THE FDR Equation Gave US Zionist Communist Control

Calling for a ceasefire in Palestine is pointless.   Netanyahu is operating on the highest Zion level to eradicate the population forever.   The UN is stumbling over itself against the allegations of Genocide initially brought by South Africa, with more loading on the dumpster that is what Israel has become.   The takeaway?   The UN is obsolete and worthless.  It’s demise would domino into other worthless money laundering schematics, including;  NATO, WHO, IMF, World Bank, every institution that self-proclaims they are the Global Order.

All the globalist institutions were created between 1944 – 1948.  The same people created ALL of these institutions with one purpose – Global Control.

The World Bank is run by 29 Vice Presidents and 25 Executive Directors and overseen by The World Bank Group which established the IMF.   It was created at the behest of Henry Morgenthau jr., a German Jew who never graduated from college but did find favor with Eleanor Roosevelt and thus was inducted into the FDR New Deal agenda.

The UN was formed in 1945 and created the World Health Organization.  The UN was established to end ALL future wars.   It’s predecessor, The League of Nations, proved worthless so FDR proposed a new and improved League – the United Nations.  The UN Charter was drafted by FDR, Churchill and Stalin…  The Charter was signed by the US, UK, Soviet Russia (Bolsheviks) and China.  Their mission was to ‘fight the Axis Powers of Japan, Germany and Italy’.

The alliance was communism.

During the fifties, communism began to run out of favor as it was exposed by McCarthy.   Instead of disappearing, communism simply moved underground.  The sixties Revolution was created to renew communism favor with young people pushing communes, drugs, open sex, etc…   But favor still did not spill over into government.

So the CIA was commandeered to operate as the communist underbelly.   Coups became commonplace, assassinations were ripe, and the infiltration of the media was an easy game of mass hypnosis – “America is the Greatest Nation.   The American government is the only government worthy of monitoring the corrupt nation’s ‘elections’.”

Reagan was easy to manipulate by this ‘goodness factor’.   Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama were all aboard the communist train and China was our best friend.   Then the Big Four began to splinter.   Reagan freed Russia of its communist oppressors.  China was still far behind the US making it a quasi ‘follower’ of US hegemony.   Therefore, the Zionists palled with China while demonizing Russia.

Secularism was the new majority.  And the Big Four believed they had captured the globe and could implement their reign of terror so as to create fear which translated into oppression.   But Putin’s Russia was clear that a coup would not be tolerated and their nationalism would thrive, survive, and grow stronger.   The Powers attempted to overthrow Xi Jinping – and lost.

And the Big Four became Two – the US and UK. 

During the era of 2,000’s the Middle East needed to be quashed given their oil profits were creating a new bloc that was not wholly aligned with the Big Two.   Enter the Big Lie – 9-11.   Created by the Big Two plus small one – Israel.   The purpose?  To squash the Middle East through wars sanctioned by the UN in their failed quest for global peace that never existed.

Now with Netanyahu’s unrelenting bombing of Palestine, the UN whines, but does nothing in terms of consequences.   Because the UN is the war monger.   And the World Bank profits on the war industry.

So.  Here we are.   The Middle East is slowly beginning to realize that they could easily be the next China or Russia.   South America is realizing that their economies were purposefully destroyed in order to make them noncompetitive in the Global Game of Four and now Two.   And the US now has more enemies – than allies.   While the Zionists proclaim they are winning.

In 2020, the WEF in Davos hosted over 117 governments.  In 2024, just 60 ‘governments & dignitaries’ showed.  Nearly half.   This is not a winning stage.   Yet – these elite don’t have a solution other than – censorship.

They are losing – and the question is – where will they go to regroup?  Zionists are unwelcome just about everywhere.  Not out of ‘anti-Semitism’, but out of their destructive, Godless, Greed and Power vacuum that believes they are The Chosen Ones.  By a God they don’t believe in.

This is why Ukraine is so important.   It is why the CIA has ordered Zelenskyy to continue killing as many Ukrainians as possible while vacating his entire government – so that the Zionist Controlled CIA can take over the country.   Zelenskyy will be eliminated.  Not by Russia – but by the CIA which will blame Russia.  His usefulness has been relinquished.   Blinken knows this.   And the country will become the playground for the Zionists to rebuild in the likeness of Dubai – the city they covet.  Ruled as a monarchial statehood.  Stakeholders will pay for the privilege to be included.   The money will be confiscated from frozen Russian assets, soon to be frozen Chinese assets, and the Climate Fund held by The World Bank.

The World Bank as controlled by the Zionists.   Kerry knows this.   This is why he stepped down as Climate Tzar.  Money.

What will become of Europe in this Zion transformation?

The biggest resource of the EU is manufacturing, ie, people.  But they killed the viable people off with the vax, so now The People will be the uneducated, immigrants pouring across the borders.   Training is slow given it requires language assimilation first.   The rate of success in this program is below 10%.   And more death vaxes are coming.   Their economies have been destroyed by Zionist agendas.   IF they recover it will take time – perhaps 70 years or more.

What will become of Israel?   The Boogeyman in the closet…

Israel’s Palestine agenda was to build a canal and cities along the canal – a continuation of Ben Gurion Canal – while putting the Suez out of business.   But in so doing, the Zionist Israel has now made enemies of every Middle Eastern country.   The cost to build the canal was being shared by the US in the form of war aid.   The beneficiaries are Europe and Asia.   But Asia has been cancelled.  The Middle East now despises Israel, and Europe is on the decline meaning trade will dramatically dissipate leaving Netanyahu and the US holding an empty purse.

IF – the US reverses its Zionist Control and trajectory, a trade alliance with the BRICS is the only means for recovery.

While a Haley election would most certainly lead America into the twalette – a Trump vote can put us on the path to recovery.  A Journey that will be long and arduous given the extent to which the Zionist agendas have raped the wealth from The People.   A journey, nonetheless, worth the making.

