Psychotic Aggression among Blacks Linked to Prescrtiption Drugs

Reel after reel of blacks going into stores, cafes, restaurants, retail outlets, etc.. having what can only be termed a psychotic aggressive attack have increased dramatically of recent years.  The Twitter/X mantra that is always queried is,  “What is wrong with these people”? 

While Marijuana is the most widely used drug, among the black population, the second most widely used class of drugs include Pyschotheraputic drugs.   One of the most common side effects of psychotic anti-depressants is aggression.  

In a study published in the December 15, 2010, researchers used 2004 to 2009 data from the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System. They found that during the study period, 780,169 serious adverse events of one kind or another had been reported for 484 drugs.  A further study by NIH in 2023 found antipsychotic medication was linked to aggressive behavior.

But those are NOT the only drugs causing aggressive behavior.  Steroids, cocaine, amphetamines, opiates and hallucinogens also have been found to cause aggressive behavior issues.

When analyzing the mass murders in the US, upwards of 90% were on psychotropic drugs.   So why isn’t Big Pharma held accountable?

Because drugs interact within different races – differently!   Pharma drug trials rarely use different ethnicities and when they do they are disproportionately represented.  In addition, the common gender is male.  Genetic and molecular differences are not advanced and thus the reactions and adverse events are withheld.  And no one wants to risk the wrath of the Pharma Industry in speaking the truth.

The question is again, WHY?

Likely because the reactions will skew their efficacy rates, cause delays, and require additional testing and reporting.= which equals $$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Between 2018 and 2022, the dispensing of psychotropic drugs declined.  However, immediately thereafter use rose significantly outpacing pre-Covid.  During CoVid, patients diagnosed with anxiety, depression, PTSD and mental illness were the primary burden during the Pandemic.  However, psychiatric illness following CoVid and the Jab, rose significantly creating a burden on hospitals that couldn’t support the illness.   Most patients were thus ‘sedated’.

How does the US deal with mental illness?

It sets privacy standards and protects the rights of the those afflicted with mental illness…   NIH claims 20% of US adults have mental illness.   Physicians prescribe medications – to manage symptoms – few submit to therapy, and more abuse the prescriptions.   What is NOT done is to directly discover the ‘cause’.   In fact, when researching a plethora of illnesses, the medical community will respond that they have no idea what CAUSES most illnesses – so they release guesses and administer drugs that CAUSE suicide, aggressive behavior syndrome, weight gain, anxiety and depression.

As one young lady noted having been locked up in a mental health facility,  “I have been here one month, I wasn’t crazy when I got here but I am NOW”.  These ‘facilities’ are reminiscent of Jack Nickolson’s movie, One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest.   Treatment is to drug the patient beyond their ability to think at all.  But the White House tells us to embrace them in society.

There are a multitude of other conspirators working to destroy the human mind.   The FDA approves Flouride.  The side effects of excess fluoride include;  teeth discoloration, tooth decay, high blood pressure, acne, seizures, neurological problems, bone disease, etc…  Aluminum cans leach toxic aluminum into their products which builds in the body over time.  Medical experts for years determined this toxicity was nonexistent.  In 2021, a new study showed that aluminum causes brain damage linking the toxicity to Alzheimers and Dementia.  Researchers found aluminum in the brains of people with these disorders.  But don’t worry, aluminum cans are ‘sustainable’.  So the planet will be saved…

The list of toxins we consume on a daily basis that interferes with our immunity is nearly endless;   nitrates, preservatives, bug flour, sugar, salt, fertilizers, dyes, dioxides, vegetable oil, MSG, gluten, preservatives, BPA, artificial fragrances, etc…  Taken singularly, one ingredient can cause damage, but given these chemicals are en mass creates a cocktail that can alter the genetic composition of cells.  Thus we reach out to Pharma to cure us.  Only to be told by Pharma’s physicians they have no idea what caused the disease…

Hitler was on a cocktail of drugs during WWII.   That didn’t end well.

This Pharma indoctrination is paralleled in vaccines.   The trials do not represent various ethnicities or gender disparities.   They are never tested in combination with other vaccines or prescription drugs – and it is only AFTER patients become more sick, that a link is considered and ‘noted’.   But the vaccines remain the same.

