Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness – A Ponzi Scam

Biden is desperate to find something positive in order to promote voting for Democrats in the 2024 election.   After being gob-smacked for his The Economy is Great campaign, he is now relying on his student debt relief as a ping in his favor.   The Supreme Court already turned down his proposed massive across the board relief, so how is he manipulating Laws to grant loan relief?

Plan B is equally unconstitutional given it does not apply to the General Welfare, but instead to a ‘select group’ he created:  1.  Borrowers with balances greater than what they originally borrowed,   2.  Borrowers who have been in repayment for at least 25 years,   3.  Borrowers who attend programs that did not provide sufficient financial value,  and 4.  Borrowers who never applied to other relief programs for which they are eligible.

The justification being used is the Higher Education Act of 1965.  $6 billion of the loan forgiveness Biden is touting is actually a lawsuit settlement, Sweet vs Cardona from 2022.  NONE of the relief will take effect until summer of 2025 and NONE is guaranteed as negotiations are still being mapped.   In essence Biden’s Twitter Tweets regarding his accomplishment of debt cancellation for students is Disinformation.  It is propaganda.

Legal action can not be taken against the plan until the plan is finalized.   At which point lawsuits will prevail as they did with his Plan A.   It is simply Democrat fodder for Election 2024.

The 1965 HEA Act was signed by Johnson as part of his Great Society agenda:

It increased federal money given to universities, created scholarships, gave low-interest loans for students, and established a National Teachers Corps. The “financial assistance for students” is covered in Title IV of the HEA.

There are 45.3 million borrowers holding student debt.   The interest rate on loans ranges from 5.5% to 7.05%.   25% of student debt is for $10,000 or less.  Over 100 people owe more than $1 million in student debt.   10.8% of borrowers default in their first year.   The default rate is highest among blacks at 17.7%.   According to The Department of Education, a default can be forgiven upon death or fraud…

The total outstanding balance on student debt is $1.77 Trillion.   IF Biden is successful, he will reduce the outstanding debt to $1.37 Trillion – or 22%.   However, loans will continue to be made throughout 2024 and 2025 without ANY modification to the means and rules.

The rule within Biden’s Plan B, #3, is likely to be the most controversial.   Students who graduate with a major that earns them zero gain in the employment industry is a ‘choice’.   For Example:   As of Today Harvard, University of Florida, University of Texas, NY University, and Stanford, provide a new class entitled, “Taylor Swift”.   Obviously, this Class/Degree program is highly unlikely to benefit ANYONE financially – except Taylor Swift who is likely given an override fee.

There are a host of degrees that are currently termed useless – unless – one extends the degree into a specialty field, Masters Program, thereby ensuring the University of more Money:  Psychology, Philosophy, Language, Ethnic Studies, Culinary Arts, Creative Writing, etc…  In addition, most students now take a minimum of five years to earn a bachelors degree.

The College Degree scam is a Ponzi Schematic. 

For decades colleges have falsely advertised that a college degree guarantees higher wages and successful careers.   To make matters worse, many colleges offer bought and paid for degrees offline.   For Example:  It has been speculated that AOC never actually went to any university based on her acute lack of knowledge and any pictures to uphold her claim.   In fact, colleges will sell not only a degree, but transcripts as well to uphold the lie.   A mill.

The overall college entrance rate is 38%.   However, the graduation rate is as low as 20% and averages at roughly 40%.   By Contrast – Trade schools concentrate on specific training in a field that is marketable, are upwards of 1000% less expensive than college, and take half the time.  The supposed ‘disadvantage’ is that a student doesn’t get the College Experience.   You know, the hazing, the drinking, the brawls, and hookups…

In the meantime, like everything else the government handles, there is no actual solution to the student loan crisis.   In order to repair the problem, universities need to make guarantees.   They need to drop course work in Taylor Swift studies.   They need to be accountable to students in terms of their careers – instead of the almighty dollar.   The fault needs to be mitigated – not the result.

There are nearly 6,000 colleges in the US.   They vie for students by making false claims and vie for government money to uphold their extravagant spending.   Harvard’s annual budget is now $5.4 billion of which just $1.2 billion comes from student loans and payments.   The vast majority of Harvard funding comes from the Federal Government/US Taxpayers.  Truckers and Machinists and Cooks are funding Harvard.  The government agencies include:  DoD, NIH, CDC, DHHS, and NSF.

Harvard’s Net Assets/Endowment stands at $50.7 Billion – nearly 10 times its annual budget of which 63% is spent on wages and pensions.  WHY does it continue to receive Taxpayer funding?   It boasts a surplus each and every year.   WHY does it continue to receive taxpayer funding?   This is the problem the US Government needs to FIX.   NOT student debt.   This is the source of irresponsible spending for which US middle class taxpayers foot the bill – and this represents ONE example of nearly 6,000 Colleges.

OUR Government has usurped their power as provided in the US Constitution over and over again.   POWERS must be stripped.   At every level.

Speaker Mike Johnson – A Wolf of the Rhino Uniparty Cabal

Speaker Mike Johnson has stated that Israel will be supported by the US unconditionally both financially and morally.   A Christian endorsing secular paganism.  Unconditionally.  Pouring money into the Cabalist Pot while the US languishes in poverty, debt, and an illegal crisis costing taxpayers $451 billion.   America is Falling!   The American People Do Not want another dime going to ANY country – much less the pockets of the Cabal via Ukraine and Israel – where are the true Christians?

Mike Johnson also declared that sending more money to Ukraine is a priority of The People.  Speaker Mike Johnson is neither Christian or pro-America, he is simply another puppet doling out taxpayer funds according to whim.

Many Christians believe that anyone who ‘identifies’ as Christian is a good governmental leader.   Disregarding any other criteria, the label of Christian becomes a hijacked farcical delusion that supports the idiotic idea that Pelosi and Biden are Catholics.   Albeit aligned with a fake Pope who has turned the Vatican into a carnival of clowns.   I’m sure Trump will be blamed for another rhino dominating within the US government – Mike Johnson, a Christian communist.

Speaking in Sarasota, Florida, Johnson was flanked by Vern Buchanan a tax avoider, rhino in bed with the Bushes and Romney.   Also accompanying Johnson and Buchanan was Dan Newhouse who voted to impeach Trump.  In 2009, Democrat governor, Christine Gregoire of Washington, selected Newhouse, who ‘identified’ as a Republican, to head the Washington State Department of Agriculture.

In other words, Johnson is backed by a delegation of rhinos and has preyed on the American People with false ideologies and promises.   A Wolfe.

ANY politicians sponsoring Israel and Ukraine have no intention of Saving America!

