per year for a household if we simply let them stay where they speak the same language, have the same customs, share in the same morality, ethics and belief system.

This ludicrous solution that we support is so far removed from logic and reality, no one wants to actually analyze the facts and figures.

A conservative estimate states that the US spends about $1 billion per year on refugees. If we continued to provide for all those refugees, albeit in their own region, we would save about $920million ‘per year’ which could be diverted to our Veterans and no one would notice. Except our veterans…of course.

What these numbers do not reflect are the subjective costs. For example, veterans would not be denied jobs that were allocated to refugees. Veterans would not be so reliant on disability if they could have a worthwhile job that was re-allocated to refugees. Crime costs to society.   Education costs?  The dollar savings amass!

And yet, and still, the press and the media continue to harp about the ‘poor refugees’ and the ‘bad veterans’.   Why?

Because the media has an alternate objective. A refugee portrayed as a victim of our military is more entertainment than a veteran who has given his very life and being. It’s like a shell game.   Find the truth under the shell… but not before we take all your money…

They prey on the innocence of youth. They prey on falsification of facts. They prey on the subversion of facts. And they have an outlet that can reach millions – with partial truths, half truths and even out-right lies.

Hollywood dives for these games because that’s what Hollywood does! They act for money! They pretend. They are driven by one and only one God – Money. And the only reason people buy it is because the actors have become that much more adept – at their craft – pretending!   For $$$$$.

The stage, the play, the act, wasn’t always quite so subversive. While their heritage is “The Court Jester”, a step above the poison testers and a step below the prostitutes, today they seem to have created an elitist persona for themselves elevating their prowess to realms of godlike proportions.

Personally, I still see the Court Jester and marvel how so many Hollywooders are self imposed experts in such industries that would normally require PhD status and decades of experience.   They provide ‘expert testimony’ for such scientific theories that are normally relegated to ‘scientists’, and have opinions about everything that apparently earn them prime time news coverage, prime placement in the media, and commentary sections that utilize their ‘expertise’ to defend an intellectual theory… even if their claim to education fame is a GED High School Diploma!

Sadly, to me, they still remain, The Court Jester.

What’s even more disconcerting is that these people – know they have no education – know they have no expertise – know they have no knowledge or wisdom – and still find great victory in – pretending…



Christian Expectations of God: In Politics

I was recently reading a Christian blog that vilified rump as a settling of morality, as a means to accomplish an end for the greater good, and it bothered me. Why? Because it centers a blame for the world’s ails on ‘a man’. And justifies doing so by making comparisons to Jesus. The blog was written by a young person, a person of ideology and that winsome hope that has yet to be bedraggled by reality, life and age.

No, Trump is not Jesus. He never aspired to be Jesus. Nor did he laud upon himself such a prideful arrogance. The world is not as it was two thousand years ago. The sun doesn’t set the same. The waters don’t rise the same. And mankind has – changed.

And still, young ideological, youthful, invigorating Christians believe that our President must represent Jesus, or else be considered a failure like every other failed President. But Jesus was not a politician. He was not a ruler of fleshly man.   He was/is the representation of divinity in perfection, something that no man can ever attain.

And so, when we judge our President based on a comparison of how he acts, looks, reacts, and analyzes within the context of – Jesus – no man can possibly succeed. It is a doomed failure.

And yet, our ideological youth have yet to mature to this theological, Biblical, and philosophical realization.

This isn’t to deny our youth the right to their ideology, I remember it quite well, I was an adamant believer in all things passive, good, peaceful, and loving… And then, life unfolded; my father was a soldier of war, my brother a victim of soldier hatred, my sister a victim of a bigamist, brothers that followed atheism, and me, a victim of stupidity…

Such is Real Life.

And so, when we target a solitary man, a Trump, a Putin, a Merkel, a Manafort, a Flynn… we have actually become the very hypocrite that we abhor. Jesus is not who we should compare any man to when judging or evaluating or analyzing. Jesus was beyond any and all of us and when we attempt to create a checklist, we have become the Pharisee’s he so decried as false.

And so Evan, take heart, don’t lose your innocence, continue your ideology, we love every ounce of it, but know that wisdom is an evolution of age, of heart, and of years of toil, trials, and pitted journeys that reap mountains of tears, caverns of grief, and amazing abundances of miracles of joy.

