DAVOS RESET: An Introduction To Orwell’s “1984”

Once again the Agenda has been revealed, just not in the format they attempt to redefine.   Deutsche Welle has declared that the switch to Green is a $50 trillion investment opportunity!!   Reading thru the disinformation jargon, that reaping of indescribable wealth opportunity would seem to have very specific investors in mind to secure the benefits and very specific citizens paying for those investments.   It is a ‘redistribution of wealth’ just not in the manner they proclaim!

At DAVOS, ‘business leaders and politicians’ drooled over the potential to charge the public at large via taxes to pay for the RESET so that eventually private citizens would be ‘encouraged’ to join in just in time to reap the rewards.  That end date?  2030.  How delightful!

The argument that is released to the media for public consumption is that shareholder capitalism shovels money to its shareholders and its executives at the expense of customers, employees, the environment, and society as a whole.  And that this is a failed system.

Moving away from ‘shareholder capitalism’ would seem to secure that the peasants would never be able to share in the generated wealth.   Shareholder capitalism is when a corporation bases its decisions on the shareholders that support the corporate system.  Thus the market determines shareholder wealth.    It is what markets are all about.   Markets are a means for shareholders to generate profits, wealth, and retirement funds.

By contrast, Deutsche Welle reveals that the discussions at DAVOS were about how to eliminate that potential given the $50 trillion in profits this RESET could generate and how best to control who gets that profit.   Stakeholders.   In a stakeholder scenario, the ‘feed’ is that the profits would be shared amongst employees, customers and suppliers.     In 2019, over 200 CEO’s of the largest corporations as well as the Business Roundtable advocated for this more equitable distribution of the $50 trillion on the table.

The reality is quite different – and I own a bridge in NY I can sell you for $10 billion.

The concept was first resented by Adolf Berle in his manifesto, “The Modern Corporation and Private Property” which he co-wrote in 1932.   The basis of the concept is – Corporate Governance. And of course, corporations drooled, lavished and literally foamed at the mouth over the idea.   But actually instituting it would take a century to complete.    Berle was instrumental in implementing Johnson’s Great Society.  

Berle is defined as the father of “Corporate Liberalism”.   Corporate liberalism is a tool for open door imperialism in which the corporate elite become “both the chief beneficiaries of and the chief lobbyists for the supposedly anti-business regulations”.  The idea is that both owners of corporations as well as high up government officials come together to become the class of elites. The elite class then conspires to keep power away from the low or middle class. Presumably, to avoid the risk of revolution from the poor and powerless and to avoid the realization of class conflict the elite have the working class pick sides in a mock conflict between business and state.”

This strategy of course is the basis of Agenda 2030 wherein the profits from the RESET begin to flow.   As Kerry keeps pronouncing, “We only have nine years!”   It has nothing to do with climate catastrophe – and everything to do with fully implementing this Agenda of Corporate Liberalism by 2030 – 9 years from now.

Technically, it would appear their planners have screwed up a bit.   If they intend for the plebes at large to pay for this through tax dollars, they need to have readily available jobs to tax.   While eliminating the elderly who are nonproductive citizens via a virus does fit, the forced lockdowns and the destruction of the economy are contrary to their agenda.   At least in the present sense.

Timing is everything.   Installing the means to create this new environment requires a very specific timetable.   You can’t eliminate the stock markets until you have sucked them dry.   You can’t eliminate jobs when you need tax revenue.   And you can’t reduce the population into chaos until you are within the ‘profit point’ of your RESET.

As such, it would appear they have mucked it all up!  And are now likely desperate to get back on track. Biden was the means as he represented everything they required to institute their ‘doublespeak’.  A puppet whose mind had completely collapsed and so serve as a dehumanized robot.

In 1961 Erich Fromm wrote an Afterward for George Orwell’s book ‘1984’.   In his summary he emphasizes the power of illusion.   “The basic question which Orwell raises is whether there is any such thing as ‘truth’. “Reality”, so the ruling Party holds, is not external.   Reality exists in the human mind and nowhere else… whatever the Party holds to be truth – is truth.” … “To them, power is not a ‘means’, it is an end. And power means the capacity to inflict unlimited pain and suffering to another human being. Power then, creates reality and truth.”

In this RESET, there is no judicial law, there is only control.   There is no morality, because morality is born of humanism, or a heart – and as man is dehumanized, he no longer adheres to any conceptualizations of individuality, spirit and freedom.  What Fromm refers to as a negative utopia.   For it is utopia for the power elite – just not for anyone else.

While the recent Reddit fiasco proves that our stock markets are entirely rigged, the revelation is far from new.   In the 1980’s penny stocks were the bonanza for corruption. New Issues, manipulated pricing, bought stockbrokers, and corrupt traders were the mainstay. These firms were systematically shuttered by the SEC with a number of traders and owners going to jail.   But they revealed what many already knew – fraud was easy and prolific.

DAVOS attempts to doublethink us into believing that their RESET is about creating a utopian world when in fact it is a ‘negative utopia’ embracing hopelessness and despair born within a veil of constant fear.

Pelosi is now building a wall around the US Capitol creating a barrier of elitism.   Biden will continue issuing EO’s for his first 100 days.   During this time, it is likely the US Constitution will be completely obliterated.   LAW will be a determination of the corporate governance board, and our willingness to fight will be tested like no other time in history.

