ANARCHY Protests – A Soros Color Revolution!

Protests have become the mainstay for the Soros Color Revolutions. They are relatively easy to instigate given their market – youth.   Across Hong Kong, Chile, Lebanon, Iraq, the wave is always the same – the chant is always the same – and the anarchical violence destroys the country from within – an implosion, spiraling into chaos, the country is destroyed. And when the dust settles, there is no economy left to build, no food, no water.

Before the protests, Chile had one of the more prosperous economies in South America. Before the protests, Hong Kong’s GDP per purchasing power capita was higher than the US and Switzerland. Hong Kong was ranked as the ‘freest economy’ in the world. According to World Bank: In Lebanon, 15% live below poverty line, 54% are middle class, 32% are upper middle class, and 7% live in the highest upper class – 85% are middle class and above!

SO what is the real problem?

It would appear that youth across the globe have been indoctrinated into believing that unless you have absolute utopia, you are in Hell. If one M&M doesn’t line up with all the other M&M’s, then the focus is on the heinous – one.   For example: in a recent Facebook dialogue, when I provided a website that lists literally hundreds of President’ Trump’s accomplishments so far, the response was two things that Trump had yet to accomplish which therefore made him a ‘liar’.  He had failed to abolish every evil and create a full utopia within three years…

Trying to bring reason, I pointed out how that might work as a focus when dealing with your spouse, or children, or family… Obviously, it would implode any and all relationships.  Deaf, dumb and blind.

Society, education indoctrination, Hollywood elites with a 9th grade education level, tell our youth that Anarchy is the answer.   And no one is stopping them. Riots in Chile have taken out a third of their railway stations and transport, riots in Hong Kong have completely shut down businesses, closed malls, caused restaurants to shutter, and fires ravage throughout once pristine landscape.

Why do these people encourage our youth to destroy?  

For some it is purely ignorance, for others it is an agenda, a global call for civil war. To rule from the throne of Earth, one must create a living Hell wherein many will perish. From the ashes, the elite will rise and use labor camps to rebuild.

Mainstream media outlets are already calling the Lebanon protests a new Arab Spring – but that would ignore the peace contracts in Syria and Yemen.  The brokered cease fire in Donbas, Ukraine.   It would ignore the drain the swamp action of Prince Salman in Saudi Arabia. And it ignores the fact that Paris went through the Yellow Vest Movement which was also impregnated with Anarchists.  It ignores the third world status that Sweden has achieved.

Who would do such a thing?

While the right to assembly and free speech are protected rights, these protests are about rioting, assaulting police, destroying businesses, damaging property, and setting fire.   They are the ‘color revolutions’ proscribed, funded, and deliberately orchestrated by NED, National Endowment for Democracy.   As per a previous post, NED is funded by USAID, Private NGO’s, Unions, and Foundations. Their design is to initiate a coup. Claiming to support human rights, they are a conglomerate of Socialists who want to recreate global socialism. Their means – Anarchy.

The US was embattled in similar protests throughout the entire Obama administration.   Race riots.   Indulged by a black President wherein racial division grew larger than it was in the 1950’s!   President Trump continually stands in alignment with core values of our Country despite the constant barrage of pure evil that would rather see us destroyed.

The verbal assaults on a sitting President and his family are beyond heinous.   The Propaganda tools of media manipulation have no ethic.   And many have fallen prey and victim to the attacks. Responsibility for a person’s words and actions are nonexistent giving these actors even greater confidence in their deeds.

It is with great sadness that I watch the destruction of Chile.   It had accomplished so much these past few decades. The people were family oriented, tourism was Yuge, and the president was gaining traction as more businesses flocked to this friendly country.  The current Chilean President, Pinera, has a history of mobilizing various foundations to address inequality, women, justice, freedom, parks and preservation.  Instead, the media mocks his wealth.

You see, The Economist, the Rothschild rag, doesn’t like him. And when the Cabal can’t buy you – they destroy you.  Venezuela – down.   Argentina – Columbia -Brazil…under siege.   

United Nations: A Superfluous Waste of US Taxpayer Funds!

In case you missed it, I did, the UN held its first ever conference in the US outside of its Manhattan conglomerate – in Salt Lake City.   In taking over the capital building, guards were posted and one extricated a female journalist because the capital was no longer US territory, but was now an International Compound of the UN and not subject to US laws or privileges – including freedom of speech.  OUCH!

The August event included such initiatives as:   Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11: “to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable by 2030.

A secondary statement, not a part of Agenda 2030 per se is to laud how the UN has been inserting UN models within NY universities, basically converting the schools into Socialist unions or ‘human settlements’ utilizing the United Nation achievements as their standard.

The meeting was hailed a grand success because everything the UN proposed was agreed to – unanimously – not even one dissenter. All 17 parameters in the sustainability goals were given a thumbs up including making sure that in achieving everything global central to that attainment was the action of local governments – and the UN.   As in – they want to maintain their central core position of World Government.

Were they grand standing in order to ask for more money? Their coffers are short, and this may have simply been a PR attack to rally more funding.  Who knows, not my hairdresser, in fact no one knows, not even the UN because everything must be completely opaque.

Of course, you had to be ‘invited’ to attend, given the conference was closed to outsiders, you know, the riff-raff that doesn’t agree must be eliminated.

What has the UN achieved? According to the UN the following represent their entire list:

  • Maintaining Peace and Security. Through peacekeeping and conflict resolution initiatives across the world, UN has managed to restore peace and stability as well as reduce the casualties of war. …
  • Global Food Security and Aid. …
  • Fight against AIDS.

