America First or Israel First? Ask Trump

The Unitary Executive Theory.  US Constitution, Article 2.   Executive Power shall be vested in the President.   Vested with this authority, the President may execute any federal law by himself.  As long as no part of the Constitution is breached.  Trump would surround himself with a different breed than his first run.   But who are they?   Are they the punishers?   Are the actions of Mike Johnson indicative of what Trump now stands for = pro-Ukraine, pro-Israel, pro-Taiwan?  Will these stances push America into the abyss?

UKRAINE:  We have seen the decadence of Zelenskyy and his wife – villas, London flats, Paris shopping sprees, diamonds.  And Cocaine.  Ukraine was a bastion of corruption and a money laundering hub for every conceivable trafficking cartel.  Who is The Cartel?

ISRAEL:  We have seen the end result when Zionist Bolsheviks took over Russia and resettled the country as the Soviet Union – within a mere 30 years 66 million innocent souls were executed, tortured, and starved.

Taiwan:  This delicate small island has been handed around amongst power elites like a floppy doll;  by Japan, US, UK, France and China.  It has never truly been independent.  It operates as a colony of the West – Under The Thumb.

So, why would Johnson and Trump give these statehoods American Taxpayer money while we suffer from inflation?   Why does Trump still hold to the greatness of the Vaccine?  Why is he so adamantly loathe of antisemitism?   Why would he demand anti-war college campus students be – deported?   Did they hurt anyone?  Did they set cities on fire?   Did they trample police vehicles?   Did they shutter businesses?

Why is Trump against the students and yet defends the same men who are making mince meat of him via The Cartel?  The same Cartel that inflamed the peaceful anti-war protests.  The same Cartel names associated with everything nefarious:  Rockefeller, Rothschild, Soros and Pritzker.  The same anti-God Zionists who for centuries have plundered and poisoned societies into extinction.

Is Trump one of us – or is he one of Them?

Hakeem Jeffries has gone on record claiming the Democrats are running Congress despite a Republican majority.   In essence stating that there are no republicans in Congress – they are team Uniparty with meaningless labels to blindly appease constituents.

The only distinguishing characteristic is the fact that Team Uniparty and every NGO intel parity organization is vying to destroy Trump.  The Victim.  The Cartel thrives on gaining new members via very profitable guaranteed best seller book deals – and blackmail.  Could Trump be blackmailed into supporting the same Cartel that wants to take him down?

Analysts are already referring to the potential Trump Presidency as a totalitarian regime based on their fear of what that might entail.   Pardoning 800 ‘protestors’ is at the top of the list.  An Executive privilege granted to every President.  Shoring up the Border with the National Guard and Military is also granted to Trump as he is the National head of all US militaries.  Executive Orders can be directives to Executive Agencies but they cannot reverse a Law;  For example – the President could direct funding for the CIA to be $1 per year or limit their powers to border patrol.  Given the CIA was created by the CIA ACT of 1949, their existence became Law.   But every subsequent EO that increased their power could be reversed.

However, the US Federal Government via a ‘presidential directive’ gives Trump the power to divide, consolidate, abolish, or create agencies of the subject to limited legislative oversight. First granted in 1932, presidential reorganization authority has been extended to nine presidents on 16 separate occasions.  As such, the consolidation power could eliminate agencies and personnel via consolidation.  There are 18 separate intel agencies operating within the federal government.   The Heading?  WASTE.

Most NGO funding is supported by The State Department, The Pentagon, and NIH.  An EO could limit funding to NGO’s or simply direct all federal agencies to cease and desist from these handouts.   Grants made by the Department of Education could be redirected –  Agencies could be required to submit annual audited statements.   The extent is vast and LEGAL.

Superfluous Agencies could be abolished.  The nonessential staff that was revealed when Federal funding was at a standstill revealed that 75% or more of our government – are considered nonessential.   And suddenly, we would find that many politicians don’t want to be politicians – because the graft and Wall Street manipulation of insider trades would no longer exist.   The government could shrink significantly saving taxpayers billions!  This would not be ruled totalitarian because it is Constitutionally protected!

