UKRAINE – RUSSIA: Anti-War But Not Stupid!

DO Politicians die in wars?   DO the Media bigwigs?   Do Hollywood ignorant pundits?   Who is hurt most by economic ‘sanctions’?   When targeting a ‘country’ does the government making the sanctions consider the deaths and chaos they are levying against innocent citizens?   The US is by far the instigator of the vast majority of global sanctions and demands other countries follow suit.   Why?   Have sanctions ever worked?   Or do they create a greater sense of nationalism among the nationalists of the sanctioned country?

Personally, I think Sanctions are a Human Rights Vagrancy of Basic Humanity.    They were created to destroy a country – and ths it’s entire population.   Yet the melee continues – “Putin is Evil, Putin is a killer, Putin is a demon!”   Why?   What did Putin do to you?   Because right now – in this moment – he is defending not just Russia against the globalists – but the World!   He is defending “his country” against Nazi’s?    While Western Countries are embracing greater and greater Nazi propaganda reality to technically become our New Global Government.

How is it that so easily the same populace that immediately saw thru the Mainstream hypocrisies of CoVid and Inflation and Shortages – now don’t see the hypocrisy in the Russia instigation against Ukraine?   Same media. Same hype.   Same Fakery.   Different result.

I am anti-war, anti-globalist, anti-WEF, anti-Gates, anti liberal mediocrity – and yet, that would appear to be – not enough.   I must also tow the line of the liberal fakery that espouses Ukraine’s government as heroic! A comedian who has absolutely no business acumen, no political acumen, no war acumen is ruling a nation into the abyss of Nazism at the hands of our shared evil – Soros and somehow this is suddenly – ok.

While our own government is recognized as an abject monstrous diabolical chaotic disgourge of spew and shite, whose family fortune was made on the corruption of Ukraine at the behest of its corrupt government, that same corrupt Nazi aligned government in Ukraine is a Hollywood masterpiece of celluloid heroes.

And no one blinks.

ALL Ukraine was required to do was to ‘uphold the agreements’ it had signed to – Minsk 2014, and NATO 1991.   Yet this heroic comedian saw fit to denounce those contracts and submerge Ukraine into war.   All with the encouragement of the CIA – Soros – MI6 – and Klaus.

In other words – they WANT WWIII.

Everything is connected by the steel chain of the World Economic Forum gilded within the frame of a New World Order Singular Self Imposed Government/Committee.

Yet those who watched without emotion as the US was complicit in the bombing deaths and maiming of literally millions over the last 2 decades – somehow find themselves whipped into a frenzy over Ukraine – a country they can’t find on a map, a people they don’t know, and a universe that has twisted itself into a topsy-turvy spindle of the Matrix.

When was the longest period of time in all of history that the US was NOT involved in any war?

It is a devastating truth to find your own government is – the enemy. And yet, we acknowledge that fact in specific circumstances yet can’t completely grasp – the WHOLE. Gestault – the sum of the parts.   Government officials have repeatedly told us – we are incapable of evaluating and accepting the truth of – Truth.

We acknowledge that Biden caused this massive 200%+ inflationary economy, that decades of failed presidents did not provide the US with the proper manufacturing independence.   But the psyche is a fragile thing.   And this fragility has been damaged significantly by the false and fake pronouncements coming out of the Russia – Ukraine insurgency.

What if Ukraine had agreed to uphold the past treaties and signed agreements?   What if they held firm to their word?   What if – they were simply honorable?

What if, they were legitimate instead of pawns of politically cultivated coups and annexations by the US and UK?

We’ll never know.

I recently read that Zelensky’s bank accounts now top over $1 billion and he has property in Florida.   A comedian bought.   Yet he still has endeavored to negotiate a $57 billion deficit which Ukraine can not pay.   Sounds like a Hillary deal….  I find him personally – quite disgusting for what he has done for the WORLD.  Instigate WWIII simply for his misbegotten fame that because Ukraine Does NOT Want TO UpHold Written Agreements It Signed With RUSSIA – Ukraine will go down in History as the Reason behind the devastation of WWIII.   

Germany – has apparently signed off on it’s WWI and WWII claim to fame.

Suddenly, Hillary once again emerges believing she will be the next President and by all flare and Hollywood – the SAVIOR!   Re-opening the Clinton Initiative of vacuous gifts to support her self-cause, ignites the 2024 election.   Campaign contributions will be significant and within the guise of ‘charity’. As always – because they have no other ‘strategic game plan’.  And surely a Biden Regime is NOT going to query the complete illegality of Clinton’s various NGO schemes before the IRS.

Contributors are likely to be the exact same – as before the Initiative was shut down after her 2016 LOSS.   Problem:   She hasn’t the following she thinks she does.   Therefore the voter fraud usurp that elected Biden will have to be instigated in order to reel in a fake win. I believe her last hurrah-umph poll gave her a 20% rating. Less than the obviously comedic 35% for Biden.   Assuming one actually believes any polls or studies, or whatevers!

