TwitterGate: The US Constitution Was Shred 100 Years Ago

TwitterGate:   Silenced information proving the collusion of the Dems in conjunction with the FBI and government to quash the Laptop and Falsely deem its contents were created by Russian actors.    Evidence?   Uncovered by Elon Musk – and likely Jack Dorcey, Musks’ good friend.   Why was Dorcey silent?   The FBI.   What is revealed – the FBI has been frantically working to shadowban the contents in order to contribute to election fraud.

What Musk rightly clarifies is that the First Amendment restricts the government from censoring free speech – NOT a private enterprise.   And TwitterGate reveals the government complicit in corrupting a presidential election via Twitter and Social Media!

Trump is trending because he rightly claims that the Constitution has been shred by the progressives and hawks in their attempt to deny any election interference.   THEY have voided The US Constitution and Trump demands it be upheld again.   Instead, the parlay is that Trump wants to trash the Constitution…

*Oddly, Twitter’s reestablishment of free speech aka the First Amendment has been virulently bashed by every single Democrat.

*Oddly, the Second Amendment right to gun ownership by The People was continually been the subject of Democrat challenge!

*Oddly, the 14th Amendment clause that addresses the mental incompetency of the President, aka Biden’s Obvious Dementia, has also been ignored.

*Oddly, the Fourth Amendment has been violated by the Progressives!   “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, …”   Searching a former President’s premises when he is NOT home – to confiscate materials that are later deemed permissible – is a violation of the US Constitution.

*Oddly, the 6th & 8th Amendments have been VIOLATED by Progressives in government:   “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State …”   YET the January 6 citizens held in tortuous conditions for 2 years+ DOES NOT in any way constitute compliance with the 6th Amendment.


The allusion is collapsing.   Hard evidence is being released.  Whistleblowers within the FBI are coming forward.  And the US Constitution has been shred by the Nancy Pelosi insurrectionists.   The shredding has been a sustained attack used against The People to imprison and murder.  ALL under the auspices and direction of the government agencies tasked with working as employees of The People.

Are the Masters the Khazars?c   I have posited on numerous occasions that The Masters are Mafia Overlords with specific territory or Order.   For example the Khazars are the Banking Cartel.   The Military Industrialists are the Romans.  The Pope is the Tzar.  And the Pharma Industrialists are minions of the Death Squads.

The Allusion is collapsing, and the Mafia’s can’t shut the spigot off fast enough!   The Tenth Amendment stipulates that powers not granted in The US Constitution shall inure to the States.    There is no open border stipulation in The Constitution.   In Fact, The Constitution demands that the federal government protect every state against invasion.   Open Borders is an ‘invasion’ of illegals.   And the Federal Government has FAILED not only to protect each state – but has ‘promoted an invasion’ – which could constitute “Treason”.

TREASON:   Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

When the Federal government levies war against states – giving aid to illegal enemies – this would constitute treason.

Seditious Conspiracy:   “…when 2 or more conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.”

AS IN COUP.   A Coup wherein an election is corrupted and fraud is committed for the purpose of overthrowing a legitimate government – Trump.

While these Constitutional Amendments have been violated repeatedly with absolutely NO  consequence – the evidence is now undeniable.   And our ‘government’ being not just involved but the architects leaves The People unrepresented and their representation – UnConstitutional.

The Constitution of various countries has been reinvented on multiple occasions.   But the US Constitution is the ROCK.   Unfortunately, it has had little to no value when we review the current and various past administrations which have flagrantly ignored tenets or were engaged in illegal activities including waging war on other countries.  Mandating poison injections.   And knowingly approving medications with side effects that include DEATH also have ZERO Basis in Constitutional La

So, YES, The US Constitution no longer exists.   Justice No longer exists.   Judicial ethics no longer exist.   At least not in reference to By & For The People.    While this infraction of our Rock has been ongoing for 100+ years – we are only Now Waking Up    And the more we AWAKEN – the more the Cabalist Cult Dies.

UKRAINE – RUSSIA: Anti-War But Not Stupid!

DO Politicians die in wars?   DO the Media bigwigs?   Do Hollywood ignorant pundits?   Who is hurt most by economic ‘sanctions’?   When targeting a ‘country’ does the government making the sanctions consider the deaths and chaos they are levying against innocent citizens?   The US is by far the instigator of the vast majority of global sanctions and demands other countries follow suit.   Why?   Have sanctions ever worked?   Or do they create a greater sense of nationalism among the nationalists of the sanctioned country?

Personally, I think Sanctions are a Human Rights Vagrancy of Basic Humanity.    They were created to destroy a country – and ths it’s entire population.   Yet the melee continues – “Putin is Evil, Putin is a killer, Putin is a demon!”   Why?   What did Putin do to you?   Because right now – in this moment – he is defending not just Russia against the globalists – but the World!   He is defending “his country” against Nazi’s?    While Western Countries are embracing greater and greater Nazi propaganda reality to technically become our New Global Government.

How is it that so easily the same populace that immediately saw thru the Mainstream hypocrisies of CoVid and Inflation and Shortages – now don’t see the hypocrisy in the Russia instigation against Ukraine?   Same media. Same hype.   Same Fakery.   Different result.

I am anti-war, anti-globalist, anti-WEF, anti-Gates, anti liberal mediocrity – and yet, that would appear to be – not enough.   I must also tow the line of the liberal fakery that espouses Ukraine’s government as heroic! A comedian who has absolutely no business acumen, no political acumen, no war acumen is ruling a nation into the abyss of Nazism at the hands of our shared evil – Soros and somehow this is suddenly – ok.