According to Kerry, we have nine years to destroy this evil.

  The power to fight lies in freedom – critical thinking – hope – individuality – and love.

DEEP STATE with Bill Moyers & Mike Lofgren: Deflection, Distraction or Deception?

On cue, the moment Biden assumed the White House office protests erupted across Russia.   The point?   Take out Putin.   The objective?   Insert The Cabal’s puppet, Navalny.   The gain?   Take over Russia and turn it into the soviet union ruled by The Cabal so as to institute the One World Government.

Soros told us what he planned to do a decade ago – it just took a bit longer to fulfill when Trump unexpectedly won the election in 2016.   Soros openly declared that there were two nations that still needed to be destroyed in order for the New World Order to be fully implemented:   US and Russia.

In an interview with 60 minutes in 1998 Soros was asked what he thought when he watched the hundreds of thousands of jews being sent by trainloads to death camps as a teen-ager.   His response, as he smiled broadly, ‘one must think ahead, understand, and anticipate events’.   In other words, he blamed the jews for being stupid enough to board the death trains and his father for being smart enough to buy a Nazi Commander to raise his son.   He didn’t feel horror or compassion – he felt arrogance.

Soros is well known today.   He has stated that his fundamental goal is money and if his dealings cause societal collapse, that’s a consequence of people being stupid.   He has openly decried his hatred of President Trump, and the American people. Utilizing protests as a means of chaos has been his mantra for decades given protests fuel division and division is the best way to conquer a country.

In researching past interviews with Soros I came across a Bill Moyers interview with Mike Lofgren.   Lofgren worked on Capitol Hill for nearly 30 years, and renounced his republican party affiliation in 2011 given their shadow government model aligned with The Deep State.   Since then he has written a handful of books denouncing the GOP, aligning The Cabal with America’s military installation, corporatism, and Silicon Valley, while referencing the democrats as being ignorant.   Articulate and pointed, his interview defined the connection of The Cabal as being an American machine operating in conjunction with Wall Street.    Listening – I began to understand the deflection that these two were instigating.   The evil was America – specifically anyone not liberal/progressive.  The deflection was to avoid any inference that the Cabal was a function of The Royal Society in collaboration with a host of NGO’s, Foundations, and the mafia.

While much of what Lofgren said rang true, I crossed two obvious deviations:   1.   The Moyers interview was sponsored by the Ford Foundation, Carnegie Corporation, The Herb Albert Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Kohlberg Foundation, Park Foundation – every Foundation that has worked in conjunction with the Deep State.   2.   But most damning are recent articles on Lofgren’s blogsite in which he lauds passionately about Karl Popper and The Open Society.

Lofgren calls forth Pelosi and Schumer to punish the Trump ‘personality cult and fascist movement’. He supports putting Ted Cruz and Hawley on a no-fly list, and claims that Trump supporters should be ostracized, banished, and crushed.

In other words, this articulate man is calling for the genocide of Trump supporters given we are fascist dystopian nihilists bent on endless wars, greed, and a lawless society.  Deflection.  Classic liberal deflection.

Lofgren mentions an interesting insight into the Capitol Hill ‘open door policy’ that is now being called insurrection – he claims Republicans made robo-calls the previous night calling for violence.   Given that claim – he reveals the truth:   Robo calls were made, just not by the Republican Party he designates as evil incarnate.   The robo- calls were more likely made by Soros operatives with whom Lofgren is aligned!

The fact that antifa.com redirects to the Biden White House, is not a coincidence.

And thus, it would appear Lofgren is well entrenched in creating the Dictatorial regime envisioned by The Swamp.  He is polarized in his vision of an ideology that he holds as his sword – Karl Popper.  The same Karl Popper from whom George Soros declares his vision was manifested.

With America firmly in his grasp, Biden ruling by executive order, states ruling by executive order, we are effectively under the thumb of a totalitarian regime. Constitutional law is no longer applied and the democrats will likely move to amend or abolish its existence.   Lawlessness does reign, but the person on the horse is not a white knight, he is the dark knight with visions of terror fueling his delight.

What Moyers and Lofgren miserably fail to understand is that the GOP they are fighting desperately to destroy was already destroyed by George Soros et al.   Deluded or Deceitful?    Moyers and Lofgren hold to the concept that party affiliation is the definition and thus fail to evolve in the reality that reveals the The Deep State.   But then Moyers was the WH speaker for Lyndon Johnson – a war monger who escalated the Vietnam war, attempted to institute the Great Society resembling the New Deal, invasion of privacy, and excessive committees appointed to committee other committees, socialized medicine and increased welfare.

They condone internal warring, internal genocide, internal dictatorship rule as a means of ridding America of the nefarious Trump supporters.   They are – everything Soros.   Whether they understand their own deception is not clear.   But it would be hard pressed to think they were naïve about the hypocrisy of fighting for the same people who want to destroy America, clashing with such labels as exceptionalism, white supremacy, and an ideology of greater governmental powers of law so as to rid our nation of the ‘toxic waste’ they call all Trump supporters.

