Ukraine: AZOV Neo-Nazi Military Aligned With Soros

The AZOV Battalion is the right-wing extremist neo-Nazi militia incorporated into Ukraine’s Military. They are Antifa all grown-up, trained extensively, and willing to kill indiscriminately.   They rose as a consequence of the 2014 coup in Ukraine ousting the pro-Russian president, Yanukovych, and the insertion of pro-western president, Poroshenko. Many members of Ukraine’s parliament are also patrons of AZOV.

AZOV was initially trained by US and Georgian troops in 2014.   Former Democrat Congressman, John Conyers, introduced a Bill prohibiting arms and training for the Battalion due to their neo-Nazi ideology.   In November 2015, the Pentagon removed the block – under Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter.

The Battalion set up camps to train children and teens in military weaponry, tactics, and nationalism. Andriy Biletsky, Azov’s founder was a member of the Ukraine government until 2019.   He stated his goal was: “to lead the white races of the world in a final crusade”. 

Again in 2019, under the Trump presidency, a bill was introduced to recognize Azov as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

In essence, the EU, NATO, US, Canada, Japan, and Australia are siding with the Nazi Regime instituted in Ukraine. The final dream of Nazi Soros!   And all the world’s people are being led voluntarily into the re-establishment of the German Nationalist Socialist Party. Their primary focus was the elimination of ‘undesirables’ and the establishment of a Global Order through the Master Race.

This is what Russia is fighting against while our western governments support the reinstatement of Nazi Germany as the Global New World Order.

WWIII: Ukraine is the source of this Final Stage and is funded by Ihor Kolomoyskyi, leading partner of Privat Group.   He owns a 70% stake in 1+1 Media Group which aired the comedy series starring – Zelensky portraying Ukraine’s president!   Other Kolomoyskyi assets include steel production in Ohio and West Virginia, mining in Ghana and Australia, oil refineries in Ukraine, and founder of the European Jewish Union.   He resides in Switzerland and is a citizen of Ukraine, Cyprus and Israel.  He has VISA privileges in the US.

In a case brought before a London court, the judge stated that Kolomoyskyi had “a reputation of having sought to take control of a company at gunpoint in Ukraine”.   He has been accused of organizing murders and the use of prohibited methods of warfare.

Russia recently revealed that munitions used by Azov against Russian military forces contain the illegal agent, ‘phosphorous’.   Putin has also announced that a few Russian soldiers have been taken hostage in Kyiv and are being tortured. Torture allegations and war crimes have been rampant since AZOV’s initial formation in 2014.

In 2014, Kolomoyskyi and Zlochevsky were operating Burisma out of Cyprus under Privat Group.   Putin had choice words for Kolomoyskyi – none of them pleasant.   In an effort to gain security, Kolomoyskyi decided that he would appoint board members from the US including:   Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, and David Leiter. All bundled under John Kerry.   Other bundled board members Kolomoyskyi appointed included:   Joseph Cofer Black – former CIA, Alan Apter of Morgan Stanley, and Aleksander Kwasniewski, former president of Poland.  

When the Obama administration learned that Ukraine’s newly appoint prosecutor, Lutsenko was going to open investigations into Burisma and Biden Obama demanded the investigation be shut down.   Lutsenko told reporter John Solomon, “he gave me a list of people whom we should not prosecute”.

One of the groups on that list to stop investigating was AntAc, the Anti-Corruption Action Center put together by Barack Obama and George Soros. 

The IMF requested the creation of AntAc due to Ukraine’s mafia style government. Antac predecessor, the National Anti-Corruption Committee, was deemed a failure. Western governments had funded NABU with backing of the FBI.

When Rudi Guiliani was in Ukraine to meet with a member of parliament, Durkach, who was being accused of being a Russian agent, Guiliani said after the meeting, “The only new piece of information he gave… is the report that $5.3 billion in foreign aid [to Ukraine] is unaccounted for, $3 billion of which is American money and a big portion of that went to nongovernmental organizations controlled by George Soros”.

Karen Greenaway, an FBI supervisor who was one of the lead agents in investigating Paul Manafort in Ukraine appeared at various Soros-sponsored events and conferences. After retiring from the FBI, Greenaway joined the supervisory board of AntAc. 

Firtash was a pro-Russia Ukrainian in the cabinet of the former president Yushchenko.   Firtash was accused of laundering money from a gas scheme thru New York real estate.  Firtash made his fortune brokering Ukrainian imports of natural gas from the Russian firm Gazprom.   Joe Biden had urged the Ukrainian government to eliminate middlemen such as Firtash from the country’s natural gas industry, and to reduce the country’s reliance on imports of Russian natural gas.

This move would greatly benefit Hunter Biden’s investment in Burisma and thus line Joe Biden’s Pockets!

In September 2017, anti-corruption groups including Human Rights Watch (A Soros Organization), proposed that Firtash be placed on the Magnitsky List and sanctioned by the United States government.  Firtash currently resides in Russia.

Ukraine is deeply in the pocket of Soros, and a NATO incited non-negotiable war with Russia was the only way to bury the web of deceit and corruption while literally burning the evidence.  THIS is the Ukraine Western Governments DEFEND…

FYI:   Two Gazprom Executives were suicided in the last month!

Ukraine – A Chemical BioHazard Land Mine Ready to BLOW!

Decaying tanks of lethal chemicals are buried haphazardly across Ukraine.   There are 13 US BioHazard Labs across Ukraine.   The same labs that created the modified weapon named, “CoVid” in China with funding by NIH.   Zelensky was briefed by Germany’s spy intel, Bruno Kahl who had apparently traveled to Kyiv just for funzies given Germany had repeatedly pinky swore that only Helmets would find their way into Ukraine.   Kahl told Zelensky NOT to negotiate – before being given a special ops guard detail which spirited him back to German soil.  Poof.

Gosh darn, Kahl had to travel by road instead of via the private Hutspa jet given airspace was closed.   While Germany parlays a non-interference face for the Media at large, that would be about as truthful as the photo montage released by the CIA green screen. Unfortunately, they seem to have a limited number of ‘actors’ applying for the job given they continually use the same ones.

As Kahl returned home he announced via the Deutsche Welle media, which is government controlled, that Germany had changed its mind and would be sending weapons to Ukraine.   Given the vast training that the Ukraine military has in advanced weaponry, they could literally blow themselves up in an instant!

Bruno became the appointed president of the FIS after Gerhard Schindler was ousted for his involvement in ‘targeted assassinations’.

Typically, targeted assassinations currently use the predator drone to strike terrorists.   This method became Obama’s and Brennan’s Strategy in the Middle East and Africa. While this assassination means has undergone massive legal implications, with respect to domestic law Brennan stated, “as a matter of domestic law, the Constitution empowers the President to protect the nation from any imminent threat of attack.”   I haven’t been privy to ‘an imminent attack on US soil by Sudan or Somalia…. ever.