While our own government is recognized as an abject monstrous diabolical chaotic disgourge of spew and shite, whose family fortune was made on the corruption of Ukraine at the behest of its corrupt government, that same corrupt Nazi aligned government in Ukraine is a Hollywood masterpiece of celluloid heroes.

And no one blinks.

ALL Ukraine was required to do was to ‘uphold the agreements’ it had signed to – Minsk 2014, and NATO 1991.   Yet this heroic comedian saw fit to denounce those contracts and submerge Ukraine into war.   All with the encouragement of the CIA – Soros – MI6 – and Klaus.

In other words – they WANT WWIII.

Everything is connected by the steel chain of the World Economic Forum gilded within the frame of a New World Order Singular Self Imposed Government/Committee.

Yet those who watched without emotion as the US was complicit in the bombing deaths and maiming of literally millions over the last 2 decades – somehow find themselves whipped into a frenzy over Ukraine – a country they can’t find on a map, a people they don’t know, and a universe that has twisted itself into a topsy-turvy spindle of the Matrix.

When was the longest period of time in all of history that the US was NOT involved in any war?

It is a devastating truth to find your own government is – the enemy. And yet, we acknowledge that fact in specific circumstances yet can’t completely grasp – the WHOLE. Gestault – the sum of the parts.   Government officials have repeatedly told us – we are incapable of evaluating and accepting the truth of – Truth.

We acknowledge that Biden caused this massive 200%+ inflationary economy, that decades of failed presidents did not provide the US with the proper manufacturing independence.   But the psyche is a fragile thing.   And this fragility has been damaged significantly by the false and fake pronouncements coming out of the Russia – Ukraine insurgency.

What if Ukraine had agreed to uphold the past treaties and signed agreements?   What if they held firm to their word?   What if – they were simply honorable?

What if, they were legitimate instead of pawns of politically cultivated coups and annexations by the US and UK?

We’ll never know.

I recently read that Zelensky’s bank accounts now top over $1 billion and he has property in Florida.   A comedian bought.   Yet he still has endeavored to negotiate a $57 billion deficit which Ukraine can not pay.   Sounds like a Hillary deal….  I find him personally – quite disgusting for what he has done for the WORLD.  Instigate WWIII simply for his misbegotten fame that because Ukraine Does NOT Want TO UpHold Written Agreements It Signed With RUSSIA – Ukraine will go down in History as the Reason behind the devastation of WWIII.   

Germany – has apparently signed off on it’s WWI and WWII claim to fame.

Suddenly, Hillary once again emerges believing she will be the next President and by all flare and Hollywood – the SAVIOR!   Re-opening the Clinton Initiative of vacuous gifts to support her self-cause, ignites the 2024 election.   Campaign contributions will be significant and within the guise of ‘charity’. As always – because they have no other ‘strategic game plan’.  And surely a Biden Regime is NOT going to query the complete illegality of Clinton’s various NGO schemes before the IRS.

Contributors are likely to be the exact same – as before the Initiative was shut down after her 2016 LOSS.   Problem:   She hasn’t the following she thinks she does.   Therefore the voter fraud usurp that elected Biden will have to be instigated in order to reel in a fake win. I believe her last hurrah-umph poll gave her a 20% rating. Less than the obviously comedic 35% for Biden.   Assuming one actually believes any polls or studies, or whatevers!

I remember when the US would travel to other countries across the globe as an Election Monitor for truth.   We felt good!    We were doing the right thing!   We were helping corrupt economies!   And yet Now We Know – we facilitated corrupt elections and coups.   We became the bad guys.  We are the corrupt economy.   And of course, that is painful.   But we must realize that corruption is not as ‘prevalent’ among the citizens as it is overwhelmingly amongst our puppet government lizards.

NOT the citizens.   But the government that fed us a continual stream of lies.   THIS is Important to remember!   I Find Citizens quite amenable and friendly – having logical and rational discussions.   Yet when the media and government become involved – the air – changes.

The Ukraine War with Russia – is not about the Ukrainian citizens any more than our demise internally is about US citizens. It is about a very propagandized manipulation of facts and truths for which we fell victim – and believed!

JFK saw it.   He was assassinated

Bobby saw it – he was assassinated.

It is NOT our place to install governments in lands that have a completely different culture, value system, or social class.   It IS our place to correct the globalist mentality that controls us in a veil of chaos within our own borders.

Jon Rappaport calls it the Matrix – a place where reality has become so confused it resembles Alice In Wonderland.  

I have been so doxxed by the contingent who suddenly repel the MSM that caused and exponentiated CoVid – only to become the pro-Biden Hawks of Ukraine – it is an incredible revelation.   And not a good one.

EXAMPLE:   Headline:   “Russia has censored certain media outlets that espouse a pro-Ukraine doctrine.  They are a Dictatorial Society of Evil and Disgrace.”    YET – US media censors FB, Twitter, Google, Utube, Verizon, At&t, and virtually EVERY form of media!   YET – somewhere in this land of Wonderland – Russia censoring certain Ukrainian outlets – is suddenly deemed horrendously dictatorial…and the US is another – YAWN.

Did you forget America?   Did you forget the EU? The UK?   Who have unilaterally censored every piece of information out of Russia?   DO you really NOT understand this Dichotomy?   This Hypocrisy?   US Truckers who are arrested?   January 6th who languish for over a year in solitary?   IN THE US?  

FOCUS.   Look Up Ukraine’s history.   Specifically with their alliance with the Nazi’s.   Their death squads.   Their annihilation of Jews.   Christians.   Homosexuals.   Blacks.   And tell me again – Putin is Evil… for desiring to liberate RUssia – and the Globe from these Vile Globalist Cabal bent on depopulation – chaos – disease – and a RESET for the ELITE.  And ONLY the Elite.

