US Government Spending on Electric Grid & Environment & Infrastructure $-0-

WHEN did it become okay to destroy our oceans?   To damage and destroy all fish and mammalian life that live in oceans?   Wonder why whales are beaching in vast numbers?   Wonder why our wild fishing is no longer viable?   Why was Japan allowed to dump a million metric tons of radioactive waste water into the ocean and the only objection came from China?

It takes just 57 days for that waste to distribute across the planet’s waterways contaminating everything in its path and destroying every creature within.

Somehow climate change will be blamed.  

It isn’t just the oceans – but it is our global landscape!   Forests burning to ash.   Arson.   Lack of firemen, firetrucks, materials, is despicable.  We are sending our money into the Ukraine toilet.   Instead of addressing the arson, our esteemed government continues to claim that heat from climate change and drought from climate change and a thirsty atmosphere from climate change are the real culprits.

Except they aren’t.

Even more disturbing is our government claims the 36,275 fires so far this year are normal.   Below the average.   The average beginning in 2010.   If we look at 1983 when fires first began to be recorded, there were 18,229 wildfires.  Meaning we have doubled the norm.    This is the metric of misinformation forced down our throats via cherry picking dates to substantiate an agenda.

But the disinformation is even more disturbing;  in 1983 those wildfires burned just 1.3 million acres.   In 2020, they burned 10+ million acres.  There are video’s afoot on Twitter X showing the arsonists.   Fire fighters understand that arson is the equation.  SO given our corrupted government is likely behind these fires in some manner, the question would be – WHY?

A more desolate landscape will force evacuees into inner cities.   The air pollution fallout from the fires will force people to move, their lungs burning with acid.   The trees that once provided our CO2 will not exist.    The animals once hunted for food will no longer exist.   Without these food sources we will eat bugs because that is all that will remain.  Cities are the end product.  Cities currently riddled in crime and destitution.   Cities ready to be leveled in preparation for the new and improved 15 Minute WEF Smart Green City.

Contaminated fish.  Contaminated wild meat.   You will eat your dog – one person espoused.

Yet it is only western countries.   Everyone else will fill the void of the West and flourish.

Lahaina:   Over 2,000 children did not show up for school this week.   Yet Governor Green still declares 112 people in total have perished.   The Official number.   The air quality in Lahaina is worse than poor after the fires, it is toxic.   Laden with arsonic, asbestos, and lead.  Fumes from burnt tires and plastics that can cause a host of health issues.  Chemicals that can increase the risk of cancer, birth defects, and cognitive impairment.   Why haven’t the elites opened their homes to people?   Not One.

The Department of Transportation led by Buttigieg announced they would release $3 million in emergency funding for ‘traffic management and repairs’.   Withe what maintenance equipment?   The cost to lay one mile of roadway is over $1.3 million.   One mile.   This does not include cost to clear and clean the current ashes, cars, and debris.    Resoil.   Grade.

When considering our environment as threatened to the point of extinction, our western Handlers are destroying the environment.   They pay the NGO’s that hire the arsonists.   And lest we forget, the Prime Minister of Japan, Kashida Fumio, was at the WH just 7 days ago and suddenly exercises the ‘right’ to pollute our entire ecosystem within the oceans.   Not one Congressional member objected.

Today, the Colorado government along with BLM have withdrawn 2 million acres of western slope land from oil & gas leasing.   Because of ‘pollution’.  The Strategic Reserves today are calculated to be 348 million barrels out of a capacity of 747 million.  This would last America 19 days.

There are no new electric grids currently being created.   There is currently no expansion of the grids functioning.   There is Federal funding in the amount of $13 billion available but with caveats — smart grids.   Smart Grids:  an entire network within the 3 grids across the US that will use AI to determine where and how much electricity will be distributed.   Despite this initiative being lauded since 2022, nothing has actually improved.   Why?

The Department of Energy led by Jennifer Granholm budgeted $46 billion in fiscal year 2022.  The vast majority went to the Department of Defense.   Another $16 billion, 35%, went to ‘Science and Energy’.   Their role is to advise Jennifer Granholm.  To give the money to the DoD.

In other words – there are no grid improvements.   No grid repairs.  No additional utility lines to support electric stoves, fireplaces, furnaces, heaters, or cars.   NONE.   

The Department of Transportation last week revealed they have completed all infrastructure improvements!   Just Kidding!   Buttigieg did announce that he has ‘appointed a committee to investigate infrastructure equity’.   The committee will investigate civil rights issues within infrastructure.   Disbursements for infrastructure?   $-0-.

LIES.   Our Government is destroying our environment.   They are destroying our economy.   They are raping Taxpayers.   For the privilege of inflicting untenable pain.   

Ready For Those Gun Toting IRS Agents?  NEXT!

The GREENs, The Nephilim And GOD

The GREENS have discovered that trees emit carbon and are busily trying to figure out how many trees need to be cut down in order to reach a full methane fart free, tree free, agriculture free, animal free, landfill free, grass free, human free environment wherein nothing is ALIVE.   So a number of them donned their fake fur coats made from oil and chemicals to warm themselves due to excessive cold fronts from ice melts that have regrown ice, and have moved next to volcanoes to keep warm while they figure it all out.

But the volcano erupted on them emitting massive amounts of carbon and lava catching their synthetic coats and pants and shoes on fire enveloping them in flames and dispersing their remains back into the bowels of earth from which they were born in carbon.

Within the hollow earth, the Nephilim who survived the great flood and evolved into satanic lizard people resurrected the Greens and sent them back out to the earth’s surface where they infiltrated large enclaves of opioid addicts and convinced them that guns and death were just a video game.   Arming these addicts, they exhaled blue blood from their nostrils in defiance to the idiom that we all have ‘red blood’ and are thus cinqo de mayo relatives.   But the chicken eggs in the mayo protested and rioted and killed all the chickens to prove that eggs are not viable.   So the chickens were slaughtered to protect them from being eaten by humans.

