Macron’s First 47 Days… umm

While the media dissected Trump’s first ten days, first twenty days, etc… throughout, as though this performance would be an indicator, there is a rather hushed silence regarding the first 47 days of Emanuel Macron??

Taking office as France’s new President on May 14, 2017, 47 days ago, the only accomplishments that seem to be noted include a photo-shopped photo op, a Versailles speech, and rants about Trump… – and that would seem to be the sum total.  As in ‘Nada’.

The pretty boy with the pretty face is living up to his pretty expectations of doing – basically, nothing. Odd that no one finds this yawn performance unbearably gauche?

While Macron’s Cabinet is apparently attempting to create an Executive Order to ‘reform the labour market’, they are quick to qualify that this would in no way mimic the US or UK initiatives – except that they do. And when will these reforms take effect? Maybe September, maybe later, c’est la vie…

But when backed by the Rothschild family, it would be hard pressed to lose, by the blood, sweat and tears of his “Christ-like walking on water” visage as portrayed by The Economist, a Rothschild media baby.

So why would a man who does little but spend 47 days taking a picture of himself have any beef with Trump?   Because that’s the Driven Line by the left/liberals. Period. They can’t talk about what a great job they are doing, instead they deflect to a negative and join the proverbial Bandwagon of boring, lifeless snails.

Imagine if even half the effort that is displaced on denigrating Trump was redirected toward actually something positive and progressive…? Remember that word? That was Hillary’s new platform – except that she couldn’t define it because no one had bothered to tell her what it comprised.

Liberals tend to talk a lot about how bad other politicians are, while ignoring their own failed economy.

The French government has run a budget deficit every single year since the 1970’s. As of 2012, the debt level had reached 91% of GDP, despite the fact that according to the EU ‘rules’ that number should never exceed 60%. So much for ‘Rules”. Their credit rating was downgraded twice in the last four years, and according to economist, Paul Krugman, the reason the French labour output is so much less than the US is because the French work less. They have what is labeled a “chronic unemployment rate’ at 11%, and a stagnant economy, despite their former Economics Minister – Emanuel Macron.

So what will Macron do differently as President that he didn’t do while Economics Minister? Probably nothing.

Although photo shots and Parades, do make for nice headlines… And what is The Economist all a buzz about with the advent of their newly anointed King Macron? Why, nothing, nothing at all, because he has done – nothing, nothing at all.

But they are seriously attempting to continue their adamant derailment of Trump. Why? Because his actions make everyone else look – well – inactive.

Illinois DEBT – Death March

Everyone is gasping at the absolute bankruptcy facing Illinois – as though this was something new to report – but it’s been ongoing for years if not decades and Illinois ain’t the only one! Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin are all casualties of over spending excesses requiring a per capita hand-out from the Feds of anywhere from $1318 to $1802, or $8.9 billion to $20.4 billion – per year.


In fact, Ohio and Indiana get over 33% of their revenue from the Feds in the form of our tax dollars – not well spent!

And where does all the money go in Illinois?  According to the infamous Budgetary Pie Chart titled, “Spending By Function” provided by Illinois, 43% is spent on “OTHER”, 26% on Medicaid, 14.6% on K-12, and 9.3% on transportation.   “Other” includes CHIP, which is actually a duplicate extension of Medicaid, Mental Health, Public Health, Employer Contributions to Pensions (reimbursements), Environmental, State Police, Parks and Recreation, Housing and General Aid to Local Governments.

Of course we all know that the rule in government subsidies is – spend more than you have or you’ll get less next year. So operating at a yearly loss/deficit is beneficial…  and nearly all the states do it.

The total state debt for Illinois is $321.3 billion! The total state debt for Ohio is – $321.3 billion… Huh.   Meaning every person in Illinois is on the take for about $24,900 and every person in Ohio is on the take for about $27,900… Oh wait – Ohio is actually worse off…  Where is the PRESS?

More numbers:   As a percentage of total revenues, Michigan gets almost 42% of it’s income from the Federal Government. If we were to eliminate Federal/Taxpayer subsidies to these states alone we would save $76 billion.  Pensions to all states?  Over $1 Trillion.