BIOLOGIC WEAPON WarFare – A Virus and Vaccine Agenda

“Low and Middle Income Countries”. The phrase is continually projected as a target for ‘vaccines’.   Wealthy countries MUST pay for these vaccines which according to Fauci have historically proven to cause the disease they were meant to eradicate.   Why must wealthy countries pay?    Because these low income countries remain ‘unvaccinated’ and are NOT dying off as required per the Biologic Weapon Agenda.

In order for depopulation to succeed, the less developed countries are front & center the most necessary for depopulation while simultaneously being the least ‘vaccinated’.   That presents a problem.   And given that vaccines are typically trialed in these countries, without permission, a resistance was created.

Solution.   Mandatory jabination For Africa.

From the beginning, the CoVid science linked a common thread in the genome sequencing to HIV.   As though the manufactured virus was spiked.   HIV has been found to be parasitic. This would explain why Ivermectin, a parasitic drug, could be a cure.   This leak proved the downfall of the entire Gamut.

Now, scientists are declaring that the vaccines cause HIV and a rise of cancer and HIV deaths are deliberate.

Despite all the humdrum in the initial vaccine rollout of safety concerns, well below -0-‘ storage requirements, a five minute allowance in storage to jab, none of these protocols were actually adhered to by the medical professionals.   In fact, a stale old stench batch was attempted to be delivered to Africa.   They refused!

“Low and Middle Income Countries”.   “Blacks are given vaccine priority”.

That’s called genocide.  They were the target, but the Cabalists screwed up!

In 1998, the first AIDS vaccine was undergoing trials in ‘monkeys’ using a ‘live attenuated vaccine’ . It was a disaster, and at the time, Fauci declared, “To me, this fortifies that we are not ready to go into humans with a live attenuated vaccine.”   OBVIOUSLY – Fauci switched gears.

Twenty four years later – there is still NO vaccine for HIV.   (And yet a CoVid Vaccine was developed by ten different Pharma companies within months – and few call FOUL).   That is – until today.   The announcement claims that a DNA encoded structurally designed immunogen which is engineered (meaning patentable) can provide surgically tailored immunity!

That is scientific code for individual DNA fusion ‘gassing’.  Or Biologic Weapon Trials via CoVid AND CoVid Vaccine.

Now = where oh where would they have gotten all that DNA for free experimentation and laboratory classification?   COVID TESTS.

When Macron visited Putin in Russia recently, he adamantly refused a CoVid test claiming it would give Russia his DNA.  Why would that be of consequence?   Because biologic weapons are being developed that would target DNA instead of obliterating an entire city, town or state. While this has been discussed in previous years as the new forefront for military warfare, it is highly probable that it is now an actuality – and every tested person’s DNA has been uploaded.

This war tactic would ‘preserve the environment’.

In 2013, the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated, “the emerging gene synthesis industry is making genetic material more widely available. A crude but effective terrorist weapon can be made using a small sample of any number of widely available pathogens, inexpensive equipment, and college-level chemistry and biology.”

The vector of CoVid and the CoVid vaccine would likely reveal a particular DNA strand.  

Scientists and genetic engineers are considering several techniques to increase the efficacy of pathogens in warfare, including:

Binary Biological Weapons = DNA.

Designer Genes = eugenics

Gene Therapy = replacing good genes with defective ones = immunotherapy

Stealth Viruses = infections that remain dormant until a trigger is applied

Host Swapping Diseases = like bats

Personalized Bioweapon = targeting a single person, like Macron

Designer Diseases = manipulation of cells to induce cancer or cell death

CoVid fits nicely into these scenarios.   But according to Fauci as of December 2021, we were still in Stage 1 of the 5 stages of this Pandemic.   The following four steps are deceleration, control, elimination, and finally eradication.

Yet despite increased ‘cases globally’ the ever perverse scientists declare we are in ‘deceleration’.   Odd.   Control means CoVid is now treated like the flu.   Elimination is like polio – where the disease is isolated to ‘low income countries’.   Eradication – he says – is likened to ‘Smallpox’ which is the ONLY disease ever eradicated.

The biologic weapon scenario actually began in 1918, over a hundred years ago, with the Rockefeller Institute vaccine that caused bacterial pneumonia among the immune-compromised.

Today, that weapon has been fine tuned.   And DNA – is the necessary ‘vector’.   The next phased bioweapon that Bill Gates claims is forthcoming will likely be much more stealth and specific so as to preserve a particular DNA.

Given the Cabalist design to colonize Africa – I imagine that would be the next phase of DNA vectors.   Who will they preserve as the Hunger Games peasants?   Chinese.   They are already indoctrinated in Communist Control mechanisms and will be least likely to revolt.

China has been cited as collecting the DNA of citizens for purposes of law enforcement, tracking down dissidents, and forming a tightly controlled surveillance state.   Gorden Chang has warned of this DNA warfare program in China since 2020.   But the US is likely the front-runner in China and the US for ethnic and political genocide.   As we have learned that our own NIH and Military were front and center in the Wuhan pre-release.

So what can you do?  

It is all based on immunity.   Eugenics – weed the compromised and the weak.   Boost your immunity thru a multitude of homeopathic and ancient medicinal means!   This is your own private Biologic Weapon!   Controlled by YOU.   Tinctures.   Foods – the plant based meat byproduct is the MOST manufactured, hydrolyzed, glop that you can possibly consume.   DON’T.   Vitamins – our food sources do NOT provide what we need to thrive any longer.   Educate yourself!


