Socialist Grooming

Has anyone else noticed that the headlines of ‘anti-semitism’ are generally instigated by Jews?   It is as though there are two distinct types of Jews out there, and they know who they are, but we don’t.   It is a ‘communist plot’.   Remember when Natasha always said ‘everytink vas a communist plot?’   It was funny… Remember?  Laughing?

I grew up in an era where blond jokes, Polish jokes, Italian jokes, etc… were the norm, and everyone thought they were funny.   So, maybe you rolled your eyes, but it was – a joke.   And everyone went their way.   The difference was that often, the joke was about the comic, he/she would make fun of their peculiar attributes.  It wasn’t about – assassinating the President!  Ha…ha… not funny!

Has it occurred to you that Ocasio-Cortez is really the future.  This has become the conundrum of the Washington Post elite who sit around and ponder such things…  They found the most oblivious idiot known to mankind, propped her up, cursed their godless person, and hailed to their new Chief Sultan, promising that she would be the “Future”.  Ewwwww! Seriously?

Essentially, they are saying – the most idiotic of mankind will come to rule the earth and plunge the planet into a complete spiritual, and physical, death spiral.  She will be so stupid that she will usher in ‘death’ as a means for all.  And her name will be Ocasio.

She doesn’t wear her hair down as she did while campaigning, and she has suddenly begun systematically wearing prescription glasses which she did not do during her campaign.  Obviously the ploy was to create an illusion of attractiveness to subliminally decide the voter.    A tactic.  A game. Ewww…

In the middle of the melee or maelstrom sit a number of very prominent elections that will occur in 2019 and hinge on media sway.   Israel’s Netanyahu.   Germany’s Merkel, Croatian Presidential election, local and parliamentary for Ukraine, UK, Lithuania, Irish, Estonia, European Parliament, etc… the list is thirsty. It reveals that the media will be rife – worldwide – with fake and false news used to rile us.   And we need to use discernment.  Logic.  Rationale.

And no, the story filtering thruout the internet that Zuckerberg is the grandson or nephew of Rothschilds, is simply a bot to distract you from the real agenda.   It is a means of using fake news to fake out the agenda of your enemy.   I tend to see Sandra Bullock playing the lead…

Anyway.  I digress.

Pay attention.

Many elections – will promulgate much fake fake news that will headline and attempt to scare – be wary, be aware.

Khashoggi, The CIA and Qatar, A Trilogy

The bizarre tale of Khashoggi has arisen again with a new twist.  He was not the true author of the journalistic pieces written for the Washington Post, the author was Maggie Mitchell Salem, Executive Director for Qatar Foundation International, LLC based in Washington, DC as an adjunct of the Qatar Foundation.  Their quoted mission statement is:   “We engage a global community of diverse learners and educators, fostering global competency and 21st-century skills through the exploration of the Arabic language and the Arab world’s societies and cultures.”

Basically, that means they have entered school systems across the globe, notably the US and UK, for the purpose of spreading Arabic culture.

Khashoggi was merely a puppet whose name and background lended credibility to an entirely fake series of articles in the Washington Post.  He created himself as a Saudi exile, looking for refuge in the US.  At least that’s how Salem created the bio. In fact, Salem, a mouthpiece for Qatar, chose what Khashoggi would write, what information he would state, and how it would frame Saudi Arabia particularly the new Crown Prince bin Salman.  Text messages have been accessed that reveal this alliance.

Time Magazine put Khashoggi on the face of its cover, Man Of The Year, for his excellence in journalism. Although, like the disgraced CNN journalist, it would appear Khashoggi was a fake too.   At least in his writing for The Washington Post.

Why would Khashoggi allow that tarnish?

The Washington Post is owned by Bezos, founder and CEO or Amazon.   In 2013, the CIA awarded Amazon a $600 million contract – 4 months after Bezos bought the Washington Post.   The contract offered advanced, high tech cloud infrastructure within that was stated to allow greater information sharing among all 17 intelligence agencies.   The contract award was challenged by IBM which had also bid on the contract and despite coming in $54 million less, was not awarded.   IBM’s CEO, Ginni Rometty, has emphatically stated IBM is ‘apolitical’ which may have undermined her ability to secure the CIA contract – in favor of the very liberal Bezos despite underbidding.

The CIA has been a regular contributor in the Washington Post, either through intermediaries, or directly as a source.  The Post effectively prints what they are told to say.  While the Liberal Swamp was in control, that alliance was necessary. Tit-for-tat.

