New World Order: British Imperialism and Bloodlines

There exist a small number of “Core” institutions that have expanded their power exponentially since their founding in the first years of the 20th Century.   Those benefactors of philanthropy have used their money, their power, and their charity to create the basis for the New World Order with their stated aim that British Imperialism, specific bloodlines, and Monarchs be central to this goal:

Chatham House was established in London in 1920 by British Imperialist, Cecil Rhodes the DeBeers diamond magnate who made his fortune on ‘blood diamond’ mining in Africa.   Chatham’s sister organization, Council on Foreign Relations was created in 1921 by Elihu Root and Teddy Roosevelt who assumed office after the assassination of President McKinley. McKinley was known as an interventionist having forced Spain to hand over 4 colonies after the Spanish-American War.

Like Cecil Rhodes, Root was opposed to the suffrage movement, supported internationalism, and was an advisor to many US presidents.   During his tenure, he created the Open Door Policy with China – which essentially gave China to Japan.   Root was also the Director of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

The Carnegie Endowment works in concert with Chatham House.   The goal of these three organizations is a global world government powered by the richest men in the world whose bloodlines are preserved in British nobility. Trustees of Carnegie Endowment have included Harvard since its inception.

During WWI, Carnegie declared that the way to peace was for the US to enter into the War against Germany. It was also the Carnegie Endowment that created the Hague Court of International Law in the Netherlands – 1923 and the United Nations in 1945.

The second Director of the Carnegie Endowment was John Foster Dulles, his brother Alan Dulles became the head of the newly created CIA. Dulles oversaw the various psychoanalyses experiments on people using drugs, hypnosis, and mind control, including MK Ultra.

In 1923, Reuben Leonard of Canada, donated the land in London for Chatham House.   In compliance with Rhodes, Leonard dictated that his philanthropy was only to be used to support white British male Protestants.

Chatham House created the first House Rule which prohibited members from disclosing anything inside to the outside world with the exception of the content of the meeting – like chapters to a closed book.

Operating under similar auspices as the UN, Chatham declares to be the progenitor of Sustainable development.

Winners of the Chatham House Prize have included a number of prominent NED coup leaders, as well as Hillary, Melinda Gates and Kerry as well as the Committee To Protect Journalism.   The Committee is funded by Knight Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Bloomberg, ford and Annenberg Foundations.

The Chatham House has done little except expand. Having set up offices across the globe and created multiple NGO’s for what could ostensibly be simply another means for money laundering.   It’s cited focus is on ‘reform’ across the globe. What it has yet to accomplish is “Peace”.   Anywhere.

When originally established by Cecil Rhodes and upon his death Alfred Milner, their cited purpose was a Global British Colony/Empire.   While claiming that entering the fray of politics was essential in this achievement, they understood that all political parties were targets.   In that, they declared themselves ‘nonpartisan’.

Donors to Chatham House include MAVA Foundation, UK Government, US Department of State, WHO, Carnegie – US, Open Society as well as the usual foundations and oil companies.

MAVA Foundation claims it is all about saving our planet, however its donor list includes numerous bio firms involved in the CoVid jab, Rockefeller Advisors, the UN and WEF. Slow Food is also a financier.   They claim their goal is the attainment of ‘food justice’, which highlights the unequal and unethical meat and poultry industries polluting our environment. Another WEF hybrid, they promote “equity, inclusion and justice”.

These four organizations, Rhodes Round Table, Chatham, Council on Foreign Relations, and Carnegie comprise the top tier of the global Cabal.   Through their vast networks of nonprofit NGO’s they rule roughly half of the world.   They plant presidents, prime ministers, corporate CEOs, and Boards.   However, it is all based on white British imperialism.

Their entire existence is thus threatened by the BRICS Alliance which is gaining traction as middle eastern, African, Indian, and South American countries come to realize they are NOT invited to the Table. Due to their nonwhiteness and the fact that wealth equals superior intellect… as in British Bloodlines – Monarchs and Bankers and Industrialists.

NEW WORLD ORDER of Human Mind Control – The Tavistock Institute

The Tavistock Institute was created in 1947 toward the end of WWII as an offshoot of the Tavistock Clinic created in 1921.   A collaborative effort of the UK military intelligence and Chatham House. The Clinic was founded by Hugh Clichton Miller for the purpose of learning how to ‘control minds’. The Institute was formed as an offshoot of The Clinic at the behest of the British Rhodes Roundtable Group with grants from the Rockefellers, Carnegies and the British Government.   Today, its Board Chair, Lucian Hudson, comes from the Open Society University. Their aim – a One World British Empire.

Tavistock’s website claims they are a ‘human relations’ NGO that attempts to use psychoanalytic and open system concepts to program group and organizational life.   Others have labeled them as a collaborative of the CIA in the use of MK Ultra techniques to destabilize character so as to control minds.

The initial stated purpose of the Tavistock Clinic was to determine the ‘breaking point’ of a soldier post WWI. Its network now extends from London to the U.S. through the Stanford Research Institute, Esalen, MIT, Hudson Institute, Heritage foundation and the Center of Strategic and International Studies where State Dept. personal are trained, US Air Force Intelligence trained, and the Rand and Mitre corporations. The personnel of the corporations are required to undergo indoctrination at one or more of these Tavistock controlled institutions. A network of secret groups, the Mont Pelerin Society, Trilateral Commission, Ditchley Foundation, and the Club of Rome are conduits for instructions to the Tavistock network. ~

It is believed that all major global politicians are required to attend the behavioral and personality modification training before they can be elected/positioned into our governments.   The tactics employed include drugs, induced psychosis, electronic shock behavioral modification and the ultimate implant of a new character person who responds only to their Handler.

