The Economist & YALE Leadership Institute: America Recession Good – Russia Recession Bad

Yale’s Leadership Institute has released a paper that claims Russia’s economy has been dramatically affected by the western sanctions!  Dastardly!   The ‘scholarly paper’ is the first and only for most of the esteemed authors and provides nothing in terms of evidentiary statistics or fact – instead it is a compilation of opinions.   And incredibly Boring!  The bios of the authors are equally inane citing their opposition to Trump, and their promotion of all things “left-leaning”.   True to NGO exceptionalism – their LAST Financial Report is 4 years old – and somehow the IRS doesn’t seem to mind?

Deemed ‘Yale’s Team of Experts’ – these one time claim to fame comedians include:  a first year undergrad student from Poland who hopes to major in economics.   A kid who recently got his bachelor degree majoring in political science.  And a group of kids under the kingship of Jeffrey Sonnenfeld whose stated life purpose is to shake and disrupt Russian civil society so as to impose a coup.

That’s unbiased news fer ya.

But once again Germany’s government controlled/Soros edited DW is espousing this benign article as though it is glorified absolute scientific factoid.   Sonnenfeld, the leader of these misfits is a professor whose mother fled the Bolshevik takeover of Russia in 1920.  Now he claims to be the Director prima facie of nearly every global leader associated with Western Collapse.

So, what is Russia’s economic status?   I don’t know – and neither does any western yahoo.   Economic figures for China, Russia, Africa, South America, etc…  are NOT published.   Instead, organizations such as Yales Leadership Institute, World Bank and the UN routinely create opinion points and produce their version of numbers to propagandize global opinion.  Translation:  they make it up!  Much like the Brandon Handlers declaring that a recession is not a recession, a vaccine is not a vaccine, and science is not absolute – ever – unless it fits their narrative.

When western companies ‘leave’ Russia – it impacts Russia – but it also impacts the bottom line of the company. That in turn lowers share pricing.   Damaging shareholder equity.   Damaging the portfolio’s of Western investors.  And destroying 401-k’s and Pensions.

Starbucks shares have dropped 36% ytd.   Apple ytd down 11.4%.   Netflix down 62% ytd.   Of course multiple factors contributed to their demise, however, from the perspective of shareholders, further purposeful tanking an already listless stock by eliminating sales in Russia is a political catastrophe that could result in lawsuits for mismanagement!

But the point of the unscientific misfit paper is to distract from western countries imminent collapse under the tutelage of the Crown Elites.  Moving the goalposts.   Propagandizing.  Russia’s economy should NOT be our concern as we spiral into a Recession!   A more important conversation would be to ask who will rise from the Dust and Ashes?

The Economist has levied its opinion on a protracted economy by declaring there are “Silver Linings”.  WE SHOULD ALL BE HAPPY WE ARE IN A RECESSION!  For example, FIRST:  higher inflation means consumers are ‘rebalancing their spending’.   Owning lesS;  going without such nonessential commodities as cars, food, homes, clothing, etc…  Whereas retailers stumble and fall into the cataclysm.   Auto manufacturers fold.   And Construction companies go bankrupt.   FUN!

Therefore, in the upside down topsy-turvy world of Alice’s Queen –  an economic downturn is good – but in Russia it is a western success… that should be attributed to Putin’s failure.   WHAT???  

Obviously, The Economist did not get the memo from Yale and shot themselves in the groin ag

In addition, SECOND:   The Economist in line with WEF is calling for the elimination of privately owned automobiles so as to balance ‘green energy’ – as a positive solution to the Recession.   Of course, the ‘happy card’ is pulled and The Economist has declared that they know people are ‘cherrier about their finances’.   I suppose they never really asked anyone – but the statement does support the WeF Happy Factor.  Likely a result of Big Pharma drugs and psychedelic mushrooms!

THIRDLY:   The Economist has decided that the US needs MORE immigrants given a shortfall has contributed to America’s recession.   Apparently, The Economist believes the immigrants all hold valuable degrees in engineering, IT, AI, and are comprised of doctors, nurses, and managers!   AH!


The Spin’s are running out of steam and have become laughable.   As a result, previous stalwarts such as The Economist, WSJ, NYT, USA Today, NPR, etc… have lost their mojo so to speak.   They have become ‘tabloids’ with all the factual content of The Enquirer.  Desperate, they have lost the chess match and are trying to hold on to their king with three pawns.   But the game is over.  The BRICS will gain traction.   And once again, the Queen’s Gamet of Royalists will be relegated to the basement for rebooting.

GERMANY FALLS Into The Economic Abyss

Germany has a labor shortage.   Germany has a housing shortage.   Germany has an oil and gas shortage. Germany has a food crisis.   Germany has a crime problem.   Germany claims Ukrainian refugees can’t find jobs.   Germany claims over 900,000 Ukrainian refugees are in the country looking for jobs.   Germany claims there are 900,000 unfilled jobs.    Germany falls into the abyss.   WHAT?  

Follow The Bouncing Ball!

As a result of the labor shortages, Germany wants to increase immigration… IF you thought Brandon was dementia riddled, look no further than the German government for confirmation of abundant idiocy! Citing the reason for Ukrainian unemployment is their lack of knowledge of the German language – where exactly will Germany find German speaking immigrants?

There are six countries in the EU that speak German:   Lichtenstein, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Luxemburg and Switzerland.   But these countries are also encountering a labor shortage.   Germany brought in hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees with the intent of training them in a skill set and teaching them German.   Less than 17% achieved this result at a cost of $25.65 billion annually since 2015.

