The Matrix of Ancient History Created By The Vatican

There are no original manuscripts identifying Plato, Aristotle, Hesiod or Homer.   They were all created between the 10th century AD and the 15th and 16th centuries AD.   Mostly ascribed to Bishops within the Pope’s circle.   The claim is that the original manuscripts simply didn’t survive, papyrus torn, ink faded, lost at sea, etc…   Meaning the later transcriptions were ‘modern creative writing’.  Why would The Church take on this task?

The time period associated with the advent of these manuscripts was labeled The Renaissance Period.   It was a period wherein philosophy became distinguished and writings from the 6th and 7th BC era were the basis of thought.  But that ‘thought’ was created by The Church.   The writings don’t exist.   As historians go, Plato lived sometime between 700 and 300 BC.  Plato’s ‘Republic’ is considered the basis of philosophical thought authored sometime between 700 and 300 BC.  However, the oldest and only surviving manuscript of Plato was created sometime around 1095 AD by Bishop Pagan of Caesarea, the first Chancellor of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.  During The First Crusade.  Over the centuries, the manuscripts of Aristotle and Plato were created based on ‘an idea’.   Did any of these philosophers actually exist?

The purpose of The Enlightenment was to move people away from religion.  Immanuel Kant, synthesized rationalism as empirical thought for modern men who did not adhere to fables and stories associated with the Bible.   His largest influencer was Aristotle – who likely did not exist but was created by The Church to which Kant reviled.  Because of Kant’s anti-theoretical stance of reason beyond myth, he became an oracle to his followers.   A demi-god.

What we are taught:

“The impact of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle on subsequent philosophical and political thought is both profound and far-reaching. Each, in their own way, laid down foundational concepts and methods that have continued to resonate through the ages, influencing thinkers, leaders, and the general course of human history.”

The rise of the concept of philosophical reason vs religion came about with the Fall of the Roman Empire.  The same Roman Empire that claims its first Emperor to be the mythological character Romulus – whose father was the god of war – Mars.  Romulus was raised by a woodpecker and a wolf.  Why is it that no historians have disputed this historical account?

The story of Romulus and Remus was supposedly created by Ovid in an epic Latin poem written sometime from the early 1st century AD, which contains a complete account of the twins’ (Romulus and Remus) tale.  However, none of Ovid’s manuscripts survived. We don’t have Ovid’s original manuscript — we have only much later medieval copies of copies of copies. These texts were copied by hand, and in each new copy new errors were inevitably introduced. Over time these errors compounded, and as a result, no single manuscript preserves what Ovid actually wrote.” 

Meaning, we don’t really know if Ovid ever existed, any more than Aristotle, Homer, or Romulus.

Metamorpheses;  by Ovid:  “The poem chronicles the history of the world from its creation to the deification of Julius Caesar in a mythico-historical framework comprising over 250 myths, 15 books, and 11,995 lines.”

Essentially, our entire basis of history was created in the renaissance era of the 15th century and called – reality.   What would be the point in manufacturing these Epic Fakes?   To hide the truth.   Who knows the truth?   My guess would be the tunnels beneath the Vatican hold the accounts of Truth to which we may never be privy.  The larger question would be; WHY do they want to withhold the Truth and feed us stories and lies?

When writing fiction, most writers call upon factual events and merge the fact with the fiction.   I would surmise that the writers of the 15th century were no different in merging fiction within fact.   Just as “science” practices the Art of Fiction with a few dollops of fact to keep it sanitized.  The only way to keep us under a shroud of distraction is to tell the lies in our educational institutions.  By it’s own volition, education is considered a factoid of knowledge.   Who made that assertion?

The closest historical depiction of the first university was the University of Bologne, Italy.   Although its history is an unknown – it is speculated it came about in 1088 AD.  The university followed Canon and Roman Law as promulgated in the 6th century AD.   It can be assumed that the university was a creation of the Catholic Pope – Pope Urban II.  Urban was known for his call for the Crusades wherein all Christians were ordered to war against Muslims in order to claim The Holy Land – Jerusalem.  The First Holy War.

Pope Urban II was born Ortho De Lagery – to a family of nobility.  It was during this time frame that Pope Gregory VII was attempting to establish dominant power over King Henry IV so as to make Kings subservient to Popes.  In response, King Henry installed a ‘puppet’ Pope Clement III – while the papacy installed Pope Urban.

Ultimately, with the assistance of the Knights Templar, the Papacy was able to take control over the Kings and rule above their power.   The most successful of these Knights/Crusaders was Baldwin I who became King of Jerusalem.  His coronation took place on Christmas Day at the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem.  Baldwin’s entire time as a Crusader can be accounted as occurring during the period of ‘forever wars’.   He was buried on Palm Sunday.

He obviously assumed himself within the role of Jesus Christ.

In summary, our entire history was manufactured by Church Bishops between the 15th and 16th centuries.   The merger of mythology with bits of reality garnered the Church power over Nobles and Peasants.  And nothing in history can truly be anything but an illusory  Matrix.

Christian Easter: The Resurrection A Holy Day To Be Revered

As we approach Easter and the Resurrection of Christ, the media is filled with bizarre propaganda claiming the day was hijacked from pagan rituals..   There are three schools of thought:   1.  The Christian designation was formed via the Latin world albis, the plural form of alba meaning ‘dawn’ which became eostarum in Old German.  2.  Another theory is that Easter came from the goddess of spring and fertility, Eostrae.   3.  Ishtar was the goddess of fertility and sex during the times of Babylonia and Assyria.

Eostrae and Ishtar are essentially the same legend created by atheists to usurp Christianity.

The basis for the pagan derivative is found in the writings of an 8th century monk known as Venerable Bede, who reported that pagan Anglo-Saxons in medieval Northumbria held festivals in her honor during the month of April. Other than this text, there is little to no knowledge of how she was honored by the Pagans, or whether Eostre was really worshipped as a goddess or not.  In fact, Historians have debated whether she ever actually existed or was simply a myth that arose centuries later.

But the controversy has created a chasm.

The origins of the myth itself became muddled in modern pagan/atheist declarations proclaiming Eostre was an evil corrupter who was bespoiled in all realms of orgy and death and tortuous incantations.  Whereas the original myth was simple German folklore wherein fertility was symbolic of bunnies and eggs were symbolic of life.  The Equinox as the advent of Spring was also symbolic for its renewal as winter recedes and blossoms begin their bloom.   There really is no point in attempting to explain the evolution of colored eggs any more than there is of Christmas trees.   Stay focused.