And The Greenies were happy.

The GREENS felt they had made great progress in transforming earth back to its roots of utopia and in good faith died a rancid death of starvation to show solidarity with their comrades – the Grass Blades and the peaches.

Soon, the lizard peoples began to crawl out of their Hell in earth and surface looking for food and water.   But the Greens had destroyed the vast majority of viable vegetation so the Lizards, looking for sustenance, returned to their hollow earth dwellings and boiled the Greens.   Adding a bit of spice preserved from the methane atmosphere, the Greens were delicious, albeit a bit bitter.   Undeterred, the Lizards found a healthy peat of undiluted methane rotting on the soil and mixed it into the Green Brew.

It was perfect!

Soon All The Greens disappeared from earth while the Lizards took power and asked the Rhino’s if they were adverse to a bit of ‘mud play’.   The odds were 2 trillion 300 billion 540 million to one.   The betting commenced!   The Rhino’s IQ of 12 was certainly a deficit gamut, but the Cartel Crocs were convinced they had cornered the odds.   So the Lizards offered the Crocs a deal:   if we win, we scavenge earth’s surface freely, and you must dwell for eternity inside the earth’s core.

The Crocs thought this a hilarious gamut and sweetened the deal:   if we win, you become our slaves for life.   The Rhino’s Agreed.   Whereupon they ate the Crocs and deposited their remains in the landfills of methane.

Lo!   Out of the Windamere Forest, a human emerged, his skin was ravaged in blood and his clothes shred into dust.   He emerged and faced a RHINO – I have a brain – and you have plagued earth since it’s inception with slime and gore and ethereum.   I challenge you to a duel!

The Paul Ryan Rhino laughed and produced his Green Card.   You see this!?   This card guarantees me that I will win!   You are nothing, your God and earth are nothing!   I eclipse you and will shred your existence from this planet once and for all!  Ryan unshackled his sword and fumbled with it afraid it might prick him.

Unperturbed, the Human smiled – GOD created methane.   GOD created Cows.   GOD created earth.   YOU, sir Rhino, created a Black Hole thru which Erik Hawking has provided a list of recipients who will be extincted.   I give you The List.   You are now given a choice – you may save yourself and condemn everyone on this list – or you will be sentenced and perish in the Lake of Fire.   What say you?

The List was engulfed in FLAMES!   As were every name.

Netherlands Shutting Out 60% of Farmers For Crickets

The Government of The Netherlands is attempting to shut down 60% of the local Farms in order to reduce nitrogen emissions.   Google: Primary cause of nitrogen oxides is burning fuel.   What is the primary emitter of Nitrogen and Carbon? Volcanoes.   Secondarily, lightening strikes, oceans, and biological decay emit large quantities of nitrogen.   Nitrogen gases are present around earth – and all other uninhabited planets… including those planets that don’t ‘farm’. In fact, according to UCLA, nitrogen has been a component of the earth’s mantle since earth’s creation.

Follow The Science…

BEFORE the Climate Change Chaos Agenda, scientists determined that one volcanic eruption can create 20 million tons of particulate that can linger in the stratosphere for 3-4 YEARS.   There are 1500 active volcanoes on earth. Roughly 50-70 erupt every year!   ~According to the British Geological Survey of Science.

Obviously, volcanic eruption is NOT man-made.

Therefore, the amount of carbon and nitrogen produced by a bunch of ‘farmers’ Is negligible in the scheme of things.

Mark Rutte has served as the Netherlands Prime Minister for 12 years… More importantly, The Netherlands are a monarchial society overseen by Willem Alexander. Like Prince Harry, Willem served in the Royal Dutch Army as a reservist and was promoted numerous times having done absolutely – NOTHING. He received countless merits and awards during his tenure of doing nothing – attaining the rank of Brigadier General.

In 2016, Rutte was appointed to the position of high level panel on water by the UN…   During his tenure as PM – his government has been rife with scandal.   Identifying as a member of the ‘conservative party’, Rutte would seem to hail alongside the UN and WEF in what would be termed in the US – “Rhino Territory”.  Or McCainism.

When configuring the source of the Cabal – most often America is the accused cursed originator. However, America is the distraction.   And the Netherlands along with BIS are the reality source.  Maintaing their shadow stance until the ‘right’ time arises and all will be told.

They have existed for centuries well before America was founded.   The British never forgave Americans for creating a non-monarchial society and have since attempted to enslave us along with their compatriot Monarchs.  Why?  Because Monarchs can rule without interference, without a whit for the peasants, and accumulate vast wealth while the peasants glorify them…

The only purpose of shutting down farmers in the Netherlands is to create food shortages.   And apparently the esteemed ‘government’ of The Netherlands is ALL ABOARD!   While some farmers have found ways around the purge, wherein small towns are creating more localized farmer’s markets to eliminate the broad based government chaos, the ulterior motive is quite clear.

And has absolutely nothing to do with ‘nitrogen output’.

According to a “scientific study’ article published in 2019, agriculture may account for less than 4% of all nitrogen output.   Nitrogen is a necessary compound for all crops.   Particularly corn.  ” Nitrogen is an essential building block for the whole food system from farm to mouth. For food production, both under- or oversupply of nutrients are problematic.”

Nitrogen is important to your health as it is a critical component of proteins that form muscles and other tissues and nucleic acid including DNA and RNA.  ~ The Marine Biological Laboratory.

