President Trump vs. Reagan: More Similar Than You Think

I keep reading and hearing people defend that they are Reagan conservatives, as though that clarifies the divide between President Trump and the good guy, Reagan.   So I thought it would be fun to create a comparison of their policies as President to see just how they rank.   It should be noted that Reagan was a Democrat before he became a Republican… just like Trump, so let’s start by putting that one to rest:

REAGAN Policies:

  1. Reagan:   “Send the welfare bums back to work”…
  2. Reagan:   Student anti-establishment protests – Reagan brought in the National Guard – his commentary, “If it takes a bloodbath, let’s get it over with”.
  3. Reagan:   In 1967 he signed the Therapeutic Abortion Bill as governor of California. He claimed later it was one of his biggest regrets.
  4. Reagan: Repealed a law allowing public carry of a loaded weapon
  5. Reagan: As President his platform was; lower taxes, les government, increase state’s rights, and a strong national defense. That year, the Republicans had a Senate majority and the Democrats had a House majority.
  6. Reagan’s first speech as President he stated, “…government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem.”
  7. Reagan advocated ‘peace thru strength’.
  8. Reagan lowered both the corporate and individual tax rates, created the Job Training Program, cut the budgets of Medicaid, food stamps, the EPA and many other non-defense government agencies.   He repealed the Windfall Profit Tax which curbed the US ability to become oil independent.

His term was mired in the Iran hostage crisis, the Savings & Loan crisis, and a rising national debt.   During Reagan’s era, Russia was the Soviet Union under the thumb of Marxist/Leninist rule.   Abolishing all forms of communism and Marxism became a fixation.

Reagan deployed the CIA in Afghanistan to derail the Soviet occupation.   The CIA covertly began an alliance with the Iranian government. Reagan invaded Lebanon, Libya and Grenada. He was instrumental in the fall of the Cold War and the Marxist regime that controlled East Berlin and the Soviet Union.

  1. Reagan signed the Immigration Reform Act, which made it illegal for businesses to knowingly hire illegal immigrants.
  2. Lastly, during Reagan’s tenure he appointed 83 judges to the court of appeals and 290 judges to US district courts. He appointed the first African-American, Clarence Pendleton Jr. to chair the US Commission on Civil Rights who claimed the comparable worth proposal (individuals in the same workplace be given equal pay) was “Looney Tunes”.

TRUMP Policies:

  1. Send the bums back to work welfare reform
  2. Lower taxes for both individuals and corporations.
  3. Increase Defense, but remain peaceful.
  4. Reduce federal government oversight and control
  5. Defund federal moneys for abortion
  6. Cut the budgets of non-defense programs such as food stamps, welfare, EPA, and duplicate Medicaid programs.
  7. Defend against the rise of Marxist and Socialist attitudes in the US.
  8. Bring offshore corporations back to the US.
  9. Reduce the trade deficit run by China since 1975.
  10. Reduce the trade deficit with our European ‘allies’.
  11. Advance detente with North Korea to stem the threat of nuclear war.
  12. Overhaul the CIA and FBI as they grew rogue.
  13. Stem the illegal invasion of our borders
  14. Fund Autism CARES Act
  15. Advance veteran care and hospital facilities
  16. etc…etc…etc…


In fact, Trump’s policies are more similar to Reagan’s than most realize.   Policies and Actions are why we have a President.   People on the right who oppose Trump generally cite his ‘moral character’.   In order to have a religious leader dictate our presidency we would essentially return our country to monarchial rule. We established the US as a means of relinquishing that British power module.

We have church leaders to lead our churches and congregations in a moral line of law.   But our churches are mired in their own disintegrating protocols wherein pornography and sexual abuse are rampant.

There is no such thing as human perfection. And yet it would seem to be the cry of the naysayers who demand President Trump be someone else.   Instead of focusing on accomplishments – which are vast – they focus on a negative, something, anything to support an ideology of failure which is really a reflection on the person’s character – and not on President Trump.   They are the people who don’t see a glass half full – in fact, they don’t even see the glass.

South America – SOLD TO CHINA

Germany’s Deutsche Welle media has pronounced their version of the massive uprisings across South America as simply “…largely peaceful demonstrations, with occasional instances of violence and vandalism and security forces suppressing any mayhem with an iron fist.”   The rhetoric includes, “…the blindness of elites to glaring injustice, the arrogance of those who hold power and the absence of economic systems that balance competition and profit with social equity.” But how accurate are these depictions?

Not very.

Christmas eve in Valparaiso Chile, 120 homes were destroyed by an intentionally sparked fire.   In November, Walmart called on the Chilean government for help after they experienced 1,200 episodes of lootings and fires at 128 of its approximately 400 stores. It said 34 supermarkets had been set on fire, and 17 of them destroyed. Walmart blames lack of police protection…   And in October amidst violent arson attacks and riots, 17 people died, and Chile’s president declared a state of emergency!

Largely peaceful does not exist.

