Syria: Who are The Rebels?

War torn Syria remains a front for control. While the media coverage abounds with attention drawn to ‘the government forces’ and ‘Assad’, the opposition forces are rarely identified.   The opposition, rebels, are made up of four prominent groups:

Army of Islam – backed and funded by Saudi Arabia and Turkey, it is an organization operating in the Gaza Strip and closely affiliated with Hamas. They have been accused of carrying out attacks in Egypt including the bombing of a Coptic church in 2011. With a heavy presence in Ghouta, their intent is to create an Islamic state under Sharia. They have operated in conjunction with al-Nusra, an affiliate of al-Qaeda, and merged with Ahrar al-Shem in their design to eliminate Shiites and Alawites from Syria.

Targeting Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine, they have engaged in most battles for control of Syria including Aleppo, Raqqa, Idlib, and now Ghouta. Making the war more complicated is the fact that they are not only opposed to Assad, but ISIL as well.

They have been shown using civilians in Ghouta as human shields, putting them in cages, and kidnapping and enslaving them. They have admitted to using chemical weapons, chlorine gas and other agents, against Kurdish forces and civilians. Infighting between rebel groups as also contributed to the chaos as power struggles wreak havoc.


Failaq al-Rahman – backed and funded by Qatar and Turkey, is a smaller organization that fights – everyone, including; ISIL, Assad, al-Nusra, and sometimes the Army of Islam.   They were originally organized by a Syrian Army captain who defected in 2012, and were considered a pet project of McCain and Obama under the auspice of the Free Syrian Army, or FSA before rebranding as Failaq al-Rahman. As such, their funding and support came from NATO and the US.

Their main stronghold was in Jobar where they were able to survive via an ancient cave system that runs beneath the city.  In the caves, they were safe from bombs, and could hide weapons and food.

In 2012, they were accused of hording supplies, food, and medicine in Aleppo from civilians in their effort to keep them docile and easily manipulated.   The MSM chose to instead report that there was no food or medicine in Aleppo in order to create a false message, ignoring the fact that the FSA was the stronghold at the time.

The eastern side of Jobar was home to mostly Christians before al-Rahman engaged in its terrorism within this city.

The two smaller rebel factions in Ghouta include the Levant Liberation Committee, and Ahrar al Sham. These groups have worked with ISIL and al-Nusra at various times and are also funded by the Saudis. Their size has greatly diminished due to in fighting and disagreements regarding fatwa, ceasefires, mergers and operations. Their goal is to rule Syria and they have offered those services in peace talks as an alternative to Assad or ISIL.

The UN continues to issue statements regarding the escalation of violence in Ghouta, and the humanitarian crisis that continues to be launched. Oddly, they never address Saudi Arabia, Turkey or Qatar in containing their rebel factions.   In calling for a ceasefire, they only identify ISIL, al-Nusra, and al-Qaeda as hostile.

In addition, while the UN praises neighboring countries that are housing all the Syrian refugees, they simultaneously chastise these same countries because the refugees are living in utter poverty without basic necessities including education and healthcare.  Jordan appears to be the UN target.  With roughly 11 million refugees or displaced Syrians, Jordan is currently housing about 630,000.  Turkey and Lebanon are housing over 5.6 million…

In the meantime, the US media is focusing on Kurdish forces in Syria fighting ISIS, when ISIS doesn’t appear to be in Ghouta, or their presence is enormously limited. Trump has stated that the goal of eliminating ISIS in Syria has been accomplished for the most part already. Regime change is not a goal. And the remaining factions that the government and Russia are fighting are these rebel groups backed by Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar.   It would appear that Trump sees any intervention outside of ISIS as none of anyone’s business – let the Middle East destroy each other from within, it’s their battle.

China Election – A Dictatorship?

Oh dear, The Washington Post thinks that Xi Jinping is setting up Dictatorship rule in China because he wants to extend term limits for the Presidency.   It would appear that the esteemed WAPO is unaware that in Canada, the post of Prime Minister is not only an unelected post, but it’s term is fixed forever, or until the person holding the post decides they don’t want to be a PM any more… As of 2007, a caveat was created whereby a PM whose party fails the next election may be dismissed by the opposition party.   Of course it is the Governor General who appoints the Prime Minister to office, and the Governor General is appointed by the Queen at the advice of the Prime Minister… One Big Happy Family!

The previous Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, served for nine years.   Jean Chretien who was the 20th Prime Minister, was in office 10 years and went through 3 Governor Generals.   The only female Prime Minister was Kim Campbell who served for just 4 months.    But Canada doesn’t count, right?

Of course, all these term rules apply to all British Commonwealth nations under Queen Elizabeth, including;  Australia, Barbados, Jamaica, Belize, Bahamas, Antigua, Barbados, and Grenada.