The agencies within the US that typically conduct these operations include the CIA and the Joint Special Op Command. Upheld by Eric Holder, Jeh Johnson, and Obama. During Obama’s reign, he had the final word on ‘kill or capture’. While initially the target had to be of relevant status, under Obama, ‘foot soldiers’ or anyone suspected of anything could be – targeted.

Technically, under International Law – assassinations are illegal.   However, the policy has been used so extensively over so many different governments, that the ‘see no evil’ justice prevailed.

Of course the problem with ‘targeted assassination’ is the fact that statistically for every adult target 9 children have been killed.   For Example:   In the target assassination of Ayman-al-Zawahri the CIA killed 76 children and 29 adult bystanders.

Yet these facts are literally and figuratively – buried.

Selective Justice.   When the US intervenes in a war anywhere, it is justified as protecting against a threat.   Even when that threat is nonexistent – as in Syria. As in Iraq.

The Rally Call against Russia protecting itself against the Bullying perpetrated by NATO and it consorts for 30 years reflects Russia’s resilience and quite a bit of ‘patience’ and ‘tolerance’.   But that would NOT be the Media Parlay!

Who Are The Good Guys And Who Are The Bad Guys?  

For anyone who accepts the fundamental knowledge that we have a cabalist regime attempting to RESET the globe under a predetermined doctrine – the good guys consist of anyone the globalists hate.   By default, given the globalists are pro-Ukraine should be all the knowledge we need to construct critical thinking.

Within that construct, Russia is on the side of The People who refuse the Totalitarian Rule the Elite Committee deigns as our future.

While the media touts a ‘weak Brandon’ – Brandon doesn’t exist.   Therefore whatever is happening is a constructed device.   Purposeful.

Making the US into a child whose entire existence is dependent on the production of other countries is not simply Brandon’s dementia – it is Orchestrated.   A Symphony!   All the participants are the Hunger Game elite – and all The People are the island riff-raff Peasants who may not participate.

As we are continually made aware, with Patriots languishing for OVER A YEAR in DC Gulags, our government has usurped LAW.   IF targeted assassination on supposed domestic terrorists is judicially legal – we are all subject to this ‘Nazi Propaganda’.   And thus a drone strike could literally be declared legal against truckers, protestors, bloggers, reporters, and common citizens who hold a different point of view.

For decades, the schism of justice has derailed.   Russia has become our Nationalism.   If they rise against the Elite Blockade of Totalitarian Rule – We Should Support Their Efforts 150%.

When viewing Russia it is important to distinguish between the USSR and Russia which seems a difficult task for some.   Yet distinguishing between the brutal monarchies of Britain and today’s Queen – is somehow accepted. Why?   Media propaganda.

I was recently flagged for an abrupt opinion I made:   “never expect people to get it right all the time. We all have feet of clay in our own way, prone to make serious mistakes in judgment and sometimes ethics. Extending grace is a good virtue.”

A good call that everyone can relate to!

Most people feel compassion for the Ukraine people in the midst of this war. But where was the compassion for the 24,000 killed in the Donbas region by the Corrupt Ukraine military over the last 8 years?   Why didn’t you care?   Why were you not outraged!?    Eight years of bombing by the Kyiv government in the Donbas cities – and yet no one thought to feel compassion?

What creates this un-divine heart wherein some people’s lives, innocent citizens, are deemed casualties of war and ignored, and other people lives, innocent citizens, are catastrophic events that call for ‘retaliation!   In the form of Death?

The CIA, the German Bunde, the UK MI have been complicit in hundreds of thousands of deaths!   All Illegal.   All justified by the same organizations that commit the crimes.  No one objects…

So – when demonizing Russia in its 30 years of thwarting coups and protecting peoples – it bears scrutiny to do a bit more due diligence in researching historical truths. Truly, no one wants to breathe the exhaust that would claim the US is in fact an assassin nation, however, neither can we continue to bury our proverbial heads in the sand and pretend.

This isn’t about some fomented reality as in BLM, it is about reorganizing ones knowledge with Eyes Wide Open! This is NOT a war against The People.   It is a war about an absolute corrupt government that incorporates The Globe.

The reality is that Ukraine’s President Zelensky SOLD his people, the Ukrainian populace, to death for money – for ineptitude – for cowardess.   SHAME.

Cabal, Ukraine, Russia, Truthisms Unraveled – And All The Kings Horses…

With the Globe distracted by a war against Ukraine Nazi’s and corruption, California farmers were just told by the Federal US Bureau of Reclamation that there is NO water for crops.   The US Bureau system covers dams, reservoirs and canals. The state water system upped their December allocation from zero to 15% in January. California’s fruits, nuts, and vegetables will die. Farmers will go broke.   Imports cover a half of fresh fruit and a third of fresh vegetables. The top sources include Mexico, Chile, Peru, Canada, and Guatemala. Importing more may or may not be on the Brandon table.

SO how will this affect US prices and inflation?   NOT well.

December was the wettest in San Francisco’s history.   January has topped records as well.   Extreme drought has been reduced from 80% to 30%.  Remember La Nina?   The annual flux that was always sited as the cause of weather changes?   Apparently – the Global Warming detractors no longer recognize this anomoly.

“California begins the new year in much better shape for escaping its drought thanks to a massive October atmospheric river and wet December that delivered more rain and snow so far than the state saw in all of its last paltry precipitation season.”

But California’s government continues to do what it does best in capturing rainfall – Nothing.

The import/export business of food in the US is rather daunting, a web of irrationality.   As the world’s largest exporter of beef, the US imports beef from Canada, Uruguay, New Zealand and Australia.   Why?

The US trade imbalance is not simply a China affair – 2/3 of 30 countries trade account with the US is negative – we import more than we export.   The net effect of all trade remains a negative. While the largest tanking of US trade balance occurred between 1990 and 2004 tanking from -0- to -$700billion, the Brandon administration is set to create an even greater schism as we now stand at -$860 billion and growing.

While I have divided the Cabal into two distinct entities; The Industrialists and The Bankers, Jon Rappaport delves a bit further.   Rappaport identifies eleven clans within the Cabal, representing the Biblical eleven tribes as:   Military, Medical, Intelligence, Money, Religion, Education, Energy, Media, Corporate, Government, and Tech mind control.

The concept of the eleven tribes of Israel vs twelve came about in 1 Kings 11.:   “the Lord tells Solomon that he will take away from him 10 tribes, and only keep 1 tribe as only those people didn’t worshipped other gods.”

The Agenda of each of these tribes is to swallow all competition so that each tribe is a singular entity. For example; Pope Francis merged Catholicism with Islam.   NATO represents a globular military.   BIS, Bank for International Settlements, will ultimately gobble the Federal Reserve Banks.   Saudi Aramco is the worlds largest energy company by market value and the third largest company in the world!  They most definitely have a seat at the top of the pyramid!

