UNITED NATIONS: 70 Years of Nothingism…

It is Day 3 of 2022, and the UN has already come out with it’s list of monetary requirements that must be submitted post haste to their account:   $4.5 billion for Afghanistan – $2.8 billion for Ethiopia – and $10 billion for this-and-that undefined. AH!  Because you see, poverty has risen 17% globally this past year amidst sanctions and food shortages and well, you know – stuff.   The same STUFF – that the UN has stipulated for 70 years.  

Each and every year the UN demands MORE money.   And at the end of each and every year the UN states that poverty has increased…   How is that even possible?

In the Real world, it would not be possible – but in the illusion world of the UN – it is a short-term memory circuit breaker that blows!   PFSSST.

“Our plans are based on hard socioeconomic evidence”…   “We are aiming to help 2/3rds of the people most at risk”…

Obviously the AIMS of the UN are an abject failure.   But then it would seem that humanitarian means ‘line my pockets daddy!”

On my Facebook feed this month two charities popped up begging for funding.   So I decided to take the fifteen minutes to research them. And guess what?   One spent over 50% of its contributions on ‘salaries’, and was supported by USAID and other government grants – for which all US taxpayers are contributors.   Even if we don’t want to be.   Over $15 million was spent to support illegal immigrants invading the US – and that was just ONE US Government Charity.   There are between 86,000 and 100,000 NGO’s in the US alone.

US taxpayers already support the nefarious NGO’s, the nefarious charities, AND the UN more than any other country.   But everybody demands – MORE!   Gimme More!

I have reported before about the salaries, benefits, pensions, packages, travel, and luxury afforded UN employees at OUR behest.   Perhaps we should all apply …   I mean, you can rape, traffick and pillage without any consequence!   How wonderful!   And still keep your job and pension and benefits!    How delightful.

And within all this diatribe, the UN is the primary Benefactor of The Great RESET.

SO amidst a 17% increase in abject poverty, the UN website decides to highlight 5 people who they deem their success stories.   Five.   With a ‘general budget’ of $6 billion that would mean we spent $1.2 billion per person to raise them ‘out of poverty’.

IF the UN was working, then wouldn’t their initiatives work too? Wouldn’t poverty decline, food scarcity decline, wealth rise, and health issues would no longer exist! Because the UN is now 70 years old…   70 years of funding.  

IT is a toss up as to which ‘industry” is more an abject failure:   Big Pharma or the UN?   Neither have accomplished their stated goals and instead suck up more and more and more money.

It reminds me of Germany’s Common Core Math when discussing their success rates with refugees.   The country was lauding itself over the 10,000 who can now speak ‘some German’ and are employable – after 5 years.   McDonalds???   In 2018, Germany spent 23 billion euros to integrate refugees.   Simple Math would tally that to mean they spent as much as $100 billion for a success rate of 10,000 McDonald’s employees.

Someone needs to ask the German taxpayers, “Was it worth it?   Are you happier? More secure?   Does your future look bright?”   Unfortunately, the answers would not likely support the UN Agenda.   Which is why they don’t ask these questions.   What productivity has the UN brought?   And I don’t mean – according to their website of propaganda.

As is drilled into me near daily by a friend, integration is one of the BIGGEST LIES.   No one wants integration.   Look to the Middle East – integration means – slave labor.   In Europe and the US it means – Welfare Payments.   It means the Polish neighborhood, the Russian neighborhood, the Italian neighborhood, the Greek, the Indian, the Pakistani, they ALL clamor for their own.

The whole point of creating Australia was because the British didn’t want the riff-raff amongst their pulsing hearts.   So they were shipped away.   A penal colony.   Same color.   Same heritage.   And yet, they were considered unworthy of England.


One of the biggest lies to propagate the globe.

In the US it has breeched idiocy and become a meme of hilarity as white ‘people’ demand that they should be punished at the behest of black people.   Whip me, whip me!

Perusing the websites for WHO, NATO and the UN, one would think that Africa was the dominant continent on the globe.   Everything is about more vaccines for Africa, more hunger in Africa, more death in Africa, more chaos in Africa… And pretty soon, no one cares.