IN Bolivia, wildfires since August have destroyed nearly 5 million acres of rich forest land. The Defense Minister states that these fires were arson. In November, the Socialist government of Evo Morales resigned en masse and an interim president, Jeanine Anez, was instituted. Still violence engulfs the country as Socialists demand the return of Morales.

Ecuador violence escalated quickly as indigenous protests against President Moreno’s turned violent after he announced that in line with IMF recommendations an austerity initiative regarding fuel subsidies was to be dropped.   Moreno stated that the protests were hijacked by masked marauders who attacked journalists, robbed local businesses and set fires, causing hundreds of millions of dollars in lost revenues across multiple industries.

In November protests erupted across Columbia organized by labor unions, students and teachers as ‘rumors’ of austerity measures instigated anger.   The President, Ivan Duque, denied the rumors, so the protestors simply changed faces and became animal rights activists, women’s rights, and environmental action groups.

On December 5th, the presidents of Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, Chili, Argentina and Paraguay met to discuss specifically who was infiltrating the protests to create chaos and violence.   The leaders agreed to share information amongst themselves about certain immigrants from Venezuela and other countries, who are said to be fueling the protests.

While mainstream media portray the protests sweeping across South America as “democracy in trouble”, in reality the riots are a demand for Socialism, income redistribution, free healthcare, free education, and guaranteed pensions for all. In the MSM Democracy = Socialism.

Enter: Inter-American Dialogue, an organization created in 1982 whose purpose has morphed to socialism for all within the oversight of the Organization of American States.

The president of Inter-American Dialogue is Michael Shifter whose past career commands include the National Endowment for Democracy, and the Ford Foundation.   NED organizes coups and revolutions, and Ford promotes mass abortion.   CO chairs include Laura Chinchilla who previously served as president of Costa Rica and is a member of the National Liberation Party – whose affiliate is Socialist International.   Thomas Shannon Jr. is also a co-chair who formerly served as Under Secretary of State under Obama.

Former Secretariat to OAS was Kevin Zamora who simultaneously served as senior fellow at the Brookings Institute.   The Brookings Institute is funded by the Gates Foundation, Hewlett Foundation, the Carlyle Group, JP Morgan Chase and Qatar, among others.

Yes, Qatar…

When we hear of US interference in other countries, the inference has been our government.   While to some extent this is true, the authority of our government has been superseded by a host of NGO’s seeking to create a Global Socialist agenda.   The seeds of which tend to find commonality among a trenchette of affiliates from the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations.   They create the means for destabilizing governments that oppose their control, and incite civil revolution and chaos to bring about – ‘change’.

In their quest, an interesting ‘ally’ is revealed – China.

Since 2015, China investment in Latin and South America has reached in the realm of $250 billion far overtaking the US.   China was behind the loans to Venezuela that helped collapse the economy. China has become the largest trading partner of Brazil, Chile, Argentina, and Peru.

What does South America have that China wants? Water, agriculture and oil.   South America is home to 26% of the world’s fresh water resources.   The largest of which are in – Peru, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela and Bolivia – coincidentally the same trading partners for China.   IN 2014 it was revealed that Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay had become hugely infiltrated by large Chinese land grabs as their agriculture lands were deemed some of the best in the world.   While they have attempted to quell the grabs, within the NGO and Cayman Island affiliates of nondisclosure and offshore investment rigs, China has in fact invested heavily in the purest of agriculture.

While Nero watched.

IN reality, Russia is the decoy.   Russia is the boogeyman.   Russia has been the target of all things Crimea – while China has been slowly taking over much of South America and ownership of their coveted assets with the assistance of US NGO’s – including NED, funded through the State Department and even, the Department of Defense. But South American farmers are not complaining.   The value of their land has risen from $1500 per hectare in 2002 for the most valuable – to $12,000+ as of 2014.

And China – is buying.

Soros: Bellingcat & National Endowment for Democracy Propaganda Machines

The New York Times is dredging up old disproven news in yet another anti-Russia propaganda that is as old as the Trump demonizing rhetoric.   An arms dealer from Bulgaria – three attempted assassinations – and a hit squad from Russian intelligence – is all they could muster. It reminds me of Hollywood turning Little Women into a feminist journey.   Or the notion that Dean Martin’s hit song, “Baby its Cold Outside” is offensive.

While the article attempts to create some bizarre connection to Russia without any verifiable proof, despite the objections of the very same arms dealer who disagrees with the assertions, despite the disagreement of the dealer’s associates, they cite – Bellingcat as proof positive that this spy story is connected to a Russian conspiracy.  In other words, the New York Times has no news to report and scribbles around looking for anything promoting anti-Russia propaganda.

Bellingcat rose to prominence during the Syrian civil war wherein this guy, Eliot Higgins from the UK, decided he could look at a bunch of pictures online and determine who was doing what to whom in Syria. Of course, the answer was nearly always – Assad and Russia.  But the end was always the means in his investigations.

