Kamala Harris: A Socialist Soros Protege

The Grooming of Female Presidential Candidates has long been in the making and Soros, through his organization, Democracy Alliance, has been once again at the helm.   They have remolded the old stale clay of women’s inequality and assaults on women as an anti-Trump ideology, as though this never occurred before…   They aren’t just targeting women for office, but white Republican women voters.  It is a psych-op that uses analytics, subliminal messaging, and the new and improved white supremacist male bashing. 

It began with the massive perpetuation of rape charges against white males, and it was not relegated simply to high profile actors, it was a Movement.   Dehumanizing, thrashing their ego, and taking away their livelihood was considered just and equitable retribution.   Why?  Because, white women represent the largest voting block at 69% of all women and 39% of all votes.  So if you can turn conservative women against their party, which is portrayed as white supremacist males, you have created a coup.

The next phase of the coup was to have liberals suddenly swaying and calling on God like good Baptists at a Revival!   Only they aren’t Baptists and they aren’t Christian. Using religion, espousing God, demonizing the nonChristlike white women into submission to their ideology is the latest manipulation utilized by these power players.  We see it in Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, etc… women who clearly haven’t the vaguest notion what Christlike means.  And we have it in social media as well with pundits exhorting their Christianity with verbose arrogance.

An organization, ISAIAH/FAITH has capitalized on this God manipulation by promoting “Jesus was an undocumented immigrant”.   Using Jesus in support of every caravan hitting the US border became the mantra of Senators and Congressmen/people.

Both these coup tactics are based on ‘guilt’.   If you don’t support illegal immigration then you are not Christlike.  If you don’t see that all white males are supremacist racists, then you are inhumane and support rape. Guilt.

IN November 2017, Democracy Alliance held a conference in California in which they outlined how they were going to confiscate the 2020 election through these coup means.   Kamala Harris was highlighted.

She was being groomed as far back as 2004 when Oprah featured her on her show.  At the time Harris worked in the Alameda City Attorney’s office, a nobody.  In 2007, she ran  “unopposed” for San Francisco District Attorney – not difficult to win that race!   In 2009 President Obama held a White House dinner for then PM David Cameron wherein a number of Indian-Americans were turned out to be honored for their appointments and campaign contributions, including Kamala Harris and her younger sister, Maya Harris.   There was another prominent member at the party, Amit Pandya of the Open Society Institute who served in the State Department for USAID.  Soros anyone?

In 2012 Forbes Magazine listed Harris as one of the World’s Most Powerful Women To Watch.  How was she powerful?  She was virtually an unmarried nobody.  In 2010, while running for California Attorney General, her opponent was well ahead and declared the vote a victory when quite suddenly – “provisional ballots” appeared and Harris miraculously won the election.  She was endorsed by Nancy Pelosi.

In 2014 as her career path was being honed, she needed a husband, so she married Douglas Emhoff, a California attorney after a 3 month engagement.

Her sister Maya Harris served as Executive Director of the ACLU, was a VP at the Ford Foundation, was the senior policy advisor for Hillary’s 2015 campaign for President, and her husband, Tony West worked in the Obama administration on the DOMA – Defense Of Marriage Act, and the Clinton administration as Special Assistant to the Deputy Attorney General.  Maya is currently running Kamala’s campaign for 2020 President.

Kamala’s citizenship has come into question.   She was born in the US to foreign national parents whose citizenship has not been confirmed.  At the age of 7(?) her mother relocated to Canada where Kamala attended school through high school graduation.   She received her law degree in 1989 although she subsequently failed her bar exam.  Like Obama, it is not known if her Howard University admissions application states that she is a Canadian national and not a US citizen, but her citizenship is questionable.

Her current political shift would seem to align with the New Democrat Party advocating Socialism in the form of free healthcare for all, free school for all, free child care for all, free immigration for all, costly climate change for all, and censored free speech.  And while she claims to be half African-American and half Indian-American, her father was of Jamaican heritage which is awash in a mish-mash of European, Chinese and East Indian as well as African, albeit diluted significantly, as so the claim to be black could be much like Pocahontas and simply a manipulated platform.

While her counterparts include Elizabeth Warren, Gillibrand, Biden, Sanders, Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar, Hickenlooper, Castro, Delaney, Williamson, Yang, Gabbard and a host of other wannabe’s, Harris has the edge with her team of Clinton advocates and supporters behind her – including Soros.  The rest?  Likely Distractions.

Her platform resembles that of Ocasio-Cortez although her legal background gives her a bit more clout – she is still an Indian woman raised Hindi with questionable US citizenship promoting radical Socialism as she appeals to the demonization of white males.


VENEZUELA: The Soros Cabal Moves In

The Venezuelan crisis has reached its maze of tentacles into the US polarizing political opinions and creating riffs among previously affirmed buddies and friends.  Why?  Because of the fear of war, coup, regime change, and another Syria.  I agree that the US should not plunge into another Syria, but I also understand that the less than intellectual US media provide absolute drivel when it comes to factual information regarding the Venezuela crisis.  And so, people are turning to Facebook for their analysis and trolls for their insight.  A sad evolution to be sure.

On the ground in Venezuela, the analysis of events is a lot less confusing:

Maduro is corrupt.  No one disagrees.  He has a net worth of somewhere between $2 million and $295 million, and was paid $96 million in 2018.  Even the mathematically challenged can read this one.   The man’s wealth is said to have occurred because he ‘made smart stock investments’.   Hopefully this statement too is obvious.  In essence, Maduro bilked his country, sent it plummeting into the abyss of abject economic chaos wherein people were eating their dogs and eating the prolific abundance of rats to survive.  He has now essentially invoked martial law in order to sustain a power hold as the people revolt.

