The Royal Society Colonized The US in 1660


  • Slaves were required to toil 60-70 hours every week.
  • Their children were home school educated
  • Punishment for revolts was cruel and inhumane
  • Their Masters lived a plush lifestyle
  • Freedom was restricted – available to only the select few
  • The quality of food was bare minimum
  • Housing units were small and cramped
  • Enslaved men and women created their own cultural means of living to provide unity
  • Slaves were divided into levels of hierarchy in labor
  • Sometimes the Masters took the children away from the slaves
  • Slaves were not allowed to defend themselves against violence
  • Leaving the Master’s property without permission was prohibited
  • Militias were created to enforce slave laws
  • Sometimes slaves feigned illness to get out of working
  • They were taught specific tasks like cooking, cleaning, carpentry, ranching, branding, etc…
  • They were required to perform all their own personal maintenance
  • As slaves, they had no rights within the confines of their plantation

LIFE was Brutal!

Except what I am describing above is the ‘evolution’ of slavery. Today, a slave is called an employee.

The terminology of slave and slavery have simply been rebranded with the assistance of propaganda, illusion, and heady marketing campaigns.   Workers today are effectively subjected to much the same conditions as slaves of the 1800’s, albeit in an advanced industrialized society.   The quality of life has somewhat adapted and elevated, but the suppression of labour is no different.   And the disparity of wealth is purposeful.

We don’t realize this shift because of the mass hypnosis employed by various ‘intelligensia agencies’ have told us slavery ended.


In the 1600’s, letters were sent to friends and relatives in England and abroad encouraging them to come to America where ‘labourers’ could earn much more, sometimes 3 times more. Of course, the reasoning was the fact that in order to sustain and grow the wealth among the Aristocrats, the colonies needed more people to create an evolutionary revolution of labor.

Initially, Laborers in the 1600’s were given the same constraints as slaves including lack of property ownership.   Governing colonies were reticent, they didn’t want to share wealth, they wanted to create more for themselves in a repressed society. The concept of allocating property to the commoners became a bitter battle.

It was called “Prosperity Legislation’.

In addition, if a man had a particular trade as a craftsman, the colonies would not allow him to change his trade or become a farmer. Because Farmers were the lifeblood.   They were also the Masters. The Masters who came from England and built a New America.

At the end of the Civil War, the Sharecropping solution was developed.   Former slaves were allowed tracts of land to farm as tenants – for the Master Plantation owner.   Much like the Okies during the Dustbowl of the 1930’s.   Slave Labor – just redefined.

Today a Master is a Boss, a plantation is a corporation or manufacturing facility, and a minimum wage is supposed to afford you the means to buy what was given to slaves for free – poor housing, poor nutritional food – and bills.

Of course there are some advances today vs historical slavery. Today we fill out an application for the privilege of being a peasant laborer.   “Yes, sir.”    A Salary means no overtime for the 60-80 hour work-week.   We have to navigate multiple bus routes, traffic jams and train delays – and if we are late we are docked pay!   Like a slave. “Sorry sir, it won’t happen again”.

People line up at the grocery store to buy Wonder bread, corn flakes, potato chips and sodas – poor quality – but affordable nutrition.   The Plantation Corporate Bosses are dining on caviar, lobster, and Angus beef, because ‘value’ was predetermined centuries ago by the Royal families.

Nothing has changed it has just been rebranded.

It is an interesting chronicle that our Founding Fathers were all Democrat plantation owners of great wealth and British Aristocracy. They established the plenary system of wealth and poverty while carefully rebranding kings as presidents – and slaves as labourers.

The New America was a way to appease the Crown in establishing yet another colony.   A colony created under an illusion of freedom. A colony beholden to the Crown for eternity.   A colony that answers to The Royal Society. A Society coincidentally founded in 1660 and today overlorded by King Charles.

The Royal Society was Founded by Robert Boyle – a Rosicrucian. The pre-cursor to the Free Masons and The Knights Templar. In Western culture – the Rosicrucian movement adopted the philosophy of esotericism. By the nineteenth century, esoteric thought evolved into the mystic occult of wicca and satanism. A secular culture of magic, gnosis, the principle that all religions must merge, formal initiations and enchantment was adopted.

It would seem to closely align with the ideologies of the World Economic Forum, Epstein, Gates, and Soros as they consider themselves ‘enlightened’ and of a ‘higher knowledge’ than the commoners. They have attributed to themselves ‘second sight’ and the ability to foretell the future.

According to a recent Royal Society Report, their priorities in the short term will include data, climate change, net zero and energy, genome editing (altering DNA with Cripsr technology), and biodiversity. Overall, the Royal Society’s aim is to assure that global governments recognize that Science is The Master.   In 2018, Elon Musk became a Fellow.

EARTH IS BOILING: Bring on Climate Pandemic II

The UN’s foremost ‘expert’ on Climate Science, Antonio Gutterres, an avowed Socialist, has declared that earth is boiling.   “If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen”!    Having earned a degree in physics, Gutterres spent his career teaching before working for the Socialist Party.   That would be the extent of his career history before joining the UN in 2005 as High Commissioner for Refugees. He has accomplished nothing.

The goal of the Climate Alarmists is to reduce CO2 levels to zero.   In fact everything must be net zero according to our Mafia Cartel.   Including people.

Current CO2 is 422.17 particle per million.   The optimum amount of CO2 for plant life is 1000-1200 ppm.   The point at which plants suffer is 10,000 ppm.   The point at which all life begins to die – plant, animal and human – is 250 ppm.   Therefore a net zero CO2 would mean a dead earth devoid of any life whatsoever.

The global elite scientist experts did not start monitoring CO2 levels until 1959.   Everything before that date is a guess.  And everything to date is also a guess.   Guessing is the new Science.

The UK would have us believe ‘July is possibly the hottest it has been in forever’.   That forever began around 1859 when temperatures were first recorded.  Unfortunately, the methodology of measurement was wholly inaccurate – but never mind.   A woman on Twitter put it succinctly by stating Climate Change is a $1.2 Trillion business – annually – and filled with hypocrisies, including;   child labor, prison labor, diesel fuel, silicon land mines, and lithium land mines – all of which contribute excessively to the manufacture of poor energy.

So what is the real goal?   Money?   Will these same Cartel members repair earth when they have efficiently destroyed it?   Is the goal to destroy earth so as to create a new Industry to rebuild earth?   Like Ukraine needing to be ‘rebuilt’ after the Military Industrial Complex destroys it?  Maybe that would explain why Scientists are trying to grow embryo’s in labs and bring back the Hairy Mammoth – which means all scientists and labs would have to be ‘underground’ to survive.

That might require some help from God.   Of course, their pledge to lie, coerce, kill and steal might get in the way…

Climate does change.   Historically it was not human caused, however, currently the cause of change is human – just not the ‘general population’.   The human cause is geoengineering that has gone awry.

