Affordable Housing – Government Topples Realtors

Houses are not affordable.  Despite all the best efforts of government to control the value of your property, they have continually failed.   Prices continue to rise.   The culprit?   Realtors.   Apparently, the agency fees to represent the buyer and seller transaction have caused the real estate boom that has made housing unaffordable.   How much truth is in this new indoctrination?

In 1940 the realtor commission was 5%.   In 1980, the realtor commission rose to 6%.   The same 6% it is today.   But somehow, despite 40 years of paying the same commission, The Economist powers that be, have decided this isn’t equitable.   It isn’t fair.   And therefore, elimination of this fee will reduce the cost of a home and make it affordable…   That would be the logic.   But what is the reality?

Homeowners have the option of selling without a realtor.  They also have the option of using the flat fee companies..   Or they had the option of utilizing the expertise of a realtor who has passed rigorous courses and exams on contract law, title law, foreclosures, and inspections.  A choice.  That choice is being removed by the Powers.  Why?

HINT:  it has absolutely nothing to do with affordable housing.  

When you remove an industries ability to charge a fee and make money, you are attacking the industry – not helping the poor.   Let’s say doctors are no longer allowed to charge a fee, does that mean healthcare costs will drop?   No.  It means there will be no more doctors and healthcare won’t exist.  For the Real Estate industry that translates to  homeowners being left to mitigate scams, fraud, theft, liability, and corruption.   And the tight housing market will become that much more tight as homeowners decide to renovate instead of move.

Builders reap the benefit.

Builders can dangle the carrot of discounted interest rates.  They run the show. When no agent is there to represent your best interest – for free – you pay top dollar.   And who is selling at top dollar?   The Hedge Funds that scooped up entire neighborhoods at a 2% fixed rate of interest and now want to divest their inventory – charging a ‘discounted’ interest rate of 5.5% when the market is 7.25%.   Now you are buying more home for the same price because of the “interest rate” – not because of realtor fees.

How much more home?   A $500,000 home at 7.25% costs $3,411 per month.   At 5.5% – you can now afford a $600,000 home for the same monthly payment.   Who wins?   The BUILDER!

Did eliminating the realtor bring down home values?   No.  It moved the buyers from existing homes to new homes that are sitting vacant.

And the headlines read:  2024 Primed To Be Stellar Year For Homebuilders.   Realtors?   Not so much.

The realtor settlement for repaying homeowners deemed to have been over-charged/gouged by 6% over the last decade – is $418 million.   Number of potential homeowners eligible for a cut?   50 million.  Amount that will go to legal representation to collect any money?   35%.   Which is somehow NOT deemed excessive.

According to The Economist, the realtor commission is a racket, a mob rule that gouges the buyer and the seller.   The average estimated savings for a median home sale – $10,000.   Example:   a house selling for $500,000 would incur a commission fee of $30,000.  A negotiated commission at 4% would save $10,000.    By comparison, a reduced interest rate from 7.25% to 4.25% would save $11,400.  If the Federal Reserve dropped interest rates to the level they were prior to Brandon, the annual savings would be $17,220.

So why does the government want realtors to take the hit?   Because realtors make good money.   And in a climate wherein it is imperative that incomes drop in order to solidify the power of the elite class over the plebes, realtors became the current target.   The concept is not new – it was done by our esteemed President Roosevelt in the 1930’s and 1940’s establishing total government control.   Capping income, price fixing, was an FDR New Deal.

In 1943, FDR issued an Executive Order wherein industries were told they could not increase prices or wages or salaries.   The Act was called The Stabilization Act.   What it did was kill the economic recovery and plunge America into rationing, shortages, and a recession.  Congress was worthless and bills were passed without being read.   The Act came on the heels of FDR’s push to inflate the prices of everything.   Once the inflated prices hit – he instituted the fixed wage and salary Act which effectively sent the middle class into poverty.

Government meddling at its finest.

FDR’s policies extended the Great Depression by a decade or more.   The real effect of FDR’s policies was to institute communist controls in America via alternate price gouging and then price fixing as determined by government instead of the markets.   This is similar to the wage increase for retail labor ($7.5 an hour to $20 per hour) that has caused retail prices to inflate while profits stagnate and consumers just keep paying – MORE.

This is the result of Biden’s policies with regard to interest rates, oil and gas drilling, medical insurance, and now realtor commissions.   Thousands of realtors will be purged.   Looking for a new job.   Adding to the unemployment docket.   Industries are already laying off due to these same policies.   The only jobs keeping the Bureau of Labor stats in the red are government jobs and manual labor – the immigrant agriculture workers.  Otherwise, the numbers would rightly reflect the fact that the economy is stalled and heading for a fast downward spiral.

We can be assured, this is not the last private industry that will take a hit.   Hospitality is likely the next playground to be hit by the bullies.   Having fun needs to be relegated to the elite with money, not the plebes.   Want to take your family skiing?   Lift tickets can easily run $250.  Ski and boot rental is roughly $75 per day.   Flight from Texas to Colorado is $300.   Rental car – $100 and an overnight hotel is $600+.   Without your family – $1500 for one day vacation.  Gidde UP!      

Was Ronald Reagan A Neoconservative Rhino?

Did Reagan Drain The Swamp?   Did Reagan expose Bush?   Did Bush go to jail for the Iran-contra Affair?   Reagan largess credit was the demise of communism in Soviet Russia.   But he is also responsible for the inadvertent transfer of that communist ideology into Washington via George Bush.  An ideology that united The Bush’s with the Clintons and Obamas in the Fall of America.  

The Heritage Foundation was founded in 1973 to advance anti-communism doctrine.   The Foundation dictated Reagan policy during his presidency including neoconservative hawkish advances.  Having decried Trump ‘a clown’ before his election victory in 2016, the moment he became president The Heritage Foundation shifted gears into  control mode and was responsible for selecting the majority of Trump’s cabinet, including 66 Heritage employees.  All of whom proved to be neoconservative traitors.