So what was Khashoggi’s role?   Perhaps the CIA Swamp paid him for the use of his name.   He had several prominent alliances including Erdogan and Alwaleed bin Talal. Alwaleed was a Clinton Foundation contributor and was a part of the Saudi purge initiated by bin Salman in which over 500 arrests were issued for money laundering, bribery, embezzlement, and extortion.   In the days before Alwaleed’s arrest, he contacted Khashoggi.  Alwaleed and Khashoggi were both prominent members/ and/or contributors to the Muslim Brotherhood and it’s affiliates including CAIR, CCNU, and ISNA.  Before Osama Bin Laden became the defacto leader of al Qaeda, he was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Human Abedin, Hillary’s right hand man, is a Muslim Brotherhood member.  These links are the critical core of the outrage over Khashoggi’s death –

Ties go back many years to Obama:   1987 Bill Ayers solicited Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour (a.k.a. Donald Warden) to raise money for Obama’s Harvard Law School education. al-Mansour is an orthodox Muslim, a black nationalist, an outspoken enemy of Israel, and mentor to Black Panther Party founder Huey Newton and his cohort, Bobby Seale. At the time al-Mansour associate Percy Sutton was raising money for Obama’s education, al-Mansour was the top financial advisor to mega-billionaire Prince Alwaleed (Alwalid) bin Talal of the Saudi royal family.

The CIA released a statement for the Washington Post claiming that Crown Prince bin Salman was responsible for the death of Khashoggi.  The CIA declined to comment further and no names within the CIA were revealed other than ‘a person briefed on the CIA’s assessment’.

During the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird which lasted decades, beginning in the 1950’s, various Washington Post and New York Times reporter’s were on their payroll.   It was a decidedly Liberal, anti-Soviet agenda and would seem that contrary to reports it was eradicated in 1976 under then Director, George Bush, it has morphed into an ever larger mass media manipulation.   Despite the Church Report in which the CIA vowed to not enter into any ‘paid or contractual relationship with any full-time or part-time news correspondent accredited by any U.S. news service, newspaper, periodical, radio or television network or station’, it would appear that vow was circumvented.   And their infiltration is accepted.

If Khashoggi was actually on the CIA payroll through the Washington Post, that would explain their distraction in blaming Saudi Crown Prince bin Salman, it would explain the immediate guilty until proven innocent reaction from numerous other CIA outlets, liberal businesses, and the bizarre Republican factions that are known Swamp: Graham and Rubio.

It is important to note who is aligned with whom.  The fact that Khashoggi’s journalistic aptitude was actually written by Salem, a Qatari aligned Director, and that the newly appointed Prince bin Salman is not aligned with the Liberals of DC, and that Qatar is in a deep riff with Saudi Arabia over their sponsorship of The Muslim Brotherhood, and the Muslim Brotherhood has deep swamp connections in the CIA, and that the Muslim Brotherhood link is being down-played and even deleted from some sites, play back to the Washington Post-CIA-Mockingbird Agenda.

Was Jesus an Immigrant? Genghis Khan and Hitler were.

Migration has taken a giant leap as it is now become a ‘Jesus was an immigrant’ verse.  Effectively, nearly everyone is some sort of immigrant, but as usual, that statement is meaningless for the world is very different today, laws are different, society is different, and wisdom needs to replace empty statements.  Every country has in place immigration laws.   The purpose of immigration laws is to maintain boundaries of right and wrong, just like every other law we are required to obey.   Changing the law, not breaking it, is the core.  There are infinite inhumane observances in every country, and as such people fall through the cracks. 

But apparently, immigration isn’t really about humanity or human rights, according to a UN document re- released dating from in 2000.  According to the UN, the crisis was about Europe’s falling workforce, in particular male workforce.  The crisis was about funding future pensions.   It was about local populations falling behind.

The male population within the refugees and immigrants descending on Europe represent over 84%.   They leave their women behind, their wives, their daughters.  This has a twofold consequence; the country left behind – has no male workforce, the country going to – has a disproportionate male dominance.

In Syria, the women are begging for the men to return home.  Merkel says no.  Merkel says they belong to Germany now.

In Sweden, 90% of unaccompanied minors were male.   The very liberal, Justin Trudeau, in 2016 announced that only females, accompanied children, and families would have access to Canada’s immigration.

Historically, when the ratios of male/female become skewed, crime rates rise, rape rises, and prostitution rises.   Because most of the immigrants coming to Europe are of a lower socioeconomic class, their chance of finding a spouse is significantly reduced, thus starting a family, having children and actually ‘solving’ the problem of population won’t span a generation.  Instead, it will bring a skew of sexual energy that cannot be contained.