Methane gas is the newest hazard to Climate. Methane gas is a primary component of Natural Gas.   In the EU, natural gas is considered a ‘green energy’ – unless the methane comes from cow farts.   Then it is bad.   According to the EPA, sources of methane include: landfills, oil and natural gas systems, agricultural activities, coal mining, stationary and mobile combustion, wastewater treatment, and certain industrial processes. 

Estimates of methane emissions are subject to a high degree of uncertainty, according to the IEA.   In other words we have no idea how much is produced, how much is in the atmosphere, or how much it was a billion years ago. Therefore, if you cannot measure how much is released how can you know it is having any climate impact?   Methane gas emissions were first non-measured in the 1980’s.   Despite not being able to measure the amount of gas, science experts have determined the amount released is rising exponentially.  And we need to eliminate it immediately.

I can’t believe any ‘scientist’ would allow their name to be associated with any of this mess!

One solution to the cow fart contribution is a ‘feed additive’.   Bovaer is the name of the additive.   It’s safety has not been determined because the manufacturer failed to provide all the ingredients or any data information.   The one study commissioned by the EU was conducted using Beagles. They were fed partial ingredients, killed and then examined to see how much of the product harmed their organs. It is unclear why they just didn’t GUESS.

Methane is a nontoxic gas which has common uses in various production capacities, including:

  • automobiles, ovens, and water heaters as a fuel.
  • the generation of electricity.   So much for EV cars…
  • rocket fuel in its refined liquid form. – Dang Elon will be peeved!
  • an antifreeze ingredient in industries.
  • a common ingredient in fertilizer.   Nazi Soup Kitchen -no more crops for you
  • used to sanitize products. Dirty, dirty everywhere 

Newest Fear Tactic:   A vital system of ocean currents could collapse within a few decades if the world continues to pump out planet-heating pollution, scientists are warning – an event that would be catastrophic for global weather and “affect every person on the planet.” ~ according to a singular pamphlet written by experts…

The article, was written by Peter Ditlevsen and his wife Susanne from Denmark.   Peter is a theoretical physicist.   The article actually stipulates that IF the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation were to collapse, climate would be subjected to a radical change.   He notes this is unlikely to occur in the 21st century.   All science seems to end as of 2100.   Their analysis is based on mathematical models, abstractions, and estimates in line with his theoretical evaluations.   What they do NOT state is that this will happen – ever.

What all these fear tactics are supporting is what the UN and WEF have already determined to be the 2024 impending DOOM – Climate Change Pandemic Lockdown.    Ramping up fires, tsunami’s, earthquakes, storms, flooding, droughts, and aliens… the promise is The Dod and HHS and WHO with their newly coveted power to declare a State of Emergency, will use that power to enslave. 

I wonder if Pfizer is creating a vaccine for Climate Change?

“Oh No The Sky Is Falling!” ~ Chicken Little

Bidenomics: Trickle Up as Poverty Takes The Middle Class

The News Media are going ballistic today on how great the US economy is fairing under the Bidenomics plan of trickling up.   For the record, trickle up would indicate that the poverty is expanding upward and gaining momentum.

“Strong GDP is being bolstered by a boom in factory construction and investment stemming from huge pieces of subsidy- and tax credit-heavy legislation…” ~ The Hill.

  1. Taiwan is building two semiconductor plants in the US at a cost of $40 billion – subsidized by US Taxpayers.
  2. Intel is building a semiconductor plant in Ohio subsidized by US Taxpayers
  3. Samsung, a Korean company, is building a semiconductor plant in Texas – subsidized
  4. Abbott is building a nutritional powder factory in Ohio. Crickets? – subsidized
  5. Siemens, a German Company is building and EV Charger plant in Texas – subsidized
  6. Italy’s Enel will build a solar cell and panel factory – somewhere, sometime, undisclosed.

The demographics of all these companies is interesting roughly 70% male – all democrats – 15% Asian and 15% Hispanic.   How and why are these foreign companies suddenly so interested in building factories in the US?   It is all FREE!

  • The Inflation Reduction Act.   The Act provides $369bn of tax credits for clean technologies,
  • The Chips and Science Act allocates $39bn in funds for semiconductor manufacturing, and an additional $24bn of manufacturing tax credits.

The Bureau of Economic Analysis was founded in 1972, after being lost forever, it is tasked with estimating the variations in GDP.   In addition, their formulas determine which states get how much in federal funding.   Yesterday they released their estimate of US GDP growth with a revised upward outlook of 2.4%!   WOW Bidenomics is working! The US stock market has been heavily gaining – and all the Kings men…

The first caveat the BEA website states is the 2.4% figure is an ‘advance estimate’ – the real estimate will be released on pinpoint day – August 30.   The second caveat is the entire guesstimate is based on ‘spending’.   This would indicate that the cost of spending has increased – as in everything is more expensive.   What it does not measure is reality.

Exports were down – housing investment was down, imports and consumer spending were up and drove most of the GDP.

Consumer Spending was led by housing (rent increases) and utilities (air conditioning); health care (everyone is getting cancer from the vax); financial services (they changed the inheritance and estate tax) insurance (rates went up 35%); and transportation services(airline tickets double).

Consumer Goods also tracked higher led by recreational goods (RV’s and toys for summer) vehicles (price gouge) as well as gasoline and other energy goods (all inflated).

Imports reflect a rising Euro to a falling dollar and lack of exports indicate US manufacturing is tanking.

According to these government interpreters of truth;   the ‘price’ of goods and services increased 3.8% in the 1st quarter and an additional 1.9% in the second quarter.   Obviously the algorithm is operating in a parallel universe.

I sought to find out how this Bureau measures their analysis so I visited the data detail page Gross Output By Industry – and the last update was 2021.   Not a good sign.

Searching Trade figures – the last update was 2022 wherein the balance with Canada  tanked – having surpassed any point in history.   In fact, our balance of trade with just about every country has tanked.

Other Release Information by BEA includes:

  • US International Investment – Assets $34.72 trillion on Liabilities of $49.49 trillion for a negative Equity of $16.17 trillion.
  • New Foreign Direct Investment in US – 2021 $362.6 vs 2022 $177.5, down $185.1

It appears the Federal Government desperately needs a catastrophic event to wipe out reality. The three top picks so far include:   A UFO Report revealing aliens have crash landed on earth.   A war with China.   A Climate Pandemic Lockdown.

It Also Appears The Media is languishing in Disinformation Propaganda Once Again.

US ECONOMY: The Greedy Python by Eric Carle

A statement meme I posted on social media has interestingly developed into a frenzy of rather irregular responses. The meme was to share the ‘inequality’ of pay scales within our entertainment industry we dub to be – Hollywood.   It was made in response to the Hollywood strike wherein the uber wealthy upscale self aggrandizing Hollywood elitists are being asked to take a 25% pay cut due to out-of-hand out-of-league payroll contracts.  

