Emergency Declaration? CoVid Booster Authorization illegal

Flu season is announcing itself via the CDC’s concern that vaccine hesitancy has grown exponentially due to disinformation.   “The CoVid pandemic eroded trust in science.   And the 2024 election will make it worse.” ~Politico.   The assumption is that science, vaxes, and pharma will suffer under a Trump election. That ‘health experts’ will no longer be deemed gods, and people will stop dying.  

The fact is that doctors were provided mandated protocols which afforded them spiffs to watch their patients die in agony – alone.   Some doctors actually preferred to keep their patients alive and in so doing lost their license.   Follow the science. Listen to the ‘health experts’.   Expert.   The word no longer has value, it is a watered down term overly used to force compliance with their area of education.

Health persons are sounding the alarm that diseases previously eradicated are returning including; poliovirus, measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, pertussis, diphtheria and varicella. Most of these diseases are still rampant in Africa, the Middle East and Central America – the same nodes from which our unfettered immigration has unleashed 7 million into the US since the Biden Regime.  Not coincidental.

Oddly, none of the ‘experts’ make mention of this phenomena, diluting their ‘self designed expertise’ into simple propaganda.   Add to the fray of ‘expertness’ the CDC sports algorithms, not factual numbers, defying true science.   “The CDC estimates” – everything!

The Rise Of The Anti-Vaccine Political Movement! ~Politico.

The entire position for the concern is based on an online survey of 1967 respondents with little discernment into an actual national representation.   The doctors chosen to make the case for the argument include: Dr. Umair Shah, Dr. Ashish Jha, Rupali Limaye, and Dr. Jerome Adams.

  1. Shah – a medical consultant for 13 years with expertise in electronic medical record keeping; currently in a management position with the Washington Department of Health.
  2. Jha – an academic professor at Chan School – Harvard.
  3. Limaye – PhD in ‘behavioral science’ at Johns Hopkins.
  4. Adams – an anesthesiologist appointed Surgeon General by Trump.

None of these expert PhD’s and doctors have any history in virology, molecular biology or biochemistry. Yet their opinions are considered without doubt – to be Expert.

Why?   Because the media presents expertness as anyone who confirms their position.   In contrast, they call out Robert Kennedy Jr. as a conspiracy agent because he demands more scientific trials before blindly forcing people a death-jab. All of this is to position the rollout of the latest ‘this will maybe do it CoVid booster’.

The newest booster to hit the assembly line is a rehash of the previous boosters that hit the assembly line by Moderna and Pfizer.   They have not been trialed but were authorized by the FDA anyway DESPITE their being no Emergency declared that gives the FDA the ability to authorize a vaccine!

Moderna claims that their new booster ‘appears to work against the BA.2.86 which is NOT prevalent in the US.

Pfizer says their recent ‘preclinical study’ shows the booster makes antibodies.   And the CDC declares that the BA.2.86 appears to only infect those who were previously vaccinated or who had CoVid.

The Federal Public Health Emergency expired on May 23, 2023.   Therefore, the FDA has no authority to ‘authorize’ anything according to 564 of the FD&C Act.    However,, on May 12, 2023, HHS, Bercerra, created an amendment under the PREP Act, which effectively is an illegal Executive Order:

The same day the Federal Government declared the end to the Health Emergency, HHS Secretary Becerra signed the 11th amendment to the PREP Act for COVID-19 Medical Countermeasures.  The PREP Act was a measure signed by Congress and any amendment would have to also be presented to Congress.   Becerra has the authority to ‘clarify’ what is already there, but he cannot issue an Amendment.   The purpose of the Act was to afford vaccine manufacturers: immunity from actions related to the manufacture, testing, development, distribution, administration and use of medical countermeasures against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear agents of terrorism, epidemics, and pandemics.

There is no pandemic, nor an epidemic declaration – therefore emergency use authorization is illegal and any Pharma product is now open to full liability and litigation.

Becerra’s claim that his Amendment was simply a ‘clarification’ of the PREP Act, is wholly inaccurate – it is a clear modification of the PREP Act which would have to go before Congress.    The Amendment declares that seasonal flu and CoVid both come under Becerra’s auspices for authorization declarations. That is NOT a clarification – that is clearly an ‘alteration’ which he is not legally capable of making without Congressional approval.

As such, he is opening the potential for litigation against both Moderna and Pfizer, as well as the FDA for improperly authorizing boosters, when authorizations may only occur during a federally declared Pandemic.

According to Yale, the CoVid boosters are NOT even vaccines and are simply referred to as ‘shots’. Their effectiveness has been laughable given the number of boosters now required and the fact that the vaccines are now causing CoVid relapses.

There are two flu vaccines on the market 2023-2024:   egg based and recombinant.   Like the CoVid vax, the recombinant flu vax is based on the same DNA/RNA altering spike protein; a methodology that has caused massive injuries and deaths.   This flu vaccine is approved having only achieved the beginning of Phase I in trials.   This is clearly illegal!  In addition, according to Yale the flu vaccines are only mildly effective and should only be administered for high at risk patients.

The FDA, HHS and Becerra should immediately halt all booster authorizations.   Seasonal flu vaccines that contain the DNA spike protein should be required to go thru all three trials successfully before being FDA approved.   And the vaccine injury data base should be put back online!   These illegal actions should create an impeachment query immediately!

VIRUSES: Man-Made for Big Pharma Vaccine Profits?

Having accepted that CoVid is a manmade virus, how many other viruses are actually manmade as well?  

In 1920, Karl Landsteimer, a jewish physician, discovered the infectious character of polio and isolated the virus.   In 1923, Landsteiner arrived in New York at the invitation of Simon Flexner, to work at the Rockefeller Institute.  It is stipulated that The Rockefeller Institute created a vaccine which caused the Spanish Flu to morph into a bacterial pneumonia killing hundreds of thousands.