1)   There are currently 51 ongoing conflicts across the globe, the oldest began in 1947 between India and Pakistan involving Kashmir. Of these, 25 are in Africa.  Not terribly peaceful.

2)   The Food Insecurity index is predominantly levied throughout Africa. Measuring the data is based on ‘estimates’ and has only been available for the last 40 years. Therefore making comparables or grids or even a statistical analysis is virtually impossible.   What we do know is that millions are hungry – therefore the statement that Global Food Security is an achievement – is flagrantly false.

3)   Fight against AIDS.   Fighting is not an achievement.   It is an action.   The number of AIDS related deaths since 1980 has increased from -0- to 3 million and the number of people living with HIV has topped over 33million. I’d say that was not a ‘good fighting stance’.

In other words, the UN has achieved nothing.

So what model would they be installing inside our US Universities?   A model of committee corruption?   How to work for an organization that is an abject failure, has accomplished nothing, but pays huge salaries, provides stellar healthcare, and a bountiful pension while providing you with a free home, car, and all at the expense of the little people who live in human settlements…?

Today, the UN budget is well over $50 billion annually.   Their 18 acres in downtown Manhattan was refurbished for $2-$3 billion, all of which was an ante over and above their annual budget.   Of course, not to be left out, the Geneva office saw this as a cue segway to refurbish their headquarters too!   Ban Ki Moon declared that the refurbishment provide for an additional  3,000 employees ‘requiring’ 1.9million in additional square footage.  Ah!  That would equate to 633 sq feet per person – larger than most apartments in Manhattan!

In fact, the UN has become another Vatican City.   And with an achievement list of zero, and their intention to infiltrate all US universities, I personally do not think this is a good use of my tax dollars.

According to the UN, because the deadbeat US is paying dues in arrears instead of upfront, they are forced to cut back on their spending habits.   A memo was released in which they outlined new travesties, including:

  1. no more superfluous travel
  2. the fountain providing free drinking water will be turned off to conserve energy
  3. the bar will close at 5pm…
  4. no meetings after hours or on weekends
  5. interpretation services to the Security Council will be limited to 2x per day strictly enforced except when the Council deems it a feasible need for more
  6. the turnaround requirement for draft resolutions overnight will now extend to 48 hours
  7. DRUM ROLL! Individual water pitchers for Council members would be ‘curtailed’

Those dastardlies!  How dare they!  I wonder how much these priceless cutbacks will save?   Were drinks at the bar free?   Wouldn’t they have already purchased the water pitchers?  Or did they supply new ones each day?

UKRAINE: Pelosi’s Nightmare Unravels as National Endowment For Democracy COUP unveiled

Reading the New York Times Headlines one feels like they have just been airlifted to an alternate universe: “When Trump Froze Aid, These Soldiers Felt The Chill…” – …the country was struggling in bare bones fight against Russian separatists.

Obviously history has been completely annihilated.

Ukraine’s coup came under the direction of the Obama administration so as to insert a US asset who would benefit US interests.  While the focus has been on Biden and Kerry, it would seem much deeper as a veil is pulled back revealing the global Marxist agenda of Pelosi, Soros, USAID, and the National Endowment For Democracy.   Suddenly, it all becomes clear.

No one seems to ask the most obvious question:    Why would the US even involve itself in providing aide to Ukraine at all?

The intent was to recreate Ukraine so that it could enter into the European Union.   In that vein, aide was supposed to build up their economy so that it met the criteria of the EU.

While Europe claims they have contributed far more to Ukraine, their monetary aide comes primarily in the form of ‘loans’, much of which are passed through via NATO.   The US is the largest contributor to NATO – so essentially, the claim falls on its face.

But again, if the purpose of the aide is to rebuild Ukraine so that it can become a member of the European Union, why is the US even indirectly responsible?   Shouldn’t the EU be completely responsible?

The aide that the US supplies is labeled military in nature and the amount being contested by the Democrats as being blackmail money was $250 million.   The aide was held up initially in August, well before any purported telephone conversation between President Trump and President Zelensky.

In 2017 shortly after Trump took office, he questioned the veracity of sending any aide to Ukraine given the purpose was support the war in Donbass. But that wasn’t the first time military aide was questioned!   In April 2016 Washington’s UN envoy Samantha Power said that a military solution to the crisis in eastern Ukraine would spell disaster for all.  “A lot more people would suffer,” she warned.

Despite that warning, during Obama’s final moments in office, he unilaterally decided to ramp up spending from $125 million to over $500 million.   The money has done nothing to quell the violence, and instead has simply extended it. No attempt whatsoever has been initiated to resolve the conflict through communicative means.  So why pour more money on old failed money?

In 2014 when Obama promised $1billion in loan guarantees to Ukraine, The Huffington Post asked a pointed question,  “where does the money go?” and found a very opaque circle of NGO’s.   One such privately held organization is Chemonics.

Based out of DC, Chemonics receives the majority of its grant money from USAID to support various programs throughout the world, including – Haiti.   In 2012, they were awarded $196 million in no-bid, uncontested contracts and came under considerable criticism for misspending, overspending, noncompliance, and abject failure.   Money given to Chemonics supported the White Helmets in Syria, an organization that was found to be in collusion with ISIS.  As a For Profit enterprise, Chemonics net income for fiscal year 2019 was $1.5 billion.  What aide did Ukraine get?