UK is no different. As a result of oil & gas shortages due to the Russia Sanctions, the UK wants to fire up more coal plants – so as to usher in Green Energy and fossil fuel independence.   And everyone bobbles their enthusiastic approval.

Since 2005, the death rate in Germany has continued to rise, surpassing a 10% increase to 11.627 per 1000 people as of 2021. According to the UN the increase will continue thru 2050 reaching a peak of 14%.   No explanation provided.

Claims of birthrates in Germany rising do not reference demographics of nationality.   But the rate of births continues to be far below the death rate. Meaning a recovery of labor is not possible for another 21+ years and will continue to worsen.

According to the sources used by the CDC to calculate deaths, ie – Wikipedia and the NYTimes, Germany lost 150,000 to CoVid and total deaths in 2021 were over 1 million. Despite decades of ‘dedicated research’ across the globe among scientific experts – Heart Disease remains the core cause of death in Germany … as well as most countries. Cancer deaths continue to rise as well given the trillions$$$$$$$ spent on ‘expert scientific research’.

Germany’s housing shortage continues to grow with estimates of about 700,000 needed at last count.   Most of the shortages are in the largess cities such as Berlin and Stuttgart where refugees are living.   Like other countries, Syrian refugees were transplanted into what was labeled ‘Little Arab Zone’ in Sonnenallee.   There, they created their own shops and cafes catering to mostly Arabs given Germans were afraid of the area.

Where are the nearly 1 million Ukrainians living?

Ukrainians in Germany live in refugee camps, air bnb’s, private homes confiscated by the government and hotels confiscated by the government where they are stacked in bunkbeds.   Most have no desire to remain in Germany given the conditions and lack of work. But as long as the western countries continue to foment the continued war and offer absolutely no compromise deal for peace, Russia will continue to defend it’s people.

NOT unlike Syria.   Assad was evil. Assad was a murderer.   Assad was a brutal dictator… Therefore the absolute destruction of Syria was coordinated.   And the Syrian’s suffered.   Allies to Ashes.   Ukraine will become ashes.

The most recent evil ne’r do wells now include Xi – despite every major US business having set up shop there, and Saudi Arabia – because they wouldn’t capitulate and give up their wealth at the bidding of The Crown.

The West is quickly running out of allies.

Labor shortages will only escalate supply shortages.   And picking the survivors would seem an interesting algorithm…

Ukraine & Zelenskyy: Unpacking the FACTS

Ukraine’s Zelenskyy lectures the US. Zelenskyy’s wife demands more weapons at US meeting. Zelenskyy snubs German PM. Zelenskyy demands $9 billion per month allowance.   Zelenskyy cites a near $1 trillion demand for rebuilding. Zelenskyy on cover of Vogue.   Zelenskyy buys real estate in Florida.   Zelenskyy owns properties in London.   Zelenskyy ‘blacklists’ Indian Businessmen. AND today – Zelenskyy is suing HSBC, JP Morgan and Citi Bank for… drum roll… WAR CRIMES!

Zelenskyy demanded that these banks cut all ties with Russian oil – and since they didn’t – he is suing. What heinous act did these banks commit? They held onto profitable shares of Gazprom and Rosneft. And this apparently constitutes a War Crime.

The man is clearly unhinged.   He would seem to be of the self imposed opinion that he is the reigning global leader – although religious depictions might view him in a ‘different light’.   While Zelenskyy watches – Ukraine BURNS!   What he does manage to accomplish is the destruction of the EU and US given anyone so associated is fodder for chaos.

Meanwhile Germany laps up every pronouncement coming from Ukraine in the newest call for the People of Russia to ‘do their homework and oust Putin’.   Via a coup, of course.   The same coup mandates espoused recently by Brennan when he stated the the US and NED are the instigators of ALL global coups…

Obviously that would apply to the US coup as well in which the befuddled fuddler Brandon shuffles about.

Vogue, the same magazine that snubbed Melania for four years has sited Zelenska as a Brave Woman – why?   The Editor of Vogue in Ukraine fled the country in March.   Leaving a shuttered Vogue. The caption under the Vogue Magazine cover of Zelenska is dated October 2022.   OOPS!   The superimposed Zelenska is then captioned in a Dior styled long coat against supposed 3 female warriors in Ukraine.   Except 2 of the females are the same female superimposed against a bullet riddled obscure object in different positions.   OOPS!

It is interesting to watch all these high profile actors and personalities who can fly to Ukraine without issue when air space over Ukraine is restricted… Meaning there are NO flights.   Driving time from Poland to Kyiv is roughly ten hours – assuming you aren’t bombed in the process.   The only route travels thru Russian occupied territory.  And the roads are deemed impassible.   OOPS!

We know there is a duplicate CIA White House set where Biden routinely meets the press, but what if there is a stage set for Kyiv as well?  

News Clips: Russia strikes Lviv on Poland’s border – Russia Strikes Kyiv – Russia strikes western roads leading into Kyiv… Meaning there is no viable means for traveling from Poland to Kyiv.   This results in three possibilities: 1. The media is lying about the attacks by Russia, or 2. The media is lying about anyone visiting Zelenskyy in Kyiv, or,   3. Zelenskyy et al is NOT in Kyiv and a fake stage set has been created in London.

March 2022, ALL shops in Kyiv were closed with the exception of grocery stores, pharmacies and gas stations. Yet Mz. Zelenska seems to have her hair couffed and colored in her photo ops. Mr. Zelenskyy also has his hair artfully sculpted in his appearances despite all salon venues shuttered.

How can this be?  