For the past few years emigration to neighboring countries has been massive, by 2018 10% of the population had left with an additional 57% wanting to leave.   They have nothing.  90% live in abject poverty.  Maduro’s response was to say that there was no crisis, everything was just fine…

Because Venezuela is a Socialist/Communist government, and many industries are nationalized, competition was ineffective.  Between 1999 and 2016, two thirds of all companies in Venezuela left. Unemployment is now reaching 50% and inflation is tipping 500%, while oil revenue is nearly nonexistent compared to historic revenues.  There are no funds to run a country, so Maduro’s only solution – divert those remaining revenues to – Maduro.

Because this is a point-by-point example of failed Socialism, the US Media chose to rephrase it so as to continue to support the rising Socialist ideology in the US.  Ocasio-Cortez and Kamala Harris are epitomizing this shift as they call for a restructuring of the Democrat Party into Socialist Democracy – much like the collapsing countries in the EU; Norway, Sweden, Finland, etc…

Enter Juan Guaido.  He has invoked himself as interim or temporary President of Venezuela to bridge between an ousted Maduro and a new election.   Guaido is himself a member of the Popular Will Party which is – “Socialist”, but distances itself from Chavez Socialism and calls itself a human rights socialist…party that supports globalization.

China has at stake $50 billion in loans and investments it has made over the last decade to Venezuela.  Russia has at risk roughly $6 billion in investments with Venezuela.   Trump just initiated sanctions against Venezuela’s government run oil company CITGO.  What these sanctions do is protect any revenues generated from the sale of their inventory and production of gas by requiring that the money be placed in a sort of trust account that Maduro has no control over.

In essence, what the MSM is not understanding is that this move actually protects both China and Russia’s investments and creates a void for Maduro to continue to siphon off the revenue for his own offshore accounts.

The supposed recognition of Guaido is unimportant in that vein.   He is a globalist, likely propped up by Soros and reminiscent of Trudeau and Macron in his supposed ‘youth appeal’.

The European countries supporting Guaido include the Soros Cabal:  France, Germany, Belgium, UK and Spain.   Other countries recognize Guaido as an interim given the Maduro circumstances: Japan, US, Australia, Israel and Canada   Russia and China are adamantly opposed because Guaido is likely a Soros puppet and his takeover of the country would further alienate their outstanding monetary interests.  The MSM is attempting to spin that Guaido is US backed, a Trump puppet, in order to deflect the fact that as a Globalist, he is obviously in the Soros Cabal.  The memes being parlayed from the likes of;  Global Research, David Icke, The Guardian, and a host of liberal outlets.

The Center For Strategic And International Studies has approved of Guaido stating that Venezuela’s assets should be transferred to the control of either the UN or the Catholic Church.   That itself should set off alarms!   John Hamre, CEO for CSIS, was former Deputy Secretary of Defense under Bill Clinton, worked on the Obama transition team and is Chairman of the Defense Policy Board.  The current list of Board members of DPB reads like a who’s who of Swampland:  Richard Danzig, Henry Kissinger, William Perry, Robert Kaplan, Stephen Biddle, Robert Gallucci, etc…

In other words, The Cabal is and has been pushing for control of Venezuela for some time. Their puppet, Capriles, did not make the cut as intended, and like Syria, Venezuela has assets they want, and alignments they want severed.   It is not a US coup.   It is a Cabal coup and Maduro is not unlike Gaddafi or Assad.  Just another nonrelevant to be ejected.

Maduro is now asking to talk to Trump – likely to explain the choice… Cabal or Maduro.

Roger Stone Indictment

The Republican that Wasn’t – Richard Painter, ethics attorney, calls out Roger Stone.

According to Deutsche Welle, Roger Stone is a ‘long time Trump advisor’ and is the link to collusion between the Trump campaign and Wikileaks.   This revelation comes according to Richard Painter, a former Bush White House ethics lawyer who is an outspoken critic of Trump, is affiliated with the far-left leaning Campaign Legal Center, and who ran for the Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor Party while previously claiming to be a Republican for Bush, before becoming an Independent running as a Democrat – who lost quite soundly.  Painter is also a commentator for CNN – the same CNN that had leaked information on the Roger Stone Indictment that was a staged scene worthy of el Chapo.

This is the voice of reason according to Germany’s Deutsche Welle.  Where the heck did they get him?   Soros.

Painter is also Vice Chair for Citizens For Responsibility and Ethics, CREW, a far-left liberal leaning organization whose Chairman, David Brock, is aligned with various Soros organizations including Media Matters, American Bridge, and American Independent Institute parlays a rabid Anti-Trump Agenda.  Building a base by filing complaints against Republican and Conservative organizations, the organization’s main task is to bring down – Trump.

But Deutsche Welle felt this person, Richard Painter, was fair fodder to disclose collusion between Trump and Stone and WikiLeaks and Russia.  Ah!

Despite being a 501©(3) prohibited from engaging in partisan or political activities, CREW has managed to far surpass that IRS legal point without even a slap on the wrist.

In the interview with Deutsche Welle, he states that the fact that Mueller indicted Stone is evidence that:  “collusion between high-ranking officials in the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks to obtain documents stolen by the Russians in the 2016 election. There is other evidence of course of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. So this clearly closes the loop and makes clear that the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians, with WikiLeaks to obtain damaging emails that have been stolen from Hillary Clinton and the DNC.”

