GUN Laws: The Constitution

The abject call from the Liberal Progressives is for the federal government to create a universal gun law. But given that we are a sovereign nation based on individual states, why is a Federal law so important?

Currently, each state is given the right to create their own gun laws based on the votes of the people of the state. Sometimes, the state laws are not embraced by other states, or their citizens, but – then – who cares?

Who is the body that wants to create a Federal Law to circumvent any sovereign state law?

What is the ultimate purpose?

Circumventing state law is the reneging of The Constitution. The entire point of our existence as contrasted with the British Puritans.

The Puritans. An evangelical messed up cult that immigrated to the US in order to flee the oppression of a monarchial British government.   As in – what?   Fleeing one to be the same?   No accounting for the logic of British intelligentsia.  But that would be – who we are.

Anyway, like Australia, the US was colonized by a bunch of rag-tag misfits bent on being better than their colleagues and mentors.

And somehow, Australia has elevated itself to being the bench-press, the benchmark, the Governor of moral aptitude, for all people – most specifically – Trump. They have self nominated themselves to righteous levels of ignominy and knighthood.


The baron-robbers of British history. Arrogance knows no bounds. We can find comfort in the reality that most of our history has been contrived and manipulated to fit an agenda and has little to do with – reality.

So, what do we do with this knowledge?

Well, you have choices. You can sit on your arse and do absolutely nothing. You can get off your arse and make a difference. You can DO.

Because, ‘doing’ nothing is making your do – worthless.

My do – is to write and write and write.  NOT FOR PROFIT.

The people that ‘encounter’ me in their criticism or praise of my blogs are always an interesting dichotomy.   I have been accosted by the Open Society Institute, and railed by liberal jaunts.   But there are still those who see between the raindrops, and have sights for something sweet. And that would NOT include anything Socialist.

To lay the wisdom to rest, let me offer, I lived in East Berlin before the Wall.

There remain countries within Europe which sit unstable n the fence leaning and then realigning.   It is a difficult journey when knowing who is truth and who is lie becomes such a gamble.

I always reference. Who started WWI? Who started WWII? Who annihilated the Russians? The Bolsheviks.

Why do we choose to blacken the truth from the document?


US Education: A Broke Back Mountain

When one thinks the daft couldn’t get more daft, one might be rather daft….   In light of the tee-shirt slogan worn by a majority of college liberals which states “I don’t have time for hate, racism, misogyny, albeism, homophobia, Islamophobia, transphobia, bigoty” – segregation is required.   (Full disclosure I had to look up albeism).

As a result of their intolerance of the intolerable, and the need to have safe spaces, students now require segregated graduation ceremonies and segregated dormitories based on ethnicity, religion, identity, race, etc..

And a full 72% of colleges are apparently willing to comply.

It will be interesting to see how this lavishly daft intolerance survives in the work environment when these self obsessed students can’t whine and cry and demand the world conform to their ‘safe place’.

With titles such as Lavender Commencement, Gesta Latina Commencement, American Indian Indigenous Commencement, Don the Kente, etc… Virginia Tech boasts 10 different diversity ceremonies which are technically illegal under Discrimination laws.

Within this vein, Georgetown students have voted to increase tuition in order to create a pool of money to pay for ‘reparations’. The catch? The increased tuition is for ‘future students’, not them. And the extent of this generation of selfish self-consumed whiners is not just a product of a failed education system, but of a failed parent system.

Who is minding the children?

Over the last two decades, the number of children in full time daycare under the age of 5 hovers at 86%.   Four and under is 66%.   Daycare employee qualifications vary by state although most require a high school diploma or equivalent. The average entry pay is $10.50 per hour. In Washington DC a parent can expect to pay $36,000 per year per child for daycare. On the low end, in Mississippi, daycare runs about $8,000 per year per child.

For a family of four including 2 children, daycare can run from $16,000 to $72,000 annually or a mean of $44,000. That would be breakeven. With a mean salary in the US at $43,000 per year, there obviously comes a point where daycare is simply ludicrous. Aside from the financial cost is the social cost. The generation raised by an institution is coming of age. Their morality, ethics, values, and virtues have been impregnated by strangers who come and go within these institutions, and we are now witnessing the end product.

