NETANYAHU Taking Down The Global Cartel

OOPS!  Netanyahu: “Charging me for crimes in Gaza is like charging Bush for 9-11”.  The man is single-handedly bringing down the Cartel in record time!  They will take down their own! 

The media instead is having a holy war day via their ‘misunderstanding’ of a quote in a Trump ad – ‘Unified Reich’.  Which refers to the unification of east and west Germany as the Bolshevik communist regime of east Berlin – falls.  A tale of history that is NOT taught in American schools because it offends the Jews and is antisemitic.  In the pallor – they completely avoid the actual message of the ad.

AIPAC has released its own ad wherein it declares that it is unified in owning every member of Congress across both aisles of partisanship.  Bragging about their having colonized America is not getting the reaction it anticipated.  Instead, the outrage has increased dramatically.  The CARTEL, the Deep State, the Mafia, is standing before us front and center and spitting in our faces.   Their own appointed leader, Netanyahu, has brought the walls crumbling down!  The shroud is lifted.  And no amount of ‘damage control’ can change history.

We Are East Berlin.   And The Protocols are not a conspiracy.

Another interesting confession:  HillelFuld at Hilzfuld on Tweeter has stated that “the Jews were responsible for the annihilation of the Babylonian and Assyrian societies  – and America is next to disappear into the pages of a history book.”  Gnashing their teeth.

Wall Street Journal:  “Many Americans still don’t fully grasp how serious the international  situation has become.  Iran has set the Middle East ablaze, Russia is advancing in Ukraine, and China is pursuing campaigns in Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines”.  All mobilizing for war ~  Walter Russell Mead.

But none of this is accurate.  America is the War Machine.  America supplies weapons to our allies and our enemies.  America has had a total of 17 years of peace since 1776.  NOT because of Russia and Iran and China – but because of – America.

Walter Mead is a Kissinger globalist whose books have been praised by The Rothschild Economist.   After Reagan liberated the Soviet Union from the Bolsheviks, Mead proposed taking control of Siberia and the far East of Russia to the tune of 3.5 million square miles of land which coincidentally included – Lake Baikal – the world’s largest ‘fresh-water’ lake.   Mead laments the decline of support for the FDR New Deal, supports war across the globe, and is a major advocate of the Rothschild settlement we call – Israel.  He regularly appears at the Hudson Institute with Liz Cheney…

Taking Land.  That belongs to another country.  Much like the Bolsheviks taking Russia in 1917 and colonizing Palestine soon after.  Africa has certainly a bit of experience in Land Grabs.

The poignant point of this moment in history is the unveiling of The Secrets:  Pope Francis and The Vatican.   Bolshevik Communism.   Taxation.   The Cartel/Deep State.  History.   War cycles.

The US arms sales amount to roughly $238 billion annually accounting for 40% of all global trade in arms.  According to the State Department, the sale of arms and weapons is ‘important foreign policy’.

The rhetoric just keeps getting worse every day:   Haaratz Media wants Jerusalem to be responsible for Netanyahu’s criminal behavior.   Netanyahu got pissed that AP Media was giving al Jazeera the same photos of Gaza War Crimes that AP released – given Israel sanctioned al Jazeera – so he had AP raided and their equipment confiscated.  Blinken thinks this is ‘very serious’ but does nothing because Netanyahu is completely rogue and could likely out someone other than Bush.  And UNRWA says it is shutting down operations because there is no food or aide to Distribute – undercutting the LIES of aide.  Israel is imploding – and no one is going to be able to rescue it from its own self-destructing demise.  Netanyahu risks being suicided by his own just to shut him up.

Netanyahu’s reaction?  Kill more.  Children.  West Bank.  Block food aide.  He’ll be pleading insanity.

America’s complicity in providing weapons and upholding Israel is beginning to take shape in the backlash.   Congress would have been better advised to put a clamp on their mouths – but then AIPAC is the puppeteer holding the Marionette strings.   The fallout will hit re-elections.  And that would include, as AIPAC has asserted, both sides of the aisles.   Ted Cruz.   Tom Cotton.  Tim Scott.  Kennedy.  Trump’s holding off on a VP pick was perfectly timed politically given anyone even associated with Israel and their multitude of PACS will become fodder for mud slinging.  The conservatives who supported Israel based on a religious pretext will be humiliated as the New Christian Secularists. 

And the World Stage for the US is now severely impaired.  Targeting the ICC for disbandment will simply look like a fraught child’s effort to save itself.  Africa is watching.   South America is watching.  Alliances are going to break away to preserve themselves and the BRICS will become their only avenue.   The entire UN Assembly could suffer – NATO – every mechanism established at the direction of the Global Power of Israel’s America could collapse.   Europe would have no army.

The intel NGO’s are silent.  They don’t know how to absorb this massive takedown.   The Wall Street journal article by Walter Mead is garbage.   The insight into the true global picture is still built on the illusion of lies established decades ago.   Who is the Bad Guy?   Keep up the pretense.  Don’t let your guard down.   But in the end – the incredible sloppiness of The Kabbalah to allow Netanyahu’s assault continue unabated is equating to Nero’s demise as he watched Rome Burn.  

From whence ‘they came’.  

The Israeli Warlords & The CIA – Election 2024

Nikki Haley is popping up on Tweeter as a ‘presidential candidate’- Vivek Ramaswamy claims that The GOP is going to take down Trump and insert the war hawk – Haley.  That’s The Game.  A woman from Ukraine is on video explaining the BOT room in Kyiv that is used to infiltrate social media – TikTok and Instagram primarily – with CIA propaganda feeds.  Zionists claim that ALL of Palestine is their land and has been for 2000 years.  And the ICC has put out an arrest warrant for Netanyahu resulting in Zionists ‘threatening’ terrorism against the ICC.

Monday – Monday, can’t trust that day…

Congress is completely rogue.  There is no People Representation.  Their actions are driven by the wizards hiding behind the curtain.  Americans are left with a 5D chess game to determine who is the winner when the players are AI.

  1. A Nikki Haley presidency is a WWIII guarantee – doesn’t even matter who America picks the fight with – as long as it results in a wiped slate.
  2. The CIA is a parallel organization with the Mossad. That’s the reason every politician supports Israel.
  3. IF every country on earth must now defer to its roots of 8000 BC, in compliance with Israel’s justification, no country on earth would exist…
  4. Threatening a court – any court – reveals the extent of the psychological mental aberration that now infects en-masse.

