Facebook And The Rise of Socialists in US

Zuckerberg has now found himself in the unholy crossfires of not just Hillary, but Soros, who has aligned with Trillium Asset Management’s CEO, Mat Prasky, to call for Zuckerberg’s resignation.  Why? Because Facebook bloggers have had the audacity to malign Soros in their posts.  

Facebook found itself in the doghouse with Hillary as she blamed it for her presidential bid loss due to ‘negative posts’ that Zuckerberg did not promptly censor, like a good Socialist/Communist should.  Soros finds himself in the same predicament and has decided the analytics are too permissive and must be wholly liberal.

Full Circle:   Trillium bills itself as a “Green Fund” and Prasky upholds that ideology within his Board memberships including Social Venture Network which has honored such notable companies as Green For All.  Green For All was launched at the Clinton Global Initiative in 2007 by founder, Van Jones, who sits on the Board of Social Venture Network .  Van Jones served as President Obama’s advisor for Green Jobs and has been covered extensively by CNN, New York Times, USA Today and The View.  Like Obama, Jones’ monetary rewards would seem to coincide with his two published books, which like Obama’s made the NYT best seller list.

Jones is backed by the NAACP, Ebony, Rockefeller, Rolling Stone, Elle, Time Magazine, World Economic Forum, etc…  He has worked with Moveon.org under Soros, and The Center For American Progress under Podesta.  Jones is a viable Socialist candidate being groomed for a future presidential bid.

Facebook is recognized as a most powerful exploitive tool to gain control of and create a person’s ‘opinion’.   Although Zuckerberg is aligned with Hillary and Soros, he did not shore up fast enough, and the Cabal needs to take over in time to assert a Coup of American politics if not in 2020, then in 2024.

And the new rumbling isn’t so much the progressives per se, as the Socialists who run under the guise of the Democratic ticket because they haven’t yet gained the necessary power to act independently.  It would appear, according to various Socialist party websites, that their tactic is to capitalize on a growing base, hide within the Democrat party until 2023 when they plan to rise up within the call for a “Revolution” reminiscent of the Bolsheviks.

College students lean toward Liberal Green agenda’s without any understanding of Socialism and its massively destructive ramifications.  Creating a Green profile platform for 2024 will secure their support.  Van Jones is black.  With the radical dysphoria infused in the US by the Liberals to divide whites and blacks, that population segment will further splinter and Jones will rise as a Socialist black man advocating for people of color and youth. The Democrat Party will likely collapse as the old suits die off and their crimes gain traction in the media. This die off will push traditional Democrats toward the Socialist Party.

According to the website, Democratic Socialists of America, during the midterms they voted in 4 congressional candidates, 12 nationally endorsed elected officials, 30 locally endorsed elected officials, and 35 locally endorsed ballot initiatives in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Hawaii, Rhode Island, DC, Montano, Maine, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Massachusetts, Maryland, Missouri, Oregon, Texas, Tennessee, and Washington.

Their event schedule for November 18th:  How To Do Targeted Advertising On Facebook.

Oddly, many people in the US are not educated in the ideology and history of Socialism, what it means, what it entails, and historical leaders who attempted to govern under this dictatorial means:

1)   Venezuela is the most recent catastrophic result of a Socialist government policy.  Nicolas Madura is the current President ruling under the United Socialist Party under a program that has been referred to as authoritarian and dictatorial and has been instrumental in the complete chaotic collapse of the entire economic and social system plague by an inflation rate of 1million percent.

2)   The National Socialist Workers’ Party or the Nazi’s were the children of Hitler. Germany was in a free fall and in 1931 during the Great Depression, Hoover called a moratorium on WWI reparations to Germany causing widespread collapse of banks and industries.  1933 Hitler came to power under the guise of freeing Germany from the tyranny of economic collapse.

3)   The Bolsheviks were factions within the Russian Social Democratic Party following the ideology of Socialist, Karl Marx.  Lenin was a dictator who became leader of the Socialist Revolution ultimately throwing Russia into Communist rule for decades.

The US is not without socialist reforms; welfare, Medicaid, public schools, etc…  But just as Germany has instituted more and more control over citizen’s freedoms, so has the US with the assistance of the media as they redefine and recreate history to virtually ‘uneducate’ The People.

You cannot have globalization without Socialism.  You cannot have Socialism without a dictatorship government.  While Merkel appears more and more defeated as she calls for the UN to be the governing world body, this remains the agenda amidst a splintering EU, an uninformed Macron, and a collapsing Theresa May.