The photo-op of the EU’s Ursula von der Leyden and her non-security clan disembarking from a train en route to Kyiv is an interesting diversion.   The markings on the train, its colors, do not match any polish or Ukrainian train. The platform markings and flooring do not match any rail station. So where were they?

Likely, they too are in a photo shoot depiction.

When Bono visited in May, he stated he went via a motorcade and performed in a ‘metro station’….   Obviously – not plausible   Using PINK lights to obscure his surroundings and create a super-imposed photo, Bono apparently evacuated all the Ukrainian people who had sought refuge in this metro station “bomb shelter”.   OOPS!   Rather insensitive one would think… But then – it would appear no one showed for the event which lasted about half an hour.

Bono has donated $-0-.

Other Zelenskyy inconsistencies that bear mention:

  1. Zelenskyy does not wear a wedding ring – instead he wears a ring on his middle finger and claims this was done when he lost weight… except the middle finger is ‘larger’ than the ring finger.
  2. Zelenskyy claims he is Jewish – yet he likens Banderas, the Nazi who killed thousands of Jews in WWII – as a hero worthy of celebration.
  3. 73% of Ukrainians voted for Zelenskyy despite his entire career being a burlesque comedian. Poroshenko previously won with 57% and Yanokovich with 49%.   Voter turnout in 2019 (Zelenskyy) was the lowest it has been since 1991.
  4. Soros boasts he has owned Ukraine since 1991 when it was illegally annexed from Soviet Russia.
  5. Voter turnout for local elections in 2020 was less than 37% – the lowest in history.
  6. World Bank would have us believe that GDP per capita in Ukraine reached an ALL TIME HIGH during the pandemic rising nearly 30% in 2021… while every other country contracted significantly! Problem – every other EU stat does not even recognize Ukraine as a significant GDP rise nation over 9%.

SO the statistics are falsified.   Zelenskyy may or may not be married.   Zelenskyy supports anti-Jewish Nazi assassins.   The staged theatre of Ukraine is a CIA/MI6 conflaguration.   And the purpose is to drain Americans and EU states of their middle class status via the annexation of taxpayer funds for the benefit of the black market to siphon funds to a select host of elites:   Pelosi, Bono, Piers, Blinken, Austin, Macron, Draghi, Scholz, Bojo, Trudeau, as well as PM’s from Slovenia Poland, Czech, Guatemala, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania – as well as a spattering of liberal noncoms.

JUST in time for the next PHASE to instigate War with China vs Taiwan. The same Taiwan that was GIVEN to China post WWII to save it from the DEMON JAPAN by the UK and US!

NEOM Project – Saudi Arabia’s Vision of WEF 2030

Saudi Arabia’s NEOM Project was conceived in 2016 by Prince Bin Salman.   By 2017, the mammoth revolutionary project was hailed by every Royalist Cult member across the globe – including Bill Gates.   By 2018, every single partnership was posthumously dissolved after Jamal Khashoggi, the Saudi treasonous, was assassinated.   And somehow we are supposed to believe that the Creators of Agenda 2030 who advocate for the depopulation/assassination of 95% of the global population, 7.5 billion, were justifiably ‘offended’ at the death of a solitary Saudi national – Khashoggi. And this prompted them to immediately withdraw from the NEOM partnership.

The former players included: Google Cloud, KKR, Ford Motor, JP Morgan Chase, BlackRock, Uber, The Blackstone Group, Financial Times, Lthe LA Times, NYT, CNN, Bloomberg, Huffington Post, Virgin Galactic, and CNBC.   Among others. In 2016, Bill Gates praised the initiative and Bin Salmon’s Vision.

A more likely scenario is that Bin Salman refused to abdicate his monarchial rule and NEOM to Queen Elizabeth and her Royalists for the WEF globalist cult.   As a result, his flippant ‘financial allies’ retreated, and the Prince has moved forward alone.

While the western world Cultists are busily working toward the annihilation of modern civilization through chaos, starvation, installation of fear, mental illness, drug overdoses and revolution, the Saudi Vision is a completely different concept:

NEOM. The Line.   Oxagon.

Built on the same environment sustaining ideal, the similarity would end there.

NEOM is a $500 billion project that encompasses a 10,230 square mile development along the northwestern rim of the country on the Red Sea. Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has said that the NEOM economic zone will likely go public in 2024.

The first phase is The LINE.   The LINE is a vertical garden infused futuristic city that will span 170 kilometers long, 200 meters wide, with a linear footprint unsurpassed to date.   The city will have no roads or traditional cars, and will be climate controlled. A high speed magnetic rail and walkways will be the main forms of transportation while hydrogen will be the main source of energy.

It can house 9 million people and will create 380,000 jobs according to press releases. Residents will “cherish their national identity, their ancient cultural heritage, and live by Islamic principle of moderation.   In other words – this is NOT a WEF atheist dystopia, this is the Saudi’s Vision for themselves.

It is likely this aspect that gave affront to the Royalists who aspired for this project to come under their thumb rule of peasantry and atheism.

The configuration of the footprint of NEOM is The Oxagon, the business/industrial side of the city with ports facilitating the supply chain. AI will govern the technology.  Robots will be utilized extensively.   An artificial moon, manufactured Rain and holographic teachers will abound.   And PLAY will be emphasized – albeit – not FREE.   Another deviation from the peasant Company Towns envisioned by Gates and Bezos!

Recognizing that this is a Saudi Monarchial government is paramount – but it certainly is a much more logical innovation and solution vs the Klaus Schwab deviance of chaos to totalitarian Order.

NEOM embraces the inevitable changes of the future.   It solidifies the Middle East placement in the Global stage, within their own ideals of religion and society.