After paying a mean cost for daycare for 12 years – a total of $528,000, parents haven’t the funds to pay for college.   In 2009 when Obama reigned, student loan debt was $675 billion, today it has risen to $1.465 trillion representing 44 million borrowers, 10% of whom are 90 days past due. The debt has become so untenable that suicide is contemplated as the answer.

It has been likened to the concept of Socialism for the wealthy and Capitalism for the middle class and poor.   In other words, the next generation will wholly squeeze out all but the wealthy for a college education.  And there is no solution…

As we have recently been made aware, wealthy does not align with intellect. Bribes would seem to be the mainstream means of attaining a degree for the party lovers whose parents indulge the system. As such, some pundits point to Germany as a prime example of how an education system should work – free.

But of course, that isn’t the entire story.

When reviewing the percentage of college graduate rates around the world, Germany does not even make the top ten.   Canada is number one, Japan, Israel, Korea, UK, US, Australia, Finland, Norway, then Luxembourg rank highest in that order   All these countries are subject to a college cost, although it is somewhat lower than the US.

In Denmark where college is free, and a $1000 per month living stipend is available, they have found that students take advantage of the system and spend 6 years completing a 4 year degree because – well – it is free!   In addition, only 12% of the population actually attained a bachelor’s degree or higher, while 14% attained a technical or vocational degree, far below the graduation rate in the US which is roughly 48%.

Obviously, free is not the answer.

Pensions. In Canada, teachers pay 11.5% into their pension plan. In the US it is as low as 2% for a lifetime benefit.   The average teacher pension in Canada is $49,000, while the average teacher pension in the US is now $75,000.   That translates to reveal that a teacher’s average pension is 74% higher than the average salary.   In addition, teachers in 35 states also collect Social Security benefits. In Israel, the average pension for all retirees is roughly $33,000 per year.  The discrepancy is huge!

In essence, the pension system, the US labor unions, are the crux of the education cost problem given the average lifetime for receipt of a pension far exceeds the value of those dollars invested causing the cost of tuition to continually spiral.

The education system begins at the beginning – daycare.

As the cost of daycare continues to implode, the crisis of working parents scrambling to meet the cost while relegating their children to be raised by institutional high schoolers, is a cruel alternative. Free child care is hardly the answer. It will simply become a free-loaders babysitter, and a service that is already indoctrinating your children, will become the Communist agenda.

Retraining parents to have a sense of worth in raising their own children, in having a physical and emotional hand and foot in their elementary education will ultimately curb the cost of social daftness.  Overhauling the entire government pension system will help make US university graduates walk away with considerably less debt.  And a solid parental involvement just might create a healthier intellect, and thus subject their children to grants and scholarships…

Illegal Immigrants and Sanctuary Cities – The Hypocritical Oath

The proposal to release illegal immigrants from detention centers at the border into sanctuary cities is making the Democrats crazy!   Why?   Because they don’t want the immigrants in their cities, they just want everyone to think they do because it is political posturing. Whether Trump releases them in the cities or not was likely not the point, the reaction is likely the point.  All one need do is watch Sarah Sanders smile!  Every Democrat has vocally disputed the idea claiming such an action would put people at risk… And therein they have cremated their entire agenda that illegals present – no risk.

More often than not Trump has taken the position of taunting the media and Democrats into revealing their faces without makeup.  And the sight ain’t pretty.

There are currently 560 sanctuary cities across the US.   California is the only state that has legislation establishing statewide sanction. The concept of sanctuary is stating that all immigrants including undocumented and illegal – are welcome.   The caveat?  Unless they are imported by Trump.   Same people, different outcome.  These cities have also refused to cooperate with ICE for the purposes of detention and deportation.

Various studies have shown that sanctuary cities actually lower crime rate when taking in illegal immigrants. These studies were conducted by three journals: Urban Affairs Review, Justice Quarterly and Center For American Progress. Justice Quarterly has an ‘impact factor’ of 3 which means it has little to no relative value in the academic world.   For comparison, in 2014, an average rating was 41. Urban Affairs has an ‘impact factor’ of 1.8, is owned by Sage Publications which was embroiled in controversy for publishing a completely hoaxed article.   And the Center For American Progress? It is John Podesta’s ‘think tank’, run by a former aide to Obama and Hillary.  Say no more…

Of course if these studies are true, then Sanctuary cities would be desperate for more illegal immigrants so as to lower all crime throughout their city.   But the bluff was called and suddenly the wolves find themselves acting like sheep.

