Juvenile Justice System…?


Lately I have been challenged on my belief with respect to children being charged in the justice system as adults.  I am against it.   I find it wrong on every level.  

We have decided that if a child acts in a wrongful manner, they are acting with the mental capacity of a mature adult.  And yet, if a child acts in a mature, compassionate and logical manner, they are still – a child.

We have decided that if a child acts in a wrongful manner, they are acting with the mental capacity of a mature adult. And yet, if a child acts in a mature, compassionate, and logical manner, they are still – a child.

What is wrong with this thinking?

A child of fifteen did some horrendous things, someone was hurt, property was damaged, and because this teen-age child acted in a manner befitting an adult, as in with malice, hate, and destruction, that child must be convicted as an adult – no matter the circumstance, the variables, that led this ‘child’ to be so criminal.

Lines have to be drawn to be sure. But who makes the lines? Each one is unique? Each one is predicated on circumstances. And yet, we have somehow usurped the norms of justice, and replaced them with boxes.

If you did this, then no matter who or what you are – you will be so convicted – even if it means taking a child – and suddenly stating they are an adult.

Does that mean that what defines an adult is all their sin and perversity?

Therefore, anyone who commits an evil act, is an adult, and will be punished as such.
But what if, the child was abused? Abandoned? Assaulted? Bullied? Sexually Abused? The possible reality list is endless in today’s day and age, and yet, our justice system fails to acknowledge that endlessness. Instead, the abused, assaulted, and abandoned child is expected to live according to rules of adulthood.

A fifteen year old in jail. Will that rehabilitate her? Will it change her? Will it make her believe in the system? Will it make her side with the authorities – or the victims? Recidivism in our penal system still hovers near the 70% mark.

How will she change?

To acknowledge aspects of the dialogue, I agree there are circumstances beyond our control, genetic shifts, an exposure to a toxin, etc… but given the waywardness of our youth today, I doubt their issues are derived from toxins and more likely false dialogue that sways their thinking.

And yet I can watch as a young girl is subjected to such a devious place – jail, and so many would support, “She deserves it…”

Consider if the IRS, the Military, the Government, Liquor Stores, School, Airlines, Insurance Companies, all followed the same criteria and allowed a fifteen year old to partake within their industries because they felt she/he was acting in an adult fashion and therefore deserving of their wares?

I believe that if you have a rule, and the rule says you are not an adult until the age of 18 – or 21 – then that’s what it is. Period.

I believe that every child – teen-ager – deserves a chance over and over – until they become an adult, and as an adult either get it right – or wrong. In the meantime, we as ‘adults’ have a duty to act – like – adults and tend to the needs of children, teaching them values of respect, honor, compassion, and virtue. When w we look fat the rants and attitudes we see across the media as they portray the youth today, you have to consider ‘who they are modeling’…

US Healthcare set for a Nationalized System!

Health care in the US is beginning to look like – Canada at it’s worst.  Doctors are retiring en masse, and hospitals are choosing to provide only basic care when the cost for true health seems prohibitive in terms of dollars.

For example, a relative of mine was diagnosed with stage 4 liver and colon cancer in April.   The routine treatment;  remove the tumor in the colon and prescribe massive chemo to hopefully reduce the liver tumors.  Four months later, the tumor in the colon magically reappeared, the chemo had no effect, and the prognosis was grim.   In fact, the doctors basically scratched their heads and said there was nothing more they could do.

His wife was not so easily deterred.  She called up the Mayo Clinic – long waiting list, John Hopkins – long waiting list, and was about to give up when she remembered she had a distant cousin who worked in Administration at Sloan Kettering.  He was admitted that week, saw a surgeon who said no problem, we’ll take care of the tumor, saw an oncologist who put forth a plan of action involving removing the gall bladder so that a tarted chemo device could be implanted to spray the specific liver tumors with chemo.

Their prognosis?  He will fully recover.

Of course now he has to fight his insurance company because they don’t want to pay a dime given the treatment is ‘excessive’ – as in saving his life.

In the meantime, I was advised that my own insurance carrier has the highest mortality rate of any other insurers.  Great!

My own recent experience involved a rash that required an initial consult, a second consult, a third dermatologist, and a fourth conference to tell me there was nothing I could do, it was an incurable disease.   But when I went home and researched my incurable disease, I found a forum that told me exactly what to do – which involved going to the grocery store – 3 days later my incurable disease was gone and has not returned… Imagine that?

My doctor bill?  Just under $1000.  My grocery store bill?  About $9.00.

One in three doctors in the US is over 50, one in four is over 60.  Doctors are not entirely to blame, they have been squeezed by insurance company rules that dictate what they can do, when they can do it, and how much medication they are required to prescribe each month.   They are tired, and they feel they are a failure in their profession because of the dictates imposed on them.

Some doctors have broken the mold and take ‘no insurance’.  Only then are they truly free to ‘practice’ and make perfect.

Within this fray of emotion, many young people no longer feel the desire to even enter the medical field.  The costs are high, malpractice insurance is high, and results are based on insurance company mandates, not on cured patients.