Higgins was unemployed, supported by his Turkish wife, and began blogging ‘in his spare time’.   He claims to have educated himself in Syrian weapons and began taking contract work from Human Rights Watch – the Soros organization.   Shortly thereafter he was written up by The New York Times, and ran projects for The Atlantic Council. With the equivalent of a high school education, Higgins, was soon touted as the master genius of investigations that always culminated in everything anti-Russia.  The propaganda was so thick, he lost his mojo in the news world and has been given little attention.  But he continues to churn out everything put forth by the grand master – Soros.

Despite having little education, he became a research associate at King’s College London. Highlighted by the Independent, CNN, and New Yorker, Higgins suddenly emerged as an expert on poison, arms, military, tactics, intelligence, and information.   And like Greta Thunberg, he has an assigned task.  His donors include Soros Open Society, National Endowment for Democracy, Digital News Initiative, Adessium Foundation, PAX, and the Dutch Postcode Lottery. What the heck?

The Postcode Lottery was founded in 1989 by Novamedia. Bill Clinton is one of their Ambassadors and the Clinton Foundation has been a large recipient of funds from the lottery.   Other recipients include:   ARK, a children’s foundation created by hedge fund billionaires with connections to Epstein, Clinton, Blair, Spacey, Hurley, etc… ARK states that its focus is on Mozambique and South Africa where the sex trafficking of children is relatively easy to officiate given there is no real legal mechanism to intervene.

Digital News Network is an organization founded by Google to create a propaganda outlet for the European media. Adessium Foundation joined forces with Open Society and the Omidyar Network to censor and police online outlets.

National Endowment for Democracy is a radical US organization that claims roots in Reaganism despite its blistering liberal affiliations including the AFL-CIO, as well as connections to both Hillary and Obama thru its affiliate the National Democratic Institute. NDI’s Board includes: Derek Mitchell who served under Clinton as Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright who served under Bill Clinton, Harriet Babbitt and Tom Daschle – democrats in the Clinton Administration, Diane Feinstein’s husband Richard Blum, and one of our favorites – Donna Brazile who was found to have shared debate questions in the 2016 election cycle with Hillary Clinton.

While NED may have originated with grand intentions as Reagan sought to rebrand clandestine actions of the CIA into a more public organization with a transparent desire for democracy, their power quickly expanded and anything remotely Reaganesque was hijacked and transformed by the Open Society Initiative.  Today they promote chaos and coups.

NED has been accused of fomenting the Hong Kong protests. While initially created to facilitate democracy, they ultimately became the forerunner for coups across the globe under the guise of wielding democracy.   When infiltrated by the Open Society, those coups took on a different meaning as the globalization for one power became the agenda and revolutions became the means.

Time and again Higgins’ very artful investigative reports have been shred by a host of journalists, scientists, and pundits who spend an inordinate amount of time showing how his fabricated scenes created to support his conclusion, are a staged engineering catastrophe.  Sometimes the photographs are so faked as to rival absurdity.  One such fakery was a picture of the arrival of two GRU agents at the London airport proving they were in London when the Skripals were poisoned.  Problem is – both agents arrived at apparently the exact same time per the superimposed time stamp with neither picture showing anyone coming behind.   The fact that it took an independent journalist to note the obvious flaw was indicative of a messy, incompetent investigation that was so obviously rigged it was embarrassing.

But Higgins continues to plod away serving the purpose of illusion and propaganda in a world lacking integrity and thriving on $$$$.

Pelosi: The Tabled Bills in The Senate

Now that the House has tabled their witch hunt of impeachment, they are attempting to fast track some bills before the Senate in order to improved their flailing incompetence and justify their salaries.   One such bill is making headlines as the mainstream media lavish in promoting a false interpretation.   The SECURE Act – which stands for “Setting Every Community Up For Retirement”.

Of course a community doesn’t retire – but they might collectively under a Marxist regime.  I digress.

One of the main precepts in the Act is the push of annuities.   Brokers and advisors typically love selling annuities because the commission is far higher than any other classic investment.   Annuities are sold by life insurance companies not investment houses. Commissions on annuities vary but can be as high as 10% with higher than average annual management fees.  The younger the client, the higher the fee passed to the agent given an annuity has a minimum term, much like a CD and the longer the term, the greater chance the insurance company has of making big bucks.   In essence you are loaning your money to the insurance company, pay a commission to do so, and are charged a management fee for your money whether it increases or decreases in value.

The Bill encourages placing an annuity inside a 401(k) or IRA.  Why?  They are already tax deferred until you draw the money and are then taxed just as an IRA or 401(k), so this part of the Bill is actually quite nonsensical.   Of course it is no coincidence that the insurance industry threw all of its weight behind this bill – they stand to make a fortune as people are led to believe an annuity has some financial benefit!