Corporate CEO’s, actors and musicians were utilized given their mass appeal. Dr. John Coleman has cited Madonna, Oprah, Dr. Phil and Brittney Spears as being created for the purpose of mass mind control.    In order to invoke this modification on a mass scale, the Institute has used media propaganda, epidemics, fear, intervened in education, the redaction of family, and drug proliferation.   The end result is Mass Hysteria.

Heavily influenced by Freud’s psychic structure and death drive, Gestalts group thinking, and Lewin’s totality of perception as reality via dismantling the existing mindset and replacing it with a programmed model, these frontrunners of psychology were wholly onboard the New World Order of human control.

Cecil Rhodes, a British Imperialist, whose dominance of the diamond trade gave him unadulterated power established the Rhodes scholarship for the purpose of recruiting Anglophiles into the advancement of the British global domination.

Rhode’s will named conquests including:   Africa and the annihilation of blacks, The Holy Land, The Valley of the Euphrates, the islands of Cyprus and Candia, All of South America, all Pacific islands, the seaboards of china and Japan, and the ‘recovery of the United States of America as integral.

The goal was to create genetically superior white men tasked with ruling the globe working in conjunction with Elite Family Cartels:   Milners, Cadburys, Warburgs, Darwins, Huxleys, and Wedgewoods to achieve this core Elite.

They devised wars to achieve their dominance and deplete populations.   Civilian bombings were conducted as trials to view the effect on the human psyche.   The Fabian Society Socialists were created via a ‘conditioning’ wherein they believed they were promising world peace and environmental protection when in fact they were instituting depopulation and global fascism. Pierre Trudeau was a member of the Fabian Society.

Run through the Rockefeller Foundation, the extermination of individual farmers was a paramount objective.   These farmers produce capital via their agriculture and are thus a threat to controlled society. The Bolsheviks realized this capitalist production was a vital threat and seized all farms causing mass starvation. In the US, the Federal Reserve System was deployed to destroy individual farmers, forcing them into untenable debt so their farms could be confiscated and redistributed to the Industrialists.

While the OSS/CIA involvement in drug trafficking has been sourced since 1937, the CIA was tasked with implanting the 1960’s+ drug revolution into educational institutions to dummy down America.   Various journalists have brought forth allegations of the CIA’s involvement in drug trafficking including Gary Webb who was suicided in 2004 having shot himself in the head – twice.   Other journalists have implicated Bush Sr, and Bill Clinton.

For the past several years, DARPA’s newest project, Ouija, has been installing thousands of low earth orbiting satellites. This constellation can assist in advanced, specific targeting of Direct Energy Weapons.   The Ouija project creates high frequency waves similar to the high frequency radio energy which caused brain damage to diplomats in Cuba, and China – Havana Syndrome.

Those Havan Syndrome diplomats were likely targeted via the low orbiting satellites and DEW’s.

In 1954, William Guy Carr wrote: Pawns In The Game – A true story of international intrigue, corruption, graft, and political assassinations – both sensational and shocking.  He died in 1959 – cause unknown.

In 1998, Jim Keith wrote: Mind Control, World Control, The Encyclopedia of Mind Control citing Sirhan Sirhan as a victim.

In 1999, Jim Keith wrote: Biowarfare in America detailing mind controlled individuals as a threat.

Then in 1999 Keith fell from a stage and broke his knee. He was admitted to the Washoe Medical Hospital for knee surgery. He died in the intensive care unit shortly after surgery. The coroner listed cause of death as ‘blunt force trauma’.

GLOBAL DEBT DEFAULTS: The Next Phase of Cartel Chaos

As global inflation/stagnation/recession envelops less developed countries, the likelihood of them having the ability to pay their debts is diminished to – zero.   The largest debt holders of these African, Asian and Latin America nations are China and Japan.   But middle east countries are also on the line for massive debt agreements, including Iraq.  In 2020 before the ravages of the WHO induced Pandemic, outstanding debt of developing countries topped $11 trillion.   The debt service is roughly $4trillion and growing.  

Debt relief means a country is absolved of its obligation and the countries or institutions holding the debt write it off as a permanent loss.   In that context, it is not unlike the student debt writeoff – the end result is further devaluation, further inflation, and further poverty.  A cycle that is created every few decades as a sort of Cartel RESET.  

Micro-loans were the newest instrument used to collateralize countries into default given interest rates as high as 40%.  A Cartel Arrangement – albeit legal.   The Green Fund created for Climate Change is such a micro-lending scam.   The funds absconded from various country’s taxpayers are deposited into international banks which use the funds as regulatory deposits to make micro-loans.

Countries facing default today include:  Ukraine, Sri Lanka, El Salvadore, Ghana, Egypt, Tunisia and Pakistan.   In total 40 countries are facing this potential.

While the purpose of the ragland sanctions against Russia was to initiate their debt default, the sanctions backfired horribly.   Exploding gas prices and alternate buyers in the wings proved a massive win for Russia and a further angering point to the Cartel.   In retaliation, the Cartel doubled down to advance their RESET more quickly.

Defaults have a number of consequences:

For some countries it means a transfer of ownership – as in the spoils of the country now belong to the debt holder.   Or it means internal chaos and a warlord mentality similar to The Dark Ages.  Sri Lanka.   During the Obama Regime – the Federal Cartel purposefully kept interest rates at 0% to entice developing countries to borrow.   It was also the recipe for a recession recovery – LOW interest rates!

Because interest rates are now up 2.5 basis points with more next month the recession has created shortages some real and some manufactured.  Tourism, which is the basis of many countries recovery from Lockdowns has defaulted given the rise of airfares hotels and related costs.  These countries are frantic to reconfigure their debt.   Too late.   Because this is the exact stage the Cartel desired.

With the US Federal Reserve Cartel ramping up interest rates they exasperate the global debt defaults while devastating US industries, most specifically the Construction Industry.   

The US Construction Industry is a $1.5 trillion annual revenue source employing 7-10 million workers.  When this industry falls the related dominoes are mind-blowing!   The manufacturing and mining segments are dependent on construction.  