Bill Moyers is the president of the Schumann Center For Media and Democracy.  The foundation provides grant money to organizations that support democracy.   In reality, those organizations promote classic liberal agendas including population control/degrowth, Mother Jones, Obama, and a host of ‘liberal reforms’ that never materialized despite a progressive government in control for 8 years.  And the foundation scandal of nontaxable NGO money being granted to other nontaxable foundations and NGO’s, would seem to support their global corporatism agenda – the same agenda they assail is the GOP/Trump evil doctrine that must be eliminated.

And on cue – the newest target of political upheaval and peace – a coup – Russia.

World Economic Forum at Davos: Deciding the lives of all humans

Apparently the World Economic Forum didn’t get the memo that shows the EU, the US, and Australia have sanctions in place and accusations of horrific human rights violations against China that have NOT been tossed.   Today, Xi Jinping was the hostess with the mostest speaking on behalf of the world.   And he managed to create quite a bit of hemlock with his tea.

In terms of which countries were represented at the DAVOS Summit, it was more about which countries were not – including the United States.   Where was Biden?

The speech by Jinping was presented via a virtual summit of course given that is how all business in the future will be conducted.   (Bye-bye airlines – corporate jets only).   Jinping specifically called for globalization and diversity decrying the hate and arrogance of decoupling.   Simultaneously it should be noted that China has an ongoing trade war with Australia, has imposed sanctions on Australia and the US, and has been snubbed by the EU.   In essence, China is in twoubl.   Despite promoting the illusion that China grew by 2.3% in 2020, their trade is notably hacked and instead of simply providing a grain of truth, Jinping demonizes those that do not abide by China’s standards while espousing his own successes.

You see, China sees itself now as the global leader – as in Today.

Xi went on to make a further fool of himself by emphatically promoting Climate Change agendas that must be funded on a global scale.   Of course to date China’s monetary contribution is $-0-, and their pollution creeks ever higher with absolutely no control.   But today, Xi declared that China will put it’s best toe forward and pinky swear will hopefully/maybe see a reduction by 2060.   Of course by then we will all be dead, so no one cares about fanciful predictions and goals that are meaningless words.

Not deterred, Xi went full openness and inclusiveness demanding that vaccine development should be shared.   Apparently, China’s vaccines don’t work, so they demand/need the scientific data from the EU and US pharmaceuticals to actually make one that works.   Something from the recently defunct Thousand Talents Program is likely the objective.   Of course many of the education institutions that illegally participated in the Thousand Talent Lies were never decertified, fined, or subjected to criminal action.   Although, many Chinese participants were immediately given one way tickets.

There were a few comments that could raise an eyebrow or two including:     1.   We should strengthen the G20 as the premier forum for global economic governance.   2.   We should ensure the sound operation of the global financial system.   3.   International governance should be based on the rules and consensus reached among us, not on the order given by one or the few.   4.   The Charter of the United Nations is the basic and universally recognized norms governing state-to-state relations.

These statements reiterate the concept of a One World Government, ruled by the UN as the premier voice of international governance. While Xi Jinping envisions himself at the head seat of the Last Supper.

He calls for the immediate implementation of Agenda 2030, and gives himself credit for ending extreme poverty – calling China a socialist country.   In China, anyone making over $47 per month is considered ‘out of poverty’.   China’s ‘socialism’ is an illusion that we may find the media supporting.   It is notable that when Australia asked for an independent inquiry into the Wuhan virus, China’s open and fair equitable response was to completely block imports for beef, wine, coal and other goods.

“China is working hard to bridge differences … and pursue friendly cooperative relations…”

The World Economic Forum is an international NGO Foundation, on par with the likes of The Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Clinton Foundation.   Klaus Schwab is the executive chairman of WEF and an honorary professor at the China Foreign Affairs University in Beijing.  Klaus has co-authored books, including:   The Fourth Industrial Revolution, The Shaping of The Fourth Industrial Revolution and most recently, The Great RESET.

Schwab and his wife also founded the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship.   It is funded by Schwab, Harvard, Stanford and INSEAD.   INSEAD is an MBA university that partners with John Hopkins and Beijing’s Tsinghau University, among others. INSEAD boasts as its graduates a host of banking CEO’s, oil and gas CEO’s, as well as parliamentary figures across the globe including the US, UK, Lebanon, Cambodia, Greece, Singapore, Netherlands, and Luxembourg.  Odd – I thought WEF was about equitable wealth – not billionaires.

WEF Civil Society is Bill Gates on steroids:   GAVI, and Global Fund to Fight Aids…   But then Gates has impregnated himself in all things globalization and I doubt would approve of Jinping taking the honor of Global King away from him.

The Summit continues with such topics on the table as “Fairer Economies” – which is apparently globular schmuckenize for crashing the US economy and making all countries share the exquisite poverty alleviation model pronounced by China – $48 income per month.

Another largess topic on the table is “Society and Future of Work”.   Because apparently, Agenda 2030 will destroy 50% of all jobs globally and WEF wants to explore ways to retrain Africa.   It would appear, no other continent is worthy.

And lastly, there is the agenda of “Beyond Geopolitics”.   Citing accomplishments, WEF congratulates itself for reversing depletion of the ozone layer, and the creation of the Paris Accord which is ‘limiting climate change’.   But apparently, global collaboration will be needed to effectively ‘Change Nations’ so that everyone is in compliance with these nongovernmental organizations who see themselves as the global committee of law, economics, and governance.