Koch Brothers were also instrumental in the founding of the CATO Institute in 1977.  Labeled a libertarian organization, the CATO Institute self describes as supporting a Liberal Democracy or classical liberalism.  Cato’s vice president for research Brink Lindsey agreed that libertarians and liberals should view each other as natural ideological allies.     While supporting a smaller government, CATO advocates for privatization of government agencies – as opposed to elimination.   They support ‘open borders’ and are funded by Google, Facebook, Walton Foundation, and the Gilder Foundation which also supports Human Rights Watch, aka Soros.

The Koch Brothers claim to be conservative Libertarians yet they supported Obama and founded Americans For Prosperity – which funds anyone who is opposed to Trump.

In other words, The CATO Institute and the Heritage Foundation align with the World Economic Forum Agenda 2030 calling for a global corporate government.   Stakeholders.   And in today’s world, Reagan would be labeled a neoconservative/Rhino.

Every neoconservative group today self proclaims the Reagan identity;   National Endowment for Democracy – a global coup organization.  Council for National Policy.   Fox News.  Department of Defense.  The American Enterprise Institute.  The Hoover Institute.  World Bank… etc.   EVEN WORSE:  The Reagan Foundation Trustee Chair was co-founder of the far left Politico and former CEO at WAPO.   Paul Ryan serves on the Board of Trustees as does Lachlan Murdoch a devout liberal supporter of Hillary Clinton.  The Reagan Foundation is NOT Republican, it is a Uniparty of Liberal Progressives who align with Agenda 2030.

To support Reaganomics today, one would be supporting the Rhino Party.  Whether Reagan’s name was hijacked, or he truly was a rhino/Hawk can not be told without a conversation with the man.   But it can be determined without a doubt, that any organization claiming Reagan policies is in fact a part of the neoconservative movement that ultimately upended the GOP Republicans and aligned them with the Rothschild/Rockefeller Agendas.

Those Agendas focused heavily on Big Pharma and Oil.  MONEY.  POWER.  CONTROL.

When a democrat claims to be crossing the party boundary as a republican, or a republican claims to be crossing the boundary as a democrat – it isn’t about ideology, it is about risk.   If a state is moving blue – change affiliation so as to promote a ‘more balanced and level political frame’.  That’s politics.

The ONLY Party NOT affiliated with the Uniparty is MAGA.   However, Trump was also led down the Rhino path, like Reagan, and filled the White House with neoconservative traitors per recommendations from the CATO Institute and The Heritage Foundation.   Pundits of the Uniparty praise Reagan while decrying Trump as evil personified.

Typically, what defines a neoconservative is their hawkish response to international relations.   Prominent today, this would include;  Steve Bannon, Bill Krystal, Cheney, Graham, Nikki Haley, Bill Barr, Pence, Christie, Romney, DeVos, Pompeo, Mueller, Wray, etc…   Their current stance is to fund Israel & Ukraine while starting a World War with Iran and China.   The same can be said for Social Media – fake Maga’s want WAR.

Reagan sought to rehabilitate the US Military defeat in Vietnam by creating a win/win war in Nicaragua.   Operating on CIA intelligence, aka William Casey, a New Deal supporter, and The Heritage Foundation, the US invaded Nicaragua under the guise of combating global communism.  The Nicaragua Revolution had toppled the US backed government in 1979.  Therefore, the neoconservatives sought to regain control via the Contras –  A military faction created by the US government and Israel – much like ISIS or Ukraine.

The main belligerent according to the CIA was not Nicaragua – but Soviet Russia.   In fact the same government that was toppled by Sandinista’s was installed by the US in 1912 and run by US based multinational corporations.  The purpose of the Reagan’s War was to reinstall the ‘US Corporation status’.

The US Corporations which had the largess presence in Nicaragua included:  American Standard Inc. (Rockefeller), Chevron Corp., H.B. Fuller Co., Bank of America, Citi Bank, Xerox, General Mills Inc., Hercules Inc., Intercontinental Hotels Corp., Kem Manufacturing Co. Inc., Nabisco Brands Inc., Texaco Inc. and United Brands Co.   These Corporate entities had been raping the country of its resources for decades.   The Sandinista’s revolted.   They won The Revolution only to then fight the US apparatus.

Nicaragua’s natural resources were/are vast and include;  agriculture, gold, silver & Copper as well as oil.   All of which were confiscated by these US Corporations within a program of blackmail paid back to the government.

Both Reagan and Trump trusted the apparatus and allowed them to be an integral part of the White House system.   The Neoconservative Movement only came to the forefront of understanding during Trump’s tenure.   While Nancy Reagan’s animosity toward Bush was well known, Ronald Reagan still believed in the American Government and the Institutions that controlled the helm.  He allowed the Corporate Stakeholders to direct every move he made as President.

In the event Trump had lost to Hillary in 2016, the neoconservative Uniparty apparatus would still be in Power and would likely continue to operate as the shadow government within what is known to be – the ideological coup of the United States of America.  Reagan was not a Hero.   He was ruled by Bush and his neoconservative hawks within The CATO Institute, NED, and The Heritage Foundation.

As I have stated before – putting the diseases back into Pandora’s Box is not possible.   Not only has America’s diseases been revealed, but Netanyahu has now divulged the Zionist Movement for what it represents as well.  

We Know.   We have a choice.     

US Government Operates as a Communist Dictatorship

What is a Dictatorship?   Every country that has a monarchial rule is a dictatorship.  Every Communist country is a Dictatorship.  A dictator is a tyrant who rules by absolute power, including via Emergency Power.   A Communist statehood is comprised of proletariat laborers and bourgeoisie profit takers.   Executive Orders are a dictator communist power.   Agencies within the government that operate outside of Congress – are operating via dictatorial control.   And under these varied definitions, America is a Communist country ruled by a small unit of Bourgeoisie Dictators who own the blackmail.