And then of course is the predicament of the uninsured illegal immigrants being given priority healthcare and adding to the neglected ratio.

All of this is a prelude to what was inevitable when Obamacare was passed, a single payer national healthcare system, which was the plan all along.

The concept was written a century ago when it was determined that the way to complete control of a society is through control of their money – creation of the Federal Reserve, control of the markets – so that investments can be manipulated for the uber wealthy and all politicians, control of education – so that the upcoming youth is vacant of truth, history, and facts, and ultimately, control of healthcare – so that the population mandate can be implemented so that the weak are eliminated and only the strong survive.

Health care was/is the last mandate.   Just don’t get sick…

Cynthia Nixon – A Staged Hollywood Play

It would seem that NY Candidate, Cynthia Nixon, is endorsing everyone as long as they are of the Liberal ‘persuasion’ and adhere to woman characteristics.   It doesn’t matter what comes out their mouths, it doesn’t matter their ignorance, all that matters is a profile.  You know, the profiling that is stricken most cops across the nation as ‘racist’.  Only Nixon’s is a more serviant profile – stupid women.

Ocasio-Cortez can only get worse.   Her credibility is making people of all persuasions – cringe.   Her complete lack of knowledge is only highlighted by the media that interviews her and says – nothing!  Because they want to proliferate – stupidity as the new Democrat Platform.

And yet, and still, Cynthia Nixon adamantly announces the victorious candidate as a proclamation of all things – feminine.   Help!  I refuse.   I refuse to announce my candidacy of idiocy.  And if Nixon thinks staking a platform, instead of knowledge, is going to earn her additional points, she may find it is exactly what costs her the points by a landslide.

It is what Trump refers to as The Swamp – it has no political ideology, it has no political affiliation, it has no bounds of $$$$, or legacy, or media coverage.  The Swamp is All Things.   And that is most likely what scares them more than anything, they have lost a core soapbox, and stand to be melted like the Wicked Witch Of The West.

It seems somewhat reminiscent of Trudeau.   He has no backbone.  He has no ideology.  He is tatamount to a marionette, and would seem to be ok with that.

And so, we are left with a Cynthia Nixon, a 50ish lesbian, who has spent her entire life on stage and in the movies pretending she is someone else…

So what is her platform?

1)  Universal healthcare – like NIH of the UK which is in such dire straits with a severe shortage of both doctors and nurses, a sever backlog of appointments and medical monitoring, and a massive shortfall of budget revenues.  Yes, that’s exactly the system of universal healthcare we must charge after, full steam ahead, with all it’s perverse failures.

2)   Income inequality.  This was an Obama bat-my-eyelashes demand as he asserted that all people should give their money to those who do nothing and have not.   Because, that’s what the Bible says.

3)   Renewable Energy:   She advocates for a pledge by 2050 for NY – in 32 years she will be 98.  What the heck, most likely she will be dead!  What a PLEDGE!

We are in the midst of an “Agenda”.  It is promulgated by the Soros Cabal as a means of cultivating support from a gender that is dominant in the world – women.   “Vote for me because I am woman” – is the same denouncement that sent Hillary into a tizzy when in fact – she lost!  But I am a woman – therefore I SHOULD have won!

So we are now in the midst of the core of the tornado wherein the quiet is the gathering of women to sequester various political offices across the country – not due to intelligence, wisdom, or knowledge, but due to Gender.

Of course her backing of Salazar, who has become much of a hype as revelations of fraud, falsified documents, falsified statements, corruption, and more is revealed in which Salazar s basically a complete fabrication.   Of course, Nixon would be wise to back off this endorsement…  But she doesn’t – because Salazar is a woman, and like Hillary, you can be a paedophile, rapist, drug lord, money launderer, fraudster – but if you are a woman, hey, you get a PASS.


The other rather demonstrative aspiration of the Nixon, Salazar, OCasio pledge is that they all aspire to some form of Progressive Socialism.   Ask them what that means and I guarantee you will laugh.

Even Hillary didn’t know.

Running against Cuomo, she actually has a shot – only because Cuomo is such a loser.   Cuomo is a like a car running on fumes, there is only so much time before the car hits the bottom of the hill and there is nothing left to make it go.  Vrom, Vromm.

For now, Nixon is attempting to take the high road and portray herself as a woman of refinement and control.   If Cuomo indeed assaults her, it will be at the behest of his “Handlers”, if he does not, we know that she is the next “Chosen One” by the handlers.   It is always a sad day when we realize another woman has succumbed …

Suicide And Guns

Like the newly ordained Socialist candidate Ocasio, Shannon Watts who created, Moms Demand Action/Everytown For Gun Safety, 2014 budget – $40,773,276! – which, despite it’s 501©(3) nonpolitical status with the IRS is actively lobbying against Trump, and spending upwards of $5 million annually on political campaigns…  has become the ‘Poster Face’ behind Gun Control.  

Funded by, the brainiac child, Michael Bloomberg, other notable funders include – Schwab and the George Lucas Family Foundation.

Watts was previously active in Emerge America, an organization founded by Andrew Dew Steele whose previous background was with the Soros organization, Human Rights Watch.  

