Trump Video ReTweet = Hate Speech?

Jayda Fransen, the ‘acting deputy leader’ of Britain First is being tagged as racist, extremist, and instigating violence because:

1) she was part of a peaceful rally in central London following the Islamist terror attack on Westminster

2)   she entered a mosque and tried to hand out Bibles, which is being called by the media – an ‘invasion’

3)   she has carried a cross while walking through ‘predominantly Muslim communities’ which the UK and France claim don’t exist because saying so would be racist and hurt tourism.

4) she Tweeted actual video’s of a. muslims throwing a boy off a roof and then beating him to death on the ground, b. a Muslim smashing a statue of the Virgin Mary,   and c.   footage of a Muslim migrant beating up a Dutch boy on crutches.

And she is the ‘proverbial bad guy’, the incidents of violence aren’t even discussed.

Britain First is described as far right ultranationalist. The reasons given; anti-abortion, use of Christians to go into mosques, and their campaign for the preservation of traditional British culture.   Sounds extremist!

1) According to Muslims, there is no prohibition for a non-Muslim to enter a mosque, and in fact, many mosques offer tours which they call a form of ‘Dawah’. While they do say that the Quran prohibits non-Muslims from going to Meccah, there is no verse prohibiting entry to a mosque. Therefore, Britain First was not ‘invading’ anything!  Invasion:  the act of forcefully and aggressively entering as an enemy with an army for the purpose of conquering, possession and overrun.

FYI: CIA Director, Brennan, was somehow allowed the pilgrimage to Mecca despite claiming he never converted to Islam and despite the fact that Quran completely would have prohibited this…

2) Is it unlawful to walk in any neighborhood while carrying a cross? Do Muslims utilize public streets and sidewalks for mass prayer?   If a Jewish man walks in front of a Muslim wearing a Kippah (skull hat), is that considered racist and inciting hate?

One of the Britain First members who ran as a mayoral candidate turned his back when Sadiq Khan, London’s mayor, gave his victory speech. Is that hateful? Deserving of arrest?  NFL??

3) And when it was revealed that 1400 children had been sexually abused in Rotherham by Pakistani Muslims, Britain First protested holding a banner and demanding justice for victims.  Dastardly!

Another ‘violent’ means that the group has been cited for is the use of leaflets which it has distributed in cities for which they were charged for causing ‘religiously aggravated harassment’.

Why aren’t the abusers the bad guy?   Why is the abuse condoned, and the peaceful demand for justice considered extremist and racist? How completely upside down does our morality and ethics have to be in order to not see what is so plainly visible?

Apparently, despite the facts, ‘sources unnamed’ claim the group is openly militaristic and violent.   The UK has strict anti-hate laws that would seem to offer the exception of speech against – Trump. The UK Statute reads:

A person who uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening, abusive or insulting, is guilty of an offence if—

(a) they intends thereby to stir up racial hatred, or

(b) having regard to all the circumstances racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby.

It would appear that Christian leaflets and the Bible are thus considered threatening and insulting material. However, beating someone to death doesn’t deserve a nod.

This is not Saudi Arabia or Oman, this is London and the UK making these determinations, arrests, and controversial decisions that would seem discriminatory and racist. Leaflets, factual video’s, walking, and holding ideals such as anti-abortion.

For these actions, Labour MP Haigh has demanded that the group be labeled as a terrorist organization due to their values and violence.

At the same time, she Tweets from the police cadre that crime is up 33%, sex offenses against children up 34% and domestic abuse is up 44%. Offenses using knives up 28%, robbery up 37%. The UK government would have us believe that all these increases are due to ‘better reporting” not an actual increase in the act.   Really?   To exacerbate the problem, police funding is cut. Why? Well the annual cost to support immigrants is now over Euro 17 billion. How’s that workin’ for ya?

Indeed, no one is pursuing the Muslims in the video’s who actually killed, raped and tortured.  No one is commenting on the heinous crimes committed.  No one is showing sorrow for the beaten boy or the dead boy…

Trump made the dastardly error of retweeting the video’s in which Muslims beat, kill and deface. The fact that Britain First was where the retweet originated is really of no consequence. Here is just some of the hate speech UK politicians have used against our President: idiot, buffoon, wazzock, demagogue, homophobic, misogynistic, poisonous, corrosive…

Why I think all those UK politicians should be immediately thrown in jail for insulting and abusive words = hate speech… and FYI – the BBC and UK government have been posting jobs in which ‘white people’ are forbidden to apply. Isn’t that racist and discriminatory and inciting of hatred toward whites?

Pocahontas vs. Trump

A number of Twitterers are all atweet about a 1993 video that is making the rounds in which Trump argues with the Indian Affairs Committee about their discriminatory practice of giving unlimited gambling licenses to anyone claiming Native American tribal heritage, and most being exempt from taxation. If one looks at the various articles dating from that time frame, the consensus of the media was in agreement that this was an unfair, discriminatory practice that was being corrupted for fraudulent purposes by people claiming Native American heritage that was ‘questionable’.

Many Native American tribes are common, but today there are 572 federally recognized tribes in the US and hundreds more applications pending. Only half of those tribes are associated with reservations, and some tribes boast membership of just a couple hundred. Prior to 1970 when the Indian Affairs Committee was formed, over 20 states had zero Indian population whereas today that population magically now ‘exists’ and is privy to millions of dollars of subsidies and government entitlements.

For example the Ho-Chunk tribe claims membership of about 7000 Native Americans. They operate ‘SIX” casino’s, and own about 4600 acres of land – ‘in trust”, nontaxable.  Not privileged?  Not discriminatory?

