The Zionist Triangle = America, Britain, Israel

The purpose for the resettlements in Palestine by the Zionists was to define an Israel wherein European assimilation was no longer the criteria.   Eastern European Zionists were vilified for their secularism within predominantly orthodox countries throughout the 19th century.   Theodor Herzl of the World Zionist Organization proposed Palestine instead of Argentina for the establishment of a nationalist colonization of Israel as a statehood for secular Ashkenazi without the burden of religion.

WHY?   Because the adoption of Marxist communism had been their stipulated revolution since the advent of Jewish Enlightenment which became Jewish Nationalism as of 1881 replacing Deism with ‘rationality’.  

Argentina and Canada were chosen for settlements by Baron de Hirsch a wealthy Jewish banker who wanted large swathes of agriculture land to come under Zionist rule.  Every philanthropic charity for which the Zionists donated was to benefit only secular jews in education, co-operative factories, and banks within a socialist/communist framework.

The settlement camps established in these countries maintained a lower caste level for those who emigrated – to support the Zionist elite.  Kibbutz, or commune, settlers are considered ‘tenant farmers’.   They don’t own the land, it was owned by Edmond Rothschild and later by the World Zionist Organization.   The tenant farmers pay a monthly tithe to the secular powers.

There was a time when each member of an Israeli kibbutz ate in a common dining room, raised their children collectively, shared property and got paid the same monthly stipend.  Today, the Kibbutz labor is performed by Palestinian labourers at a significant discount to the Ashkenazi seculars who run the communes.

Thus the class system of low, middle and upper was solidified by the same people looking to destroy the middle class in the Western hemisphere.   WHY?  Simply because the Middle Class became the majority rule  and needed to be quashed into the peasant rule of poverty who are much more pliable to control.

This socialist/communist diaspora of Ashkenazi’s emigrated to the US between 1880 and 1914-   beginning the process of infiltrating the American government so as to transform it into an Ashkenazi secular state.  A colony of Israel.

It became the blueprint for Company Towns – which are now seemingly the precursor to 15 Minute cities which advocate worker bees on call 24/7.

The Ashkenazi population numbered over 1.5 million by the beginning of the 20th century in America.  They were instrumental in developing and implementing the socialist FDR New Deal.  The goal was to create an America based on Zionist rule wherein assimilation was toward their tenet of socialist/labour constructs or Unions.  Unions were created by the Zionists to solidify the Kibbutz commune mentality of stipend pay structures.   Workers feel they are represented when in fact they are communized – while led to believe their worth is fairly represented.


One of FDR’s prominent creations was the Agriculture Adjustment Act of 1935 which gave farmers and ranchers subsidies to not produce – so as to raise prices for the now dominant Jewish Farmers who had become the owners of tenant farms.  Today over $30 billion is allocated for Farm Subsidies – much of it going to industrialized farms owned and/or operated by Jewish billionaires.

In addition, The Farm Act of 2018 projected a total allocated cost of $428 billion over five years ($85.6 billion per year) beginning in 2019.  The original Farm Act was written by Henry Wallace of FDR’s cabinet – he was accused of being a communist.

By the 1920’s individual Jewish farmers dominated New York and New Jersey via credit financing established by Herzl which created Jewish only banking and credit facilities to support Jewish only farms and ranches.    Free board and tuition was provided to Jews by agricultural schools established by Hirsch in Pennsylvania and NY.  Thus the Jewish farmers were granted greater purchasing power – pushing out other ethnicities.

“Herzl proposed a practical program for collecting funds from Jews around the world by a company to be owned by stockholders, which would work toward the practical realization of this goal. (This organization, when it was eventually formed, was called the Zionist Organization.) He saw the future state as a model social state, basing his ideas on the European model of the time, of a modern enlightened society. It would be neutral and peace-seeking, and of a secular nature.”

Farm Act Mandatory funding. “Programs authorized with mandatory funding are provided funds as needed (or to a statutory level) through the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) and are not subject to annual appropriations decisions by Congress. Spending is not constrained by annual limits.” 

The Commodity Credit Corporation was also created by FDR as a government corporation under Delaware Charter.  Its first Chairman of the Board was Henry Morgantheau Jr., of German Jewish descent.  The Governor was William Myers, descendant of a distinguished 19th century Jewish family, who served on the Rockefeller Foundation.

This Banking Credit construct had been used in the Israeli settlements imposed by Edmond Rothschild.   A socialist/communist maxim.

The New Deal was authored by FDR friend, Fannie Perkins, herself an avowed communist.  The entirety of The New Deal was based on the secular Ashkenazi colonization of Israel in the late 19th century – early 20th century under secular socialist/communist ideologies formed within the Bolshevik diaspora.

Today, the wealthiest farmer in the US is Stewart Resnick, a Jewish man raised in New Jersey, one the two original agriculture dominants created by Hirsch.   Resnick’s family immigrated from Ukraine.

And as we have come to learn the vast majority of all companies throughout entertainment, media, agriculture, labour, housing, across all government and intelligence institutions – are under the thumb of the Jewish Ashkenazi’s communist agenda.

They are NOT victims – they are Controllers.   Including Control over the Propaganda.  From.  Israel.