The UN is Obsolete – The Cabal & Their NGO’s are Mental Cavemen

For over Seventy Years the UN has self declared it is the global peacemaker.   The global soothsayer for human rights.   The global climate Tzar. The UN is The Future!   But the tin foil hat blew off into the wind ravaged GMO seed field and revealed nary a root, a sprout, a speck of green – no brain beneath.  

The UN Seeks Solutions! The UN is the world’s global Flagship!   Ad nauseum, the UN self lauds.   The wheel of fortune spun and this time the payload came up China.   China is brokering peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia, Iran and the UAE, Palestine and Israel, Ukraine and Russia.

A tectonic plate shifts.   And the Mafia is pissed.

Are Western Nations purposefully creating a New BRICS Empire?   Do they envision themselves as a vassal of China?   The US and Canadian governments are clearly supporting communism. Bought by China money.   Beholden with Blackmail. Is the West thus pushing for a globalization based on a China Revolution Order?

The question is – who exactly will run this communist globe? Obviously China is being led to believe they will become the new Global Empire. IF America and the EU are envisioned to become 3rd world African nations – a China/Russia New Empire would most definitely unfold.

According to CSIS, the motto is: Deny, Deflect, Deter.  

The West is operating on two dimensions. Superficially, we are given a reality that is honed in chaos, murder, crime, pedophilia, and a Mad Max authority.   Beneath this superficial surface a maze of NGO power frames are asking AI to tell them what to do…   They have lost their footing, lost their direction, and are desperately attempting to find a means of regaining top tier Reign.

Their Problem:   Western NGO cultists are operating on a barbaric ideology that is rooted in ancient history – CONQUER!   They have yet to evolve beyond the pursuit of creating an ally by first destroying him.   Their perception of the 21st century is still rooted in caveman philosophies. And their fatal errors are increasing exponentially as a direct result.

Xi Jinping played the Tortoise.    The Mafia Cult thought they were invincible.   They did not anticipate the twist in allegiances. Their strategic ploy of installing incompetency into the various offices of White Houses across the globe has backfired!   Instead of giving them the desired space to rule – they have found themselves busily cleaning up mess after mess utilizing precious time! All while losing their footing.

The UN website looks like a Hollywood printout – glowing photoshopped faces – and highlights of money spent to achieve no solution.    NY is hosting UN Members to discuss Water:   We are draining humanity’s lifeblood through vampiric overconsumption and unsustainable use, and evaporating it through global heating.”    Of course EVERY agenda within the UN is discussed to the point of beating a dead horse because no one wants to take action!

Ultimately, what Guterres is calling for at the UN is for ALL FRESH WATER to be owned by a global government and doled out to countries based on equity and sustainability metrics.   But there is a hitch –

Russia happens to have the largest reservoir in the world, Lake Baikal.   At an average depth of 744 meters (maximum depth of 1642 meters) and encompassing 12,300 sq miles – this ancient massive body of water is a precious resource!   Yet, out of reach to the Greedy Cultists.   They desperately WANT this water at any cost.   As such, it is not a coincidence that control of Russia is considered a primary goal.   Fatal Flaw?   The West sought control from the wrong angle.   Instead of making Russia an ally – the West sought to make Russia a demon.

Strategy is everything – and the imbeciles running the NGO’s blew it!

This month and forward countries will come together for the Water/Climate Summit, the Democracy Summit, the Security Summit, the World Bank Summit, the Hollywood Summit…   Each Summit guarantees a promise.   Each promise is matched by pinky swear testimony.   And nothing is EVER actually accomplished.

While all these Summits declare End of World issues, the Tortoise is busily making ‘friends’.

Our illustrious CSIS defends the western modus of chaos and division by declaring the brokered peace deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran by China as worthless.   Citing previous attempts at a reconciliation between the two Middle Eastern Countries, each time the friendship was foiled by riots in Iran…   The same riots initiated by NED to divide Iran from ANY Middle Eastern country.

In a winded article, CSIS explains why any alliances will be foiled; Iran is in economic turmoil due to US sanctions, and Saudi Arabia will find its hands full with maintaining peace with Iranian officials.   Therefore the alliance will fail – because success is not allowed.   Ancient military – Divide and Conquer – is worthy of a Caveman Tin Foil Hat

The western NGO’s handling global governance have thus revealed that peace is NOT their agenda.   Their mental acuity has sworn allegiance to the Caveman. Their strategic intellect is wholly flawed if not simply corrupted:   A)   Underestimating ones ‘enemy’,   and B)   Not engaging in peace deals.

What is revealed in these quantum shape shifters we liken to the Mafia Cult is that western nations are doing absolutely nothing to improve Life.   We are not building better cities, economies and societies.   We aren’t driving advanced education.   We are NOT mitigating slothful water usage and preservation and never have.   In fact, every aspect of the allusion drilled by Western governments has one purpose – to break Americans.

WHY?   Because these old-old men still think breaking a man will make him an obedient slave.

National Archives Partnership Alliance with Wikimedia Foundation – sponsored by Obama, SOROS and Clinton

A letter from the National Archives ‘acting director’ Debra Steidel Wall dated from May 2022 is making the rounds.   The letter details how Steidel has determined that documents retrieved from Trump in January were forthwith being turned over to the FBI. The letter is dated 10 days after the actual Director, David Ferriero, quit. He was originally appointed by Obama in 2009. A rather bold move for an “Acting Director” newly minted just 10 days prior. Fierriero was simultaneously appointed as the head of the newly created National Declassification Center.

NARA has some interesting alliances.  

Upon appointment in 2009, Ferriero established a ‘relationship’ with Wikipedia and the Wikimedia Foundation.   In that relationship, Ferriero hired an in resident Wikipedia editor to work for NARA.

One of the Board Trustees of Wikimedia Foundation is McKinsey and Company.   One of their Independent contractors is Minassian Media whose founder is a full time executive at the Clinton Foundation.   The chair of the board, Nataliia Tymkiv, is the financial director for a Ukrainian media nonprofit.