Perspective:   Your Household is in debt $500,000 with no means to payoff the debt.   Your wife decides to take a loan out in husband’s name in order to give her best friend $100,000 to buy a Porsche.   Same logic.   Zelenskyy uses the $$$$$gift to buy lavish real estate in Italy and Netanyahu, worth over $80 million, will use the money to buy himself a yacht. 

And US Taxpayers pay for it.   At the behest of Mike Johnson and his crony rhinos.

Truth Social – the Trump Train – is awash in demanding the annihilation of Palestinians, colonizing their entire land and giving it to the secular Ashkenazis in the name of The Bible.   Death to the barbarians is now a call to action.   I decided to read a part of the Covenant of Hamas – not cabalist ‘selected excerpts’, but the translated narrative.  Their protocols.   In contrast to Israel’s secular paganism, these Muslims believe in God, believe in Jesus Christ, and take exception with those aligned within the Cabal – The Rothschilds, aka Zionism.  This is why the Sephardic and Hasidic Jews align with Palestine, they share God.   And Zion hates God.

Too often the governments of the West, justify Israeli settlements as a protocol of the Balfour Declaration.   There were four authors of The Balfour Declaration;  Walter Rothschild, Arthur Balfour, Leo Amery, and Lord Milner.  Politicians and South Africa colonialists, these four declared Edmond Rothschild the righteous authority to occupy Palestine.   Signatories absent in this Declaration?  Palestinians.

The Israeli Declaration of Independence was signed in 1948 by Zionist Ben Gurion.  Absent signatories included Palestinian authorities and the entire Arab World.  The Declaration gave the Rothschild Ashkenazis 56% of Palestine w/o Jerusalem.   Today, over 90% of Palestine is under Zionist Rule.

Perspective:   Xi Jinping makes a deal with the Zionists to colonize America.   The Zionists agree, for the price of $1 Trillion and 10% of all present and future resources.   China pays.   China moves into America and citizens are given the opportunity to leave – or be killed.  Anyone of any faith must immediately deny their faith – leave or be killed.

In 2022, Zelenskyy, a secular Ashkenazi, began cracking down on Ukrainian parishes and announced a ban on religious organizations that had any religious affiliation with Russian Orthodox churches.   Before Zelenskyy, the bulk of Ukrainians were Orthodox Christians affiliated with the Russian Orthodox church.    Subsequently, raids were conducted wherein priests were arrested and tortured.

March 2023, Zelenskyy raided an Orthodox monastery, opened criminal cases against the clergy and took control of the monastery complex.   Zionists hate God.   But Speaker Mike Johnson, a Christian, wants to give Zelenskyy more – money!  And his fellow Rhinos line up for a piece of the profits.

Winter is upon Ukraine.   Most of the US weapon inventory sent to Ukraine is out-dated and does not work in the severe cold of the region.   60% of the committed funds for Ukraine were actually redirected to The Pentagon for new procurements from our Military Industrial Complex – not sent to Ukraine.   Of the $113 billion committed already, only $75 billion has been spent – leaving a pot of money still sitting – or already distributed to the Cabalists and their rhino’s at large.   The long war wherein the US and UK orchestrators refused any peace agreement, is an abject failure of intelligence and strategy – via the CIA, DoD and MI6.

Ukraine is simply another Afghanistan, another Syria, another VietNam.   And The Powers are busily securing a propaganda campaign that will realize this War as an American Win.   Much like the Israeli propaganda attempting to dehumanize Palestinians along the same trajectory as Russians, as Syrians, as Iranians.

Enemies are essential… 9-11.  

“Five Israelis were filmed dancing with glee as the Twin Towers Fell.   They were detained by the US government and ‘deported to Israel’…  Their names were;   Sivan Kurzberg,  Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari.   Their statement to the police/FBI – “ We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem.”   The internet is scrubbed of any additional information regarding these “IDF or possible Mossad operatives” and Israel takes over additional land belonging to the Palestinians.  

Did these Israeli Mossad take care of ‘our problem’, aka the documentation of The Pentagon’s unaccounted for Trillions that was located in the Twin Towers?  Tit-For-Tat – did Israel ask the US to eliminate Palestinians?   Was that the Deal?

The US Constitutionality of Welfare

According to Forbes, Netanyau’s net worth is estimated to be $80 million with a 400% annual growth rate on an annual salary of $179,000.   He is considered one of the wealthiest Prime Ministers in the world.   His real estate holdings include;  a beach house in Malibu, a penthouse in NYC, a vacation home, a luxurious home, and a penthouse apartment in Israel at a total value of roughly $30 million.   Yet, we are told to investigate Hamas wealth.

The political corruption is a global phenomena.  And bears witness to the fact that not one of these politicians can be said to be remotely adhering to Christian values or any other religious denomination.   As in the old adage;  Power Corrupts.

Would this Power be curtailed if certain criteria were instituted regarding;  term limits, market trade limitations, salary limits, and the elimination entirely of pensions – with the exception of The Military – and even then with exception to net worth limitations?

Pensions are becoming the number one expenditure for many government institutions, including the Department of Education whose value is near zero.   The budget for the 2023 Department of Education is pushing $275 billion – on expenditures of $308 billion.   The first accounting error in the Department is the fact that student aid is $200 billion or 60% of the entire budget.  The second error is of course – over-spending.  Student Aid is technically an asset, a receivable – not an expense.   The reason it becomes an ‘expense’ would be if it is not aid – but instead, a gift.  A gift is taxable to the recipient and should be offset by the 20% tax rate – in a strict accounting scenario.

But The US Constitution does NOT allow Congress to make GIFTS…

The next five Department of Education spending grifts are for 5 different Offices for a total expenditure of $140 billion – to operate the Department.   The remaining expenditure categories include; education disaster recovery, education sciences, English language, and upper management.

In other words, this Department has become a monopoly of AID which includes aid to families hiding wealth –

How can we eliminate the massive hidden assets that drive poverty?

It is estimated that Hidden Assets amount to $7.8-$9.8 TRILLION globally with an annual increase of roughly $40 billion.   Assets that are never taxed.   Will a data credit system make hiding wealth easier or harder?  Are the players ever punished?   How can it be tracked?

CBDC’s are being tagged as the future for Central Banking.   But is Central Banking at the helm of financial collapses, money laundering, and corruption?

Central Banking was a post WWI construct to control the money and money supply.   They operate as a monopoly and were established to prevent money laundering, terrorism financing, consumer protection and bank fraud.  However, everything they were created to deter, they made – easier.   There is little differentiation between ‘paper money’ and ‘digital money’ backed by nothing …  Conversion is simply a means for making fraud and laundering more private $$$$ for the criminals while making credit more tight for the individual.

