WHAT is a JEW: Israel’s Biblical Iniquities

Benjamin Netanyahu has been the 32nd, 33rd, 34th, 35th and 37th PM of Israel.  During that time he served 12 ½ years total out of a potential 16 ½ years representing full 4 year terms.   He isn’t the only PM to have served without honor for short stints – some lasting less than a year.   WHY?   Likely many reasons including; incompetence, lying about your platform, election fraud, and inciting war.   The once revered IDF is in shambles given their training to ‘enjoy their body counts’ has finally been proven via countless verified videos and photos celebrating death.

Israel Has Fallen.

Amidst the terrorist activity of the IDF, The Mossad is eerily silent.   Formally established in 1949, The Mossad is the equivalent to the CIA.   It operates as the mercenary agency of the Israeli government infiltrating across Arab nations, the UN, and the West standardizing assassinations.   January 2024, Turkish authorities arrested 33 Mossad Agents spying for Israel.    According to Yerlikaya, Turkeys Interior Minister, the Mossad intelligence service planned to surveil and “kidnap” foreigners on Turkish soil for reward and execution purposes.

The arrests came on the heels of Israel declaring it would go into Qatar, Turkey and Lebanon to kill Hamas Leaders.   Essentially turning the Mossad into a mercenary organization.   But also revealing the intelligentsia is not as intelligent as we are allowed to believe.   Turkish intelligence prevailed.

This embarrassment ignited Netanyahu’s personal vendetta WWIII mini series that the UN labeled genocide.

Israel was at the Top of its game.  The Mossad was revered like the Knights Templar.  The IDF was simply ‘patrolling inside its own boundaries’.   They could do no wrong.  Christians flocked in support.   Seculars ewwed and awed.   Then Netanyahu did the unthinkable – he razed Gaza, the West Bank and began a war on four other countries in the name of “Protecting his Land” within a span of four months.    ROGUE.   Even by the standards of The Rothschild Economist.

Israel will never put the evil genie back in its beanie.  It has been released and the shroud that blocked our eyesight was forever torn to shreds and laid in the fire to burn to ashes.

The Middle East has awoken to the realization, the revelation that Israel can NEVER be a partner.   And Zionism has been exposed for being exactly that – The Protocols of The Elders of Zion.   They have broken the spell.   IF we fall back into their Lies and Deceit, we have no one to blame but ourselves.   Israel will never honor a ceasefire.   The IDF will not suddenly become friends of the Palestinians.   And the entire history of “Jews” becomes suspect.

Including the fact that the word ‘Jew’ didn’t exist in the Bible until 1660 when the Bible was once again translated.  And Hebrews suddenly were nonexistent and replaced by Jews.

So.  What is a Jew if they didn’t exist prior to 1660?

Every century, decade, or so, a new translation of The Bible and the Jewish Tanahk undergo a rigorous upgrade.   The last retranslation was 1985.   Scripture is no longer scripture when it has been revised.  It is man assuming the role of prophet or God.   Israel has been keen to accommodate this assumption.

The Old Testament of The Bible was wholly created by the Hebrew/Jewish diaspora.   The New Testament was written in Greek.  It originally excluded the gospels of John, Peter, Revelation, and Jude.   They were added back in 616 AD by Thomas Harkel a bishop who lived in a Coptic Monastery in Egypt.  At this point in history, the Arabic, the Persian, the Greek, and the Syrian, were all aligned.    Then in 1555, Johann Widmannstetter, brought to the Holy Roman Empire his printing of the New Testament.  Immanuel Tremellius, a Jew who ‘converted to Christianity’, no source, enjoyed the writings of  Widmannstetter and brought the revisions to England.   His scholarship was considered so valuable to the English reformers and divines, that in 1569 he issued a Syriac New Testament in Hebrew letters which became the global translation.   By a Jewish man.  Despite the Hebrew Tanakh not recognizing the new Testament.