Endowment funding for Wikimedia includes the Tides Foundation, Amazon, Google, Facebook and George Soros. All of which explains their involvement in the US National Archives via former Director, Ferriero.   Reveals that Obama/Clinton are behind the Mar a Lago raid. And likely reveals they have ALL had access to and been privy to every National Security Document since its inception!

The Tides Foundation website declares:   Tides: A Force for Social Good!    Tides is a philanthropic partner and nonprofit accelerator dedicated to building a world of shared prosperity and social justice.

Tide’s Board has affiliations with Obama, Janet Reno, Microsoft, HP, UNICEF, China, Harvard, etc…

Concern that a former sitting President would have access to classified documents in his possession seems rather mundane when in reality we see that the National Archives is run by Soros, Obama and Clinton with unfettered alliance-access by Amazon, Google, Facebook and Microsoft.   Google is also in charge of digitizing Obama’s 33 million documents including classified records, which has yet to be completed… but poses a significant national security risk!  The statement that NARA has read thru all 33 million Obama records to determine classification is absurdity at BEST!

The initial collaboration between Wikimedia and NARA was a covert operation that helped to destabilize national security while gaining ‘open’ access to literally every mechanism within our government. Other Partnerships include: UK Royal Society, WHO, and Prince William.

It would thus now make sense that Obama’s $65 million advance for his Library and digitalization has gone nowhere but his bank account.   Although Obama hedges why his documents have NOT been digitized – the process could be completed internally with the purchase of IBM equipment and finalized within a month.   It has been six YEARS!

The fact that NARA is clearly another puppet organization of the Soros-Obama-Clinton Transparency in Government organization cherry picking documents with NO Oversight – selling documents to outside sources could be a motive!   Attacking Trump in this FBI Operation simply furthers the evidence that the FBI is also an agency of Obama and Clinton via Soros.

NARA is run so profoundly bad that a Freedom of Information Request can literally take YEARS!   Requests for classified documents can take decades. WHY?   Because they are searching through 11 billion + records. But also because certain documents are ‘off-limits’ per the tech and corporate leaders who now run NARA.

In 2009, Obama created the “Open Government Plan”. The Plan specifically targeted such agencies as Homeland Security, DoD, NARA, and the FOIA   Over the course of his tenure he updated the Plan 4 times, the last was stated to be effective from 2016 thru 2018.   The assumption for the 2018 time stamp was based on Hillary winning the election.   Her failure put the Open Government initiative into a tailspin.

The plan states:   “that the strongest foundation for human progress lies in open economies, open societies, and in open governments.” 

The last entry for the Open Government Plan was September 2016 which was released by NARA.

While the Open Government Plan was attributed to Obama, it was the brainchild of the United Nations – Open Government Partnership.   Its founders included: Indonesia, Norway, Mexico, Brazil, The Philippines, South Africa – the US and UK. Its donors include: Open Society Foundation, Omidyar, Ford Foundation, Hewlett Foundation and “UK Government’.

The Partnership goals include civil society engagement in government accountability. However, to simplify this engagement, the Partnership created a Civil Society Engagement Team to represent – civil society!

Amnesty International & NATO – Ukraine is Their Sacrificial Lamb

AMNESTY International, an organization in alliance with the UN and WEF Agenda’s has announced that Ukraine is the country committing War Crimes.   Ukraine.   They are turning on their OWN.   NATO announced that Ukraine was ‘used’ as a scapegoat between the West and Russia.   Ukraine.   The country, its citizens, were used as sacrificial lambs for the ‘bigger picture’.   The People.  The soldiers.   Pawns for extermination so as to take out Russia.   Demonize Putin.   And install their puppet Navalny.   But they ‘underestimated’ – and now they have to CLEAN loose ends.

The biggest loose end in this stage play is Zelenskyy.    

But there are others;  Joey and Hunter, Manchin who just caved to their threats, the Pelosi’s whose drunken self-indulgences could result in a word gone astray.   And Xi Jinping who has been privy to the entire Play – including his knowledge of their Russia Gamet.   What would happen if they told Putin that Xi was in on the entire attempted Russian coup?

The same Xi who became a subject of the Cleaners when Soros demanded a Regime Change.   The same Xi who realized he was ‘played’.   The same Xi who knows all about Gates, Clinton, and likely 95% of Congress.   The last chess piece… That Xi.

Pelosi has called on the Chinese Ambassador to explain the sanctions imposed on her by Xi Jinping.   Why?   To reiterate the power vacuum that they believe they still have.   But don’t.   Fauci is telling everyone to ’just get over it’ when referring to the Lockdowns and effects therein.   Players are running scared, adding to the ‘loose ends’.

Running on empty.  Sloppy.   The CIA and FBI have been verbally obliterated by Truths from every angle imaginable.   The problem?   When these “People” run scared, they don’t care who or how many die to save their arses.   If it means nukes?   Dementia Biden has his Handlers on the Red Button.

Desperate men will resort to ANYTHING to preserve themselves when unmasked.

Gates and Bezos have their mega-yachts.   The EU has no military.   And every move these government puppets make is in complete disregard of their citizen compatriots.   Because they long ago gave up on morality and ethics and values in favor of the carrot.

In the 1950’s homosexual men could be jailed in western countries.   They were reviled!   When Monkeypox was aligned as a ‘gay disease’, an interesting dichotomy was revealed.   Heterosexual men claimed that they sometimes partook in gay sex, but continued to identify as ‘heterosexual’.   Trudeau?  Macron?   Newsom?   Hunter?   Fauci?   Gates?   Clinton?

Ukraine was a hub for human trafficking.   Zelenskyy was the country’s governing agent taking – 10%-20%.   China has also been a sex trafficking hub.   Xi Jinping as taking his ‘fair share’.   But at some point the ante was upped.   Squabbles ensued.   When Soros declared Xi must abdicate his RULE – this was a moment of recompense.   And Jinping realized he was played.