IF Trump is for The People and NOT The Shadow Cartel.   In this sense we are at his mercy.   The only way we will find out is thru betrayal.  He knows the hoops and loops.   However, Trump’s loyalty to Zion Israel may interfere in his decision making.  It appears to be present in his VP choices… disrupting the concept of – America FIRST.

US Taxpayers Paying For Israel & MAGA’s Have Been Trumped

Trump’s newest tease of potential VP’s is a hodge podge of Zionists and anti-Russia militants.  And people are getting jittery.   Is this a double switch?  Why else would he allow the same regime that rules Biden to continue their legacy under a Trump presidency?

Kennedy Jr. wants to jail anyone who is deemed a climate change denier.   And hope is slowly divested.   Regurgitating the mantra that China wants to take over the world, we are listening to Biden’s Handlers controlling Trump’s mouth.  NUKES on Taiwan!   What the fark?  Has Trump trumped The People?  Tim Scott is funded by AIPAC.   JD Vance was a 2016 ‘Never Trumper’ who has been a politician for one year while writing for CNN and WAPO.  Rubio is a neoconservative funded by Soros.   Kirsti Noem voted for antisemitism speech to be illegal and subject to criminal prosecution.  Elsie Stefanik is funded by Israel and Big Pharma.

And Israel/ZION wins.

CIA Director Burns has proposed a blackmail with Saudi Arabia – support Israel and we will guarantee your security.  Al Jazeera has been censored completely from Israel for its reporting on Gaza.  Netanyahu says he will start carpet bombing civilians in Rafah next week. As France’s election looms, Macron has put boots on the ground in Ukraine – the French Foreign Legion.  Politico reveals that the campus agitators are paid shills of Soros, Gates, Rockefeller, and Pritzker.  And a Trump win is looking like an extension of Biden.

Not Good.

The insertion of ‘agitators’ at protests has always been the ‘calling card’ of the Soros Zionists.  The purpose is to demonize anyone who is anti-war by association.  It is an old tactic.  And yet, it seems to work every time.   It was used in Charlotte, in Hong Kong, in France, etc… etc…   Tried and True.  Given the police order against the protestors came directly from Israel, we can assume Netanyahu is Cartel material.  Given that the extension of the Ben Gurion Canal is a profit motivation for Israel, it is likely a percentage was offered to Bin Salman.  Interestingly, the Ben Gurion Canal would go through the NEGEV Desert – where the ‘festival’ took place, and where the US recently installed two military bases.

Of course if the depopulation agenda were to go thru, there would be no money in tourism, no need to steal the oil and gas from Palestine, and the audience that the elite crave would no longer exist.   Are they that ignorant or is something else happening behind the scenes?

The $14.3 billion ‘additional’ aid to Israel is the US’s additional share of the cost of the Ben Gurion Canal extension – from the Sea to TelAviv!

While Saudi Arabia mulls an offer of a security guarantee similar to Israel’s, Bin Salman immediately raised its oil prices on Asia – affecting most prominently, China and India.

Moving on from Saudi Arabia, the CIA Director is in Qatar.  It will be interesting to see Qatar’s reaction tomorrow.  Will the entire Palestinian population be thrown under the bus by the Middle East?  For now Qatar has stated that it will not be blackmailed by either side.  Burns called for Hamas expulsion from Qatar – which is equivalent to suicide.

Saudi Arabia’s NEOM City is the source of Israeli blackmail.   The city would be allowed to use the Ben Gurion Canal, a much shorter route than the current Suez for the transport of tourists.  The Gaza Strip aid pier built by American troops at a US cost of $310 million is the beginning of the Canal expansion paid for by American Taxpayers.  It will be able to port cargo ships and cruise ships. But they need land transportation!

Not to worry, Israel is already busily building railways according to the Jewish Chronicle.  There are 11 tracks. The central line runs parallel to the route connecting Jenin, Nablus, Jerusalem’s outskirts, Hebron and Be’er Sheva.

“Another line connects to Jordan and Syria. There will also be … a line connecting the Allenby Bridge to Jerusalem and Ramallah; a line from Ramallah to Lod and Tel Aviv; a line connecting Kiryat Gat to Hebron; and another line in Gaza that will make it possible to connect Ramallah with the Gaza Strip using Israeli trains.  The valley line would serve tourists traveling to the Dead Sea, Eilat and the Sea of Galilee. We estimate that by 2035 we will see 30 million train rides.”