With somewhere over 10,000 line items in the Illinois budget under Education, I decided not to review each line… SURPRISE.  But I did note a few fast facts: $1.1+ billion spent on No Child Left Behind, (I thought that was defunct?) ,  $700+ million on Individuals with Disabilities Act, (That’s for the ACT, not for people with Disabilities?)  $850+ million on child nutrition, and then the ubiquitous – $4.8+ billion on General state aid… I had to add the + sign because each categorical account had their own budget request for the same thing, as in General Aid.

Illinois claims the number of children in extreme poverty to be 267,000, with the number living in poverty to be 591,500.

So where does MOST of the debt load come from? Pensions are numero uno. Medicaid and health care are making a rounding second place in state debt with those costs rising more rapidly.

But before we get our panties in a wad, there are only a handful of states that have a surplus! Those operating at an efficient level include, North and South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, and Alaska.  Oil would appear to be a common denominator.

This is all part and parcel of the Swamp that has existed for decades as politicians are too fearful to actually tell the truth and tell Americans that their belts need to be tightened by 3 to 10 notches!   They can’t tell us this because then we wouldn’t re-elect them because they would be giving us bad news and making us act like adults instead of children.   The Swamp exists – because we elect it. We allow it.

Instead we play with the numbers and statistics and make comparisons that are not relevant, in order to convey a premise that makes people feel good while the Truth is left to die.

A ranking of the Best Run States in the US as of 2015 was as follows: 1. North Dakota 2. Wyoming   3. Iowa   4.   Nebraska 5.   Minnesota. The states ranking in the bottom tier?   New Mexico, Illinois, Mississippi, Rhode Island, and Alabama.

It should be noted that Party affiliation is NOT a factor in the rankings, republican Governors and Democrat Governors are split pretty equally.   North Dakota does spend considerably more of their income on education – 43%, including Higher Education which is minimal in Illinois.   The states with the lowest per capita debt are Tennessee, Georgia and Texas. But the rankings include numerous factors in addition to debt and spending.  Employment, education, the ability to raise the bar in the near future, credit, all are factored in when making a solid analysis.

This is why Illinois and Ohio are perilous with Michigan and Wisconsin on the precipice. They don’t have a future.  Michigan tanked with the auto industry and hasn’t recovered since.  Wisconsin is struggling from a dull manufacturing platform, as are Illinois and Ohio.  Having not diversified and shifted with worldwide trends and economic shifts, their failure is more a consequence of negligible forward thinking management.

Again this is nothing new, these states have been on a death march for quite some time under the tutelage of both Party Affiliations.

And frankly my Dear, the Swamp could really, Give a Damn.



Morality, Ethics, and A Dying Society

For years, there have been numerous explosive discussions about how numbed children are to violence as a result of video games, movies, and even sitcoms. Bombarded with images the sensory development of compassion and empathy are muted. Death and casualty invoke no emotion because its reality has been quashed.

But there is another perverse numbing that has taken hold of society, and it involves adultery, affairs, sexual hookups and pornography.  It is now so pervasive, it is estimated that over 50% of spouses engage in one or more venues.   And yet the consequence of their action, doesn’t seem to reach a value surface. Everyone does it. I deserve happiness. I am entitled.

Left in the wake of these behaviors are a pool of victims – not just the spouse – but children, neighbors, friends, colleagues, business associates and of course, entire families.   The incredible selfishness is waved, and the entitlement is embraced.

Of course the catastrophic snowball can include the possibility that both individuals partaking in this ‘relationship’ are leaving a wake behind them.  And the snowballing of tragedy grows.

Sometimes the affair is the extension of a friendship, sometimes, a vengeance ploy, and other times it is an addiction. Instead of nurturing a marriage, a spouse may be addicted to the high of the ‘honeymoon’.

The morality of society has evolved to accept adultery just as we have accepted violence. Neither have benefited our culture, and both may be our ultimate demise. The ramifications have been and continue to be the dissolution of ‘family’. The legacy that is taught is one of the all important “Me”.   The same “Me” generation that therapists encouraged.

And the consequences are a trail of destruction and a next generation of children immune to marriage and fidelity, wanting no part of the hurt it invokes. Why should I – my father/mother was a serial adulterer?

