It is the official Memorial Day that is a dual day of celebration and mourning where stories abound of the ravages of war.   The damages. The cost of lives a bitter end.   There are some veterans who refuse to pay tribute because it reignites phantom memories they would rather see buried. I’ve known some who can’t be around July 4th because the constant barrage of fireworks triggers those horrific days in a violent manner.  

Psychologists would have these veterans in group therapy or on drugs, spilling their visions over and over again until the toll is unbearable.   In my dad’s day the philosophy of thought was never ever talk about it – to anyone. Ever.   And that was a sacred trust that we shared.

Once, when asked by my sister to provide an account of his time in the military for a school project he drew a map of every continent with lines depicting his detachments across the globe.   It was like a flight pattern.   And that was all he would offer.

From that silence, I realized the only way to crawl out of the trench imposed by the military and the elitist betrayal of life was to live life to the fullest.   The best revenge!   Much like the best revenge in a divorce is to be happy!   And this is how my dad ultimately found peace.

He was not the sort of General that Hollywood typically depicts. In fact, none of the Generals we grew up with were anything at all like those caricatures on the celluloid screen.   They were fun, they loved to party, rarely did they get angry, and they all hung together as a unit owning a shared history.

There was no sinister psychopathic attitude, that was reserved for the nonmilitary elitists who gained control of the Pentagon and turned it into a roiling pool of toxic waste. It was this revelation that led to retirement en masse.   Those who were raised with honor, integrity and respect saw the depravity within.   An awakening.

While troops died, while men and women were struck down, the masses turned on them and the media portrayed them as the enemy.  Men and women who gave everything, who believed in freedom, who believed in sacrificing themselves were suddenly hated.

Today, it is even worse as we witness the cosmic Jokers who have done nothing, whose lives are a pitiable pallor in comparison, liken themselves to our troops.   Compare their fears to being in the midst of a war.   Disgusting. Completely denigrating.

Shame on THEM!

While my father did not die in a war, he died as result of the military’s use of men as guinea pigs.   He was a part of the Nevada nuclear testing in the 1950’s.   Officers were required to stand and observe the fallout of the bombs while enlisted men had some cover in trenches.   Time after time they stood and ‘observed’.   All of those officers died young some 20 years later riddled with cancers contracted from being nuked.

He called each of us to his side separately to say good-bye. I was the first, and so I got to spend his last days still home and somewhat active when the pain was endurable.   I spent one of those days swabbing the deck of his sailboat, Gestalt.

GESTALT:   The perception of patterns. Putting oneself as fully as possible into the experience of the other without judging, analyzing or interpreting while simultaneously retaining a sense of one’s separate, autonomous … Presence. 

I imagine that was not merely a coincidental name for his sailboat.

My father was thus deprived of what should have been his final years. But even in death he was resolute and stated that it was not the fault of the military – he had made a choice to serve, and the consequences of that service were emboldened in him.

RIP Daddy!

Memorial Day Montage of Egocentrics

The Regime Behind Biden is ostensibly going after Belarus because their government cracked down on anarchists planning a coup.   According to the Regime of Biden, neo-Nazi’s get to topple Belarus because National Endowment of Democracy – says so.   And these sweat-hearts were justifiably simply voicing their opinions.   WHILE 200 American Patriots are languishing in isolation and subjected to torture in – America.   While Israel is defending itself against Palestine, Palestine is defending itself against Israel and business as usual doesn’t fit the glass slipper!

Syria is also on the blacklist because they held elections and Assad was voted in again!   Impossible they say!   Dictator, they say!   But apparently, Netanyahu serving 12+ years is ok, and Abbas has been in office 16 years.   Somehow facts have been removed from our planetary system, scrubbed from a white board… Or am I supposed to call it a Black Board?   A Yellow Board?   Who the HECK knows.

Meanwhile, Hillarygate is crying, “I wanna be QUEEN!”

Paul Ryan thinks all us MAGAhats need to just dump Trump because he was a nobody and Pence is the true Patriot.   Liz Cheney is hyperventilating at the thought of her presidency.   And the GOP just needs to divest Trump in order to pander uninhibited with the Democrats…  Really – this is what they pander.

But which Democrats?   The Greens?   The Capitalist Mafia?   Or the old white Alzheimer group?

Of course the point is to destroy BOTH parties so as to usher in the New and Improved Corporate Coup.

Meanwhile, Bezos has moved to Hollywood and is buying Hollywood MGM for a cool $9 billion so he can simply demand his insertion in whatever movie he pleases.   Why?   Same reason Obama was always so tickled Pink and Lavendar whenever he saw his face on a Hollywood show.   It is called Egomania.

Meanwhile, Zuckerberg is seen ‘surfing’ on a non surfboard wearing full wetsuit regalia while his security detail, aka houseboy, is seen wearing all black wet suit, face mask, head mask, eye mask and gloves. Guess he does NOT want to be identified. Later, Zuckerberg is seen riding shotgun on a Zodiac, likely because he doesn’t know how to drive.  Girls just want to have FUN!

Pelosi demands mask mandates even though the CDC and nearly every state have lifted the requirements.   Perhaps she has acne like every other bloody person wearing face diapers.

Meanwhile, with little fanfare, Regime of Biden signed an extension of the Pandemic Emergency for another 90 days, despite no Pandemic.   But of course that would be necessary in order for Executive Orders to remain the mainstay of the Federal government and states – it would also secure the unapproved vaccines and unapproved medications that were authorized by the wasteland called the FDA.   An imperative measure to assure Gates continues to drown in MONEY$$$!

Fauci has become a basement fixture as his name and reputation are violently nuked.   Poor Baby.   We all feel so sorry for hypermillionaires who murder hundreds of thousands of people without any consequence.   Likely his basement is well equipped with ample supplies of alcohol, drugs, and his ‘fancies’.

