AMAZON: Tax Trouble = Fury and Fire

Jeff Bezos of Amazon fame has topped out as the richest Man on earth with a net worth of $112 billion. His closest competitors are Bill Gates at $90 billion and Warren Buffet at $84 billion.   Amazon has come under the grid by Trump for the fact that despite revenue of $177.86 billion in 2017 – it’s tax bill came to $-0-.   But it isn’t the first year that the retail Giant has paid little to no taxes, it has been the agenda of Bezos, a Hillary supporter and Democrat, since the early 2000’s.   And Trump is determined to redefine Bezos comeuppance.

In 2004, Bezos and a host of tax avoidance experts created Project Goldcrest in which a series of intercompany agreements effectively transferred intellectual property, licensing agreements etc… to a vast structure of subsidiaries thereby reducing their tax liability to $-0-.

Newsweek uncovered secret meetings between Bezos and EU Commissioner, Claude Juncker who was the former Prime Minister of Luxembourg, during which time a secret ‘sweetheart tax deal’ was created.   Since then, the EU has attempted to collect back taxes from Amazon in the amount of $14.5 billion. According to the Commission, Juncker granted Amazon a preferred tax rate that was not granted to any other business and had absolutely no justification.

Interesting that the same Juncker now heads the commission that is fining Amazon when he was instrumental in creating the loophole.

Last September, Amazon announced it was searching for a second US city hub to open shop, claiming that in so doing they would create 50,000 new jobs, and an economic windfall of upwards of $38 billion over a six year period.   As of January, Amazon released a list of 19 potential US cities and Toronto as candidates for their second hub. A bidding war has erupted as cities vie for the privilege of Amazon’s $0 tax base.

It isn’t just federal and state corporate taxes at stake, Amazon retailers sometimes forego collecting sales taxes as well, hurting the state income inflow that would normally be generated by malls and local retailers.   Developers are watching as mall development stalls and declines.   So, who is winning in the Amazon profile?   Bezos, obviously. In January 2013, Bezos net worth was estimated to be roughly $24 billion.   Growing 466% in 5 years has proven to be the Amazon tax loophole.

Bezos penchant for taxes is matched for his penchant for charity. To date, it appears that he has made two donations, one to Princeton for $15 million and one to the Museum of History and Industry for $10 million.   As a percentage of wealth, it is relatively negligible   Amazon’s Seattle Office Space is stated to include an area greater than 3.2 million square feet, and Bezo’s various homes boast anywhere from a piddling 10,000 square feet to upwards of 29,000 sq ft including 165,000 acres for his aerospace company in Texas.

It is of course not surprising, but rather inane, that two of largest media conglomerates, the New York Times and the Washington Post, which is owned by Bezos, would defy the obvious and claim that Amazon pays it’s fair share of taxes, ie payroll taxes, unemployment insurance, and those property taxes…   No mention of corporate or State Income taxes. Short term memory loss would conjure stories from the presidential campaign in which these same organizations demanded Trump keep the high tax bracket on corporations…   Oops.

Although Amazon averaged between 11% and 13% of all combined taxes from 2007 thru 2015, they weren’t the lowest. In fact, Facebook was the all time lowest positive contributor at 3.8%!   Google contributed roughly 16% and Apple 16.5%…   All lean Liberal, all promote heavy taxation as Democrats, all pay considerably less than even the S&P average of 26.9%.   The companies holding up their share include:   Lowes, CVS, Home Depot, Exxon Mobile, UPS, Starbucks, Walmart and Disney at 30.7% to 39.3%.