Apple is number 1 and Microsoft is number 2 in raw market value across the entire global market.   That would obviously give them an edge certainly in the pyramid.

While Rappaport believes these tribes rule as a committee of equals, I differ on this concept.   Someone has to be King.   Someone has to be chair and vice chair or nothing gets done.   Someone always has to be – King.   Even in the roundtable of the knights – there was the Head – King Arthur.

So who is the King of the Cabal’s round table?

Likely an old comrade of the Cabal whose age and existence are tenable.   NOT Soros since his lineage does not provide the required heritage.   But the most volatile aspect of the Cabal’s continuance is finding someone with youth who has the will of a brick wall, the fortitude of a hypersonic missile, and the evil pronouncement of Satan – all packaged within a persona that portrays the opposite.   NOT an easy fit.

The economic plague that is imposed by the Cabal most heavily within the US and Europe fit the directive of Klaus Schwab who declared that North America and the EU whites must be the first subject targets of depopulation.

TO answer a question posed to me by a friend – the means of depopulation is a trickle down concept.   The EU and US population over the age of 65 have no productive value and were the prime targets of the JAB.   Africa didn’t take the vax bait, and have thus become a thorn in the agenda.   Russia’s vax was not based on the gene reorganization MRna, and they too became a – thorn.

IF we are to understand and protect ourselves from this agenda – it is most appropriate to acknowledge that the reverse of their Chicken Little Screams is likely more connected to Truth.   IF they want to bomb Russia – that would mean Russia is a threat because they are on ‘our side’.   IF they want to medicate and opiate – that would indicate that medicine is not on our side.   If they want to denounce oil independence – that would be an indicator they are NOT on our side.

This unveiling of the wolves was the bane of Trump’s presidency.   So many wolves don a mask of the sheep.   And thus it becomes a quite difficult board game.   Over the last two years this board game has exposed itself more flagrantly – aka, Cheney, Rubio, Flake, Pence, Romney, Swalwell, – and Cruz, among hundreds more.

In the end, the wolves reveal themselves – sometimes openly and aggressively – and other times inadvertently – which would be the case for Cruz.   Pay Attention.

Ukraine was a hub for sex and slave trafficking, a hub for money laundering, a hub for illicit deals.   They became the defacto Epstein Island.  A neo-Nazi regime!

Russia is doing the world a grand favor.  

And while the Elite Media decry the heinous consequence of War – Hillary’s Libya response, “What difference does it make!”   Comes to mind.   There were no Hillary sanctions, no protests against Hillary, no ‘thug Hillary declarations’   – in fact the entire 23 wars the US and EU participated in or orchestrated since 2000  are deemed – a yawn.  No International Condemnation…

In this the Ukraine shitake – the ‘Bully’ is and was NATO – Germany – US – UK and France.   Of the 23 wars in the middle east since 2000 – the US and UK were dominant aggressors and there is not only no condemnation – but the media would appear to have – amnesia!   Hundreds of thousands died and millions have been subject to adverse injuries.   And no – absolutely no – compassion.

WHY Is THIS Acceptable?

And yet – Ukraine, the new Epstein Island, a corrupted country dealing in child sex trafficking, fraud, and money laundering – is now the US drama child that western nations must ‘protect’?    Why?   Because these same Western Nations are complicit in these heinous activities.   And don’t want their proclivities to be – exposed.  

And as I speak, Ukraine embassies are busily burning ALL documents that might expose these actions.  A Hillarygate  once again.

Russia/Ukraine War – A US Military Monetary Coup

Given many of us understand that the entire instigation of pushing Russia into a hole was to ramp up the Military Industrial Complex, that would mean they desire a prolonged conflict.   Along the lines of Syria or Afghanistan.   Biden has already stated that an increase in the Defense Budget is necessary – and Raytheon is gleefully announcing their future profits will be billions…   And despite all the gasping about ‘thug Putin’ the hawks are playing the amnesia game over the 23 War/Conflicts involving the US and the Middle East since 2000.   The death toll in Syria alone is over 350,000.  WHERE is the COMPASSION?

The CIA is already busy working the ‘green screen’ gamut releasing two photographs of the same woman in two different Ukrainian towns – having suffered facial injuries.   Her turtleneck is the same, her face is the same, and her hair is the same, with an added bandage in one photo.   PATHETIC!

Within twelve+ hours of Russia starting the shelling, they offered Ukraine a surrender on two conditions – the same conditions they offered NATO: 1.   Keep Ukraine out of NATO – as independent, as per the NATO/US/German agreement of 1991, and   2.   Uphold the Minsk Agreement from 2014 regarding amassing weapons.  IN other words – HOLD to the Agreements that you signed – or be subject to the consequences.

Rather simple actually.   And YET, NATO and the globalists deny any surrender because that would undermine their profit margin.   Having watched Big Pharma reap the rewards during the pandemic, the military junta of the US has declared it is their turn!  BOOM – Raytheon announces mega-profits! 

I wonder what stocks Pelosi is holding now…?   Given the depth of corruption in every judicial department in the US – I doubt she is telling the truth of her holdings either…

Macron came out today making his official Nazi salute for the Media and declaring he had a perfunctory conversation by telephone with Putin.   With no results.  AH

Sanctions have been imposed on Russia annually since at least 2014.   Nothing was ever lifted – even sanctions of election fraud via the Trump Dossier.   Sanctions were imposed before Russia raised a finger at Ukraine – what did they have to lose?   Obviously, the sanctimonious sanction prosecutors have completely devolved into rapid reptilian beasts.

What could they possibly be angry about?   Russia has more oil, more gas, more freshwater, more GOLD than any other country.   And the globalists want it – without having to pay for it. A war means industrialists make profit and Russia potentially loses its economy.   In their magnaplutorium world, the cabalists continue to be short-sided on their understanding of Russia.

We have watched as Ukraine was couped in 2014 and the subsequent spiral of its economy has been devastating ever since.   That spiral makes them vulnerable.   That spiral is the same vision the Cabalists have designed should they gain control of Russia.   Break Them – and Remake Them – is the mantra.  It is the World Economic Forum.

But Putin – had an awakening of sorts it would appear.   He realized that his desire to integrate Russia into the global society of the EU and US was a CIA dead-end alley.    Back-doored, betrayed, propagandized, like all of us – Putin awakened.   He realized that desire would never – ever – occur. Any more than it did for our Ally – Assad!

Betrayal is probably one of the worst psyche games that can be perpetrated on an individual, city, state or country.   Assad was our ally and friend – until suddenly, he wasn’t.   The Shah of Iran was a CIA installation. The Shah was technically murdered by a French Professor, Georges Flandrin, who diagnosed him, refused to tell the Shah the true diagnosis, and then prescribed prescription drugs that killed him.

The atrocities of The Bible pale to the true evil of mankind!