In the US, the longest serving terms go to: John Dingle, Democrat who served 59 years; Robert Byrd, Democrat who served 57 years; Carl Hayden, Democrat who served 56 years; Jammie Whitten, Democrat who served 53 years.   The shortest tenure listed for the longest service was 36 years.  I guess these ‘terms’ don’t count…

But according to WAPO, that would make them Dictators…like China’s Xi Jinping…

Oddly, Japan follows similar rules as adopted by the UK Monarchy, with the Prime Minister appointment rather than election, and unlimited terms. So I guess Japan is a Dictatorship too…oops.

Apparently, the various mainstream news agencies are not aware that China is merely following in the footsteps of what numerous other countries around the world have been doing for centuries.   In China, all higher up officials are appointed by the National Peoples Congress who are directly elected by votes.   While in theory China considers itself a multi-party nation, in reality the Communist Party is the only one that holds power.

Does this make their system right and just?  No.  It simply highlights the hypocrisy.

There is speculation that the US is fundamentally a one party system ruled by Big Business and that Democrats and Republicans are simply pawns that essentially uphold that power as an illusion.   As Trump began to unravel The Swamp, the parties he trashed unveiled this fundamental illusion given that both Democrats and Republicans were implicated. Crossing lines, McCain, Graham, Rubio, and a host of others were quickly unveiled for their Democrat ties and leanings.

Adding to the push toward a one party system in the US is the ongoing redistricting, or gerrymandering, that is hurriedly being imposed by the joint efforts of Obama and Holder as they attempt to redefine political lines so as to create a majority party electoral.   Despite reports claiming this is an initiative being waged by both parties, Missouri, Michigan, Utah, Pennsylvania, Colorado, North Dakota, etc…, upwards of 18 states have begun redistricting proposals.   Unions are one of the larger funders, but George Soros has decidedly entered the fray as the Democrat position is ‘mandered’. Basically, this is an attempt to create a one party electoral/district majority.  One step away from a single party and two steps away from Communism.

In addition, states are moving to allow illegal immigrants voting rights which will most certainly sway the platforms considerably.

While there are those that would vilify Trump as the creator in house of the one party system in the US, that would be a rather difficult feat given that this concept has been in the making for decades as the US attempts to move closer to Communism through the illusion of Socialism. Often it takes having a conversation with those that escaped Communism in order to understand more clearly how it is implemented.

Martial Law, suppression of religion, regulation and absolute control are all pre-factors leading to ultimate oppression and Communism.   Trump advocates against all of these. Europe is currently endangered. The US gained a breather with Trump, but we are still undergoing an assault. The Dictatorship within the US still rules from the sidelines as Senators and House Reps comfortably numb snore through their sixth decade without ‘term limits’.

So is the China syndrome mean much of anything?  Not really, it just sounds good when vilifying another – as in the modicum of ‘not building bridges’ – a Liberal outcry that oft forgets to look in the metaphorical mirror.

The EU: A New Ottoman Empire!

In light of BREXIT and Trump’s stance on the less than transparent UN, Juncker is making a bid to find alternate states to bring under the EU umbrella.

Macedonia:   With a population that is roughly 64% Christian and 33% Muslim, Macedonia is a fitting choice to add to the debt of the EU.   It’s unemployment rate is 27-30% and its poverty rate is in excess of 22%.   It’s newly elected Prime Minister, Zoran Zaev of the Social Democrat Union, is mired in more than a bit of controversy as he was charged with conspiracy with ‘a foreign intelligence service’ in initiating a coup against the previous Prime Minister. His squeaky election win was further underscored by the fact that the previous PM was part of the VMRO-DPMNE Party which is considered ‘nationalist’.

Albania:   Roughly 60% of the population is Muslim.   It has the 10th largest reserves of oil, and is the worlds leading exporter of chromium which is used as an anti-corrosive in steel plating. Albania is considered a prime tourist destination for southern Europeans and US citizens. Unemployment is roughly 15%, it operates a trade deficit of -9.7%. It’s PM, Edi Rama, is a member of the Socialist Party.

Bosnia:   Cited as 51% Muslim, the country is loosely defined as a liberal democracy. Despite this tag, “…the highest political authority in the country is the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the chief executive officer for the international civilian presence in the country and is selected by the European Union. Since 1995, the High Representative has been able to bypass the elected parliamentary assembly, and since 1997 has been able to remove elected officials. The methods selected by the High Representative have been criticized as undemocratic.   International supervision is to end when the country is deemed politically and democratically stable and self-sustaining.

In essence, the country is ruled by the EU.

It’s infrastructure and economy have yet to recover from the Bosnian/Croatian war that ended in 1995. Main industries include steel, coal and iron ore.   Its unemployment rate is near 40%, and it requires IMF loans simply to survive.

Kosovo: Approximately 96% Muslim, Kosovo’s status as a nation is subject to controversy. Like Bosnia, it has yet to sustain itself since the Yugoslavia war that ended in 1995.   Rich in agriculture, the country boasts 53% of its land use for the production of agri-products, and 41% a forestry. The current PM, Ramush Haradinaj, served in the Kosovo war and although he was indicted for war crimes, no charges were implemented.