The third phase of NEOM is TROJENA.    TROJENA will be an “iconic, world-class destination, blending natural and developed landscapes – and offering unique human-centric experiences for residents and visitors alike. The destination will house six distinctive development districts centered around tailored experiences that blend real with virtual architectural and engineering innovations.”

This is the Happy portion that infuses entertainment into the Project experience.   It includes snow skiing, mountain biking, paragliding, climbing, festivals, yoga retreats, etc… at elevations ranging between 1500 and 2600 meters. ALL offered year round. The UK Royalists are quite peeved with this nationalist Saudi Utopia: “With an artificial moon and flying taxis, Neom has been billed as humanity’s next chapter. But beneath the glitzy veneer lies a story of threats, forced eviction and bloodshed.”

This is the western denunciation of what was once hailed as the perfect future before Prince Salman refused to bow to the Royalist Agenda.   The denunciation comes from the same partners who were rebuffed from a coup.

The Huwaitat tribe, a Bedouin Tribe that is most prevalent within Jordan, Palestine, and less so in northern Saudi Arabia, was forced to relocate for the Project.   Their lawyer argued that they were deprived of their land as the Saudi’s sought to build the project – all 20,000 or so.   However, the Bedouin Tribe is nomadic – nomadic meaning they constantly MOVE – AND the Land does NOT belong to them. They were essentially squatters.   They were offered compensation to move – but are radicalized by the Soros Agenda.   WHY? Because the Saudi evolution does not proclaim a Royalist Queen Alignment of British Royalty Rule.

The entire cost of this Megatropolis City is LESS than what the US spends Annually for Welfare recipients… by over $150 billion. Welfare money that produces NOTHING. The waste and incompetence of our country is difficult to process.  But the hearts of those whose gamet would be chaos and destruction is being challenged by those who actually seek to benefit –

As I have said before – I have NO intention of moving to Saudi Arabia, Russia or China – however – critical thinking would reveal that our once perceived ‘glorious’ government is a sham and scam of inglorious proportions!   And it is a breath of fresh air to find any country that is moving toward a better realization.

In my Humble Opinion – the Saudi’s Project is rather – cool!   While I prefer open land, land ownership, and country living – at least the Saudi’s are NOT promoting 95% depopulation – and the chaos of peasantry for ALL!

The Oil & Gas Decarbonization Distraction of WEF

The narrative is that the EU and in particular Germany, should have frazzled reliance on Russian oil and gas years ago. Hindsight.   What is omitted from this observation is the fact that the EU and Germany are the ones sanctioning Russia to attempt to starve Russian citizens while continuing their attempted coup.   Had the EU and US simply given Russia its sovereignty and embraced a friendly alliance, they would NOT be facing this challenge.

Germany is now telling its citizens to cut back their use by a minimum of 15% this winter as blackouts and shortages threaten.   The media statement is, “The European Union has reached an agreement to voluntarily reduce natural gas use by 15%”.

Unelected EU officials are making this statement on behalf of citizens who otherwise have no desire to freeze! This dictatorship of officials reveal exactly how the WEF One Government intends to discipline citizens into submission: Starvation, death, and compliance.

The world’s largest oil giants are state run including;   Saudi Aramco, Gazprom (Russia), NIOC (Iran), CNPC (China), and Rosneft (Russia).   They are the BRICS.   And despite a Western push to move to Greenie windmills & solar, those windmills & panels can’t produce plastics and rubber.   Nor can they fire up the steel mills necessary to make the solar panels and windmills.

Estimates abound, but roughly 360 million tons of plastics are made annually. The Energy department stopped their reporting and research on this part of the fossil fuel issue over 10 years ago. Why? Because it would interfere with the Green narrative.

Oddly, the powers that be have offered ZERO alternatives.

However, these western powers seem oblivious to how this diversion of control to the BRICS will affect the UN/WEF Agenda from implementation.   Most recently, the BRICS have announced their intention of forming their own trade currency – as in ‘whoever controls the money…’

China owns roughly 192,000 acres of US farm and forest land equating to just .2% of all US farm property.   They lag far behind the largest foreign land owners which include: Canada 9.4 million acres, Germany 1.2 million acres, France 643,000 acres and Switzerland with 313,000 acres.   China would thus appear to be more of a ‘diversion’.   While Socialist EU countries comprise roughly 11.6million acres.

NASA in line with the World Economic Forum have decided to forego historical climate models and now advocate a changing climate comparison from ‘when you were born’, ie, 1951!   Using the first calculated year of actual monitoring of temperatures – 1880 – a rise of 1’ was noted after experiencing what was termed a ‘mini-ice-age’! This would be the mantra.

Net ZERO carbon output would only be possible if 95% of humans were decarbonized… all forms of transportation were eliminated…and manufacturing of everything halted.  

Of course the point here is that the WEF can post whatever drivel they want but it is now meaningless given a minimum 3.4 billion of the world’s population is NOT onboard.

However, Saudi Arabia is in the development stages of their own version of global dominance outside of oil through the NEOM Project.   While still promoting sustainable living, they are creating a Saudi specific version that is similar and yet very different giving the WEF Agenda the appearance of ‘a distraction’ – yet again.

What it is:  The Saudi Vision 2030 is nationalistic, embracing Islam, and encourages a higher level youth market as well as healthier aging technology.

What it is NOT is the platform proposed by WEF and Gates of depopulation, secular, classless, living in economic equal poverty.

However, it is still a monarchial world view …


My Next Blog – NEOM!

