PENTAGON Demands War in Ukraine

The Pentagon and Blinkblinkman continue to hype a Ukraine war despite the fact that Ukraine’s president, Zelensky, has denied it exists and has now claimed that the West is Meddling in Ukraine’s affairs.   European countries are standing down including: Germany, Norway, Croatia, and France.   While Finland and Sweden, non-NATO members, call for diplomacy.    If there are no countries willing to allow US troops on their soil – there is no War.

WHY do Lloyd Austin and General Milley demand a gateway to WWIII?

Discussing sanctions against the Kremlin for any attempt by Russia to push a pinky toe across the border has escalated beyond psychosis.   The US claims they are protecting Ukraine’s sovereignty, while breaching that same sovereignty in international law by stoking a foreign war.   Ukraine is not NATO and NATO and the US thus have NO Rights to infiltrate Ukraine.

Knowing this incursion would have no legal basis, enter:   R. P. Eddy, a self deigned expert on international security, bioterrorism, counter-terrorism, disease, and investment… via his own investment company – Four Rivers.

Eddy is now citing cybersecurity threats against the US by Russia as the impetus for a Russia invasion by the US.   BOOM.

An entrenched Clintonite, Eddy has a bachelor degree in neuroscience which apparently has earned him the reputation as:   “Eddy was named by Foreign Policy Magazine as one of America’s most authoritative terrorism and national security experts.”  If a bachelor of neuroscience is our foremost authoritative person on ‘anything’ much less terrorism and national security – then yes we are doomed!

This reminds me of Eliot Higgins, aka “Bellingcat”, who was a jobless admin assistant who suddenly became the authority on all things Syria for the CIA and MI5. He is of course, anti-Russia, anti-Syria, anti-conservative, and embraces the propaganda machinization installed by his Handlers.

Eddy’s bio states: “Eddy ran the White House Presidential Review process to study and respond to U.S. vulnerability to disease proliferation and bioterrorism and the creation of President Clinton’s new national policy to address these threats through improved domestic and international surveillance, prevention, and response measures”.

Oddly, what is omitted from his bio is any association with parents, siblings, wife, children, associates, date of birth, place of birth…etc..   In other words – he simply ‘appeared’ and there is no record of his existence.   Yet using his expertise in his psychology neuroscience degree somehow elevates him to an expert on international security and biological warfare.

The ONLY way the US can assault Russia is if the US has determined that Russia poses a national security threat – to the US.   Not Ukraine.  And voila we have Eddy to assert a US cyber security threat…

They simply altered the directive.

And Ukraine stands to be disintegrated by the West as a result.

In the meantime, China has made it clear that if Taiwan attempts independence, China will attack the US.

And that is likely the bigger war.

The US and certainly Europe, Australia and Canada are WHOLLY unprepared. And this was completely planned.   Germany, France and most of the EU have no viable military – their equipment is antiquated, their troops are untrained and sparse.   The US comparatively ‘was’ well equipped and trained – but that advantage was decimated by Lloyd Austin – the retired desk jockey who sold his country, his troops, and his countrymen.

Canada never even tried with pansy Trudeau literally in hiding as he realizes the decimation that will be his legacy as Canada is obliterated.   Australia’s Morrison would seem to parody that deign to eliminate his fellow citizens at the behest of The Cartel.

The US government has now rivaled itself as worse than Stalin, Mao and Hitler in their denouncement of LAW in favor of economic destruction and societal annihilation!

I can understand Zelensky being a bit confused by the realization that death, annihilation, chaos, and destruction are actually the GOALS.  But he would appear to have awoken from the dream and realizes the true goal;  death at any cost to gain access to the Russian Border

It remains to be seen if any other country decides that preservation is much more gainful.   I am NOT holding my breath –    

Fauci’s Experimental Death Labs – Human and Animal

100 Macaques – 3 escape – 3 euthanized – no explanation.   While the CDC gave the media the statement, the Macaques were destined to one of two possible labs that routinely use them for research: LabCorp or Charles River Labs.   While the narrative is that they came from Mauritius, there is another possible source – a South Caroline Island owned by NAIAD.  A Primate Death Camp.

The White Coat Waste Project which provided the evidence and photos of the hideous Fauci Beaglegate Project have unveiled another Fauci terrorism:   They claim that roughly 600 macaques are shipped from Morgan Island, South Carolina each year and sent to laboratories for painful experimentation.   Documents detail that as of June 2019, over 3044 monkeys were on the island, the vast majority – 77%, females.   They are bred on the island and then shipped to the labs without constraint or humanity.

All paid for by US Taxpayers. A breeding colony.

Charles River Labs manages and operates the island on behalf of NAIAD.   The monkeys are the property of NAIAD.   And funding is allocated to Charles River Labs estimated to be $13.5 million of a $27.5 million contract.

An NIH study conducted in 2018 on Macaques details them being infected with Congo Hemorrhagic Fever.   Tick born, it does not affect wild animals but can be deadly to humans.   While the disease may be present in a wild animal or domesticated horse, sheep or pigs, simple human contact from an infected animal can transmit the disease.  AKA, the woman who helped rescue the overturned truck’s Macaques in Philadelphia.

In this study 12 macaques were infected and studied as the disease developed.   Bleeding from the eyes, mouth and under the skin is symptomatic as is liver damage, fever, and petechiae, among other painful affects.   Outbreaks have been anywhere from 4 people to 100 people per year – globally.   There are over 31 mutations of the disease.   The western hemisphere is not affected.  And somehow this warrants the torture and death of thousands upon thousands of primates.

Over 70,000 macaques are killed every year in the US in laboratories.