From a strictly legal standpoint;  a)  an indictment is NOT evidence of anything. And  b)  Mueller has already stated that there is no evidence of collusion between the Trump and Russia.   And c)  Stone stopped working for the Trump campaign in 2015 with Trump saying he was fired, and Stone saying he quit. The DNC hack occurred in May 2016.

It would appear that by making these statements, Painter, as a lawyer, is putting himself in a position of libel and slander. 

Painter continues these bizarre statements by claiming that  this also proves that Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr, and Trump were all in Trump Tower together “…meeting with the Russians to talk about incriminating dirt on Hillary that they wanted to get.”

For an attorney, Painter is clearly painting himself into a defamation lawsuit potential.

But his statements just plow on.

He highlights the fact that this Indictment is clearly the link for the circle that will bring Trump et al ‘down’ because Manafort was convicted, Gates was convicted and Cohen was convicted.   But wait – yes, all of these individuals were convicted – on charges of tax fraud – not Russian collusion.  Nyeh – details.

And for his piece-de-resistance, Richard Painter goes to the height of legal deception by stating:   “It is very dangerous for the United States, because as the prosecutors move closer and closer to Donald Trump and senior members of his campaign — including his own family — we are very concerned that his irrational behavior is going to increase. And that is a dangerous situation when he is in control of nuclear weapons and has as much power as he does.”

The implication being that Trump will detonate a nuclear catastrophic bomb annihilating the globe should he be impeached.  Painter then calls for Trump to resign immediately as he most assuredly faces criminal charges along with his family members.

This interview couldn’t be more impertinent, more false, or more speculative and defaming, and is truly grounds for defamation beyond comprehension!  The fact that Deutsche Welle, a government financed taxpayer funded media outlet would have the audacity to publish such drivel is purely a vindictive agenda promulgated by the failing Merkel presidency, and a desperate Soros.

The Indictment itself makes statements that are not proven including;   “The DNC – thru Company 1 – publically announced that it had been hacked by Russian government actors.”  An announcement – is not evidentiary conclusion. The crux of most of the Indictment is that Stone had communicated with WikiLeaks through an intermediary August 2016, three months after the DNC hack.  In addition, Mueller’s Indictment states that WikiLeaks is actually a Russian mole.  Unproven.  Biased.  And most definitely a Hillary take-em-all-down tantrum.

The entire Indictment, this ridiculous interview with Painter, the means with which Stone was served and arrested, the CNN exclusive media crew skulking at Stone’s house to film the verbose episode ALL so REEK of Clinton, it is impossible to come to any other conclusion.  The fact that an attorney, Painter, would subject himself to such massive defamation speaks to his legal acumen and without doubt his character.

Not even the most liberal New York Times is biting on this drivel.

World Economic Forum -A Soros Hollywood Affair

The Davos Summit or World Economic Forum, is nearly over and they are coming away with some major accomplishments as they prepare to board their Gulf Stream jets and jettison away into the swirl of yellow plume skies…

What have they accomplished so far?

Nothing.  They just talked the talk while ignoring the walk and readied to leave in a surge of CO2 pollution as their 1500 jets blazoned the skies.   It was no different than the G-20 Summit, the G-8 Summit, The Paris Accord Summit, the NATO Summit, the Healthcare for all Summit, The Inspire Summit, the BRICS Summit and the 100+ other annual Summits that are really about a bunch of back slapping politicians, Hollywood actors and self-proclaimed activists who want to hear themselves speak.  Yes – celebrities are invited to attend because the Summit awards artists (actors and musicians) the Crystal Award.  Actors describe their ‘vision of the world’ because of course theirs is pre-eminent.  It has devolved into a Summit of fantasyland narcissists and uber elite narcissists discussing what is best for their subjects, The People.  How droll.

In November 2018, there were no less than 25 separate ‘Summits’, in October there were 21, you get the drift…  These Summits have become a forum for self grandizing.  Do we really believe that the likes of Matt Damon and Cate Blanchett should decide world policies?

Merkel managed to slam Trump and the Deplorables while sending her Foreign Minister to plead with Trump to be like Obama, pretty please.   And Soros, who is an annual attendee, gave a scathing speech about China and XI Jinping while continuing his criticism of Facebook and Google – two major operatives of – Soros.  Soros is furious with Jinping because China continues to move away from his open society initiative toward a more sovereign nation and that is cause for a scurrilous spiel of expletive laced spew!

While the media in the UK and US was cryptic in their reference to President Trump’s nonattendance, Macron, Lavrov, Xi Jinping and Theresa May were all absent as well.  Each sited their own reasoning, which amounted to resolving issues at home.

What Soros offered was a new and improved United Nations that would rule the world under the tenants of his open society premise instead.  He emphasized repressive regimes with IT monopolies that his open society could not ‘destroy’ so as to initiate his plan to infiltrate his own monopolies (Facebook and Google) which espoused his ideals and rules of order and chaos.

But Soros anger may have a core point to his blistering, blustering anger.  According to Zero Hedge, of the 12 biggest Billionaires in attendance, Soros was the only one to have secured a net lost in the last ten years amounting to – 61%.  And he’s peeved!   Everyone else saw their wealth expand exponentially including the top tier Zuckerberg at 1853%, Marc Benioff at 829% and Steven Schwarzman at 486%.

The venue menu included a Caesar salad for a mere $48, a club sandwich for $42.50, and a hamburger for $41.  But hey, given that state taxpayers foot the bill… nyeh.