The first Native American casino was established in Florida in the 1970’s by the Seminole Tribe and was recognized in a Supreme Court lawsuit in 1979 that stated the state had no jurisdiction to regulate the activities on a reservation. Nor could the state tax the profits.

The law states that Indians do not pay taxes on any revenue generated from land held in ‘trust’. In addition, given that ‘tribes’ act as separate and distinct governments, tax revenue is given to them, not the state or federal government. Therefore, when the gambling licenses became fodder, the enormous creed of corruption rose as well. As long as the ‘tribe’ is the licensee, the profits are not taxed.

Enter – mafia, cons, and frauds to manage ‘said property’.

Trump recognized this duplicity and took it to court. The number of ‘recognized Native America Tribes’ suddenly rose from a handful to nearly 600. Coincidence? Hardly.

It was this hypocrisy, this discrimination that Trump fought in the 1993 video that the left is going crazy about given his Pocahontas comment regarding the fake Native American – Elizabeth Warren. She, not Trump, corrupted and connived. She, not Trump manipulated and defrauded. And yet, the commentary would be about the ‘derogatory terminology’. Not the misappropriation of funds via false and misleading statements… aka, Elizabeth Warren.

In 2009, the revenue from Indian reservation gambling was estimated to be over $26.5 billion annually – not taxed. The actual number cannot be determined since it is non-reportable, but it is said to represent upwards of 43% of ALL gaming revenue in the US today!  I’d say that deserved a Congressional hearing!    Rather significant. But discussion – is not – politically correct, because the Native Americans are all, to this day, devout victims and we are all, to this day, perpetrators of the most vile. What seems to elude the perpetrator victimhood is that this would mean that every EU citizen is also responsible since our ancestry is predominantly from the EU. Oddly, despite this fact, Europeans instead chastise Americans as though this ancestry does not exist… they exclude themselves, although they are us according to genealogy and thus are the core perpetrators.

IN 1993, the year that Trump’s video was made, the New York Times was vocal about the heinous evolution of the gambling initiatives that were so discriminatory and hypocritical, stating in fact that Indian tribes that have taken advantage of the law have found it to be highly profitable.”

The NY Times goes on to delve into the discrepancy in attempting to determine if in fact a person or persons, or ‘tribe’ is in fact legitimate stating that records of identity are difficult if not incomplete, if not impossible to verify.

Which might explain why and how Warren was able to con her heritage, which was subsequently proven to be faked.

Why is it so important?

Because, the Federal government and the state governments have adopted rather largess subsidies and monetary awards for those who thus identify. And of course, no one would dare take advantage of those ‘awards’, ever…

FYI: Years ago while on a trek in Sante Fe with a girlfriend we bar hopped with a ‘Native American’ who confided that despite the fact that both his parents were well endowed physicians, making six figures each, because he was of the Native American percentage he was given; free college for eternity, free room and board, free monthly stipend, and more. When he decided one semester to take his ‘stipends’ and travel throughout Europe at our expense, once discovered, his wrists were slapped and he was told, “no, no, no, don’t do that again…” and put back into college for his 8-10th year.

IS THIS A PROBLEM? Yes. Is it a politically correct topic? Apparently NO.

What the 1993 video reveals is a failed government agenda that attempted to right a heinous wrong perpetrated centuries ago for which we are supposed to pay into eternity.   What Trump attempted to expose – was The Swamp that had taken control of that legal glitch – aka, the mafia.  And somehow – today, the story told is altered in the hopes that the 1993 media will be squelched…

But what is even more absurd about the entire hoopla is the fact that Elizabeth Warren’s actual heritage is Reed and Herring, both of which are rooted in English and German genealogy, both of which were instrumental in the wars against the Native Americans … therefore, she should be made to pay for the errs of her ancestors. Not to mention faking an identity to steal funds that could have been used by real Native Americans…

Wealth Inequality in US

Wealth Inequality. Somehow Trump is to blame. Somehow, his new tax plan is to blame. And somehow, it is forgotten that during Obama’s tenure, wealth inequality continued it’s brisk rise.   He continued the chart unabated. But it is hardly a nuance of the last decade, or even two, the upswing actually began in 1978 during the Carter administration and continued through every single administration for the next 40 years – Democrats and Republicans

During the Obama administration, food stamp payouts doubled.   But wealth distribution continued its unabated rise. Obviously, welfare Socialism did not solve the wealth distribution issue. So what will?

The UK is labeled a Socialist Capital economy whereby high taxes are imposed to fund extensive welfare costs. But the skew of wealth distribution in the UK actually models that of the US. So obviously, Socialism is not the answer to the dreaded wealth inequality. What is?

It is said that if you are born into wealth, there you stay, and conversely if you are born into poverty – there you stay. So, which countries have the least income/wealth inequality?

The number One is Slovenia. So should everyone move to Slovenia? Most people probably don’t even know where it is or what it is. Slovenia was part of the Roman Empire and then it became part of Serbia, then it was annexed by Germany, Italy and Hungary, before becoming part of Yugoslavia, before becoming – Slovenia.

Slovenia has a population just over 2 million, a nominal GDP per capita of just over $23,000 and the lowest ‘gini score’ in the world. The gini score is what is used to rate a countries wealth distribution. So Slovenia is the place to be! Or not.