And that ‘Change’ is the core of a fake-Biden Presidency.   Because mainstream America must not exceed any other nation of all 193 in income or wealth. And CoVid was created as the Great Equalizer.


The Patriot Party.   Should we or Shouldn’t we?   To think that the GOP will suddenly reverse their present thinking is absurdity.   To think they will support a conservative who is NOT a rhino – is absurdity.   Vetting candidates has always been the means and the might in every party in existence.   Knowing that the vast majority of GOP politicians have cast their eye to the fire, we must turn our backs on them forever.

You don’t ‘re-educate’ citizens, you ‘break’ them. You can’t re-educate a politician, you break their spell by shunning the party.

GOP rhino’s lined up and allowed themselves to be blackmailed for greed, avarice and molestation.   They have destroyed their families, their sons and daughters, and their country through deceit and betrayal. They knew what Washington was doing and allowed their cowardice to reign – for decades.

And now it is revealed.   What we do with this information is paramount.

The Patriot Party is the obvious first step. The concept is what rhino’s and democrats fear the most – which makes it all the more powerful. The only question on the table is whether or not we have time.

Conspiracies abound as to whether Chinese troops have infiltrated Canada and Mexico – but photos do back up these theories.   Trudeau has quelled the conspiracy aspect of the theory in Canada by blinking wildly and acknowledging that he did indeed invite Chinese troops to ‘train’ at military bases.

To think that NO ONE in our government thought this information was worthy to be shared tells us our government controls the media – all of the media.   It tells us the government is bloated with liberal NWO and rhino NWO agendas – a Cult.

A new party organization must register with the FEC once they have demonstrated enough national or state activity.   The organization must file for a tax ID, create its status, identify Secretary and Treasurer, and make application with FEC.

If a Patriot Party was created, and the liberals impeach Trump, he simply has to designate someone who will run as his party with the knowledge that Trump will advise as a citizen.   Technically, that is how it is always done. Individuals rarely if ever simply decide they will run for President or Governor, they are groomed, sometimes for years.  We grill, vet and groom.

For example Biden is president but everyone knows Biden was planted.

Eighty million people did not vote for the GOP in 2020 – they voted for Patriot Trump.   One man fighting a global army by himself.   Sure there were a few, but the few didn’t have the power and were quashed.

The awakening is learning the game.   The game means infiltrating low levels – county commissioners, mayors, governors, DA, Charter Schools, and secretary of state.   It means grinding upward so as to create a power ‘BASE’.   We have learned that simply being President isn’t nearly enough!  

But if they could do it – Patriots can too! It means vetting candidates and never again voting any GOP ticket.  And it means using our 80 million power house to boycott.

NewsMax: Neoconservatives Aligned with Clinton

Remember all the hubbub about NewsMax being the next big Fox News?   Well, Lordy, Lordy, hold onto your dove of peace brooch because the CEO is a major Clintonite!   While claiming to be a Trump ‘confidante’!  

He began his career with the monthly tabloid, The New York Guardian, moved on to the liberal New York Post, Pittsburg Tribune, and the Hoover Institution.   Ruddy quickly moved through rank and files, becoming a member of the International Council chaired by Henry Kissinger within the CSIS, Center for Strategic and International Studies chaired by the very liberalist ideology of Tom Pritzker.

The CEO of CSIS is John Hamre who served as Deputy Secretary of Defense under – Bill Clinton. Despite claiming to be a ‘republican’, Hamre worked with the Obama transition team as well.   He later served with Ash Carter and Sam Nunn – liberal Obama appointees.   Nunn’s early career began when he was declared recipient of the Distinguished Eagle Scouts Award – errr, as a Boy Scout.   Yes, that’s in his official bio.

The CSIS organization declares its focus of engagements include; HIV, TB, Malaria, Polio – as in all things – Bill Gates.   How very enlightening.   They hosted Hillary Clinton as a keynote speaker, and yet somehow, are media defined as – conservative.

If that wasn’t enough disinformation, Ruddy joined the board of the American Swiss Foundation.   In essence, the unraveling reveals the republican/GOP rhino’s that have perpetuated within our ranks for ‘decades’.  ALl whilst pretending to be Reagan Conservatives.

Ruddy went on to become a patron of the Wikimedia Foundation which perpetuates a very uniquely liberal onslaught of every entry in history.

Opportunity seemed boundless, and Ruddy joined the Hoover Institute chaired by Condoleeza Rice which routinely promotes the Washington Post, CNN, New York times, etc… etc… etc…

Ruddy’s early years portrayed him as a sceptic of Bill Clinton, particularly in the death of Vince Foster.   However, sometime around 2007, Ruddy and his NewsMax partner suddenly made a public about-face and became enamored by all things – Clinton.

Ruddy and the Clintons became good friends – socializing, lunching, and soon Ruddy was appointed to the Clinton Foundation touring Africa with Bill and blogging on their website!  How conservative.


So who exactly started pushing NewsMax as a Conservative site to replace Fox?

Look no further than the liberal media:    Washington Post, New York Times, Front Page Mag, The New Yorker and of course, NewsMax – itself.   Inserting itself as a ‘pro-Trump’ platform, they would seem to be – the deceptor from OZ.

Who did NewsMax immediately indoctrinate to their log of team members in 2020, Shaun Kraisman, who previously worked for the syndicated satire – National Report.

