Democrat Presidential Candidates: sortof

The Democrat Party has sorta-kinda turned itself into fodder for every comedian. With 21 ‘major’ candidates, there are an additional 200 candidates who have filed appropriate FEC paperwork declaring their candidacy, and five who are still sitting on the fence. There are so many candidates the DNC isn’t exactly sure how to conduct debates.   All Democrats candidates have fiercely stated they will not attend a debate hosted by Fox News, and currently CNN and NBC are the ticketed sponsors.


In order to qualify for the debate there are two threshold criteria: 1.   Attain a minimum of 1% approval based on three approved official polls, and 2.   A candidate must receive donations from a minimum of 65,000 unique donors, with at least 200 unique donors per state in at least 20 states.

In addition, private sponsors are hosting ‘forums’ in which only select candidates will debate. For example, Texas University is hosting “She The People” to discuss issues affecting women of color. The agenda includes Corey Booker, Julian Castro, Gabbard, Harris, Klobuchar, Beto, Sanders and Warren.   Thus, one woman of color is included in a debate about women of color.

Castro, Klobuchar and Warren are invited to attend all scheduled Forums.

To date the Democrat polls indicate that Biden is leading with 34%, Sanders 26%, Buttigieg and Harris each hold 9%, Booker and Warren at 5%, Beto 4% and Bullock 1%.

In that it would appear that the race is between Biden and Bernie and the rest are fudgemutton. Rumors are already rampant that the DNC is doing what it does best – deleting Bernie.   Ed Rendell, Chairman of the DNC is an avid Biden supporter who has also commented positively about Amy Klobuchar, leaving an opening for her to potentially be called in as a Biden VP.

Klobuchar, a lawyer, a feminist, accused of unprecedented rage by her office wherein staffers claim she utilizes fear, anger and shame to administrate, with a 36% staff turnover rate – is likely to be seen as a bit over the top. And like nearly all politicians, in 2015 she published her memoire.

Some of her endorsements are rather interesting including; Palestinian Rights, NAACP, Planned Parenthood, and various unions.

Both Klobuchar and Biden met in February with Hillary, purportedly to gain insight into campaigning and mud-slinging.   In addition, her campaign financing includes Soros’ son Alex.   As of 12/31/18, she had raised $5.2 million with top contributors from her former law firm Dorsey and Whitney, Delta Airlines, Cargill, and Walt Disney as well as $3 million left over from her Senate campaign. Still her financing is significantly less than her competitors. However given the sheer number of candidates, financing is likely to dry up quickly until the field is cleaned. Roughly $60 million has been handed out so far with Gillibrand and Booker also sitting on Senate campaign financing that could be transferred to the presidential run – or not.

While the media tends to liken a candidates campaign financing with their ‘win’, history has shown this false narrative to fail. Hillary spent nearly twice as much as Trump – and lost. The senate race between Beto and Cruz was one of the priciest campaigns ever and yet Beto lost after raising significantly more money, more than twice Cruz.

Klobuchar seems more hillaryesque than the other dutiful Clintonite, Kamala Harris. When seen together, Harris seems to become a wall-flower by comparison.   Both are attorneys, both have a history of prosecuting and sentencing a disproportionate number of blacks, and both have the filter of a bull in a china shop.

If Biden were to debate either of these candidates, the cabal would surely order a stand-down to allow Biden to shine despite his unsavvy economic and political knowledge base. Brash and bullyish, they could easily make mincemeat of him. Unless ordered not to.   It will be easy to recognize given their lawyerly talents.

Should America Question the Mental Health Of Liberals?

By:  Paul Schwartzmeyer:

For an entire year, the media told us Donald Trump couldn’t win.

They told us repeatedly that Hillary would win by a landslide. And when they were proven wrong, the narrative changed to “he must have cheated.”

This narrative is common among teams that lose to the New England Patriots.

But this isn’t a football game. If someone was wrong for three solid years, what sane human would continue to believe them?  I never understood how Rachael Maddow maintained a following. Her “expose’” on Trumps tax return was the personification of pure stupidity. But in the media, one can make millions being a highly articulate moron.

If it was just the Mueller investigation, I’d be tempted to give them a pass.

It runs deeper than that. Look at their candidates.

It’s hard to imagine any candidate that could possibly make Sarah Palin look like presidential, but the democrats have four. Ocasio-Cortez is a witless imbecile that thinks we can eliminate cars. She’s an economist that doesn’t know what a trillion is. Bernie Sanders thinks the Soviet Union had a great economic system. Kamala Harris’s FATHER thinks she’s an idiot. Then there’s Beto, an Irish-Texan who thinks he’s Hispanic. After getting an elitist education, he became a NANNY!

Between the four, they have taken in upwards of twenty-million dollars!

Should we, or better yet, is it our responsibility to question the mental health of people like this.

The truly sad thing about Liberals is that their heads are frozen in stone.

NOTHING is going to change their minds – EVER.

These people armed with their state college social science degrees and freakish diets lack the ability to think critically. The travel the cities carrying their Whole Foods bags filled with colorful, overpriced vegetables and look down their noses on everybody that walks by.