The media is in aggressive SPIN mode targeting all things Trump.   Trump’s response to Hannity was priceless – “I Will Be A Dictator For One Day”.   Which is true – because he has a plethora of Executive Orders that need to be signed into law in order to upend the Biden Regimes destruction of America.   Boots are shaking.   Heads are spinning.   And the bobble dolls are in full overdrive as they wonder who will be first to go to Guantanamo…

**Executive Orders:  In their original context, Executive Orders were interagency directives issued by the President.   All EO’s must abide by Constitutional Law and cannot create a law.  **The National Emergencies Act was created in 1976 by Gerald Ford and establishes a communist dictatorship that circumvents traditional laws.

**Eminent Domain: A communist construct that allows the government to take your property away from you for public use at a reasonable level of ‘compensation’.

**Funding For Ukraine:  As Secretary of State, Blinken declared Ukraine an Emergency and bypassed Congress in allocating $110 million to be sent there immediately.

BLACKMAIL:  Epstein and Maxwell provided the blackmail, but which Dictators own it?   Recently, the Mossad has been named given that Maxwell and her father were both civilian agents for Mossad.   This is not unprecedented, the US government hires 2 million ‘civilian agents’.  Epstein was brought in later with the directive to create the means, aka Epstein Island.   Nearly every politician across the globe, every Hollywood actor, countless musicians, artists, and writers have been brought into the umbrella of this blackmail.   They are the gods who demand tithes, promise money and fame, and own your life via a file – compromised with pedophilia.  An old Mafia agenda utilized for extortion.

Even the IRS is a communist construct.   It is a means of tithing to the godless Bourgeoisie.   Every government agency – all 438 of them – operate to redirect money from the poor and middle class to the wealthy.   Congress is now a self-imposed Elite.   They are the 1%ers.   And in their febrile brains – money equates to intellect and intellect to power.   How many of them ‘bought their degrees’?   Disparaging wisdom, intellect, nobility and honor in favor of Bourgeoisie wealth accumulation to fit onto a tier of the ultimate pyramid.

Mz. Ellis, a former Trump appointee, convicted and plea deal conspirator, denigrates those on Twitter/X who don’t have the ‘number of followers’ she deems appropriate for a person to have a voice.   As though Twitter followings is equivalent to gods and wisdom.  She would be on par with Meathead in that evaluation.   Perhaps not her preference, but self designated anyhow.  Mz. Ellis has fallen into the void of the self-grandiose Bourgeoise mentality.  She is a better, more worthy person due to her Twitter BOTS.

An interesting psychological aberration.

Yet.  It explains much of Congress, much of Hollywood, and much of the liberal mental acuity.   Who all seem to be in the same ‘club’, as George Carlin loved to quip!   Hollywood is controlled by the Zions.   I remember my first coming about in the US after growing up abroad, and being warned of the Zionist infiltration in Hollywood.   Secularism.   Worshipping self.   Money.  And above all –  divisiveness.   “If you are not anti-religion, then you are unworthy of Hollywood – unworthy of Politics – unworthy of existence…”

The age of John Lennon and his ‘odd’ wife Yoko Ono;   Lennon was raised a Catholic.   He was very close to his mum – until Yoko drove a stake in his soul and used ‘persuasive techniques’ to recreate Lennon as a secular Cabalist.  It was only when he had declared that he was leaving the Cabal and embracing his original Catholic faith – that he was killed.   JFK style.

The means that the Cabal had for its rise was the recreation of reality.   The means for their demise is the very technology that they advocated and funded and utilized – believing that the entire human race could be forever subjected to Proletariat Rule and subjugation in a secular denomination, ie a re-creation of reality.

The Sad reality Is America is a Communist Country and Has Been for some decades – if not centuries.   We are governed by communist dictums of censorship, law, budgets, spending, and false illusions of racism and gender dysphoria.

The purpose is control.   The means is dysfunctional and chaos.

The perpetrators include:   the Three Cabals – Banking, Pharma and Military.   They don’t always agree.  They vie for the wealth.   And they argue who is more Elite.   It is this Argument that is their Achilles Heel.  The gods are in war against each other for ultimate Control.   They cannot agree.  And will annihilate each other in vie for The Throne.

This is how they will be brought down.

The bottom line is this – you can’t fix something if you refuse to acknowledge the disrepair and brokenness.   You will only continue the cycle of depravity ad infinitum.   Which is what we have done for 350 years.  Believing – a LIE.

So.  How do we start?

The more knowledge we have, the greater the insight, the more plurality the faster the repair.    Congress is dysfunctional.   Justice systems are mafia plagued.   Therefore, we need to address “The Core”.  Starting from the TOP.


Marxist Communism in US: Gestalt, New School, Rockefeller

Our only sources for Disease Cases is WHO which powers over the CDC and NIH.   They announce that there are roughly 250 million Malaria cases per year and 600,000 deaths.   96% of all Malaria cases and deaths occur in Africa.   A new Vaccine will prevent hundreds of thousands of needless deaths saving millions of lives ~ Gates.   This is the constant promotional we are supposed to lap up as evidence – proof positive.

In reality, the numbers could just as easily read 1000 deaths or 1 trillion – depending on your algorithm choice. Every number, every statistic released by these agencies has absolutely no scientific basis.   Bill Gates proved this fallacy via his own data company, IHME, wherein he claimed in early 2020 5+million would DIE of CoVid in the US.   Wishful thinking.

It was Bill Gates who convinced Fauci to declare a National economic shutdown. He asserted that state-by-state was not enough to shut down the spread.

When the very first school shooting took place at Columbine High School, the police arrived unprepared strategically.   The sheriff had been in office all of two weeks.   Hindsight.   Trump assumed that his health advisor, Fauci was legitimate.   He had no reason to assume otherwise and followed his recommendations.   Hindsight.

Pence is in Kyiv today with his good pal Zelenskyy. Hindsight.   Paul Ryan loses his tongue on purpose on camera and rebukes Trump.   Hindsight.