A major source of funding will be the confiscation of Palestine oil and gas reserves off the coast of Gaza, estimated to be worth roughly $550 billion.   And the Palestinians?   Whoever is left will be transferred to a tent city – for LIFE.

Trump will applaud.  Maybe he was offered land to build a world class golf course along the new international tourist zone.

Over the last 3+years, various ships have become stranded in the Suez Canal negatively affecting ‘supply chains’.   The purpose was to give the illusion that the Suez is no longer viable and an alternative Canal should solve all the problems.  The Suez Canal claims roughly 15% of all traffic between Asia and the Middle East.  It is a vital source of their economy and revenue with transit fees topping $10 billion annually.  While the Ben Gurion Canal would splinter Egypt’s economy,  And no one cares but Egypt.

It was never about Hamas.  It was never about climate change.  It was never about saving Americans from disease.   It was, is, and always will be about MONEY.

Do you think US Taxpayers will be given a share of the tourist rewards in Israel given we paid for it?  Maybe we’ll get a discount price on the Trump golf course?   Or maybe we will get what we always get – The Shaft!  And that is why Trump’s VP picks are all onboard the Israel MONEY.

CO Failed Constitutional Law – tries to supersede Federal Law

The Colorado Court’s decision to take Trump off the “Primary Ballot’ is basically doomed before it gets off the ground.   The decision was made without Constitutional due process.   The justices are creating an ‘opinion’ without a trial or conviction.   An appeal has no grounds because there is not a crime.   Opinion – is not law.   Therefore, Trump’s option is to bring it before the Federal Supreme Court which will immediately over-rule as to the Constitutionality – and likely punish the associate justices for their illegal action.

The Colorado Constitutional justices making this decision are not justices, they are associates, they have no Constitutional legal background, and have no legal authority because there has been no conviction.

Essentially, it is a distraction.

Technically, the ruling has been ‘stayed until January 4th’ when holidays are over and Justices return to court.   It is also the same time frame, January 1st, as the release of 177 Epstein associate names that will likely upend quite a few political careers.  The List is based on a civil lawsuit brought by one of the abused against Ghislaine Maxwell.   The names had been sealed from the public, and Federal Judge Preska has called for the List to be ‘unsealed’.   Some of the names include those of minor victims – who will likely remain sealed.

Many of the names on the List have already been mentioned in the media before – however, they are subjects of a lawsuit – a Legal Web of tangled proportions that could result in ‘whistleblowers’ coming forward for immunity.

The Colorado distraction is simply a means of deflection which the Media is all too happy to oblige.   The Justices that voted against Trump do not have a background in Constitutional Law to support their use of the 14th Amendment.  They include:
Richard Gabriel – an “Associate” justice whose specialty is business law.

William Hood III – an “Associate” justice who was previously a District prosecutor.

Monica Marquez – a former deputy AG, her expertise was employment law.

Melissa Hart – prior to being appointed to Colorado Supreme Court, Hart taught legal ethics and professionalism.  She gave a week long class for the Marshall-Brennan Constitutional Literary project which teaches high school students about discrimination.   The Project was created by Jamie Raskin, a far-left Jewish attorney whose ancestors came from Bolshevik Soviet Union.   A Constitutional Law teacher turned Congressman, Raskin refused to certify Trump’s 2016 election win based on Russiagate.   In 2021, Raskin was named the Impeachment Manager for Trump’s second impeachment with regard to the “Insurrection” – for which he was acquitted.

A Federal acquittal vs a Colorado non-trial illegal accusation… is a rather blatant form of election interference.   “The Supreme Court held that under Article III of the Constitution, the federal courts have the final jurisdiction in all cases involving the Constitution and laws of the United States, and that the states therefore cannot interfere with federal court judgments.”

They have no ability to convict Trump to support their argument.   Without a conviction, the entire stage play is simply another judicial comedy that could backfire and see these justices reprimanded for blatant disregard of Due Process.

“Due process of law is application by the state of all legal rules and principles pertaining to a case so all legal rights that are owed to a person are respected.”   Trump was not tried and convicted – his Federal acquittal supersedes their ability to impose this claim of Insurrection.