One might be tempted to blame the media, but they’d be wrong.

The media today is not what it was even ten years ago. Customer tastes are not estimated by marketing agents, but by complex algorithms created by mathematicians and run through social media outlets. It’s the AUDIENCE that demands stupidity from Rachael Maddow.

In other words, the cart is driving the horse.

If you look at the “media” that the left propagates, it’s pure hate. I used to belong to a liberal writer’s group. They would write articles that did nothing other than mock and then sit in circles grunting like apes at how funny they are.

Barack Obama was interviewed in the middle of a war on Comedy Central.

As Americans were dying in Afghanistan and Iraq, he was on ESPN doing his March Madness picks.

Have you ever watched Fareed Zacharia?

Is there a more revolting, insulting hate monger on earth. He would sit there, night after night, his nostrils flared, an expression of hate that resembles a member of ISIS, and rant on… middle class whites are racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, deplorables.

These people are so ensconced in elitist hate and so certain of their moral superiority, they are impossible to talk to.

It’s high time we question their mental health.

Trump – In 5th Gear!

Trump is breaking loose, and he appears to be on the war path! Maga’s are CHEERING! He could give a dang about the Liberal whiners, the mainstream media vilifiers, the Biden gossipers, and polls that are contrived and worthless amidst the reality. Brennen is screaming!   Hillary is putting her best fingernail forward, the UN is weeping, and all is good with the world.

Isn’t it FUN!

Some idiot threw a cell phone at Trump – and baddabang – he was arrested. About time!

Everyone knows Brennan is dirty, but the nouveau means of expressing outrage is to – attack.   Brennan is furious that Trump and his Maga’s would even consider the notion that he wasn’t being torched from the getgo and this entire fiasco was rigged. Brennan isn’t the only won scared silly, Comey, Clapper and McCabe are also under the microscope. And contrary to his first two years – patience – is no longer required. In fact it somewhat appears that everything had already been crafted and staged waiting for the right moment to unleash everything at once. Upend the agenda so fast, they can’t defend themselves fast enough!

Facebook is not only facing a $3-$5 billion fine, but it is now being investigated by the AG of NY. The potential charge is that Facebook conned millions of people into not only giving up their private email, but Facebook took access of everyone’s phonebook and sometimes passwords.

More fines.

Zuckerberg will be required to step down – and I suppose the shareholder’s may elect a successor, but it is more likely that Soros will insert one of his own.

We have officially reneged the UN Arms Treaty.

And even Germany is writing end of the world op-eds as they claim that Democracy is ending and people need to get their heads out of the sand.

The squirrels touting ‘impeachment’ are mumbling as they slump their heads. The economy is still buzzing along despite Liberals attempting to but a boulder in its path.   And Hollywooders continue to pretend they are going to leave this fascist country, but have nowhere to go…

And in an odd view, the media thinks that whoever raises the most money as a Presidential candidate – WINS!   As in Biden.   Odd that the income equality mantra somehow gets completely buried when a candidate wants money fast – which obviously can not be sourced from $10 contributions…

Biden raised more than Beto…   But no one likes Beto. Biden is going to crash in his Ukraine coup and natural gas schism, and the other 19 candidates will swoop down like vultures as they pretend they aren’t narcissists who would do virtually anything to amass their fortune.

Most people won’t watch the debates because none of the candidates have a different platform, so all they are voting for is who looks coolest while saying the same thing but with more emphasis than his predecessor.

I expect the women will likely go overboard as they try to show how manly-man they are and they will be rougher than their gender counterparts.   They’ll pull the gender card in the election candidates although they might want to consider that every woman has the opportunity, just not the desire.

And the business world is blacked out as they proceed with mergers, fines, harassment suits, bad products, failing profits, and CEO’s stepping down by the drove not willing to go down with a sinking ship.

And like the chaos theory, the motion of the universe will ramp up before it slows down and a new comfort is created while the Cabal, Soros, and the Dark Web falter.

Trump’s China Trade War – The Facts

The Federal Reserve and the World Bank at the behest of a handful of economists who are decidedly left leaning have published two scathing reports which claim that Trump’s trade war with China is costing US taxpayers upwards of $68 billion annually.

Of course the statements are biased. Of course they represent an agenda and potential fodder. If they are true.

Economists are an interesting breed. They sit in glass houses and create a conclusion without seeming to have a basic understanding of real world business and tend to adamantly disagree with each other on a broader scale while presenting a portion of the facts.

Somewhat like the climate change fiasco.

Trades are business contracts. They may be executed as a one-time transaction, transactions that occur over a series of months, and often are transactions that are locked years.   They take time to execute. Terms are pre-determined. Terms are re-negotiated.

These ‘Economists’ have made a determination based on data that is virtually impossible to track. In addition, their supposition ‘estimates’ an annual cost. But even that is wholly unreliable because the Tariffs were imposed over the course of several months in 2018, with intellectual property, aluminum and steel at the forefront.   They effectively began in July and phased in over a number of months.