The lack of logic is frightening.  The degree to which Tweeter Americans are willing to sellout their country is frightening.  And a Congress that is patently self-serving rogue – is frightening.

We are no longer fighting the World Economic Forum, or WHO, or Fauci, we are fighting each other based on ideologies and principles and psychosis.

And suddenly, Ramaswamy is standing out = front and center as the internal battles are fought off screen.  Until – he invokes his great respect for Israel’s ‘right’ to genocide.   The idiocy of the 2000 year claim seems comical until one realizes that the vast majority of hawks and democrats support this as a reality.  The US would thus have to relinquish all its land to the Indian nations under the same premise.  Europe would become Russian and every country south is China.

Israel claims the ICC has no jurisdiction over its human rights violations and genocide because Israel never signed on as a member.  But Palestine is a member and therefore the ICC has technical authority to support its member state.   In addition, the United Nations Security Council can make an exception regarding states which are not members – for prosecution.  In the case of Israel – the UN Security Council supported the investigation and warrant.  Only those under the age of 18 are immune from prosecution.

The ICC has jurisdiction over specific crimes including;  genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression.  It specifically does not have the authority over – terrorism.   Following within this track, Israel fits every single jurisdiction.  And Congress has absolutely no power – as a nonmember – to intervene.

No matter who is elected President 2024, unless America can cut the colonial ties with the Zion apparatus, nothing will change.  Our agencies will continue their rogue mafia rule, our economy will move into Venezuela zombie zone, and our freedoms will be usurped.   The People will not be represented and we will remain the cattle that we have become.

Congress is ruled by blackmail.   Blackmail is an interesting deployment of CIA strategy as exercised via the Mossad.   It doesn’t necessarily have to be real – to compromise a person’s reputation.  It only needs an apparatus that can guarantee a fake trial of conviction.  That apparatus is tied to – Zion.  Zion controls the FBI, DOJ and CIA.

When the protests against the Palestine genocide first began they were peaceful.  When Israel demanded their immediate cessation, they sent in the goons to incite radicalism for justification of arrests.   Jan 6th reincarnation.  Which means Israel hates Trump.  Yet Trump and every Trump affiliate is pro-Zion.  An interesting battle.

The Kabbalah Cartel has blatantly shown us what they are capable of doing to America and Americans as a purposeful indictment of anyone who fails to relinquish their religion, their liberty, and their mind.   A decoupling would need the formation of different alliances.  Israel is not likely to go away peacefully.

If in fact the game plan is to insert a substitute for both Biden and Trump, the Democrat would have to be fully entrenched in their agenda – playing both sides has been their mantra of success.  Nikki is 100% onboard.  A Biden replacement could be Kennedy or Big Mike.  It has to be a well known name – well entrenched in the political scene, and someone that could be a good rival to Haley.  But either way, it is a guaranteed win-win scenario.

Politics is about appeasing your enemies, not just your friends.  And Zions have money.  Money they will readily give and take away in a split second before destroying your career, livelihood, and soul.  Art of War;  keep you enemies closer… Trump has another trump card – Jared, his son-in-law.

Behind the scenes, while we are focused on politics, Coup Plots have emerged in South Africa, Congo, Slovakia, Turkey, Georgia, and Iran – simultaneously.   Why?  Desperation.  While all of them have been foiled, the stench remains – wafting.  Catholic Mexico is slated to have a new Zionist President, in what could only be a ‘coup’ given the religious affiliation of Sheinbaum.  It is likely a deal was made with The Mexican Cartel.

When Soros declared in 2015 that his two main obstacles to global power were Russia and America, he also declared that the means of destruction would come from within.   America Lost.  Russia Won.  Now it is in the hands of The People.

LEGAL – Rights, Entitlements and Deservings…

RIGHTS.  Rights for women, LGBT’s, blacks, Asians, guns, speech, clothes, food, animals, …  What is a Right?  “A moral or legal entitlement”.  What is an Entitlement?  “A privilege, something inherently deserving”.  What does one deserve?   And that’s when law capitulates to psychology because ‘deserve’ is the basis for nothing, yet psychologists have pompously decreed that everyone ‘deserves’ to feel loved and to put themself – first.

The spiral from which there is no recovery.

“Although there is no precise calculation of how many federal statutes exist, the most cited number is 300,000”.   The Federal government doesn’t know how many statutes it has implemented.  But, by George, if you violate one, they will find it!   This doesn’t even address state or local laws.  Legal Entitlements have become laws in order to prop up – lawyers.  Privileges keep the psychologists and therapists in business.  That’s why Moses gave us God’s Laws.  Keep it simple stupid!

I grew up within the mantra, ‘Rules are meant to be broken’ mindset.  Recently, I parked at the strip mall where I get my hair infused with youthful color and was being rinsed of said color when one of the hairdressers walked in with a client and asked if anyone had a black Lexus.  I raised my hand – the hairdresser rolled her eyes and reiterated her client’s request,  “You need to move your car, because one of your back tires is over the line.”   She was embarrassed her client made her say this –

The client in all her pursed lipped glory refused to look at anyone, sat down and stared at herself in the mirror.  When I was done – I duly noted there were at least 15 empty spaces …

The Client’s mentality is what has given us 300,000 Federal Statutes –

To enforce these 300,000 Rules, there are 209 courts and the Supreme Court, hosting over 1770 judges.    Within the 209 courts, there are five types handling different situations wherein you have violated 1 of the 300,000 Laws.  According to everyone but VOX, the US Tax Code is over 70,000 pages long – and not one IRS agent has read it.  Other than possibly, Ben Carson, I doubt anyone in Congress has read it.   Why?  Because Congress would have us believe that their sole purpose in office is to ‘add to the 300,000 laws’.  Making new laws is thus considered a feather in one’s cap and earns you 12 Brownie Points.

How many members in Congress actually have the degree(s) they claim to?  Buying degrees and honorary degrees are now the new normal.  “Fast college degree – 100% verifiable” – “Within 24 hours you appear in the school’s online graduate database.”    BOOM – It is that easy.  How many Congressional lawyers have never practiced law?   How many Congressional lawyers never went to law school – their entire education history a creation of McKinsey & CO?