The only way we know who the frauds are today is BECAUSE of Trump – mistakes and all.

The Neocons, Hawks, Traitors and Liars have all come out of the woodwork like an infestation of cockroaches.   Because of Trump.   IF he had never existed – we would blindly and blithely stumble along hoping things got better.

A book I am reading discusses the fictional story of a woman caught in a time loop wherein she relives another day, week, month backward in order to unveil what she didn’t see before because she was blind to her own life.   Her mission is find out why her grown son killed someone – and prevent it from happening.  Hindsight.

Yesterday, a word popped into my ‘Gestalt’.   It was the name my father chose for his sailboat.   When I asked him what it meant, he gave me the simplistic answer – “the whole is more than the sum of its parts”.   But a more comprehensive research points to perception & illusion.

As a Colonel in WWII serving with General Patton, my dad had more than cursory knowledge of how Gestalt perceptions and illusions were used against Patton in a war wherein Hitler was supposed to win. And Bradley was sent in by Eisenhower as The Cleaner to make sure Patton lost.  Patton refused.

My dad couldn’t tell me because he was beholden to his military oath and took it very seriously.

The illusion has existed in a dominant frame for 100 years – above justice, above law, above consequence.

In Gestalt, people see patterns instead of individual components.   Gestalt theories of perception are based on human nature being inclined to understand objects as an entire structure rather than the sum of its parts.

For example:   When a pianist plays a particular sonata, listeners don’t hear each note – they hear the ‘melody’ or the entire structure of the piece.   This concept is the basis for illusion and propaganda.   People on social media continually ask how liberals can be presented with the same information and yet only see the “Whole as presented by The Media Cartel”.    Answer:   they have been trained to be oblivious of the mechanism of individual parts which represent the actual factual data.

Another example:   Bill Gates created himself based on marketing.   He has no degree in IT, or engineering, or AI, or Viral Infectious Diseases – and dropped out of college after 2 years.   What he has is ‘marketing’.   And he spends his time marketing Himself.   Ego.   A BIG picture.   An entire structure built on unviable individual parts. In the height of Covid, this is how Gates was posited by the Media: How Bill Gates emerged as a champion of science-based solutions to the coronavirus outbreak.”

“Science-Based’.   It is Rockefeller who decided to raise Science to demi-god proportions in 1917.   Prior to Rockefeller science was a philosophy of thought. It was based on nature or the natural elements. Rockefeller took Darwin’s Evolution, and Pharma controlled medicine, and packaged them as factoids in one of the greatest scams contrived.

The Purpose?   The removal of God.  The Bible being the individual parts.

It is easier to forge the singular entity as opposed to the vast implication of thousands of individual thoughts. It gives the impetus to the concept of “Group think”. And thus 1984 illusion.

Three jewish men of German and Czech heritage developed the concept of Gestalt Theory under the guidance of Marxist philosophy in Communist and Socialist states. They are intertwined – as belonging to the whole.

Max Wertheimer, the Czech born psychologist who co-created the Gestalt Theory, ultimately moved to New York where he joined the faculty of The New School.   Founded in 1919, the New School is associated with such names as:   Heather Bouchey – Biden’s Economic Advisor, Chris Hughes – co-founder of Facebook, Shimon Peres, Harry Belafonte, FDR III – etc…

The New School was a socialist progressive institution upon its founding which was formed with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation. Most recently, the school has hosted scholars from Ukraine & Afghanistan.   The school hosts various student organizations including – Students for A Democratic Society.

Students for a Democratic Society was co-founded by Bill Ayers. It was considered a Communist, Marxist, anarchist organization.

The school today continues to flourish with funding from: Open Society, Omidyar, Luminate Foundation, Gates, Hollywooders, feminists, Bloomberg, Walton – Ashton Kutchner, Carnegie, JP Morgan, etc…

These are the means and sources of the Taking of America.   The Communists and Marxists utilizing Gestalt to train and hypnotize.   Don’t look at the individual pieces that show who they truly are – look to the laser light represented by dark matter.    Because that is the Power of Control.

Western Woke: Communist China Propaganda not fair….

The communist Economist has declared that when Chinese vacation it is ‘spiriting away revenue’ from being spent in China.   In fact, vacations are now ‘covert’ means of getting money out of China by its citizens according to MSM Propaganda.   But the IMF has declared that China’s economy will expand by 5.2% this year.   According to JP Morgan China’s inflation rate is 2%.   The US would foam at the mouth-lather at those numbers!   China has been stockpiling oil and gas reserves while the US and EU dwindle reserves to nothing.   China has ZERO pocket change in the war games in EU/Ukraine… Who has the better economic future?

CSIS speculates that Global energy prices hinge on China’s economy.   The basis for a lagging China economy is the fact that it only grew by 3% in 2022 which is ‘below the international average of 3.6%’.   That ‘average would embrace the US growth as 2.1% and the EU as 1.9%. But somehow China is the focus of pillage…

In a global scenario, Russia supplies China and India with oil and gas that would be bound for the EU at much cheaper pricing, grain to Africa, India and China, and the largest fresh water supply in the world.

By contrast, the US seems bent on polluting US waterways beyond capacity making them unavailable for humans, fish or animals.   The EU is busy nationalizing farm and agriculture land – a classic communist move that Stalin used to starve 100 million.

WHICH Countries Are Working FOR THE PEOPLE?

McConnell recently made news at the Munich Security Conference by declaring that he knows what is most important for Americans – Ukraine war indefinitely.   The statement comes on the hind end of:   1.   No one visiting Ohio chemical disaster,   2.   A poll claiming that less than 35% of Americans want any more money sent to Ukraine,   3.   A continued depletion of US fresh water, agriculture plants and oil and gas.

Fair to say the US government and its NGO’s are NOT working for US citizens despite their Constitutional Pledge. Which means that the US Constitution is No Longer In Force.