At the end of it all, everyone goes back to their respective country, yawns, and continues along the same path they were on the previous week, the previous month and previous years as though nothing has changed.  Those that desperately want globalization return home to push – globalization, and those that don’t, push sovereignty.   It is a waste of time, money and pollutants.

And yet they continue ad nauseum each and every year.

I applaud Trump for shrugging it off.

So what happened at the 2018 Summit – a Year in Reflection?

Soros stated that Trump wanted to create a mafia state.  Soros blasts Social Media giants because they didn’t garner him the US election as he demanded.   Dhragi hits out on Trump comments on the dollar.   Soros tells the EU they should prop up Africa’s economy.   Soros hits out on China and Russia totalitarianism.  Soros says Trump is a temporary phenomena who will disappear in 2020.  Soros says the survival of the world is at stake because of Jinping and Trump.

Do you see a pattern… help me please!  The entire summary of the summit was about what ‘Soros Said’.

And some pundit, Jennifer Jacobs, a White House spokesperson for Bloomberg, is aghast because Trump dared to schmooze upwards of 15 company executives while in attendance.   I mean, isn’t that what everyone – does?

The bottom line. Soros speeches indicate he is deathly afraid of Jinping and Trump – not even Putin was awarded the typical demonization reprimand. What is most telling is the fact that Soros unabated fear would seem to highlight the fact that he has lost his ju-ju (to borrow a word from a friend), and he is sliding into obscurity and failure.  I imagine for a man of Soros character, failure is far worse than Hell.

Offshore Tax Havens & 70% Tax Rate: A History Lesson

Between 1945 and 1973, US Federal Government Individual income tax revenue remained relatively flat. It increased by 300% between 1973 and 1989.   And between 1989 and 2005 it increased again by about 300%.  These time frames loosened individual tax rates.  

In 2012, it was revealed that Mitt Romney had over $250million in offshore accounts immune from Federal taxation.   In 2015, The Atlantic published an article about offshore accounts in which the author quotes a gentleman she interviewed in the British Virgin Islands as stating that offshore accounts are a ‘left-leaning agenda’.   She also provided an interesting insight from the prospective of the islands chosen as the havens; ‘as the financial services industry gained momentum in these island havens crime rates shot up’.   But these offshore accounts aren’t only to evade income taxes, they also effectively hide money from potentially costly divorces and lawsuits, including government authority lawsuits, often empowering the elite to operate above the law with complete immunity.  

One form of an offshore account is called the ‘Asset Protection Trust’.   The Rothschilds are the largest progenitors of such arrangements, but most wealthy elite utilize these instruments routinely.   Facebook founder, Eduardo Saverin, utilized the loopholes of wealth protection by simply denouncing his US citizenship and re-establishing citizenship in Singapore.  Singapore’s top tax rate is 22%, $0 capital gains tax, and $0 inheritance tax.

While many people believe offshore banking is a relatively new financial scheme, it actually has its origins in 1815 in Vienna.  The reason? Exorbitant taxes imposed by monarchial governments.  France was the first EU nation to offer offshore haven to the elite and wealthy wanting to evade taxes and protect their money from the monarchies.  BY the end of the 1800’s these offshore accounts were estimated to hold billions.

After WWI, Caribbean offshore havens became the rage for wealthy Americans due to the proximity of the islands.  Americans saw these arrangements as a means to protect their wealth from wars and depressions.

In 1929, London courts declared that any monies held in offshore accounts were exempt from taxation by the British authorities.

Switzerland saw the burgeoning business and as competition had risen throughout European banks, Switzerland extended the policy of privacy;  The Swiss Banking Act of 1934 made it illegal for banks to provide personal or account information on any of its clients even if requested by government authorities.

All these havens gained traction when the British and US governments began attempting to rail in the offshore accounts by raising the top tax bracket to 70%.   As such the beginning of the collapse of middle income earners began its descent creating the ever growing skew of income disparity. In the US it came as a consequence of the election of FDR, a Democrat, who ushered in The New Deal by Executive Order and the confiscation of all personal holdings of gold. As an ally of Stalin, FDR mobilized the war effort of WWII – but by then the wealthy elites of the US did not participate in the financial application given their money was safely harbored in offshore accounts and unattachable.  His actions were likely the springboard that ushered in the greatest leap into income disparity in history since monarchial rule.

The purpose for the confiscation of personal holdings of gold was to bail out the private banking system known as the Federal Reserve which had over-extended its credit.   As European countries presented their notes demanding gold in exchange which was supposed to be held in US Reserve banking institutions, the Federal Reserve realized they didn’t have the physical gold to pay off the notes so FDR simply confiscated personal holdings, and gave it to the Federal Reserve so as to payoff reserve debt owed to European countries.

The Chairman of the Federal Reserve at this time was Eugene Meyer, an American financier who was cited as being worth $40 million as of 1915.   In today’s dollars adjusting only for inflation, $40million would equate to just shy of $1billion.  Along with JP Morgan, Andrew Mellon, and Ogden Mills, Meyer and his entourage were known as The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse.   In 1933 Meyers bought the Washington Post and his descendants held it until it was sold Amazon’s Bezos in 2013.  Including during the blitz of the CIA agenda, Operation Mockingbird. 

In the end, the 70% tax rate taught us that the higher the rate the more likely wealth managers will help you find a means to evade taxes putting a heavier burden on the remaining middle class and lower class to fund the government, depleting Social Security as deficits borrow from the fund, and ultimately bankrupting the economy.  So Ocasio-Cortez and Bloomberg and Gates and Buffet, and all those wealthy elite who support such a tax increase will be laughing all the way to the Cooke Islands at the stupidity of those who think this is a solution to anything.

