US Homelessness – an Epidemic?

Homelessness in the US is inhumane. We all need to give more money.   We need more shelters, more beds, more and more…

But the picture is far more complicated. The statistics don’t exactly support the Socialist demand. The US has a fairly low homeless rate when compared globally to wealthy nations, at roughly .17%. For example, UK’s rate is .38%, Australia’s is .43%, France is .21%, Luxemburg is .28%, New Zealand is .94% and The Netherlands is .19% – while Hungary is .1% and Poland is .08%.

In addition, according to, only 81% of the available beds in the US are used by the homeless.   So building more shelters would not seem to be the answer. It is like curing the stuffy nose when the disease is cancer.

Statistically;  26% of sheltered homeless people had severe mental illness, 35% had substance abuse issues, in 2010, 1.593 million people ‘experienced’ homelessness, however only 123,800 were considered chronic homeless.   Experiencing homelessness is not the same as living on the streets, it includes those who were forced to leave their homes and may have moved in with family or friends temporarily until they could get their life back on track.

The numbers are difficult to actually tabulate, and mitigation for the chronic is wholly different than the transitional.  Solutions are rarely so simplistic as – more.

The statistical numbers include illegals who come to the US through our borders, unaccompanied children, and women with no work skills. The states with the highest homeless rate include; DC, New York, California, Florida and Texas.   Interestingly, these rates do not correlate to the states with the highest poverty rate, however they do correlate with the states having the highest rate of illegal immigrants.

It is estimated that roughly 39% of all homeless are children under the age of 18. The greatest cause would be a father who has deserted his family.  And the secondary cause is illegal immigration.  Period.

Therefore, the major ‘cause’s’ of homelessness can be identified as resulting from the abandonment of a father, severe mental illness, illegal immigration, and substance abuse.   Tackling those problems will help to erase the disease. Just building more shelters is like the adage; “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

If our current shelters have a 19% vacancy rate, building more is obviously not the solution. Stopping illegal immigration – providing mental healthcare – tackling substance abuse promulgated by doctors and Big Pharma – and teaching abandoning dads (of all colors) the motto; stay or pay – will have the largest impact on homelessness.

Raising the minimum wage is useless because it doesn’t even remotely represent the cause of the problem.   My youngest son has a roommate…  that’s not a negative.   It doesn’t mean he deserves a 2 bedroom apartment solo because he doesn’t make enough.  It doesn’t mean we should subsidize all those who want a 2 bedroom apartment but can’t afford one…  ?

Trump’s plan to reduce illegal immigration and reverse opioid abuse reflects a true understanding of the problem and offers a cure for the disease instead of a band-aide for the cancer.   The issue with abandonment is delicate as it is considered racist. But the statistics substantiate the problem: 57.6%-72% of black children are raised by a single parent (statistics vary widely based on MSM vs not MSM).   If we continue to deny, qualify, justify, or ignore that statistic, then we won’t change it. It will haunt us with all the sub statistics that it creates, including homelessness.

But for those who cry for the wealthy to shell out more money to give more freebies, to spend more, well, they have missed the point.   There is no such thing as equality, it never has and never will exist. And while the US has a very low rate of homelessness compared to its European and Australian buddies, the US has been unjustly and unwisely attacked for not being perfect.

And while those that demand more charity also seem to be quick to note they haven’t any to give, the point is further defeated and seems more of a Socialist/Communist desire, albeit an altruistic one.

Humanism isn’t about building an ever bigger welfare system, humanism is giving people the desire to produce, the means to produce, and the integrity of self sufficiency and responsibility.  

EU BATTLES: Hungary and Poland

Budapest centrally and Hungary at large, are under siege. A battle has been waged within, but it isn’t a Hungarian battle, it is a power struggle initiated by the left and the right for control. And like the US, the institutions targeted include the media and the universities. And also like the US, the power on the left can be traced to George Soros and the Rothschild’s, and on the right to the Koch Brothers.