The US Government is a royal embarrassment.  And it appears, they don’t really care.  Blinken in Ukraine playing a rotten guitar on stage.   Christy openly smooching with another guy on camera.  Sex in the Capitol.  Cat fight bashing in secession!  Openly breaking laws!  Yet – the two men facing expulsion are now Justice Alito and Justice Thomas of the Supreme Court.

Why?  Because the number of conservatives needs to be supplanted with Kabbalist inserts before Trump takes office.  Keep it simple.

In so doing, every action Trump takes will be challenged by The Supreme Court.

Somehow, flying an American Flag upside down is now criminal.  It is an ‘opinion’ and opinions are not allowed.   Are we entitled to opinions?   Are we deserving of opinions?  Is an opinion a Right?


What else is not allowed in the world of 300,000?  Taking a trip with a friend who happens to be very wealthy.   The pro-tweeters paid to be nasty-pants don’t have any dirt, so they peck away at idiotic absolutes or simply digress to name calling – as in Ms. Davy Crockett … and gets POINTS for doing so!   Which begs the question – are these people really educated at the prestigious colleges they espouse – or is this a McKinsey creation?

When Jon Rappaport talks about the Matrix, he casually tells us that everything is fake.   Everything encompasses more than we can even imagine.

Our media has gone so far as to post current war events that didn’t happen, riots that didn’t happen, protests they called riots, and terrorists that are just a bunch of kids – all while using faked photos or videos to illicit a truthbomb that is – fake.  Is that their Right?   In those 300,000 laws – does one of them tell us that lying is a crime?  God does in his succinct 10 Commands – false testimony.

Maybe those 300,000 laws should be plastered across every wall in schools, universities, the Capitol and White House!  Would the Democrats demand they be white-washed?   Or would the Karen’s come out of the woodwork and point fingers at everyone who violates one of the laws?  I imagine our court system would simply ‘break’ – the weight too massive.   Too massive?  The illegals actually being given court dates are now ear-marked for some time in 2030…  None of which will come to fruition.

There really are No Rights.  There are only different species colonized within different humans whose brains are wired differently.  Telling a particular wired species to change a wire and uphold a ‘right’ will never happen.   Not even after imposing over 300,000 laws to do so –

A Biography of Human Thought

I don’t know who actually compiles this information, but typically you see states ranked in various magazines and advertisements.  They use criteria like best schools, lowest crime, happiness score, income level, etc…, so what if we jammed that up a might bit!   Given the acrimony I think we should divvy up states based on another set of criteria:  1.  all black, or all white, or all Asian.   2.  Only libertarians allowed.   3.   Higher knowledge required.   4.   We don’t give a fark everyone is welcome!   5.   Must enjoy working.   6.   Likes to do nothing.   Within this frame of criteria, each state would be ranked.  They could never deviate from this set of rituals.   Because this criteria reflects who you are and will become – based on your own choices.

There was a Star Trek episode wherein Captain Kirk was with his soldier guys on planet Q where warring was going on and The Capt in all his wisdom wanted to join the war.   Then these wisemen appeared, wearing cloaks, floating somewhat, immune from assault of any kind – they were all elderly men with white beards.  They couldn’t believe how barbaric humans were despite millennials of training.

You see, humans are barbaric.  Life became via barbarism and has remained so without evolution.  It never evolved out of our psyche.  Man is stagnant – and something else is propelling us.   We are the exact same creatures that existed 10,000 years ago.  History is about WAR.  That’s how it is defined; schoolbooks, literary books, nonfiction etc..  history is war.   That’s what splashes the news headlines daily – everything is a WAR.   And those guys in the robes have left us to our demise.  Likely quite disgusted.

The amount of jeers from the grandstands for ‘Death’ is like a cartoon.  They can’t really demand children and women be pummeled and squashed.   Yet they do!  Eyes wide in anticipation of the Blood…   That would be another Star Trek episode wherein society was obedient until the clock struck midnight and all chaos let loose.  Landrau struck the clock again at 6am and everyone became obedient slaves.  Barbarism – inherent in the psyche.  But.. not everyone’s psyche.

It seems to me that calling for bad wishes on another person or persons is not too far up on the evolutionary scale.   Death threats are now a yawn.  If we were to accept the muddle of history/0mythology, the civilizations of 3000 BC were a more cohesive family – not by training – but by inherent wisdom.  The Biden administration wanting to return Americans to the life in 1800 is an interesting – reverse evolution.

I imagine reverse evolutions are quite common in history – wherein entire cultures or societies lose their knowledge and must start over in building back to what they used to know.  A circular.   And then a select few so very much – Tesla and Da Vinci come to mind – bring society back from the darkness.  Incredibly ingenious men persons appear in the midst of a dark tie and everything changes.   And BOOM – we are back baby!

And then the FBI and CIA just had to ruin the party.  Stealing every written patent and using the military to match Tesla’s brain.   They couldn’t do it!  Any more than the Pharma industry could match Dr. Bradstreet’s brain – he cured cancer – using natural human proteins.  “OFF YOU GO!”  It seems like such a waste of life.   Smell the roses – that sort of thing.

SO – this is my brain – it doesn’t get a lot of sleep and has a tendency to go to the far far lands where man has never been…

Foreign Agent Laws = Good in US – Bad in Slovakia

Foreign Agent laws are in place in the United States, Russia, Hungary, Australia, Canada, EU and Ukraine.   Other countries, including Slovakia and Georgia have recently proposed similar laws but the Kabbalah regime is panicking.  The NGO’s across every country would suddenly be forced to be transparent or leave – and this would further disrupt The Order.

Power vacuums, protests, riots, coups would all be shut down.  The protests at colleges across the US and EU were originally calm and peaceful anti-war, but soon became infiltrated by Professional activists hired by the Soros/NED/CIA force majeure.   Without these NGO’s situated in Slovakia to assure the country remains a colony, they would become a sovereign entity and that further destabilizes the Kabbalah Globalist Order.  This was the primary reason the Slovakian PM was shot – whether the 71 year old shooter activist works with such an NGO has yet to be determined.

In 2012, Russia initiated its crackdown on Foreign Agents expelling numerous NGO’s and Rothschild affiliated banks.   This impacted elections – specifically those wherein color revolutions and coups occurred.  Navalny was groomed by these NGO’s to radicalize Russians via protests.  Since then, Hungary has followed suit while Georgia and Slovakia are in different stages of implementing such laws.  Despite the US and other western nations having such laws internally, externally this is ‘not allowed’.