RECESSION? White House Declares Stellar Economy –

The unemployment rate is now an indicator of a Recession according to the White House.  Given the claim that the rate is roughly 3.5%, we are NOT in a recession, we are in a zoom economy…   Everything is hunky-dory, and those fool economists who claim otherwise should be jailed along with the Jan 6th protestors!   Accounting 101:   how many people were recently disabled?   What is the ‘excess’ death rate?   Why did ADP bow out of the labor reporting scheme?   Where does the WH get its numbers?

According to the CDC, an additional 1.2 million became disabled last year.   But that number along with every number is not real – it is a guess.   Excess deaths are a guess.   Even deaths are a guess.   Global and countrywide population stats – are a guess.   Demographics are a guess.  And when the Powers need to tweek the guess, they simply alter the algorithm.   This is Science.   Guesses.

We are not in a recession because the ‘old’ way of making the determination isn’t right – and the new way is better because it uses ALL the guesses to determine a fact.

November 2021, the CDC changed the method for determining ‘excess deaths’:  “an increasing amount of data had to be excluded from the algorithm modeling, as weekly counts of deaths during the pandemic (February 1, 2020 to present) are excluded from the algorithm to estimate the expected numbers of deaths.”

Translation – the actual numbers had to be omitted because they interfered with the guesses.   As a result, no one knows how many people died.   The Social Security Administration released ‘data’ reporting how many people were on disability payments from 2007 through 2021.   They state unequivocably that the numbers have ‘not been edited’ yet. 

During 2020 and 2021, roughly 1.7 million were terminated from SS Disability leaving 7.87million still receiving benefits.   However, the CDC claims 61 million Americans are living with a disability – 27%.  Other assessments state that over 42% of Americans under 65 have a disability.   The most common disabilities are mobility and cognition.   36% of those with a disability have ‘mental illness’.   Mental illness ranges anywhere from ‘I am depressed’ to schizophrenia.  According to NIH, a new definition of mental illness needs to be updated for accuracy…

A recent job posting by the CDC for VAERS stated that the applicant would be responsible for reviewing and editing over 770,000 adverse event notifications annually….  To date VAERS lists 1.34 million adverse events reported including death.

In Science NOTHING is Absolute – therefore Nothing is Fact!

While Biden handlers have declared that a recession is not a factor of GDP, they move the goal posts and state that employment, consumer and business spending, industrial production and income are the new “Holistic” factors.   ALL numbers created by the US Bureau of Economic Analyses via guesses.   ALL numbers that would rank higher as a result of inflation!

Why not create a fake GDP number like every other fake number?

What the Administration failed to note is that if everything is hunky-dory, then the increased Federal Reserve Rate is useless because it has no impact.   Janet Yellen has thus come to the table and stated that our economy is not in a recession but that Russia might cause us to fall into one in the very near future… like maybe next week…  Russia.

Yellen supported the labor notion by declaring that a ‘net average of 375,000 jobs’ have been added every month for the last three.   However, the number of people on welfare increased from the estimate of 52 million to 69 million.   Obviously, an additional 17million on welfare would not equate to rising employment.  The statistic claims the cost is roughly $670 billion per year by ‘The Government’.   Of course, The Government has -0- cost – ALL costs are born by citizen taxpayers.

IF in fact we added 17 million to the rolls of welfare, then obviously the unemployment rate would increase – not decrease.  Further disrupting the false rate of 3%, and the stellar economy stipulated by Biden and Yellen.   9%-20% Inflation does NOT portray a stellar economy.   Job layoffs to the tune of 10% have been announced across the board for most large corporations.  Tech companies have led the frenzy of layoffs, with the car industry a close second.   Entire restaurant chains have announced closures.   Everything that needs a chip has experienced shortages creating a slackened manufacturing and business industry slump!

YET, the WH would have us believing these notices don’t exist.   Even Yellen’s statement that 375,000 employees have been added each of the last 3 months is WRONG.   The Last ADP Report filed was for April to May and claimed an increase of 128,000 – an algorithm.   The previous month was 202,000 – an algorithm.  An algorithm based on GUESSES> Yellen outright lied.

The Handlers are getting sloppy.   The makers of facts are not consulting each other.   And the evidence reveals a protracted economy with unparalleled inflation, and a job market that is dropping 10% of its employees. 


When Kennedy Was assassinated, and the Royalist Cult suffered no consequences, they knew in that moment that their power was solidified.   They had crossed over that invisible line of unobstructed crime to murdering a sitting president and thereafter emboldened Boss – nothing was out of bounds!   They were invincible!   Johnson came to an unrealized unelected power, and Jacqueline found the safety with the #1 Mafia Boss Onassis.   He would guarantee her life in return for her silence.

The term “Rino” became popular in the 1990’s to classify a Republican In Name Only – a FAKE.  Rino’s were hawk democrats.  The purpose of the changed political status was simply to forge and thieve the Republican Vote.  The extent of this wolf in sheep’s clothing stage play did not really come to full light until President Trump’s campaign.  Even still, throughout Trump’s presidency the magnitude was not realized.   And this became the bane of Trump’s entire term.

Liz Cheney is the key Rino leading the hearing of the January 6th protestors with the designed end result being the arrest of Trump for treason.  Cheney was elected as a representative of Wyoming and became the chair of the House Republican Conference during Trump’s tenure.   She pretended to be a Republican.   Led by her father and George Bush.   She has since accepted that she is a ‘neoconservative’ along with the Bush’s.   They support coups, regime changes, war, globalization, the New World Order, the UN, and WEF.

These Rino’s are also obsessed with depopulating – President Trump.