I remember when the US would travel to other countries across the globe as an Election Monitor for truth.   We felt good!    We were doing the right thing!   We were helping corrupt economies!   And yet Now We Know – we facilitated corrupt elections and coups.   We became the bad guys.  We are the corrupt economy.   And of course, that is painful.   But we must realize that corruption is not as ‘prevalent’ among the citizens as it is overwhelmingly amongst our puppet government lizards.

NOT the citizens.   But the government that fed us a continual stream of lies.   THIS is Important to remember!   I Find Citizens quite amenable and friendly – having logical and rational discussions.   Yet when the media and government become involved – the air – changes.

The Ukraine War with Russia – is not about the Ukrainian citizens any more than our demise internally is about US citizens. It is about a very propagandized manipulation of facts and truths for which we fell victim – and believed!

JFK saw it.   He was assassinated

Bobby saw it – he was assassinated.

It is NOT our place to install governments in lands that have a completely different culture, value system, or social class.   It IS our place to correct the globalist mentality that controls us in a veil of chaos within our own borders.

Jon Rappaport calls it the Matrix – a place where reality has become so confused it resembles Alice In Wonderland.  

I have been so doxxed by the contingent who suddenly repel the MSM that caused and exponentiated CoVid – only to become the pro-Biden Hawks of Ukraine – it is an incredible revelation.   And not a good one.

EXAMPLE:   Headline:   “Russia has censored certain media outlets that espouse a pro-Ukraine doctrine.  They are a Dictatorial Society of Evil and Disgrace.”    YET – US media censors FB, Twitter, Google, Utube, Verizon, At&t, and virtually EVERY form of media!   YET – somewhere in this land of Wonderland – Russia censoring certain Ukrainian outlets – is suddenly deemed horrendously dictatorial…and the US is another – YAWN.

Did you forget America?   Did you forget the EU? The UK?   Who have unilaterally censored every piece of information out of Russia?   DO you really NOT understand this Dichotomy?   This Hypocrisy?   US Truckers who are arrested?   January 6th who languish for over a year in solitary?   IN THE US?  

FOCUS.   Look Up Ukraine’s history.   Specifically with their alliance with the Nazi’s.   Their death squads.   Their annihilation of Jews.   Christians.   Homosexuals.   Blacks.   And tell me again – Putin is Evil… for desiring to liberate RUssia – and the Globe from these Vile Globalist Cabal bent on depopulation – chaos – disease – and a RESET for the ELITE.  And ONLY the Elite.

5 thoughts on “UKRAINE – RUSSIA: Anti-War But Not Stupid!

  1. Want some help researching for your articles? No charge. David, retired U.S. Patent Examiner.

  2. Hi

    You Pretty well covered it.

    From what I can tell we have the most stupid, imbecilic, mind boggling, insane leaders in governments worldwide in the history of mankind. The mockingbird media falls into those categories as well. Sean Hannity suggested bombing a Russian convoy heading into Ukraine saying Russia would not know who did it!

    RT and Sputnik are down. We are now stuck with Western media spouting the craziest, crackpot bs I have ever heard or read.

    Now they are confiscating Russians property,,, firing anyone with Russian background,,, a city shut down gas stations in Newark NJ because they were Russian (Lukoil). Of course the businesses were American as well as the employees. Pouring out Russian Vodka they already purchased at liqueur stores in Texas. Renaming foods.

    Americans and the West are clinically insane. Maybe it was the shots?

    We are totally screwed.


  3. It is an information war more than anything, well, kinda. It appears ‘people’ are quite content to listen to mainstream media. More than content to take it all at face value. This trivia is all they base their arguments on. No reading, no investigation, no background check, just swallowing it whole and regurgitating it thereafter. Many supposedly intelligent people do not look further than mainstream media for the ‘truth’. The more you look into matters, though, the more disturbing it all becomes. The more it upsets you.

    The WEF reckons the US will not be a superpower by the year 2030, or a leading superpower, anyway. It is destined to fall off its perch. I wonder how far the fall will be? Maybe it is time for the US to pay the piper for all their past misdemeanours, but I don’t think the WEF has thing type of thing in mind, merely basing their assumptions on an economic / military viewpoint, trailing some way behind the likes of China.

    If things are rocky now, how rocky are they to become? WW3 is definitely on the cards the way the West is behaving towards Russia. I wonder how much of it Putin will take before turning his attention towards Europe as a whole?

    I see that the WEF has removed all reference to Putin from their website now.

  4. i’ve never been more ashamed of america’s government then i am now,and i’m ashamed of the american population for being to STUPID as to believe all this bullshit they’re shoveling down our throats! first the covid scam,then they’re crashing the financial system,now starting a world war!! for the life of me i don’t understand why people just don’t get off their asses and TAKE OUR GOVERNMENT BACK!! if we all stood together we could end this shit in a month!!but as usual,everyone hides in their homes hoping it will blow over,the curtain is pulled back,everyone can see who is running OZ,and he’s nor like the mayor in the movie!

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