Ukraine-Russia War = Ukraine Debt Default

The Ukraine Deflection Revealed.   Money.   Ukraine borrowed money from ‘foreign sources’ at high interest rates and is slated to default.   President Zelensky did nothing to support the terms of the IMF loans that were used to ‘bailout’ the economy.   They have not tapped their own reserves for independence from Russia, and their junk bonds are paying 10-12%.   Which is not feasible financially.  

In 2015 hedge fund Aurelius Capital Management restructured an $18 billion debt package and paid $8.9 billion.   A “vulture fund”, Aurelius purchases sovereign debt of troubled nations at a discount.  

In 2016, Christine Lagarde of the IMF threatened to withhold a $40 billion bailout program if Zelensky didn’t reign in corruption.

In 2020, Ukraine was given a loan from Deutsche Bank.  In December of 2020 Ukraine also raised $4 billion thru the sale of bonds.   In 2021 they were supposed to repay $21 billion.   January 2022, IMF has intimated Ukraine is being cut off from further commercial borrowing.

Adding to Zelensky’s woes is the fact that foreign land investors have been selling off in the face of the Russia instigation.   As their economy remains in crisis, with the lowest level of GDP amongst all of Europe, losing the $3 billion fee charged for the transit of oil through it’s pipeline from Russia just kicked the bucket!

So why would Russia want to invade Ukraine?   Russia has a stable economy, more gas than they can handle, and absorbing a bankrupt, debt-ridden country would only be a burden!

But that’s what you get with an stand-up comedian running a country.

Meanwhile, freezing assets of the former NED coup installed president Poroshenko and charging him with treason, seemed like a good comedic route to take to confiscate money and hold off on the debt default.  Desperation!  The terms of the loans is confidential.

What a twisted web we weave…

What happens when a country defaults on its debt?   They can print more money and enter a staggering unending spiral of inflation, or they can borrow more money at even higher interest rates. Neither of these events will technically do much of anything.   But what if, the outstanding creditors offered another solution?   A war?

The elite wealthy have typically profited quite nicely from war. And two separate scenarios could be accomplished – 1.   The War Chest profits,   and 2.   Economically destabilizing Russia to the point where a puppet president could be installed giving them control has been paramount to the final equation of a globalized GREAT RESET.  Russia being the Singular major holdout.  Navalny, their coup project failed miserably – multiple times.   Putin wasn’t playing their game.

Selling out his people to war, Zelensky has released a 22 page survival guide for every citizen advising such strategic actions as – ‘don’t face a bomb, turn your head the other way’.   Or, ‘if the gas is turned off, find another source of heat’.   You know, critical military tactics…

There have been massive attempts to create the folly that Russia made the first move so as to politically justify a war.   But the global populace don’t care about Ukraine and don’t want a war.   Russia knows this – as do many within the conservative awakening.   With the US and UK sending weapons and trainers, Canada sending taxpayer cash, and mercenaries sent to pretend they are Russian soldiers equipped with Russian uniforms and weapons, a staged plan to use chemical agents on innocent people while claiming it was Russia, intel continues to find the plots and disengage them.

Enter ‘satellite imagery’.   Provided by an Maxar Technologies, a Colorado company with an interesting board of directors including a few who previously worked for the CIA and the Department of Defense.  Their latest News Release states that Maxar worked with the UK military on a digital terrain AI technology to show solution based ‘routes for convoys’.   What their blog news site does NOT show is an aerial satellite view of Russian troops at Ukraine’s border.

The media entrusted satellite picture appears to show tanks and vehicles parked in Klinsky, Russia.   Only the road from Klinsky to the Ukraine border is 314 miles away.   Top speed of a tank on a road – 60 mph – off-road is 18 mph.    Perspective:   if we put troops in San Luis Obispo California would they be considered on the Mexican border 300 miles away?  That would equate to a 4 hour and 45 minute drive – in a car. 

Whether Zelensky was the new puppet of the Cabal or not, he is a pathetic leader.   Perhaps he thought that it would be a cushy job with a guaranteed salary and fame!   What every entertainer covets.   Ukraine’s economy was improving steadily under the tutelage of the ousted Russia friendly president, by NED.   Inserting a businessman, Poroshenko, he managed to ravage the economy as much as possible while increasing his personal wealth.

Placing puppets as the pawns of chaos, whose legacy’s will be the equivalent of black death would seem the newest exercise.   Perhaps, Zelensky was Ukraine’s Biden – a scapegoat.   But what is overwhelmingly true is that money is a powerful tool – even when it means selling out your own country…

UN Releases – Death & Growth Rate Graphs For Humanity…

A graph provided by the UN for current, historical and predictive values for US death rates, shows our current rate at the equivalent of 1988 and significantly lower than 1950. The upward trend actually occurred in 2013.   That would be the Obama and Hillary Administration.   The UN claims the current rate is 8.87 and is projected to rise to 9.47 by 2030 despite all our controls over the environment, society, vaccines, flus, etc… aka – Global Warming. The peak is now predicted to hit in 2052 with a slight decline after before rising again in a linear push upwards.   So what would occur in 2052 to transform their prediction?

And if their prediction is true, wouldn’t it mean nothing we change could alter that prediction given the definition is future? Future accounts for all events leading to that ultimate outcome. Therefore – just be!   Because it is already predicted.

Another interesting UN data piece is the fact that the growth rate of death in the US remained the same throughout the Pandemic and the – year before. But the growth rates as of 1950 thru 2012 were relatively benign until – 2013.   Coincidence? Interesting?

