The Matrix: The World is a Stage and All The Men And Women Merely Players

Dollars are pieces of ordinary paper. They have no value – they only represent another kind of debt.   Does the US even have gold reserves or is that a fantasy?   Having led us down a bizarre path in which we are slowly beginning to understand some trutherisms, each truth reveals 10 lies.   The scope of the Lies is the debate, not if they exist.

It is a shroud being lifted ever so slowly for fear that human’s will literally go mad. From the notion that science is anything more than creative thinking, riddled with guesses and estimates and opinion, to the idea of who is ruling the world and perhaps has for our entire existence, we have always believed because our monarchy’s and government’s have told us what ‘is’.

We know Bill Gates didn’t create the patents for Microsoft.   We know he is merely a pawn.   We know the CIA has never existed as an arm of the US government.   We know the purpose of the Federal Reserve was to bankrupt the paper dollar.   And we know that wars are typically created from the powerhouse backroom where Cartels instigate conflicts for money.

How much history really never existed? Is their any reality within it at all?   Knowing that the means for aging – or attributing age to a science construct – is a cartoon creation, how old is earth? What if …

Bill Gates claims he warned the world in 2015 of the inherent probability of a Pandemic.   But a friendly Twitter user shared something much more interesting – in February 2016 the X Files released an episode, “My Struggle II”.   The basic premise of the episode was the concept that alien DNA was infused in Crispr technology within a vaccine. As a result a person’s entire immune system was turned – off. The purpose? Depopulation.

Knowing that the CIA has used television as a tool of propaganda and to slowly educate people of the real world within the Matrix, it is likely this idea was implanted to precipitate the CoVid Vax.

Given Gates has now announced the Catastrophic Contagion that will cause a complete collapse of our globe in 2025, it is likely another CIA Matrix release agenda and Gates is merely the Mascot of Death.

The Choice of verbiage is also relevant.   Contagion was a movie in 2011 whose characters include Dr. Gupta, and Mitch ‘Emhoff’. A killer virus. A vaccine is fast tracked. The National Guard deployed.   The Vaccine is distributed based on a lottery system because there are not enough for everyone. Crime spikes! And ultimately the US government is blamed for creating the virus, dubbed MEV1.   But in fact it came from an infected bat in China…

Are we living a sequence of movies?

Wag The Dog:   During the final weeks of a presidential race, the President is accused of sexual misconduct. To distract the public until the election, the President’s adviser hires a Hollywood producer to help him stage a fake war.

The Island:   Set in 2019, the movie predicted human clones would be farmed like cattle for their organs — and that film hit theaters a mere 14 years ago.

2001 A Space Odyssey made in 1968. Fahrenheit 451.   Star Trek used flip phones in 1966.   Demon Seed, a computer takes control of all appliances in a house – Smart Home 1977.

IS the US government already Bankrupt?   Creating money that has no value?  When US debt was $22 Trillion that was believed to be the tipping point.   Yet now that debt has grown by 50% to $33 Trillion.   Is the Great RESET designed because the global debt can never be managed, simply another Act on the Stage?   What is the global debt?   No one actually knows – they simply throw numbers around without basis:   It is $290 Trillion, $55 Trillion, $145 Trillion…   A Record $303 Trillion…

Even more fascinating is these fake numbers all come from the same united sources simultaneously; The World Economic Forum, IMF, The Economist, Reuters, and World Bank!

Every number from the CDC is an estimate.   The Bureau of Labor was just cited for overstating employment by 1.1 million this year.   Gates claims he has saved billions of lives… but of course there is no evidence, no proof, no data – just his statement. How does anyone know the population of any African country… their GDP, average wage, death count, CoVid count – etc…?

What if earth is actually just 5000 years old and all history is fabricated?   How can science determine what happened 100,000,000 years ago but can’t put together King Tut’s life?

Unfortunately, we don’t know much of anything except what we live in the moment.   As we relive movies fabricated with ideas sponsored by the CIA and other ‘intelligence agencies’ the point or purpose seems more like a game in which we are the entertainment.

As Shakespeare pointed out – The World Is A Stage, And All The Men and Women Merely Players…

PIANO MUSIC: Soothes My Soul

I adore just about anything with Piano, but when it is paired with a virtuoso violinist, the music consumes me!   Like dueling pianos or the rift between a man and a woman.   It takes ahold of my soul.   I love the ‘Build”.   And sends me back to God. Of course I have my preferences;   Debussy certainly.   Not a fan of Baroque.   And while I love the story of Mozart, I am not a fan of his music.   I know I might offend some, but it is simply a personal preference and nothing more.