Since 2011, 16 different media outlets have opened in Hungary – mostly from US companies and split fairly equally between liberalism and conservatism. Despite these facts, organizations and media outlets decry this conservative/liberal challenge as ‘unfair’!   Reuters, Fox, The Guardian, and Hungarian Spectrum would have us believe this media war is heavily weighted pro-Orban, but apparently – it just ain’t so. There are currently 13 Liberal Daily left media outlets and 15 Right Conservative outlets. In addition, there are 8 weekly liberal outlets and 3 Conservative.  Hardly the massive annihilation of press freedom that our media references…

But then it is the Mainstream Media version of news, the same Mainstream that promotes Liberalism.

This war is being waged across the four corners of the globe and some countries are beginning to understand the consequences.

Hungary’s Prime Minister, Orban, has been criticized by the liberal left for cracking down on ‘political freedom’ and the media. Central to this is Orban’s desire to shut down the George Soros University, Central European University. Why? Because it is a hot house for instilling Socialist values and the return of Communism.

They are not alone. Their current war and their historical war are shared with their neighbor, Poland. Both are being hit hard by the Liberalism that they fought against during the 1980’s, but it is even more complicated in party alliances…

Communist rule in Hungary came to an end with the creation of the Fidesz Movement. Originally comprised of young people, students persecuted by Communists, they were called the Alliance of Young Democrats. In other words they promoted Liberalism. Their founder, Dr. Peter Molnar, who was elected to Parliament, was a Research Fellow for- Central European University and Center For Media, Data and Society – aka; George Soros.

And then Everything Changed!  In 1995, the Fidesz Party did an about face and became a Conservative Party under the tutelage of now Prime Minister, Viktor Orban.   This shift became the impetus of a power struggle that saw Soros at the wheel battling a hurricane.

Today the European Commission with Soros at the widow’s peak is attempting to deflate Orban’s control by claiming Orban is utilizing Communist tactics. Orban wants to shutter Central European University and is refusing to take in Hungary’s ‘quota’ of refugees. As such they stand to lose their EU funding as backed by Germany’s Merkel, and France’s Macron.

Of course, what is making the EU so nervous right now is the trend line. As more and more countries find the staff of control imposed by the EU Commission bludgeoning their sense of freedom and independence, their ‘lean’ away becomes more pronounced. It explains the placement of Macron in France as he attempts to bridge that gap that the Socialists created.

Elections are on the immediate horizon and so the frenzy has heated up considerably. Italy, Hungary, Czech Republic, Ireland, Finland, Latvia, Moldova – the elections BEGIN!

Merry Christ Day

I was brought up to believe that the Bolsheviks that invaded Russia were merely ‘peasants’ who were subjugated and enslaved under an imperialist rule. That they were whole and good people, people of loyalty and ethic who simply needed to be freed.

I was brought up to believe that Science was the real religion of Truth, that religion was a book, written by mortal man that had no basis in Truth.

I was brought up to believe that everything Science was an absolute fact without question, without theory, it was an absolute.

I was brought up to believe that I was a perpetrator of hate and intolerance and that I should be ashamed and bear my penance.

I was brought up to believe that Santa Claus was the meaning of Christmas and that reindeer and chimneys and presents under the tree were some sort of an entitlement based on your goodness as defined by your parents.

I didn’t learn these things from my home or my parents, I learned these things from School and from Hollywood. Hollywood had become a sort of education institute wherein their version of history became fact.  They inundated us with their version of truth, so as to disguise reality.  And Education followed. Science was touted as an absolute truism despite the absolute fact that in reality – it was predominantly – theory.  My generation was probably the most perversely indoctrinated because they needed us to pass this fake news to our children.   And I – believed!

Doctors tell us we must infuse a botulism of vaccines into our infants because the side effects, which include death, are better than the diseases, which don’t include death. And I believed –

I am reading the commentary of a relative who is currently reading the Handmaid’s Tale and she incorrectly states that it is a foreboding of the perils of Christianity – and of course, Trump. Despite the fact that the author and Director adamantly proclaim that is not the point at all.  In fact, the author is a devout Christian who is fearful of the ‘fake Christians who would create A New World – much like, Soros.  And still – she believes.

We read the hate filled speeches of Hollywood elites who proclaim to understand the world outside of their very make-believe – stage world that has no basis in reality – and yet – they believe!