Some Christians have chosen to believe the myth and refuse to celebrate Easter at all because of this schism.   But there is absolutely no written evidence of the Goddess story, it is born of atheists.

Choosing a date to celebrate Easter, was finalized in the 8th century via the Pascal Controversies.  The purpose was to allow the Jewish Passover to remain a singular religious holiday instead of an overlap with the Christian Easter.   There was no discussion of pagan mythology.

Embracing this pagan lore, President Biden, a stated Catholic, has declared that Easter is no longer Christian and has been renamed “Transgender Day of Visibility” embracing pagan rituals.  Obviously, Zionist Jews do not celebrate Easter given they shun Christ’s existence.  Therefore, it is quite possible that the White House Handlers manipulating Biden have Zionist blood.

When choosing which history to believe, the exact date of Christs ascension is really not the point – we have free will to believe and support what belongs to the Christian religion.   The point is not a day marked on a calendar, the point is Christ ascended into Heaven and a unified date for all Christians to celebrate was proclaimed.

According to the Jewish Talmud, Mary was a prostitute, Jesus was a bastard, and anyone who believes otherwise is a heretic.   Jewish eschatology, holds that the coming of the true Messiah will be associated with events that have not yet occurred, such as the rebuilding of The Temple, a Messianic Age of peace, and the ingathering of Jews to their homeland.  Secular Netanyahu believes that Israel is the homeland of paganism – and thus he needs to eradicate the Palestinians who embrace Jesus.

While Jews don’t believe in Christ, The New Testament, or anything in that context, it is important for Christians to recognize that their Christ is shared by the AntiSemites called Muslims.

Which explains why the Jews hate with such a fervor – both Muslims and Christians.

Division and hate is the power of satan.   The Satan who creates The Common Enemy as espoused by Bush, Clinton, Obama, and Biden – none of whom are Christian but have their seeds in the Dark World.

Despite the attempt at global chaos, Easter will proceed.   FAITH will be unified.   And compassion will prevail in the hearts and souls of those who are aligned in Christ.   This cannot be severed.   Not by any evil dictum.   And this then becomes their focus for destruction.   Unity, love, and Christ.

I always find it quite enlightening and entertainment when some obscure person lectures me on religion.   They presuppose that I am an idiot in their maniacal verbose self idolatry of narcissism.  While I most often attempt to convey my knowledge, I would say that the vast majority are not concerned with knowledge or wisdom – but self imposed – Rightism.

Enjoy the celebration!   Enjoy the Resurrection and what it means for humanity!   Enjoy your family and friends and remember that Faith is inside you – not inside secular media pundits who want to attack all things Christian.

Brad Onishi – America’s Straight White Jesus Fantasy

Two ‘ex-ministers’ debate religious zealism in America’s straight white Jesus institution of far-right nationalism utilizing their analytical professorships as basis.   Their Treatise?   Everything that has happened since 1908, their point of reference, came about as a result of the rise of Donald Trump and a cold civil war called January 6th.   Bradley Onishi has declared himself the purveyor of truth for all the world with regard to abortion, creation, life, and war – as he writes for Politico, the far left leaning rag owned by German media, Axel Springer.  He is co-joined at the hip by Daniel Miller.

Brad Onishi was a literal ‘one time’ commencement speaker at Skidmore college, a liberal arts school in New York with a total enrollment of roughly 2600.  He now claims to be a part time adjunct professor at the University of San Francisco.  He is co-chair of the Secularism Group at the American Academy of Religion.  The American Academy of Religion is funded by government grants, membership fees and the Luce Foundation (listed as an ‘intercompany’) in collaboration with The World Economic Forum…  It’s grant making was roughly 11% of its expenses as a charitable nonprofit organization sitting on $11 million in Net Assets.

And suddenly – it all becomes clear….

Dan Miller is a professor of Humanities at Landmark College in Putney Vermont which services students with disabilities.   Enrollment is under 500.  It is the most expensive college in the US.

Onishi describes himself as a ‘thought leader’.   A thought leader is someone who self identifies as an expert on a topic and uses marketing techniques to sway others into aligning with the expressed views via charismatic authority, instead of engaging critical thinking.   Narcissism.   In Onishi’s perspective, he interweaves politics and religion within his query – why do evangelicals vote for Trump?   And who says a baby is viable at conception – not I…!

Onishi is apparently fearful that a secretive Christian National Fraternal Order is planning an America coup.   This secretive far right organization is labeled, Society For American Civic Renewal.  The organization, SARC, was formed in 2021 by Charles Haywood, a self proclaimed foundationalist who believes our current government is destroying America purposefully.  Of course, Onishi has no problem with the secretive Bilderberg Group, The Trilateral, The Group of 30, The Priory of Sion, Skull &N Bones, Black Dragon, Illuminati, etc… etc… etc…  Only groups that advocate Christian Nationalism.

Within the pronouncements of the far left abortion debate, Onishi has declared that life at conception is a Catholic myth and a fetus is first a plant, then an animal, before God anoints the child with a soul and it becomes human.  The fact that Onishi now identifies as a ‘secular’ seems to have not transposed in his pronouncement that God gives humans their souls.  An argument that has been attributed to St Augustine in the 5th century.  He omits the fact that St Augustine believed abortion at ANY stage was a serious sin.   Onishi is thus served in ‘cherry picking’.

In Onishi’s opinion piece for Politico, he debates the concept of life and abortion from the standpoint of the 1960’s and challenges the Catholic document, Apostolicae Sedis, written by Pope Pius IX in 1869.    In addition, he challenges the worthiness of “Family Values”.  So, what is his point?   It appears, Onishi takes exception with the Religious Right, genders, masculinity, LGBT, anti-secularism, and whiteness, which he claims are frontal to America’s decline when viewed from the perspective of himself and the authoritative Klaus Schwab.

