Theresa May: Terminal BREXIT

Theresa May has spent her entire term in office as Prime Minister of the UK trying and failing to implement BREXIT.  Nothing else at all marks her tenure of the last 2 ½ years.  And still, the supposed deal she executed that was approved by the EU but not her constituents or the people, will likely fail. 

The ‘Deal’ still demands the UK be on the hook with the EU to ante up $39 billion for the privilege of exiting.  Trade and borders will remain unaffected.  Migration will likely increase as May has announced that she will vote to uphold the UN migration pact.  And in the end, the only change will be the ante!

Of course that doesn’t include the annual cost to the UK of the ‘negotiations’ which has been estimated to be about 26 billion pounds.  Financial experts have stated that if Parliament fails to approve the current deal the pound will tank upwards of 25%.  Sounds a bit like the last tanking initiated under the guidance of George Soros when the Bank of England – tanked, September 16, 1992.

Did Soros short the pound again?

Since 2014, the UK GDP growth rate has continued to drop.  The pedophilia scandal that was purported to involve over 1400 perpetrators and hundreds of thousands of victims – has stalled.  UK crime rates have been on an uptick spike since 2014. The jobs market and earnings growth have dropped.

And Theresa May has spent every single moment of her time in office wearily defeated by the gamers who drew her into the web of BREXIT manipulation.  One might feel sorry for her if she were simply a victim, but she chose her allies and bartered the UK.

The European Union, the UN, do the bidding of Soros and the Rothschilds.  If a country chooses to defy either, Soros will seek vengeance, create sanctions, and undermine law and the economy.  As national conservatives in the EU take root, ramping up antagonist moves becomes more and more a priority for the Soros/Rothschild Cabal.   Fake information has become the tagline target as everything anti EU, everything anti-Soros, everything anti-Socialism is targeted as fake information.

Even Facebook has become a target as Soros demands the resignation of Zuckerberg from this mega-conglomerate that has reached an astonishing value estimated to be over $500 billion and utilized by roughly 2.3 billion people monthly.  Of course Soros wants control of this power.  From his perspective, Zuckerberg is a peon, worthless in his game of thrones.

The question remains, if in fact Soros anticipates BREXIT will fail and the pound will tank, that would also mean he has no more use for the UK as an economy.

In the game of chess, the moves are never random, they are thought out with a future checkmate preconceived.  All the pieces are aligned, the opponents moves calculated instinctively.  Theresa May had no chess game, she simply moved her pawns randomly in one failed directive, BREXIT, while the queen, bishops, and horsemen yawned.

If BREXIT fails again as predicted, what would be the outcome for The People?

Despite calls for the UK citizens to vote on the BRXIT deal, May has refused citing time.  Time.  Is that not an age old ploy utilized by politicians in their eye rolling game? Delay until anxiety is so high the people will accept anything…

While the people of Germany have succumbed to Socialism, the people of the UK have succumbed to the Lords of chaos.  Ultimately, both will suddenly awaken and fight for their lives and salvation only to realize that too is all part of the chess game.

BREXIT was a deflection. It gave hope wherein the hope would not be attained, at least not within the same frame that it was created.

The only way to rise above the chessmen is to understand the game, see the reality of who is good and who is evil, and join forces with the likes of William Wallace.  Freedom!   He may have been a Scotsman, but he represents all men who fight for their country!

Good vs. Evil: An Imbalance.

Our Universe is created within the absolutes of good and evil.  One can not exist without the other, just as light only exists because there is darkness.  Our small world is subject to these universal laws.  Our genetic makeup predisposes us to certain diseases, such as cancer and Alzheimers, it also predicates down syndrome and intellect.   Christians believe that every human’s DNA consists of the knowledge of God.  It is also accepted that every individual is born with good and evil DNA.   Two questions:   Could a genetic mutation cause a persons’ good and evil balance to be askew?   Could that skew be ‘genetically modified’?


Thousands of years and every society known to man has created a concept of good and evil representative according to their unique vision.  Mythology, Paganism they always depict good vs evil in some form. Christianity has God vs Satan. The American Indians had Ioskeha and Tawiscara as their good and evil symbolism.  The forces of these two opponents that battle for eternity can shift wherein an imbalance occurs and Discordia reigns.

Everything on this natural God-made earth was intricately created in a perfect pattern.  In the rain forest it is most evident.  Every creature, every flora, have a purpose. Disrupt that purpose, extract a single subject matter of the natural flow and the entire rain forest system begins to implode devolving into chaos.

GMO’s have are their advocates and their naysayers.  Many things on our planet have undergone genetic modification for a century from genetically modified flowers so that we can have flowers in abundance, to genetically modified fruits so we can grow them year round, to fish farms, dairy cow hormones, etc…   But despite the efforts of science, no human life can be created from ‘scratch’, not even a seed, which is why we have seed banks.

GMO flowers have no scent, GMO fruits lack the same vitamins and minerals, and farm fish have no color, it has to be injected into them.   The GMO Yellow Rice was a complete horror as it had little nutrient value.  But that hasn’t deterred science.  They have manipulated weather patterns having no idea what the negative ramifications will be, they have injected us with vaccines without any testing as to the entire cocktail effect, and they now want to inject particles into the atmosphere to black the sun so as to slow global warming.

Back to good and evil.

Every one of us has witnessed people whose balance of evil seems chaotic.  Is the imbalance a choice?  Does a person have the free will to choose?  Or is the discord a genetic mutation that can be modified… like a flower, like fruit?   And will doing so potentially remove a person’s soul, like the loss of scent or nutrients?