Instead of ‘preparing’ for this inevitable crisis, the Biden WH is busily spending more untold dollars on bailouts, military inventory depletion, Ukraine, green failures, and literally anything that has absolutely zero VALUE to preserve or reignite our economy.   2024, is too late.

If we look at the economy under Trump’s policies, the global condition was a positive.   But in a mere18 months, The Cartel has managed to destroy the US oil industry, US food industry, US auto industry, and now the US construction industry.   We don’t have 2 more years.

With a perfect credit score today’s mortgage rates are pushing 5.625% to nearly 7% – depending on your state.   Insurance rates have risen as well due to crime stats.   Rentals have gone up as much as 40%.   All while job cuts increase 10% to 20%!

As a result, Powell has declared Americans will “feel the pain”!  That PAIN will be caused by Gerome Powells adherence to the All Might Cartel dictatorial regime.

Comparing the economic effects to the Carter years is not a valid comparison.   The US productivity for the first quarter of 2022 was more than double the highest negative during the Carter regime.   Borrowing rates reached as high as 25% during the Carter years extending the recession into depression status.   The Federal Cartel kept raising rates as a means to stagnate and prolong ‘the pain’ reaching a 20% prime rate.  The same economic responses  a corrupted Powell’s employs on Americans today.

Carter’s recession lasted from 1980 until 2003 before GDP recovered to its 1979 levels.   And unemployment hit 10.6%.    When Powell and the Progressive economists say this recession will last thru 2023 – the reality is the recession is scheduled to last until 2030.

Like the Biden WH Cartel, Carter claimed the reason was an oil shortage – economists immediately tightened the money supply with the reasoning that high inflation would subside high unemployment.   It Did Not WORK!

Everything Carter did – failed The People.   And that exact same destruction is Gerome Powell’s blueprint.   Including the Regime blaming the entire global destruction on Russia and High oil prices despite available inventories being shuttered.

But Carter was a Cartel Elite.   One of the worst President’s in history – Biden is likely set to beat that Legacy.  Not just for his incompetency, his dementia, and his failures, but for his abject corruption within the frame of Hunter, China and Ukraine.

Zelenskyy, the Ukraine comedian bohemian, still believes that Soros is going to force the global economy to ‘rebuild Ukraine’ – demanding $1 trillion for the ‘project’.   But our money and weapons will be completely depleted.   And Ukraine will become ‘dust to the wind’.   Along with a host of debt riddled developing nations. 

UNLESS We Rise as ONE and awaken to the Chaos before it consumes us!

Humanity as Stewards: A Different Kind of – RESET

So often there is a focus of the consequences of war that goes without acknowledgment and compassion…. The rescue operations of animals wild and domestic who are victims of the same horror.   Dogs are used to sniff out humans from the rubble – but there are organizations dedicated to saving animals as well.   Animals are a great comfort to their human companions.   When chaos envelopes and bombs literally fall leaving tornado like damage in their wake – when all possessions and loved ones are killed – these pets can be the only attachment left to reality.    

When fires lit by arsonists ravage hundreds of thousands of acres of land and trees, the billions of animals killed is rarely even mentioned.   The worst was the Australian fire in which the Koala’s became a focus as they walked ‘into’ the fires to release their immense pain.   Death was more humane than the untenable ferocious misery they were enduring….   We sometimes forget – we are not the only victims.

It is as though we have become immune to the effects of bombs – of killing – of chaos.  Media likens a bomb to a justifiable action to ‘deter and protect’.   But the reality is too often bombs are levied for one purpose – to kill as many citizens as possible.   To wreak as much damage as possible.   To annihilate ‘the enemy’.    An enemy that may not even exist.

And forgotten is the fact that people are NOT the enemy.   Governments create militaries to hate militaries to fight on their behalf to create a vacuum for – Power.

A story:   Two years ago a blast hit the port city of Beirut.   The blast was extensive and hundreds died immediately while thousands left to live were maimed with incomprehensible injuries.   One such man had four cats in his apartment when the blast hit.   His injuries were catastrophic and required hospitalization for months.   But all he could think about were his cats…   are they safe?   Can someone feed them?   Can someone find them?   Where are they?

Neighbors rallied on his behalf and left food, water and a litterbox outside the building hoping they would return.   Three did.   The fourth never returned.

An NGO, Animals Lebanon, rallied after the bomb blast and began a search and rescue effort for pets trapped beneath the ruble.   It was grueling.   The VP of the NGO said there were thousands of carcasses.   Everywhere she looked.  

They were determined and foraged through the devastation finding those pets still hanging on to life.   Their only focus was to tend to their wounds and return them to their owners… if they were still alive.   Adoption for those whose humans had passed.   Over 350 people joined this rescue effort.  Together.  Humans.

Being Human.

While nations frequently claim their bombs and bombing raids target specific enemy installations, it is likely another piece of propaganda.  There is no proof Bin Laden was killed – yet there is reams of proof thousands of citizens died…

We have routinely been hypnotized into thinking a government is an enemy and therefore ALL the people are enemies as well.   Pakistan is such a country.   Cells of terrorists exist in the country.   But they also exist in literally every country including the US, Germany, Canada, etc…   And yet within the confines of this country, Pakistan, the majority of citizens are simply people.  People who grow flowers in their gardens.   People who tend to their children.   People who simply want to be left to their own devices without interference, coups, and war.

Still, the US seems unable to step away from this conquest of eternity.   We are bombing Syria, bombing Somalia, bombing Sudan, bombing Russia, inciting bombing in Chile, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, and now China.    Why?

Using the rationale that we are ‘saving people from their evil government’, we kill 10x more than we save.   And in the process continue to deplete land value, agriculture, water resources, and sustainable existence.

Every media provocation seems to style the same scenario, thwarted.   The possibility of an attack justifies an offensive response.   And so the world is brought to believe all bombings are justified to save us….