The same therapists who adamantly encourage selfishness, are now attempting to resolve non-commitment issues.   When in fact, this causal/consequence was actually perpetrated by the idea that society must ‘accept everything’, even those ethics and moralities that cross boundaries. Tolerance means that porn and adultery are commonplace and therefore a normal part of our culture.

Get over it! Don’t be such a Child!

The mantra of an addict.

But our ethics have devolved even more. Inciting assassination is now considered acceptable behavior, and to some, it is even funny. What happens to the upcoming generation that embraces this ideology as well? There are no boundaries. There is no morality. Law is tossed and chaos rules.

Everything created on this earth was created in ‘Order”, there are rules for everything from how a tree grows, to when a flower opens it’s blossom, to how every miniscule particle of our ecosystem is dependent on another. So it is also with humans. When we disrupt this ‘Order” and devolve into chaos, our ecosystem collapses and humanity collapses.

Our bodies are vast creations of “Order”, but they’ve been disrupted by man’s desire to change what is natural and recreate it in an unauthentic environment. As a result we sit numbly and watch as chaos slowly takes hold – an inch at a time.

These three societal collapses are probably our greatest terror threat. They are about disunity. They don’t come from any place of goodness or compassion, and typically leave a trail of death as they numb our senses, devour our heart, and create a new generation of even colder, more detached children.

And yet, we continue to focus on the few, instead of the many…

Hawking – Water – and Over Population

Stephen Hawking has issued another dire warning stating that world population will outpace resources within 100 years and apocalyptic trends are highly probable.

It isn’t the first time he has issued such catastrophic warnings. But his solution of moon settlement seems rather odd, to say the least. First the moon has no usable resources. Second the moon is highly fragile and upsetting its balance could actually ‘cause’ the earth to enter a cataclysmic stage.  And third, how many people could it support? The answer is none. Fleeing earth that has resources to settle on the moon that has NO resources seems rather ill-advised.

The other alternative being juggled by NASA and the science community is to colonize Mars. This too seems rather inane given that all scientific data theorize that while Mars ‘may have’ had water resources at one time, due to it’s death, those resources can not be harvested. So again, why would we leave an abundant planet for a death planet?

One of the greatest fears is earth’s population explosion. Over the last couple hundred years, Europe’s population has declined, the US has risen minimally, even Africa’s population growth rate is a graphic low. The abundance comes from one source – China. For thousands of years China’s population remained stagnant. Then in 1750 it took a sharp tick upward and by 2017 had risen from 140 million to 1.5 billion, representing 20% of the entire world population.

India’s population is a close second with 1.3 billion, and Africa clambering behind at 1.186 billion. As a region, Asia accounts for 60% of the world population.

Why is this important? Because altering demographics in Europe and North America are going to have little to no effect on the overall crisis of the earth having too many people to sustain.

China’s one child policy was introduced in 1979 when the population was 977.8 million. So despite a one child policy, China’s total population grew 54% matching the total growth rate of India!     Not exactly a success story.  During the same period the US growth was 43%. While China and India can’t boast immigration as a factor in their growth, Europe and the US can, so their rates are a bit skewed and most likely quite lower in actuality.

There are only two means of reducing growth – via birth or via death…

And there is only one way to mitigate lacking resources – attach someone elses.

The most important resource is water.

And while scientists are trying to determine how they can harvest water on the moon, earthlings continue to fail to capture the water already generated here! Wouldn’t it make more sense to preserve?   California is the most mundane example of a state whose usage of water is massive, and yet every seven years whines about drought conditions when they haven’t built a reservoir to capture the rainfall when it is abundant!    Instead it is left to drain into the ocean, unused, wasted.   These same Californians would have us spend trillions $$$$ to extract a couple gallons from the Moon…

Just to prove it exists.

Half of California’s water resources go to watering grass, 14% is lost due to leaky pipes, and 27% is used for toilets… The average water use per family in the US is roughly 552 gallons per day.  However, the largest user of our water resources is through thermoelectric power which consumes roughly 41.5% of all usage.

In other words, all those conservation electric power plants consume 41.5% of our water resources. The states with the largest water draws for thermoelectric power include California, Texas, New York and Michigan. Once again, the circle takes us back to California where consumption of our most valuable resource is the highest, and preservation is the lowest.