Perhaps that is why Germany adopted the legalization of Prostitution, in an attempt to provide an outlet for the skew and attempt to level the need to rape.   Unfortunately, prostitutes cost money, and the immigrants don’t have the funds, nor the inclination, nor the belief system in that regard.  When immigrants are mostly male, uneducated, and in poverty they are not considered viable spouses and will not solve the need to secure ‘pensions’ as productive members of society.   So essentially, the immigrant solution initiated by Merkel in conjunction with the UN will ultimately have the reverse effect and tilt the axis of violence, welfare, and the economy.

While Germany has been labeled Europe’s biggest brothel, it is estimated that 63% of its sex workers are foreign.    Germany has a law in place that brothels must register and get a license to operate.  If they serve alcohol, they must get a restaurant license as well.  Despite these regulations, Germany also admits that most brothels are owned by organized crime, those known to be trafficking guns, drugs, and humans.  So essentially, the German government, in accordance with UN instruction, is condoning organized crime in order to support the massive immigrant population that Merkel thinks will resolve the lacking functioning workforce through a cultural socio diversity that has no education or moral norms.

This has absolutely nothing to do with Human Rights.

The Caravans of immigrants honing in on the US-Mexico border are typically in the 80% range of male dominance.    They are typically uneducated, without resources, and thus often resort to criminal activities in order to survive.  They leave behind their women and children to fend for themselves in their country.

It is much like the adage; give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach him to fish and he is independent.   If our hearts are truly about helping the immigrant, then teaching them to fish means ‘in their own country’ with ‘their female population’ so as to maintain the balance and not further shift the axis of genders.

The countries with the largest skew in gender are Qatar, India and China.   In Qatar, the skew is represented by a slave labor force.  In China it was an imposed birthing law. And in India it was a ‘value’ added belief in which male children would contribute more than female.   India also has some of the most brutal rape statistics. While China and its media consider any statistics or information on this to be strictly censored, an interesting article by a young female from the UK who studied in Xiamen provided insight into the rallying call for prostitutes and rape in a country where gender skews are among the highest.

Many countries, including Australia, have in place laws that require immigrants to be able to prove their monetary self sufficiency, and/or their employability, so that their benefit to society is factored.  So why is the US so often targeted despite housing 11 million illegal immigrants and 44 million legal immigrants?  Statistically, it is a bizarre assault.

Was Jesus an immigrant?  NO.  He was a citizen of the Roman Empire.  Genghis Khan was defect immigrant via his conquests…   Hitler immigrated to Germany.   That didn’t work out so well.

In the end, what Merkel in Germany, and the Obamaites in the US are advocating is not the human right to immigrate, it is the slave labor right that is advanced in a monarchial society wherein historically, poverty was amassed and subjugated to the rule of the King and his court.  It is what created the mass exodus of Europeans to the Americas in the first place.

UN: Syria End Game

Trump wants to bring home all remaining troops in Syria.  Mattis disagrees and submits his resignation.  Democrats want to impeach Trump for pulling troops.  And the UN – they want to hold a Council Commission meeting in 2019 to force Syria to be ruled by – the UN.   It ain’t over until the fat lady sings!

Why would the UN be involved at all?

Apparently, the entire peace process has come to a standstill because the UN demands a Constitutional Committee made up of 150 members chosen and affirmed by Russia, Iran, Turkey and the UN.   Syria has no say.   These 150 constitutional reform members will redraft Syria’s constitution and hold a new and improved Presidential election 18 months hence.   The UN special appointee to the Security Council for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, takes full self lauding credit for everything positive, and denies responsibility for anything negative, 350,000 deaths, and has spent four years working to find a ‘resolution’.  Now his four year term is up and as of December 31sthe will be replaced.

It would appear that a significant hurdle is the UN’s arrogance in finding that, “The United Nations alone, he stressed, has the legitimacy and mandate to “bless” a Constitutional Committee”.   In the meantime, Assad wants to build and has taken contracts from a number of countries and businesses who see the future potential – as in, $$$$.

“Following yesterday’s briefing, members of the Security Council paid tribute to the Special Envoy’s work, pledged support for his successor and reaffirmed their support for a Syrian-led political process shepherded by the United Nations.”    In other words, the UN is determined to have their hand, arm, and shoulder heavily weighted in anything Syria, most likely because the UN has numerous NGO favorites with whom their contracts for reconstruction would benefit.