Yet, despite reality, we continue to believe that maybe, just maybe …

Somehow, these truisms are diluted – disputed – slewed – and profaned as conspiracies.   Over and over and over again within the media propaganda hypnosis.   Until the truth is no longer visible.

Despite being personally lectured as to this ‘evil’ that permeates such grandiose snakes within our global societies, I continue to be naïve.  

  1. Putin’s targets in the Ukraine were quite specific – munitions, artillery, military, airports, and the mercenaries.   From a military standpoint – this would be a General Patton strategy.   By contrast, the Syria trajectory of bombing and destruction under Obama was aimed at – civilians.
  2. Russia has made its demands more clear.   It is now up to Zelensky to choose – the Ukrainian People – or his Self Idiotic Ego failure as his legacy. Does he have the courage to protect the people of Ukraine – or is his own life more important than his country?

This is the Cabalist blackmail.   And each failure;   Romney, McCain, Biden, Macron, Trudeau, Morrison, Stoltenberg… they are given a choice.   And each – have chosen self – over their entire country!    One of the most profound dictums that deliniates  good over evil.

In reading an extraordinary novel, The Silent Patient, the concept of ‘betrayal’ from a psychiatric view is most amazing!  

How humans respond to various levels of betrayal defines our global agenda. But peeling apart the psyche of an entire ‘class of peoples’ his hugely different than evaluating one particular person’s proclivity to evil.   I enjoy the game of deconstructing a novel to find the perpetrator as quickly as possible.   However, while I must say The Silent Patient – was extraordinary, the mass psychosis perpetrated upon our global citizens is beyond an ordinary novel!


I hold to the one truism that seems to have power.   IF your enemy, aka the Biden Regime, supports something or demonizes another something – it is our clue that those being demonized are our true allies.   Hence.   When the liberals and Neo-Hawks glee over War…   it is because that was – their Agenda.

Why DO The Cabalists Want RUSSIA?

ALL Focus is on Russia’s potential invasion of Ukraine.   The common justification is that Russia wants Ukraine’s resources.   But Ukraine’s Resources were already SOLD to payoff their insurmountable Debt.   The REAL Question is why do the Cabalists want RUSSIA!?

THE Reason Russia is not overwhelmed by New Sanctions is because they have been the brunt of a continuous slew since 2014:

  1. The United States suspends trade and investment talks with Russia as well as military-to-military cooperation.
  2. The EU imposes visa restrictions and asset freezes on 21 Russian and Ukrainian/Crimean officials.
  3. The United States imposes visa restrictions and asset freezes on 11 Russian officials, including the speaker of the Federal Council Valentina Matviyenko, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, and presidential aide Vladislav Surkov.
  4. EU-Russia summit cancelled.
  5. Sixteen Russian officials and Bank Rossia added to the U.S. Treasury sanctions list.
  6. Twelve individuals added to the EU sanctions list
  7. EU embassies in Russia ordered not to issue visas to residents of Crimea.
  8. The United States announces a ban on the issuance of export licenses for defense products or services to Russia.
  9. Bilateral U.S.-Russia presidential commission is reported to have been temporarily suspended.
  10. Seven Crimean officials and the Crimean Chernomorneftegaz oil company are added to the U.S. Treasury sanctions list.

IN Fact, Russia is still sanctioned for interfering in the US election with the defacto evidence being the repudiated Trump Dossier!    The List above is only relative to one month in 2014, and is not even close to the full extensive list.   The purpose of sanctioning is to break the economy.   Breaking the economy means the installation of a puppet president.   And installation of a puppet president means the Globalist Cabal is complete in their colonization.

There are those circulating false notions that Russia wants Ukraine for her resources:   A)   Ukraine’s resources are a speck of sand compared to Russia –   B)   Ukraine is in sovereign debt default to China, the IMF, and a number of private Hedge Funds.   C) The reason Zelensky had to get a loan from China was because he had failed to break the economy out of its death spiral and no one else would loan him a dime.

The Second Interesting Riff on Putin – In 2017, Klaus Schwab joyfully lists Merkel, Trudeau and Putin as graduates from the WEF Young Global Leaders Program.   To be a Young Global Leader, one must be under 38.   The WEF program was created in 1993 when Putin was 41. At the time of the recognition statement, Schwab was nearly 80.

The Daily News Break published a comprehensive list of persons who have gone thru the WEF Young Leaders Program.   It does NOT list Putin.   But the list is notable with Bill Gates being first up in 1993, and does in fact include Macron, Merkel, Chancellor Kurtz, Buttigieg, Nikki Haley, Samantha Power, Paul Krugman, Alicia Garza – co-founder BLM, Sanjay Gupta, Omidyar, Thiel, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Google founders and CEO, Annalena Baerbock, Jack Ma, Thomas Friedman – NYT, etc..

Hollywooders are also listed:   DiCaprio, Charleze Theron, Anderson Cooper, and Ashton Kutcher.  

Moscow, Russia, 13 October 2021 – “Russia will take a leading role in shaping the trajectory of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Today, leaders from the Russian Federation and the World Economic Forum announced the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Russia.”

There are 15 countries that have joined this trajectory: Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Turkey, South Africa, Israel, Columbia, UAE, Ghislaine Maxwell’s Ocean Data, US, India, and Japan.

Their focus is AI, data, medicine and blockchain.

ANO Digital Economy will run Russia’s interest – a fully Russian NGO.   Integration in this particular segment of the 4th Industrial Revolution is not terribly notable as an admission of Cabalist guilt.   It was more likely a move to enhance Russia’s own advancement so as to not be left behind in the AI evolution.   Tapping knowledge is inevitable for future technology.   But having NGO control by Russia was paramount in the decision.

By contrast, the Biden Handlers have been busy destroying the economies of the US, EU, and Canada, for the implementation of Agenda 2030 and global depopulation to 1 billion total – according to Klaus Schwab’s book.   The agenda for Russia has been the installation of puppet globalist Navalny.  Which has been derailed every time – ramping up their anger tantrums.

Russia has continued the race of The Tortoise & The Hare building up military and cyber technology while stockpilingand building their Resources.   The Media defamation has gone ballistic – likely because Russia has repeatedly out-maneuvered their demonizing.   One such “expose” is to claim Russia Just Wants To Ingratiate Itself As A Super Power!   Well, isn’t everyone?

Russia Resources:   Less than 2 years ago the price of a barrel of oil was just $19.   The US was an independent exporter.   Today the US is an importer once again and the price of a barrel is $93, an increase of almost 400%. Where are we importing oil from?   Not Ukraine – Russia.

Heating oil is up 50% and rising.   Germany imports 40% from – Russia, not Ukraine. Russia now holds 21% of global gold reserves – not Ukraine. Of the large economies, Canada and Norway’s gold reserves total $-0-.   Russia’s soil is black-gold the best in the world. Lake Baikal, Russia; 395 miles long – 45 miles wide – 5,387 feet deep.   It contains ¼ of the worlds fresh water and contains more water than all the Great Lakes…combined!

