Sexual Immorality precedes The Fall

The ever deepening sexual abuse that is surfacing everywhere we look is truly a cavern of Hell. For the most part it has been completely ignored, completely enabled, and completely embraced – even coveted. It is a disease far more insidious than cancer and far more potent than any opioid.   What makes people go to the extremes that they do can’t be cured by a one hour sexual harassment class, or a gnarly wagging finger of reproach.

When a woman in the Philippines is willing to sexually abuse her 2 month old and eight year old while live streaming her acts for an audience in Canada, the UK or the US, the perversity of the world has truly consumed the soul. There are no lines, no boundaries, at all.

The fact that despite the turmoil we are currently just beginning to unveil, politicians will remain ‘unnamed’ and therefore continue without consequence is reprehensible.     Calling out a few to take the fall for the many, will not close the cavern. The stories are a fraction, a speck in the universe of the fall and decay of morality.

Still, in the midst of the media frenzy regarding sexual perversity, front page-center, they highlight a ‘Victoria Secrets Fashion Show’, wherein sexy models parade in garters and strings…   Why is this ‘News”?  While they aren’t ‘the problem’, they certainly are a contributing factor! Do you think those models haven’t been sexually harassed, abused, and assaulted? Don’t be naive.

They are no more immune than the children in The Philippines, the children in foster care, the children in orphanages who have been victimized for decades with little to no consequence to the massive ring of perpetrators.

The Franklin Scandal, the Savile Sandal, all watered, white-washed and shoved under the table while hundreds of thousands of children were victimized, and brutally murdered, sometimes as a part of demonic rituals. While the UK is still ‘investigating’ the claims involving over 1400 politicians, entertainers, sports people and the uber wealthy, the ONLY perpetrators that they will name so far are – dead, because they don’t want to sully anyone’s reputation…

Dead children.

And still, Hollywood claims innocence. Their ethics and morality in no way contributed to the situation we face. The movies, depictions, titillations, were all – okay. Their cover-ups were worth the money they gained. And to name the names is just not worth the cost.

Meryl Streep, who defended Weinstein, has now come out and claimed she was beaten to a pulp, watched as another person was beaten, all while Cher stood as a bystander.   But she isn’t naming who this heinous person(s) is, because she might not make any more money in Hollywood.

Who do you think develops the Dark Web?

The same people who want to unravel our world and create chaos within the grip of Hell. Laughing hysterically while Christians are falling, Jews are supplanted by secularism, and natural laws are nullified. Reverends debate the Creche, a shelter is sued for blessing a dog, cake makers are put out of business, but sexual predators? They get to skate.

The Darknet that hosts the child abuse, sexual exploitation, pornography and pedophilia, has been slowly coming to the surface, finding legal mediums to provide its service to a clientele that includes our husbands and wives, our neighbors, and our children.  The excuse is often, ‘well I was just curious’…  I’ve heard it before.

In Jim Nelson Black’s, Decline of A Nation, he enumerates historical ages which parallel our current course of self destruction:

“In ancient Greece, the first symptoms of disorder were a general loss of respect for tradition and the degradation of the young. Among the early symptoms was the decline of art and entertainment. The philosophers and pundits distorted the medium of communication. Rhetoric became combative and intolerant; intellectuals began to deride and attack all the traditional institutions of Hellenic society.

New thinkers in the society argued for “fundamental change” and called for giving the youth a “voice in society.” Without traditional guidelines, the young men grew wild and undisciplined destroying the old order. Slowly Greece devolved into a disreputable and lawless nation. The Romans conquered Greece in 146 B.C. By placing everything under military authority, they were able to restore order and bring back the rule of law.”

 Sound familiar?  It should.

Black notes that there are three aspects of decay; social, cultural and moral. He states that historically, this lawlessness is found in the degradation of youth, followed by a decline in arts and entertainment, the distortion of communication, combative rhetoric and intolerance, and ultimately the complete collapse of rules and order within traditional religious institutions of society.

New thinkers emerge demanding a ‘voice for youth’ in society, and a ‘fundamental change’. And without guidelines, the youth grow wild, undisciplined and destructive.

This is historic, and it is present day. It dates to 333 BC, to 146 BC, to the Dark Ages, to the French Revolution, etc… What makes it different today is the sheer magnitude. It has permeated every city, country and continent. The ultimate historical consequence has been – martial law.  Today, that would equate to The New World Order.  Because it is about reframing the world, not just a segment, or a colony, or a country.

As people succumb to this Dark World, they are giving up their souls, life has no value, infants and children are bought, sold, abused, and carved up without care.

But we still have a choice. We can choose to succumb, or not, as a person, a city, and a country. Respect, tradition, values, boundaries, rules, order, and religion define a society – and by definition, the absence – destroys a society.