And once again the liberals have provided the American People with yet another reason to support Trump over every other candidate.  

US Congress’ Disfunctional Agendas Driving A Trump Victory

The Main Congressional issues that are being focused on before Christmas include;  abortion, money for Ukraine, money for Israel, money for climate change, sanctioning everybody, and Trump is a dictator…   The Main issues that are being focused on across the globe include:  expanded trade, growth, and peace.   Putin met with Saudi Arabia’s Bin Salman and the outcome included, “Bin Salman was willing to work with Russia to achieve stability and prosperity for the entire world, noting that the two nations had already achieved a lot in the spheres of energy, investment, and agriculture in the past seven years.”

This is what Leadership is supposed to look like – how to better benefit and grow partnerships.  Unfortunately, our esteemed bogeymen mentality is personified in Lloyd Austin claiming that the purpose of the US Military is to WIN Wars.   Not to deter War, or resolve Peace, or commit to détente – but to fight until the last man, woman and child – are dead.

According to Austin, if Congress doesn’t ante up more money to fight Russia in Ukraine, he is threatening to send our troops to Ukraine – thereby solidifying a World War scenario wherein the US is now a viable target for retaliation.   ALL for the Nazi’s and Zions in Ukraine. Biden bemuddles that unless $110 billion is brought to the table for Ukraine and Israel, Russia will attack and destroy NATO…   But NATO doesn’t have an army – NATO’s army is the US!

What has Lloyd Austin in a panty-wad is the fact that he already secured orders for military weapons to restock the US inventory – and doesn’t have any money left from last year’s budget which he overspent by $227 billion. Pentagon Black Book accounting.  China’s entire Military Budget is $230 Billion – yet somehow they pose a threat?

Trump’s humor was on full display as he announced to Hannity that he would Rule as a Dictator for One Day if elected in 2024.   Every incoming President spends days, weeks or even months issuing Executive Orders – which in fact do enforce a dictatorship.  But the MSM and Liberals don’t understand the humor or irony and instead whimper and wet and whine because Trump likely will;  Pull out of NATO.  Pull out of the UN.   Pull out of all Climate Change related funding.   Open up all drilling.   Withdraw from WHO.   And secure The Border!   Our border – not Ukraine’s or Israel’s.

But of course, we still must face that nasty-pants revelation – Voter Fraud and Corruption perpetrated by the Liberals and Rhino’s.  

The Ukraine War will not go down favorably in the history books.   Russia has essentially beaten Ukraine, US, UK, Germany, France, Canada, and Japan.   The humility is a direct result of fools and idiots running our Militaries and Intelligensia!   Every General should be stripped of his rank and medals.  Israel’s Mossad and IDF are humiliated as well – resorting to killing women and children because they can’t make inroads on HAMAS.  While it is unknown how many actual HAMAS members have been killed, the last estimate was roughly 100 – 5,000 compared to 20,000 civilian casualties and tens of thousands severely injured.   Of course, Israel is using Common Core Math.

In a world of nonrelevance, the UN undersecretary, Jean Pierre Lacroix stated,  “The world still needs UN peacekeepers”.   WHY?   Because, they want to keep their jobs – not peace.  UN peacekeepers cost roughly $1.5 billion per year on a total budget of $6.45 Billion.  In 2023, the US gave the UN $1.5 Billion – more than all EU states combined.  IF there was peace, there would be no need for a UN.   There are over 35 armed conflicts across Africa displacing more than 40 million – and the UN stokes every one of them.   The need for war is twofold;   chaos and money.  Chaos is the definition of satan.

Over 40 Congressional members will be retiring or won’t seek re-election this next term.   The vast majority are Democrats and Rhino’s.   Their reasoning is consistent – dysfunction and lies.

The question is – their lies that could get them a criminal conviction… or their peers – because lying seems to be a pre-requisite for being in Congress.   Opening the field is more likely a direct result of the grumbling regarding a Trump victory wherein he pledges to once again – call the CLEANER.   Only this time, he is armed with a full glass of reality.