Meanwhile.   If Hollywood is Jewish and Israel is Jewish, why don’t they like each other?   Of course, technically, neither are Jewish – they are simply anarchists following the atheist stipulations of Lenin and Stalin while bowing and scraping to Jin-‘Ping’!   Because everything Chinese is CCP.   Or else – you are dead.

Meanwhile, Justin Trudeau is vehemently apologizing for interring Italians, Germans and Japanese during WWII – a factoid not much discussed.   I wonder if he looks like his father when he takes off his wig?

Meanwhile – Prince Harry, who is no longer a true Prince, is on a lengthy soap opera with himself playing the lead.   Tiny violin please!   We all feel such pity and grief for this poor poor person who married an actress of bi-racial descent muddied with her own hatreds and family disfunctions.

Does anybody wonder why the media continues to tell the world at large about the deaths of some 90+ actor/actress that just – died.   I mean does anyone really care?   Eulogizing Hollywood is so annoying.   And such a waste of time, space, and writing material.

PERHAPS, instead, we should recognize our Memorial DAY for exactly what it is, why it is, and how it came to be!   True Hero’s died.   My dad and his dad included.   This has been the core of our Republic, For Which It Stands, One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice For All.  

And when we look at Arlington Cemetery – at Presidio where my father, his father and family reside, we should take a moment to remember what life was when men were men and women were women and Freedom was the Greatest Anarchical CALL!


FDA Authorizes SARS-CoVid Drug

Glaxo Smith Kline in conjunction with Vir Biotechnology funded by CEPI, Bill Gates, and The Wellcome Trust has been granted FDA authorization use for a monoclonal antibody drug administered via IV injection for SARS-Cov.   The drug is only in Phase 2 Trials, which included 868 patients, 63% of whom were Hispanic and 7% Black.   They did not provide the race of the remaining 30%.   The claim is that the drug is 85% effective in reducing hospitalization or death in those with mild to moderate SARS-Cov who are at high risk. They don’t define what makes someone ‘high risk’.    Is it because they are Hispanic?   Or is it because they are 85 years old?

Glaxo defines primary efficacy endpoint as “the proportion of patients who have progression of COVID-19 as defined by the need for hospitalization for greater than 24 hours for acute management of illness or death.”  Therefore if a person did not die, the drug was considered effective!

Given that the trials are scarce to none, potential adverse effects should be duly noted:

Infusion-related reactions, occurring during the infusion and up to 24 hours after the infusion, have been observed with administration of Sotrovimab. These reactions may be severe or life threatening. Including: fever, difficulty breathing, reduced oxygen saturation, chills, fatigue, arrhythmia, chest pain or discomfort, weakness, altered mental status, nausea, headache, bronchospasm, hypotension, hypertension, angioedema, throat irritation, rash including urticaria, pruritus, myalgia, vaso-vagal reactions, dizziness and diaphoresis.

In addition, many of these reactions have been observed more than 24 hours after the injection requiring hospitalization.

The entire Phase 2 Trial time frame observed was 29 days.

The Wellcome Trust is chaired by Eliza Manningham Buller, a former intelligence officer with MI5. She was a teacher of English before being recruited to work for the UK Security Service specializing in counter-terrorism and espionage…   Interesting transition. The NGO nontaxable Wellcome Trust invests a portion of its 26billion Euro Endowment in Pharmaceutical companies that it supports financially – such as Glaxo Smith Kline.

The Conflict of Interest is so verbose it is astounding!

GSK has attested that further clinical trials for their experimental drug, Sotrovimab, will begin sometime during the second quarter of 2021 having only entered into the Vir Biotechnology collaboration this past April – 2 months ago.  In addition, there are caveats about who may receive the drug including anyone needing oxygen and possibly pregnant women…

If you thought the SARS-CoVid vaccine was using the global population as their Phase 4 Trial – Sotrovimab MRna has only passed Phase 2 and the FDA’s authorization is proof positive we are the Guinea Pigs for Phase 3!

ISRAEL: A Secular State of Secularism…

ISRAEL is conducting ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.   At least that is the headlines, the go-to hard line by the same hallelujah ingrates who sided with Obama in destroying Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, and Ukraine are now screaming in hypocritical conundrum.   Despite the rhetoric – Israel faces -0- sanctions.   How can that be?   Perhaps it isn’t about anything but $Money$.   US Barnacle Blinken has announced US Taxpayers will foot the bill for Palestine and Israel… WHAT?  

Gaza will get $75 million, plus disaster relief of $5.5 million, and the UN will get $37 million for the Relief and Works Agency.  Why?   Because.

The Relief and Works Agency has been spending money on Palestinian Refugees since 1948 when the UN made Palestinians – refugees.   The agency has been mired in criticism for decades for such abuses as:   nepotism, mismanagement, ineffective policies, corruption, creating dependency, and serving no value.   Refugees status only increases with children born to refugees which now stands at 5.6 million.  BY comparison, the original diaspora of Jews to Israel was in the range of 250,000.

The UN in coordination with Germany created the issue by carving up Israel/Palestine post WWII thus creating a battleground.   Neither race has any intention of sharing, and thus the war is indefinite.

In a special session, the UN General Assembly voted on November 29, 1947, to partition Palestine into two new states, one Jewish and the other Arab, a recommendation that Jewish leaders accepted and the Arabs rejected. While the concept of a Jewish statehood was largely driven by the loss of safe country status, it was hardly based on religious Judaism.   In fact, most of Israel’s Prime Ministers are ‘secular’ – having no religion thus relinquishing the religious mantra that Israel is the Holy Nation Chosen By God!

In fact, Ben Gurion, the so called Father of Israel, was a secular Zionist Jew and inspired by Tolstoy.  Eventually, he became a member of the Paolei Zion Party which advocated for Marxism supporting the Bolshevik Revolution.   Claiming to be a Lenin comrade, Gurion was far left of center politically. Having attended the Istanbul University, Gurion joined a militia group that supported the Ottoman Empire.