Preservation and solutions seem a better way to resolve our earthly problems rather than leaving a dead planet in order to colonize another dead planet… Of course, transporting 7 billion people to the moon isn’t exactly feasible either. It took thirty years to build the Space Shuttle and it can hold 7 people.


Hawking?  Anyone?  Anyone?


Africa now has 65.6 million “displaced people”/ refugees due to ongoing violence… where are they supposed to go? Why isn’t this news? What is being done?

Answers: nowhere, unworthy, and nothing.

While Africa looms large in their crisis, the total number of displaced persons/refugees from Syria is estimated to be over 6.3 million. From Afghanistan, the number is estimated to be over 7.6 million. And we have the audacity to claim we ‘saved Syria’ from the brutal Assad regime…

In South Sudan a civil war for the past 3 years has taken over 300,000 lives and displaced 3.5 million people. Famine is rampant, an estimated 6 million are starving, and ethnic cleansing is the mainstay. Reading the reason for the fighting, it could easily transpose into the tit-for-tat, hatred we are witnessing in the US. There was some cattle rustling, some fear, and some different culture ideals that brought about a massive unabated war.

Most ‘displaced’ Africans go to Ethiopia, Kenya and then to Turkey and Europe if they are lucky. But if Germany can’t handle 1 million refugees, how the heck is Europe supposed to absorb 80 million? Obviously, it can’t. That would mean, making the refugee crisis Europe’s responsibility is motivated by an alternate agenda.

The long term effects of Europe’s Socialist government has resulted in a skew that could spiral them into an economic collapse.  Without a growing population every country in Europe is witnessing a skew heavily weighted in the age group over 65 and lack of laborers to support them. Falsely manipulated into thinking the solution was to bring in refugees and train them to be their labor supply hasn’t worked – and won’t ever work.

First, it is a form of slavery. Second, mashing together two conflicting cultures might work to some degree, but that degree is miniscule. The cultural differences being addressed in attempting to brainwash Middle Eastern and African cultures in Europe range from rape to incest, from honor killings to pedophilia, and from terrorism to massacres. And in the process, the German culture, the French Culture, the Swedish culture is systematically being wiped out as it is ‘offensive’ to the newcomers.

Before we saved Syria and created a 6.3 million loop of poverty and death, President Assad was ‘accused’ of many heinous crimes, none of which were ever proven, and all of which still remain “alleged”. What we fail to understand is that cultures are better served by their own. Attempting to recreate Syria, we created a massive cesspool that has grown exponentially.

Now the UN is talking about how much money world economies must shuck up to rebuild Syria so that all the remaining 13 million may once again live happily-ever-after under their chosen regime.

The newest claim is that Assad was/is working in conjunction with al-Qaeda and ISIS.   The absolute absurdity and purpose of this claim is simply to rewrite history. ISIS wasn’t even in Syria until the regime was ousted by the US and coalition forces, leaving a vacuum for a takeover. In addition, the claim doesn’t address the major ethnic cleansing attribute which exists between Sunni’s and Shias. Assad is an Alawite, or Shia, ISIS is Sunni. The dominant proclamation of ISIS is to kill Shia and Christians.  The Sunni nations of the Middle East wanted a Sunni in power in Syria.  End of story.

The European obsession with saving all these poor refugees does little to solve the problem and a lot to creating new problems. While the obvious solution would be to back-off interference and stop destroying entire countries, the issue we now face is how to fix our colossal error in judgment, ie, rebuild Syria and put a halt to the Africa Land Grabs that have spiraled them into a cycle of greater famine while redirecting waterways and thus creating man-made droughts and agriculture devastation.

So while London is considering grabbing empty apartments from landlords and giving them to the displaced, maybe Africa should consider grabbing back all their land and evicting the Land Grabbers. Redistributing the land back to their people, could quell the famine that is causing civil wars as survival is the end game.

Unfortunately, as a result of our interference, Syria is more complicated because ISIS now controls parts of the country.  So until ISIS is eliminated, rebuilding is a mammoth waste of time.  But then the UN isn’t known for their ‘decision making skills’.