We read media propaganda that makes proclamations based on conjecture, possibility, maybe, crystal ball visions, and claims that these visions are ‘fact’ – because they want the masses to – believe.

And yet within all that rhetoric, the same Media chastises us because – we have ‘belief’.   Because belief is a negative when applied to religion and faith, and that same belief is a positive when applied toward Science and the Media. How can that be?

In the Obama era, the terms ‘he’ and ‘she’ were forbidden, they were extracted as gender discrimination. I don’t know the Latin words for all the new genders outside of he and she, and I doubt the Liberals do either.   I imagine, some don’t exist. But within their dictum, free speech means – free according to their boundaries.   According to Obama, the phrase ‘Islamic Terrorism’, was forbidden speech. But Obama didn’t just ban this one phrase, he banned numerous others under the guise of racism… and the Media lapped it up – and they – Believed!

Families have been divided. Friendships ejected. And CEO’s fired, for having the freedom to have their own opinion and belief. Not because of Trump. But because of the agenda perpetrated on us for the last decade by the regime – Obama and decades before him under the tenets of both parties. It is so sad when we watch those we know being sucked into the vacuum, unable to discern the lies and manipulation. It evades IQ, education, or wealth.

As my friend Trutherator recently interjected, the way to know a true wolfe from a sheep is their vine. That means that there are Liberals whose vine begets good sheep, and Conservatives whose vine begets evil wolves. And the reverse, of course.  But it is a true depiction of how to make discernment.  Look to their vine.

That being said, when I ‘believed’ in Science, when I ‘believed’ in the Media version of the Bolsheviks, when I believed ‘what was fed me’, that did not make me evil, it made me a victim. And when I realized this fact, I was so incredibly incensed at the fraud that was perpetrated it made me strive all the more to find what is really – The Truth.  How dare they deceive me with half truths and drivel and complete lies!

I don’t rule out Science as having value – I do rule out Science as believing they are God. And that is the pendulum swing that Science would have the world – believe.  That is the power grid.

Even more importantly, Christmas didn’t exist before this fell of Christianity. There was ‘nothingness’, which is the forestay of the Atheist and Agnostic – Belief System. A worship of – nothingness. A belief in Santa and reindeer, red coats and sleighs. And somehow, these nothingnesses don’t understand that Christmas is Christ Day and their hijack is a form of terrorism.  Let them have their nothingness – and let us have the freedom of speech to have our Christ Day.

And so, on this Christ Day, I wish you all a Merry Merry Christmas, and Good Tidings to All…

Grace be with you –


In 2010, Obama signed the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Law which provides a stop gap passage of any change in taxes that would increase the Federal deficit by a certain percentage. But it contains over 150 exceptions including; Fannie Mae, Social Security, Health Care Trust, low income housing… etc. In addition, since its enactment it has been waived 16 times by Obama, meaning it wasn’t really a law at all and was never intended to be, it was – fluff.

It is this Law that Democrats and the media keep hyping as proof positive why Trump will cut Medicare funds for beneficiaries next year. Creating a number was also important in order to sell their story; $25 billion the first year and $400 billion over the next decade. WOW! Sounds awful.

But the problem is this entire argument is also – fluff.

Both Ryan and Trump have clarified numerous times that they are going to tackle Medicare, but from the standpoint of fraud and overpayments to hospitals and doctors. Secondly, Medicare is not a target ‘entitlement’, what the media seems to not understand is that Welfare is the target. And forcing people back to work is the objective which was the point of lowering the corporate tax rate – more jobs.

The other part of the story emerged this past summer as the Chicken Little chorus began to circulate the statement that ‘Medicare will be insolvent by 2029’, citing a report by the Trustees. Of course, like everything else that gets crypto-hyped, the entire story was dramatically edited to fit the Sky Is Falling agenda. Not to mention that this funding ‘shortage’ didn’t suddenly occur during Trumps first 5 months as President.

Oh Brother!

