UNITED NATIONS: 70 Years of Nothingism…

It is Day 3 of 2022, and the UN has already come out with it’s list of monetary requirements that must be submitted post haste to their account:   $4.5 billion for Afghanistan – $2.8 billion for Ethiopia – and $10 billion for this-and-that undefined. AH!  Because you see, poverty has risen 17% globally this past year amidst sanctions and food shortages and well, you know – stuff.   The same STUFF – that the UN has stipulated for 70 years.  

Each and every year the UN demands MORE money.   And at the end of each and every year the UN states that poverty has increased…   How is that even possible?

In the Real world, it would not be possible – but in the illusion world of the UN – it is a short-term memory circuit breaker that blows!   PFSSST.

“Our plans are based on hard socioeconomic evidence”…   “We are aiming to help 2/3rds of the people most at risk”…

Obviously the AIMS of the UN are an abject failure.   But then it would seem that humanitarian means ‘line my pockets daddy!”

On my Facebook feed this month two charities popped up begging for funding.   So I decided to take the fifteen minutes to research them. And guess what?   One spent over 50% of its contributions on ‘salaries’, and was supported by USAID and other government grants – for which all US taxpayers are contributors.   Even if we don’t want to be.   Over $15 million was spent to support illegal immigrants invading the US – and that was just ONE US Government Charity.   There are between 86,000 and 100,000 NGO’s in the US alone.

US taxpayers already support the nefarious NGO’s, the nefarious charities, AND the UN more than any other country.   But everybody demands – MORE!   Gimme More!

I have reported before about the salaries, benefits, pensions, packages, travel, and luxury afforded UN employees at OUR behest.   Perhaps we should all apply …   I mean, you can rape, traffick and pillage without any consequence!   How wonderful!   And still keep your job and pension and benefits!    How delightful.

And within all this diatribe, the UN is the primary Benefactor of The Great RESET.

SO amidst a 17% increase in abject poverty, the UN website decides to highlight 5 people who they deem their success stories.   Five.   With a ‘general budget’ of $6 billion that would mean we spent $1.2 billion per person to raise them ‘out of poverty’.

IF the UN was working, then wouldn’t their initiatives work too? Wouldn’t poverty decline, food scarcity decline, wealth rise, and health issues would no longer exist! Because the UN is now 70 years old…   70 years of funding.  

IT is a toss up as to which ‘industry” is more an abject failure:   Big Pharma or the UN?   Neither have accomplished their stated goals and instead suck up more and more and more money.

It reminds me of Germany’s Common Core Math when discussing their success rates with refugees.   The country was lauding itself over the 10,000 who can now speak ‘some German’ and are employable – after 5 years.   McDonalds???   In 2018, Germany spent 23 billion euros to integrate refugees.   Simple Math would tally that to mean they spent as much as $100 billion for a success rate of 10,000 McDonald’s employees.

Someone needs to ask the German taxpayers, “Was it worth it?   Are you happier? More secure?   Does your future look bright?”   Unfortunately, the answers would not likely support the UN Agenda.   Which is why they don’t ask these questions.   What productivity has the UN brought?   And I don’t mean – according to their website of propaganda.

As is drilled into me near daily by a friend, integration is one of the BIGGEST LIES.   No one wants integration.   Look to the Middle East – integration means – slave labor.   In Europe and the US it means – Welfare Payments.   It means the Polish neighborhood, the Russian neighborhood, the Italian neighborhood, the Greek, the Indian, the Pakistani, they ALL clamor for their own.

The whole point of creating Australia was because the British didn’t want the riff-raff amongst their pulsing hearts.   So they were shipped away.   A penal colony.   Same color.   Same heritage.   And yet, they were considered unworthy of England.


One of the biggest lies to propagate the globe.

In the US it has breeched idiocy and become a meme of hilarity as white ‘people’ demand that they should be punished at the behest of black people.   Whip me, whip me!

Perusing the websites for WHO, NATO and the UN, one would think that Africa was the dominant continent on the globe.   Everything is about more vaccines for Africa, more hunger in Africa, more death in Africa, more chaos in Africa… And pretty soon, no one cares.

The psychology is quite interesting.   As these propaganda agencies declare that Africa is our complete and total focus, the compassion diminishes.   Like overkill.   And as the truth is unveiled regarding the absolute numbers in terms of aid that has done absolutely nothing for 70 years, the UN – NATO – and WHO lose.   Africa loses.

Their entire Agenda is pushed.   And they can’t seem to understand why evil does NOT prevail.

World Economic Forum at Davos: Deciding the lives of all humans

Apparently the World Economic Forum didn’t get the memo that shows the EU, the US, and Australia have sanctions in place and accusations of horrific human rights violations against China that have NOT been tossed.   Today, Xi Jinping was the hostess with the mostest speaking on behalf of the world.   And he managed to create quite a bit of hemlock with his tea.