Another flow-through organization receiving money for Ukraine is the National Endowment For Democracy whose president and CEO, Carl Gershman, hails from the UN and the Social Democrats USA. The Social Democrats USA was formally the Socialist Party of America. It is considered a left wing Socialist organization in affiliation with the AFL-CIO and was found to have used USAID money to support the communist regime of Poland in the 1980’s. In addition, “NED has also supported, provided training, and consulted with groups which approve of democracy, but criticize the United States, in countries such as Indonesia and Ukraine.”

NED has been cited as funding the Hong Kong rioters in order to create chaos.

Each year NED provides a Democracy Award to recognize creative work. Past speakers at awards ceremonies have included: John McCain, Nancy Pelosi, and Paul Ryan.

According to the Huffington Post:  “The program’s efforts are described on the USAID website as providing “training for political party activists and locally elected officials to improve communication with civic groups and citizens, and the development of NGO-led advocacy campaigns on electoral and political process issues.”

The Board of Directors of NED is crammed full of notables in Washington including; Senator Tim Kaine, Congresswoman Karen Bass – who was selected by Pelosi to serve on the Steering and Policy Committee, Victoria Nuland, and Ambassador William Burns and Michelle Dunn of the Carnegie Endowment which promotes globalization.

In 2000, the Carnegie Endowment created the Migration Policy Institute which is funded by: Open Society, Ford Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Urban Institute, UN, governments of Sweden, Spain, UK, Netherlands, Norway, etc…

James Zigler who serves as a Trustee to Migration Policy Institute is also a board member for National Foundation for American Policy:

“The National Foundation for American Policy, according to it’s website, “is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to public policy research on trade, immigration, education, and other issues of national importance. The organization seeks to expand the debate over the proper role of government on key issues of the day and to engage actively in the media and with the public to ensure its ideas are considered and implemented wherever possible.”

In 2005, Ron Paul stated that NED has “very little to do with democracy. It is an organization that uses US tax money to actually subvert democracy, by showering funding on favored political parties or movements overseas. It underwrites color-coded ‘people’s revolutions’ overseas that look more like pages out of Lenin‘s writings on stealing power than genuine indigenous democratic movements.”

So.  Who profits from military spending in Ukraine?   Soros, Pelosi, Ryan, NED and the globalization effort of the Socialist Marxists.

In other words, the Ukraine debacle with Pelosi leading the pack behind closed doors whereby testimony can not be verified, is embroiled in a collage of organizations whose function is to instigate coups and color revolutions so as to destabilize the balance of power utilizing media propaganda as a tool to promulgate fake and false news while promoting mass immigration within the veil of globalization.

And the US government/aka taxpayers are paying for these organizations through shadow pools of NGO’s whose agenda is to realize radical Marxist socialism and world dominance therein.

The war that erupted in the region of Donbass – Ukraine, was a direct result of the coup in 2014 – a Color Revolution….

Mercenaries: Hired Death Squads – The Pentagon’s Black Book

He’s old, his body isn’t working like it used to, he can’t hear well, he’s got a layer of fat around the middle, and all he wants to do is relive the thrill one last time!

Mercenaries have little to do with God and country, and everything to do with money. There is no loyalty outside of the clan, they will go wherever their employer wants them, and often that employer was the US Department of Defense Intelligence. The Pentagon.

Off the books, they came through the back door and were given their orders. They didn’t work within the military, they were subcontractors, no rules, and the asset they were often called to protect was – oil.   Black Gold.   Off the books for the government meant off the books for them – tax free $$$$.

When the US entered the Middle East, it wasn’t about the people, or freedom, it was about oil. Constant skirmishes, conflicts, and war throughout the region risked that asset.   Mercenaries were the death squads deployed to protect that asset at any cost.

Well trained, they came from ranks within the military, Green Berets, Seals, and Marines whose resume listed one skillset: “I know how to kill people”. It was the only skill their stint in the military had provided them, and finding a job in the common peoples world was not only impossible, it was undesirable, it was boring.

He trained his team personally.   They were the best of the best. Their identities were wiped.   Their souls had already been ripped from their skins in past wars, their values nonexistent, their morality deadened, but their instincts were their weapon of choice – pin point sharp!   The Defense Intelligence Agency used them because they were a small unit, easily disguised, unreported, and their deeds not transparent. The mission could take weeks or sometimes months to accomplish. They were a tight team, each man an asset to be protected at all costs. The camaraderie was intense!   If a man was lost, that was his fate.   If a man was lost due to a team member’s negligence, that necessitated punishment.

This was a business and success was not optional.  

He did lose a few mates, but to his credit no one ever went rogue.   Death was an accepted business tactic or fate.   When the mission was fait accompli, a private plane would escort them to neutral territory where they could indulge in lavish meals and whores.

It simply was their way of life.   The alternative back home was grim. They could never fit in to a mundane lifestyle ever again.

Of course being a mercenary did come with one rather perverse destructive consequence:  nightmares, night terrors!   A window, albeit very small, still existed in their soul wherein guilt would raise it’s ugly spears.  Sometimes it manifested in rage, often it found an easy access during sleep when the mind was not protected.

After his soul was ripped from him in Vietnam and subsequently Africa, a hole formed in his brain. Behind the hole demons taunted him. Sometimes they came out screaming, brandishing swords as they sought to destroy his remaining sanity.   Often he would awake drenched in sweat, his hands bloodied from pounding the wall.   There were exactly two things that kept these demons quarantined in their hole, another mission and Gin.