The report specifically addressed Medicare’s Hospital Insurance which can pay 100% of hospital costs thru 2029 and which point, if all things remain the same, they will only pay 88%.   These numbers are based on a model that measures payers into the system compared to retirees. Blame the Baby Boomers. The generation of baby boomers will gradually increase putting more pressure on Medicare, and then decrease as we all die. C’est la vie.

There are two options available; 1) increase the amount and/or the threshold for employee contributions, or 2) lower hospital costs by stipulating a fixed amount they all can charge for a procedure. Which is what Trump wants to accomplish and what he and Ryan have stated over and over and over again.

The Media doesn’t WANT to get it. So they have created their own story. And that’s called – Fake News.

Slavery: A British and Arab Propagation

I’m watching a movie, it takes place in the times wherein the Irish were slaves to the British and all I can think of is – where is this outrage? Throughout history, there are stories of some group of people being subjected to slavery, to inhumane treatment, to subjugation and assault. And yet, we have become obsessed with the history of Blacks.

In reality, Irish were the lowly, women became handmaids and sex slaves, beaten and tortured, and the common factor was not ‘color’, but ‘power’. The Arabs enslaved the blacks. The British enslaved everyone. The Indians enslaved the Dalit’s. The Persians enslaved the Jews. And in each culture, it is about the perception of weak, not the perception of color. So why have our women today altered that reality? Why have the Democrats of today, altered that reality?   Why can’t they see the Truth?

Because it just might point the finger – at them. The patrons of – Power. It just might give credence to the Truth – the subjugation isn’t colored, it’s the perceived weak. And with each century of history, the weak were a different culture, or gender. And it had nothing to do with – color.

Creating a fake agenda is a lot like creating a fake persona, whether it be via religion, or marriage, or adultery, or just boredom. Fake People are – the Agenda.

In the Christian World be refer to the wolves amongst us. Those that put on a cloak that begets a sheep when in fact beneath lives a wolf, a hypocrite, a liar, a cheat, someone aligned with Satan.   In the Atheist religion, such a collaborator with evil is now being called a ‘white supremacist’. But it’s all staged; a show for all shows wherein the show becomes the wolf as much as the actors. And that’s where the vast confusion begins to take hold.

I remember going to my Pastor some time ago and asking, “How can I spot a wolf? How will I know?”   I think he was somewhat taken aback, surprised, because to him, it seemed so very obvious, but sometimes, to others, the wolves have become so adept at their masks and makeup, and illusion, that they deceive with ease. Without remorse or guilt. It is a sad commentary of our evolution, but it isn’t a commentary of ‘man’, it is a commentary of ‘value’.

As so many like to justify – ‘it is complicated’.

But in truth it isn’t complicated at all. It is a complicated mask that the person has created over an expanse of time – and thus complicated to them – but not – complicated. Therein lies a difference.

Too often I am exposed to the question, “what is going on? It is as if people have simply gone mad. There is no ethic, no line, no remorse, no system of value.” And it crosses every conceivable definition from Christian to Atheist. From Republican to Liberal. From man to woman.

This movie I am watching exposes the heinous attitude inflicted upon Irish, upon women, upon justice, and ultimately the harnessing of all this within an insane asylum of punishment.

Unfortunately, it is the ‘victim’ imprisoned and sanctioned.

Decades from now, will our history reveal the insanity of our justice system today wherein the victim is subjected to the topsy-turvy world of Wonderland? Will this apply to the sexual assaults? Will it apply to Conservatives? Will it apply to white males? Will the history books reveal the Truth?

My most recent personal experiences have been rather sad; married men pretending to be single, available and looking for love, fake men that don’t even exist except in a stall on a phone bank in some shack in Africa, and Christian men who aren’t Christian at all, but some estranged debased version of Satan in disguise.

But it isn’t just men – women are nearly as adept at the shroud of superficial masks. They seem to wear it like an honor, as though this deception makes them equal to men.

And so I asked the $1.598 question… should I tell fellow women of the perversity of their husbands? Should I expose the Adulterer? The Philanderer? The Perverse?   Or should I remain on the sidelines, comatose, uninvolved, uncaring, and allow the pain to spread, like the dirt of a plant on carpet doused with water?   Until the stain is so imbed in the fibers, nothing will mediate?