FACEBOOK’s Whistleblower; Wylie Coyote BLOWS

A Canadian, Christopher Wylie, has come forth as the ‘whistleblower’ behind the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica dispute. His profile is sketchy, interesting, and doesn’t quite make sense…fit:


1) He left school at 16 without graduating. 2) He claims to have worked on the campaign of Liberal would be politician, Michael Ignatieff at 17.   3) Between 18 and 20 he claims to have learned everything he knows under the tutelage of President Obama’s, “National Director of Targeting’ (there is no such agency). 4) Despite having no high school degree, he claims to have gone to the London School of Economics to study law at the age of 20.   5)   He has a Twitter account that states it was opened in 2016, however, it has a handful of ‘tweets’, all of which were produced March 2018.   6)   While in the UK he began working for the Liberal Party in ‘voter targeting’. 7)   With no degrees, he became Director of Research at Cambridge Analytica.   8)   He gave The Guardian information about the alleged data mining in March 2017 – but nothing was said until March 2018.

He is most definitely ‘enjoying’ his recent fame.

So how is it that an obvious pro-Libeal, Obama studded young guy with no education came to be the Director of Research at a very conservative organization?

He claims that his Liberal Democrat friends helped him get the Analytica job in 2013… He claims a personal relationship with Bannon and the Mercers, and yet, he is no one…

The primary funders of Analytica were the Mercers who were also part owners in Breitbart and Renaissance Technologies, a hedge fund.   They are decidedly Conservative.

SCL Group, the parent company of Analytica, apparently also had contracts with the British government which expired and were not renewed by Theresa May.   In addition, they had contracts with the US Defense Department, prior to Trump.   They have been used as a propaganda tool by numerous corporations and governments in Africa, Asia, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, and Latin America.

His most recent claim is the notion that BREXIT was corrupted by his company’s meddling.   What he fails to mention is the fact that George Soros was instrumental in funding the anti-BEXIT campaign. So why isn’t Soros being ‘regulated’? 

Soros NGO’s have been a dominant meddler in media spin, propaganda spin, and corruption for decades, and yet an allowance was given within the Liberal Parties across the globe… because he used his data to their benefit. When Trump used the same analytics, suddenly the Wolves cried ‘UNFAIR’.

Why aren’t the UK and US governments being brought under scrutiny for their role in election meddling across the globe?

And why is the word of this one person, a die hard liberal with an agenda to pick, taken as the gospel truth without further evidence gathering? 

And why is it not discussed that all this took lace under the Obama and Cameron administrations?

And given that Facebook was a party to the Liberal agenda of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, in conjunction with Google, why isn’t she held accountable?

What makes this different is the alleged use of Facebook. But Merkel uses Facebook to censor information in Germany?   How is this different?   Facebook censors itself…   and typically conservative news is the victim. So how is this different?

As has been reported by The Guardian, who led the Analytica story, there are many more companies doing the exact same thing for different campaigns across the globe.   Using computer modeling they simply tap into the frustrations of a class of people and use their frustrations to create slogans and content for the politicians to enhance in speeches. Actually, its not that much different than dressing for the part – remember Nixon vs Kennedy?

Obama utilized these tactics to win his election in 2012…   but no one considered it a crime, in fact, he was lauded for his savvy!

Obviously, Wylie Coyote is a hyped front for the more sinister desire to shut down the conservative voice from Facebook, and other social media platforms given that the MSM has already been devoured by the Big Bad Wolf!

Generally something smells because it stinks.


Data Breaches are the new norm, we have just either forgotten the past cases, or didn’t care. Class Action lawsuits are a joke, the lawyers typically get millions while the clients get minimal cash and sometimes simply a coupon to buy more goods from the defendant.   The Facebook class action is already pooling with lawyers and an “Executive Legal Committee” which will be paid to monitor the merits, fees, billings etc… That’s right, a committee has already been appointed to get part payment of the fees that are likely to implode!

So how many Data Breach class actions are there?   Well there was/is Target, Neiman Marcus, Michaels, Adobe, Snapchat, Kaiser, Boston Medical, Ashley Madison, Equifax, Aetna, Anthem… etc. You get the point.   Hackers are everywhere and our information is constantly hacked.

So you are upset because Facebook used or sold or gave all the information you posted on your ‘About’ page and it was used to – gasp – determine your political bents. Really?   Did you know your Voter ID Card is visible to anyone on Google?   Or howabout the fact that the State and County where you reside posts all your property information and public record data – for anyone to view?   Or howabout Spokeo?   Or the dozens of organizations that, for a fee, will give you information on just about anyone you want to stalk?