So let’s rephrase:   Why would the Globalists want Russia?

DESTROY RUSSIA – Lindsey Graham Screams from The Cabal Pulpit!

IF anyone had doubt as to who are the good guys and who are the bad guys – the raging hawks are coming out of their yachts to scream, “Destroy Russia!”   Per their Cabalist Handlers.   Russia made a pre-emptive move today that was slightly brilliant when formally accepting the sovereignty of Donbass.   Deploying more Russian troops into the now sovereign nation is a tactical and legal move that was not anticipated by the Global Marxist Regime.

In so doing, Russia has declared that anyone launching missiles at the Donbass region is provoking a war with Russia given they have announced their presence.   International Law.

Lindsey Graham, a known Cabalist hawk is desperate to proclaim his alliance with the Global Marxist Regime by demanding that Brandon immediately destroy the Ruble and crush Russian oil.   That demand alone could be cause for high treason on an international court.  But he is obeying his masters.

Graham has declared that Russia is now in violation of the Minsk Agreement between Russia and Ukraine…   yet Ukraine has been in violation since its institution 2014.   Putin has repeatedly requested that Ukraine abide by the Agreement.  Zelensky has refused.   Europe has ignored the refusal declaring that the Minsk Agreement wasn’t viable or a fair agreement that was enforceable because it …. Um…. Just wasn’t…

The Cartel has been out-CHESSED!    And Graham’s knowledge of the situation is obviously at a nursery school level.  Listening to his rant and tantrum is akin to Hollywood twitter twits with eighth grade education achievements.

Of course no MSM article is complete unless there is a U.S. official available to pronounce this is a “grave warning” and diligently writing to the United Nations, cautioning that, “Russia has put together a list of Ukrainians to be killed or sent to camps following a military occupation.”

What this ‘grave warning’ theatre is about is the gulag train being assembled in the US, Canada, and Australia whereby names are collected for insurrection detention indefinitely.

Unfortunately for Graham, social media would be his bane given it provides a scrotum of truth that can be harvested from the weeds.

And Graham is most definitely – a weed.

Bathsheba Crocker, the US official, has opened a query for the UN into ‘potential human rights abuses’ should Putin be allowed to live.  Never mind China, DC, Chicago, NYC, San Francisco, LA, Minneapolis, et al, where human rights abuses are RAMPANT and Current!

Bathsheba currently serves as the Representative of US to the European Office of the UN – elected by Biden. Her resume is quite interesting:   A brief stint at Council for Foreign Relations, brief stint at Center for Strategic and International Studies, brief stint at the UN, and briefly an Advocacy Officer for International Affairs at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Once again, the liberal court of Wonderland gives no evidence of any kill list, of any satellite imagery of troops, of any Russian texts, emails, documents, tapped phones – to substantiate far fetched schemes.   And The People know who is lying.

But Lindsey Graham did solidify his allegiance:   “When it comes to thugs like Putin disrupting world order and destroying democracies – enough is enough,”

So the real cause has now been stated by yet another Kamaltoes blunderer – Graham.   The entirety of the entire initiation of a possible WWIII is because Putin disrupted the world order. And he is therefore – a thug.

So let’s return to Bathsheba’s resume.   Advocacy Officer for International Affairs.   The basic concept of such a person is to influence opinion.   Such an officer would be told what her advocacy is – and work with other NGO’s and governments to promote their viewpoint for implementation.   This was her role at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.   Meaning, Gates is hugely invested in not just pharma – but actually in our global governments at every level.   Meaning Gates is front and center for the World Order and the elimination of Russia.

What the Cult Cartel did not seem to notice was that Obama’s attempt to destroy the oil market thru massive sanctions on Russia in 2014 hugely backfired.   It destroyed the market for everyone.   Putin reorganized. The Saudi’s also reorganized.   Shifting priorities, Putin expanded other resources to reinstall Russia’s stability. Not to mention weaponry.

Obama thus helped create a stronger Russia.

Ukraine was initially partitioned by the Bolsheviks when they massacred millions of Russians in order to install Marxist/Communism.   While Ukraine and other eastern nations were partitioned by France, Germany and the US post USSR, this ‘redistricting’ was based on very specific predicates.   Those predicates were blatantly crossed immediately when NATO took over Poland, Lithuania, and Estonia.   Ukraine was simply Putin’s ‘red-line’.

When it became apparent that Putin would not bend to the Cabalist Order, the anti-Russia rhetoric elevated to demonic accusations.

Problem:   Germany and the EU at large did NOT expand their reliance’s accordingly – in particular energy.   They were perfectly content to help pay for half the $11 billion bill for Nord Stream II as the solution.   But this alliance was seen as a potential disruption of the power grid enforced by the Cabal.   The power of Oil is still Black Gold.

The EU knows this – they know their Wind Farms and Solar Farms are simply a photoshoot propaganda ploy, but no one told them to invest in European oil and gas – because Climate Change denied any fossil fuels.

This Winter is proving to be one of the coldest!   My heating oil price per units is up 50% over last year.   And we don’t have – a shortage. We are shipping our supplies to Europe because they are not allowed to use Russian supplies.

All while the Globalist Cartel espouses open sharing. Apparently, that open sharing excludes those they don’t like.   And like Assad, who was an ally – before he wasn’t DESTROY RUSSIAand his country destroyed, that is what all of Europe and the world has to ‘hold’ when brokering a deal with these elitists.   Sand.

Munich Security Conference Ends – Ukraine Responds

The Munich Security Conference has come to an end with Kamaltoes and Zelensky highlighted at the end making their respective media points.   Zelensky patiently waited for Kamals to stop talking before he made two proverbial points,   1.   Someone is lying, and   2.   You can have your $1billion, I don’t want it.   And the cinema reel kept spinning as the import of those statements took hold.   Ukraine was used as a tool by the US Cartel and Zelensky finally woke up from his Rip Van Winkle nap.

Zelensky has watched as the CIA Cartel began prepping to incite a globalist war in order to fully implement the Sustainable Development Agenda by the World Economic Forum.   In this War, Ukraine would be demolished by all forces – including the Cartel.

In this Cartel War, most Ukraine citizens would be dead or severely wounded, their country reduced to rubble, and The Cleaners would quickly move in, take control, and rebuild using US taxpayer funds.

It is the same Plot used on Afghanistan and Syria – both having enormous resource value. Both times, the Cartel failed.   Both times, they left the countries destitute.  And now they are miffed – their reputation flailing!

The Media Mafia of the Cartel managed to hypnotize Americans into believing that our government system was beyond reproach and these infinite and massive incursions into sovereign territory were for the purpose of freeing citizens from inhumane dictators.   We Believed!   Until Big Tech opened the door of Social Media!