,When looking at alternatives, such as ‘crickets’, they are considered a ‘nitrogen reservoir’ and beneficial to feeding that nitrogen into the soil… via their feces.   Crickets as a food source produce 10% of all nitrogen.  Animals and plants require nitrogen to survive which is why earth’s mantle is abundant in this resource.   Crickets are a reservoir – not source.   Therefore crickets won’t survive if the soil nitrogen is depleted – plants life will die, and cattle will become anemic – and die.

Meaning, the gamut is to replace nitrogen used in the production of food with nitrogen produced by cricket feces… which won’t happen unless their food sources are rich in nitrogen!

GREEN ENERGY: Pick Your Poison

New York has Announced that ‘rolling brown outs’ will be the mainstay in the near future.   Simultaneously, the state is demanding Green Energy Initiatives:   1.   all new building and construction must be fully electric, including heat   2. all new cars by electric by 2035.   3. 70% of energy must be renewable by 2030.   Wonderful! So what are they doing to manage the overload of electric needs? 

Pick Your Poison!

New York has no natural gas or petroleum reserves, thus 90% of its power comes from the Niagara Falls hydroelectric dam, nuclear, and natural gas. Of the natural gas sourced, 3/5 of the plants have dual resource capability, meaning they can run on petroleum, and or coal.

There are/were four nuclear plants providing about 30% of their power:   1. Nine Mile:   commissioned in 1969 and 1988,   2.   Indian Point: commissioned in 1974 and 1976, and representing 40% of the nuclear power closed permanently in 2021    3.   RE Ginna:   Commissioned in 1970, and,   4.   James Fitzpatrick: commissioned in 1975.

The average lifespan of a nuclear plant is licensed at 40 years with a potential expansion for an additional 20 years.   By 2050, all US reactors will have reached that 60 year limit.   New York has -0- new or proposed plants.

In other words – New York’s energy capabilities make New York TOASTED!

Wind Power represents about 3.6%-or less,  of New York’s renewable energy.   Many of the wind farms have also exceeded their lifespan or will soon.   The largest farm went operational in 2006.   The maximum lifespan of wind turbines is about 20 years.    Summer months generate the least amount of wind.

Solar is not exactly New Yorks widget given the sun is not strong enough to dent the usage.   With the highest electricity rates in the country, New York is doing little to mediate their mandates.   As usage soars, the price will increase exponentially, leaving many without power… and the persons most affected will be the poor black and Hispanic populations.

So exactly what message has De Blasio and Cuomo left for New York?   Tough Tiddley Winks ‘cause we’re moving to Florida and buying a mansion on a beach while we play mahjong…with Jinping while drinking mai-tai’s.   

The inherent issue?   Wind and Solar are dependent, whereas fossil fuels are transported.   Can’t transport the solar from Arizona to New York, or the wind from North Dakota to New York…

Ten states generate over 50% of their electric energy from coal.   Only 3 states generate over 50% of their energy from hydroelectric. Only 1 state tops 26% from solar.   Arizona, the sun state of the US, only generates 8% of its electricity from solar. Nuclear is aging out quickly, and for many the available renewables just are not capable of generating the necessary output.

So.   WHERE the heckinsy will all the current power come from if coal is retired, nuclear is retired, and you don’t have a Niagara Falls nearby? Not to mention the doubling of electric usage from all the 2030+ mandates?


Because no one really cares. The 90 IQ is the new 80.

As I have noted before, the global oil consumption by country is a ridiculous analysis given it makes no adjustment for exports and imports.  I.e, if you have no oil you import everything – but your carbon footprint is zero!  Consumption is an algorithm based on production.   Therefore, if you are NOT producing you must not be consuming…   Stupidity REIGNS.

While the IQ 80’s still believe that production of cancer causing, land devastation mining is a measure of a countries value, they obtusely ignore the substrate ramifications:   Lithium mining for the production of batteries is FAR more devastating to the land, water, animal, and health than oil production.   Which is why China no longer has the two most precious resources; land and water.   Without these resources they have no food. And the economy can sell trillions of defective trinkets but without land and water it is all meaningless.

Of the top freshwater lakes in the world, one is in Africa, one is in Russia and the rest are in the US. Nuking ANY of these is beyond out of the question!

Even the Greatest Idiot Jester in the world can process that factoid.

So if solar and wind prove ‘unsustainable’ an alternative must be in the making – right?   Otherwise governments are dooming themselves.

There are a number of alternatives being researched today, and while they hail great progress, they don’t do the job for propelling cars, trucks, trains, or planes with much efficiency. And many soak up the number one precious resource – water.

For example: Geothermal is based on hot spring water beneath the earth’s surface.   Problems:   Air pollutants are massive. Salt and minerals from the springs degrade and are dumped in wells, landfills, and other water precious resource depletions.  What is the long term effect of draining our hot spring waters?   NO IDEA.  Can it effect platelets?  Earthquakes?   Or even volcanic eruptions?

Fusion too, continues to have its hurdles.   Investigated for nearly a decade, fusion is a nuclear reaction that requires water.

Bill Gates and Steven Hawking bet on the fusion future.  

FUSION Defined – sortof:   a combination of hydrogen gases – deuterium and tritium – are heated to very high temperatures (over 100 million degrees Celsius). The gas becomes a plasma and the nuclei combine to form a helium nucleus and a neutron, with a tiny fraction of the mass converted into ‘fusion’ energy.

While the concept reads that fusion requires water to form its energy, the oceans are considered the unending source. Apparently studies regarding the effects of water depletion long term on our oceans and ocean life has not been a consideration…  As in no more whales, no more fish, no more algea, no more coral reefs…

In other words – there is NO form of energy to date that doesn’t weigh both positive and negative impacts on the environment!   NONE.

In reality – it is a game of pick your poison… there is NO such thing as CLEAN energy.  To Date.