Cheney’s husband is Phillip Perry.   Perry works for the law firm Latham & Watkins.  Perry was given various roles in the Bush White House.  But his work for Latham & Watkins was most interesting.

Perry represented Monsanto, Lockheed, various Pharma’s including Pfizer, and Thomas Vilsack.

Thomas Vilsack is currently the Secretary of Agriculture in the Biden administration.  He also served in the Obama administration and was on the shortlist to be Hillary Clinton’s VP.   Vilsack’s entry into politics was in 1987 after the mayor of Mount Pleasant was ‘gunned down’ and Vilsack was selected his successor in 1986.   He became governor of Iowa when the then governor who had been in office for 16 years, suddenly decided not to run.  Despite polls showing that Vilsack would lose to his Republican opponent – he suddenly – won…

Both Liz Cheney and Phillip Perry were indoctrinated into the neoconservative movement during their tenure with daddy Cheney and Bush.  These false republicans are a tool of the Great RESET globalization.

During Perry’s tenure for Latham, his cases have typically centered on agribusiness, GMO’s, and non-labeling initiatives.   Latham and Perry were counsel for Vilsack et al in 2011 and 2012 in suits brought by the Center For Food Safety.   Vilsack has the Clinton name behind him.   Therefore everything Cheney and Perry is – CLINTON!

Latham & Watkins manage Microsoft’s ‘Climate Innovation Fund’ supporting ‘sustainability goals’.   Although their website claims they have been loyal to the oil & gas industry since their inception.  An odd marriage – one would think.  But that would be the mantra of a wolf.

ESG funds are portfolios of equities and/or bonds for which environmental, social and governance factors have been integrated into the investment process.    They are now heavily investing in – oil & gas.   Their logic – Money!   With the Russia crisis, oil has risen exponentially and is slated to continue that unprecedented price escalation throughout the next 3 years as Western supplies dwindle and production is capped.

In 2020, the price of crude had tanked to just over $17 a barrel from $61 as Biden took office.   By June 2022, that price had spiked to over $117.  

Even Environmental sustainable funds have crossed into fossil fuel territory.  Why?   Because green energy doesn’t make money and oil and gas – does!   Russia can’t count the money they have made under the policies of the Biden Handlers.   Asking the Saudi’s to increase output so as to send tankers laden with the goop to the US and subject our oceans to potential accidents, spills, and OIL to fuel the tankers is lost on these aging Handlers.

The ESG Green Energy Funds are the Rhino’s.   The Green Fund – is a Rhino.  Windmills are Rhino’s.   A Windmill is made of steel.   Steel is made using fossil fuels “The process to produce steel requires considerable energy, which is typically generated by burning of fossil fuels that produce copious carbon, contributing to the climate crisis.”

In other words – the Matrix of a False Reality – is used not just to create political Wonderlands – but is the basis for most of our Corporate and Financial Structures across the globe.   The Royalist Cult used Biblical wolves to infiltrate throughout society within every genre.   But now those masks are melting and their white wool is shedding as their black coat shines.

And one has to think that just perhaps – the same Royalist Cult that created these elites is the same one destroying them.   The Bigger they are – the Harder they fall!

The same Cult that demonized oil & gas is now busily hording the fossil fuels.   Obama purportedly installed a generator on his luxury ‘by-the-sea’ property that is immune from rising sea levels – and the generator is powered by ‘fossil fuels’.

So, what IF, the Cult intends to bring its own to their proverbial knees?   What IF, this is their greatest amusement? What IF Humpty Dumpty was never meant to be put back together?

Russia is expanding its base with the BRICS.   America is now laughed at.   Trudeau is viciously mocked.  Macron is continually derided by the Rothschild’s Economist.   And the ones dying and subjected to horrific adverse events are the SAME ones who support the Royalist Cult Regime!   They are literally killing their most trident supporters!  

And the survivors are those who REBEL.

The New World Order is a Schism of BRICS vs NATO

Biden announces NEW Climate Control Mandates via State of Climate Emergency Control  Pulpit … – and Putin defines the BRICS version of the New World Order – sovereignty and nationalism.   Biden falls off his bicycle.   The Saudi’s greet Trump with a historic sword dance.   The Saudi Prince Salman greets Biden with a ‘fist bump’.   Putin rides horses bareback in streams and rivers.   No – I don’t want to move to Russia.   It is just freaking embarrassing!

But what IS clear is that there are two distinct schisms of this world order which are diametrically opposed.  

The Soviet Union died and the Bolsheviks ran for cover.   Maybe they all immigrated to the US and EU.   Because the absolute flip of the West to Marxism – and the Asiana’s to

Sovereign Capitalism is difficult to accept and many are in a conflicted area of transition in their heads.

After just ONE day of announcing the Climate Emergency, The Administration  announced the allocation of – MONEY!   Musho $$$$!   A portion, $2.3 billion for FEMA to mitigate infrastructure inequities in now black controlled cities… like Escape From New York or Chicago Mafia, or Minneapolis Anarchy.   In reality, now that these major cities are destroyed and left to litter and twallette, the Royal Elites want them rebuilt as Peasant hovels for their slavery hologram of reality.

Albeit with style.   Likely completely bugged and monitored 24/7.   Company Towns with flare – wherein the Company owns EVERYTHING – the real estate, the hovels, the restaurants, the bars, the alcohol, the food, the education, etc…   While taking their fair share of your earnings as a flat tax – 15%.   You will be required to work 10 hour days 6 days a week.   And you will not complain – and be happy…

The Climate Emergency is the money laundering front.   The Green Fund established in 2015, was similarly spent on infrastructure projects in Africa where Elites had thieved vast swathes of fertile agriculture land but needed expensive infrastructure to make the land productive.  Voila!   Otherwise, MicroLoans were the African IMF and HSBC Bank Play Station.