Technically, the Christian Bible was thus rewritten and retranslated by Jewish scholars who are not Hebrew, and adopted by Christians verbatim.  

This does not deny the existence of The Bible – it merely opens the flower of realization – what you read has been severely modified of truth.

NONE of this would have been considered a narrative to explore and research had the events of today in Israel been uprooted.   What is a Jew?

These  Biblical inconsistencies might never have been considered had Netanyahu not exposed the radicalism of Zionist Jews.  Yet, here we are, and our knowledge of Biblical ecclesiology becomes a narrative of a hijacked history to elevate Jews into a position of Chosen Peoples.   A narrative not supported by Literal Translation OR the origination of the term Jew.

Jews have conflated their definition with that of the Torah and Bible while embracing pagan secularism, anti-God, anti-Christ.   In order to align with Biblical references, one must actually ‘believe in God’.

Ashkenazis don’t believe in religion, God or Christ.  Israel and America are Ashkenazi.  Not Hebrews.  The argument is thus terminated.  AntiSemitism cannot exist among secularists.   For the very fact is that it is defined as religion – and they have no religion.   As such, anti-Semitism is more universally defined as antiCommunist.  And therein lies the basis for WAR.  Ideology – not religion.   Like Israeli’s, Communists have no religion.  Hitler was antiCommunist.   Not Anti-Jew.   A realization that came to be after the war when Patton declared, “I fought on the wrong side”.

Begging the question is Israel’s abject hatred of the Palestinians and the Middle East based on their adherence to religion – which Israel despises?  We are told over and over that the Soros Cartel identify as Ashkenazi Jews who deny and hate religion and embrace secularism.   Why can’t we understand this relates to Israel – and Ukraine?  This relates to the SHADOW Government that is ruling the Western hemisphere.   To accept one – you must accept the other.

Art of War ~ Know Thy Enemy.

Are Christians on the wrong side of history and war?   How deep is the deceit?  While these queries do not negate Christianity – they do provide context into a potentially highly ‘altered’ translation of history and religion – and Christianity

In that context the only Biblical representation of Israel today would be in its – Gross Iniquities….

Ukraine, Iran, Russia, Syria… The Great Deception of Gog FROM Magog is Satan

Is Zelenskyy blackmailing EU and western countries?   Periodically, Zelenskyy will declare a particular country as ‘deficient’ in their provision of money and military equipment, shortly after which the government complies.   The newest hit is Spain.   Using media outlets to express their vast dissatisfaction, the purpose is to disrespect this  government while inciting the public. This constant depleting of arsenals from the top developed countries is setting them up for an inability to defend themselves in the event of a catastrophic event.   And it is purposeful.

It is interesting how these massive military packages arrive in Ukraine given air and rail are suspended due to bombings.  Not to mention their sheer largess would make them enormous target practice!  But the propaganda has become so bold that the media can claim literally anything via their root The Rothschild Economist and truth is no longer a prerogative or requirement.

The most recent pronouncement that has perplexed the intelligence communities is Zelenskyy telling US Embassy workers to run for their lives!   What Embassy workers?   Why would any embassy be open in Ukraine?

The idea of peace would seem an illusion in our present global system of chaos.   Iran, an ally of Syria is in Syria with permission.   The US is an enemy of Syria and yet we have stationed troops in the north ostensibly to keep ISIS at bay.   The defeated ISIS.   In fact, the north of Syria is rife with oil wells.   90% of those wells have been confiscated by the US military.   As such various factions continue to attempt to regain control of those wells.

The annihilation of Syria had a twofold purpose for the Cabalist Cult.   One;  Assaad was no longer a friend of the Cabal and thus a threat.   And Two;   The US wanted Syria’s oil.   The US now controls 90% of Syria’s oil.   And Syria is left destitute.  A third insult came about as Russia became the ‘axis of evil’ and was aligned with Syria and Iran.   Thus ALL alliances had to be destroyed.  The Means?   Starvation, devastation, and destruction.