The Pentagon maintained a black book of these mercenaries so they could fly under the radar.   Creative accounting called for $500 coffee mugs, $1500 goggles, and facilities built in the Middle East that never existed.   But it got more complicated when the US government would hire mercenaries on behalf of an enemy country while accepting payment under the table.  Everybody profited. But a leak, even a minor leak, could unravel what would be hailed as treason.   Many of these organizations were eliminated to curb a possible leak as questions began to be raised.

January 2019, the Pentagon revealed unaccounted funds of $21 trillion.   The media would have us believe it was all negligent accounting.   These are military strategists, not opioid addicts, they likely know exactly where the money went, but feel no necessity to inform the public.   It bought coups. It bought mercenaries. It bought oil. It bought countries. It bought politicians. It bought the media.

In a recent article by The Last Refuge, the author recounted how each agency within the government has its own media leak source:   FBI – leaks to New York Times and NBC, CIA – leaks to Washington Post and ABC, and the State Department – leaks to CNN and CBS. Ultimately each faction substantiates the other providing a unified propaganda.

The Pentagon did NOT lose $21 trillion, rather, it spent the money on assets it can not and does not want to reveal.

During the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations the constant rupture of war and coups within the Middle East necessitated more mercenaries. They were deployed to Ukraine, Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan, UAE, Iraq, Kuwait, Niger, Algeria, etc…   Ramping up the global insecurity was an agenda, but the US was not oil independent and we needed to secure the flow.   When ISIS took control of oilfields, who did they sell the oil to in order to maintain their military?

Rote military personnel could not be counted on, they held to an accountability, they believed in God and country.   Mercenaries had no politics, no values, they were a hired death squad.

There was no shortage of contracts and he found himself spending more time abroad than home.   He had a wife, in fact he had had a few, but without a soul to love, they moved on.   He understood.   It wasn’t that he chose this as a career so much as it chose him. As a boy he didn’t run around declaring that when he grew up he wanted to be a mercenary.   But it found him. It took his life blood. And he loved every second despite being blown up, despite losing his wives, despite having no interest in rearing his children.

And now, an old man, he dreams of one last mission – despite the fact that this one would most certainly be – a failure. But at least it would end the nightmares.

Democrats: The War Mongers Demand War

When did the Democrats become the War Mongers?   The short answer might be – they always were.

Woodrow Wilson was President when we entered WWI.   Franklin Roosevelt was President when we entered WWII.   Kennedy and Johnson engaged us in the Vietnam War. Obama sent us into the Syrian conflict.   And it was initially Jimmy Carter that engaged the US in the Middle East. Today we are witness to a Republican President literally ‘fighting’ to keep us out of war while hawks from both parties rally around the bomb cry! Remember the ‘red button’ propaganda being wrestled by the Democrats when Trump was elected?

How is it that the Democrat Party, the party of peace, has been the progenitor of War?

Money.  Follow The Money.  Or more aptly, follow where the money flows.

The bets were on defense stocks when it was thought Hillary was the sure win in the 2016 Presidential race.   Not so much to defend our country as to ravage war.

Syria:   Listening to hawks from both sides of the party planks, the grand call to arms is about how the US provides stability to the region – and any withdrawal will only cause an escalation of ISIS.

The US has been actively engaged in the Middle East for roughly 40 years. During that time we have witnessed: The Gulf War involving Iraq and Kuwait, the ongoing war in Yemen, Syria’s destruction, wars in Lebanon, Libya, Egypt, Turkey, Iran-Iraq war, Jordan, Cyprus, and Afghanistan-Taliban.

How’s that stability working for ya?

This is why President Trump rightly states that the US has no place in the Middle East – period.   The Middle East has been rife with war for thousands of years. Nothing the US does will ever temper that reality. It is a consequence of ideology. Regime changes, coups, have done little except to redistribute assets.

Money: Since 2001, the US has spent nearly $6trillion on wars in the Middle East.   There are 141million taxpayers in the US – that means each taxpayer forked over $42,500 – so far.   The top five companies in the world profiting from war are predominantly US: Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, BAE Systems, and Northrup Grumman.

The value of Saudi Arabia’s arms purchases from the US is nearly double Australia which is ranked 2nd in the last ten years.   Value of the top ten importers of US arms over the last ten years is roughly $57 billion.

Where did the money go?   Are we better off?  

The entire Syrian escalation was created during the Obama administration to oust President Assad and bomb the country into oblivion thus allowing the infiltration of ISIS.   It was the US assassination of Iraq’s Hussein that allowed ISIS to infiltrate throughout Iraq – also under Obama’s reign of terror.

Troops throughout the US, Canada, and Australia have attempted to bring to light what these choices have truly cost, lives; death, casualties, unmentionable horrors, the destruction of valuable artifacts, refugees, lost civilizations…

Today, the same Democrats and war monger hawks, including Mattis, demand that the US counter attack Turkey for the affront on the Kurds on the Syrian border.   Assad demands all US troops withdraw.   Erdogan threatens to release 3.5 million refugees into Europe.   Europe is divided.  Our allies are not our allies.   And war has erupted in Lebanon. Again.  This is The Middle East.

The liberal propaganda machine known as the New York Times ran an article, “Trump invokes War’s Human Toll to Defend His Policies”.   “Trump’s Withdrawal From Syria Prompts Rare Criticism From Military Officials”, Washington Post.   And CNN, “The Largest US Troop Withdrawal From Syria Underway”.