The invoking of the Central Banking System was incorporated most widely by The House of Rothschild, Oppenheim, and Hottinguer.   The purpose was to elevate public debt.   And thus the Cartel was preserved and exponentially expanded as individuals incurred usury unsustainable debt.

The Department of Education was established with its primary purpose being to gather statistics and information.   By the Carter years, its purpose morphed into funding debt.  A welfare program paid for by Taxpayers.   But they were not alone.   The Department of Agriculture became the stop-gap for funding free school lunches – more welfare.   And The Department of Interior funds free education for all Native Americans – like Pocahontas – Elizabeth Warren.

The argument for maintaining these welfare programs and Departments was justified by liberal interpretations of the Commerce Clause of The Constitution:  Congress shall have the power to regulate Commerce among foreign nations, with states, and with Indian Tribes.  

Commerce is legally defined as:  the activity of selling, trading, exchanging, and transporting goods and people. 

Welfare is NOT Commerce.  The entire point of commerce is profit.  Welfare is NOT a Constitutional Right, it is not mentioned in any interpretation of clause with the following General Welfare/Taxation Clause:

Article I, Section 8, Clause 1:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.

Does Welfare benefit the ‘General Welfare’ of the People of The United States uniformly?

No.   It is not uniform to the Common Good – and only applies to free goods and services benefiting a particular segment of society – the poor.   Thus Welfare is NOT supported by The US Constitution in any form.  Whether in the form of free education, free meals, free housing, free food, free insurance or any of the bountiful programs instituted outside of our constitution.  It is illegal.

Some pundits would argue that welfare is a ‘Civil Right’.  Yet, Civil Rights are applied only on the basis of ‘discrimination’ – not as a civil mandate.   According to HHS of the Federal Government, there is no civil right related to a person’s income level.  Civil RIghts are a protection based on identity.

Welfare was instituted during the FDR New Deal era as various Acts – Social Security Act, The Housing Act, etc…  However, every ACT must be supported by The Constitution.   In 1803, The Supreme court held that Congress cannot pass laws that are contrary to The Constitution.

And The Constitution is quite clear that ‘General Welfare’ means that it must apply uniformly to the Common Good.   There is no clause that specifies that allieving income disparity or poverty is Commerce unless said persons would become self sufficient productive members of society contributing to The Common Good and repay their debt.

The Departments of Education, Interior, Agriculture, and Housing are operating outside of The Constitution when making welfare payments via a nonrepayable gift.  Therefore, the elimination of these entities is a viable Supreme Court Lawsuit furthering the reigning in of profiting off Political Corruption – and laundering said profits via offshore, nontaxable, havens sitting on Tens or Hundreds of TRILLIONS – at the Expense of Taxpayers.

Vander Plaats Endorsement of DeSantis Over Trump


What happens when a Pastor loses perspective of his role in the church?   What happens when a Pastor begins to see himself within the frame of Power instead of shepherd?  What happens when a Pastor becomes a church’s politician?  What happens when Pastors are led astray by a Snake?  What happens is the Pastor is no longer a Pastor – but instead sees himself above the congregation instead of ‘beside it’.

Billed as an influential Evangelical leader, Bob Vander Plaats is the CEO of The Family Leader.  He recently endorsed DeSantis for president after DeSantis’ campaign gave Plaats foundation $95,000 ostensibly in return for the endorsement.  Plaats website states, “Inspiring the church to engage government in God’s Kingdom”.   In actuality, the engagement mentioned = control.   An ardent anti-Trump activist, Plaats views DeSantis as a Godly man and only Godly men that are vetted by Plaats through his “ChooseWell” platform are worthy of being in political office.  And he, Plaats, wants to select those office holders for DeSantis…

The ChooseWell Platform does not even list Trump as a potential candidate, and thus has already revealed a significant bias.   A Power vacuum, Plaats has essentially told his followers to abandon Trump and vote according to his measure of morality.   A lobbying effort – not a religious organization.  According to its IRS Form 990, The Family Leader receives the majority of its compensation from ‘government institutions’ and pays Plaats roughly $200,000.   In addition Plaats operates, The Family Leader, Inc – wherein donations are not a charitable deduction, his salary is an additional $220,000 and Net Assets are roughly $1.377 million.   As of 2022, The Family Leader Foundation has Net Assets of roughly $1 million untaxed.

Donors are NOT revealed including government subsidies of his organization.  And grants or donations from these entities are nonexistent.  His public audience is his mission – not actions or charity.

Having failed to be elected Governor of Iowa on three separate instances, Plaat’s ego would seem to supersede his appeal.  His claim to have selected three successful presidential candidates includes:  Cruz, Santorum, and Huckabee.   Santorum is a neoconservative in alliance with McCain, Bush and Pence, characterized as an extreme hawk.   Cruz has lost a significant base of appeal due to his personal activities.   And Huckabee – we would have to ask his opinion.

Plaat is quite vocal on Twitter/X in his constant drivel against Trump as opposed to his supposed self portrayal as above such pettiness.   A superiority complex.  Thus pronouncing himself as a nonChristian and a wolf among the sheep.

Plaats disparaging comments regarding Trump include;   1.  His admiration for Jenna Ellis, whose plea deal would seemingly include denouncing Trump on social media,  2.  Trump is responsible for CoVid,   3.  Trump is responsible for Jan 6th,   4.   Trump is responsible for the inactivation of the gold standard,   5.  Trump hired Fauci and is responsible for not firing him…etc…

Plaat is pro-Israel calling for the annihilation of Hamas and Gaza, without seemingly realizing, or perhaps just ignoring, the fact that today’s Israel is Secular – not Christian – not Judea.   His posts highlight the ‘sanctity of life’ for all – except those he doesn’t like or agree with – Again denouncing the Biblical account of the Hebrews and Semites.  All while working directly with the Rhino RNC in his lobbying campaign.

A Power vacuum with all the hawks, Rhinos, and agendas facilitating the same Cabalist kingdom – small k.

The essence of Plaats message is that people of his stature are the only ones deserving to live – and to lead.

A Power struggle within the evangelicals is emerging.  It is led by the hawks who decry the ‘sanctity of life’ for me, but not for those I personally oppose.   It is the Nikki Haley call for War Forever.   It presupposes that by pronouncing oneself an evangelical one is superior to those beneath their vision.   This is not a true Christian view and should be called out for what it desires;  the absolute monarchial control of America via a self appointed King who will rule according to their Kingdom Protocol.