In terms of which countries were represented at the DAVOS Summit, it was more about which countries were not – including the United States.   Where was Biden?

The speech by Jinping was presented via a virtual summit of course given that is how all business in the future will be conducted.   (Bye-bye airlines – corporate jets only).   Jinping specifically called for globalization and diversity decrying the hate and arrogance of decoupling.   Simultaneously it should be noted that China has an ongoing trade war with Australia, has imposed sanctions on Australia and the US, and has been snubbed by the EU.   In essence, China is in twoubl.   Despite promoting the illusion that China grew by 2.3% in 2020, their trade is notably hacked and instead of simply providing a grain of truth, Jinping demonizes those that do not abide by China’s standards while espousing his own successes.

You see, China sees itself now as the global leader – as in Today.

Xi went on to make a further fool of himself by emphatically promoting Climate Change agendas that must be funded on a global scale.   Of course to date China’s monetary contribution is $-0-, and their pollution creeks ever higher with absolutely no control.   But today, Xi declared that China will put it’s best toe forward and pinky swear will hopefully/maybe see a reduction by 2060.   Of course by then we will all be dead, so no one cares about fanciful predictions and goals that are meaningless words.

Not deterred, Xi went full openness and inclusiveness demanding that vaccine development should be shared.   Apparently, China’s vaccines don’t work, so they demand/need the scientific data from the EU and US pharmaceuticals to actually make one that works.   Something from the recently defunct Thousand Talents Program is likely the objective.   Of course many of the education institutions that illegally participated in the Thousand Talent Lies were never decertified, fined, or subjected to criminal action.   Although, many Chinese participants were immediately given one way tickets.

There were a few comments that could raise an eyebrow or two including:     1.   We should strengthen the G20 as the premier forum for global economic governance.   2.   We should ensure the sound operation of the global financial system.   3.   International governance should be based on the rules and consensus reached among us, not on the order given by one or the few.   4.   The Charter of the United Nations is the basic and universally recognized norms governing state-to-state relations.

These statements reiterate the concept of a One World Government, ruled by the UN as the premier voice of international governance. While Xi Jinping envisions himself at the head seat of the Last Supper.

He calls for the immediate implementation of Agenda 2030, and gives himself credit for ending extreme poverty – calling China a socialist country.   In China, anyone making over $47 per month is considered ‘out of poverty’.   China’s ‘socialism’ is an illusion that we may find the media supporting.   It is notable that when Australia asked for an independent inquiry into the Wuhan virus, China’s open and fair equitable response was to completely block imports for beef, wine, coal and other goods.

“China is working hard to bridge differences … and pursue friendly cooperative relations…”

The World Economic Forum is an international NGO Foundation, on par with the likes of The Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Clinton Foundation.   Klaus Schwab is the executive chairman of WEF and an honorary professor at the China Foreign Affairs University in Beijing.  Klaus has co-authored books, including:   The Fourth Industrial Revolution, The Shaping of The Fourth Industrial Revolution and most recently, The Great RESET.

Schwab and his wife also founded the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship.   It is funded by Schwab, Harvard, Stanford and INSEAD.   INSEAD is an MBA university that partners with John Hopkins and Beijing’s Tsinghau University, among others. INSEAD boasts as its graduates a host of banking CEO’s, oil and gas CEO’s, as well as parliamentary figures across the globe including the US, UK, Lebanon, Cambodia, Greece, Singapore, Netherlands, and Luxembourg.  Odd – I thought WEF was about equitable wealth – not billionaires.

WEF Civil Society is Bill Gates on steroids:   GAVI, and Global Fund to Fight Aids…   But then Gates has impregnated himself in all things globalization and I doubt would approve of Jinping taking the honor of Global King away from him.

The Summit continues with such topics on the table as “Fairer Economies” – which is apparently globular schmuckenize for crashing the US economy and making all countries share the exquisite poverty alleviation model pronounced by China – $48 income per month.

Another largess topic on the table is “Society and Future of Work”.   Because apparently, Agenda 2030 will destroy 50% of all jobs globally and WEF wants to explore ways to retrain Africa.   It would appear, no other continent is worthy.

And lastly, there is the agenda of “Beyond Geopolitics”.   Citing accomplishments, WEF congratulates itself for reversing depletion of the ozone layer, and the creation of the Paris Accord which is ‘limiting climate change’.   But apparently, global collaboration will be needed to effectively ‘Change Nations’ so that everyone is in compliance with these nongovernmental organizations who see themselves as the global committee of law, economics, and governance.

And that ‘Change’ is the core of a fake-Biden Presidency.   Because mainstream America must not exceed any other nation of all 193 in income or wealth. And CoVid was created as the Great Equalizer.