In a twisted interview Onishi claims the Apostolic Reformation or Prosperity Theory Christians are central to Trump’s campaign and attended the January 6th civil war.   Oddly, Biden’s Catholicism is never considered an issue – instead the focus is singularly on Trump and everyone who supports Trump.   Speaker Mike Johnson, and Jim Garlow are cited as proof that the Apostolic Reformers are in alliance with Trump.   The main substance that proves the Apostolic effort would be ‘anyone who aligns with the concept that the 2020 election was fraudulent’ according to his interview on Mother Jones and GBH TV.

While Onishi claims he became an evangelical at the age of 14 and served in ministry for 7 years – there is no mention of where, with whom, or how he made a living in southern California – Yet somehow at the age of 27, Onishi moved to England to pursue a Masters at Oxford….while continuing to not work or earn a living.   There seems little evidence to support the bio thread that Onishi was ever in ministry.  However, his alignment with the far left is sealed in every word he prints.  Today, he openly embraces secularism.

Contrary to various bio’s proliferating across the internet, his LinkedIn bio states that his education was actually in ‘philosophy’ not theology.   Thus his entire credential basis is false and misleading.   But its marketing strategy of fraud is aimed at the meek and the weak who do not question his rhetoric.

The fact that his podcasts and interviews are more about vilifying Trump and every Maga who aligns with him as a threat to America and American democracy as espoused by Hillary Clinton and Pelosi, reveals the snake within the supremacist – Onishi.   A fake.   A philosophy major with little to no theology formation who has been picked by The Handlers to justify abortion under the guise of evangelism while demonizing President Trump.

The American Academy of Religion, was founded on Christian principles.   However, by the 20th century their academia decided to embrace every religion equally within its auspices – including atheism.  Their board is comprised of philosophy adherents – what they lack is members or directors with theology backgrounds, ie priests and pastors.  Thus negating their charitable status within false ideologies and statements.

Trump continues to gain followers as he becomes the focus of hate and derision.   Perfect, he ain’t.   But perfection could not fight for America and Americans with such devotion.   Nor has perfection ever been asserted in any Biblical context.   But that doesn’t parlay with Bradley Onishi….

WHAT is a JEW: Israel’s Biblical Iniquities

Benjamin Netanyahu has been the 32nd, 33rd, 34th, 35th and 37th PM of Israel.  During that time he served 12 ½ years total out of a potential 16 ½ years representing full 4 year terms.   He isn’t the only PM to have served without honor for short stints – some lasting less than a year.   WHY?   Likely many reasons including; incompetence, lying about your platform, election fraud, and inciting war.   The once revered IDF is in shambles given their training to ‘enjoy their body counts’ has finally been proven via countless verified videos and photos celebrating death.

Israel Has Fallen.

Amidst the terrorist activity of the IDF, The Mossad is eerily silent.   Formally established in 1949, The Mossad is the equivalent to the CIA.   It operates as the mercenary agency of the Israeli government infiltrating across Arab nations, the UN, and the West standardizing assassinations.   January 2024, Turkish authorities arrested 33 Mossad Agents spying for Israel.    According to Yerlikaya, Turkeys Interior Minister, the Mossad intelligence service planned to surveil and “kidnap” foreigners on Turkish soil for reward and execution purposes.

The arrests came on the heels of Israel declaring it would go into Qatar, Turkey and Lebanon to kill Hamas Leaders.   Essentially turning the Mossad into a mercenary organization.   But also revealing the intelligentsia is not as intelligent as we are allowed to believe.   Turkish intelligence prevailed.

This embarrassment ignited Netanyahu’s personal vendetta WWIII mini series that the UN labeled genocide.

Israel was at the Top of its game.  The Mossad was revered like the Knights Templar.  The IDF was simply ‘patrolling inside its own boundaries’.   They could do no wrong.  Christians flocked in support.   Seculars ewwed and awed.   Then Netanyahu did the unthinkable – he razed Gaza, the West Bank and began a war on four other countries in the name of “Protecting his Land” within a span of four months.    ROGUE.   Even by the standards of The Rothschild Economist.

Israel will never put the evil genie back in its beanie.  It has been released and the shroud that blocked our eyesight was forever torn to shreds and laid in the fire to burn to ashes.

The Middle East has awoken to the realization, the revelation that Israel can NEVER be a partner.   And Zionism has been exposed for being exactly that – The Protocols of The Elders of Zion.   They have broken the spell.   IF we fall back into their Lies and Deceit, we have no one to blame but ourselves.   Israel will never honor a ceasefire.   The IDF will not suddenly become friends of the Palestinians.   And the entire history of “Jews” becomes suspect.

Including the fact that the word ‘Jew’ didn’t exist in the Bible until 1660 when the Bible was once again translated.  And Hebrews suddenly were nonexistent and replaced by Jews.

So.  What is a Jew if they didn’t exist prior to 1660?

Every century, decade, or so, a new translation of The Bible and the Jewish Tanahk undergo a rigorous upgrade.   The last retranslation was 1985.   Scripture is no longer scripture when it has been revised.  It is man assuming the role of prophet or God.   Israel has been keen to accommodate this assumption.

The Old Testament of The Bible was wholly created by the Hebrew/Jewish diaspora.   The New Testament was written in Greek.  It originally excluded the gospels of John, Peter, Revelation, and Jude.   They were added back in 616 AD by Thomas Harkel a bishop who lived in a Coptic Monastery in Egypt.  At this point in history, the Arabic, the Persian, the Greek, and the Syrian, were all aligned.    Then in 1555, Johann Widmannstetter, brought to the Holy Roman Empire his printing of the New Testament.  Immanuel Tremellius, a Jew who ‘converted to Christianity’, no source, enjoyed the writings of  Widmannstetter and brought the revisions to England.   His scholarship was considered so valuable to the English reformers and divines, that in 1569 he issued a Syriac New Testament in Hebrew letters which became the global translation.   By a Jewish man.  Despite the Hebrew Tanakh not recognizing the new Testament.

Technically, the Christian Bible was thus rewritten and retranslated by Jewish scholars who are not Hebrew, and adopted by Christians verbatim.  

This does not deny the existence of The Bible – it merely opens the flower of realization – what you read has been severely modified of truth.

NONE of this would have been considered a narrative to explore and research had the events of today in Israel been uprooted.   What is a Jew?

These  Biblical inconsistencies might never have been considered had Netanyahu not exposed the radicalism of Zionist Jews.  Yet, here we are, and our knowledge of Biblical ecclesiology becomes a narrative of a hijacked history to elevate Jews into a position of Chosen Peoples.   A narrative not supported by Literal Translation OR the origination of the term Jew.