The birth rate is a negative, the population is aging, immigration isn’t enough to boost the economy, you could fit seven to ten Slovenia’s into the state of Kansas, and like other secular countries, their future is tenuous.   But most importantly, when assigning a gini score to a country it is important to understand the skews upon which the score is ranked. In Slovenia, the top “100” wealthy have a combined wealth of roughly Euro 2.9 billion.

By contrast, the US which has a much higher gini score, also has the most wealth – the top “5” wealthiest individuals combined amount to over $400 billion.  The US share of world wealth is 25.4%. The country coming in second is Japan at 9.86%.  Both have high gini scores – because that’s where the wealth is concentrated!

Barbados has a wealth per adult capita of over $144,000 and a gini of .7, the “wealth” is a concentration of ex-patriot and offshore accounts. It is meaningless.

Ireland also has a very high ‘gini score’.  Ireland too has very few formidable wealthy citizens. The wealthiest to date is a transplant from India whose net worth is estimated to be roughly $10 billion.   The third richest man in Ireland is an American who renounced citizenship and was heir to the Campbell Soup company.  And the combined net worth of the top five wealthiest living in Ireland amounts to about $22 billion, 95% less than the top tier in the US.

So when we create comparisons in the media using ‘gini scores’ in displaying the skew of US wealth distribution, the story is not exactly wholly relevant and the picture portrayed becomes rather nonsensical.  What it does is give fat to the media when it is only worthy of gristle.

And when we see that this ‘distribution’ has been on a steady rise for 40 years, despite all the Presidents and all the President’s men, it bears consideration that welfare and socialism are hardly the answer because in fact welfare and socialism in the US have followed the exact same skew.  Imagine that…

Our prison population follows the same skew. Food Stamps, Housing, Healthcare, all follow the same skew as wealth distribution. Does that mean they are contributors to wealth inequality? Most graphs tell a very limited picture.   Wealth inequality does exist, and probably always will – even in a purely Communist regime where the government holds the only wealth.   It certainly isn’t fun when you are on the bottom of the spectrum, but it’s not fun when your health insurance represents a third of your income either.

None of this denies the fact that in the US CEO’s pay themselves exorbitant salaries and benefit packages that skew the curve.   But griping isn’t the solution, nor is stacking on more and more welfare, the only solution would be to introduce more competition wherein the cost of a comparable unit is so much lower, the profit margins have to be renegotiated, and the CEO compensation package becomes the prime target. Without competition, the capital structure becomes Socialist and as the US becomes more and more Socialist, the skew deepens.

And that graph is telling.  


Mueller and The House Intelligence Committee have been quite busily investigating the Trump dossier and the possible collusion of Putin and Trump in engineering the election through Russian interference. The interference is said to have come through multiple outlets including trolling operations conducted by the Russian Firm, Internet Research, Ltd.   The trolls are said to infiltrate through social media, including Facebook and Google, whereby fake accounts were established in order to discredit Hillary and sway the public opinion toward Trump.

Fusion GPS was hired by the DNC, the GOP and ultimately Hillary to create the Trump Dossier. The purpose? To discredit Trump through fake documents leaked to the press – ie, Trolling. The leak initially came from McCain – a true hero of Soros and Hillary.

In 2014, Glen Greenwald exposed the fact that GCHQ and ‘western governments’ were complicit in quite actively employing ‘Trolls’, the purpose of which was to discredit religion, beliefs, news, blogs, media, and establish fake victims, fake accounts, and fake news. One UK based group Greenwald identifies is Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group.

In addition to working with various agencies within GCHQ, such as M15, M16, other customers include The Bank of England and the Department for Schools, Children and Families.

The interesting ‘connection’ here is M16. Because Fusion GPS brokered the deal with Christopher Steele whose claim to fame is the fact that he was formerly with – M16. While both M15 and M16 are British intelligence, M15 is considered domestic, while M16 is international, they are both under the umbrella of GCHQ.

This could possibly indicate that Trolls manipulating the US election didn’t just originate in Russia, but also from GCHQ.  

Fusion GPS is also attempting to redact the names of journalists it purportedly paid in the course of their election manipulation document.   However, Steele claims he had a series of meetings with journalists from; The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, The New Yorker and Yahoo News. All these media outlets have one thing in common – a Liberal Democrat pro-Hillary affiliation.

When GCHQ was asked by Greenwald to comment, their response was:
“…all of GCHQ’s work is carried out in accordance with a strict legal and policy framework which ensures that our activities are authorized, necessary and proportionate, and that there is rigorous oversight, including from the Secretary of State, the Interception and Intelligence Services Commissioners, and the Parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee.”

At the time, the Secretary of State would have been – Hillary Clinton.

Most of the testimony regarding the Russian influence in the election is coming from organizations that are linked back to Navalny, a highly publicized and backed activist in Russia who is stridently critical of Putin. Navalny has links to Soros, but shortly after those links were publicized, another Troll operation, Citizen Lab, debunked the connection claiming it was a Trolling/hacking scheme. And since then, a third organization, CyberBerkut, claims that CitizenLab was actually a Troll hired to debunk the Troll that connected Navalny to Soros!!  So we have a Troll connected to Soros, trolling, and another Troll debunking, only to have another Troll debunk the troll’s debunking.

And yet, our Intelligence Division along with Meuller is aghast at the possibility of Russian Trolls? HELP ME HERE!

Where is Leslie Neilson when you need him?   This sounds like a Hollywood Spoof!

What this circles back to is the notion that the Russian Trolls may actually have been hired by the DNC and Hillary to persuade the election, but it didn’t work because there may have been ‘other Russian Trolls’ working to counter the Hillary Russian Trolls. All the while, the US and UK under Obama and Cameron employed their Trolls to troll the trolls via Facebook and Google, the CEO’s of both of which are avowed Democrat party members.