The money from Biden’s Climate Emergency will actually be spent on developing these City Hovels at taxpayer expense.  Dubai style for them.   While bunk houses will act as the quarters for the lower class worker bees.  Again – Dubai style.   Somehow these royal elitists envision that the peasants will happily comply?   Which implies a ‘drugged population’.   Perhaps, those who do not perish from their V infirmaries, will be fed medical interventions via the mRna implant.   Happiness.

In reality, the heat wave experienced today is simply another effect of that front called La Nina.   You remember when Climatologists used El and La Fronts to define weather patterns…   It was eons and eons ago…   maybe 12 years.   Of course, these preemptive actions against La Nina are being issued across the EU, Australia and Canada as well.   A coordinated effort.   Because climate starts spontaneous combustion fires.   Climate causes immigration.   And Climate causes poverty.

In 2021, India’s Modi pledged to work with Biden on Climate Action.   Modi is rethinking.  In 2015, Russia’s Putin sought an alliance within the global Elitists – he was turned down.   He finally figured it out – 2021.   Turkey has played both sides for a decade.   Iran has been isolated and can empathize with the Wests’ punitive sanctions imposed with the effect of a collapsing West.

Psst:  for the Judgmental – I have no intention of moving to India or Iran either.   I am merely analyzing. 

And so we have a New World Order of Giants that are thwarting the Royal Elitist Cult.   And we, the other persons accounting for roughly 7.8 of the 8 billion, are left to – watch the game unfurl.   While having absolutely zero interaction in The Game.   Meanwhile, the truth is revealed in static bursts and is then quashed.   And as we learn these truths it is also revealed that despite massive corruption, fraud, theft, murder, and rape – we have no power to prosecute the perpetrators.  We can only watch from the sidewalk.

And then there is this:   While drugging, demoralizing, dehumanizing, and murdering hundreds of thousands, Biden has announced that over 27% of our current active military will be dismissed permanently for being ‘unvaxed’.    Our Earth Devoted Austin Floyd has replaced tactical training with gender and pronoun training.   Our military hunks have been replaced by transgenders.   Our inventory of weapons have been sent to Ukraine where they appear for sale on the Dark Web, and Biden is picking a war with Russia AND China.

Knowing that we would lose.

And the only thing standing between a protracted America takeover and a quick one is – Guns. The kind of guns that belong to private citizens.   Hence the ramping up of mass murders and gun crimes.   Mastered in Hollywood scripts they integrate actors into the world of reality and take over.   As though justification really means anything any longer in their Mafia presentations.

According to an agreement in May reached between the UN and WEF presidents, the Agenda 2030 needs to be more like Agenda 2025!   Escalation and Acceleration.  Signed.   Sealed.  WHY?   Because the Russian destruction of Ukraine put a ginormous wedge in their very comfortable hotel bed. n In fact – it created Two Globalist Parties with diametrically opposed views.

They NEED to give the appearance they are still in Control – when in fact, the power shift to the BRICS was NOT anticipated, and has the potential to completely annihilate the PLAN.   PROBLEM:  The elites are C students.   Thus they continue to make massive debilitating – mistakes.   NOT seeing the future 12 moves is prominent.

What to do?

Be a boy scout – be a girl scout – be prepared …  given we are the extra’s in a movie, we really have no power – that should be obvious by now.   But resistance requires preparedness

ISRAEL – The Decendents Of Jacob

Between 42% and 51% of Israeli’s are ‘secular’.   In the US 44% of Jews identify as secular.   The notion that GOD favors the current land defined as Israel and all her secular Jewish people is truly an ignorant view that ignores Biblical theology.   GOD does not favor people that don’t believe in God or Christ!   God favors the offspring of Jacob whose name was Israel.   Lands and borders have absolutely nothing to do with the Bible. People are the Bible – hence the composite of stories of people – varied, of different backgrounds, of different lands – who come together in Christ.\

In parallel with this Israel theology, Gog and Magog represent Satan – not a land mass.   As humans have vainly attempted to assert that a piece of dirt is the Bible’s description they have propagandized the essence of The Word.   Why?   To assert a power play.   A control.  And a theology that is false.   A wolf.

Christ was not a Jew. Christ was a Hebrew.   The actual term Jew didn’t evolve until the 1800’s. It is believed to be a derivative of the Greek Ioudaios meaning “to imitate”. The Bible was thus re-translated to replace the word Hebrew with Jew.   But “God calls all the descendants of Israel”.   One is not a descendant of dirt – but of a people.

Thus, when interpreting Ezekiel 38 and 39, the reference of Gog and Magog is no different in that God calls for the end of Satan.   Referencing Turkey or Russia as the progenitors of Gog and Magog has as much Biblical truth as asserting that the seculars of Israel are God’s People.

Those who are descendants of Jacob are descendants of God’s Israel.

Those names are written.

The LIE of Gog is that a person who does not believe in Christ or God can be a Chosen One.   This LIE was rewritten into the Bible as an ‘interpretation’ 900 years after its first writing.   Aligning with the concept of a New World Order.   This LIE was created for the purpose of confusing what is obvious within The Word.   The purpose of which is to conflate and ridicule The Bible for its conflictions.

As we are facing the Satanic NWO of today, they use this altered text to create a culteral Jewish ascendancy that does NOT exist.   They use it to create a distracted evil – based on geographics, ie Russia, Iran, Turkey.   And the diabolical Power of Satan wins when reality is obscured.