So now we have loose ends…   Too many for the Global Coup to materialize.  Which persons are subject to the Ajax is simply a matter of time and finesse – should finesse even be considered any longer.   But I imagine many are desperately attempting to secure their viability.

The thing with those who are the ‘have’s’ is that Money and Power achieved is never enough.

And this is their ultimate Weakness.  While simultaneously – perceived by the pawns as their strength.

The House of Cards is simply paper and All the Evil that lurks behind the Curtain of Oz is about to be shred to its core.   We are NOT doomed.   And Satan has NOT won.   But he will attempt to destroy as much as possible – once again – before we are rebuilt once again as it has been done every  3,000 to 5,000 years.   The difference this time being that advanced technology gave us favor and everything was revealed in instantaneous fashion.

I doubt either Trump or DeSantis have the balls to tell the world the Truth – the extent of deception.   Given the psyche of man still believes that ‘he’ is able to discern while others can not.

Cities will implode.   Crime will become a cowboy world.   But, like Ukraine, the untrained will ultimately step down.   The bombs will be depleted.   And wars will wane.   When we can mourn again the abject death of man via the GLOBAL COUP unjustly and cruelly killed, we will begin to heal.   But for now, death is so prevalent that murderers have no conscience.   And the populace is frozen in shock.

So – we are now witness to the Cartel taking out its own in retribution and no one is safe.

The McDonald’s worker shot in the neck for ‘cold fries’ – died.   He was a child – a good man.   He was a black man/boy shot by a black man/boy who had previously shot another person in 2020 with NO consequences.

Did Ukraine actually transport ‘wheat grain’ in its recent enabling by Russia?   Or did they transport their first load of children since the incursion began?   Why do the Liberal Media pundits continually focus on plights within Africa while exponentiating those plights?   What is the point of Massive Money’s ‘donated’ to Climate Change when climate has changed since Earth’s existence?

Why did Manchin give in?   How can so many people be lured into depravity, deceit and murder?   Why is God taking so many ‘good’ people?   How can a person be bought to knowingly murder a child?    Because there are two different people’s inhabiting earth …

When Evil begins to eat its own tail, they are destroying themselves.   And when they are done – only good will SURVIVE!

UN Peacekeepers Instilling Forever Wars in Africa!

UN Peacekeepers are doing a stupendous job of inciting war across their global field.   With China offering the most ‘peacekeepers’ of all nations, the world should heed the grand successes ~ according to Bradley Blankenship – an American who writes for an apologizes for China.   South Sudan would be the primary location of Chinese ‘Peacekeepers’.   They have been involved in an internal conflict since 2011, as well as cited for war atrocities by the UN.   It is unclear how Blankenship recreates his facts to support China despite Peacekeepers having succeeded in absolutely nothing viable. But then He uses the same mantra making of Biden’s handlers when describing the non-recession in the US.

Trying to give credence to ANY UN Peacekeepers has about as much spit as a pedophile kindergarten teacher.

According to Brookings, China’s UN peacekeepers are deployed to:    South Sudan – 1,072, Mali – 426, Lebanon 419, Sudan – 370, Congo – 226 and other – 21.   ALL these countries have been mired in civil warfare for decades.   South Sudan’s major resource is – oil.   Mali’s major resources include gold, diamonds and uranium.   Lebanon’s major resource is – oil.   Sudan’s major resources are oil & gold.   And the major resources of the Congo are diamonds and gold!   Peacekeeping is REALLY about Confiscation!

Obviously, China is NOT Peacekeeping, they are honing in on the wealth of these nations in order to capture the resources while annihilating the people.   Two million people+ in South Sudan vs Sudan have died from the civil war – multiple millions are injured.   The point is NOT to Peacekeep – it is to confiscate and depopulate.

Blankenship is either ignorant – or a propagandist for the CCP.

Given our obsession with all things Green Energy and anti-child abuse, the focus remains on absconding with Africa’s prime resources at ANY cost.   And the belligerents are not just China, but include France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, and UK.   The fight is no longer an internal civil war so much as a Cabalist decree wherein global resources must be housed under One Uniform Global Government.

The UN.

And the means is the complete eradication of African populations.   Under the media guise of “Democracy”.

While the total number of Chinese “Peacekeepers’” may appear relatively small, the US, by comparison has 29 – total.   Why? Because Peacekeepers are simply a fantasy – while mercenaries are the reality!  

UN Peacekeeping:   66% of South Sudanese population earn less than $2 per day.   Using China’s UN Peacekeepers as a model of success is – literally disgusting!   This statistic has devolved from just a decade ago – by 32%!  And under UN Rule, their quality of life has TANKED!


Manipulating statistics is of utmost importance if we are to accept the UN as a global governing body with a track record of successes in order to fully bow to their Control.   But their successes model those of Biden’s.   Which was, of course, the entire purpose of instituting a senile dementia riddled vacant soul – we call ‘Brandon’.

While the media on both political polar’s are now consistent in their anti-Brandon rants, the entire purpose is to create a stage of incompetent and corrupt government leaders and minions.   Thereby ushering in the True Agenda of a Corporate Stakeholder UN Global Governance Body!


And MOST are falling over their proverbial arched feet to join in the fray of denouncement. Left & Right.   Wittingly or not – playing into the HAND of the Kenny Rogers opponent!

Every Single Leader is Under The GUN!   Trudeau is an idiot – he thinks he is preserved unto the pyramid of immunity – but like his counterpart – Macron – he is an expendable idiot!   Biden and Harris were specifically chosen for their ineptitude!   Germany’s Schulz is systematically a failure or a midget depending on your news source.  They were CHOSEN for their Ineptitude!

YET – their ego’s prevail.   Which of course, is a pre-requisite.

The point of global government failures is to institute a Global Government Savior.   However, with media still open- ended in their research, this agenda risks failure!   Censorship is supposedly the solution.   But the world has evolved well past these lax pivitols and censorship is NOT working!