China’s “implemented and ‘proposed’ tariffs” would affect $110 billion of imports. That does not mean the US exports stop. It means they will be levied a tariff which will effect the profit margin.

The economist’s reports both extrapolate the outcome as an annual loss. A year has not yet occurred.   In fact, there is only two months of trade numbers in 2019 to analyze. Certainly one can extrapolate based on previous data… right? Yes and no.

It is like a poll wherein a random sample of 1000 Democrats all residing in New York are sampled and the results will determine the US Presidential election…

Example:   During Obama’s reign trade data is available on a monthly basis.   At the end of 2008 when Obama came into office, the US trade deficit with China was roughly $268 billion.   By the end of 2016 when Obama left office, it was $347 billion. Before any tariffs had any measurable impact, by the end of 2017 the deficit had climbed to $375 billion.

This ‘non-important’ deficit has climbed every single year since it began in 1986. Since 2000, it has quadrupled. And not one sitting President did a damn thing.

Suddenly, with two measurable months of data available for 2019, the media is calling Trump’s trade war a calamity.

In actuality, the value of imports for January and February of 2019 were down 10% and 20% respectively compared to the previous year – before any tariffs were imposed.

Lets look at another trading partner – Germany.

When Obama came into power that deficit was roughly $28 billion. By the time Obama left office that deficit had spiked to nearly $65 billion. It torched at $68 billion by the end of 2018, well before Trump’s tariffs took effect. The first two months of 2019, the deficit had lowered nearly 10%.

Even in the world of an Economist, 2 months is clearly not enough of a data set to make any conclusion or opinion.   And yet they do. Why?

Obviously it is an attempt to discredit Trump and provide fodder for Democrats who are bent on finding fodder because they are frustrated with the incorrigible corruption, instead of truth.

What this also reveals is the larger picture in which both the US Federal Reserve and the World Bank are colluding in this massive demonization of all things Trump.     It also reveals that these institutions have provided absolutely no guidance or stipulations or concern for the annual increase in US trade deficit for the last 30 years.

Which technically is a reflection on their incompetence. Economic Policy is their mainstay. Their existence. So obviously they did not have the US in their sights for at least 30 years.

1) According to it’s own website, the World Bank’s field of study is on ‘Developing Countries’.   So why did they commission a report on Trump’s China trade – two well developed countries outside of the scope of their jurisdiction?

2) The second part of these reports claims that US agriculture farms have been hit hard by Trump’s tariffs.   But the agriculture business isn’t the mom and pop farm of a hundred years ago. Mainstream media have been sounding the alarm on the changing face of farms for a decade or two.

Statistics: Most small farms are ‘hobby farms’.   Tax incentives during the Bush and Obama years gave wealthy elites the ability to classify their compound acreage in the middle of such places as Long Island and the Hamptons as farmland, take a tax benefit, and produce enough to feed a cat.

Secondly, ‘large farms make up less than 4% of all farms and account for more than 66% of all sales. And that number continues to edge higher.   They are corporate farms.

And third, the Federal government continues to subsidize small farms up to $20 billion annually.

The value of agricultural exports to China is roughly $23 billion, which represents about 5% of all production in US.

It isn’t just the US Swamp that is fearful of Trump. It is The Swamps that exist globally.   He has turned their power off. He has broken the rules. He does not recognize their structure. And he wants to fix the chaos that they have so dedicatedly created for well over a hundred years.

Certainly there have been a few anomalies in the US; Kennedy, surely. But his fate and that of his brother reveal how determined the International Swamp is to maintain their brotherhood as is.

Lastly, the Federal Reserve Bank:   What is their job? Primarily – to address ‘banking panics’. Secondarily to manage money supply.   In 2012 when Obamanomics was considered an economic catastrophe the response of the Federal Reserve was not to commission economist papers, but to ‘do something’ to leverage that catastrophe. They have no business commissioning reports – outside of their Banking duties.

Trump recently threatened to take down the Federal Reserve; his animosity for that corrupt regime has been no secret.

The Enemy of my Enemy is My Friend.

Trump has been in office two+ years. He has fought for The People while being verbally attacked, legally attacked, his family in jeopardy, his life threated, and still he rose for us.  They are – running scared.

Sexual Abuse of Children

Sexual abuse of children is rampant.   It isn’t confined to Priests and Dioceses. The very charities that are called to protect children are in fact repeatedly found to perpetrate sexual abuse and prostitution. The organizations that are called to oversee these NGO’s are also complicit.  

In Canada, Bill 89 was recently passed that was endorsed and lobbied for by the charity, Save The Children. The Bill was quite controversial as it added a provision in which Social Services may legally take possession of children from their parents if the parent is deemed to not embrace ‘gender identity’.   This could constitute child abuse.

In one account, a Canadian couple were banned from fostering, their foster children taken away, because they refused to tell the children the Easter Bunny was real.

The rules within Social Services are ambiguous. Case workers have been criticized as too aggressive and too lenient. But “Child Protection Services” has taken on morality as a tool to claim abuse.