The common denominator for Venezuela, Hitler and the Bolsheviks was ‘Youth”.  Garner the youth, call for a revolution, and institute a civil war.  I believe that is the same call the Socialists are advocating in the US today… Buyer Beware.

Hillary’s Progressive America

Geraldo judging Trump is like a dog judging a buffalo… no contest.   Geraldo has been married five times, brags overtly on live television that he has had sex with over 1000 women, has reportedly sexually assaulted Bette Midler, is married to a Democrat, has had children with his multiple liasons, has tweeted a nearly nude picture of himself because he finds his body so very attractive, and then feels compelled to publicly judge – Trump.

This is the America we live in today. Transgressions are never owned – instead fingers are pointed.

Hillary claims that Trump is lewd and offensive and she is above these slanderous rituals of political mudslinging, turns around and slings not just mud, but a tsunami of destructive opinionated insults. And America inhales it like cocaine.

What a Hillary Progressive presidency might look like:

  1. Wall Street is her idol. They represent the banking cartel that outlined their agenda for world order centuries ago and have patiently and patently organized every peg in the game from the Federal Reserve to NATO to the UN, Global organizations that will fill the void when governments are eliminated or taken over. Instituting coups is of the greatest importance, second only to the devaluation of intellect through subversive control of our education system.
  2. Hawkish military policies will fuel more wars and massive destruction of entire countries.
  3. Eliminating natural and organic markets, Hillary is an advocate for Monsanto and the increased devastation their herbicides and pesticides will ultimately wreak on American farms. As the land becomes unusable, the land grabs of Africa owned an operated by large corporations will be the world food overseers.
  4. Hillary claims she is a “Progressive Democrat”, yet refuses to define what that means… so I will: Social Justice is a tenet of Marxist theory. Sharing of corporate profits is a tenet of Marxist theory. A socialist revolution must occur in order to create the dictatorship of Marxism. Once fulfilled, the dictator statehood rules over the peasants. The statehood is considered to be the economically dominant intellectual power. Thus while wealth in terms of classes is eliminated, their remains a ‘Ruling Class’ – and everyone else.
  5. Soros has called for a ‘controlled’ US dollar devaluation of upwards of 30%. That would mean increased inflation, stagnated growth, and the creation of a continually lower standard of living. But the dollar has declined 98% since 1913, the same year that the federal income tax was initiated, the same century that created the Federal Reserve, Social Security taxes, sales taxes, the SEC the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, and the thousands upon thousands of governmental agencies that have created a national debt approaching $19 trillion or $19,000,000,000,000. NOT as a result of capitalism – but of a progressive socialist economic agenda.
  6. The concept that all national boundaries should be obliterated is a tenet of the New World Order – and Hillary.
  7. Our US education system was recreated in the early 1920’s by Rockefeller who saw the opportunity to establish and determine what knowledge would be shared with the pubescent minds. The point was to condition the child’s mind while eliminating unessential data such as history, arithmetic, and language. Instead, each child would serve the corporate need of the generation. This dummy-down mind control is the basis of Marxism.

    John Dewey, a Marxist and a “Progressive”, formulated the US education system on the models of communist Russia, and labeled it “Progressive Education” based on the ideology that God was dead.

Karl Marx quote, “The first battlefield is the rewriting of history.”

A stupid person is easier to control than an educated one. Trained, they are like cattle. Common Core is the Federalized dummy down in which even the most simplistic of ideas is convoluted thereby creating a void of knowledge.

In 1913, unemployment stood around 4.3%. Output per capita was the world’s greatest. Real output was growing an average of 4% per year. It was the same year Rockefeller gave $100million to his own foundation thereby avoiding the newly instituted federal taxation. Russia, France, Italy, US and the UK were allies against Germany, Austria, and the Ottoman Empire. But the banking cartel headed by Rockerfeller, JP Morgan, Montagu Norman, Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs, and Lehman orchestrated the creation of the Federal Reserve so that they could control the money supply which gave them the power to orchestrate the Crash of 1929 in which they profited handsomely! It also gave them such expansive power that they became the shadow government making all decisions…

The Clinton initiation into the Rockefeller cabal began sometime in the early 1990’s when Bill Clinton was harvested for the Bilderberg Group and Lawrence Rockefeller demanded Hillary take task into a health care reform project for the US. They dictated the presidency, the policies, the laws, healthcare, welfare and – education.