In this sense, the concept of a RESET is inevitable.   In the context of insurmountable debt, a RESET is inevitable.   In the context of corrupt governments, a RESET is inevitable.   In the context of peace, a RESET is necessary.   It just isn’t the RESET envisioned by the world according to Klaus and Soros and Gates.

MOST of our ails can be eradicated by the return of power to ethics and morality.   A RESET wherein NGO’s return to charity – where taxation of profits is enforced.   Where a flat tax is levied at 10%, where education is returned to the people, where the medical community must ‘cure’ a patient in order to be paid.   Where morality is once again an ethic, where crime has  consequence and entertainment is a common labor of love not money.    Where empires no longer exist and nations are sovereign to their own.

We know from history it is possible.

We are the stewards of life.  All life.   Animals.   Oceans.   Each other.   Yes, a RESET is overdue.   The People outnumber the corrupt governments and corrupted NGO’s  100,000 to 1.    Good can overcome evil.   The Great Deception is that we are in end times.   Satan wants us to prepare to die!   God wants us to actively LIVE!  

Ukraine, Iran, Russia, Syria… The Great Deception of Gog FROM Magog is Satan

Is Zelenskyy blackmailing EU and western countries?   Periodically, Zelenskyy will declare a particular country as ‘deficient’ in their provision of money and military equipment, shortly after which the government complies.   The newest hit is Spain.   Using media outlets to express their vast dissatisfaction, the purpose is to disrespect this  government while inciting the public. This constant depleting of arsenals from the top developed countries is setting them up for an inability to defend themselves in the event of a catastrophic event.   And it is purposeful.

It is interesting how these massive military packages arrive in Ukraine given air and rail are suspended due to bombings.  Not to mention their sheer largess would make them enormous target practice!  But the propaganda has become so bold that the media can claim literally anything via their root The Rothschild Economist and truth is no longer a prerogative or requirement.

The most recent pronouncement that has perplexed the intelligence communities is Zelenskyy telling US Embassy workers to run for their lives!   What Embassy workers?   Why would any embassy be open in Ukraine?

The idea of peace would seem an illusion in our present global system of chaos.   Iran, an ally of Syria is in Syria with permission.   The US is an enemy of Syria and yet we have stationed troops in the north ostensibly to keep ISIS at bay.   The defeated ISIS.   In fact, the north of Syria is rife with oil wells.   90% of those wells have been confiscated by the US military.   As such various factions continue to attempt to regain control of those wells.

The annihilation of Syria had a twofold purpose for the Cabalist Cult.   One;  Assaad was no longer a friend of the Cabal and thus a threat.   And Two;   The US wanted Syria’s oil.   The US now controls 90% of Syria’s oil.   And Syria is left destitute.  A third insult came about as Russia became the ‘axis of evil’ and was aligned with Syria and Iran.   Thus ALL alliances had to be destroyed.  The Means?   Starvation, devastation, and destruction.

When googling bombing in Syria, of the first 2-3 pages every entry is a headline vying for US posturing in Syria against their allies.   There is little actual data on Iranian militias.  In fact they may not even exist.   And once again we are subject to a propaganda that is massive!   “US attacks Iranian backed militia’s fighting for Syria…”   Page after PAGE!

We Have Been Deceived.   And that deception is so pervasive even conservatives are lulled into the illusion.

The two self-proclaimed “watchdogs’ tasked with giving the world their vision of truth include:  Human Rights Watch – a Soros alliance, and Amnesty International – an organization plagued in controversies including child rape, sodomy, and human trafficking.   They are the guardians.   The wolves.

T he largest Iranian/Iraqi/Syrian ‘militia alliance’ is the PMF – Popular Mobilization Forces an umbrella organization.   Their base is Shiite, however factions include Christian, Sunni and Yazidi origins.   They fought against ISIS.   Opponents of the PMF include:  ISIS, al Qaeda, Al-Nusra … the US and UK.   In this scenario, the US would be seen as an ally of ISIS and Al Qaeda.   And therein lies the twisted reality – called The Propaganda of Wolves.   The tale of the Scorpion and the Frog.

The alliance Hillary had with Saudi Arabia is not the alliance of today under bin Salman.   Prince Salman eradicated the Hillary cult from Saudi Arabia and therefore bin Salman became the anti-democrat revulsion.   His alliances were to Trump and have now shifted to Russia, and the BRICS.

Today, Prince Salman is securing a beneficial relationship with Iran.   These awakened countries have come to see the truth of the Cult Lizards and are no longer amiable to the Cult.   The interpretation of the Biblical “Evil Alliance” is false.   The misunderstandings come as a result of the confusion of names of individuals  vs places.   Gog was not just a place it references a people.   The translation was altered – to fit a narrative:    “Gog from Magog”  to “Gog and Magog”.   Creating a false enemy purposefully. Thus revealing this war we fight today is one that spans centuries!

Some conservatives like Ann Coulter just love to find criticism in every aspect of everything – including Trump.   He has been reviled by the Evil Cult and even some Republicans.  Why?  Because Trump didn’t Drain The Swamp.    These Pundits are surely Rhino’s of the Cult.   Finding fault to denounce President Trump.

No – Trump did not Drain The Swamp – however, we are more aware, more in tune, more wise today than at any other time – because of Trump.   Yes, the Lizards were masked well!   They came as our saviors – they fooled us for decades.   Thus we are at fault for not being more wary like foxes.   WE failed.

Empires have been created for the purpose of fulfilling the Order of the Cult.   Including the Roman, the British and American Empires.    Oddly, being a Roman was not a nationality or culture, it was an amalgamation of various societies that existed across Europe and Asia.   Historians have no clue how Rome came to be.   Over the centuries Gog from Magog has been identified as the Khazars, Vikings, Huns, Monguls, etc…

Who is Gog.   The Evil that has declared he will destroy Earth?