In 2013, at the direction of Obama, the CIA was put in charge of arming anti-Syrian government forces, although intelligence revealed the CIA had begun arming rebels as early as 2012. Later, it was shown that many of the rebel groups facilitated by the CIA were in fact affiliated with ISIS and/or al Qaeda. In 2012, David Patraeus was head of the CIA.   Disgraced, he was replaced by John Brennan, who has been a central figure in the treasonous document, “The Trump Dossier”. Brennan was also accused of financial gain through the use of his security clearance.

These are the provocateurs that engaged us in the Syrian conflict, the Liberal war mongers who allowed the rise of ISIS and Al Nusra throughout the region.   These are the peacemakers who criticize Trump as he withdraws our troops to safe passage. All 1000.

IN 1980 the price per share of Lockheed Martin was about $13, today it is worth nearly $400 per share.   In 1980 the price per share of Raytheon was about $8, today is is worth roughly $200 per share.

ROGUE CIA and FBI: Whistleblowers

Speaking of Whistleblowers… There were quite a few during the Obama, Clinton and Bush administrations – their lives were made miserable despite the protections of the Whistleblower Act, and the consequences against those involved – nothing.

For Example:

Thomas Drake a senior executive formerly with NSA brought forth allegations regarding two controversial initiatives proposed within the agency; Trailblazer Project and ThinThread Project. Both involved spying but the Trailblazer Project was much more inclusive including spying on everyone, whereas the ThinThread Project which was considerably less expensive, while protecting individual privacy.

Drake favored the ThinThread Project.  

Going through the maze of internal government bureaucracy, he followed the rules and the fine print concisely, reporting to his superiors within NSA, the Department of Defense, the House and the Senate intelligence agencies, to no avail.  He did solicit the support of a Republican staffer in the House Intelligence Agency, Diane Roarke. She was considered the staff expert on the NSA budget.

Michael Hayden who was then head of NSA went through with the Trailblazer Project, hired Boeing, IBM, SAIC, and CSC among others to implement the project and ultimately spent $1 billion. Three years later the NSA Inspector General declared the project a total failure and it was scrubbed. NSA was declared to have wasted money, and their budget was restricted.

Two years later, Drake gave a reporter stories about abuse of spending at NSA making sure that all the information he released was not classified. In 2007, the FBI raided Roarke’s and Drake’s homes, taking computers, documents, books, and phones as evidence.   The government drafted charges against Drake for releasing classified information and conspiracy.   They pressured Drake to plead guilty and in 2010 he was formally indicted.

In 2011 prosecutors restricted proceedings to closed door, moved to restrict exhibits as hidden from the public, restricted cross examination of witnesses, and restricted jurors from reading the articles written by the reporter. May, all charges were dropped.

Drake lost his pension, lost his job, was responsible for $82,000 in legal fees, and was fired from his teaching position at Strayer University.

It was because of the 12 year harassment of Drake that Edward Snowden made the decision to circumvent the normal lines of procedure within NSA.

Drake has gone on to give speaking appearances in which he claims that the issues within NSA are so systemic and corrupt that dismantling the organization is the only solution.

Michael Hayden, the then head of NSA who instituted the failed, costly waste Trailblazer, was promoted to Director at the CIA. He receives full pension benefits, was awarded an honorary doctorate, and is currently a principal at Chertoff Group. He also serves on the board of Caliburn International, a group that operates temporary shelters for unaccompanied migrant children. Caliburn was awarded it border detention contract by Obama in 2014 for $97 million.   Caliburn is a private contractor receiving its funding from the Department of Defense. It is currently under investigation for bribery of Iraqi officials.

Chertoff Group was co-founded by Michael Chertoff whose experience includes Homeland Security under Bush, and Chad Sweet formerly Chief of Staff at Homeland Security as well as previous appointments as VP at Goldman Sachs and Directorate of Operations at the CIA.   Chertoff is essentially ‘Bush Men’.   All principles served under Bush, all came from Homeland Security in some capacity.

In 2013, it was reported that Chertoff routinely creates a market for a company with which they have a financial interest, fails to disclose this interest, and submits applications for funds from the Federal government – Department of Defense.   Michael Chertoff writes op-eds for the Washington Post and CNN in which he advocates for a new security to defend a crisis he foresees and then contracts with a company with which Chertoff has a financial interest.

Chertoff is considered a private NSA.

These agencies are rogue. It didn’t happen today or yesterday, it began in the 1950’s when Dulles initiated Operation MKUltra and Operation Mockingbird. It continued when JFK stated he would dismantle the CIA. He was assassinated. It ballooned when Bobby Kennedy went after the Director of the FBI and he was assassinated.

The mob has been in control ever since.

Judge Jeanine is correct in stating that these agencies, the FBI, CIA, NSA and DIA have collaborated to attempt a coup against President Trump.

Pelosi has admitted that her whistleblower who is asserting third party knowledge against Trump is inside the CIA. And she is utilizing the same rogue methods deployed ‘against Drake’ to defend the anonymity of this inside agent, and to keep the public at arms length claiming we have no rights.   She defends these measures by claiming that she fears for his ‘life’.