The US special representative for Syria, Jim Jeffreys, was not even at the meeting having canceled his appearance.   The reason for his cancellation could be aligned with Mattis resignation, or simply the innate futility of the situation, run by a nearly defunct United Nations, which is intent on the creation of committees to regulate committees which regulate – committees.    A parallel to the Swamp that Trump is widely attempting to dissolve.

Part and parcel of the meeting included an argument regarding the purported ‘White Helmets’ who were portrayed by the media/UN as a humanitarian group aimed at helping the children and women amidst the war zone.   According to Syria and Russia, they were terrorists disguised to disrupt and create further chaos in a disingenuous ploy to skew perception and were actually in the forefront of gas attacks, deaths, and casualties.

Lest we forget, initially, Obama supported Al Nusra, among others, before determining they were a segment of ISIS.  It is partially because of these riffs, that the Constitutional Council is at a standstill unable to trust a UN or US or EU proposal.

Most Americans, as in The People, not the government,  just want other countries to rule themselves and let the chips fall where they may.  The obstructionist approach has had huge grievance effects, and The People are weary.

The conflict in Syria was initiated by US President, Obama to oust Assad.  But it didn’t go exactly as planned, and unlike the Ukrainian Revolution that saw an immediate flight of Yanukovich, Assad stood by his country to the end.  Personally, I have no opinion on Assad, although the media has certainly been brutal in their portrayal, but given they have been equally bludgeoning toward Trump, Melania, and anyone aligned with them, I can no longer have any committed opinion about – anything via media presentation.

That being said, Assad may very well be Syria’s Trump.  And the Truth lives in Alice’s Wonderland.

In that venue, we have just been made aware of the fact that the CNN Journalist of the Year, Claas Relotius whose articles were picked up by  CiceroFrankfurter Allgemeine SonntagszeitungNZZ am SonntagFinancial Times DeutschlandtazDie WeltSZ-MagazinDie WeltwocheZeit Online and Reportagen, completely and wholly fabricated his stories in which demonizing the US was a theme.

He is One – of perhaps hundreds.   And so, in that vein, we can not rely on media interpretation, sensationalism, opinion, or in-depth journalism.   We can not rely on anything that occurred during the entire Obama administration.  We can not rely on our intelligence agencies.

What we do know?

The UK, Germany, France, The Netherlands, and Sweden governments are not our allies, and haven’t been for at least decades.   They may be allies of a power elite shadow – but they are completely and utterly anti-The People.

That being said, it is important to re-analyze the events of the past to dissect what the true agenda was that is our current present, in order to determine who and what is the truth in moving forward to the future.

Because, it is a fair bet, it is nothing like what what we were fed.

Facebook: The Fall, The Death March Prolonged

I am not a ‘fan’ of Facebook, but I have a Facebook presence.  I am not a ‘fan’ of Zuckerberg, but I have a feeling he is the scape goat, the fool, set up by those that want irrational control over all media.  Who owns what?

Carlos Slim, a Mexican business magnate who was once ranked the number 1 richest man in the world is majority owner of The New York Times.   Today he is worth $59.2 billion and assets include;education, health care, industrial manufacturing, transportation, real estate, media, energy, hospitality, entertainment, high-technology, retail, sports and financial services.  He accounts for 40% of the listings on the Mexican Stock Exchange,

The Publisher for the NYT is the son of Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, of Ashkenazi Jewish descent whose net worth is estimated to be roughly $16-$20 million.

The senior Opinion Editor is James Bennet, brother to Colorado Democratic Senator, Michael Bennet, and former editor for The Atlantic, a Liberal left-wing magazine On July 28, 2017, The Atlantic announced that multi-billionaire investor and philanthropist Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Steve Jobs of Apple, had acquired majority ownership.   When he died, Steve Jobs net worth was $11 billion.

Then there is the greedy, egocentric, deceptive Washington Post, owned by Amazon’s Bezos, The Economist, owned by The Rothschilds, CNN which is owned by Ted Turner, net worth $2.2 billion.   And Fox which is majority owned by the Murdoch Brothers – critically Liberal in their personal views.

The UK is releasing ‘internal documents’ that they ‘acquired’ from Facebook revealing so less than legal scenarios that have prompted many “Liberals” to call for Zuckerberg’s resignation.

And therein lies the rub. The call is being made predominantly by Liberals and Republican whiners that attempt to disguise their Liberal streak, Graham, Flake, etc… for Zuckerberg to step down.   And so, when the call is Liberal it bears scrutiny.

Knowing the tactics that were just unveiled regarding the take down of Roy Moore thru planted “Fake” Russian Bots by New Knowledge, the same New Knowledge that Mueller hired as a ‘startup’ to provide his evidence on the Russian collusion with Trump – that failed, one might see a pattern of deception – and it ain’t Trump.