And so the diaspora between religious Jews and Marxist Jews begins.= as history rewrites itself…

The problem today is differentiating between Jewish culture vs Jewish Religion.   Jewish religion would claim Israel as their heritage.   Jewish culture would make the same claim with zero to nada supportive evidence. More than 42% of Israeli’s identify as secular.   Hollywood is rife with secular jews.   They have no religious belief whatsoever, capitalize on their Jewishness, and are subservient to Communist China.

In other words, these fake Jews are literally capitalizing on a religious ideology to further their Money.   Of course, they are not the only religion to fake their way through life.   I had the non-privilege of being married to a ‘fake Christian’ who sought the trust of other Christians in order to capitalize his financial business.   Not uncommon at all.   Pope Francis is a propagandized fake Christian.   It is likely one of the more heinous ploys.

And yet, despite 70 years, we still are led to believe that Israel is a ‘Chosen Land for the Chosen People’.

And so, we blindly support their Marxism.

Palestinians are not much better.  

Technically, there is no such thing as a true Palestinian given Palestine has been ruled by just about everybody in history, culminating in the British.   And thence they were transferred via the UN to a splinter of Israel.    That worked real well!   They have literally never been a sovereign anything. Which could explain why absolutely NO Middle Eastern Country wants them.   Limbo.

The ultimate infinitum outcome is perpetual war. Followed by money for refugees, money for infrastructure, money for rebuilding…money to waste in perpetuity.

Only to be destroyed again and – rebuilt. Much like Syria. Apparently, Blinken thinks Syria’s elections are fraudulent and therefore the country must be bombed. Again. Hrummmm – really…

The UN caused this.   They need to fix this.   At their OWN expense. Period.   Otherwise, let them HAVE WAR.   And may ‘good’ Win.

Although in this instance, I don’t think there is a Good per se.   Just degrees of ‘not-good’. And everyone seems perfectly willing to sell out their soul for the right dollar figure.   And this is what has become the Global Justice System that they want to institute under the New World One Government.   Personally, I think they lost before they got out of the GATE!

What a ridiculous Advertising Campaign!    Jeez-Louise!   An Asperger child could do better… oh right she has – Greta.   The AI media frenzy created to become the Hunger Game Princess who ruled the youth peasantry.   Yet, the Ruler, was an idiot.   And hence the game was lost.   The rule was pummeled.   And Good prevailed.  Greta became a plastic doll in a toy store window.

But then imagine what others see as Americans when represented by this current government…?   At least 80 million of us, would be highly incensed at the generalization.   And many need the nudge, it isn’t The People!   It IS – the Government and its Shadow.  The ‘they’s that we target are likely no more infiltrated than we are.   That would be the illusion.   Learn your enemies. Learn your friends.

Which is why they require the divisive division.   TO make – The People – The Government – and attack each other.   Don’t fall into this paradigm – the enemy of my enemy is my friend – or, the desire of my enemy is my battle…

RACISM Drives Inequality In America… Really?

RACISM drives inequality in America.   That is the new tag line promoted by every liberal media and company across the US with the prodding of Politicians.   A detailed account of median income per household based on ancestry race reveals 93 categories.   Of those 93, Indian Americans rank #1 with Taiwanese 2nd and Australian Americans coming in third place.     English Americans rank 36th. The bottom of the totem pole would be Somali Americans.   The medium white household income is $66,000 compared to Indian Americans earning $135,000 or more than double.

So explain how that fits in with ‘white supremacy’?     Unless Indians, Tai’s, Filipino, South African, Indonesian, Pakistani, Iranian, etc… qualify as ‘white’, the entire racist propaganda is BULWARKY! Because whites actually rank in the 59th percentile out of 93 categories of race.   Ghanaians and Nigerians rank above ‘whites’ on a median basis.   Should we then conclude that in America, Indian, Asian, and Middle Easterners should be disabled because they rank higher in household income than blacks?   And whites?

Logically, that would be the fomented rage of the agenda created and stipulated by the liberal mainstream.   If racism was the culprit and whites are the propagandized cult, why do we rank in the 59th percentile?   Perhaps reparations should be based on household income generation within this median.

As such, South Africans, Ghanaians, and Nigerians would be the ones paying reparations! To Whites.

The black population in the US remains at roughly 12-13% of the population.   Yet, they are depicted as the target by whites because of income disparity.  Composing slanted statistics using convoluted data is the algorithmic chaos of the decade.  And no one can disprove the algorithm until it disproves itself.

INSTEAD, the spray of disinformation focuses on the ‘disparity of wealth’.    Yet even that statistic is laughable:  70% of all wealth in the US is held by the 1% – millionaires and billionaires.   45% is billionaires exclusively.  Of the 614 billionaires in the US – 7 are black.   Of those 7 their total accumulated wealth amounts to roughly $16+ billion.   Those 7 don’t even dent the Wealth Club which begins at $10 billion per person. The Club conveniently ‘allows’ Oprah inside their pantry of mafia goods, otherwise blacks just aren’t wealthy enough.

Hence the absolute SKEW in Median or Average when taking in the 1%.

In other words, wealth has absolutely NOTHING to do with the general population and everything to do with the white uber wealthy.   The JOKE is so far beyond statistics as to be – criminal in its audacity when statistical income of blacks vs whites is the forced topic.

Despite all the rhetoric, the crime statistics do remain off the charts with blacks committing over 50% of homicides while representing just 12-13% of the US population.   Those statistics have not been updated for 2020 when the riots engulfed much of the US during which homicides and violent crimes spiked between a 35% and 97% increase.