Meaning – something was introduced in 2013 that permanently upticked deaths by numbers and rates. Otherwise, the rates had remained a stable number since 1977 ever fluctuating down – until 2013.

The death rate predicted for 2030 is roughly the same as it was in 1950. It was acceptable.

Playing with numbers.

Global “Mean Temperature” remained relatively flat from the point of time when ‘measurement’ began in 1880 until today – always gaining slightly.   The key is to unleash ‘HOW’ the measurement of mean global temperature was obtained then, and then, and then,,,,,,, and now.

It’s like saying, today I am a size 4 because the tag says so.   But that same tag would likely say I was a size 8 – 40 years ago.   I haven’t changed in size – the measurement system changed to appease the emotions.

That’s Science.

ALL this rag-tag I spew came about as I arbitrarily decided to check out – NASA.  Yes, NASA.   Apparently they have 115% jumped on the Great RESET BANGO TANGO and have adopted every graft of media, terminology, core words, protocols and agendas, it’s a media blitz that encompasses every industry and government across the globe – even the ones we assume to be the – DieHards.

What happens if the military is told to assassinate you?  DO they comply – …

Only to let us down.   And our core of trust is demolished.

Anywho.   NASA now reads like a guidebook for the World Economic Forum.

C’mon, I understand the Mass Psychosis theory – but we are talking 3-4 billion people ‘simultaneously’ caving to absolute loss of soul submission.   Mathematically – I don’t buy it.

Sometimes these deviants who have crafted our globe seem to fall asleep.   And all their craftiness crumbles until they wake up from their stupor and realize – they are in ‘oh shit’ mode and need to ramp up their recreation of the reality we perceive…   “Ramp up the MEDIA, Frank!”   “Why?”   “We need distraction – how about we spend three weeks on Betty White’s death…”

REALLY?   No disrespect – BUT!   She was a freakin’ actress.   She did nothing noble or note worthy or heroic or valuable!   A Jester of entertainment.   Historically, they were considered the distraction.  Imagine IF we spent 3 weeks publicly mourning the death of every Veteran? 

But that’s … what … they … focus … on…   My Grandma was a really special lady.   No different. But it/they/thewhos pretend to create royalty within an industry built on fakery.   And we fell – asleep…

THE GOOD NEWS – We Are Awakened!

Arizona Education Department Under Fire – Another Biden LOSS

BIDEN IS FUMING!   Apparently, Arizona is providing spiffs to schools that don’t demand mask mandates and Biden wants the Treasury Department to punish Arizona for their state sovereign use of funds obtained thru Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act dated March 2021.   Using the Treasury Department to make the accusation and determinations regarding the use of Education funds is NOT the proper legal lineage. The money went to the Department of Education and was then allocated to public schools across the country.   The money had attached the following requirements:

Part 1–Department of Education

(Sec. 2001) This section provides additional FY2021 funding for the Department of Education (ED) to assist states with addressing the impacts of COVID-19 on elementary and secondary schools.

ED must use specified funds to support the identification, enrollment, and school participation of homeless children and youth.

Local educational agencies (LEAs) must reserve funds to address student learning loss. The remaining funds may be used for any allowable purpose under federal education programs and for other specified purposes, including for the purchase of sanitization supplies and educational technology.

It is pretty clear, that the money is Arizona’s and any remaining funds may be used at their discretion for ‘any allowable purpose or other specified purpose’.   The federal education program makes no mention of mask requirements.   In addition, per the CDC, masks are within ‘guidance rules’, not mandates.

Tch Tch.

Biden is subjecting himself to more lawsuits.   And thus building the impeachment scenario.   The Treasury Department person Kathleen Victorino made this statement, “By discouraging families and school districts from following this guidance, the conditions referenced above undermine efforts to stop the spread of [Covid]-19.   Accordingly, these school programs as currently structured are ineligible uses of funds provided under the American Rescue Plan.”

IN reading the Bill Section 2001 of the Rescue Plan, ‘stopping the spread’, is not mentioned anywhere as a provision of the funding or as a state requirement.   However the Bill does state that Use Of Funds shall include responding to the children’s “emotional and social needs”.   The Bill is not a CDC Mandate, it is to assist school operations, to help students re-acclimate, to address the social and emotional well-being of students, and to support learning that was impaired by online school closures.

They haven’t a leg to stand on.

But then Kathleen Victorino is the scapegoat.   She is “Acting” Deputy Compliance Officer.  And once again we witness the Fall within the expendables.

It is simply another blow to Biden designations who are clueless and not properly advised on legal matters.   Whether this is done purposefully to further destroy the entire administration has yet to be proven.   But given the lady in waiting – Hillary – it is suspiciously so.

Knowing that the Cabalists were going to destroy the global economy, it was a necessary default to find a president and VP who were considered expendable pawns.   Their legacies would ultimately be abject failures and their reputations dragged thru dung.   This was NOT a good fit for the Hillary ego.

So they found the most extinguishable pawns they could; Biden and Harris.   Once the damage was done and the economy and people were extinguished, Hillary could saunter to the podium and offer her expertise in saving not just America – but the WORLD!   Imagine her ego? Her eyes glazed!   Her vision of glory as she dons her robe awarded by the UK Chancellorship and takes her seat on the global throne.


Never underestimate the wicked in their deign for glory!  

THE CHINA AFFAIR: Two Cabals Infighting?