January 6th Defendants:

  • The 840 January 6th defendants have had their rights subrogated under the Fifth Amendment regarding Due Process.
  • The Fifth Amendment also guarantees that the government may NOT seize private property without market value compensation.
  • The Eighth Amendment – January 6ers had the right to trial by an impartial jury subrogated.
  • Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. Aka the Pelosi commission.

Then we have the BLM and Antifa Activists:

Section 82 (1) Criminal Code:   Every person who, without lawful excuse, makes or has in their possession or under their care or control any explosive substance is guilty of an indictable offense and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years.

Today, neither the Bible or the Constitution are considered The Books with which a US Federal worker must uphold by oath.   In 2013, the very liberal Atlantic wrote that the US should abolish and rewrite an entirely new Constitution.   While the pundits claim Trump called for the abolishment of the US Constitution due to election corruption and fraud – the entire claim is fraught with Hollywood edits on the screen floor!

The Constitution expressly states that in elections – voting is amongst ‘citizens’.   Any ‘Pattern’ that reveals inconsistency in state law is Contempt.

Given the US Department of Justice refuses to assert Constitutional Law – that department should be under the scrutiny of Criminal Fraud.

We all recognize the Judicial System on a Federal and State level is acting outside the US Constitution.   Congress knows this.   The President and his handlers know this.   Yet nothing is done because The US Constitution is No Longer IN FORCE>

Section 21 of US Constitution: (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement. (2) Everyone has the right to leave the Republic. (3) Every citizen has the right to enter, to remain in and to reside anywhere in, the Republic.  What it does NOT say is that the President may utilize Executive Order to usurp this for any purpose.

The US Government is operating under a proxy of shadow peoples who have no allegiance to or patriotic embrace of – our Constitution.

Over the years Soros has slowly infiltrated the various state jurisdictions – redefining Constitutional Law on a state level or simply ignoring it.   Ultimately, these incursions create ‘precedent’ for lawyers to cleave to Unconstitutional appeals.   Even Communist countries revise and replace Constitutions.   The Chinese Constitution recognizes China as a dictatorship – in the same vein as China-McConnell delineated that the US Government – NOT The People are Constitutionally represented. 

In the Rule of Communism – Courts and judicial power do not have the same power of interpretation.   Instead, Committees appointed by the National Peoples Congress, aka CCP, are responsible for enforcement.   Committee – A structure incorporated into the US judicial system of Congress decades ago in tandem with the shadow communist overlord’s of the US.

Law firms are shrinking.   Staff Dismissed!   As of 2020 – 15% of Lawyer jobs shrank!   2009 saw the beginning of the Shrinking Violets.   By 2017, the field continued to shrink annually.   Where do they go?   Private NGO’s.   State Governments.  DA’s and AG’s were bought and paid for by Soros.   Anyone else ‘need not apply’.     In the US there is one lawyer for every 240 persons – in China it is one lawyer for every 4620 persons.   Of the lawyers per person in China – many are of international status with an office in Beijing.

Why?   Because dictatorships are not pro-attorney. Attorney’s interfere with the government. Attorney’s take up valuable time.   Attorneys meddle with the law of the country. While MOST government officials are ‘attorneys’ by degree, in China most politicians are former military.

I wonder if the attorneys following the Soros Cabalist convention of thought, deed and process, in western nations realize they are expendable in communist regimes, their employment and heads on the proverbial ‘chopping block’?   Doubtful.   Of the 535 members of Congress in 1964 – 315 were lawyers – nearly 60%.   Today, that number is closer to 25%-27%.   A decline of 35%+.   In Fact – Under Stalin, Lawyers were targeted for extinction. Why?   Because Stalin deemed they were helping the poor.   Ultimately, the Bolsheviks ordered their elimination.

I seriously DOUBT Congress has any idea what the ultimate outcome of their profession and their life entails…

Communist Ideology: Stalin’s Great Purge = Schwab’s Great RESET

In 1953, Harvard was called The Kremlin on the Charles.   McCarthy was large and in charge in his bid to rid the US of its Communists.   But it wasn’t just Harvard, Cambridge, Yale and nearly all-elite schools were being indoctrinated into communism by the faculty and their Presidents.   Instead of aiding in whittling out the Reds, Harvard chose to elect a new President, Nathan Pusey, who had an acrimonious relationship with McCarthy.  

While fearing the Communists, academics felt that government interference to weed out the subversives was a lethal weapon.   So the Communists were protected.   And flourished.   Today these elite schools no longer pretend they are anything but Marxist Communist institutions.   The ideology that Harvard and it’s ilk proffer is;  Marxism is good because Capitalism is bad.

In 1935, Joseph Stalin announced that he would allow Communists around the globe to ally with liberals and non-communist leftists in an anti-fascist coalition.    It became the Communists vs the Fascists.   Mussolini came to power.   Hitler came to power.   Disillusioned with Capitalism following the hardships of the Depression, communism was considered the lesser of two evils.

These developments swelled the membership of the US Communist Party from some 7,500 at the start of the decade to an estimated 55,000 by its end. It was also during this same time period, 1930 – 1953, that Stalin was executing millions of citizens.   The Great Purge was Stalin’s means of eliminating anyone whose views were contrary to his.   Those he didn’t execute were sent to the Gulag labor camps – and starved.

This concept of a Great Purge is now being called The Great RESET.

One of these Communists was Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground.   It is believed he is the ghost author of Obama’s books. Others came to the US to escape the Soviet Union communism, others came from Germany to escape Hitler.   They became the ‘unionists’, the liberal Jews, many became writers and journalists, others went to Hollywood. There was also a spattering of black communists who were actively proclaiming their denouncement of white supremacy.

One such black man accused by the FBI was Martin Luther King, Jr.   In a letter, King wrote to Coretta Scott, he stated,   “I am much more socialistic in my economic theory than capitalistic, capitalism has outlived its usefulness.”