On the other side of the coin, many of us have personally witnessed people whose balance of good seems phenomenally out of proportion.  There are incredibly amazing heroes in our midst that we rarely recognize. Military soldiers.  They make ‘a choice’ within free will to eject themselves into chaos and risk death and torture.  They suffer fallout that we now call PTSD.   This doesn’t mean ‘the military’ I refer to individuals.

They are a sort of super human in that their balance of good far outweighs their balance of evil.

Enter Science.

Science more often than not does not recognize consequences.   Science will do nearly anything in order to change the natural course, in order to genetically modify everything God created.   Including humans.

If science experimented with humans – modifying their genetics so as to create a human more good or more evil, what would be the consequence?

Science is infinitely arrogant. Manipulating a person’s natural genetics without knowing the extent of the consequences, that person would no longer have free will to choose, nor would that person be able to refer back to their original self.  They would in essence become a GMO, a genetically modified organism.  But we know that science has been feverishly working for decades to implant AI in humans, to bionically alter humans, to create a super human – without understanding that such alterations may also result in that human losing their soul.

Evil in this world has shifted to an imbalance.  It is out of concordance.  It is not natural.  To think that ‘choosing’ evil over good is the only cause seems somewhat short sighted. When our heroes are diluted and evil men and women are praised, certainly the powers of evil have risen beyond their natural evolutionary boundaries and there is something more involved than simply ‘choice’.  And science, transhumanism, AI, super humans, genetically modified humans seems more and more a possibility.

Ukraine Issues Martial Law Over “Russian Aggression”…

Ukraine and Russia don’t get along.  While the media, and Nikki Haley continue the narrative that Russia annexed Crimea, they fail to acknowledge that Russia did so at the behest of an election ‘after’ Ukraine’s government was illegally ousted via a coup, installing Chocolate King, Poroshenko, as their president.  Since then Ukraine’s economy under Poroshenko has tanked, skirmishes have continued, their streets are a mess, mass killings, uproars have erupted in their Parliament wherein fist fights are a regularity, and the country has virtually disintegrated.  However, Biden’s son continues to reap the rewards of the illegally obtained natural gas leases he bought for pennies as a result of the coup under the auspices of a Cyprus company, Burissma Holdings.

So Russia builds a bridge between Crimea and Russia over the Kerch Strait.  The bridge just opened this year and helps bring a needed link for Crimeans.  Because of the animosity between Ukraine and Russia, the bridge, and the strait were temporarily closed to Ukraine, and they cite UN Conventions of Sea Law, Articles 19 and 21 which reference sovereignty and protection within a twelve mile radius.

But Ukraine passed it’s own unilateral law just ‘last month’ expanding the 12 mile radius by an additional 12 miles.

According to Russia, two Ukrainian naval vessels were heading full speed toward the strait and the bridge.  Why? Kiev has provided no explanation other than to say Russia provoked aggression when they fired at Ukraine’s naval vessels.

So let’s look at this in a slightly altered light:  suppose China had naval vessels charging toward the Florida Keys, didn’t answer radio calls, did not ask for permission, and continued unabated.  How would the US respond?

No one was killed. The vessels were deactivated.  And Poroshenko immediately called for Martial Law in Ukraine. Why?  Martial Law provides that the military take immediate control of all government and civilian functions.  Civil law is now defunct.  They claim that Russia firing on their naval vessels constitutes an act of War.

What could possibly provoke such a stupid, if not demonstrative claim?

  1. January next year Ukraine will have a new election cycle.   Poroshenko currently holds 8% of the votes.  The coup in 2014 was designed with the media promulgation that corruption was the causal factor, and Ukraine wanted to show how gloriously trusting and anti-corrupt they were so as to be admitted to the EU.  Instead, corruption ramped up extensively, and the economy blanched.
  2. Poroshenko has extensive holdings in the agriculture market.  Ukraine has ‘black soil’ some of the richest soil on the planet.  Monsanto wanted in on the agriculture, the then president, Yanukovych refused. Enter coup.  Poroschenk makes more money and everyone is happy.  Except, of course, the citizens of Ukraine.  If he loses his presidency, he risks losing his agriculture monopoly.  Poroshenko’s agriculture holdings were scandal in the Panama Paper Caper as it came to light that he had extensive non-transparent Cyprus holdings in Ukraine and Germany.

By creating a fake ‘aggression’, anything Russian, Poroshenko has devised an escape route wherein he intends to involve the EU and the US, similar to the Muslim Brotherhood idiocy of Khashoggi.

Contrived.  Blitzed.

The US odd person outed would seem to be – Nikki Haley.  She is making false statements of the events that occurred.  And she is calling for retribution.  That puts her in the spotlight of possibly being a Soros plug.

The fact that her narrative was immediately picked up and lauded by MSM is revealing, the fact that it was picked up by Breitbart is – concerning.

By installing Martial Law in Ukraine, Poroshenko can extend it in 45 day intervals, including up through the presidential election cycle which is slated to be March 2019.  Invoking war, or attempting to invoke the pretense of war, might nationalize and mobilize some of Kiev’s animosity toward Poroshenko and turn the election – but not without the aid of the media.

Enter my previous article – Integrity Initiative, an NGO based in the UK, whose preemptive purpose is to create fake news in the guise of attacking what they claim to be – fake news, in a spiraled web that circles back to George Soros and The Open Society Foundation.

The current frontrunner in the Ukraine election by a vast majority – 12% vs 8% for Poroscehnko, is Yulia Tymoshenko.

So who could possibly have come up with the scheme to create a media sensation of war provocation?