A number of the ‘internal document’ releases seem to be based out of the UK.   The Guardian, the BBC, all have access to these documents, the same UK that created the Trump Dossier that has now been unveiled to be a complete and utter fabrication at the hands of – Clinton.

The UK is more and more coming to the head as a core disruptor, a core instigator, and a core assassinator on behest of the shadows that spill into the Clinton, Obama, Rothschild court.

This does not mean Zuckerberg is a ‘victim’, it means he chose the side of evil, laid down in their bed, and is now being mauled by the den of Lions.  Instead of switching sides, he is desperately seeking their approval by further manipulating and trespassing into zones of front and center fraud and corruption.

There is always a back story, an agenda.  In the face of Facebook, someone is desperately seeking a means of destroying Zuckerberg so as to control his more than 2 billion users.  More power than ANY other media conglomerate today.   By comparison, the New York Times reaching roughly 3 million digitally.  The Washington Post has roughly 500,000 subscribers with virtually no digital presence.   The Economist has an average weekly circulation of 1.5 million.   No other outlet, with the exception of Facebook has an audience in the billions.

It thus becomes an essential entity to control outside of the pawn – Zuckerberg.   He is – going down.   There is little to dissuade that evolution.   Of course, sitting on his air hose could ultimately prove disastrous as he likely has information that could put away everyone for eternity and beyond.

While Zuckerberg has absolutely no intention of ‘resigning’, his family is likely at stake, and the witches brew is boiling.

Trump has time and again shown an ability to thwart, to rise above, to work behind the scenes in so many ways that I find it hard to believe that his acumen is not absolutely perfectly on target.   While watching the destruction of Facebook, and their shift of majority users from the US to India, perhaps their political edge in election meddling in the US, will be lost by 2020 and the entire destruction of the man – Zuckerberg, a worthless endeavor.

But then, we constantly see, they don’t really care.


The opioid pain crisis is in a backlash as doctors and prescribers cut to zero.  Suddenly, Trump is to blame.  Legitimate patients are in agony, some committing suicide, and the medical community is silent.  What the heck just happened?

In 2016, when Obama was still in office, he was called to find a solution to the advancing rate of illegal opioid use and curb the drug overdosing mania.   At Obama’s counsel, the CDC issued what they termed as a proposal, or a guideline to restrict prescriptions that had become commonplace for the unnecessary treatment of patients.   While the CDC says this was a proposal and never a law or regulation, the medical industry caved and felt their personal licensing risk meant – all or nothing.  Many simply shut down the window.

But that isn’t what the CMS has proposed for Medicare and Medicaid at all.   They have implemented the following:  1.  Imposed a restricted 7 day only prescription for a patient’s ‘first’ prescription thereby requiring the doctor to have a follow-up with the patient to see if continuation of opioids is medically necessary.   2.  Certain chronic conditions are exempt.  3.   If your plan determines you are getting multiple drugs from different pharmacies and doctors, the plan has the right to verify with the doctors that they approve.

The purpose is not to eliminate opioids, it is to eliminate the catastrophic crisis of illegal use that kills thousands each year.  Between 2013 and 2017, the overdose death rates among opioid users increased from roughly 20,000 to over 49,000 per year.  In 2017 the total number of drug overdose deaths rose to 72,000.

Last time I was hospitalized, they refused to allow me to leave without taking an oral opioid and a prescription to fill.  I can’t take them, nor did I want to take them, but given the hospital ‘policy’, I was required to have my doctor and the hospital administration waive the requirement in order to effectuate my discharge.  The ‘red tape’ was ridiculous to NOT have to take opioids.

I have witnessed an illegal addict cold turkey his addiction.  I have watched as a good friend became addicted thinking it would never happen to her.

But the pill popping crisis in the US is not just about opioids, it is about a quick fix.  It is psychological.   I am reminded of Gracie Slick of the Jefferson Airplane; one pill to make you taller…go ask Alice…”   Twenty five percent of American women are on an antidepressant.  17% on antibiotics, and 13% on Opioids.   In 1999, 40% of Americans took some medication, in 2017, 70% were taking medications.   80% of the global opioid supply is consumed in the US.   Of those who take prescription drugs, 53% get them from more than one provider.   In 2014, 1.3 million people required emergency care for a medical issue related to prescription drug use.   The US ranks #1 in the world for annual drug related deaths per 1million population, followed by Estonia, Norway, Ireland and Sweden.  Those ARE the statistics!