Many charities and NGO’s have been infiltrated and mobilized to effectively take control of our children and submit them to the ‘state’.   In Cuba, a couple received a 2 year jail sentence and fine for homeschooling their children. In Germany the same law exists and is radically enforced. The reasoning?   The state wants full control of child indoctrination. That’s called ‘communism’.

Save The Children has been mired in various scandals including sexual abuse and internal harassment. It’s International Chairman resigned last year claiming the allegations are so prevalent, he could no longer have his name attached.   Oxfam has been implicated in Haiti prostitution.   British Red Cross has admitted to a number of harassment cases.   Restless Development is facing internal charges of rape. The United Nations ‘peacekeepers’ have allegations dating back decades, most – conveniently dismissed. And yet, Charity Navigator does not take these situations into account when rating a charity – instead it is all financially evaluated.

In California, if the state determines that a child is uncontrollable, the state courts have ruled that the child becomes the property of the state.

CPS can immediately take children from their families without a court order if:

  • There is a present and immediate threat of physical or sexual abuse.
  • Leaving the children in the home is not safe or best for the children’s welfare.
  • CPS made reasonable efforts to prevent or eliminate the need for removing the children from the home.

The obvious open ended statement being “leaving the children in the home is not safe or best for he children’s welfare”.   What does that mean?

The US currently has roughly 400,000 to 450,000 children in foster care. In Germany the number is roughly 120,000. California ranks first with number of children in foster care – 60,000, Texas is second with about 30,000 and Florida is third with 23,000.   Substance abuse has been identified as the most common factor in the continued rise of US children in foster care.

But a ranking of drugs as the biggest problem by state put Florida at 30, Texas at 37 and California at 41. When it came to drug addiction ranking – DC held the title for number 1.

So the equation of drug use to foster care would not seem to be the most prevalent cause.

There are in fact huge discrepancies in these states with regard to ethnicity. In California, 53% of foster care children are Hispanic and 20% are black.   In Texas, 44% are Hispanic and 21% are black. And in Florida 31% are black and 16% are Hispanic. According to Child Trends, the number one cause for entry into Foster Care in California is “neglect” at 75%, whereas substance abuse accounts for only 10%.

According to California Law, the following are defined as ‘neglect’:

  • Clothes are ill-fitting, filthy, or inappropriate for the weather.
  • Hygiene is consistently bad (unbathed, matted and unwashed hair, noticeable body odor).
  • Untreated illnesses and physical injuries.
  • Is frequently unsupervised or left alone or allowed to play in unsafe situations and environments.
  • Is frequently late or missing from school.

There is so much legal ambiguity and corruption within the system that too often the stories of Child Protection acting more like Nazi Protection is perpetrated resulting in over the top cases wherein parents are illegally jailed, children are taken without proper cause, and just irrational judgment.

In one story a toddler fell out of his crib, was taken from his parents even though the CPS investigator reported he was healthy and happy at home.

The problem is not a US problem, it is a universal problem:   In Norway, a three-week-old child was taken away from his mother in 2008 based on doubts about her ‘parenting abilities.’ The child was placed in foster care and the mother was allowed only twelve hours of contact per year with her son. Ultimately, all visitation rights were denied, the mother’s parental rights were removed, and the child was put up for adoption.”

Funny thing is – we don’t see the outrage or the advocacy or the compassion extended to these injustices by our liberal, Democrat and Hollywooders. Although they are spiked about juveniles in detention at the border…  Odd.

Sanders: A Democrat Deflection

Bernie Sanders addressed a handful of Harvard students the other night. One girl asked Bernie how his Socialism differs from every other country’s socialism, particularly, Soviet Russia?   His answer was a campaign conflagration that delved into the US wealth statistics, the Supreme Court decision to allow unfettered financing for political candidates, and free education and healthcare for all.  


What he attempted to do was align communism in other failed socialist ideologies without addressing the question. Classic deflection.

He then made an interesting claim that he had some success in making public college tuition free – thus reducing student debt. Really? Where? How?

Sanders introduced a Bill, College For All Act, in which the Federal government would provide 67% of the $70 billion per year college costs at public universities.   States would ante up the difference – 33%. Current and past student loan rates would be halved from 4.32% to 2.16%. The cost would be funded by imposing a Wall Street Tax – which Sanders refers to as a Robin Hood Tax of .5%.  Sanders speculates this tax could raise hundreds of billions per year to fund free education for all and jobs.

Where?  How?  Why? What jobs would be lost?

What kind of jobs?   I imagine it would bolster CPA’s who would work fervently to find loopholes. But the key political mumbojumbo is –‘speculates’.   As in, ‘if you like your healthcare and doctor you can keep ‘em… statement’.

Still, Sanders is ‘polled’ to be the leading Democrat to pit against Trump. Including Sander’s own internal polls.

The problems with Sanders are multiple: a) he is rife with dirt that destroyed his previous bid, b) he is old and – he would be approaching 80 quickly, c)   Alzheimers will likely be touched upon – if not dementia, and d)   he is wealthy, defeating his entire anti-wealth platform.

So is Sander’s a ‘deflection’.