And the End Result will be a colony lorded and ruled via an absolute Authority of Power.

Such an endorsement by Plaats upon DeSantis exalts the Truth behind this assembly and should scare the bejeebies out of every Christian, Catholic and Jew.   It will invoke the annihilation of every religion that is NOT within their doctrine and stands against the Biblical convention.

Do Not Be Fooled.   This is a Power Play of Deceptive Authority using the Bible as a idol for its application.

Germany’s Recession Translates To Ukraine’s Growth

Germany is traveling at warp speed toward a complete spiral into an economic collapse reminiscent of the 1930’s.   The US intelligentsia has declared that the sanctions imposed on Russia, and in particular Russian oil, have had zero impact on Germany’s economy – and they just can’t get it together.  Yet, these barnyard hens and rooster clucks fail to mention that as of December 31, the fuel subsidies will end. Germany has been subsidizing electricity and fuel costs for its citizens thru price limits.   Price fixing was the brainchild of FDR – and failed stupendously! 

Price fixing is wholly illegal unless you are the government.   Under the socialist, FDR New Deal plan, involving several federal agencies in addition to the OPA, he called for heavier taxes, price control, stable wages, stable farm prices, war bond buying, rationing, and less consumer credit.  What FDR got was poverty, bread lines, and death.

Germany’s PM Scholz appears to be following this New Deal Protocol and is about to untether the previously instituted price controls in the middle of winter.   Since 2019, Germany has been forced to borrow to meet its budget which is in violation of its Constitution mandate, ‘Schuldenbremse, or debt brake’.   Unlike other EU countries, Germany has yet to revitalize its economy and has been operating within a recession for the most part of 2023.

Facing an $85 billion deficit for 2023, Germany’s skid marks on the autobahn are due to irresponsible spending on a worthless military, Ukraine, and subsidies to counter the lack of cheap Russian Oil.   With hopes to reduce its oil imports from Russia to zero by 2024, Germany is ramping up imports from Kazakhstan.   Kazakhstan imports its oil from – Russia.  As such, Germany will pay a higher middle man fee to get the same oil it could get directly from Russia – and German citizens will suffer the consequences.

In the midst of Germany’s failure to balance their budget, and manage fuel subsidies for its populations, Scholz has declared that they will spend $8 billion on Ukraine in 2024 which should maintain their entire economy for one year… Apparently, Schulz is unaware that the Ukraine War has virtually ended!  As in CRASH landing.

According to Deutsche Welle, Germany committed 17.1 billion Euro for Ukraine since the war’s inception in January 2022.   According to their source, Kiel Institute, the US committed 42 billion Euro military aid and another 24 billion in financial aid… = $72 billion US Total.   Interesting.

According to The Pentagon White House Media Spin – the US allocation from all departments is closer to $200+ billion…   According to a report issued by US Congress, the figures are even more compelling:   Total Presidential Drawdowns = $24.5 billion on committed funds of $46.7 billion:   $25.93 went directly to the DoD to buy new equipment from Boeing, Northrup and Lockheed for their profit margin.   $18 billion for Ukraine’s Security Assistance Initiative.   $4.73 billion for Ukraine and any countries impacted by Ukraine for Foreign Military Financing.  And $300 million per year for good measure.

The Formal Dictum:   “The United States has committed more than $46.7 billion in security assistance “to help Ukraine preserve its territorial integrity, secure its borders, and improve interoperability with NATO”.

Ukraine also has received assistance pursuant to DOD’s security cooperation authorities, notably Building Partner Capacity (10 U.S.C. §333) and Defense Institution Building (10 U.S.C. §332), as well as International Military Education and Training, which has provided professional military education at U.S. defense institutions for Ukrainian military officers. Other State Department- and DOD-funded security assistance has supported conventional weapons destruction, border security, law enforcement training, and counter-weapons of mass destruction capabilities.”

Translation:   $26 billion went to the Pentagon to buy new military equipment while they sent Ukraine all the outdated weapons that are useless during Russia’s Winter.   And the rest was siphoned via the black book accounting method.

According to CSIS, the US drawdown has been $113 billion which includes such interesting campaigns as;  disinformation, energy, and refugee assistance.  That’s a heady amount spent by the CIA to create BOTS.   Of that, $61.8 billion was given to the DoD.   But they can account for less than 10% of the funding.  SURPRISE!  USAID got $34 billion of which 2/5’s went to Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia (including – Moldova – find Moldova on a map).

Funny Money.  Funny Numbers.

Germany states that their contribution of $8 billion will fund Ukraine for one entire year.   ODD.  In 2019, Ukraine’s supposed GDP was $153 billion.   But the World Bank would have us believe Ukraine’s GDP rose to $200 billion during the Pandemic – an increase of 30%, whereupon by the end of 2022 its GDP tanked the exact same percentage – 30% – leaving Ukraine completely flush despite the WAR and a Pandemic that destroyed the Global economy!

In addition, despite the War – the population of Ukraine has decreased by just 7 million to 36 million despite 5 million refugees in Russia and 3 million in Poland, Germany and Czech Republic and another 2-3 million diaspora in the US and elsewhere.   But hey!   Ukraine’s GDP PP is now significantly higher since they have 10 million fewer people …

Just in time – The Economist has pronounced that GDP is not really a good indicator of a nation’s economy and we shouldn’t put stock in growth rates.   Which is gob speak to reveal that US, German and global growth will be far less than anticipated.  Germany’s 2023 growth is -.05% and the US is unknown given every published number is an estimate that must be revised twice before a real number can be modified for public consumption, and an election year approaches.  But bombed out destroyed Ukraine is expected to have GDP growth of 5% in 2023… 

Go Figure –

The Nation of Israel is a Zionist Corporate Operation of Mossad



Despite the Israeli War, the Ukraine War, and failing economies, CSIS (Center For Strategic and International Studies) is still triggered by – China.   “Tracking China’s Navy Modernization…”, “Rethinking Technology Transfer Policy for China”, “What The Sunnylands Statement Means for US/China Climate Relations”.

The Sunnylands Statement was first negotiated in 2021, and never implemented.  After 2 years of further nonnegotiating, CSIS has determined progress is being made.   Apparently, the US disinformation campaign has determined that China agreed to parallel the US strategy in reducing methane and fossil fuels.   The Reality?   China went home from the San Francisco Summit and began construction on 300 new coal plants.

Why is it that 2021 targets became 2025, became 2030, became 2045, and are now 2070?   Because everyone delineating the ‘targets’ will be long dead and their fruition isn’t about fruition, it is about money.   The money laundering pool in Ukraine is dried up.   The Israel pool is redirected to Israel’s Slush Fund, and the Green Fund is redirected to the Banking Cartel’s usury microloans.