And then there is Al, the Artificial Intelligence that is slated to make women completely obsolete as men ‘find love’ and propagate via a robot, and a new race is born, as though men think that it only applies to the substitution of women – and don’t realize it applies to ALL Humankind. An arrogant, pride filled story altogether.   For another Blog.

It is when we elevate ourselves to a position of power and elitism, that we truly fail as a race, as a gender, as an ethnicity.  And unfortunately, this agenda has infiltrated to such an extent we can no longer even absorb the extent of hatred and insanity that permeates.


TRUMP Tax Reform – Dissected

Twelve Republicans voted ‘No’ on the Trump Tax Reform. Why? Because they represent three states, New York, California and New Jersey, with the highest income and property tax rates in the country and the new limitations will affect their constituents.

California has the highest personal income tax rate at 13.3%. New Jersey comes in first as having the highest effective property tax rate at 2.31%. New York City residents come in a close second with state and local taxes for some districts at 12.96% and an ‘add-on’ property tax for properties over $1million at 1% which would effectively no longer be a deduction given it would ultimately exceed the cap.

Of course, every single Democrat voted against the Bill. Why?

There were a few agendas:   1) the Obamacare mandated penalty for not having health insurance was repealed. That means that the young and healthy are no longer required to carry insurance.   2)   They fear that welfare programs could possibly be impacted with budget cuts  3) They claim that the effect of lowering middle income earners taxes will no longer apply as of 2027 – which is rather nonsensical since the entire Bill expires in 2025.   Hello?  4) They fear that government revenue will decrease significantly creating greater deficits.

INDIVIDUALS:   1.  A number of itemized deductions were eliminated or capped.  2.  The Estate Tax deduction was doubled.  3.  Alimony would no longer be a deduction after 2019 (so don’t get divorced).   4.  Tax rate brackets were lowered.  4.  The standard deduction was nearly doubled while the personal exemption was eliminated. 5.  Child tax credit was revised and tightened to include the requirement of a social security number.  6.  The AMT would have a much higher phaseout threshold.   7.  Repeals the limitation on itemized deductions.

CORPORATIONS:   1.   Rate was lowered to 21%.   2.   A phase in to allow full deduction of capital expenses rather than depreciation.  3.   Eliminates the carryback provision of NOL.   4.  A 15.5% offer for corporate repatriation of overseas cash profits and an 8% rate for reinvested earnings.  5.   And a territorial tax system whereby only domestic earnings are subject to tax (avoid the potential for double taxation).

The Democrat argument is predicated on the fact that government won’t make enough money to pay for all their benefits and perks, and parties… But the reality is in the fact that as corporations come home to their 21% tax rate vs 39.1%, they’ll get troughs of people off the handout roll of welfare, food stamps, and Medicaid because they will actually be working for a living.

It is estimated that $3.1 trillion in US company profits is being held overseas!   Bring It On Home!   There are limitations. This does not mean corporations will no longer hire foreign employees who are better trained, it does mean that the incentive for American workers to become trained will create a revolutionary new training industry as we play catch-up, or ketchup… with hundreds of thousands of new labor jobs available.

Tax preparers and estate planners may see a rollback in their usefulness. H&R Block may want to diversify into training centers for the new generation of employees.

But the biggest gripe the Democrats have regarding the Tax Reform is that it actually might work, and that could disrupt their antagonistic agenda when trying to damage Trump. Today their voice of dissent is based on mere block numbers with the assumption that corporations will remain in the EU, the Bahamas, and the Maltives – some will, but I imagine most will come home like

Prodigal Children.

Trump Tax Reform Unfair Says EU Ministers!

European Finance Ministers are voicing concern and outrage over Trump’s tax reform. They wrote numerous letters to Steven Mnuchen and all senior Republican Senators and members of Congress weeks ago asking/demanding that they vote against the Bill because the policies were unfair to Europe…

I wasn’t aware that Europe had control over our US tax policy. But apparently, they do, or at least they did.