Technically, primates may only be used for research if there is no other available means for experimentations.  Obviously, this is continually corrupted.  The ‘veterinary care’ per the NIH study was provided by Atsuchi Okumura, a veterinarian for the government of Japan in their department of defense who later became a fellow at Johns Hopkins. The same Johns Hopkins that tabulates via analytic algorithms all CoVid date globally… The veterinary ‘care’ is defined as providing food and water while housed in cages.  And ultimately euthanizing the primates that haven’t already died.

Okumura produced numerous studies regarding CoVid using Macaque and African Green Monkeys as experimental subjects.   The end result was ALWAYS – euthanasia. He also has filed a number of patents thru assignee’s Nintendo, Johns Hopkins, Hitachi, and Sony.

The true reason behind the use of primates and beagles and other unknown animals is determined to be because human trials are more and more difficult given the risk issue.   Which is why Gates ultimately moved his human subject trials to African and Indian villages.   If a macaque dies – no one sues.   If 70,000 macaques die – no one cares.

While Beaglegate took place in Tunisia, NIH bought the beagles in the US from a puppy mill in Virginia for $1.2 million using taxpayer funding. The reason stated for using Beagles is because they are small, docile, friendly and loyal…

The vile inhumane experiments being conducted unhampered under the NIH regime of Fauci are only beginning to be unveiled.   It is likely that this is just a infinitesimal grain of sand on a beach of revelations during his 40 years instituting pseudo Nazi inhumanity.

The psyche of such a person can only be described as Satanic.   There is absolutely NO evidence that ANY of his induced disease, pain, and death of humans and animals resulted in any positive outcome.   No cures.   No prevention.   Giving rise to the only concrete conclusion that Fauci did it because he enjoyed the resultant infliction.   It would not seem coincidental that his wife, Christine, is head of the NIH Department of Bioethics.   Her degree is in ‘philosophy’.

According to Christine Grady’s bio her main areas of concern are:   informed consent, ethics, and vulnerability.   Obviously incompatible with Fauci’s actionable offenses.

“Hear no evil, see no evil”.

We cannot undo the death, torture, maiming and abuse inflicted by Fauci and NIH in their untenable inflictions, but we can stop the future of evil in perpetuity.  In psychiatric circles, this behavior would be considered ‘evil’.

Elon Musk – The Awakening Of A PowerHouse

Off the Fence, Elon Musk is on a roll!   Having attempted to be neutral and listening to all sides, it would seem he has fully awakened!   And we are joyous at this revelation!   A potentially very powerful man who has used his time to try and advance technological fields relevant to our future, Musk has apparently disrupted the Cabalist ‘balance’.   We need 1000 Musk’s.

The height of the recent feud would seem to come on the heels of Biden touring GM and Ford factories while promoting their product line. Essentially becoming an ‘ad’. while ignoring Tesla. Why? It is simply a political response and in this Biden becomes even less relevant to reality. Ignoring Tesla and its massive frontiering in the realm of electric vehicles is akin to requiring the next Supreme Court Justice to be black and female.

It ignores the quality – and supports racism.  

Personally, I would never buy a fully electric vehicle given our grid is less than prepared and more likely to fizzle at any given point.   But still, I admire a man, a person, who forges new ideas and innovations unperturbed.   They are the backbone of America!

While attempting to stand outside the fence of politics, Musk has forged an interesting path into future technology and innovation, including his brain implant for those who can’t walk, to his space travels beyond NASA, to his AI.   He is a forage of innovation!

While I was not so endowed, I can appreciate the internal realization process of ‘wokeness’.   Although in my generation we called these ‘awakenings’.   To realize the actuality behind the illusions presented.

I think he will do well.   I am very encouraged.

By contrast, while Zuckerberg was being scorched by the Cabalist Regime and threatened with takeover, his response was to hype their dictum.   Dorsey, was equally lame in caving only to find himself ‘outed’.   Bezos, even Gates lost control of their own companies to the hype of the Cabal.

Obviously, they wanted Musk – given his vast wealth.   And he has not caved.   Reminiscent of Braveheart and the cry for FREEDOM!

Top three of my favorite movies.

While Tesla shares were a top portfolio holding for all the largest Hedge Funds – as well as Pelosi – it will be interesting to see how this parlays.   Because we all know that the manipulation of our markets is old news – and anyone who bucks is soon hobbled.

While Musk has claimed that his AI robotics will far surpass Tesla in market futures, the cabalists are really not interested in our future so much as our demise.   They support the ugly, the demons, the failure, and the chaos that provides them control.

Musk is fresh!   I only can hope that he remains so.  I very much enjoy his perspective.

As a mother, I commend his mother.   She obviously gave him some principled advice.   We stray, we wander, the Prodigal Sons of life, and we come back.   This judgment down to detail of some perceived infraction 20-30 years ago has lost its luster – that EverReady Battery died.

While the Religious Zealots of the world may not ‘approve’ of Musk given he hasn’t led the perfectionist lifestyle they presuppose is the most important requisite to a leader, as in the John Pipers who couldn’t get past Trump’s marriages, their denunciation has become a largess bane of the demise of America!

I would suggest our current situation is a DIRECT response to this PreEclampsia of religious arrogance.

We are NOT electing a leader for our country based on his religiosity.   That is about as absurd as Biden picking a Supreme Court replacement based on color and gender.

While I am sure, Musk would NOT pass the John Piper test, I am not sure John Piper would pass the Piper Test either.   And perhaps the religious arrogant need to resolve the idea that a leader MUST be equivalent to Jesus Christ.

Because as such – the John Piper ‘extremists’ effectively ushered in Marxism and the crushing demise of America in their arrogance of the perfect human being… SHAME.   