Trump isn’t a target. He should not be compared to Jesus, to His sandals, to His walk, to His Kings and rulers. Life is an evolution of time. We don’t walk in the sand. We don’t journey by camel or donkey. These are the things of children – of the things of the past. And sweet Evan, these are the things within the looking glass. Not to be forgotten. They are simply lessons, as are all the stories of the Bible. Lessons that will abide every aspect of life then and now.

And so when you desire to create a Jesus in our President, remember, he is a mere mortal man, like you, and it is the expectations of something supremely divine and Godlike that is the Pharisee.

Keep writing. Keep thinking. Keep growing. You have a beautiful mind.

Trump Jr., – Set Up By Soros?

BADA-BING! Back story on the Trump Jr. – Natalia Veselnitskaya – Denis Katsyv – Trump Dossier – Magnitsky hoopdela, aka ‘story’ is almost laughable! And it backs into – Soros via OCCRP, Romania, Ukraine, USAID, and a big anti-Putin vendetta.

There are quite a few players in the ‘story’ which actually begins coincidentally just before Obama is elected in 2009.   The company that is continually targeted as the big bad meany is Prevezon, a shell that was bought by Katsyv for $50,000 and amassed hundreds of millions.  He bought it from an active ‘player’ Baranovsky, an Israeli Russian who is currently serving time in a Russian prison for his mafia dealings. Shortly after he bought this ‘shell’ company, a scathing article was written by OCCRP, a Romanian/ Ukrainian/Latvian company implicating Katsyv in shady dealings that occurred under the tutelage of Dmitry Baranovsky.  So, Katsyv hired legal representation.

The entire investigation is related to organized crime, tax evasion, and fraud within Manhattan real estate holdings.  Veselnitskaya is an attorney specializing in real estate and taxation hired by said US law firm to help defend Katsyv.  Fusion GPS was also hired by the same law firm to perform research to counter the allegations brought by OCCRP, a Romanian organization partially funded by Soros.   And now, everyone is a Russian spy hired by Putin – in collaboration with Trump!!

If this were a James Bond movie it would be panned as being too convoluted and confusing…

There is absolutely no connection whatsoever to the allegations of Russia election meddling. That aspect of the ‘story’ was fabricated by the media and has no judicial or legal basis. Graham Stack, one of the journalists linked to OCCRP, has written numerous articles about the corruption in Ukraine, Latvia and Russia, perpetrated NOT by Putin, but by corrupt politicians, police and socialites taking advantage of the system within the oil and gas arena as well as real estate, aka mafia.  Ta – Da!

The largest oil and gas corruption scandal in Ukraine could be traced to Burisma Holding Company which was the Hunter Biden messy coup that took place just after the US began bombing Ukraine and instituted a new chocolate president, Poroshenko.

Of course, none of these messy coups and raping of assets are foreign to the Clintons who took over the gold mines in Haiti after the devastating earthquake. The only difference is that there was no judicial inquiry or investigation… And no media outcry.

A Russian lawyer, Magnitsky, claimed that Russian officials had stolen huge sums of money from the government. OCCRP claimed they had traced said money to Katsyv’s company, Prevezon, which had then laundered it by purchasing Manhattan property.

Magnitsky subsequently was arrested and died in prison after being beaten by prison officials who were said to be connected to the Russian mafia he was investigating.

OCCRP, Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, which published said scathing article and refused to retract or clarify the data despite the insistence of the law firm Harrison and Wellington, is a rather bizarre source.

OCCRP is based in Romania with reporters in Ukraine, Latvia and Serbia. All countries aligned against Russia.

In 2016, Wikileaks took a screenshot of the OCCRP website in which it stated that its funding sources included:   USAID, United Nations Democracy Fund, Center For Public Integrity, and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, ICIJ, which is a Soros prefect. The United Nations Democracy Fund has player ties to Gershman who is a member of the Socialist Party of America.

Full circle:

The Gasp Big evidentiary matter against Katsyv is that he opened a Delaware company , Human Rights Accountability Global Initiative Foundation, which aims to open adoption between the US and Russia… The media claims it is a front. Without any evidence whatsoever. Simply a media statement.  And this is proof positive of his involvement in the Russian mafia and money laundering…  What???

Prevezon, the company in question per the media, is a real estate organization. They buy, sell and manage properties. Ms. Veselnitskaya, as an attorney, specializes in real estate transactions and acquisitions.  It is quite possible that Trump Jr., was speaking with her completely out of context from the Magnitsky case, and simply out of the Trump desire to expand their real estate acquisitions and holdings into Russia, which Trump had already alluded to given it is an untapped market.