What an odd appointment.

Ruddy and NewsMax initially secured support and funding from the Scaife Foundation which has funded neoconservative organizations including the Project for New American Century, renamed Foreign Policy Initiative.   Their secondary funder was William Casey, former director of the CIA.   They brought in heavy weights from the government owned BBC, Newsweek, United Press International and Alexander Haig – as an advisor.   Billing themselves as the Republican News site – they sought to calibrate themselves as conservative Reagonites despite their neoconservative ideologies and hawkish policies.

They are deeply entrenched in operatives such as Bush, Romney, Bill Kristol, and renowned, Robert Kagan.   Together, they helped formulate the war on Syria with the help of the Brookings Institute.

Under the guise of being the offshoots of president Reagan and his policies, these neoconservatives are literally Democrats with a few feathers.

As in – arrows in a quiver.

While it is well known that the Washington Post has been a propaganda tool of the CIA since the 1950’s under Director Dulles, it would appear, that a comparable neoconservative alignment billed as conservative would be – NewsMax.

Their purpose is regime change and they offer those services to anyone willing to pay the going price. Their function – WAR. Which means they had to have ties with major defense industries such as Raytheon and/or Boeing and/or Northrup Grumman, etc…

President Trump’s policy of disengagement from all things war – was a hit on the bottom line of these massively over-gluttonous industries, and thus another enemy was created.

Case in point – one of NewsMax former Directors was Bruce Jackson who also served as VP for Lockheed Martin.   Jackson worked on the advisory team for both Bush and McCain as well as working in the trading department for Lehman – the defunct, corrupted – Lehman. Another former member of the board of Directors to NewsMax was Yonghao Pu of the Bank of China.

None of this is exactly a resume that would have been beneficial to MAGA or Trump or anything remotely in-between.   But it does illuminate the defrauding of reality with an illusion and deception.

All of this traces back to the tentacles of NewsMax CEO, Chris Ruddy.   To think he ever represented the ideals of President Trump and we The People is absurd at best.   A better analogy would be an alignment with the Lincoln Project and NED.

And we The People along with President Trump – were targets.

Biden, The US Constitution, Betrayal: You can’t win a battle you don’t even fight!

Here we are.   The world is no longer watching.   The world has tuned out America as the last bastion lost to The Cult.   Oddly, there does exist one more ‘bastion’ – the liberal demon – Russia.   You see, Russia and the US were the only countries holding off the totalitarian regime known as The Cult.   Russia was vilified by The Cult in every single space taking article shrewed by MSM.   And it quickly became apparent that ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’.

But few listened.

Instead Russia took the hits, just like President Trump.   Navalny is The Cult divine insertion into the final Act of the Shakespearean Play.   When Putin goes – so goes Russia.   When Russia goes, the Agenda is ‘complete’.

Canada Free Press is hailing the insight of the ‘totalitarian experts’.   Really?   That’s really no different than citing weather experts to climate ‘experts’ who can’t accurately predict the freaking weather as it is happening much less 30-100 years in the future!   Or Science experts who haven’t practiced science since being anointed with a fake degree and rambling around a capitalist agency trying to spend more money on ‘research’.  Fauci?

Research.   An investigation so as to reach facts and thus conclusions.

Here we are.   And it ain’t pretty.   Biden has been ordered to rule by EO.   That would constitute a dictatorship.  And yet no one is objecting.   No One.   But It ain’t just the US – it is simply that all other citizens throughout the world confined to socialism and Marxism were looking to President Trump and us to save them.   Because they had already voluntarily – without a fight – signed over their country.

Now people are angry because Trump and America didn’t – save them!   Are you truly that daft?   Did you help? Did you fight? Or did you sit on your arses and hope that it would all simply be vanquished by one man?   Shame on you. And shame on those that are turning now on President Trump for failing!   SHAME!

Europe caved years ago – without a fight.   Farmers rallied briefly – and then were silenced.   Australia. Canada?  Canadians want Trump to win!   Yeah!   But the moment of defeat and the flight is disgusting!   Already detailing what Trump should have done, could have done, as though these pundits have ANY clue whatsoever!   SHAME.

Loyalty.   What does it mean?   For most I would suggest it is not a part of their values.   Loyalty means being faithful in the sun and in the storms.   What President Trump revealed that was MOST prevalent is this lack of  – loyalty.   It is prevalent in our government – the CIA – the FBI – the military – and in our homes.   And every one of us has that choice.   To be loyal – or to be a traitor.   To Betray.   I was raised by and thru loyalty – and that is what I taught my Sons!

Betrayal, as I have posted often, is a much more evil posture, it is an egregious descent into a world of evil.   And President Trump successfully revealed the extent of betrayal that we need to fight in our government.   Our government.

And suddenly, we witnessed ‘nonpartisan’ retail corporations launching their political betrayal on American citizens!   Do you understand the depth of that?   The usurping of freedom – we participated – we allowed – we financially supported – and we accepted.

And now they laugh hysterically as we further launch assaults on each other –

Do NOT fall into this Alice in Wonderland spiral.

This is NOT a time to find fault with the ONE man willing to sacrifice everything – everything – for us:

“ Ideological Alignment Pushing America Toward Totalitarianism, Experts Warn

“Pence skipped President Trump’s Departure Ceremony”



Shadow Stats – cited by MNBC.   John Williams would seem to cite that President Trump is responsible for the statistics released by the federal government – on everything.   Yet, this assertion has yet to be levied on any ‘previous president’.   Why is that?