A billionaire exiled from Russia who hates everything Putin and founder of Open Russia, an NGO that has affiliations with George Soros and whose board has included Henry Kissinger and Jacob Rothschild.

One need only look to the support Nikki Haley is receiving;  Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, … c’mon folks, she is The Swamp. And this is a really idiotic setup promulgated by some very stupid intelligentsia –

Globalization: UK & Hungary Core Socialist NGO’s For NWO

In 2015, a UK based NGO, Statecraft, created an adjunct subsidiary, “Integrity Initiative”. Their stated purpose is to counter disinformation according to their perception:  “This international project brings together in a network of clusters across Europe and North America people who understand the threat posed to Western nations by a flood of disinformation, deception and lies which is being put out by those opposed to Western concepts of liberalism, freedom and democracy.”

“Members of the Integrity Initiative clusters actively engage with policy-makers and the wider public in their own countries to show them the damage which can be done to their societies by disinformation. They also share information and experience across the region to help society to understand the varied and pernicious nature of the threat and to counter it.”

These NGO’s are:  anti-Trump, anti-Russia, pro vaccine, anti-new Italian President, pro-Mueller, support media literacy classes in American schools, and purport to teach how to identify false propaganda.  In their report, ‘Identifying Disinformation: An ABC Approach’, they use an interesting example:  During the Syrian War the Russian Defense Ministry issued a statement that they would be conducting airstrikes targeting ISIS.  According to Integrity Initiative the statement was false because in fact according to satellite imagery, the airstrikes hit two ‘moderate’ opposition groups fighting Assad including:  AJaish al-Tawhid and Tajamu al-Aaza.   But Tawhid was a violent group that called for radical Sharia Law and was affiliated with The Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda. 

Obviously – the disinformation group is grossly misinformed…or perhaps, they are somewhat more sinister.

The identity of the members of this transparent information organization are not available as they claim their lives might be in jeopardy and thus they wish to remain anonymous.

However, they provide an interesting host of Partners with which Integrity Initiative is affiliated, including:  The Beacon Project, a group of psychologists who aim to seek the ‘morally exceptional’ and specifically endeavor how to improve moral character.  Public Opinion Research Unit, an organization that provides material for major news networks in Greece and abroad in cooperation with other NGO’s, including Braincandy – which decodes human behavior.  CEPA, whose Senior VP was formerly a senior editor at the Rothschild media outlet, The Economist.   European Values, a think tank that fights extremist ideologies, publically ridicules anyone they believe are pro-Russia, and supports Liberal Democracy. Merkel has zealously proclaimed that she supports ‘European Values’.   While it has been assumed she was referring to actual small-case values, it would align that she was referencing this NGO.

Of course, no Liberal campaign is complete without a source that directs back to George Soros Open Society Foundation.   Given his adamant hatred of everything Russia and Putin, and his desperate demise thereof, Soros inevitably rises to the surface.  In this case it is through another affiliate of Integrity Initiative, Political Capital, an NGO based in Hungary – the home of Soros.  It is this thread that provides the web and implicates not just the UK but Germany as well as the source of manipulation, behavior modification, and mind control through MSM.

  • The list of partners in association with Political Capital is a Who’s Who of Globalization. Enormously revealing, they include;  Chatham House, German Marshall Fund of the US(in affiliation with Brzezinski, Albright, Wolfgang Schaubel, Robert Gates, Erdogan, etc…) Visegrad/Insight, Atlantic Council, Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats in European Parliament, European Values (full circle), European Jewish Fund, Academy of Media, National Endowment For Democracy (whose current President, Carl Gershwin, formerly served as Executive Director of Social Democrats USA), King Baudouin Foundation, etc…

In essence these NGO’s espouse Socialism and are utilizing their script to dictate business, political, and media responses within that ideology.  The pure Democrat is a fast fade exiting stage left – Socialism is the agenda for it is well understood it is the only gateway to establish Globalization and A New World Order within the doctrine of Marxism.

Political Capital also lists two individual donor partners, Zoltán Somogyi, whose expertise is AI, and Krisztián Szabados, whose expertise is ‘transhumanism’, a philosophical movement to enhance human intellect and physiology, including the creation of super soldiers, liberalism, immortality and a dystopian society.  Szabados, attended the Corvinus University of Budapest, formerly called Karl Marx University.

We now unravel a vast network of UK, US and Hungarian NGO’s aligned with Socialism, espousing Karl Marx, and working fervently to create a ‘super human’ biologically and intellectually, most likely with the use of AI implants, to rule the New World Order.

Political Capital also does research for Facebook and Twitter to identify extremist organizations and far right ideologies, election analyses including correction of faults within the electoral system, and a myriad of analysis of policies within the pharma industry and the political environment.  These tools enhance how they can create a political view sympathetic with public opinion, trade agreements aligned with socialism, a manipulated BREXIT, and the evolution of a New Society.

In summary, what this highlights is a vast network of NGO’s that have infiltrated governments, businesses, industries, and media dedicated to psychologically analyzing and manipulating human behavior and thinking with Russia, China and the US as the predominant loose targets that have yet to succumb.  And one means of fast tracking that goal is by weaving Sharia Law into mainstream given its absolute control mechanism.

Bolshevik Revolution:  Socialist – Ushered in Marxism – casualties = 6-8 million

Stalin:  Socialist/Marxist – casualties = upward estimates 60 million

Pol Pot, Cambodia genocide: Socialist – casualties = 25% of the population 2-3 million

Mao:  Socialist/Communist/Marxist – casualties = 25-40 million

Hitler:   Socialist/Marxist – casualties = 11 million

Globalization:  Socialist/Marxist – depopulation genocide = …?