Jews have conflated their definition with that of the Torah and Bible while embracing pagan secularism, anti-God, anti-Christ.   In order to align with Biblical references, one must actually ‘believe in God’.

Ashkenazis don’t believe in religion, God or Christ.  Israel and America are Ashkenazi.  Not Hebrews.  The argument is thus terminated.  AntiSemitism cannot exist among secularists.   For the very fact is that it is defined as religion – and they have no religion.   As such, anti-Semitism is more universally defined as antiCommunist.  And therein lies the basis for WAR.  Ideology – not religion.   Like Israeli’s, Communists have no religion.  Hitler was antiCommunist.   Not Anti-Jew.   A realization that came to be after the war when Patton declared, “I fought on the wrong side”.

Begging the question is Israel’s abject hatred of the Palestinians and the Middle East based on their adherence to religion – which Israel despises?  We are told over and over that the Soros Cartel identify as Ashkenazi Jews who deny and hate religion and embrace secularism.   Why can’t we understand this relates to Israel – and Ukraine?  This relates to the SHADOW Government that is ruling the Western hemisphere.   To accept one – you must accept the other.

Art of War ~ Know Thy Enemy.

Are Christians on the wrong side of history and war?   How deep is the deceit?  While these queries do not negate Christianity – they do provide context into a potentially highly ‘altered’ translation of history and religion – and Christianity

In that context the only Biblical representation of Israel today would be in its – Gross Iniquities….

Satan Warriors Among Us Across The West Divide

In a 1996 3,000 page document authored by the military, geoengineering was discussed in detail.   The entire document detailed how geoengineering would be utilized as a weapon of war in order to maintain “Superiority”.  There was no mention of humanitarian ideals, or improving agriculture, or doing anything of value at all – it was 100% about war – winning wars through climate engineering.   For 60 years the military has advanced this goal.  Meaning the Green Climate Fund was created to pay for greater geoengineering technology so as to destroy countries.

For me, this brought a visual of demons gnashing their teeth and screaming in Hell as they rule thru war and chaos.  Last night at the Grammy Awards Satan was once again worshipped by the music industry, including Taylor Swift, and Hollywood.   No one got up to leave.   No one gasped or cringed in horror.   They applauded.   And the conspiracy is a truism – Satan is in their blood.

The ONLY way to beat Satan is thru God and God’s warriors.

Election 2024 is looming large and up until now the liberals feigned fear as they envisioned a Trump presidency.   Their cries and screams, and gnashing reveal that God’s plan is a Maga win.   Yet, suddenly, the narrative has changed – ‘Biden is closer to beating Trump’, the Rothschild Economist declares.   Gob Speak for the rigging of the election is incoming.

One means would appear to be the Supreme Court.  A Supreme Court ruling taking Trump off the ballot would get the liberals, “out of the woods”.  They would not have to resort to election rigging and manipulation.  They wouldn’t NEED the illegals to vote Biden.  They could pretend that it was all simply a legal determination…

If Trump is determined to have aided in an Insurrection on January 6th, the Supreme Court could rule that he is ineligible for the presidency.   Gob Speak = election rigging via communist means and the shadows would remain in power over the entire West.

The intellectuals discussing this Supreme Court possibility then described the reaction – a civil internal war is inevitable ~ they claim.   But the People are weak and fearful, therefore they will be overpowered easily, the war will be quick and final.

And Satan will completely absorb America.  What would that look like?

Given the entire premise of the satanic or liberal west is superiority dominance thru geoengineering and war – every country on earth would be the potential subject of annihilation at any given moment via a hypersonic missile.   There would be no hesitation – no legal basis – no rule of law.   Acting on illogical and irrational whims – ie psychosis.  This is what their world would look like.   Absolute Power… until the power players look to destroy each other.

GEOENGINEERING:   Atmospheric Rivers are a relatively new phenomenon gaining significant recognition in 2014.   The source began in 1994 at MIT.  A single plume or river can hold more water than the Amazon.   In 2019, Scripps graded the plumes into categories of intensity much like hurricanes.   Despite these storms wreaking havoc, causing massive flooding, despite their appearance over the entire west coast of the US – nothing has been done to ‘capture’ or divert the water from flooding neighborhoods and metro areas.

These rivers have a direct correlation to El Nino events.   These extreme river events are caused by a warmed atmosphere from warmer sea surface temperatures, a cycle of El Nino which is most intense during winter months.  This southern oscillation event is slow moving and predictable usually months in advance.   Thus every El Nino river event can be mitigated – if the government so chooses.

I moved to the San Francisco area of California in the 1980’s.   My first year there was an el Nino event with tortuous rain that caused entire homes to slide off their foundations and down hillsides.   That was 40 years ago and still California has done absolutely nothing to capture the rain so as to preserve the water from ‘runoff’ into the ocean while preserving the integrity of neighborhoods and homes.

What becomes clear in the various illustrations of lies and deceit perpetrated by the Cartel is that the main goal is “suffering”.   The Gaza War is about ‘suffering’.  Earthquakes are about suffering, ie Turkey.  The Pandemic was about suffering via adverse events and death.   As though these evil doers take their cue from torture.   They thrive on the torture of others.   Slow and painful.   Gnashing of teeth in delight.

Did Christ embrace suffering?  Are you only a Christian if your life is about suffering?

There are various words that have been liberally translated in the Bible including, trials, suffering, affliction, and tribulation.   “In the world you will have tribulation”.  Bible experts define tribulation as a form of suffering from oppression or persecution.   Suffering is explained as “Christians will experience difficulties and tough times”.

By contrast, It is not until the Great Tribulation that this suffering is manifested in global continuous wars, chaos, terror, earthquakes, floods, pain, death etc… which will affect every human being on earth.

This form of tribulation is not brought by God but by evil.   Born within the central stage of Jerusalem.   Among those who follow Satan.

In the Bible, Daniel is credited with writing much about the Great Tribulation.  In Daniel 9 he mentions the seven ‘sevens’ and sixty two ‘sevens’ which theologians have interpreted to mean weeks – seven weeks or sixty two weeks.   Daniel lived roughly 620 – 538 BC centuries BEFORE weeks were annotated in any calendar.   The Romans (5th century AD) alluded to an 8 day week which merely delineated a market day – not a week as is defined today.