The Magnitsky case. The Russian mafia corruption, fraud and money laundering apparently became a US judiciary concern given the Manhattan real estate. Thus, the real estate was confiscated and a case against Russian mafioso’s was instigated with Kasyv being the prime target.   The Putin – Trump – – election mess all came about as a side story that was linked by one word – Russia.

If every mafia scandal in the US was credited to the then sitting President, we probably wouldn’t have a clean official for decades.

What we do have is a Romanian organization making a claim against a Russian real estate magnate whose father once worked for the government. We have a dead Russian lawyer who was investigating the Russian mafia. And we have a Soros organization making assertions that all of this relates back to a Trump/Putin conspiracy. And we have Trump’s son speaking with a lawyer who represented Katsyv in clearing him of the mafia connection so as to preserve his company Prevezon and his assets from seizure.

Lastly, we have a media hyped, desperate and drooling to find some connection between Putin and Trump that would support the assertion that they worked together conspiratorially to subvert the US Presidential election, and oust Hillarygate.

And despite all their best efforts to create a connection, it is always based on absolutely no actual evidence. But they still hyper-ventilate a supposition/theory… with Soros at the helm.  He’ll die before he will let Trump win.

G-20 Summit – A National Enquirer Blitz!

The G-20 Summit is fast approaching and apparently the media is somewhat biased and polarized in their representation of what is and could be a major disruption…   German media seem to be focused on the fact that Trump refuses to play by their rules, and as such has decided to blackout and silence Commerce Secretary, Ross, as he made opening comments. I believe that’s called ‘censorship’. Instead, Germany’s government sponsored and Soros owned media outlets are rallying behind Merkel as the Goddess who knows all and all should bow.  Hail to the Queen!

However, other media outlets are reporting about a potentially different ‘disruption’. Massive protests have been called by left-wing anarchists determined to create chaos, damage, and mayhem requiring the deployment of over 20,000 German police equipped in riot gear.

Labeling themselves The Welcome to Hell March, their chosen name pretty much speaks to their agenda and dictum.

The protests are being headed mostly by immigrants demanding free and unhampered migration without consequence or possible ‘ejection’ throughout all of Europe. But apparently this sort of ‘disruption doesn’t even deserve a mention by Der Spiegel or DW as they instead choose to focus on the possibility that this very prestigious meeting is devolving into a fiasco… at the hands of Trump.

WOW! I guess Trump wields quite a bit of magical power given the massive abilities/blame that are/is routinely piled onto his shoulders.

The Problem? This so called, “prestigious” event, has been marred by violence and protests nearly every year since it’s initial formation with massive arrests, massive damage, and absolutely nothing noteworthy in accomplishments. In fact, if you look up G20 Summit you will find a list of members, invitees, member data, member leaders, member members… and that’s about it. It’s a Big Giant Party that does absolutely – nothing.

And those not invited are left at the curb. None too happy.

Der Spiegel advocates for Frau Merkel who sees the world as a globalized community all working together for the better good… except for those other 170 odd countries who aren’t invited… Whose better good? On the other side of Merkel they parlay the bad, bad Trump who doesn’t seem to have much common ground with the image of Merkel… and therefore is – a saboteur! Sounds like Inspector Clouseau! AHA!

Given that the G-20 really is just a good ole boys club, given that it accomplishes absolutely nothing, given that it is a qusi meeting with 17 country heads and 2 EU Commission heads, (why G-20?), given that it is a petrie dish for violent, extremists, and far-left anarchists, seems to me to be a rather largess miffy waste of time, energy and dollars.

What they do accomplish is the garnering of a lot of media attention and a lot of protestors. Otherwise, it’s pretty much a worthless ambition.

However, imagine being a business owner in the host city trying to fend off the fueled and firey protesters who simply want to torch your business because you happen to be located on the wrong street on the wrong day in the wrong city?   I don’t suppose they are none to enthused by the annual prospect.

The police even know the name of the ‘veteran anarchist’ who will lead the destruction and has every year, Andreas Blechschmidt. Despite his incitement and destructive anarchy he is allowed to vent his mind, his will, his mayhem – untethered.  Yet Germany will jail parents who attempt to homeschool their own children – treasonous!  That’s fair…

The police expect to catch and release upwards of 400 angry violent protestors, much like the catch and release scenario played at fishing lodges across the US. Stock a pond with fish, make fishermen pay thousands for the thrill of catching a stock fish and then set it free…

Sounds like the G-20 Summit frenzy to me. Because basically, that’s exactly what the German police intend to do.