Everytown’s website lists bullet point ‘facts’, that are simply bullet point ‘fiction’:

1)   One monumental claim is that 2/3rds of gun deaths in the US are suicides.  While suicides overwhelming account for a high percentage of gun deaths, the rate is 50%.

2)   The other claim is that states with high gun ownership have the highest rates of gun suicide rates.  But the statistics used to rank states by gun ownership was dated – 2002.

Not so.  Alaska ranks number one for overall suicides. According to their Department of Human Services 90% of people who die by suicide have depression, substance abuse disorder or a mental disorder.   The second highest suicide rate in the US in 2016 was among American Indians and Alaska Natives.

Wyoming is considered another high risk state.  While the vast majority of the suicides occur in the elderly – 80+, schools have analyzed data with regard to high school students and found that the causal factors are: lack of social skills, traumatic home life, lack of religion, lack of moral code, with the second highest rate found among American Indians and Alaska natives living in Wyoming.

Nevada is at high risk, but it also has the dubious honor of the highest rate among all states for the elderly at 34 per 100,000 population.   DC has the lowest rate at 1.5 per 100,000.   But the homicide rate by gun violence is up by 37% between 2017 and 2018.   As a result, police are cracking down on ‘illegal ownership of guns’. Interestingly, during Obama’s tenure, 2009 to 2017, gun laws were routinely relaxed in DC.

In other words, if a link was to be generated for the three states with the highest suicide rates, veterans and certainly the elderly are worth noting, but the overwhelming statistic points to the conditions of the Native Americans and Alaskan Natives.  In this regard, Australia’s Aboriginals are on equal footing.

According to Mz. Watts 96 people commit suicide every day.   Factually, roughly 44,000 people commit suicide – over 365 days that would account for 120 per day.   Of the 120, 22 are military veterans – 18%, the elderly account for another 14% roughly.

According to the CDC, physical/health problems are seemingly one of the primary causes of suicide, secondary to mental health issues.

And while Mz. Watts would have us believe that more laws to regulate legal gun ownership will have an effect on cities like Chicago and St Louis, where homicide rates continue to inflate unabated, again has about as much logic as our fun friend Ocasio-Cortez when discussing economics.  Especially given that gangs and illegal gun ownership are the dominant causal factor.

Ocasio grew up in a house in Yorktown Heights, considered predominantly white – 90.5%, and with a median income of $137,000 per family.  She attended Yorktown High School with a total enrollment of about 1200. Started Brook Avenue Press in 2012, which has no reported income, no reported agent, and no known filings, has a Twitter account with 1 Tweet that is closed to the public, and endorses Planned Parenthood, Moveon.org, Black Lives Matter, Democracy for America, whose endorsements include Al Franken, Obama, Sanders, Lizzy Warren, and a host of Soros bids.

What becomes evident in the Soros Files is his penchant for molding and forming out of a base of clay – female politicians with ethnic backgrounds, although Lizzy’s absurd Native American miserable failure has become quite a joke.

Of course, this is only the tipping point, as Soros bidding in conjunction with The Muslim Brotherhood have fought hard to enlist 100 Muslim candidates for US office this year. For example:  “Amira Dajani, a GOPcandidate running for Florida attorney general under the name “Amy Fox,” was recently discovered to be part of a family with deep ties to the PLO, a terrorist group pledged to destroy Israel.”

The Swamp has no political affiliation.  Do not be fooled.

If in fact, we want to curtail suicides, we want to curtail homicides – then the logical core contributors need to be staunchly addressed, but lives are meaningless when an “Agenda” is at stake.   Confiscating guns is an Agenda.   Putting people into office that are basically ignorant – is an Agenda, they are easily puppeted.   Ocasio, Watts, Harris, Warren, even Hillary were blank canvas’s and all the paint was conscripted by Soros and the Rothschild Cabal for the singular purpose of control.  

MEDIA SPIES: Murder By Suicide

Remember the Sergei Skripal poisoning in the UK that was determined to be a Russian plot without evidence?

A few interesting timeline statistics have surfaced rather quietly, the most interesting being that it took one hourbetween the time the Skripals were found slumped on the bench and the police to call for airlifts.   Why?

When the scientist who created Novichok inadvertently poisoned himself, he was given food which he immediately threw up.  When inhaled, the effects of Novichok poison are said to take 30 seconds.   If, as the latest MI6 press release claims, they were poisoned via the house doorknob, they would have become infected within minutes –

After an incredibly thorough investigation that involved over 300 British police and intelligence agents, three months later Matthew Rowley and his ‘partner’, Dawn Sturgess were apparently on a lark in the same park whereby they found a bottle of perfume lying on the ground.  According to Rowley, he decided to pick it up, take it home to his girlfriend/partner and tell her it was a gift.  Although he also accounts that they both found it.  His stories change intermittently.   At some point, she sprayed the contents on ‘her wrists’.  Rowley claims he got some on his hands but immediately washed it off.  Why?  The contents included – Novichok.  She died eight days later!  Rowley spent 10 days in the hospital and was released and ‘cured’.