“And when the thousand years will have been completed, Satan shall be released from his prison, and he shall go out and seduce the nations which are upon the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog. And he shall gather them together for battle, those whose number is like the sand of the sea. And they climbed across the breadth of the earth, and they encompassed the camp of the saints and the beloved city. (Rev. 20:7–9)”

When one reverts to the original, “Gog from Magog” it becomes clear that Satan is Gog.   Gathering the western nations for battle …  And the Great Deception IS Complete.   Magog does not exist on Earth.

National Archives Partnership Alliance with Wikimedia Foundation – sponsored by Obama, SOROS and Clinton

A letter from the National Archives ‘acting director’ Debra Steidel Wall dated from May 2022 is making the rounds.   The letter details how Steidel has determined that documents retrieved from Trump in January were forthwith being turned over to the FBI. The letter is dated 10 days after the actual Director, David Ferriero, quit. He was originally appointed by Obama in 2009. A rather bold move for an “Acting Director” newly minted just 10 days prior. Fierriero was simultaneously appointed as the head of the newly created National Declassification Center.

NARA has some interesting alliances.  

Upon appointment in 2009, Ferriero established a ‘relationship’ with Wikipedia and the Wikimedia Foundation.   In that relationship, Ferriero hired an in resident Wikipedia editor to work for NARA.

One of the Board Trustees of Wikimedia Foundation is McKinsey and Company.   One of their Independent contractors is Minassian Media whose founder is a full time executive at the Clinton Foundation.   The chair of the board, Nataliia Tymkiv, is the financial director for a Ukrainian media nonprofit.

Endowment funding for Wikimedia includes the Tides Foundation, Amazon, Google, Facebook and George Soros. All of which explains their involvement in the US National Archives via former Director, Ferriero.   Reveals that Obama/Clinton are behind the Mar a Lago raid. And likely reveals they have ALL had access to and been privy to every National Security Document since its inception!

The Tides Foundation website declares:   Tides: A Force for Social Good!    Tides is a philanthropic partner and nonprofit accelerator dedicated to building a world of shared prosperity and social justice.

Tide’s Board has affiliations with Obama, Janet Reno, Microsoft, HP, UNICEF, China, Harvard, etc…

Concern that a former sitting President would have access to classified documents in his possession seems rather mundane when in reality we see that the National Archives is run by Soros, Obama and Clinton with unfettered alliance-access by Amazon, Google, Facebook and Microsoft.   Google is also in charge of digitizing Obama’s 33 million documents including classified records, which has yet to be completed… but poses a significant national security risk!  The statement that NARA has read thru all 33 million Obama records to determine classification is absurdity at BEST!

The initial collaboration between Wikimedia and NARA was a covert operation that helped to destabilize national security while gaining ‘open’ access to literally every mechanism within our government. Other Partnerships include: UK Royal Society, WHO, and Prince William.

It would thus now make sense that Obama’s $65 million advance for his Library and digitalization has gone nowhere but his bank account.   Although Obama hedges why his documents have NOT been digitized – the process could be completed internally with the purchase of IBM equipment and finalized within a month.   It has been six YEARS!

The fact that NARA is clearly another puppet organization of the Soros-Obama-Clinton Transparency in Government organization cherry picking documents with NO Oversight – selling documents to outside sources could be a motive!   Attacking Trump in this FBI Operation simply furthers the evidence that the FBI is also an agency of Obama and Clinton via Soros.

NARA is run so profoundly bad that a Freedom of Information Request can literally take YEARS!   Requests for classified documents can take decades. WHY?   Because they are searching through 11 billion + records. But also because certain documents are ‘off-limits’ per the tech and corporate leaders who now run NARA.

In 2009, Obama created the “Open Government Plan”. The Plan specifically targeted such agencies as Homeland Security, DoD, NARA, and the FOIA   Over the course of his tenure he updated the Plan 4 times, the last was stated to be effective from 2016 thru 2018.   The assumption for the 2018 time stamp was based on Hillary winning the election.   Her failure put the Open Government initiative into a tailspin.

The plan states:   “that the strongest foundation for human progress lies in open economies, open societies, and in open governments.” 

The last entry for the Open Government Plan was September 2016 which was released by NARA.

While the Open Government Plan was attributed to Obama, it was the brainchild of the United Nations – Open Government Partnership.   Its founders included: Indonesia, Norway, Mexico, Brazil, The Philippines, South Africa – the US and UK. Its donors include: Open Society Foundation, Omidyar, Ford Foundation, Hewlett Foundation and “UK Government’.

The Partnership goals include civil society engagement in government accountability. However, to simplify this engagement, the Partnership created a Civil Society Engagement Team to represent – civil society!

George Soros’ Eastern Bloc Nations – A Catalyst For Armageddon

The assassination of a daughter of one of Putin’s close allies will be used to justify a complete obliteration of Ukraine.  Reminiscent of WWI wherein the archduke became the catalyst, this is how world wars ultimately evolve.   Th west is tired of waiting and wants to initiate the next phase of Armageddon.    Those on the fence will find themselves forced to make a choice.   Retaliation is a human condition.

Ukraine is on the brink of complete collapse.   After announcing in July that 651 government officials were being charged with treason, Zelenskyy has made his first internal assassination.   The head of security in Ukraine has been suicided.   He was on Zelenskyy’s kill list.

And apparently western liberals are ready to die to support this Nazi Regime.   Because escalation has only one ultimate result – global tsunami.

ANY citizens still in Ukraine should consider leaving immediately.

There is a switch in a person’s brain that shutters off the resolve of patience and temperance when the assassination of someone close is experienced.   The mark of vengeance becomes focused.   It is what inspires men to battle.  It gives them strength of body and will united.   Making these men formidable militias.