Being a Debussy fan, other artists that conspire to the consume the same would include; Brian Craine, Michelle McLaughlin.   And of course Chad Lawson.   They – Understand.

Oddly, Debussy’s given name was Achille – as in Achilles Heal of lore. I don’t think there is a one of his pieces I don’t adore.   They just resonate!

I have been a believer that music heals all wounds since a child.   In old world charm, musicians sought to find the eternal soul, the child.

I first heard Elijah on the streets of Arizona.   A military veteran – a young man – a man who seemed steeped in values and ethics – was playing and I ventured to gather his information.   His story is self taught.   His story is a need to release what he saw and was privy to… And – this – is how he succeeds!

He – deserves – applause.

I truly hope you are well my friend…

It seems we are losing Art.   It is becoming some Woke illusion of nothingness and creative minds are clouding, greying.   Where are YOU?

Music helps bring me to a place of rock.   SO I thank you my friends.   It is a truly sad time in history.   May the Lord Bless Me and Save Me and Hold my Soul.   In God’s Name I Pray.

Prince Harry and Meghan “MERCKEL”: A View within the Epstein/Weinstein/Cabal

Nothing the Deep State does is arbitrary.   Nothing is without an agenda.   Given that Harry and Meghan chose to make an international spectacle of the Royal Family is cringe-worthy.   A. Family matters should be dealt with internally ‘by family’, and B.   The are a Family that is above normal family protocols and those protocols were horribly breached by an international gossip expose!

All made worse by choosing Oprah as the benefactor of truth and wisdom – the same Oprah who has been photographed numerously times with Harvey Weinstein and Weinstein ‘sex proteges’.   As such, Oprah’s integrity comes in question.

Personally, I am not a fan of Royalty – hence I am an American whose heritage denounced the master/slave concept of peasantry and nobility.   But I also believe in honor.

What seems to allude the media is the very obvious fact that Meghan ‘CHOSE’ to be a part of what is and has always been – the British Royal Family. And that comes with duties, responsibilities, protocol and stuff-it attitude!   If you want to be a part of it, then you must abide. Otherwise, move on!

Meghan Merckel chose Prince Harry.   She pursued him.   And she Got Him.   The fatc that she decided she didn’t like = the Family = should not be even contested.

So, where and why did she sic on Prince Harry?   When looking for answers, it is generally productive to peruse the far left publications that support the Deep State, such as, The Economist.   Owned by the Rothschild family, The Economist is a veritable proliferation of all things behind the scenes that/who pull the strings.   And it would appear, according to this veritable Rothschild tabloid, Mz. Merckel, aka Meghan, is being celebrated as a “modernist”, comparing her to Princess Di.   And it is likely in that vein that Harry is duped. And it is likely she is/was an asset of the Cult.   The Deep State.

While it is fairly well known that the Rothschild family advocates for globalization, New World Order, and a communist world, their tentacles can be rather surprising.   Working diligently to destroy President Trump and all persons who supported him, The Economist enjoys a game. Every year, they celebrate the coming year with a cover that is supposed to depict the events going forward. As though they have a crystal ball to foretell the future.

A slot machine is depicted on the 2021 cover with the American flag split in two as though by a faction – such as a civil war.   Global inflation rising exponentially is an icon.   The dollar no longer a world currency. The point is the ‘slot machine’ – meaning it is all up to odds, chance, and nothing is an absolute.

With respect to the Meghan saga, Mz. Meghan revealed in her Oprah testimony that it was Princess Eugenie who introduced Harry and Meghan in 2016.   Princess Eugenie is the daughter of Prince Andrew who is desperately attempting to extricate himself from the Epstein sex scandal despite numerous photos and logs.

Eugenie’s husband is Jack Brooksbank. They began dating in 2011, when Eugenie was just 21.   After a stint at a London nightclub frequented by both Prince Harry and Prince William, Brooksbank took a job as ‘ambassador for Casamigos’, a Tequila company owned by George Clooney – who was also a frequent flyer on the Lolita Express – in addition to Prince Andrew.

IN 2017, Casamigos was sold to a Chinese company, Kweichow Moutai which is partially owned by the CCP. Which would mean that after a stint with the Epstein crowd, Eugenie’s husband, Brooksbank, is now working for the CCP.

Not exactly a stellar resume.

And this is the Meghan introduction to the Royal Family and Prince Harry.   Her Bestest friends.