  1. How is it that a random bottle of perfume is riddled with the poison Novichok?
  2. How is it that said random bottle turns up 3 months later discarded on the ground of a park near where the Skripal poisoning occurred?
  3. Who would ever pick up a discarded bottle of perfume – take it home – and spray oneself?
  4. How is it that Dawn died in 8 days and yet the Skripals both survived?
  5. Rowley claims that he found the bottle in a park near where the Skripal’s were poisoned.So how come the 300+ UK intelligence and police agents managed to never find this – clue?


If it looks funky – it is because it is!

The “Russian Nerve Agent”, as it is affectionately now called, is actually Russian in its origin dating to the 1990’s but has since expanded its diplomaticties to the UK, US, Czech Republic, Romania, Canada, Iran, and just about any nation in the world – take your pick.

While the media claimed that upwards of 38-48 people were exposed to the Skripal nerve agent, oddly, despite all of them being tested, none showed any signs of the agent in their system.  And they were all sent home.  That would indicate their particular poisoning was not air-born, but ingested – after their meal.  If in fact it was Novichok…

Of course, this isn’t the first time an odd coincidence occurred in the UK involving MI6 and their agents.

In 2010, Garrett Williams, an MI6 code intelligence breaker hacked into the Clinton account.  Two days later he was zipped into a duffle bag, the bag was padlocked from the outside, and placed in a bath-tub in his apartment.   Despite the fact that he was an MI6 agent, they apparently made no investigation into his disappearance,and ultimately found him much later – decomposing.   The cause of death was ruled – Suicide, according to MI6.  Initially, it was ruled a Russian hit because, one of the many issues he was ‘working on’ involved Russia…and the Clinton hack was certainly not politicized although it was later revealed that his superiors were livid over this apparent infraction.

In 1994 an ex-MI6 man, James Rusbridger, was found hanged at his house in Cornwall.
Rusbridger had discovered that a group within MI6 appeared to have helped Hitler both before and during the war.   He was found wearing a green chemical protection suit, rubber gloves, gas mask, and black plastic mackintosh.  His death was ruled – Suicide.

Most often, MI6 claims that the suicide is the result of a sexual theme gone afoul.   The media is told what to print and the investigation is closed and sealed.

Why is this so relevant?

As we observe the Swamp, the corruption, the fraud employed within the US CIA, NSA, and FBI, it would surely be quite short-sighted to believe it ends here.   And while the US and UK are given special attention, Germany, France, Canada, and Australia would seem to fly under the radar…


The German Intelligence equivalent of NSA is the BND.

While the BND Gesetz Act regulates the authority of Germany intelligence and protects citizens of Germany, any communication that crosses borders is fair game and is no longer subject to any law or regulation.  However, assuming that NSA works in conjunction with MI6, BND,the French, Canadian, etc…  in order to maintain the law within the regulations an agency simply needs to pass the buck to a colluded intelligence agency.   Have MI6 do the dirty work inside Germany, and the BND inside the UK.

So while the CIA, NSA and FBI are all undergoing massive swamp cooling effects, the BND, MI6, and others worldwide are picking up the slack without any deterrence…

According to Ben Scott who was a former advisor to Hillary while she was Secretary of State, and is currently an advisor at the Open Technology Institute, the BND power is on par with MI6 and NSA.

It is interesting to note that the Open Technology Institute is a program of the New America Foundation – which is funded by Google, Facebook, and other media conglomerates all focusing on censorship!  In fact, in 2013 during Hillary’s tenure, one of New America’s top funders was – The Department Of State.

Google’s Eric Schmidt is the Executive Chairman at New America (an odd source of media freedom and a censor of media freedom in favor of Hillary’s lost campaign).  New America was founded by the liberal global climate change advocate, Ted Halstead.

Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, Snapchat, and other liberal social media institutions collaborate with New America in their censorship of ‘fake news’.   They all promote the Russia responsibility for all demonizing.  And they are ALL scheduled for a ‘secret meeting’ today in San Francisco to discuss “election protection challenges”!!

Their defined tag line is: committed to renewing American politics, prosperity, and purpose in the Digital Age. Well sourced information with minimal bias.

Were the Skripal’s poisoned by Russia or MI6?  Were they poisoned at all?   How did a perfume bottle go undetected by 300+ special intelligence forces for three months in the same park?  

South Africa’s White Genocide = Russia’s Boom

White genocide is not only ‘occuring’ in South Africa, it is not only condoned by the Black African government, it is now written into law as an enforceable execution!  And not one Mainstream Media outlet has the courage, or guts to report on this fact.   It is white genocide.  It is ethnic cleansing.  It is murder. And it comes with not only the permission and sanction of the government, but it comes as a law – of the government.

It is not just ordered that white farmers ‘can’ be murdered by the black locals, it is ordered that the white farmers ‘should be murdered’ as retribution for their ownership of land.

The last vestige of political correctness at its height.  It doesn’t fit the agenda of blacks are all sweet and whites are all evil. Because the agenda might be turned topsy-turvy as the hatred is legitimized in the venue of – murder.

“LAST month, British woman Sue Howarth and her husband Robert Lynn were woken at 2am by three men breaking into a window of their remote farm in Dullstroom, a small town in the northeast of South Africa, about 240km from the nearest capital city.