In 1950, Polio cases peaked.

In 1940, Hilary Koprowski, a jewish scientist, moved from France to Rio where he worked for the Rockefeller Foundation.   In 1950 he developed an oral polio vaccine. His vaccine was tested on a rat despite polio never infecting any animal. His vaccine was not US approved but was used in Africa from 1957 thru 1960.   AIDS arose in Africa in 1960.

In 1984 Robert Gallo claimed to have linked HIV as the cause of AIDS, winning a Lasker Award in 1986 when Fauci became Director at NIH. After it came to light that Gallo had used unauthorized research from France’s Pasteur Institute to make his HIV connection, a lawsuit was settled between NIH and the Pasteur Institute in 1987.

In 1992, Rolling Stone Magazine postured that Koprowski’s polio vaccine caused the Aids Virus in Africa.   Gerald Myers worked directly with Fauci and emphatically declared that HIV causes AIDS.  He categorically stated that the polio vaccine did NOT cause AIDS – HIV did.   The CDC became embroiled at the claim as well and denied it viciously.  Because of these stated contradictions, the medical community accepted it and this became the official pronouncement via NIH – aka Fauci.

The first publicized announcement of AIDS in the US was via Rock Hudson.   However, he did not die of AIDS, he died of “Kaposi Sarcoma” which is a rare disease of the Herpes virus family.

In 2009, Kary Mullis, a Nobel Laureate biochemist and virologist, claimed there was no proof HIV caused AIDS. He claimed there was no scientific evidence or proof to substantiate the claim.   Mullis was the inventor of the PCR test which was used as an amplification of DNA.   He emphatically stated throughout his career that the PCR Test could NOT be used to test for any virus.

Mullis was vocally very ‘not fond’; of Fauci.

Mullis died months before CoVid was rolled out and Fauci declared the PCR Test would be used to test for the virus.   Mullis has since been declared a crack pot by Fauci.

In 1955, Jonas Salk, a jewish medical researcher, developed and released his injectable vaccine for polio. He served on the board of the MacArthur Foundation.   The MacArthur Foundation is heavily involved in the promotion of the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates depopulation agenda.

In 1961, Albert Sabin, a jewish medical researcher who worked for the Rockefeller Institute, developed his version of an oral vaccine which hit the market – they claimed polio was completely eradicated in the US by 1986.  Sabin began work for NIH under Fauci in the 1986.

Sabin’s vaccine was ‘tested’ on 100 million people in the Soviet Union, Europe, Mexico and The Netherlands. There were no records or tracking of polio in any of these nations at the time.   The first trial in the US was in 1960 on 180,000 school children. It was licensed in 1961. According to WHO, polio was eradicated globally in 1960.

According to the UN, a Global Polio Eradication Initiative was developed in 1988 to vaccinate the globe.   They claim that because of this initiative, polio cases were reduced by 99% – despite WHO declaring it was eradicated 27 years earlier.

Between 1998 and 2017, vaccine-associated polio arose.

In 2000, Bill Gates Foundation began unregistered unapproved testing of his oral polio vaccine in India.   Vaccine induced polio became the norm. In 2004, Bill Gates Foundation in collaboration with WHO, announced a new polio vaccine that would eradicate all polio from all causes, including vaccine-induced, by 2005.

In 2022, Gates claimed a new polio was on the rise – wild polio.   A new campaign in Africa, India, and Pakistan was seeded by WHO. Another new vaccine.

Polio was naturally eradicated in the late 1950’s.   Then again via vaccine in 1960’s. Then again in the 1980’s. Then again in the early 2000’s. Then it rose again as Gate’s, WHO and the UN collaborated to vaccinate all of Africa, Pakistan,India, Indonesia, and Afghanistan.

Eradicated:   “to do away with completely as from the roots”.

How many viruses are manmade? How many man-made viruses have evolved into the creation of drugs and vaccines?   Designed to keep people sick. For Profit.   The largest Mass Hypnosis imposed on mankind.   We have blindly accepted scientific and medical data because this is what we are told to do.   Doctors and Pharma were revered as demi-gods.   How many times have you heard, “we don’t know what causes disease x – but we can give you a pill …” ?

US Government is poised to initiate new Mandates due to a new CoVid – this September.

CoVid: Vaccines, Cases, Tests, Trials, Data, Deaths – Safe & Effective

FDA AUTHORIZATION OF ANY VACCINE:   “As long as no serious harms from the vaccines are discovered, they’ll maintain authorization until the pandemic is over. At that point, the pharmaceutical companies will decide if they want to seek FDA approval.” 

The Pandemic has been over for a year yet Biden extended the Public Health Emergency for another three months.   Is that legal?   The last two variants were determined to be as risky as the flu.   People presented with a variety of symptoms that seem compatible with any other nominal condition such as the Common Cold –

The CDC and HHS still declare that vaccines are “safe and effective”.   Despite the ‘serious harms’ that are essentially ignored – including the harm of – death.

Hospitals have confirmed that 85% of admissions ‘with’ CoVid are among the vaccinated.   These infections are labeled ‘Breakthrough’ cases because the vaccine didn’t work. Neither did the boosters which are now recommended every 2 months.

With the PCR Test tabled, the means for testing is largely via home test kits.   Abbott’s BinaxNOW is ‘authorized’. The test is based on identifying igG antibodies. Despite the one study being done on this product having been concluded in January 2022 – no results of the study have been published.

IgG antibodies are the most common and reflect viruses, bacteria and fungi. Clinically, igG antibody detection is used for the serologic immunity to hepatitis, measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox. A positive test result would indicate you have had these diseases and/or CoVid or been vaccinated ~ according to the CDC.   It does NOT determine if someone is currently infected.

In other words, the BinaNOW home test does NOT test for CoVid.