Defense Industry vs Ukraines Biologic Labs…

A number of conservative media outlets discovered an odd connection.   A number of articles posted on the liberal site, Politico, included a note, “presented by Lockheed Martin”.   Once the information began to blast across outlets, the byline was erased from every article it attached.   Politico was bought up by the Berlin based Springer Group October 2021.   In 2018, 43.54% of Springer Group was owned by KKR.  KKR is a global hedge fund worth $216 billion that one might liken to a vulture capitalist. On its board sits the disgraced general and former CIA Director – David Patraeus.

Two of its founders, Henry Kravis and George Roberts remain Co-Chairman.   As supporters of McCain and Bush this would solidify their neoconservative ideology, given both were diehard hawks bent on a war ad infinitum.

Patraeus has expanded his affiliations since his disgraced early retirement including, but not limited to: Trilateral Commission, Royal United Services Institute based in the UK, McCain Institute, and The Institute For The Study of War.

The Institute for the Study of War is a hawkish neoconservative organization supported by Raytheon, General Dynamics, and DynCorp.   They have been central to the wars in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Iran and most recently Kazakhstan and Russia.

According to their most recent report, ISW notes that;  “Lavrov also said that most of Russia’s neighbors “have American and Pentagonian [sic] biological laboratories” with secretive operations.

Meaning any incursion by NATO and the US could cause a massive global chemical release from the secretive biological labs.

According to ISW website, biologic lab locations include:   Germany, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, Kenya, South Korea, Japan and Singapore.

In 2020, the US Embassy in Ukraine confirmed such a lab exists to study pathogens and toxins. U.S. Department of Defense’s Biological Threat Reduction Program is the agency in Ukraine.   The “Acting Director” of DTRA is Dr. Rhys Williams whose PhD was in Public Policy.  In other words, he has no idea what is going on or why.

Russia’s Secretary of General Council, Turchak, provided this information to ISW:

“Turchak pointed out that US and UK completed dozens of flights delivering “missile systems, grenade launchers, small arms, mines, ammunition, and much, much more” to Ukraine in just one month. Turchak claimed that NATO does not even deny its overt operations and deploys large numbers of “so-called instructors” to prepare “various Ukrainian military units for combat operations in urban conditions.” Turchak claimed that “Western curators are pushing the Ukrainian junta into a direct invasion of Donbas, arming the nationalist groups – whose heroes are Bandera and Hitler – and the swastika is a respected sign.”

To protect the citizens of Donesk and Luhansk from a Ukrainian genocide, Russia wants to arm them with weapons compatible with what the US gave Ukraine.   And that would seem to be the sum total of their interest – protection of these peoples.

Ukraine really has nothing to offer in the vent of a ‘takeover’.   Riddled in debt, a crippled economy, corruption reigns largess!   Any nation that wants to create a coup would be responsible for such outstanding liabilities, and that ain’t gonna happen.

In ALL the hubrub being parlayed, no one has given an actual ‘reason’ why Russia would have any desire to go to war with Ukraine…

The gist is that it is for funzies.   But if anyone was listening they would have asked the question.

And perhaps the secret Biologic Laboratory(s) is the answer. It is the answer based on the ‘what if’ fear and not on any actual intelligence data or evidence.   Or, as I have stated before, Zelensky having completely destroyed the economy and entrenched his country in insurmountable debt, sold out to the defense industry for war profiteering.   The reason – to payoff the debt under the table.

But:   Targeting biologic labs would thus result in a possible cloud of pathogens and toxins spreading across all of Europe.

Pathogens:   bacterial, viral or microorganisms that cause disease.   Like CoVid.   Airborne Pathogens would also include Smallpox. There are two labs in the world with approved Smallpox research capabilities:   Russia and the CDC in the US.     Except a facility in Philadelphia which the CDC refuses to identify was found to have vials of smallpox in their laboratory.   Unauthorized.  Illegally.   Who else does?

SO if Russia has authorized smallpox facilities and Ukraine has DTRA pathogen facilities, any war would do significant damage to ‘everybody’.   And missile warfare suddenly seems a death march.

In Draining The Swamp – the hawks, the neoconservatives, are even more dangerous to our global security than the liberals busily busying themselves with parent terrorists attacking school boards, and protesters ushered into our public state capitol.

For now – The Game is a standoff.   Supposedly in order to preserve the Olympics…   as in,    “Blinken, Lloyd, could you stand down from bombing Russia and Ukraine simultaneously until the Olympics are over?”   “I don’t know, I can’t answer that question until I’ve heard from my Handler who tells me what to do – what to say – what to think – and how to act.   rbbt rbbbt rbbtttt…”

Stock Markets, Housing Debt – Don’t Get Caught in the TRAP!

The Stock Market Beating is a massive re-allocation.   And ALL The King’s Horses Told ALL The King’s Men what Not to Buy Ever Again!

Just as everyone got whipped into a frenzy, Ukraine’s president, Zelensky, suddenly puts the breaks on and declares, “Hey why is everyone so panicked?   Russia isn’t going to attack us, there is no imminent invasion…”   WHO declares the emergency status of CoVid is over despite Fauci claiming it will ‘never end’.   And the Border vaccine mandate for truckers crossing between the US and Canada was suddenly lifted, as in ‘void’.

The FBI has released its crime stats for 2020 with 17% of jurisdictions ‘not reporting’.   So like everything else in this brooha of science and facts – they ‘estimate’.   Murder rose almost 30% and aggravated assault rose roughly 12% – ‘guesstimate’.   Of course none of the violence in the big city chaos fires and lootings and destruction are counted in the statistic because no one was technically arrested – they all walked.  Therefore the numbers are ridiculously LOW.