Is it racism that Indian Americans represent 2x the median income of white Americans yet comprise 1.5% of the population?   Or is the true rage among Blacks the fact that despite their presence in America for hundreds of years, they have still failed to gain the same foothold as Indians, Asians, Filipino’s, and Middle Easterners?   Most of whom came to the US as poor…   Refugees.   With nothing.

Despite these statistics completely annihilating the entire narrative of ‘racism being caused by white supremacy’ the facts will likely get buried in the same trough that upholds ‘Vaccines Are Completely Safe’, or ‘There Was NO Election Fraud’, or ‘ UFO’s Are A Conspiracy Theory…’   Spewing false narratives in a brew of verbiage right out of Alice’s Wonderland, everything is topsy-turvy!

Of course the all time favorite is that racism never applies if it is black vs anything or anyone else.   They have created their own parallel universe. And the demons of liberal nihilism continue unabated truly believing they are gods within the universe.

Somehow, despite their attacking Whites, other Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and now Jews, we should bow to the WOKERS whims of Glory and Money.   The Democrat feed is full fledged now.   They have managed to isolate blacks against everyone else.  Corporations reveal they have no loyalty to shareholders and will tank profits in order to pretend some sympathetic false spirit of equality while raking in $billions in compensation.

And I don’t think that any of this was accidental. How it plays out is NOT favorable for the Black community at large.   The implosion is likely to be fast and furious when livelihoods are ruptured and rage seeks vengeance.

BELARUS COUP: National Endowment For Democracy FOILED AGAIN.

National Endowment For Democracy – Foiled AGAIN!   These guys need to up their intelligentsia because they just can’t pierce the formidable agents of Belarus and Russia. Tch-tch.   After a foiled ‘color revolution’ by Germany’s MI6 and CIA in Russia via Navalny, NED set their sights on Belarus which borders Russia, Ukraine and Poland.   Exactly the location stipulated on NED’s website as a ‘target of interest’.    

Why not just make public announcements over the WalMart intercom!

Devout Socialist and president of National Endowment is Carl Gershman, age – 77.   Don’t these guys ever retire?   Interestingly, while citing foreign governments for authoritarian rule, Gershman has been president of NED since 1984 – nearly 40 years!   Imagine – that sounds awfully like a dictatorship!   Do you think that would be their ultimate global agenda?   Return to Monarchial Rule… as in I Am King Forever.

Yuri Zenkovich has both US and Belarusian citizenship.   Cited by Amnesty International as a prisoner of conscience, Zenkovich and his US affiliate have in fact worked in conjunction with NED to overthrow and assassinate the President of Belarus.   Despite these allegations, Germany has decided to institute itself center stage exclaiming the audacity of President Lukashenko arresting these sweet conscientious objectors… declaring he should instead embrace these men and give them a big hug given they simply wanted to murder him and take over the country… Shuckaroonie!

Unfortunately, like Navalny, with the assistance of Putin, the same method to extract Navalny was utilized to upend the Belarus coup!  Divert the plane and Make Arrests!   Seems formidable to me.   But it also reveals an inquiry into the intelligence of those who plan these covert fails.   Are they, NED, failing purposefully?   Martyrs willing to go to prison for life in hard labor?   Or are they simply incredibly that militarily – inept?

Either way, these coup puppets will go to prison for a long time.   Not Fun.

Recently rebranding itself, NED now claims they are now devoted to ‘freedom around the world’. Of course, that freedom comes in the form of a Socialist/Marxist coup – but then that would be splitting hairs.   Given the coup of the US Presidential Election, it is more likely that NED is/was one of the primary players in toppling President Trump via massive fraud.   To think their coup and color revolution ideology only applies to foreign countries is rather naïve.

Since Ukraine’s annexation by NED and Syria’s utter demolition, and Venezuela’s utter devolvement into eating dogs, NED has set their sights on any country whose alliance with Russia could interrupt their One World Government agenda.  This would include the destruction of all antiquity in Syria, the Baltics, Myanmar, Sudan, South Africa, Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, etc… etc… etc… The King and I – reign.

Why?   Simple.   Because these represent the last bastions standing fort against the New World Order.   They have overtaken the US which was a formidable enemy, and Russia is ultimately their only enemy left.  The Last To Fall.

Raman Pratasevich, a self purported ‘journalist’ who has been responsible for organizing mass riots across Belarus and is affiliated with the Young Front, was arrested as well in connection with the attempted coup/assassination of President Lukashenko in Belarus.  Since 2014, Raman has been an active participant in the Azov Battalion.   AZOV is a militia organization based in Ukraine, which assisted in the internal coup while opposing Russia. They have been described as Neo-Nazi’s having committed torture and war crimes while fighting in Donbass. They wear all black and cover their heads with masks much resembling ANTIFA.  

AZOV is funded by Ihor Kolomoyskyi, a Jewish billionaire businessman from Ukraine with Ukrainian, Israeli, and Cyprus citizenship.   While dual citizenship is prohibited in Ukraine, Ihor calmly stated, “…he doesn’t have dual citizenship, he has triple”.   And thus the Billionaire’s standard is invoked.

As a result of these arrests by the Belarusian government , EU Commission leader, Ursula von der Leyen, is considering sanctions against Belarus. Such a move would be akin to supporting Neo-Nazi coups, but only IN countries that support Russia…   But then, the EU Commission is a Marxist/Socialist organization ruling over the peasant states to bring about a Totalitarian Regime change.

According to the EU Commission website, it would appear, their primary objective is to vaccinate every possible person in Africa with the MRna gene mutilation.   This effort completely dominates their GOAL.  Despite the fact that there is NO known means of assessing CoVid cases, deaths or vaccinations in a continent that does not retain such data…  this over-reaching Agenda Reigns!  And one can only assume – it isn’t for ‘health’.

Other than Belarus’ affiliation with Russia, it would appear, their only other fait complis according to the EU is the fact that they are the only country in the EU that continues to utilize the ‘death penalty’.   Although somehow given the Chinese Party has always embraced death, they are allusively not sanctioned…   How can this be?