It is also of note that the anti-Russian, Citizen Lab, is based in Toronto, Ronald Deibert is the creator, CEO, whose former accomplishments include research scholar for the Ford Foundation, which is quite entrenched in the Soros Open Society Foundation. In addition he is an advisor for Tor, an organization that is built on software enabling anonymous communication – aka – Trolls.

It gets Worse.

The bulk of the funding for Tor comes from the federal government through DARPA and the Office of Naval Research…


One of the initial supporters of Tor include Human Rights Watch, a Soros organization funded by his Open Society. The other initiator and supporter includes the International Broadcasting Bureau which was formed during Clinton’s presidency… and the longest serving Director was appointed by Obama.

These are the TROLLS.

Project Veritas has released actual undercover video of the New York Times homepage Editor, Des Shoe, cockily admitting that the NYT tried to ‘influence the election with their articles and reporting’! An ADMISSION.   So where is the outrage?   Further, she goes on to laughingly decry, tauting anti-Trump articles has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with vamping more subscriptions with Enquirer style headliners. TRUTH? Not even a consideration.

The hypocrisy is blatant, and yet it isn’t just the Democrats, the Maxine Waters wagging gnarly fingers and screaming, it’s the GOP Swamp fearfully coveting their access to greed, fraud, manipulation and sex all within a fundamentally opaque guise that their secrets will not be revealed… unless…

Meuller! Meuller! WAKE UP. Class is in Sessions.

Santa Claus vs Christ… Christmas Hijacked!

Christmas Hijacked. Easter hijacked. I wonder how come no one has bothered to hijack Ramadan, or Hannukah, or Vesak? Imagine if Ramadan was celebrated with lots of candy and ice cream? What if it became a day for exchanging all kinds of books for children, like Dr. Seuss….?   What if prayer and charity were all about gifts given under swords in a formation of a star?

What if Hanukkah was celebrated by Muslims as a day of oppression and victory by lighting torches and setting rooftops on fire?

Because that hijacking is exactly what has happened to Christian holidays. Santa Claus has replaced the day Christ was Born. And in effect Atheists now claim that Christmas should be entirely theirs, no Christ, only Santa and elves. Why don’t they take over Ramadan?

Even more remarkable, according to Pew Research, only 3% of Americans identify as Atheists and roughly 5% identify as Agnostic. And yet, it would seem according to the media that Atheists represent the ‘vast majority’ in the US given the level of lawsuits regarding religious freedom…   By locale percentages of non-God Atheists, San Francisco leads, followed by Seattle, Boston, Providence and Baltimore. By state, New York and California lead in the actual numbers.

So why are we bending to a ‘nothing ideology’ that represents 3% of the US population? And how and where the heck was Santa Claus created?

St. Nicholas was a Bishop originally from what is today, Turkey, whose birth is thought to be sometime in the 300’s. He made pilgrimages to Egypt and Palestine, was persecuted and imprisoned for his Christian beliefs, and ultimately released by Constantine. He was present at the Council of Nicaea wherein the divinity of God the Son was established, as were many chronological consensus, the promulgation of canon law, and the establishment of the first part of the Nicene Creed – Faith.

St Nicholas was said to have given all the wealth he inherited to the poor, helped daughters without dowries, and created the concept of providing sweets to children. Giving selflessly, he became the representation of sainthood, poverty and humbleness.

In Germanic mythology, the pagan god Odin reigned.  Sporting a long white beard, a cloak and hat, he was depicted riding a white steed across the sky and into the underworld. He is said to have given the gift of life to the first two humans, Ask and Embia.

It is thought that “Santa Claus” came about as a mutation of these two – the Christian St Nicholas and the mythological world and underworld of Odin.

In 1812, Washington Irving, a noted writer and political activist, completed his first major book, A History of New York. It was a satirical work making fun of rewritten and edited history, depicting how legends can become truth when the media uses propaganda to say it is so…   As a part of the parady, Irving inserted a dream sequence in which St Nicholas is in a wagon soaring over treetops. He recreates the story of St Nicholas into a idealistic portrayal of a mythological casting.   As a joke.  He was putting down New Yorkers.  In 1881, Thomas Nast, also a political activist, created a cartoon caricature illustration to accompany a poem written by Clement Clarke Moore, “A Visit From St. Nicholas”, which became “Twas The Night Before Christmas”.

This caricature evolved into Santa Claus, and ultimately supplanted Christmas with what was for all intents and purposes – a practical joke.   A satirical parody that showed that vacuous nature of New York and its inhabitants, was then grafted into a political poem that was adorned with an illustration of a cartoon character flying in the sky – this, thereafter became the holiday celebrated in the US.

It was a tremendous lesson that illustrated how easily – a fake legend can be born from bits and pieces of truth.  And how gullible are the masses to adopt and embrace this fakery.

It was all a farce about commercialism and greed – and it stuck, because of New Yorkers, the city that boasts the highest percentage and numbers of Atheists, a town that thought the idea sounded fun and quite ‘fizzing’.   The same city that screams hysterically when the idea of Christ’s birth is integrated into their Santa Claus celebration.

And so, the 97% have now adopted what was intended as a joke, as our national holiday of greed and gluttony because the 3% have decided – it is so. Supported in full righteous indignation by the wealth of The Cabal that is Rothschild.