CLIMATE SUMMIT: The Great Colonization RESET of Africa

The Great RESET CLIMATE Summit is underway and two rather inane things make the news:   1. Everyone wants to shake hands with the Jesuit traitor, Pope Francis, who has instituted himself as the new Climate Tzar, and 2. Deutsche Welle Headline:   “Is southeast Asia meeting its climate commitments?”

#2)   Mauna Loa dataset is the current singular most prevalent means of measuring greenhouse emissions. They began measuring in 1960 and became the common source for all of Europe in – 2015.   Prior to that all European countries had a variety of measurement systems in play, as did individual countries. Therefore using different years as the base for reduction literally has absolutely no factual context.   And somehow SCIENCE is oblivious to this conundrum…

Indonesia’s deforestation is the primary culprit for SE Asia emissions.   They likely won’t have any trees left to cut by 2050.   So the pledge will die along with their economy, and their islands.

On the other hand, China’s emissions continue to rise despite any and all pledges, because 80% of their fuel source for economic development is based on coal. In order to advance their reign to number One in the global war for Kingpin their manufacturing output needs to constantly increase.  And the Great Climate Subject ignores this factoid and instead focuses on small benign countries.

And thirdly, emissions are measured by a country and designated as their per capita despite the fact that energy, manufacturing and industry are imported and exported widely, which has absolutely NOTHING to do with ‘per capita’ or total emissions. The only way to measure via an absolute number would be to shut down ALL trade.

Pledging. Commitments.   These are the terms used to placate the UN.   Any country that pledges net zero by 2050 will be left alone.    And China has learned that pinky swear is good enough of a pledge for the UN.

#1)   Since the beginning of Papal reign, the duties to which a Pope must hold true include: 1. Teaching, or feeding the flock with the Word.   2.   Set by example.   3.   Feed the sheep, not yourself.

Pope Francis has declared, or self-appointed himself, not Supreme Leader of the Church, but Ruler of the World.   All kings and governments must submit to his Authority and Supremacy. This doctrinal Papal Authority was reignited by Pope Innocent III in 1198.   Launching crusades, Pope Innocent’s reign was about Power. Power of secular states, power over kings, and power over the Church.    Religion was a low priority.

While Christianity was designed to adhere to moral and ethical standards, and the moral decay of a civilization is rooted in secularism, Papal Authority is subject to corruption just as easily as Secular Power.   Pope Francis has provided the world with just that largess profile lacking in dignity, respect and honor.

Pope Francis is not without his bosses.   Former UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, George Soros and Jeffrey Sachs recognized the power that could be centralized with the pope-plant, Francis. Shortly after his pivotal ascendancy, Francis was recognized as a Catholic Powerpoint presentation for the Sustainable Development Program, leaned pro-abortion, and supported the Millennium Development Goals.  

This Coup was a masterful game changer.

Both Soros and Francis celebrated their narcissism by declaring;   Francis“make a mess – create chaos”, and Soros“discern the chaos – and become rich”.   CHAOS and WEALTH are the wholly Grail of Mantras.  Their ideological alliances are absolutely parallel.   The secular joined the Catholic and the World Order became a vastly closer ideal.

The United Millennium Goals preceded the Sustainable Development Goals.   Developed in 2000, their achievement was to be presumed by 2015.   Funded by the World Bank, IMF, and the African Development Bank,  the focus was of course, money. They missed the target goals, they were inundated in criticism, lacked legitimacy, and failed miserably to achieve much of anything.

While highlighting One success, they focused on a bizarrely disinformation particulate:   China’s poverty population declined from 452 million to 278 million (A statement reiterated routinely by Bernie Sanders).

In 1985 China’s rural poverty line was 635 yuan per year or $.66 per day.   The World Bank measure was $1 per day.   Thus the World Bank used their measure to create a rate of 42% poverty in 1985 thru 1992.   As of 2017, the World Bank raised their worst poverty line to $1.90, while adding $3.2 for lower middle income countries and $5.5 for upper middle income countries.   In 2000, China changed their measurement which equates to roughly 2300 yuan per year.  In 2021, a 1985 inflation adjusted parity would equate to $.16 per day.  All in the midst of an Economic and GDP heyday!

The Millennium Goals flopped.   And together with Pope Francis, Soros recreated numbers. Today, numbers and statistics are simply an algorithm whose parameters are inserted to produce a designated outcome – much like polls.

And the Great RESET was established with more money, more manipulation, more corruption, and more theoretical predictive science.

Where is Ban Ki Moon today?  

He launched the Global Commission on Adaptation with Bill Gates and Kristalina Georgieva who is currently the Managing Director of IMF and a member of the World Economic Forum. In 2021, an independent inquiry revealed that Georgieva had instructed staff at the World Bank to skew data to make China look better.   Aren’t we supposed to believe that China is the Bad Guy?    Her education was at the Karl Marx Institute.

The purpose of the Global Commission on Adaptation is to help and support global organizations transition to the Great RESET world.   Key Partners are all African NGO’s.   Other Partners are heavily entrenched in the New Green Deal and funded by Bloomberg, UK Government, Ministry of Denmark, IKEA, AXA, Rockefeller Foundation, OAK Foundation, the CCP, and Open Society Foundations – among others.

The focus of the African Adaptation is the Recreation/Colonalization of Africa for the Cabal for the purpose of  creating vast profits while the rest of the world spirals into the Rabbit Hole.

The Media/Globalist RUSE is to falsely portray the CCP as being targeted as the ‘bad guy’ while they are fully integrated in the GREAT RESET strategy. The PURPOSE is the global Cabalist takeover of Africa and the elimination/redistribution of black people so as to significantly lower the wealth thru redistribution.