The psychology is quite interesting.   As these propaganda agencies declare that Africa is our complete and total focus, the compassion diminishes.   Like overkill.   And as the truth is unveiled regarding the absolute numbers in terms of aid that has done absolutely nothing for 70 years, the UN – NATO – and WHO lose.   Africa loses.

Their entire Agenda is pushed.   And they can’t seem to understand why evil does NOT prevail.

Migrant Birthright?

Trump wants to overturn the automatic, unconditional birthright status that the US has offered to illegal immigrants in the past.  And of course the media is all a frenzied because, well, that’s what the media does any more – they get angry. 

So, a bit of common denominator sense:

Countries that have no such unconditional status include: China, Japan, Europe, Africa (with one exception), Middle East, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, India, Columbia, Malaysia, Chile, Peru, and Greenland.   In other words – most of the world, with the exception of Canada and the US.


Maybe because they are ‘nationalist’ and believe that citizenship is not an entitlement, but something earned because of your desire to work and support your newly adopted country.  Maybe because they believe that the hard earned benefits that working citizens reap should not be shared with those who hate the country and have no desire to work or support its laws.  Or maybe it’s because the country has no desire to support passels of illegal children who don’t even attempt to gain rightful immigration status.

It is always odd when Human Rights are applied in a fashion that is hypocritical at best, and destructive at worst.  In fact Europe and Australia have some of the most stringent laws in place regarding gaining citizenship.  No one complains.

So Deutsche Weil took it upon itself to chastise Trump’s stance on unconditional birthright status by highlighting ‘all the other countries’ which mimic the US, including:  Honduras, Ecquador, Guatemala, Venezuela, Brazil, Mexico and Canada.  In other words, all of North America and partial countries within South America adhere to similar unconditional status.    Germany’s law states that the birthright of children of illegal aliens is only granted when the unlawful aliens apply for naturalization.

Why is the wolf lecturing the Eagle?  Because it furthers an agenda of polarizing a viewpoint without explaining or analyzing the data and facts.

The 14thAmendment to our Constitution references naturalization and legal immigrants who have a permanent residence in the US and are thus subject to US jurisdiction.  An illegal by definition of being illegal is not subject to our jurisdiction – which is why we ‘deport them’ instead of putting them in jail for their crimes!

As Germany tries to tout the benefits of immigration they site ‘a study’ which indicates that “migrants from within the EU have contributed to Germany’s economic growth”.  A.   the migrants they reference are European, and B.  they claim that all the migrants in this study emigrated when they were young, highly trained, well educated and looking for jobs, and C. their contribution to GDP growth was estimated at .2% per year.

We can imagine if these were well educated, highly skilled laborers, and the entire estimated contribution was .2% – what does an uneducated, unskilled migrant contribute? COST.

The study was relatively small covering a period from 2011 thru 2014.

Skilled craftsmen make up 1/8 of all of Germany’s jobs, and there is currently a tremendous shortage of workers, and a 40% drop in those wanting to train, hence Germany’s Merkel thought to fill the void with immigrants from Eritrea, Somalia, Syria, Afghanistan, and Sudan.   Bring in millions and hope they can learn German and a skilled trade without bombing, looting and raping, was the plan.   Except that training takes 3 – 3 ½ years, and completion of an exam – in German.

So now, if you need a plumber, the wait time is roughly 3 months…

Part of the problem when trying to assess the percentage of immigrants who have found employment, is that statistics provided by Germany include EU migrants who are highly skilled.  So the statistic is relatively worthless.

Making the matter more complicated is the fact that a part of the Syria brokering deal was that all refugees be returned to their country.  Thus the pool is reduced.

So Germany instituted a plan to train those who already had command of the language and threw over $300 million toward helping refugees obtain jobs with a projected 100,000 employed.  Merkel recently nixed the project after less than 25,000 gained employment.

How many refugees are in Germany?

No one really knows because they aren’t calculated until they are processed and the backlog for processing can be years.  In addition, migrants that are illegal aren’t tallied.  A fair guestimate would be about 2.5 million, with Germany hailing the success rate of 25,000 employed – 1%.

And the cost?