For example, Barbie was said to cost $145 to $150 million to make. The initial budget was $100 million, therefore costs ran 45%+ ‘over-budget’.   But the budget does not reflect the advertising and print, or promotional budget. This budget can cost upwards of an additional 30%-50% of the original expense budget. Hollywood does not reveal these figures.   Who gets the ticket sales?   Depending on the contract, the studio takes a percentage and theatres take a percentage.   But in the end, the popular movies are hedged against the flops for producers, theatres, and outside investors.   Based on the original budget of $100 million, Barbie needed to make $300 million to breakeven according to “”.

Over the past five years, Disney has lost 25% of it’s share value.   Financial results for Disney:   2020 – net loss $2.8 billion, and a $4.7 billion ‘comprehensive loss’.  The US Film Industry has a market size of just $95 billion spread through 4912 studios. Of the top five film studios, one is owned by Japan, one is owned by China, one is owned by Disney, one is owned by Shari Redstone, and the largest is the Disney conglomerate.


According to the IMF Capitalism is defined within six pillars:

  1. ownership of private property
  2. self-interest, through which people act in pursuit of their own good, without regard for sociopolitical pressure
  3. competition
  4. the allocation of resources, which seek the highest reward for goods. services and wages
  5. freedom to choose among competitors
  6. limited role of government.

The only actual pillar that is viable today is #1 – ownership of property.

The Pac-Mans of industry have continued to absorb leaving little competition.   The CIA has a heavy hand in the Film Industry.   The allocation of resources via wages is dementedly skewed.   And sociopolitical pressure owns the industry 100%.

According to Britannica:   Socialism requires that the bulk of the means of production workers use to yield goods and services be under the effective control of workers themselves, ie wages. That means when an actor demands $30-$40 million for a film and unions demand hourly wages over $150 to $200 – the actors are in control of the film and the workers under him/her. A Socialist ideology in practice.

Labor Value is defined as:  “a theory of value that argues that the economic value of a good or service is determined by the total amount of “socially necessary labor” required to produce it.   It is a Marxian concept – that has been levied in anarchist economics.   Marx’ value theory is based solely on a laborer producing capital goods. Capital goods are durable commodities.

In the Barbie movie context –   the two stars captured over 17% of the entire budget.

So why do Hollywood studios pay these exorbitant wages for drivel movies of zero consequence? Why would any adult desire to see a film about plastic dolls?   I have no answer.

We also have ball players.   Today, that fun sport has become the Sports Industry, because ‘playing ball’ is competitive.  Essentially, it is simply another form of entertainment.

Up until 2015, the NFL was a tax exempt entity, like a charity.   In a truly Capitalist society, there would be no charities – “to each according to their means”.   In addition, the NFL charitable status would imply that any person or entity who gave money or goods to the NFL would be entitled to a tax writeoff.   Including ticket sales.

In 2022, the NFL revenue was $18 billion.   The largest source of revenue was the Media. For 2022, the NFL Profit Margin After Tax was 1.54%.

We have completely diluted the value of Capitalism thru illusion.   We have welfare, subsidies, food stamps, HUD housing, Medicaid, charitable deductions, government manipulation, government bailouts, and tax free politically biased NGO’s. ALL of which define the US as a Socialist country.  

Unfortunately, we also have a highly corrupt government committing egregious crimes without any punishment.   That would be defined as Totalitarian.

The only pillar keeping America from complete Dictatorship/Communism is the freedom of property ownership.   The singular pillar that the WEF is attempting to remove. How? Through forcible Debt Default.

The Federal Reserve again raised interest rates.

The 22 year high for the Federal Rate will destroy borrowing.   A 30 year fixed mortgage rate is just below 8% with above average credit, $-0- points, and 20% down.   To put it in perspective – a $500,000 purchase price at the pre-Brandon interest rate of 3% would levy a mortgage payment of $1686 per month. Today, using a 7.39% best scenario rate – the payment would increase by $1100 monthly.   In order to reach that $1686 monthly payment the maximum purchase price would be $300,000.

In order for an insurance company to be able to rebuild at the going rate – they would necessarily have to increase property insurance rates.   This year, mine rose 35%.

The Federal Reserve was a Socialist construct – arbitrarily creating bubbles and busts to our economy.   There is absolutely NOTHING Capitalist left.

As basic costs wipe out more and more income, welfare will increase. In order to pay for the increased cost of welfare entitlements, taxes will have to rise. When middle class taxes rise, people buy less causing business sales to plummet.   More Pac-Men gobble.   Less Competition.   And soon the ownership pillar of America is effectively destroyed.  With the advent of AI – Entertainment will die.   There will be no need for script writers, actors, directors, or sets.   With the advent of AI – The Sports Industry will die.  The games will pit AI against AI with a flush Betting Industry the only game in town!

This RESET will ultimately trickle up to higher and higher incomes and reflect the children’s book by Eric Carle, The Greedy Python. The Greedy Python is quick to gobble up every creature he meets–including to his own great misfortune, himself, when he mistakes the tip of his tail for a lunchtime treat.

However – It can all be unraveled IF We Want it to enough…

THE GREAT RESET Reimagined …. via Trade

INSURANCE rates are going thru the roof!   Property insurance is up 30% to 40% and car insurance is up 40% to 50%!   These increases are meant to ‘drive’ you out of ownership.   The explanation? Crime, and inflation.   While the La Nina explanation of the current climate is also ‘considered’ a factor, I am reminded of the Lew Rockwell article discussing the Geoengineering factor of ‘no-return’.   Once again the Problem is more likely – DEBT.

In preparation for a NATO incursion, Biden quietly executed a new Executive Order this July that calls up The Selected Reserve and members of The Individual Ready Reserve to ACTIVE DUTY.   By calling them to active duty, Biden has declared there is a ‘State of Emergency’.   Whether they are deployed to Europe or within states across the US – the message is clear – the White House, CIA, FBI, NSA are facing extreme fragility and require a distraction.

It is said that FDR’s reluctant decision to have the US enter WWII was to detract from his waning approval. FDR succeeded in turning the US into a completely socialist country, including giving himself ‘extraordinary emergency government powers’.   Biden is a re-enactment.   Taking us from Socialism to Marxist Communism.

“…They did not recognize that prices had fallen because of the Depression. They believed that the Depression prevailed because prices had fallen. The obvious remedy, then, was to raise prices, which they decided to do by creating artificial shortages. Hence arose a collection of crackpot policies designed to cure the Depression by cutting back on production.” ~Robert Higgs, Independent Institute.

By removing the gold standard, FDR created unstoppable inflation.   Today it is unknown how much if any gold reserves the US actually retains.   By 2016, Canada had depleted all their reserves of gold to $-0- with this explanation:
“The government has a long-standing policy of diversifying its portfolio by selling physical commodities (such as gold) and instead investing in financial assets that are easily tradable and that have deep markets of buyers and sellers.” 

According to CEIC Data, US gold reserves fluctuated dramatically until the 1950’s when reserve inventory began to plummet. By 1975, reserves were halved and have remained untouched since.   I am skeptical.