The medical industry certainly needs to take the lion’s share of the blame.  After all it is a “Prescription”!   Pills are largely a band-aide, while some patients have no alternative, others have become the unwitting victim of an industry that has lost sight of the word ‘cure’.

When my oncologist was telling me the medication he was prescribing, I asked what were the side effects.  He laughed, thought it was funny, and told me not to worry they had pills for side effects and more pills to combat the side effects from the medications that were curing the side effects.   When I asked where does it end?  He thought that was funny too,  “some of my patients take 13 to 15 pills a day just to find the right balance to medicate the side effects” of the initial pill that was supposed to cure you but has since proven to be largely ineffective.  ARGHHH –

I walked.

But that is the mentality the rules are attempting to dissuade.   If the doctor refuses to prescribe at all, sue the doctor because they are under an obligation to prescribe according to each individual need and there is no law that states a person in need of opioids will get – none.

The pharma industry requires a certain consistent number of patient/victims to buy their drugs in order for them to produce them profitably.   Opioids simply became the dejeurre drug to cure all that ails their pocket book and then some.     While Trump signed a ban on gag pricing by pharmacists on drugs October of this year, Democrats were in opposition.   Each of these Democrats received significant funding from the pharma industry, including Cory Booker.  NO agenda there…

If you look at it from a taxpayer standpoint:   The pharma industry that is virtually supported by US taxpayers, like the UN, over-charges the same US taxpayers for drugs, and spickets an advertising and political contribution campaign aligned with – higher US taxpayer funding and Democrat candidates willing to sell their souls.   We are funding the same pharma industry that gouges us more than any other nation.  Like – the – UN.  At the same time, the same pharma industry is using our money to pay off Democrat politicians to gouge us further while lining their pockets.

And no one peeps.

Bottom line.   If someone is not receiving their opioid prescription because their doctor is balking, that has nothing to do with any law or regulation, and has a lot to do with a corrupt doctor fearful for themselves without compassion for their patient.

Africa’s Expatriate Wealthy Demand UN Climate Change Billions…

More clarity into the UN Climate Change Pact has been revealed – perhaps somewhat inadvertently by Deutsche Welle.   For all intents and purposes, Africa has already fallen.  China, the EU and to a lesser extent the US have taken over the five largest cities including;  Congo’s Kinshasa, Nigeria’s Lagos, Egypt’s Cairo, Tanzania’s Dar es Salaam and Angola’s Luanda.   According to the EU, these cities face ‘extreme risks’ from climate warming. And funds need to be made available immediately to mitigate the losses that the EU might encounter as they have ramped up business exploitation for over a decade…or two.

Luanda:  A valuable port city, the official language is Portuguese.   They host a Chinese community, a Latin American community and of course, a sizable Portuguese community.   While 53% of locals live in poverty, lack clean drinking water, have limited electricity, and live in squalor housing, luxury construction for the wealthy is booming!     The government has solicited a Chinese firm to build what they call ‘social housing’.  The 53% slum population will be removed from the streets and housed in these facilities so that additional renovation, infrastructure and luxury housing construction can continue for the wealthy expatriates.

Kinshasa:  Located along the second largest river in Africa, The Congo, primary language is – French.   Affluent residential and commercial areas and three universities are flanked by an ever shifting slum community.   Every year, as wealthy development inside the city continues unabated, the slums are shifted to the outer periphery.   The UN has a headquarters in Kinshasa and as recently as 2016 deployed ‘peacekeeping troops’ to stabilize unrest.   NGO’s play a prominent role in the local government, including the Belgium Development Agency.  China has an $8.5 billion loan outstanding for infrastructure development.   Corruption is rampant, poverty is rife, and war is a constant – to eliminate the undesirables and allow room for the new wealth.

Dar es Salaam:  The city experienced one of Africa’s fastest urbanization rates as businesses were opened and prospered, growth in the construction sector with multi-story building, bridges and roads.  Tanzanian Banks headquartered in the city started to run more proper,and the Dar es Salaam stock exchange expanded.  The Harbor proved to be the most important in Tanzania and prominent for entrepot trade with landlocked countries like eastern Rwanda, Burundi and Zambia.  The CBD skyline hosts tall buildings, among them the 35-floor PSPF Tower, finished in 2015, and the Tanzania PortAuthority (TPA) Tower, currently under construction. Diplomats and expatriates revel in the white sands of Oysterbay and Coco Beach.   According to the UN, 70% of locals live in slums.   But not to worry, with squash courts, white sand beaches, a darts club, golf, soccer and fitness clubs throughout the wealthier sectors, the city is insulated from the riff raff.