As a result, the Agenda Makers continue to ramp up hardships in our economy in the hopes of creating a disparing populace who will voluntarily lay down their arms, submit to starvation, die, kill and be killed, in the hopes that those capable of running civilization in the aftermath – have any survival skills…

IN my opinion, what has become more and more apparent is not the Agenda – but the FLAWS in the Agenda!   Too many loose ends – too many people of loose ends – technology that remains informative – and GUNS.   GUNS mean the ability to fight.   Technology is information.   GUNS present the most prominent failure potential.   And while other country’s citizens were not nearly as adamant – Americans are NOT Likely To Hand Over Their Weapons…   ever.

WEF 4th Industrial Revolution – Profits = Purpose: 5th and 6th Already Defined –

We are already well entrenched in the 4th Industrial Revolution, so much so that the 5th Revolution is slated to begin implementation in 2023 and take 7 years to be fully integrated.   It is summed up by Larry Fink, CEO of Black Rock, “Purpose is not the sole pursuit of profits but the animating force for achieving them. Profits are in no way inconsistent with purpose – in fact, profits and purpose are inextricably linked.”

Today there are 721 Young Global Leaders who have gone thru the tedious straight-jacket training of the World Economic Forum. They are poised to take control when the aged seniors; Klaus, Soros, Brzezinski, Kissinger, etc.. hit the deathbed. There are an additional 109 Global Leaders currently ‘in class’ – including John Tyson of Tyson Foods and various politicians from the US – to Europe – to China.   Tyson is the largest US producer of chickens and turkeys and irreverently linked to several odd production fires in the last six months.

Most of these young Global Leaders are positioned in various banking, or fund management industries where they will become the crypto bankers responsible for determining who is allowed to have purchasing power and who is not.   Given that the end order is for corporations to be the global government, most politicians have already been eliminated from leadership positions.

Which may explain why so many Democrats and Rhino’s are retiring from office to pursue ‘other goals’.

The Annual Budget for this implementation is $3.9 trillion “annually” – emphasis.    Currently they have a $2 trillion annual shortage which they hope will be remedied through ‘taxpayer contributions’. While they don’t call it that, essentially private micro donors will be accosted as these WEF company’s lure donations via their websites. The cause is likely a façade, and the money will be siphoned toward the Sustainable Goal Companies which number in the multiple thousands!

Black Rock, the Saudi alliances of the Clinton Foundation, and Harvard are heavily represented and invested in the WEF!   They have all achieved massive wealth through their affiliations and know exactly what they represent and have chosen to be the emperors of the future ruling over the classless.

Partners that openly participate in the Agenda include most of the organizations we are already well aware of – no real surprises.  But if interested, I can provide a link that identifies each one.

Ukraine sports two of the 109 currently undergoing rigorous mind control classes. China is exponentially entrenched, and overall – with few exceptions the entertainment Industry, aka Hollywood are left on the doormat.   Likely due to their inability to think beyond a drug induced fetish orgy/party mentality.    Theatre is a useless commodity when AI will replace all entertainment.  Sorry Bojo’s.

The WEF ONLY wants the best!   Hollywood was a toy. But another field would appear to be obsolete – physicians & nurses.   These jobs will be completed automated.   A spattering of Pharma companies are listed; Pfizer, Bayer, EcoLabs, and Intermountain Healthcare, etc… likely their job will be to actually prevent diseases and cure given the sustainability of these Chosen Leaders is of paramount importance.

The Forum discusses the fact that today’s kindergartners are the future – performing the peasant jobs to support this 5th Revolution goals.   Jobs that have yet to be created, but will become essential in holding up the purpose/profit elite. The current need to indoctrinate Kindergartners and elementary children will be the basis of choosing their future ‘suitable job’.

In ‘Shaping The Future of Consumption’ it would appear the profit/purpose is to tell people what to buy thus ‘creating value where it does not exist’.   For example; diamonds really have no intrinsic value – as a resource they are plentiful, but those that control the production and inventory have created a false value and programmed people to purchase this worthless gemstone for exponential profit. The means of implementing this value consumption is determined to be thru ‘relationship models introducing trust via Big Data’.

When determining the global food system, it is necessary for all living persons to adhere to the exact same protocol diet so as to avoid inequality amongst each other.   It’s like the frozen boxes of Weight Watchers meals sent in cardboard and cellophane – except it will be our permanent meal regiment.   Their view is that equality of nothing will discourage disruption in the mechanism of industry workers.   Think of the prison system…  Rationing according to dietary models of caloric intake based on necessity rather than enjoyment will be employed.  In  addition, the pronouncement that the elite are deserving of more and better will be accepted via psychological hypnosis

An occasional ‘treat’ will be added periodically to satisfy the emotional despair.

The primary models emphasize artificial empathy and psychological influence.    

Recognizing the extent of indoctrination is a daunting task on a global level, censorship of the media is their frustration.   Russia, India, and Belarus breakaway movements must be completely eradicated – by any means possible.   But the land must be preserved for its tangible value resources.

While the vast majority of the World Economic Forum agendas are fake propaganda, including their persistence in not addressing elite vs peasant enjoyment of their created future, that would fall in step with the concept of mass hypnosis. This tool has been in various stages of development for well over a hundred years.   But this psychological factor is an absolute necessity to keep the global population from riot and chaos.

The Capitol Detainees in DC Gulags is just this sort of psychological deterrent.  Fear of indefinite detention and torture. Anyone who supports this atrocity is an enemy.   Even those we may have thought were the Good People.   They are Wolves.

The Sixth Industrial Revolution is Defined as Molecular Engineering of Humans.

***ALL of this Information came Directly from the UN, The World Economic Forum – and their ‘subsidiary sites’.

UN Built on Communist Ideology to Usher in Monarchial Rule

AFTER 11 years of bombardment on Syria by the uninvited US, UK, Germany, France, Australia and Canadian forces…   the UN has declared:   “We can not fail the Syrian People”.   What-the HECK?   The UN picture shows two women in full head to toe black hijabs.   But Syrian women don’t wear the full hijab they are not Sunni!   They typically wear bright head scarves – the full black garb is typical of Sunni women not Shiite.   So the fake picture blaring across the UN’s opening page is in fact – propaganda!