2024.   Chaos is being planned in wake of the 2024 election and Americans are being warned it will upend America in nearly every corner from the reoccurrence of BLM and Antifa Riots, to mass layoffs, to bankruptcies, to unprecedented fear mongering – ALL of which will be amped via AI across social media and our decrepit news entertainers.

And according to the esteemed Economist rag, it will be China’s fault.   The Goal Is To Place China in a Firm Second Place.

“…as China’s rulers prepare for an age of division and great-power competition, they will present their country as a defender of global unity.  To advance their first goal, Chinese leaders will accuse America and its allies of stoking a new cold war. They sense an opportunity to dislodge the West from the centre of world affairs. Their criticisms will have an economic component, too. With global growth slowing.”

Setting the stage for the next reel of media entertainment, the dialogue has been established – attack CHINA.   The reason?   BRICS.  The US is petrified that the BRICS power movement will intensify in 2024 leaving the war mongers destitute, depleted, and sitting atop a $40 Trillion Bonfire of the Vanities.

Russia is offering Americans a chance to save ourselves by moving to their country.   China is temporarily opening their free VISA program to encourage European travel.   Klaus Schwab is hiding while the WEF wants to cover our waterways with – solar panels.   Yes – really.  What could go wrong?   Here fishie fishie…

While the WEF attempts to create the illusion that everybody is happy happy, The Economist has declared that 2024 will see a global recession.   Somehow, these two tied at the hip organizations are not gob speaking and haven’t got their stories straight.

The illusion that the US and UK are global peacekeepers working toward democracy has been shattered.   The Hologram has revealed an incomprehensible evil bent on disorder thru starvation, death, and constant wars led by governments engaging in pedophilia, satanic rituals, and trafficking of money, children, and slaves.  There is no way to say this other than at face-value.   Only when we recognize what these people have done, can we dissolve and eradicate the tyranny.

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  We have only one candidate willing to go thru the desert – Trump.  Robert Kennedy, Jr., is NOT the target.   He has pronounced his awe and pledge to Hillary Clinton.   A perfect VP choice for Trump would be Sarah Huckabee Sanders; level, balanced, female, insightful, highly intelligent, and above reproach.   Her loyalty and her word are solid 99.9% gold.

The CIA has a venture capital fund called, In-Q-Tel.  The Mossad has a venture capital fund as well – Libertard Ventures – founded in 2017 to invest in high-tech start-ups.  Both agencies are funded by their respective governments via taxpayers.   But Taxpayers do not share in the profits from these Funds.   Nor do they pay taxes because they are, well –  secret.

MOSSAD/Israel –

According to the Mossad’s Libtard (yes, I know) Fund, they invest in entrepreneurs and startups.   In return, “they do not require shareholding in the company but are granted a non-commercial, non-exclusive license for the use of the company’s IP, developed at the time of engagement with the fund.”   This is basically the road map for how the CIA ran Twitter.

The Mossad has now been linked to 9-11, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Jeffrey Epstein and The New World Order.  The collaboration between the US CIA and Mossad would seem well trenched in every nefarious event in the world to catalyze a constant realm of chaos from which to paralyze countries.  Epstein and Maxwell were their pimps tasked with creating blackmail via acts of filmed pedophilia to OWN Western governments.

The entire 9-11 task was to create a common enemy – Islam.   ISIS was formed to eliminate the Shia’s.   And Al Qaeda was formed to enhance a terrorist mentality so as to establish a sharp division in the Middle East with Zions maintaining a victimhood propaganda position justifying War.

Mossad is NOT our friend.  They and the CIA are The Cabal.  The media and political fray of Rhinos and Liberals are erupting because they fear the truth will be realized.   Their blackmail will be made public.   And their treason will fill Guantanamo. 

The Zionists and The False Prophet Pope have worked in conjunction with each other to destroy the common denominator that has the Power to upend their entire Agenda – God, religion, belief.  Francis was tasked with destroying The Catholic religion.   The Zionists were tasked with destroying the Muslim religion.   Because faith in God is Satan’s Last Hurrah wherein he will be cast to the sea of fire.

Verse 8 &9, Psalm 72:

He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth. 9 They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him; and his enemies shall lick the dust.

The verse used by Palestinians to designate God’s Israel is literally a fragmented version from The Bible.  It cannot and does not apply to secular Zions because they don’t believe in religion or THE BIBLE.

IF Zionist Israel is not a valid land, then what is it?  

In 1968, Israel Corporation was founded with Shaul Eisenberg and the Israeli Government whose PM at the time was Levi Eshkoll a Zionist who established some of the first ‘settlements’, succeeded PM Ben Gurion, and with the extol of President Johnson, precipitated the Israel 6 Day War against Palestinians.

Israel Corporation, Ltd, is the holding company of Israel Corporation which spun off multiple subsidiary ventures in 1999 and 2007 including:

Kenon, based in Singapore, Tower Jazz based in Israel in partnership with China, Zim, the largest Jewish NGO in the world – founded in 1945 by the Jewish Agency For Palestine, Israel Chemicals, Oil Refineries, LTD, Tower Semiconductor, which owns 51% of Taiwan’s Nuvoton, Qoros, founded in China, and IC Power, operating in Latin America and The Caribbean.

Idan Ofer, an Israeli billionaire, took control of the Israel Corporation from his father.   He sits on the advisory boards of Harvard and Council of Foreign Relations, co-founded The Carbon War Room for climate change which became The Rocky Mountain Institute with offices in China.  RMI’s CEO is Jon Creyts who came from McKinsey & Co.   The Israel Corporation works in conjunction with Lockheed Martin, which was a powerhouse for Nazi scientists post WWII via the CIA.   Ofer is a member of the liberal labor party.

THUS, Israel and China are intertwined in the Israel Corporation that defines Israel as not a nation – but as a Corporate Entity.  Which is why the China Bad syndrome is a deflection from China/Israel partnerships.   The deflection is victimhood – The Power Grab behind The Red Curtain is the Zionist Cabal – and the ‘rethinking’ of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion…..

ISRAEL Has Lost The Propaganda War = A Price on Netanyahu’s Head

Germany’s Baerbock,  “ceasefire would leave Israel unable to defend itself against Hamas.”  The most advanced military in the world would be defenseless against a brigade that has no uniforms, little weaponry, and sporadic training.  An interesting admission.   A military that has been equipping itself with every advanced capability for decades needs more weapons to super-dooper destroy Hamas – via the US depleted arsenal.