The interpretation that ‘sevens’ refer to weeks is thus – wrong.

“Seven” represents the seven spirits of God and the symbol of completion.  We are not there.

Where we are is within a great cast of evil, a shadow that has absorbed many humans – but not all creatures.   Famine has not reached every soul.   Nor has war.   But the western sphere of governments are desperately attempting to usher in this global creation while acting under the influence of evil.   Secular evil.

The core to this is and always will be the People of Israel, descendants of Jacob, son of Isaac.    Netanyahu is Secular as are the vast majority of persons living in the land of Israel.   He believes in nothingness.   Ezekiel:  The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah is very, very great, and the land is filled with blood, and the city is full of perversion; ..the Lord has forsaken the land.  THIS is the land inhabited by secular’s who inaccurately call themselves Jews – a word that was not in the Bible until it was retranslated in the 1660’s.

The Reality of Mythology – C. S. Lewis

What if mythology as it is presented is actually based on factual narratives?   Who decided that these narratives were all false?   Mythology has played a part in every culture, every civilization, since time began.  It was the passing of knowledge from generation to generation so that history would not be lost.  

According to C. S. Lewis, “What flows into you from the myth is not truth but reality.   …every myth becomes the father of innumerable truths on the abstract level. Myth is the mountain whence all the different streams arise which become truths down here in the valley”.

Each culture’s myths were an inherent religion.  They sought to answer the same questions we ask today; What is our purpose?   Where did we come from?   Every culture or tribe created their answer based on the ‘myths’ or narratives that had been told before them.  Today, ‘historians and scientists’ attempt to recreate each of these narratives with theory that they build and presuppose as Fact.   But it isn’t fact and it isn’t reality – it is theoretical guessing.

Mesopotamia consisted of two groups, Akkadians and Sumerians.  Evidence attributing a religion to them dates from 3500 BC.  It is thought they invented writing, early mathematics, astrology, law, agriculture, and the calendar.  In 2335, these two groups were synthesized under one ruler, Sargon of Akkad of the Akkadian Empire.   He was a warrior-conqueror whose populace were required to pay him a Tribute or tithe in exchange for safety.

The Mesopotamian father god was Enlil.

It was this same time frame wherein the Minoan civilization of Crete appeared.   Perhaps fleeing the Akkadian Empire given they could be subjugated and controlled had they remained.   Minoans were peacemakers with an exceptionally advanced society.

Many theorists claim that the Minoan Society was the first to create Greek mythology.  While debate ensues over whether Minoan’s worshipped a queen or goddess or they simply revered women, is inconclusive.  The society flourished in trade, riches, and wealth.  Their agriculture was advanced, their society had two forms of writing, one was a monetary tablet for trade – the other has yet to be deciphered.   They prospered for 1500 years before being slaughtered by the warrior Mycenaeans.

Despite living on an island in the Mediterranean, their art depicted bulls and lions within stadiums much like the Roman Games.  Participants included both men and women.    They were quite an interesting study!

Roman mythology is said to have originated from the Greek.  The first King of Rome was born of mythology – Romulus during the 8th century BC.   His mother, Rhea Silvia was a ‘vestal virgin’ raped by Mars, god of war.  There is no other historical reference to Romes formation other than through this mythological reference.   And thus the entire Roman Empire originated via mythology.

Giving rise to the queries – was mythology reality?  And why would every global society want to quash it?

Plato embraced mythology in his philosophies.   C. S. Lewis stated that Christianity too – was born of myth given it came from ‘narratives’.   And became reality.   Would this then not support the reality that all myth is/was reality/truth?

The word myth is derived from the Greek, Mythos:  1.  A story or set of stories relevant to or having a significant truth or meaning for a particular culture, religion, society, or other group.  2.   Utterance, speech, narrative.

Roman Emperor, Constantine, issued the edict of Milan in 313 AD wherein Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire.   The Roman Empire conquests included Greece.   By the 8th or 9th century, Greek mythology, or paganism as it was renamed, was scrapped in favor of the Popes and Christianity.   The origin of the word pagan is derived from the ancient Latin paganus which simply meant a villager or rustic.  The word became synthesized by Jews, Christians and Muslims to mean ‘heathen’ sometime in the 4th century.  And this is its usage today.  It was deemed to be anyone who did not follow Abrahamic truths.   Mythology was thus deemed a false reality and history was essentially rewritten to recreate cultural religions as fictional tales.

Even the narratives and poems of Homer have been pillaged.   Homer is said to have been the son of a river and a nymph, who wrote epic poems.  But he also wrote narratives that depict in detail the Trojan War – which is today considered ‘mythology’, and Thebaid, a poem that tells the story of two brothers at war over their rule of Thebes a city in Egypt along the Nile.  Thebes was an ancient city that existed during the Middle Kingdom at the same time frame as Minoa.  Thebes or Amun included the Luxor Temple honoring Ramses II and the Karnak complex the largest religious complex in the world at one and a half miles long.

Historians sought to disclaim the narratives for fear that their reality would negate Christianity. A sort of censorship.   Or even a conspiracy.  Diluting power.   A universal Pope.  But in quashing ancient mythology historians needed to recreate a falsified narrative of history within a bottle.  It is why time frames never coincide, and why it became necessary to link History with Science so as to give it greater  power and control in mass hypnosis when it contradicted itself.

And so, the propaganda campaign invoked by popes and kings became, those who believe in mythology are fools and idiots…    Similar to the Rockefeller Institutes 1913 campaign to create vaxes and Big Pharma ~  Those who believe in holistic medicine and cures are fools supporting quackery ~


Enlil was was a Mesopotamian god of wind, earth, air and storms/water.  Enlil is the derivative of Elohim – the Jewish God

Yahweh originated in pagan myth as well, and became synonymous with Enlil.

AntiSemitism. The Hatred of Christians, Muslims and Secular Jews?

Elon Musk is Anti-Semitic. Why? Because he called out George Soros who identifies as being a Jew.   But the Semites included Hebrew, Arabs, Canaanites, Ethiopians, Akkadians, and Aramaean tribes.   They embraced three religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.   So the Israeli government is calling out Musk for being anti – all these varied religions and tribes.   While Soros is secular – he has no tribe. But the accusation reveals the foreign Ministry of Israel;   a) doesn’t know the definition of Semite, and b)   aligns Israel with George Soros.