Even worse is the statement that robbery declined.   Given California, New York, Minneapolis, etc… the hubs of robbery were given a pass for each individual involved if the theft of less than $900 – they don’t count in the FBI statistic any longer…   So the statistics that used to be quantitative math have now been eclipsed by fake numbers.  And comparing them to past statistics is a feeble exercise in infidelity…

Hillary has gone into hiding given the polls, businesses, media, and just about everybody from every party scoffs at the idea of a reboot 2024 as ridiculous.  She is as past tense as shoulder pads.

Even Obama is being ridiculed as “Biden’s First Lady”.   Could it be because Psaki and Kamaltoes accidentally declared that they report to Obama? And Obama doesn’t want the legacy of breaking the back of America?   Dastardly.

Or are they running scared given that Newt Gingrich statement that once the Republicans take control, there will be a whole lot of people going to gitmo-Jail?

On a Dime – The World Turns.

Switching to The Economist, the purveyor of crystal ball predictions, they assert that Europe would be just fine without Putin’s gas transit… Odd, as a bon voyage gift, Germany’s Merkel gave out flyers detailing what citizens should do in the event gas is no more.   Apparently people were given such anecdotal advice, the flyers were ultimately trashed – and burned for fuel.   “Do jumping-jacks”, “Wear multiple layers of woolies”, Hug your dog”… I’m sure they were all greatly comforted by this advice.

One year ago EU natural gas was 16.23 euros per megawatt.   Today it advanced as high as 96.9, down from its extreme high of 180.27. And with the exception of Lithium, commodities were down.   But that is down from their highs – and still reflects a one year surcharge of 100% to 200% increase – just during the Handler Administration.

Of course none of the inflated commodities are included in the value of inflation which is still pegged at a measly 6-7%.

So what the heck just happened?   In the end, what all this fear mongering appears to have accomplished is a selloff of certain tech stocks that left the smaller investors sitting on huge losses, while the Hedge Funds – reallocated and made massive gains.  SURPRISE!

The biggest gainers today were ‘retail’ and China Evergrande, you remember, the debt dividend defaulted worthless Evergrande.

Lest we be Alarmed, Markets are on the edge of a supercharged technology that could defeat the purpose of trading shares.

AI is being exclaimed as a game changer in market intelligence predictions.   But if everybody has the same AI intelligence, technically, no one will profit or lose because AI will be the per second predictor – a continually circular band wagon.

Imagine your hedge fund stock data is uploaded to a frequency of percentages and every AI trade is initiated simultaneously on a minute by minute basis.   Traders become obsolete.   Wall Street is unnecessary.   The Commodities market operates on a shoestring of employees.   And there is no more tremendous gains – it is only increments.

It is interesting that as all the founder CEO’s of the major tech industry were excommunicated and replaced by puppets, the stocks of their companies have been radically hit 15% to 20%+.   A planned event.   Thus timing dictated that Hedge Funds should bail.   It will be some time before their investment share changes are made public, but given they all follow the same top ten – we shouldn’t be surprised.

It is somewhat aligned with real estate.

We have watched real estate prices climb 50% or more over the last 2 years.   There will be a planned 20% correction before they swoop down for vulture buys.  People will freak and sell low.    The last vestige before the Great RESET>   Those most heavily mortgaged will have the worst pain. Don’t a victim of debt.  

And those without real estate will be cattled into 200 sq foot Company Town apartments and trailers.  If you don’t understand the plan, The Great RESET, you won’t properly secure your wealth.   Pay Attention.

Ukraine-Russia War = Ukraine Debt Default

The Ukraine Deflection Revealed.   Money.   Ukraine borrowed money from ‘foreign sources’ at high interest rates and is slated to default.   President Zelensky did nothing to support the terms of the IMF loans that were used to ‘bailout’ the economy.   They have not tapped their own reserves for independence from Russia, and their junk bonds are paying 10-12%.   Which is not feasible financially.  

In 2015 hedge fund Aurelius Capital Management restructured an $18 billion debt package and paid $8.9 billion.   A “vulture fund”, Aurelius purchases sovereign debt of troubled nations at a discount.  

In 2016, Christine Lagarde of the IMF threatened to withhold a $40 billion bailout program if Zelensky didn’t reign in corruption.

In 2020, Ukraine was given a loan from Deutsche Bank.  In December of 2020 Ukraine also raised $4 billion thru the sale of bonds.   In 2021 they were supposed to repay $21 billion.   January 2022, IMF has intimated Ukraine is being cut off from further commercial borrowing.

Adding to Zelensky’s woes is the fact that foreign land investors have been selling off in the face of the Russia instigation.   As their economy remains in crisis, with the lowest level of GDP amongst all of Europe, losing the $3 billion fee charged for the transit of oil through it’s pipeline from Russia just kicked the bucket!

So why would Russia want to invade Ukraine?   Russia has a stable economy, more gas than they can handle, and absorbing a bankrupt, debt-ridden country would only be a burden!

But that’s what you get with an stand-up comedian running a country.

Meanwhile, freezing assets of the former NED coup installed president Poroshenko and charging him with treason, seemed like a good comedic route to take to confiscate money and hold off on the debt default.  Desperation!  The terms of the loans is confidential.

What a twisted web we weave…

What happens when a country defaults on its debt?   They can print more money and enter a staggering unending spiral of inflation, or they can borrow more money at even higher interest rates. Neither of these events will technically do much of anything.   But what if, the outstanding creditors offered another solution?   A war?

The elite wealthy have typically profited quite nicely from war. And two separate scenarios could be accomplished – 1.   The War Chest profits,   and 2.   Economically destabilizing Russia to the point where a puppet president could be installed giving them control has been paramount to the final equation of a globalized GREAT RESET.  Russia being the Singular major holdout.  Navalny, their coup project failed miserably – multiple times.   Putin wasn’t playing their game.