It is a bit disconcerting that the Act claims it sets up communities for retirement instead of individuals…

Another point within the Act is that it pushes the age of retirement savings required withdrawal to 72 vs. 70.5 which means people will be required to work longer before they can tap their resources without a penalty.   Not sure why that deserves an applause.

Beneficiaries of trusts will have a potentially higher tax liability as the trust will have a ten year provision instead of a lifetime provision for the beneficiary.   Obviously this has zero impact on boosting retirement savings at all for those the Act was supposed to be helping and targeting, but then it is government.

A provision allows parents to withdraw up to $5000 from their retirement account to pay for adoption or new birth expenses.   Of course, this has absolutely no positive impact on retirement savings either – but it’s in the Bill!

“Millions more people will hypothetically have the ability to save at work.”   Is the rhetoric being spouted by  people with degrees in liberal art.   Theoretically, savings will increase as taxable income will drop as they put away more $$$$  into their 401(k).   Problem is, most people put in nothing because they are spending every dime they make.   One third of Americans have less than $5000 in a retirement savings account.   The primary reason is that real wages have remained stagnant for decades.   Nothing in the Secure Act addresses that fact.

In essence this is simply an insurance company’s heaven. And given that members of Congress have a penchant for profiting off legislation they pass, it would seem this might be just another attempt.  For Example:

In 2008, Pelosi made a fortune when VISA offered her shares of its IPO at $44 per share within the range of $1-$5 million total.   Today the price is over $188. While it sounds like she simply made a good investment, companies of that size typically sell their IPO’s to institutional investors and mutual funds. However, in order to gain favor, sometimes they will offer an ‘incentive’ to members of Congress.   In this case, the incentive was to quash a Bill in Congress that would have had a hugely negative impact on VISA’s bottom line – The Credit Card Fair Fee Act. The Bill sits idly on the House calendar 11 years later…

Another House passed Bill sitting on the Senate desk is “Voting Rights Advancement Act” which would essentially give the feds the right to infringe on state laws requiring voter ID and require states to get fed approval before they can adopt any law deemed to infringe on the right of voters who have no ID.

Another one Pelosi favors is “For The People Act”. This one’s a Beaut!   Specifically, the bill expands voter registration and voting access, makes Election Day a federal holiday, and limits removing voters from voter rolls.   The bill provides for states to establish independent, nonpartisan (an oxymoronic moron) redistricting commissions.  It calls for establishing in the legislative branch the National Commission to Protect United States Democratic Institutions, and other provisions to improve the cybersecurity of election systems. It enumerates a code of ethics for all federal employees and the creation of a legislative body to ensure compliance. And lastly it requires the President and Vice President to provide 10 years of tax returns.

“The Climate Action Now Act” which would essentially mandate/require the President to contribute to the Paris Accord.

“The Equal Pay Act” which would require ALL employers to provide to the Equal Opportunity Commission the sex, race, and national origin of employees as well as their pay data so that they might enforce penalties and civil suits for unequal pay.

These are a sampling of Bills that the House claims the Senate is sitting on despite their feverish efforts.   Many have been sitting on McConnell’s desk for over 150 days… hopefully they will find their way into the shredder. But then the VISA bill that would have cost Pelosi millions in profits – is still active and waiting desperately for Pelosi’s approval… since October 8, 2008.

Environmental Charities – Another Ponzi Scheme

Once upon a time, environmental organizations were at the top of their game!   They made the news nearly daily with their accomplishments, advocacy, and rallied millions to their causes. What happened?

The Nature Conservancy is by far one of the wealthiest with over $7.4 billion in assets and $2 billion per year in gross revenues.   But where does the money go?   In 2017, $400 million went to salaries and benefits, while $64 million went to program grants around the world. That would equate to just 3.2% of gross revenue – and 7% of total expenditures.   Unfortunately, a detailed list of every NGO receiving grants is not available – apparently, their donor recipients want to remain anonymous. In a world of NGO’s it bears accountability. The balance of expenses was equally disconcerting:   “Other” ranked highest at $138 million, $87 million for office related expenses, $15 million for interest, $5 million for equipment, etc…

They have previously come under fire for making unsecured loans and buying and selling assets to employees, trustees, and related third parties.   But even that doesn’t tell the story.

The most recent award granted the Nature Conservancy was for it’s restructuring of Sychelles’ ‘sovereign debt’ in 2016. Debt, micro-finance?   What happened to the ‘environment’?

Some of their largest corporate benefactors include: Monsanto, BP, Cargill, Shell, Chevron, Conoco, Altria and Nestle.   Not exactly companies with environmental friendly business models…   But then, they have learned from the giants.   Another supporter is Jack Ma of Alibaba who stated that he would fund his foundation with .3% of the Alibaba net revenue for such causes as education, environment, and philanthropy. In the five years since he established the foundation, he has ‘pledged’ or distributed $300 million.   He is worth $48billion. That would reflect a contribution based on his net worth of .125% per year. To put that in perspective, for a person with a net worth of $500,000, that would represent a contribution of $625.