Many of those who support Communism do so because they believe capitalism is wholly responsible for the wealth disparity.   Citing capitalism as materialism, taking necessities from the commoners in order to give luxuries to the elite is the strategy.

But what is Communism?   Is it purging those who are deemed dissenters?   Is it simplistic power central to One?   Oxford Dictionary defines communism as:   “a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.”

This would be the exact wording proffered by AOC, Schumer, Pelosi, Schulz, every member of the very Liberal Party today. The kicker?   What is the definition of ‘needs’?   At it’s most basic level, ‘needs would include; food, water and shelter.   Cambridge defines needs as those things your must have for a satisfactory life.   The kicker? What is ‘satisfactory’.

In the world of Hollywooders, Politicians, and CEO’s – satisfactory would include planes, trains, yachts, horses, farms, mansions, cars, etc…

The other twisty in the Communist Manifesto is ‘abilities’.   In a communist world would an NFL player’s abilities qualify for his multi-million dollar ‘needs’?   Bill Ayers, a communist, has a net worth between $5 million and $9 million.   Is that the base point for every commoner?     Angela Davis?   Her net worth is estimated to be between $8 million and $250 million – give or take….   Maybe that’s the base point everyone’s ability and needs should be based on – $$$$$$$$$millions.

What luxuries has Davis consumed while depriving the masses of needs?

As far as I can tell there are zero countries in the world that follow a purely capitalist ideology.   Yet the disparity of income grows ever larger under this hybrid mechanism that is part Capitalist, part Marxist, and part Communist.   Eliminating the capitalist portion of the equation will NOT create utopia.   But it just might hasten the Second Great Purge of 7 billion in order to leave earth to the likes of John Kerry’s capitalist fortune . The same liberal, communist John Kerry who announced that he is one of the few chosen select human beings achieving extraterrestrial good for all us minion earthlings…

CHINA: Global Communism Is The Show – via Jinping? Or McKinsey & Co?

CHINA is moving heavily into South America now that the last refuge of democracy has fallen – Brazil.   Having invested heavily in Latin America and South America for over a decade, Communism is now the dominant structure. True to form, the Brazilian president Lula has already established a gulag for the Bolsonaro loyalists – calling them Terrorists. This takeover a mirror image of the US 2020 election down to the federal forces instigating chaos at the Capitol!

China has created dozens of ‘police stations’ in major cities across the globe including New York and London. The stage is set. And the CCP is working in conjunction with the US government, The Open Society and BIS.   Communism is the end game that has enveloped the US, Canada, South America, Africa, the EU, Australia, and Japan.   The holdouts?   Russia, Serbia, Hungary, and Belarus.

While Reagan helped lift the Soviet Union out of their terror of Communism, he failed to recognize the larger threat – China.

China claims their police stations are merely shop & go facilities to help Chinese obtain their driver’s licenses… and such, the obvious explanation is that we are now surrounded. The CCP is monitoring American social media for the FBI and CIA to determine who is eligible for gulag detention – permanently.

Angela Merkel is clapping in delight! Klaus Schwab is high fiving Jinping, and Blinken grins ear to ear – success! When the FBI was asked whether it was considering shuttering the CCP police stations, they claimed ignorance at first, and since have declared they are ‘looking into it’. Maybe they’ll form a ‘Committee’!

Enter The Carter Center.

The Carter Center lauds its election work in China. Advocating for ever closer ties with the CCP – The Carter Center works with funding from Ford Foundation, US-China Business Council, JP Morgan Chase, Open Society, Bill & Melinda Gates, Skoll Foundation, and Hersey family Foundation.

The same Carter Center is now tasked with reviewing the Arizona election fraud.   Which will produce nothing.

Their Website States:   “The Carter Center is a not-for-profit, nongovernmental organization that has helped to improve life for people in more than 80 countries by resolving conflicts; advancing democracy, human rights, and economic opportunity; preventing diseases; and improving mental health care.”

REALITY: The Carter Center is central to the deviant election processes in over 38 countries. In 2006, the Center published a report about its strategic partnership with the Open Society. While the guise continues to be open democracy and the elimination of corruption – the allusion itself has been opened and the Red Curtain pulled back revealing the Wizard is just a fat pudgy man blowing smoke – and Communism is the goal.

Representative Democracy is the means through which citizens elect their representatives to fulfill their Constitutional duties.   However, when the election process itself is a communist collaboration of fraud, corruption and deception, the entire process that we believed was in place – is, has been, usurped.  For how long is no longer a matter of urgency.  The Urgency is that we are clearly a Communist America.

America’ was the global election moderator.   Now we are made aware that America is the global election coup determinant.   And nearly every president and prime minister, every Congress is a pool of cowards bought by the CCP.

The only worthy question left is does Xi Jinping rule China – or does McKinsey & Co?

While Soros has been vocal for the past three years regarding his desire to topple Jinping and take control of China, it is unclear if that has occurred and Jinping is now nothing more than a Brandon Puppet.   Who owns whom?

Given the depletion of oil and gas reserves across Europe and the US, China has bought everything that Russia can produce leaving them oil flush!   Speaking at Davos, Jinping has continually stated his belief that the world must embrace economic globalization and partnership.   But the WEF is not about economics, it is about a New World Order that redefines who is entitled to what based on the decision of the Order King.

Human Rights are nonexistent in such a vision. But the terminology is continually used to soften the reality. That reality would be more akin to Mao’s China wherein 80+ million were killed or starved over a 4 year period.   Famine was the primary means.

The famine was instituted via Mao’s Great Leap Forward.   The reeducation of the peasant class to embrace Marxism was supposed to honor and exemplify the Soviet Union partnership.   The crux of the famine was Mao’s decision to ‘change farming policy and prohibit private ownership of farms’.   Leaders were the overlords of communes. The Peasants were the worker bees.   But all food production was sent out of the communes to a central division overlorded by Mao – leaving the peasant farmers without ANY food.