What are some of the actual statistics? San Francisco has a violent crime rate 59% higher than the California average, and 87% higher than the national average. Property crime is 147% higher than the state average and 161% higher than the national average.   The cities with the largest population of unauthorized migrants include: Seattle, Boston, LA, New York City, Atlanta, and Philadelphia.   All of which have relatively high crime rates.   Does this correspond to illegal status? There is no definable report that can say either yes or no.

Part of the statistical issue is that illegals are not convicted of a crime because they are deported. Therefore the statistics are skewed and can not accurately detail a comparison.

During Obama’s presidency, he deported 2.9 million illegal immigrants. Bush – 2 million.

The two largest gangs in Central America are MS-13 and Barrio-18.   They come from the Northern Triangle which includes Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador and are said to have the highest murder rate in the world!   It is estimated that upwards of 50,000 Barrio-18 members ‘relocated’ to the US, and about 10,000 MS-13 members. In 2007 it was estimated that there were roughly 800,000 gang members across the US. By 2011, that number had increased to 1.4 million.   Despite their relative statistical numbers, as of 2011 gangs accounted for 13% of all homicides and 50% of all shootings in NYC. In an effort to not profile, given the statistics showed race and ethnicity, many states have since purged all data related to gangs.  Hence today, getting actual information is impossible.  In addition, cities, including LA, have been cited for ‘under-reporting’ of crime in order to reflect a better statistic.  Despite the ‘under-reporting’, gang related crimes increased 63% and then 33% between 2014 and 2016.  Somewhat like – Germany.

It is estimated that 60% of all gang members are illegal immigrants – protected from ICE by Sanctuary cities.

LA, Orange County and Santa Clara County have the highest rate of releasing gang members from possible ICE detention. Five counties in California have the highest number of illegal immigrants, LA, San Jose (Santa Clara County), Riverside, San Diego and San Francisco. They account for roughly 25% of the entire illegal population in the US.

If you are a Sanctuary city, your agenda is to welcome all – therefore to suddenly state that ‘Trump’s proposal’ is fear mongering is stating that illegals are something to fear, not welcome, given the gang statistics and crime rates. Still, the hypocrisy is lost somewhere along the Porky Pig stutter.

The UK provides sanctuary to asylum seekers and per national policy disperses the immigrants to different towns and cities so as to not create a burden to a handful of cities. Essentially, this is the same proposal Trump has asserted.

Of course the obvious terminology that sanctuary cities don’t seem to recognize is ‘illegal’.   As in breaking the Law. By advocating breaking the law, it begs for a discussion as to what other laws are breakable without consequence?

And that’s when Porky Pig makes another entry.

The Green New Deal: A Carbon Tax For Socialists

Ocasio-Cortez has stated that mankind will be vanquished in 12 years.  Her New Green Deal has a time frame of 10 years to implement assuming it starts – today.   In the EU, they continue to establish time frames reaching emission goals extending to 2050 – 31 years in the future.   China really doesn’t give a rat’s arse, they just agree to whatever proposal is put forth, sign on the dotted line, and then refuse to actually comply.   What makes the Green New Deal so ridiculous is that it only applies to the US.   So the rest of the world will keep producing their climate change pollution, push out their goals 31 years in the future, and we’ll all be Socially broke or dead.

The Green New Deal states that the US will be the major exporter of Green technology, expertise, products, and services.  But according to her calculations, there would be no one left to export to because they missed the train and did nothing – so they would be dead.

Who wrote the Green New Deal?

The Media would have us believe that Ocasio-Cortez was the author.  However, her acumen would beg to differ.  In fact, Ed Markay, who is listed as ‘co-author’, is likely the frontrunner.  However, given the world of politics, I imagine they both had the help of some powerful prompters who hired the best writers to create this monstrosity.

What is not so headlined is the fact that the Green Deal calls for the implementation of the “social cost of carbon”, which is essentially a tax first introduced by Obama.   It is basically the same ‘tax’ that disproportionally affects low income workers and resulted in the Yellow Vest Movement in France.  Not working too well.