Selling out his people to war, Zelensky has released a 22 page survival guide for every citizen advising such strategic actions as – ‘don’t face a bomb, turn your head the other way’.   Or, ‘if the gas is turned off, find another source of heat’.   You know, critical military tactics…

There have been massive attempts to create the folly that Russia made the first move so as to politically justify a war.   But the global populace don’t care about Ukraine and don’t want a war.   Russia knows this – as do many within the conservative awakening.   With the US and UK sending weapons and trainers, Canada sending taxpayer cash, and mercenaries sent to pretend they are Russian soldiers equipped with Russian uniforms and weapons, a staged plan to use chemical agents on innocent people while claiming it was Russia, intel continues to find the plots and disengage them.

Enter ‘satellite imagery’.   Provided by an Maxar Technologies, a Colorado company with an interesting board of directors including a few who previously worked for the CIA and the Department of Defense.  Their latest News Release states that Maxar worked with the UK military on a digital terrain AI technology to show solution based ‘routes for convoys’.   What their blog news site does NOT show is an aerial satellite view of Russian troops at Ukraine’s border.

The media entrusted satellite picture appears to show tanks and vehicles parked in Klinsky, Russia.   Only the road from Klinsky to the Ukraine border is 314 miles away.   Top speed of a tank on a road – 60 mph – off-road is 18 mph.    Perspective:   if we put troops in San Luis Obispo California would they be considered on the Mexican border 300 miles away?  That would equate to a 4 hour and 45 minute drive – in a car. 

Whether Zelensky was the new puppet of the Cabal or not, he is a pathetic leader.   Perhaps he thought that it would be a cushy job with a guaranteed salary and fame!   What every entertainer covets.   Ukraine’s economy was improving steadily under the tutelage of the ousted Russia friendly president, by NED.   Inserting a businessman, Poroshenko, he managed to ravage the economy as much as possible while increasing his personal wealth.

Placing puppets as the pawns of chaos, whose legacy’s will be the equivalent of black death would seem the newest exercise.   Perhaps, Zelensky was Ukraine’s Biden – a scapegoat.   But what is overwhelmingly true is that money is a powerful tool – even when it means selling out your own country…

The PEN is Mightier Than The Sword – A Melancholy Journey

The PEN, she is poised mid-air … we don’t know who to trust, we don’t know who is real or who is trying to set us up or who is planning to take us down.   A woman contacted me thru my blog and wants to know my sources, why and how I write and all I can do is search her and try to figure out if she is good or bad. Do I respond, or is she trying to hack into my computer?   She’s a computer geek by trade.   Of course, I did track her down – but knowing is left in the realm of deep breathing.

Melancholy can only describe how I feel.   How incredibly insane the Cabalists must be.   To want this level of destruction, to want massive deaths, to want millions of wasted lives now writhing in misery from a vaccine that isn’t a vaccine…   TO have people want to watch others lose their businesses, claim the loss is their own fault, and not have any compassion is a slow downward spiral.

Someone in Canada posted a picture of 4 chicken breasts selling for $32 and asked if anyone else was experiencing these price gouges.  Instead of compassion, the posts were about ‘I bought some yesterday for .92 per pound don’t know why you are complaining’….   WHAT?

I watched Pope Francis declare that the entire pedophilia fraud was not his fault but the fault of his predecessor…   A POPE – who is so self obsessed and flagrantly in collusion… A POPE who has done absolutely NOTHING of value in the entire nine years he has served in this robe, appointed thru the Clinton Cabalist ward at the asylum… on his deathbed – takes absolutely no responsibility.

IS the Pen really mightier than the sword?   I don’t know.  

When all is said and done and the gulag train stops at my door, will anyone come to my rescue?   Outside of my sons?   I doubt it.   All Big BootStraps and Cocky.   I doubt it.   All my media friends and blog patriots – will hightail and leave me to the gulag as they tend to their own.   Nary a backward glance.

After the Lizards destroyed our military of the most valiant and patriotic, they push a war with Russia.   Russia – which has hypersonic missiles – and we don’t.   Russia – which has deadly trained troops – and we’re relying on 6 fake mercenaries and women who couldn’t make the special ops cut but were passed anyway for ‘equity’.   For A Country that has absolutely zero trade with the US – and zero output with the exception of their newly entrenched US and foreign companies who set up shop just a half dozen years ago on the brokered Biden corruption.

AND even the most intellectual argue that in order to ‘dispel the Putin aggression’ the US must go to war over Ukraine.   What freaking aggression?   You mean Putin having a barrage of tanks and troops stationed 314 miles from Ukraine?   That aggression?   When was the last time Putin initiated a coup?   NEVER.   When was the last time the US did?   Every freaking year – including Ukraine 2014.

I feel like the lies are a tidal wave trying to drown me.   Each time, I kick to the surface and peel the onion.

MY entire life has been spent the inveterate ‘helper’.   I never asked for anything.

Did you know Elon Musk is busily creating a brain implant – TO HELP people who are disabled be able to use mind control over mechanical instruments so as to better their lives?   Be able to walk. Be able to even answer a phone.  

Simultaneously Gates and Fauci are using their time on earth to kill murder and maim people.

IMAGINE – what could be accomplished – how vast our world would be – how imaginative and productive it would be – IF collective efforts were more in line with Elon Musk?   All the futuristic predictions of scientific advancement might actually have already been realized.

Instead, these Lizards of nonhumanity would rather watch pain, suffering, destruction, chaos, and death.   I have long questioned the ‘Church’s’ view of suffering as being contrived from satan.   The entire sacrifice of Christ was to relieve us of suffering – not to embrace it as a Christian construct of redemption and Godliness!

How Wrong Is Our Belief?

AND SO. My Pen tonight is layered with tears.   Not as a sword.   But tears for the depravity that we embrace.   Ignoring the Word that was so simple – that was about the stewardship of earth, children, orphans, widows, divorced women, and those who are seemingly the target for annihilation by the Gulag Train.