Oddly, the war crimes and torture conducted by Raman within the Azor Battalion – does not compute in the EU’s death logic.  Instead, they hail Raman as a prisoner of Conscience??   Meaning murder and torture are embraced as a means when it fits the EU’s Agenda of coups.

Unless, Russia or Russian affiliates are involved.

WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM: Eat Urchins To Save Earth?

The World Economic Forum has announced that sushi made from sea urchins is a necessary new foodie because the urchins eat kelp thereby reducing CO2 in the oceans.   WHAT?   Instead, these defacto experts claim that extracting the urchins, fattening them up and selling them to high end restaurants as a delicacy will clean our environment…

But the entire statement and concept is utterly scathingly FALSE>

Kelp requires clear water to survive and is a natural food source for prawns, snails, rockfish, crabs, starfish and jellyfish. Take out the sea urchins whose main function is to eat decay and dead fish and the waters will become murky causing the kelp to die.   Kelp dies and there goes the food source for over six ocean species!! Kelp dies and there goes the hiding places for whales, sea lions and sea otters.

In a perfect ocean environment, kelp can grow as much as eighteen inches per day.  

But The World Economic Forum as a science expert would seem to be a delirious misconception.   Klaus Schwab is the founder and Executive Chairman for WEF. Klaus is an 83 year old German with a degree in mechanical engineering.   He has absolutely NO science or oceanography experience whatsoever while claiming to support environmental sustainability.   As in death to our oceans…

Klaus’s father was heavily involved in the Nazi war campaign while running Escher-Wyss factory in Ravensburg, a company that among other things manufactured parts for Nazi fighter planes.

Borge Brende is the President of the World Economic Forum. Having an illustrious career in various titles within the UN,  Brende also served on the Board of Statoil, the largest petroleum company in the Nordic Region.   Today, petrochemicals are a primary focus.   He would also boast to be – International Vice-Chairman, China Council for Int’l Cooperation on Environment and Development   How do these pedigrees award him the position of social environmental Tzar?

Lee Howell, Managing Director, would also boast conveyance of China through hosting New Champions in China.   In addition, he was a senior policy advisor for USAID.   The same USAID that has been flagged as a pawn of National Endowment for Democracy funneling money to Ukraine, Iran, Russia, Brazil, Chile, Belarus, and other suitable nations for coups.

Oliver Schwab, Managing Director and Executive Director of Office in Beijing.

In summary, the UN’s World Economic Forum is chaired and run by white men whose backgrounds are collaboration with Nazi’s & China, and Executive positions in Oil & Gas.

And no one seems to find that – odd.

While the ransomware attack on the US pipeline company received critical attention, like CoVid, was it simply a ‘test’?   Or a diversion to create an oil price increase?

In a world of Topsy-Turvydom, oil prices have increased 40% since Biden took office in November.   China ‘claims’ its economy grew by 18% the first quarter of 2021 amidst a boom in construction which set CO2 emissions to record highs – what happened to Climate Change?   Meanwhile the UK grew by 1.1% and Germany by 3.4% – and somehow in the midst of lying and cheating and defrauding – we are supposed to believe ANY number?

You see, that’s the flack of lying.   Once a liar – always a liar.   For all we really know, China grew by -4% and Germany tanked by -10%.   The numbers and the statements have become completely and utterly fake.

And still they delude us to believe that the World Economic Forum, led by communists and oil profiteers bent on destroying our ecosystem, is supposedly our star in the sky!  

When this illustrious agency, WEF, makes statements based on 16 year old scientists who have yet to graduate from 8th grade, it might challenge intellect. When Biden fumbles and trumbles as he screams ‘follow the science’, there would seem to be an interesting lack of scientists and research and data and studies and empirical review to support the ‘Administrators – Fauci and Walenski’ determinations.

Fauci spent his entire career as an Administrator. Walenski spent her entire career as a teacher before being promoted in 2014 by NIH Director Fauci, as head of the AIDS Research Council (an absolute nobody promoted to a pretending somebody position).   The AIDS that is NOT AIDS, but is reactions to the drugs given to AIDS patients.  Albeit, common side effects of the AIDS cures include: cancer, vomiting, pancreatis, neuropathy, fat loss, rashes, kidney and bone damage, anemia, vomiting, headache, nausea, suicidal ideation, liver damage, and depression.   YUMMILY!   Let me see, suffer by all that is the cure or suffer by the same symptoms as what they say is the disease – despite the fact that so-and-so is – asymptomatic!    OUCH!

Well, one thing we can count on!  THE powers, the cabal, the cult that be – is not actually – terribly – all there intellectually.   In fact, I might challenge their IQ.   They have made ‘mistakes’ from their existence of desire to make ‘earth’ a colony.   Depending on who you hold Holy, that could be a fight of 10,000 years or 500 billion…  Either way, to lose for so long perhaps made us cocky.   BUT, we shall refrain.   Good Wins!

In the painful world of AIDS, I can only exude – anger.   And this pseudo-science, mumbo-jumbo slick oil salesman wins?   He’s accepted… ?   IT is an absolute cataclysmic mind blow – that anyone would believe that ‘Science’ is not politically and monetarily – bought – AND THE CURE IS THE DISEASE.

Because, the World Economic Forum has stipulated they are curing AIDS, HIV, and all other Bill Gates diseases without ANY verifiable statistics. Instead, it is all based on a Gates algorithm.   That has pushed the death rate for the last 30 years…. without ANY gain.

Now, they would have us believe that eating urchins will save the oceans from degradation, pollution, and disease. While never actually providing ANY true scientific evaluation, study, research, grant programs, or real world evidence.   A small test.   What false information can they invoke under the infinite cult of ‘science’?