PETROCHEMICALS – Massive Source of CO2 Emissions

While the Climate Protagonists target vehicles, lawn mowers, leaf blowers, et al, PetroChemicals remain untouched.   Petrochemicals are used for the production of plastics and resins that are found in just about everything including carpet, food, medicine, pesticides, detergents, makeup, beauty products, etc…   We eat oil, lather in oil, let our children chew on oil based toys, walk on oil, cook our food on appliance oils, and wear oil.   All to save the trees.

The petrochemical production plants are a major source of greenhouse gases, air pollution, water pollution, acid rain and ozone depletion. In the US most plants are located in Texas, Louisiana, Pennsylvania and the Appalachians. The health effects include tumors, cancer, asthma, nerve disorders and blood disorders.

Yet for some reason they are NOT mentioned in the Green Weenie Summits.    New plants continue to be constructed across the globe unabated.   42 new petrochemical plants are under construction in the US today.   By 2050, the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from plastic plants is estimated to reach 56 gigatons.

Germany has the largest petrochemical company in the world, BASF, followed by the US, Netherlands and UK.   Working in collaboration with Monsanto, BASF operates in 80 countries including; US, South America, Mexico, Japan, Africa, Australia, India, and across Europe. They have been rated as the 1st largest water polluter and 4th largest air polluter in the world.   Air pollution accounts for 9% of global deaths per year or 5,000,000 people.

Founded by Carl Bosch as IG Farben, BASF collaborated with the Nazi’s in World War II.  Today, revenues top $60 billion annually.

When measuring a country’s output of greenhouse gases, the numbers do NOT account for production plants owned by other countries.   BASF is a German Company polluting the air and water of 80 countries across the globe.   When charts rate and rank countries by their emissions Germany comes in at 2% compared to the US at 15%.   An obvious ‘meaningless’ statistic.

In 2018 BASF self-reported their CO2 emissions at 21.9 million metric tons (not including China plants). Of course like every other political conquest, they ‘plan on reaching -0- emissions by 2050’.   2050 is the NEW 2015…that became 2020, that became 2025, that became 2030, that is now 2050.   They plan to achieve this quest by using renewable electric energy instead of fossil fuels…   Not sure, but it seems to me that electricity does not convert to plastic no matter how much you hoodoo voodoo it.  Plastic is oil. They also make no statement with regard to water pollution.

What they are stating is that plastics will remain a core industry requiring oil and gas, but plant production will attempt to use alternate means ‘if’ BASF can maintain competitiveness in the market.  As for water?  Tough tiddly-winks.

But water pollution isn’t the only trivial pursuit, it takes 1.4 gallons of water (fresh and gray) to produce one plastic water bottle.   90% of those bottles are NOT recycled and end up in the marine ecosystem.   With droughts and water shortages surging, the waste is simply phenomenal!

Given the EPA restrictions in the US and Europe, Africa has been the new source of plant production.   China is another huge source given their lack of pollution awareness.   Still, petrochemicals are NOT going away any time soon unless consumerism simply vanishes.   Bill Gates?  Bill Gates?

Shale was a primary source for the petrochemical industry. When Biden shut down the US industry, it not only impacted our oil and gas independence, it shuttered the US petrochemical industry.   Since Biden’s announcement, gas prices have risen 270%.   Not ONLY affecting prices at the pump, but everything in between which contains ‘plastic’.

The idea that fossil fuels will vanish is absurd.   Until, unless the petrochemical additive can be replaced, no amount of solar or wind will create the physical product.   Thus -0- emissions target is simply a cartoon bubble bobble.

And Greenie Weenie folks out there trying to ban all petrochemical plants have nary a clue what that entails.

WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM: Another NGO Slaughterhouse

I remember when ‘pollution’ was the rage of environmental crisis action!   I remember when increased heat was directly related to concrete and asphalt!   I remember when planting trees instead of starting wildfires was paramount for all the young people! I remember when humanity was concerned with protecting the medical slaughter of millions of tortured animals!

And every one of those causes was of value!

Instead, we are supposed to embrace hyped up drugees whose focus is destruction, mayhem, and death. Critical Race Theory to further divide and conquer.   And a political mainstream that has NO party affiliation – but the love of MONEY.   Money is the party that has overtaken the globe.   It is as though the earth can implode in nine years, “But I Don’t Care, Just give me that MONEY”!

The World Economic Forum provides 10 points, 5 points, 25 things, to do, to say, to think, to implement like a used car salesman on Wheel of Fortune!   But I suppose all these dictations support their budget – which is NOT transparent although they are a charity – technically.   Nor do they provide detailed financial statements.   And yet, they are a global government body used as an example of what a global government would do with taxpayer funds.

Instead of organizations actively and productively doing, organizations actively blabber… endlessly.   Charitable articles, charitable summits, charitable meetings, charitable committees, and suddenly all the charitable funds are gone!   I would venture that upwards of 90% of charities operate within this guidebook of Ponzi schematics.   The 5% donation requirement by the IRS is simply find the money cup game as NGO’s donate to their own subsidiaries.

And worse, the vast majority of that money/funding comes from subverted tax dollars.

In March 2020, the very scientific Bill Gates stated, “If we do it right, we only have to do it once, for 6-10 weeks”, when referring to shutdown/lockdown/economic collapse.

I guess every country across the globe did it wrong.   Or maybe the Gates/Fauci Science was actually – gasp – faulted.   But then suddenly, Science became god. Albeit a flawed, hypocritical, destructive, greedy, money loving god.

I don’t deny that pollution is deadly to every living organism.   But what are our NGO’s and governments doing to mitigate pollution with taxpayer funding?   Making future pinky swear promises that will be invoked when said ‘leader’ is long dead.

I do believe that ‘science’ could have been better focused these past 60 years developing an alternative to concrete and asphalt, rubber tires, and automobiles. Instead, the agenda has been to make cars cooler looking… and super fast.