Montenegro: The newly elected Prime Minister, Dusko Marcovic, is a member of the Democratic Socialists, not unlike Macedonia’s political metamorphosis. A tiny nation that was also created as a result of the Yugoslav war, its main industry is tourism. While in need of major investment within infrastructure to increase the revenue basis of this industry, Montenegro is a recipient of Climate Change funds with the approval of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

The Baltic State Region, recognized as developing countries who are at the greatest risk of global warming, have been targeted for Climate Change funding according to the Paris Accord in order to mitigate these potentially catastrophic events…

In essence, all of this means that we have a bunch of Baltic countries whose nominal GDP per capita ranges from a low $3200 to about $6200, whose economies are in desperate need of a boost in monetary investment, preferably free, whose ethnicities are either largely or predominantly Muslim, who belong to the Socialist/Communist leaning political spectrum, and whose land bears fertile usage, wherein a solution was concocted in which a fake moral and ethical agenda of climate change was created, funded with private and global government donated money via the Paris Climate Accord and the UN, that would then be diverted to these economies for rebuilding and infrastructure spending so as to reinvent viable economies to be integrated into the EU, with the ultimate goal of recreating a New Ottomon Empire, which coincidentally was the stated goal of ISIS and Al-Nusra. In the meantime, the citizens of the EU extend welcoming arms unaware that their own ethnicities will soon become the minority and their lives uprooted and displaced. All under the guise of Merkel and Juncker who seemingly are aglaze in a false belief of arrogant power, indoctrinated into trusting that they will be tasked with a leading power role over this New Ottoman Empire, while childishly unaware that they are mere puppets who are ultimately quite expendable…


Gun Control Politics – Again…

How much does a protest march cost? Apparently quite a lot because 17 year old Cameron Kasky has rather quickly organized a March in DC to fight gun rights and so far has raised:   $500,000 from Spielberg, $500,000 from Katzenberg, $500,000 from Clooney, $500,000 from Oprah, and upwards of $1 million on a GoFundMe page that has been up for 3-4 days!   Quite a haul! All of the donors were heavy weights in the Obama and Clinton camps. Katzenberg came under an SEC investigation that claimed he had bribed Chinese officials with Joe Biden.

Kasky is joined by David Hogg, who has also made himself a personal spokesperson for anti-gun ownership, anti-NRA, anti-Trump.   Their solution? Ban all guns.

Kasky set up his Twitter account February 18th. He now has over 78,000 followers.   Hogg, about the same, (I imagine – the same followers). Their “Political Organization” (as per their Facebook page) is called March For Our Lives, donations are not tax deductible, they have a Twitter account, a Facebook account, Instagram page and a website.  WHEW!

They have utilized the disgraced former DNC Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz to help promote their campaigns including the upcoming nationwide March 24th protest.   They are also supported by Florida Senate member, Lauren Book, who ran unopposed for the District seat because it was a ‘redistricted’, newly created seat. This is her first political experience.

In 2016, Eric Holder and Obama created the National Democratic Redistricting Committee in order to extend the number of potential Democrat seats by the next election given Trump won the majority in the 2016 election.  And that wasn’t fair.

Reading the Twitter feeds and Facebook feeds, the commentary demand that anyone whose opinion is not aligned be ‘blocked’. Others claim that anyone who disagrees must be a Russian Troll.   And still others believe that everyone is a Bot. One person went so far as to state that freedom of speech was for the government, but didn’t apply to them.  OUCH!

While their pain and fear is shared by everyone, their solution is not.   And while the publicity is aligned with the students attempting to change gun laws, the laws are not and the facts are not. When lobbying for change, it is best to have truth and facts to support your argument.   These students are naïve, but because they are students, they have managed to rally hearts behind them. Statistics? Not so much.

Media outlets have vilified conservatives who challenge some of the oddities in the student organization – the most obvious being the scripted reading by Hogg. However, the idea that a group of underage teen-agers would be in charge of $3,000,000 (and growing) donated via Facebook from highly public democrats is a bit startling… if not wholly lacking in legality.   I seriously doubt that Clooney, Oprah or Speilberg would hand over that kind of money without a league of adult lawyers managing it’s use.  So obviously, there is much more lurking in the background than we are privy to.

It’s also rather interesting that the March 24th protest was scheduled in DC seemingly without going through the ‘elaborate’ permitting system which requires Homeland Security approval, Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs approval, Metropolitan Police Department approval, Fire Department approval, as well as a sit down to discuss specifics with the police.  Who did all that?

In addition, it is common for opposing groups to petition for simultaneous permits, which we have yet to hear about.

George Soros’ Media Matters has taken the student movement to the highest degree of propaganda.   The Women’s March organizers are also behind the March 24th protest whose goal was to raise $2 million for the 2017 protest which would pay for porta-potties, security and bus parking. The March For Our Lives is backed and funded by Bloomberg’s, Everytown For Gun Safety, a nonprofit which advocates for gun control. In 2015, their reported revenue was shy of $40 million. According to their 990 for 2016, they spent $1.8 million on actual grants – 4.5%of total revenue, most of which went to three organizations: Mainers For Responsible Gun Ownership, Nevadans for Background Checks, and Oregon Democracy Fund.