While the ‘tabloids’ purport to defend Merckel/Markle as a diversion from Prince Andrew, Meghan herself inserted her history, her alliance, her possible indoctrination when revealing that Eugenie and her Epstein connection and CCP connection are now her own resume reputation bullet-points.

All of this within the genre of an Oprah/Harvey Weinstein/Epstein collaborative – ugliness.

Ultimately revealing the Deep State is not the brightest star in aligning Meghan with a plethora of Cult Worshippers.

Bringing us back to the original question. Why would the Deep State want to annihilate the British Royals using Merckel/Markle as their mark?

In 2016 when first they met, Meghan was a half black, half ethnic white German whose career was game show stints and bit parts in soap operas.   Essentially a nobody. She had completely alienated every member of her own family to the point of hatred, with the exception of her black mother.

So exactly how did this bit actress meet Princess Eugenie?

For those of short-livied memories, in 2006, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and Harvey Weinstein were photographed at Prince Andrew’s daughters, Beatrice wedding in 2006. The cult is revealed in the signatories.  The implication is Prince Andrew’ daughters were possibly – indoctrinated.

Prince Andrew declared he ‘knew nothing’ about the Epstein scandal.   And yet, photographs and testimony would contend, this is simply a lie.

Of course, if that wasn’t enough to ruffle your bristles, Beatrice, Eugenie’s sister, daughter to Epstein associate Prince Andrew, works for Afiniti which signed a deal with Huawei , the Chinese Company under global suspension and sanctions . And Eugenie’s husband, Brooksbank, whose resume is a veritable languish of commendations, is essentially now working for the Communist Party of China within his bizarre resume detail of ‘product ambassadorship’ for a company sold to the Chinese government and a subsidiary by George Clooney and his two partners.

In the end – the British Monarchy is most certainly NOT clean.   But neither are Prince Harry or Meghan who appear to have alliance with the Deep State/Cult/ Cabal.

The GAME – is who will win the media…

Hollywood’s Pathological Ego

John Cleese, an actor, has just unleashed a spew of vitriol in which he describes President Trump as an a**hole, unscrupulous, a pathological liar, and upholding a power seeking obsession while all of the peons that follow him are simple idiots.

Cleese, who has been married 4 times, has made his millions pawning his comedic temperament, is a long standing Liberal who supported Obama.

And somehow the irony of his shrewish tongue is lost on him…

In essence he stated that in order to be in politics one must be a narcissistic power grabbing money obsessed a** – but that definition only applies to Conservatives, Liberals would seem to be – immune.   In addition, he would seem oblivious to the obvious irony that this same oblique definition is rather common among actors.

According to Psychology Today, actors are driven by the outcomes of fame, money and adulation.   They are narcissistic, self obsessed and driven by ‘idiocy’.   They are ego driven to extreme and thrive on attention.

But what is most compelling is why they feel the need to become activists, whether politically, socially or environmentally.   Guilt.   Because of their undeserved accolade they feel a sense of guilt that they have accomplished nothing of value.   Subconsciously, they realize that they have spent their lives pretending to be someone else and that as a person they have no character.   So they do what they do best, they create one. They create a personality.

Recently, John Cleese stated that “critics ‘who can’t themselves direct, write, act, sing or dance’ should be replaced.” Perhaps that same denunciation should be imposed on actors/comedians who can’t themselves provide anything worthwhile outside of acting , ie they shouldn’t pretend to be politicians, businessmen, or scientists.

Of course, he is entitled to his opinion, but the glamour fame that surrounds Hollywood should come with greater wisdom in how it is parlayed. Perhaps these Pretenders should undergo classes teaching them not to utilize their fame in a way that deludes people into thinking they are anything else…

Another actor that has attempted to become an activist is Alyssa Milano.   Unlike Cleese, her formal education is rather alarming – less than 8th grade it would seem.   Her most recent rant was an angry tirade over the fact that Joe Rogan’s Podcasts garnered more hits than her own.   Her feelings were hurt because someone else was earning greater fame – and therefore this other person must be denigrated, vilified, and put in their place.

Like Cleese, Milano is oblivious to the hypocrisy.

This isn’t a new phenomena, Celluloid Heroes have been around for decades with Hollywood gaining status as a ‘culture’ of glamour, notoriety, and stardom.   And thus the ego was fed.

Today, many actors having little to no formal education feel compelled yo create in themselves an erudite attitude in which they portray themselves as ‘experts’ in science, art, math, business and – politics.   Having played the screen role, they envision themselves as having the knowledge and wisdom of PhD’s.   And the general public greedily eats up this fakery, this illusion fulfilling the fantasy.