By 2020, the annual cost is projected to be over $20 billion, which is most likely rather low.  Maybe if they spent that money encouraging Germans to procreate again they wouldn’t have to give away Germany just as Sweden has given away it’s country, Norway has given away its country…

Birthright means someone who ‘wants’ to be in this country, who would defend this country, who values the freedoms this country provides, and someone who does not leach off benefits.  If someone is born in this country to illegal parents, they can attempt to gain naturalization – if they wanted to.

But like everything else, the caravan is supposed to take our attention away from the voter fraud that is hailed by the democrats who liberally give illegals identities so they can vote illegally and usher in more Democrats who have no intention of giving them status or jobs unless they need someone to take care of their children… but even then, they prefer nanny’s from Sweden…

If there was a door to door solicitation for money to pay for all the illegals in the US, for managing the caravans, for replacing facilities that they burn down and destroy, how much would the Democrats raise?  What if instead of raking in donations for Hillary – or her Party of Progressives – the entire funds were given back to the US government to pay for the illegal immigrants that the Liberals defend?

In essence it would reduce our taxes – a tax rebate in the making!  Clinton alone raised $1.2 billion…

Merkel Building Detention Centers – or Reception Centers?

Angela Merkel is under fire as her popularity wanes between 35 and 50% on a good day.  Why?  Because of her embracing of illegal immigrants.  So she is now in Lebanon desperately trying to see if Germany can get rid of, pawn off, their immigrants by shipping them ‘elsewhere’.   But it wasn’t quite phrased in this way.  The Media phrasing is interestingly culled to read a different scenario.   She states that she wants to find a way to host immigrants closer to their native home, say in – Lebanon for instance – and out of Germany – for instance.   She is proposing building Reception Centers on behalf of Lebanon to house the immigrants within their country confines.  

After condemning Assad and helping to create the absolute devastation of the entire country of Syria, Merkel now wants to provide these Syrian refugees with a path home, via Lebanon’s Reception Centers.

Untangled, what does this really means:

  1. a) Merkel is fighting for her life to secure her constituency in Germany which has been severely harmed by her open borders policy at the behest of George Soros.
  2. b) No one wants her refugees, so she is trying to ‘convince’ Lebanon’s PM Hariri, to take them while Germany continues to pay for them.
  3. c) In exchange Lebanon would allow Germany to gain contracts for infra-structure projects in Lebanon. Germany would likely under-bid the projects in order for them to appear as the legitimate winner and so the German taxpayers will pick up the slack.
  4. d) For media purposes, instead of calling the refugee facilities, Detention Centers, they have come up with the novel idea of referring to them as “Reception Centers”. Thus while they will be the same as the centers in the US, they will be labeled with Mary Poppins sweetness and nice.

The number of Syrians in Germany varies by media/polls and census from 200,000 to 640,000.  Quite a broad discrepancy for a transparent government? 

According to a report issued by GDMAC, the EU determined that refugees had a ‘positive impact on the economy’, with an average contribution of .3% despite increased spending for infrastructure and housing.  If this were in fact true, then obviously Germany would not be looking to expel migrants – they would continue to embrace more and more.  Right?  And according to the OECD, the additional expenditures for migrants will positively impact per capita income in Germany.  Whose?  The Rothschild’s?

Sweden is the second largest port for refugees.  And yet, despite all the glowing support for more and more, the UN stated that as a result of Sweden’s acceptance of refugees and immigrants, Sweden will become a third world country by 2020.

So who do we believe? Obviously if the OECD and GDMAC agencies are correct then the refugees have a positive influence and more would be better – right?   But if in fact that influence was positive, then why would Merkel and the German government be so radically fearful and demand to expel these adjuncts to their economy?


As Glen Beck attempted to enunciate, in the US, as the Hollywooders form the basis of the screaming fits of defamation, what has any of them actually done?  Has Rob Reiner offered to bring 2000 children to his home?  Has Chelsea Handler offered to help them find their parents and fly them back home?   Has The View paid for their Reception Center costs?   Has De Niro provided a diaper?  Have any of the Hollywood instigators done anything at all other than scream?   No. Not a one.  They lend their name because Liberals are like rock and roll groupies fawning after, drooling after ‘a name’ without regard to the character substance and the Hollywood’s are ‘being paid’.  Big Bucks.