How safe is your water?

Chlorine and Chloramine are common ingredients in tap water.   But a host of chemicals are added for ‘purification’.  Reports by local water companies can be accessed online.   Bottled water is not necessarily any different given that many companies get their bottle water from taps – and then fill plastic bottles that leach more chemicals into the now untenably corrosive water.  A profit cycle.

The list of companies selling you tap water in a bottle include:  Nestle, Dasani, Lifewtr, Niagra, Kirkland, Propel, Essentia, Coke, Pepsi, etc…   In fact 64% of all bottled water is just tap water with a pricetag.  Global sales are roughly $2.6 billion per year.  Business is expanding at a rate of 11% per year with promotional propaganda advertising it as “Healthy Water” using plastic made from fossil fuels…

You know those dang fossil fuels that we need to phase to zero….   While extracting carbon from the air to reduce emissions thereby killing animals, fish, marine wildlife, trees, plants – and ultimately all Humans.

Congress/Doctors/Cities – High On Psychotic Drugs Including Ketamine

The EU’s Von der Leyen has declared that instead of ‘freezing’ Russia’s assets, they were going to SEIZE them.  While the legality under International Law would not normally support any such matter, they are silent because the International Justice System and Community have cracked – and their INSANITY opens up the gory wounds for all to see…

Failing in their determination to take control of Russia, the Gamet is in the hands of psychotic psychopaths.   Despite attempts to calm and defray issues, it has only seemingly caused their hideous delirium to intensify.   Zelenskyy has no problem putting the entire population of Ukraine in graves.   Pathological liars are a breed.   Perhaps even a species.

The psyches ruling all western countries could care less if civilization is destroyed.   Suffering is a mandate.  

Shootings throughout the US have escalated exponentially.   Crime has no consequence.   Even murderers are set free.   And The People continue to believe and hope that somehow our police and security apparatus will intervene and save us from these monsters.   We hold onto our sanity by not giving into their insanity.   Knowing in our hearts that their psychosis is NOT fixable.   It is likely heightened by a concoction of pills they are ordered to take daily.  

Ketamine is such a drug known to cause hallucinations, disassociation, and cognitive or thinking deficits.   According to the FDA, its use is approved only as an anesthetic during surgery.   ALL off label uses are illegal and yet doctors prescribe it regularly.   It is linked to date rape.   It is a street drug.   Its overuse has become a world wide health problem.

And instead of discussing these hazards – our medical community at large wants it legalized.

The Economist has stated that very soon – Ketamine, Ecstasy and Psilosybin will occupy everyone’s ‘medicine cabinet’.    Inducing complete insanity and chaotic psychosis worldwide.   The Economist calls this psychotic delirium as ‘expanding minds to heal brains’.

When used in date rape, Ketamine can make your victim immobile but fully aware that she is being raped.   This lends to the high the rapist feels because fear is his adrenaline rush.

Law.   Order.   Opioid addiction.   School shootings.   Being High.   The intoxication of fear.   A state of PCP wherein you are invincible!   Just like Von der Leyen.   And likely countless others ruling across the globe. They seem immune to death or emotion.   Nuclear War appeals to them.   As long as they WIN.

Inducing fear – a Pandemic.   Inducing fear – WWIII mongering.   Inducing fear – cities turned into Crime Havens.   Inducing fear – to attack children… who will forever bear the scars.

How is it that doctors are prescribing ketamine without FDA approval?   Because there are no consequences. Doctors have become part of the psychosis.   The same doctors that murdered thousands upon thousands with their ventilators and Remdesivir WITHOUT consent.   They got paid.   And fall into their drug addictions sto numb away that they became murderers.

Estimates detail that 10%-15% of physicians have drug addictions – 17%-20% of nurses.   They have the opportunity – they have the means.   “Congress Can Act Now To Reduce Drug Costs”.   Why?   Because they are addicts.   They are held together with drug concoctions that have debilitating side effects – including – psychosis.