As we become more acclimated to the subversion of the media, we can realize and to an extent accept, that most everything has an agenda. That agenda – is likely a deflection from what is really happening.   It is designed to motivate or despair. But the core is – manipulation.

Sanders himself may be unaware of the deception.   But the stage is never dark.

TO date, all the Democrat candidates share a universal theme.   Boring.

And like a Hollywood extravaganza, the true plot is never revealed until the last moment.   It is how books are sold. How movies are monetized. How the stage has become the celluloid hero.

From that perspective, all the idiots, the Jokers, the King’s entertainment, will have exhausted their fame, and the people will be crying for something unique, something new and exciting!

All the deflection pawns will fall, and the real candidate will emerge as a ‘savior’.   Like The Hunger Games.   While Ocasio-Cortez may have been a trial drug, her allusion failed.   So the puppet masters went back to the factory to produce what has been manufactured as the perfect candidate.   While this candidate has yet to walk the model runway, rest assured she is being groomed, anointed, and coiffed to perfection – in their minds. She will be presented in the final moments, any conspiracies to her will be eradicated and cleansed, and she will emerge a deity of sorts to unify.

The press will be instructed to promote her as some glorious goddess, and Trump will not be able to attack her given she is – female. Anything he says will be vilified as anti-feminist.

But rest assured, she is a robot. She is a creation.   She is a lizard in the realm of the Agenda, picked only for her ability to deflect every aspect of her persona to and for – the Cabal/Swamp.

Even Sanders will bow to her deference and ultimately call on his supporters to back her.

  1. For today. All the blah in the Democrat Party is a stage. Purposefully set to create a chaos of party so as to cause a unity in one.

And this is why Pelosi is no longer an impeachment protagonist. She has been cued. The others? Delusional misfits with eyes of self glory. Don’t be detracted.

Who is she?

I have thoughts…

And for the record, she is not Michelle or Oprah, she is someone far more versed. And a potential significant challenger.

The Vatican: Power and Riches

Vatican City is not a member of the EU, not a member of the UN, and not a member of NATO. Yet, according to status granted the Vatican in 1964 as a ‘permanent observer state’, it maintains the authority to influence decisions and recommendations put forth by the UN. The only administration the Holy See is not allowed to perform in the UN is the right to co-sponsor draft decisions or resolutions, and to make points of order or to exercise the right of reply, although it may hold the hand of a member state to do so on its behalf. In some specialized agencies within the UN, the Holy See enjoys full membership status – despite not being a member.

Vatican City is considered a city-state as well as a country, sovereign and subject to International Law.   As a monarchial establishment, in 1983, the Pope unilaterally decided that although Vatican City was referenced as the dominion state for purposes of UN membership, the Holy See represented all Catholics and thus all powers and decisions at the UN reside on his shoulders exclusively. However, the Pope clarified that he may authorize a spokesperson to speak on his behalf at the various conferences and meetings at the UN.

In addition to the UN nonmember membership, The Pope has authority within the: Council of Europe, European Communities, the Organization For Security and Cooperation in Europe, Organization of American States, and the Organization For African Unity.

Although the Holy See and the Vatican vow non-participation in anything outside religious education and human rights, the OSCE is tasked with arms control.   The Organization of American States is involved in political, judicial and economic solutions as well as working to limit conventional weapons. The Council of Europe upholds the ‘rule of law’.   And the European Communities ultimately became the European Commission regulating Coal, Steel, Atomic Energy and all newly acquired adherents, agencies, and interests that the EU Commission afforded itself.

In other words, the Holy See has quite efficiently gained world dominion power while not being an official member of anything. This affords the Vatican the right to nonpayment of fees and dues and precludes the UN and all other associations from demanding financial accounting of Vatican City.

When Notre Dame burned in Paris, the Pope expressed his sadness. While he offered no monetary compensation, he did express that he could advise parts of the reconstruction given his vast knowledge of cathedrals.   While Notre Dame is owned by France, the Catholic diocese has full privileges to use the cathedral for – free.

Originally the UN was created as a response to WWII and only countries that were allies during the war could join. The Big Four were the US, China, Russia and the UK. The belligerents were Germany, Italy, and Japan.

Today, Germany, Italy and Japan have become allies, and China and Russia have become belligerents. Twisted.

Pope Francis has been highly critical of Trump. He has attempted to over-rule Trump’s decisions, specifically the Mexican border wall, climate change, income and wealth inequality, media hypocrisy, and views regarding the NWO which Pope Francis supports.

In essence, despite the rule of law which stipulates a separation of church and state, the Pope maintains authority over every aspect of every country across the globe under the auspices of being a non-member member while completely free from those annoying fees and dues.

While we have really only second guesses and estimates as to the wealth of the Vatican, Vatican Bank manages over $64 billion in assets and it is estimated that the Vatican is the wealthiest organization in world – while demonizing wealth inequality.

The Vatican levies a ‘church tax’ on individual income generated throughout Europe that is deducted from each employees paycheck. It is believed that upwards of 70% of the Vatican’s income is made through this compulsory tax.