The fake politician is easy to spot – they will criticize and demonize the current politician – and then offer to give free education, free healthcare, free food, free air, free clothes…  while never telling you – how.  Because NOTHING is free.  They may claim they are Democrats, Socialists, Independents, or even Republicans, but in the end, their single agenda is to promise everything while never providing the means or a solution to any crisis.

Merkel is using a framed white washing of words to create exactly what the MSM and Hollywood are screaming about in the US while blaming Trump.   She is posturing to create Detention Centers in Lebanon at taxpayer expense while buying/blackmailing Saudi Arabia’s Hariri, to give Germany contracts to undercut building infrastructure projects – also at German taxpayer expense – so that she can gain traction in beleaguered polls and pretend she is not really selling her country.  And while the actual number of Syrian refugee’s in Germany has a range of +/- 300%, I wonder how many will find themselves detained in these ‘prisons’? Caged.  I mean, hotels.

Jordan continues to cage refugees since originally being detained in 1947.   Millions.  But no one scuttles even an ‘outcry’.   As Glenn Beck asked the defeated CNN, Brian Stelter, if it is about the numbers, then what is the number?  And Stelter dignified the question with the response, well as the numbers rise, so does the indignation… if it is ten we don’t care, but 2000, now we care.  Okay.  Then why isn’t he talking about Jordan?

Because, he was lying.

Of course, Saudi Arabia will have to get some cut in the deal… as they own Lebanon’s Hariri.  I’m sure more weapons at cheaper prices might be in the making as we speak.

In the end, Merkel is playing into the part of the fool, just as she played into the part when Soros bullied her into accepting millions of refugees four years ago and she fawned and bowed to his will as though he was god.  

Ultimately, Germany will come tumbling down, and Soros will be laughing hysterically at how easily Merkel was pawned.  It has nothing to do with the people, not the people of Germany, Sweden, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Yemen, Lebanon, or any other country.  It is all about an agenda game played by Swamps that rule everywhere.

Refugees – The Trojan Horse of The Muslim Brotherhood – part II

Refugees are learning that Germany – is cold. Today in Syria it is 86′. In Germany it is in the 50’s with lows in the 30’s. The contrast is stark and does not bode well with the warm blooded Syrians living in tents. Angry, they demand that Germany do more!

“…without residency permits the state seems to do nothing for refugees other than house and feed them. The camp has not organized a single German lesson for her family, the mother of three from Damascus says. Nor have they had any advice on how they can access the job market if their application is granted.”

How quickly entitlement becomes the outcry. “We came here expecting …” The immigrants want food, housing, jobs, education, clothing, psychological counseling, goods, and a life ready made just for them… But the article also emphasizes the reason for the Syrian crisis is the ‘government bombardment’.  I suppose it might be coined the government bombardment if one went on to define the government as the Saudis and the US.

It is the Muslim Brotherhood organizations in the US that are calling for additional Syrian refugees to be allowed here. In Germany, the Sharia Muslims in refugee camps are targeting Kurds, Christians and Yazidis for persecution, attacks, and brawls. Max Klingberg, the director of the Frankfurt-based International Society for Human Rights says the problem is much bigger than reported and will only grow larger as many of the refugees are extremists with ties or alliance to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Attacks at the German refugee centers occur nearly daily. Police are injured, Christians are injured, anyone who is opposed to Sharia law is targeted. Rapes are common in the camps.  These are not polite refugees with tears and sweet smiles.  They want Sharia LAW.  As a result, the German police are claiming they need every Islamic sect to be segregated to different centers in order to attempt to preserve some semblance of peace. But entitlements continue to provoke animosity as the migrants make demands.

They claim they are Syrians. But they come from everywhere. This is what can happen when meddling in the affairs of countries that should be held accountable for themselves. We are now left to assimilate millions of people and it is only the beginning.

There is a video on youtube which highlights some of the real atrocities taking place in Europe as a result of the migrant crisis; Migrant Crisis, The Footage The Media Refuses to Broadcast.  Learn what is really happening outside of mainstream media reporting on the suffering of the ‘poor mistreated migrants’.

Did we know this would happen?  Is there something far deeper in this than what we can even imagine?  Agendas always rule choices.  What is the agenda?

What was Assad like? What was going on in Syria before the civil war broke out? And what instigated it?