Oregon Democracy Fund was created in 2015, has no known website or data. They are a 501©(4) organization which is not considered charitable and may not be written off as a charitable donation, rather they are a business expense registered as a Social Welfare organization. Therefore, Everytown, which is a charitable nonprofit, makes grants to Social Welfare organizations that are not charitable nonprofits, but rather lobbying organizations. Both the Mainers and the Nevadans organizations, also 501(c)(4)’s, are linked back to Bloomberg.

Thus, it would appear that his grant making is simply to support his own lobbying organizations. In addition to the “grants”, Everytown spent roughly $2.4 million on political lobbying and gave funds to politicians.

For Every Season, turn, turn turn… there is always a back story.

Mercenary Armies in Middle East

IRAQ; a Middle Eastern country whose oil riches are estimated to potentially be the largest in the world and which are predominantly leased to Canada, the US, UK, France, Australia, Russia and a spattering of EU countries. Nine of the world’s most powerful mercenary armies are tasked with Iraqi oil property protection; G4S, Unity Resources Group, Erinys, Asia Security Group, DynCorp, Triple Canopy, Aegis Defense Services, Defion International and Academi.

Most of these mercenaries receive funding from the US State Department.

Since the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the toppling of Saddam Hussein, and the administration of the Coalition Provisional Authority under Paul Bremer, the US government, and by defacto, the CIA, has controlled every aspect of Iraq, including it’s oil.

Under Bremer, the B’aath Party under which Hussein ruled was eliminated, culled… its members fled persecution or were faced with assassination.   Both Sunni and Shia militia groups formed to fight the US rule of Iraq. One such group was led by Abu Musad al-Zarqawi, who later became one of Osama Bin Laden’s masterminds.

Bremer, in coalition with the CIA and an Iranian military officer, Soleimani, turned power over to Shia, Nouri al-Maliki in 2006 as Prime Minister.   Soliemani was later sanctioned by the US government for supporting the Syrian government and Assad who also worked alongside the US prior to the invasion of Iraq and suddenly now became a targeted – bad guy…

Al-Maliki fell out of favor with the US and in 2014, Fuad Masum, a Communist politician who later joined the Kurdistan Democratic Party, was secretly made President by Ban-Ki-Moon of the UN and Kurdish MP’s.   He ousted Maliki and appointed Haider al-Abadi as the new Prime Minister.

Abadi’s education and early work life was conducted in the UK, where he worked in the ‘transportation industry’. Under his rule, the once majority Shia party was quelled as he introduced more Sunni’s into the government per the US and EU advisory. But Abadi became critical of Obama and shifted alliance from the US to Russia and Iran.

This shift put a strain on US control of the oil reserves in Iraq and calls for mercenaries to destabilize Iraq’s government were ramped up. These mercenaries operate via multi-million and billion dollar contracts and became the de facto armies representing various nations across the globe including the US, Australia, Europe and Canada. The oil companies, Shell, Mobil, BP, Total, Chevron, Hess, Dragon, as well as a number from China, Turkey and Indonesia, were in competition with Rosneft and Gazprom from Russia.

Wagner Mercenaries provide the Russian government with their unchartered, unregulated army, and are most likely in Iraq as well protecting Russia’s oil interests.

Meanwhile, the acknowledged militaries are at the mercy of commands and commanders that are at the mercy of the unregulated…operating in missions that are convoluted, corrupted, and – staged.

The footprint in the Middle East, the assassination of Saddam and the subsequent rise of ISIS wreaked havoc on a plan that backfired 15 years ago with the initial invasion of Iraq. Attempting to ‘cleanup’ the mess, Syria and Yemen became the next targets as US and European interests in the Middle East erupted into chaos.

Blackmailed into the ethnic cleansing of Shiites, and anyone not Sunni, the block of power brokers including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, have invoked an all out war in the Middle East with the US and EU acting as proxy. The blackmail? To continue to allow the US control of Iraq. In return we give them Syria and Yemen. Iran is up for grabs… And Turkey?

Turkey became fearful when Assad, the US and Russia began backing the Kurds. Should the Kurds gain a foothold in Syria, Erdogan fears the Turkish Kurds, which represent roughly 20% of the population, would be emboldened and demand civil rights. Turkey is thus indirectly supporting – ISIL.

The war is far from over with continued propaganda statements of chemical attacks and bombings on civilians.   For now, some are proposing a ‘protectorate’ of forces, policed by troops from ‘many nations’ in which separate states will be imposed within Iraq and Syria housing Sunni’s, Shites, and Kurds.  

Not unlike dividing Palestine and Israel, I imagine the people of Syria and Iraq will not be too thrilled.