The basic concept of a carbon tax is that the increased cost will incentivize industries to find ways to pollute less, and incentivize citizens to stay home more and conserve.  A number of economists feel this tax will lower emissions while creating more jobs.  But there is absolutely no correlative proof that a carbon tax creates jobs…and despite its implementation in France and Germany, they have failed again to reach their stated goals pushing the date ever further.  What it does provide is revenue for governments to offset deficit spending or divert elsewhere.

Today, the Federal and state governments impose excise taxes on gasoline.  The federal tax is 18.4cents per gallon, while state taxes vary but range roughly in the 31cent range.   We are already being taxed around 50cents per gallon.   Why isn’t this money spent on ‘green stuff’?

Where did this tax originate?

The Revenue Act of 1932 incorporated the first oil tax at 1cent per gallon.   The purpose?  To help balance the budget deficit.   Over 86 years the tax has increased by 5000%.  That’s called government spending.

According to a report by Science Direct in 2016, $28 billion in carbon revenues are collected each year from 40 different countries.  Of that total, 27% is used to subsidize green spending in energy efficiency, the balance is allocated to a general fund and to corporate and individual taxpayers through tax cuts and rebates.   In fact, Sweden, the UK, British Columbia, Mexico, Finland and Iceland spend -0-% on Green Funding.   Australia spends 15%.  Germany and Canada are not mentioned.

The point is simplistic. The Socialist Agenda is always ‘how funds should be spent’, rather than ‘how funds are spent’.

Which companies reap the reward of the Green Funding?

According to a report issued by Friends of Science,;

“Since 1991, the Energy Foundation has been the main instrument that a network of influential U.S. foundations has used to define a portfolio of policy options, political strategies, and energy technologies to address global warming. It was set up by way of large block grants from the Rockefeller Foundation, Pew Charitable Trusts, and MacArthur Foundation, and supported in later years by the Hewlett Foundation, Packard Foundation, and other funders. The Energy Foundation’s principal function is to “leverage money in a highly concentrated pattern on behalf of policies that shift markets, industry, and consumers in the direction of renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency practices.

It should come as no surprise that the aforementioned foundations are ALL Liberal, Democrat affiliates.

Of course no Green Funding Dark Money scam is complete without highlighting Al Gore.  Between 1999 and 2019, Al Gore managed to amass a personal wealth rivaling Mitt Romney, pegged at over $300 million.  In 1999, his wealth was calculated at roughly $1.5 million all of which was inherited from his family.  His entire fortune was amassed through companies he started that mooched off the global warming scam.

And the Paris Climate Accord funds?  Those funds are predominantly shifted to spending in Africa whose carbon footprint is -0-.  If in fact Green Funding was Green, it would be spent on those countries whose footprint is the greatest – not the least…

When in doubt… follow der money.

And lastly, the media cites FDR’s New Deal as a compliment to the Green New Deal.  But FDR’s deal was the impetus that spiraled this country in a forever greater debt, a forever greater welfare, and a forever greater depletion of the middle class.  It is also noteworthy that the New Deal was implemented via Executive Order, because it would never have passed Congress.

Elections: Toxic Masculinity or Liberal Fear

Phraseology flying, the slogan, ‘Toxic Masculinity’ has been thrown around like a sucker punch used to berate and escalate – well toxic attitudes.  Because that’s exactly what it does – it creates another division, another form of hypocritical hate speech, driven predominantly by left leaning women and – sigh, men.  Of course men say it as though they are mind deployed aliens whose brains have been harvested, much like the radical ‘White Men’ slander punches.

While the word was first used in 2004 in a book discussing different types of men and their masculine tendencies, also called hegemonic masculinity, it didn’t become a  popular demonizing phrase until 2013 when it was defined in Geek Feminism Wiki as ‘one of the ways in which Patriarchy is harmful to men’.

Since then it has been liberally dribbled about by Hollywood and the MSM to socially demean certain men, and sometimes men in general, much like the ‘white men’ phenomena.  We hear Robert DeNiro spew spittle and profanity about our President, calling on people to harm him and anyone associated with him because of Trump’s ‘toxic masculinity’.  Of course DeNIro completely misses the carnival mirror depicting himself that makes most of us nonHollywooders cringe with creepiness as he is most obviously ‘toxic masculinity’ in it’s full frontal explosion.