Reports spoke of the government spying on its people, monitoring the internet, and news agencies… something like the NSA. And abuse reports were initiated by obscure people, Syrians who hadn’t lived there for 40 years, such as Mohja Kohf.

Assad was considered much more liberal than his father. He released 700 political prisoners and attempted to introduce a package of reforms that would begin to lift Syria out of its authoritative regime. But old school members of his government blocked these changes. Anti-government protests heightened considerably in 2011 after ‘the media claimed over 2000 had been killed in protests’.  Was this even true?  Was it a disinformation plant?

Assad claimed his country was the target of geopolitical conspiracies as critics said his inexperience in politics made it difficult for him to establish Syria’s place in the “new world order”.   Assad would not bow, McCain decried foul and attempted to instigate an all out indiscriminate bombing on Syria.  And as the protests increased, the government cracked down on the dissidents in order to maintain law and order in the face of growing chaos.

Who was behind the protests? Who were the political prisoners the media kept referring to in their demonization of the regime? The Muslim Brotherhood. They are considered a terrorist organization by Egypt, Russia, United Arab Emirates, Syria, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. But not – the US. In 2011, the Brotherhood elected Mohammed Morsi as President of Egypt. He was over-thrown in 2013 and el-Sisi came to power banning the Muslim Brotherhood. Since its expulsion, its home-base has moved to Turkey.

So why would the US back and sponsor a group that is considered a terrorist organization in much of the Middle East? Why would the US initiate an all out war campaign in Syria in defense of and support of the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates?

Stickier is as stickier does. Benghazi. In 2012, Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. Egypt’s newly formed Muslim Brotherhood government under Morsi was in power. Morsi wanted the release of a 9-11 prisoner in the US, the Egyptian Blind Sheikh. The US refused and Morsi organized the attack on the US Embassy in Libya with the plan of taking Ambassador Chris Stevens as hostage to be used as an exchange barter.

Could the State Department’s response to the Benghazi attacks be motivated by an attempt to cover-up the Muslim Brotherhood role? And if so, why?

Hillary’s long time aide and friend, Huma Abedin, is affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, her mother is a writer and editor of a paper that advocates for mandatory Sharia law, and US domination. Abedin’s mother, who resides in Saudi Arabia, is also an associate professor at the University of Dar Al Hekma, in Jeddah. The university was first established in 1999 and received university status as of 2014, it has a 1 star rating out of 5.  The Saudis were not always anti-Muslim Brotherhood, and when the persecution against them began to rise, many fled to Saudi Arabia and found refuge as educators in the system teaching religious ideals.  Osama Bin Laden was a student at the King Abdul Aziz University also located in Jeddah.  It was through his training at this university that Bin Laden learned the ideology of jihad.

The Clinton Foundation receives a good deal of its funding from the Saudis. The thorns get even pricklier as it was revealed that the Egyptian branch Director for the Clinton Foundation, Gehad el-Haddad, was arrested in 2012 as a leading figure of the Muslim Brotherhood. He was a leading strategist for former President, Morsi.  Qatar, a leading government supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood was a major donor to the Clinton Foundation until 2014 when the Saudis put pressure on them to cease and desist.  Why do the Saudis want the Muslim Brotherhood quashed? Because the Brotherhood agenda is to rule, to the abolishment of Saudi rule and kings.

But why is Hillary so entrenched?  Does she see herself as a possible candidate for World Leader in the New World Order of Islam?  Is she playing so many different sides that she no longer knows what side she is on?  Like the liar who forgets what she has said to whom?

Enter ICG:  International Crisis Group, founded and funded by George Soros.  Sitting on its board is Mohamed ElBaradei, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood who served as former head  of the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency.  It was his influence that led to the lifting of efforts to curb Iran’s nuclear ‘research’.   Why would Soros devlop such a connection?  Because he needed help to bring down Big Satan – the US, and Little Satan – Israel.  And who better than to befriend those that want the same thing.

Using the Syrian crisis to infiltrate Muslim Brotherhood members, ISIS and al Qaeda into mainstream Europe and the US is probably a given. However heinous, however brutal.  Merkel fell for it. Denmark and Switzerland fell for it. But the reality is, now that they are here, what do you do with them? Once in, you can’t very well expel a million plus people.

And that my friend is how you create the chaos that may bring down all of Europe.