Basically, the same scenario is being implemented in the US under the auspices of massive regulatory control is reducing food inventories and even future inventories by destroying birds and animals under the pretense of avian flu and sudden death syndrome among cattle. Remember this past summer when 10,000 cattle mysteriously died simultaneously on one ranch?

Avian flu is a farcical government agenda to eliminate eggs and chickens from production.   The “Flu” is determined by sending a few government ‘experts’ to duck sanctuaries around the US and evaluate if the duck count is lower than the previous year.   Not by an actual ‘count’ but by an eyewitness estimate.   IF this ‘expert’ says the count is lower – all chickens and turkeys within a significant radius of the sanctuary are culled.   No farmer may contest the FDA demand.

Our representative Government was supposed to do the Will of The People. Instead it became a blackmailed faction of the CCP with one dangling carrot – money.   And Like Humpty Dumpty America can’t be put back together again…   UNLESS!

The Protocols of the Communist Manifesto For Deliverance of the Western Empire

American Thinker blogger was writing about a Twitter account that was denigrating Capitalist Christians for not addressing homelessness.   While the author of the blog pointed out the obvious hypocrisies;   the denigrator claimed to be a Christian, claimed his Christian beliefs are better than capitalist Christians, all while diligently promoting the sale of his book for capitalist means.   He regales himself as superior to all other idiot Christians = a very immature man deluded by his own greed.  The writer was highlighted by Sojourner, Christianity Today, Red Letter Christians and Religion News Service.

Sojourner: created as a ‘movement’ and designed to attract young people, its sources of revenue include: Soros, Ford foundation, Tides Foundation, Wallace Global Fund, and Streisand Foundation.  Their design is to replace traditional Christianity with a New World model likely choreographed by the WEF.   Inclusivity, sustainability,  equity, wealth redistribution, and empowering women feminists would be their target goal.

Founded in mid seventies by self proclaimed ‘Reverend Wallis’ – the entire purpose of this nonChristian anti-God organization is once again – political activism.   Promoting their convoluted nonBiblical opinions advocating for sustainable Development, Green everything, and abortion – they specifically target YOUTH.   The Hitler model.

Red Letter Christians: founded by Wallis and Campolo, the organization declares itself to be a progressive far left liberal agenda of ‘activism’.   Campolo was Bill Clinton’s ‘spiritual advisor’, and Wallis was Obama’s ‘spiritual advisor’.   They hold protests against Trump, promote abortions, promote The Green Deal, climate change, and give speeches at Davos TED talks.   Neither of the founders are church leaders, pastors or ministers, they simply declare they are theologians while working primarily as political activists…

Cutting to the chaise, the purpose is to divide Christians by claiming their socialist activism is Biblical while reeling in massive capitalist profits.   The Wallace Global Fund donated $27+million in grants an/or contributions on investment income of $11million per their last 990 in 2020, while sitting on assets of over $135million.  Those contributions are actually circular payments to Tides Foundation, Rockefeller Advisers, Brennan Foundation, New Venture Fund – an offshoot of the MacArthur foundation, Neo Philanthropy Fund – also a MacArthur offshoot, and a hodge-podge of other movements.

Once again the circular money laundering schematic used by these fake charities is all about ‘tax-free’ investments.  For the advancement of personal wealth.

The guise on the unsuspecting youth is that they are groomed into believing they are doing something of value.   Whether it be mitigating pollution, or cleaning our environment, the Cultists prey on the idealism that is inherent in most young people (I was such a person!).   This is a type of ‘grooming’ because ultimately, many of these organizations actually do little to nothing.  b They advance websites, promotions, causes, while expending their donations on wages, pensions, and lavish events.  Their preys, young people who volunteer their time, are worked under catastrophic authoritarianism and just want to make a difference.

They are easily malleable – like clay.  While the media portrays this entire generation as the misfits and antagonistic anarchists destroying our cities.  “Most” of whom are unemployed blacks.

In the realm of the WEF and its cult, Christianity is considered a problem.   The values and morays are viewed as extreme when attempting to eliminate what has been our rock.   The chaos in cities is the result of social engineering or the polar extremes of Christianity – perhaps so as to proffer a peace accord.   (Like the Ukraine Peace Deal offered Putin – a bizarrely ridiculous EFF-U!)     The CULT will agree to rein in the extreme civil disobedience and sexual manifestations, and in turn Pan Christianity will be adopted.

In the conversion of western nations to Communism, the Protocols are clearly defined:   control education, healthcare, media, food supply, military, and money while abolishing religion.   Of those, abolishing religion has proven our stronghold.   So they devised a different approach – replace traditional religions with irreverent institutions disguised as churches.

Education fell to the hybrids, polluting minds and reveling in a downward shift of IQ’s.

Healthcare became Obama’s brainchild.  Dubbed Affordable – rates immediately rose exponentially!   Since its advent insurance rates have tripled, deductibles have risen 1500%, and the cost for care has risen 500%.  Affordable?  Nah.  But that was The Point.

We are being told our food supply will diminish massively in 2023, our military is so perverse our soldiers are now recruited from mental institutions, and our media has been revealed to be co-opted by the FBI, NSA, and CIA.   Money will be replaced by social credit grades – and religion is in a downward spiral of pedophilia, fraud, greed, and authoritarianism.

Pope Francis was said to be a construct of Hillary Clinton. A Jesuit, Francis altered Biblical tradition, cavorted with nuns, gave little to Charity, gave sacrament to those favoring abortion, and lived a life of greed, wealth, and consumption.   While ‘crowned’ Pope after the surprising resignation of Pope Benedict due to health concerns that seem to have manifested 10 years later, Francis is Deep State.

The construct of The Sojourners was built on the same premise as The Pope;   ridding the west of evangelical religion was highly improbable, however, replacing evangelicals with a syrupy version built on false teachings and mega-churches was possible. And the stronghold of the church began to fade. Albeit with the help of media propaganda and radicalization of Youth.