The Sierra Club is another former actionable environmental group that has succumbed to political agendas.   For them, it is support for the Socialists who vie for the Green New Deal.  

Greenpeace past president, Patrick Moore, has vocally outed Greenpeace for abandoning their true environmentalist actions while bowing to political agendas, fear mongering and propaganda.

World Wildlife Fund  is now mostly a micro-finance organization that does little to protect the environment.   Micro-lending in countries that have no usury, the interest rates are as high as 32%.   Hardly a charitable cause.

Most of WWF income comes from government grants.  Total revenue per their 2017 990 form tax return was roughly $300 million.   Despite being a non-profit, net profit for 2017 was over $37 million, salary costs were $92 million, office related expenses were roughly $46 million, and grants amounted to about $75 million of which $70 million funded grants outside the US to unnamed NGO’s. One of their primary partnerships is with Coca-Cola.

All these environmental organizations claim to be working toward one desirable goal; sustainable water.

All of the partners of these environmental organizations have one shared need for their business future – water.   All of these partners are guilty of depleting water reserves across the globe:

“Coca-Cola has been accused of dehydrating communities in its pursuit of water resources to feed its own plants, drying up farmers’ wells and destroying local agriculture. The company has also violated workers’ rights in countries such as Colombia, Turkey, Guatemala and Russia. Only through its multi-million dollar marketing campaigns can Coca-Cola sustain the clean image it craves.

The company admits that without water it would have no business at all. Coca-Cola’s operations rely on access to vast supplies of water, as it takes almost three litres of water to make one litre of Coca-Cola. In order to satisfy this need, Coca-Cola is increasingly taking over control of aquifers in communities around the world. These vast subterranean chambers hold water resources collected over many hundreds of years. As such they the represent the heritage of entire communities.

Coca-Cola’s operations have particularly been blamed for exacerbating water shortages in regions that suffer from a lack of water resources and rainfall. Nowhere has this been better documented than in India.”

The environmental organizations of lore have been hijacked and bear no resemblance to what their mission statement details or their ideology dictates. Instead they have become the progenitors of waste, subsidizing the depletion of valuable water resources across the globe, while pocketing huge sums of money that are labeled – nontaxable. As of 2015, there were 1.5 million nonprofits registered in the US, employing roughly 10% of US workers. There are roughly 160 Environmental nonprofits in the US.

We are supposed to be stewards of this planet.   Each individual is tasked with protection and balance.   But these organizations, many of which began with a grand ideology, have succumbed to the greed of businesses that are some of our greatest polluting threats.   Instead of helping, they are decimating.   Their integrity is non-existent.   And they fly under the flag of ‘nontaxable status’, paying exorbitant executive wages, while gifting often less than 3%.

It is a travesty.

AT&T Arrangement With NSA – Phone Records – Quid Pro Quo Released to Schiff

AT&T owns Warner Media Group making them the largest media conglomerate in the world.   Warner Media Group owns CNN, Bleacher Report and Otter Media. Otter Media was founded by Chernin Group and AT&T in 2014 as a holding company tasked with acquiring other media outlets – think PacMan.   Peter Chernin is a diehard Democrat who hosted parties for Obama and contributed heavily to Hillary’s failed campaign for 2016 president, he is president of Chernin.

Inside AT&T.

AT&T’s Leadership team includes: Cicconi who served as the Commerce Department’s Digital Economy Advisors under Obama and has been openly critical of Trump, David Huntley whose responsibilities include “developing policies to safeguard the privacy of customer and employee information, verifying compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements, Angela Santone who came from Turner Broadcasting (Jane Fonda’s ex-husband Turner), John Stankey who was the CEO of Warner Media, and CEO Randall Stephenson who along with his wife hobnobbed with the Obamas. He also chaired the Boys Club of America until 2018.   William Blasé, Jr., also serves on the boards of the Boys and Girls Club of America.

The Board of AT&T includes a host of Democrats who were active in the Clinton Administration, The Brookings Institute, the Federal Reserve, Obama administration, Carlyle Group, John Kerry Advisory, and a little relatively unknown NGO – European Horizons which works in conjunction with the EU Commission to maintain a capitalist vision for trade while maintaining a welfare state. They are funded by various organizations and foundations including The Atlantic Council and Yale University.

According to their website:   “European Horizons wants to change the status quo. The youth is capable of advising and acting for the good of the European Union and transatlantic relations.”

Why is any of this relevant?   Because AT&T/Verizon allowed the NSA to have ‘live’ access to all US member phone records. In addition, they are forwarding 1 million emails to NSA – daily as a part of their partnership agreement. Those records would include White House officials. It also demonstrates that the Clinton –Bush machinations are far deeper than we can possibly imagine! While this information was initially revealed by Edward Snowden, he remains in seclusion in Russia.