The couple, who had lived in the area for 20 years, were tied up, stabbed, and tortured with a blowtorch for several hours. The masked men stuffed a plastic bag down Mrs Howarth’s throat, and attempted to strangle her husband with a bag around his neck.

The couple were bundled into their own truck, still in their pyjamas, and driven to a roadside where they were shot. Mrs Howarth, 64, a former pharmaceutical company executive, was shot twice in the head. Mr Lynn, 66, was shot in the neck.”

Where is Charlize Theron whose mother and father made their livelihood as South African Farmers?   Why isn’t she defending her family?   Where is the outrage for the ethnic cleansing? The Genocide?

I have written about this for years, and still there is no support for the murdered families, the tortured families who have done nothing but try and build a life – legally.  Various numbers abound, but some venture that as many as 70,000 whites have been murdered in South Africa for the crime of owning and cultivating their land.

The contention that whites own a disproportionate 73% of the south African farmland may or may not be valid, but it is also noteworthy that South Africa has been one of the more prosperous countries of the African nation.  It is now considered an upper middle class economy having grown exponentially since 1996 and ranks in the top five of African nations.  That is all about to change as local blacks feel entitled to the wealth held by white land owners.

This is not the first time African black governments have attempted to cleanse whites from land ownership in Africa.  Fifteen years go in Zimbabwe land seizures resulted in a turbulent economic recession that has never recovered.    It is seen as a complete anarchist move that resulted in chaos and economic failure.  Today, the collapsed economy in Zimbabwe is inviting the white farmers to come back and show them how to farm the land in return for a share of the profits.

So why would South Africa fall into this same trap?

Greed. Bitterness.   Entitlement.  

Redistribution of Wealth;  The same type of reformation that led to the Obama era of chaos and division in the US and the same solution Bernie Sander’s Socialists exploit today.

It would be akin to firing all the biologists, scientists and medical personnel at Merck and replacing them with McDonald’s workers.   It may not be a politically correct comparison, but it would be an accurate comparison. What would happen to Merck?

“In 1997, the country’s (Zimbabwe) economy was among the strongest on the continent. This year, its growth rate is predicted to be 1.5 percent, according to the government, lower than that of any of its neighbors. Between 2000 and 2009, agricultural revenue declined by $12 billion, according to the commercial farmers’ union. The nation, once called “the breadbasket of Africa,” relies on international aid to feed 25 percent of its population, according to the World Food Program.”

Given that stellar statistic, South Africa’s Cyril Ramaphosa elected February 2018, has imposed the exact same confiscation program wherein farmland owned by whites may be confiscated for no compensation.

Prior to this declaration, according to Newsweek, a white South African Farmer was killed every five days in South Africa with no criminal repercussions whatsoever.  Wives and daughters were brutally raped.  And frequently, the farmers and their family would be hacked to death though the use of machetes.   No one prosecuted…

An interesting twist to this African chaos is the fact that since 2014 Russia began offering ‘free farm land’ , dubbed the Russian Homestead Act, whereby any and all naturalized citizens and Russians were eligible.  Upwards of 43 million hectares is available.  Hundreds if not thousands of applicants have already positioned themselves, many coming from South Africa and Zimbabwe.   The Russian government has pledged to build the necessary infrastructure at their expense, and the program is seemingly quite successful!

So once again Africa’s thousand year plight of stagnant or back propelled growth is extended into another century amidst the theory that redistribution of wealth created by the evil whites will be the driving power that finally brings Africa into the global boom…

In reality, it is another – bust.

Vaccines – Efficacy and Aluminum Toxicity

The top ten causes of death in children worldwide under the age of five are as follows:

  • Neonatal causes
  • Pneumonia
  • Other (unspecified) conditions
  • Congenital anomalies and other non-communicable diseases
  • Diarrhea
  • Injury
  • Malaria
  • Prematurity
  • Measles

The types of vaccines imposed on a child in the US before the age of five include:  Hepatitis B, Measles/Mumps and Rubella, Vericella, IPV, Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertusis, Rotavirus, Pneumococcal conjugate, Hepatitis A, Polio, Haemophilus.

  1. Neonatal causes:not vaccinated
  2. Other unspecified:not vaccinated
  3. Injury:Not Vaccinated
  4. Prematurity:not vaccinated.
  5. Congenital anomalies:not vaccinated

That means we are dealing with 5 potential causes of death in children:  pneumonia, diarrhea, Malaria, HIV and Measles.

Diarrhea:  In the US prior to vaccination there were roughly 37 deaths and 55,000 to 60,000 hospitalizations per year (which represented roughly 5% of child hospitalizations), although the CDC always estimates these numbers because real numbers are not available.   The vaccine was made available in 2006.  Between 1993 and 2003, studies have shown that deaths from Rotovirus were cut by 300%.  Blacks and Hispanics had a significantly higher rate of hospitalizations and deaths than whites.

Malaria:   The track of Malaria in the US indicates that most cases are in immigrant men, from Africa or the Caribbean, between the ages of 20 and 50.    The US reports roughly 2000 cases per year.