When googling bombing in Syria, of the first 2-3 pages every entry is a headline vying for US posturing in Syria against their allies.   There is little actual data on Iranian militias.  In fact they may not even exist.   And once again we are subject to a propaganda that is massive!   “US attacks Iranian backed militia’s fighting for Syria…”   Page after PAGE!

We Have Been Deceived.   And that deception is so pervasive even conservatives are lulled into the illusion.

The two self-proclaimed “watchdogs’ tasked with giving the world their vision of truth include:  Human Rights Watch – a Soros alliance, and Amnesty International – an organization plagued in controversies including child rape, sodomy, and human trafficking.   They are the guardians.   The wolves.

T he largest Iranian/Iraqi/Syrian ‘militia alliance’ is the PMF – Popular Mobilization Forces an umbrella organization.   Their base is Shiite, however factions include Christian, Sunni and Yazidi origins.   They fought against ISIS.   Opponents of the PMF include:  ISIS, al Qaeda, Al-Nusra … the US and UK.   In this scenario, the US would be seen as an ally of ISIS and Al Qaeda.   And therein lies the twisted reality – called The Propaganda of Wolves.   The tale of the Scorpion and the Frog.

The alliance Hillary had with Saudi Arabia is not the alliance of today under bin Salman.   Prince Salman eradicated the Hillary cult from Saudi Arabia and therefore bin Salman became the anti-democrat revulsion.   His alliances were to Trump and have now shifted to Russia, and the BRICS.

Today, Prince Salman is securing a beneficial relationship with Iran.   These awakened countries have come to see the truth of the Cult Lizards and are no longer amiable to the Cult.   The interpretation of the Biblical “Evil Alliance” is false.   The misunderstandings come as a result of the confusion of names of individuals  vs places.   Gog was not just a place it references a people.   The translation was altered – to fit a narrative:    “Gog from Magog”  to “Gog and Magog”.   Creating a false enemy purposefully. Thus revealing this war we fight today is one that spans centuries!

Some conservatives like Ann Coulter just love to find criticism in every aspect of everything – including Trump.   He has been reviled by the Evil Cult and even some Republicans.  Why?  Because Trump didn’t Drain The Swamp.    These Pundits are surely Rhino’s of the Cult.   Finding fault to denounce President Trump.

No – Trump did not Drain The Swamp – however, we are more aware, more in tune, more wise today than at any other time – because of Trump.   Yes, the Lizards were masked well!   They came as our saviors – they fooled us for decades.   Thus we are at fault for not being more wary like foxes.   WE failed.

Empires have been created for the purpose of fulfilling the Order of the Cult.   Including the Roman, the British and American Empires.    Oddly, being a Roman was not a nationality or culture, it was an amalgamation of various societies that existed across Europe and Asia.   Historians have no clue how Rome came to be.   Over the centuries Gog from Magog has been identified as the Khazars, Vikings, Huns, Monguls, etc…

Who is Gog.   The Evil that has declared he will destroy Earth?

“And when the thousand years will have been completed, Satan shall be released from his prison, and he shall go out and seduce the nations which are upon the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog. And he shall gather them together for battle, those whose number is like the sand of the sea. And they climbed across the breadth of the earth, and they encompassed the camp of the saints and the beloved city. (Rev. 20:7–9)”

When one reverts to the original, “Gog from Magog” it becomes clear that Satan is Gog.   Gathering the western nations for battle …  And the Great Deception IS Complete.   Magog does not exist on Earth.

The Bible vs History

The first Bible, or compilation of texts was authored toward the end of the 4th century ad. There are since 95 translations of the Bible.   Of those 19 predate the 1900’s.   The first complete compiled English translation of the Bible was created in 1388 AD, Wycliff’s Bible. It was widely censored and criticized by Henry IV and the Catholic Church for being heretical given it was not authorized and commissioned specifically by the King and the Church.   There are two versions of the Wycliff Bible, the first translated from the Latin by Wycliff as a literal word for word was later considered rigid. The second version written by John Purvey was said to be more coherent as it gave interpretation to words.