Just ask Soros who is front and center declaring the Foreign Agent registration laws are a form of discrimination.  The law is being appealed by Katarina Batkova, a lawyer who states that, “…it restricts the free movement of capital within the EU, which means it conflicts with its founding treaties…”

The ‘free movement of capital’ means funding for coups and riots must maintain its opaque shadow in order for them to be successful. 

Fedor Blascak, Director of the Open Society Foundation claims the law is “ideologically a Russian/Putin style proposal… which is directed against active citizens, civil society, and democracy”.

Active citizens would be those funded to incite riots.  Civil society would be the colonization by a preferred group we call Kabbalists.  And Democracy is the new definition of Autocratic Rule.

Katarina Batkova works for an NGO in Slovakia – VIA IURIS.  VIA IURIS is funded by the Pontis Foundation whose donor list includes:  Open Society, ING Bank, and the US Embassy – among others.

ING Bank has its headquarters in The Netherlands, and is a part of the ‘list of global systemically important banks’.   The Big CLUB.   In order to be on The List, a bank is measured by “the scale and the degree of influence they hold in global financial markets and governments”.

VIAA IURIS is also funded by the Freedom House, an NGO whose primary course of revenue is the US State Department, ie US Taxpayers.  Founded in 1941 by Eleanor Roosevelt and many others, the Freedom House was instrumental in forcing the US into WWII, forcing the US into the Vietnam War, and supported the Marshall Plan and NATO.   It’s Board consists of such notables as Carol Adelman (The Hudson Institute) and Michael Chertoff (Authored The Patriot Act – neoconservative Jewish anti-Trumper)

Freedom House Offices are scattered across – Ukraine, Hungary, Jordan, Serbia, Mexico and central Asia.  It has been criticized extensively by – Ron Paul.

The Foreign Agent Registration law requires an NGO that receives more than $XX from a foreign source to be transparent of said financing and publish information about its donors.  Failure to do so could cause the NGO to lose its status in the country and be forcibly shut down.  Which is the means Russia used to expel the vast majority of Soros, Ford, Pritzker, etc… NGO’s.

The US has used this power to sue various individuals who do not provide accounts of their foreign donors.   Somehow, the law is no longer discriminatory or racist, or whatever, when it is employed in western countries.

The US Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) was passed in 1938 as a part of the FDR New Deal.  for the purpose of halting Nazi propaganda.  While it was rather obscure for decades, the law was used extensively to prosecute various Trump supporters ad suddenly the media Handlers determined that the passage of this law was prophetic because it allowed the State Department to legally attack anyone associated with the Trump Administration.

One such prosecution was against Gal Loft:

Gal Luft, a Dual U.S.-Israeli Citizen, Allegedly evaded FARA Registration while working to advance the Interests of China in the United States and sought to broker the illicit sale of Chinese Manufactured Weapons and Iranian Oil to China.

The allegations came against Luft after he went to the CIA and FBI claiming corruption by Hunter Biden making improper financial arrangements with the CCP.   The Biden Regime indicted Luft and he fled.   Luft claims he was a whistleblower with evidence against Humter and should therefore not be punished under Law.  However, the CIA decided to claim Luft was an arms dealer to sweeten the honey pot of indictments.  All alleged.   No evidence ever provided.

Was the man who shot Slovakia’s PM associated with an NGO that whipped him into a frenzy?   Was he paid?   His name has not been released as the investigation is ongoing and likely will proceed with the assistance of Putin.   But once again the hypocrisy is not lost as the Soros NGO Regime is well known to use his NGO’s for regime change.  

Africa might want to consider adopting similar protections…

Biden’s Handlers Impose Massive Destructive Tariffs

The Biden Handlers have imposed Tariffs on China:  semiconductors 50%, syringes 50%, lithium batteries 25%. Electric vehicles 100%.  Steel and Aluminum 25%.  The purpose is to destroy China’s economy.  The reason?  China continues trade with Russia. 

If Russia wins the war with Ukraine there are fallouts:  ego – front and center, the race to devalue the dollar will gain significant speed, America’s hegemony is built on wars.   Losing wars is typically a nonplus given the US funds both sides.  In this case, funding Russia is not available –

The Position being held by these non-economist lawyers and bankers is that America manufacturing needs to be competitive.  Why?  Because American prices can’t compete, therefore everyone must manufacture according America pricing.  Which is significantly higher already due to the price of transportation and labor.  According to the Directive, Biden claims American workers can only compete if China price matches…

When enacting tariffs, the loser in this scenario is American consumers who will now experience inflation ranging from 25% to 100%.  The hardest hit will be everything electronic;  cars, electric vehicles, appliances, cell phones, electricity, and Renewable Energy!  Everything green will now be unaffordable.  Simultaneously, the Intel chip making plant in Ohio  has announced they are behind schedule and the plant may not be up and working until – 2030.

Very few Chinese EV’s are actually sold in America, in fact very few EV’s are sold in America as dealerships post losses and sit on billions in unsold inventory.   According to the NYT, the industry ‘fears a flood of China’s EV’s’…   The reason?  The one company that is poised to ship Chinese EV’s to the US and Europe is Stellantis.  The cost of the car is $10,000 and according to Elon Musk – the car is stellar!  When the Federal Government is thru – Stellantis will be lucky to sell the car for $35,000  – taking away its competitive edge.  Altering the entire concept of Free Trade.

Headquartered in Amsterdam, Stellantis was formed in 2021 thru the merger of Fiat and the French PSA Group.  The Chair of Stellantis is John Elkann, the heir to the Gianni Agnelli family.   He is NOT happy.    His planned expansion of sales has just been gnashed.   Leading to an 11.5%  in share value.

While the EV market is the media focus – the steel and aluminum, and semiconductor tariffs will have the most egregious impact.  These costs directly affect the Green Market of solar, and windmills, but will also impact construction, cars, infrastructure – including bridges, and military equipment.  These tariffs are then absorbed by consumers and Taxpayers.

Right on cue, Mike Johnson declares that the Biden Handlers are wholly responsible for Inflation due to a government spending crisis – like the $95 billion Johnson approved.

Why would the handlers want to destroy the economies of The West?