THE CHINA AFFAIR.     The News about Biden’s incompetence is a distraction. The News about Kamaltoes incompetence – is a distraction.   Our Country has no governance.   At ALL.   Congress is doing nothing.   Governors are doing nothing.   Russia Today just revealed that AOC is an internet ‘game champion’.   Meaning THAT’S what she does all day every day!!   Everything we see on the News is a distraction. BECAUSE CHINA IS THE NEWS>

Every major US corporate conglomerate is in China. Doing business. Fervently working with the CCP.   Paying bribes which are backed into the fake inflationary price gouging.   While the Fake White House talks about sanctions against China that don’t exist except on paper.

That’s why no one cares about the fraudulent election… it doesn’t matter because Washington is no longer in charge of anything.

Technically, the US has laid down sanctions against 59 Chinese companies or individuals.   But circumventing sanctions has been the gamit since the game was created.   As the media declares the Biden WH has taken a tough stance on China for human rights, corporations do business as usual or circumvent through a channel.

And the WH ‘looks good’ on paper.

Rules Are Meant To Be Broken.   Sanctions are Rules.  There are numerous ways sanctions can be circumvented such as to simply change the name of the company, give it an English bent, a US Agent, and incorporate in Delaware as a foreign entity.   The lobbyists go away, and everything is swept under the magic carpet.

For example:   The latest WH sanction is against SenseTime Group based in China.   The fact that SenseTime had already been sanctioned for the same human rights issue in 2017 is a bit curious indeed!   SenseTime works in conjunction with MIT and Qualcomm. When they were sanctioned in 2017 MIT claimed they would no longer work with them.   Amidst the horrors.   But in 2018 MIT announced another joint venture with SenseTime.   How is that possible?   Why wasn’t MIT fined for violating sanctions?

Why is SenseTime being sanctioned again by the Biden WH for the same Uyghur human rights abuse?

Apparently, the alleged abuse isn’t about human rights at all but about technology that SenseTime has developed that can distinguish between ethnicities.   The sanction is based on the ‘belief’ that this AI technology was specifically developed to target the ethnic Uyghurs.   Thus, it is considered “intrusive”.  

But Haystack.AI, based out of New York, is also using ethnic surveillance techniques. One of it’s Founders comes from MIT. Surprise! So they essentially co-opted the SenseTime technology thru the MIT engagement. Pulkit Jaiswal, a co-founder of Haystack has proclaimed that his coming work is all about the 4th Revolution. Sourav Goswani, fellow co-founder, also serves as an advisor to Colle Capital Partners which stages IPO’s for new technology companies – including Haystack.

Apparently, this ‘intrusive’ software is not intrusive when utilized in the US. And the Sanctions imposed may be directly related to a possible forthcoming IPO from Haystack.

SenseTime was forced to withdraw its IPO as a direct result of the sanctions. With offices located throughout the world, subsidiaries, and a valuation of $7.7 billion, it is doubtful the WH Sanctions will have much of an impact.  But it may just be enough leverage to get Haystack a jump start.

More Sanction Circumvention:  Investment companies also typically have global offices.   Cyprus serves as a convenient location given their privacy rules.   Burisma Holdings, the company that hired Hunter Biden to persuade VP daddy, is incorporated in Cyprus.

Using a subsidiary to make investments in a US sanctioned company that is NOT sanctioned in the country which houses the office of the investment firm not only circumvents the sanction but it depletes potential US tax revenue. A lose-lose scenario.  But that assumes the sanctions are to ‘protect’ the US, which may have been the original use of sanctions 100 years ago.   Instead it appears that Sanctions are being twiddled and dee’d to further devalue the US Economy.

Of course the circular circumvention can work in multiple ways – a Chinese company reorganizes in Cyprus or Taiwan… etc… and US investments now flow to a Cyprus based firm with a flat tax rate for corporations of 12.5%.

While CSIS and The China Business Council are busily expanding China relations with US conglomerates, National Endowment For Democracy is busily declaring China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran and UAE as Authoritarian Regimes exerting ‘influence’ and disinformation globally.

Specifically, NED declares that China is bribing foreign nations such as the Congolese president.   China is influencing the Italian parliament, as well as using politicians and lobbyists as proxies for foreign influence.   But NED is the coup-color revolution source across the globe.   Funded by USAID.   They initiated the Arab Spring, set Ukraine on the map with the 2014 coup and color revolution, and continually back dissidents like Navalny in Russia.   So is NED miffed that their anti-sovereign influence is being upended by China?

Perhaps NED is operating under the old school Mafia religion of two sets of books – only in this case it is the face presented via their website vs the face behind the shroud in collaboration with the CCP all along.

If NOT – it would reveal two separate and distinct Cabals: NED is one Cabal and CSIS is another Cabal – infighting. I wonder which one is the White House Handler?  

Cabalists Order of 2025

The US is the unfortunate deliverer of Biden. Russia has the Soros funded Navalny, Turkey has the Soros aligned Osman Kavala, and Hungary has Peter Marki-Zay.   What they all have in common is socialism within the guise of a Soros frame of globalization under the Cabalists.   The playbook reads as it did for Trump and now Bolsonaro;   these candidates are fighting for democracy against a totalitarian regime that is corrupted in election fraud.

When analyzing election interference, it always seems to be a one sided proposition.   Imagine if Erdogan and his ambassadors told the US how to run Congress, or political oppositions?   But that dictum is only available when it is Europe or the US.   NATO recently, arbitrarily rejected Russia’s ambassadors calling them spies.   The EU has called on Erdogan to release Kavala from prison.   The EU has called upon Putin to release their puppeteer, Navalny.   And the EU is quite angry with Hungary’s Viktor Orban because they believe he should not make laws – only the EU can make laws for it’s member countries.