Lagos:  2/3 of the cities population live in slums…

Do you see the pattern yet?  Need I say more?

In other words, Africa has been systematically developed by China and the EU for a wealthy expatriate contingent.  That contingent desires better infrastructure, water, power, and retail in order to sustain their lifestyle.   The local population will ultimately be housed in barracks where they will not defray the views, and will be available for labor at the behest of the lords and ladies.   These countries all host a largess youth population averaging over 50% of the entire population, making the labor force more valuable.  They have a huge emigration population residing in the US, EU, and UK, while the wealthier residents that live in these cities come from the US, the UK, and the EU.

This is – the shift.  

Macron, Merkel and May allow unlimited migrants to take over their flailing countries, while their own wealthy emigrate to Africa and then demand that their cities and townships meet the standards to which they are accustomed while providing a largess slave labor force at their disposal.   All, provided for via the Climate Change, Global Warming Hoax demanding $100 billion annually to fund – their colossal compounds in the continent most affected by global warming – Africa.

They have sold their countries, their people, to the ravages of immigrant terrorists while moving to the same continent that the immigrants are fleeing.  Albeit with a purse of $100 billion paid for by you – and – I.  Sure, open the borders to more illegal ravaging.   The end game has been in play for possibly two or three decades.  The resources, the climate, the beaches, were always the draw.  But how to rid these lavish sultan cities of the scourge?

Open borders.

And if you thought this was a ‘white supremacy’ racist agenda, think again… Obama.

Stock Market vs Wall Street

An interesting correlation has erupted as the stock market gets hit despite the US economy revving up to an all time high.   I reference a very insightful argument proposed by a site I hold much respect for,   The article dissects the reasoning behind a re-balance, a shift, a draining, wherein the old school Wall Street that has ridden on mega-billionaires for decades is forced to actually re-create itself within the new realm of Truth.   Based on real market actions.

For decades, the Wall Street crown has bamboozled the people explaining away highs and lows, fluctuations and tankings, via a blithely fake amalgam of anecdotes that have become a joke.  “Market is down because of concerns…”  Market is up because concerns have been tabled…”, Markets are fluctuating because of concerns… Markets have stabilized as concerns are tabled…  The Federal Reserve has issued warnings….   The Federal Reserve has stated that growth will exceed.

As though these feral statements have any meaning whatsoever!

Because in reality – they don’t.  The movers are those who manipulate, they manipulate buys and sells, we are and have been at their mercy for decades.  There is no train to jump on, the train is a computer algorithm that can calculate a billion times faster than you.

And the market has been the core predicator of wealth – but not within a free society as we might envision, but instead within a manipulated train wreck.

When I was a stock broker in the Penny Stock Market, the manipulation was rampant and relatively quickly uncovered, the SEC shut down the firms and people went to prison.   We all shrugged at the idiocy of shutting down a small market while leaving the biggest perpetrator at large – Wall Street.

Thirty years later it didn’t get better, it simply became more dark.  Blackmail, sexual predators, sexual perversity, and Extortion – became the norm.

A few, have chosen to take their lives.  Other’s have had their lives taken from them, their spouse and children left desolate.

IN the end, they ultimately confront the same question – “Did I have a choice?  

I try not to judge. Everyone has a plethora of reasoning and justification, but in the end, there is a heart choice.   And that is where I call you.   What is the heart choice?

MIley Cyrus, Robert De Niro, J Lawrence, Fonda, Streep, Steisand, etc… they all had a choice.   They all could have supported those that suffered, they could have invested time, money, and effort.   But they ‘chose’ not to.  They Chose to instead to use their voices and Hollywood charm to malign and defame and infer fear.

And so, they revealed their alignment with Satan.

I will pull til death for those that have their heart in place and need help.   But for those who use their wealth to denigrate and demonize – I have no heart.  I do have sorrow.

Russian Election Meddling: As Reported By Mueller’s Hackers

The US Senate hired a 2015 startup company, New Knowledge, to analyze the Russian threat that has been inserted in all our social media platforms targeting conservatives and left leaning African-American citizens.   New Knowledge lists two founders:   Jonathon Morgan a published researcher for the Brookings Institute, Atlantic Council and Washington Post, a former advisor for the State Department where he developed strategies for digital counter-terrorism, and leader for Data For Democracy, an organization targeting white supremacists and far right thinkers with the goal to develop analytics to suppress their blogs. In other words, Mr. Morgan would appear to be heavily leaning toward the left and advocating means to completely obliterate conservative media including blogs.   Ryan Fox is the co-founder of New Knowledge.   He spent 15 years in the SIGINT Divisions of NSA.  