The John Birch Society knew at its creation that a shadow government was controlling the FBI and CIA to convert the power of government to stakeholder elites and communists.   The power of control needs to be autocratic.   Founded in 1958, the John Birch Society is labeled anticommunist, right wing, radical, far right, libertarian, and a threat to democracy.   John Birch was an intelligence officer in WWII who was shot by the Communist factions of Mao.  He believed that communists in the Soviet Union and China were the greatest threat on earth.   Robert Welch, jr, was the founder of the John Birch Society and stated:

“Both the U.S. and Soviet governments are controlled by the same furtive conspiratorial cabal of internationalists, greedy bankers, and corrupt politicians. If left unexposed, the traitors inside the U.S. government would betray the country’s sovereignty to the United Nations for a collectivist New World Order, managed by a ‘one-world socialist government’”.

The Society once included the Koch Brothers who left sometime in the 1970’s.   Everything America is fighting for today can be traced to the Birch Society warning us of the Communist agenda – secularism, big government, unlimited autocratic power, and a One World Economic Forum Government.   As the Kabbalist collective plan is being shredded, they are ramping up their Agenda looking for disintegration wherever they can get it.

Somewhat of a last hurrah.

This is NOT about China or Russia or Ukraine – this is about ensuring and maintaining an autocratic control over those countries currently occupied, including America.

As the PM of Slovakia learned today, assassination is the outcome of a nonconformist ideology that does not align with the Kabbalah.  Whistleblowers are targets of assassination for nonconformist ideology.   And inventors who attempt to intervene in the allowed arena of Kabbalah industries are assassinated.

The Economist has called the elections in India – Modi Fatigue.  The intentional insertion of Modi’s opponent, Arvind Kejriwal, was financed by The Ford Foundation, which is a CIA construct – a left wing protégé of the Kabbalah.  In addition, Harper Collins published Kejriwal’s book Swaraj which increased his assets by Rs 1,34,57, 504 crore – or 60%.

Modi is not anti-Russia enough for the CIA and needs to go out quietly – either via the elections or via the same means as the PM of Slovakia.  Should Modi win the election, he will likely find his country sanctioned … the Kabbalah first means of punishment.

The Global Order is faltering – their schemes of punishment for not embracing a full alliance are now open and transparent.   Because they no longer care – because they know they have LOST their alter of acceptance.

AMERICA & West Move To Autocratic Party

“Everything for our homeland, everything for Saxony-Anhalt, everything for Germany.”  This phrase by a former history teacher turned member of the AfD Party in Germany found him in court being prosecuted for a hate crime.   Höcke, 52, is the leading candidate of the Thuringian AfD for the state elections at the beginning of September.  Constitutional Protection Agencies have described him as a right-wing extremist.   Sounds more like ‘election interference’.

Founded in 2013, the AfD Party wasn’t taken seriously until it started to garner a significant portion of the voters.   Since then, it has become the target of every legal effort to dismantle its ideologies which include;  nationalism, Anti-immigration, climate change denial, and welfare ‘chauvinism’.  Apparently, welfare chauvinism defines the will of The People to limit welfare handouts and payments to only “citizens” as opposed to illegal immigrants.  Germany vehemently disagrees and anyone who suggests such a policy is guilty of discrimination and hate speech.

The phrase Hocke is charged with saying illegally is simply, ‘everything for Germany’.   The claim is that the Nazi’s used this phrase and therefore anyone else who makes this statement is a threat to society, right wing extremist, and subject to fines and jail.   The court assessed Hocke punishment of 100 times the 130Euro daily fine.

Other phrases considered illegal or irregular in Germany include:  ‘with German greetings’, ‘our honor is calledloyaty’, ‘hip hip hooray’, ‘Holocaust’, ‘camp’, ‘shower’, ‘foreign worker’, and ‘Nazi’.   What does Germany want?  They assert the AfD Party is extremist and must be banned.  Hocke is leading in the polls for the June election.

The German Bundestag has revealed that they have been illegally surveilling members of the AfD Party for some time.  When this was brought to court this was the ruling:   “The court finds there is sufficient evidence that the AfD pursues goals that run against the human dignity of certain groups and against democracy.”  ~Judges at the higher administrative court in Muenster

Anyone that belongs to an ‘extremist political party’ is considered a potential terrorist and therefore the rules of the Constitution don’t applyThis has already been utilized in the detention and jailing of now 1400 Patriots in America.  Because MAGA is extremist.

Multiple journalists, scholars, and commentators have called the slogan MAGA  racist, regarding it as dog-whistle politics and coded language.

During Trump’s campaign against Hillary, Billy stated, “Trump’s version, used as a campaign rallying cry, was a message to White Southerners that Trump was promising to “give you an economy you had 50 years ago, and … move you back up on the social totem pole and other people down.”   OUCH!

Reagan coined the phrase in 1980.  During Trump’s campaign in 2015, numerous NGO’s used the dichotomy to call themselves, Reaganites Against Trump.  They have effectively become the block that is now the republican uniparty – neoconservatives.  In Name Only.  As far removed from anything Reagan imaginable.

IF the Uniparty were to declare MAGA an extremist organization or racist as a collective, the party could conceivably be trumped like the AfD –

Blinken visited Ukraine and produced a bizarre video in which he claims that Zelenskyy suspending elections is because every Ukrainian has the right to be there…but because of the War, many would not be able to vote.  There are 1 million Ukrainians in the US, there are nearly 6 million Ukrainians in Russia, and another 14 million scattered across Europe.  The population of Ukraine is unknown, however a rough estimate, including all Ukrainians living ‘abroad’ is 33 million.  Leaving just 12 million in the country – 33%.

Blinken thus supports autocratic rule and The People have no say.  Rumors had been circulating that the US wanted to replace Zelenskyy.  Zelenskyy then stated Putin had attempted to assassinate him.  And suddenly he was reinstated via his ‘insurance policy’ – touch me and I spill everything.

The People of Israel are calling for Netanyahu to resign amidst his Palestine genocide.  He refuses.   Instead, he declares a forever war against Palestine until he can complete his mission of a NEOM comparable city to replace Gaza by 2035.  Using American Taxpayer funding.

These are countries that espouse to be the core structure of democracy!  The same countries responsible for color revolutions, riot incitement, assassinations, and election fraud.   If an election candidate in any other country has ties with the US or London, it is highly probable they were inserted into office.  Or as George Carlan said – “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it”.