Recently, the House Intelligence Committee under Pelosi and Schiff released confidential phone records between Republican House member Devin Nunes and Lev Parnas, a Ukrainian formerly hired by Guiliani, who has been indicted on campaign fraud. Schiff claims the records show that Nunes was complicit in the Ukraine affair for which Trump is being impeached.   In truth, Nunes has been demolishing the testimony of Schiff witnesses, and Hillary has begged for Nunes to be fired.

The transcripts of the phone call that Nunes made was in April, well before ANY Ukraine aid was discussed.   It was about the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, who was ousted from her position and felt ‘sad’ and ‘fearful’ as a result.  Yovanovitch testified against Trump having no direct knowledge of any phone calls at all, but based on ‘her opinion’.

So what could Nunes be complicit in doing?   According to Schiff, Nune said bad things about Yovanovitch.   That is it.   That makes him complicit – whereby with the backing Clinton, Nunes could be fired.

The problem is any President has the power to fire any ambassador without cause, and have repeatedly done so throughout history.   It is simply a common occurrence for every new sitting president.

Where did Schiff get the damning Nunes phone records in which Nunes may or may not have spoken directly with Parnas? AT&T.  According to the report provided by Schiff, the first call lasted 1 minute and the second lasted 8.  There is no record of who was speaking – only a log of numbers.

There are three blatant violations in this release: 1. House Ethics Rules, a provision of which states; “House rules against actions to “cast discredit or dishonor on the House, the committee, or a Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner or bring the House, the committee, or a Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner into disrepute.”   2.   Schiff denies he subpoenaed the records.   So how were they obtained legally?   3.   Under the US Patriot Act, the federal government has to inform the person before they may have access to records and they must have an outstanding case against the person from who they are seizing as well as a supoena. Nunes was never informed and Schiff denies there was a subpoena.

That would mean the Democrats are using illegally obtained records as evidence in an impeachment hearing against President Trump while simultaneously denying they even did so – while claiming against the Ukraine government’s statement that no blackmail/quidproquo existed, and the organization that released this private data has a long compatible partnership with Clinton and Obama.

The US Patriot Act authored in 2001 under Bush, states that records may only be released if they pertain to an ongoing investigation.   But according to NSA, AT&T and Verizon, billions upon billion of records are grabbed every year from every subscriber to Verizon – despite having absolutely no terrorist alignment.   The extent of this collaboration between AT&T and NSA was created during the Obama administration.   The legality does not exist.

So in essence, when Schiff declares that the House didn’t subpoena Nunes records, he is likely correct, he simply asked for them from NSA.   But NSA’s grab is beyond the law – and Schiff knowingly broke the law in publicly producing private information without following proper channels.

It is also interesting that the Clintonite collaborative AT&T’s leadership team have relationships with Boy and Girl Scouts of America. April 2019 it was revealed that more than 12,000 Boy Scouts were the victim of sexual assault.   Given that ‘perversion’ files were kept by the Boy Scouts for 30 years and the assaults are said to have occurred over a century, it seems a bit coincidental that AT&T leaders and board members might have any partnership – but they do.   In 1983, Timur Dykes had confessed to the local BSA co-ordinator that he had molested 17 Boy Scouts, but was allowed to continue working with the Scouts.   In other words, the Boy Scout Administrators knowingly allowed the pedophilia. The CEO of AT&T was Board Chair for The Boy Scouts of America and a good friend of Clinton and Obama.   Quid Pro Quo?

FYI: In 2017, Boy Scouts of America announced the inclusion of girls into it’s program. Like AT&T, Boys Scouts of America is based in Texas.

World Wildlife Fund: Conservation Ponzi?

Brazil’s president, Bolsonaro, has accused Leonarda Di Caprio of funding an NGO that is complicit in the Amazon fires as arson triggers the cycle need of financial aid.   While the media have widely tabled the allegation as unfounded, the root would seem to revert to the World Wildlife Fund. Mired in extensive allegations of corruption and fraud for over a decade at least, it bears further investigation.

While the World Wildlife Fund may have originally been created for idealistic purposes, it’s role in the environment has slowly evolved into a ‘finance mechanism of swaps and pillages as they sold out to such environmentally unfriendly organizations like – Monsanto.

A cursory list of donors includes; the MacArthur Foundation, Packard foundation, USAID, and Wildlife Conservation Society.   While their names may seem innocuous, their agenda is not. And Bolsonaro’s concerns may be quite valid.

The Packard Foundation is run by his granddaughter and her husband, Franklin Orr, who was Under Secretary For Science and Energy – under Obama.   Their organizations are clearly focused on – over-population, and how to reverse this evolution. Of course, select names on “The List” who are designated to survive would be a who’s who of the wealthy.

After all, there has to be a carrot.   What could make, lure, these people without ethic or morality toward a failed earth?

The notion that they will survive as some super human class.