Of course one would wonder who might be the assassin given the history of murder by suicide rates…

Elizabeth Warren: Coached by Hillary, Backed by Soros – A Communist Agenda

To understand the behind the scenes trajectory of the Democrat candidates, one need not look to mainstream media given they are simpleton puppets rehashing the exact same propaganda feed, instead look to The Economist.

The Economist is the reiteration of The Swamp, or the Cabal, owned and run by Rothschild interests.

While bolstering all things Hillary and all things Obama once upon a time, today their support is behind Elizabeth Warren as the preferred candidate. From their perspective, she is bold, clear, clean and likable.   The debate moderators were hailed as ‘outstanding’, ‘substantive’ and ‘pointed’.   While Sanders, in their opinion, is still a viable contender, Biden is likely out, and the rest, while perfectly perfect, haven’t the populous support.

Hillary has been coaching Warren, while both Hillary and Obama have snubbed Biden.  But even more transparent is Warren’s daughter, Amelia Warren Tyagi, who is positioned throughout a web of Soros bravado NGO’s, including the progressive non-partisan, unbiased, unpolitical, Demos.

Demos: “focus includes election reform, voter rights and voter registration, civic engagement, financial reform, and sustainable economics”.   Sustainable economics is a posh phrase for socialism.

The Board of Demos is clearly indicative of the Swamp behind Elizabeth Warren and includes: Wally Adeyemo- President of Obama Foundation, David Johnson – serves on board of Human Rights Watch, the Soros organization, Rashad Robinson who has an organization that forces corporations from supporting Trump and white nationalists, Steven Heintz, one of the founding members who is president of the Rockefeller Foundation, etc…etc…etc…

Bottom line, Warren is entrenched in the Cabal – and the Cabal has pushed ahead of schedule it’s agenda to implement Socialist-Communism before Trump can initiate indictments and blow the lid off the entire Protocol.

It bears mentioning that as Warren takes the lead in the Democrat polls, Buttegieg has gone from a ranking of 4 to 16 in this past week. According to The Economist, Buttegieg may be positioning himself for a VP legacy.

While Hillary has intimated that she could beat Trump “Again”, there are a number of factors that would play out to her disadvantage:   1.   The fact that she has been coaching Warren would certainly not go over well with Warren should she suddenly enter the race,   2.   Billy’s history with Epstein would erupt, 3.   The fraud perpetrated by the Clinton Foundation would ramp up exponentially, 4.   The negative press would all but destroy Chelsea’s chances of being a politician,   5.   The Benghazi crisis,  6.   The email crisis,   7.   Hillary’s bizarre health issues back on display…   all the dirt that Obama stuffed into the garbage bag would be rehashed.   Jail would be considered, and Billy doesn’t seem too well.

Still there are those on the right goading her very massive ego knowing that a Hillary run would open Pandora’s Box and leave her vulnerable to all things covered up in the labyrinth of The Swamp.

Warren will have to deal with her own convoluted non-truths, her Soros backing, and her inability to produce a plan other than ‘Bernie’s’.   She has less backbone than either Pelosi or Hillary and has been insulated from attacks.  So far.  I doubt she would be able to survive the onslaught.

But even more so – do Americans really want to become a Communist nation?  Because that is what Warren is offering.

ANTIFA – A Global Marxist Uprising

This is War!

It isn’t Syria.  It isn’t Yemen.   It isn’t Libya, or France, or Hong Kong.   Or the assaults in Sweden.   It is Spain.   A country that rarely makes any headlines, has suddenly become the alt-left version of BREXIT.

The ongoing attempt to gain independence by Catalan via voter referendums has not only been quashed by the monarchial government of Spain, they have also held trials and sentenced the government perpetrators who attempted to gain independence to jail.   Sentences range from 9-15 years and the people of Spain are livid!

In other words, the Catalan government went rogue because they held a referendum to ask for independence from Spain, and the Spanish Royalty went berserk when the votes tallied a desire to ‘LEAVE’.

Sound like BREXIT?

In many ways it is, and in other’s it differs.   But the notion that the propagators were sentenced to jail has erupted in a massive uprising throughout Spain.   Civil War style. Not unlike what is being perpetrated and instigated in the US, and in Hong Kong.

Understand the game.

In Hong Kong, in order to gang media status, the agenda must be about demonizing the existing regime – in this case, Communist China. In the US, the same propaganda is employed, however, it is about demonizing the existing regime – Trump.   In Ecuador – it is the government’s austerity. In France it is the government’s taxation.   In Iraq it is about government corruption and poverty.

Within each of these there are common denominators:   1. Youth uprisings, 2. Anti-government sentiment, and 3. Violence.

Whether these youth protests begin as peaceful seems no longer the outcome.   Antifa, Black Bloc, Revcom, Refuse Fascism, are revolutionary anarchists who hate all things Trump and Trump supporters, and demand a new world ruled by global communism via Marx and Mao edicts.

The indoctrination begins in our education system, a system that is now an abject failure in the US. In math, reading and science, the US ranks as low as 39th.   I doubt the ranks for history and civics are better, and are likely quite worse.   Why aren’t parents outraged?   Why aren’t teachers being reprimanded?   Why do we have so many private institutions offering supplemental instruction for our failing public schools?

The media continues to ask how is it that our children support Socialism and Communism?   Because our teachers taught these anarchists and indoctrinated many with their revolutionary propaganda. But it isn’t an ideology implemented solely in the US, factions exist across Europe, Asia, South America, Canada and Australia.   And they are growing.