Why?   Because glamour has been redefined as intellect.

While none of this redacts any talent these actors may possess in their chosen employment, it does provide a clearer picture of why they feel compelled to assert themselves as more, and why that power drives them.

Hollywood Hysteria…

Breaking Alert:   Alyssa Milano cookie factory and Rob Reiner whine and dine have made a joint declaration that they will henceforth offer all their homes and estates to Wuhan virus contaminants!

They will gratuitously provide their full staff including; maids, dressers, butlers, makeup artists, bald sheen designers, hairdressers, pool boys, chauffeurs, gardeners, cooks, shoppers, playmates, and sanitizer staff to accommodate these victims. If their homes are not big enough they have vowed to create sanitized dwellings on the land to assist in the care and quarantine of any and all victims.

Pledging to divest their entire fortunes, they have stated they are deftly working on getting Pelosi onboard as well but so far keeping her dentures captive has not proven to be sufficient to keep her mouth shut.   So they are pursuing alternate methods like spitting on her lawn and running naked thru her sprinklers… alas to no avail.

Both Cookie Lady and Whine & Dine have declared that their entire wealth fortunes will be depleted because they have no more need of money given they will be shacking up together in a tent erected along the Juarez border where they will provide water to any illegal wanting to cross from Mexico.

In addition, they will provide every illegal with a gun and a knife for protection against the American meanies.

They are confident that this RESET will help reduce their Milano cookie waistlines and give them a sense of what it means to bathe without having three servants bathe you and towel you dry.    Given their recent foot in mouth gaffes, they are determined to show the people of the world that they are truly the best and brightest stars in the galaxy!

JEFF BEZOS Hacked – A Con Job?

A Palestinian writer living in Norway as a refuge, Iyad El-Baghdadi, who has always been a vocal critic of the Saudi regime, has determined that Jeff Bezos phone was hacked using WhatsApp by the Saudi Crown Prince Salman. Why? Because. He goes on to proclaim that the National Enquirer published personal information on Bezos which validates Baghdadi’s claim that it was Prince Salman trying to blackmail Bezos…


The evidence?   Baghdadi says so. And Germany’s Deutsche Welle, the government’s version of CNN, decided the story was true. Why? Because The Guardian published their evidence citing an ‘anonymous person’ who said so.

Apparently, they are oblivious to the fact that New York prosecutors have already uncovered ‘evidence’ that Bezos girlfriend, Lauren Sanchez, shared texts with her brother who then sold them to the media for $200,000.

So now The Guardian and DW are both on the line for printing a libelous and slanderous story in which they falsely claim that the Saudi Prince hacked WhatsApp to blackmail Bezos.   But it doesn’t end there.

The UN decided to jump onboard the libel wagon and has demanded an investigation of Prince Salman based on the story in The Guardian citing an anonymous source!

Iyad El-Baghdadi was born in Kuwait and grew up in the UAE before being deported for ‘no apparent reason’ in 2014 to Abu Dhabi where he was ‘put in prison for doing nothing wrong’.   He was deported from Abu Dhabi to Malaysia where the government said they didn’t want him despite his having done ‘nothing wrong’.   He was suddenly granted a reprieve before he decided to leave anyway, abandoning his wife and newborn son, and turned up in Norway.   He is now in protective custody because the CIA claimed Saudi Arabia might ‘suicide him’.

Yet he has done nothing wrong. Despite being an anarchist who was instrumental in the Middle East Arab Spring uprisings.

While stating that Saudi Prince Salman is responsible for the Bezos hack, it should be stated that WhatsApp is notorious for being hacked – and a quick Google search reveals countless sites that tell ordinary joes how to do it in a matter of minutes.  Sigh.

So Bezos is left with a girlfriend who may have colluded with her brother to sell damning photos and information about her boyfriend, Bezos, which cost Bezos his wife, his children, half his fortune, and his reputation.  Temper.

In the meantime, Bezos ‘long time expert security analyst, Gavin de Becker’, also had no idea who had hacked Bezos phone and apparently went along with the Saudi fueled story because it sounded good to him.

Gavin de Becker, the security expert, is apparently also an author who has appeared on Oprah and written a handful of books. He developed a methodology of security, MOSAIC, that he has sold to government agencies and corporations which purports to ‘predict’ threats before they happen.   He claims MOSAIC does not profile, but instead targets a person who is a known threat and then predicts that this person might do – something.