So, how does one identify a Hamas member of the Qassam Brigade?  Social media attempts to detail any male person as Hamas, and possibly children, given their advanced training.   So far, the only pictures of Hamas have been men wearing sandals, tee-shirts, and trousers.  When Israel claims to have killed a Hamas member, how do they know?   Do they have ID cards in their pockets, ‘I am Hamas’?

The propaganda is rife, but it is horrifically sloppy.  

An X post by a Pro-Israel male continues to upload stories of atrocities purportedly committed by Hamas.   Most recently, the story was a funeral of a twelve year old girl at the kibbutz in Be’eri, not far from the “Rave Trance Festival”.   The Times of Israel, grieved over the brutal slaying of such a young girl at the hands of ‘barbarian Palestinians’ with the caption “ALL MUST DIE”.

Attending the funeral was a survivor of the same assault, Yasmin Porat.

Porat gave an interview of her eyewitness account October 15th.   Within the unedited version of the interview, Perot describes a much different picture of the siege at the Kibbutz that took the lives of 112.  According to her account, Israeli forces fired indiscriminately into the house where she and others were being held by Palestinians.   When she and one Palestinian emerged, the last alive, and she cried for a cease fire she saw her friends dead on the ground.   She and her captor were allowed to leave the house whereupon a tank fired two mortars into the house blowing up the house, the bodies inside, and reducing the scene to ashes.

Hannibal Directive.  Israel last utilized this highly controversial directive in their fighting against Gaza in 2014.   The Directive is basically akin to ‘carpet bombing’ wherein civilians and other military personnel will be eradicated along with any enemy.  It allows soldiers to fire at escape routes, ie, the Festival roadways, cars, etc…   It is an unwritten Directive employed by the Israeli military at command.  Created in 1986 during Israel’s war with Lebanon, it was considered the equivalent of a cyanide tablet – better dead than a hostage.

In 2006, Israel brokered a prisoner exchange in which 1000 Palestinians were exchanged for one Israeli soldier.   The media humiliated Israel’s PM Olmert’s decision as weak.  As such Netanyahu expanded the Directive to allow for the complete civilian and military razing by IDF commanders.   Such was the other PR disaster in which Israel deployed Apache Helicopters to blow up everyone at the Rave with ground troops opening fire at anyone trying to ‘escape’.

These accounts have been reported by various Israeli media outlets, some edited, some not.   By contrast, the PR released by Netanyahu declares beheadings of babies, rape, torture, etc… without any evidence.   Doctored video’s, cropped photos and video’s, and even asserting bodies of Palestinians brutally marred and tortured – were in fact Israelis.    Netanyahu’s propaganda campaign is LOSING.

But the journalists came out of the woodwork.   They dug deeper.  Even the ‘tunnel system’ exposed in a doctored and edited video is suspect… measuring 5 meters?   Hardly a tunnel.   More like a bomb shelter.  In the 12th century, the Knights Templar built a vast tunnel system under Palestine one of which opened into a port city for the safe transport of treasures.   Some of these tunnels have been discovered by archeologists, but there are likely many more that remain undiscovered except by – perhaps Hamas.

The employment of tunnels for military use has been a tactic of nearly every battle – including the tunnel salt mines of Ukraine.   The fact that the IDF cannot seem to locate any other than the small bomb shelter beneath the hospital is an embarrassment, not an achievement.

To Date, the IDF has killed 44 journalists and 88 UN Peacekeepers.   To date, Israel has deployed some 500,000 soldiers to kill 25,000 Hamas members – and failed miserably.   Instead, babies, children, animals, and women make up the vast majority of those murdered.   In defense, the justification is ‘they voted for Hamas’ therefore they are just as viable a target for death.

But it isn’t just Baerbock refusing to support a ‘ceasefire’, it is every day citizens across the US and EU who openly declare that every death is justified – including premature babies, because it is Hamas fault.   The same Hamas installed by Netanyahu in 2014 to counter the PLO.

A deal brokered by Qatar for the release of some hostages is nearing its final announcement.   So far, the deal seems to include the release of 50 Israelis over a 4 day period.   While Netanyahu holds over 4,000 Palestinian prisoners, their release has yet to be officially stated.  However, the BRICS are unified in calling for a complete ceasefire, and Saudi Arabia is calling for a total sanction on any exports to Israel.

The UN, South Africa, and many Middle Eastern countries are calling for Israel to be held ‘accountable’ for war crimes.

But the damage done will live a long time with Israel’s blatant campaign for genocide, and their ignorantly sloppy propaganda campaign of covering for atrocities committed against their own civilians under the guise of the Hannibal Directive.  Israelis are angry.  Not at Hamas – but at Netanyahu’s command to kill Israelis.


Election 2024 is going to be poisoning!   Democracy will never recover.   Bolton claims Trump’s campaign is ‘poison’.   The Economist claims 2024 will be poison.   Biden says Trump echoes Hitler.  Trump’s lies have meant threats, harassment, and a poisoned dog.   FEAR is frothing at the rabid mouths of the Liberal Media and Rhino bases in a desperate attempt to relinquish responsibility for an abject FAILED economic dystopia.

The media is toasted.   Sparring over inconsequential terms, they resort to childish playground bully pits to invoke their gnashing of teeth.  The better truths include:   Argentina’s Milei victory could upend Western control of the whole of South America.   The Ukraine War is over and the West lost against their arch enemy – Russia.  Global support for the secular Israel tanked overnight with a rogue Netanyahu jeopardizing the Secular Ashkenazi Cabalists’ Hologram image.

The beasts are screeching.

Argentina’s economy had at one point paralleled that of America, albeit at a lower level, until debt collapsed the growth trajectory resulting in a debt restructuring to survive.   Punished by America, inflation peaked at nearly 55% in 2019 before the “Pandemic” destroyed global economies.   The Socialist president, Fernandez, managed to increase inflation to 100%, institute tax hikes, price freezes, debt default and excessively high poverty rates.

Fernandez ran Argentina utilizing the same policies as the Biden Handlers with the express authority of Pope Francis.  It appears President Milei intends to completely overhaul the government, diminishing its oblique power structure, and returning a form of nationalism until the economy can be rebuilt.

Milei’s 2014 exposure to The World Economic Forum is being asserted as his disqualification, however, the mention could simply be a press release and nothing more.  He has denounced the Sustainable Development Goals of 2030, climate change mandates, and cultural Marxism.  According to the Jewish Chronicle, Milei is reading the Torah within a Sephardic rabbinical Community – as opposed to the secular Zionists.  Ultimately, his actions will speak.