Ocasio, Sanders and Warren are massively hypocritical in their protocol for communist-socialism while actively living an elite capitalist lifestyle.   Any longer, the short list would be to ask where are there no protests?

In 1965 Lyndon Johnson created the Department of Education and began funding public schools.   Since then, the total funding for education has risen by 430% to nearly $1.4 trillion per year.   The budget for the Department of Education has risen roughly 900%, and yet despite these constant increases in funding, the quality of education continues to fall.   Why? Predominantly pensions.  The state deficits for future teacher pensions range from 184% to 318% of the states entire budget. Property taxes typically contain the state level of education expenses which now stand between $10,000 and $22,000 per student per year – K-12, 80% of which pays for pensions and salaries.   That would qualify as equivalent to a state college including room and board.   Homeschooling averages roughly $500 per year per student.   The national average cost for a private school is $10,600.

What are your tax dollars buying?   Socialist pensions. Anarchist teachers. And uneducated students with no vocational abilities demanding free everything because they have no skills.

Where are these anarchist groups getting their funding?

Alliance For Global Justice, Tides Foundation, Open Society Foundation, Ford Foundation, and organizations that sponsor the Women’s March, and Occupy protests. Media outlets include: CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, and the New York Times.

In Hong Kong, the reported cry is for the US to intervene on behalf of the millions of students protesting… in essence asking the US to go to war with China. Why? Because the Shadow Government, the global elite, need war in order to reinvent our society.

Refuse Fascism has protests planned: October 19 – NY and LA, October 26 – Nationwide, and November 2, 9, & 16 – “everywhere”.

President Trump’s Deutsche Bank Debacle – unraveled

Val Broeksmit, a heroin addict, is the adopted son of a former Deutsche Bank executive who was suicided in 2014.   In 2018, Broeksmit appeared out of the woodwork and claimed to have a trove of illicitly obtained confidential documents from Deutsche Bank that implicated President Trump.

Moby, a musician, songwriter, activist who works for, the Soros Organization, was ‘approached by friends of the CIA’ in 2018 to post and spread content on the Trump-Russia collusion on his social media accounts. Based on his Facebook account, it would appear he complied and posts persistent anti-Trump messages.  It is likely the CIA pays him for his activity.

January 2019, Moby decided to introduce Val Broeksmit to his good friend, Adam Schiff, having learned that Broeksmit tried to sell his documents to the FBI.   The FBI claims they didn’t pay him but did offer to bring his girlfriend to the US on a free visa. Broeksmit then asked the NYT to pay him as a consultant because he was psyched about being an informant. The NYT claims they passed.

Kyle Frese, a DIA employee, funneled classified intelligence reports to the media through two female journalists both of whom he was romantically involved; Amanda Macias and Courtney Kube.

Yesterday, Frese was arrested.

David Enrich, a finance editor for the New York Times is releasing a nonfiction book in 2020, an expose titled, “Dark Towers; Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an epic trail of destruction”. It appears that Adam Schiff passed the Broeksmit documents to Enrich to further his career as a novelist. And in the process derail Trump’s 2020 election campaign.

That would likely mean, Adam Schiff and the FBI colluded in handing over confidential documentation that was the property of Deutsche Bank to Enrich.

In the meantime, there is no way to verify the authenticity of the ‘documents’ given they have not been made public.   It is also odd that Broeksmit sat on his collection for five years, suddenly deciding to leave London for the US to sell the documents to the FBI.

Enrich claims that Deutsche Bank money laundering specialists flagged suspicious transactions involving Donald Trump and Jared Kushner. The inquiry stems from a question as to whether Deutsche Bank sold all or a part of Trump’s debt to a Russian bank, in which case, Trump was now dealing with ‘the Russians’.  Banks routinely bundle loans and sell them to other banks at a discount rate.

But the spin is to claim Trump and Kushner were involved in money laundering.

The implication of the Enrich book is that Deutsche Bank is greedy and corrupt, therefore everyone who has ever done business with them is greedy and corrupt and involved in money laundering. While the first part of the statement is true, the second part is purely fictional.

  1. In 2018, Microsoft Azure published a report specifically highlighting the high rate of ‘false positive’ money laundering alerts.   According to Microsoft, Transaction Monitoring Systems (TMS) generate a false positive alert 95-99% of the time.   Once flagged, the false positive must be reviewed by humans and if determined to be authentic, a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) must be filed within 30 days.

The statement that Trump and Kushner were ‘flagged’, is meaningless.   No SAR report was filed against Trump – he simply came in at the 99% false positive point.  I doubt either the media or the book will highlight that little quirk.

  1. Between March 2013, and August 2014, 40 bankers commit suicide.   All were high level executives, all were labeled suicide, murder or ‘unknown cause’. William Broeksmit was on the list. He had retired from Deutsche Bank in 2013, and based on his doctors notes taken 4 weeks prior to his ‘suicide’, he showed no signs of anxiety, depression, or suicidal thoughts. Nonetheless he was found hanging from a door by a dog leash January 2014.

There are conflicting accounts of ‘papers’ being reviewed and taken from Broeksmit’s possession by his friend and partner, Mr. Michele Faissola, which is what Val Broeksmit initially stated.  If true, then Val would not have possession of any documents because according to his account of the scene of his dead father, those documents were now held by Michele Faissola.