The government official who tagged Elon Musk on his anti-semitism is David Saranga, of the Foreign Ministry Office of Israel. Information regarding his religious affiliations, parents, family, etc… is ‘unavailable’.   However, Musk, a white secular male made a disparaging comment about another white secular male, Soros, which does NOT fit any definition of discrimination and/or defamation.

The anti-Semitism label no longer has any breath – they have used up the matches, the flint, and the firewood.   Which leaves us with b) – the Israeli government is onboard the liberal Soros WEF ideology.

Saranga’s entire role in the Foreign Ministry is to Tweet.   Anyone who says anything disparaging about Israel’s government is subject to harassment.

Technically, Israel’s constant bombing of Iran and Palestine would be defined as “Anti-Semitic” and murder given Arabs are Semites by definition.   So what is Saranga attempting in his barrage of Anti-Musk Tweets?

The fact that Saranga targeted only Musk in his tirade makes it ‘personal’.   Claiming that Twitter was rife with anti-Semitism, Saranga has outed himself as part of the Deep State Cabal.

Enter the Anti Defamation League to respond.   “Musk’s comments will embolden extremists”. The commentary digressed from there given Musk made no mention of anything discriminatory while the ADL CEO, Greenblatt, began his own spew of defamation aimed at Musk.

The ADL was established in 1913 to battle anti-semitism against jews.  In 2020 there were 683 hate crimes against jews according to the ADL.   The Spin:   Dozens of cities with over 100,000 residents—including Baltimore, Maryland; Norfolk, Virginia; St. Petersburg, Florida; and Anaheim, California—reported no hate crimes at all in 2019”.   Dozens of cities no longer report any crime to the FBI!   But try to find the actual demographics of the ‘hate crimes’ is a difficult opaque travesty.

According to the Jewish News Syndicate: “The current dramatic rise in antisemitism in America has four main sources: far-right racist groups; Islamists and the far-left; and black groups that embrace radical and separatist ideologies, along with their acolytes among black political and cultural elites.”  In other words far left, far right, blacks, separatists, Islamists, and radicals are bolstering anti-Semitism.   Orthodox Jews in NYC are anti-Semitic.

Unless all of these people are cleansed the Jews will continue to – fight.   But what have they accomplished?   MONEY.   Secularism.   And a tired frame of victimhood.   While everyone wants to ‘set the record right’ about various claims, they do so by rewriting history.

Every sector within our history has a come-to-Jesus moment when they have to accept historical accounts that are not particularly dainty.   China’s Mao, Nazi Germany, US Hiroshima, Israel’s nonexistent statehood, and the redrawing of boundaries across the globe in a constant play for power are historical facts.   It isn’t defamation to recount the realities of history. However, playing a victim card is a childish melodrama embraced by various races which merely supports the anti-integration concept.

Integration does NOT work. And Israel is one of the greatest examples of anti-immigration.   According to Israeli statistics, the Arab minority population in Israel is comprised of poor unemployed poverty riddled Palestinian Arabs.   Otherwise, immigrants consist of a very small spattering of US Jews and Russian Jews.   Israel as a state is NOT integrated. It is a state wherein ethnicity is dominant and Secularism is RISING!

When an ethnicity is dominant, it tends to view other ethnicities as inferior. African blacks consider whites trash.   The Polish hate all Russians – just because.   Asians are not fond of blacks.   Europe’s percentage of blacks in their demographic is roughly 1%-2%.   When Italians get together in America – it is with other Italians.

Despite stating that black Islamists are neo-Nazi radicals, the JNC and ADL are pro-Ukraine Nazi’s.   How is this possible?   According to Roy Eckhardt, a scholar of anti-Semitism in Biblical terms, the New Testament of the Christians is the source of all anti-Semitic rhetoric.   Which could be the Script written by Soros.   In addition, the claim is that the New Testament created a schism of The Chosen People.   Jews claim title.  The Bible referenced Hebrews.   Hebrews were all those descendants of  Shem – which included Christians, Muslims, and Jews.   This is the rewriting.

Jews hijacked the definition of Hebrews to disclude Christians and Muslims, embrace Secularists, without realizing they were thus identified as solely responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus. 

Of course – like the skewed definition of Semite, the skewed definition of Hebrew was galvanized and horded centuries later by a people that came to be known as Jews mentioned in the Bible as simply the men of Yehuda. By contrast, Shem is the Father tribe of all Semites.   Yehuda is the father tribe of Jews.

The ADL CEO Greenblatt, is securely enmeshed in the Clinton/Obama repressive progressive movement while revoking the clear definition of a Semite and embracing Secularism.   Anti-Semitism was more about those persecuting the religious by the Pagans who now call themselves “Secular”.   The Secularists continue to defame the Religious.   The Secularists continue to commit genocide on the Religious.

Israeli Foreign Ministry Tweeter, Saranga, is simply attempting to capitalize on victimhood within the same historical rewriting – claiming anything derogatory against any Secularist Jew is Anti-Semitism – and completely ignoring The Bible, and Pagan History.

POPE FRANCIS; Religious Morality Disqualified

WHY doesn’t Pope Francis say anything about the rise of Legal Pedophilia via UN Demands?   Why doesn’t Pope Francis comment about the Jesuit Churches helping illegal immigrants invading the US?   Why doesn’t Pope Francis express contempt for the Ukraine Nazi’s?   Why doesn’t Pope Francis announce the truth about degenerative Biden?   Why doesn’t Pope Francis reveal the value of the Vatican and Vatican City?   WHY does the Vatican hide documents of historical value?

Biden is representative of the US and the reason countries are afraid of the US.   The Biden headstone is a warning to all countries that unless you comply – this US monstrosity is exactly what we will do to your country too…   Pope Francis has a religious moral obligation to speak with honesty and integrity or disqualify himself as a Pope.   The longer he refuses, the more aligned with the false gods beneath the earth he becomes.   And the closer he pulls every Catholic into the bowels with him.

Where are the over 85,000 unaccompanied children that Pope Francis helped escort into the US?   Silence. Instead, Francis wants to repatriate Ukrainian children from Russia.   Kyiv has estimated there are 19,500 children who escaped the conflict and fled to Russia.  Zelenskyy wants them back in time for the Spring Offensive.   Why? To use as shields?