Do you really believe the numbers presented as how many have been vaccinated?   Why?   If they have lied about cases, infections, deaths, why in the world would you suddenly believe that 50% of Americans are vaccinated? As in – they aren’t lying – …this time…? A Pathological Liar is a Liar, a Liar, forever and ever. That’s a given.

Because if they really believed they had infected enough people, much like the Flint Water Poisoning, why would they be so adamant about persecution of those who didn’t? Unless the numbers are – fake.   And perhaps only 10% of the population actually took the – jab…?   And perhaps if they don’t meet their requisite numbers, the Powers will inflict – consequences.

In their world – this would be quite logical.  And likely – painful.  And the question they are posed remains:  “Would you sell the world into Hell to save you or a family member?”

Certainly, I know my answer.   But I can’t answer for … Others –


CLIMATE CHANGE: The Science of Distraction as the Chess Game Resumes

Magnetic North is moving. It always moves.   But how it is moving now has created a bit of a Hub among Scientists who desperately try to persuade the public at large they know why.   In fact, they have no clue why, or the consequences, except to say that Polar North reverses all the time. In fact, they know this because the last reversal was exactly 780,000 years ago – per their ‘observation’.   And – reversals happen every 400,000 years. Except – for the last time – which never happened.  AH!   How Very Clueless Scientific.

SCIENCE!   Isn’t it fantastic!   They know nothing, observe nothing, and evidence nothing, but they can tell you with absolute certainty what happened hundreds of thousands, millions and billions of years ago… but can’t tell you with certainty what happened 100 years ago.

What happens when the magnetic north moves towards reversal?

According to science – they don’t know.   Speculation would however come to play – that this is not a good thing for the evolution of humans.   In fact some believe it is the impetus for the end of human, animal and plant civilization.   But then, scientists humble themselves by asserting that they weren’t alive 800,000 years ago, and so, you know, everything is a – you know – theory.   Hang Head.

Simultaneously, as the magnetic north is speeding along at the rate of now 30-40 miles per year toward Russia’s Siberia, the “South Atlantic Anomaly” would seem to be growing exponentially devouring entire continents.    Yet somehow cows and cars are the problem…


The SAA by definition is considered the point on earth where the magnetic field is at its ‘weakest point’. This field encompasses nearly 8 million square miles.   It stretches across most of South America into the Atlantic Ocean – touching the borders of Africa, and Australia.   It IS HUGE.

Satellites, aircraft, boats that pass within this Anomaly report having all technological systems CRASH.   The unusual levels of radiation are off the charts.   Brazil has some of the highest incidences of cancer.  The effects of this vast plague are wholly unknown.

So what happens when the earths magnetic field weakens?  

Earth’s climate is manufactured by magnetic fields.   The correlation is a bond by definition, a source.

The electromagnetic theory of climate is in direct opposition to the newly obsessed carbon dioxide theory. While carbon theory is based on industrial revolutions, electromagnetic theory is based on the beginning of planet Earth. In fact, a vast number of “Scientists” believe that the base of historical evidence of all of earth is electromagnetic fields – from climate to evolution to ice ages – to heat stimulation.   Earth is an electromagnet.  Thus any change – changes Earth.

As the magnetic north moves, so does climate.

Jet streams, solar flare activity, tides, moon, storms, and hurricanes are connected to electromagnetic impulses.   Those impulses are being altered, not by man’s aerosol can, but by natural changes that are precipitated from deep within the Earth’s core! And these changes are advancing at a precipitous rate as the South Atlantic Anomaly grows and the magnetic north moves ever eastward and south!

The South Atlantic Anomaly is irradiated. It puts out so much radiation that when a satellite or aircraft comes near their technological equipment virtually explodes – crashes.   Radiation.   As in – off the charts!

This radiation has been shown to create holes in the ozone layers protecting earth from complete irradiation.   As these holes continue to magnify, it reveals that this ‘Anomaly’ has the potential to destroy Earth.   Via, climate.

So while the idiots would have us believe that we are the cause of ‘climate change’ they also know that the true reality, the truth, the scientific evidence dictates that the South Atlantic Anomaly has spurred the magnetic north within globs of molten pits beneath Africa to separate and spin out of control.

IN other words, while distracting us with baseless claims that we are causing climate change, the TRUTH is that our planet is disintegrating on itself as a result of a combination of natural causal factors, and – past military exercises.


In the 1950’s the military nuclear testing in the Oceans helped to create what Stephen Hawking’s would call the black hole that ate Earth.   As in, our supreme self appointed elitist government appointees have mucked it up so badly – Earth is – on – the – brink – of a catastrophe.


The guys that idiotically created this annihilation – want us to believe they can save a few…

John Kerry’s attitude has sat with me since he slovenly announced that, “We’ve only got 9 years!”   All while pursing his lips, scowling, and storming off to his private jet eclipsing the carbon footprint of perhaps 1,000 to 10,000 normal private citizens. Obviously, the true climate change debacle had nothing to do with carbon – and everything to do with – something else.

The Anomaly.   Magnet North. Electromagnetism.   Solar Spurs.   Maybe the UFO’s are here to tell us we better fix this or we don’t exist!   Who the heck knows…   Supposedly many, given the theys have been researching and exploring UFO’s for about 75 years. At Least.   “Including My Dad”.

That’s a heck of a long time to hold a secret.   Much less one of this magnitude.   Everyone is anxious.   I imagine most want detail, they already believe in aliens and ships, just give us ‘specifics’ now.   Be Honest – And Let Us Process at Each Our Pace.

On a Positive Note.   Seems to me, logically, if there was any ill-will it would have long ago been instituted and done. Fini!   Which makes it look more like they want us to save ourselves to prove we are self sustainable and not a burden.

On the other hand, if the psy-ops was so devious as to utilize decades to slowly perverse us, I suppose that’s a possibility too.