The Economist has already declared the Ashkenazi Cabal will vehemently fight this Argentinian reformation.

Lloyd Austin made a surprise trip to Ukraine today to reassert the need for a military overhaul, and deter the possibility of a Zelenskyy coup by the remaining population.   Military defectors have made the pilgrimage to Russia en-masse.  Austin is desperately pronouncing Kyiv as a clear War Win because Russia did not reduce it to rubble highlighting this grand achievement is the best the West can offer as a media Parlay.  The fact remains, Kyiv was never the target for Russia as they stipulated from the onset – Bioweapon Labs, The Minsk Agreement Diplomacy and Nazi’s were their issue.

Despite Ukraine’s Azov Battalion’s Nazi history, Israel’s Netanyahu adamantly supported Zelenskyy in the Western backed incursion against Russia.  While Israel did not provide weapons, it is likely due to their pre-emptive ongoing bombing raids of Gaza and the West Bank.   A military cost that could drive Israel’s economy into stagnation and debt.

After the 2014 Maiden Coup in Ukraine, 1.5 million Ukrainians fled to Russia.  An additional 2.8 million have fled since the 2022 incursion representing the largest refugee destination.  A boon for Russia given a declining population.

Netanyahu’s PR campaign utilizing AI imagery and false claims is falling flat.   The Biblical references justifying the genocide of Palestinian Semites are heresy when spewed from the secular mouths of pagans.   And a deep schism has been unearthed that was NOT the game plan intended by the Cabalists.  Netanyahu’s popularity in Israel has plummeted to just 4% and leaders across the globe are calling for him to resign and be charged criminally by the ICC.

But ego fuels Netanyahu and he is staunch in his ‘right’ to genocide.

According to an analysis by CSIS, Center For Strategic $ International Studies, Israel has the potential of ‘losing’ the war due to their justification assertion and failed PR.   The infrastructure devastation in Gaza resembles end world scenarios.   Rebuilding is not possible.  Netanyahu’s attempt to muster sympathy continues to be shred as new revelations emerge that the IDF may be responsible for many if not the vast majority of Israeli deaths as they utilized Apache helicopter ‘carpet bombing’ on the ‘festival’ and the bombing of “Hamas” tunnels which purportedly house the Israeli ‘hostages’.

The attempt to claim that the IDF soldiers were in fact Hamas wearing IDF uniforms has proven to be false.   Instead, the focus is on the barbaric massacres implemented by the IDF.  And the CIA/Mossad PR attempts are continually revealed as fake.  The end result will find Israel estranged from global nations, and the US government on par, further moving the election away from the Democrats and the pro-Israel independent – Kennedy.

On a lighter note, the Brazil government is investigating former president, Bolsonaro, on charges he harassed a whale while riding a jet ski dating from last June.  The charges stem from a complaint by Human Rights Watch, a Soros organization bent on harassment of – well, everybody.   Bolsonaro’s response, “the only whale that doesn’t like me on the esplanade is the one in the ministry,” reportedly referring to Brazil’s minister of justice, Flavio Dino.

Our Universe; A Hologram of Reality Within 1 of 6 Dimensions

I am now labeled a Marxist because my anarchist view is the belief in PEACE.  

Post WWII when the CIA covertly brought Nazi’s to the US and planted them inside our most secretive military installations, the onset of the ideology of transhumanism was born.  Altered brain behavior was trialed by the CIA utilizing techniques adopted from the Nazis.  Conspiracies proven true under code names that became a part of the Church Committee investigation that included not just the CIA, but NSA, the IRS, and the FBI as well.

The ultimate purpose was to alter human behavior.   To create minds that could be bent by machine.  To effectively, eliminate humanity as it is known in its present existence.  A new species.  Bred and born of slavery.   A species that would never revolt.   Never question their lack of humanity.  Wherein death was simply a switch turned – off.

While the transhumanist’s declare the purpose is to expand the physical and mental power of a human, the lesser expounded values include;  1.  greater productivity – people will work as an automaton.  2.  Nonsensical things such as vacations, travel, art, writing, music etc… will no longer be necessary within a virtual reality of existence.  3.   Conversation and applied thought will become unnecessary as our feed dictates.

The Trans Movement is simply another experiment in redefining humans into nonhumans via mind and physical trauma.   Having perfected the behavior transformation disguised as Big Pharma, the AI evolution is designed as the final stage with an end date of – 2030.

Despite the Church Committee findings of rampant torture, corruption, and abuse, none of the intelligence agencies or personnel were charged with a crime.   And despite pinky swearing to cease and desist from these criminal actions – they expanded exponentially.   Including biowarfare against every citizen across the globe via diseases, vaccines, and prescription medications.

Havana Syndrome is simply another CIA intelligentsia trial to deactivate brain function via sound waves or pulsed microwaves, or laser technology.  Despite claiming the syndrome was caused by the Cuban government, the US intelligentsia later retracted that statement claiming it was not initiated by foreign adversaries.   Since then, the entire conspiracy faded rapidly as some turned their fingers on the CIA and the issue was shelved.

Much of the work performed for our intelligence agencies is commissioned and coordinated thru NIH, Stanford University, Johns Hopkins, DARPA, Salk Institute, the Allen Institute, the Kavli Foundation and The Rockefeller Institute.

One such development that was sponsored by the US intelligentsia and the Kavli Foundation is ‘terahertz’, a nonionizing form of radiation that can cause damage/death to cells and DNA and has been shown to alter behaviors at high powerAka, Havana Syndrome and aggressive behavior syndrome.   “Terahertz-based EW systems can potentially disrupt or disable enemy electronics by generating high-power, directed energy pulses that can cause physical damage or induce temporary malfunctions.”

Since the closure of the Church Committee, the power of the US intelligence apparatus merely expanded exponentially until it became the blob covering planet earth.   In 2021, Johns Hopkins spent $3.18 billion on R&D.  Total R&D spending by Universities was $90 billion, the vast majority of which is taxpayer government funded.  NIH spends over $30 billion on R&D.   Amazon spent $73 billion.  The DoD spends $96 billion. The 2022 US government budget for R&D was over $171 billion.  Black Book Accounting….

In 1978 one such experiment created by the DIA in collaboration with the CIA was called StarGate:

“Drawing on ideas of quantum entanglement, the report claims it may be possible for human consciousness to profoundly alter the universe since reality is holographic projection; the part encodes the whole. In this understanding of reality, everything is deeply connected in a matrix of interconnected energy vibrations, from your consciousness to the depths of the universe.”

A form of – Gestalt.

