Africa now has 65.6 million “displaced people”/ refugees due to ongoing violence… where are they supposed to go? Why isn’t this news? What is being done?

Answers: nowhere, unworthy, and nothing.

While Africa looms large in their crisis, the total number of displaced persons/refugees from Syria is estimated to be over 6.3 million. From Afghanistan, the number is estimated to be over 7.6 million. And we have the audacity to claim we ‘saved Syria’ from the brutal Assad regime…

In South Sudan a civil war for the past 3 years has taken over 300,000 lives and displaced 3.5 million people. Famine is rampant, an estimated 6 million are starving, and ethnic cleansing is the mainstay. Reading the reason for the fighting, it could easily transpose into the tit-for-tat, hatred we are witnessing in the US. There was some cattle rustling, some fear, and some different culture ideals that brought about a massive unabated war.

Most ‘displaced’ Africans go to Ethiopia, Kenya and then to Turkey and Europe if they are lucky. But if Germany can’t handle 1 million refugees, how the heck is Europe supposed to absorb 80 million? Obviously, it can’t. That would mean, making the refugee crisis Europe’s responsibility is motivated by an alternate agenda.

The long term effects of Europe’s Socialist government has resulted in a skew that could spiral them into an economic collapse.  Without a growing population every country in Europe is witnessing a skew heavily weighted in the age group over 65 and lack of laborers to support them. Falsely manipulated into thinking the solution was to bring in refugees and train them to be their labor supply hasn’t worked – and won’t ever work.

First, it is a form of slavery. Second, mashing together two conflicting cultures might work to some degree, but that degree is miniscule. The cultural differences being addressed in attempting to brainwash Middle Eastern and African cultures in Europe range from rape to incest, from honor killings to pedophilia, and from terrorism to massacres. And in the process, the German culture, the French Culture, the Swedish culture is systematically being wiped out as it is ‘offensive’ to the newcomers.

Before we saved Syria and created a 6.3 million loop of poverty and death, President Assad was ‘accused’ of many heinous crimes, none of which were ever proven, and all of which still remain “alleged”. What we fail to understand is that cultures are better served by their own. Attempting to recreate Syria, we created a massive cesspool that has grown exponentially.

Now the UN is talking about how much money world economies must shuck up to rebuild Syria so that all the remaining 13 million may once again live happily-ever-after under their chosen regime.

The newest claim is that Assad was/is working in conjunction with al-Qaeda and ISIS.   The absolute absurdity and purpose of this claim is simply to rewrite history. ISIS wasn’t even in Syria until the regime was ousted by the US and coalition forces, leaving a vacuum for a takeover. In addition, the claim doesn’t address the major ethnic cleansing attribute which exists between Sunni’s and Shias. Assad is an Alawite, or Shia, ISIS is Sunni. The dominant proclamation of ISIS is to kill Shia and Christians.  The Sunni nations of the Middle East wanted a Sunni in power in Syria.  End of story.

The European obsession with saving all these poor refugees does little to solve the problem and a lot to creating new problems. While the obvious solution would be to back-off interference and stop destroying entire countries, the issue we now face is how to fix our colossal error in judgment, ie, rebuild Syria and put a halt to the Africa Land Grabs that have spiraled them into a cycle of greater famine while redirecting waterways and thus creating man-made droughts and agriculture devastation.

So while London is considering grabbing empty apartments from landlords and giving them to the displaced, maybe Africa should consider grabbing back all their land and evicting the Land Grabbers. Redistributing the land back to their people, could quell the famine that is causing civil wars as survival is the end game.

Unfortunately, as a result of our interference, Syria is more complicated because ISIS now controls parts of the country.  So until ISIS is eliminated, rebuilding is a mammoth waste of time.  But then the UN isn’t known for their ‘decision making skills’.