Christmas Hijacked

Saudi Tensions Rising – Lebanon in the Cross

The escalation of events in Saudi Arabia spawn not just their ongoing wars against Yemen and Syria, not just a purging of corrupt royals, and not just a growing disconcert with Iran and by default, Lebanon and Hezbollah, but the Saudi’s are losing money, lots of money, and their proxy wars need funds to survive.

With a nearly 100% concentration on oil, the economy has been on a rocket launched downward spiral and gaining warp speed with each devastating decision. Unemployment is rife, education is sorely inadequate, and the youth have no skills. They have no innovation, no manufacturing, no art, no culture, and tourism is abysmal given Sharia Law, a lot of sand but no beaches.

The cost to ‘sustain’ the Royal family is over $10 billion annually, only 30% of the population own their own homes, and unless there is another country taken out of the oil purge, Saudi Arabia has no hope of recovering.

What to do? What to do? Purge the corruption, demand the return of 70% of their wealth, infuse that money into more weapons, and take out Iran and Lebanon. Experts claim the cost of oil would rise five fold, if that were to happen.  A win for Saudi Arabia…

Mohammed bin Salman, the newly crowned Prince and potential King next week, at 33 is young, ambitious, and a gambler.   The old ways have not raised a dime, and drastic measures are sometimes the only rule a ruler can manipulate.   Perhaps he sees a last ditch effort to purge the Middle East of Shi’a as his duly ordained proxy. Hezbollah is Shia. Iran is Shia. Yemen – was Shia.   Any Syria was an ally of those Shia countries.

But the plan didn’t quite work out.  ISIS did not solve the problem, and instead exasperated the jittery Fall of the Middle East. The US sanction hit on Russia backfired. Brazil and Venezuela joined forces with the BRICS, and radical decisions were required. The aged King at 81, was not pro-active enough, and so, enter the mental equivalent of McCain – bomb ‘em all to Hell!   And the Middle East is – imploding.

But Saudi Arabia has fewer and fewer allies in the Middle East, Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran, Qatar, Houthis, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Bahrain, Azerbaijan are all Shia aligned. ISIS, Al Qaeda, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Turkey, Algeria and Tunisia are predominantly Sunni.

It is the Sunni vs Shite, with the remaining oil wealth at the central core.  Russia diversified – quickly.  The Middle East spent and spent and spent…  It’s like the guy mowing his lawn with a mower 40 years old, the blades are rusted, it has 3 wheels, it blows leaky gas exhaust all over creation – but it ‘used to work’ – so by golly…

A recent UK commissioned gathering headed by Macron (groan) has rightly concluded that any involvement by outsiders would be a declaration of World War.   Russia sides with the Shi’a, and to date, the US and Europe have sided with Sunni’s. Add to the fray that a majority of the population in Lebanon identify as Christian, and any Saudi aggression could most easily fracture our very tenuous hand on the red button all out global self annihilation.

As it is, the UN, the US, and Europe have turned a blind eye to the atrocities created in Syria and Yemen for the purpose of a failed coup initiated on behalf of the Saudis. The recent abduction by the Saudis of Hariri, the PM of Lebanon, has been quietly purged from the media, and a non-topic of our government. He is a scared Sunni feeling like he might get caught in the middle of a civil war initiated by Saudi Arabia and is looking out for his own scared skin.  It would appear that Macron is trying to assure him protection when the Saudis bomb Beirut.   “Dig a bomb shelter – quickly…”

Will Lebanon be the next victim?  Will they become the next Syria and Yemen?

Saad Hariri, of Lebanese and Iraqi descent, was schooled at Georgetown University in DC and later served with his father in Saudi Arabia, until his assassination in 2005.  Initially the assassination was attributed to Assad, then to Hezbollah, and then to a Saudi/Israel collusion.  Hariri is Sunni, serving in a dominant Christian/Shi’a country (80%). How he could have won the election is up for debate… But based on the fact that there was only a 20% voter turnout amidst allegations of fraud and corruption may have created a weighted electoral win given the religious percentages.   (Ya think?)

Given the Saudi/Israel connection, it is fair to presume that a second assassination may have been a consideration.

The Middle East is now facing rising tensions, shifting of sides, aging royals, a sagging deficit, and a centuries old desire to once and for all eliminate, purge, create genocide – of the ‘other’ sect, ie, Shi’a.  As such, their wealth, which is infused by tourism and oil, is quickly diminishing setting the stage for a return to abject poverty in a society that does not look and prepare for the future.

But having a Sunni Prime Minister in Lebanon is about as logical as having a Sunni President in the US…  Hariri knows this – but he also knows he is expendable and his Saudi ties are worthless when the brick hits the fan…


Sexual Immorality precedes The Fall

The ever deepening sexual abuse that is surfacing everywhere we look is truly a cavern of Hell. For the most part it has been completely ignored, completely enabled, and completely embraced – even coveted. It is a disease far more insidious than cancer and far more potent than any opioid.   What makes people go to the extremes that they do can’t be cured by a one hour sexual harassment class, or a gnarly wagging finger of reproach.

When a woman in the Philippines is willing to sexually abuse her 2 month old and eight year old while live streaming her acts for an audience in Canada, the UK or the US, the perversity of the world has truly consumed the soul. There are no lines, no boundaries, at all.

The fact that despite the turmoil we are currently just beginning to unveil, politicians will remain ‘unnamed’ and therefore continue without consequence is reprehensible.     Calling out a few to take the fall for the many, will not close the cavern. The stories are a fraction, a speck in the universe of the fall and decay of morality.