Howabout the numerous companies that provide data details for corporations to use for marketing purposes or for sales purposes that were never ‘authorized’?   We used to buy lists at my firm!   Costs varied by the number of targets – 5000, 10,000, 100,000… How do you think you get on phone scam lists? Or junk mail lists?

Did Facebook release your medical records? Your Social Security Number? Your bank account information?   Your credit card data?

Forbes posted an article about the true nature of a class action lawsuit: 

  • In re Heartland Payment Systems Data Security Breach: Out of a purported class of 130 million customers injured by a data breach, 11 claims were paid for a total of $110,000. Lawyers’ take: $641,000.
  • DirectBuy litigation: Class members receive discounts on membership renewals from business that supposedly ripped them off; lawyers get as much as $1 million in fees.

Out of 148 cases that the RAND Corporation researched, the data for four gave the actual settlement statistics.   Lawyers and courts are NOT required to provide this information for the public.   Because in so doing, we might learn what a true ‘Joke’ the process really is.

Cyber attacks are big business, but not necessarily in the way we perceive.   The Veterans Administration alone has reported thwarting 1 billion cyber attacks.   The government has been hacked thousands of times.   Information is rampant.   In 2014, a single U.S. government agency was hit with a blizzard of more than 1,370 external attacks on its most vital computer systems, with three out of every eight incidents resulting in a loss of data, according to a new report by the watchdog Government Accountability Office.” The name of the Agency was not released.   The data was not discussed.

In the ADT Data Breach class action settlement of $16 million each client was awarded ‘up to $45’, while the remainder went to the attorneys.   When Anthem was hacked the lawsuit fetched $115 million – and the clients received ‘free credit monitoring for two years’, and, any provable out-of-pocket expenses incurred as a result of the breach…

In the Target class action attorneys fees amounted to 67.5% of the award.   The stock initially sank 33.33%.   Someone shorted well.   Maybe that is a bigger Legal Issue!   Attorneys and Fund Managers are the winners.

What the lawsuits do is provide a venue for stock manipulation and shorting as the alleged breach is ‘leaked’ by an unknown person as in the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica case.    

FACEBOOK Censorship

It has now been announced that the Federal Trade Commission will be investigating Facebook and their shared use of data with Cambridge Analytica, a conservative leaning and financed offshoot of SCL Group.   Terrell McSweeny is an acting Commissioner of the FTC appointed under Obama and tasked with advising both Obama and Biden. Her previous resume states that she worked at O’Melveny & Myers LLP, a law firm whose client list boasts both Facebook and Google. Odd.

Many of the current ‘notable partners’ at the firm served under Clinton or Obama in such capacities as:   National Security Advisor, the ‘most powerful’ senior advisor to Obama, Director of the White House Military Office, US Secretary of State, and Solicitor General of the US. One of their more ‘notable cases’ involved the Second Amendment right to bear arms – in defending the ban, they lost.

Bringing Facebook to the table is ‘complicated’ due to the fact that Zuckerberg is being made a possible patsy in his bid to be a good ole boy in line with the Democrat agenda of Soros. He is young, vulnerable, wealthy, and easily manipulated. But he also has sights of grandeur that made him a Democrat target. And so, a plan was initiated in which Soros and Zuckerberg would collaborate in regulating Facebook so as to eliminate ‘hate speech’, i.e., conservative opinion voices.   Because it is Soros who is going after Facebook, and thus by default the conservative voice, Cambridge Analytica became the real target.

Whether Zuckerberg actually lost billions, is of no consequence when one considers the percentage. Zuckerberg lost roughly 10%, but still retains a Facebook wealth of about $63 billion (the numbers vary by source but end at $63 billion). Without knowing his true portfolio, estimations are really meaningless.

If Soros can impose the restrictive conditions on Facebook in the US similar to what Merkel has already imposed on Germany, the voice of conservatives will be squelched.   The censorship will be complete, and the propaganda will impale what is left.