HIV/AIDS:   There are roughly 8500 cases per year in the US. The number of cases in children under the age of 13 is – zero.  Blacks and Hispanics accounted for 70% of the diagnoses.

Measles:   Measles in the US was eradicated in 2000.  According to an infectious disease expert at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Measles cases and clusters come from immigrants and are referred to as ‘imported cases’.  Despite the fact that the CDC recommends the MMR vaccine at 12 months or younger, they also claim that any child who receives the Measles vaccine at 12 months – will fail to be protected.

Pneumonia:  Predominantly the result of second hand cigarette smoke.  99% of all deaths among children occur in low and middle income countries.  The mortality rate of influenza/pneumonia deaths among children in the US spiked in 1918.   Since then it has dropped roughly 700%, and in fact had dropped 600% before the introduction of a vaccine.

What these statistics reveal is something we have known for centuries;  plagues are introduced by massive immigration and war conditions.  Without exception, historic studies have shown a correlation between the two.  That would mean if we simply vaccinated ALL the immigrants instead of the masses, we would effectively eliminate the disease and the need for vaccines completely.

But they didn’t do that in Europe…  They allowed millions of unvaccinated African natives to enter the EU countries without those precautions, live in close quarters where basic sanitation was not guaranteed or monitored, and spread those diseases like flies on a shoo-fly-pie!

Does that mean that Europe has effectively set itself up for a plague, or multiple plagues, of demonstrative proportions never seen in history before?

The other problem with vaccines that is not routinely vocalized is the fact that they all have a ‘life span’.  Depending on what maker, what dose, what brand, what concoction you received, there is a good chance you are a virtual empty vessel waiting to be impregnated with every disease known to mankind if your particular vaccine was administered 4- 19 years ago.

And if you aren’t scared yet, every disease ‘morphs’ with time and exposure, meaning that the inoculation you received 5 or 7 years ago may have absolutely nothing to do with the strain that is current and present today…  that would include the basics like Measles, like Pneumonia, or basically anything and everything viral.

So if you thought vaccines were a means to population control, consider this:  what if the means was massive viral immigration – like the eradication of most of the American Indians from Smallpox…

Wait!  Scared of the aluminum levels in the vaccines?  Not to worry, you are already getting a healthy dose from the rainfall – compliments of the EPA for – decades.  Not to worry, Aluminum sulfate has been used in our drinking water, muffins, donuts, cookware, aspirin, and salt.  Americans are most at risk for toxicity.  The major ailment associated with long-term aluminum toxicity – Alzheimers.

If you think secondary toxicity is an issue, imagine injecting it directly into the bloodstream of an infant over and over again…

Media Censorship: Follow The Money$$$

It is sometimes so obvious, and yet it alludes time and again – Follow The Money!

In 2016, two Senators, Rob Portman and Chris Murphy introduced a bill that was signed into law by Obama buried within the National Defense Authorization Act, which gave the US government the authority to regulate the Media and Social Information through a newly formed agency called, The Center For Information Analysis and Response.  They were given a budget and tasked with distributing that money through grants to NGO’s, think tanks and other experts outside the government who are engaged in propaganda related work!

OUCH!  Gee, who might those outside agents be, I wonder?

One of the NGO’s specifically stated in the Bill that will work directly with the Center is the European Endowment For Democracy.   According to their website they fund youth programs, new media platforms, and political debate in Serbia, Ukraine, Syria, Lebanon, and Macedonia.  The EED works in conjunction with various ‘social democrat’ EU organizations to promote a cohesive ideology of liberalism.

One alternative media outlet that the US is funding through this bill and through the support of EED is Coda Story.  Billed as a ‘non-news’ media platform and headed by Andy Pryce of the UK’s Foreign Office, this ‘independent Russian media organization’, promotes stories in which Trump is villainized as misleading the public and as being in collusion with Putin via the Trump Dossier.  It discusses the plight of immigrants, and claims to analyze the disinformation Campaign promulgated by the US.  Andy Pryce is currently a permanent representative of the OECD.

In other words, a US agency funded by the taxpayers for the US government, is funding Disinformation Media Organizations in the EU that promote anti-Trump and anti-US dialogue. 

According to Section 3 paragraph (b) item (3):  “Developing and disseminating fact-based narratives and analysis to counter propaganda and disinformation directed at United States allies and partners.”  is one of the functions of the Center For Information Analysis and Response…   The truth would appear to be quite different!

In addition, this Bill gave the US Broadcasting Board of Governors more power to “expose and counter foreign information operations directed at the United States national security interests and proactively advance fact-based narratives that support United States allies and interests.”

That’s legal mumbo for – power to completely print US media propaganda.  It is also worthy to note that the Broadcasting Board was previously overseen by a Board of nine Governors until 2015 when Obama eliminated the Board and gave full power one man, the Obama nominated CEO, John F. Lansing, who presides today.

Another organization funded by the Center is the European External Action Service which is a collaborative effort between the EU and NATO for infrastructure rebuilding, blocking power against US sanctions against Iran, and EU Nationalism. The US is funding this EU tool.