The clansmen decry the fact that Trump didn’t fire more people!  How dare he not fire everyone!   How dare he NOT invoke the Insurrection Act when states allowed their cities to be burned and destroyed…  Except, the President may only intervene with federal troops in State’s business when the governor requests he do so…   DANG – Law.

Of course these same minion clansmen had no idea who the rhinos were much less the notion there were rhinos.   They tend to parlay from the forked tongue gamut employed by the bookseller, Ann Coulter.   A neoconservative rhino who has lost her mojo, Coulter sits back and details how awful everyone is – but herself – having done nothing to assist or deter – anything!

The lounge chair shrews.

The far-left Atlantic has already declared that should Trump win the 2024 election, Congress will pull impeachment charges, criminal charges, and use a whipping post at every intersection.   They assert that Trump will attempt to use the Supreme Court to allow himself to be pardoned in defiance of the Law.

ARTICLE 2:   “The Supreme Court referred to the President’s authority to pardon as unlimited except in cases of impeachment, extending to every offence known to the law and able to be exercised either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.    Clemency may only be granted for Offenses against the United States, meaning that state criminal offenses and federal or state civil claims are not covered.”

Trump’s lawyers know this.  Trump knows this.   So the Atlantic may find itself legally adrift in their thinking.   But then their Editor in Chief is a former Israeli IDF prison guard who relished every Palestinian prisoner he interred while celebrating his own Zionism… 

Vander Plaats Endorsement of DeSantis Over Trump


What happens when a Pastor loses perspective of his role in the church?   What happens when a Pastor begins to see himself within the frame of Power instead of shepherd?  What happens when a Pastor becomes a church’s politician?  What happens when Pastors are led astray by a Snake?  What happens is the Pastor is no longer a Pastor – but instead sees himself above the congregation instead of ‘beside it’.

Billed as an influential Evangelical leader, Bob Vander Plaats is the CEO of The Family Leader.  He recently endorsed DeSantis for president after DeSantis’ campaign gave Plaats foundation $95,000 ostensibly in return for the endorsement.  Plaats website states, “Inspiring the church to engage government in God’s Kingdom”.   In actuality, the engagement mentioned = control.   An ardent anti-Trump activist, Plaats views DeSantis as a Godly man and only Godly men that are vetted by Plaats through his “ChooseWell” platform are worthy of being in political office.  And he, Plaats, wants to select those office holders for DeSantis…

The ChooseWell Platform does not even list Trump as a potential candidate, and thus has already revealed a significant bias.   A Power vacuum, Plaats has essentially told his followers to abandon Trump and vote according to his measure of morality.   A lobbying effort – not a religious organization.  According to its IRS Form 990, The Family Leader receives the majority of its compensation from ‘government institutions’ and pays Plaats roughly $200,000.   In addition Plaats operates, The Family Leader, Inc – wherein donations are not a charitable deduction, his salary is an additional $220,000 and Net Assets are roughly $1.377 million.   As of 2022, The Family Leader Foundation has Net Assets of roughly $1 million untaxed.

Donors are NOT revealed including government subsidies of his organization.  And grants or donations from these entities are nonexistent.  His public audience is his mission – not actions or charity.

Having failed to be elected Governor of Iowa on three separate instances, Plaat’s ego would seem to supersede his appeal.  His claim to have selected three successful presidential candidates includes:  Cruz, Santorum, and Huckabee.   Santorum is a neoconservative in alliance with McCain, Bush and Pence, characterized as an extreme hawk.   Cruz has lost a significant base of appeal due to his personal activities.   And Huckabee – we would have to ask his opinion.

Plaat is quite vocal on Twitter/X in his constant drivel against Trump as opposed to his supposed self portrayal as above such pettiness.   A superiority complex.  Thus pronouncing himself as a nonChristian and a wolf among the sheep.

Plaats disparaging comments regarding Trump include;   1.  His admiration for Jenna Ellis, whose plea deal would seemingly include denouncing Trump on social media,  2.  Trump is responsible for CoVid,   3.  Trump is responsible for Jan 6th,   4.   Trump is responsible for the inactivation of the gold standard,   5.  Trump hired Fauci and is responsible for not firing him…etc…

Plaat is pro-Israel calling for the annihilation of Hamas and Gaza, without seemingly realizing, or perhaps just ignoring, the fact that today’s Israel is Secular – not Christian – not Judea.   His posts highlight the ‘sanctity of life’ for all – except those he doesn’t like or agree with – Again denouncing the Biblical account of the Hebrews and Semites.  All while working directly with the Rhino RNC in his lobbying campaign.