The CUE Test is based on molecular diagnostics.   “Positive results indicate the presence of viral RNA, but clinical correlation with past medical history and other diagnostic information is necessary to determine infection status.”   In fact, other viruses or even a bacterial infection could produce a positive result ~ according to the FDA.   They are no more reliable than the PCR test which was finally quashed by Fauci December 2022.

In other words, molecular tests are just as flawed as the PCR.

The CDC is currently claiming that there are over 101 million accumulated cases since the inception of the disease. The ‘case’ counts have been highest among Hispanics, and lowest among Whites and Asians.   The percentage of deaths via ‘cases’ is determined to be .99%.

PLAYING WITH NUMERS:   By contrast, the ‘death rate’ for flu is NOT based on cases – but on total population.   If one were to extrapolate death rates by population for Covid = .3%.

We are awakening to the Reveal.   The Reveal is not a gender assignment, it is a manipulation assignment.   Despite Scientists coming forward by the thousands, despite the Vax Deaths labeled Sudden Death, despite numerous authorities exposing the clots, cancers, heart disease, lung disease and complete disability of those receiving the Vax, our esteemed Medical authorities choose to ignore DATA.

TWITTER FILES:   Musk opined that the Twitter dump implicating at the very least – Fauci – was forthcoming.   Yet it is still in edit.

The revelations that the data truths were purposefully quashed would upend the entire health industry in America – much less the world.   It does not mean we are without the ability to cure viruses and bacterial infections which have existed for multiple centuries.   Cures are well trialed and tested when coming from a millennium of centuries – as opposed to the inane CDC and FDA trials imposed on a spattering of persons without qualifications of: previous diseases, current disease, age, sex, genetics, weight, prescription consumption, lifestyle, diet, air quality, etc…  And trialed on a total of a couple hundred approved persons.

We have always had an alternative.

But the Rockefeller Institute was quite oblique in their massive campaign to discredit everything we knew in favor of their Big Pharma business model in 1918. Doctors not toting the line of Rockefeller were harassed, discredited, shamed and branded quackery.   EXACTLY what is happening today.

What it does reveal is an interesting cyclical, intellectual, and strategic ploy that is a continuum – as though they haven’t any other weapon…   As though they haven’t the capabilities to evolve.   As though there is a singular dynamic.   As though the entire simulation comes from a – computer.

The Economist Cartel – CHINA CoVid Will Destroy Jinping

“Only deaths from respiratory failure due to a coronavirus infection will be counted as COVID deaths in China.” ~The Economist.   What a novel idea!   China details how it will not follow the US and EU recommendations of calling every death CoVid no matter the cause! And the West is stark raving mad that China is bucking their system of algorithms.

Just a month ago, the West and their Pundit Media were railing against China for their continued draconian lockdowns and CoVid restrictions. They even went so far as to instigate riots in an attempt to derail Xi Jinping’s authority.   A coup in the making.

And then abruptly, Jinping changed his mind and lifted all restrictions leaving people to take care of themselves.   Shortly thereafter, the same media pundits went into hypersonic gear and called Jinping a murderer for allowing Covid restrictions to lift.  As a result, these astute lizard brains now claim that 1.5 million people will DIE in China as a direct result of Xi Jinping!

Likely the first ‘such’ death will be met with more internal – externally incited – riots.   Because the point isn’t CoVid – it is Jinping. And they lost their coup manifesto. You see, China doesn’t have a health system that pays doctors and their staff upwards of $40,000 each to falsely claim death was from Covid. The incentive – is to be honest.

According to the DW and Economist derailed pundits, ‘crematoriums are all working 24/7’…  How do they know this?   Because Eric Feigl-Ding, a self described epidemiologist and health economist, says so.   Feigl-Ding lives and works in DC.   NOT China.   But he knows – because he knows…

Eric Feigl-Ding is a PhD of Science – not a medical doctor. He has lived in the US since he was five and was privileged to go to Johns Hopkins and Harvard – on a Soros fellowship.   In reviewing Wikipedia “History”, his current accounts of his acclaim would seem a bit stretched and/or nonexistent.   When attempting to verify his claim of writing for the Lancet publication – his name redirected me to Global Health Metrics – owned by Bill Gates.

Ding follows common core math when claiming that 130 million elderly Chinese have yet to receive their booster and 40 million are unvaxxed.   The problem with this claim is that the elderly – over the age of 60 – account for less than 9% of the population or 125 million total.  

However, as a source of anything in China – he is most assuredly deficient. He parlays exactly what he is told to say.   A good little sheeple.

WHO, aka Tedros,  has jumped on the bandwagon of China fear mongering by declaring that China’s vax is less effective than US control via Pfizer and Moderna.   Their determination?  China’s vax is only 50% effective.   Of course, the very fact that ‘boosters’ were required in the West would indicate that the original vax had a -0-% effectiveness.   Compounding this – advertisements throughout the US today advise persons to get ‘another booster if you haven’t had one in more than 2 months’.   Meaning the previous booster was sort of effective for just 2 months and then was worthless.

WHO did have the foresight to state that they had insufficient data to make any claims about anything but felt that the need to make unfounded claims is a matter of Science.  Boldly going where no man has gone before…

China is considered an extreme concern because they reported 5900 deaths from CoVid in total.   Whether that number is real is on par with any numbers released by WHO and Johns Hopkins ‘algorithm’ data.   Because lying and falsifying is the new NORMAL.   Still, without knowing anything, The Guardian is quick to state: “The Chinese government isn’t reporting Covid-19 deaths: as crematoriums fill up, officials are staying quiet. The health system is struggling as hospitals race to recruit medical staff. Retired medics are being asked to return and student doctors are being placed on the frontline. If the healthcare system collapses, patients will die from all causes requiring medical care…” 

To add injury to injury, the UN has decided that 60% of Chinese between the ages of 15 and 64 will disappear. Sometime.   Soon.   This age demographic represents 70% of China’s current population, or 980 million. The 60% slated to ‘disappear’ would account for 590 million – granted the ‘prediction’ is a prediction – and the WEF depopulation agenda calls for a 95% reduction in global population.   However, the labor force has NOT been addressed in this scenario.