Orban first became a target of the EU Commission when he effectively booted Soros University from continuing within its boundaries.   The University moved to Vienna and Soros ‘encouraged’ the EU High Court to rule that Orban did not have the authority as a sovereign nation.

At the time a Green Party MP stated, “This ruling should send a warning to Viktor Orban that it’s time to step back from the brink of autocracy and reverse the Hungarian government’s undemocratic path.”

So what did they do? They brought in the puppet, Marki-Zay, a man who spent 16 years in college, and whose bio has not been properly edited for inaccuracies and overlaps. The sum total of his experience is tiddly-winks, and his business acumen is the playbook schism wherein he was groomed first in Canada and then sent to the US before returning to Hungary.  Whereupon he ran for office.  And despite being backed by the Socialist Party surprisingly Marki-Zay won his mayoral election becoming the first non-Fidesz mayor since 1990.   IMAGINE!    The Fidesz mayor preceding Marki-Zay died while in office. of unknown causes.

By definition, Democracy is a political system and Socialism is an economic system.   They can coexist as separate and distinct within each other’s globalist rule of law.

Democratic Socialism is Marxism, while a Social Democracy is termed to be liberal with wealth redistribution.   When the two become conjoined, the political system no longer exists.   And the system is thus ruled via a Monarchial or Totalitarian Regime.

Globalization is the imperative in this conjoining.

While America would appear to have fallen, Russia has been the thorn that could not be removed.   And the Cabalists have lost all patience.   Noticing these transformations within the globalist agenda it would appear Erdogan shifted stance and is back to his initial alliance – Russia.

Thus Russia and anyone aligned with Russia becomes the dominant target.

Germany’s outgoing Defense Minister is tired of Putin’s Russia not acquiescing to the global tribunal and has ramped up threats.   She is brazenly calling for nuclear weapons, cyber attacks, and space military technology to be employed against Russia.

While Germany still has no viable military, NATO is Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauers preferred battle ally. This is on the heels of the recent NATO summit which included US Defense Lloyd Austin who appeared to agree upon a Master Plan to ‘deter Russian aggression’.   Only Russian aggression is nonexistent and by contrast NATO has been steadily building up troops along Russia’s border.

Simultaneously, the UK and US continue to provoke China into reacting militarily creating the perfect storm for WWIII. ALL while depleting our ability to fight given the mass exodus of soldiers by totalitarian rules imposed by the communist Lloyd Austin.

Why is this essential?   War devastates populations.   Hyperinflation sets the stage. The closing of docks in California and New York were purposefully done to artificially create shortages, increase demand, and lean into a hyperinflationary meltdown. And the accumulation of commodities, particularly housing, is a classic elite strategy.

The Cabalists have little time left for their planned coups and seem to be operating with a frenzy built on fear.  Perhaps their own.    Seven coup attempts have been made this year alone:   Sudan, Guinea, Mali, Myanmar, Nigeria, Armenia, and Jordan.   Most coups are orchestrated by outsiders within Cabal alliances.

While 2030 is the proposed World Economic Summit Agenda, Edwin Deagle’s ‘website’ notes cited 2025 as the endgame wherein US population would be 100 million and GDP per person would be $24,000.   Deagle worked at the Rockefeller Foundation.   Sounds like an Evil villain from a James Bond movie…  While Deagle died this year from unknown causes, his website continues to be updated by ‘an anonymous’ person(s).

Georgia’s Guidestones number eight languages;   English, Chinese, Swahili, Russian, Sanskrit, Hebrew, Spanish, and Arabic.   According to ancient history their were Twelve Tribes.    The languages eliminated are more interesting than the languages proffered.

Facebook’s Zuckerberg in Freefall: A COUP in the Making!

Zuckerberg is in freefall.   Despite massive funding to subvert the 2020 Presidential Election toward Biden as per the bidding of his ‘friends and handlers’, these hybrids have become his enemies.   And the Coup ramps up!

Two NGO’s funded by Facebook are now headlined as having manipulated the 2020 Presidential Election:   1.   Center For Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) and,   2.   Center For Election Innovation and Research (CEIR).

But Facebook is hardly the ONLY funder!   Google, Knight Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers, Democracy Fund, Center For Democracy and Technology, Rock The Vote, and others are named as primary financing institutions as well.   If a Facebook Coup is underway and is successful, it would follow that hostile takeovers and coups will splinter the entire tech industry behemoths within the same guise of incompetence and monopolies triggered by lawsuits.

Each of these Big Tech companies were founded by devout liberal democrats.   The left wing Democrats in Congress are the frontrunners calling for the Breakup.   It would appear Facebook is the lone wolf with Zuckerberg unwilling to step down:

*Today Elizabeth Warren called for the breakup of Amazon.   While Bezos relinquished his position as CEO and President this past summer, he remains on the board.

*Google is facing four antitrust lawsuits including one filed by the US Federal Attorney General in 2020.   A second suit was filed by 37 state attorney generals led by New York’s liberal Letitia James. In 2019 both founders of Google/Alphabet, Sergey Brin and Larry Page stepped down from their executive posts.

*A recent whistleblower at Apple, Ashley Gjovik, has brought allegations against Tim Cook as CEO of Apple.   Cook has alleged that Gjovik leaked sensitive information which was the basis for her being fired.   Gjovik claims discrimination and harassment led her to making the offensive tweets that got her fired.

Warren has also called for the breakup of Apple.

*Pierre Omidyar, the founder of Ebay stepped down as CEO and Board Chair in 2020. Ebay has been assaulted by class action lawsuits for a decade.