The definition of democracy has quietly been altered and now reads, ‘The Right To Life, Liberty and Minority Rights’.   The pursuit of happiness no longer exists.   I suppose that pursuit has now been usurped by the World Economic Forum because only they can provide ‘happiness’.

Elections are forged.  The People have no power.  And America faces the same election integrity as Ukraine and Israel in this upcoming November.  Will the Uniparty attempt to call a lid?   Will they postpone elections until the wars are over?  Or will they simply make the succeeding four years miserable?

Silence of The Lambs.  When western governments become autocratic regimes, the Constitution has effectively been repealed and is no longer in force.  These lambs are out in force supporting President Trump.  These Lambs will not stay silent.  Which is why the Biden regime is building a secondary military/militia called The National Guardsmen… while simultaneously federalizing state National Guards.

The Economist – The Western ZION BANKING System Has Failed

The Federal government can print money any time it wants – which is how we have a $35-$40 Trillion deficit for WAR funding.   An interesting question arises… if the government can print whatever money it likes, why do citizens pay taxes?  The only reason would then be that the government’s power is infinite and taxing citizen’s has the sole purpose of defunding Taxpayers.  Like a Sanction.

How does the government issue more money – via debt notes.  Assuming there is a market.  Japan is the largest holder of American debt today.  What are T-Bills backed by?  Nothing.  And any country that buys said T-Bills is a fool.  A US citizen goes to the bank to borrow money and the bank asks, what collateral do you have that hasn’t been pledged?   None says the Citizen.   Bank says – no problem shake my hand and I’ll give you $1 million in unsecured credit.

How will the Federal Government pay its bills?  It has no intention of such a task.   Hence the consistent ‘cooking of the books’.  What happened to the missing $3 Trillion discovered within The Pentagon pre-9-11?   It faded into obscurity as Bush waged the longest most expensive war in history.   The War Industry is a necessary diversion – to obscure the real debt – which is likely significantly higher than the official statement.

The credit system in America was a creation of the German Bankers –  in particular GMAC in 1919.  This also created the ideology of buying out of want instead of need – ie – Consumption.  Suddenly everyone needed a house, a car, lots more catalog clothes, more food, more – more – more.   And manufacturing was the means – Big Money.

During the early 1920’s, seeing the profit motivation in credit, the number of national and state chartered banks – doubled.  The FDR regime intervened and became a defacto Bank.

Trade credit of nearly $2.3 billion comprised almost half of the nation’s entire GDP of around $4.1 billion.  Bankers saw the value in this system and by 1930, banks became involved in installment credit loans.  The most prominent was JP Morgan.

While The Rothschild Family Banking Cartel created money lending in Europe it was primarily toward businesses as opposed to consumers.

Installing Jacob Schiff in America, his task was to seek control over the American Banks.  It was thru this alliance that the Rothschilds helped fund New York financier J.P. Morgan and the Drexels and Biddles of Philadelphia.  It was this relationship that gave Rothschild power over Russia’s Tzar Nicholas whose assets were largely distributed across US banks.  It was Schiff and JP Morgan who established European branches of their respective banks in exchange for allowing the Rothschilds to control the banking industry in New York and ultimately America via the Federal Reserve System of credit..

It is this credit system that destroyed The Republic and Europe.  TO unravel the ‘credit system’ would mean replacing the banking system with noncredit derived loans, ie gold backed.  Who owns the gold today?

A recent uptick in gold was ‘blamed’ on China by US congress.   In fact, like the oil industry, the commodities market is manipulated by Bankers.   When entities other than the Cartel intervene, the Bankers become nervous at the prospect that they will lose control.  Gold has risen 20% in the last six months.

Who is buying the gold?  Turkey, Russia, China, and – Poland.  Why?   Paper and faith have no value – they are incinerated at the slightest provocation.   GOLD is tangible.  And Russia is reinventing their entire economy.

With Putin taking an additional five years as President, his latest Defense Ministry appointment is an Economist – as opposed to a Hawk.  The point?   To recreate a social and economic system that is NOT aligned with the classic Western/Zion Banker establishment.  An establishment that has benefited the Bankers while destroying the wealth of citizens.  An establishment that relies on ownership via credit instead of value.

Nayib Bukele is the recently elected President of El Salvador – 2019.  His policies are anti-western and thus deemed ‘human Rights Offenses by the Soros created Human Rights Watch.   Why?  Because Bukele rejects western ideologies, systems, governance, and blackmail.  While the diversion is Milei of Argentina, a WEF Biden protégé who is destroying the economy and livelihoods of its citizens with 250% annual inflation, Bukele is ‘fixing’ El Salvador by advancing stringent arrests of criminals.   Cartels in particular.  Cartels supported by the western Elite.

Bukele is highly popular – has reduced Cartel Crime/Homicides by 75% – has initiated mass arrests – and is making El Salvador a country to be proud of.   The People love him – The Kabballist Cartel hate him.  Why?   Because El Salvador is rich in resources that the West has been stealing for decades while pushing gang members across the US border to wreak havoc.

The Economist cites these atrocities of their Order as the means wherein – The Order will Fall.

“The Worlds Rule Based Order Is Cracking” ~ The Economist.

That cracking means the Zionists are losing Control.  They are losing the propaganda Matrix.  They are losing the curtain that shields their incompetence.   And alternate systems will be created that enhance a more moral, safe, and economically ‘right’ way of nationalism on par with the Minoan Society.   With one additional caveat – Russia will include in their peace – a machine of Defense that the Minoans felt unnecessary for their continued existence.

The Pope, The Vatican, & The ‘Creation’ of History – 11th Century

How DO we know how much is real and how much is the Matrix?   History has been rewritten or modified on a continuum loop.   How much of the present is also rewired?   How much is green screen or AI technology?  Over two years ago we were told Pope Francis (Bergoglio)  wouldn’t live beyond Christmas.  Yet he continues to reign over the Vatican having been instructed to ‘stack the deck’ as it were with ideological clones.

Bergoglio was chosen as the successor of Pope Benedict when Benedict suddenly resigned in 2013 claiming declining health.  But he lived 9 more years.  Benedict was the first Pope to resign since 1415.  Yet this anomaly was overlooked and considered his choice.  Benedict died in 2022 “after declining health for several days”.    So why did Pope Benedict really resign?