I shed tears for this world – AND all its inhabitants.

World Economic Forum: REGLOBALIZE from China to China

As the World Economic Forum winds down, there were two significant takeaways:   1)   In order to curb Climate Change, the EU announced they were moving the goal posts and from now on nuclear and gas would be considered GREEN, so as to hail their compliance and grand achievements,  and   2)   IMF Chief said the Pandemic must be contained in order to fix the supply chain discombobulation.   “This requires spending billions to make trillions.” In her world, that spending is on CoVid.

Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva stated that it isn’t just the fault of central bankers, ‘changing labour markets and other issues’ are feeding the inflation.   You know – stuff.   Sounds eerily like AOC talking points.


Calling for a geographically balanced resilient supply chain the WEF site their true Order: We want to see a greater shift in manufacturing to undeveloped countries like Ethiopia, Vietnam, and Cambodia.   In so doing, this move will solve the inequality problem and supply chain snaffoos in the future.

WHOA! What the HECK?

It would appear, that China is out, India is out, and these three specific countries are in.   WHY?  Or Maybe It IS Classic Double Speak….

Cambodia:   Labor is paid $6 a day.   Their entire population is 16 million and their factories are already working at near maximum capacity.   Their infrastructure needs repair, their manufacturing capacity needs expansion which would require new laborers.  NOT a viable powerhouse.

Vietnam:   “Chinese manufacturers have been moving their factories to Vietnam since the early 2000s because sourcing from Vietnam offers refuge from the brutal competition of Chinese businesses. This is turning a large portion of Vietnam’s manufacturing industry into an extension of China’s industry.”  In other words – it is mini-China.

Ethiopia:   Africa is considered the final frontier of the 4th Industrial Revolution.   In 2019, the IMF declared Africa the world’s second-fastest growing region, predicting that it is well on its way to becoming a $5 trillion economy. Household consumption was expected to increase at a 3.8%annually reaching $2.1 trillion by 2025.   IN fact, China has recently invested $10 billion into the fashion industry outsourced in Ethiopia.  But’s only a smidgeon of the Truthism.

50% of Ethiopia’s debt is to China.   Of course, information between the two is scarce, opaque, and seemingly the charm of the IMF and WEF.  

When the IMF and WEF pronounce an African country as being the source for our ‘Reglobalization’ they are really detailing a shift from mainland China to Chino- Africa.   And all the other hubrub is merely a distraction.   What we can derive from this pronouncement by IMF Director Georgieva, is that billions will be spent flowing into the Chinese economy via these entities, so that China becomes the Global Power Vacuum.

And suddenly Ukraine emerges as a ‘DISTRACTION’.

Given that Xi Jinping was the primary global speaker at the WEF zoofest, it is no coincidence that the Banks would focus on China Assets for global billions in investment.

How quaint.

Essentially China is now effectively abandoning it’s own labor workforce to more lucrative low cost labor in favor of Africa, Cambodia and Vietnam where workers are available given the China labor force was eradicated by CoVid.  Shhh – don’t tell anyone…    Ethiopia claims CoVid deaths have skyrocketed to 7200 since it’s inception amongst a population of roughly 110 million.  Equating to a death rate of .0065% or .0032% per year.

The purpose of this IMF, WEF, idiotic debacle is the fact that China needs a booster given their workforce was annihilated by CoVid.   Outstanding loans are the impetus.  

China has made opaque loans to various African and Asian countries knowing that the default would realize China ownership of Country Assets, Mineral Rights, and majority ownership of the country.

That was the Point.

The fact that the IMF and WEF have agreed to rape themselves and the global economy in favor of China dollars only further degrades their value and integrity to the pit of Hell.   Led by Two WOMEN.   With the secondary subject at the Forum being ‘why they are hated so much’ – this naiveté only serves to reduce their intellect and business acumen to the level of a slug on a sidewalk.   Step on it and it dies.   But in China it is a delicacy at restaurants.

Sustainable Development Program – Ruling By FEAR

The Purpose of the Mandates and Closures subjected On Every Citizen is to Prepare Us For The Sustainable Development Plan wherein Everything Is Mandated.   You see, Our food will be prepared meals based on a slated caloric content. Education will be stipulated based on perceived intellect. Apartments will be pared down to minimal sizes.   Our clothes, our shoes, and toiletries will be rationed. All these things that are a part of our normality will henceforth become a part of a Mandate:

While the UN and World Economic Forum were negligently irresponsible and instead of reducing global poverty – increased it – they have decided to simply move ‘the goal posts’.

Instead of lifting people out of poverty, they will subject greater poverty in developed countries and then move the ‘definition’.   The Bernie Sanders/China science of economics.   We lifted 20 gazzillion people out of poverty by redefining poverty as earning 1 cent a day!   That’s how its done.

In line with this goal post move, Germany has decided that the size of housing must be reduced significantly in order to reduce carbon emissions by 2030.   Really!   Having been plagued with a severe housing shortage for a decade or more, the goal of 400,000 new homes per year never manifested.   So now the great Greenies have disclosed that houses will be smaller to the tune of 20 sq meters or roughly 215 sq feet per person. They have decided that is all a person needs and therefore all they are entitled to, and they’ll be much happier without all that dastardly – clutter’.

A 10×20 foot room housed with a kitchenette, bathroom, bedroom, closet, laundry, and furnace. A Tiny Home! Except in the US, tiny homes are typically twice that or more.   That’s China standards – except China claims their minimum is 500 sq ft which is a lie – but then that’s is the China way.

Currently, Germans enjoy the extraordinary wealth that affords them a whopping 47 meters or 500 square footage of space.  YEAH!     A Mansion!   The Sustainable Development Plan states this is unacceptably too large!