Know your enemies because they mask themselves as your friends.  They are the wolves.  Know your friends, because they have been demonized by the wolves… Stay Alert.

Germany’s Immigration Reforms – Much like Trump

Germany is hashing out new reforms to their immigration laws so that ‘skilled’ immigrants need only apply.  Australia has been on board for years authorizing only those who can contribute to society and prove their educational background.   Of course, both these countries are quite vocal when it comes to ‘other countries’ human rights requirement to compel the ushering of illegals across the border so that more residents can see their earned income dwindle further as welfare spikes, Medicaid spikes, and crime spikes.

MSM continues to attempt to recreate the issue as an immigration right that has been the creation of societies for centuries, including the US.  Just look at ethnicity?  A jambalaya of European descent mixed together to form an ‘American’. Ta-Da!   Of course, the obvious being that immigrants came, registered, conformed to legal requirements, desired to be “American” and abide by American laws, customs, and language.   And yes, it was good!

While MSMS knows their point is off-center, they continue to hash it over and over hoping that those supporting immigration will not understand the difference.  It is the power of persuasion.   In the sixties they used the power of persuasion at drive-in movie theatres whereby they subliminally imposed pictures of soft drinks, candy, popcorn and the like within an embedded screen shot to enhance the desire to buy the products.

Germany is in a crisis. They have a severe shortage of qualified, skilled workers.  The birth rate has been tanking for decades, their workers are aging and retiring, and no one can fill the void.  Somehow, Soros was able to convince Merkel that ushering in millions of illegal ‘refugees’ would solve Germany’s rising problem.

She complied.

Then Soros laughed and told Merkel and the world she was an idiot for ushering in unskilled, millions of refugees.

So now Merkel is trying to fast track deportations of illegal immigrants while curling her lips at Trump and demanding her fractured government create new and improved immigration reform laws to encourage only the educated elite to move to Germany.

So the MSM is trying to skew the diversity angle by claiming that diversity is good for sports, particularly, soccer…  In other words, German soccer players are a dying breed given the failing birthrates and the exodus of youth, therefore it is necessary to import soccer players from other countries and give them immediate national status so they can play as Germans.  Apparently the majority are imported from Turkey.

This is how convoluted the immigration policies have become.  “We believe in immigration as long as it benefits us…”

A rather nationalist statement.

But of course, they can’t have such a statement reprinted in the media.

The markets have reacted.

While the news has failed and/or omitted journalistic reporting on economic conditions around the world, the markets have reacted.  Not necessarily to the US economy, but instead to the desperation experienced in the EU and China.   With Trump’s reversal of supporting these economies, tax relief, and regulation reversals, the US economy has sprinted – but at the cost of those countries we have held up for decades.   Their economies depended on US $$$$ to fund their debt, to fund their militaries, to fund their taxes, to fund their stability.   With the rugs yanked, they need to fend for themselves and are spinning with their proverbial feet in the air as the attempt to balance the inevitable fall.

The economies of these competitive nations could not have reaped the rewards without US taxpayers funding their tariffs, their goods, services, and militaries.  As that money is banked, they begin to tumble without relief.   Of course it effects the US stock market!

Everyone who has been in the market field knows it tanks for two reasons;  fear and manipulation.  Even the Great Depression was based on these two technicalities.   If you were to maintain a log of the headliners issued by the ‘market gurus’ over a period of a year, they have absolutely no clue, they simply create a reason for a downturn or upturn, only to redefine it a day or week later.  Sometimes it is like listening to the weatherman tell you that it is sunny outside yet your view is gray and snowy… And you wonder where the heck are they sitting!

The percentage of people that believe the media is a hoax and manipulated is rising exponentially, some numbers reveal as high as 75-80%, we are becoming more aware, more adept at searching out headlines, and more skeptical.   That’s a good thing!

Be wary.  Be faithful.  Trump does want America to be Great Again.  And no one else could possibly work nearly as hard, and take near the abuse.  And survive. But he can’t do it without US.  If we give up, we become the caste sheep – and that ain’t good! 

James Woods – Rising Above The Babel

James Woods is stepping out with a new agenda;  using his influence and the media to offer help, assistance, and hope for those who are desperate, spiraling and in need.  It should not be minimized, it should be the cutting round for Hollywood to mimic – finally stepping up to the plate and using constructive focus – instead of destructive chaos. 

For decades Hollywood was a source of support and aid.  At the time, up until the 1960’s, Hollywood was dominated by Catholics, people of faith, and they routinely put their best foot forward in giving shows for our troops, in giving money, in giving of themselves.  But there was a shift and the atheists took control.  Suddenly Hollywood was everything about ‘self’;  self consumption, self adoration, self accolade, self awards, and there were no more hero’s.  Evil proliferated.

People need and want hero’s. We had Superman, Batman, Spiderman and a host of others who weren’t political misfits, they didn’t divide races, or religions or political ideologies, they rose in the fight of good vs evil.

That is why The People, like Trump.  He saw that evil wasn’t a political or race division, it was pervasive, it had no borders, no boundaries, it was a fight against people of any faith whose agenda was chaos, collapse, and division.  And We applaud him.

James Woods is also recreating himself in that vein.  And I applaud him.  I hope he starts a new wave.