Guns; Mass Shootings; And Mental Health

Mass shooting.   The first recorded as such in the US was in 1949 when in Camden, New Jersey a 29 year old Howard Unruh walked calmly through his neighborhood and shot and killed 13, wounding another 3. He was diagnosed as criminally insane. He used a German Luger that he obtained as a WWII veteran.  

In 1968 Charles Whitman, a Marine trained sharpshooter struggling with violent tendencies shot his mother, and his wife among 12 others, and injured an additional 31 people using an arsenal of weapons including semi-automatics, a Luger, and a Magnum. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor.

In 1982 George Banks shot and killed 13 people including 5 of his own children and their mothers. His lawyer plead insanity stating that he was a victim of racism because of his own mixed racial identity.

In 1984, James Huberty announced to his wife that he thought he might have mental problems. He had a history of domestic violence. Three days later he shot 41 people in McDonalds, 22 died.

Since those shootings nearly 300 people have died in 19 separate events as a result of deadly mass gun violence perpetrated by a lone gunman who had mental illness or by terrorists.  The weapons ranged from semi-automatic rifles, to handguns, to the use of multiple guns as in an ‘arsenal’.

THIRTEEN Presidents have served in office during this time frame.   Eleven of these 22 shootings, 50%, occurred during Obama’s reign.   253 people died during Obama’s reign as a result of mass shootings and he did nothing to change or quell these atrocities.   But somehow this is the fault of Trump and the NRA…

While there remain the naysayers who believe that mental health is not a causal factor, the statistics simply do not support this defense.   In fact, the statistics overwhelmingly do provide this fact or Truism as a core commonality.   However, while creating a mental health database for the purchase of guns may hinder or slow the ability to purchase, black markets will always abound, and as Sweden has newly discovered, perpetrators will simply find a new weapon of choice – hand grenades and bombs, which are apparently quite plentiful.

Mental health in the US is an abysmal statistic. It is believed that 20% of the US population has some degree of mental health issue with 50% suffering co-occurring substance abuse. 11.2% of youth suffer from severe depression.   And the over-whelming majority “Choose” to not seek help.   Not because it isn’t available, but because they don’t want to.

Perhaps a better query would be to ask why the US is host to so many with mental health issues?

In 2004, “the most common primary diagnostic groups were depression (27.8%), schizophrenia (19.5%), bipolar disorder (19.4%), alcohol use disorder (11.6%), and drug use disorder (11.1%), with other psychiatric disorders accounting for the remain- ing 10.5% of hospitalizations.”    Prior to the infamous Obamacare, 53% of the total medical cost was assumed by Medicare and Medicaid, the remainder was covered by public health insurance – according to Premier Perspective Community Database. This would mean that Obamacare has had no relative benefit in reducing uninsured from seeking psychiatric help.

In the 1950’s and 1960’s, anxiety was the most common disorder. Miltown was the first mass produced drug distributed to inhibit anxiety and was prescribed as a tranquilizer writing a phenomenal 500 million prescriptions.   With the advent of Valium, 20% of all women and 8% of all men reported taking this new and improved tranquilizer in the 1970’s and the term anxiety was replaced with ‘depression’.

Between 1987 and 1997, the psychiatric community increased their diagnosis of depression by 300%.   A boon to the pharmaceutical industry!

Today, most treatment for mental health disorders is- a prescription.   A person may request treatment without the use of drugs, but this is quite uncommon and most psychiatrists are rather pushy in demanding drug administration.  The causes are left unfettered, and the symptoms are masked by drugs.

In 2015, there were 130 people killed in mass shootings in France by semi-automatic weapons despite a nearly complete ban on such guns.   In 2016, Ali Sonboly killed 21 people in Munich at a McDonalds. He was under psychiatric care for depression. He was said to have been severely bullied at school.  Germany has very strict gun laws.

And while there is a meme circulating that demands more psychiatrists in schools, more teachers, more counselors, more nurses, more tolerance, more more, it is so incredibly unrealistic and serves no real purpose in providing a true solution.   The core commonality of most mass shootings is mental health (outside of terrorism) whether in the US or abroad.   Among youth, school bullying is by far the most prevalent cause.  Medicating society has been the solution according to Big Pharma.  While Pharma has prospered on this notion quite lucratively, society has suffered.

The last gun law passed by the Federal government expired in 2004.   Since then, two sitting Presidents have done absolutely nothing.   Trump has stated that he will be researching ways to better monitor background checks for mental illness, but it is a difficult path with many barriers, the most obvious of which is – privacy and HIPPA. Civil Rights lawsuits would hugely impact the ability of background checks to include medical records.   And while Israel has been cited as a model, a behavioral assessment is required in order for a person to own a gun.

Still the media cites guns and Trump as the culprit while Obama gets a pass, HIPPA is ignored, and the estimate that only 15% of firearms used in an illegal act were legally obtained, is not addressed.   

In view of the ‘death threats’ promulgated by multiple Hollywood entertainers, their mental health would most certainly qualify them for prohibition… community service, and fines.  Right?