Using Nigeria as an example, the 47 square meter house is 8 times larger than what an average person in Nigeria can afford – 83 square feet.   Thus by reducing the German housing footprint in half to 20 meters or 215 square feet, Germans will be closer to equitable distribution…   Closer – but not quite there yet…

According to Anna Braune, director of research and development at the German Sustainable Building Council, “tackling the climate crisis and meeting housing demands in cities will require a rethink of how space is used.”  According to Braune, 2.5 billion people will relocate to cities by 2030 – predominantly in Africa and Asia.   This would represent 31% of the global population.   Assuming CoVid survival.  But it is interesting from a continental standpoint:

Asian and African cities would appear to be lagging compared the rest of the global demographic; 51% & 42% respectively.   North America is 84% urban and Europe is 81%.


GOAL #11:   Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.

Ewwww, lots of bad words there.  The word ‘sustainable’ has some interesting definitions: 1.   Viable, 2.   Maintained at a certain level,   3.   Used without completely destroyed,   4.   Valid – sensible – keep alive…

Human Settlements can be defined as camps, or any place that encompasses buildings where people live and work.   Much like what Amazon and Google envision for their workers.  Or even possibly internment camps would qualify.

Resilient:  Able to withstand from difficult conditions.  Not Exactly A HAPPY Place.

IN fact it sounds eerily similar to the Elizabethan Dark Ages of death.

True to form, the UN has a separate subcommittee called; UN Human Settlement Program – subtitled, “Habitat”. With income since 2010 in the range of $112 million to $150 million annually, the vast majority was redistributed to Arab and Asia states.   Meaning Japan, the US, and the EU have been giving money to the middle east and Asia through the UN for a decade under the label – ‘sustainable habitat’.   Afghanistan would appear to be a benefactor recipient, however the UN site would appear to be having ‘technical difficulties in providing its very Open Data via the Project Console…’ – SO.   Information is not really Open –

The question in the US would be – if Goal #11 is to be anointed, why are the Marxists allowing our cities to be destroyed?   That would seem starkly incongruent to this goal.

Even before the “Pandemic”, the top 25 cities being systematically destroyed in the US were led by Democrats.   In fact, according to the Liberal media Insider, these same cities are top targets for Nuclear War Devastation:   LA, San Francisco, DC, Houston, Chicago, and NYC.   While a nuclear attack is actually considered a slim chance, the point is that these cities were considered the most corrupted and would have the highest casualty impact.

And what is the end-point in making these cities crime havens? As in – nothing is done without a motive behind the madness. The top 7 states for ‘in-migration’ include:   North Dakota, Nevada, South Carolina, Colorado, Florida, Arizona, and Texas. The top en-migration states include: Alaska, New York, Illinois, Connecticut, New Mexico, New Jersey and Kansas.   Of the top ‘In’ states – 6 of the 7 are RED, and of the top “en” states 5 of 7 are blue.

While influx and exodus are a common statistic, we are NOT in common times.   And any and all information is necessary in order to evaluate, disseminate, and make determinations about the state of the Union.

For example – Marjorie Taylor Greene has asserted that the influx of blues into red states is premeditated to flux elections.   However, in a perfect world, this exodus would leave blue states vulnerable to red. That would be assuming that elections in the US were actually legitimate…

WHICH – they are not.

It is so incredibly embarrassing that the US elections are now considered on par with Communist Venezuela or Cuba or China or Columbia.   AND that Americans deigned it to be.   Americans who supposedly pledged their allegiance to the flag and sold it for a dime.

TO sell your country for dollars is perhaps one of the most heinous crimes that exists. And yet, I have followers who have done just that!

You know who you are suckering your gin while moving from country to country to unleash your monetary agenda! Despicable people.   People who claimed to be agents for America – and sold their soul – for MONEY.

You are the lowest of sperm.   Your souls will be evaporated.   And you will – BURN… for what you have done.

Look At It This Way:   Since it’s inception, the UN has failed at EVERY Agenda.   Imagine a Corporation in this day and age interviewing a UN Executive:   “What did you accomplish?” – “Well I managed to destroy the economies of 30 countries across the globe…!”     “That’s fabulous – so do you know how to make money?”   – He snickers, “ I destroy 30 economies across the globe.   How stupid are you?”

They are a failure fake fraud that would have us believe any legitimacy despite their track record.   As such – the Sustainable Agenda Goals – Agenda 2030 – Agenda Housing shitake, it is all an illusion….   They have no true success – other than the instigation of FEAR.  It’s a lie.   They have no intention of accomplishing even Goal #1.

The Fear is The Main Aqueduct.

That’s it.   That is the sum whole of their success.   FEAR.   They didn’t eliminate or lower poverty, deforestation, global warming, sustainable cities, land, people, – they didn’t achieve ANYTHING. Ever.

The Belief In The Sustainable Development Program – is an illusion that will never succeed.   And will instead continually morph into Agenda 2050, 2075, 2300 … with the same pretenders that accepted the Pandemic.   Media actors – paid for. Goal Posts moved.   Money Made.

DID YOU KNOW – That the Richest Across The Globe DOUBLED Their Wealth in 2021?

Do you understand yet?

The CIA ROLE In The Cabalist Regime Coup

The Cabalist Regime Coup is enforced by the CIA, MI6 and Mossad:

As of today, 47 members of Congress have announced they will not seek re-election in November.   That would be in addition to 8 members who left office early in 2021 bringing the total to 55 – with 9 months to go.   While this is a count in progress and includes both democrats and republicans, of the republicans 1 is on the fence, 2 are pro-Trump, and the remainder are rhino’s – a fake republican supporting a uniparty system.   Typically we may see 30-35 seats available but these numbers may set off alarms.  