Last year the Papal Foundation awarded $15 million in grants and scholarships around the world, mostly to its own organizations, ie churches.   But this is common in the network of NGO’s and Foundations, wherein they basically redistribute their funds to a web of organizations that are connected or subsidiaries of the host organization.   When Zuckerberg gives his own foundation $20 million and the media goes berserk calling him a great philanthropist, what he is doing is redistributing the money, taking a charitable deduction, and then donating 5% of Foundation money to charities and NGO’s aligned with Soros.

The power The Vatican created was a consequence of the Dark Ages. At some point, they realized that as they stood behind the Kings and relayed what the King should do, their power appeared diminished by their lacking vestments.   And thus the finery, the dazzle, and the “papal tiara” were a means of defining their greater authority over the King.

I’ve been to Vatican City.  The massive preservation of artwork that is owned by The Vatican is incredible.   Much of it was procured/gifted by Hitler and the Mafia.  The Vatican is rife with allegations of collaborating with Nazi’s, money laundering, child sex abuse, vanilla sex, and secrecy.   Who ordains this Power?

Shouldn’t entrance to Vatican City – thus – be Free?

The Cabal Mafia: Follow The Money

Macron has announced plans to transfer more troops and French Legionnaires to the Estonia border to protect Europe from Russian aggression. This is done in cooperation with NATO and all it’s allies. According to Macron. In a recent speech, Jens Stoltenberg of NATO called for unity to fight against Russian aggression.

Both failed to explain exactly what aggression Russia was deploying.

In fact, simultaneously, Putin was meeting with Estonia’s President, Kersti Kaljulaid to extend their trade, economic growth, and open the borders for diplomacy.   While the conversations reflected some difficult points of contention, both parties left with heightened faith that they could indeed entwine successfully.

So which story is true?

One points to an ever aggressive Russia that is a fearful enemy, and the other reports cooperation, mutual respect and growth.

While technically the information in both articles is correct, they present a diametrically opposed view.   The villain Russia is still being represented as illegally annexing Crimea from Ukraine.  The Russian population in Crimea represents 66% of the ethnicity. That ‘annexation’ was five years ago and was voted on by the majority population – Russians. And technically, neither Crimea or Ukraine give a rat what the US, NATO, or the EU think any longer. They have just elected a new President to oust the ridiculously worthless chocolate king, Poroshenko who managed to completely tank their economy and their civility, while extending corruption.

So who, what is this demon Russia?  I am intrigued by the continued staging of an evil Russia; especially from an historical perspective.

Granted Russia was a communist nation until 1991. But if we consider that Germany initiated both WWI and WWII, and still is represented as an ally, the logic doesn’t fly.   A piece in the puzzle is missing.   Japan bombed the US, but Japan is now an ally.   Russia was an ally for both World Wars and was instrumental in the defeat of the German and Austrian Nazis. So if our enemies became our friends, and our ally became our enemy, what is missing?

While the typical debate directs the conversation toward Putin, defining him in terms of repressive, a former KGB officer, and diabolical; those are terms that could be applied to every President and/or Prime Minister. They are fluff words to mask the true agenda.

Other arguments against Russia include its military strength which is viewed as a threat.   The operative word is ‘viewed’. A media perception employed by The Swamp through the corrupt CIA.  Russia has actually not threatened the US.

Putin is a nationalist. He believes in his country and wants the economy of his country to grow. That growth is delivered through trade. Obama levied sanctions specifically to crash the Russian economy. Obama believed that by crashing the economy, Putin’s image would be destroyed and a puppet government could be inserted. But that strategy failed.

Instead, Putin began to initiate trade elsewhere to bolster against the sanctions.   The Russian people became angry at a US rational that was catastrophic and their loyalty to Putin extended.  And this infuriated the agenda makers.

While the media focus continues to target Russia, the real threats are left unstated. They saturate every country across the world.   The reason the media cannot discuss these real threats is because many politicians and government agencies collude in their crimes.  The criminals are being protected, but an evil is essential as a unifying threat, and as a deflection from the Truth.

They are – the Mafia.

As of 1995, the global mafia trade was said to be worth over $750 billion per year.  Today, that number has likely breached the $1 trillion mark.   Their money laundering is endorsed by nearly every major bank across the globe including Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan Chase, Danske Bank, US Bancorp, etc… These banks routinely pay massive fines but continue to launder because it is hugely more profitable than the pittance of fines.

When a country collapses, the mafia moves in.   Coups have become the easiest means of collapsing a country for the mafia.  And they are protected by the corrupt politicians just like they always have been. Their expansion has been massive. Initially the Sicilian source, they rapidly moved throughout the globe setting up shop in the US, Japan, Argentina, Russia, Albania, Bosnia, Serbia, Sweden, Israel, France, Bulgaria, Greece, Columbia, Brazil, Venezuela, etc…

The Organized Crime And Corruption Reporting Project is an NGO established in 2006 by investigative media and journalists to bring to light corruption around the world. In particular it has a penchant for Russia, and routinely targets Putin. One of its largest funders is George Soros, Open Society Foundation. Other funding has come from USAID, US State Department (Hillary), Knight Foundation, Google Ideas, and the Swiss Confederation (Switzerland). It works in conjunction with various Soros or government controlled media outlets including the Guardian, BBC, Al Jazeera, and Time Magazine.