Because ‘NOT’ hearing a voice outside of the propaganda media is an old tool, and Soros is well aware of its power as defined by his youth as a Nazi protégé.

I recently came upon a blog by an American living in Russia, who gave credence to other bloggers who have great experience with the Russian culture, pre-Putin, and today, and the voices are considerably different than the presentation demonizing we hear in the US.   These people aren’t alt-right, Nazi’s, right wingers, or any other disglorified label, they are simply people who have a perspective that is not tainted with a boss, an agenda, and a paycheck. They are – you and I.

The point?   Real people tend to have quite different opinions than those of their supposed representative government.  Which is also why Ukraine is a freakin’ mess!   The People rose. Bloggers offer that voice, when the governments attempt to speak for us.

In psychology it is known as the herd mentality in which people believe what they are told because it is as though the thought is beat into them and they must follow. Cast sheep is another analogy when the herd leave the sheep to die because he can not rise up without help.

What we do know is that Soros called for the deep regulation of Facebook and Google, both adamant supporters of Clinton and Obama.   Dissecting the agenda, I imagine Analytica will go down, Facebook will rise, albeit with heavy restrictions on conservative speech, and the VOICE will go underground.

It isn’t really about data protection, otherwise they would target banks, retail outlets, insurance agencies, credit card agencies, Yahoo, Credit rating agencies, and government Voter Registration…   but they don’t.   Because data protection isn’t the real target – CENSORSHIP – is.

Look no further than Merkel, Germany WWII and WWI.

TRADE WAR: TTIP and The Global Agenda

Isolating the UK from trade with Russia and the US means they become a groveling dependent of the EU.

Obama openly declared in 2016 that there was absolutely no way that the US would open trade with the UK because the EU took precedence.

EU Council President, Donald Tusk, believes this is the perfect time to reintroduce TTIP claiming that it will solve all the tariff issues within the EU, UK and US…

TTIP is the largest ever trade initiative ever negotiated or proposed – and its contents are completely ‘classified’ we the public have no right to know what it involves, we are told how great it will be and how economically productive. What we do know comes from leaked documents which establish as a goal, universalism. This would mean that the US would effectively become an EU state subject to EU laws, regulations, banking and insurance restrictions at the discretion of a universal EU appointed Tribunal.

One of the more threatening aspects of TTIP is that it gives corporations power over nations. A corporation could sue a nation for failing to perform according to the corporate standards. As such, nations and their governments would be squeezed out and corporate CEO’s would become absolute powers.

In 1933, Musolini declared that he envisioned a corporatism world in which the state governments ‘serve the corporations’.   Renamed Globalization, the concept was later re-introduced by Democrat, George Ball, who claimed that nation states and sovereignty were obsolete. A founding member of the Bilderberg Group, Ball and Rockefeller have been active proponents of creating this new corporate sovereign rule.

TTIP fills this Communist agenda.

Most of the staid countries within the EU are aligned with the Socialist Party.   A shift by the Eastern Bloc toward a more nationalistic view has been infesting the landscape and disrupting the rule of order.   Alienating the UK from trade partners including Russia and the US would have the effect of hitting them where it most hurts in BREXIT and bringing them to their proverbial knees – once again.

Macron’s “En Marche” party was supposedly inspired by Obama, but that would mean that Obama was more than a puppet. In fact, the corporate elites have been behind Italy’s Five Star Movement as well as En Marche as they devised a methodology of moving from Socialism to Communism through Media propaganda.   Thus the New Centrist, is really Communism in disguise.

Before Macron was a “Centrist” he was a Socialist.   Before Merkel was a Democrat, she was a Socialist.   Italy, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Norway, and Switzerland are entirely Socialist.   Giving way to the Rand philosophy of Corporatism is a natural evolution.

In the meantime, Soros has made a fervent call to the EU to regulate social media content, and censor dissenting views… although in his terms it is to “fight populism”.   But wait! The Definition of Populism is: A political philosophy to support the rights and power of the people in their struggle against privilege elite.  