Lauren Sanchez, Bezos girlfriend, is an entertainment reporter whose credentials include: The View, The Joy Behar Show, Larry King Live, People Magazine as well as cameo appearances in various movies.   Her husband, Patrick Whitesell, who she is divorcing, is a Hollywood agent.

This is sounding like the makings of a movie!  Only the ending might not be so happy.

A married billionaire has an affair with a Hollywood entertainer who then gives texts, photos and information of the affair to her brother so as to break up his marriage, sells said information for hundreds of thousands to a rag outlet, although they attempted to extort for more  $$$$, feed the security detail a rumor that the Saudis did it – which he immediately unequivocally believes – while inciting further Arab Spring retaliation through a refuge who claims to have done nothing but was innocently deported from 4 separate Arab nations and vocally hates Prince Salman, sell the Saudi story to various European media outlets, ignite the UN, all the while the billionaire files for divorce and looses half his fortune, and the girlfriend and her brother are so arrogant that they don’t realize that NY authorities are secretly investigating them in a conspiracy to commit extortion and fraud.

Of course, if it was a book or movie, no one would believe it – agents would claim it could never happen in real life. No one is that stupid, especially a billionaire.

I wonder if Bezos feels miffed or if he believes her innocence?

BIDEN: 2020 Presidential Bid – A Trojan Horse

Biden for President?

While on the surface it looks all wrong, there are those who believe he is Wall Street’s hand picked non-white, non-male, non-supremacist candidate.  (hardiharhar)!  Tossing about the notion of Stacey Abrams as his VP seems a high risk maneuver given her background provides a plethora of fodder including the fact that she is a ‘romance novelist’.

Writing under the pen name, Selena Montgomery, Abram’s has written numerous ‘steamy’ novels with tantalizing titles like ‘Deception’, and ‘Hidden Sins’. But her financial acumen and admission is even more corrosive; $50,000 in back taxes and credit card debt of $170,000.   Obviously, balancing her checkbook is challenging.

Biden would apparently share in this financial crisis given his claim that he is the poorest politician in DC. In 2010 his net worth was estimated to be in the range of $250,000. Today, it would seem he is being better managed as it has grown to $900,000 to $1 million.

I wonder if he’ll produce his tax returns?

Biden’s biggest obstruction will be countering the numerous allegations of his wandering hands on little girls. Can’t imagine Hollywood would support those insinuations, but Hollywood has never hailed itself as logical and rational.

As it is, Wall Street will likely offer their billions to Biden if he pinky swears to do their bidding and they can guarantee him a voter win.

Problem:   It is difficult to comprehend Biden garnering the youth vote or the women voters.   And a VP candidate of Stacey Abrams is too weak and filled with comic relief. Interestingly, Biden holds the lead of potential Democrat candidates, with Sanders following second. Old white men.

Biden therefore needs to bring in a black woman to impress his constituents that he supports gender and race equality.   Unfortunately, the available list of candidates is relatively small in the political arena and may require moving to a more business professional. Someone capable of being groomed to suit the ideologies of the Banking and Wall Street Cabal, while having the strength to lead should the 78 year old Biden submit to health issues.

One possible political solution would be to convince the flailing campaign of Kamala Harris to submit to the reality that she does not have the power or charisma to win and should thus secede second best.

Still sitting on the sidelines of the New Green Deal, both Biden and Harris have yet to publicly comment as they wait to see opinion polls to this regard. Once the polls have given their view of the public view, Biden and Harris will support whatever the poll dictates.

Until then the shake up continues as revelations that the entire Green Deal was plagiarized from a UN document dating back a decade thus indicating the scope of the agenda within the New World Order.   The original Green Deal was written in 2008 and 2009 within the Order of the Obama reign and during the height of Merkel’s World dominance.   Obama and his policies were usurped by Trump, and Merkel’s favor and control have slid dramatically as Germany finds itself teetering on a recession. A fissure in the Agenda has upset the balance of power and necessitated a shift in leading actors and actresses.  Germany’s economy cracking under the pressure.

The $100 trillion dollar New Green Deal was the brainchild of the elite with the advent of the Paris Climate Accord wherein ‘pledges’ were proposed to fight the growing catastrophic events of ‘global warming’. Al Gore helped spur the world into a tizzy winning a Nobel for his stance on Global Warming, while notably increasing his personal wealth by upwards of $200 million.

The ‘management’ of the $trillions was naturally determined by the UN as they hand-picked who would receive funds and for which projects, while control of the money, outside investment of the money, interest income on the money, would all center on the UN.   In the meantime, the US would ultimately fade into obscurity as a Socialist welfare economy was slated to create the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’. Much like monarchial rule of past centuries, the have nots would be the peasants.