From Macron to Grenfell Tower – Real News

While the media has continued its unabated, unabashedly tiresome, laborious focus on Russia, Mueller, Sessions, and Trump, the World has subtly shifted.

According to The Economist, a Rothschild magazine, Emanuel Macron, France’s new President is slated to become the Savior of Europe! The cover of the magazine depicts him ‘walking on water’ with the legs and high heels of his opponent, Marine le Pen, stoically sticking out of the water as she has obviously drowned. The purpose of this oblique image is to liken Macron to Christ.

I guess that pretty much sums up the views of The Economist on just about – everything…

Macron belongs to a movement that has shed the traditional Liberal and Socialist parties and renamed his La Republique en Marche. Translation: To move forward the republic (France).

He won because he was bought by Rothschild, groomed by Rothschild, and prepared by Rothschild like a toy. He is told what to say, how to say it, when to say it, and where.   He has been emptied and refilled with the propaganda and the objectives of his Handler.

What transpired is about to bring about a similar shift in the US. It is a warning. The Republican and Democrat traditional parties are being destroyed. While the rhetoric against the GOP is obvious, the parallel fall of the Democrats is a bit more shadowed.  But they too will fall in a pit of flames, like the Grenwell Tower.  So entrenched in self, the Liberals can’t imagine anything could possibly destroy them – except, of course, themselves.

A new Party is most likely being created right now, beneath our noses, and we blindly focus instead on the tear down of the GOP while that is only half the agenda. These parties are dead.  People are seeing mass exodus as the ethics, the Swamp, the corruption  –  is so pervasive we want out.  Unfortunately, it is the Soros Democrats creating the new and improved Party while the Republicans continue to whine.

While the news continues to bore and boar on and on ad nauseam, The Economist has also instituted a hate platform against Theresa May blaming her for the fire that destroyed the Grenfell Tower in London. Why? Because they claim that she has been lax in initiating proper building and fire codes that would have prohibited the use of a particular siding material that is very flammable, and possibly a major contributory factor in the spread of the fire.

But that actually isn’t her job.  Those regulations fall on the Building Regulators and the Secretary of State and the Local Authority – mayor Sadie Khan.  Why Theresa May?  Because the Rothschild agenda is to have her expelled and vacate BREXIT.

Facebook is alive with propaganda hailing Muslims as being the greatest heroes in helping the injured at the scene of the Grenfell Tower, it should be noted that Muslims were the dominate tenant of the Tower, and thus were evacuating and tending to their neighbors and friends. The neighborhood outside of the Tower is predominantly upper echelon, the only Muslim population was from the Tower itself.  While this does not diminish the fact that Muslims were helping their friends and families, it does provide a perspective of why and where they came from… Grenfell is Public Housing amidst ritzy enclaves.

In the UK, the Local Authority is responsible for approvals and compliance with statutory regulations, including building codes. That would mean the responsibility for London’s fire would defer not to Theresa May, but to the mayor, Sadiq Khan. The Economist is a backer of Khan and therefore shifting blame to Theresa May serves a profound purpose not unlike the blame game played by both Hillarygate and Obama.

Corbyn is using the tragedy to create a Socialist name for himself as he calls for any vacant apartments to be immediately seized by the government and distributed to the tenants who lost their housing in the fire. Taking a tragedy and making a larger tragedy will not solve the problem. It will create chaos and derision as landlords react to their property being seized without consent.  This is a typical Communist move.

The Local Authority or Council was created in 1963 by the “London Government Act”. Not the UK Government. Council Leadership was elected in May 2014 by The People. The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea manages the property and is run by 13 tenants. Therefore, if blame is to be rendered, render it where it belongs.

But instead the media is fervently bent on making the Grenfell Tower fire the sole responsibility of Theresa May.   Khan is somehow exempt and the Local Authority is somehow exempted – at least by the press. Blaming does nothing to solve the problem for now or for the future. The siding used on the Tower was highly flammable and barred from use in both the US and Germany.

The Building Committee for Regulations reports to the UK Secretary of State. The Office for Secretary of State For Communities and Local Government is currently held by, Sajid Javid.

World News has been snuffed in the US as belabored dollars are ravaged on Committee after Committee proving nothing except the fact that the Swamp Lives and Breathes!