And just in time to further obfuscate reality, The Economist states that imports and exports are at 20% to 25% of 2021 levels.   Accounting for shortages.   Unfortunately, those numbers do not match Trading Economics which shows imports increasing 40% over 2021, and exports increasing by 37% …   Who do you suppose is lying?      


Bill Gates, WHO, Johns Hopkins and a spattering of African warlords met for the annual global health summit to discuss – Catastrophic Contagion – the next Pandemic.   This one is slated to be much more deadly than CoVid, will kill mostly children, and is on the calendar for 2025.

Culling children is believed to be the next best effort in the depopulation agenda given the CoVid nonvax vaccine is still busily taking out the over 60 crowd.   It isn’t the first time a ‘zoonotic’ virus has targeted children.   In fact, this winter has seen an unprecedented uptick in various childhood ‘viruses’ including; RSV, Liver Disease, Myocarditis, Polio, and Hepatitis.   The uptick is written off as a result of ‘climate change’ leaving esteemed doctors and virologists ‘baffled’!     Given there is no cure for any of these viruses, pediatricians simply attempt to moderate the symptoms and hope for the best outcome…

Oddly, the viruses are not occurring when they normally would peak – with worst case scenario peaks of polio hitting roughly 210 cases in 2018.   But Catastrophic would have to be greater than the CoVid algorithm numbers claiming 650 million cases and 6.6 million deaths.   Despite the US having some of the most draconian CoVid measures, including economic collapse, we had the greatest number of deaths followed by Brazil and India.   The death rate was 1% – 2% of cases.

Hospitals have claimed that the vast majority of hospitalization and death are from the vaccinated. While a UK analyst claims that excess deaths are 400% of normal!

Despite all the data being released that the CoVid jab was not a vaccine, not designed to prevent anything, and not a source of protection, the CDC, Johns Hopkins and WHO are playing dumb, dumber, and dumbest with spokespeople such as Jim Carey and Elton John.

The Question – where are they creating this next childhood catastrophic Contagion?

The newest Level 4 Bio Lab is set for completion early part of 2023.    Located in Kansas, the lab will become the largest in the world overtaking Wuhan.    This Manhattan, Kansas lab will phase out the Plum Island lab that purportedly tortured and killed thousands of Macau’s.   However, the torture and killing will now include cattle and other ‘livestock’.   Amidst the Gates and WEF agenda of phasing out meat, pork and chicken, it would seem that finding a potential virus that will kill or make harmful to humans the vast majority of our food protein sources is underway.

The Kansas facility is owned and managed by the USDA with cooperation of DHS, ARS, APHIS.

Nearly all zoonotic viruses in cows can only be transmitted with direct contact with an infected animal.   Ranchers wear gloves and slaughterhouses wear protective gear, so the bio4 lab extension is obviously for the purpose of creating a possible linked combo-cocktail-infection so as to cause the USDA to call for the mass culling of cattle – just as they do with the ‘bird flu’.

And it would appear the tee-time for the game is 2025.

There are 59 zoonotic bio4 labs across 23 countries, but that would appear insufficient to meet the needs according to Johns Hopkins and WHO.   According to Pfizer, the vaccine trials now being assessed for children include:   CoVid, Pneumonia, Meningococcal, Lyme disease, Flu, Strep and RSV.    By contrast, GSK is undergoing clinical trials for: liver and lung disease in children, neoplasms in children, organ damage, and malaria in children using RNA editing.  These are the diseases that the Contagion Pandemic will create.

The Media claim that CoVid is causing multi-organ damage in children.   CoVid has been called out as a result of climate change. CoVid has escalated the ‘excess’ death rates…   ALL despite a 70% CoVid vax rate in the US.

In February 2022, the Washington Post claimed that excess deaths in the US were over 1 million.   NIH claims it was 940,000.   Globally, The Economist claims the excess deaths ranged from 16.8 million to 28.1 million – a deviation of nearly 10 million or 60%!   The EU claims as much as 25% excess deaths, while WHO claims the global number to be 15million. OBVIOUSLY the numbers are ridiculously skewed – because NONE of them are actualities, and are instead fear mongering algorithms.

We do know that the surge in illegal immigration is likely pursued to either fill the void of employees who have died or are now disabled – or to further genocide of Hispanics via vaccine targeting.   Given Hispanics coming to the US had the highest case and death rates among all nationalities, the employment void is the lesser rule.

In order to prepare for the Catastrophic Contagion expected during 2025 after the emergence of a new administration in 2024, there are two BASIC things to do NOW:   1.   Follow the Big Pharma focus to learn where their trials are prominent.  They told us the CoVid Pandemic would be a SARS derivative two years ahead,   and 2.   Boost immunity through diet and vitamins.

Australia Bill = CoVid Police Squad Authorizing Force and Asset Seizures

The Australian Parliament is in it’s fourth round of determining whether to pass a rather unique, if not vastly Marxist, Bill altering powers to police CoVid 19 offenders.   The 42 page Bill has gotten near to zero media coverage, and reading its dictums reveals why.

Its overreach establishes a CoVid Police Squad whose powers make them exempt from any civil or criminal proceedings.   These CoVid Police are allowed to use whatever ‘force’ they deem necessary to carry out the protocols of the Law.   They have the authority to seize and control a car, real estate, or ‘things’ if they determine the need.   They can issue an Order outside of the Emergency Status Act declaring a city, state or regional lockdown wherein no one is allowed outside on roads or waterways unless given direct written approval.   If they question a person and deem the person to be lying, they will be arrested. All legal rights and privileges ordinarily provided by law – are renigged.