WHY isn’t Pope Francis condemning Zelenskyy’s imprisonment of Orthodox Priests?

How many children have been repatriated to Poland, Germany, UK?   WHY is this something that the Pope needs to address?   Did he address the Syrian children as Obama bombed city after city to rubble?   Did he address the children maimed and murdered by Ukraine and the Azov Batallion?

How can the entire Vatican do and say nothing about these immoral inconsistencies?   Are the Bishops mute?

Yesterday, Zelenskyy’s military minions bombed a bus in the Donetsk region killing seven including a child.   Is this where Zelenskyy plans to relocate the 19,500 Russian children?   Why target a bus? The logic is amazing – Zelenskyy wants the region returned to Ukraine – the same region that his government has been bombing and shelling for 9 YEARS killing over 15,000!  Pope Francis – silent.

In visiting Hungary today, Francis warned of the rise of nationalism across the EU.   Calling for the “European Soul”  that rose after WWII, Francis lectured Orban about the grave injustice in not accepting whatever migrants the Vatican wants to deposit everywhere but – Vatican City!

Pope Francis has insisted that migrants fleeing poverty are a priority and should be embraced.   Migrant crime should be ignored.   Migrant’s social and cultural disparities should be ignored.   And countries should all alter their own culture in order to embrace African migrant culture.

Time and again the Liberals provide pinky swear statistics declaring the US religiosity has declined by 20% to 30%!   Have they considered why?   According to the church the reason is because parents are choosing to not raise their children with any faith.   Parents are simply not giving their children the experience to choose.   It is a fallout from the 1960’s .  The Youth market.

The Vatican claims its basement filled with ‘secret archived documents’ is not really secret it is just private and thus not available to the common man.   In the 11th century, all secret documents were stored at three separate facilities. Between the 11th and the 13th centuries, a large part of these archives vanished.  It wasn’t until 1612 that Pope Paul V declared that all secret archives must be housed at one location.   Today, housing 16 million pages stretching over 53 miles of shelves, the accumulation of history is massive.  But we are Not Allowed to view it.

The fallout of religion is exasperated by the abject silence of Christian churches across the country.   Nary a word with few exceptions.   Evil will go away if we just don’t talk about it…   Lifeway Church states that the pulpit is silent because they are afraid.   Afraid that if they speak they will lose their tax status.   For example: Bayside Community Church in Florida reports nearly $80 million in assets and annual receipts of $27.4 million – Clearly a church deserves to have a nestegg to offset expenses in times of hardship, but the accumulation of millions tax free is NOT the intent of charitable status.

While many largess churches have become burgeoning sources of greed, their counterpart, NGO’s, are far worse hording $Trillions of untaxed profits.   Vatican City pays -0- taxes.

It was The Revenue Act of 1917 that established the charitable deduction and tax exempt status.   The purpose of the Act was to raise more money for WWI, a European War, paid for by Americans. The purpose of the charitable deduction was to make sure those who gave the most could reduce their income tax levy. Despite this, after WWI, the government took control of welfare, education, and scientific investments which were previously funded by private citizens.

These institutions became American Taxpayers charity when our government usurped charity and decreed it a government expenditure.   Education K-12:   $800 billion annually.   Welfare Budget – $1.215trillion.   Scientific Research = $708 billion.   Those charities translate to $2.72 trillion annually divided by working citizens is $20,600 per taxpayer. This does NOT include charity we pay toward other countries thru such agencies as USAID, NED, CSIS, etc…  

But this does reflect what happens when a rogue government is given charge of citizen money to use AND overuse at their discretion.   In the recent prank call to Federal Chairman Powell by the Russian’s, Powell jokingly stated that he has his own private printing press for whatever amount of money Ukraine needs…  

Powell may work for the Federal Reserve but he answers to his other employer, Bank of International Settlements.


Greta Thunberg, the climate anarchist sponsored by Soros has been granted an honorary doctoral degree in theology from the Duke Divinity School.   The same Divinity School students declare that ‘God is queer’.   The same Divinity school founded by The United Methodist Church. A split occurred in which the conservative Branch is renamed The Global Methodist Church.

The takeover of the United Methodist Church is an ongoing coup orchestrated by: “Rent an Evangelical via Progressives and their lock-step leader, Soros”.   The riff is not just among Methodists it has leached into Baptists, Christianity Today, The Sojourners, etc…   ALL hijacked for the sole purpose of turning Christianity into secularism. Like Israel.

Morphing into a political church, United Methodist has completely obliterated their religious denomination in favor for all things extreme including anarchy.   As a result of their new found wokeness and secularism, 1800 churches have split association.

Part of the mission to destroy America is about destroying religion.   Religion brings people together, it gives Truth, it gives community, it empowers and it is reliant on God.   The New Methodist Church is about dividing people, destroying community, and obliterating religion.

Interestingly, they have declared that the fundamentalists were the ones who infiltrated the Methodist Church.   “He who pays the Piper, calls the Tune.”    Soros is the Piper with money dripping from his bloodied sheath.   And church elders have greedily bowed to the root of all evil.

The Old and The New.   The liberal Soros Methodist is quite vocal in their denouncement of Trump, MAGA’s, and white supremacy.   Instead of worshiping God, United Methodists are taught to worship self. Self being the highest authority.   Although some within the schism liken Soros to King Cyrus

According to the Hebrew Bible, God anointed Cyrus and referred to him as a messiah. While some have altered history to document Cyrus as the first King of Prussia, the reverence is blatantly false.   The empire was founded a full 200 years prior by Achaemenes Anshan.

The Persian Empire encompassed 2 million square miles and half the world’s population. A feat that even Soros has yet to accomplish at the ripe old age of 91.   For reference – the Ottoman Empire was less than half the size.   The British Empire enslaved 13.7 million square miles representing a quarter of the world’s population.

Given the church schisms imposed via the Soros Mafia Cabal, unraveling any church’s allegiances and values requires a bit of research and is reminiscent of rhino vs Maga Republicans.

The True vs The Weak –

The traditional evangelist Methodist Church chose to distinguish itself via a slightly different name – Global Methodist Church.   Rhino’s represent Republicans vs Maga’s.   Rhino’s are the United Methodists.   Their root is sand.   There is no Bible.   There is no Christ.   And for some – there is no God.   Rhino’s are NOT Republicans any more than United Methodists are a God religion.