In 1974, auditors of the US government stated they would audit the reserves over a ten year period held in Fort Knox, Denver, and West Point.   Once the gold was verified and numbered, it would be placed in a vault until all the gold had been counted, recorded and numbered – and the vault was sealed.  At the end of this ten year period the US government auditors declared that 97% of the gold had been verified.   Thereafter, there would be no reason to break the seals.

Enter skeptic, Jan Nieuwenhuijs in 2014.   He found that subsequent to the end of the audit in 1984, seals were constantly broken. In 2016, Inspector General of the Treasury, Richard Delmar, justified that the bars had to be moved, so subsequent audits required the breaking of the seals.   But the recounts in Denver were conducted by ‘staff’ – not auditors. Meaning there is NO verification of our gold reserves.

WHY would the US government want to deplete gold reserves?

To pay for illicit activities.   Bribes, mercenaries, theft, laundering, trafficking, there are a dozen reasons why.   And like oil, the government controls the pricing of gold.   If it was revealed that our vaults were nearly depleted, the initial shock could destroy markets and create a mass buying spree sending gold into 5 digit if not 6 digit territory depending on the numbers released.   It would open up the corruption probe of to whom, how much, and transparency.   And the value of the dollar would become absolutely worthless rippling thru the global economy with ferocity like a Bison protecting its young.

The largest gold mines are in China, Africa and Australia.   The argument of value has been constrained because of the inventory.   The illusion of supply & demand. Certainly, paper money and copper coins have zero worth.   Paper is a promissory note backed by a promise with no collateral behind it – just debt.   A government can print its currency indefinitely, but the more it prints the less scarce the currency becomes, resulting in inflation and a devalued dollar.

Since the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913 the dollar parity value dropped 50% in a decade. The dollar began to recover from 1923 to 1933, rising back to 70cents.   However, once FDR suspended gold convertibility and made owning gold illegal, the dollar tanked. In 1971 Nixon put the nail in the proverbial coffin and today its parity value is less than 4 cents.

Switching from paper to Bitcoin or CBDC’s is really a non-move.   But Russia and China have  reverted back to a gold-backed trade standard decreasing yuan and ruble volatility.   The value of a commodity is supposed to rely on ‘supply & demand’. But even those most stoic economic fallbacks are completely falsified.

Supply is manipulated.   Demand is propagandized.   And the US Capitalist system is in reality Socialist as created by FDR.   Today, that partial disjointed system is leaning heavily toward Marxist/Communist.   Why?   To hide the criminal activities our system has hijacked.  Once communism is installed, all history will be wiped. And the next generation having been taught no real history won’t even notice.   Reality has thus been usurped.

Realizing that a system of debt – is not manageable, The Great RESET was created to obscure the Truth and wash it all away. Unfortunately, that same debt system is what created fake value.   Hollywood studios and Sports Authorities thrive on debt – When a Hollywood film is being made, the producer secures contract guarantees. These guarantees are the collateral for a bank loan.  DEBT.

The first private company to enter the mortgage field was JP Morgan in 1871.   During the Depression mortgages ground to a halt. In 1933, FDR decided the means to lift home ownership was to create a government sponsored program; The Home Owners Loan Corp. a Mortgage company.  We’ve had rampant inflation ever since.

The housing market has thrived on debt – creating bubbles that inflate and burst.   And Reset levels. US Student Loans – standing over $3 trillion – in debt.   Mortgages – outstanding = $19 Trillion.   Personal Loans average $38,000 per person.   The statistic does not differentiate by age – if we calculate based on entire 335 million population – that would amount to another $13 trillion.

Assuming that the US gold reserves amount to what they pinky swear declare – our gold is valued at roughly $480 billion – against debt of $36 trillion.   Land has value – but that value is manipulated by government owned land.   It is like a subsidy.  IF the government was relinquished of ALL it’s land the value would tank because of the supply.

Within THIS Reality – yes, the globe needs a RESET.   Just not the kind envisioned by the Marxist/Communists in control via the World Economic Forum.   The True RESET would be to scrap everyone of everything and start at a net zero playing board – including Larry Fink and Elon Musk.     YOU DON’T OWN ANYTHING.

Poverty would have apply to everyone. I doubt those within the uber echelon would be willing to live such a lifestyle – which is why – The Great RESET as defined by the World Economic Forum will never happen.   It is a pipe dream.   A Fantasy.

In fact, The Great RESET is a global distraction to cover the reality that they have no idea what to do to cover Their Failures, Corruption, and Greed and failed climate change geoengineering.   Passing the baton to their son’s and daughter’s is simply a way of prolonging the inevitable and passing the global massacre to the next generation.

Soros doesn’t give a whit about his offspring!   Neither does Gates, or Bezos, or Zuckerberg – or Bloomberg, or Obama, or Kissinger or ANY of the elite.   Their entire focus is preserving their monetary orgasm.

How could a RESET look?

When money is worthless, trade becomes the only means of securing vital essentials. The Minoans lived sometime around 3500 BC to 1300 BC.   They did not war.   They lived in peace and prospered for 2000 years. They didn’t just ‘thrive’ they accumulated great wealth among ALL their people. Their means? Trade.

Ultimately, the Minoans were wiped out by the barbarian Macedonians who thrived on war and conquest.   And society – was RESET to the Dark Ages.

The ‘Macedonians’ are the ones ruling us today in a complex tangle of industrialized war and debt.   They were the barbarians then and the barbarians today. They are not a civilization they are a destruction manifesto. And they appear over and over again in history – each time their goal being chaos and disorder.

The US was supposed to be a reincarnation of the Minoans.   But the Macedonians infiltrated.  

Ukraine Offensive Failed: Blinken on The Mafia Watchlist

IF in fact NATO and the West knew beforehand that the Ukrainian Offensive would fail, there are two explanations:   1.   The offensive was a distraction,   or 2.   Ukrainian genocide is the operative reasoning.     Then again, maybe these are both correct.

Why would the West think that Ukraine could win?   Their military is comprised of a bunch of vagabond non-voluntary recruits with less than a week of training, and the CIA mercenaries which have been severely depleted to 1/4 of their initial strength.   The US provided cluster munitions are leaving a trail of death upon their own citizens and landmines have made the Ukraine landscape untouchable.

When your commanders are reviled by troops – the battle is already lost.   

Are the Ukrainian troops being used the as guinea pigs to blow up the land mines for incoming Polish and German troops?   Knowing the west’s penchant for ‘guinea pigs’, aka the Vax, I’m liable to think the Loss of Ukrainian troops is an effort to safeguard the ‘more valuable’ incoming foreign troops.    Because in the end, the Eu and US don’t want the Ukrainian people – they want – Ukraine, its resources, and it internal corruption.

Then again – ‘distraction’ is their Plan A in just about every situation.