Ahhh, I digress and pro-gress…

In The End… Seems to Me that: 1.   They can purge the military of the best and brightest!   They’ll just go Militia.   When an army soldier screams after firing his gun, you know, they got what they wanted.   2.   They can purge our Brilliant Men In Blue!   They can court them, fire them and force them into enslavement, but in the end, the ones who fall away – are the CORE of the New Militia.   And they are trained, trained, and trained!   It’s a knife fight against an AK.

These guys think they are curbing or killing are our core hero’s and nationalists!   And so – they are  instead uniting US!   And – That – Will – Be – Their – Downfall!!!!!

Technically, they know they lost this battle, this generation, and so their efforts have already diverted to the original tactic – manipulate the YOUTH.    CoVid gave them a view – they needed the anti-persons to be eliminated by at least 80%.  And it not only didn’t happen, it didn’t come close.     And so, while we may have a reprieve of sorts, it is only a time regrouping until the next generation of perverse communists ARISE!


Eat It You’ll Like It!   YUM!   An ingredient list for a fake meat product is not as ‘natural’ as one might be led to believe:  

Water, Soy Protein Concentrate, Coconut oil, Sunflower Oil, Natural flavors, 2% or less of Potato Protein, Methylcellulose, Yeast Extract, Cultured Dextrose, Food Starch Modified, Soy Leghemoglobin, Salt, Soy Protein Isolate, Mixed Tochoferols (Vitamin E, Zinc, Gluconate, Thiamine Hydrochloride, Vitamin B1), Sodium Ascorbate (Vitamin C), Niacin, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Vitamin B12.

Unpacking Some of These Yummily Ingredients:

Soy Leghemoglobin – derived from GMO yeast, this soy product was found to cause weight gain, changes in the blood that can indicate the onset of inflammation or kidney disease, malnutrition, celiac disease, inflammatory disease, cancer, low blood sugar, and possible signs of anemia.

Soy protein isolates and concentrates are separated from their parent plant through a process called extrusion, which uses a petrochemical solvent to separate proteins from oils.

Methylcellulose – a laxative.

Pyrodoxine Hydrochloride – is a form of Vitamin B found naturally in red meat.   As a supplement it can cause; hives, difficulty breathing, swelling of face, lips and tongue, dizziness, nausea, numbness and loss of coordination.

The most concerning of the GMO meat product is its high content of salt, it’s high concentration of Soy, and its lack of meeting the same nutritional values of real meat.

Many of these ingredients have interactions with medications including;   all anti-depressants, antibiotics, cancer drugs, Coumadin which is used to slow blood clotting and estrogen that can result in early puberty among girls, lowered testosterone in boys, and enhanced man-breasts in older men.

Too much processed soy does not properly metabolize which causes constipation and bloating leading to weight gain.   Hence they add a laxative since this chemical conundrum GMO crap labeled “Plant Meat” is not much different than the faddy GMO Golden rice Gates tried to force on India.    Vast injuries resulted from a tremendous deficiency in Vitamin A.

There are NO organic products used in making this delicacy, so on top of massive soy protein additives and salt, each burger contains a hefty dollop of Monsanto Glyphosate.   Think of it as ketchup, like a condiment!

The water footprint for a soy burger is also rarely addressed.   The first ingredient being – water, followed by soy which is a water thirsty plant, followed by various oils which are the MOST water sopping organisms.

Plant based products are roughly 180% to 200% more expensive than their counterparts which means our esteemed government needs to force meat prices higher to make them competitive.

So in the end, what happens to animals?   Are they supposed to become free?   Will our neighborhoods have free roaming cows?   Or will they simply slaughter all cows with the humane consent of the animal rights advocates thereby making them extinct?   There are over 1 billion cows in the world, the vast majority living in India and Brazil.   They have dual purposes over and above meat – cows are utilized for milk and labor as well.    A plant is a plant is a plant.

As far as a ‘carbon’ footprint – in the global scheme of things beef represents roughly 3% of the total footprint compared to transportation which represents 27-30% – further exasperated by the elites use of private guzzling jets, helicopters, boats, yachts, and largess SUV’s.  The same elites pushing plants and crickets on the peasants while lavishing in filet mignon!

For those who don’t remember, Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, was caught taking two quite large black SUV’s to work, one for himself, and the other for his lowly security detail.   He then parked a block away, had a guard extract a bicycle for him and then peddled the remaining black to work…   Like Jimmy Carter carrying empty suitcases so as to pretend he was a blue collar manly man.   This is the creative hypocrisy we face every minutia of a second.

The question remains why are cows targeted over pigs?   Is it because China has majority ownership of Smithfield Farms?

The answer to all things is ‘control’, not environment.

The original purpose of government was not to infringe freedom, but to serve as the laymen of justice!   To protect us from the bad guys.   Control has only ONE outcome, ONE purpose.   Oppression.  

Synonyms for Oppression include: tyranny, prolonged cruel treatment, abuse, enslavement, injustice, brutality and suffering.  

Clearly, governments across the globe used Oppression in the CoVid lockdowns. Clearly governments continue to use tyrannical abuse in pushing a mandated vaccine.   Obviously governments employ a form of enslavement when issuing CoVid passports.

The Cambridge Dictionary defines Oppression as:    a situation in which people are governed in an unfair and cruel way and prevented from having opportunities and freedom!

There are infinite Laws and Rules for which citizens must abide or be punished.   When we hear of the torture and solitary confinement imposed on the Capitol protesters, the purpose is to instill fear of the consequences.   Suppressing citizens and convicting innocent people.   A classic means utilized by Mao.  

GATES – FAUCI Collaboration: 2 Goals – Depopulation and Money

YOUTH MARKET.   Target market.   Global. Bill Gates.   Two Companies working diligently to amass a collective mind:   RED Organization and ONE Organization.   Backed by a melee of one world globalists luring the next generation like a predator offering candy…

Co-Founders:   Bobby Shriver, Bono, and Jamie Drummond.   Their mission?   To deify blacks and vilify whites while advocating for African ‘economic migrants’ to take over the aging white culture in Europe.