Ukraine’s Independence Day celebration is the 24th.  It commemorates the day the US and UK agreed to give Ukraine to Soros as the spoils of the Soviet Union collapse.   While parades have been held to commemorate this day, the parades would appear to consist of military  vehicles driving down the street amidst bored onlookers.    In other words, Ukraine’s obsession with weapons and artillery is rooted in their leadership.

What the Ukraine ‘parade’ or military convoy does seem to reminisce is a fair resemblance to North Korea’s military adoration.  What it isn’t is – Fun.  While it is billed as an annual event, it has only been celebrated for a hodge podge number of years.    In 2001, Putin attended the parade.

In 2014, the parade was marred by the Odessa war in which Ukraine declared they were fighting ‘terrorists in Donbas’.    They were ‘terrorists’ because they were Russia friendly.  Not unlike MAGA’s friendly with Trump are now ‘domestic terrorists’.   It was because of this raid on Donbas that the Minsk II Agreement was signed with Belarus, Germany, France, Russia, and Ukraine.  A Peace Agreement.

The Agreement was never upheld by Ukraine – and for 7+ years, the people were systematically murdered, and the towns bombed to oblivion resulting in over 15,000 deaths.

In 2017, UK military soldiers participated in the Ukraine Independence event and then in 2018 a small contingent of US Army soldiers collaborated in the parade.   The purpose was to solidify the fact that the West had effectively colonized the country.

Despite these countries signing off on the ceasefire agreement, Russia was the only one attempting to protect them.

Today, one of the top UK Commanders has warned troops to prepare to deploy and say their ‘good-byes’.   Any such deployment would be an obvious admission of world war.    Similar to the Bolshevik Revolution which ushered in Marxist Communism.

As the US/UK coalition continue to attempt to corral SA, Africa, Indian and Latin American governments to rally against Russia, world war is NOT their preference.   They have politely declined.

In a move that is more ritualistic than effort, Germany and the US praise the courage of Russian dissident Navalny as he languishes in a Russian prison.   Navalny is the preferred president should the west initiate a coup.   But the message for the release of Navalny is weak and without much enthusiasm.   More symbolic.

A Europe at war may be the only means of disguising the coming revolts that will likely afflict every country begging for fuel and food this coming winter.    And may be the distraction impetus.   However, the number of People aligned with their extremist governments is significantly LESS than the media parlay.

The blocs that were cut off of the Soviet Union in 1991 became the political targets of Soros.   He gave them money.  Lots of money.  To claim title to their governments.   There are fourteen countries that the US/UK agreement siphoned from the Soviet Union.   Soros saw Russia and these eastern nations as formidable targets for his control.   Money was the means and at one point even Russia acquiesced.

When Soros gives money to a country, he considers that country – his.   If a reigning government does not do his bidding and become subservient to his will, that government will be eradicated.   The eastern bloc was an easy victim.   Money was their survival.

At one point Soros even referred to all of Eastern Europe as his homeland.  As though he saw himself as theirUkraine Independence Day King.   His Empire!   But it was during the Clinton administration that Soros’ focus on Ukraine garnered attention.   Clinton was enamored with Soros and eager to do whatever the now financial giant dictated.   That included establishing Ukraine a new US charity.

The effect was a brainstorming event wherein Soros realized he could siphon US taxpayer money and funnel it to his newly colonized eastern slave states.  His communist allies – via charities and government aide.   They now owed him.   He was a Cartel in his own right.   And his philanthropy was actually funded by US Taxpayer revenues re-imagined.   He didn’t have to spend a dime of his own money!

‘Most’ of these eastern bloc nations, believing they were liberated, were actually simply recolonized from Soviet status to Soros Nation status.    His success at breaking the Bank of England heightened Soros confidence level to unimaginable heights and global governments began to view him as a worthy power denoting ‘savior’ status…

Emboldened by these Elite alliances, Soros simultaneously declared that he would actively intervene and interfere in US elections.   His declaration was met with – applause!   And the elite of the time simply glorified his bold and brash successes!  He was frequently cited as being an independent entity – a government to himself with his own foreign policy.

The Entire Life Story of Soros is of a man bent on owning every country across the globe – a challenge – a lark!   He adores the applause – like a stage actor taking second and third bows for a performance of fakery.  The hysteria of society today over inane ideologies is another Soros creation.   While it has no purpose, it represents a ‘win’.   And that’s all it is…

The Wall Street Journal & CNN Propaganda vs Libertarian John Malone Ownership

The Wall Street Journal claims that Biden’s America is on track to ‘reshore 350,000 jobs’ this YEAR!   WOW!   Amidst growing layoffs…   Amidst numbers that are not published by companies…  Amidst the literal thousands of companies that moved to India and China…?   Amidst an Initiative that was developed in 2017 under – Trump.   However, the WSJ is no fan of President Trump and will re-create talking points fed to it by The Elite.

According to ReshoreNow, as of 2017 they estimated that the US had lost 4 million jobs to offshoring.   Organized by former IBM exec, Carl Carstensen, their goal was to return 1 million jobs to the US.  They now estimate the return of 5 million jobs.  By providing data analytics of the benefits in bringing back jobs from the 100,000 US companies that offshore, Carstensen details offshore costs such as inventory, shipping, and intellectual property risks.

The fact that US Companies have shuttered operations in Russia due to economic sanctions imposed by the Biden WH is NOT ‘reshoring’ – it is ‘profit reduction’.   Reshoring from China is a supply chain reaction that destroyed inventory due to time lags and shortages.    The vast majority is tied to:  EV battery production, semi-conductors, electronic parts, appliances, chemicals and medical equipment.

China’s decoupling has actually been as a result of Trump era tariffs that made Chinese products more expensive.   Biden’s WH is attempting to lift that 25% rate which would bring to a halt any additional reshoring!

But labor shortages in the US have hampered companies who would like to bring back more employee jobs.   According to ReshoreNow, employees in the US need training for these positions.   And the quality of training is abysmal.   But the labor shortage is a global issue.   WHY?