Still, in the midst of the media frenzy regarding sexual perversity, front page-center, they highlight a ‘Victoria Secrets Fashion Show’, wherein sexy models parade in garters and strings…   Why is this ‘News”?  While they aren’t ‘the problem’, they certainly are a contributing factor! Do you think those models haven’t been sexually harassed, abused, and assaulted? Don’t be naive.

They are no more immune than the children in The Philippines, the children in foster care, the children in orphanages who have been victimized for decades with little to no consequence to the massive ring of perpetrators.

The Franklin Scandal, the Savile Sandal, all watered, white-washed and shoved under the table while hundreds of thousands of children were victimized, and brutally murdered, sometimes as a part of demonic rituals. While the UK is still ‘investigating’ the claims involving over 1400 politicians, entertainers, sports people and the uber wealthy, the ONLY perpetrators that they will name so far are – dead, because they don’t want to sully anyone’s reputation…

Dead children.

And still, Hollywood claims innocence. Their ethics and morality in no way contributed to the situation we face. The movies, depictions, titillations, were all – okay. Their cover-ups were worth the money they gained. And to name the names is just not worth the cost.

Meryl Streep, who defended Weinstein, has now come out and claimed she was beaten to a pulp, watched as another person was beaten, all while Cher stood as a bystander.   But she isn’t naming who this heinous person(s) is, because she might not make any more money in Hollywood.

Who do you think develops the Dark Web?

The same people who want to unravel our world and create chaos within the grip of Hell. Laughing hysterically while Christians are falling, Jews are supplanted by secularism, and natural laws are nullified. Reverends debate the Creche, a shelter is sued for blessing a dog, cake makers are put out of business, but sexual predators? They get to skate.

The Darknet that hosts the child abuse, sexual exploitation, pornography and pedophilia, has been slowly coming to the surface, finding legal mediums to provide its service to a clientele that includes our husbands and wives, our neighbors, and our children.  The excuse is often, ‘well I was just curious’…  I’ve heard it before.

In Jim Nelson Black’s, Decline of A Nation, he enumerates historical ages which parallel our current course of self destruction:

“In ancient Greece, the first symptoms of disorder were a general loss of respect for tradition and the degradation of the young. Among the early symptoms was the decline of art and entertainment. The philosophers and pundits distorted the medium of communication. Rhetoric became combative and intolerant; intellectuals began to deride and attack all the traditional institutions of Hellenic society.

New thinkers in the society argued for “fundamental change” and called for giving the youth a “voice in society.” Without traditional guidelines, the young men grew wild and undisciplined destroying the old order. Slowly Greece devolved into a disreputable and lawless nation. The Romans conquered Greece in 146 B.C. By placing everything under military authority, they were able to restore order and bring back the rule of law.”

 Sound familiar?  It should.

Black notes that there are three aspects of decay; social, cultural and moral. He states that historically, this lawlessness is found in the degradation of youth, followed by a decline in arts and entertainment, the distortion of communication, combative rhetoric and intolerance, and ultimately the complete collapse of rules and order within traditional religious institutions of society.

New thinkers emerge demanding a ‘voice for youth’ in society, and a ‘fundamental change’. And without guidelines, the youth grow wild, undisciplined and destructive.

This is historic, and it is present day. It dates to 333 BC, to 146 BC, to the Dark Ages, to the French Revolution, etc… What makes it different today is the sheer magnitude. It has permeated every city, country and continent. The ultimate historical consequence has been – martial law.  Today, that would equate to The New World Order.  Because it is about reframing the world, not just a segment, or a colony, or a country.

As people succumb to this Dark World, they are giving up their souls, life has no value, infants and children are bought, sold, abused, and carved up without care.

But we still have a choice. We can choose to succumb, or not, as a person, a city, and a country. Respect, tradition, values, boundaries, rules, order, and religion define a society – and by definition, the absence – destroys a society.

Christmas Creche Controversy: St. Francis of Assisi

An Australian Reverend and theologian who teaches at a prestigious school also – blogs. His latest is a rant against “American” Christians (American Christians are a particular preferred target in this and other of his blogs) who take offense when crèches and other symbols of Christ’s birth are prohibited from displays because they are considered religious and hurtful. In his rant he likens these Christians as deplorable idiots for not understanding that these symbols are meaningless, and goes on to explain just how ignorant American Christians are.


It would appear this scholar, teacher, theologian does not know that as a ‘teacher’, or shepherd, it is not his job to kick his sheep, it is his job to protect them, nurture them and grow them.

I was reminded of Psalm 23, of a shepherd who is tasked with tending to the needs of his sheep, whether they need food, water, or lay caste, they are in constant need of a prod and a gentle hand. It is considered one of the most brutal undertakings a man can be called to in this world requiring a 24/7 workday.  The shepherd protects his sheep from predators, from poisonous weeds, from harsh weather, loving them without judgment as he is their guide, and their only hope for survival.

This Reverend would seem to have forgotten his role as ‘teacher’, and instead of tending his sheep, he chastises them, slays them with his tongue, and ridicules their ‘ignorance’ given he is so much better informed. He has placed himself on a pedestal of worthiness belittling all the lowly for their stupidity, despite the fact that their hearts are in the right place.

And in so doing, this shepherd displays a high degree of Arrogance and Pride.

It is the job of the shepherd to protect the sheep from wolves. It is not his job to turn the sheep into shepherds… But he would seem to be confused. It would also seem he doesn’t much like his sheep given they haven’t the theological acumen that he purports to have. But then, given his actions, his ‘acumen’ would appear to be rather short-sighted… and built more on a core of self kingship.