And no one noticed. Censorship on a multinational level is in line with Communism.

BREXIT gave rise to multi-level problems with trade, communism, and the fight against sovereignty.   Trump aggravated the agenda.   Putin was already considered an enemy of the globalization movement when he issued an arrest warrant for Soros and banned all his NGO’s from Russia.

Reeling in each country meant isolating them from trade. Trade was the tool.

So, has Trump inadvertently leaped on the trade band wagon – or is he establishing his own negotiating tactics.

In the end, the script is rather well written.   And the players perfectly cloned. But there are a few good men… and I think I’ll place my trust in them.

Obamacare Healthcare: Breakeven for Insurers!

The Federalist has released a statement that Obamacare insurers are ‘finally’ going to make a profit… because they can ‘finally’ charge premiums that sustain their expenditures. WOW!   Poor babies…

So who are these ‘poor babies’?

Anthem President Gail Boudreaux made $2.2 million, including stock awards, after working 2 months in 2017 (November and December).   The previous CEO stayed on through May and only made $26.4 million in ‘realized pay’.

Molina Healthcare’s new CEO, Zubretsky, who also started in November faired quite a bit better making $19.7 million which included a ‘sign-on bonus’.

Cigna CEO took home $43.9 million including stock gains. Humana CEO had realized pay of $34.2 million.   United has yet to release the data, but figures have fluctuated to as high as $124.8 million.   Kaiser and Blue cross are up for grabs…

As a nonprofit, Kaiser reported Net Income of $3.1 billion in 2016.   United Healthcare reported Net Income $10.82 billion in 2017. And Anthem Blue Cross came in at $2.47 billion Net Income for 2016.

So what the hey?   How is it that these companies are supposedly ‘just now’ making a profit, because that’s a lot of non-profit profit and compensation flying around!

In a world where all healthcare premiums are equal, these CEO’s should be paying monthly premiums of roughly $212,500 to $1,768,000 – conservatively.   Maybe then, they would feel the ‘Burn’…   Because, I don’t think they have a freakin’ clue.

Apparently, this Federalist author didn’t do the math because when I research the Net Income of United Healthcare, it has increased 137% since 2008.   And the CEO’s are living large on 25% increases, 46% increases, and 60% increases in total payout.   So tell me again how the ‘insurers’ are just now breaking even under Obamacare?

Poor babies.

As a comparison, physician salaries and compensation ranges between about $200,000 and $500,000 depending on the specialty – and can obviously be far greater if the physician has spiffs, patents, etc…   But it is still a very far cry from the CEO compensation of ‘Health Insurers’.   Poor babies.

In fact, the equalized monthly healthcare premiums of the CEO’s outstrips the total wage base of physicians! So how is it that these corporations are just now making a profit when in fact they have always made exceptional profits while boasting exceptional wages for the CEO’s and Executives?

It’s a magic act, something like the Wizard of Oz wherein the smoke and blubbering of the media exalts a story that has absolutely no basis in fact.   Unless, we are exalting the “New Math” wherein 2+2 = 1… or 6… or 3, because there is no ‘correct’ answer, because then someone might cry because they were wrong – and opinion over-rules fact, and…

So if Warren Buffet has reported adjusted gross income of $63 million, and we adjust for his offshore accounts let’s bump that to $200 million, then his health insurance liability should be $2,833,333 per Month!   His Income Tax liability should then be 37% or $6,166,666 – per month!   Sounds fair – right? 

Do you think the ‘health insurer’ would lower its monthly premium if it was income based?   I think there would be a LOT of pressure, and a massive change.   Imagine!   

Germany – Integration of Muslims and Jews

Germany allowed 1 million Muslims to immigrate into their country as the escalation of war has devastated African and Middle Eastern states.   Those numbers added to the internal population of about 3.7 million. By contrast, Germany is home to roughly 120,000 Jews.   And anti-Semitism has, not surprisingly escalated. In 2016, Germany ‘recorded’ 1468 anti-Semitic attacks. In one university poll, 62% of the Jews reported that they face antagonistic anti-Semitic attacks – daily. But the media prefers to target the AfD for rhetoric, despite the fact that they have a paltry membership of just 29,000.  