*Bill Gates stepped down as a board member of Microsoft in 2020 amidst revelations of affairs with employees… Microsoft has been the subject of antitrust lawsuits since the 1990’s.

NOTHING is coincidental in these scenarios.   In order to convene the Great RESET Big Tech needs to relinquish control to the global government.

CEIR FUNDING:   Democracy Fund is one of the funding NGO’s of CEIR.   It was founded by Ebay’s Omidyar.   The Center For Democracy & Technology is funded by Open Society, Democracy Fund, Ford, Knight, Facebook, Google, Amazon and TikTok.   Facebook remains the holdout and the Cabalists are getting – angry.

Absorbing Google, Ebay, Amazon and Tik-Tok would entail a global collaboration between the CCP and the Cabal. Facebook’s Zuckerberg is the last stooge.

CEIR’s Board have extensive connections with the Clintons, including Ray Martinez who worked for the Clinton administration as one of four commissioners appointed to the US Election Assistance Commission. The Board chair, Pam Anderson is also on the Board for Center For Technology and Civic Life (CTCL as noted above). David Becker, founder of CEIR was formally the Director at PEW Charitable Trust a far left wing organization that left it’s philanthropic roots to become a screen for political activism. And Trey Grayson is a principle at CivicPoint.   According to their website:   CivicPoint is a full-service public affairs firm dedicated to helping you influence policy and public opinion to achieve your goals. Political capital is our currency: We build our clients’ political capital and leverage it to drive results.”

“Influencing policy and public opinion” is the key element of propaganda.

Divesting tech is a soft coup whose purpose is to nationalize corporate America – like the CCP.   It is being done with the cooperation of its founders.

Zuckerberg has two options:   1)   relinquish Facebook entirely to the Cabalist Government, or 2)   rebrand Facebook as a Conservative Voice and align with the Trumpers.   While Zuckerberg has fought off Soros and the Cabal a number of times, this time traction is mounting and the entire liberal media pundits are onboard the demon train.

ALL ABOARD! The Cabal is working OverTime!  What’s it going to be Zuckerberg?

US EXTERNAL DEBT: A Global Crisis…

US External Debt!  

The world would have us believe that the US debt is the single largest global catastrophic nightmare.   Incredibly short-sighted, the US debt per person ranks 21st behind such stalwarts as Germany, UK, Switzerland, France, Norway, Luxembourg, Sweden, Austria, Finland, etc…   – as of 2019.   Singapore ranks 3rd.   Playing the US boogeyman is ignoring the facts:  GLOBAL debt is insurmountable and the purpose of the Great RESET is to wipe it to zero and start from scratch.

When measured as a percentage of GDP US external debt ranks 42nd!   All of Europe, Australia and Canada are far more abysmal.

In an article by Glenn Diesen for RT, one would think that every other country is immune to debt, inflation, shortages, and corruption, and that the US ranks ‘numero uno’.   The initial fallacy would be that the US is not sovereign it is run by globalist Cabalists, a secular empire of bankers and elites.   The ‘US’  was hijacked and has not run anything for likely hundreds of years. Like ALL Western civilizations today, the US is simply another colony of the Crown which is run by the Cabal and BIS.   As a pseudo Empire, the US had its run because the Cabal allowed it to be so.   Now the global forces have realized that their creation didn’t work – their stage is fraying rapidly and a new global creation is necessary.

Mr. Diesen claims that his ‘expertise’ is Russian Foreign Policy and the geo-economics of a Europe and Eurasia integration.   Oddly, he seems to have left that ‘expertise’ at home as he tackles instead; “The Decay of Western Civilization” without clearly defining or understanding what ‘western civilization’ – is.  In other words, he attacks the US as the Boogeyman of today without having a clear grasp of the Big Picture.

Western civilization began in Europe with the Roman Empire and Mediterranean Greece.   Ultimately, it gravitated to referencing Western Europe, and later encompassed North America as well.

Using Mr. Diesen’s design to demonize the US is simply lazy.

History has conveniently been rewritten as though the Roman Empire was based on religious Papal states.   The Papacy governed as secular states and only later came to realize that merging that rule with religion would garner a greater empire.   The Roman Empire came to existence in 27 BC, whereas the Papal governance was initiated in 757 AD, after Muhammad had conquered much of the middle east and north Africa.

The Western Empire fell in the 5th century AD, while the Eastern Empire, which was predominantly northern Africa, survived until 1453 when it was conquered by The Ottoman Empire – Islam.  So Which Western Civilization do you refer to Mr Diesen?

In essence, all civilizations fall.   Because man by nature lives for power. More often than we might realize, these ‘Falls’ are pre-meditated, and not a natural evolution of a specific society.

What made America Great?

People, resources, military strength, and Christian ideologies, morals and ethics.

In order to descend America’s greatness into decay, the globalists have fervently attacked; first – Christian ideologies, second – military strength, and third – the people.   Self sufficiency in resources still exists, albeit the liberalism powers have capped their access.

The Global Debt Crisis is real, but it is actually the creation of stupidity – aka, Cabalists who are likely infighting, arguing, and assassinating amongst themselves.   Money hoarders.   Greedy reptilians.   Preaching equity, their game of Monopoly infused Chess failed.   It isn’t the US dollar that is worthless, it is paper money.   Hitler, of all people, may have realized this 80 years ago.

Every civilization known to mankind has been conquered.   Ask Biblical scholars what happened to the Galatians, the Thessalonians?    Historians, what happened to The Mayans? The Minoans?   The Romans?   A better research would be to find a genetic predisposition.   We know that humans are an amalgam of multiple species.   So where did these various species come from and why are some genetically predisposed to violence, power, greed and moral decay?