It is parlayed that Soros, Clinton and Obama conspired to insert Pope Francis whose time in Argentina was mired in his collaboration with the 2001 riots wherein he was asserted to have sacrificed 2 Jesuit Priests to the guerillas in order to save himself.  They were tortured.

Thus Bergoglio became the perfect candidate for The Cartel.  Regaining the Vatican.

After Pope Benedict ‘was retired’, a riff between Francis and Benedict was quite heated despite the media claiming it was all a mirage.   It is highly likely, given the Cartel Order, that Benedict was forced out and Francis moved in to initiate the decline of The Church and Catholicism.   The purpose?  Religion and faith interfere with Control.

September 2023, Bill Clinton George Soros, Alex Soros, and the Chairman of the Open Society were invited to the Vatican to  – what?  The implementation of ‘the final Act’?  Or simply to introduce Alex Soros as the successor power to which The Vatican must answer?  These officiates over the Vatican have no religion – they are like the Zionists – Secular.

Of course, they are not just ordinary seculars – they are representatives of the Highest Order!  Who makes the claim that Catholicism is failing?  The Mafia is making the claim.  How is it measured?   Against what previous measure?  The Matrix. representatives of the Highest Order.  Media parlay is whipped into action to continue the loop that Catholicism is a waning religion.  But The extent of the decline is unknown given the means for statistically measuring this loss of faith is based on an ‘online survey’ of 1,000 pre selected persons.  Polls no longer exist.  Statistics are worthless.   And facts are presented that have no basis in evidence.

But the elimination of religion is the focus.  Owning The Vatican is the means within The Matrix.  It provides a circular presentation of illusion.  Of course nothing is without its basis in MONEY.  The secondary coup would be to take control of the assets of The Vatican.  Not just the vast hordes of artwork, antiquities, jewels, and property, but Original history documents that would explain The World – in all its glorious fabrication.

In the Jewish Babylonia Talmud, two sorcerers are mentioned, Mamre and Johana, both recognized in the writings of Solomon and Paul.  Jewish texts refer to them as the ‘wise men’ sorcerers who performed magic and ultimately converted to Judaism despite its existence not yet created.  The term Judaism didn’t exist until the 11th and 12th centuries AD.  The same time that the ‘oldest’ rendering of The Torah is in existence.

Within the Matrix, the Torah’s statement regarding the “Sorcerers” is further substantiated by Pliny The Elder whose original writings do not exist and first published in 1469 – 1400 years after his death.   Marking the fact that Pliny likely never existed and his writings were created in the 15th century by the Pope’s Bishops and Zionists.

During this time frame, Pope Paul II was the overseer of the Papal States.

In 1457, Julius Pomponius-Laetus dedicated his life to the study of the ancient world, including the rites and mysteries of pagan Rome – including the birth of Romulus, the first King of the Roman Empire – a mythological figure.   Pomponius was arrested by Pope Paul II for his scathing atheist attributes.  Pope Paul was a materialist and supporter of Jews.   He was also attributed with the introduction of Papal printing – as in History.  Conjecture claims that Pope Paul was a homosexual whose death was a result of sodomy by a page boy.

In 1486, Pico della Mirandola  founded the tradition of Christian Kabbalah.  Taught by a Jewish atheist, Mirandola became fascinated with the writings and had his longtime friend translate  Judaic manuscripts of mysticism and magic practices.  During this time he embraced Platoism and Aristotelianism.   The oldest Manuscripts of which were created sometime in the 11th and 12th centuries – 1700 years after the existence of Plato and Aristotle..

It was while recovering from the brutal assault laid upon Mirandola by the husband of the woman with whom he had an affair that Pico was introduced to the Judaic Kabbalah or Divine Magic.  The Kabballah proports to be the source of all secrets encrypted only for those predetermined to be the esoteric agents of Kingship on earth.  It supports Jews who fervently believe they are the ONLY chosen ones and that once a person has reached the pinnacle of performing magic – they have reached the peak of intellectual ‘enlightenment’ in the hierarchy over all mankind which is where the Global Order originated.

Before the arrival and rise of Kabbalistic thought there was the Hasidei Ashkenaz Movement born in medieval Germany during the 12th and 13th centuries.  It honors a theology of mysticism and is based in Kabbalism.  One of the tenets conceives that man must ‘Fear God’.

After Judaism went thru a period in history of ‘antisemitism’ due to their pronunciations of sorcery intermingled with God, by the 16th century, occultists adopted the Kabballah.  And the Kabbalah became a tenet of the Satan occultists.  One of the reasons noted for the Jewish people rejecting Christ as the Mesiah was because they believe His powers to heal were magic r sorcery ascribed to Him by Satan.  Thus the hatred of Catholicism as taught by the Jews was because they perceive the Catholic church leaders to be rooted in – Satanism.


Historically, it appears that the vast majority of Popes were not aligned with The Bible – but instead dabbled in the Occult, Mysticism, and the Christian Kabbalah.  Popes only began to teach a pious religiosity to The People in recent times.  Prior to this reinterpretation – Popes acted as the sovereign government – heads over the Crown.  Politicians.

WHEN has the Vatican behaved in a manner consistent with The Bible?

While the Vatican was first intended in 1506 with the cornerstone of St Peters Basilica – making it a pilgrimage site, the Vatican as an independent entity wasn’t created until 1929 under Mussolini – a fascist.  It was thru his actions that Italy came to be a ‘Uniparty’ government, or what used to be called a one-party dictatorship.

It would appear that Pope Benedicts ‘forced retirement’ was due to his unwillingness to allow The Vatican to be usurped by secular Zionism – which had happened at various times throughout history.   It would imply that Pope Francis’ Vatican is run by secular Zionists.  It would imply that “The Secrets” date from the 11th century to present day.   And it would imply that the Matrix has facilitated a false Reality of that is fragmenting…    

Corporate Share Buybacks Funding The Elite Kaballahists

Anyone making a killing on this massive DOW market?   Certainly not to the tune of Pelosi’s annual 45%, but then what is really driving the market?   Share buybacks to the tune of $934 billion, according to Bloomberg.  When a company buys back its own stock, it’s reducing the number of shares outstanding and increasing the value of the remaining shares.  Who owns those shares?  BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street.  How many millennials are in the stock market?   None.   Who are the investors?   The Elites.   Every other hedge fund/investment firm was scraping in 5% to 8% returns…  Because they aren’t “Part of the Club”  Carlin

Artificially pushing the market via buybacks is a ‘Last Hurrah’.