A Power vacuum with all the hawks, Rhinos, and agendas facilitating the same Cabalist kingdom – small k.

The essence of Plaats message is that people of his stature are the only ones deserving to live – and to lead.

A Power struggle within the evangelicals is emerging.  It is led by the hawks who decry the ‘sanctity of life’ for me, but not for those I personally oppose.   It is the Nikki Haley call for War Forever.   It presupposes that by pronouncing oneself an evangelical one is superior to those beneath their vision.   This is not a true Christian view and should be called out for what it desires;  the absolute monarchial control of America via a self appointed King who will rule according to their Kingdom Protocol.

And the End Result will be a colony lorded and ruled via an absolute Authority of Power.

Such an endorsement by Plaats upon DeSantis exalts the Truth behind this assembly and should scare the bejeebies out of every Christian, Catholic and Jew.   It will invoke the annihilation of every religion that is NOT within their doctrine and stands against the Biblical convention.

Do Not Be Fooled.   This is a Power Play of Deceptive Authority using the Bible as a idol for its application.

Everything Is Trump’s Fault: Declares the Anarchist Casey

The Conservatives of America will never unite.   The only viable candidate must possess a degree in law, political science, medicine, biology, religion, chemistry, economics, public heath, engineering, history, philosophy, mathematics, and mechanics in order to be considered.   But if he’s wearing anything but red socks – he’s OUT!   The ideology of perfection is nothing less than God.   God must be the US President.   Yet even then, they would find fault –

This is the reality of our culture.

I was reading an interview with Doug Casey and left with an incomprehensible awe of bridled disbelief.   The argument was regarding Trump and the fact that he made mistakes – he surrounded himself with bad people. Unintentionally.   But there is still no excuse.   Twitter is fraught with allegations that Trump botched the CoVid lockdown, meltdown atrocities and should have known better.

Why?   Because, 3 years after the fact everyone is an expert medical biologist with a degree in basketweaving.   Hindsight.   Yet the very same recommendations made by Trump, ie Vitamin D3 and C, were met with jeers and death threats!   Those same recommendations are now considered the cure. Treat it like a bad flu.

In 2016, theologian John Piper told his entire congregation that Trump wasn’t good enough and to vote for Pence –  Why   Because, he professed Christian doctrine. Hindsight.  Pence revealed himself to be the traitor, the turncoat, the fake Christian.   He is a rhino wearing a mask of the wolf.

Only God is eligible to be President.   Because perfection, a completely unattainable human condition, is required.

Trump should have known who all the wolves were. He should be able to surveil each and every house, bedroom, office and court room of every individual to know their secret inclinations.   Trump should have fired everybody – even those he  legally couldn’t.

Ann is shredding Trump for not completing the border wall.   “He deserves what he got”!   “He Failed”!   Melania’s close advisor wrote a tell-all book after spying on the First Lady.   Melania Failed!   Or my favorite, “Melania was never on the cover of Vogue, therefore she is ugly”!   These commentaries are not just from liberals – they are from wolf-conservatives.   They are vile – and they are devoid of humanity.

Ironically, Doug Casey’s fame came on the coattails of his multi-millionaire father’s real estate tycoon developments.   An atheist, Casey lives in Argentina. He states that Trump is unfit because he is a Jacobin.   What he doesn’t say is – who would be a viable and willing President that would meet his expectations.   It appears – no one.

Everybody is a self-proclaimed ‘expert’ – in hindsight.  

JFK’s VP was Lyndon Johnson, his CIA Director was Allen Dulles – thick as thieves they would have been hung in an America built on justice and truth.   Reagan had Bush – a devout Clintonite in disguise.   Obama was handed a corrupt Biden.   And Biden has the desert camel.