Given the insurance industry has claimed an increase in claims of working age employees by 40% – the impact of the Pandemic policies is the only possible causal factor that would align with global shortages.   Austria reports actuarials of a 15% increase in excess deaths.  And in the UK excess deaths are averaging 1000 per week.

The Wall Street Journal is claiming that the cause of the excess deaths is related to lockdowns wherein people chose to forego medical care…   Repudiating the claim that they are vax related…  Obviously we are NOT in lockdowns – so the justification is propaganda at best, or simply a Lie.

Rarely, does the Biden WH acknowledge that the BLS release of US productivity for the first quarter contracted at a rate more than double the rate during the worst pf the Carter recession crisis!   -7.7 first quarter (revised) and -4.1 second quarter.   Those numbers bely the unemployment numbers being manufactured by a BLS with zero credibility.

NOR are those algorithms being adjusted for the 40% excess deaths…among working age adults.  Which would obviously impact EVERY BL:S number.

Most of the media are relatively honest in their depiction of themselves as a liberal rag.  But when stalwarts like The Wall Street Journal fade into the abyss of propaganda, it leaves a sour taste.  The pretense of being unbiased and reporting facts as journalistic has apparently died a slothful death.

While the recent firing of Brian Stelter from CNN is on the surface a shrug, there is another story beneath.   In 2021, John Malone, a Trump supporter and libertarian bought Warner Media-Discovery which included CNN.   Malone is now calling the shots – and his view is a return to the centrist journalist who reports news instead of elitist scripts read in tandem to the hundreds of other stations.  

The Malone move should give Elon Musk faith that revamping is possible and Twitter could still be a shot if they ante up some actual business facts and truthisms.   Obviously, the value of the stock is far less than its inflated gluttonous market price.   That being said, the largest shareholders to ‘overcome’ include:  Vanguard, Morgan Stanley and Blackrock.   Noteworthy Cartels in their own right.  Twitter shares are now poised at roughly $43.   Rising with absolutely no news to support the rise.   BOTS are coming out of the woodwork!

Perhaps Malone would be willing to coach Musk a bit – fatherly advice.   A potentially interesting coup – only this time it will be the Elite Cartel that takes the hit.


Germany is NOT being forthright in divulging the true impact of the Inflation Creation Agenda on its citizens.   According to a report by Bloomberg, Germany stands to lose their  entire industrialization given electricity prices are up 500%  since 2021,  and natural gas is up 1000%.  Those unsustainable increases threaten every industrialized business from machinery to autos to aerospace to appliances.   And the Leadership of this nation is doing so ‘purposefully’.  But Media Censorship is the New Norm.

While slamming China as the world’s greatest evil, investment funds are continuing to ramp up their buying spree  – in Chinese companies.   Why?   Because a takeover regime is waiting in the elevator as the demon of China is manufactured to be – Xi Jinping.   A staged coup.   Wall Street Journal, “China – is paying for the Communist Party chief’s policy mistakes.

Given the leaders of the Anti-Cartel, Putin and Jinping, are unwilling to toe the line, the script calls for the populous implosion from within.  The same means used to takedown the EU and North America.   Once the Cleaners are given the greenlight, they will not hesitate to cripple and destroy these economies too.

Because the RESET, the International Order, requires a global re-creation and cannot be half-assed.

Using energy as the means to drive economies into a recession too deep to recover from is their primary focus – now.   The purpose is to create an Eden without Adam and Eve, populated by serpents.   The ‘critical timing’ remains an enigma.  Why 2030?

The answer lies somewhere in the LIES.   But the extent of lies has become a beach of sand and we are supposed to find a seashell beneath.  Possible.   Luck and God are on our Side.

When the US took out Saddam Hussein, it was justified given the Media and Pentagon push to declare Hussein was ‘evil’.  Assad too was despised because he was deemed evil by the Media.   We now are told Putin is evil and Soros declares Xi Jinping is evil.   In the US this dystopian novel declares Trump is evil and every single person associated within the MAGA circle is thus ‘Evil”!

So, if Trump is being thus labeled, and we know he is not, then were/are any of these other men actually, ‘evil’?   What deeds have been confirmed outside of propaganda media and what is simply a Lie?  What is proven?   Did Osama bin Laden die or was he surreptitiously transported to Argentina like Hitler?  Where is the DNA evidence of Zawahiri’s assassination?

The Ukraine-Russia conflict is clearly another US-EU propaganda ploy to incite a coup whilst providing ALL weapons to Ukraine.  We know this and still rely on various media outlets to tell us what to believe.

Often governments defend their lying declaring that the people are incompetent idiots who need to be deluded from the truth…   UFO’s.   Jabs.   Global Warming.   Popularity.   Statistics.   But what about history?   As we are more and more aware of the daily propaganda lies, it is apparent, this is NOT isolated and has likely occurred for centuries.

Different ‘variations’ of the truth have been accepted as simply ‘the eye of the beholder’.   But that would imply there is no truth, only interpretation.    One thing is certain, we have been told that the amount of truths withheld by our government for centuries is only a drop in the bucket!

JFK assassination emboldened conspiracies of coverups and a rogue government.   The murder of Danny Casolaro in 1991 as he was breaking a story about a Cabal working in conjunction with DC journalists was deemed a conspiracy.   The Octopus involved a case handled by the DOJ vs Inslaw – over proprietary ownership of software.  After winning the original case and the forthcoming appeal, the DOJ found a Circuit Judge who would drop all charges and repudiate Inslaw’s case.   Inslaw went bankrupt.   George Bush was president when this case began.  The software?   DOJ took ownership – it is a form of surveillance.