Merkel’s response is to require school youth to make a trip to the Nazi camps a mandatory curriculum. But most Muslim refugees aren’t integrated into the school system, so how will this solve anything?

Worse, she is proposing building a synagogue in the middle of Berlin’s most prevalent Muslim neighborhood!   Help me here!

Hate Speech.

In the midst of these measures, there are increasing issues with Islamaphobia in Germany that Merkel sees as a direct correlation with the rise of – AfD, all 29,000 members comprising; .6% of the Muslim population in Germany, or .03% of the total population of Germany.

If Muslims wanted to integrate they wouldn’t live in Muslim districts.  

When immigrants come to ‘any’ country, their first line of defense is to group together where they find a commonality, a language, a shared culture.   Cities across the world have created Polish districts, Chinatowns, Irish districts, Muslim districts, German districts, black neighborhoods, etc… It is normal.   Integration is not.   Christians like to befriend other Christians.   Democrats routinely drop Republican friends when they discover their affiliation.   Couples alienate divorcees.

I can attest to some of the above personally.

Syrian orphan children cannot be adopted outside of Muslim families. Integration is not permitted.

There are by far more examples of why it doesn’t work than when it has worked.

Germany now stands at the forefront of hate speech laws.  

The origin of hate speech laws is unfortunately, forgotten. Having its core in Communism, the laws were designed to curb freedom of speech so as to protect the government from any dissent.   But Germany seems to have conveniently forgotten this history lesson and imposed these laws to the extent that US citizens are barred from entry into the country due to their blog content.

But Germany isn’t content with simply barring entry to individuals, they have barred social media content that they deem in “their opinion” is not appropriate.   As such, they have instituted Communist Laws and Agendas similar to “Sharia Law”.

And Germany is not alone.

The UK has a history of barring activists from entering their borders (Pamela Geller, Martin Sellner, and Lauren Southern), although they embrace refugees who commit egregious and violent crimes.   And still, both Germany and the UK refuse to criminalize these refugees telling their polizi to abstain for fear of mediaslamation… errr, defamation…

Hate speech does exist, its called bullying in our education system. All three of my sons were bullied in the public school system. Most school shooters were bullied in their public school system.   But if you take away the gun from the bullied, will he feel better, will he/she feel less bullied? Will they cross the line in another way?

Islam belongs in Islam.   Jewish people hang with Jewish people.   Atheists hang with atheists.   It is just the way it is – for the most part.   There are exceptions, but they are few.   Forcing people upon people is NOT the solution.   It is government control bordering on Communism.   And personally, I ain’t a fan…

UK Sanctions Russia – Russia Assassinating Spies? Or Russian Mafia?

Once again the complete denouncement of basic law is being manipulated in the UK, with France, Germany and the US jumping onboard. Guilty – until proven innocent.

Imagine if this became the new common justice system for all crimes, all criminals?   It is reminiscent of Sharia Law in which a woman who is raped is considered the criminal and not the victim and is thus punished according to their judicial system – caning, torture, jail, and possibly death.   In circumventing law, the UK is adopting this modicum and Parliament jeers anything less. A lynch mob reminiscent of public hangings or – beheadings.

A double agent and his daughter are subjected to a nerve gas poisoning in Salisbury England and because this particular form of nerve gas was first manufactured in the Soviet Union 30 years ago, circumstantial evidence is the final verdict without a trial, without a court.   To date, the UK has refused to send samples of the poison to Russia for analysis, which would also appear to be odd, unless they didn’t have such a sample.