FDR was independently wealthy having inherited everything and never working in the real world business sector.   He and the elite wealthy of the time are directly responsible for the evolution of tax evasion, the quash of the middle class, and the rise of wealth disparity.  They were Democrats and they were Republicans, they were The Swamp.

Michael Cohen’s Attorney, Lanny Davis – A PR Hit Man Playing The Media

Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, is wrestling with fear.  Facing three years in prison, his desperation can be smelled a mile away, it is an odor, a stench, and he is looking for some means of pulling Trump down in order to save his skin.   He is looking for – a deal, and could care less if he sells his soul.   It would appear ethics are no longer a part of the game despite his history as an attorney subject to the legal doctrines he swore to follow.

Who Gives A Damn…

Most recently, Buzzfeed launched a worldwide twitter over a false claim regarding Cohen, it was refuted by Mueller.   Now, Cohen has stated he is delaying congressional testimony citing ‘threats against himself and family made by Trump and Guiliani’.   While he offers no specifics, and no evidence, the claim remains in the Cloudosphere of media.  As an attorney, he fully knows the legal ramifications of making false statements – but perhaps his spokesman is manipulating the media feed frenzy under the guise of PR.  Cohen, like various marionettes of the  Democrats, is thus subject to the whims of his own attorney/PR Agent – provided to him and paid for by the Democrat Party.

Who is advising Cohen? Who is leaking false information?

It very well may be Cohen’s own lawyer, Lanny Davis.

In August 2018, Davis released a statement to CNN stating that “Michael Cohen was going to tell investigators the president knew about the infamous meeting in which Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer. It was going to be the bombshell of the year.”

Later, after it was proven to be a false story, Davis backtracked and said he may have ‘misled’ CNN and apologized – as in uh-oh, oops…

Lanny Davis is now representing Cohen.  Davis was special counsel to President Bill Clinton from 1996 to 1998.   Davis’ bio lists him as being a ‘political operative, lobbyist and a television commentator’, as well as his role as ‘attorney’.   He was on the Democrat National Committee and oversaw Clinton’s impeachment trial.  He was a vocal supporter of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential run and appeared on CNN and MSNBC as her spokesperson before aligning himself with Obama.  Davis has been criticized for using his position and contacts to lobby for various dictatorships across the globe in exchange for huge sums.  But he has ‘friends’.

What may be most damning about Lanny Davis is an email exchange between he and Hillary in 2010 when she was Secretary of State that was released as part and parcel of the Hillary email scandal.  In one particularly relevant email he is literally begging Hillary for a favor.   He references mean spirited shots that will likely be made against him as a consequence of the policies and positions taken by his organization “Purple Nation”. (It would appear that Purple Nation has since – shuttered).

“I fully anticipate there will be personal and professional mean spirited shots  at me in the story that is inevitable especially from those attorneys who still don’t accept that what I do is unusual as well as the hateful rightwing (and perhaps even more from the left who don’t like my Purple Nation approach and my effort to make bad countries better!!!)”

He then gives himself glowing affirmation by listing Karl Rove, President Clinton, President Bush, John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Mike McCurry as those who have already issued sweet nicey nice letters of support.   He ends the email gushing about Hillary being his best friend and the best person he has ever known in his lifetime…  He skated.

Davis is most recently co-founder of Trident DMG along with Joshua Galper.  Galper’s political influence would seem to stem from his relationships with John Kerry, Obama, and Rahm Emanuel, the very controversial mayor of Chicago.

Galper would seem to be an expert in cybersecurity and Data Privacy and in those capacities has worked with the World Economic Forum and The Aspen Institute. I wonder if he worked on Hillary’s email server…

Adam Goldberg, also a Trident co-founder, specifies that he worked on the ‘Monika Lewinsky’ issue with Clinton providing advice and strategies.

And if you aren’t smiling yet!  The fourth co-founder of Trident is Eleanor McManus.  Her claims to fame include being a former CNN journalist,  and “a proven track record of defining and driving communications and media strategies, securing media stories in print, radio, and broadcast outlets, including The Washington Post, New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Politico, The Hill, ABC News, CBS News, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, CNBC, NBC News, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Wired, Tech Crunch, ReCode, and Vanity Fair.”

In other words, she tells these media outlets what to print.

In addition, her bio states:   “Eleanor was responsible for planning, booking, and producing exclusive interviews with iconic newsmakers and well-known political figures including Presidents Obama, Clinton, and Ford, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, every Presidential candidate in both 2004 and 2008, foreign leaders including Russian Presidents Mikhail Gorbachev, Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Queens Noor and Rania of Jordan.”

Trident would seem to be an instrumental hit team behind the media anti-Trump pulse with Michael Cohen’s attorney, Lanny Davis, at the helm.  Their website Press Page is a veritable hit list of antagonistic anti-Trump media pieces including:   Christine Blasey Ford is Risking It All To Speak Out, Tell The Truth About Donald Trump, Lanny Davis, The Ultimate Clinton Loyalist, Porn Actress Drama Raises Risk For Trump, Hope Hicks May Hold The Keys To Mueller’s Russia Puzzle, Trump’s Legal Team No Match For Mueller’s… etc… etc… etc…  

Everything they say is to instigate the media, it is a PR tactic that has proven effective no matter if the statement is a complete fabrication because many people never learn of the retraction and only know of the pulse – aka, the outrage over an altered video depicting the maga hat teen, Nick Sandmann, supposedly staring down a drum beating Indian whose story has been refuted and degraded as being utterly and completely – false.