The UN is now concerned about the ‘economic crisis’ created by western nations in Syria which aligned themselves with ancillary groups associated with ISIL and al Qaeda, including el Nusra.   I imagine that is rather a slap in the face for Syrians given the UN aided and abetted the western bombing.

UN:   Peace, Dignity and Equality on a Healthy Planet.   Of course those words don’t apply to any nation and haven’t since the UN’s inception in 1945.   Like the Federal Reserve, NATO, etc…, their usefulness is vacantly benign – a barren wasteland.   Yet their pockets are quite full.  

According to the last public financial statement for the UN, 2020, 50% of Revenue was allocated to salaries, 10% to Contractual Labor, and 10% to actual ‘grants’.   Their assets stand at $40 billion with $31.6, or 80% allocated to ‘employee benefit liabilities’.  

This might explain why they have achieved – nothing.

Over 21% of their income comes from the US government, and the second largest benefactor at 11.7% is from China.   82.5% of their total Grants went to one organization; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.

The IUCN Director General, Bruno Oberle, played a key role in the establishment of the Green Climate Fund.  Key partners include France and the Global Environment Facility – GEF.   Key Patrons include: Prince Albert of Monaco, Queen Noor of Jordan, Prince Phillip of Sweden, Lumming Al, President of Wuhan Science & Technology, and among others, Dona Bertarelli and Yann Guichard who co-chair the WEF, Friend of Ocean Action created by Ghislaine Maxwell!   WEF was formed by Prince Charles.  

British Royalty and its consorts would seem to desire a return to monarchial rule. A form of communism. Using ISIL, Nazi’s, Antifa, al Qaeda, and their affiliates as their military militia – they have marauded throughout the globe for hundreds of years seeking the absolute destruction of the one colony that defied their Order – America.  The idea was that if America fell, the global holdouts would simply cave.  But that didn’t happen.

It is truly a sad day when one confronts the fact that taxpayers across the globe have been raped of their earnings, their work lives, and their dignity by organizations that claimed to be our ‘Protectors’.   Betrayal is in the top three of most corrupt, nefarious, qualities of mankind.

With its very source Cain & Abel.

Despite Soros announcing that the Clinton, Obama, Biden colony we call Ukraine, must be saved from the deviates China and Russian, US republican hawks continue to defend the appropriation/theft of more taxpayer dollars to fund this colony.     All while millions of children and women die needlessly in the US from lack of proper nutrition and from medical mania malpractice.

China was onboard the band wagon of these monarchies due to a shared goal – the annihilation of America – the evil giant.   They collaborated and schemed for this final necessary coup so as to reap the wealth of the land and its resources.   China was led to believe they were in the top tier of the pyramid. Useful.   Guinea Pig.   But XI was deluded into thinking China would ever be on the elite level within the Monarchial Rule.  For a time, Putin was deluded as well.

But that was never the Royal agenda.   Utilizing their pawns of destruction, including Soros, these powerful, elite sought to recreate and expand the Empire they lost.   At their behest, Soros recently demanded the immediate ‘removal’ of both Xi and Putin from office.   Akin to a pre-conceived coup – or assassination.   And still – citizens follow blindly.  Conservatives rallying behind Ukraine in alliance with Soros, Clinton, Biden et al.

Without ownership of China and Russia, the imperial dynasty would not prevail on a Global Throne.   I am reminded of Hillary prancing about in Cambridge wearing her regal robe and crown as she was named Chancellor!   This was her dream moment.  Ultimately, World Chancellor is Hillary’s goal.   Not US President.   And it appears, this title is used as a carrot by the Royalties to beguile her as their sheeple.

You see, the Monarchial Empire never really fell – it simply was relegated to shadows so as to conflate the facts, and reorganize the structure.  

Whether Hillary too is actually a pawn of the Monarchies is yet to be determined – but it would be quite interesting should she find that her status is in truth ‘peasant’.    

Somehow revealing this bizarre Shakespearean Plot has been transcribed to mean Truth is pro-Russia or pro-China when in fact Truth is simply Truth.   One individual on my FB pages announced that should the US declare War on Russia as a result of the Ukraine colony, anyone who speaks out in favor of Russia would be a traitor and subject to treason, expulsion, and Gitmo.   Obviously, this person has no idea what Treason is defined to be.   In fact, if his definition were correct, in the US, millions of anti-Vietnam protestors would be confined to Gitmo today.

Of course, what this puppet’s definition does support is –  Communist law.

The first Director General of the UN elected/appointed by member states was Trygve Halvdan Lie who is described by the UN as a member of Norway’s Socialist Party.   But the Socialist Party didn’t convene until 1975.   Its predecessor was the Norwegian Communist Party whose ideology was Marxism/Leninism.

Thus, in essence, the foundation of the UN was built by Germany, France, UK, and US on a Communist platform.   Given this was the ideology that the western nations had decided to support and model their economies after.    So it could be no wonder why that ideology is the basis of the Great RESET that will ultimately be led under the monarchial covenant of Rule.

UN Releases – Death & Growth Rate Graphs For Humanity…

A graph provided by the UN for current, historical and predictive values for US death rates, shows our current rate at the equivalent of 1988 and significantly lower than 1950. The upward trend actually occurred in 2013.   That would be the Obama and Hillary Administration.   The UN claims the current rate is 8.87 and is projected to rise to 9.47 by 2030 despite all our controls over the environment, society, vaccines, flus, etc… aka – Global Warming. The peak is now predicted to hit in 2052 with a slight decline after before rising again in a linear push upwards.   So what would occur in 2052 to transform their prediction?

And if their prediction is true, wouldn’t it mean nothing we change could alter that prediction given the definition is future? Future accounts for all events leading to that ultimate outcome. Therefore – just be!   Because it is already predicted.