If William Wallace were of today’s world, the media would be destroying him for allowing his wife to die…  The Gladiator would be chastised for not saving all the other gladiators.  Superman would be demonized for every imperfection, and Batman for his mistakes.  Perfection is demanded of those who are not of the pool of self as Hollywood and the media define.  The media has become a Hollywood stage of self lauding, self obsession, self grandiosity. They are no longer journalists but have assumed the role of  qualified politicians, doctors, lawyers, and economists who routinely offer such trivial solutions like;  Five Things Trump Should Do, or, This Is What The Republicans Should Do To Win, or, Trump should Not Have… fill in the blank – because of course these reporters Know It All.

Is it because of a loss of Faith?  How did it all spiral out of control?  With 9 out of 10 media outlets Liberal, how can they vehemently complain about and demand the destruction of one that is not?

Pope Francis erects himself on the balcony of his estate, surrounded by thick stone walls, backed by the most elite London special ops trained security detail equipped with assault weapons, and chastises Trump for not sharing the American People’s hard earned income with illegal immigrants.  What?

The Vatican is a no different than the Cabal.  It hordes billions in wealth – has not offered to put up one illegal immigrant in Vatican City – and attempts to tell world governments how they should – govern.

The fact that The Vatican lives this hypocrisy in NO way shutters down the millions of Catholics who continue to live Faithfully.  It shutters the religiosity of The Vatican which attempts to exude power reminiscent of the early AD centuries wherein they likened themselves to God.   As such the true Faith of the Pope and The Vatican is questioned.  They aren’t hero’s fighting evil, they are now perceived as hypocritical bad guys who have caused the exodus of millions of good faith Catholics, some fleeing to atheism, some to Evangelical Christianity and even some to Islam.

A conservative media outlet that I highly respect recently denounced Q as completely contrived, fake, a false phenomena.  If something he said was going to happen – and didn’t – his entire existence was rebuked. He has been the subject of denial by nearly every single Liberal MSM outlet.   Trump has given Q a high five, signed Q in the air.  Why?  Maybe he is fictitious, that actually isn’t important. What Q provided was faith.  He gave hope.  He was perceived as a good guy fighting evil.  Hundreds of thousands of people were lifted by him.  They saw light.  And our society needs that in order to battle evil.

I recently found my personal character twice reamed on Facebook as I did the unthinkable – I chose to proffer an alternate opinion.  Instead of debate, instead of conversation, my personal character was held up much like the severed head of Trump by Kathy Griffin.  One of my character denouncers was a Liberal, the other was a Libertarian. Both espoused peace, love, harmony and goodwill toward all men… except those that don’t align with them.

It’s like the effervescent lawn sign, “All people are welcome here” – except anyone who doesn’t define self as – Liberal.

We are in a civil war. But despite the media attempting to claim it is about prejudice, race, inequality, supremacy, politics or religion – in reality it is simply:  good vs evil.

If my two character assassins took the time to see what I write about – they might find more commonalities than differences, instead, polarization, arrogance, pride and self overshadow pulling them deeper into the chaos they claim to abhor, until they spiral down the Rabbit Hole of an alternate universe.

It is reminiscent of Babel. So many are speaking in different tongues and don’t realize that they simply don’t understand anyone’s tongue but their own, and so they babel louder, and when that doesn’t work, they scream obscenities because how dare anyone not speak their babel…. In reality, their babel speak is exactly the same.

It is ripe in the church, ripe in the media, ripe in the fields and houses and cities.  But maybe, more James’ Wood, more Trump, and less assassination, is the answer.  Hopefully before the Cabal reap their agenda, sitting back while we destroy each other – while they laugh at the infantile simplicity in destroying a nation –  a voice, a world can rise above the babel, pull out of the Rabbit Hole and see who is good and who is evil.

London: Gangs, Rapes, Suicides

London has seen a significantly severe increase in stabbings and shootings – especially among teen-agers.  A large percentage would appear to be drug and gang related.   Hush.  Where is the media outcry?

Police officers in the UK and France are at risk for suicide as budgets are slashed amid increased attacks, rapes and brutal murders.

Hush.  Where is the media outcry?

With the increase of integration there is a parallel increase in gangs.  London’s gangs run the gamit of ethnicity with a high contingent of Pakistani descent.  According to a London gang database, members are accounted as follows:   78.2% of members were Black, 12.8% were White, 6.5% were Asian (Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshis), 2.2% were Middle Eastern/Arabs and under 1% were East Asian or of unknown-ethnicity.

What used to be described as mostly ‘territorial disputes’ has now morphed into profit making, particularly in drugs and secondarily religion motivation as in the Muslim Patrol. They are Sharia Sunni’s who state that the law of the UK is not recognized and they only abide by and acknowledge Sharia law.

Germany has declared that these Muslim police are – legal.

The ramifications are obvious – police are helpless.

In Birmingham, seven gang members attacked a defenseless man on the street in broad daylight using machetes and hammers.  He machete used was 3 ½ feet long.  They don’t just attack rival gangs, their attacks are focused on police as well with sentiment toward police dropping dramatically.  Is the sentiment real, or is it a projected division not unlike what is happening in France and the US?

A US non-profit NGO has been parlaying a migrant mission in the EU; Advocates Abroad, whose Executive Director, Ariel Ricker, is Jewish.   So why would a US Jewish organization promote Muslim invasions in Europe?

The website for Advocates Abroad lists their Partners:  University of Denver Sturm College of Law, UB School of Law, The Imagine Project, One Happy Family, Asylex (a Swiss non-profit), SolidariTee (affiliated with Cambridge University) and the Greek Helsinki Monitor.

As of September, over 457,000 asylum seekers invaded the EU demanding refugee status, including food, housing, and money.   Oddly, these numbers and issues seem censored in the MSM.