Even more curious is what they were targeting. Apparently they are quite furious over the fact that Excise and Base Erosion fees will be levied on corporations that utilize the fake tax haven headquarter scheme by establishing a base in an EU country that offers lower tax rates. An Excise fee of 20% will latch to corporations utilizing goods and/or services of a foreign corporate entity. And lastly, Intangible Income such royalties derived from the EU would no longer have preferential tax treatment which resulted in what was considered a subsidy payment benefiting EU property.

In other words, Trump went through with his promise to entice corporations back to the US. Good for the US, bad for the EU. And so, they are miffed.

The EU Economists are concerned because their revenue base will suffer given they recognized that corporations relocated to preferred EU countries in order to avoid/evade higher tax rates in the US.   With Trump’s reform, corporations will likely do exactly that – return home giving the US a bump in revenue, and burning the EU advantage.

As a result of the Tax Reform, over time the economies of these EU tax haven countries will begin to contract without the boost of US corporate tax revenue, and ultimately the withdrawing of jobs as headquarters and employees move back to the states.

Obviously this tax haven arrangement has been bolstered and supported by the EU for decades and might help explain why their PM’s and President’s are roiling while making derogatory comments about Trump. Their argument is that making ‘America First’ comes at their expense given they have reaped our rewards and thus international trade between the EU and the US will falter. But given that trade was built on a tax subsidy at the expense of our economy seems to allude their ‘me first’ agenda.

Bottom Line, the call to arms by the EU Ministers is that the US tax reform is ‘not fair’, because it puts US money back in the US instead of in the EU… Awwww, shucks.

A US COUP? Watters’ World Says Maybe…

Jesse Watters of Fox’s Watters’ World has stated the obvious, the US is facing the threat of a coup. When an internal force, such as the FBI and CIA, have been compromised to subvert an elected President, that is the making of a coup. When said internal force decries ‘Impeachment’, it is rather obvious that a duly elected official is being targeted for a ‘deposing’. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time the US engaged in such behavior – Syria, Yemen and Ukraine – were all US endorsed coups.

When researching this possibility, Twitter was aghast! How dare Jesse Watters even make mention of such a thing, how dastardly! And yet a quick Google search and one finds the discussion is rampant among such media outlets as: The Economist, Newsweek, US News, Foreign Policy, Washington Post, NBC, The Atlantic… etc.

Of course, ALL these media outlets are Clintonites, aligned with the Soros/Rothschild cabal.   But the mere mention of the probability by Fox News and the attackers are reloading their canons! Badaboom!

The value structure of society has certainly disintegrated, but contrary to the Liberal media, it didn’t simply occur these past ten months during the Presidency of Trump, it has been a growing viral cancer that has been perpetuated by scores of Presidents and their cabal parties.

As Trump exposes more and more infidelities within the Swamp, the rumblings would naturally focus back to defiling Trump. What makes it a Swamp is the fact that it crosses party lines, no one can be trusted, not even family. This explains why the GOP is trembling, many within are a part of – the Swamp – and fear for their careers as Trump unravels the lineage. We have been ruled like puppets, educated like puppets, and fed a diet of Hollywood news until we are engorged with emptiness.

One need look no further than the headlines of the media outlets to see they focus heavily on Entertainment – and anti-Trump, which they apparently consider – entertainment. But still, this dummy down effect is blamed somehow on Trump? I doubt he is the Wizard of Oz behind the red curtain telling everyone what to write… but that does not discount the fact that there are a handful of wizards doing just that.

It is truly a sad commentary when we as The People can not have faith or trust in our own FBI and CIA to act with loyalty and integrity. That undermines our entire system and sets the stage for Social Communism which is a sub-sect of Progressivism. Remember when Hillary first stated that Progressivism was her platform but couldn’t define what it is?

Progressivism favors Eugenics which proposes abortion so as to have ‘fewer, but better children’.  Progressives advocate for greater and greater government control and regulation because The People are inherently incapable of making decisions for themselves.  And of course, they lean Socialist because they are better able to control our businesses, our money, our children, and our lives.