So where do they get their estimates and data?   They create their own – based on their own determinations – for a fee.   Ah.

THAT – is a form of betrayal.   And I personally am NOT a fan.

One might focus on more revealing headlines such as:   COVID Hunger!   Czechs Question Germany’s CoVid Claims.   Wall Street is Now Betting on Water.   Vaccine Rationed Amidst Vaccine Supply Issues.   Government Announces CoVid Fines.   Abandonment of Exams for Universities. BOJO Declares Lockdown Won’t End by Summer.

Biden issues 25 Executive Orders in first day and ½.   And the Constitutionality of those orders is not questioned. BY Any Government, by ANY People.

Executive Orders are a privilege – that do have some guidelines the foremost of which is that they must support the US Constitution.   The President is NOT given dictatorship rule authority – all authority is relegated to federal design according to Article II Of the Constitution.   Anything outside of that is subject to Congress or Supreme Court authority before it can be enacted.

Today, none of Biden’s EO’s have been registered wit the Federal Registry as a valid EO.   And that validity is a recourse.

I do realize that all of this is based on a rule of law that may or may not exist any longer.   But until we as The People declare that law no longer exists – it does.   And Congress does not have the authority to make such a declaration unless they institute their version of Martial Law.   Which would devolve into a totalitarian regime.

People.   Of The World.   It is NOT a US fight, it is a global fight.   A fight that has devastating consequences whether we win or lose.   But a battle that has no warriors – is hardly a battle at all.   And so – it is up to you. Not our President Trump.   The choice – is ours.   The battle – is ours.   The Fight – is ours.  

You can’t win a battle wherein you don’t engage.

America vs China – A Battle Waged in Propaganda!!!

China’s National External Debt now stands at over $2.5 trillion – the highest it has been – ever and triple what it was a decade ago.   The majority of that debt is in Africa, although South America is likely a close 2nd.    

According to the World Bank, China is an upper middle income country.   The World Bank claims China’s per capita GDP (nominal) is $10,800, ranking 69th – 73rd in the world.   According to the UN, this ranking puts them on par with Kazakhstan, Bulgaria and Argentina.  

Minimum wage is $382.00 monthly, which is attributed to Shanghai as being the ‘highest minimum wage’.    Many regions are half that figure.      

Bernie Sanders quoted China as having eliminated poverty lifting 850million Chinese out of extreme poverty.

But in China extreme poverty is measured by earning less than $1.90 per day or less than $41 per month.   YEAH!   No more poverty…

China counts 57 million international tourists per year – mostly from Japan and South Korea.   But apparently, only 6.8 million actually stayed ‘at least one night’.   Meaning the other 88% were just passing through the airport.  Playing with numbers –

Only 7% of the Chinese population have a passport.   While the media flags this as a great opportunity for Chinese tourists in other countries, the absurdity is the reason Chinese don’t have passports.    Passports are issued by the CCP which won’t issue them because they are afraid of defection.   Of course, in a country bursting with over-population, one would think that the government would be buying one way tickets.   But no.   The CCP views emigration by citizens as being traitorous – and cause for immediate torture and execution.  Hence – only 7% of the Thousand Talent Program ‘scientists’ are actually allowed ‘pretend defection’.

It is like looking at a truly scary picture of some guy on match.com and realizing this is his ‘best foot forward’.   These stats are China’s ‘best foot forward’.

China claims that 90% of the population own their own home.   In Wuhan, the price per square foot to own an apartment (there are no homes) is $420. US dollars   A 1500 sq ft apartment would thus cost $630,000.   The GDP per capita in Wuhan is stated to be $18,000.   Which means a person’s ‘home’ would consist of roughly 14 sq ft, or an ‘apartment’ which is 3.5×4 ft.   I am liberal in my numbers given mortgages in China are based on 20 years – not 30.

You see, in China, a shared dog cage is considered a ‘home’ for humans.   And that is in a upper middle income ‘lucrative city’.

China declares a GDP growth rate of 7% or more – per year!  

The World Bank describes China as a Socialist economy, despite referencing China being ruled by the Communist Party.   And while China views it’s ‘yellow citizen’s ‘ as the intellectuals of the world, their coronavirus vaccine failed.   Why? Because it didn’t include outside virology.   In other words, China depends on other countries to create – while China attempts to – copy.

While China claims South Korea is it’s largest trade partner, China actually ranks 3rd of South Korea’s imports with the US and EU topping.   As it’s greatest trading partner, Japan ranks 4x the GDP per Capita of China .   In other words – China’s  largest ‘asset’ is a massive population.   Outside of that, they have created little, done nothing, and accomplished nothing of value.   But according to liberal mania, they provide immense potential – simply based on capitalist consumerism potential.   Which of course, would be annihilated under a global communist regime.

Statistics can be funny ‘science’.   But science has become the new god.   Which allows us to ‘dissect’ that theory of philosophy to reveal the truth behind number manipulations.   While medical ‘persons’ decry science as the end all of proof positive, they ultimately reveal their inherent and decimating flaws, and sometimes the incredibly false purveyance that can only be defined as pure Fakery.