There is scuttle that Poland and NATO are considering annexing the western portion of Ukraine around Lyiv.   The strategy would appear to make a portion of Ukraine a NATO ally via Poland.    Thus any attack on Polish territory would justify WWIII.

If Russia then took control of the central and eastern portions stretching to Odessa, Crimea and the Black Sea, they will have the majority of the Breadbasket being touted by the Left.   Building a wall to demarcate the new annexations would become a necessity.   Given the speed at which Russia repairs bridges – they might be able to construct a wall within months – separating east and west Ukraine – a stalemate..

This would leave Poland holding a landlocked Ukraine that has suffered superficial damage compared to the East. But what would it really achieve?   Absolutely nothing.   Although perhaps they would have informational propaganda on their side and label the conclusion a ‘victory’.   But, Putin is a man of chess and strategy.   While the military intelligensia on the right seem to have no acumen other than informational illusions.

While noting that the f-16’s are months away, that bombs and ammo are nearly 2 years away, Blinken announced in an interview that the end of the counteroffensive is months away…   It was odd when Blinken et al provided the start date of the counteroffensive, but even more odd that Blinken is now providing an ‘end date’.

One very ignoramus ‘retired’ US General has suggested US warships escort Ukrainian ships in the Black Sea in order to assure the contents of the containers safely reach their EU destinations.   His point is also a pre-emptive WWIII scenario given any attack on the US warships would create an international event…   Even this tactic is old – used on the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor.

Isn’t it odd that ‘the grain’ that doesn’t feed anyone is considered such an important shipment to the EU?

It is difficult to find what might be the distraction. The normal outlets – NED and CSIS are mum.   NED is busily hosting its Nobel Peace Prize Awards – in true Hollywood fashion. And the Peace winners are – laureates from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.   Obviously the ones from Belarus and Russia are leaders opposing the respective governments.   Promoters and analysts who will present the awards include CNN Bianna Golodryga ( a fill-in anchor for CNN), Dan Baer of Carnegie Endowment, and Aleksandr Cherkasov of the defunct NGO, Memorial that was booted from Russia.

Seriously, this is what the West is doing as they call for ‘endless war’ – award dissidents.

While Blinken hails the great success of the Ukrainian CounterOffensive in the media highlighting Zelenskyy’s assertion that Azov has taken back 50% of what Russia previously owned – they don’t release the details – ie, they have taken back ravaged land, ravaged villages, and empty cities.  There was no one there to “Fight”!

Ukraine Plan B, C, D, and E would seem to have failed.   On to Plan K = common core math.

The BRICS are now expanding at an incredibly rabid pace with nearly 40 countries asking to join.   The next Summit is in Africa where Bill Gates genocide, the British, the French and the US – have a lengthy rap-sheet.   Macron’s odd request to be invited to the South African Summit in August has been – denied.   Leaving the black man behind Biden fuming!   If Africa denies Western colonization in favor of the BRICS, the cabalists are losing their 15 minute city destination.

Tsun Tsu – Art of War = Deception.   In my father’s day, every military officer of rank was required to read The Art of War.   Now it appears they are reading Rainbow Warriors Have Safe Spaces…

In order to propel the West further toward their Nobel Laureate self adulation, Blinken has announced;   a) he has levied sanctions on China’s Military Leader which Blinken asserts will have zero impact on relations,   and b)   he has upped the ante against North Korea – with a threat, “either denuclearize or we will really really hurt you – pinky swear”!   Hurt NK with what?   The weapon stash that has been obliterated in order to relieve Ukraine from Ukraine and make it a Polish statehood?

It appears North Korea has given asylum to a US military nobody who was going to be court- marshaled in the US because he is ‘surprise’ an abject Looney Tune!.   Hence the lack of informational propaganda.

Blinken has now failed in revitalizing a China detente, he has botched the Ukraine war, and thinks that threatening North Korea will have any positive reaction to bolster his obtuse reputation.   In fact, my guess is Blinken is on the axing block and his usefulness as a stooge may be coming to near catastrophic close.   He is looking more frazzled and scared than his preferred  demeanor of Cool Hand Luke.

But then he faces The True Mafia at work – Cleaning Crew on Aisle 46!

IN the vein of envy, The Economist has now moved its focus on the relatively new President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele.

Nayib Bukele came into power in June 2019.   And he came in like a Trump on steroids!   Elected via a ‘third party’, his entire term so far has been about arresting gang members which has resulted in the reduction of the murder rate by 60%!   Despite the classic HRW and Amnesty International declarations of human rights violations, Bukele arrested over 71,000 gang members.   The West thrives on gang members.  Gangs dod their most inglorious work and given a free pass.   If El Salvador is cleansed of the gangs – this will negatively impact the outflow of immigrants to the US.

Undeterred, Bukele fired the Attorney General and five Supreme Court Justices – for abject corruption.   The West went ballistic!   Then, shortly after declaring that Bitcoin was legal tender in 2021, protests erupted.   You know – the NED kind of protest/revolution attempted coup – protests.  Informational Propaganda:  Thousands took to the streets to protest Bukele arresting gang members…  Reuters, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty, NBC, Al Jazeera, PBS, LA Times bombed the internet with depictions of a Dictator.

They failed.

When Bukele announced that he took hydroxycholoquine for Covid – the US went ballistic again!   Transparency International declared that El Savador’s president was rogue and had not followed ‘protocol’.    Despite all their best efforts to denounce, demonize, and ridicule Bukele, The West Lost.   LOST.   At 42 today, Bukele is a prime example of facing the Demon head-on and Winning!

And the West is furious.   Yet another country LOST.   Now, having lost China, Saudi Arabia and Africa, and possibly Israel, Ukraine’s importance dwindles.   And Blinken is looking more and more distressed.

The Cabal’s military infrastructure, ie, the CIA, the FBI, NSA, MI6, etc… is precariously close to a Great RESET.  Just not the kind the WEF envisions.   The concept of CBDC’s as a social credit score singular monetary system cannot be initiated because there are no 15 minute cities and no globalization amidst no credibility!   Advancement required unity, an alliance, a sphere of circular corporate stakeholders.   Instead they achieved even greater global discord and the collapse of secrecy.

HOWEVER…   a caged snake is much more likely to strike venomously and lethally.   Which leaves NATO and the West at risk of inciting their next Pandemic Strategy – Global Lockdown for Climate.   Pertinent Problem:   In order to have a “Global Anything” one needs global – and the Cabalist Mafia have lost at minimum of 40-50 largess countries representing a greater percentage of total GDP than the weakened G7.

That means – at this point they have not figured out Plan K and keep managing to make YUGE mistakes that further define them as – well, you know Hillaryesque!   What Difference Does It Make If Millions Die!