It was at the passage of the Federal Reserve that Congressman Charles Lindbergh Sr. was quoted as saying, “From now on all depressions will be scientifically created.” He voted against the Federal Reserve. He also asserted:

There is a sinister influence at work in our country, which, if it is not checked, intends to completely undermine the original purpose of the formation of our Government—change it from the purposes of a democracy, and instead make it of a monarchical and plutocratic system, and to bring all the world into one control and one system, which for purposes of deception of the plain people, they would call a “world’s democracy,” but which in fact it is their plan to make the rule of the wealth grabbers, maintained by simple organization of themselves and disorganization of the masses pitting the masses against each other.”

This is not something new! This is something that has legs in the tortoise and the hare. Why the urgency seems to have ramped up – is still a viable question…

The next imperative? The devaluation of the US dollar… and if the US is supreme, how come China owns the position of four out of five largest banks in the world…

Because the real battle for world domination rests in the battle of two; China and their allies as government forces, against the US, EU and it’s allies as corporate entities. Everyone else – in-between – is simply ‘collateral damage’.

Fascism – Silence of the Lambs

No one in the US seems to see the irony of the notion that a die-hard Socialist is running for President against a Progressive Socialist in the Democratic party while we continue to overthrow governments around the world in order to institute a capitalist society free of the tyranny of socialist/communist/dictatorship rule.

We ignore the fact that our own system is replete with corruption and fraud and stand on a soapbox demanding that other countries follow our example… And if they don’t, well, they risk being destroyed.

We watch the degrading university systems in our US where students are allowed tyrannical rule and yet we fail to consider – who taught them…?  Silence of the Lambs.

We listen to the rhetoric of liberal fanatics demanding free speech while they sue anyone who disagrees with their version of that free speech. And in a more recent instance, actually barricaded an auditorium from a conservative speaker and his followers, created chaos, trashed the hallways, attacked other students, and made a mockery of the freedom they exalted.  All without any repercussion or consequence whatsoever.  It is “freedom for me but not you!” that is reigning terror across the US. And it isn’t the ‘whites’, or the ‘entitled white males’, or the ‘Christians’, it is the Liberals – as in – capital L.

A generation completely gone astray. What happened?

When asked what Socialism is or what it stands for, most of our youth don’t even recognize the names Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Jaruzelski (Poland), or the host of communist leaders in Serbia, there is a lengthy list. But, instead of educating our college students about these atrocities, we educate them on the grandeurs of Islam and Socialism. We glorify Socialism as evidenced by the northern European countries of Sweden, Denmark, and The Netherlands.

Even more disturbing, as a result of the media drooling over the recent tweet by Trump that was supposedly aligned with Mussolini and fascism, I decided to do some henpecking research and found some interesting comparisons:

  1. Fascist education was the indoctrination of the youth into a singular belief and ideology. The idea was that the youth would once indoctrinated would be the most valuable assets of the government. Their reading was restricted and censored to advocate for the Fascist system keeping all other forms of government squelched from the mental sponges of the young and vulnerable.

    This would align with our current common core, our universities spewing out children who defend Socialism but have no idea what it means.

  2. Propaganda. The media was controlled and all information supported one ideology, one rule, one greatness within an illusion of Truth.

    This would align with our current mainstream media propagating a continuous venue of lies and disinformation.

  1. The political and economic ‘elite class’ were pampered, above the law, and given gifts and national resources in order to secure their continued support. The rich got vastly richer.

    This is fairly obvious.

  2. The Pope and the Catholic Church were integral in Mussolini’s rise. Although Mussolini was an atheist, his mother was a devout Catholic as was most of Italy. The Pope endorsed Mussolini as a strong leader able to defend Italy from the anarchists, the socialists and the communists. Vatican City was granted it’s statehood by Mussolini and thus a fortified bond was formed.

  3. The mainstay for fascism was control. Not of the corporations which were allowed freedom, or the elite, who were demurely pampered, but control was an absolute in being able to corral the People.

  4. Give the military discretionary power to invade and conquer and invoke regime change because colonizing to create the One World Order, is paramount. For Mussolini, it was the revival of the Roman Empire.

So while the media is busy deriding Trump for a quote they claim was from the Fascist dictator, Mussolini, despite the fact that he lifted it from Sister Elizabeth Kenny, the same media fails to recognize we are a Fascist state already. We just don’t know it. Because the media tells us so…

And that is how and why our university student youth have come to be –

The Silence of The Lambs