Big Tech managed to solidify the passage of information that actually has brought the World awareness of the Truth!  Big Tech is responsible for the slashes that have hugely slowed the WEF Agenda.  NOT purposefully.  They did NOT understand the Pandora Box they opened.And that BOX – is their demise.

The point of deploying massive Censorship is specifically designed to try and mediate and reverse that knowledge.   But the damage is done.   The Truth is known – and The Cartel is desperate.

Zelensky understands what he did and is adamantly backing away from the Regime. The EU is realizing that this War Mongering Cartel Agenda would ultimately breach their lands and send them into the midst of the next World War.   The EU military is worthless.   They have little defense.   The DoD arming Poland is too little too late.   And Poland has now been set up as a strategic HIT.  Not a good strategic point.

Biden has announced that the Cartel agenda is focused nearly exclusively on Nord Stream II – “It will never be approved”.   But the financiers of Nord Stream include FIVE European Countries.   The US has NO stake in the game.   And thus the internal RIFF rises exponentially.   Behind Closed Doors.

Thus it would seem at face value that Europe is ‘expendable’, according to the Cartel.   And that’s not going over too well.  After all, there are only so many berths on Bezos yacht!

As a result, the Rothschild installed Macron is calling for a dialogue between Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France.   The US?   Not invited. The UK?   Not invited. And suddenly the media are decrying that if Russia invades – Biden will lose politically, if Russia doesn’t invade – Biden will lose politically.

And the Gamut was again breeched.   Ukraine’s annihilation, Russia’s advancement – are ALL a political stage for The Cartel.   Why?   Likely a test.

Canada was simultaneously ‘tested’ with the Trucker Convoy.   And like the January 6th Protest – Martial Law, Rule of Law, Communist Law – was proven to be the only deterrent.

And thus Macron jumps onto the podium steep and misses falling three feet to his collapse.   Brushing himself off, he limps to the podium and attempts to put his chin above the rank level – unsuccessfully.   As he vehemently decries that this war can be solved via dialogue – the media fails to note the Absurd:  The French Presidential Election is April 10, 2022.   AND to date – Macron has accomplished absolutely – NOTHING.

In The Art of War, a main tenet is ‘Know thy Enemy’.   And in this – The Cartel found themselves short. They miscalculated and thought that the majority of populaces would sheeple.

Unfortunately, these consistent miscalculations have also revealed that there are those with whom the populace place their trust – who may be compromised.   And were it not for Big Tech supplying Social Media – we might still be in the shadows.

  1. Ted Cruz.   Many had placed their faith in Cruz.   We believed he was a staunch advocate.   That is until a blip – a revelation – a politically damaging reveal… he has called the January 6th protestors ‘domestic terrorists’ and condemned their fate to Guantanamo!  That is incredibly – scary!
  2. Donald Trump.   I understand the pushback I will receive for this, but feel it is important in self evaluating Truth.   Trump aligned with the Cartel and Biden in demonizing Nord Stream II.   Trump also supported and marketed for the Pharma Industry in pushing Vaccines.   SAFE – he decried!

While I reserve my opinion on Trump at this point given all the positives he attained, Ted Cruz really hasn’t done anything noteworthy… and instead focuses on issues that are relatively passive in this day and age.

By contrast, there are two sources that remain staunch and elicit Truth – Ron Paul and Rand Paul.   Libertarians.   In an interview in the 1980’s, Reagan claimed he was more of a Libertarian in reality than a Republican.   The Interviewer denigrated this response – and Reagan in his easy going manner disintegrated the reporter…

Unfortunately, like the world we live in, there are fake, fraudulent libertarians just as pronounced as neo-conservative hawks such as Romney, McCain, Cheney, Bush, etc…

Navigating this cesspool is truly a tabloid sensation!

But, we need to keep our Eyes Wide Open.   Be vigilant.   Be as shrewd as a Fox.   Because even the slightest incongruous step could be our demise as a civilization.

While we study the historical demise of previous civilizations from a sanitized perspective, it is far more frightening when that perspective is our own civilization facing its perfunctory demise.   Not because of climate change or an asteroid, but because of EVIL.

Which opens the debate – would the real historical Truth reveal that civilizations died as a consequence of actual Evil?   Evil as an agent of humanity?   What happened to Paul’s Corinthians?   Thessalonians?   Greece?   Northern Africa was once – Greece.     Why does no one decry – GENOCIDE!

The Mycenaean’s.   A perfect example of a civilization that was destroyed by what would become The Roman Empire.   The same Romans – for which history has NO determination of their roots.   And thus – call upon mythology to create a House Built On Sand… A House that ultimately is absorbed – by The Sea.

What is; The Purpose of the UN, NATO, WHO, Federal Reserve?

**What is the Purpose of the United Nations?

The UN was created after WWII’ to replace the ineffective League of Nations.   It was based on the Four Major allies of the globe; Soviet Union, US, China and UK under New Deal aspirations magistrate – FDR. The UN Charter which was signed by 50 countries was officially penned in 1945 with the addition of France as a Major Allied Nation.   Not Germany. Why? Because Germany was the evil axis that had initiated both WWI & WWII.

It was the UN that partitioned Palestine to create Israel. It was the UN that partitioned the Soviet Union.   Effectively redistributing entire land mass countries according to their design.  Including Ukraine.

As their ‘peacekeeping missions’ continually fell short and had little to no effect, they redesigned themselves. They had lost luster and their purpose diminished continually.   By the 1970s, the UN budget for social and economic development was far greater than its peacekeeping budget.

They waned.  Albeit temporarily.

President Reagan actually withdrew monetary support of the UN in 1984.   By 1988 as Bush took the presidency from Reagan for a reign in January 1989 – UN monetary support reversed.   Suddenly, the powers exponentiated!   The UN became embroiled in conflicts from Salvadoran War, Khmer Rouge, US led Iraq invasion of Kuwait, and apartheid in South Africa.

Between the Bush and Clinton era’s, the UN became the Global Government.

**What is the Purpose of NATO?

NATO was established in 1949 after WWII to protect France and the UK against an attack by Germany or the Soviet Union.   Given the Soviet Union no longer exists, technically that would mean NATO’s purpose is to protect European countries from – Germany. It’s purpose was specifically delineated to be defensive – to deescalate situations in the promotion of peace.  Key Word – DeEscalate.

Oddly, their missions have been offensive in:   Ukraine, Turkey, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Kosovo, Bosnia, Yugoslavia, and Kuwait.   ALL in the guise of the Partnership For Peace.

Today, NATO has unilaterally redefined themselves as:   “partners through military-to-military cooperation on training, exercises, disaster planning and response, science and environmental issues, professionalization, policy planning, and relations with civilian government.”

Civilian Government?   Who could that be?

**What is the Purpose of WHO?

World Health Organization was launched in 1948 as a ‘subsidiary of sorts’ of the UN at the behest of – China.  Its Logo was the symbol for ‘Healing’.   At the time, the diseases rampant included: malaria, TB, and STD’s.   But maternal and child health in terms of ‘nutrition and hygiene’ were also control vectors.