US Crumbling Into Chaos

Any more, when reading the news, it appears as though the US is a third world country spiraling into the factions and fractions of the Tutsi and Hutus.   While many journalists would claim that their animosity stems from religion, in fact it is a class warfare that has escalated to ethnic cleansing. It is the same ‘class division’ envisioned by Obama in creating a separation of Americans in a war of entitlement, hatred, and death.   And it very well may erupt into an ethnic cleansing as ‘Democrats” up their war-anti and begin to literally kill Republicans.

Like in Africa, there is a beating drum, a rally to violence that is stoked and fermented by the desire for chaos. Ultimately, that chaos could actually spiral the US into a third world stratosphere leaving two major countries defending their sovereignty; Russia and China.

Even more disturbing is the fact that this is not even being orchestrated by China and Russia, but by internal forces looking to up end world order. I imagine these countries are looking on in amazement and shaking their heads as they watch the clear destruction of our world as we know it all the while accepting it, prodding it, and spiraling in the wickedness it embraces.

I watch it not just on the scale of countries and cities, but it has seeped into homes and families. This prevalence of hate has stained people that profess innocence, victimhood, and even Christian ideology.   And they defend it. Justify it. Only to have their spiral gain momentum.

The news of destruction and death and mayhem is no longer the subject of only third olrd countries, it has become the mainstay in the US and Europe. London’s mayor, Khan, simply shrugs his shoulders as he can’t understand why people don’t accept this transformation willingly. “It is our way of life.” He is quoted as saying.

Really? Because it didn’t use to be! So why should it be now?

Hoodwinked. With the drug induced sixties generation, we created a generation of mottled intellect. It was not a coincidence. It was carefully planned so as to keep control. While the hippies and flower children protested, the stage was set in motion and played like a lyre. Without any intervention, with and antipathy toward voting, doing, or knowing what was truly happening.

And here we are.

What is the solution? When chaos rules, order must be sustained. It will require an immediate and conclusive consequence for actions to stabilize what has run amuck. We are witnessing the absolute rebellion of law in our government – and I’m not speaking of Trump, but of those that ruled before and instituted this mayhem mess.

That would mean that Hollywood does NOT have a greenlight to instill hatred. Comedians do NOT have an out clause from the Constitution. And the mainstream media is NOT permitted to instigate and defile without suffering consequences.   It means reorganizing ‘public’ schools which are funded by taxpayer dollars to eliminate political bias, environmental bias, and teach the fundamental basics. It means everyone has the same right under freedom of speech – including Christians.

When my kids were in middle school, the new Principal created a rule; any student or teacher who said ‘Merry Christmas’ was automatically suspended for three days.   Christmas cards were not allowed to be exchanged – or suffer suspension.  What happened to that Freedom of Speech? It was squelched behind a misinformed interpretation that applies to a select few that are never subject to consequences for their actions.

What we cannot do is to curl up and cry.

We are not alone. The battles are everywhere, throughout our homes, our schools, our cities – everywhere. Each one of us is fighting for our life in a different vacuum of chaos. Myself included.  Each of us has a story. But if we give up, then we will be slain and the wolves will simply seek another victim.  


We are now immensely saddened to hear the consequence of ‘inciting hatred’. This is the real life reaction of a brutal campaign advocated by Democrats, the media, Entertainers, and Comedians who demand members of the Republican party be shot, stabbed, killed, beheaded, and massacred. It isn’t a comedy routine. It is the perverse consequence of a more perverse incitement.

It may be orchestrated by Soros, but The People should have the ability, the morality, the most basic of ethical values to know, to see, and to step away from the frayed frenzy.

Interestingly, Democrats are claiming it isn’t incitement, it is guns. It isn’t about Democrats and Republicans, despite what the gunman said, it is about the ‘unbalanced’. It isn’t about the vile tongue lashings, or the call for anarchy, it is about Trump and entitlement, and the “Me” generation.

Give me what I demand or I will throw a tantrum. And when I grow up, I have no boundaries, I know nothing of values, nothing of good or bad, I only know what I have been taught – life is about ME.

What creates the ‘unbalanced’?  What creates ‘Incitement”?  Not guns – people.