Mueller’s Pathetic Indictment

Hundreds of thousands of dollars later, thousands of wasted hours later, thousands of derisive media articles later, the Big Indictment is basically for “Trolling”. There are literally thousands upon thousands of trolling operations around the world, sourced in every country with little to no exception.   And, by itself, trolling is not even illegal in the US unless it involves harassment, bullying or stalking.

Worse – these same Trolls named by Mueller were outed by Buzzfeed four years ago!

After all the obsession, after all the derision, after all the vilifying, the best our esteemed CIA Director with visions of a beheaded Trump could do, was rehash what was already hashed four years ago… The absurdity is beyond comprehension given they had to know exactly what they found from the beginning and spent all this time creating innuendo without a lick of evidence.

Trolls have been a source of angst for over two decades dating to the 1990’s when they were referred to as Usenet “flame wars”.   Sometimes they are well organized, and sometimes they are kids.

What did this mean, nasty company do that was so heinous? They posted comments and ads that supported their belief and/or opinion. I guess that would mean that The New York Times and Washington Post are really just “Trolls”.   The group Anonymous is considered a troll given their anonymity. The largest in the US is 4chan which was developed in 2003 by Christopher Chan who was 15 at the time.   The Daily Stormer is another large US based site trolling in favor of neo-Nazi ideals.

Hackers, trollers, faceless commentators, they are the internet frenzy, and most people can easily recognize them and move on.   But if presenting an ad or an opinion that is in contrast to someone else’s is considered ‘trolling’ then free speech is eliminated, it is dead. A fine line needs to be developed that defines what is legal and what is not.

Mueller’s indictment charges that the Russian Trolls intended to incite discord and undermine public confidence in democracy.   If inciting discord is illegal then I would imagine just about very media outlet, including The View, would qualify for an indictment.   The ‘operation’ utilized social media… well Hollywood has systematically called for the beheading and death of Trump and Pence… Why haven’t they been indicted?

And then there is humor: The most notable bad guy in the organization is Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, a wealthy Russian who used to run a fast-food stand! GASP!   How dare he!   Some of their more corrupt slogans included: Vote Republican, Vote Trump, and Support The Second Amendment!   OH MY GOSH!

They organized protests… spent thousands of dollars over a few months… and criticized Hillary Clinton…   Imagine the audacity!

Election Manipulation, or vote rigging, is “illegal interference with the process of an election, whether by increasing the vote share of the favored candidate, depressing the vote share of the rival candidates, or both.”  Mueller’s report contends that this DID NOT occur.   Therefore, nothing illegal occurred.  It was an entire wasted debacle of disingenuous, vilifying, stupidity for the sake of an agenda put forth by George Soros because his candidate lost and he’s a sore loser.

Mueller has mud on his face. His 37 page Indictment comes with no arrests. The only illegal charge that appears to have been mustered in the Indictment is the charge that some of the trolls utilized fake driver’s licenses and stolen identities. One man has admitted to this charge, Richard Pinedo, an American from California, who claims his assistance in re-establishing identities was innocent, but he is guilty of doing it.

Somehow the mainstream media seem to think that this Mueller indictment is a spectacular success.   But in reality the only success is the arrest of one American.   Because the Truth is – nothing in the indictment really shows manipulation any more than every media outlet, every blogger, every person doesn’t have the right to do – have an opinion and express it.

Trump is exonerated. Sanders is implicated. And Hillary’s $1.2 billion campaign is somehow muted by the $100,000 spending spree of the Internet Research Agency, LLC in posting ads on social media.

And oddly, it seems to have slipped the media or Mueller attention that in order for this company to be an LLC, it has to be a US registered company approved by the IRS and paying taxes…

Germany’s Military – A US Welfare Program

Germany is drawing more and more Communist lines as it vilifies Trump over his refusal to pay for and/or support: the Liberal Order, Climate Change, BREXIT and a common stance on Russia. cites, US “eminent” political scientist, G John Ikenberry, as stating that this is not just neglect, but sabotage, and a hostile revisionist power play. WOW!   No mincing words…

First, Ikenberry is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a known voice of activism and hate speech. Working on ‘several projects for the Council on Foreign Relations, Ikenberry is a well known proponent of World Order, global domination, and the squeezing out of any country who is not on board with this regime, aka Russia. To consider him ‘eminent’ is rather arrogant and pompous to say the least.

The true angst within the EU and Germany is the fact that the US under Trump will henceforth no longer prop up their economies with US taxpayer funds. Including, defense.

Germany’s defense budget accounts for about 2.5% of the total world budget, 1.2% of it’s GDP, and 6.7% of what the US spends NOT including NATO.   As a percent of GDP, Germany would need to triple it’s spending to equal that of the US – topping roughly $120 billion.   The EU is squeezing Germany for more money as a result of BREXIT, and if the US let’s NATO go by the wayside, Germany and France will be left holding an empty bag of trick-or-treats.

Climate Change? 