And suddenly Cohen is delaying his testimony – just another PR stunt bought and paid for by the Billy and Hillary Clinton subversion tactical team… Tactics II.

LA Teachers Strike – Pity Party

LA teachers are on strike and the Women’s Marchers support the strike!   Hallelujah…  Somewhere along the conversation they missed the recent report that LA County is spending $1.5 billion on illegal immigrants, the same illegal immigrants that LA voted to support, the same illegal immigrants that the Women’s Marchers support!   But they want money.  Gimme more money. 

California as a whole is now spending roughly $30.3 billion per year for illegal immigrants, representing over 17% of the state’s budget.   That is about par with LA’s entire annual budget.

But not to worry, all government employees, including teachers, in LA have a benefit package that surpasses imagination:   medical coverage, dental coverage, group life insurance, AD&D insurance, health care spending accounts, long term disability and subsidized dependent care accounts.   Poor babies. But that’s not all.   They boast ‘generous maternity and family leave’, flexible work schedules, lactation support, and of course the ever burgeoning – retirement package.

The BASE salary for LA County teachers now stands at a starting range of $55,667 to $73,609.  As of 2015, an LA ad for a Superintendent offered a salary range of $267,788 to $310,817 – as BASE requiring a Masters Degree.

As of 2014-2015, Los Angeles had one of the highest cost per students for all of California $11,751, on par with Malibu.

So where does all the money go?

The California Pension Fund announced in 2016 that it had roughly 68cents available for every dollar liability.   State governments are borrowing against current teacher’s pensions to fund retirees.  In the real world of business it is called a Ponzi Scheme.   And it is highly illegal.

So where is the ‘more money’ supposed to come from?  Gimme, gimme, gimme.

Charter schools receive roughly $3000 – $4500 less per child.  Homeschooling costs roughly $500-$1000 per child per year.  States are now paying $9000 to $20,000 per year for public education per child… more than in-state college.

So what did Governor Newsome decide to do about California’s incredible spending crisis?   Why he is spending more money on immigration, more money on child care credits, more money on kindergarten, more money on higher education, and a pledge of $3 billion to offset the $72 billion shortfall of funds that CalSTrs doesn’t have to pay – pensions.  CalsTrs Pension Fund currently sits at $215 billion and that ain’t enough.

Where exactly is all the money going to come from?

Governor Newsome announced that the California General Fund had a surplus of nearly $65 billion from Bond Funds and that he would allocate $80.7 billion for 2019 to public education which would amount to an increase of $5,000 per student!   Really?  Then why are the teachers striking?

If California is so revenue rich why does it continue to demand $368 billion per year from the Federal government?   Those funds are spent on California’s free-speech public Universities, California’s Medicaid, Social Security Benefits, and California’s Medi-Cal which supports illegal immigrants.   Other than Social Security, I want my money back.

The LA Union for teachers is asking for a 6.5% raise, smaller class sizes, reduction in standardized testing, more support staff, and more infrastructure spending.  Newsome offered a compromise which included a 6% raise and his 2019 budget already included infrastructure spending.  It was rejected.   This is the Nancy Pelosi negotiating team.

Perhaps the way to achieve such spending increases would be to shut down pension plans and institute the same caps and math analytics as Social Security Benefits.

Pensions for teachers were originally created to offset the fact that their salaries were significantly lower than the average employee.  Obviously, that fact has long ago dissolved.

LA teachers are above par, more than double, in their earnings when compared to the median income of the LA county household earnings of $55,909.  Factor in their benefits and pensions, and they dwarf the average worker.  If Obama’s redistribution of wealth were to occur, LA teachers would be stripped of pensions, benefits, and half their salaries…in order to equal their non-government peers.

But then equality is only for everyone else to ante up.

PELOSI: The Democrat That Wasn’t

PELOSI – the Democrat that was and isn’t!

Even the very liberal Atlantic was booing the Pelosi stage appearance in 2017.  Democrats saw her as a liability to the party for being out of touch, delusional, disrespectful, and a band wagon of – one.   Still she is House Speaker.  What are the duties of a House Speaker?  I can tell you what are NOT the duties – to travel anywhere for any political purpose!   Including Brussels, Afghanistan, or anywhere else she and her entourage determine is their rightful destination.   The fact that this latest entourage comes on the heels of trips to Hawaii and Puerto Rico wherein Congressional members partied and romped it up is rather telling of the US taxpayer funded jaunt to Europe.

The fact that she would utilize the Federal Shutdown as a freebie for vacationing and jaunting instead of negotiating is clearly destroying the credibility of the Democrat Party.  The fact that there are no troops to visit in Brussels is a bit questioning.  Obviously, the lies stack precariously.

The fact that she would have the audacity to tell the President what he can and can not do in terms of giving a State Of The Union Address is absolutely mind boggling, not to mention her reasoning – Secret Service and Homeland Security on furlough. Given Pelosi wouldn’t step foot in a public restroom without Secret Service, who was going to accompany her and protect her in Brussels and Afghanistan?

In addition, Pelosi’s claim that Trump wouldn’t have Secret Service cover during his State of The Union, was apparently not backed by any credible conversation given the Secret Service claim they were never even contacted by Pelosi to this regard.

Lies built on lies = truth? Would seem to be the Pelosi dictum.

In 2016, Pelosi used her entourage of security detail to buy shoes in St Helena, California.