The Project focused in part on ‘Remote Viewing’.  While the official statement is that RV was discontinued in 1995 as a failed experiment, an NIH paper released June 2023, discusses its ongoing research and the empirical evidence of – success.

In 1983, the CIA created a paper discussing the Gateway Process.  US Government once attempted to research “altered states of consciousness,” using brain hemispheric synchronisation, or “Hemi-Sync” techniques.  The purpose was to separate from the hologram reality and escape restrictions of time and space.   And contemporary theoretical physicists say the holographic universe theory is not only entirely possible but a probable explanation for our universe at large.

The Holographic Principle

The holographic principle, first proposed by Nobel prize-winning theoretical physicist Gerard ‘t Hooft, is one of many theoretical explanations of our reality.  Hooft is a Dutch theoretical physicist whose work has concentrated on gauge theories, quantum gravity and black holes.  Gauge theories encompass dimensional regularization and holographic principles.

“The three-dimensional world of ordinary experience––the universe filled with galaxies, stars, planets, houses, boulders, and people––is a hologram, an image of reality coded on a distant two-dimensional surface.”  It was from this theory that the ‘flat earth’ concept was created, albeit without the entire scientific philosophy attached.

The concept of the Holographic Principle was combined with the CIA’s Gateway research to discover how to breech the hologram reality and see what is reality.   Enter CERN.   In 1997, the US entered Observer Status with CERN in a $531 million agreement package.  The same ‘string theory’ that was used to support the Hologram phenomenas espoused by Hooft, was also applied by CERN.  The ultimate discovery  revealed there are at least 6 dimensions of reality.  These six dimensions may be opened to the naked eye via the Gateway Process.

May 2023, CERN announced it had opened a portal into another Dimension.

Israel’s Slave Trade & The Pentagon’s Failed Audit

The Construction industry in Israel is short 100,000+ workers because they fired all the Palestinians in the labor market.   Now they are looking to replace the Palestinians with Indian laborers as in Israel’s slave trade, an ongoing trafficking business that has existed for over 30 years.   Common in the Middle East, Israel sought the same leverage of underpaid, undocumented, trafficked labor from eastern Asia, in particular India.   Now that Gaza has been razed to rubble, the need for bulldozing in preparation for the Ben Gurion Canal is amplified.

“In early November, thousands of Palestinian workers were forced to return to Gaza on foot after being dropped off several miles from the Israeli-Gaza border wearing numbered tags on their ankles.”

Human Rights abuses have been documented for decades and yet nothing is done.   Agriculture settlement farms use Palestinian children as young as 11 to pick and clean vegetables for Israeli’s.  Many children don’t go to school.   They get paid $19 a day, 6-7 days a week, 8—12 hours per day, in violation of every international labor law.   For Palestinians, education is superfluous because there are no jobs.   They are the peasant workers and the Israeli government condones this.

Foreign workers, including Palestinians, must pay a monthly work permit fee of $780.  In addition, labourers from India typically are charged $25,000 payable to an employment agency which provides loans at 8%-10% interest for repayment.   If the slave reports the blackmail, they are deported.  Forced prostitution is rife in Israel with the vast majority of women trafficked coming from Ukraine, Russia, and Palestine.

The Police are ordered to ‘stand down’ and do nothing.

In the words of Ben Shapiro, these people are simple minded barbarians who deserve nothing better.   Dehumanization.

Palestinian men working in Israel are paid roughly $77 per day before deductions for fees and taxes.  They represent roughly 70% of Israel’s Construction labor given the vast majority of Israeli’s work in professional occupations.

The War by Israel has opened a Pandora’s Box that can never be resealed.   Netanyahu has managed to reveal a system of criminality, persecution, and genocide amidst a regime based on rules of supremacy.   The Ashkenazi’s unveiled is a far more totalitarian engagement than the mass hypnosis presentation filtered through rose colored glasses.   It has been known by the US government, the UN, Amnesty International and many other human rights organizations for decades, and yet – Israel specifically chose to ignore reality and continued its pretense.   Subjugating any foreign worker to slavery, the pariah is exposed.

Today, South Africa called for criminal investigations into Israel’s proxy genocide by the ICC, backed a motion to close the Israeli Embassy, and called for the complete suspension of Israel ties.   Of course, anyone who makes such a motion is immediately labeled a terrorist backer or a Marxist to discredit, demonize and dehumanize.   A liberal tactic employed on Russia, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and any country that so agrees.

Despite claims of a massive tunnel system under hospitals, the IDF has failed to show such a network.   By deflection, the patients in such hospitals, mostly children and women are bombed relentlessly as cornered casualties of war – unable to flee.

Taking its toll on media positions, another story is buried:  The Pentagon FAILED its sixth audit.  Inventories are fudged.   Money is unaccounted.   “With $3.8 trillion in assets, $4 trillion in liabilities, and little meaningful oversight, the potential for waste and fraud is immense, according to the Government Accountability Office, which has included the department’s business systems modernization and financial management initiatives on its “High Risk List” – a list of federal programs most susceptible to fraud, abuse, mismanagement, and waste – for nearly 30 years.”

Accounting for funds sent to any country, including Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, and Israel will never occur.  Despite consuming over 50% of the discretionary budget, they are in the hole.   The $3.8 trillion in assets – cannot be accounted for.   Yet Congress wants to send more funds to ‘everywhere’.   A Deep, dark HOLE.

The US and Israel have destroyed their respect as more media journalists open the glass doors and the parasites are unleashed.   Our Intel agencies are staged.   Our justice systems are purposefully stained with the foibles of Ashkenazi disciples.   And still – The Rothschild Economist Screams from rooftop to rooftop, “Trump Poses The Biggest Threat To The Globe in 2024”.  WHY?   Because Trump will upend America’s World Order.

The fact is, The World Order as perceived by the Cabalists is already dead.   It was not brought down by President Trump, it was brought down by corruption at an unprecedented level among governments and NGO’s.  Trump will take the reins of an America that is significantly poorer than revealed with debt that can never be repaid and a monetary system that has bankrupted the American Citizens.   Not one US Agency is a legitimate procurer of fiscal responsibility.   The Books are COOKED and CROOKED –  The GOLD is gone.

The Economist believes this can be blamed on Trump.   But their short-sighted death march has spiraled the global economies devouring the West.   And The People across the globe know it.   We see it.  We report it.   And We hate it.  What Donald Trump provides is an old school Military Soldier mentality.   He is fighting this destruction with every fiber of his existence and winning.   No one is afraid to call out the Ashkenazi’s any longer.   Their victimhood has been played out.  And The Protests Reveal PEACE is the overriding Agenda – Labeled Marxist.