Sponsors and Board Members:   Open Society, Bloomberg, Gates, Facebook, Buffett, Firefly, JP Morgan, Skoll Foundation, Beedie, Amazon, Apple, Starbucks, Cargill, Rockefeller, Heartline, Google, HBO, Tik Tok, Starz, Sotheby’s, etc… etc…etc… The kings of global disruption and chaos.   How Sweet It Is!

And they have joined forces to manipulate the youths of today and tomorrow encouraging them to rise and fight.  But they aren’t paid, they must volunteer for these multi-million dollar organizations whose finances are leveraged on hypocrisy.

Who are they fighting?   You and I – old white folk who remember what Freedom looked like once upon a time.   Board members?   Two blacks, 1 Asian, 1 Indian, the remaining are white.

Why do white people hate white people? Why do they want Europe to become an extension of Africa?

Like every other white based NGO, they claim they want to have zero poverty and 100% equality. The want to eradicate AIDs, save lives and educate children!   All of these initiatives must be achieved by 2030.   The Net Zero Day.

Yet their IRS Forms 990 tell a very different tale.

With $35.5 million in gross receipts for 2019, total grants were $9.6 million or roughly 27%.   Nice…   But upon further detail, all the grants were to affiliated One companies.   A Shell Game.   And their actual verbiage is highlighted throughout with;   ‘gender summit, gender equality, gender violence, gender laws, gender awareness, and of course – buy Bill Gates vaccines’.

The tribe is once again shown to be actively pursuing vaccinations under the guise of gender recognition.   For two reasons;   Money and population annihilation.   No money was spent to relieve poverty, or buoy an economy, or eradicate ANY disease.   It was simply another self serving salary blitz while attracting youth across the globe to work as volunteer ‘Ambassadors’.   Much like little Greta.   That blitz totaled more than $17.5 million in salaries & costs although buried in the return is an additional $2.5 million in ‘other’  that they failed to define.   In addition there is an interesting expense line item of $1.2 million in fundraising expenses with zero corresponding revenue.   I suppose the IRS was on vacation.

Shriver’s bio states as of 2012:  Bobby Shriver, co-founder of (RED) and ONE’s predecessor organization DATA, has spent the past ten years working to help eliminate the financial and health emergencies threatening the people of Africa.

So with 19 years working diligently to eliminate financial and health emergencies threatening African people – nothing has changed. Odd.

Getting absolute statistics on AIDs or Malaria is virtually impossible. First Africa has no system of count, therefore the estimated numbers are derived as algorithms by WHO.   Secondly, HIV has been morphed into the algorithm of AIDS despite the fact that they are stupendously non-related.

It was in fact Anthony Fauci who declared in 1983 that HIV was the predecessor to AIDS and could be contracted through routine interaction as opposed to sex.   The media went bonkers. Two months later Fauci declared that, “It is absolutely preposterous to suggest that AIDS can be contracted through normal social contact like being in the same room with someone or sitting on a bus with them. The poor gays have received a very raw deal on this.”  Pretending that this declaration did not come from his own mouth.

Fauci’s flip-flopping fatalities in making scientific blubbers has been his MO from the very beginning of his career – in Science.  Much like – today.

But even more frightening is the Fauci declarative that HIV causes AIDS which is utterly without science, epidemiology or an evidence base. In fact, in 2002 this was addressed by Mohammad Ali al Biyati, President of Toxi Health International in California.   He literally ripped Fauci’s vaccine induced hype as fabricated, mumbo-jumbo. Instead, he revealed that AIDS was linked to the use of various drugs including cortitoids, immunosuppressant used to suppress respiratory illness, gastrointestinal illness, malnutrition and other infections. His claim states, “AIDS” in the U.S. and Europe has coincided with the approval of glucocorticoid aerosoll use in 1976, the introduction of crack cocaine, the use of heroin by inhalation, and the use of alkyl nitrites by homosexuals to enhance sexual activities.

As expected, the media was forthwith with hit pieces, quack innuendo, and gnashing of teeth claiming that Biyati was an AIDS denier.   In essence attempting to completely discredit his points and instead give credit to Fauci’s unfounded declaration.

Simultaneously, Bill Gates became involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa during the 1990’s. The Fauci – Gates collaboration was a partnership made in Hell.   And a lot of people made a lot of money creating a false narrative while hyping drugs that caused death.

Today, Gates has stated that the fight against CoVid will mirror what he did for Africa’s fight against HIV/AIDS.   Which is to say – death.    And yet, once again we find the NGO’s One and RED backed by Gates and Soros are ‘fighting’ the war against two diseases with absolutely no progress at all – flanked by 1-2 million deaths per year for AIDS. Supposedly.

In 2016, a team of researchers decided that they should conduct ‘empirical estimates’ of HIV/AIDS deaths. Given the information is actually unavailable they demanded that doctors in Africa consider all deaths as AIDS and note that on death certificates in order to provide ‘reliable statistics’.

Sound familiar?

Poverty has not been alleviated, malaria is prominent and Gates polio vaccine has created a new strain of polio in Africa’s population.   All while giving immune suppressant drugs to persons who are sick.   Side effect reactions include:

As your immune system gets stronger, it can begin to fight off infections you already had, possibly causing disease symptoms to come back.  ALL of the drugs contain side effects causing the same symptoms being ‘relieved’: degenerative body tissue, loss of weight, malaise, fatigue, headache, nausea, joint pain, abdominal pain, cough, diarrhea, labored breathing, hypersensitivity, etc… etc… etc…

THAT would be the Gates/Fauci version of Progress.   I.E., if you weren’t sick before, you are now – and you will die.