Censoring the public meant controlling every vestige of information – including their newest acquisition – Fox News. Their nemesis.  And the mantra is fullfilled;  ‘if you can’t beat em, buy em‘.

The next target will be blogs. Because education is their enemy.

While the promotion of the New Green Deal likens it to an FDR on steroids economic stimulus plan, the players are somewhat interesting; Ed Markey, a Democrat Senator serving with Elizabeth Warren claims authorship. Markey’s wife is Rear Admiral Susan Blumenthol who is serving has Deputy Assistant Secretary in the US Department of Health. She is also a fellow for New America. New America is the brainchild of Ted Halstead, and has been criticized for having as its senior Board Chairman, Google founder, Eric Schmidt. Hailed by John McCain, New America’s agenda is – Climate Change.

Aligned with CNN, Obama, Brookings Institute, PEW, Arizona State University, Slate Magazine, Open Technology Institute and Fix The Debt, New America is well entrenched in the DC Swamp. New Technology’s Director Kevin Bankston previously worked for the Center For Democracy and Technology which was funded by Microsoft, Apple, AT&T, Bell Communications and Nynex.   Entrenched in the EU with a main office in Brusssels, CDT is currently funded by foundations including the very Liberal MacArthur Foundation.

The circle continues as the global common denominators continue to rise as core creators.

Achim Steiner was Executive Director of the UNEP when it authored the original Green Deal. UNEP’s alignment with the socialist left party throughout it’s history further clarifies the move to Marxism.   It’s current Executive Director is Joyce Msuya whose previous resume includes the International Financial Corporation. The brainchild of the World Bank Group, IFC is a corporation whose shareholders are ‘governments’. The World Bank has been harshly criticized for its corruption and its policies of lending which have been found to do more harm than good for developing economies.

Giving Trump this global MASH of Swampolitics is inconceivably monstrous. Alliances in the EU are the few who have assumed right aligned ideologies, possibly Brazil and a spattering of South American countries. Russia and China could be tremendous allies in ultimately regaining control.   While Trump has made YUGE progress, another term in office is essential!

Harrison Ford: My Charity Is Better Than Yours!

There are literally thousands if not hundreds of thousands of charities across the globe.  The causes are infinite, and if everyone supported the same causes, the few would survive to the many falling away.  Such is the statement declared by Harrison Ford who has announced that  his charities are more worthy than everyone else’s because his are better, more right, and more more…   If you don’t support ‘his charities’ then you are a bastion to be beaten and whipped and pummeled if not by force, then by words as he did today to our government, in particular – Trump.

There is nothing wrong with supporting the environment and environmental causes.  But there is also nothing wrong in choosing to support veterans, the church, animal rights, or a host of alternate ‘charitable causes’. No one can say their cause is better than someone else’s.  And yet – they do.

I remember my ex-husband bashing my support of animal rights when he felt there were causes more important! The entire point of charity is to help steward people, the earth and all the creatures that God gave us – the animals.

No one chose to demonize Harrison Ford for his philanthropy, or his choice, however, he has chosen to demonize those who do not follow his particular venue of choice – and that is what defines the wrong of Liberal thinking today.  “If you do not do what I do, you deserve to be punished.”  It is the Hollywood narcissistic agenda.

To the best of my knowledge, no one has bashed Harrison Ford’s choice to support the environment, his choice to dedicate himself to his cause!  So it follows as rather odd, rather arrogant that he has made the unfortunate choice to bash all those who do not agree with his venue, and the venue of those scientists who espouse ‘man-made climate change’ as the force.   Because there is an equal and opposite force that – disagrees.

No one challenges Ford. He is passionate and that is commendable.  But shouldn’t he be likewise passionate about the charitable causes of others?  Charity is charity.  Right?  Or has even charity become a target for abuse and ridicule?

While I am passionate about the environment, I don’t subscribe to the notion that it is all man’s fault, nor do I think that anyone, any charity, is doing enough including stopping deforestation.   And that is hardly the fault of all us Trumpers.  And religious folks.  In fact, let’s take a look at who is doing the deforestation…

Recently, it was revealed that Harvard Law School supported such causes.  Hmmm, imagine that!

“The largest deforestation products are cattle, palm oil, soy, and timber. If you think about a hamburger, there’s palm oil in the bun, beef in the patty, and soy used for animal feed. The box it comes in was once part of a tree. ”Even in one product or one meal you’ve got multiple commodities, and each one of those will have had a very vast and global, complex supply chain.”