The Bill Amends the 2005 and 2016 Emergency Act.

They anticipate the Bill going into effect this November.   And it should give rise to the notion that the US October surprise – may in actuality be a November surprise before the election to implement similar control over all US citizens.

It also comes on the heels of a Hacker Group claim that they have acquired “evidence” that the US was complicit in creating the disease.  

Australia’s CoVid response was brutal.   Police were videotaped beating people, sitting on them, choking them, for not wearing a mask.   A pregnant woman was lifted and tossed into the back of a paddy wagon.   Submission was based on fear – not of the disease – but of the police and government actions!

World Health Organization has issued 6 bullet points for ALL GLOBAL governments to follow this winter:

  1. Test everyone, even those who have no symptoms.
  2. Clinical care is paramount to locking down those persons who test positive as well as any persons or areas with which the person may have engaged.
  3. Vaccination – make sure that every person is vaccinated and boosted according to protocols.
  4. Health care facility personnel must be fully vaccinated must offer quarantining availability and universal maks mandates.
  5. Build trust thru massive media campaigns assuring the safe and effective risk free vaccine.
  6. Shut down all disinformation immediately.

These measures will completely collapse economies across the globe and cause mass rioting and chaos.   Our stakeholder governments still believe that sanctions on their citizens and punishment without fault will ultimately gain them the absolute power and control they covet.

World Health treatment includes: oxygen, ventilation, antivirals, and immunomodulators.   WHO allows specific drugs:

“This includes, for patients with non-severe disease but who are at high risk, access to oral antivirals such as nirmatrelvir-ritonavir, molnupiravir or intravenous remdesivir based on patient profile and local resources. Patients with severe disease should have access to oxygen therapy and oral/intravenous corticosteroids and interleukin-6 inhibitor or baricitinib, based on patient profile and resources; and a prophylactic dose of anticoagulant.”

There remains NO mention of allowing hospitals Ivermectin, Zinc, Vitamin D, and Hydrochloroquinine and immune boosting natural means.   If a woman contracts CoVid they are encouraged to ‘continue breastfeeding’.

Nirmatrelvir-ritonavir: There is little to no information about the safety and effectiveness of this drug as it has not undergone any relevant Trials.   ~ According to Webmd. Side effects include:   diarrhea, high blood pressure, liver disease, rash/itching and swelling of face tongue and throat, trouble breathing, abdominal pain, muscle pain, pancreatis, HIV and death. The Lancet and various medical agencies have recently proclaimed that this drug fails to beat a – placebo. The cost? $1100 per dose.

Molnupiravir:   Initially developed to battle flu, the drug was dropped after mutagenicity concerns. Recently Merck thought it miight work for CoVid.   Mutagenisis is defined as when DNA is being modified leading to a toxic degeneration of the immune system causing chromosome deletion, inversion and translocation.   IE – death.

CoVid Mandates

The FDA and Canada’s Health have given both of these drugs emergency use approval.   Death would seem to be the World Health Organization’s agenda given many discovered alternate treatments and prevention which significantly lowered the death rate.

COVID VAX BOOSTERS: Voluntary Compliance?

The Rockefeller Foundation in collaboration with Bill Gates has decided that the 70% vaccination goal is too lenient and that 100% of ‘at risk’ persons be forcibly jabbed, while 90% of the remaining population comply – or go to Gitmo.   While the Politico statistic stating 70% of the US population has subjected themselves to the vax seems a bit fantastical, the ruse is to give the impression that the vast majority say it’s fine – so everyone may as well comply.   BUT – the statistic is likely as miscalculated as are the case counts.

The Real Slog, a blog based out of France, has confirmed that the UK Health Ministry claims that every person in the UK has been infected with CoVid roughly 4.5 times based on their case counting.   Which is a Gates algorithm made in Alice’s Wonderland. According to the CDC, the vax will ‘protect you from getting sick with CoVid19’.     Which is immediately repudiated by the growing case counts.  Otherwise we must assume that no one is ‘sick’ – and case counts are superfluous.   Which would nullify the coming New & Improved Lockdowns.

According to Health & Science Experts, given the case counts are so out of control, further jabbing and lockdowns are the future.   Pfizer’s sixth booster is scheduled to be ‘authorized’ this coming September – in time for the mid-terms no doubt!   Of course ALL the boosters are ‘authorized’ without phase 2 trials.   Today, NIH announced that a Phase 2 Trial will commence as soon as they can find ‘volunteers’ to submit their life and/or livelihood for Big Pharma.

While Johnson & Johnson appears to have left the playing field, all eyes are glued to Moderna and Pfizer for their unending DNA rearrangement.   Revenue for both Moderna and Pfizer hit a downward spiral as the vaxxers waned, but Biden wants another trillion or so in printed Federal Reserve paper money to give to the giants to boost their lagging sales.

Moderna shares have tanked 64% in the last year, and Pfizer’s about 16%. Pfizer has been propped up on it’s ‘booster’ schematic, while Moderna sits on the sidelines and cries.  

The top three life insurance companies are Chinese with Ping An Insurance Group coming in as Numero Uno.   In the last year their share price has dropped by nearly 42% which is a mirror reflection of their net income.     The second largest, AIA Group, is down 20%, and the 3rd largest share price is down about 30%.   I imagine, payouts have made a proper dent in this $2.2 trillion business sector.   And they might not be too keen on ‘the more boosters Agenda’.

The CDC website has now gone full propaganda publishing a “Myth and Facts” page to dispel any concerns one might have given the level of disinformation that abounds:

ONE:   Myth One is the silly idea that natural immunity is better than the Vax. The Fact notes that getting a vaccine will “create an antibody response without you ever experiencing sickness”.   IF 70% of the population is vaccinated and have no sickness, then why do hospitals report the majority of hospitalized persons as being vaxxed?