Art Of War – Never Underestimate The Enemy…

WEF & King Charles: The Entire Global System Has Failed

When discussing The World Economic Forum and the Great RESET, one of the most prominent figures remains allusive – King Charles.   Yet it was Prince Charles who co-founded and co-opted this entire Agenda.   It is the British Crown that has refused to release its colonies, most notably Australia and Canada. The British Crown perpetuating the Ukraine War. The British Crown that has been embroiled in Epstein Island, the Jimmy Savile Scandal, and pedophilia for many decades unchecked.

It is The British Crown that was allegedly complicit in the death of Princess Diana.  King Charles is involved in over 400 NGO’s – which we describe as ‘charities’ – although the vast majority of them are simply a means of laundering money in a ‘circular’ fashion.

Over the course of 10 years, King Charles is credited with ‘raising 140million euro for said 400 ‘charities’.   What is notable is that Charles didn’t give these NGO’s funding directly, he relinquished funds from other persons unnamed – and took credit.   The Prince of Wales Charitable Fund claims to have donated $70 million over the course of 20 years.   Of course, there are no financial statements, no tax filings – because the Crown is immune from tax.

Therefore, what The Crown states and what is reality meet nowhere at all.

According to numerous videos of Klaus Schwab and Charles, the entire global system has failed.   And on the face, there is no argument.   A better question would be why it failed and by who’s actions?

  1. it failed because a small faction of cabalists lusted.   They lusted after children, money, drugs, power and a caste system.
  2. who are the cabalists?   There are tiers.   Governments are actually the bottom tier simply because they were inserted BY the next tier. That tier would be made up of the agencies tasked with protecting The People – but in fact they are the military of the next tier.  The next tier is the industrialists and bankers.   The final tier is Money.

Capitalism in its truest sense has likely never really existed. Like Marxism – it exists on paper but when humans insert the ideologies into context, every system fails.

The Klaus Schwabs’ and King Charles’ of the globe are not kind benevolents, they are, as Biden noted, part AI.

In Switzerland, 26 cantons delineate the entire country.   Operating similarly to US states, the cantons have their own government and administration.   These cantons fund universities such as the University of Geneva where Klaus Schwab was a professor.  In addition, Swiss cantons provide reciprocity to a number of external universities as well, including: Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Trinity College, Kings College, University of Michigan and University of Tokyo – to name a few.

Once again, this reveals The Nordic countries appear front and center – ruled by the overlord, King Charles, managed by the global Bank – Bank of International Settlements.

In 2020, BIS published, The Green Swan – a Protocol for governments, central banks, and Elites.

The paper discusses the ‘Green Swan transition risks related to potentially disorderly mitigation strategies’.   As in – anarchy.   These risks could have consequences for central banks financial stability mandate.   The best solution, according to the paper is to implement a Pigovian Carbon Tax.    According to The Economist – these taxes change behavior.   The paper seems concerned about how Climate Change will impact monetary flows for Banks; insurance risks, trade risks, and loss of revenue risk.   How then can central banks mitigate these risks and retain their important flow of power, control, and money.

To this end, Klaus Schwab has announced that the ‘next Pandemic’ will be a Climate Pandemic.   Like the CoVid Pandemic – countries will splinter between those who take the climate vax vs. those who refuse.   The ensuing splinter will manifest in ever greater riots, murders, assaults, and destruction of property.

According to BIS our current financial chaos was created by handouts during CoVid. As such BIS has determined that inflation cannot be checked until 2027.   Low interest rates were apparently artificial.   But they did benefit the buying spree of the largest hedge funds into real estate;   Blackrock, State Street and Vanguard.   These funds invested heavily in buying not just a house or two, but sometimes entire developments.   The game plan was the initiation of the ‘you will own nothing’ schematic.   Hedge Funds are the new cornerstone of the rental market.   The rental market will usher in the 15 minute cities, which will create the digital social credit scores and thus the Great RESET monetary system.

Today – there are no 15 minute cities.   Anywhere.   It remains a future concept.   Why?   MONEY.   The Biden administration recently proposed altering the Estate Tax.   The estate and gift tax lifetime exemptions will return to year 2009 levels which are $3.5 million estate and $1 million gift with an increased maximum tax rate of 45%.   In addition, the tax plan would:

  • Implement a tax on unrealized capital gains at death for unrealized capital gains above $1 million.
  • tax the capital gains of millionaires at ordinary income tax rates, which would be levied at his proposed top marginal rate of 39.6 percent
  • require taxpayers to include phantom gains from assets they have not sold in their taxable income each year and pay tax on the phantom gains to reach a minimum tax rate of 20 percent. Taxes paid under the proposal would be considered “pre-payments” of the final capital gains taxes owed when the taxpayer sells their assets or when they owe capital gains taxes at death.

The current estate and gift tax revenue collected by the federal government is roughly $27 billion annually.   A very nominal amount, roughly less than 1% of receipts, in the relativity of Federal Tax revenue.   Even if all these new tax efforts double the revenue – which they won’t – what is the POINT?   Something amiss.

Given the exercise is not really about ‘revenue producing’ – it is likely the point is to eliminate the family farmers and ranchers, midsize family businesses, and effectively tax them out of existence to be bought for scrap meal by the Hedge Funds.

The exit strategy of gifting – will effectively be eliminated.

Further complicating this invasion of the AI Body Snatchers is the statement by our Global Conductors that there will be NO ELECTIONS IN 2024.   WHO will call for a Global Shutdown for Climate Change Pandemonia – and the Biden Administration having handed Authority to Call For Emergency Acts Authorization to the Military and Homeland Security will impose – Martial Law Tyranny.

THUS explaining why Biden is NOT even bothering with campaigning…. AT ALL.

Geoengineered Climate – Disease – Dictators – and Propaganda

Ukraine will be liberated by the allies.   Just like Syria was liberated from its Dictator.    Just like Europe was liberated from Hitler.   Via mass casualties, an even greater number of disabled, and an entire country reduced to rubble.   Soldiers coming home to nothing.   Disease rampant. Brain trauma, PTSD, rehab, drug overdoses. Loved ones dead.   For what kind of liberation?  

After a likely geoengineered earthquake devastated a huge portion of Turkey killing over 50,000, Erdogan was given no choice in suddenly allowing Sweden to be absorbed by NATO.    He was blackmailed.   Mere weeks later Sweden announced they would allow Koran burning – which has now embroiled Sweden in riots.

War could not exist if not for stoking hatred thru propaganda.

One commonality of war is that The People being bombed – and the people doing the bombing rarely hate each other.   It is a mindset form of hypnosis.   It has become so common that to track times of peace is a much smaller research effort than times of war.

Sometimes it feels as though earth is in some minutia bubble and sitting at a large circular table are giants watching as we entertain them with – War & Hate.   Certainly peace and prosperity are not nearly as entertaining.   Just watch the Hollywood movies…

Everything on earth appears to operate in a constant circular pattern. Trees losing their leaves and regrowing every single season – a circular.   Farming crops, tides, wind currents, natures way.   But then there are manipulated circulars;   inflation, war, rebuilding, death to birth, the creation of hate, even ‘rebirth’ is a circular.