So every time you buy a beef meal from a fast food chain, you are contributing to deforestation.  I wonder how many fast food burgers Harrison has consumed in his lifetime?

Obviously, it is a complicated issue.   But blaming someone is absurd, blaming a group without proper research, is a nuclear bomb.   Be careful.

There are a number of organizations that have recently formed with the agenda of ‘stopping deforestation’, but their agenda is more aligned with public relations than actual actionable efforts.  The classic verbiage is ‘research’ we are going to spend billions researching the cause of deforestation so that by the time our research is complete there won’t be a forest left…to argue about.

Ford took his agenda to a frontal attack ‘stage’ when he claimed that ‘anti-scientist’ people are the root of the problem and need to be eliminated from public office.  Really?   Perhaps Ford could use a lesson in diversity?  Or tolerance?  Or inclusion? Or in research?  Or in science…  Because the scientific community is at odds.  And because the Liberal world seeks to point a finger in a direction that should reflect back on self.   His rant went further.  Instead of advocating for his passion and cause, he sought to demonize all people who are not on his agenda.   And that’s where he lost.

It is a sad world.  No one is allowed a thought that does not align with the liberal thought.  Censorship of thinking is thus.  And Hollywood seems to feel their ‘stage presence’ gives them the right to demonize and denounce and bash and whiplash with a fury derived from maniacal emotions.

The Paris Accord is a joke. It has ‘DONE’ nothing.  It is a name.  It is an agenda.  It represents the same baseless disappearance of billions of dollars on salaries and travel, that has people over the globe incensed.   They continue to spout ‘Plans’ to be instituted in 30 years – useless words.   Why would that cost $100 billion per year?  Can anyone actually account for the money already donated and spent and conclude that the money changed anything, cured anything?  It is a media hype and nothing more.

In the midst of the mix is the fact that Harrison Ford and his wife have cultivated a relationship with Bill Clinton and Hillary whose lavish lifestyle hardly fits the environmental dictum of ‘saving the land’.   So it becomes a modicum of hypocrisy amid a few sighs and slumped heads as we look at where the truth is told…  and Ford’s entire argument and passion are now questioned given that hypocrisy.

And so, as the drum beats, we take less inspiration from Harrison Ford’s truth, and more inspiration from the fact that he is simply promoting a Clinton agenda. The environment looses.  Ford Looses.  And the Agenda takes another hit.

Harrison Ford – Hush.  You are not the god of charity.   There are infinite causes that each of us pursue, all within the same realm of helping steward.

NYC Gym: In The Nude Classes

WAIT A MINUTE! In the wake of sexual assaults, sexual harassment, and inappropriate sexual advances, a gym in New York City thinks it is an appropriate time to move into coed naked fitness classes! Really?

Does that mean that if your classmate merely gives you a lascivious look it is time to scream sexual harassment, or do you wear blinders? Does it mean that if you get accidentally bumped the gym will be sued and the bumper put in jail?   I cannot believe the absurdity. I wonder what company is insuring the gym?

It is hard enough to visualize sexual harassment being an issue in Hollywood wherein women routinely will provide sex for a role, or where the body flaunt at every event is about who can titillate more than the other… by wearing as little as possible while still wearing ‘something’.  Adultery is the norm, yawn, and orgies the party scene.

Of course, this does not even begin to address the magazines and fashion catalogs that attempt to utilize every imaginable means of showing flesh without being labeled X rated.   All this while I stare at my PG-13 computer monitor that has a naked woman – albeit from the rear on Fox News.

We may be having a sexual predator revolution, but it seems a bit odd to have a revolution against predators while simultaneously ratcheting up nakedness, immorality and sexier than thou clothing and pictures all over the MSM News networks!   Does anyone else see the absurdity?

The other comical aspect of the story which was presented as simply a factual account of normalcy is the fact that this gym is frequented by Hollywood personalities, including; Rihanna, Sandra Bullock and Tyra Banks… I wonder if Harvey Weinstein is a member?   Or Kevin Spacey?  

The gym does provide an out for those who are more modest… for those too embarrassed to do their yoga routine completely naked, the gym does allow members to wear nude underwear, all the while promoting the decision as “cheeky fun”!   How quippy quaint  of them…

Who in their right mind would teach such a class and feel safe from an accusation of sexual assault?   Does the teacher ‘adjust your pose’? Give you pointers? What happens if a man becomes aroused, is that sexual harassment? I imagine everyone is required to sign a very lengthy, very cheeky, waiver claiming that they will take full responsibility for every overt act that might be construed as sexual harassment and identify it as ordinary conduct.