The definition of ‘vaccination’ continues to be morphed and evolved so as to support the continuation of boosters.   The original definition decried that the purpose of a vaccination was to give you a dose of the disease so a person’s body could create natural immunity for life.

Not so any longer.

TWO:    Myth Two – All events reported to VAERS are caused by vaccination. Some VAERS reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable.”  VAERS was created by the CDC and FDA.   Essentially this Myth Buster is saying that the methodology of a reporting system created by the same health industry that leads this reporting system is completely flawed and unverifiable!   AH!

THREE:    Myth Three which is repeated continually by nearly every MSM source is that the MRna is so encased that it never enters the nucleus of a person’s cells.   Yet, a New York Times article publish May 2021, claims the Johnson & Johnson vaccine which is not MRna specifically does enter the nucleus where the ‘cell’s DNA is stored’.

With MRna vaccines, according to the CDC the outer portion of cells is attacked and destroyed leaving the DNA nucleus ‘unhit’ but also unprotected.   Without that protective armor, DNA is exposed and likely to die.   There is some evidence that different batches of the vaccine were encoded at different levels of MRna.   More MRna material could result in more cell deaths wherein the body doesn’t have time to replicate the dead cells.   Thus resulting in adverse events or death.

Logically, the purpose of a booster would thus be to expose and make vulnerable more DNA given we have successfully delineated our response to the vaxx via a global Trial – Phase 3.

Unfortunately for Gates & Rockefeller, even the pro-vaxxers have little to no desire to be boosted – ever.   At least not voluntarily.   That lovely word ‘voluntary’ would be key.   And using more totalitarian means of FORCED VACCINATION is likely to be the next Agenda…

BIOLOGIC WEAPON WarFare – A Virus and Vaccine Agenda

“Low and Middle Income Countries”. The phrase is continually projected as a target for ‘vaccines’.   Wealthy countries MUST pay for these vaccines which according to Fauci have historically proven to cause the disease they were meant to eradicate.   Why must wealthy countries pay?    Because these low income countries remain ‘unvaccinated’ and are NOT dying off as required per the Biologic Weapon Agenda.

In order for depopulation to succeed, the less developed countries are front & center the most necessary for depopulation while simultaneously being the least ‘vaccinated’.   That presents a problem.   And given that vaccines are typically trialed in these countries, without permission, a resistance was created.

Solution.   Mandatory jabination For Africa.

From the beginning, the CoVid science linked a common thread in the genome sequencing to HIV.   As though the manufactured virus was spiked.   HIV has been found to be parasitic. This would explain why Ivermectin, a parasitic drug, could be a cure.   This leak proved the downfall of the entire Gamut.

Now, scientists are declaring that the vaccines cause HIV and a rise of cancer and HIV deaths are deliberate.

Despite all the humdrum in the initial vaccine rollout of safety concerns, well below -0-‘ storage requirements, a five minute allowance in storage to jab, none of these protocols were actually adhered to by the medical professionals.   In fact, a stale old stench batch was attempted to be delivered to Africa.   They refused!

“Low and Middle Income Countries”.   “Blacks are given vaccine priority”.

That’s called genocide.  They were the target, but the Cabalists screwed up!

In 1998, the first AIDS vaccine was undergoing trials in ‘monkeys’ using a ‘live attenuated vaccine’ . It was a disaster, and at the time, Fauci declared, “To me, this fortifies that we are not ready to go into humans with a live attenuated vaccine.”   OBVIOUSLY – Fauci switched gears.

Twenty four years later – there is still NO vaccine for HIV.   (And yet a CoVid Vaccine was developed by ten different Pharma companies within months – and few call FOUL).   That is – until today.   The announcement claims that a DNA encoded structurally designed immunogen which is engineered (meaning patentable) can provide surgically tailored immunity!

That is scientific code for individual DNA fusion ‘gassing’.  Or Biologic Weapon Trials via CoVid AND CoVid Vaccine.

Now = where oh where would they have gotten all that DNA for free experimentation and laboratory classification?   COVID TESTS.

When Macron visited Putin in Russia recently, he adamantly refused a CoVid test claiming it would give Russia his DNA.  Why would that be of consequence?   Because biologic weapons are being developed that would target DNA instead of obliterating an entire city, town or state. While this has been discussed in previous years as the new forefront for military warfare, it is highly probable that it is now an actuality – and every tested person’s DNA has been uploaded.

This war tactic would ‘preserve the environment’.

In 2013, the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated, “the emerging gene synthesis industry is making genetic material more widely available. A crude but effective terrorist weapon can be made using a small sample of any number of widely available pathogens, inexpensive equipment, and college-level chemistry and biology.”

The vector of CoVid and the CoVid vaccine would likely reveal a particular DNA strand.  

Scientists and genetic engineers are considering several techniques to increase the efficacy of pathogens in warfare, including:

Binary Biological Weapons = DNA.

Designer Genes = eugenics

Gene Therapy = replacing good genes with defective ones = immunotherapy

Stealth Viruses = infections that remain dormant until a trigger is applied

Host Swapping Diseases = like bats

Personalized Bioweapon = targeting a single person, like Macron

Designer Diseases = manipulation of cells to induce cancer or cell death

CoVid fits nicely into these scenarios.   But according to Fauci as of December 2021, we were still in Stage 1 of the 5 stages of this Pandemic.   The following four steps are deceleration, control, elimination, and finally eradication.

Yet despite increased ‘cases globally’ the ever perverse scientists declare we are in ‘deceleration’.   Odd.   Control means CoVid is now treated like the flu.   Elimination is like polio – where the disease is isolated to ‘low income countries’.   Eradication – he says – is likened to ‘Smallpox’ which is the ONLY disease ever eradicated.

The biologic weapon scenario actually began in 1918, over a hundred years ago, with the Rockefeller Institute vaccine that caused bacterial pneumonia among the immune-compromised.