It was Obama who altered the law and gave past President’s the authority to have secret service protection for LIFE in 2013 having been revoked in 1997.     Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s ‘advisor’ was given secret service protection, an unheard of consideration in history!

In 2010, Judicial Watch uncovered that Pelosi’s ‘travel expenses’ cost US taxpayers $2,100,744.59 over a 2 year period.   The bill included:   Johnny Walker Red scotch, Grey Goose vodka, E&J brandy, Bailey’s Irish Crème, Maker’s Mark whiskey, Courvoisier cognac, Bacardi Light rum, Jim Beam whiskey, Beefeater gin, Dewars scotch, Bombay Sapphire gin, Jack Daniels whiskey, Corona beer and several bottles of wine.  IN addition, only Kosher items would be acceptable.

Of course, she isn’t just trolling around by herself, she always makes sure to include a party list of notable friends, buddies, and buddies wives/and/or/girlfriends to accompany her on these lavish extravaganzas.

The combined net worth of Pelosi and her husband ranges from $30 million to $140 million.  In either scenario, she should and could easily pay her own way.  Perhaps it is time to put caps on Congressional spending based on net worth.  Perhaps Pelosi has finally pushed taxpayers to the breech of insanity as she racks up millions termed – well beyond her role as Speaker.

“Elected by the whole of the House of Representatives, the Speaker acts as leader of the House and combines several roles: the institutional role of presiding officer and administrative head of the House, the role of leader of the majority party in the House, and the representative role of an elected member of the House.”

Nothing in that job description indicates lavish trips – ANYWHERE!

Germany: The Ally That Was – And Isn’t…

Facebook has 2.27 billion users monthly.  Today they announced the ‘unprecedented’ deletion of 500 pages and accounts… which represents a dastardly .00002%.   All of these accounts were logged from Ukraine, central Europe, eastern Europe and Russia.   In 2017 Facebook clocked nearly $40 billion in ad revenue, and these dastardly accounts had the nerve to spend $135,000 over six years, representing less than .0001% of their total revenue for six years.  Still this deserves front page news!  Why?  Because according to the liberal media, these accounts were ‘loosely related to Russia’ even if they weren’t.

In fact, 13 people worked for Russia’s Internet Research Agency… oh wait, no, those people were indicted 3 years ago.  But still, that is – ‘The Spin’!

What was their dastardly offense?  Why these pages purged?  They were apparently, anti-NATO, anti-corruption, and discussed protest movements…, and one page actually was ‘linked’ loosely, somehow to Russian media Sputnik.  Unknown how.

Of course the fact that every country in the world now has multiple ‘government’ owned media conglomerates would seem to be a repressed reporting technique.

Germany emphatically demanded Facebook purge any account that Germany felt breeched their definition of hate speech, and went so far as to legalize their ability to fine any social media platform that failed to do so within a stated period of time.

Germany, the ally that – wasn’t.

Germany was an ally as long as a Progressive, Socialist, Democrat was in power in the US.   Then Germany wasn’t.  An ally refers to a nation which is united with another due to treaty and/or common cause and purpose.   Therefore, if the US chooses a President who is not of the Socialist ilk, then the US is no longer an ally.   Hence the German liberal/socialist media is lashing out at anyone in the US who represents an alliance with our current President, Donald Trump.  Oddly, despite strict laws against ‘hate speech’, these defaming German outlets are apparently free to wage defamation and hate – against anyone and anything – conservative.

Der Spiegel has issued a scathing article in which the US Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, is labeled a pro-Trump, alt-right, right wing colonial officer.   How does Germany define hate speech?

Whosoever, in a manner capable of disturbing the public peace:

  1. incites hatred against a national, racial, religious group or a group defined by their ethnic origins, against segments of the population or individuals because of their belonging to one of the aforementioned groups or segments of the population or calls for violent or arbitrary measures against them; or
  2. assaults the human dignity of others by insulting, maliciously maligning an aforementioned group, segments of the population or individuals because of their belonging to one of the aforementioned groups or segments of the population, or defaming segments of the population,

shall be liable to imprisonment from three months to five years.[

Based on Germany’s definition, it would appear that Der Spiegel is more than obviously guilty of crossing this law and should be subject to penalty.   But of course they won’t be because the law is only upheld when it serves the purpose of the Socialist Democrat Party.

What did Grenell say that was so offensive and thus deserving of a thrashing by German media?  In referring to Merkel’s refugee policy he said, “There was no plan in place.”    “…anyone calling for secure borders in Germany today faces an “overreaction.””  And, “…anyone who speaks openly about the issue runs the risk of being portrayed as being part of the “radical far-right” by the German media.”

Which of course was exactly what then occurred as Der Spiegel went on a rampage to defame Grenell, thus hypocritically upholding Grenell’s claim…

Der Spiegel was embroiled in its own massive fraud in 2018 when it came to light that their darling reporter, former CNN journalist Claas Relotius, had fabricated many/nearly all of his stories including infamous anti-Trump and anti-American spews and won awards for them. Despite the publication claiming it has the most extensive fact checking system of all media, the Der Spiegel fact checkers apparently failed miserably for 2 years while Clads was employed with them, and roughly 4 years while at CNN.

Who owns Der Spiegel?