Another interesting UN data piece is the fact that the growth rate of death in the US remained the same throughout the Pandemic and the – year before. But the growth rates as of 1950 thru 2012 were relatively benign until – 2013.   Coincidence? Interesting?

Meaning – something was introduced in 2013 that permanently upticked deaths by numbers and rates. Otherwise, the rates had remained a stable number since 1977 ever fluctuating down – until 2013.

The death rate predicted for 2030 is roughly the same as it was in 1950. It was acceptable.

Playing with numbers.

Global “Mean Temperature” remained relatively flat from the point of time when ‘measurement’ began in 1880 until today – always gaining slightly.   The key is to unleash ‘HOW’ the measurement of mean global temperature was obtained then, and then, and then,,,,,,, and now.

It’s like saying, today I am a size 4 because the tag says so.   But that same tag would likely say I was a size 8 – 40 years ago.   I haven’t changed in size – the measurement system changed to appease the emotions.

That’s Science.

ALL this rag-tag I spew came about as I arbitrarily decided to check out – NASA.  Yes, NASA.   Apparently they have 115% jumped on the Great RESET BANGO TANGO and have adopted every graft of media, terminology, core words, protocols and agendas, it’s a media blitz that encompasses every industry and government across the globe – even the ones we assume to be the – DieHards.

What happens if the military is told to assassinate you?  DO they comply – …

Only to let us down.   And our core of trust is demolished.

Anywho.   NASA now reads like a guidebook for the World Economic Forum.

C’mon, I understand the Mass Psychosis theory – but we are talking 3-4 billion people ‘simultaneously’ caving to absolute loss of soul submission.   Mathematically – I don’t buy it.

Sometimes these deviants who have crafted our globe seem to fall asleep.   And all their craftiness crumbles until they wake up from their stupor and realize – they are in ‘oh shit’ mode and need to ramp up their recreation of the reality we perceive…   “Ramp up the MEDIA, Frank!”   “Why?”   “We need distraction – how about we spend three weeks on Betty White’s death…”

REALLY?   No disrespect – BUT!   She was a freakin’ actress.   She did nothing noble or note worthy or heroic or valuable!   A Jester of entertainment.   Historically, they were considered the distraction.  Imagine IF we spent 3 weeks publicly mourning the death of every Veteran? 

But that’s … what … they … focus … on…   My Grandma was a really special lady.   No different. But it/they/thewhos pretend to create royalty within an industry built on fakery.   And we fell – asleep…

THE GOOD NEWS – We Are Awakened!

World Economic Forum – A UN Illusion Within The Tale: The Tortoise & The Hare

People on both sides of the aisle can agree that most of our systems were in failure or collapse well before Biden or Trump.   Education had become an ideological nightmare.   Doctors had no idea how to ‘cure’ anything and instead fell under the heavy hand of Big Pharma. Global debt was insurmountable the interest was accumulating and dumped onto the ‘principle’.   Politicians were easily bought and sold.   Corporations became political advocating for causes instead of simply selling their wares. Greed and Gluttony were far more pervasive than ANY sociological or ideological parlay. Orgies, chaos, child trafficking, and ALL without remorse.

It had to end. The question was then, ‘how?’.

Two opposing forces, good and bad, sought the answer to the question.   And somewhere in the mayhem we lost sight that there was ‘a good’.   And instead have only focused on the evil that has lent itself to self glorification.   I am not referencing good as in Pastors and Cardinals and Priests. Too many of them have also been engorged by the evil.  I reference those who actively and openly acknowledge the indictment of evil.

A quote on my Facebook page caught my eye:   “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause of prevention of disease.” -Thomas A. Edison

We watched as hospitals and doctors across the globe caved to the CoVid data analgesic. Releasing false, faked, propaganda.   We listened to the Faucism of Herr Mengele while doctors gleefully nodded like bauble dolls in agreement. The unfolding of facts proved beyond doubt that they were all lying purposefully, knowingly.   And suddenly, doctor and hospital deceptions and the political and intentional death walk they provoked could be compared to our public education and liberalized teachers.

No one trusts either any longer – and that trust is likely to never occur again.

The ‘how’ seems to be unfolding thru a dual interpretation.   For Example:   By showing the true ‘colors’ of public education, more and more parents are opting out.   Homeschooling.   They understand that the system is too broken to heal and simply needs to die. A shift.

Healthcare.   The opioid crisis is considered the bastard child of Big Pharma – but doctors and hospitals had to contribute pushing the drugs like lollipops!   Making them complicit in the chaos.   Doctors peddle Pharma instead of cures. Complicit.   Doctors engage in political agenda’s instead of medicine.   Complicit.  And hospitals are crashing and burning as they peddle politics instead of health.

Enter The Economist prediction that healthcare will be completely recreated thru AI and tele-health. Many doctors and nurses will find their jobs obsolete.   People are moving to the ancient remedies.   The ones that actually cure without a litany of side effects!  And all the doctors that complied with the Pandemic narrative will be on the street jobless.

Corporations added to the chaos by clambering aboard the bandwagon.   Bed Bath & Beyond is now closing hundreds of unprofitable stores.   In 2020, United Airlines revenue plunged over 64%.  And given their mandates, they are unlikely to see a positive return this year.

The retail world is going virtual. And vacant malls and buildings will abound.   The Agenda 2030 is being realized before our eyes – or is it???    Although their goals have been somewhat restated recently to align with The Economist, their mentor, they have altered their website to include this caveat:

“The world is not on track to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but digital technology can help. From artificial intelligence for climate resilience to data collaboration for food security, … targets can be directly supported by advanced technologies.   …It is an alliance of businesses, governments, organizations, and experts dedicated to maximizing the impact of digital technology on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.”

What they are stating is that Artificial Intelligence will govern every industry. 

OneMap Project is a WEF brainfreeze.   It is something like an Angies List, on a global basis providing, open data architecture for agriculture… at the level of the hectare”.   Hectare – as in Africa.