As such, religion has now been hijacked to include climate change and The Green Deal.   As though religion is a political movement rather than an independent sovereign entity based on Biblical theology.   A Communist – Marxist phenomena.

The schism has recently hit my own enclave city that has caused a faction to desert.

Finding preachers and pastors has become a game of thrones as drilling into deeper ideology is now necessary when analyzing resumes.   False prophets.   These churches have led their populace astray.   They have lain waste to The Bible.   They have created a zombie version of religion reminiscent of Lennon’s “Imagine”.

Interestingly, Lennon had been raised Catholic by his mum.   Disenchanted during his years as a Beatle, he left the church.   It was only in his final days that Lennon declared he had re-embraced his Catholic roots and would testify as to his Handlers.   He was subsequently summarily executed.

While ‘church’ may not be for everyone, God can move mountains – and sometimes those mountains are lanced to reveal angels of God whose guidance and justice and agape pre-empt the shrill voices of shrews and demons.  NOW is a good time to repent, baptize and make reverence with God.


Serge Monast was an investigative journalist who posited various conspiracy theories during his career.   In 1994 Monast proposed a theory he called, Project Blue Beam, in which the Illuminati, the Poynter Institute, and NASA would collude to create a fake second coming of Christ.   The means would be similar to the CIA green-screen studios which were heavily used during the bombing destruction of Syria.   The media successfully used these videos and photographs to engage a global hypnosis.  Every “Fact checker”, including The Poynter Institute’s very own “Myth Detector’ have called Monast’s conspiracy FALSE.  

The scenario described by Serge Monast claims the Antichrist will come before humanity like a vision or allusion and use epidemics as the means for establishing control over humans in the third, final phase – WWIII.  

Intrigued/obsessed by the concept of conspiracies, Monast claims his protégé was William Guy Carr, and yet, conspiracies have been the mainstay of history for EVERY civilization!   Kings and Queens were obsessed with their supposed assassins who plotted vigorously to “Coup” the current Monarchy.

Guy Carr, Monast and Hersh seem to have created a legacy platform of  the New World Order that spans anywhere from 200 years ago to 2000+ years ago – all in the Making.  For your research!.   Quite a heady trinity, they have caused a myriad of vengeance including the death of Monast at the age of 51 of a heart attack.

Literally, every conspiracy we think we have invented today – has existed for the last 40-50 years.   Our esteemed ‘Beatniks’, ‘Bolsheviks’ were tasked with adhering to the mantra that Capitalist goons were wholly responsible.   This was my history lesson.

Given the recent demise of Pope Benedict, conspiracies that were previously quashed are suddenly making  mainstream.  Pope Benedict has made his view of Pope Francis known in a liturgy of thoughts published as of his death.   In these sermons, Pope Benedict reveals the Satanic cult that co-erced his supposed abdication – which he claims was not ‘Legal’ – meaning Francis ascendancy to Pope is False.

Francis is thus a fakery- an allusion.   And the Media is SILENT!

So, what about the WWIII Allusion?

As of the past 2-3 months, various far-left Generals, or retired nobodies, have alluded to the FACT that the US will be at war with China as of 2025.   So Be prepared for nuclear annihilation…   Here is what we recommend for your medicine cabinet while your skin peels away from your bones…

It would appear the Play Has Three Acts:.WWI, WWII and WWIII – which we get to experience in the very near future.   Said war is alluded to be between Russia and China vs The EU and US.   Certainly, other countries will pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of Rothschild.   But, the Protocols would allude WWIII is the Last Stand.   Choosing wisely is a value choice.

Project Blue Beam – would thus be yet another conspiracy – come true.   Preluded via our CIA through the Media, and then argued as a conspiracy of propaganda to confuse.   Along the line of intrigue established via CS Lewis…   ‘you may die and go into dirt for millennium… you may die and be lifted to a glorious Heaven, you may be slithered into Hell where you will be tormented for eternity.


SO>   Project Blue Beam came to be an annoyance of the Poynter Institute for its reference to the New World Order.   Poynter was not soft in their offensive!   And MONEY Talked.

The basic premise that elevated Serge Monast from obscure conspiracy theorist to public enemy worthy of assassination was the comparisons that became obvious in Hollywood.   Comparisons to allusions and theories, and propaganda that was being parlayed into phenomenal heights.   “The creation of a false Second Coming of Christ via a CIA/green-screen Hollywood allusion.”   Not unlike the supposed allusion if “The Bay of Pigs” discussed by esteemed journalist – Sy Herst, was in fact a CIA green-screen – what are they capable of NOW?

According to Monast – that would be the allusion of the Second Coming of Christ that would in actuality be – The Anti-Christ!  AND Perhaps Billions would believe the allusion and thus convert to the anti-religion-New-Religion- of Atheism under the guise of Jew -who is a non Jew as defined over 2000 years ago!

Thus WWIII would be between these two belief systems.

It would challenge everything we are thought to believe today – and rechallenge us into a new realm.   Who you support and who you deny will become the equivalent of right and wrong – or black and white – there is only ONE choice.

THE Balloon Stage Play has taken on the kicks and robes and crowns of something from a Hollywood drama of Kings and Queens 1840.   The purpose?  To  distract – as usual – the Distraction?


China is being delisted while every US Defense Organization, Legal Organization, Banking Cartel,  has established their monarchial rule of every civilization – Within CHINA.   For the newbies – this means we have invited China to destroy the US.  And not unlike WWI and WWII – the Industrialists who create war – play the monetary sides of – BOTH.

For Ukraine – that would translate to ISRAEL.   For Syria that would translate to USAID.   For Yemen – for Iran – for Iraq, for Israel, Serbia, every eastern front across the globe willing to align with US Propaganda – will be – aligned!   Translate to Turkey, Malta, Serbia, Belarus, and other eastern nations making their own choices….

Monast’s crystal ball predictions were most definitively NOT in our best interests and have challenged some in their belief in GOD.   Conspiracy is in itself a construct that has only most recently gained the attention of the ‘possessed’.   Why?   Because it has power.   And that Power has the potential to undermine the Dark Power that vies for Control

I write.   I do not engage.   I watch.   I process.   And then – it all begins – again….