It is a cross of owners including; Gruner + Jar which is owned by Bertelsmann, and employees. Bertelsmann was sympathetic to, and supplier for the Nazi’s during WWII.  During that period their revenues soared while they employed jewish slave labor who were forced to work for the paper in Lithuania.   Reinhard Mohn, who ran the company after the War was himself a Nazi under Rommel.    In 1993, he donated 69% of his shares in Bertelsmann to the Bertelsmann Foundation.  Their ‘projects include; globalization, immigration, and redistribution of wealth.   More importantly, they emphasize digital globalization and censoring of – fake news – unless of course that news is generated through their partners including;  Vox, RTL, Der Spiegel, Brigitte, STERN, Gala, and Harvard Business Manager.

Der Spiegel has also been embroiled in its own history of subversion charged with engaging with the Nazi’s, Third Reich reporting, distorting history, and covering up for Nazi’s and SS Officers.  Interesting that they would refer to the US Ambassador Grenell as a “neo-Nazi”…  But then this is the liberal agenda: accuse your opponent of the evil that is within you.

Der Spiegel represents the German Government, Merkel, and all things NWO.   But they are the strings for Bertelsmann wherein the power lies.   And in its current and previous history, Bertelsmann was directly interlaced within the Nazi Regime.  Not simply through a slur of some Hollywood Socialist, but through absolute participation, membership, and governance.

And THEY fear Trump and all the Deplorables more than anything.

FACT CHECK Organizations – Liberal, Biased and Comical

A new and improved Fact checking – media bias – organization is making its way around the world of news – creatively calling themselves ‘media bias fact check’.   Organized in 2015, their tag line is ‘the most comprehensive media bias resource’.  The founder/editor Dave Van Zandt states that he uses volunteers to do his bidding and that he has a degree in communications.   Some of his fact checking point pieces link back to PolitiFact, another fact checking media bias organization.   Many, if not most, of these unbiased unaffiliated fact check checkers are hugely biased and left leaning and are promoted by Facebook as the real deal.  

In actuality, they aren’t remotely the real deal, and so incredibly biased it could be comical, except that some people actually believe them.

One of PolitiFacts latest scourge was to call Trump a half-liar because he said the Democrats wanted the wall before he wanted the wall.  According to PolitiFact, not all Democrats wanted the wall, just Hillary, Schumer, and Obama.  Secondly, they didn’t build a wall – they built a fence.   Really!  Therefore, Trump lied.  Really! That is their logic and rationale.

PolitiFact is funded by the uber liberal Knight Foundation, and it’s CEO, Alberto Ibarguen, who are heavy donors to Clinton.  Other liberal donors include, Ford Foundation, Democracy Fund, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  The Democracy Fund was created by Pierre Omidyar of eBay and donated heavily to Hillary, Obama and Pelosi.  A prevue of their site is much like reading the Washington Post – it is a swarmy replication of anti-Trump, anti-Hannity, pro-Obama cheap-o-meter garbage.

In 2018, The Poynter Institute acquired PolitiFact.    The Poynter Institute receives its funding from Omidyar, Bill and Melinda Gates, Google, Open Society Foundations, National Endowment for Democracy and the Park Foundation.

The National Endowment For Democracy is funded by none other than the US Congress.   The President of NED is Carl Gershman who previously served as Executive Director of Social Democrats USA, and was an officer of the Young Peoples Socialist League.   In 2006, he laughingly stated that he’s not really a Socialist, he’s now a Democrat…

PolitiFact now utilizes a live fact stream whereby they claim the moment a politician makes a statement on television, it is fact checked for being true or false which means a) they have to make an analysis within seconds,  and b) john Q public is immediately streamed a Democrat liberal bias.

While PolitiFact desperately highlights the fact that they won a Pulitzer Prize, a)   The Pulitzer has been discredited routinely for only rewarding liberals – over a 31 year span only 5 conservatives won prizes for commentary,  and b) in order to be considered for the prize, you enter yourself and pay an entry fee.  For example, the current administrator on the board formerly worked for the liberal – New York Times.  Essentially it is much like Hollywood’s Golden Globes, wherein liberal Hollywood honors liberal Hollywood.

So what we have is an unbiased, unaffiliated fact checker organization funded by Socialists, Democrats, and Soros that is promoted as the Real McCoy by Facebook to shut down Trump, bloggers and conservatives as ‘false’ while regurgitating fake news.

Snopes has been around since 1994 and was created by David and Barbara Mikkelson.   It too has claimed to be unbiased, unaffiliated, and just a good ole boy urban legend outfit that happens to be used by MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, and Forbes.

Snopes was fact checked by Factcheck.org which gave it an A+++.  Factcheck.org is owned by the Annenberg Foundation and was launched by former CNN reporter, Brooks Jackson.  No bias there…   In 2015, Barbara and David Mikkelson went through a very nasty, bitter, scandal fueled divorce in which she claimed that he was spending their ad money like it was jelly beans, hiring prostitutes, and looting the company.  Barbara filed a lawsuit.   He countersued.  David is now sole owner of Snopes has remarried and hired on his staff, Elyssa Young, a former escort and porn actress.  In 2004, Elyssa ran for Hawaii’s 1stCongressional District as a Libertarian and lost flatly.  David has also hired as one of his principle fact checkers, Kim LaCapria, whose former experience includes her own blogosphere site, Vice Vixen, an exploitive site that discussed sex, sex toys, hedonism and fetishes.  She brags that she is high on pot when she writes for Snopes.

Many of the Fact Checking sites are so biased it is absurdity at its finest, or lowest, it is a form of censorship, it is replete with fakery and anonymity.  They are supported and funded by liberal Democrats bent on feeding the public a Mockingbird of information.  Basically, they work for the same liberal media they fact check…  Coockoo…