In 2020, WHO announced there were 600 million new STD’s with the US having the highest rate among developed countries at the rate of 124 among 100,000 people.   And despite all their eradication & healing efforts, 630,000 die each year – among 241 million annual cases.

While WHO considers these numbers a great accomplishment, it should be noted there were no aggregate global disease numbers in 1950, 1960, 1990…   or even 2020 for comparison.   WHY?   Because no one reports these diseases in Africa or India!   And thus, WHO creates back-estimates, present guesstimates, and future crystal ball numero’s in order to create a fabricated statistical chart.

Anybody who ever studied statistics in the foregone age of real learning institutions, they were the bastion. If nothing else you had – statistics. Truth. Real.   No more!   (In my mother’s world, etiquette according to the authority of Ann Landers was your ‘statistic’ go to in the event of well, anything…).

Statistics have gone the way of polls and surveys, and critical race theory.  And WHO has failed to eradicate diseases from 70+ years ago and HEAL.   

*What is the Purpose of The Federal Reserve?

In 1913 when the Fed was founded, its principal function was to make sure the U.S. banking system could endure bank runs created by unforeseen financial shocks.

The means of achieving this was determined to be the task of making loans to its member banks when the banks needed more liquidity. These loans were to be paid in Federal Reserve Notes, a new banknote that the Fed was given the legal authority to issue.

Economist, Milton Friedman, declared that it was the Federal Reserve that created the 1929 Great Depression! Years later in 2002, Ben Bernanke as Chairman of the Federal Reserve stated that Friedman was correct and apologized for causing the Great Depression.

Their usefulness is obviously – greatly exaggerated.

The Federal Funds Rate did not exist until 1954 – post WWII.   A chart delineating annual inflation since 1929 and Federal Funds Rates since 1954 reveals the correlation is nonexistent.   Their Monetary Policy – does NOT exist.   And thus – the entire concept of Monetary Policy – is an Illusion.

These cornerstones of our current, present economy have not achieved their purpose since their inception – 109 years ago to 70 years ago – and yet they continually empower themselves unilaterally – without citizen votes or input.

The point?   NONE of these organizations have usefulness.   On the contrary, they have revealed incompetency, fraud, corruption, and a narcissistic proclivity as pathological liars.   Still, they believe they are the coming Global Power that will rule via their Sustainable Development Plan – The Fourth Industrial Revolution, The Great RESET.

This is why Democrats and neo-conservative Republicans are fleeing Congress – they have been told there will be no more – elections. The Committee Government has risen.

CIA Paramilitary Operatives in Ukraine – Just For Funzies

According to the Pentagon, ‘some’ US embassy personnel along with CIA operatives have moved their offices from Kyiv to Lviv in western Ukraine to protect themselves from the inevitable attack by Russia.   1)   CIA paramilitary operatives are in Ukraine,    2)   Why would ‘some’ personnel be left behind for the imminent bombing?

An even scarier scenario as elaborated by the Pentagon is this:   “If the Russians launch a new invasion, there’s going to be people who make their life miserable,” said the former senior intelligence official.  “The CIA-trained paramilitaries will organize the resistance using the specialized training they’ve received.

All that stuff that happened to us in Afghanistan,” said the former senior intelligence official, “they can expect to see that in spades with these guys.”

In other words, the 20 year war in Afghanistan that was initiated by the US and NATO which resulted in the deaths of 215,000 including civilians – is their Model of Success.  

Afghanistan is facing an existential crisis with nearly 23 million subject to food insecurity/malnutrition/starvation.   Inflation is 41%, and measles, malaria, dengue, and polio have made a resurgence.   And the UN wants money – billions – because there is no economy left at all.

Ukraine?   Are you scared yet? These are your chosen allies.

Apparently, the Defense Department is not exactly using ‘intelligence sources’ for their media propaganda, but instead are using twitter accounts and independent anonymously sourced ‘analysis’ of Putin to foment the panic.   Which is WHY when asked for evidence, there is none.

One such source, is an obscure self declared cyber security expert whose twitter accounts boast that they are ‘followed by Human Rights Watch’  a Soros organization.   IMAGINE THAT?

While Kamaltoes has flown to Munich for the annual Munich Security Conference, ExAustin has flown to NATO Headquarters in Brussels.   Given Mz. Harris extensive background in security, safety, crisis and military threats, she was chosen to attend the summit leaving Brandon at home. We can only HOPE she doesn’t giggle…

Given the conference entails the weekend, Brandon declared he didn’t want to attend since he spends every weekend in Delaware, including the weekend the media pronounced he spoke at length with Zelensky, Putin, and Scholz.   Oodddd.

The media is required to attend virtually.  Well sortof.   Certain media is actually given a seat behind the stage, including:  New York Times, Washington Post, and the Financial Times – all Leading liberal rags owned by the CIA.  Oh the FT is owned by MI6.  Corrected. 

There will be no representative from Russia.

The Speakers list includes gosh darn notables;    John Kerry, World Bank President, President of the Rockefeller Foundation, Bill Gates, Tedros, Baumann, chairman of Bayer, Chatham House, Pelosi, New York Times, CCP, Zelensky, Bojo, Financial Times, and every Socialist imaginable.

Roundtable Discussions are by ‘invitation only’.   Stage topics include: Climate Change, Disinformation, Technology, Crises, the next polypandemic, Nuclear NATO, Cooperation, Crypto, Food Security…. Blah. The same drivel that has done nothing every previous year is on display once again for the last 5+ decades.

However, a few non-blahs do bare mentioning:   1) stemming the illiberal tide – the global challenge eroding democracy,   2) A long shot, rethinking and reinvigorating arms control, 3)   the role of cities – democratic game changers.

1.   Stemming The Illiberal Tide: The illiberal national crises were upended by Donald Trump, China & Russia. According to Foreign Affairs, “These populist politicians attack liberal order as a so-called globalist project that serves the interests of sinister elites while trampling national sovereignty, traditional values, and local culture.” Thus these political ingrates must be vanquished… apparently, so that the elite may rule. As Liz Cheney so eloquently put it, “My constituents are idiots.”

Discussing the disruption in the implementation of the New International Order, the elites state that these processes (to mediate the crises actors Trump, China & Russia) are already in motion. They stem not only from recent developments but also from forces that have been transforming international order since the start of the twenty-first century. 

Interesting choice of words – Forces.

2.   Reinvigorating Arms Control:   Gun control is a close parallel which has proven ineffective.   The predominant reason is simple – no one truly trusts anyone in the Global Arena.   Promises have proven worthless as we witness the Gorbachev NATO/Germany agreement of 1991.   Pinky swear – doesn’t garner much allegiance.   And in such a scenario, the ‘bad guys’ end up with ALL the weapons.