We are to blame.   We have been warned for over a century.   The Protocols of Zion are the Communist Manifesto.   McCarthy.   JFK.   Bobby Kennedy.   Hawaii Senator Inouye, etc… saw inside the US Capitol and warned The People.   Soros used election fraud to insert communist judges, councilmen and women, DA’s, teachers, superintendents, Hospital Directors, and our heads of Military, and all intelligence agencies.   The backbones of government –

In essence, Pope Francis was instituted via ‘election fraud’.   And now we suddenly awaken to an alternate world while blaming everyone – but ourselves. As soon as we come off the High Horse of arrogance, then and only then can we fight this COUP.   But there is a caveat.   We won’t Win unless we embrace and humble ourselves to God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit.   

Because – just as the Fall of the Roman Empire was outside of God’s Grace, our Fall will be too, without the sword of God to slay Satan.

COMMUNISM: “He Who Is Not With Me – Is Against Me”!

The Distraction – Russia/Ukraine.   The Reality – 1.   Colombia which is 80% to 90% Catholic or Evangelical elected a Communist President in 2022 – Gustavo Petro a former guerilla won by 50.44%     – The .44 gave the green communist a plurality.   He was NOT well received by the military.   Petro is the first left wing to ever be declared an election win in Colombia which he attained thru the divine ‘support of Anthony Blinken.

Reality – 2:   Argentina is between 73% and 80% Catholic or Evangelical.   In 2019 they elected a Communist President, Fernandez.   Despite being a Communist, Fernandez was embraced by Pope Francis and appeared with Joe and Jill Biden at the Summit of Americas.

Reality – 3:   Chile is … roughly 80% Catholic or Evangelical yet they elected Gabriel Boric as President in 2022 – a Communist.   He was a member of the Communist Youth of Chile while at University and was considered a revolutionary.   His mentor would appear to be – Justin Trudeau.   Running south in his primary election he was 2% points behind. He went on to win by 11%. Voter turnout in Chile dropped from 80% to just 50%.   Over 1 million voters were ‘unregistered’.

Reality – 4: In 2021, Peru ‘elected’ – Pedro Castillo.   He has since faced 2 impeachments that have resulted in massive protests.   He was considered a far-left terrorist in his youth. Although trailing significantly during his campaign, he was supported by the far left Banking Cartel – RBC.     He waffles between Communism and denying Communism… despite being a Catholic.

South America has FALLEN.

In other words, in less than 3 Years ALL of South America, a Continent embedded in Christianity and Catholicism, decided to be Communist.   Under the tutelage of US Blinken, Pope Francis, and Canada’s Trudeau.

We are NOT fighting fascism or Socialism or even Naziism – We Are Communist!   NOT of or for The People, but Of and For The Government.

While Brazil’s Bolsonaro is boldly attempting to fight the globalist takeover – he subjects himself to the very real threat of assassination.   And ALL these corrupted elections went under the global radar as we instead were told to focus on Ukraine and a post Bolshevik Communist – Russia.

While Jesuit Pope Francis gives his Blessing to All Communists.

This would indicate that the Russian offensive against the Ukraine Nazi’s is really a battle against the communist agenda that turned the Empire of Russia into a beleaguered, desolate, dystopia of Communism. With the approval of post thereafter The Vatican – after the Assassination of the Tzar, his 5 daughters, and wife.

The US and EU and every member of the WEF are onboard this global transformation into Totalitarian Rule. Initiated by the remnants of German/Austrian Communist Bolsheviks and likely based in The Netherlands, Home of BIS,

Despite the outcome being Communism – China would appear to be on the fence. Why?   Because in their playbook, they rule.   In the Globalist Playbook, every Leader is a Pawn of the BIS organizational chart. Comply – or Die.  They want Jinping – to die.  He doesn’t.

Africa – is Communist.   They play by the rulebook of Bribery.  

Brazil’s Bolsonaro is thus pivotal for all of South America in that he is utilizing the military resource to deter and fight the Communist Takeover by the US coup detractor, Lula. Lula has thus been invited to the US for a tete-a-tete with Blinken in how to defeat the uprising.   Likely – the advice will revolve around further cheating, assassination and arrest suppressions.   Just like the US!

Soros always declared that the two countries most likely to fight his Communist Regime would be Russia and the US.   Once these countries were fully infiltrated and suppressed, the remaining holdouts would cave …   meaning Brazil, India, South Africa, South America  and China.   Allowing the aforementioned countries to be completely obliterated of freedom.

Thus – The Globalist Regime would take power.

What does that Power entail?   Certainly depopulation. Certainly AI subjugation of Humans.   Certainly a dystopian utopia built on AI. In other words – you will be an Ant and will be Happy… IF you survive the Holocaust of Humanity.

I am inundated with messages by self presumed Biblical Scholars who advise that we make our death with Christ now.   Cave.   Become inanimate objects.   And hope we are whisked away to Heaven.   A John Piper phenomena of “GIVING UP”.

I disagree.

End Times have been dispensed throughout history hundreds of times!   Including most recently WWII.   It did NOT come to pass, but it did inartfully hurt the hearts and minds of millions who simply GAVE UP!

GIVING UP – is nowhere in the Bible.   Tucking your head between your arse and your arse – is NOT mentioned – in the Bible.     Allowing your children and family and friends to accept death as a result of Satan – is NOT advised in the Bible.   These people are the Wolves and Hyenas!   In other words, John Piper is to Christians what Pope Francis is to Catholics – A Great Deceiver!

They betray Christians just as Pope Francis betrays Catholics.   DO NOT BE DECEIVED.   Trump, Orban, Bolsonaro, Putin come from varied and diverse backgrounds. We do NOT need to accept the backgrounds – but we DO NEED to accept the Goal.   They have put themselves into the death spiral of assassination in order to SAVE US!  

Don’t allow the wolves and hyenas to infiltrate what you know in your heart.   “HE who is not with me – Is Against Me!”