Despite London’s Sunni Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan, claiming that he has been fervently tackling the growing problem, recently, he announced that it might take until 2030…  at the current rate that would indicate an additional 5.5  million ‘refugees’ would immigrate before the dyke hole was plugged.  In the mean time, gosh, imagine the crime and gang rate?

Between January and April of this year there were roughly 1300 stabbings in London alone.   The Rape Crisis Center of UK reported 179,000 calls in 2017.  The police only reported roughly 54,000.  In 2017, a 17 year old girl was sexually assaulted 3 times in one hour in east London.

In France, where local police are not permitted to carry a gun, the suicide rate among police has risen exponentially.  But with a dwindling force, no one seems willing to challenge whether the suicide was in fact an execution!   Most recently, Maggy Biskupski, who created an organization entitled ‘Mobilization of Angry Police Officers’ was found dead – her death was labeled – suicide, no specifics have been issued, and every single media outlet printed the exact same story – verbatim.

In the midst of this devastating rise in criminal activity including, drugs, gang warfare, stabbings, rapes, murders and violence, ironically, the UN has announced they are celebrating 70 years of successful ‘peacekeeping’ missions.  Where?

Egypt:   5 ongoing conflicts, Libya – 2 ongoing conflicts including ‘civil war’, Tunisia – 2 ongoing insurgencies, Algeria – ongoing insurgency since 2002, Morocco – 2 ongoing conflicts including 1 since 1970, Somalia – ongoing civil war since 1991, Burundi – ongoing unrest, Cameroon – ongoing crisis, Mali – ongoing crisis, Mauritania – ongoing insurgency, Niger – ongoing insurgency…   etc. etc. etc.

Since 1945 there have been 171 ‘conflicts in Africa.  Far more than all the wars prior dating from recorded BC periods.

Of course the irony is not lost on Merkel and Macron and the entire UK Parliament in their constant rebuke of Trump.  It is not lost on the massive rise of unrest in the US beginning in 2009 when Obama declared war on America.

What does become abundantly clear is that the media FAILS miserably to report on world issues that deserve attention, politicians FAIL miserably in fighting the rising injustices and instead appear to embrace them, cash in on them, and learn from the historical wealth made in WWI and WWII by the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Chases, Morgans, and the likes who capitalized on creating division and war – for profit. As in Follow The Money. 

FYI:  It has been reported that Obama is slated to become a billionaire sometime next year…

Facebook And The Rise of Socialists in US

Zuckerberg has now found himself in the unholy crossfires of not just Hillary, but Soros, who has aligned with Trillium Asset Management’s CEO, Mat Prasky, to call for Zuckerberg’s resignation.  Why? Because Facebook bloggers have had the audacity to malign Soros in their posts.  

Facebook found itself in the doghouse with Hillary as she blamed it for her presidential bid loss due to ‘negative posts’ that Zuckerberg did not promptly censor, like a good Socialist/Communist should.  Soros finds himself in the same predicament and has decided the analytics are too permissive and must be wholly liberal.

Full Circle:   Trillium bills itself as a “Green Fund” and Prasky upholds that ideology within his Board memberships including Social Venture Network which has honored such notable companies as Green For All.  Green For All was launched at the Clinton Global Initiative in 2007 by founder, Van Jones, who sits on the Board of Social Venture Network .  Van Jones served as President Obama’s advisor for Green Jobs and has been covered extensively by CNN, New York Times, USA Today and The View.  Like Obama, Jones’ monetary rewards would seem to coincide with his two published books, which like Obama’s made the NYT best seller list.

Jones is backed by the NAACP, Ebony, Rockefeller, Rolling Stone, Elle, Time Magazine, World Economic Forum, etc…  He has worked with under Soros, and The Center For American Progress under Podesta.  Jones is a viable Socialist candidate being groomed for a future presidential bid.

Facebook is recognized as a most powerful exploitive tool to gain control of and create a person’s ‘opinion’.   Although Zuckerberg is aligned with Hillary and Soros, he did not shore up fast enough, and the Cabal needs to take over in time to assert a Coup of American politics if not in 2020, then in 2024.

And the new rumbling isn’t so much the progressives per se, as the Socialists who run under the guise of the Democratic ticket because they haven’t yet gained the necessary power to act independently.  It would appear, according to various Socialist party websites, that their tactic is to capitalize on a growing base, hide within the Democrat party until 2023 when they plan to rise up within the call for a “Revolution” reminiscent of the Bolsheviks.

College students lean toward Liberal Green agenda’s without any understanding of Socialism and its massively destructive ramifications.  Creating a Green profile platform for 2024 will secure their support.  Van Jones is black.  With the radical dysphoria infused in the US by the Liberals to divide whites and blacks, that population segment will further splinter and Jones will rise as a Socialist black man advocating for people of color and youth. The Democrat Party will likely collapse as the old suits die off and their crimes gain traction in the media. This die off will push traditional Democrats toward the Socialist Party.

According to the website, Democratic Socialists of America, during the midterms they voted in 4 congressional candidates, 12 nationally endorsed elected officials, 30 locally endorsed elected officials, and 35 locally endorsed ballot initiatives in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Hawaii, Rhode Island, DC, Montano, Maine, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Massachusetts, Maryland, Missouri, Oregon, Texas, Tennessee, and Washington.

Their event schedule for November 18th:  How To Do Targeted Advertising On Facebook.