Hypocrisy Hollywood could not possibly get more bizarre.   Remember Jennifer Lawrence in tears because she had to undress … er, and the humiliation… er, only to discover she proudly did a Playboy layout after?

For those who know yoga the poses include; downward dog, numerous poses that purport to strengthen the ‘groin’, uttanasana , cobbler pose… help me here! Some of these are embarrassing enough ‘with’ clothes on!

All of this is advertised as ‘forward thinking’, which is Hollywood break-yoga for “hey, sex predators come on in the party is on”!


Hollywood’s Sexual Predators

It has long become an accepted part and parcel of the world of Hollywood that morality, ethics, and integrity are non-existent. While it is nothing new, the perversity has flourished quite brazenly. Errol Flynn and his entourage were known sexual predators. Then the mafia came in with Frank Sinatra. It’s easy to spot today, all we need do is look at the unraveling of Brittany Spears or Miley Cyrus to know that their behavior is reactive to the darkness that others spurred.

But I fear, that the darkness, the pedophilia, is far worse than we can imagine. It is thought that these stars have been subjected to such perversity that they can never come forward lest the entire cadre of insects are unleashed from Pandora’s Box. It is a form of blackmail. And it has been cited in nearly every large sexual scandal in history

The Franklin Sandal of the 1980’s that implicated the Bush’s was later determined to be simply lies by wayward children. The UK sexual scandal that is still unraveling from the 1980’s involving the Savile ring 37 years later and nothing. It implicates Hollywood, Entertainers, Sports Figures, Politicians, and just about every person within the elite of uber wealth. But no one goes to jail.

As one pundit suggested, it isn’t about money, it is about Power. But it is also about boredom, the boredom of normalcy and boundaries.

Hollywooders make their living ‘pretending’, and in this reality of perversity, they pretend it is okay.  Jennifer Lawrence recently made an impassioned speech in response to the Harvey Weinstein scandal to an audience of feminists about how she was treated like meat having to pose naked for a producer and told to lose weight. However, she failed to add that she voluntarily went on to pose nude for Playboy. And that was okay?  She has no boundaries and doesn’t see the hypocrisy.

I have witnessed people who used to be close fall into this spiral of boundary boredom. Ultimately, it has the power to eat the very soul of a person. I had a friend in high school who decided to get into modeling and later described playing Russian Roulette at parties…

The suicide rate of porn actresses, of Actor’s children, of Actors in general far exceeds any national average. They aren’t victims of war, but they are victims of sexual perversity. And yet, no one is punished. Ever. Roman Polanski is banished from the US but actors and actresses continue to laud his ‘genius’. And so they protect and enable the behavior, the non-consequence of perverse deeds.

In the world outside of Hollywood, the hypocrisy is the fact that a woman only needs to point a finger and ‘j’accuse’ and the man is immediately arrested and put in jail. It is probably the only crime wherein the man is guilty until proven innocent – except – in Hollywood.

Bill Clinton’s escapades with Epstein. Epstein flew in planeloads of girls and boys for pleasure slaves. This is ‘their normal life’. There are no boundaries. It has become a free-for-all wherein victims don’t want to say anything because the victims will be the ones punished.   That is how the Franklin scandal was resolved. And it is the blackmail used to hush scores of women and men still today.

Too often men and women don’t realize or simply don’t care that the ‘simple pornography’ they witness may involve a child, 14, 15… Its reality is Hollywood. It’s like watching a war ‘movie’, it isn’t really real, so therefore no one is really hurt. At least that’s the argument. Even therapists are aboard the ‘little porn’ concept, “What harm does it do…?”

Oddly, the same therapist might make the statement that marijuana leads to hard drugs, while negating the effects of porn claiming that a little porn is healthy. Logic is upside down and topsy-turvy and when a therapist approves, it is a green light to anything goes.

Mental deception. If a physician prescribes a person opiates ongoing for 2-3 years, then it is okay because it was approved by – a physician, and he’s not a dealer. I’ve heard that justification for all kinds of drugs including speed and watched people I know implode.

Hollywood has become it’s own country. They have their own set of rules, morality and ethics. They have their own laws, and police and justice. Meaning – they have – none. And out system allowed this to evolve from the muck and mire of the proverbial Swamp.   Because, in ‘reality’,

Hollywood is a part of The Swamp. They feed it. They support it. And they feel entitled to it. There is no remorse or guilt or shame, there is only arrogant justification. How can there be anything else if there are no boundaries and no consequence?