In my lifetime, I don’t think the US has ever NOT been at war.   Wars are much longer now, protracted by greed within the abject lack of anything resembling compassion.   Evens these evils are circular – framed in a constant within antiquity.

If we go back to Adam and Eve, we find a circular of hate as some postulate that every aspect of evil in our world today was – Eve’s Fault.   If Eve had resisted Satan would have lost – or some such nonsense.   These same blame sayers will also pontificate that God is the singular source of everything that happens.   In that context, God caused created and caused Eve to sin.   Blame –

I listen to Zelenskyy being described as a ‘hero’ for standing ground and literally decimating his entire countryland and his people, for an ego driven, greed driven villa in Italy.   He could have ended it before it began – and he chose not to.   The US and EU governments declare they want a ‘forever war’.   But The People don’t.  Yet the people are the ones who suffer while the governments rejoice in death.

Today Germany’s economic minister warned Modi that unless he disavowed and demonized Putin, he could forget trade with Germany and the EU.  WHAT?    It is more like an elementary school playground than a system of Leadership.   And what happens when their money is gone – their legacy is spoilt – their fame deteriorated?  And Prosperity rules?

They start over with the same end game rationale. Circular.

Imagine what could have been achieved if these evil mindsets had instead focused on building – creating – solutions – farming – you know, that which is our sustenance for living.

What gives me faith are those who are weary and yet still gather the strength to fight a verbal and legal right of passage.   This strength has been there for every single war fought by every single country.    It exists today.

Syria’s President Assad was a victim of the war worshippers.   A war fought in the guise that we were ‘liberating’ Syrian peoples from their evil dictator.   But we didn’t liberate anyone – instead we spent years completely obliterating antiquity – beautiful historical treasures – under the prefect of Hillary’s words of wisdom that apply to every such situation, “What difference does it make – …they are dead.”

Two wealthy music stars created a video wherein they asked every American to put up their money for Ukraine’s citizens.   Why did they make the video?   Why don’ they just hand over their wealth to Zelenskyy?   Why don’t they call for Peace?   Why don’t they call for peace….

Maybe the reason the elites want to depopulate us is because we have multiplied like bunnies and are uncontrollable.   The reason MAGA is their Achilles heel is because it is a united front. A front that could extend across borders.   A front that can dislodge the contempt and replace it with something good and positive.   That would not be very entertaining to the mind embroiled in chaos.

Today Germany and the UN declared that they won’t send aid to Syria any longer because the bad dictator Assad would misuse it.   SO people must be punished and incited to believe Assad is evil. The tactics come from the bully pit yet they are reformulated each and every time in a manner wherein they believe these Peoples will suddenly thank the US for liberating their country and reducing it to rubble.  Bow and scrape…

I am reminded of the picture of white people on their knees kissing black peoples feet – begging for forgiveness.   But they don’t want our forgiveness they want money!   And NYC is proud to announce they will be paying BLM rioters millions for unjustly arresting them…   The same NYC that is broke.

I just read the Lew Rockwell blog ‘Is climate engineering real?’   It’s worse than real, it is worse than we can imagine real.   Because not only have the ‘experts’ been busily playing with our climate – the reason they are so desperate now is because they can’t fix the damage they have done – so they need to deflect and BLAME The People via Climate Change.  The article is absolutely stupendous!!!   Perhaps why I am so melancholy today.

Maybe God needs to blow up earth and just start over.   These people are beyond evil – evil is too tame to describe them.   They must be another Species…

WEF ENERGY LEADERS: Making Beaucoup Profits in Oil & Gas

The UN has designated July as the goal of employment and decent work for all.   According to the report, the world is still suffering under inflation, supply chain disruptions, and labour market challenges.   Their social-economic report discusses social protection, a social recovery, social cohesion, social resilience, and a ‘different economy’…  

As such, Agenda 2030 – has designated July’s monthly goal  – ‘decent work’… :

Me: What the fark is decent work’?

UN: Decent work is productive and delivers a fair income…

Me: What the fark is ‘fair income’?

UN: Universal minimum income subject to fair taxes

Me: What the fark are fair taxes?

UN: The Committee will decide

The Committee is the UN and the UN has embarked on a global Dictatorship/Monarchy whereby they act as King and King.   Only China has recently decided to give the thumbs down on the Climate Gamut.   Kerry fell flat on his face attempting to extricate/extort money from China this past weekend.   And Jinping seems to have abandoned the notion that the US is anything more than a pariah…

So while the US is busily making more and more enemies – China has set out to become the face of the “good guy’. The West is now disliked by everyone – including themselves.   Even Obama’s precious Africa is turning their back to the White House.

China has become the Tortoise in the story of the Tortoise and the Hare.   It involves itself in no wars.   Instead it is in Ghana giving free surgeries and births.   They are in Algeria to work more closely together. They are forging technology in Pakistan. And more businesses are entering the China market from Germany, Japan, and the UK – while the US is pulling out.

So in all this Communist manifesto of fairness Xi Jinping’s net worth is estimated to be somewhere between $1.2 billion and $72 billion – give or take… I guess that represents the capitalist part of communism adopted by the US Government.

A specialized agency of the UN is the Food and Agriculture Organization. Created in 1945 by FDR, he held a conference at the luxury Omni Homestead Resort with all his best buddies to forge this new sub-agency.   Four months later they needed another conference, this one was held at the famed Chateau Frontenac in Quebec. For some reason Motel 8 is never considered.

The mission of the Food and Agriculture Organization is to defeat global hunger and improve nutrition and food security.   Unfortunately, it is not working, although I’m sure a lot of food security could have been created from the hotel bill.

Budgeting a mere $1 billion to $1.6 billion this UN organization has accomplished absolutely – nothing.  For 78 years.

Qu Dongyu is the Director General.   He’s from China where he is a member of the communist party. The US declared that his winning the nomination for seat as Director General was mired in bribery and coercion.   So the West has criticized Dongyu for not announcing to the world that the 2022-2023 food crisis was directly a result of Russia invading Ukraine.  Because he refused to make this correlation, the US continues to demonize him.

When Dongyu responded that there was no crisis because Russia could fill any voids, the West called him a Putin puppet!

Really.   This is our Administration.

According to The Economist, China’s economy is in trouble.   They are doomed.  They will dissolve into nothingism – soon.   Apparently, this decline toward deflation was noted by Janet Yellen on her Magical Mystery Tour of China – replete with magic mushrooms. Yummy…   During her visit she frequented numerous restaurants – and on one such occasion met with ‘a representative’ of The Economist.   Convenient coincidence?

The Economist put together a China GDP change chart immediately after the meeting with Yellen, via Haver Analytics to support their supposition.   This chart starkly reveals China’s economy has expanded 6.5% since its CoVid decline in 2021 and 2022.  DANG reality.  The ISSUE:   IF China aligns trade with India and Russia – the West is Toasted.