When the Progressive Party was first formed in 1912 by Theodore Roosevelt, its goal was the dissolution of corrupt politics and corrupt business alliances. In 1924 The Progressive Party was supported by Socialists.   BY 1948 the Progressive Party was forced into the shadows by – the Liberals – because it was ‘controlled by Communists’. It has morphed significantly from its initial vision as it is now seen as a means for absolute control.

Today, the Liberals can’t define what Progressivism means, while its tenets are widely displaced within what we now call – The Swamp – created over decades and filled with deadly reptiles.  But apparently, that’s their story and they are stickin’ to it…

BREXIT Poll: The Independent

A British media presence which is described as tremendously ‘Liberal’ despite its rather oblique name, The Independent, has conducted its very own poll which has been picked up by the mainstream media in which it claims that over half of the UK now opposes BREXIT.   This same non-Independent routinely teams with Al Jazeera in promoting news briefs and articles. In 2008 it relaunched itself from its status as a ‘Tabloid’ and began attempting to report – actual news.

And this ‘Poll’ is completely – Independent…

Of course its connection to Al Jazeera a Qatari media front, is further supported by the fact that the principle owner of The Independent is Sultan Muhammad Abjljadayel, a Saudi businessman. It is further revealed that Sultan Muhammad Abuljadayel works for NCB Capital, the investment banking arm of the National Commercial Bank, which is controlled by the Saudi government and is one of the biggest banks in the Middle East.

Al Jazeera was formed by the former Qatari Emir, Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, who overthrew his father as Emir, who overthrew his cousin. He attended the Royal British Military Academy, as did his son – who is now the current Emir of Qatar.

As in – All In The Family – Britain first…

The other two owners of the Non-Independent are a Russian father and son team, Lebedev. Alexander Lebedev’s parents were both Russian intelligentisia, and Alexander was former KGB assigned to London. Alexander Lebedev is also part owner of the Russian paper, Novaya Gazeta, which supports Liberalism, an anti-Putin regime, and is affiliated with the New York Times; they have an agreement to publish selected articles translated into Russian.

It would also appear that Lebedev has financial assets in the Ukraine and specifically Crimea which came under attack by former President Yanukovich for allegations of tax evasion prior to the coup.

The other independent news outlet owned by Lebdeved is the London evening Standard, which is billed as a tabloid and is free.

The point? Contrary to the rant of David Cameron claiming that Democracy is at stake when Trump exposes fake journalism, the media is sorely NOT Independent. It has long been exploited and used as a tool to subvert Democracy and to wield a heavy hand in creating a staged world.

The same David Cameron ‘pretended’ to be a conservative until elected whereupon he began to implement his ‘progressive liberal’ positions. The same Cameron whose wealth was hidden in offshore accounts as exposed by the Panama Paper Caper. The same David Cameron who is chairman for The National Citizen Service, an organization created by Cameron while Prime Minister, funded by the UK government, and has been under tremendous criticism since it’s inception as a Big Society format within a purely Socialist ideology that sounds a bit too close to the Soros placard of Open Society…

And so – The Independent poll conducted by the Non-Independent news media has about as much truth to it as the … Mueller hypocrisy…mess.

The Religion of Science

What better source to find fodder for a blog than on a Liberal site. Case in point, a video is circulating in which Neil DeGrasse Tyson, an Astrophysicist, explains why he is so dumbfounded that people today would question anything ‘scientific’. He claims that people are today incapable of being able to judge what is truth, what is reliable, and what we ‘should believe’.   Because according to Mr. Tyson, Science is the foundation of the United States…

He further advocates that people who don’t agree with certain ‘viewpoints’ simply don’t have the knowledge to have an opinion and should therefore believe what they are told – verbatim. Specifically; 1. Evolution   2. Vaccines 3.   GMO’s and 4.   Climate Change.

Speaking slowly with a vocabulary and content that might befit a first grade elementary class, Mr Tyson laments that these ‘questioners’, these people of inferior intellect, do not define the ‘country he remembers growing up in’.