Oddly, many people in the US are not educated in the ideology and history of Socialism, what it means, what it entails, and historical leaders who attempted to govern under this dictatorial means:

1)   Venezuela is the most recent catastrophic result of a Socialist government policy.  Nicolas Madura is the current President ruling under the United Socialist Party under a program that has been referred to as authoritarian and dictatorial and has been instrumental in the complete chaotic collapse of the entire economic and social system plague by an inflation rate of 1million percent.

2)   The National Socialist Workers’ Party or the Nazi’s were the children of Hitler. Germany was in a free fall and in 1931 during the Great Depression, Hoover called a moratorium on WWI reparations to Germany causing widespread collapse of banks and industries.  1933 Hitler came to power under the guise of freeing Germany from the tyranny of economic collapse.

3)   The Bolsheviks were factions within the Russian Social Democratic Party following the ideology of Socialist, Karl Marx.  Lenin was a dictator who became leader of the Socialist Revolution ultimately throwing Russia into Communist rule for decades.

The US is not without socialist reforms; welfare, Medicaid, public schools, etc…  But just as Germany has instituted more and more control over citizen’s freedoms, so has the US with the assistance of the media as they redefine and recreate history to virtually ‘uneducate’ The People.

You cannot have globalization without Socialism.  You cannot have Socialism without a dictatorship government.  While Merkel appears more and more defeated as she calls for the UN to be the governing world body, this remains the agenda amidst a splintering EU, an uninformed Macron, and a collapsing Theresa May.

The common denominator for Venezuela, Hitler and the Bolsheviks was ‘Youth”.  Garner the youth, call for a revolution, and institute a civil war.  I believe that is the same call the Socialists are advocating in the US today… Buyer Beware.

Woolsey Fire: Site of Toxic Waste and Methane Leak

Santa Susana is located in Simi Valley California where a fire erupted recently.  It is also home to the highly controversial Santa Susana Field Laboratory – a nuclear waste facility that has been the topic of cleanup for decades.  I say ‘topic’ because battles continue as to who is responsible for the mess:  PG&E, Boeing, NASA and DOE.

Located 30 miles from downtown LA, the site has been used for the development and testing of liquid propellant rocket engines, nuclear reactors, and liquid metals research.   It is considered considerably contaminated.  It also sits directly on top of some of California’s major fault lines, including the San Andreas, according to a map prepared by California Geological Survey.  The valley was created as a result of tectonic shifts and earthquake action.

The area has been host to horror stories of contaminations, toxicity, deaths, leaks, and meltdowns since 1959.  Yet it still remains.  Radioactive fires, fission gas releases, burn pits, and containment structures that had a ten year life span and not housed with concrete domes.   The meltdown was said to be nearly 460 times that of the Three Mile Island catastrophe in Pennsylvania.

The Woolsey fire is suspected to have begun at the Rocketdyne facility of Simi Valley’s Santa Susan Field Laboratory.   The contamination that was in the soil was thus captured and spread via the fire into the air.  Yet the LA Public Health Department issued a statement that it was ‘safe’.  Nuclear, burn pit and radioactive toxins likely ignited the fire, yet LA says it is safe.

As recently as 2006, the lab was cited for wastewater runoff that had contaminated Bell Creek and the Los Angeles River including, chromium, dioxin, lead, mercury and other pollutants.

In 2007 California passed a bill citing standards for cleanup, the standards are being contested and the cleanup has stalled.

California has five nuclear waste sites that are no longer active due to meltdowns;  San Onofre which sits on a beach between LA and San Diego and is frequented by tourists, Rancho Seco south of Sacramento, Humboldt Bay in Eureka, Vallecitos near Pleasanton, a quaint suburb of San Francisco, and Santa Susana in Simi Valley.   There is one remaining active nuclear plant, Diablo Canyon Power, located near San Louis Obispo – sitting atop the San Andreas Fault along the scenic beaches of California.  It is slated to shut down in 2025 when its license expires.   It currently provides just over 8% of California’s electricity.

Roughly 30% of all California’s electricity is imported, 30% of which had an ‘unspecified origin’.  Natural gas, including one coal fired plant, account for about 43% of their electricity, and renewables about 30%.  Most of the natural gas is imported via pipeline from the Rocky Mountains, Canada and the southwest given the state produces very little and stored in Aliso Canyon Oil Field.

The Aliso Canyon Oil Field is located in the Santa Susana Mountains –

In 2015, a break in the injection well casing caused a methane eruption that spewed 87.5 million tons of combustible methane into the air…   fallout caused 6,000 families to permanently relocate and 10,000 families were given air purification systems courtesy of SoCal Gas – the owner.  It took SoCalGas four months to contain the blowout and plug the leak after 100,000 metric tons of natural gas was released… creating what one might call a ‘fire hazard’ within a toxic cocktail of nuclear waste in Simi Valley’s Santa Susana.

Governor Jerry Brown’s sister, Kathleen Brown, is a lobbyist for the oil and gas industry and currently serves on the Board of Directors of Sempra Energy, which owns the SoCal Gas Aliso Canyon Oil Field

Neither SoCalGas or Sempra incurred any fines for this leak.  Sempra assets are valued over $56 billion.  To date it is estimated the cleanup costs will surpass $1 billion most of which will be covered by insurance.  A settlement agreement for climate cleanup was only reached this past August although it had not yet been approved by the state’s Superior Court.

Meaning – no environmental cleanup had been conducted prior to the Woolsey Fire.

California Wildfires: Land Management?

California is being devastated by fires once again, one destroying the entire town of Paradise, destroying homes, cars, and killing 25 people, a second fire rages in southern California northwest of LA causing multiple homes to burn in affluent Malibu and Oak Park.  A third fire has erupted in Ventura County.   They are truly a catastrophic perpetuation of California’s human and economic toll!