So what happened to the largest environmental group in the world that caused it to be so mired in controversy?   The Panda.   It hardly represents any action within the organization, it’s focus having shifted from the actual hands-on to the financial reward, or gain that can be levied so easily under the guise of beneficial ownership. Corrupted.   It is like a virus that takes over the host soul and creates new gene cells.   It is nothing compared to what it once was.

I remember well when I was in my post Hippy coming of age era and I was introduced to Greenpeace.   I invited the gentleman into my house and he talked for hours.   And I was hooked.   I had no idea what he was revealing and having a heart I wear on my sleeve, I was completely drawn.

Decades later, WWF has accumulated a veritable laundry list of controversial infractions – all of which lead to one over-riding justification – money.   As such, this once ideological organization has evolved into a Lehman Brother’s subsidiary.   It is nothing more than a clearing house for – money.

And Bolsonaro’s claim begins to gain traction.

Because, you can’t finance a crisis if a crisis doesn’t exist.   So create the crisis so as to perpetuate the finances.   And this would seem to be the crux of Bolsonaro’s claim and the Ponzi scheme manifested by World Wildlife Fund.

Leonardo Di Caprio has no more interest in anything than his own gain however that might be attained.   Too often we forget. Hollywood is composed of actors, playing make believe, faking who they are, and convincing an audience they are real.   Most have little more than an 8th grade education. And yet, they are experts at everything because they played this part once – upon a time. And therefore, presume they are this person, this created persona, with full knowledge of what would be – their education.

It is fantasy.

I think we may soon discover that World Wild Life Fund and its players have indeed manipulated in the witch’s brew of population control, destructive micro-financing, sterilization, and deadly vaccines.

WWF website lists exactly four initiatives

All of which are based on a financial schematic, and have nothing to do with the initial focus of wildlife or even environment, instead it is a for profit, money making scheme that indebts whose who had nothing, with less than nothing, and bulges the pockets of ‘conservation’ organizations.

In Brazil, there are two companies that Bolsonaro mentioned when calling out Di Caprio;   Alter Do Chao and Forest Trends both of which are connected to WWF.

In Bolsonaro’s esteemed belief, these NGO’s are actually conspirators of Amazon arson for the purpose of creating a market for the financial initiatives offered by these WWF adjuncts, which include;   MacArthur Foundation, Packard Foundation, and USAID.

It is really no different than the belief that wars are literally created, and propagandized, by the media so as to line the pockets of a few. WWF is labeled the worlds largest conservation organization with consolidated assets over $500million and annual revenue for 2018 shy of $340million.   The executives are paid handsomely with the CEO, Carter Roberts, of the US entity reporting over $1.45 million in compensation. While they are incorporated in Delaware, the vast majority of their grant making is to foreign countries – all donation names have been ‘redacted’.

Like the racket that NGO’s and Foundations have become – their funding is a mass circle of Ponzi schematics whereby each Foundation donates to another so as to support excessive salaries and little actual philanthropy.

Like The Nature Conservancy where Carter Roberts previously was employed, the WWF Board is composed of a number of elite corporations that are quite removed from conservation and more inclined to making money, including the Leonardo Di Caprio Fouundation, Google, Goldman Sachs, Coca Cola, and individuals connected to petrochemical companies, mining companies, natural gas companies, and individuals currently or formally connected to the UN!

While there are likely a few people who actually are dedicated to climate change ideologies, the phrase has recently been hijacked – again.   It is now “Climate Justice” and includes reparations, and LGBT rights, and ‘legal rights’ for eco-systems.

One such organization has gained traction in the last year, Extinction Rebellion.   Their motto is ‘nonviolent civil rebellion’, which is rather an oxymoronic statement given that rebellion means ‘destruction’ and the creation of chaos.   While its members and advocates routinely cite the need for government intervention in our climate, they don’t actually exert any personal change in their own gad about town delusional activities.   Including the Hollywood elite who defend their excessive flying as necessary for their career – and their excessive use of electricity and other carbon footprint mechanisms.

While they may not effect any positive change, they do manage to make quite a bit of money – to support their own higher education in degrees like ‘effective radical campaigning’.

In alignment with Ocasio Cortez, unions, green anything, except vegetables, and socialist communism for all, these millennial’s have found a niche wherein they can radically up their monetary inflow all while spouting billionaires should be eliminated.

Of course, naked protests are always inserted in their agenda revealing narcissism at it highest altitude!

FYI:   At present;   “World Wildlife Fund is the subject of an investigation by The House Natural Resources Committee according to an article titled, “House Panel Investigates Whether U.S. Funds Anti-Poaching Efforts Linked To Rights Abuses.” 

Nature conservancy:   There have been allegations of The Nature Conservancy obtaining land and reselling it at a profit, sometimes to supporters,[47] who have then made use of it in ways which many perceived as being insufficiently environmentally friendly. The Nature Conservancy argues that the profit from such sales allows The Nature Conservancy to increase its preservation of what the Nature Conservancy claims are more important locations

IN addition there have been numerous sexual harassment charges brought against the Nature Conservancy.