So far, the only one dead is the gunman, although numerous politicians and aides are in the hospital. Releasing between 50 and 100 shots, he knew his mark, it was everyone, because they were the bad guys, they were Republicans. He was in a stocked fishing pond.

Nothing has been released about the gunman.

Comedians Want Free Speech?

Bill Maher, Kathy Griffin, and a host of other ‘comedians’ believe they should be given special privileges to offend, malign, and slander. But of course, those privileges should not extend to anyone else. Why? Because they are elitist. They are ‘special’.   Because they ‘deserve’ to be immune. Kathy Griffin came out publically after berating the President, maligning him, and then implying she was ISIS beheading him, and cried because Trump was a bully…

So how would this notion of entitlement play out?

I imagine we would suddenly have a plethora of people claiming they are comedians when charged with lible and slander in court. “It was a joke…” Much like the ‘Twinkie Defense”. The Twinkie made me do it.   Now it would be “Can’t you take a joke?” Everyone jokes a bit, does that mean everyone is really a comedian?

According to various sources, the definition of comedian is: “A person who makes people laugh by telling jokes and acting foolish for an audience.” Charlie Chaplin was an amazing comedian. Then there was Abbott and Costello, Sid Caesar, Dom DeLuise, and thousands more. What made them funny was not how they maligned and slandered other people, but how they made their own character the brunt of comedy.

Comedy was about making fun of one self.

I’m not sure when it became a gun show with everyone else the target, but too often that comes across as simply arrogant and petty.   I have walked out on a few supposed comedians because they were all about pointing a finger, all about look at that stupid person, instead of poking fun at their own errs in life.

It is actually the same in church. When a Preacher starts by pointing a finger and railing on about how sinful the congregation is, people start to shift, lose focus, and their thoughts will typically go to – “Well you are too…”   By contrast, when a Preacher creates his sermon around his own perils and hiccups, people are more likely to relate and take a deeper look into themselves.  It is reflective instead of accusatory.

This bizarre entitlement of speech is highlighted in many liberal newspapers as well. The Washington Post and New York Times went so far as to create tag lines claiming they were the Truth, they were the only source for real Truth. And yet, their Headlines are riddled with defaming our President. That’s not Truth, that is defamatory.  Finding an article that is positive, or unbiased, – ever – is like “Where’s Waldo”. There might be one, but it takes a lot of detailed eyes to find it within the plethora of look-alikes.

Another notable advocate of free speech is Reza Aslan who was recently fired from CNN for his Twitter tirades in which he liberally defamed and cussed various politicians and Trump.

While The Freedom of Speech is a Constitutional right, there are limitations that seem to be ignored, including :

“Libel,  slander, obscenity, pornography, sedition, incitement, fighting words, classified information, copyright violation, trade secrets, non-disclosure agreements, right to privacy, right to be forgotten, public security and perjury.”

Fighting Words? The legal definition has morphed since it was first introduced making cuss words permissible. Incitement? I imagine holding a decapitated head of our President is most definitely a form of incitement… I imagine demanding someone be ‘raped’ or ‘shot’ is most definitely a form of incitement and clearly crosses the line of legality – but also ethics and morality.

Bottom line. Many in society seem to have lost the concept of integrity, defined as having strong moral values and honesty. Everyone believes they are honest, but moral values are bit more subjective. So I thought I’d see how the New York Times might see this.

According to an article published in 2015 by The New York Times, morality is subject to relativism and cultural differences. Which basically means that it is completely up for grabs and there are little, or few, absolutes.

In essence, society has broken down into an ‘anything goes’ without boundaries of ethics, moralities or even legal absolutes. And in that mantra, entitlement abounds.  And so we are left with a bizarre concept that comedians be given special rights to malign, slander and incite hatred…, newspapers be allowed to malign and incite hatred, and boundaries are simply a puritan ideology of the past.

James Comey: Death of a Salesman

In the play, Death of a Salesman, Willy Loman vacillates between different perceptions of his life. After confronting his boss and demanding a better situation, Willy gets angry and finds himself fired. Caught in a series of lies, debt and a downward spiral, Willy ultimately kills himself enabling his wife and sons to reap the benefits of his life insurance policy.