Instead of feeding children large quantities of anti-depressants and psychotics, which cause suicide and aggressive behavior – make them plant trees and work the earth.   Soil under their fingernails.   Sweat beading their brow!

With all the super-duper algorithms used to predict and speculate and estimate and guesstimate – why are animals necessary for medical torture at all?   One Hundred Years of Solitude – Science, and they have not even surpassed the most basic of human ethics and morality.   When a child tortures an animal, science has determined that child will grow up to be a criminal with psychotic behavioral issues.   When science tortures hundreds of thousands of animals every year, it is for the good of all mankind.   And our brain’s electric currents go into overdrive processing and accepting the hypocrisy.

Until soon the labyrinth of illusion is so infused people have no reality other than fake duplicity…

Five Point SOLUTION:

  1. Eliminate charitable deduction/status for ALL organizations. Wiped.
  2. Incentivize ‘science’ to create environmental alternatives while decentivizing those who fill no purpose.   For example; heart disease and cancer remain major causes of death without any change despite research that has created little effectual alternates for over 100 years.
  3. All government contracts will require an incentivized and decentivized clause for time, and cost overruns.  You are late – you pay us.
  4. All children in high school will be required to spend community service time planting trees, creating local gardens, working soup kitchens, cleaning trash.
  5. All government employees will be required to have a 4 year military stint before they are qualified to hold office.   ALL committees disbanded.   Pensions capped at Social Security rate. Salaries and benefits capped at GDP per capita.   Term capped at 8 years.


Germany Flooding… Climate Change … 800 years in the making – what is the Mitigation?

The flooding in Germany is truly catastrophic!!   The damage is sweeping and unsustainable for thousands who have lost everything. Houses obliterated, cars in mangled piles of rubble, businesses destroyed, lives lost.     Merkel’s last ditch response is absolutely the rastiest spew of spittle imaginable – “we need to do more to abate Climate Change”…  

They want to build dams, retention basins and reservoirs.   It would sound particularly poignant had this been the first occasion, or even the second or third, but Germany has a history of devastating floods dating back hundreds of years!   Recorded history relays flooding issues for Germany as far back as 1287 – well before the infamous “Industrial Revolution” was framed for Climate Change.  There were three more recorded floods in the 14th century, 1 in the 17th, 3 in the 18th century, etc…   Europe has 6-10x the number.   In other words Germany and Europe have a vast history of deadly flooding and despite this history – most countries and Germany have done nothing in preventative measures to protect her people.

I am reminded of California fires and droughts – each year the screams are louder, each year, nothing to mitigate is done.

After the largest of flooding recorded in 1287 wherein over 80,000 died, the destruction was so massive most people simply moved. Relocated.   Thirty villages disappeared. Rebuilding was not possible.

Prior to the current flooding, Germany weathered flooding in 2016, 2013, 2007, 2006, 2005, etc… It isn’t just Germany, it is and has been relatively common across most of Europe for HUNDREDS of YEARS.   “God created the world, but the Dutch created the Netherlands”.    While this is partially true, Holland is renowned for its dykes which reclaimed much land from flooding over the course of thousands of years. Germany has constructed numerous dams, no dykes.

Dykes are different in that there is water on only one side whereas a dam has water on both sides.   Their purpose is also quite opposite.   While a dyke is built to prevent flooding, a dam is built to preserve water.

Right now, the Cologne dam is unstable. Fears are that it will be breached and collapse.   Not because of climate change, but because of quality engineering and stupid/negligent forward thinking.

Continued flooding risk has been issued for Munich, Bavaria, and Passau in Austria. My old haunt, Berchtesgadner, where we spent every Christmas growing up – is left quite scathed.

Pictures of Merkel show a sincerely distraught woman, however, her counterpart CDU replacement this coming election, Armin Laschet, was caught laughing and joking at a time when his lacking compassion will not bode well.

Pope Francis prayed for the dead, and asked comfort for the living, but I imagine that fell on deaf ears as praying for what no longer exists is relatively futile in the immediate aftermath.

While every politician ‘available’, every media mainstream, decry climate change as the responsible culprit, what exactly has any country actually done to protect against what is inevitable, historical climate change?

California’s rainfall continues to drain into the ocean, monsoons continue to wreak havoc on lands now barren from fires, and the record on the turnstile plays one song. Money.   Not money to build reinforcements for their own country, but money to send to Africa and Latin America projects of micro-finance.   

Creating – more money…   for banks.

According to Zero Hedge, JP Morgan deposits rose year-to-year 23% – while loans, outgoing money was flat.   But it isn’t just JP Morgan, all large banks are showing a massive increase in deposits up $411 billion between March and the end of May, to $17.09 trillion.   Increases rose steeply right as the Pandemic hit. Banks claim their ratios are out of whack because of companies not wanting to borrow, an obvious blame game.  

The banks see the solution to the disparity can be achieved by offering lower yields on deposits and telling customers to bank at smaller institutions. WHAT???

While JP Morgan is reporting a relatively significant decline in net income for the year ended 12/20, administrative expenses increased by 18.75%, Cash on Hand increased 50.37%, and liabilities increased 32.63%.

Why? During a year when virtually no business was conducted would expenses and liabilities and cash ALL increase…

Bank of America shows a similar trajectory.   And bank executives are quick to defend that the cash is wholly attributable to the federal government stimulus program – which they claim accounts for roughly $48 billion. So where did the other $363billion JP Morgan recognizes come from?   Unspent Stimulus?   If it is unspent over a year – it obviously was also – unnecessary. And why were Admin expenses so high during a year when banks were not open and massive numbers of employees laid off?

The mismanagement of countries across the globe is gross negligence.   Refusing to mitigate against known climate changes is a death sentence to the innocent.   Refusing to protect the global populace of individual nations and instead divert labors earnings to corrupt nations in Africa by banks charging usury micro-loans is gross negligence.   The subsequent deaths – are thus murder.