Some have come to assume that the vast majority of media actors are tissue paper stuffed inside the deep state purse.   Many have come to accept that a vast majority of politicians are also dirty handkerchiefs in that purse.   Soiled.

More recent awakening has revealed that the CIA, FBI, Mossad and MI6 are the military mafia holding the purse-strings.   AND – they answer to the Cabal.

In 1961 JFK appointed CIA Director, John McCone, despite McCone having no corresponding education qualification, no military experience, and no intelligence experience. McCone proudly proclaimed as resume accomplishments the many coups he initiated over the course of his four subsequent years.   Because that was what the CIA did.

He wasn’t JFK’s choice – but Bobby Kennedy convinced him after his other 2 choices were unavailable.   During the assassination, John Connolly sat in the jumpseat of the limousine next to JFK.   Connolly sustained extensive injuries but went on within a lucrative career.   At his death, Connolly stated that he did not believe Oswald was the killer, that the Warren Commission was staged, and that he truly believed it was an inside job – .

“It is the function of the CIA to keep the world unstable, and to propagandize the American people to hate, so we will let the establishment spend any amount of money on arms….”   ~John Stockwekk, former CIA Agent.

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American people believe is false.”   ~William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

“It had all the earmarks of a CIA operation – the bomb killed everyone in the room except the intended target.”   ~William F Buckley Jr.

And then this, “I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.” ~ John F Kennedy.  A pivotal threat that was – nullified.

Propaganda has been the forefront CIA tool since its inception.   Various times in history this disinformation campaign has been brought before Congress for a slap on the wrist.   Without consequence, effectively doing nothing, gives unprecedented POWER.    As such, the CIA campaign only gained ever more provocative power over courts, the Congress, and the President.

In 1983, former CIA agent, McGhee, gave such account in a book, Deadly Deceits; My 25 Years in the CIA.  In his account McGhee claims that CIA intelligence can be altered or pitched so that political purposes frequently trump the accurate transmission of information.   Despite infractures occurring on a routine basis since its evolution from the OSS, these ‘propaganda disinformation actions’ have only accelerated.

CIA involvement has been implied with regard to flying Clinton to Epstein Island, running cocaine and sex trafficking operations, and the elimination of ‘unwanteds’.

Ghislaine Maxwell’s father was working for MI6 and the Mossad.   It is a probable conclusion that those connections were initiated in the Maxwell/Epstein relationship with Epstein charged with gathering the blackmail for control while Maxwell facilitated the cause for blackmail.

In essence, Epstein was used in a J Edgar Hoover fashion to create files on everyone of consequence for the CIA. And in return the duo were given carte blanche despite multiple allegations of rape and pedophilia.   Incarcerated, Maxwell’s response to the potential CIA involvement are consistently, “I don’t recall”.

The most prevalent CIA propaganda manipulation today is the Russia/Ukraine setup being waged for a number of reasons, the primary one being ‘war’.   The reasoning for a war is multi-faceted;   money, the final global conquest of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Mongolia to add to their pocketbook, and further depopulation. ALL classic Cabalist games.

Ukraine’s President has neither military nor political experience and his background in ‘comedy’ is almost Monty Pythonesque given the situation.   Should a war result, Ukraine will be obliterated.   The fact that hundreds of US and EU largess corporations now exist in Ukraine is not of import to the CIA/MI6/Mossad forces, their motive is not powered by ‘compassion’.

Appointed by Biden’s Handlers March 2021, the current CIA Director, Bill Burns, has distinguished his career history as serving with Hillary, Kerry, Albright, and Kissinger, as well as being given the proverbial backdoor ‘book deal’ in 2019 from Random House.

While the clan provided glowing reviews of the book, one in particular resonated:

Kissinger Burns describes ‘the tool of first resort’ as diplomacy.

Except that would not seem to be the case with Russia.   Diplomacy has been usurped and replaced with absolute propaganda with the absolute intent of war.   And the source, as usual, is the CIA.   Burns appointment was hardly unplanned.

Amassing NATO, US, UK and likely French troops on Russia’s borders while arming Ukraine with weapons, training military and special ops that will create the next World War stage – is NOT diplomacy.   What it is is deception for the purpose of justification within disinformation.   The intent is to use the corrupted media to incite the propaganda agenda that Russia is instigating this battle while the CIA quest for war on behalf of the Handlers is the motive.   Just like WWI and WWII.

The Cabalists need control of Russia.   Their internal coup agent, Navalny, failed time and again.   Soros and the Rothschild NGO’s were booted.   Sanctions only seemed to increase Russia’s wealth and War became The Last Tango!

The consequences will be millions of civilian casualties with an attitude reminiscent of Clinton’s famous Benghazi rhetoric, “What difference does it make?”    The comment was supposed to diffuse focus on her ineptitude or the fact that the Americans were setup under her responsibility.

Time and again, history has shown that this is how the CIA and it’s parallel organizations operate.    The provocateurs.   They operate as the Cabalist military and were likely created for that function.

The CIA precursor was the OSS formed by FDR and William Donovan for intelligence coordination during WWII.   It was  dubbed the, “American Gestapo” and routinely used the mafia as a means of accomplishing a designated operation.   Disbanded by Truman, 2 years later it rose it’s dragon head thru Allen Dulles and was renamed Central Intelligence Agency tasked with the ability to perform covert action without Presidential or Congressional authorization.

The CIA was noted for open and flagrant operations for which at this point they knew would never amount to a prosecution because of the extensive global blackmail.

Sixty years ago Kennedy thought their operations had become untenable – rogue.   Kennedy was assassinated and the CIA became fat. While Gluttony comes in many different forms, it is a sin of idolatry.   The gluttons become mere servants wherein their fruit has rotted and their idolatry reigns a powerful denier of God.