Local residents are fleeing the city of Hamburg in anticipation of havoc. Businesses are told to buck up and just take their beating. And anyone stupid enough to leave their car on the street can expect it to be torched while police watch. Gee, sounds like a fun event! Makes sense to do it every single year…

Meanwhile, De Blasio thinks the Summit is an opportune time for him to don his hippie wig, and join the protesters in opposing Trump, Putin, Xi and Erdogan.  He’d like to actually crash the Summit, but then alas, he wasn’t invited.

And so, we are left with a Summit that is all about Trump bashing, protests, and cheers to globalist Socialist, Merkel. A fan club wherein actual economic issues are tabled for a National Enquirer style blitz.

American Recovery Act: A PONZI Scheme

IN 2009, as a part and parcel of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, President Obama allocated $14.7 billion to repair and modernize public housing as well as offer tax credits to builders for financing low income housing construction. Today, this portion of the Act is being hailed as a complete failure…

Of course, the failure is not being blamed on the Act or Obama, but on ‘White Contractors’ and racial prejudice.

It is another form of forcible equality in a world that is and always will be ‘unequal’. Knowing that even a newly constructed modern housing development will soon be left to squalor and decay because maintenance is a foreign concept, it is no wonder that neighborhoods clamor to object when their property values will tank in response.

New York is the perfect example of the throw away ideal in which HUD Housing was left to rot, rents were not collected, and buildings became rat infested homes for squatters.   De Blasio’s response was to shutter them and ask for more money to build new ones that would eventually evolve into the exact same state of deterioration. Why? Because maintenance costs money that De Blasio would rather spend on wealthier initiatives…

Of course the other more glaring hypocrisy of this debate is the fact that HUD housing is comprised mostly of whites in poverty as they make up the largest statistic… Oops.   Second are Hispanics, and third are blacks. This reality rather flushes the obtuse racial discrimination claim as an issue and puts it where it belongs – in the twalette. Trying to foment divide based on race is the number one promotion of Mainstream Media.   Obscuring facts, playing roulette with statistics, and downright lying seem to be the new normal. While they claim to represent The People, their journalistic philandering is rife with corruption.

Part of the problem in the forced housing debacle is the ethical concept of ‘earning what you have’ whereby you are actually rewarded for your efforts… A foreign concept any longer. Free income, free upscale housing, free food, free healthcare, free child care, free transportation… well, why bother to earn a living when you can have everything for free?

But the point is the fact that the class integration was just another failed measure of the American Recovery and Investment Act written before Obama took office by unknown drafters, and pushed through almost immediately in 2009. And like Obamacare, it is an abject failure.

Of the $831 billion dollar package, $155 billion was allocated to Healthcare including, building of VA hospitals…, Medicaid, IT , Research and VA Administration. Mired in cost overruns and mismanagement in the VA core, the $2.3 billion was a failed waste. Interestingly, while the VA got $1 billion for hospitals, NIH got $10 billion. With a $31 billion annual budget, NIH has been scrutinized for less than transparent reporting and vague accomplishments.

In 2009, with the additional $10 billion allocation, their one and only target research was, “how voltage ion channels interact with their surroundings”.   The ultimate impact? Research findings provide ‘perspective’ for a new direction of targeted therapeutic development…

Another challenging use of the $10 billion was to research a new method to measure abdominal pain… Because the pain scale that we all know “on a scale of 1 to 10”, wasn’t definitive enough…

Another $100 billion was allocated to Education with the primary use of the funds directed to “prevent layoffs and cutbacks”. Obviously that hasn’t worked very efficiently either given the latest report states that the US is facing a severe crisis due to a shortage of teachers…

So what exactly did this $831 billion accomplish?

$70 billion was allocated for a one year – 2009 – increase in the Alternative Minimum Tax floor… But the annual revenue raised by AMT per year only amounts to about $35 billion…   So, in other words, we spent $70 billion to reduce receipts by about $10 billion or less given it was only the floor that was altered, not a complete repeal of the tax!

Now that was definitely a worthwhile expense. So where did that money actually go?   We are missing an accounting of the use of these funds… Much of the “USES” were subjective, based on a perceived loss of IRS funds based on credits. So while the cost, the $831 billion, was actually charged to taxpayers, the USE was actually never accounted for or disclosed.

Tch, Tch. Nothing more than a covert Ponzi Scheme, only every single American Taxpayer was the victim. Madoff? Nothing by comparison.