3.   The Role of Cities: Cities as they are conventionally built are being dismantled.   The US is the most obvious stage wherein we watch as crime, chaos, fires, destruction, and lawlessness prevails.   The purpose is to level cities.   Like a bulldozer might level a building.

The rebuilding would be the next phase once the absolute Mad Maxx chaos has been fully implemented.   And the newly envisioned tech cities will function along the lines of ‘factory towns’.

As rural and suburban home ownership became untenably unreachable for most, ultimately those persons will crawl back to the newly refurbished factory cities.   These human-robotons will work, eat, play, and sleep according to their factory owners.   They will be relatively de-humanized and more Human-AI.

Cities provide a closed environment for control.

This Agenda is discussed as part of the Master Plan for the Sustainable Development Goals.

It would appear that between Trump, Russia and a few European illiberal alliances, this plan by ‘the Forces’ has hit the restart button too many times and is forebodingly behind schedule.  FYI:  Star Wars – The Forces!

Ultimately the Ukraine-Russia scenario is simply to break Russia – and Ukraine is puppet expendable in that accomplishment.   Unfortunately, Zelensky’s massive experience as a ‘comedian’ did not provide him the necessary insight and skills to mediate Ukraine’s imminent destruction.

And European politicians have likely sought the pricey ‘bunker’ as they hole up and hope Russia does not use Nuclear warheads as their retaliation.   Certainly, IF Europe believed that Russia’s imminent attack was yesterday, the day before, the week before, and now tomorrow and beyond – they would have held their Munich Security Conference via ‘bunkers’.  Instead, despite the imminent and absolute annihiliation by Nuclear forces – They chose a party platform with appetizers, drinks, beef and fun ‘entertainment’. 

But their logical and rational critical thinking would seem to be a burp.   And the massives – the majority – the enlightened – are FAR more knowledgeable than the elites. Perhaps they could have coerced a society of 20,000 historically, but the idea they can deceive 8 billion is keenly in our CORNER.

Interesting non-attendants include:  Trudeau, Macron, Morrison, Biden, Jinping, Putin…

Durham Probe & Inflation: Two Most Relevant Stories Ignored

The TWO stories the Russian Pandemic attempted to purge into the basement:   1) The Durham Probe which reveals Hillary et al conceivably commit Treason in hacking into President Trump’s emails,   and 2)   INFLATION!   Outpacing any time in history.

In the meantime multiple contemporary stories got shoved into the dumpster because their only rating was self imposed – the media.   Those stories include: Climate Change, Electric Vehicles, Racist computers, and all things – Russia. The Russia narrative was similar to the CoVid hype – over done to the point of boring.

So we are left with the true stories that have the most impact upon every human being across the globe –

#1 – Inflation.

Comparing rates across the continents is a futile exercise in ‘futility’. Why? Because nearly every single nation measures inflation differently.   And those measurement methodologies continually change.   For example; the US method excludes those items that tend to have the highest ratios such as housing, fuel and food.   When looking at the actual rise of commodities most necessary and prevalent – the adjusted rate would far exceed the nominative value of 7% or 9% – and likely find a rate that exceeds 50%.   In ONE year.

Oddly, the administration would have us believe that the cause of inflation is businesses, supply challenges, China, shortages, crates, infrastructure…   EVERYTHING except ‘responsibility’.   And somehow that black magic only came about because Biden inherited Trump’s economy.

As Ron Paul routinely regurgitates that few listen to – the root cause is our monetary system, our federal reserve, our banking cartel! Billions sent through NIH that lifts the China economy while bludgeoning our own!  

While GOP Hawk Rino’s ALL espouse their alignment with Reagan, his thought processes, his economic prowess, they have conveniently quashed a very relevant speech wherein Reagan claimed he was really a Libertarian”. 

Of course, back then the ideology was seen as a tea party collapse and scrubbed for fear of its truthworthiness.   Today, rino’s democrats, progressives, hawks, all attempt to use Reagan’s name to support their cabalist globalist viewpoints. Like a Mask.

The two major parties of our present, the democrat and republican parties, are dead.   Flailing madly in a turbulent lake of fire, they will soon enough come to realize that this too – is a cycle of history.

Historical parties have included; the Federalists, The Caucuses, The Greenbackers, the Populists, The Progressives, The Working Families Party, the New Progressive Party, the Independents, The Green Party, the Alliance Party, and Peace Party, Communist Party, Socialist, Worker Reform, etc…  They come, they rise, and they fall.

With the downfall of the current republican and democrat parties, some cling with tenacity, unable to understand their party is – dead.  Other’s are not so keen to follow the death march.

Overwhelmingly, the new party is a Trump alliance that has garnered both former republican and democrat voters. It’s only real competition is the Green/Communist Party which is backed by the globalist cabal.

While they have corruption, evil, fraud and manipulation on their side, that is the ONLY way they obtain power. Not thru The People – NOT For The People – but through fraud.   Liz Cheney made the best endorsement of this corruption when she proclaimed her constituents were all stupid and instead sided with her media fawners who were more than willing to sell their souls.

2)   The Durham Probe

The Durham Probe is gutsy!   Their fundamental credit is that they worked diligently, anonymously and behind the scenes.   No media leaks, no ad campaign, no propaganda hype, and no corrupt intelligence agencies.

But we are well aware that the Hillary power grid is global when it comes to cabalists and those who will sell their own babies for a price.   What she doesn’t have is – The People.   And like Cheney, she believes they are worth the price of ants.  And thus they make the same historical fault that watched entire civilizations Fall.

What destroys the Cheney’s and Hillary’s, the McCains and Obama’s, is that they fail a fundamental understanding that ants are the worker bees that keep the system moving.

Perhaps some day there will be no need for workers at all given the future of AI.   But then – there would be no use for anybody at that point.   There would be no game, no stage, no play, and these grids of power would ultimately be the snake that ate its tail.

IF the Durham probe actually plays out a true system of justice, then we can put away the most powerful of players and begin the long road of rebuilding.   As we are witness to history, even The Flood didn’t remove all the offspring of the dark angels.    Nor would we.

Some believe they went underground and live somewhere in our earth’s core.

Many ancient civilizations believed in evil.   Aztec and Mayan civilizations believed in lizard people as their gods.   Human sacrifice was a common ritual – and is also thought to be their demise.   Both civilizations literally destroyed themselves because they didn’t recognize the necessity of the ants..

And one can’t help but draw comparisons to our current elite and their coordinated crucifixion of North America, Europe, Africa, Australia, Japan…

The META universe, the AI sex dolls, the AI robotics, all have one purpose – to replace the peasants. Because that is where the Mayans and the Aztecs failed.   Their short-coming was in not having enough slaves.   They killed off their means of survival.

If the Durham Probe survives and wins – we will have simply bought time.  

But somewhere in the lies and deceit of Historical and Monumental proportions, there lies the answer, hidden in a tomb beneath Vatican City