In essence this means that those who believe in Christ and God are descendants of Israel – those who don’t – are NOT!   It has nothing to do with culture or religion, and everything to do with belief!

Pronouncing those who live on territory today as evil because of their land – is a deception of Satan. Those whose hearts are of evil are who God will destroy.   Quoting Ezekiel 38 and 39 to assert condemnation of nations and all the people within is a ploy and embraces that which is unGodly.   Do NOT be so deceived! This is Satan’s cruel and seditious rabbit hole so as to harden hearts from the truth and cause a person to Fall from grace within the sins of arrogance, spite, greed and malevolence.


NATO: A Ponzi Shell Game for $1.036 trillion – per year

NATO.   1)   manages crisis situations around the world.   2)   manages peaceful resolution of disputes so as to PREVENT conflicts,   3) NATO trains local forces in Afghanistan. NATO BUDGET:   $1.036 trillion as of 2019.

Reservist officer Christopher Cavoli is the US Commander for NATO. Despite his resume being most recently updated from its very boring desk jockey to include 36 Awards, that would be the ‘edited version’.   As of 2018 – the sum total of awards was – 3, his Afghanistan credentials changed cities, and his 1987 Princeton degree was in biology.   He dinked around for 12 years before being assigned anywhere as a major in 1999. His assignment – Bosnia under Implementation Force a NATO peace initiative that was disbanded in – 1996, 3 years before Cavoli was assigned.   ODD. He dinked around some more having done no combat service and was suddenly a major general in 2016.

This is what happens when the writers of your fake resume don’t properly research their dates.

Bobby Bauer, a Vice Admiral, form the Netherlands is Chair of the NATO Military and Chief of Defense.   His education states that he went to the Royal Naval College which is a 5 year program but he left in 1984 after 3 years. His next entry was his running a frigate between 2005 and 2007 – 21 years later. Then suddenly in 2011 he is listed as a Commodore… He has suddenly earned 11 Awards – 3 of which were attributed in 2020, 2 in 2021 and the remaining JUST NOW! Ta-DA!

This is what happens when the lax writers of your fake resume don’t give an arse.

NATO has a TOTAL of 19 aircraft, 10 of which are available (no mention as to their ‘functionality’).   As of April 2022, NATO and US inventory of Stingers was completely obliterated given they were all sent to Ukraine.  Javelins – a close second.

When discussing NATO strength, equipment, officers, and weapons, one is redirected to the weapons and military strength of NATO’s member states, including: US, Germany, France and UK.   Because NATO is an empty shell.   MOST NATO member states have active military personnel numbering in the ‘thousands’.  A NOTHING.


Nato’s illusion of Peace is no different than its illusion of Strength.   No different than the illusion of their Military Commanders – both ‘installed’ in 2021 as the Midgets of Might.   Much like desk-jockey, Lloyd Austin. Much like every single appointee to the US government.

Claiming they have 1.35 million to 3.5 million of military, civilians and personnel, NATO borrows most if not all of its numbers from foreign government member state data. Obviously the data has rather YUGE statistical +/- error ratio, but that would be par for the course.   In reality NATO has 30,000 ‘response troops’ who ‘take part in’ a 12 month rotational role as first responders…   Their training is – not discussed. However, Stoltenberg declares these troops are “robust and combat ready”.  More Ta-Da’s…

I have never heard of active military troops defined as ‘robust’ which typically defines a wine or a healthy bosom individual.  Anywho

You see, NATO isn’t really anything other than a shell game of weapons and military strength run by two ‘Commanders’ with edited and embellished resumes which when peeled reveal a rotted bacteria.

Although Ukraine is NOT a NATO member, and thus not privy to ANY defense, the US continues to deflower its entire inventory of weapons to defend the Nazi regime.   ALL while US Defense Contracts for replenishing or beefing up our military would seem to be nonexistent.   In fact the last two contracts initiated by our DoD were to; Boeing for just under $500million for Taiwan defense, and to Raytheon for repairs & maintenance.  WHOOOWHO!

While China watches, America BURNS.  

It is amazing to me how the heck the Royalists found such incompetent, un-American, death-wishers to fill the government void of human politicians.   Are they really so medicated that they have no idea the ramifications of their actions?   Do they understand they will be the first fatalities of their conceived war?

According to the Atlantic Council, NATO’s accomplishments most recently include: Afghanistan, Kosovo, Libya and piracy in Africa. “As an active and leading contributor to peace, NATO has…” assisted in the destruction of Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Somalia, the Ivory Coast, the Balkans, South Africa and Sri Lanka.   With their hawk mentality in Ukraine, their next peaceful administration would be the complete destruction of the EU.   POOF.

NATO’s current missions according to their website are: A sustainable, inclusive Iraq, a Peace Operation in Kosovo ongoing since – 1999, Operation Sophia – which ummm, ended in 2020, pushing for the African Union to become a NATO member by providing lots of freebies and perks, and policing the air. And that costs $1.036 trillion annually. The least they could do is update their website.   SIGH.


There really is no NATO, they are an empty office. But – that money is real and is given to a particular club of Royals for the purpose of hording wealth.   Although they don’t seem to understand – their dollar depreciates just as rapidly as does ours.   Or Money Parity. Or Inflation Cost.

Their quality of life will diminish in the same parallel linear means as will ours – it is simply the starting point that is nonequivalent.   Which will effect them in the same degree as everyone else based on the definition of lifestyle …   So it seems a rather inane waste of time.   Like frogs and snails in a jumping contest.