The number of suicided people is another ‘conspiracy theory’ that has found a renewed interest given the internet provides vast information portals.   Weather manipulation.  CERN.   Or even the theory that Shakespeare used students to write his plays.   And Michelangelo had a staff of 13 who did most of the painting…   DaVinci’s drawings reveal thousands of inventions that were not developed until over 300-400 years later.

Of course with the advent of greater access to information, reigning in any truth was forever dismantled by ownership of the Media.   Time and again, loops showing 100’s of media outlets all providing the same evaluation of an event has put a log in their eye that has yet to be removed.

But it also reveals that there has to be an ‘Entity’ that writes the script and delivers it across news outlets.   One entity.   An entity that has a stake in the event being propagandized.   Today China is at the forefront of propaganda.   While investing in Chinese companies, and expanding operations in China, the Entity tells the people that China is evil and investors need to – stay away.    Why?  TO Covet ALL The Wealth Therein!

Still these same outlets decry the insanity of ‘conspiracy theorists’ – per the script – from The Entity.   The Cabal.  The Cult.  The Cartel.   The Great RESET does not exist.   Utopia is on the horizon.   Follow everything we tell you to do, say, and act.   In Fact – the Entity has now denied the WEF statement,  ‘You will own nothing and be happy’.   It has been effectively deleted from their anals.

This Winter is lining up to be deadly.   Not because of a climate crisis, but because western governments have conspiratorially colluded  to create mass shortages of every essential commodity including heat and food.   The purpose of which is The Great RESET by the Cartel Cabalists. 

INTERNATIONAL ORDER: A Game of Chess Gone To Checkers

Germany is mollified that Russians are still permitted to own iPhones and shop for clothes at Zara. Finland wants to prohibit Russians from existing in or entering the country.   And the EU is proposing visa bans for ALL Russians.   Starbucks has left.   And Latvian/Russian gymnast is told to renege her Russian passport or be banned from participation!   In the REAL world this would be a form of genocide.   In the Klaus Schwab world – this is simply a means to a coup.

The animosity and destruction of all things Trump by the Cartel is only matched by their hatred of all things Putin.   Including any Russian who stands by their Leader. Or any Trump supporter who stands by MAGA.   The parallels are an interesting parlay of division and intolerance.   Undeniably creating an interesting potential alliance.

However, those ‘alliances’ extend far more than simply Russia.

This line of demarcation is the FAIL of the Globalization International Order.   Having LOST for a decade in their attempt to colonize Russia via a Navalny Coup, they are now resorting to banal schoolyard antics.   Trump voters don’t suddenly run screaming for Biden any more than Putin Russians run into the brick wall of Navalny.

That aspect of the Game is LOST.   If you want to win – you need a completely different schematic.   Assuming your intellect can fathom beyond historical successes.

As more millennials find themselves in the labyrinth of layoffs and firings, directly caused by the WH spending and inflation pogrom, they lose their liberal cloak in the process.   As historical democrats become ‘perplexed’ over the affect of the Biden WH initiatives – they move their faith vote elsewhere.   And pretty soon – the Liberal Order has completely annihilated their entire BASE.

All of these failures, give rise to the notion that these old decrepit men have lost their mental acuity.   And mistakes are more frequent than successes.   Their salvation is the Media, because they report a different upside–down perspective that belies reality. And the Media has been their ownership tincture wagon since the late 1800’s

Their only salvation would be to completely shut down ALL Social Media.

Of Course – that would be their final Death March given then manipulation of social media is their only recourse.   MSM has died.   Their credibility is twallette water.   As such, the same Social Media demonized as disinformation is their only salvation!

However, their only nuance of support came as a direct result of blackmail.   Not a stellar steel frame.   When the blackmail begins to crumble, their Mafia/Cartel foothold is simply a walk on metal spikes.

Coveting China while simultaneously declaring China the West’s Largess Enemy – was NOT a good chess move.   It took time, but Xi Jinping AWOKE and realized he was no different than the play of the Shah, of Assad, of even Hussein.   They were all once considered western allies – before – they weren’t.

Like Putin, there once was a time when Xi Jinping believed he was a part of the ‘inner circle’.   That belief gave him a sense of power.   That power was then stripped.   And like his predecessors, he came to realize the backstabbing nature of the western elites.  In reality we really have no ally left.   Even Britain is not enthused.

After ‘fighting’ on ‘behalf’ of Mali for nine years, the French have vacated and the government is declaring that the French aligned with ISIS terrorists in the country the entire time.   Calling on the UN to intervene – is unfortunately akin to calling for the fox to determine the fate of the chickens.  But the Western desire to own Africa is  their forefront that balances on the fence of vaccine deaths, to supporting ISIS genocide, to land grabs, to…vaccine induced polio.

But countries across the globe are slowly, like the US, coming to terms with the wisdom of ‘who is the good guy and who is the bad’.   And the answer is not what Americans might prefer.   A difficult evolution.   The realization that your country is actually the main antagonist of civil, societal, and military strife – takes some breaths.

The salvation within this reality is that those persons who are ‘representatives’, aka wolves of our country – have absolutely zero alliance with The People.   Their allegiance is to self, money, and more money.   That would include those we deem above such corruption, like Ted Cruz.

When Ted Cruz infamously became embroiled in an airline dispute over a cancelled flight, his argument was, “Do you know who I am?”   The answer should have been, “Yes, you are my employee! I pay you.   And I can fire you for incompetence!”

The question MOST conservatives are asking is WHY staunch republicans have done absolutely nothing to – READ & call out the Inflation Recession Act.   Why are there no Epstein investigations?   Why are they NOT demanding prosecution of Hunter Biden? Why are Joey and Huntey still embroiled in CCP stock ownership?   WHY are they defending the $3.8 trillion in spending over just 18 MONTHS?   What have they accomplished in their entire tenure?

While the Chinese may have once been viewed as the complacent servants within the ideal of International Cartel Order, that generalization has most recently imploded!   And even their most basic chess game has now become a game of checkers.