The Center shall work within conjunction of a Steering Committee comprised of one member from;  Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Di- rector of National Intelligence, the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, the Chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, as well as the Secretary of State – Mike Pompeo.

I imagine, those agency members could be considered a part of The Swamp.

Compensation and Pay for the Director and other employees will be fixed by the Chairman without restrictions as related to Chapter 51 and Subchapter III of Chapter 53 of Title 5 of the US Code relating to pay rates…  In other words, normal pay channels are bypassed and enlarged payments can be instituted at will.

The Bill stipulates that all NGO’s and organizations seeking grants and funding from The Center must undergo a thorough vetting process to assure their organization promotes the interests and objectives of the US!   As in – anti-Trump!

Funding for The Center was initially stipulated at $160million over a two year period with a ten year point of time when the Steering Committee would functionally close.  That would indicate that at minimum, $80million per year is being pumped into anti-Trump, anti-conservative, propaganda outlets across the world annually.

It is also worthy to note that through the Bill’s organization of The Center, Facebook, Google, Twitter and liberal social media platforms were thus able to legally quash conservative blogs and censor information that was not in line with the propaganda of the Hillary/Obama/Rothschild/Soros cabal of Media Control.  And it still is a functioning source today paid for by you and I.

Exactly how is this possible…

Europe’s Fires = ARSON Or Climate Change?

Europe is under fire. Droughts have ravaged their agriculture. Heat waves have been intolerable. Satellite images show the entire landscape to be browned and dead.  From Denmark to Germany to France to Latvia, to Sweden…, the destructive weather has wreaked massive tolls.   The media continues to bolster the Climate Change phenomena as the causal factor, but in fact, it would appear that most fires could possibly be arson.  Most have occurred across numerous regions simultaneously.  And statistically, natural causes, or climate causes, account for a very small fraction, if any.

So what happened? Why?  And how will that affect Europe, trade and trade partners?

In Greece scores of what are termed ‘freak’ fires have left Greece in mourning as over 80 people have been reported dead, hundreds injured and entire neighborhoods in ashes.   The government has stated the fires were set deliberately. Three separate points were set on fire surrounding Athens in deadly blazes.

In Germany fires have broken out in forests, apartment buildings, refugee centers, a train station, a theme park, and all seem to point to arson.

Sweden saw 80 massive fires rip through in one week.  The media claims it is a result of the drought.  But a drought doesn’t ‘cause’ a fire, it provides fuel.  Typically, a person must set the blaze in order for the fuel to burn.   And like the California blazes, wind is a fireman’s worst enemy.    But to say that Climate Change actually ‘caused’ the fires is short-sighted.  It is no different than a gun being blamed for killing someone.  It isn’t the gun – it is the person holding the gun.

In the Netherlands, twelve bridges have been closed because the excessive heat has caused the metal to expand and thus make the bridges structural sustainability unsound.

Denmark is asking for $137million in aid to help devastated farmers.

Arson is huge! And All of Europe is on FIRE.

More than 500,000 wildfires are set by arsonists each year in the US alone!   Rarely is the arsonist discovered.  Often if he/she is discovered, prosecution fails as proving intentional arson vs stupid person arson is a difficult legal task.   When it is proven, sentencing varies by state and by destruction, with the most aggregious involving a death sentence if people die as a result of the fire.  In Oregon, a 15 year old was fined $36 million for arson… and told to submit a pay schedule if he couldn’t pay in full immediately…  Oregon is not known for its logic and rationale.

Today, protestors use arson liberally in their pursuit of chaos.  Liberal cities tend to have the highest accounts of protest arson including Berkeley, Baltimore, and most recently, in Portland when ‘anti-fascists fought anti-anti-fascists’ and anti everyone fought police.

So could the raging fires occurring across Europe be coordinated?

March 25ththere was a very disturbing fire in a Russian Mall in which exit doors seemed to be purposefully locked so that patrons could not escape, and alarms were shut off.  Of the 71 dead, 41 were children.   Was the fire a hit?  Was it a warning message?  To date there has been no conclusion.

News outlets are instructed what to report.  A war behind the scenes is quite possible given the disruption of the cabal’s inner workings.  With oil attacks in the Middle East going unreported in favor of articles highlighting the dress ensemble of Prince Henry, the world of journalism has truly died under a combustible fuel fired flame.

Could the fires plaguing Europe be coordinated acts of terrorism?   Theories abounded throughout the US over the last decade regarding numerous arson fires that devastated hundreds of thousands of acres each.  Blogs discussed the possibility of terrorism.  The media was silent.   The cause, the arsonist, never revealed.

Recently, the US announced expansive sanctions against EU corporations if they were engaged in conducting business with Iran.   Iran was angry with the EU for not coercing Trump to accept the Iran Nuclear Deal as is.  Israel is once again inflamed with Hamas.  The Saudis have decidedly snubbed Canada while continuing to relentlessly bomb Yemen.  And the EU is literally – on fire.

But little of this is found on MSM headlines.  There are various cores at play:   Ethnic cleansing in the Middle East, but more importantly, the Protocols of the Cabal in their century long pursuit of Control thru Chaos.  Ethnic cleansing for them simply means a lesser body to deal with when the forum is finally structured.

