Ukraine – A Chemical BioHazard Land Mine Ready to BLOW!

Decaying tanks of lethal chemicals are buried haphazardly across Ukraine.   There are 13 US BioHazard Labs across Ukraine.   The same labs that created the modified weapon named, “CoVid” in China with funding by NIH.   Zelensky was briefed by Germany’s spy intel, Bruno Kahl who had apparently traveled to Kyiv just for funzies given Germany had repeatedly pinky swore that only Helmets would find their way into Ukraine.   Kahl told Zelensky NOT to negotiate – before being given a special ops guard detail which spirited him back to German soil.  Poof.

Gosh darn, Kahl had to travel by road instead of via the private Hutspa jet given airspace was closed.   While Germany parlays a non-interference face for the Media at large, that would be about as truthful as the photo montage released by the CIA green screen. Unfortunately, they seem to have a limited number of ‘actors’ applying for the job given they continually use the same ones.

As Kahl returned home he announced via the Deutsche Welle media, which is government controlled, that Germany had changed its mind and would be sending weapons to Ukraine.   Given the vast training that the Ukraine military has in advanced weaponry, they could literally blow themselves up in an instant!

Bruno became the appointed president of the FIS after Gerhard Schindler was ousted for his involvement in ‘targeted assassinations’.

Typically, targeted assassinations currently use the predator drone to strike terrorists.   This method became Obama’s and Brennan’s Strategy in the Middle East and Africa. While this assassination means has undergone massive legal implications, with respect to domestic law Brennan stated, “as a matter of domestic law, the Constitution empowers the President to protect the nation from any imminent threat of attack.”   I haven’t been privy to ‘an imminent attack on US soil by Sudan or Somalia…. ever.

The agencies within the US that typically conduct these operations include the CIA and the Joint Special Op Command. Upheld by Eric Holder, Jeh Johnson, and Obama. During Obama’s reign, he had the final word on ‘kill or capture’. While initially the target had to be of relevant status, under Obama, ‘foot soldiers’ or anyone suspected of anything could be – targeted.

Technically, under International Law – assassinations are illegal.   However, the policy has been used so extensively over so many different governments, that the ‘see no evil’ justice prevailed.

Of course the problem with ‘targeted assassination’ is the fact that statistically for every adult target 9 children have been killed.   For Example:   In the target assassination of Ayman-al-Zawahri the CIA killed 76 children and 29 adult bystanders.

Yet these facts are literally and figuratively – buried.

Selective Justice.   When the US intervenes in a war anywhere, it is justified as protecting against a threat.   Even when that threat is nonexistent – as in Syria. As in Iraq.

The Rally Call against Russia protecting itself against the Bullying perpetrated by NATO and it consorts for 30 years reflects Russia’s resilience and quite a bit of ‘patience’ and ‘tolerance’.   But that would NOT be the Media Parlay!

Who Are The Good Guys And Who Are The Bad Guys?  

For anyone who accepts the fundamental knowledge that we have a cabalist regime attempting to RESET the globe under a predetermined doctrine – the good guys consist of anyone the globalists hate.   By default, given the globalists are pro-Ukraine should be all the knowledge we need to construct critical thinking.

Within that construct, Russia is on the side of The People who refuse the Totalitarian Rule the Elite Committee deigns as our future.

While the media touts a ‘weak Brandon’ – Brandon doesn’t exist.   Therefore whatever is happening is a constructed device.   Purposeful.

Making the US into a child whose entire existence is dependent on the production of other countries is not simply Brandon’s dementia – it is Orchestrated.   A Symphony!   All the participants are the Hunger Game elite – and all The People are the island riff-raff Peasants who may not participate.

As we are continually made aware, with Patriots languishing for OVER A YEAR in DC Gulags, our government has usurped LAW.   IF targeted assassination on supposed domestic terrorists is judicially legal – we are all subject to this ‘Nazi Propaganda’.   And thus a drone strike could literally be declared legal against truckers, protestors, bloggers, reporters, and common citizens who hold a different point of view.

For decades, the schism of justice has derailed.   Russia has become our Nationalism.   If they rise against the Elite Blockade of Totalitarian Rule – We Should Support Their Efforts 150%.

When viewing Russia it is important to distinguish between the USSR and Russia which seems a difficult task for some.   Yet distinguishing between the brutal monarchies of Britain and today’s Queen – is somehow accepted. Why?   Media propaganda.

I was recently flagged for an abrupt opinion I made:   “never expect people to get it right all the time. We all have feet of clay in our own way, prone to make serious mistakes in judgment and sometimes ethics. Extending grace is a good virtue.”

A good call that everyone can relate to!

Most people feel compassion for the Ukraine people in the midst of this war. But where was the compassion for the 24,000 killed in the Donbas region by the Corrupt Ukraine military over the last 8 years?   Why didn’t you care?   Why were you not outraged!?    Eight years of bombing by the Kyiv government in the Donbas cities – and yet no one thought to feel compassion?

What creates this un-divine heart wherein some people’s lives, innocent citizens, are deemed casualties of war and ignored, and other people lives, innocent citizens, are catastrophic events that call for ‘retaliation!   In the form of Death?

The CIA, the German Bunde, the UK MI have been complicit in hundreds of thousands of deaths!   All Illegal.   All justified by the same organizations that commit the crimes.  No one objects…

So – when demonizing Russia in its 30 years of thwarting coups and protecting peoples – it bears scrutiny to do a bit more due diligence in researching historical truths. Truly, no one wants to breathe the exhaust that would claim the US is in fact an assassin nation, however, neither can we continue to bury our proverbial heads in the sand and pretend.

This isn’t about some fomented reality as in BLM, it is about reorganizing ones knowledge with Eyes Wide Open! This is NOT a war against The People.   It is a war about an absolute corrupt government that incorporates The Globe.

The reality is that Ukraine’s President Zelensky SOLD his people, the Ukrainian populace, to death for money – for ineptitude – for cowardess.   SHAME.