Communist Ideology: Stalin’s Great Purge = Schwab’s Great RESET

In 1953, Harvard was called The Kremlin on the Charles.   McCarthy was large and in charge in his bid to rid the US of its Communists.   But it wasn’t just Harvard, Cambridge, Yale and nearly all-elite schools were being indoctrinated into communism by the faculty and their Presidents.   Instead of aiding in whittling out the Reds, Harvard chose to elect a new President, Nathan Pusey, who had an acrimonious relationship with McCarthy.  

While fearing the Communists, academics felt that government interference to weed out the subversives was a lethal weapon.   So the Communists were protected.   And flourished.   Today these elite schools no longer pretend they are anything but Marxist Communist institutions.   The ideology that Harvard and it’s ilk proffer is;  Marxism is good because Capitalism is bad.

In 1935, Joseph Stalin announced that he would allow Communists around the globe to ally with liberals and non-communist leftists in an anti-fascist coalition.    It became the Communists vs the Fascists.   Mussolini came to power.   Hitler came to power.   Disillusioned with Capitalism following the hardships of the Depression, communism was considered the lesser of two evils.

These developments swelled the membership of the US Communist Party from some 7,500 at the start of the decade to an estimated 55,000 by its end. It was also during this same time period, 1930 – 1953, that Stalin was executing millions of citizens.   The Great Purge was Stalin’s means of eliminating anyone whose views were contrary to his.   Those he didn’t execute were sent to the Gulag labor camps – and starved.

This concept of a Great Purge is now being called The Great RESET.

One of these Communists was Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground.   It is believed he is the ghost author of Obama’s books. Others came to the US to escape the Soviet Union communism, others came from Germany to escape Hitler.   They became the ‘unionists’, the liberal Jews, many became writers and journalists, others went to Hollywood. There was also a spattering of black communists who were actively proclaiming their denouncement of white supremacy.

One such black man accused by the FBI was Martin Luther King, Jr.   In a letter, King wrote to Coretta Scott, he stated,   “I am much more socialistic in my economic theory than capitalistic, capitalism has outlived its usefulness.”

Many of those who support Communism do so because they believe capitalism is wholly responsible for the wealth disparity.   Citing capitalism as materialism, taking necessities from the commoners in order to give luxuries to the elite is the strategy.

But what is Communism?   Is it purging those who are deemed dissenters?   Is it simplistic power central to One?   Oxford Dictionary defines communism as:   “a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.”

This would be the exact wording proffered by AOC, Schumer, Pelosi, Schulz, every member of the very Liberal Party today. The kicker?   What is the definition of ‘needs’?   At it’s most basic level, ‘needs would include; food, water and shelter.   Cambridge defines needs as those things your must have for a satisfactory life.   The kicker? What is ‘satisfactory’.

In the world of Hollywooders, Politicians, and CEO’s – satisfactory would include planes, trains, yachts, horses, farms, mansions, cars, etc…

The other twisty in the Communist Manifesto is ‘abilities’.   In a communist world would an NFL player’s abilities qualify for his multi-million dollar ‘needs’?   Bill Ayers, a communist, has a net worth between $5 million and $9 million.   Is that the base point for every commoner?     Angela Davis?   Her net worth is estimated to be between $8 million and $250 million – give or take….   Maybe that’s the base point everyone’s ability and needs should be based on – $$$$$$$$$millions.

What luxuries has Davis consumed while depriving the masses of needs?

As far as I can tell there are zero countries in the world that follow a purely capitalist ideology.   Yet the disparity of income grows ever larger under this hybrid mechanism that is part Capitalist, part Marxist, and part Communist.   Eliminating the capitalist portion of the equation will NOT create utopia.   But it just might hasten the Second Great Purge of 7 billion in order to leave earth to the likes of John Kerry’s capitalist fortune . The same liberal, communist John Kerry who announced that he is one of the few chosen select human beings achieving extraterrestrial good for all us minion earthlings…

Black Lives – “Burn Everything Down”!

With Hillary lagging in the Polls behind Sanders, spending most of her media time defending herself against a boatload of accusations, where is Soros? Given he is her preeminent backer, what happens if she continues her downward spiral? Will Soros shift his weight?

Actually, he hasn’t given up – yet. In fact, the nouveau organization, Black Lives Matter, is working in front of the camera that is operated by Soros behind the scenes. Taking Sanders off stage at events, the organization is literally stealing the mike and the stage to support their own agenda. Stealing, because they didn’t pay for the event. And while they state on their website that they are not politically motivated… they are funded by George and Alexander Soros, Beyonce and Jay Z – very political headaches.

Given that they are NOT political, it is interesting that they have garnered the support of the White House when they only began as a slogan just 2 years ago. Quite a hefty rise to fame in such a short period of time – for a non-political organization…

What have they accomplished? Well, they like to send incendiaries to spike protests across the nation and help to create chaos and anger wherever they descend. At a recent takeover of a conference in Phoenix in July, the head of Black Lives Matter shouted, “Burn everything down”!

Personally, I don’t see how this attitude will make people think you aren’t anything but radical, tyrannical, terrorizing and brutal. Not exactly the impression that espouses your agenda… just sayin’ –

Who else is funding the Black Lives organization? A company called Resource Generation who state as their goal the coming together of young activists and young money for the purpose of making social change. But if they are not political, why do they continually target political events? Bernie Sanders, O’Malley and Jeb Bush were the most recent. Hillary was left unscathed as she met briefly with a few members ‘after’ her own rally had concluded. An obvious setup.

Their tactics are disruption, not exactly filled with solutions or ideas or much of anything with substance. But the tactics are similar to the chaos that Soros continues to infuse as a means of dismembering a country. And interestingly, these tactics are supported by the Soros blog, Think Progress.

What do they want?

They want police reform – but they also seem to want a public affirmation of the police brutality toward blacks and a formal apology that they were targeted.

This would, of course, completely alienate the police force, sheriffs offices, and all other agencies tasked with defending US citizens. Are their rogue police? Definitely. So what would police reform look like? Because stepping back, as they did in Baltimore, did not keep the homicide rate among black on black populations down, in fact it rose unprecedentedly.

The demands listed on their website state: 1) the arrest of Darren Wilson for the murder of Michael Brown, 2) redress of systemic pattern of racial discrimination… 3) demilitarization of law enforcement 4) the release of the names of ALL officers involved in shootings of blacks for the past five years and 5) a decrease in law enforcement spending with the funds redirected to the Federal departments of employment, housing and education.


  1. won’t happen
  2. wording on website is too convoluted to say anything
  3. possible – many organizations working tirelessly on this – without burning down everything
  4. not possible – vengeance, retribution, and putting lives at risk
  5. well we saw what happened in Baltimore – an escalation of black on black murders…

If you want to use the civil rights movement of Martin Luther King Jr. as an example of what Black Lives Matter is attempting to do today there are some rather definitive differences:

  1. he was highly educated – a PhD
  2. civil rights movement was about ‘non-violent protest’
  3. King reflected, “Since being in India, I am more convinced than ever before that the method of nonviolent resistance is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for justice and human dignity”
  4. An ardent follower of Ghandi, King stated that, “He struggled only with the weapons of truth, soul force, non-injury and courage.”

Vengeance begets vengeance begets a cycle that has no gold ring, no end. While there is a definite problem with crime in the US, (murder rate 15k to 16k per year) be careful what you ask for, because what a non-police city looks like is two cents away from Martial Law.