Today, that weapon has been fine tuned.   And DNA – is the necessary ‘vector’.   The next phased bioweapon that Bill Gates claims is forthcoming will likely be much more stealth and specific so as to preserve a particular DNA.

Given the Cabalist design to colonize Africa – I imagine that would be the next phase of DNA vectors.   Who will they preserve as the Hunger Games peasants?   Chinese.   They are already indoctrinated in Communist Control mechanisms and will be least likely to revolt.

China has been cited as collecting the DNA of citizens for purposes of law enforcement, tracking down dissidents, and forming a tightly controlled surveillance state.   Gorden Chang has warned of this DNA warfare program in China since 2020.   But the US is likely the front-runner in China and the US for ethnic and political genocide.   As we have learned that our own NIH and Military were front and center in the Wuhan pre-release.

So what can you do?  

It is all based on immunity.   Eugenics – weed the compromised and the weak.   Boost your immunity thru a multitude of homeopathic and ancient medicinal means!   This is your own private Biologic Weapon!   Controlled by YOU.   Tinctures.   Foods – the plant based meat byproduct is the MOST manufactured, hydrolyzed, glop that you can possibly consume.   DON’T.   Vitamins – our food sources do NOT provide what we need to thrive any longer.   Educate yourself!


200 US BIOLOGICAL WEAPON Labs Across The Globe …

The US Military under the auspices of the Department of Defense has over 200 biological labs across the globe. Many are in Africa, including: cort d’Ioivre, Uganda, Senegal, Liberia, Kenya, Cameroon, etc… The also have one in Kazakhstan, Georgia, Ukraine, and Afghanistan.   The largest in the US covers 800,000 acres in Utah, The Dugway Proving Ground, which has operated since 1942.   At this Biologic Site, Aerial nerve agent testing involves open-air release of agent toxins which is estimated to be 500,000 lbs of nerve agents and at least 328 open air tests of biological weapons.

ALL of which are then airborne –

Walter Reed Armed Forces Research Institute opened two primary labs in the 1960’s in Thailand and Kenya. The lab in Thailand, The Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences is a leading lab in CoVid. It works in conjunction with USAID, CDC, WHO, foreign governments, and NGO’s.   The US Army declares it is a leading proponent of vaccine development over four categories:   (1) diseases that spread easily in densely populated areas (respiratory and dysenteric diseases); (2) vector-borne diseases (disease carried by mosquitoes and other insects); (3) sexually transmitted diseases (hepatitis, HIV, and gonorrhea); and (4) diseases associated with biological warfare.

Karen Kingston is a former Pfizer analyst and current whistleblower providing valuable information regarding the CoVid “viral gene based therapy” which was authorized under Pfizer BioNTec and approved under the name Comirnaty August 2021.

According to Kingston, Phase 1, 2, and 3 trials all occurred simultaneously using a very small volunteer sample of around 3,000 with adverse events being provided and then redacted by the DoD prior to being sent to the FDA.   The agency within the DoD is the Office of Health Affairs.   Adverse events included ‘death’.    Kingston claims that the Dod redacted information that would have made the vaccine unapprovable by the FDA.

In an Open Access paper written by 4 Chinese at the University of Massachusetts Medical School titled, Viral Vector Platforms – Published February 2021, it discusses the failure of this method of curing a mutation.   The CoVid mRna ‘vaccine’ was actually viral based Gene Therapy introduced to cause the mutation.

Gene Therapy is the treatment of a genetic disease by the introduction of specific cell function-altering genetic material into a patient.   The key step in gene therapy is efficient gene delivery to the target tissue/cells, which is carried out by gene delivery vehicles called vectors.

The conclusion of the authors was:   “Treatment of patients with this class of investigational drugs has resulted in severe adverse effects and, even in rare cases, death.”

The CDC is currently siting a ‘study’ of over 50,000 employees of the Cleveland Clinic published January 2022 in which they compared unvaccinated who had CoVid with the Vaccinated.   Oddly, the study omits the 10,000 of the pool who were not vaccinated and never had the virus.   A 20% lost value.     The end study result showed that there was no significant difference among any groups.

FYI: The CDC Website continues to highlight healthcare workers and patient pictures with diaper masks instead of the newly regulated N-95…  

AND just to make your twiddles TWEEK – Governor Newsome and Magic Johnson were pictured multiple times at a football game bumping fists and yelling without any mask at all despite the California Mandates.

This is why the maskless Bandit Bojo who was seen at multiple parties having a grand old time maskless during strict UK Lockdown is simply the truism to the perpetuated lie.   TO his defense, Bojo immediately lifted ALL Mandates. As in Poof – no more – they don’t exist.   While Parliament demands his immediate resignation, it would appear we are witnessing the defection within the Cartel Cabalists.

Ultimately, what these infractions and the Ukraine/Russia propaganda reveal is a massive attempt to distract from the Literal criminally Illegal actions that have been perpetrated by Dod, CIA, FBI, State DA’s, Governors, Senators, Congressional Representatives, the FDA, the CDC, WHO, NIH, NAIAD, and a host of NGO’s.   The extent of the fraud and murder charges are unfathomable.   In a Real World Scenario – the incarcerated would number in the THOUSANDS if not Hundreds of Thousands Globally.

We have corrupt AG’s determining their own corruption – et al.   It is so far removed from what Americans were led to believe in our own government that many cannot comprehend.   Attempting to explain and educate would be met with blocked brick walls.  And it is to those that still can’t see the disintegration of all values, morays, and ethics – that we appeal.

The Clinton/Obama/Bloomberg/Rothschild/Rockefeller/Morgan/ Cabalists are only 1% of the extent of global evil.  

Reading comments on the fray of various media sites, the American peoples are considered the root – instead of these Cabalist frays.   And in such instigation, any war will target American Peoples.   The ultimate misnomer. But one that the Cartel continually inserts for a global hatred of Americans – instead of the Cartel itself.