I read it in obscure places like Mike Frost’s blog, a Reverend and academic at a school in Australia. Of course, in his small opinion, it would seem fodder to make commentary about – Trump.  I commented on one of Mr. Frost’s blog posts – once – only for him to grandiosely attempt to ridicule me and denounce me personally.  Why?  Because I offered a ‘different opinion’ regarding his claims.  In other words, Mr. Frost was exhibiting ‘toxic masculinity’.

I have been the victim of it on even the most bizarre of platforms – dating sites.  Where instead of acceptance and conversation, I became the brunt of attack and hatred.  Toxic masculinity.  But not from Trump, not from conservatives, in fact it seems to be most oppressively used by Liberal minded men and women in a clearly hypocritical, log in the eye fashion.

It comes on the flames of liberals claiming they are about peace, love and inclusion while finding all kinds of people they feel shouldn’t be included in the inclusion:  white men, conservative women, conservative men, conservative black men, masculine men, feminine women, stay at home moms, anyone wearing a hat that states Make America Great, any animal owned by anyone conservative… because we are the hate mongers.

Since 2015, there have been well over 170 protests (based on days not cities) against Donald Trump. Most of them are not about anything except – we don’t like you.  That would be over a period of roughly 3 years, or roughly five each month.

During Obama’s entire two term administration there were… 8.  We didn’t much care for him.  We didn’t like his policies.  We didn’t like his agenda.  We simply turned him – off.

The peaceful vs the peaceful…

Conservatives don’t attend protests often.   Rallies? Yes, they are positive events, they signal support and victory and hurrah.  But Protests and riots are about demonizing, threatening, violence and destruction.  If we have an issue, it is best served in a written content.

These are both men who were elected by The People.

Hitler advocated for violence.  Soros advocates for violence.  Eric Holder, Maxine, Cher, Handler, Kathy  whatshername, Behar, Robert deNiro, and a multitude of Hollywood Liberals advocate for assault and violence.  It is an obvious linkage.  And yet, still, conservatives do not protest.  We attend rallies to support someone, but most often the masks, the violence, is perpetrated in the name of – peaceful Democrat/Socialists.

The left is advocating Revolution.  Why?  Because they didn’t get their way…  They are superior, and thus feel that they should have their way.   It is an infantile behavior.  In the name – of peace, tolerance and hugs for all.

In essence it is born of fear.  A fear of losing their ‘toxic Hollywoodism’.  Their feelings of superiority and fear of the truth that will ultimately be revealed that is far more devastating than just the couch fame protocol which we have all been guilty of accepting, breeds – fear.

I imagine the Hollywood Executives, the one’s whose hands are bloodied in money, are going nuts as their profits plummet amid the childish antics of their $$$$ pool of actors as they make public fools of themselves and derail 50% of the viewer base.  Not exactly a ‘business’ move, but then they are after all – ‘entertainers’.  Nothing more.    And in that – protests are simply another means of entertaining – themselves.

The Kinks coined it quite well in a phrase in which they depicted Hollywood as ‘celluloid heroes’, in other words, fake, transparent, not real.

It is the conservatives in Hollywood who hide.  They are the ones who fear blacklisting, rapprochement, and hate from the ‘pacifist liberals’.

Oddly, all of this multiple decades long globalism, fascism and toxicity, is blamed on Trump.  Find a person to horde all the blame for every wrong doing during the history of mankind, is the mantra.  I doubt there is any person, any couple, in the history of mankind who has been tasked with rising above the acrimonial amount of blame and hysteria and rancid comments as Donald and Melania Trump.

Q?  A radical supporter of Truth.

Conservatives.  A hodge podge of Americans wanting to know the Truth.   Feeling energized.  Feeling confident.  And weary of decades of subservience.

This is the moment of Truth.  Do you stand for your self?  Or do you stand with dignity, honor and God?   This is NOT toxic masculinity – it is Toxic Hollywoodarity, and they are masks, fake faces, celluloid, speaking scripts, and wishing they were something more than a lowly actor.

Because, in the end, they will be – left behind.