For example.   In order for China to overtake the US in true wealth would require their economy to rise by 500% today.   If we accept their ‘inflated growth rate of 7%’ that would take – roughly 50 years?   Assuming a constant, it would take 70 years assuming a non-compound.

China is NOT a true financial competitor threat.   They are a ‘Communist’ threat.    Period.   They don’t have the scientific expertise to create science. They don’t have the intellectual expertise to create – much of anything.   And that is truly their fear.   That is WHY they rely on the US.   Idiots in a bottle.   China require US expertise to have, to do, to create, to explore, to think – everything!

What they do parlay is: blackmail – first and foremost on their list of profit profiles, blackmail, second and foremost on their list of profit agendas, and third, blackmail is their only means of obtaining ‘science’ data.

What we do know?

The GOP will sell its soul under blackmail.

The Democrats have sold their soul – under blackmail.

And The People = are very, very angry and are ready to destroy both the GOP and the Democrat Party.

This is not relegated simply to US politics – it is the Will Of The PEOPLE globally!

Don’t be sheep!   The Media is parlaying a completely alternate universe in order to deflate the true VALUE OF THE US!   We Can Overcome – ONLY if we are willing to engage in the BATTLE!

CHINA Debt – Statistics In Reality

China’s National External Debt now stands at over $2.5 trillion – the highest it has been – ever and triple what it was a decade ago.   The majority of that debt is in Africa, although South America is likely a close 2nd.     According to the World Bank, china is an upper middle income country.   They claim their per capita GDP (nominal) is $10,800, ranking 69th – 73rd in the world, according to the UN, putting them on par with Kazakhstan, Bulgaria and Argentina.   Minimum wage is $382.00 monthly, which is attributed to Shanghai as being the ‘highest minimum wage’. Many regions are half that figure.      Bernie Sanders quoted China as having eliminated poverty lifting 850million Chinese out of extreme poverty.

But in China extreme poverty is measured by earning less than $1.90 per day or less than $41 per month.   YEAH!   No more poverty…

China counts 57 million international tourists per year – mostly from Japan and South Korea.   But apparently, only 6.8 million actually stayed ‘at least one night’.   Meaning the other 88% were just passing through the airport.  That is how they manipulate fact.

Only 7% of the Chinese population have a passport.   While the media flags this as a great opportunity for Chinese tourists in other countries, the absurdity is the reason Chinese don’t have passports is because the CCP won’t issue them because they are afraid of defection.   Of course, in a country bursting with over-population, one would think that the government would be buying one way tickets.   But no.   The CCP views emigration by citizens as being traitorous – and cause for immediate torture and execution.

It is like looking at a truly scary picture of some guy on match.com and realizing this is his ‘best foot forward’.   These stats are China’s ‘best foot forward’.

China claims that 90% of the population own their own home.   In Wuhan, the price per square foot to own an apartment (there are no homes) is $420.   A 1500 sq ft apartment would thus cost $630,000.   The GDP per capita in Wuhan is stated to be $18,000.   Which means a person’s ‘home’ would consist of roughly 14 sq ft, or an ‘apartment’ which is 3.5×4 ft.   I am liberal in my numbers given mortgages in China are based on 20 years – not 30.

You see, in China, a shared dog cage is considered a ‘home’ for humans.   And according to the World Bank that is in a upper middle income ‘lucrative city’.

China declares a GDP growth rate of 7% or more – per year!

The World Bank describes China as a Socialist economy, despite referencing China being ruled by the Communist Party.   And while China views it’s ‘yellow citizen’s ‘ as the intellectuals of the world, their coronavirus vaccine failed.   Why? Because it didn’t include outside virology.   In other words, China depends on other countries to create – while China attempts to – copy.  

While China claims South Korea is it’s largest trade partner, China actually ranks 3rd of South Korea’s imports with the US and EU topping.   As it’s greatest trading partner, Japan ranks 4x the GDP per Capita of China . ALL largest ‘asset’ is a massive population.   Outside of that, they have created little, done nothing, and accomplished nothing of value.   But according to liberal mania, they provide immense potential – simply based on capitalist consumerism potential.   Which of course, would be annihilated under a global communist regime.

Statistics can be funny ‘science’.   But science has become the new god.   Which allows us to ‘dissect’ that theory of philosophy to reveal the truth behind number manipulations.   While medical ‘persons’ decry science as the end all of proof positive, they ultimately reveal their inherent and decimating flaws, and sometimes the incredibly false purveyance that can only be defines as Fakery.

For example.   In order for China to overtake the US in true wealth would require their economy to rise by 500% today.   If we accept their ‘inflated growth rate of 7%’ that would take – roughly 50 years?   Assuming a constant, it would take 70 years assuming a non-compound.

China is NOT a true financial competitor threat.   They are a ‘Communist’ threat. Period.   They don’t have the scientific expertise to create science. They don’t have the intellectual expertise to create – much of anything.   And that is truly their fear.   That is WHY they rely on the US.   Idiots in a bottle.

What they do parlay is: blackmail – first and foremost on their list of profit profiles, blackmail, second and foremost on their list of profit agendas, and third, blackmail as their only means of obtaining ‘science’ data.

What we do know?

The GOP will sell its soul under blackmail.

The Democrats have sold their soul – under blackmail.