US Student Debt: Ask Bill Gates and New America Foundation – A Ponzi Scheme

Student debt now stands at $1.41 trillion. 70% of college students are in significant debt, 44 million students and graduates. 33% of people over the age of 25 have a bachelors degree or higher.   While it sounds impressive, the percentage is actually lower than it was before student debt was initiated in 1958, before the debt was a federal obligation.   21% of public university’s revenue is made up from tuition and fees, the rest is subsidized.   90% of revenue of private universities is funded through tuition and fees.   The government spends over $80 billion on college students annually which is higher as a factor of GDP than Germany, France, Canada, Japan, Spain, and Italy who provide instate free education.  

What Happened?

Primary education in the US, on average, tops at roughly $13,500 per student per year, funded by taxpayers.   So where is all the money going?   40% pays for pensions. Another 10% is applied to administration, and of course now we have interest on school debt, purchase of buildings, outside services, etc…  How much is actually spent educating?   Pennies.

Blame Betsy Devos… Inane.   She inherited the entire broken system that took 60 years to create!

As of 2018, outstanding education debt had tripled over the previous 10 years!   That would be aka – Obama.   And it would seem interestingly coincidental.   If you want to control the youth – enrage and enwrap them in debt while indoctrinating them into a Socialist agenda of free everything.   I think it is called A Perfect Storm.

While many pundits would cite Germany’s model of free college, they dutifully forget that in Germany, college is a privilege for a select few based on whether the government determines you qualify for college or should instead benefit from ‘trade school’.

While I believe the notion of a trade school is beneficial, when the government makes the determination where you go, it, the government, owns your life.   That is called Communism.

It all fell apart under the Eisenhower introduction of the National Defense Education Act of 1958 which was launched to increase the number of science and math graduates.   Richard Cornuelle saw an opportunity and created United Student Aid Funds.   Private industry would back bank loans on behalf of college students after they exhibited rigorous potential for repayment based on guaranteed jobs upon graduation.   The model was a success! Student loan delinquency was 20 times lower, and job placement was $22.50 per student under the private plan.   Comparatively, the Federal Jobs Corps spent nearly $6700 per student during the same time period. And today that cost is $76,000 per actual placement.

In 1965, despite the success of Cornuelle, President Johnson signed the Higher Education Act, as part of his Great Society Agenda.   As a result, the government began a ferocious scheme to hijack the private institutions student loan programs and in 2000 under Bill Clinton Cornuelle’s vision was bought out by Sallie Mae for the sum of $770 million whereby the Federal government took over a successful private endeavor.

In 1999, the total outstanding student debt stood at $90 billion.   Ten years later, student debt grew by 511%. And the percentage of students graduating with a degree in math or sciences was roughly 20%.  Give it to the government to fail a successful private endeavor.

Today we offer degrees that have absolutely no benefit whatsoever in the job market, that cost the student in loans, that absolve any necessity in obtaining the degree, and further no value.   But hey, colleges want students and will offer whatever it takes to mobilize the thought that without a degree you are nothing… even if the degree is in dog watching.

Even if that degree is in – nothingness.

And still we wonder how it is that a person can graduate with a college degree in ‘communications’ and not be able to find a job outside of hamburger flipper at McDonalds while balancing a loan debt of $100,000?

Once again, the brain drain of this stigma can be found as a perpetual head thump – ‘if you don’t go to college you will make no money – and if you do, you can be a millionaire’.   Of course, many of the brain thumpers – never went to college, but that is rarely observed.

So what is the real point?

Money.   Control. Indoctrination.   And universities are all too eager to Swamp their pockets with this scheme funded – by taxpayers. Ultimately, WE pay for the defaulted loans, WE pay for the scholarships, WE pay the liberal arts degrees that have no inherent value!

Unfortunately today, even our esteemed private foundations that support foundations, that support NGO’s that support government funding of private enterprise – are mired in a clandestine middleman phenomena that basically redirects funds from the cause they claim to support, to the various councils and committees, and board members therein ultimately creating a Ponzi scheme within a Ponzi scheme within a Ponzi scheme so as to divert funds from the actual cause to a host of people with degrees and money from the poor they despair!  WHEW!

All within the pretext that ‘The Government” is helping the disadvantaged.

Lumina Foundation is the successor of Cornuelle’s vision, albeit within a somewhat distorted version of the initial schematic. You see, Lumina’s largest grant to support college education for the needy went to the OECD to fund an ‘analysis of the labor market’. They gave money to the Rockefeller Advisors!   And they have given massive amounts of money to New America Foundation whose executive Chairman includes Google’s Schmidt.

In essence, Foundations are giving the funding to each other, benefiting no one other than themselves, while receiving a non-profit status of NO TAXATION.

So where is our Education money going?

It is lining the pockets of the super wealthy who create Foundations funding their own Foundations. Want to know who is under cup number 1?   Gates.   Clinton.   And once upon a time – the US Department of State.