We have the facts.   We have the evidence.   But none of it is worth a dime if there is no one to prosecute.   And therein lies the Soros defacto where he solidified ALL American legal structure to adhere to the CARTEL.

What to do?

It starts small, where it began.   Locals, DA’s, Mayors, City Council, and then expands.   Unraveling means targeting how the ravel began. Meaning disseminating TRUTH.200 US BIOLOGICAL LABS ACROSS THE GLOBE

CoVid 2022: After the Flawed And Faulted PCR Debacle – Cases Will Crash!

Bill Gates has announced that once the Omicron variant passes its peak CoVid will just be a distant memory given natural immunity.   WHO says boosters are causing ‘harm’.   Israel is grappling with 4-5 boosters.   CDC says changing the way CoVid cases and deaths are counted going forward will match the 6% that Fauci previously noted in paragraph 2075 in fine print.   Still, Fauci declares CoVid NEVER going away.  

How will the CoVid case count die a sudden death?   Easy.   The home tests and the lab tests were predominantly done using the PCR-spike protein amalgamation.   That test version was tabled by the CDC, aka Fauci, as of 12/31. The reason given? It was seriously flawed, according to the CDC, because it couldn’t differentiate between any variants, the common cold, – or the Flu.

You know, the same flu that magically disappeared last season recording a whopping 2400 cases.   But now the Flu is back and the CDC wants everyone over the age of 5 to get a double flu shot.   No explanation. “Just do it”!

Meanwhile there are no tests available because they all got yanked from the shelves when PCR was eliminated.   And for some odd reason, none of the manufacturers had bothered to make any other test.

Why?   Because they don’t know how.   Because the virus has never been wholly sequentially genomed.

Biden and Kamaltoes have promised one billion new tests from somewhere to be delivered sometime – soon.

In the meantime the CDC and Faucism declared that the clothe facemasks everyone has been wearing for the past 2 years are useless.   Last year, Fauci and the CDC forbid any individual from buying an N95 mask because they were needed exclusively for the medical professionals.   Given 40% of our ‘medical professionals’ are no longer employed, I guess they have enough masks to share?

So guess who makes the N-95 masks?   Well, according to the masks worn by Pelosi and Congress, they are stamped ‘made in China’!   According to an article Sept. 24, 2020 — Up to 70% of N95 masks certified in China do not meet U.S. standards for effectiveness, the nonprofit patient safety organization ECRI warned this week.

Oh but it gets worse.  

The CDC reports that 60 percent of the KN95 masks (a version of N95 masks made in China) in the U.S. are fake, for example.

The most common pitfall scenarios include:

  • Documents are altered so mask models appear to comply with a particular standard, but they do not.
  • Certification marks are counterfeit.
  • Manufacturers’ names, logos, and model numbers are counterfeit.

Remember China pushing counterfeit jeans, counterfeit purses, counterfeit pharma? 

Oddly, the entire medical community would appear to know that the masks required throughout state mandates – never worked.  Making the mandate – a FRAUD.

In the meantime, Johns Hopkins has announced this creepy technology called ‘theragrippers’.   It is a microscopic metal device the size of a speck of sand covered in a paraffin wax that was inspired by the ‘parasitic worm’.  The device can be inserted via a nose swab, attach to the colon and release a substance, aka drug, without the patient ever knowing they were contaminated/cured.

The New Tests have avoided all regulatory processes, trials, checks and balances, and efficacy:   FDA Authorizes Roche and Siemens At-Home Tests, Which Went Through New Biden Administration Accelerated Review Program; Will Bring Tens of Millions of New Tests Per Month to the U.S.

One of the New Tests is made in Korea. It was submitted on December 24th when everyone was on vacation, and somehow still was FDA authorized by January 4th. Test results are not generated thru an app, as previously, and it is up to the ‘individual’ to report the results to healthcare facilities – which will never happen!

These tests use a method called chromatography developed in the 1900’s.   According to the singular study of this method in conjunction with the death spiral – Remdesivir, it has shown ‘efficacy’ in MERS.   Remdesivir is used in the treatment of Ebola, the same Ebola that doctors now say is plaguing China.

So there you have it – cases will decline rapidly as there is no laboratory reporting mechanism and the flawed PCR spike is not factored in testing.  

All the lords and ladies of the totalitarian rule will bow down and hail Biden’s grand success in finally eliminating the C-Virus and somehow will likely find a way to assert that the virus was caused by President Trump.   The Project Veritas DARPA revelation will never make MSM and history will be – rewritten.

Or, perhaps this revelation will be asserted ‘AFTER’ Biden and Harris are removed from office for abject utter incompetence amidst delusional dementia and a new President will be inserted as chosen by the still in control democrat and Rhino Congress before the third world 2022 election monitored by Sudan and China.

In the meantime… the CDC will advise Bill Gates … to advise…   WHO to declare that forthwith, all flu vaccines contain a modified variant of the CoVid virus making the flu vaccine a quivrulent including the stagnant same quadruvents: H3N2, H1N1, Yamagata and Victoria.

Given the flu vaccine contains the same quadruvents for the last 8-10 years, your immune system is bored.   Think of them as ‘forever boosters’!

SO!   We now have a flawed test, PCR, removed after 2 years of use, knowing that it was flawed as per its creator, Kary Mullis.   We have home tests based on that same ‘faulted’ PCR yanked from the shelves.   We have a variant that is the only dominant that is less than a typical flu.   We have masks that have purportedly done absolutely nothing for 2 years to be replaced by fake China masks that do nothing.   And we have a ‘new home test’ that may be infected/thwarted with this creepy theragripper that can insert ANY biologic into our system without us ever knowing.  

AND we are supposed to TRUST THE SCIENCE…