The British are connected within the triangle or pyramid of rule across the West – UK, Israel & US.  They operate as One.  When discussing Jews, it is important to acknowledge that the Ashkenazi’s are not Jewish by ancestry, having traced their heritage to Khazars, a warring  tribe of Turkic Mongolians who converted to Judaism so as to allow them banking authority.

MONEY and CONTROL have always been the objective.  Much as was identified in The Protocols of The Elders of Zion.

When applying anti-Semitism – that would not include the Ashkenazi’s given their ancestry is NOT Semite.   Semites include the Arabs and Christians and religious tribes of Judaea.   Therefore, the new hate/censorship mantra has added ‘anti-Zionism’ as discriminatory hate speech.   ALL while persecuting Christians, Muslims and religious Jewish sects.  WHY?   Because the Semites are believers in God.   The Zionists are believers in Self.

And Hate Speech is only Hate when it targets those of no religion.

Offshore Tax Havens & 70% Tax Rate: A History Lesson

Between 1945 and 1973, US Federal Government Individual income tax revenue remained relatively flat. It increased by 300% between 1973 and 1989.   And between 1989 and 2005 it increased again by about 300%.  These time frames loosened individual tax rates.  

In 2012, it was revealed that Mitt Romney had over $250million in offshore accounts immune from Federal taxation.   In 2015, The Atlantic published an article about offshore accounts in which the author quotes a gentleman she interviewed in the British Virgin Islands as stating that offshore accounts are a ‘left-leaning agenda’.   She also provided an interesting insight from the prospective of the islands chosen as the havens; ‘as the financial services industry gained momentum in these island havens crime rates shot up’.   But these offshore accounts aren’t only to evade income taxes, they also effectively hide money from potentially costly divorces and lawsuits, including government authority lawsuits, often empowering the elite to operate above the law with complete immunity.  

One form of an offshore account is called the ‘Asset Protection Trust’.   The Rothschilds are the largest progenitors of such arrangements, but most wealthy elite utilize these instruments routinely.   Facebook founder, Eduardo Saverin, utilized the loopholes of wealth protection by simply denouncing his US citizenship and re-establishing citizenship in Singapore.  Singapore’s top tax rate is 22%, $0 capital gains tax, and $0 inheritance tax.

While many people believe offshore banking is a relatively new financial scheme, it actually has its origins in 1815 in Vienna.  The reason? Exorbitant taxes imposed by monarchial governments.  France was the first EU nation to offer offshore haven to the elite and wealthy wanting to evade taxes and protect their money from the monarchies.  BY the end of the 1800’s these offshore accounts were estimated to hold billions.

After WWI, Caribbean offshore havens became the rage for wealthy Americans due to the proximity of the islands.  Americans saw these arrangements as a means to protect their wealth from wars and depressions.

In 1929, London courts declared that any monies held in offshore accounts were exempt from taxation by the British authorities.

Switzerland saw the burgeoning business and as competition had risen throughout European banks, Switzerland extended the policy of privacy;  The Swiss Banking Act of 1934 made it illegal for banks to provide personal or account information on any of its clients even if requested by government authorities.

All these havens gained traction when the British and US governments began attempting to rail in the offshore accounts by raising the top tax bracket to 70%.   As such the beginning of the collapse of middle income earners began its descent creating the ever growing skew of income disparity. In the US it came as a consequence of the election of FDR, a Democrat, who ushered in The New Deal by Executive Order and the confiscation of all personal holdings of gold. As an ally of Stalin, FDR mobilized the war effort of WWII – but by then the wealthy elites of the US did not participate in the financial application given their money was safely harbored in offshore accounts and unattachable.  His actions were likely the springboard that ushered in the greatest leap into income disparity in history since monarchial rule.

The purpose for the confiscation of personal holdings of gold was to bail out the private banking system known as the Federal Reserve which had over-extended its credit.   As European countries presented their notes demanding gold in exchange which was supposed to be held in US Reserve banking institutions, the Federal Reserve realized they didn’t have the physical gold to pay off the notes so FDR simply confiscated personal holdings, and gave it to the Federal Reserve so as to payoff reserve debt owed to European countries.

The Chairman of the Federal Reserve at this time was Eugene Meyer, an American financier who was cited as being worth $40 million as of 1915.   In today’s dollars adjusting only for inflation, $40million would equate to just shy of $1billion.  Along with JP Morgan, Andrew Mellon, and Ogden Mills, Meyer and his entourage were known as The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse.   In 1933 Meyers bought the Washington Post and his descendants held it until it was sold Amazon’s Bezos in 2013.  Including during the blitz of the CIA agenda, Operation Mockingbird. 

In the end, the 70% tax rate taught us that the higher the rate the more likely wealth managers will help you find a means to evade taxes putting a heavier burden on the remaining middle class and lower class to fund the government, depleting Social Security as deficits borrow from the fund, and ultimately bankrupting the economy.  So Ocasio-Cortez and Bloomberg and Gates and Buffet, and all those wealthy elite who support such a tax increase will be laughing all the way to the Cooke Islands at the stupidity of those who think this is a solution to anything.

FDR was independently wealthy having inherited everything and never working in the real world business sector.   He and the elite wealthy of the time are directly responsible for the evolution of tax evasion, the quash of the middle class, and the rise of wealth disparity.  They were Democrats and they were Republicans, they were The Swamp.