While the definitions of communism and Marxism and socialism have been rewritten over the last many decades, causing arguments among like-minded people, the bottom line is that there exists NO historical utopia predicated on any of these ideologies. And instead, history recounts over and over again that these ideals result in starvation, medical collapse, rampant disease, and economic ruin.

A very reflective analysis was done some years ago by an author at The American Thinker, wherein Nazism and Marxism are debuted as one and the same – a very well researched, and amazing analysis of historical ideology.

I would highly recommend a good read…

The Green Climate Fund: Where Does The Money GO?

Wind turbine companies are shuttering – Colorado, South Dakota, Pennsylvania, and Arkansas closed this year – with one moving operations to Spain and another to Mexico.   Their reasoning?   A.   tax benefits are nonexistent,   and B.   orders dropped 38%.  Prior to these closures, 50% of wind turbines in the US came from China.   Why? Because they were cheap.   But you won’t see these reports on MSM because they undermine everything Biden and Kerry.

According to a report released by the Green Climate Fund – if we act NOW we can still reach the 1.5 degree threshold established six years ago.   Because nothing has really changed in six years.  All that is needed is more money!   To the tune of a mere $100 billion annually.   In light of this call for money, South Korea’s Deputy PM, Hong Ham-ki, declared that they ‘plan’ to invest 3.5% of their GDP in “Green New Deal projects, including green infrastructure, renewable energy, and green mobility,” by 2025.  Ah.   A PLAN.

Isn’t it interesting that pledges are always based on an indeterminent future time. The Green Fund is flush with a $6.8 billion cookie jar left untapped.   The last year audited financial statements were prepared was 2019 wherein contributions dropped 62% over 2018 and expenses increased 89%.   But not to worry, their micro-lending interest increased by 590% while outstanding micro loans increased by 78% to $460 million. The increase in expenditures was a result of admin expenses, a new facility, funding actual grants, and ‘fees’.   Amazing they spent more money on themselves.   Only 1/6 of committed funds were actually disbursed.   Pledged. In addition 28% of their contributions remain a ‘receivable’.   IN the true business world this would be viewed as abysmal!  And everybody would be fired!   

Not to worry, the average annual pay for their 229 staff is nearly $160,000.   In addition to staff, an additional $13 million was shelled out  to contract labor and consultants.

It Gets Worse:   Apparently, their grants are not actually paid directly to an entity, but are channeled through ‘accredited entities’.   One such entity is the Asian Development Bank based in the Philippines with shares held by: Japan and the United States each holds the largest proportion of shares at 15.571%. China holds 6.429%, India holds 6.317%, and Australia holds 5.773%. The bank has come under substantial criticism for it’s ‘lending tactics’.   That gives us a warm and fuzzy feeling!

Another accredited entity is the UN Development Program which is the recipient of the 2nd largest block of funds.   UNDP lists 16 different funding initiatives.   The top five include:   Security System Management, HIV/AIDS, Public Sector Policy and Admin Management, Decentralization and Support to Subnational Government, Reconstruction Relief and Rehabilitation.  

In fact, within all 16 initiatives, there is no mention of Green grants to nations.   They do claim to reduce poverty by ‘expanding access to resources’   which is code for micro-lending at usury rates.   But apparently this gives the poor a voice.    Whimper whimper!   In addition, the UN Development Program ‘works with 8 countries to reduce their carbon footprint’ including Uganda.   Uganda’s carbon footprint is less than Amazons which exceeds 51.17 million metric tons per year. Apparently, another country in desperation is Ethiopia whose carbon footprint is 10.5 million metric tons – or 1/5 of Amazons.     Other identified footprints of concern would be Algeria, Albania, Peru, and  Columbia… Dastardly!

By comparison, China, the largest carbon footprint in the world emits 10.04 billion metric tons per year.   Xi Jinping says not to worry because China will be carbon neutral by 2060 when Xi is 107 years old.  So let’s divert Climate Funds to those countries emitting the least carbon footprint!   That’s the rational logic here.

Acumen Organization is a US NGO that also serves as an accredited recipient of Green Climate Funds as well as $3 million from government grants.   Acumen likens itself to being a unique organization given their primary activity is to ‘buy companies’ – pay no taxes – and spend 43.3% of their revenue on salaries.   Overhead would amount to roughly $4.43 million – 14.7%, and the loverly $2.252 ‘other’ – 7.5%.   The remainder is fluff to spend or horde.

While sitting on assets worth $135 million – not taxed. Of their total investments noted as outside of the US region, FS Notes declare that all grants they make go to related entities.   Meaning, literally, they grant money to themselves.

Grants given within the US are to algorithm tech companies and universities, most notably 60 Decibels, Inc. which they loaned over $4.5 million in exchange for their former CIO to own 35% interest???

Acumen has actually done absolutely nothing for any body.   ALL their movement of money is simply a strategy of tax free cash buying investment property for Acumen to reap the reward.

But this is the Green Climate Fund that Kerry declares is in desperate need of $100 billion per year in order to repair our global climate by 2030 when earth will collapse!   At which point Affiliated NGO’s will have accumulated wealth to the tune of roughly $15.5 trillion with compounded interest at 8% annually over a 10 year time.  And the climate will continue to do what climate does – CHANGE>

Not a Bad Take!   The Heist of the Century to be sure!

WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM: Eat Urchins To Save Earth?

The World Economic Forum has announced that sushi made from sea urchins is a necessary new foodie because the urchins eat kelp thereby reducing CO2 in the oceans.   WHAT?   Instead, these defacto experts claim that extracting the urchins, fattening them up and selling them to high end restaurants as a delicacy will clean our environment…

But the entire statement and concept is utterly scathingly FALSE>

Kelp requires clear water to survive and is a natural food source for prawns, snails, rockfish, crabs, starfish and jellyfish. Take out the sea urchins whose main function is to eat decay and dead fish and the waters will become murky causing the kelp to die.   Kelp dies and there goes the food source for over six ocean species!! Kelp dies and there goes the hiding places for whales, sea lions and sea otters.