And The People = are very, very angry and are ready to destroy both the GOP and the Democrat Party.

This is not relegated simply to US politics – it is the Will Of The PEOPLE!

Don’t be sheep!


It would appear we may heading for a tumultuous ride the 19th and 20th – we have been told to stay home, stay out of harms way, don’t be a martyr, don’t be stupid!   I pray – and you should too – that what I am hearing is actually true – because it is our LAST VESTIGE of hope against a communist takeover!   And Lord help us if they implant their Agenda.

EU Mandatory Vaccine: Forever.

Germany claims they don’t have any more vaccines readily available.   Odd.   UK claims they have a CoVid patient enter the hospitals every 30 seconds while adding that every adult in the UK will be ‘offered’ a vaccine by September.   Simultaneously Von Der Leyen of the EU Commission announces a vaccine passport will be required for travel within the EU and only approved vaccines from the Bill Gates trough can be used. Hungary has meanwhile purchased a number of China’s vaccines which have an efficacy rate of 50% or less.   That means that travel within the EU is likely to be shuttered until next Autumn given there are not currently enough vaccines.

When one hand is talking, it would appear that communication amongst EU members has not been exemplary.

Given the newest ‘science’ to be released confirms the science that was released a year ago – Lockdowns Don’t Work – the entire package is looking more and more discombobulated.

Of course, NONE of the vaccines have actually been ‘approved’ – they are only allowed for emergency use.   That is science speak for “we have no idea what the harmful effects might be” – although death would seem to be one acceptable side effect…

Norway says no worries about the 13+ vaccine deaths they have already accounted, because they all occurred in the elderly who would be dying in the next few years anyway.

Eugenics or genocide?

Bill Gates has even stated that we must wait to see – who survives before we can implement the full plan for Agenda 2030.

Meanwhile despite China not allowing the team of virologists to examine the Wuhan Lab, the virologists are stating openly that the bio lab in Wuhan is the source.  Yawn.

China is implementing another lockdown because of 55 new cases while simultaneously gloating that their economy is roaring as every other country is fading. And the MSM is having a heyday with that announcement declaring China Knows Best!

China exercises an interesting concept of economic statistics.   Lie.   Lie about everything and no one will ever be able to prove otherwise.   Sounds eerily like the Democrats and Rhino’s in the US.   Lie – and therefore it never happened.   Delete, therefore it didn’t exist.   Redefine – every truism and replace it with an illusion.   And soon no one will have any idea who what or where truth exists.

Meanwhile, Public Health England has stated that if you have had the virus you will be protected for maybe 5 months.   The vaccine might protect you for 8 months.   Therefore, everyone must be vaccinated multiple times per year for coronavirus.

SARS-Cov2 is the scientific name for the tests, the cases, and the vaccine.   Nowhere does any scientific review refer to CoVid 19.   Because CoVid19 has never been sequenced – because this virus has never been isolated.

It is worth noting that Public Health England became NIH International August 2020.   It is headed by a government official with a degree in business – not virology, not immunology, not infectious disease.   Not – Science as everyone now determines is the godly truth.    In fact, Baroness Harding is a product of McKinsey & Company as well as the ever plethora of liberalitists from Harvard. Her previous experience has been in convenience stores and retail where she was criticized, fined, and found to be ignorant of her duties. She sits on the board of a ‘think tank’ which calls for public health to be scrapped. Ah!   An appropriate pick to evaluate an infectious flu.

With a Biden administration set to be installed in a matter of days, democrat controlled states are launching promotional campaigns to ‘open everything’!   Although masks and social distancing must be adhered to in the Great RESET of economic order, a new Biden economy will be lavishly praised throughout his brief tenure.

As of January 4th, The Epoch Times reports that hundreds of vaccine recipients have been sent to the emergency ward with adverse effects!   But not to worry, those people are mostly old and would die anyway. This is the new mantra as espoused by Gov Cuomo when he sent infected nursing home patients back to infect others thus causing a massive spike in deaths.

Now, as schools are being slated to open again, the cry is not CoVid, but mental health!   Apparently there are not nearly enough mental health personnel to accommodate the mental health crisis perpetuated by the governors shutting down and destroying businesses and livelihoods putting children in crisis for food and housing.

Eugenics is defined as ‘controlled breeding’.   Genocide is the deliberate act of destroying a sub-category of humans to bring physical destruction.

It would appear, that the liberals across the globe are busily activating both. Survival of the fittest.   The animal kingdom.

While the media tenderly touches on the slaughter of Uighur Muslims in China as genocide, they deflect when cornered about the genocide perpetrated upon healthy individuals in every country in the name of CoVid.

For they are the same.

China claims a need to re-educate these Muslims – when in fact many believe they are simply an encampment of useable body parts and organs for transplant. It is a lucrative business that can garner anywhere from $5000 to $200,000 per ‘organ’.   Hospitals are complicit.   And the Mafia controls most of the market. In the US alone it is believed that anywhere from 122,000 to 200,000 individuals require an organ transplant each year.   In the US, California is the largest source and recipient.

All of these notations I mention are actually intertwined.

Ultimately it is about death.   Who is worthy to live and who is not.

Instead of God being the determinant being – Man, with Satan by his side, has usurped that reality.   And ultimately, God will usurp Satan and take with him a number of men.