Perhaps this Reverend would be better suited in a different role, because as a shepherd he seems to feel that preserving the wolves, allowing the sheep to be slaughtered, and kicking them to get them to stand when caste, is a Godly way.

There is a second lesson this Reverend seems to be missing, that of the ‘tongue’. Given his stance as ‘teacher’ he is called to a higher standing than the sheep, and in unleashing his rather bitter plethora of anger, he reveals that he no longer wants to adhere to the guides of his Biblical calling.  And for some odd reason, he targets only American Christians.

He references the ‘ignorance’ of American Christians numerous times throughout his blog, high-lighting such references as to the barn, making claims that during Jesus birth he was most likely tended by a host of women nursemaids all the while bemoaning the depiction of a twig and moss structure as stupid and unrealistic. He is belligerent at the use of ‘donkeys’, claiming there is no such reference and donkeys didn’t exist. But St. Francis would seem to disagree, because he commissioned an ‘ass’, the wild donkey, as a part of the first crèche!

This Reverend takes deep offense to American Christians creating false depictions, and then creates one of his own… while apparently not having researched the history of the crèche, and making assumptions that are not revealed in the Bible.

All the while he has sort of lost the sight, the cause, the value, and the heart of Christians in his bitter quest to denigrate. Why?

He claims that keeping ‘historically inaccurate and culturally anachronistic religious displays in shopping malls isn’t a victory for the gospel at all.’ He further demands that good Christians should burn their nativity scene because it furthers false doctrine.

Saint Francis of Assisi would seem to disagree because it is he who is credited with the creation of the first crèche display whose function was to divert emphasis from gifts and restore Christ as the center. His crèche utilized human participants, live animals, including an ass, and was produced inside a cave. These ‘scenes’ became quite popular and the Catholic church is then credited with elaborating the nativity scene, dressing up the magi in elegant robes thus mimicking the robes of Catholic Priests, as well as adding elaborate marble baubles and various other animals.

These crèches then spread to Germany, Austria, Poland, and England as the popularity expanded.

Creches were not born of American Christians, despite Mike Frost’s prideful denunciation of American Christians.  German immigrants ultimately brought the original pantomime creche performances to the US in the 15th century. Southern Italy is credited with designing such elaborate crèches today that they bring tourists from around the world to view the creativity and enjoyment they bring to children and adults.

Artisans work with delicate diligence to produce absolutely beautiful exhibits throughout Italy, the Vatican and the Czech Republic. While the US creates less expensive models, which Mr. Frost finds quite offensive, the purpose is still the purpose – to remind the sheep and the wolves that this is the day Christ was born.

So, Mr. Frost, Mr. Scrooge, I imagine Saint Francis of Assisi is a might bit better shepherd and source of Christian reverence for Christ. And the fact that the crèche is symbolic in trying to remind us sheep that Christmas isn’t about Santa and reindeer, and snowmen, it is about the birth of Christ is a good thing born of heart.


RAISE TAXES on the wealthy – According to Soros

Soros and some elite cabal of 400 wealthy politicians have all agreed that the wealthy should be taxed at an even higher rate, because they deserve it, and the notion that lowering taxes produces greater growth is – hogwash…

Problem; the rich aren’t paying the tax rate that they already should because, a) their money is in offshore accounts where they pay no taxes, or b)   because they take advantage of all the loopholes that Trump wants to close.  In fact, Soros hedge fund paid less than $1000 in taxes in 2013. So, their argument is well – condescendingly hypocritical, and manipulative… It presents a highly ethical mindset while the wolfe eats the chickens and disposes of the bones.

Why do the wealthy have offshore accounts? To pay less taxes. It is so obvious, and yet, the allusion would have us believe they ‘want to pay more’. If they did they wouldn’t have offshore accounts!!

Hillary argued that the wealthy pay too little. Yes, but not because of tax ‘rates’.   The argument keeps surfacing, and yet the reality is obscured.

Hypocrisy is a tool, it is a cloak, a mask, and ultimately a dagger as it pervades in brain-washing the minds of mankind speaking lies until the truth no longer even exists.

While Hillary and Obama have been the subject of numerous illegal transgressions, they are victims. Simultaneously, Mueller and Soros target and possibly even invent accusations in order to attack conservatives, on behalf of ‘victims’. Soros financed pro-EU organizations, including his own, in order to ‘persuade’ anti-BREXIT, and yet when Russia is accused of funding the Leave campaign, their money is treasonous, an actionable illegality. Putting money in offshore accounts to evade taxes by the wealthy is okay, but raising taxes is the means to a better economy…

So who are the ‘politicians’ that want to raise taxes?

The Argument:

“The wealthiest 1 percent in the U.S. pay the lowest taxes as a percent of their income and total wealth of the top 1 percent in any major country – and far lower than they paid in the U.S. during the first three decades after World War II, when the American economy grew faster than it’s been growing since the Reagan tax cuts.”

While offshore banking has been around for some decades, it was predominantly utilized by the mob to launder money. Later, the concept of moving money through citizenship gained traction in the 1960’s – remember the Beatles?   By the 1970’s corporations were developing strategies, but still there were no loopholes in place for its legality. Switzerland became the dominant haven for opaque banking. It’s popularity gained traction in the 1990’s, around the time Billy came into Power.

But the use and size of tax havens can directly be tracked to ‘rising tax rates’, greed, power, and the desire to “NOT PAY TAXES”.

The haven itself became big business, the British owned Caymen Islands evolved in the 1960’s when Britain’s taxes peaked at over 95%. Enter Singapore. Then the Brits used more island hostages to evade paying their dues. The Queen is implicated. David Cameron. By the 1990’s Ireland saw the advantage and lowered their corporate rate to lure Big Pharma.   Insurance and re-insurance companies followed with Bermuda.