Haver Analytics partners with The Economist, Energy Intelligence Forum (Shell & McKinsey), Action Economics, and Informa Financial Intelligence. Their team come from major banks, Federal Reserve Positions, and hedge funds. What they all do is come together to create financial trends from which they profit.   They make their money on Oil & Gas. And that continues to be their primary focus.

In addition, they focus on economies. One concern is the fact that Americans have ‘excess savings’ that needs to be depleted or extinguished altogether in order to reap peasantry status.    As such, they order ‘more inflation’ for Uber delivery PRONTO. Their economic chart stats can be found here:

The affiliations of these Energy Leaders include: Saudi Aramco, Engie, JP Morgan, International Business Council, Total, Shell, LNG, EIG and of course all things – Harvard & Qatar.

Simultaneously this oil and gas energy profiteering group claim they belong to The World Economic Forum.    While continuing to profit nicely from oil and gas trends – they promote sustainable energy for the plebes.   Can’t have them investing in profitable Energy!   Almost as though there are two distinct WEF’s operating toward different agendas.

What the Energy Leaders are not doing is investing in wind and solar.   What they are not doing is making a decent income:   $6.5 million annual compensation – $8.2 million per year – $161 billion profits up 46.5% over the previous year – on OIL.   That nasty nasty gunk we are no longer allowed to use.   Making more wealth for the wealthy living a fair income on fair taxes at a decent level.

In essence this is the parallel world wherein oil is played by the heavy weights – and the peasants are told to blow windmills and install heavily unsustainable solar panels while blowing up their homes with Exploding EV Batteries.

They have absolutely NO intention of ever decoupling from Oil & Gas.

VOA: The Global Voice of ALL MSM Propaganda

Across the Mainstream establishment media from Germany to the UK to the US, the topic of Iran’s Morality Police enforcing the wearing of hijabs dominates. Many are under the misconception that a hijab is a burka – when in fact it is simply a headscarf.   And it is none of our business.  

The vast majority of information coming from Iran is thru various NGO’s including US Agency For Global Media. The journalist is Masih Alinejad.   Born in Iran Masih was privileged to attend Oxford in the UK. She took the name Masih as a young woman (it was not her given name) – in Persian it means Messiah.  She is a feminist who actively protested against the government of Iran in 1994 and later in the US when she relocated here. She has met with Mike Pompeo and Jake Sullivan who promote her ideologies. Masih attempted to seek presence before His Majesty Obama, denied, and won an award from the American Jewish Committee…

According to The Guardian – Masih has been front and center in organizing Iranian protests. With the help of the US Global Media and Voice of America. Effectively, she helps the US initiate coups. She is also used as a source by The Gateway Pundit to promote Iran rhetoric. I assume – unintentionally.

The American Jewish Committee was established in 1906 as the Bolsheviks began organizing their tender under Lenin. During its early years, the organization was led by four prominent businessmen including banker Jacob Schiff. Schiff was an Ashkenazi Jew whose father worked with The Rothschilds. Jacob married the daughter of Solomon Loeb…   and the Jewish Banking Cartel was thus solidified in the US.

The US Agency for Global Media was formed in 1994 originally as the Broadcasting Board of Governors – its name was changed in 2019.    It is tasked with supervising 5 different stations including Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, Middle East Broadcasting, Office of Cuba Broadcasting, and the Open Technology Fund. Their purpose is to incite the youth in various countries across the globe to rebel, create chaos, and allow for the NED/CSIS Regime Change – COUP.

Despite The Global Media claiming they are separate and distinct they are funded by the US Government, Affiliated with the US Government and operated under the auspices of Hillary Clinton who founded the Open Technology Fund. Its budget alone is $15 million.

Journalist, Eli Lake, stated that these Media offshoots incited – The Green Revolution Iran 2009, as well as the Arab Spring in 2010 and 2011. The Agency for Global Media asserts that it promotes uncensored unfettered media across the globe – just not on Facebook and Twitter, apparently.

Voice of America was established in 1942 to promote various disinformation campaigns surrounding WWII when it was taken over by the Office of War Information. In 1945, VOA became a subsidiary of The Department of State. Their annual budget is $252 million.

VOA is to the US what the BBC is to the UK and DW is to Germany.   They are government propaganda agencies that feed fake and false information in order to shift perspectives and alliances.   A classic Soros/Nazi tactic – they target the youth market across the globe – including but not limited to The Hong Kong riots, The Ukraine Orange Revolution, riots across Chile and Brazil, etc…

These media platforms use the same techniques employed by the CIA in such projects as MK Ultra wherein mass hypnosis is parlayed into regime changes via MSM propaganda.   And as usual – the US is front and center in this global information hypnosis.

What VOA and US Global media will not tell you is that because of their actions in inciting youth across global countries many thousands die in the protests.   Kamikazes’. Martyrs.


Ukraine:   Samantha Power is in Ukraine pledging $250 million for farmers… Given the Black Sea Deal was rejected by Russia which will cause a global famine as Ukraine’s ‘trafficking fleet’ is docked..

Russia:   “Russia Attempts to Erase History Following Decades of Russia Expansion into Europe!”   VOA makes the claim that Russia has expanded exponentially into Europe.   As proof – VOA cites Russia establishing clandestine military operations in Ukraine 2014.   And again in 2023 when Russia deployed nuclear weapons to Belarus.

The VOA Propaganda fails to note the reasons for these actions.   As though nothing exists with regard to the riots, the revolution, the bombing of Donetsk, The Minsk Agreement, for 8 years!

The VOA fails to address the riots in Iran incited by VOA activists including The Gateway Pundit’s ‘source’ – Masih Alinejad.

This is where MSM headlines originate.   Where they are written.   From whence they are distributed in a uni-party parity.   They are the source of every Alice in Wonderland upside-down perverted information. They will take irrefutable FACTS and twist them into an attack on US Press Freedom;   US Bioweapon Labs in Ukraine – Nuland confirmed – over 52 – VOA calls it ‘fake news from The Kremlin’.

VOA uses what they call their “” to write disinformation sometimes without a ‘writer’.   As though AI is generating the reports based on the input of false algorithms.   Other times, they employ specific opposition persons to support their ideology, such as Leonid Martynyu.   An activist from Kyiv, Leonid writes the VOA position for Russia.   He studied at the Open Russia Foundation.   The Open Russia Foundation was created by Khordokovsky, a Clintonite with Soros money. Their stated goal or ideology is ‘anti-Putin’.   Its board included Kissinger and Rothschild. They were ‘expelled’ from Russia in 2017.

Normando Hernández González is NED’s Cuban anarchist journalist stoking riots in Cuba while living in the US.

During the latter part of Trump’s tenure, he attempted to reorganize VOA and its parent US Global Media.   A new board, a new Director, they sought to eliminate the propaganda and coup incitements.   All for not as Biden repealed the entire staffing and the propaganda platform is amped to the nth degree.

THIS is the SOURCE For ALL MSM Media Regurgitations…