Interestingly, despite its name, what it doesn’t investigate is ‘organized crime’ or the mafia.

In essence, the media, through its benefactors and foundation supporters, have created an evil Russia while virtually allowing the true enemy, Organized Crime, to perpetuate without any coverage.


Because a deflection is necessary in order to preserve the true criminal.  Because that is where the money flows.   And because targeting Organized Crime would reveal the massive political support and global agenda.   Supported by banks, Soros, and Switzerland through a Cabal of elite mega wealthy individuals, the Mafia is – Soros and The Cabal.   And all those who align with him/it are brought into that Brotherhood of holy wealth beyond their dreams.  Power?  Bought and paid for.  And therein lies the phrase – ‘money is the root – of all evil’.

Follow The Money.

Ukraine – A Biden, FBI & CIA Massive Corruption Explosion

Remember Burisma Holding Company?   Hunter Biden and Devin Archer (John Kerry’s adviser) were among prominent Board members/executives that miraculously appeared in the nick of time after the Yanukovich coup and gobbled up swathes of oil and gas leases liberally handed out by the new President Poroshenko.   At the time of the coup, Joe Biden was in charge of US/Ukraine ‘relations’. The supposed purpose of the annexation coup was the Obama administration wanted control of Ukraine and Yanukovich was an ally of Russia.

Burisma Holding Company, founded in 2002, had virtually nothing until the coup changed all that.  It has since expanded and rebranded itself as one of 35 companies linked as subsidiaries under the auspices of Mikola Zlochevskyi.   All of the expansion came after Biden showed up.

Remember daddy Biden lamenting that he was the poorest politician?

Burisma now holds the most independent licenses in Ukraine totaling 35 and is ‘the largest’ oil and gas lease company in Ukraine.

Biden is no longer – poor.

Burisma is registered in Cyprus, a tax haven that extends confidentiality far beyond that of Switzerland.

In February 2016, Joseph Cofer Black, the Director of the CIA’s Counterterrorist Center from 1999-2002, and Ambassador at Large for counter-terrorism, 2002-2004, joined Burisma’s Board of Directors.  Odd.

March 2016, Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion of loan guarantees if President Poroshenko did not fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin who was investigating corruption in Burisma Holdings; Shokin was fired on March 29, 2016.  His replacement Lutsenko, was the former leader of the bloc party of Poroshenko.  However, in 2012, Lutsenko was charged with abuse of office and forgery, and sentenced to four years in jail for embezzlement.   Originally a member of the Socialist/Communist Party of Ukraine, Lutsenko became a Poroshenko Partyman in 2014 when Chocolate King was edged in as President after the Ukrainian coup.

Meanwhile, in 2018 Zlochevskyi was being investigated for illegally issuing oil and gas licenses to the companies that belonged to him in 2010-2012 while he was Ecology Minister under Yanukovich.  Oops.

Poroshenko called for his recusal, utilizing Lutsenko as the newly endowed Prosecutor General after Shokin was fired for investigating Burisma Holding Company. And surprise!   After an ‘investigation’ it was concluded that no charges were found plausible against Burisma.

Meanwhile, Soros decided this was a good time to open a new NGO in the US that identified ‘corruption in Ukraine – Anticorruption Action Center, or AntAC.   AntAC is supported by – Poroshenko.

April 21, the final round for the 2019 Ukraine presidential election will occur with a comedian, Volodymre Zelenskyi leading definitively against Poroshenko. The ‘non-political’ Soros created NGO, AntAC is desperately trying to demonize Zelenskyi while glorifying Poroshenko.   And apparently, it isn’t working, Zelenskyi is leading by more than 15%. Still, headlines on AntAC claim that the US worshipped Zelenskyi as a hero for going to prison while fighting the demons of Russia.

Why don’t the voters like Poroshenko? He has tanked the economy, he has done nothing of value, unemployment is rampant, bombings, corruption, fraud, – you name it. He is worthless. The male Hillary.

Meanwhile; Joseph Black the newly appointed Board member of Burisma, was once Vice Chairman at Blackwater, a mercenary company created by Erik Prince, before becoming an advisor to Mitt Romney during his campaign, before becoming the Director of Northwest Biotherapeudics, before being elected to the Board of Burisma.  Obviously, he has his hand in the putrid bile that is liquefying the web.

The wicked web of the Black Widow spider has woven silk everywhere.

Meanwhile; Karen Greenaway, who worked for the FBI for 22+ years before ‘being retired’ December 2018, was one of the leading investigators of the Manafort case in Ukraine, and was a glowing supporter of – AntAc, Lutsenko – and by default – Soros, even attending Soros events. The FBI confirmed her alliance with Soros.

Michael Vachon, a spokesperson for Soros, who was questioned about the Greenaway/Manafort connection and Russian collusion, announced that Soros had funded a new group, Democracy Integrity Project – which was founded by another former FBI official, Daniel Jones, with the purpose of ‘investigating everything – Trump’.   Democracy Integrity hired – Fusion GPS.