In a perfect ocean environment, kelp can grow as much as eighteen inches per day.  

But The World Economic Forum as a science expert would seem to be a delirious misconception.   Klaus Schwab is the founder and Executive Chairman for WEF. Klaus is an 83 year old German with a degree in mechanical engineering.   He has absolutely NO science or oceanography experience whatsoever while claiming to support environmental sustainability.   As in death to our oceans…

Klaus’s father was heavily involved in the Nazi war campaign while running Escher-Wyss factory in Ravensburg, a company that among other things manufactured parts for Nazi fighter planes.

Borge Brende is the President of the World Economic Forum. Having an illustrious career in various titles within the UN,  Brende also served on the Board of Statoil, the largest petroleum company in the Nordic Region.   Today, petrochemicals are a primary focus.   He would also boast to be – International Vice-Chairman, China Council for Int’l Cooperation on Environment and Development   How do these pedigrees award him the position of social environmental Tzar?

Lee Howell, Managing Director, would also boast conveyance of China through hosting New Champions in China.   In addition, he was a senior policy advisor for USAID.   The same USAID that has been flagged as a pawn of National Endowment for Democracy funneling money to Ukraine, Iran, Russia, Brazil, Chile, Belarus, and other suitable nations for coups.

Oliver Schwab, Managing Director and Executive Director of Office in Beijing.

In summary, the UN’s World Economic Forum is chaired and run by white men whose backgrounds are collaboration with Nazi’s & China, and Executive positions in Oil & Gas.

And no one seems to find that – odd.

While the ransomware attack on the US pipeline company received critical attention, like CoVid, was it simply a ‘test’?   Or a diversion to create an oil price increase?

In a world of Topsy-Turvydom, oil prices have increased 40% since Biden took office in November.   China ‘claims’ its economy grew by 18% the first quarter of 2021 amidst a boom in construction which set CO2 emissions to record highs – what happened to Climate Change?   Meanwhile the UK grew by 1.1% and Germany by 3.4% – and somehow in the midst of lying and cheating and defrauding – we are supposed to believe ANY number?

You see, that’s the flack of lying.   Once a liar – always a liar.   For all we really know, China grew by -4% and Germany tanked by -10%.   The numbers and the statements have become completely and utterly fake.

And still they delude us to believe that the World Economic Forum, led by communists and oil profiteers bent on destroying our ecosystem, is supposedly our star in the sky!  

When this illustrious agency, WEF, makes statements based on 16 year old scientists who have yet to graduate from 8th grade, it might challenge intellect. When Biden fumbles and trumbles as he screams ‘follow the science’, there would seem to be an interesting lack of scientists and research and data and studies and empirical review to support the ‘Administrators – Fauci and Walenski’ determinations.

Fauci spent his entire career as an Administrator. Walenski spent her entire career as a teacher before being promoted in 2014 by NIH Director Fauci, as head of the AIDS Research Council (an absolute nobody promoted to a pretending somebody position).   The AIDS that is NOT AIDS, but is reactions to the drugs given to AIDS patients.  Albeit, common side effects of the AIDS cures include: cancer, vomiting, pancreatis, neuropathy, fat loss, rashes, kidney and bone damage, anemia, vomiting, headache, nausea, suicidal ideation, liver damage, and depression.   YUMMILY!   Let me see, suffer by all that is the cure or suffer by the same symptoms as what they say is the disease – despite the fact that so-and-so is – asymptomatic!    OUCH!

Well, one thing we can count on!  THE powers, the cabal, the cult that be – is not actually – terribly – all there intellectually.   In fact, I might challenge their IQ.   They have made ‘mistakes’ from their existence of desire to make ‘earth’ a colony.   Depending on who you hold Holy, that could be a fight of 10,000 years or 500 billion…  Either way, to lose for so long perhaps made us cocky.   BUT, we shall refrain.   Good Wins!

In the painful world of AIDS, I can only exude – anger.   And this pseudo-science, mumbo-jumbo slick oil salesman wins?   He’s accepted… ?   IT is an absolute cataclysmic mind blow – that anyone would believe that ‘Science’ is not politically and monetarily – bought – AND THE CURE IS THE DISEASE.

Because, the World Economic Forum has stipulated they are curing AIDS, HIV, and all other Bill Gates diseases without ANY verifiable statistics. Instead, it is all based on a Gates algorithm.   That has pushed the death rate for the last 30 years…. without ANY gain.

Now, they would have us believe that eating urchins will save the oceans from degradation, pollution, and disease. While never actually providing ANY true scientific evaluation, study, research, grant programs, or real world evidence.   A small test.   What false information can they invoke under the infinite cult of ‘science’?


Do you really believe the numbers presented as how many have been vaccinated?   Why?   If they have lied about cases, infections, deaths, why in the world would you suddenly believe that 50% of Americans are vaccinated? As in – they aren’t lying – …this time…? A Pathological Liar is a Liar, a Liar, forever and ever. That’s a given.

Because if they really believed they had infected enough people, much like the Flint Water Poisoning, why would they be so adamant about persecution of those who didn’t? Unless the numbers are – fake.   And perhaps only 10% of the population actually took the – jab…?   And perhaps if they don’t meet their requisite numbers, the Powers will inflict – consequences.

In their world – this would be quite logical.  And likely – painful.  And the question they are posed remains:  “Would you sell the world into Hell to save you or a family member?”

Certainly, I know my answer.   But I can’t answer for … Others –