The Paris Agreement is about two things 1) money, and 2) pinky swear goals.   Trump pulling out of the money part will have absolutely no effect on the climate change outcome given the money is slated for countries whose economies have no impact on climate change whatsoever. It’s a Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme.   As Trump refuses to fund the scheme, US businesses vow to reduce emissions… Isn’t that the goal?   Or is the true goal to create another waste committee to spend billions on infrastructure so as to take over small country’s resources in ‘land grabs’?  Because that’s what the Climate Change money is slated for!

According to National Geographic, 1400 businesses, 20 states and 110 US cities have pledged to reduce emissions. Given that the Paris Agreement is all about ‘pledges’, it would appear that the US is doing it’s part without giving billions to a ‘committee’.

Basically, Germany and other co-dependent countries are whining because they have been given a free ride for so long and haven’t the wherewithal to actually provide for themselves as independent. They have been ‘welfare’ countries for so long that being weaned is making them angry as they cry for entitlement.

Sound familiar? It should, because that is ‘Socialist Communism’.

In addition to NATO, 25 member states of the EU formed PESCO in 2017.   PESCO is a joint effort to create a European military outside of the US welfare budget. Countries have already begun complaining that these funds will stress their other welfare programs and tax government spending.   While a formal budget has yet to even be declared, a goal of 2% has been defined.   But it isn’t just spending – it is about the size of the military itself.

Germany has a land force of just over 60,000 personnel.   Conscription may become a compulsory future for German males, or they may require conscription in order for immigrants to obtain citizenship…   France’s military is considerably larger with a manpower of over 365,000. Sweden has an active personnel log of 22,500, The Netherlands is roughly 59,000 and Norway boasts about 23,000 active.

As a comparison, the US has an active duty personnel of roughly 1.3 million.

Germany’s equipment is in worse disrepair. The Ninth Tank Brigade, which is scheduled to take over NATO’s Very High Readiness Task Force in 2019, has exactly 9 tanks and 3 armoured personal carriers.   It is an embarrassment for Germany and a complete failure of Merkel to compose a ready military.

Germany’s notion that the US is “ambivalent” because Trump is refusing to support the EU while they continue to vilify, demean, and reap the benefits of US taxpayer dollars, is incredibly morally, ethically, insanely hypocritical at best. The real problem is the fact that despite decades of US demands that the EU ramp up their military, they shrugged. There were no consequences, and now they are facing a Trump who is refusing to bow to their grumbling querulous snipes.

Netanyahu: Fighting The Fall of Israel

An organized, prolific attack against Netanyahu has been mounted by Soros Open Society Foundation through such groups as; Adalah, a human rights organization defending the rights of Palestinian Arabs, The Movement for Quality Government in Israel (funded by MEPI a US State Department program), Yesh Din (an organization that attacks law enforcement suspected of harming Palestinians), and The New Israel Fund (a NY nonprofit organization dedicated to ‘democratic change in Israel).

Changing Israel from within is a progressive cause with roots in the US among younger influential money wielders. But there is an obstacle – Netanyahu, a right thinking conservative who refuses to break apart Israel into a two state region.

According to, a Reshet poll was recently conducted in which 49% of Israeli’s believe the account of the Israeli police that Netanyahu did accept bribes.   Reshet is 51% owned by the Ofer family, Sammy Ofer, one of the brothers, is a devout Liberal, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a backer of the Labour Party.

Is the Poll significant? Is it even real?

The Open Society and the US State Department are not the only funding sources behind this attack against Netanyahu, other sources include the governments of Norway, Netherlands, Germany, and the UK, as well as foundations such as Oxfam and NDC.

The NDC Foundation, (NATO Defense College Foundation), Senior Advisory Board lists ambassadors from Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Egyptian Council for Foreign relations, VP of Lockheed Martin, The Global Policy Institute, and more.

This would indicate that all these Middle Eastern countries and European countries are working in conjunction with NATO, the US State Department, and the Soros Open Society Foundation to ‘reinvent’ Israel as a Palestinian aligned, Arab aligned, nation… by working to impeach Netanyahu and impose a new Progressive Democratically aligned Prime Minister.

It would appear that there are two opposing governments operating within the same government state for the US and the EU. Rogue and unfettered, one operates from the shadow podium whereby a World agenda is systematically interred. The other – is fading. While there remain a few good men, men who fight honorably, their battle needs new alliances because the mainframe of the EU has Fallen and Israel is under attack.

Over the last ten months an all out attack to discredit Netanyahu has been levied in the form of fraud and bribery charges in which he is said to have gained about $280,000 in various gifts.   The gifts mentioned include cigars and champagne… In addition, there are unfounded claims that Netanyahu intervened in awarding a military contract for submarines to German contractor, ThyssenKrupp.   The allegations are not just against Netanyahu, but are aimed at his highest level politicians and military leaders.

Thus the purge would be quite ‘thorough’.