If you EVER felt sorry for Mueller or Comey or Rosenstein, or any of the possible hundreds involved in this massive conspiracy – don’t.   They all were more than aware of everything I have discussed.   This involves the FBI, the CIA, Biden personally, Obama, Kerry, and every low life that felt some sense of aspiration or greed to belie every law of the US and the Constitution.

When Trump says this is massively bigger than the Nixon Watergate fiasco – he is understating!   This is – Everything.  And this is JUST – Ukraine.

Shitake Mushroom.

Illegal Immigrants and Sanctuary Cities – The Hypocritical Oath

The proposal to release illegal immigrants from detention centers at the border into sanctuary cities is making the Democrats crazy!   Why?   Because they don’t want the immigrants in their cities, they just want everyone to think they do because it is political posturing. Whether Trump releases them in the cities or not was likely not the point, the reaction is likely the point.  All one need do is watch Sarah Sanders smile!  Every Democrat has vocally disputed the idea claiming such an action would put people at risk… And therein they have cremated their entire agenda that illegals present – no risk.

More often than not Trump has taken the position of taunting the media and Democrats into revealing their faces without makeup.  And the sight ain’t pretty.

There are currently 560 sanctuary cities across the US.   California is the only state that has legislation establishing statewide sanction. The concept of sanctuary is stating that all immigrants including undocumented and illegal – are welcome.   The caveat?  Unless they are imported by Trump.   Same people, different outcome.  These cities have also refused to cooperate with ICE for the purposes of detention and deportation.

Various studies have shown that sanctuary cities actually lower crime rate when taking in illegal immigrants. These studies were conducted by three journals: Urban Affairs Review, Justice Quarterly and Center For American Progress. Justice Quarterly has an ‘impact factor’ of 3 which means it has little to no relative value in the academic world.   For comparison, in 2014, an average rating was 41. Urban Affairs has an ‘impact factor’ of 1.8, is owned by Sage Publications which was embroiled in controversy for publishing a completely hoaxed article.   And the Center For American Progress? It is John Podesta’s ‘think tank’, run by a former aide to Obama and Hillary.  Say no more…

Of course if these studies are true, then Sanctuary cities would be desperate for more illegal immigrants so as to lower all crime throughout their city.   But the bluff was called and suddenly the wolves find themselves acting like sheep.

What are some of the actual statistics? San Francisco has a violent crime rate 59% higher than the California average, and 87% higher than the national average. Property crime is 147% higher than the state average and 161% higher than the national average.   The cities with the largest population of unauthorized migrants include: Seattle, Boston, LA, New York City, Atlanta, and Philadelphia.   All of which have relatively high crime rates.   Does this correspond to illegal status? There is no definable report that can say either yes or no.

Part of the statistical issue is that illegals are not convicted of a crime because they are deported. Therefore the statistics are skewed and can not accurately detail a comparison.

During Obama’s presidency, he deported 2.9 million illegal immigrants. Bush – 2 million.

The two largest gangs in Central America are MS-13 and Barrio-18.   They come from the Northern Triangle which includes Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador and are said to have the highest murder rate in the world!   It is estimated that upwards of 50,000 Barrio-18 members ‘relocated’ to the US, and about 10,000 MS-13 members. In 2007 it was estimated that there were roughly 800,000 gang members across the US. By 2011, that number had increased to 1.4 million.   Despite their relative statistical numbers, as of 2011 gangs accounted for 13% of all homicides and 50% of all shootings in NYC. In an effort to not profile, given the statistics showed race and ethnicity, many states have since purged all data related to gangs.  Hence today, getting actual information is impossible.  In addition, cities, including LA, have been cited for ‘under-reporting’ of crime in order to reflect a better statistic.  Despite the ‘under-reporting’, gang related crimes increased 63% and then 33% between 2014 and 2016.  Somewhat like – Germany.

It is estimated that 60% of all gang members are illegal immigrants – protected from ICE by Sanctuary cities.

LA, Orange County and Santa Clara County have the highest rate of releasing gang members from possible ICE detention. Five counties in California have the highest number of illegal immigrants, LA, San Jose (Santa Clara County), Riverside, San Diego and San Francisco. They account for roughly 25% of the entire illegal population in the US.

If you are a Sanctuary city, your agenda is to welcome all – therefore to suddenly state that ‘Trump’s proposal’ is fear mongering is stating that illegals are something to fear, not welcome, given the gang statistics and crime rates. Still, the hypocrisy is lost somewhere along the Porky Pig stutter.

The UK provides sanctuary to asylum seekers and per national policy disperses the immigrants to different towns and cities so as to not create a burden to a handful of cities. Essentially, this is the same proposal Trump has asserted.

Of course the obvious terminology that sanctuary cities don’t seem to recognize is ‘illegal’.   As in breaking the Law. By advocating breaking the law, it begs for a discussion as to what other laws are breakable without consequence?

And that’s when Porky Pig makes another entry.