At the time of Wycliff’s writing, a peasants revolt was brewing against the English Parliament and the wealthier classes. Having access to an English Bible was deemed to be core to the revolt given only the Church could know what the Bible said.   A power tool.   The Archbishop of Canterbury was able to stop the rebellion by claiming that Wycliff was a heretic and banned by the Church and subsequently called for all his books to be burned.

Each subsequent translation was considered the correct and inerrant one and today churches tend to favor one or two translations for their usage.   But are these multiple translations the same? Logically, if they were there would have been no need for a subsequent translation, therefore it is fair to say that each version was modified to support a changed society, a specific view, and/or an ideology that may have altered.

Within that context ancient history has been either ignored or scrapped entirely when considering a translation and instead modern society values, rules, and customs have superseded.

For example; the term ’homosexual’ was first coined in the mid to late 1800’s and wasn’t inserted into the Bible until 1952 with the Revised Standard Version,   specifically, in reference to the story of Sodom and Gomorrah which takes place roughly 2000 BC. For reference, Noah and the flood were believed to have occurred sometime around 2350 BC.

As the story goes, after conversing with Abraham, 2 messengers were sent to these villages to find good men. These villages were under Elamite rule and were subjugated to Elam and the five kings who ruled along the Jordan River. The people had fallen into dire wickedness including; incest, rape, prostitution, greed, sloven behavior, adultery, orgies, arrogance, cruelty, lack of hospitality, unrighteousness and bestiality. Sodomy was defined as a form of rape imposed on both genders to leverage power over another not unlike what is perpetrated in rape cultures today.

Sexuality in terms of marriage did not yet exist in the manner we define today.   People had no purpose, no reason, there were no books, and wickedness seemed to consume like a black cloud descending over them.   And they succumbed.

When the messengers came to Lot, Abraham’s nephew, and asked for him to present 10 good people he could not.   When the en of the Sodom beat on Lot’s door demanding the messengers, strangers, reveal themselves, Lot offered his 2 virgin daughters as replacement. The men didn’t want the young girls and so were blinded by God so they could not escape the fate that would destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, leave the land worthless for all eternity, and kill all inhabitants – men, women and children.

Simultaneously, another civilization existed on the island of Crete, the Minoans, who flourished from 2700 to 1100 BC when they were ultimately slaughtered by the Mycenaeans, the first Greeks.

On Crete they flourished in over 100 cities including Knossos which has a history dating from 7000 BC.

By comparison to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, the Minoans had indoor plumbing, architecture, military infrastructure, irrigation systems, trade, writing, art and agriculture. The also held the first ‘Games’ which were later adopted by the Romans.   Their Linear A language still can not be deciphered despite advanced computer technology.   Gender equality was the norm and there is evidence that both matriarchal and patriarchal rulers existed.

These two diametrically opposed civilizations were roughly 600 miles apart across the Mediterranean.   The Minoans thrived for about 1600 years and yet they are never mentioned in the Old Testament.   In the New Testament after the Mycenaean Greeks took over the island they are mentioned by Titus after as evil beasts and lazy glutons.

But isn’t it fascinating that an entire civilization that existed for 1600 years and was clearly quite modern and rich in art, culture, trade and wealth lived in near proximity to chaos and Biblical wickedness.   The notion that women have always been treated as chattel can clearly be seen to be a variant of ‘where’ and by what civilization.

It would also seem that these variants may have been misinterpreted in Bible translations and a history created to fit a narrow narrative more closely aligned to the rise of British monarchies and the Papal power of rule and order.   Certainly, Lot offering his teen virgin daughters as fare to be raped and assaulted to protect the Messengers is wicked as well.