While wind speeds topping 55 mph have fueled the fires and rapidly propelled them leaving little time to evacuate, the cause of the fires has yet to be officially determined.   Dry, brittle groundcover, and winds have said to be the catalyst.

Within the devastation a fight is brewing regarding land management and fire prevention management. While the IAFF, International Association of Firefighters and the California Professional Firefighters Union have called out Trump’s comment that poor management has led to the devastation, there are facts that have been liberally manipulated to serve a purpose.

1)   Yes the Federal government is tasked with managing  a portion of California’s land, that land includes national parks, national forests, and national wildlife refuges. It does not include towns, cities, and metropolitan areas.

2)  While the IAFF stated that percentage of Federal land in California tops 60%, that is incorrect, it is 45.8% – a statistic they should know…

2)   Governor Jerry Brown has done little to nothing to mitigate the constant drought issues that plague California creating a continuum of environmental risk.

3)   FIREPAC, through the IAFF is among the top 1% largest PAC’s in the US, it is affiliated with the AFL-CIO whose efforts are predominantly political lobbying. They did NOT support Trump’s election.

4)  The president of IAFF is Harold Schaitberger who is also a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council created March 2002 by Executive Order.  Council Members of HSCA include Bill Brattan, a Democrat, appointed by Obama.  A former NYC Police Commissioner appointed by Bill De-Blasio, he is also Co-Chair on the CBP Integrity Advisory Panel, formed as an adjunct to HSCA by Obama in 2014.

Unfortunately, the California fire situation is political.

According to the UN regarding Fire Management:   “From an assessment of megafires it was concluded that the main contributing elements of these wildfires are drought, fire meteorology, accumulation of fuel and homogenous or fire prone landscapes, which are often caused by lack of appropriate land management. 

Preventive landscape management is therefore needed and should include policy, cultural, technical, social, financial, organizational, economical and market aspects. 

For instance, large homogeneous forests and housing areas shouldn’t be established in regions with fire-prone vegetation, but different land uses should be combined to maintain mosaic features in the landscape with natural firebreaks.

Special attention should be paid to timing of certain agricultural activities e.g agricultural burning should take place before the dry season and before the surrounding landscapes turn fire-prone. Burning should also be avoided during the high winds and hottest time of the day. At the same time alternatives for agriculture fires might be developed.

Local populations should be involved through participatory and/or community based approaches because they are often main actors in landscape management activities, they suffer directly from the fires which threaten their livelihoods and might also be involved in some of the fire causes.”

Bottom line – Land Management within towns, cities and communities should include drought control and landscape features including natural firebreaks.

Is improper land management the fault of firefighters?  NO. But Trump never attributed such claims.  So why would Unions associated with Firefighters even enter the dialogue? Politics.

California is host to roughly 4,000 to 9,000 fires every year!  In 2007 and 2008 over 1.5million acres were scorched.

In 2017, California’s wildfires cost $180 billion.  California’s fire budget is $442million.  The remainder of the cost, $179,558,000,000, is paid for by taxpayers outside of California through Federal funds and increased insurance premiums.  California’s budget covered .2% of the cost.

California has been in the midst of one of the longest droughts in history lasting since December 2011 and continuing according to the US Bureau despite Gov Brown declaring it had ended in 2016.

Over 95% of fires are human caused, including intentional and negligence.


  • January 2017, Governor Jerry Brown released his state Budget which included: Emergency drought spending. While recent rains have drenched California, the governor’s emergency drought declaration is still in effect, and the new budget appropriates an additional $188 million in one-time resources for drought relief. Roughly half ($91 million) is allocated to CAL FIRE—the agency dedicated to fire protection and stewardship of the state’s forests—to enhance its firefighting capacities and support the removal of dead trees. The drought has contributed to widespread tree mortality, which has raised concerns that the dead trees might fuel future destructive wildfires.

And what happened to the torrential rains that drenched California?  The water evaporated unable to saturate the dry soil, there were no reservoir projects to capture the rain, and runoff spilled into the Pacific Ocean.


          Governor’s Budget Summary:   Based on aerial surveys, it is estimated over 102 million trees have died as a result of the drought and the effects of bark beetle infestation. In 2016 alone, it is estimated 62 million trees died and millions of additional trees are weakened and expected to die in the coming months and years. These dead and dying trees make forests more susceptible to destructive wild res and pose public safety risks from falling trees for residents and infrastructure in rural, forested communities. The Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) has identified high hazard zones within counties suffering tree mortality.

In October 2015, the Governor issued an emergency declaration directing state and local entities, as well as utilities, to remove dead and dying trees that threaten power lines, roads, structures, and critical community infrastructure.

The Tree Mortality Task Force continues to evaluate the most effective ways to
utilize existing resources to maximize the state and local response to the effects of tree mortality. These efforts include utilizing CAL FIRE equipment and personnel including foresters, hand crews, engine companies, and heavy equipment operators for hazardous tree removal and fuels reduction efforts.

In December 2016, CAL FIRE awarded $15.8 million in grants for a total of 107 projects across 34 counties to support local efforts to remove dead and dying trees that pose
a threat to public health and safety and projects that reduce the threat of wild res
to homes.  Butte County, where Paradise, is located received roughly $600,000, and Ventura County about $200,000.

In other words, Trump is correct.  California has done little to mitigate what the UN, CAL FIRE, and Governor Brown have declared to be the causal factor of these massive fires – land management.  The proof – to date there have been 7,579 Wildfires throughout California and two months left to go.