Fools and their piggy banks believe that the DOW is The measure of the economy.  So if millennials and Gen Zer’s aren’t in the market, who is going to support the market when the elites get bored, or when they die?   Trust Fund babies?

Soros has one daughter, Andrea, married to Eric Colombel.  While she is running the Open Society, Eric is the president and founder of the Tsadra Foundation, a nonprofit organization which funds the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism in the west.  Soros eldest son Robert, manages his own money and likes to sail competitively.   Two other sons don’t seem to have much ambition other than playing off daddy’s trust fund.  Youngest son Alex is tasked with the operation of the businesses – The Foundation parlayed into the realm of $5 billion net assets.

The Open Society Foundation does little of anything other than move assets from one NGO to another to avoid taxes while using PR to promote the appearance of philanthropy – a form of money laundering.  It does make grants to universities across the globe – for the advancement of Jewish studies…  One particular college is infused with quite a few grants – Bard College in NY.

Bard is an ‘Episcopal’ Liberal Arts college affiliated with The Annapolis Group and presided over by Leon Botstein, a Jewish conductor.  In 2020 Botstein was named Chancellor of the Open Society University Network.   The Open Society University was founded by Bard and the Central European University in Austria.   The member universities include:  Arizona State, London School of Economics, Tuskeegee, Chatham House, Berkeley, Columbia, and The Institute For New Economic Thinking – among others.

The Institute For New Economic Thinking is led by Robert Johnson former manager of Soros Fund Management.  Johnson is a regular contributor to NewDeal2.0 which is renamed The Roosevelt Institute.  The Institute is funded by Ford, Hewlett, MacArther and Bauman Foundations.  Their stated purpose is to recreate New Deal policies via the economist Joseph Stiglitzz; 

“firmly rooted in the conviction that more government can solve most of America’s economic challenges. It is a plan seemingly designed to rally liberals, enrage free-market economists and push a certain presumptive presidential nominee to the left.” ~WAPO

THIS is how our universities have been hijacked.   Events in their catalogue include:  The Road To Freedom:  Economics and the ‘Good Society’.  ~Stiglitz.  Rewriting The Tax Code ~ Elizabeth Warren.  Like the World Economic forum, these Soros institutions are advancing indoctrinated Young Leaders thru programs within the Universities dedicated to A New Global Order of Big Government.

All colleges across America are ranked by Hillel International which supports Jewish studies, antisemitism training, and recruitment.  They list 960 colleges with emphasis in NY, Florida, Arizona and Pennsylvania.   When the student protests ran rampant, it was Hillel International that dictated the response, including the bill making antisemitism a criminal offense, and another that directs all antisemite students to spend 6 months in – Gaza as punishment.

The peaceful protests were gaining anti-Israel traction and had to be infiltrated so as to incite ‘chaos’ the Soros calling card.  The agitators were not students, they are considerably older, they are highly paid, and they will NEVER be prosecuted.  Just like January 6th.  It is impossible to judge the real students based on their anti-war ideology when the agitators have been outed as funded and called to action by – Zionists…

The purpose is to ‘cleanse’ all colleges of nonZionist gentiles.  To dummy down those remaining gentiles while raising the intellect of Zionists.  To turn the next generation into McDonald’s employees and the Zionists into scientific elite.  Oddly, while antisemitism is considered racist, having Jewish only events, clubs, food, classes, etc… at colleges is NOT.    I personally do not judge the students.

In time for the roundabout:  Israeli tied republicans are calling for impeachment of Biden amidst his withholding of Congressionally approved aid to Israel.   Knowing that the withholding was a creation of the Handlers, ie Zionists, these republicans  withhold the truth and instead channel their inner illusion of crystals and magic.   Trump goes on a tirade about our Israeli Allies.   And Rafah is being destroyed along with 1.2 million Palestinians who were forced to go there by – Netanyahu.   It’s easier to take them out with fewer bombs when you force them into one huddle. 

Simultaneously, the EU is pressuring Israel and providing aid to Gaza…  The same Gaza that has no structure left, no water, no food, no housing, the Palestinians are supposed to upload their remaining belongings and tents and walk…   Until the last man Standing.

Stiglitz calls himself a modern Keynesian economist following the Georgist Theory.  This theory espouses that people should own the value that they produce themselves, while the ‘economic rent’ (profits) derived from land —including from all natural resources, the commons, and urban locations—should belong equally to all members of society – a variation of communism.   It follows the exact same path as the World Economic Forum – you will own nothing and be happy – because we will govern everything.  It follows the established settlements in Israel – the land is owned by Rothschild and the government – settlers are encouraged to communally and sustainably manage the agriculture output while paying a tithe and fees to the Owners.   The settlers are the worker bees supporting ‘the government’ or corporate stakeholder.

Although Israel’s debt to GDP (roughly 59%) is significantly lower than the US, its reduction was associated with American Taxpayers funding Israel’s economy.  By comparison, the US is now over 129%.  And nobody funds America but Americans.  Russian GDP to debt is a mere 14.9%.   We were the useful idiots in this game initiated thru the World Economic Forum directed by Zionist – Klaus Schwab.  No religion – mysticism via the Talmud and Kaballah.   But soon, there will be fewer and fewer useful idiots and the immigrants will be the trained slaves.

Argentina’s Milei, a Catholic – who never walked the walk – converted to Judaism shortly after taking office.  Milei was hailed as a great and mighty economic force that would make Argentina Great Again.   But he is also a member of the WEF, supported Biden’s White House handlers, and is facing economic collapse.  Monthly inflation is over 12% – so Milei has printed a new note – 10,000 peso bill to lighten the load of pushing worthless bricks of bills in wheelbarrows.  Riots in the streets – while economically challenged Americans think he is doing a fabulous job…

The Palestinian crisis has actually opened a black hole for the Zionists and revealed their true identity across the globe.   Their PR is twallette water.  This crisis has also made every republican and many democrats reveal their true identity as that of a pro-Israel gentile supporting atheism.  In fact, gentiles are considered pagans and heathens who will only be righteous if they submit to conversion…  aka, Milei.  

The most racist culture on earth wants all antisemites to gather in Gaza before it is bulldozed and flooded for the Ben Gurion Canal…