There seem to be parallels in the life of FBI Director, Comey and Willy Loman. His testimony revealed a weak, unethical, small man unable to take a leadership position, which ultimately resulted in an anger vent that resulted in his getting fired. Now caught in a series of lies, leaks and unlawful actions, Comey is spiraling.

Hillary’s hacked emails and personal server, opened up ‘an investigation’. Former Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, meets with Billy Clinton on his private plane, has a private discussion, and then apparently tells Comey to back off, don’t call it ‘an investigation’, but refer to it as a ‘matter’ so that Hillary’s run for President won’t be impacted.

The Swamp is coming apart at the seams.

Comey got caught in a lie: Comey declared that his ‘leaking’ was a consequence of Trump’s tweet, but in fact the tweet came after the leak.

So we now have a man who was in the position of one of the US government’s highest order and power, admitting that he succumbed to pressure/blackmail in the Hillary email scandal, and just now lied before a Congressional Committee.

During Comey’s short tenure as FBI Director, the department is said to have fractured and as a result of his actions the FBI and Comey are now subject to investigation.  Their reputation in the twalette, and turmoil prevails.

What happened?   It is no coincidence that Comey was appointed as FBI Director in 2013 by Obama, and the same year appointed as Director of HSBC bank holdings. In fact, HSBC created a new committee just for this position, Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee, whose primary focus was ‘risk management’, i.e., preventing money laundering, terrorist financing, and ‘intelligence’. Whoa Nelly – OUCH!  Conflict of Interest?

  1. HSBC is a British company, having shut down it’s US finance arm in 2009
  2. HSBC was heavily involved in the Clinton Foundation.
  3. Theresa May’s husband works for a US investment fund, Capital Group, which closely advises HSBC.
  4. Capital Group lists one ‘private client’ – the US.

In 2012, HSBC was under a US Senate Investigation for money laundering, failure to conduct due diligence, suspicious activity reports, and inadequate and unqualified staffing and leadership.   Their hand was slapped and they were fined $1.9 billion which represented roughly 10% of their 2011 profit.  Shortly thereafter Comes is appointed to Director of FBI and simultaneously as the Director for HSBC ‘risk management’.

In 2016 two HSBC executives were charged with a $3.6 billion currency scheme which defrauded HSBC clients and manipulated the foreign exchange market.  These executives had clients who contributed generously to the Clinton Foundation.

Today HSBC is involved in an investigation brought by Belgium authorities again for  money laundering through their support of clients in the lucrative and unsavory diamond business involving numerous mega-wealthy individuals.

It would appear their new and improved risk management Committee with Comey as Director was not terribly effective…  Or maybe it was.

Obviously, the Swamp has extended its tentacles across the Atlantic into a UK partnership.

What is the Soros HSBC connection?

In 2003, with a shove and a push from Soros, Tony Blair created EITI, Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, which monitors all the resources in Africa – including the diamond industry.  In 2006 Soros was appointed as governing secretariat.  Under the Soros arm of Global Witness, Soros basically took control of the diamond industry, and is thus the Kingman behind ‘blood diamonds’ creating massive wars, deaths, and resource grabs in Africa.  In 2011, Soros backed, RITC Syndicate Management, bought the insurance division of HSBC.

Just prior to the appointment of Comey as the Director of the new HSBC risk management committee, HSBC and the Clinton Foundation were discovered to have profited upwards of $81 million in ‘donations’ that flowed from money laundered accounts at HSBC to the Clinton Foundation, which included the Chagoury family of Nigeria who purportedly pledged $1 billion.  Chagoury fled arrest in Nigeria for purported implication in bribery, and helping the former President of Nigeria and his family stash solen funds from the government in the amount of $66 million.

The Clinton Foundation was never charged in the HSBC money laundering scandal, while the two HSBC executives were arrested.

Where was Comey?

Most likely cutting a deal to become the wealthy co-conspirator…2013.  Presently, Comey’s net worth is estimated to be in the $15 million range, although given his tenure at USBC, where money laundering “was” historically flagrant, his true worth is questionable.


And so we are led down a path of lies, leaks, fraud, money laundering, and more, with James Comey appearing to follow in the footsteps of Willy Loran – while Comey is quite alive, his reputation, his integrity, his respect and his leadership have seemingly come to a very dark death.