Trump a Jacobin?   Jacobin’s align with far left ideologies of socialism, authoritarianism, big government, and a peasant class state.   Doug Casey’s claim that this is representative of Trump is clearly false – yet it reflects a rhino sentimentality.   Not in Trump – but in Casey.

It is worthy to note that Casey’s preferred country, Argentina, where he has a  residential sporting estate project, Estancia de Cafayate”, is a country ruled under the Frente de Todos Party.   Their ideology includes: left wing populism, social democracy, progressivism, and communism.   The front runner for the coming Presidential election is anarcho-capitalist, Javier Milei.   And thus it becomes more clear why Casey would deride President Trump and falsely label him a Jacobin when in fact Jacobian ideology is anarchism and Casey self identifies as an anarcho-capitalist.

Hate to break the news but neither God nor Jesus will ever be elected US President.   Anarchy breeds chaos.   The wall was not built because of rhinos.   The Pandemic was supported by – rhinos.   The economy is being driven into a full-blown Great Depression II by rhino’s aligned with Democrats.   And Bolshevik communism is the end result if The People adhere to – it’s all Trump’s fault – while sitting on their arses, drinking Jacobian kool-aide.

Trump’s Destiny Is To Conduct The Orchestra

DESTINY.   Trump’s destiny is designed.   When I was a dancer, we were always told ‘we are an instrument’.  We were there to convey – to emote – and to interpret the music.   Because the music came first.   Trump is an instrument.   His music is the United States.   He is building an orchestra.   That orchestra embodies the United States.   As Bannon declared, we are not a cult following we are the violins, the flutes, the saxophones – coming together in a united Rachmaninoff Concerto!

In God’s world, each of us has a destiny.   None is less important than the other because the Concerto is the goal or end-product.   If one instrument becomes lost, the other musicians quickly and quietly surround this violin and mediate the loss until he recovers, and the music is once again whole.   A constant flow.

Uniqueness was the creation, not perfection.   We can testify that we are each unique – we can also testify that none of us are perfect.   I sometimes liken our individual destiny to ‘gifts’.   Bestowed on us by God.   Trump’s gift is not being swayed by Power.   The Power that corrupts.   Instead, his love for this country and what it represents drives his gift.  The gift of freeing us from tyranny.

Sometimes each of us need to be reminded that we are united.   An ensemble.   It is the Power vacuum that needs us to believe we are divided.   Because their Power under unity quickly dissolves – like the wicked witch of the west – OZ.

When Trump becomes President, he takes the role of Conductor.   And the sheet music for us, the instruments, is Debussy’s Clair de Lune.  Journey to understand the soul.  The My mother spent most of her life attempting to perfect that Sonata.   And alas, so will we now.   Because we failed to tune our instruments properly.   A string broke.  The lights went out and we couldn’t see.   The music was not in our heart, it was on a piece of paper.

In all my years, I have never witnessed an orchestral performance wherein the entire ensemble just QUIT.

Sometimes improvisation can awaken the soul.   Sometimes the violin just needs a little polish.   And sometimes it needs a new set of strings.   If we don’t take care of the instrument, soon it can no longer play.   It is a constant dedication.   But the Power Cabal have no instrument at all.   They are banging tin cups and telling us they make music.   We are told this grating sound is music, to make us believe.  And some do.

But a tin cup is not Debussy.   It is not Rachmaninoff.   It is easily dented.

There is no other candidate whose destiny is to make music.   They play tin cups.

They want to play with the tyrannical Power, not as Conductors, but as Masters.  They fear Trump because he is unifying the ensemble and growing the cast.   Our music will be brilliant!   And theirs will be revealed for what it is when the illusion is broken.   Noise.

When I was a dancer on stage in DC, mid performance I drew a blank and forgot my next move.  I didn’t stop, I improvised while maintaining a report with the music and my fellow dancers.   We finished as an ensemble.   My dad was in the audience.  After our production ended and we went backstage my dad came to congratulate me.   The first thing he said was, “You got lost”.   I was stricken, surely no one had noticed.   But he had.   Then he smiled,  “Good improv.”.

Never stop mid-performance and just stand there.   Never give up.  Never let the music end.   And most of all – NEVER allow tyranny to WIN.  We are an ensemble.   

We Each Have Each Other’s Back Because The Music Never Dies.