But apparently, even that isn’t the real story. The nerve agent isn’t the pure Novochok manufactured in the Soviet Union in the 1980’s, in fact it is a hybrid, less potent, and somewhat altered, if not in a manner that was considered, sloppy. Hardly the finesse of a Russian government, more of the botched concoction of a third party…

After the Soviet Union collapsed, Jewish immigrants and former soviet FSB agents banned together to form the Russian Mafia. They grew massively planting seeds in Bulgaria, Ukraine, Serbia and other eastern bloc countries. Ultimately they also infested Israel where they are a formidable presence today.   The mafia in these countries have since infiltrated the US, UK, Canada, Mexico, Australia and much of South America. Large and in charge – they had obtained control of the assets that were once property of the USSR – including chemical weapons.

But the complete formula for making Novochok could never be completely duplicated and thus hybrids were created – by eastern Blocs and purportedly the US.

When Alexander Litvinenko was murdered, he was investigating a connection between Spanish links and the Russian Mafia. As a former FSB agent himself, he had accused the Soviet regime of massive corruption and ties to the Russia Mafia under Boris Yeltsin. Yeltsin was forced to resign under pressure from civilian protests for his corrupt regime. By then the Russian Mafia was firmly entrenched.

Both Putin’s government and the US FBI have collaborated to eradicate the hold the mafia has had over Russia. Multiple arrests of Mafia bosses have helped to purge it’s rein somewhat, but it remains the largest, deadliest enemy the world has today controlling human trafficking, drug smuggling, corporate theft, fraud, etc…

They are also the main perpetrator in global assassinations.

What is going on? Why is the UK targeting Russia? It seems reminiscent in arming the rebel factions of Al-Nusra in Syria…

The only other case that the media is frequenting in their ‘factoid’ is that of Alexandre Litvenenko, a double agent who was poisoned using radioactive polonium in 2006. At the time of his poisoning he was investigating a link between Spaniards and the Russian Mafia.   So why would the UK assume Putin was to blame when the Russian Mafia and Spanish were the main target of Litvinenko’s inquest?

Perhaps Theresa May’s pressure is not coming so much from MP’s as from the Russian Mafia itself as they have setup shop in the UK and most likely have quite a bit of ‘garbage’ on politicians.

Still, a number of media outlets have raised the ante of agents killed in the UK by “the Russian Government”, claiming upwards of thirteen:

Georgi Markov – he was actually a Bulgarian dissident murdered by a pellet fired from an umbrella (sounds like The Avengers to me). The suspect was Francesco Guillino, a Dane of Italian heritage who was a petty thief before being indoctrinated as a secret agent of the “West”. Guillino maintains a life in the EU.

Brerezovsky – he capitalized on the chaos of privatization of property after the fall of the USSR and during the rise and flourish of the Russian Mafia.   He was in the inner circle of the corruption of the Yeltsin empire (Russian Mafia?) and is said to be worth over $5 billion.   Given the time frame, it would be logical that Brerezovosky was also heavily involved with the Russian Mafia. He was instrumental in Yeltsin’s ousting of Alexander Korzhakov who claimed that he and his Communist operatives from the former USSR were the true governors of Russia and Yeltsin was a pawn.   Seeking asylum in the UK, he was backed by M-16. After a lost trial in which he sought remuneration of $3 billion, he was found hung.

Scott Young – connected to Brerezovsky who was connected to Litvinenko, was also targeted by the Russian mafia.   Interestingly, he was also a client of Mossack Fonseca, aka, The Panama Paper Caper, in which he hid over $400 million in funds from his divorcing wife. As a result of this hidden asset fraud he was sentenced to jail, became somewhat sociopathic, and was pushed off the balcony of his flat shortly after his release.   The assumption was that because he was connected to Brerezovsky, he was a victim of Putin.

There are now over 13 Mafia groups across the globe including Israel, Canada, US, Italy, Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania, Macedonia, Romania and Turkey.

With Theresa May leading the pack of sanctions, the logic of targeting Russia and Putin becomes highly questionable.   Russians own quite a bit or real estate in the UK.   Estimates indicate that Russian ownership accounts for roughly 7-8% of all property. The exact number is impossible to calculate because most ownership of property in the UK is done through opaque offshore accounts in which the real owner of record is virtually impossible to locate.