So why engulf the EU in flames?  What would be the message in the EU fires?

Given that fire devastates structure, destroys agriculture, and wreaks havoc on the economy, it is interesting that Germany recently unveiled tariffs on US agriculture.   In a war of ‘tit-for-tat’, if the July California wildfires were set to decimate US agriculture, and throw a wrench into Trump’s trade tariff win, the July EU fires may have been set in retaliation?

Truly, a political war outside of mainstream has been waged and set in motion for decades.  Read media headlines any more and they have nothing to say, nowhere to go, and routinely ramp up dialogue of mundane events that no one cares about.   But it is quite plausible backdoor wars are the real mainstream.   And the EU fires, the California fires, are not a mere coincidence. 

California Wildfires! Governor Brown Blames Trump

Trump Derangement Syndrome: a disease that medical experts claim is associated with paranoia, acute hysteria, and the inability to tolerate policy differences.  I wonder if Obamacare will pay for it?  Apparently, Governor Jerry Brown has jumped on the bandwagon claiming that his non-action in preventing California wildfires is really all Trump’s fault because Trump changed the climate. 

In 2017, over 9,000 fires burned 2.1 million acres, 43 people were killed, the cost was $13 billion, and 11,000 homes were destroyed.  So what did Governor Brown Do?

If Governor Brown was truly of the mind that climate change is causing extensive fires in California, knowing that California experiences thousands of fires each and every year, what exactly has he done to mitigate those occurrences?   Because it would seem that his methodology is to:   a.  blame Trump, and b.  ask for money.

“Forest thinning and prescribed burns — both of which aim to eliminate fire fuel before the fire occurs”  are the best method for prevention according to Mark Cochrane, a senior scientist at the Geospatial Sciences Center of Excellence at South Dakota State University.

Colorado and Oregon both have in place very specific and comprehensive strategies for mitigating against fires occurring as well as response efforts.  The vast majority of fires are ‘human caused’, either accidentally or arson.   Rapid response in these instances is essential.  That requires boots on the ground.  California has 885 fire stations.  Only 25% of California firefighters are ‘career’, nearly 60% are volunteer or mostly volunteer.   Despite the rabid extent of fires in California each year, they rely predominantly on volunteers and out of state assistance!  When all is said and done, the cost is not picked up by the state, but by Federal taxpayers.

Droughts in California have occurred throughout history, they are a continuum that dates back centuries, and despite a doubling of population since 1979, not one new large-scale water project has been built!  Hollywood?  Where is you outrage?  Where are your concerts to raise money?  Where are your donations?

“Because much of California’s water network relies on a system of pumps to move water from north to south, large volumes of water are often lost to the Pacific Ocean during winter storms when river flow exceeds the capacity of the pumps. This is further complicated by environmental rules which restrict pumping during certain months of the year, to protect migrating fish. In water year 2015, 9,400,000 acre feet (11.6 km3) of water flowed through the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta, but only 1,900,000 acre feet (2.3 km3) were recovered into water distribution systems.

The state’s reservoirs have insufficient capacity to balance the water supply between wet and dry years.”

It would appear that neither Governor Brown or the states spokesperson for Fire Protection are aware of the above facts which is rather frightening given they are in charge of mitigation as a result of fires.

The latest spat between Brown and Trump was over the available water to fight the fires. Oddly, despite California’s ongoing battle with droughts, water rationing, and lacking capacity reservoirs, both Governor Brown and Briana Sacks, a spokesperson for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, claim there is ‘plenty of water’ citing Clear Lake.

Clear Lake rights are owned by Yolo County and are used for agriculture, local water companies and recreational use.  In 2014, it recorded one of its lowest levels of water after severe droughts at -.31 Ramsey.  It is heavily contaminated with high levels of Mercury and thus warnings are issued with respect to eating some of the fish.

But water rights have become the core issue for multiple lawsuits as the state of California began to declare a sort of eminent domain over county rights in 2015.  The state was attempting to curtail rights that had been on the books for a hundred years due to mounting drought problems so as to divert for state purposes rather than county or agriculture purposes.  Odd that Brown and Briana were not aware of this…

Therefore, when Brown and Briana Sacks cited Clear Lake as proof positive that California has plenty of water, their lack of knowledge was rather astounding.   The last drought period in California lasted from 2012 through 2017.

The ultimate point that both Brown and Briana seem to be missing is the fact that California wildfires are NOT mitigated, nothing has been done to prevent them, and nothing has been done to ramp up fighting the fires before they get out of control.  Nothing has been done to secure more career firefighters.  Nothing.  By continuing to do nothing, California will continue to burn.  By not providing adequate reservoirs for the population and it’s needs, California will continue to be plagued by substantial periods of severe drought resulting in depleted water sources to extinguish fires.  Pretending that the entire problem is Trump – is truly a deranged mentality. Ultimately it shows gross negligence and mismanagement… on the part of Governor Brown and his Departments.

The current Mendocino fire is the largest in history approaching 300,000 acres and just 30% contained.