New Knowledge boasts as one of it’s prime investors;  GGV Capital. With offices in Beijing, Shanghai, and San Francisco, their Managing Partners reflect a who’s who of infinitely cyber-secure – China. Of course the irony is not lost that a dominant China company would invest in a US company whose aim is to create analytics to censor all forms of US Media while blaming Russia.

The other venture capital company backing New Knowledge is Lux Capital.   In 2011, former CIA Director under Bill Clinton, James Woolsey, joined Lux as a venture partner.

An obvious question would be why the Senate panel investigating Russian interference in US Social Media would hire a ‘startup company’ to provide their evidence? And why do all roads always point back to Liberal Progressives?

The UK’s Oxford University, and Graphika, a US company whose CEO/founder is Dr. John Kelly, also provided the research for Mueller’s team with regard to Russian interference/meddling.   Kelly is also CEO of Morningside Analytics – a parallel to the now defunct Cambridge Analytics formerly based out of the UK.  In other words, the information Team Mueller is using to build his case against Russia, is derived from UK based intelligence and analytics organizations.   The same UK that created the Trump Dossier.

The New York Times indicates another player in the Mueller Hoax – Canfield Research Group LLC, whose embedded link goes into clouds – literally.   As in, they don’t exist.

And “Somehow” both the New York Times and Washington Post managed to secure a copy of the report before it was released…

The salacious report has been in the making for 3 years – terminology on the left continues to reference election interference, whereas Russian meddling is probably more likely, and not really uncommon.  Obviously, all these US and UK companies with hacktivist hacktivism as their slated specialty are busy meddling wherever they can.  And ultimately censorship is the end game.


UPDATE:  New Knowledge, Jonathon Morgan, implicated in Democrat funding of the creation of fake Russian Bots to take down Roy Moore by implying he was funded by Russian intelligence.

UN Migration Pact: Ponzi Scam

While speaking before the UN General Assembly, Germany’s Merkel made an interesting announcement:  If 2/3rds of the UN member states, totaling 193, vote for the Migration Pact, then The Pact will be adopted for ALL member states and will become legally binding.   To date, there are not nearly enough countries that have opted out.  Therefore, the only way to not be subject to the law of the Pact, would be to completely drop out of the UN.  There are only three countries that are non-members:  Vatican City, Kosovo, and Palestine.

On December 19th, the final vote will determine whether this Migration rule of law will proceed.

The legal issue is inserted because of the new definition of migration – Human Right.  Therefore, while the pact loosely states it is non-binding, in fact the rule of law would pursue a violation of Human Rights against a country that does not comply.   Brought before the International Criminal Court, the UN and its court can recommend sanctions, and demand reparations for ‘victims’.  Acting as a mega-NGO, the UN could create a class-action of migrants that were disallowed into states that refused, and order those UN member states to pay off the migrant for violating his/her Human Right to migrate.

In addition, anyone, including the media, who thereafter references ‘illegal migration’ can be charged with criminal hate speech and subject to jail and fines.

A few days ago, the Leader of the latest Mexican Caravan demanded $50,000 for every migrant that came to Tijuana and was not permitted into the US.  Currently, that would be considered extortion.  Under ICC law, the UN could impose those fees and redefine them as reparation once the Migration Pact becomes law.

The members this UN/NGO would likely target first would be those who refused to sign;  US, Italy, Hungary, Austria, Poland, Australia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Israel, Switzerland, and Slovakia.

While the Pact claims to be non-binding, the UN gives itself the power to ‘collectively manage’ migration for all countries so as to protect human rights whereby ‘illegal’ immigration no longer exists as borders are open to anyone and everyone.  While the UN claims that member states must still ‘manage borders in an integrated, secure and coordinated manner,” and to ‘increase legal certainty and predictability of migration procedures,’ they are assuring that they, the UN, have no monetary responsibility to assure that borders are orderly.  Nor will they have any financial responsibility to send immigrants to their designated country, those costs would be born by the country’s taxpayers.

Both the Pope and the UN Special Rapporteur, Felipe Morales, have stated that the US needs to buck up and take in anyone and everyone or face charges… given security should not over-shadow Human Rights.

Bottom Line:  this is classic legal double-speak which means that a country is not bound to accept immigrants, however, if they don’t, they may be subject to Criminal Human Rights Violation Charges by the ICC and subject to whatever monetary and other outcomes this court determines.