Historically, Hitler’s manic descent into insanity is believed to be the result of ever increasing concoctions of drugs.   Hitler was stoked on cocaine, opioids, and steroids.   WWII Nazi’s were blitzed on Meth.   LSD was used as a therapeutic in the 1950’s on many in Hollywood – including Cary Grant.   It is highly likely that Meth is predominant among mercenaries.

Congress is mute about their usage, and instead wants a reduction of price – to accommodate their vast addictions.   They justify their addictions because the prescriptions come from ‘doctors’ people we have been told to trust without censorship.  

The drug marketing is evident in our current dissociative, dementia riddled president unelect.   It is relevant in the fact that after 50 years of War On Drugs – it has become exponentially Greater!   According to Columbia, there is and never was a US war on drugs – in reality the market has increased significantly.   Money knows Addiction.  And the phrase was delivered to create an illusion.

Amber Heard and Johnny Depp’s trial revealed the extent of their illegal drug fueled assaults…   yet they were never prosecuted for this…

Because there is NO WAR ON DRUGS. There is only a War on The Drug Profits.  

Congress is complicit. The EU is Complicit.   And Von der Leyen is likely a victim of her own ambivalence and disassociation psychosis.

The vast majority of school shootings are instituted by persons under the age of 21 who have behavioral issues and drug associations.   And yet – the ‘government’ focuses on guns as the ghost perpetrator.   Failing to address the cause – is Science after all.   Instead, they focus on the means – knives and guns.   And call it Science.   While our medical professionals remain for the most part – mute.

This Muteness causes them anxiety which fuels their own drug addictions and decadence into a murderous cycle of some bizarre justification.

And NOW we have the ever prolific crystal ball predictor, The Economist, projecting that these same psychotic drugs will soon be in everyone’s medicine cabinets to “heal the brain”.   Because in reality, the brain can not absorb the reality of murder without drugs to alleviate and dispel – reality.   And the War in Ukraine is about the annihilation of PEOPLE.


Fentanyl is now the #1 cause of death among those aged between 18 and 45!   What is the Federal Government doing to mitigate this otherwise manageable catastrophe?   Nothing.   In fact the Bull in the China Shop IS the federal government. Fentanyl is smuggled from China to Mexico and then funneled through our ‘open border’.   Other means include disguising the drug as a simple opioid pill that is then distributed to unsuspecting teens.   The spike began in 2013 and has now reached a measure of 150-300 people dying daily in the US from the drug.

Lockdowns, depression, loss of loved ones during the  ‘pandemic emergency’ heightened the crisis dramatically.

March 2022, the WH allocated billions in funding to mental health agencies because, “Individuals do not choose to abuse drugs and alcohol”.    Really?   So obviously the rational acumen believes that every street and party drug user voluntarily will submit their life and livelihood to a mental behavioral clinic because they really really hate their drug induced comatose memories.   NAH.

Numbers vary widely depending on the benefit of the statistic, but anywhere from 39% to 65% of Americans use drugs. In 2020 over 3 million Americans had an ‘opioid use disorder’. 67% of Americans are on prescription drugs which typically have a listed side effect of anxiety attacks, confusion, mental fog, and suicide.

ALL approved by the FDA and Big Pharma.

Mental health facilities charge $10,000-$60,000 per ‘Month’ for inpatient residency.   Sober living facilities run $10,000+ per month.   Their lockdown is severe with 8” thick steel doors, keycard access only, and the PRIMARY solution is – medication.   In fact, most residents are medicated into a comatose state.   And once the ubiquitous paper is ‘signed’ while you are medicated comatose, you have literally secured yourself to life imprisonment.

The most common drug given in Health Institutions for opioid use is Wellbutrin. The list of ‘common side effects’ include: anxiety, agitation, inability to concentrate, dream disorder, tremors, insomnia, dizziness, palpitations, nervousness, abdominal pain, etc…   Serious side effects include: Mental Mood changes, fainting, chest pain, uncontrolled movements, high blood pressure, seizures…etc.   Now who would volunteer for THAT?

Obviously a mental ‘health’ institution could never release a person who exhibited any of these symptoms.  Which is the POINT when you are charging FREAKING $60,000 a month!

