Harrison Ford: My Charity Is Better Than Yours!

There are literally thousands if not hundreds of thousands of charities across the globe.  The causes are infinite, and if everyone supported the same causes, the few would survive to the many falling away.  Such is the statement declared by Harrison Ford who has announced that  his charities are more worthy than everyone else’s because his are better, more right, and more more…   If you don’t support ‘his charities’ then you are a bastion to be beaten and whipped and pummeled if not by force, then by words as he did today to our government, in particular – Trump.

There is nothing wrong with supporting the environment and environmental causes.  But there is also nothing wrong in choosing to support veterans, the church, animal rights, or a host of alternate ‘charitable causes’. No one can say their cause is better than someone else’s.  And yet – they do.

I remember my ex-husband bashing my support of animal rights when he felt there were causes more important! The entire point of charity is to help steward people, the earth and all the creatures that God gave us – the animals.

No one chose to demonize Harrison Ford for his philanthropy, or his choice, however, he has chosen to demonize those who do not follow his particular venue of choice – and that is what defines the wrong of Liberal thinking today.  “If you do not do what I do, you deserve to be punished.”  It is the Hollywood narcissistic agenda.

To the best of my knowledge, no one has bashed Harrison Ford’s choice to support the environment, his choice to dedicate himself to his cause!  So it follows as rather odd, rather arrogant that he has made the unfortunate choice to bash all those who do not agree with his venue, and the venue of those scientists who espouse ‘man-made climate change’ as the force.   Because there is an equal and opposite force that – disagrees.

No one challenges Ford. He is passionate and that is commendable.  But shouldn’t he be likewise passionate about the charitable causes of others?  Charity is charity.  Right?  Or has even charity become a target for abuse and ridicule?

While I am passionate about the environment, I don’t subscribe to the notion that it is all man’s fault, nor do I think that anyone, any charity, is doing enough including stopping deforestation.   And that is hardly the fault of all us Trumpers.  And religious folks.  In fact, let’s take a look at who is doing the deforestation…

Recently, it was revealed that Harvard Law School supported such causes.  Hmmm, imagine that!

“The largest deforestation products are cattle, palm oil, soy, and timber. If you think about a hamburger, there’s palm oil in the bun, beef in the patty, and soy used for animal feed. The box it comes in was once part of a tree. ”Even in one product or one meal you’ve got multiple commodities, and each one of those will have had a very vast and global, complex supply chain.”

So every time you buy a beef meal from a fast food chain, you are contributing to deforestation.  I wonder how many fast food burgers Harrison has consumed in his lifetime?

Obviously, it is a complicated issue.   But blaming someone is absurd, blaming a group without proper research, is a nuclear bomb.   Be careful.

There are a number of organizations that have recently formed with the agenda of ‘stopping deforestation’, but their agenda is more aligned with public relations than actual actionable efforts.  The classic verbiage is ‘research’ we are going to spend billions researching the cause of deforestation so that by the time our research is complete there won’t be a forest left…to argue about.

Ford took his agenda to a frontal attack ‘stage’ when he claimed that ‘anti-scientist’ people are the root of the problem and need to be eliminated from public office.  Really?   Perhaps Ford could use a lesson in diversity?  Or tolerance?  Or inclusion? Or in research?  Or in science…  Because the scientific community is at odds.  And because the Liberal world seeks to point a finger in a direction that should reflect back on self.   His rant went further.  Instead of advocating for his passion and cause, he sought to demonize all people who are not on his agenda.   And that’s where he lost.

It is a sad world.  No one is allowed a thought that does not align with the liberal thought.  Censorship of thinking is thus.  And Hollywood seems to feel their ‘stage presence’ gives them the right to demonize and denounce and bash and whiplash with a fury derived from maniacal emotions.

The Paris Accord is a joke. It has ‘DONE’ nothing.  It is a name.  It is an agenda.  It represents the same baseless disappearance of billions of dollars on salaries and travel, that has people over the globe incensed.   They continue to spout ‘Plans’ to be instituted in 30 years – useless words.   Why would that cost $100 billion per year?  Can anyone actually account for the money already donated and spent and conclude that the money changed anything, cured anything?  It is a media hype and nothing more.

In the midst of the mix is the fact that Harrison Ford and his wife have cultivated a relationship with Bill Clinton and Hillary whose lavish lifestyle hardly fits the environmental dictum of ‘saving the land’.   So it becomes a modicum of hypocrisy amid a few sighs and slumped heads as we look at where the truth is told…  and Ford’s entire argument and passion are now questioned given that hypocrisy.

And so, as the drum beats, we take less inspiration from Harrison Ford’s truth, and more inspiration from the fact that he is simply promoting a Clinton agenda. The environment looses.  Ford Looses.  And the Agenda takes another hit.

Harrison Ford – Hush.  You are not the god of charity.   There are infinite causes that each of us pursue, all within the same realm of helping steward.