In fact, all 17 of the requisite goals enumerated by WEF occur in Africa. Including a somewhat rewritten one which states “Reduce inequality within and ‘among’ countries”.   I don’t remember seeing ‘among’ before.  Does that mean Africans make $65,000 per year, or Americans make $1 per day?   The UN definition of poverty?

What is interesting is that many of the UN WEF stated goals haven’t been addressed for 6 years.  Other goals they acknowledge as having regressed since the adoption in 2015.   Still other goals show a ‘steady downward trend’ toward its accomplishment.   As though the goals are not really a goal at all.   But instead the downward spiral is the goal for further depopulation.   And the Agenda is Fake – Propaganda – a distraction…

Events and symposiums and reports seem to be the main function of Agenda 2030.   In order to keep the concept alive while it doesn’t – really   – exist. Much like the Clinton Foundation…

After a lovely vacation/summit in the Caribbean last October, the next party/summit will be held in Lisbon simultaneously coinciding with the month of ‘festival’!   So go the Goals.

So where is all the Agenda 2030 money going?   Likely the same place Agenda 2015 went – funzies for all. We are fighting, fearing, fretting something that does NOT exist.

The existential threat was created just like the pandemic.   To distract us … While taking out Public education, corrupted doctors and pharma, and weeding the political front of rhino’s and communists is the analogy of the Tortoise & The Hare.  The UN is the Hare, and the Good Guys are the Tortoise.

Evil thrives on Fear.   We used to know and understand this.  But then the Media intervened…

UNITED NATIONS: 70 Years of Nothingism…

It is Day 3 of 2022, and the UN has already come out with it’s list of monetary requirements that must be submitted post haste to their account:   $4.5 billion for Afghanistan – $2.8 billion for Ethiopia – and $10 billion for this-and-that undefined. AH!  Because you see, poverty has risen 17% globally this past year amidst sanctions and food shortages and well, you know – stuff.   The same STUFF – that the UN has stipulated for 70 years.  

Each and every year the UN demands MORE money.   And at the end of each and every year the UN states that poverty has increased…   How is that even possible?

In the Real world, it would not be possible – but in the illusion world of the UN – it is a short-term memory circuit breaker that blows!   PFSSST.

“Our plans are based on hard socioeconomic evidence”…   “We are aiming to help 2/3rds of the people most at risk”…

Obviously the AIMS of the UN are an abject failure.   But then it would seem that humanitarian means ‘line my pockets daddy!”

On my Facebook feed this month two charities popped up begging for funding.   So I decided to take the fifteen minutes to research them. And guess what?   One spent over 50% of its contributions on ‘salaries’, and was supported by USAID and other government grants – for which all US taxpayers are contributors.   Even if we don’t want to be.   Over $15 million was spent to support illegal immigrants invading the US – and that was just ONE US Government Charity.   There are between 86,000 and 100,000 NGO’s in the US alone.

US taxpayers already support the nefarious NGO’s, the nefarious charities, AND the UN more than any other country.   But everybody demands – MORE!   Gimme More!

I have reported before about the salaries, benefits, pensions, packages, travel, and luxury afforded UN employees at OUR behest.   Perhaps we should all apply …   I mean, you can rape, traffick and pillage without any consequence!   How wonderful!   And still keep your job and pension and benefits!    How delightful.

And within all this diatribe, the UN is the primary Benefactor of The Great RESET.

SO amidst a 17% increase in abject poverty, the UN website decides to highlight 5 people who they deem their success stories.   Five.   With a ‘general budget’ of $6 billion that would mean we spent $1.2 billion per person to raise them ‘out of poverty’.

IF the UN was working, then wouldn’t their initiatives work too? Wouldn’t poverty decline, food scarcity decline, wealth rise, and health issues would no longer exist! Because the UN is now 70 years old…   70 years of funding.  

IT is a toss up as to which ‘industry” is more an abject failure:   Big Pharma or the UN?   Neither have accomplished their stated goals and instead suck up more and more and more money.

It reminds me of Germany’s Common Core Math when discussing their success rates with refugees.   The country was lauding itself over the 10,000 who can now speak ‘some German’ and are employable – after 5 years.   McDonalds???   In 2018, Germany spent 23 billion euros to integrate refugees.   Simple Math would tally that to mean they spent as much as $100 billion for a success rate of 10,000 McDonald’s employees.

Someone needs to ask the German taxpayers, “Was it worth it?   Are you happier? More secure?   Does your future look bright?”   Unfortunately, the answers would not likely support the UN Agenda.   Which is why they don’t ask these questions.   What productivity has the UN brought?   And I don’t mean – according to their website of propaganda.

As is drilled into me near daily by a friend, integration is one of the BIGGEST LIES.   No one wants integration.   Look to the Middle East – integration means – slave labor.   In Europe and the US it means – Welfare Payments.   It means the Polish neighborhood, the Russian neighborhood, the Italian neighborhood, the Greek, the Indian, the Pakistani, they ALL clamor for their own.

The whole point of creating Australia was because the British didn’t want the riff-raff amongst their pulsing hearts.   So they were shipped away.   A penal colony.   Same color.   Same heritage.   And yet, they were considered unworthy of England.


One of the biggest lies to propagate the globe.

In the US it has breeched idiocy and become a meme of hilarity as white ‘people’ demand that they should be punished at the behest of black people.   Whip me, whip me!

Perusing the websites for WHO, NATO and the UN, one would think that Africa was the dominant continent on the globe.   Everything is about more vaccines for Africa, more hunger in Africa, more death in Africa, more chaos in Africa… And pretty soon, no one cares.

The psychology is quite interesting.   As these propaganda agencies declare that Africa is our complete and total focus, the compassion diminishes.   Like overkill.   And as the truth is unveiled regarding the absolute numbers in terms of aid that has done absolutely nothing for 70 years, the UN – NATO – and WHO lose.   Africa loses.

Their entire Agenda is pushed.   And they can’t seem to understand why evil does NOT prevail.