Health Secretary, Becerra, is quite enthusiastic over Biden’s newest Executive Order allocating billions to his budget including changing the suicide hotline to a ten digit number!   WOW!   I’m sure all the adicts are paying attention when they get the “this number is no longer valid”…   In addition, the 190 day lifetime limit for your Medicare behavioral mental health institution is now – extended forever. Thus assuring a Medicare financial catastrophe.

Money within this historic funding also known as the ‘free crack pipes bill’ will allocate money to agencies and pools, and research and programs to review and make determinations as to whether today is really yesterday or if yesterday is tomorrow wherein it is better than it was… ie Kamaltoes disorder.

All these programs will have a Transition and Performance Fund attached requiring supervision and nepotism handouts… so that Pelosi can make sure she and her husband profit on the newest allocation.

The demographics of overdose victims is:   78% male, 50% Caucasian, 29% Hispanic and 26% Black, and 94% of deaths occur in California.   Large Metropolitan Cities account for nearly ALL statistics.   The same cities which have the highest crime rates, the highest anti-cop rates – the same cities run by democrat politicians, DA’s and AG’s.   The same cities which let murderers free without bond.   Three countries account for nearly 60% of global use: Germany, the US and UK .

This is NOT an accident, or a natural event.   This is cultivated purposefully.

In the 1950’s half a million persons were confined to ‘state mental institutions’.   The disorder could be as simple as menstrual depression … and lobotomy was the recommended  cure all!  How’d that go????

Historically, psychiatry is traced to ancient India 300 BC wherein ‘curing mental illness’ was adopted. But it was Germany and London that brought us ‘lunatic asylums’ wherein cure was no longer a methodology of science.   It wasn’t until the 19th century that psychiatry labeled the interned as ‘pauper lunatics’ in London. And suddenly, ‘psychiatry of lunacy’ became a prominent medical endeavor wherein millions of persons were so categorized. Imprisoned. Eradicated.   During the 1900’s as Rockefeller saw the profit of Big Pharma and Vaxes, psychiatry also gained traction.   Of course, the curative was always referred back to Big Pharma – a circular event of $$$$$$$$$$$.

Today, most within this field have no intention of curing any more than Big Pharma intends to cure anything of value.   Causing psychiatric dysfunction leads to medicating – psychiatric dysfunction – leads to Big Pharma.   With colleges being the current target of all these progenitors of death.

Technically, psychiatry has as much value as global warming Co2 scientists.

Often, war induced ptsd is targeted as a justification for psychiatric dimwits.   If that were so, why is it that veteran suicide rates continue to rise exponentially?   Because – psychiatrists are bogus snake oil salesmen prescribing suicidal medications instead of actual – THERAPY!

Veterans of War are the single most subjects of PTSD and have been since war began.   Talk therapy emerged sometime after the Vietnam War and only seemed to exasperate the issue – at the behest of psychiatric illusion.   Talking about trauma did NOT deter or help of remediate ANYTHING.   In fact it exasperated EVERYTHING.   Reliving your nightmare daily, hourly – was supposedly ‘therapy’.

While distracting thoughts from the horrors was suddenly snake oil science.   Quackery!   ALL pronounced by the requisite Rockefeller Pharma Money Machine.   True curatives such as horse therapy, working a ranch therapy, redefining therapy that involved nature and work and a redefining of soul – these curatives were maligned.

This same psychiatric model is pronounced in the Fentanyl chaos – drug them to get them off drugs…   And today we witness the effects.   Suicides have risen exponentially.   Drug addictions have risen – exponentially.   Crime induced by prescription addictions has risen – exponentially.   And $Trillions of research and studies and programs and committees have resulted in nothing more than a Gluttonous Government.

Ridding the Globe of The Weak – is the Mantra.   Veterans RISE!   Demand Your Rightful CARE.   Drug Addicts RISE!   Demand your LIFE.   DRUGS are NOT the Answer whether illicit or Prescription.   BUT – there is HOPE from nature from ranchers, from ranches, from work, from those willing to embrace The TRUTH.