If Theresa May sanctions Russia further and attempts to freeze assets, a mass exodus could tank London real estate… unless of course, the Saudis are waiting in the wings, cash in hand…

Given Theresa Mays recent dealing with the Saudis for more weapons, could London real estate be the blackmail/othersideofthecoin?   Tit for tat?

Jeremy Corbyn has attempted to make these points, only to be met with jeers and admonitions from both Boris Johnson and Theresa May.   And it would appear that Boris Johnson is leading the pack of wolves/MP’s in their bid to derail Russia once again.

Given that May has refused to release samples of the nerve toxin, refused to share the evidence that she is using to base her claims upon, and has moved so radically so quickly, it appears that an agenda is manipulating the truth quite massively. The speed with which this is being done would indicate there is something else that will be dropped on the global citizens quite soon. Something rather formidable, I would venture…

Macron Trade Deal Bust?

Macron is trying to eek out a new trade relationship with India claiming that the exodus of the UK means France will be the winner of the EU. But apparently he forgot to ask Merkel, because behind the UK at $8.6 billion, Germany ranks second at $7.2 billion in 2016 for the EU.   In addition, the UK provides a huge surplus of trade to India which I imagine they will not want to put at risk.   By contrast, China represents their biggest deficit at $51.6 billion.   The largest export items from China to India include: electronic equipment, machinery, furniture, and apparel.  

Problem? Is France even competitive?

India has been ramping up its nuclear program recently, including a push to build 10 new reactors with its inked partner – Russia. Macron is beeming after a handshake to expedite the construction of one nuclear facility in Jaitpur, which is situated on a seismic zone… Oops!  Villagers are not too happy about being forced to hand over their land to the Indian government for this project especially after the catastrophic meltdown at the Japanese facility in 2011.

France has also asked India to support them militarily given India currently has the largest military manpower in the world, and France is more than happy to continue to provide more fighter jets to counter the threat from China in the Indian Ocean. At the center of the India/China dispute is an area that borders Bhouton, India and China, Doklam. China and Bhouton each claim the area belongs to them and historically, like everything else, it is complicated and unclear/muddy. India claims they are acting on behalf of Bhouton in fighting China. And Bhouton recently declared they no longer were giving India the right to negotiate on their behalf.

But India isn’t quite willing to let it go.

Doklam is a notable trade route that was exploited by the British when they occupied parts of India in the 19th century.

France is gearing itself up for a trade war, but can it compete with China? Easy answer – No.   Instead, what they are doing is ramping up tensions between the two with a military antagonist.

January, Macron was in China wooing president Jinping with promises of ramping up trade between the two and putting on the table French wine, cheese, meats, and the Airbus for which sales have been less than robust.

Economists have conjectured that Macron’s China visit was about deriding Trump and the US as benign and lost trading partners for which he, Macron, was ready, willing and able to fill. But Macron was always a big fan of Xi Jinping, in fact last August, he was adamantly anti-China trade due to the significant deficit France incurred.

The EU trade deficit with China was $200 billion last year. The power that China wields in trade is the weapon of choice.   In 2016, China’s military spending was roughly $146 billion.   Despite increases in spending since 1980, the budget as a percentage of GNP has declined sharply to a mere 1% or about 1/3 of the US although China’s has significantly larger active personnel.

While the US has plundered its funds for the purpose of warring other countries, China has behaved liked a tortoise slowly enriching itself via trade.

If Macron was serious before, or serious now, it is unknown.   Given the derision between the EU and the US, the EU and Russia, and the EU and China, they are left to pick.   And for now, the pickings seem to be slim.

As for the US: The fastest growing import is pharmaceuticals. The main suppliers include: Ireland, India, Germany and France.   But the top $$$ import is electronic equipment from: China, Mexico, Japan, and South Korea leading the market. If our trading ‘allies’ really wanted to inch out China, they would be offering discounts to curb those deficits.   If the US really wanted to hit China, they would put tariffs on Electronic Equipment and Machinery.

FYI:   The value of Mexico’s imports of electronic equipment and machinery to the US is roughly half of that of China – yet Mexico remains rife in poverty…