According to Mr. Tyson, the world today wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for scientists, they alone are responsible for everything good we have accumulated, including; the atom bomb, bridges that collapse, buildings that fall, forests the burn incendiary fire, cloud seeding that alters our climate, and of course all the ozone depleting chemicals, fuels, and aerosols…   Actually, he didn’t say that – what he did infer was that scientists are gods responsible for everything mankind has accomplished… and if dare to question, we are inherently denying what is true – and therefore we are ignorant. OUCH!

So lets look at the ‘truisms”:

  1. Evolution – by its very definition is a “Theory” created by Darwin in 1853. It includes the ‘hypothesis’ that bears could have evolved into whales because he sees that as a possibility given bears can swim. That part was later omitted from the book. Science defers to a spattering of fossils collected from one particular area that were dispersed and rearranged to become Ambulocetus – a ‘walking whale’. Utilizing an artist to fill in the ‘vast’ empty places, and without any evidence to support the bones came from one skeleton, a new ‘theory was created’.     The Entire Theory of Evolution is based on hypothesis, conjecture, limited information, and alternate views within the community – and is again thus based on unprovable opinion.
  2. Climate Change – by it’s definition is a theory as well because it is based on ‘observations’ that date from 1950’s forward when climate was charted. Everything prior – is based on theory, conjecture, and opinion as there cannot be ‘observational evidence’ which is required in science data. Add to the fray, if science was truly an absolute, based conclusively on evidence and fact, then all scientists would always agree as in 2+2=4. In fact, science is a philosophy of thought that is continually changing and evolving and changing again.
  3. GMO’s – no one denies GMO’s, that is an odd misnomer by Tyson. We simply take issue with the amount of pesticides and chemicals that are being doused and saturated on our GMO foods, and the nutritional value compared to ‘real food’. Those arguments have been scientifically – proven.   Therefore, Mr. Tyson would seem to be ignoring some science in favor of science.   Lest we forget, Science created all those wonderful pesticides that cause deformed babies, multiple cancers, death, disease, and a depleted ozone.
  4. Vaccines – Science has developed thousands of vaccines. Some have been required to be yanked for their failure rate or their side effects, including death, after the fact. Some have been the cause of virulent diseases requiring another vaccine in order to mediate what medicine and science – caused. Those facts – are truisms. Skepticism is born of failure. Vaccines are a trial-and-error. And much factual data supports the truism that the efficacy rate is not calculable because the trend lines showing the cure began years before the introduction of the vaccine. That is natural ‘herd immunity’.   We are also skeptical because often the ‘trials’ are faked, and when a lie is exposed, the natural thought process is – what else was lied about.

Oddly, what Mr. Tyson seems to argue is that people are flawed because we demand truth when it impacts or impairs our life and health. He feels that we should follow like sheep believing everything that ‘they’ the ‘scientists’ ram down our throats without question, because well, they are mini gods who created our world.

Indeed, everything about Mr. Tyson is rather scary, and yet would seem to be hailed by the secular community as their ‘bible’.   Science is a world of faith. Faith in theory. Faith in opinion. Faith in hypothesis. Faith in modeling. Faith in proxy.

Those ‘faiths’ are their religion. And given that religion may not be promulgated by public entities representing any part of our government, wouldn’t that include ALL Science?

It was only quite recently that science was elevated from its classification as a “Philosophy”. Philosophy is a thought or belief, not a fact supported by observational evidence. In the religion of Science there is no ‘consensus’, opinions differ, results differ, observations differ, and the ‘facts’ are routinely altered to coincide with ‘new opinions and assumptions.

While some math is based on absolutes, statistics are based on ‘probabilities’ given certain criteria, although the actual fact is not known. Polls are a popular statistical method for determining the outcome of politics. They have shown to be dead wrong, dead right, and somewhere in-between. A variable, not a fixed number, therefore a – theory.

Even Mr. Tyson’s preferred science, Astrophysics, utilizes ‘predictions’ which is defined as a ‘prophesy’, what someone thinks may happen given the foundations, the natures, and the nuances of science data. The same science is used by gypsies, tarot card readers, and the like.

Tyson speaks from a platform of arrogance. He believes that those who are not of his belief, who don’t have his knowledge, and his wisdom, are simpletons, ignorant and pathetic for they question the accuracy of data whose foundation is – the religion of theory.