If a Palestine state was created within the bounds of Israel, it is not only land that would be forfeited, but water rights, gas rights, and food resources as well.   Israel could plunge into an economic death spiral as more Arabs moved into Palestine and consumed the scarce resources.   In addition, the birth rate of Palestinians is far greater than that of Israeli Jews (Palestinian: 31.9 per 1000; Israeli: 2.5.3 per 1000) and within a short time frame, the population disparity could lead to a complete existential crisis.

The EU already faces such a crisis and will soon reap what it has sown as it merges with the Middle East to become a block of the Middle Eastern nations.

The world according to Soros was outlined in the Ayn Rand book, Atlas Shrugged, in which a dystopian society based on Marxism and Socialism takes control. Invading the EU, immigrants have changed the rule of law, imposed chaos, and devastated entire countries in a wake of destruction.   Sweden is rocked in no-go zones that the government censors from media publication because it might make them ‘look bad’.   Rape, stabbings, child brides, assaults have all risen exponentially while firefighters require police protection in these no-go zones.   Grenades are the new weapon of choice as there is a plentiful supply and often for free when accompanied by the illegal purchase of firearms from other EU and ME countries.

The media is required to stifle this information by – the respective governments.

As Israel’s EU alliances disappear, new alliances will form. China?   Soros has made it clear that China is a part of The New World Order… apparently, China feels it is the New World Order – Soros has both played and demonized China with fanatical losses. He has sought the economic destruction of Russia – and lost.   Thus the powerhouses that could bring down the Soros cabal and the shadow governments within would be the countries that Soros can not break – China and Russia.

The mainframe EU has fallen.   Trump is squarely facing the demons, but he needs alliances. Powerhouses.

Valentines Day: Christian or Pagan?

Pagan festivals?   There are Christians who attribute holidays to pagan rituals and denounce them as evil. But holidays, like people, can have historical significance based on however you view them. What is your perception?   Often in marriage a person’s ‘perception’ becomes so atrophied that they no longer see the good or positive, such is the understanding of various holidays – such as Valentines Day.

There are some Christians who denounce Valentines Day as a pagan ritual rooted in lascivious and evil ideals and actions. But there is another Valentines Day in which it is the embracing of love, faith and Christian martyrdom.   They both occur in February:

Lupercalia is the pagan version which purportedly was rooted in Roman mythology. It is ‘believed’ that its name was derived from lupus meaning wolf, and thus an entire story was created in which fertility rites, sacrificial rites and conception rites were observed.   Much of the perceptions of Lupercalia are vague and hypothesized. There is some thought that Lupercalia was brought to Italy before the Trojan War in 1194 BC. But there is really no absolute proof, simply conjecture.  

Februus was an ancient god in Roman mythology whose name signified ‘purification’ which included such springtime rituals as washing.   This would be aligned with modern day thought regarding ‘spring cleaning’.   Not exactly a pagan endeavor so much as a day to – clean…

The pagan concept of Lupercalia is based on ‘legend’. A Legend by definition is a story that has no authentication.   It is a fabrication.   And because this Legend occurs ‘supposedly’ on February 15th, Valentines Day is hijacked and within Christian fear of paganism, Valentines Day looses its other roots – love.

Saint Valentine of Rome, born in 226 AD, died on February 14th, 269 while imprisoned, tortured and martyred in the name of Christianity.   Some vitae ascribed to him state that he was beheaded while trying to proselytize then Emperor, Claudius Gothicus.   Other vitae, much later describe him as a Priest who secretly married couples so that the husbands would not have to go to war.   It is thought that while in prison he healed the jailer’s daughter of blindness and left her a note signed, “Your Valentine”.

While these too are legends adopted by the Roman Catholic Church and as a legend not authenticated, the concept is rooted in faith, Christian martyrdom, marriage and love.

Is it wrong to celebrate a Christian legend rooted in love, charity and faith?

Halloween has similar denunciation in Christian circles despite evidence that it is rooted in the Western Christian celebration of All Saints Eve, a dedication of remembrance of martyrs, saints and the faithful who have died.   Dating to the 4th century AD Halloween means “Holy Evening” and can be traced to Pope Gregory III’s founding of an oratory in St. Peters.  While the church changed the original All Saints Day celebration from April to three days ending November 1, the posture remains the same.

Although historical belief linked Halloween to pagan rituals, it is more likely to be the evolution of a Celtic festival “Samhain”.   Samhain was a ritual that recognized the end of the harvest season, the onset of winter which represented death, and the feasts and games enjoyed during this time of transition.   Bonfires were lit to keep the devil away.

Sometime around 1745, All Saints Day, and Samhain merged to form and preform the rituals that are now observed within Halloween.   It was the Christian church that ultimately hijacked Samhain in an attempt to quash the pagan rite and transform it into a Christian celebration of All Saints.  Still, Samhain’s roots were about the end of a harvest and the celebration of bountiful fruits.  There was no evil – unless you choose to root it in evil…

We have a choice. We can choose to perceive these days as having historically positive and loving reference, or we can choose to see them as belonging to ‘evil’.   And thus, in our minds it becomes what we perceive.