The largest worldwide group of tax havens are British Empire based. The second largest is European based.  Coincidentally, they have some of the highest tax rates in the world.   Socialism not working?  It does have one claim to fame, it provides for the poor while robbing from the middle class, because the wealthy are all on their islands laughing hysterically.  Until their is no middle class – Venezuela…  And that is the ultimate agenda, because only then can the World Order be ushered in.

So when Soros, McCain, Clinton, Romney, Wasserman, Ryan, Cantor, Flake and the host of 400 who advocate for and demand that the wealthy pay a higher rate … it is a hypocritical joke, because they have no intention of actually moving assets back to the US, or paying a higher rate when they don’t pay at all. Because $42 Trillion is held in offshore accounts where the point is – to evade/avoid taxes.

Part of the problem is that Economists work from ‘theory’, not fact or emotion, and therefore their argument might have some merit on paper, but the reality doesn’t hold.   It is much like most science which purports to build a “fact” based on a plethora of ‘theories’ as the core.  No matter how many facts you stack on top of a theory, the end will always be – a theory.

Raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations will have only one effect – more offshore accounts.

There are 31 instances in the Bible where God’s judgment of hypocrites is fiercely decried. Judgment is harsh for these pretenders who live both within and without Christianity.

Be Wise.

Roy Moore – Sex Allegations Crumbling?

The legal age for marriage in Alabama is 16. In order to be charged with sexual misconduct in Alabama in 1975, a person would have to engage in sexual intercourse.  

Leigh Corfman age 53, claims that in 1979 at the age of 14, she was inappropriately touched by Republican candidate for Senate, Roy Moore who is currently age 70 and was at the time 32.  

Corfman claims that she did not come forward before because she was strapped financially having declared bankruptcy sometime in 1990’s, and because she was not a saint.   She says at the time she was approached by Moore, her mother was in a custody hearing and Moore was an older guy hitting on her and she thought that was cool.

Despite the fact that she told her mother ten years later of the contact, her mother did not make a report either.

Failure to make a report of suspected child abuse carries a misdemeanor charge with a possible prison sentence and a $500 fine.

While the Washington Post claims that Moore sexually abused Corfman, according to The Law Library, sexually explicit conduct is defined as:   “Actual or simulated sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex; bestiality; masturbation; sadistic or masochistic abuse; or lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person.

 There was no sexual intercourse, and no exhibition. Was the contact inappropriate if it did occur? Yes. Was it illegal if it did occur?  That is legally debatable.

Of course it was arguably a stacked deck ready to swing the pendulum to the far right as the slew of allegations have come forth in the Liberal Hollywood sector.   Tit-for-Tat.

McCain has come forward to make this his own personal self righteous mission as he demands Moore step down immediately, forthwith, etc…   But, McCain is certainly not without his own crumbling deck abandoning his crippled wife to marry for money in order to gain the political power edge he craved.  McCain’s own political career occurred only one year after marrying the wealthy daughter of Jim Hensley who made his millions in the beer industry.   Hensley was the subject of investigations for his relationship and business dealings with Kemper Marley, a bookmaker with ties to the Mafia who purportedly ordered the car bomb hit of journalist Don Bolles just before he planned to expose the collusion of politicians with the Mafia.  Did McCain have some assistance in his rather fast tracked political career?

Two other unnamed women, who were purportedly 16 and 18 at the time claim Moore tried to date the have also come forward.  But there was no impropriety, simply a kiss and a date.   The 16 year old actually did not date him at all because her mother forbade it.  The 18-19 did, and Moore was a perfect gentleman.   So why is this even news?

Now, it has come to light that one of the women making the accusation of ‘dating’ worked as a sign language interpreter for – Hillary, aka Clinton.

“And all the King’s horses, and all the King’s men came tumbling down, – again…”

All these allegations took place 38 years ago. And never did any of these women come forth to police, or anyone else until now when the Democrat hopeful, Doug Jones, appears to be at a solid loss in the polls and the dirt, she come a flyin’!!  In 1997, Jones was appointed to US District Attorney by Bill Clinton.   Between 1984 and 1997, Jones was employed in private practice – however, apparently there is no record of where in Birmingham.  Which seems a bit odd given it is his longest stint of employment…

According to Breitbart, Jones affiliated himself with the Brennan Center for Justice which is the recipient of numerous grants totaling over $& million – from the Soros Open Society Foundation.   Jones would also be aligned with Black Youth Vote, NAACP, Alliance for Justice (another Soros organization), and CAF, a radical organization that partnered with the Occupy Movement.

Not exactly the best resume material.

To find a down-and-out woman barely making ends meet and offer her a stipend to make a baseless unproveable claim that occurred 38 years ago – is a bit stretchy…  but it may be exactly what the Clinton/Soros Democrats have tried, finding nothing else.  Rather lame.

Of course McCain, a known Soros partner, has demanded that Moore step down immediately and concede despite the fact that these allegations have no proof of substantiation.

If we were to call out McCain on his own past transgressions, there were allegations that he was negligently instrumental in starting the fire on the USS Forrestal in 1967 that killed 134 sailors. McCain subsequently denied the allegations, but if we were to impose the same judicial sentencing, should he not have immediately stepped down from political life beneath ‘the allegation’ – as he is stating Roy Moore must do?

It seems the Democrats are definitely losing their grip if this is as good as it gets…