Shortly after Broeksmit’s suicide, while Deutsche Bank continued its spiraling crash, Faissola and two other Deutsche Bank executives accused of falsifying accounts and manipulating marker pricing, formed an investment hedge, F.A.B. Partnership with the financial assistance of the Qatari Royals who happened to own 10% of the outstanding shares of Deutsche Bank.  The initial investment into Faissola’s boutique venture was $14 billion.   If in fact, Faissola now had these ‘damning’ documents, it would follow that they bought him a nice tidy sum.  It would also substantiate the notion that the documents in Val’s – Schiffs – Enrich’s possession are forged.  However, for Faissola to admit this would mean his revealing that he has the real documents – which he can’t without repaying his blackmail.

At the core of the Deutsche Bank crash is their subsidiary, Danske Estonia.   Between 2018 and 2019, Danske was targeted for over $200 billion Euros’ in money laundering schemes.   Based in Denmark, Danske laundering activities involved shell companies registered in Cyprus.  The Hunter Biden scandal, Burisma Holding Company was being investigated by Ukraine for its questionable dealings – Burisma claims Cyprus as its headquarters.

Danske Bank is overseen by the Bank for International Settlements.  Based in Switzerland, BIS is the central bank for 60 members. Founded in 1939, BIS funneled money from Wall Street and London to finance Hitler. It’s founding fathers came from the Rothschilds via marriage between Carola Warburg and Walter Rothschild, and JP Morgan.  The Walburgs were instrumental in establishing the Federal Reserve system in the US.

Follow the money!  The real money laundering scheme would seem more likely to flow to Burisma Holding Company, via Biden.

SUMMARY:   What we have is an opioid addict adopted son of a suicided Deutsche Bank executive handing over damning documents stolen from Deutsche Bank and given to another Deutsche Bank executive who sets up his own firm with Qatari money while Deutsche Bank tanks under investigation for massive money laundering, falsifying accounts, and market manipulation, to some musician activist in the US, who is on the payroll of the CIA, works for a Soros organization, and is writing damning memes about President Trump on his social media accounts, who also happens to be friends with Adam Schiff, who then turns said documents over to the FBI, who then illegally obtain a free visa for the opioid guys girlfriend, only to have said documents mysteriously turn up in the hands of a NYT editor who is a socialist writing a damning book about Trump and Deutsche Bank.

In the meantime, an employee of DIA is passing confidential security information to the media and two whistleblowers are being funded by Podesta, Clinton and Soros.

Where did those documents really come from?

I’m Banking On Soros and his Rothschild buddies.

Turkey Bombs Syria – while the MSM world blames Trump

Trump is pulling US troops out of northern Syria and according to Germany’s Deutsche Welle, the US is guilty of abandoning its friends the Kurds and allowing ISIS to re-infiltrate Syria.   What DW does not say is that friendly relations with Turkey extend throughout most of Europe including Denmark, Ireland, Hungary, Italy, France, the Holy See, etc…   So it would appear the Kurds have no allies in Europe.  But it is all Trump’s fault…

In fact, Germany’s Kurdish population is estimated at 1.5 million, whereas the US population hovers closer to 20,000. So why isn’t the EU defending the Kurds? The EU Commissioner has ‘affirmed their commitment’… The same EU that bombed Syria.

What is the real story?  

Syria has released a statement asking the EU, UN and other human rights agencies to take action against Turkey – no mention of the US.   In the event that Turkey continues its offensive, Syria has announced its intentions to defend itself. That could indicate a brutal uprising, and securing US troops from a central position in this front would be a responsible action. The number of troops affected is estimated to be between 50 and 100, not a battalion.   The US was not positioned to withstand a new offensive war.

Saudi Arabia has stepped up to the plate to take over the defense of the northern Syria Kurds. Given the relationship between Trump and Prince Muhammad bin Salman, it is likely an agreement was instituted wherein the Middle East would take care of their own.   The majority of Kurds are Sunni.  And the US needs to concentrate its resources on the US – for a change.

In an interesting twist, Russia, one of Turkey’s most vocal allies, has condemned Turkey for violating Syria’s sovereignty and called their attacks ‘criminal’.  Iran opposes Turkey’s aggression.   Greece and Cyprus have condemned the belligerence. Turkey has found itself with NO ally, instigating violence, and will likely find itself at the center of retaliation.

In the midst of this bizarre implosion, Erdogan has stated that 3.6 million Syrian refugees currently in various camps across the country, will be replenished. With Germany warning of a massive influx of new refugees, it would appear the true equation is more clear.   Turkey is going to unleash a new swathe of immigrants descending on the EU and they are miffed because the US isn’t stopping the invasion by declaring war on Turkey.

The EU has no army. And Germany is already spending over $10 billion Euro’s annually to support its current influx of refugee population.   There is no money left. And so, our once upon a time ‘ally’, that never really was, is further alienating the US by attempting to vilify Trump. That would be Merkel’s version of asking for help before another 3 million refugees descend.

Still, the Liberal war mongers in DC and the media are using this ‘reassignment of troops’ as a point argument of Trump’s incompetency.   We The People, both liberal and conservative have long demanded the US get out of the Middle East conflicts. Yet, the politicians are not listening. Trump is!

While the MSM is busily derailing Trump, the real story surrounds the absolute idiocy of Erdogan in pursuing this assault. Without an ally, Turkey is subjecting itself to severe consequences the likes of which could erupt in mass exodus, civil riots, and human rights violations that could easily spiral the country into chaos.

The US is not responsible to act in the capacity of global police on behalf of the inept EU, but that message seems gray when the liberal peacemakers choose to decry Bomb em ALL!